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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 Bus Stops Citywide
File # [l][{2]~~-~~
Proposed Ordinance Establishing Bus Stops and Repealing Bus Stop
Designations at Various Locations Citywide
Report Prepared by: Jaimee Bourgeois, Traffic Engineer
Adopt the ordinance establishing bus stops and repealing bus stop
designations at various locations Citywide.
Staff Report for Public Hearing on June 3, 2008
There are minimal costs associated with this item. New signs
required for new bus stop locations are installed by the respective
transit agency. In some cases, minimal red curb painting is required,
which can be accommodated within the Street Maintenance
Operating budget.
DESCRIPTION: On June 3, 2008, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing to
introduce the proposed ordinance establishing bus stops and repealing bus stop designations at various
locations Citywide. This is the second reading of that ordinance.
According to Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.360, the City Council may establish bus stops by
ordinance. There are currently over 100 locations throughout the City that are used as active bus stops,
which are indicated by either signs or curb markings and may include a bus pullout and amenities such as
benches and shelters. Of those, about 40 have been designated as bus stops by ordinance. The remainder,
however, were never formally adopted by ordinance. Many bus stops have become active but were never
formally designated as such by ordinance. These are located primarily in eastern Dublin within relatively
new neighborhoods and on new roadways.
A complete database of bus stop locations requested and received from the two transit agencies active
within Dublin: Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VT A), which operates the Wheels bus
service, and Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCCT A), which operates the County Connection bus
COpy TO: Mr. Joseph Rye, LA VTA
Mr. Don Avelar, CCCTA
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G:\ TRANSPORT A TION\Local Traffic\ Transit\agst_ bus_stops CONSENT.doc
service. A list was then generated of existing bus stops and three proposed new bus stops as requested by
the transit agencies requiring adoption by ordinance. In addition, the designation of two existing bus stops
is proposed for repeal.
Existine Bus Stops
There are 85 active bus stop locations that were never designated as such by ordinance. The specific
locations include:
North side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
INorth side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
est side of Stagecoach Road
IWest side of Stagecoach Road
West side of Stagecoach Road
South side of Amador Boulevard
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
West side of l\1arip()sac:ircle
West side of Dougherty Road
East side of Dougherty Road
West side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
t side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Sta~~coac~ Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
IW estsi~eof I)ayollaDrive
West side of Davona Drive
South side of Davona Drive
North side of Amador Valley Boulev
North side of Amador Valley Boulev
East side of Silvergate Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive
lEast. side ofSil"erg~te prive
East side of Silvergate Drive
South side of Silvergate Drive
East side ofPeppertree Road
East side of Peppertree Road
Page 2 of 4
West side of Peppertree Road
West side ofPeppertree Road
!North side of Silvergate Drive
South of Juarez Road
North of Silvergate Drive
IAt Amarillo Road
West side of Silvergate Drive North of Rolling Hills Drive
West side of Silvergate Drive North of Hansen Drive
West side of Silvergate Drive At Betlen Street
North side of Dublin Boulevard At Dublin Court
East side of Village Parkway South of Shavano Way (Kimball)
West side of Village Parkway South of Shavano Way (Kimball)
East side of V omac Road Nurth of Hollanda Way
East side ofVomac Road South of Deervale Road
North side ofVomac Road IWest of San Ramon Road
North side ofVomac Road lEast of Peppertree Road
East side of Southwick Drive South of Southwick Court
East side of Southwick Drive South of Westside Drive
South side of Amador 'v'all"'J West of York Drive
West side of Southwick Drive South of Wests ide Drive
West side of Southwick Drive orth of Beckett 'ay
West side ofVomac Road 'est of Peppertree Road
South side ofVomac Road West of San Ramon Road
South side of V omac Road East of Countess Court
West side of V omac Road of Hollanda Lane
South side of Davona Drive \.t Briarwood Lane
East side of Hacienda Drive ~orth of Dublin Boulevard (Haven Place)
East side of Hacienda Drive South of Summerglen
East side of Hacienda Drive South of Gleason
East side of Madigan South of Broder
North side of Broder Boulevard ~anta Rita Jail
South side of Gleason Drive ast of Arnold Road
South side of Gleason Drive West of Hacienda Drive
Ul pet "ide of Hacienda Drive l\Tor'n of Central Pkwy
North side of Dublin Boulevard West of Glynnis Rose
North side of Dublin Boulevard East of Myrtle Drive
North side of Dublin Boulevard West of Hibernia
South side of Dublin Boulevard East of Hibernia Dr
South side of Dublin Boulevard East of Myrtle Drive
South side of Dublin Boulevard East ofJo~ Monegoc:ourt
IN orthside. of Dllblill:BouleYard
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
l\\Test ofllaci~ndaI)rive (Sybase)
ast of Hacienda Drive
st of Killian Street
West of Rose
Page 3 of 4
North side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
INorth si~e of Central 'par~\V~y
North side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
West side of Keegan
In Koll Park and Ride
West of Hacienda Drive
t of Hacienda Drive
I~~st of (ilytlllis :R.ose(Emerald Park)
of Aspen Street
of Chancery Lane
West of Grafton
West of Keegan
ast of Brannigan
orth ofFinnian
est of Tassajara Rd
The attached proposed ordinance identifies each ofthese locations as a bus stop.
Proposed New Bus Stops
The transit agencies have requested the adoption of three new bus stop locations. They include:
North side of Gleason
South side of Gleason
South side of Dublin Boulevard
t of Creekview Drive
t of Creek view Drive
East of Scarlett Court
The proposed Gleason Drive bus stops have been identified to provide better service to Glen Park. The
proposed stop on the north side includes an existing bus pullout. The proposed Dublin Boulevard location
is in front of the Honda dealership and includes a bus pullout and shelter. The attached proposed
ordinance identifies each ofthese locations as a bus stop.
Proposed Removal of Bus Stops
There are two bus stop locations adopted by ordinance that are no longer desirable stop locations:
West side of Dougherty Road (Ordinance 13-90)
East side of San Ramon Road
h of Sierra Lane
North of Dublin Boulevard
The San Ramon Road location is no longer active. The Dougherty Road location is currently active but
the transit agencies wish to de-activate the stop and use the proposed stop in front of the Honda dealership
on Dublin Boulevard instead. Because the CCCT A feels that this is an unsafe bus stop, it has been
requested to commence use of the new stop in front of the Honda dealership as soon as possible. As such,
the attached ordinance indicates that the designation would take effect immediately upon adoption in the
interest of public safety. The attached proposed ordinance repeals the prior ordinances that designated
these two locations as bus stops.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the ordinance establishing bus stops and repealing bus stop
designations at various locations Citywide.
Page 4 of 4
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.04.360 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, and in the
interest of public convenience and safety, the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby RESOLVE
as follows:
Section 1: City of Dublin Ordinance 13-90, which established a bus stop on the west side of
Dougherty Road north of Sierra Lane, is hereby repealed.
Section 2: City of Dublin Ordinance 16-97, which established a bus stop on the east side of
San Ramon Road north of Dublin Boulevard, is hereby repealed.
Section 3:
A bus stop shall be established at each of the following locations:
North side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
West side of Stagecoach Road
West side of Stagecoach Road
West sideofStagecoac~Roa~
South side of Amador Valley Boule
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
West side of Mariposa Circle
West side of Dougherty Road
East side of Dougherty Road
t side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Road
Lane S
. klow Lane N
ofN Lake Drive
of Jade Circle S
h of Turquoise Street
t of Stagecoach Road
of S Cotton Wood Circle
h of Park wood Circle S
h of Park wood Circle N
At Monterey Drive
of Iron Horse Trail
side of Dublin Boulevard
West of Dougherty Road
of S Parkwood Drive
of Cottonwood Circle
of S Topaz Circle
of Jade Circle S
of Jade Circle N
ofN Lakes Drive
- 1 -
,g ro(17(oe Altg
East side of Road South of Alcosta Boulevard
West side of Davona Drive of Wick low Lane N
West side of Davona Drive of Wicklow Lane S
South side of Davona Drive ofLucania Street
North side of Amador Boulevar ast of Donohue Drive
North side of Amador Valley Boulevard East of Regional Street
East side of Silvergate Drive outh of Betlen Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive of Hansen Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive orth of Rolling Hills Drive
East side of Silver gate Drive South of Rolling Hills Circle
South side of Silverg;ate Drive West of Amarillo Road
East side ofPeppertree Road orth of Silver gate Drive
East side ofPeppertree Road uth of Shannon Avenue
est side ofPeppertree Road h of Juarez Road
West side ofPeppertree Road orth of Silver gate Drive
North side of Silvergate Drive t Amarillo Road
West sideof~ilvergate Drive rth of Rolling Hills Drive
West side of Silver gate Drive h of Hansen Drive
West side of Silvergate Drive Betlen Street
North side of Dublin Boulevard Dublin Court
East side of Village Parkway South ofShavano Way (Kimball)
West side of Village Parkway ofShavano Way (Kimball)
East side ofVomac Road of Hollanda Way
side ofVomac Road outh of Deervale Road
North side ofVomac Road est of San Ramon Road
North side ofVomac Road East ofPeppertree Road
East side of Southwick Drive th of Southwick Court
East side of Southwick Drive South of Wests ide Drive
South side of Amador Valley West of York Drive
l'Yest sideofSout~~ickDrive South of Wests ide Drive
West side of Southwick Drive North of Beckett Way
West side ofVomac Road West ofPeppertree Road
South side ofVomac Road West of San Ramon Road
South side ofVomac Road East of Countess Court
West side ofVomac Road orth of Hollanda Lane
South side of Davona Drive At Briarwood Lane
East side of Hacienda Drive orth of Dublin Boulevard (Haven
East side of Hacienda Drive South of
- 2 -
East side of Hacienda Drive
East side
North side of Broder Boulevard
side of Gleason Drive
South side of Gleason Drive
West side of Hacienda Drive
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Central Parkway
h side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
West side of Keegan
In Koll Park and Ride
North side of Gleason
South side of Gleason
South side of Dublin Boulevard
.3 c;f 13
th of Gleason
South of Broder
a Rita Jail
ast of Arnold Road
est of Hacienda Drive
orth of Central Pkwy
West of Glynnis Rose
st of Myrtle Drive
est of Hibernia
ast of Hibernia Dr
East of Myrtle Drive
of John Monego Court
West of Hacienda Drive (Sybase)
t of Hacienda Drive
est of Killian Street
est of Glynnis Rose
est of Hacienda Drive
West of Hacienda Drive
is Rose (Emerald Park)
West of Aspen Street
East of Chancery Lane
West of Grafton
West of Keegan
ast of Brannigan
orth of Finnian (Bray Park)
est of Tassajara Rd
West of Creekview Drive
West of Creek view Drive
East of Scarlett Court (Honda)
Section 4: The provisions of this Ordinance shall be added to Chapter 6.44 of the City of
Dublin Traffic Code.
Section 5: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its enactment because the
adoption and immediate effect thereof is necessary in order to protect vehicular and pedestrian safety.
- 3 -
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 2008, by the following v~e:~ 12>
City Clerk
- 4-
<.. . . -
Public Hearing: Proposed Ordinance Establishing Bus Stops and
Repealing Bus Stop Designations at Various Locations Citywide
Report Prepared by: Jaimee Bourgeois. Traffic Engi~
Draft Ordinance
(\ {/'IF 2)
.....~ 3)
Open the Public Hearing
Receive Staff presentation and public comment
Close the Public Hearing
Waive the reading and introduce the ordinance establishing
bus stops and repealing bus stop designations at various
locations Citywide.
There are minimal costs associated with this item. New signs
required for new bus stop locations are installed by the respective
transit agency. In some cases, minimal red curb painting is required,
which can be accommodated within the Street Maintenance
Operating budget.
DESCRIPTION: According to Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.360, the City
Council may establish bus stops by ordinance. There are currently over 100 locations throughout the City
that are used as active bus stops, which are indicated by either signs or curb markings and may include a
bus pullout and amenities such as benches and shelters. Of those, about 40 have been designated as bus
stops by ordinance. The remainder, however, were never formally adopted by ordinance. Many bus stops
have become active but were never formally designated as such by ordinance. These are located primarily
in eastern Dublin within relatively new neighborhoods and on new roadways.
A complete database of bus stop locations requested and received from the two transit agencies active
within Dublin: Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VT A), which operates the Wheels bus
COpy TO: Mr. Joseph Rye, LA VTA
Mr. Don Avelar, CCCTA
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- - --'- - . - - .....1..--
O;\TRANSPORT A TION\Local Traffic\Transit\agst_bus_stops.doc
In lelllFIT ,...
. ~o;f )3
service, and Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCCT A), which operates the County ConnectIOn bus
service. A list was then generated of existing bus stops and three proposed new bus stops as requested by
the transit agencies requiring adoption by ordinance. fu addition, the designation of two existing bus stops .
is proposed for repeal.
Existin2 Bus Stops
There are 85 active bus stop locations that were never designated as such by ordinance. The specific
locations include:
North side ofDavona Drive
North side ofDavona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
North side of Davona Drive
West side of Stagecoach Road
West side of Stagecoach Road
West side of Stagecoach Road
South side of Amador Valley Boulevard
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
East side of Wildwood Road
West side of Mariposa Circle
West side of Dougherty Road
East side of Dougherty Road
West side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
West side of Wildwood Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
East side of Stagecoach Road
West side ofDavona Drive
West side ofDavona Drive
South side of Davona Drive
North side of Amador Valley Boulevard
North side of Amador Valley Boulevard
East side of Silvergate Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive
East side of Silver gate Drive
t ofBriarwood Lane
At Lucania Street
At Wicklow Lane S
At Wicklow Lane N
South ofN Lake Drive
North of Jade Circle S
orth of Turquoise Street
East of Stagecoach Road .
North of SCotton Wood Circle
North ofParkwood Circle S,
orth ofParkwood Circle N
At Monterey Drive.
North of Iron Horse Trail
North side of Dublin Boulevard
est of Dougherty Road
South of S Parkwood Drive
. South of Cottonwood Circle
South of S Topaz Circle
South of Jade Circle S .
South of Jade Circle N.
North ofN Lakes Drive
South of Alcosta Boulevard
North of Wicklow Lane N
North of Wicklow Lane S
West of Lucania Street.
East of Donohue Drive
East of Regional Street
South ofBetlen Drive
North of Hansen Drive
North of Rolling Hills Drive
Page 2 of5
East side of Silvergate Drive
South side of Silvergate Drive
East side of Peppertree Road
East side ofPeppertree Road
West side ofPeppertree Road
West side ofPeppertree Road
North side of Silvergate Drive
West side of Silver gate Drive
West side ofSilverg~!~ Drive
West side of Silve~~ate Drive
North side of Dublin Boulevard
East side ofVillag~'parkway
West side of Village Parkway
East side of V omac Road
East side ofVomac Road
North side ofVomac Road
North side ofVomac Road
East side of Southwick Drive
East side of Southwick Drive
South side of Amador Valley.
West side of Southwick Drive
West side of Southwick Drive
West side of V omac Road
South side ofVomac Road
South side ofVomac Road
West side ofVomac Road
South side of Davona Drive
East side of Hacienda Drive
East side of Hacienda Drive
East side of Hacienda Drive
East side of Madigan
North side of Broder Boulevard
South side of Gleason Drive
South side of Gleason Drive
West side of Hacienda Drive
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South of Rolling Hills Circle
West of Amarillo Road
orth of Silvergate Drive
South of Shannon Avenue
South of Juarez Road
North of Silvergate Drive
Amarillo Road
North of Rolling Hills Drive
North of Hansen Drive
At Betlen Street
At Dublin Court
. South of Shavano'Yay~~~II)
outh of Shavano W ay CKi~1Jall)
rth of Hollanda Way
ofDeervale Road
West of San Ramon Road
East of Peppertree Road
South of Southwick Court
f Westside Drive
West of York Drive
uth of Wests ide Drive
rth of Beckett Way.
West of San Ramon Road
East of Countess Court,
North of Hollanda Lane'
At Briarwood Lane
h of Dublin BOll1~vard@ayen Place)
uth of Summer~len
South of Gleason
South of Broder
At Santa Rita Jail
ast of Arnold Road
West of Hacienda Drive.
'N()rth ofCen~~~'p~.
West of Glynnis Rose '
East of Myrtle Drive
West of Hibernia
East of Hibernia Dr
Page 3 of5
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Central Parkway
North side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
West side of Kee~~
In Koll Park and Ride
East of Myrtle Drive
East of J 000 Mone~o Court
West of Hacienda Drive(~)'~~~) ..
ast of Hacienda Drive
Killian Street
West of Glynnis Rose
West of Hacienda Drive
West of Hacienda Drive
of Glynnis :R.os~J~I11~~ald Park)
West of Aspen Street
ast of Chancery Lane
West of Grafton
West of Keegan
E~t()f Brannigan
NorthofFinni~(13ra)'Park) ..m. ..m...m
West o~Tassaj;aRd mm____~"_.___J
2) I~lr.\ /3
The attached proposed ordinance identifies each of these locations as a bus stop.
Proposed New Bus Stops
The transit agencies have requested the adoption of three new bus stop locations. They include:
North side of Gleason West of Creekview Drive
South side of Gleason West of Creekview Drive
South side of Dublin Boulevard East of Scarlett Court (Honda)
The proposed Gleason Drive bus stops have been identified to provide better service to Glen Park. The
proposed stop on the north side includes an existing bus pullout. The proposed Dublin Boulevard location
is in front of the Honda dealership and includes a bus pullout and shelter. The attached proposed
ordinance identifies each of these locations as a bus stop.
Proposed Removal of Bus Stops
There are two bus stop locations adopted by ordinance that are no longer desirable stop locations:
West side of Dougherty Road
(Ordinance 13-90)
East side of San Ramon Road
(Ordinance 16-97)
North of Sierra Lane
North of Dublin Boulevard
Page 4 of5
The San Ramon Road location is no longer active. The Dougherty Road location is current1;acti~ bU~ 3
the transit agencies wish to de-activate the stop and use the proposed stop in front of the Honda dealership
on Dublin Boulevard instead. Because the CCCTA feels that this is an unsafe bus stop, it has been
requested to commence use of the new stop in front of the Honda dealership as soon as possible. As such,
the attached ordinance indicates that the designation would take effect immediately upon adoption in the
interest of public safety. The attached proposed ordinance repeals the prior ordinances that designated
these two locations as bus stops.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council 1) open the Public Hearing; 2) receive Staff presentation and
public comment; 3) close the Public Hearing; 4) deliberate; and 5) waive the reading, and introduce the
ordinance establishing bus stops and repealing bus stop designations at various locations Citywide.
Page 5 of5
10 ~~{' (3
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.04.360 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, and in the
interest of public convenience and safety, the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby RESOLVE
as follows:
Section 1: City of Dublin Ordinance 13-90, which established a bus stop on the west side of
Dougherty Road north of Sierra Lane, is hereby repealed.
Section 2: City of Dublin Ordinance 16-97, which established a bus stop on the east side of
San Ramon Road north of Dublin Boulevard, is hereby repealed.
Section 3:
A bus stop shall be established at each of the following locations:
North side of Davona Drive East ofBriarwood Lane
North side of Davona Drive t Lucania Street
North side of Davona Drive At Wicklow Lane S
North side of Davona Drive At Wicklow Lane N
West side of Stagecoach Road South ofN Lake Drive
West side of Stagecoach Road North of Jade Circle S
West side of Stagecoach Road North of Turquoise Street
South side of Amador Valley Boulevard East of Stagecoach Road
East side of Wildwood Road North ofS Cotton Wood Circle
East side of Wildwood Road North ofParkwood Circle S
East side of Wildwood Road orth ofParkwood Circle N
West side of Mariposa Circle t Monterey Drive
West side of Dougherty Road North of Iron Horse Trail
East side of Dougherty Road North side of Dublin Boulevard
West side of Wildwood Road West of Dougherty Road
West side of Wildwood Road South ofS Parkwood Drive
West side of Wildwood Road South of Cottonwood Circle
East side of Stagecoach Road South of S Topaz Circle ..
East side of Stagecoach Road South of Jade Circle S
East side of Stagecoach Road South of Jade Circle N
East side of Stagecoach Road North ofN Lakes Drive
- I -
r~Jt ~. '-I /pI 3fD€ ~-
,II c;/r~
East side of Stagecoach Road South of Alcosta Boulevard
West side of Davona Drive North of Wick low Lane N
West side of Davona Drive North of Wicklow Lane S
South side of Davona Drive West of Lucania Street
North side of Amador Valley Boulevard East of Donohue Drive
North side of Amador Valley Boulevard East of Regional Street
East side of Silvergate Drive ' South of Betlen Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive North of Hansen Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive North of Rolling Hills Drive
East side of Silvergate Drive South of Rolling Hills Circle
South side of Silvergate Drive West of Amarillo Road
East sid~ of Peppertree :R.()ad North of Silv~~g~!~I)riY~
East side of Pepp~ee Road 'South of Shannon Avenue
West side ofPeppertree Road South of Juarez Road
West side ofPeppertree Road North of Silvergate Drive
North side of Silvergate Drive At Amarillo Road
West side of Silvergate Drive North ofR()lli1:1g Hills Drive
West side of Silver gate Drive North of Hansen Drive
W est~ide of Silverg~te Drive At Betlen Street
North side of Dublin Boulevard At Dublin Court
East side of Village Parkway South of Shavano WaY@Il1~~l1)
West side of Village Parkway South of Shavano W ay @1l1~all)
East side of V omac Road North of Holland a Way
East side of V omac Road South of Deervale Road
North side ofVomac Road of San Ramon Road
North side ofVomac Road East ofPeppertree Road
East side of Southwick Drive South of Southwick Court
East side of Southwick Drive South of Wests ide Drive
South side of Amador V all~y West of York Drive
West side of Southwick Drive South of Westside Drive
West side of Southwick Drive North of Beckett Way
West side ofVomac Road West ofPeppertree Road
South side of V omac Road ~San Ramon Road
South side ofVomac Road East of Countess Court
West side of V omac Road North of Hollanda Lane
South side of Davona Drive At Briarwood Lane
East side of Hacienda Drive North of Dublin Boulevard (Haven Place)
East side of Hacienda Drive South of Summerglen
- 2-
I .";)
East side of Hacienda Drive
East side of Madigan
North side of Broder Boulevard
South side of Gleason Drive
South side of Gleason Drive
West side of Hacienda Drive
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
South side of Central Parkway..
South side of Central Par~ay
South side of Central Parkway
North side ofc:entral Parkway
South side of Cen1:r'al Parkway
North side ofC:~lltral Parkway
North side of C~tral Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
South side of Central Parkway
North side of Dublin Boulevard
North side of Dublin Boulevard
West side of Keegan
In Koll Park and Ride
North side of Gleason
South side of Gleason
South side of Dublin Boulevard
South of Gleason
South of Broder
At Santa Rita Jail
East of Arnold Road
West of Hacienda Drive
North of Central Pkwy
West of Glynnis Rose
East of Myrtle Drive
West of Hibernia
East of Hibernia Dr
East of Myrtle Drive
East of John Monego Court
West ofHaciendaDriv~(~ybase)
East of Hacienda Drive
t of Killian Street
y! est of G~ynnis Rose
West of Hacienda Drive
West of Hacienda Drive
East of G~ynnisRos~(Emerald Park)
West of Aspen Street
East ofChan~~ry Lane
West of Grafton
West of Keegan
ast of Brannigan
Nort~ ofF'innian (Bray Park)
West of TassajaraRd
West of Creekview Drive
West ofCreekview Drive
ast of Scarlett Court (Hond~2.,.,,,",,,,,,,,~_,,._,__
Section 4: The provisions of this Ordinance shall be added to Chapter 6.44 of the City of
Dublin Traffic Code.
Section 5: This Ordinance sh~l1 take effect immediately upon its enactment because the
adoption and immediate effect thereof is necessary in order to protect vehicular and pedestrian safety.
- 3 -
," r-1 3
,1..1, ~,r I
. ,/
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 2008, by the following vote:
City Clerk
- 4-