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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Prog Study Maint/EOC C~lY CLERK f~~e # D~[Q][Q]c~~ AGENDA STATEMENT C~TV COUNC~l MEET~NG DATE JalrnualU-Y 15, 2008 SUBJECT PresentatIOn of Programmmg Study for the ConstructIon of a Mamtenance FacIlIty and Emergency OperatIOns Center Report Prepared by Meilssa Morton, PuMe Warks D, Mamtenance FacIlIty ProgrammIng Study A TT ACHMENTS RECOMMENDATiON Receive the presentation and provIde comments as appropnate FiNANCiAl. STATEMENT The cost to purchase land and construct a Mamtenance FacilIty that mcludes an Emergency Operations Center IS currently estImated to be approxImately $16 5 Million Dollars The CIty currently does not have adequate funds to acqUIre land and buIld thIS faCIlIty ][)ESCRD:PTION On August 15, 2006, the CIty CouncIl approved an agreement With HardIson Komatsu Ivehch & Tucker (HKI&T) to complete the Mamtenance Yard Programmmg Study (Study) The Study was to examme the personnel needs, functIOns and mfrastructure demands of a mamtenance yard and office/storage faCIlIty, mcludmg proVIsIon for an Emergency OperatIons Center (EOe) The chOIce to mclude an EOC m thIS future faCIlIty was based on the CIVIC Center not bemg deemed an optImal locatIOn for an EOC due to Its proximity to both the 1~580 and 1-680 freeways In additIOn, the Study was undertaken to allow some portIOn of the cost of the mamtenance yard to be mcluded III the Public FdclhtIes Fee In examining the potential needs of the City for a mamtenance yard, HKI&T compared the City to several other comparable cities and operatIOns, takmg Into account that the CIty of DublmIs umque as operatIOns do not mclude sewer or water maintenance, mamtenance IS conducted us10g contract personnel, and do not mclude golf courses or aIrports However, for these seemmgly sIgmficant dIfferences, the sImIlantIes WIth other mUnICipalItIes were greater Usmg establIshed, accepted mdustry standards, and m concert WIth the current SIzes of offices and conference rooms 10 the CIVIC Center, the Study established the operatIOnal needs for the faCIlity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------- COpy TO HKIT Page 1 of2 liTEM NO. ~.3 G ICIPIMamtenance Faclhty Study\Agst Programmmg Study doc v The cost estImate meludes certalll mInImUm needs for gradmg and utlhtIes for a given Site, but wIthout a specIfic slte yet desIgnated, these estImates are consIdered flUId \Vlule the long range plan for the facIlity calls for more than five acres, for fundmg purposes, Staff has assumed the use of a five-acre site at $1 2 mIllion dollars per acre WhIle the report calls for a larger site by the year 2020, staff antIcIpates that the SIte can be designed to accommodate bUlldout Without the addItIonal land area Consequently, the total cost of the MaIntenance FacIlity, Includmg the EOC, IS $165 mIllIon dollars as Illustrated m the table below Work Com Oillellllt SIte Work o en S ace AdrmmstratIon and Crew S ace Sho S ace Land Ac UlSItIon Cost Total Cost Detanns Gradm , UtilItIes, Dramage Landsca mg and Pavm AdrmmstratIon Bmldm Cost $1 2 M er acre $3,646,905 $684,125 $3,473,200 $2,694,240 $6,000,000 $16 5 MIllIon Dollars Staffrecommends that the City Council receiVe the presentatIOn and provIde comments as appropnate Page 2 of2 I~ CfCj [O)[E5)~CGJ~ (c;~~lr[E~~A CD~Y lQl~ [hnlbJ~Dn 1P1UI1bJ~nc WOlIr~S DelPallritmel/i)~ MBlDIli1~el/i)alIli1Ce Yallrdl & lEmelrgelli1cy OlPelral~DOnS Cen~elr 1Dl1Ul1bJ~ ~ 1li1, Cal~ ~~OlrlnH aJ November 2006 (Revised December 2007) n Prepared by Parsons Bnnckerhoff In Association with HKI& T Architects UeYv1i1=2 3 ,Jj5:Jo~ ~ M 1rTI M cr llilliJfIIE f\gTI' I - c:< ~ 9CJ 1 AfBllE Of' CON1ENTS Chapter 1 General Considerations Acknowledgments Objective Introducbon Methodology Project goals Staffing 1 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 Chapter 2 Space Needs Program Introduction Administration Spaces EOC Crew Spaces Shop Spaces Outside Spaces Vehicle Parking Summary 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 Chapter 3 Functional Requirements Admlnlstrabon Spaces EOC Crew Spaces Shop Spaces Outside Spaces Vehicle Parking 31 320 325 328 341 351 Chapter 4 Site & BUilding Requirements Codes and Standards CIvil Landscape Architectural Structural Mechanical Plumbing Electncal Security Altematlve Fuellmpacls Slgnage and Graphics Waste Handling FacIlity Maintenance 41 41 43 43 47 48 410 414 417 417 418 419 420 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Criteria Page I 2> ~ CJ1 This page left Intentionally blank 4 at qq CHAfl1r1E1R 1 GIE~IERAl C(Q)~S~DIEIRA l~(Q)NS 5 ~ CJCJ GIENlElRAl CONS~IDIERA r~ONS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The design team would like to thank the following City of Dublin staff members that completed the questionnaires and participated In the mtervlews for their time and Input which made possible the development of the data contamed herem Cltv of Dublin Melissa Morton Public Works Director Ginger Russell Senior Admin Analyst Lee Thompson Public Works Department Mark Lander - City Engineer Dean McDonald Maintenance Supenntendent Ray Kuzban Senior CNII Engineer Steve Yee Associate CIVil Engineer Steve Pappa Information Systems Manager Rose Macias ------Emergency Operations Center Consultant Harry COl]asso -Street Maintenance Foreman Tim Potts Park Maintenance Foreman Gary Gabucan BUilding Maintenance Foreman DeSlqn Team HKI& T Architects DenniS Okamura Pnnclpal Parsons Brlnckerhoff Adam Manuel PB Project Manager Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublm California Design Crltena Page 1 1 o c;f 91 GlElNllERAl COINIS~DlElRAr~OINlS OBJECTIVE The primary objective of the preliminary needs analysIs IS to arnve at an approximate area to accommodate two basIc functions A City Mamtenance Yard and an Emergency Operations Center (EOG) A LEED certificatIon of at least Sliver IS desired for the associated bUildings m the new City Mamtenance Yard I EOC CITY MAltllTENANCE YARD The city currently contracts out most of ItS maintenance work and has only a small maintenance yard for ItS use The needs analysIs proposes areas and facIlities to provide for a larger role of the City m ItS maintenance tasks should the City desire to bnng those services m-house m the future Additionally If new facIlities are constructed they could also be used by maintenance contractors Space requirements for fueling and vehicle mamtenance are Identified In the Space Needs Program (chapter 2) Other functions that are mcluded In the maintenance yard requirements are the traffic control operations crew room space for 4 foremen space for up to four pubhc works mspectors and all associated spaces for these operations EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) The current EOC for the City has been determmed to have Inadequate space for storage as well as requlnng too much setup for EOC operation The needs analysIs proposes Q The EOC will be setup for simple actlval10n m an emergency situation Data and commUnication links and eqUipment (phones radio, etc ) will be In a fixed place (only minimal setup necessary) Q Spatial conSideration will be made to address the needs of an operational EOC room and separated room/area to communicate with the press and public Q Parking outSide the EOC Will be prOVIded for approxImately 50 vehicles (40 staff and 10 additional for the public Q There Will be a desIgnated space for at least two trailers With power and empty condUit for data cables that run to the commUnication room of the EOC Q Determine If It IS necessary to have a small tank of diesel for an emergency fuel supply for the emergency generator In the next deSign phase Q The degree of multiple use spaces for the maintenance yard and EOC Will be refined to meet the construction budget requirements DeSign Cntena Page 1 2 Dubhn Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublm California 11 Cf'7 GENERAL CONS~IDJIERA l~ONS INTRODUCTION The City of Dublin IS expenenClng significant population growth which will more than double ItS current size from 39931 to 72 000 within the next twenty years Dublm will be relocating Its eXisting maintenance yard FacIlity because It IS too small to meet the current demands of the City and It will need additional space to meet the needs of Its projected 2020 bUlld-out ThiS document contains the criteria for design of the new City maintenance yard I Emergency Operations Center and defines the necessary spaces and requirements for operalional effiCienCies and provides the foundation for prellmmary desIgn The mformatlon gathered In the design cntena IS orgamzed In the follOWing chapters o Chapter 1 General Considerations Lists pertinent Information that Influences design o Chapter 2 Space Needs Program Delineates the space requirements for offices maintenance bays & shops support spaces parts storage vehicle/eqUipment storage and fuel & wash faCIlities o Chapter 3 FunctIonal Requirements Presents the functional requirements for offices mamtenance bays & shops support spaces parts storage vehicle/eqUipment storage and fuel & wash faohtles o Chapter 4 Site & BUlldmg ReqUirements General design crltena relatmg to architecture structure mechanical electrical CIVil and landscaping as well as security slgnage/graphlcs and waste handling Issues Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cnterla Page 1 3 8; ~/Yj GIENlElRAl CONS~DIEIRA r~ONS METHODOLOGY The first step m developing the design for the new City Mamtenance Yard / Emergency Operabons Center IS to gain a thorough understanding of the operational characteristics and funclional needs of each department to be located on the new site Methods used to gain this knowledge Included programming questionnaires personal Interviews WIth City employees representing the groups that may be affected by this project on site observations and review of eXlsbng documents relallve to thiS project The flow chart below Illustrates the project approach being used to develop the new CIty Maintenance Yard { Emergency Operations Center Note Only the first two tasks are tncluded In this project .- ------------------~----~~- -~~~~~-~ , , I I : Programmmg , Questionnaire Design Criteria Site AnalysIs Conceptual Design Interviews On-Site ObservatIons Data Gathering Design Criteria Page 1 4 Dublm Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California g1qq GIENlElRAl CONS~IDIERA lnONS PROJECT GOALS The following project goals were developed with the Public Works staff dunng programming Interviews They are listed In no particular order of pnonty The facIlity should be built uSing the latest technological advancements and green bUilding practices acqUlnng a LEED Silver rating or better 2 Provide a faCIlity to house the projected staff and maintenance operations for the City for the foreseeable future assuming that the City will eventually assume In house maintenance of public bUildings parks and roadways 3 Since thiS IS a dual use facIlity (maintenance plus EGG) we should determine ways that the bUilding can serve both purposes with relatively little other than some obVIOUS storage & commUnications equipment thai IS EGC only 4 Plan should be adaptive to phased module construction so that work can be accomplished In phases as funding IS available plan needs to be within City s budget to facilitate 5 Provide flexibility to respond to future needs 6 Provide adequate vehicle and equipment storage 7 Provide adequate room for matenals and tools storage Including stockpiles of storm spill or other emergency supplies 8 Provide adequate facility Infrastructure for operations and organizational flux and growth 9 Long term wear ability equipment and other features should be thought of first In terms of reliability 1 0 Provide a decant station 11 Provide area for drop-off of household hazardous waste matenals 12 Provide for yard storage of traffic signals and street light poles Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cntena Page 1 5 I 0 ~ qc; GENERAL CONS~DIERA l~ONS STAFFING Listed below are the current and projected (2020) staffing levels of each department to be accommodated at the new City Maintenance Yard The Space Needs Program and Functional Requirements In the following chapters are based on these staffing levels Iposltlon ~Current ~ 2020) Adm Inlstratlon Senior CIvil Engineer 1 1 Associate CIvil Engineer 1 1 Engineering Tech II 1 1 Public Works Inspectors 4 2 Traffic Engineer 1 1 Slngal & Lighting T echs 2 4 Senior Admin Analyst 1 1 11 11 Maintenance Maintenance Su perlntendent 1 1 Maintenance Supervisor 0 1 Maintenance Foremen 3 4 Irrigation Techs 6 7 Leadman 2 4 SWing Leadman 1 2 Weekend Leadman 1 2 14 21 Total SIte Staff 25 32 Design Criteria Page 1 6 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dubhn California 1/ '1'1'1 v CCIHIAfJ1rIE~:2 S!P>ACCIE NIEIEDS IP~OGR.AM bz ~ ~Cj SPACE 1i\lIlElEIDS fJROGRAM INTRODUCTION The Space Needs Program presented In thiS secbon was developed based on detailed Interviews With City of Dublin staff regarding the functional reqUirements and operating characteristics of the new City Mamtenance Yard I Emergency Operations Center The program Includes the follOWing Information for each space Space Name A description of the space [E] = Enclosed [0] = Open office [C] = Canopy covered [X] = Outdoor [A] = Alcove Space Standard The standard for each space based on the function equipment and furnishings to be accommodated The standards are given In square feet Where the configuration of the space IS cntlcal dimenSions are given for the space The size of the repair bays are commonly accepted Industry standards Current Shows the reqUirements for today s operabon 2020 Shows what IS reqUired for the future Qty Identifies the number of spaces to be accommodated Current represents area that should be prOVided for today s operations and 2020 represents area reqUired to accommodate projected growth for the year 2020 Area Area In square feet for the proposed space Note that where a space standard IS given the area equals the space standard times the quantity Current represents area that should be prOVided for today s operations and 2020 represents area reqUIred for the year 2020 Reference Gives page number In Chapter 3 (Functional ReqUirements) that prOVides addlIJonallnformalJon about space Remarks Lists pertinent deSign Informallon The space reqUirements shown for each function are net useable area A Circulation factor IS applied to the total net usable area to arrive at a gross square footage requirement In addition to Circulation the factor prOVides for spaces such as mechamcal and electrical chases structure Width of walls stairs and elevators The Space Needs Program begms With a detailed program for each functional area followed by an overall summary Note that the functional requirements for each space are delineated In Chapter 3 m the same order they appear m the Space Needs Program Dublin Pubhc Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Criteria Page 2 1 )3 ~ q<7 ~lPACIE NIE[ElD~ lPROGRAM Space Program City of Dublin California December 4 2007 SPACE NAME SPACE STANDARD REMARKS Adm I n1stratlo n Spaces 31 Lobbv 0 120 1 120 1 120 32 C ha I rs for 4-6 oeoola Rece ptlon Counta r 0 60 1 60 1 60 32 Ad, to Clark Clerk 0 64 1 64 1 64 33 Coov I Pnntar I Work Room E 144 1 144 1 144 34 Near EOC File Area 0 120 1 120 1 120 35 Small Conference Room E 190 1 190 1 190 36 uo to 10 oeoole Lame Co nfarence Room E 315 1 315 1 315 31 UP to 15 oeoole Access from Lobbv Vend I no I Kitchen A 192 1 192 1 192 38 Near EOC With COOktOD I oven Traffic Enq,neer E 144 1 144 1 144 39 M amte na nee S uoe nntandant E 192 1 192 1 192 310 Semor Admin Analvst E 125 1 125 1 125 311 Senlo r C 1\111 Enalneer E 144 1 144 1 144 312 M amtena nee S uoe (\fISO r E 125 1 125 1 125 312 Extra Office E 144 1 144 2 288 313 Assoc late ClvLI Eno I nee r E 144 1 144 1 144 313 Maintenance Foremen E 168 3 504 4 672 314 o ffiee sha red bv 2 peoole Maintenance Workstation 0 64 5 320 6 384 315 Insoeetor WOr1<.statlon 0 64 4 256 2 128 316 Men s Restroom E 64 1 64 1 64 316 Women s Restroom E 64 1 84 1 64 317 Records Storaoa 0 320 1 320 1 320 317 Could be on Mezzanllle Pia n Room I Re source Lib raN E 224 1 224 1 224 318 With SCanner Dlotter Network I Tal~om Room E 200 1 200 1 200 319 With Seperate HVAC Su biotal Circulation I Walls I MEP EOC 320 Additional Lobbv lor EOC 280 1 280 1 280 321 EOC OlrectorOffice E 144 1 144 1 144 321 E merQe ncv Ope ratio n Center E 800 1 800 1 800 322 UP to 40 Pea ole Adtace nt to Confare nCe Room s EOC RACES Room E 192 1 192 1 192 323 Ra dlos ete 2 3 Deoole EOC Supphes Storapa E 200 1 200 1 200 323 Emeroency Supplies elc EOC Bunk Room E 144 2 288 2 288 324 Access to RR Showers Separate from E DC S ubtota I CircUlation I Walls I MEP Totall 25701 25701 Crew SPaC" 325 Mud Room A 168 1 168 1 168 326 Men s RR Iloc kern I Showers E 896 1 896 1 896 326 For UP to 40 em P lovees 2 showe rs Women s RR I Lac ke rs I Showers E 392 1 392 1 392 327 For uo to 10 emolovees 2 showers Custodial Room E 120 1 120 1 120 321 Centrally located S ubtota I C're UletlO" I Walls I ME P Totalj ( DeSign Cntena Page 2 2 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Califomla /4 ~ CJCf SPACE NEEDS PROGRAM Space Program City of Dublin California December 4 2007 SPACE NAME SPACE STANDARD REMARKS Shop Spaces 328 V ehle Ie I Eo ulDmen\ Storaoe 0 1 1500 1 2000 329 Ice I Water Station 0 100 1 100 1 100 329 Tool Cnb E 1 1000 1 1500 330 For use bV all Crews Ja nrtor SUDO Iv Storaae E 1 1000 1 2000 331 Stareae al suoahes S I!-Tn Slore ae E 1 1000 1 1500 331 Imoallon Storaoe I Shaa E 600 1 600 1 600 332 Sma II EqUl pmen! S hop I Storaoe E 600 1 600 1 600 334 F acil~les Ma I nt Shoo I Sto raoe E 600 1 600 1 600 336 SlOna Is Shoo - S lona I Storaoe 0 200 1 200 1 200 338 S lona I Cabinet T estlna A 200 1 200 1 200 336 Slonal Bench Stock A 200 1 200 1 200 339 S Ion al Tool Cnb E 200 1 200 1 200 339 Could be enclosed bv caOI na Networill Telecom Satell~e Room E 48 1 48 1 48 340 Sate IIJte Room Could be com b If desl n allows S ubtota I CIrCU laMn I Walls I ME P Totall 86981 116981 Outside Spaces 341 Bulk Stareo s 342 Mulch C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 510 vards Baril C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 5 10~rds o raln Rock C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 510vards Sand C 10 X 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 5 10~rds Too SOil C 10 X 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 510 vards Green Wasta C 10 X 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 Cold Patch C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 Sand Baa StoraQe C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 Lumber Storace C 10 x 20 200 1 200 1 200 342 Cone I Bamcade Storaoe X 800 1 800 1 800 343 N ursery Storaoe X 343 With screened solar cover Maintenance Yard Storaae X 1 1000 1 1000 343 Fenoe enclosed and hahted De Cant Area X 1 5000 1 5000 344 ForVaclorlSweenlnnS SlOnalI llohtlna Yard Storeoe X 1 7500 1 10000 344 Fence enclosed and hahted Haza rd ou 5 Matena 15 Storaoe E 200 1 200 1 200 345 I n nre~nn bUlldm" for fuel ehs mica I s etc Halllrdous Malenals Drop-Off X 2500 1 2500 1 2500 346 For Penoolc PubliC Dro.....Off Dumosters X 400 1 400 2 800 346 30v.:.rd du rri ;,slar recessed o uld oor Break Area X 400 1 400 1 400 347 Wash Bav C 20 x 50 1000 1 1000 1 1000 348 Wash EqUipment Room E 100 1 100 1 100 350 S ubtota I Circulation I Walls Totall 36 2251 413001 Dublm Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Grttena Page 2 3 SPJAClE NEEIDS PROGRAM /5 ~ qCj Space Program City of Dublin California December 4 2007 SPACE NAME SPACE STANDARD REMARKS Vehicle Parking 351 Aaency Vehicles 351 Lame Vehicles I Equipment X 12 x 40 480 1 480 2 960 351 Medium VehICles I Eourpmenl X 10 x 20 200 11 2200 17 3400 351 Small Veh,c1es I EoulOment X 10 x 10 100 2 200 3 300 351 Pool Cars X 10 x 10 100 2 200 3 300 351 Tern ooraN T ra lIers X 12 x 40 480 2 960 3 1440 351 Near Administration BUlldlnQ DecommiSSioned Vehicle St X 10 x 20 200 4 800 6 1200 352 Personal Vehicles I 352 Employee Parkl no X 10 x 20 200 38 7600 63 12600 352 EOC Par1<,no X 10 x 20 200 40 8000 40 8000 352 Vlsrtor Par1<lno X 10 x 20 200 10 2000 10 2000 352 M otorl;\lCle Pa r1<.nq X 5 x 10 50 4 200 7 350 353 Subtotal Circulation I Wails Tolall 452BOI SUMMARY Build I no Requ lremen ts Administration Spaces 5636 5971 Eoe 2570 2570 Crew Soaces 2128 2128 Shop Spaces 8698 11698 DeSign Criteria Page 2 4 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Califorma (b r:{l1 CCHAl?rlE~:3 FUNCC1~(Q)NAlIRIEQU~lRlEMIENl51 /11 C1<1 1& 0;/'11 IFU NC1~ONAl RIEQU ~RIEMIEN1S ADMINISTRATION SPACES FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relationships between the vanous functional areas Within this section are shown below The design should accommodate these relationships m order to maximize operational efficiency This diagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relationship diagram Semor CIvil Engineer Assoc CIvil Engmeer Semor Admin Analyst Maintenance Supenntenden Maintenance Foremen Mamtenance Supervisor r-=== ~ ~ EmployeeNlsltor Parkmg Restrooms r........=='iIr===== I II ~ Recepllon I I Lobby Counter I I I 1I::;;d~_c=m~,JII:=I==:lIlC:::Ic::::::IIc:::::::III.JI I = = = = =1 I .... .... F7l"e .... ....1 ~ ~I A~a I I Clerk ~ !. .... = = = => I ~ r R~o-;:ds= ~ I I Storage "'__II;;;lII~~o=::::Ic::::::Ic:::::Ioc::::::lc::::::loJ I c::::::I c::::::II c::::::I c::::::II c::::::I I c:::II -===II -. c::::= IC:II ~ I I Mamtenance ~ I Inspector I I Workstations I I Workstations I I ~ I I EOC- Supplies Storage Extra Offi ces Traffic Engineer Plan Room I Resource Library SHOP SPACES CREW SPACES ...._-.a....... Vehicle Parkmg FUNCTIONAL AREA MODULES Each functional area Within this section has been mdlvldually defined as a module Each module has Information regarding the function of the space relationships to other areas cntlcal dimenSions (If any) equipment/furnishings and finishes Technical conSiderations for ventilation mechanical plumbing and electncal are also defined A detailed eqUIpment list for each space wIll be developed dUring design Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard Clty of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 3 1 /4 ~ CJ 1 fUNcr~ONAl RIEQU~IRIEMIEN1S Lobby / Waiting Area (Administration Spaces) Function o FacIlity lobby Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Reception o Near VIsitor Parking o Convenient access to/from Restrooms Com ments/CharactenstlC$ o Furnlshmgs Reception furniture for 6 people display case City wall map and restncted access phone o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/pagmg system air conditioned and heated o Wmdow to outside o Floor Finishes ResIlient tile or carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Reception Counter (Administration Spaces) Function o Area for vISitor reception Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to LobbylWaltmg Area o Near CopylWork Room and File Storage o Convenient access to/from Restrooms Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Com puter workstation wI reception counter & chair 10 LF of shelving 4 file drawers phone computer and pnnter o Utility reqUirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpel o Wall Finishes Modular partitions o Ceiling Flnrshes Acoustlcalllle ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc DeSign Cntena Page 3 2 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California ~~i~ IFU NCr~ONAl RIEQU ~RlEMIENr~ Clerk (AdminIstratIon Spaces) Function o Open office for the Administrative Clerk Relationship 10 Other Areas o Adjacent to Lobby/Waltlng Area o Near Copy/Work Room and File Storage o Convenient access to/from Restrooms Comm ents/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Computer workstation & chair 10 LF of shelving 4 file drawers phone computer and printer o Utlllty reqUirements Grounded electrical convenience oullets telephone Intercorn/paglng system conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Modular partitions o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin California DeSign Cnterla Page 3 3 !FLY INlC1r~ONAllRlE QlD ~ IRE M IE INl1rS c;l/1 q:j Copy I Pnnter I Work Room (AdminIstratIOn Spaces) 12 -0 r f ~ BUIlt-in M,lIworl< ~ -~-- / I I 0 ~ I I CJ I L Copier Pnnter Function o Enclosed area for copier printer fax machme office supply storage and work surfaces Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to or near the Emergency Operations Center o Centrally located within administrative office area o Convenient access to/from Crew Areas Comments/Character! StlCS o Furnishings 24 LF of counter work surface lockable cabmetry central printer/copier fax machine oversized copier and phone o Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convemence oullets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes ReSIlient f100nng o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 70 fc DeSIgn Criteria Page 3 4 Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin Cahforma &0; ;f q1 IFlUNC1~ONAl RIEQlU~RIEMIENrS File Area (AdminIstratIon Spaces) FunctIon <) Open office area for actlve file storage Relationship to Other Areas <) Near Reception Administrative Offices and CopylWork Room Comments/Characteristics <) Furnishings Lateral file cabinets <) Utility ReqUirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets air conditioned and heated <) Floor Finishes Resilient flooring <) Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board <) Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling <) Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 20 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 3 5 ~3~ 1'1 fUNCl~(Q)NAl RlEQlU~RIEMIENrS Small Conference Room (AdminIstratIon Spaces) r 17 J --- 'i' .... rJ 01 OJ CD ',,-- oIQQQJ~ Marker Board Function o Enclosed area for frequent staff meetings and training sessions comfortably accommodating up to 10 people Relationship to Other Areas o Centrally located within administrative office area o Convenient access to/from Crew Areas Comments/Characten StlCS o Furnishings Multl-configurable table & chairs for up to 10 people pull down projection screens marker boards and phones o Utility requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets telephone mtercom/paglng system teleVISion cable condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc and dimmable Incandescent down lights o Acoustically separated from surrounding spaces DesIgn Crltena Page 3 6 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California ;14 ~ qq FUNCC1~ONAlIRIEQUH~[EM[ENl5l Large Conference Room (AdminIstratIon Spaces) 22 -6 r l' -- ~[5JrJrCJ)(EJr] ~ <? \0 0 ;! to D , OO~~ '- Marker B"ard C ollferellce Table Function " Enclosed area for EOC Media bnefings staff meetings & training sessions comfortably accommodating up to 20 people Relationship to Other Areas " Centrally located within administrative office area " Convenient access to/from lobby Comments/Charactenstlcs " Furnishings Multl-configurable table & chairs for up to 20 people pull-down projection screens marker boards and phones " Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone, Intercom/paging system, televIsion cable conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Cellmg Finishes Aooustlcal tile ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc and dimmable Incandescent or fluorescent down lights o Acoustically separated from surrounding spaces Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSIgn Cntena Page 3 7 IFUNC1~(QNAl RIEQU~RlEMIENrS ~6~qq Vending I Kitchen (AdministratIon Spaces) f 16.0 Vending MachInes (2) I R efig eralors (2) D CJ ~ ~~~'~ ~~I ) <( ~ N .. '---- Oou b Ie Smk Function o Enclosed area for minor food preparation and space for vendor maintained vending machines Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to EOC and Crew room o Centrally located within administrative spaces area Comm ents/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Counter/cabinet With double sink/disposal, full-size refngerator reSidential oven residential dishwasher 2 microwaves coffee maker and 2 vendor proVided vending machines o Ulillty ReqUirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets Intercom/paging system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes ReSilient floonng o Wall FInishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc DeSign Crltena Page 3 8 Dublin Pubhc Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin California db ~ '1q IFlJJNC1~ONAl ~1EQU~RIEMIEN1S Traffic Engineer (Administration Spaces) r I " I "- She Ivlng 12 -0 "- ~ Marko r Board -..., , " q ~ o (]]~D ~ Credenza Desk Function " Enclosed pnvate office for the Traffic Engineer Relationship to Other Areas " Near Inspectors Comm ents/Characten sbcs " Furnishings Computer workstation wI chair credenza 2 Side chairs 4 traffic momtors 10 LF of shelving 4 file drawers small conference table and chairs phone and computer " Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUIt for network computer system air conditioned and heated " Floor FInishes Carpet " Wall FInishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical trle ceIling " Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dubhn Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Cahfornla Design Cntena Page 3 9 IFUNcr~ONAl R.IEQU~IRIEMlENrS c21 ~ qq Maintenance Superintendent (Administration Spaces) f I 16~ , ',- Shelving \ \ '~ q ~ 0) (rr (~~/) ,'y) y Confere no e Table ITJ~ /"' J) \ \ \ '-- Workstaflon ,- Marke, Board Cred" nza Function o Enclosed private office for the Mamtenance Superintendent Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Maintenance Supervisor Comments/Characteristics o Furnishings Desk chal r 2 side chaIrs credenza 10 LF of shelving 4 file drawers small conference table and chairs marker board phone and computer o Utility RequIrements Grounded eleclncal convenience outlets telephone intercom/paging system conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Design Cnterla Page 3 10 Dublin Public Works Department MaIntenance Yard City of Dublin California ~ ~ tjq IFlUJNCCr~ONAl RIEQlUJ~REM!ENrS Semor AdminIstratIve Analyst (AdmInistratIOn Spaces) f 12,(> ~ 9' ~ ~ ID 0 1 4!0 DI \ Crede nza Desk Function o Enclosed pnvate office for the Senior Administrative Analyst Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Clerk Comments/Charactensllcs o Furnishings Computer workstation wf chair 2 side chairs credenza 10 LF of shelving 4 file drawers small conference table and chairs phone and computer o Utility requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets telephone Intercomfpaglng system conduit for network computer system air condllloned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acousllcalllle ceiling o Lighting Paraboilc fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cnterla Page 3 11 FUNcr~ONAl RlEQU~RIEMlENrS cJC? 1 qq Senior Civil Engineer (Administration Spaces) See Traffic Engineer for Graphic Funcllon I) Enclosed pnvate office for the Senior Civil Engineer RelatIonship to Other Areas I) Adjacent to Associate CIvil Engineer Comments/CharactenstlCS I) Furnlshmgs Desk chaIr 2 sIde chairs credenza 10 LF of shelVing 4 file drawers small conference table and chairs marker board phone and computer I) Utility Requirements Grounded electrical convenience ou~ets telephone Intercom/pagmg system condUlt for network computer system air conditioned and heated I) Floor FInishes Carpet I) Wall Fmlshes Painted gypsum board I) Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling I) Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Mamtenance Supervisor (Administration Spaces) See Senior Administrative Analyst for Graphic Function I) Enclosed private office for the Mamtenance Supervisor Relationship to Other Areas I) Adjacent to Maintenance Superintendent Comments/Characteristics I) Furnishings Desk chair 2 side chairs credenza shelVing 4 file drawers marker board phone and computer I) Ullhty ReqUIrements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated I) Floor FInishes Carpet I) Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board I) Ceiling FInishes Acousllcallile ceiling I) Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Design Criteria Page 3 12 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 3o~qq IFlUlNC1~ONAlIRIEQlUl~RrEMrEN1S Extra Office (Admlnlstratton Spaces) See Traffic Engineer for Graphic Function (> Enclosed pnvate office for future use Relationship to Other Areas (> Adjacent to other offices Com m ents/Charactenstlcs (> Furnishings Desk chair 2 side chairs credenza shelving 4 file drawers phone and computer (> Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone intercom/paging system conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated (> Floor Finishes Carpet (> Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board (> Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling (> Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Associate CIvil Engineer (AdminIstratIon Spaces) See Traffic Engineer for Graphic Function (> Enclosed pnvate office for the Associate CIvil Engineer Relationship to Other Areas (> Adjacent to Senior CIVil Engineer Comments/Charactenstlcs (> Furnishings Desk chair 2 side chairs credenza shelving 4 file drawers marker board phone and computer (> Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling (> Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Crltena Page 313 fFUINICr~OINlAl R.IEQU~RIEMlElNlrS ~, 1 q~ Mamtenance Foremen (AdministratIOn Spaces) 1 140 1 r Shelving "<--- 1 I , I I I / ~ \~V -'" / /,) \( , /' ............(/ '->/ /' I ./' ^ "":' 00 '-/ .--- Workstation q !:! " Function o Enclosed shared office for two Maintenance Foremen Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Maintenance Supervisor Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings (2) Computer wor1<.statlons wI chairs shelving 8 file drawers phones and computer o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paglng system condUit for networ1<. computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes Carpet o Wall FInishes Painted gypsurn board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Design Cntena Page 314 Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California 2P< ~ 91 fUNC1~(Q)NAl RrEQ\UJ~RrEMrEN"S Mamtenance Workstation (Administration Spaces) ",. /" Y .~~ o " Worhtat,on Function o Workstation area for the Maintenance Crew Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Crew Room Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Computer workstations with chair 4 file drawers phone and computer o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone intercom/paging system conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall FInishes Modular partJtlons o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Criteria Page 3 15 fUNC1~(QNAl RIE(QU~RIEMIENrS 33 ~qq I nspector WorkstatIon (AdmInistratIon Spaces) See Maintenance Workstation for Graphic Function o Workstation area for the Inspectors Relatlonshlp to Other Areas o Adjacent to Traffic Engmeer Com ments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Computer workstation With chair 4 file drawers phone and computer o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air condItioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Warl F,nishes Modular partitions o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc o PrOVide plan rack and draWing storage for each workstation Men's Restroom (AdminIstratIOn Spaces) Function o Restroom faCIlities for male administration staff / public Relatlonshlp to Other Areas o Convenient access to/from Administration areas Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings PrOVide tOilets unnals wash Sinks paper towel dispensers and other fixtures as reqUired by code o Utility reqUirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets Intercom/paging system air conditioned ventilated and heated o Floor Finishes Ceramic tile o Wall FInishes Ceramic tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile or plaster ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc DeSIgn Cntena Page 316 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 3tf 0} q1 IF LD NCr~ONAl RIE QLD ~ RIE M E N1S Women's Restroom (AdmInistratIon Spaces) Function g Restroom facIlities for female administration staff / public Relationship to Other Areas g Convenient access to/from Administration areas Comments/Charactenstlcs (> Furnishings Provide tOilets wash Sinks paper towel dispensers and other fixtures as reqUl red by code g Utility requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets Intercom/paging system air conditioned venblated and heated g Floor FInishes Ceramic tile (> Wall Finishes CeramiC tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block g Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile or plaster ceiling (> Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc Records Storage (Administration Spaces) Function (> Storage area for records file storage Relationship to Other Areas (> Could be located on mezzanine Com ments/Charactensbcs (> Furnishings ShelVing (> Utility Requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets (> Floor Finishes Exposed structure (> Wall Fmlshes Exposed structure (> Ceiling Finishes Exposed structure (> Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 20 fc Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublm California Design Cntena Page 3 17 36~qq f l)J NC1~O NAl IRE au ~ IRE M IE N1rS Plan Room I Resource Library (AdmInistration Spaces) 16 -0 f f ),- - __ Bookshelves Layout Tabla - 9 - :!: - --........ \ I , I - , '-- Plottar I Scan ner Function o Enclosed area for plans and reference matenals Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to CopylWork Room o Centrally located within administrative office area o Convenient access to/from Crew Areas Comments/CharactenstlCS o Furnlshmgs Conference table w/6 chairs shelving plotter / scanner layout table and phone o Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/pagmg system conduit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc DeSign Cntena Page 318 Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California 36 ;fq1 IFUNC1~ONAl RIEQU~RIEMIEN1S Network I Telecomm Room (AdminIstratIon Spaces) WorkstatIon - r 20.() r ShelvIng r '><-- , ~ <~/ CJ ~ Netwo'" Racl<s q ::! CJ~--- S ecurlly E qu Ipm e nl T "I"phone Eq ulpment Function o Enclosed separately secured area for network server and telephone system equipment Relationship to Other Areas o Centrally located to minimiZe wiring distances Comments/CharactenstlCs o Furnishings Workstation wI chair 20 LF of shelving 2 file drawers phone computer server equipment telephone system equipment and equipment racks o Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air condllJoned (separately controlled Unit) and heated o Floor FInishes ResIlient f100nng o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceding Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc o Room must be secure (Including ceiling) from other areas and backed up with uninterrupted power supply o Computenzed building systems could also be located In thiS space o Should be located on an outSide wall Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Cahforma Design Cntena Page 3 19 IFU NCCr~ ONAllR1E QU ~ RIEM IE NTS S7~qq EOC FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relationships between the vanous functional areas within this section are shown below The design should accommodate these relationships In order to maXimize operational efficiency This diagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relationship diagram EmployeeNlsltor Parking EOC Director Semor CIVil Engineer r................'iIj............= ~ ~ i ~ Reception ~ ~ Lobby Counter n I u ~ Assoc CIVil Engineer II:::::Ic::::::I<-=:::::::IIc::::::IIc::::::llJlC:::::Ic::::::II-==lIIlil;;;;;ilI_d Maintenance Foremen I -- .... .... .... ....~ I"" .... FJe .... .... I I I I Area I I Clerk I b .... .... .... .... .... I I r ....R;;;oTds.... ~ ~ I Storage -===lI~~iIl=iiIc:::::IIl~~==:II-==:Ic::::::llJI ~""""=""""I""""=== ~ I ~ Maintenance ~ I Inspector I ~ Workstations ~ I Workstations I I ~ I I I!................. .... EOC- Supplies Storage Semor Admin Analyst Maintenance Supenntenden MaIntenance SupervIsor Extra Offices TraffiC Engineer Plan Room I Resource Library SHOP SPACES CREW SPACES r............ I I - ~ ~"'-I VehIcle Parking FUNCTIONAL AREA MODULES Each functional area WIthin thiS secuon has been Individually defined as a module Each module has Informallon regarding the funcbon of the space relationships to other areas cnbcal dimenSions (If any) equlpmenUfumrshlngs and finishes Technical conSiderations for venlllallon mechanical plumbing and electncal are also defined A detailed equipment list for each space Will be developed dunng deSign DeSign Cnlena Page 3 20 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California c3810Q fUNCr~ONAl RlEQUHRlEMEN1S Additional Lobby for EOC (EOC) Functton o MedIa gathenng area Relationship to Other Areas o Part of FaCIlity Lobby o Near VIsitor Parking o Convenient access to/from Reslrooms Commenls/Charactensllcs o Furnishings Additional seating o Utility reqUirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system air conditioned and heated o Window to outside o Floor Finishes ReSIlient tile or carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc EOC Director (EOC) See Traffic Engmeer for GraphiC Funcllon o Enclosed pnvate office for the EGC Director Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Emergency Operations Center Comm ents/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Desk chair 2 side chairs credenza 10 LF of shelVing 4 file drawers small conference table and chairs marker board phone and computer o Utility ReqUirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets telephone Intercom/paging system condUit for network computer system air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting ParaboliC fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cnterla Page 3 21 fUNcr~ONAl RIEQU~REMIENTS JJq <:( qq Emergency Operations Center (EOC) ~[ EJ:~~~EJ OIR~~~OR . OFFICE L:J ( ~I ; >,-- ~/), : ~:~~~Q VRACES ROOM c::J c:::J r-I '-- 0 SUPPLIES ::! r Shelvmg ROOM UnIts I i 24 -0 L 20 -0 " 44-0 (EOC) ~r' ~ o 0 ~ ~ \ ~l J. L , Function <> Enclosed area for EGC personnel workstations conference! gathenng area to accommodate 30 people Relationship to Other Areas (> Centrally located (> Adjacent to Conference Rooms (> Adjacent to Vending / Kitchen CommentsfCharactenstlcs o Furnishings Multl-configurable table & chairs for up to 30 people 10 hardwlred workstations pull-down projection screens marker boards and phones <> Utility reqUirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets telephone Intercom/pagmg system teleVISion cable condUit for network computer system redundant condUit to roof for satellite phone f Internet air condllloned and heated <> Floor Flntshes Carpet (> Wall Fmlshes Pamted gypsum board acoustic wall panels <> Ceiling Fmlshes Acoustical tile ceiling <> Llghling ParabolIc fluorescent fixtures 50 fc and dimmable mcandescent down-lights <> Acoustically separated from surrounding spaces <> Charging station for radiOS <> Should have separate access DeSign Cntena Page 3 22 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublm CalifornIa 40 1q~ f'UNCr~ONAl RlEQU~RlEMIENrS EOC RACES Room (cDC) See Emergency Operations Center for graphic Function o Enclosed area for radiOs that may be used dunng emergency operations Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to EOC CommentslCharactenstlcs o Furmshlngs Shelving workstation o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Resilient f100nng o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc EOC - Supplies Room (EDC) See Emergency Operations Center for graphic Funcllon o Enclosed secure storage for miscellaneous Items that may be used dunng emergency operations Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to EOC Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings ShelVing bulk racks o Utility reqUirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Resilient f100nng o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 20 fc Dubhn Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Crltena Page 3 23 L1/~q1 fllJ NCr~ ONAllR1E QU ~ RIEM IE NfS EOC Bunk Room (EOC) See Emergency Operations Center for graphic Function o Enclosed area for bunk beds that may be used dunng emergency operations Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to EOC room Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings (4) Bunk beds desk and chair o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets air conditioned and heated o Floor FInishes Carpet o Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board o Ceiling finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc Design Cntena Page 3 24 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California /-;02 ~q1 f'U NCr~ONAl RIEQU ~RlEMENrS CREW SPACES FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relattonshlps between the vanous functional areas within this section are shown below :f"he design should accommodate these relationships In order to maximize operational efficiency This dtagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relationship diagram Vehicle Parkmg ~ ~ SHOP ADMI N ISTRA TION . SPACES SPACES Men's Restroom I Locker I Showers r===...."il . Mud I I Room B<:==<> = = =.... _.II I CREW SPACES I ~ Women's I Restroom I I Locker I I Showers I I Custodial I Room I -=:::I -===:I ==:II ~ FUNCTIONAL AREA MODULES Each functional area within thiS secuon has been individually defined as a module Each module has Information regarding the funchon of the space relationships to other areas cnbcal dimensions (If any) equipment/furnishings and finishes Technical conSiderations for venblabon mechanical plumbing and electncal are also defined A detailed equipment list for each space will be developed dunng design Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 3 25 q3~ q q f'UNCr~ONAl RIEQU~RIEMIEIi\IITS Mud Room (Crew Spaces) Function o Alcove area for removal of muddy/gnmy apparel Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Restroom / Lockers / Showers Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Benches and open lockers o Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets air conditioned and heated o Floor Finishes Ceramic tile or sealed concrete o Wall Finishes CeramiC tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile or plaster ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc o Locker tops to be sloped to prevent clutter Men's Restroom / Lockers { Shower (Crew Spaces) Function o Restroom locker and shower facIlities for male crew members Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Mud Room o Convenient access to/from crew shops Comments/Charaetenstlcs o Furnishings Provide tOilets unnals wash sinks 2 Individual shower stalls w/ changing area 40 full- length lockers paper towel dispensers and other fixtures as required by code o Utility requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets Intercom/paging system air conditioned ventilated and heated o Floor Finishes CeramiC tile o Wall Finishes Ceramic tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile or plaster ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc o Locker lops to be sloped to prevent clutter DeSign Criteria Page 3 26 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 1ft{ ~ q1 f'UNCr~ONAlIRIEQU~RIEMIENrS Women's Restroom I Lockers I Shower (Crew Spaces) Function o Restroom locker and shower facIlities for female crew members Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Mud Room o Convenient access to/from crew shops Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Provide tOilets wash sinks 2 Individual shower stalls w/ charging area 10 full length lockers paper towel dispensers and olher fixtures as required by code o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets intercom/paging system air conditioned ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes Ceramic tile o Wall FInishes Ceramic tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceiling Finishes Acoustical tile or plaster ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc o Locker tops to be sloped 10 prevent clutter Custodial Room (Crew Spaces) Function o Enclosed area for storage of Janltonal supplies and cleaning equipment Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Restrooms Com mentslCharactenstlcs o Furnishings 'Shelving Unit and floor sink o UtilIty Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor Finishes Ceramic tile or sealed concrete o Wall Finishes Ceramic tile on gypsum board and/or concrete block o Ceiling FInishes Acoustical tile ceiling where appropnate o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 30 fc o May need a second room depending on deSign Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin California DeSign Criteria Page 3 27 4S~ qq f'UNCr~ONAl RlEQU~RIEMIENrS SHOP SPACES FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relationships between the vanous functional areas within this section are shown below The design should accommodate these relationships In order to maximize operational efficiency This diagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relal10nshlp diagram ADMINISTRATION CREW SPACES SPACES r...o=...o....'i1 Network I Tool r =v;h I cle = 'iI Jamtor Supply I Ice I Water I Telecom Crib ~ Equipment I Storage ~ Station I Room (For All Crews) ~ Storage ~ t =...o=1...o=J t ==l...o=J Circulation Tool Signal Shop Crib :::=c> r SIg;.al ~ Irrigation Small FaCIlities Sign I Cabinet Storage I EqUIpment Maintenance Storage ...o"""".... = A Shop Shop I Shop I Signal :::=c> r Be';ch .,. Storage Storage Storage ~ Stock I _ -=:I ~ -= Ai ~ ~ VEHICLE ACCESS FUNCTIONAL AREA MODULES Each functional area Within thiS seclion has been Individually defined as a module Each module has information regarding the function of the space relatlonshlps to other areas cnbcal dimenSions (If any) eqUIpment/furnishings and finishes Technical conSiderations for venti lab on mechanical plumbing and electncal are also defined A detailed equlpmenllist for each space Will be developed dunng design Design Crltena Page 3 28 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Lt6 1- qq rFUNC1~ONAl R[E(Q2U~IR[EMIENrS Vehicle I Equipment Storage (Shop Spaces) Function o Storage for vehicles and equipment Relabonshlp to Other Areas o Near maintenance bay Comments/Characteristics o Furnlshmgs None o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets, ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes SOIl grease and water resistant concrete with clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish o Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy pamted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling FInishes Painted exposed structure o Llghllng Metal halide or fluorescent 30 fc o Provide guardrails along walls or hard surface wainscot to protect walls from vehicles Ice I Water Station (Shop Spaces) Function o Alcove area for water cooler preparation Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to/from Shop Spaces Comments/Characteristics o Furnishings Ice machine and water dispenser o Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes SOil grease and water resistant concrete With clear epoxy sealer PrOVide slip resistant finish o Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Fmlshes Painted exposed structure o Llghtmg Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 50 fc Dubhn Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Crltena Page 3 29 1/1 ~ qq FU NC1~ONAl fRIE au ~ fRlE M rE N1S Tool Cnb (Shop Spaces) Function o Secured enclosed area for storage of hand tools and eqUipment for use by all crews RelationshIp to Other Areas o Adjacent to Vehicle/Equipment storage Comments/Characteristics o Furnlshmgs Shelving and storage cabinets o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes 5011 grease and water resistant concrete With clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish o Wall Finishes 5011 and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent fixtures 20 Fc Design Criteria Page 3 30 Dublin Public Works Department MaIntenance Yard City of Dublin California I1g 1 q~ fU ~cr~O~Al RIEQU ~REM[EN1S Jamtor Supply Storage (Shop Spaces) Function o Enclosed area for storage of Janltonal supplies and cleaning equipment RelationshIp to Other Areas o Convenient access for Crew Comments/Characteristics o Furnishings Shelving umts pallet racks o Utility ReqUirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor Finishes SOIl grease and water resistant concrete with clear epoxy sealer Provide slip reslstant finish o Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent fixtures 20 fc Sign Storage (Shop Spaces) Function o Enclosed storage area for street and traffic signs Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to/from Shop Spaces Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings Sign racks o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes SOil grease and water resistant concrete wIth clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish o Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent 20 fc Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cntena Page 3 31 41 '1 qq FUNcr~<ONAl RIEQU~RIEMIENrS Irrigation Storage I Shop (Shop Spaces) l' 30 -o~ v- Shelving Bulk Racks r dJ 3J o Flammable Malerlal s Cabmet ~ Workbench / wllh Vise Buffer I Grinder [QJ ~ ~ Onlj Press [0 ___ Storage Cabmet <> <> .. H and Wash! Eye Wash StatIon L^J ~~ J\,- Function o DeSignated space for the fabrication and storage of Irrrgatlon components Relationship to Other Areas ., Convenient access to/from Shop Spaces EqUipment/Furnishings ., Severe use workbench w/ vise drill press buffer I grinder eyewash flammable materials cabinet 3 x3 stainless steel sink drawer units bulk racks shelving units and storage cabinets Comments ., Forklift accessible ., Exterior access DeSign Crltena Page 3 32 Dublm Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 5D~q~ fUNClnONAl RlEQUHRIEMIENlS TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Architectural o Finishes o Floor SOIl grease and water resistant concrete with Integral non-metallic hardener and clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Walls 501\ and grease resIstant Epoxy pamted to 8 foot above finished floor minimum Ceiling Painted exposed structure o Doors Personnel doors to meet applicable codes and eXiting requirements Structural o Control Jomts In floor slab at adequate spacing o Structure as needed to support equipment Mechanical o General ventilatIOn as reqUired by codes o As required by equipment Plumbing o 12 wide trench drain Just Inside overhead door With removable gratmg to all/water separator o 3/4 water hose bib With standard faucet at 4 0 AFF o Compressed air line With cut-off valve filter regulator With gauge lubncator and qUick disconnects on walls at 4 -0 AFF Provide disconnects at locabOns to be determined dunng detailed design o As required by equipment Electncal o Llghllng Metal halide or fluorescent 70 fc o Power General purpose duplex receptacles 120V AC 20A GFI protected on walls at 3 -6 AFF As required by equipment o Communications Paglng/lntercom system speakers phone Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cntana Page 3 33 51 ~ qq JFUNC1~(QNAl RIEQU~RIEMlEN1S Small Equipment Shop I Storage (ShOp Spaces) I 30-ll Flarnrnab 10 M aterl als Cab, net Buffer! Grinder g \-0"11 Press ~ ~ __Storage Cab Inel DworkbenOh bJ wIth Vise o :;: Pam u/~ ",,",". ""' Hand wash Sink Workbenoh w,th V,se x Eyewash! Safety Shower ~ Shelving " c=c=t=J \ >- Function o Enclosed secure area for maintenance and storage of small equipment such as lawn mowers chain saws etc Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to/from Shop Spaces Equipment/Furnishings o Severe use workbench with vise buffer/grinder parts cleaning tank dnll press flammable matenals cabinet shelVing hand wash station eyewash/safety shower and shop storage cabinets Comments o Forklift access DeSign Cnterla Page 3 34 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 002 ~ 1q JFU N<Cl~OINlAl RIE QU ~ RIE M IE !NIlS TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Architectural o Finishes Floor Soil grease and water resistant concrete with Integral non-metallic hardener and clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Walls SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF Ceiling Painted exposed structure o Doors Personnel doors to meet applicable codes and eXIting requirements Structural o Control JOints In fioor slab at adequate spacing o Structure as needed to support equipment Mechanical o Ventilation as required by codes to prevent accumulation of explosive mixtures o As required by equipment Plumbing o 3/4 water hose bib with standard faucet at4 -0 AFF o Compressed air line with cut-off valve filler regulator with gauge lubncator cleanout valve and qUick disconnects on walls at 4 0 AFF Provide disconnects at locations to be determined dunng detailed deSign o As required by equipment Electncal o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent 70 fc o Power Welding outlet centrally located 208 V AC 1 ph 50A and 480 V AC 3 ph 30A at 3 -6 AFF General purpose duplex receptacles 120 VAC 20A GFI protected on walls at 3 6 AFF As required by equipment o Communications - Intercom/paging system speakers Dublin Pubhc Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cnterla Page 3 35 153 ~ Cjq fUNC1~CONAl RIEQU~RIEMIENrS Facilities Mamtenance Shop I Storage (Shop Spaces) ~ / Hand wash! Eye wash StatIon o o '" ~ Soldering U ~ Slallon bworkbench ~ Flammable wllh V I sa Mal<lri als Cabonel o I 9 ;!: r- Bulk Racks / " j 30... j Function o Enclosed shop for facIlity maintenance crew o Storage for working stock Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to / from Shop Spaces Cntlcal Dimensions o 14 0 verbcal clearance EqUipment/Furnishings o Severe use workbench With vise soldering station buffer/gnnder dnll press hydraulic press pipe bender/threader bulk racks flammable materials cabinet Comments o Forklift accessible o Extenor access for vehicles DeSign Crltena Page 3 36 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 5t{ ~q~ IFU ~cr~ O~Al RolE au ~ !REM IE ~rs TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Architectural o Finishes Floor SOil grease and water resistant concrete with Integral non metallic hardener and clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Walls SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF Ceiling Painted exposed structure o Doors Personnel doors to meet applicable codes and eXiting requirements Extenor overhead door 14 x 14 motor operated with Intenor push button controls and lockout on extenor o Sollards on extenor at Jambs of overhead door (2 per door) Structural o Control JOints In floor slab at adequate spacing Mechanical o General ventilation as reqUired by codes o As reqUired by eqUipment Plumbing o Com pressed air lines with cut-off valve fi Iter regulator with gauge lubncator and qUick disconnects on walls at 4 -0 above finished floor and at locations over worktables to be determined dunng detailed deSign o 3/4' water hose bib with standard faucet at 4 0 AFF o As reqUired by eqUipment Electrical o Llghllng Metal halide or fluorescent 70 fc o Power General purpose duplex receptacles 120V AC 20A GFI protected on walls at 3 6 AFF As reqUired by equipment o Commumcatlons Paglnglintercom system speakers Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Crltena Page 3 37 550,( qq f'UNCr~ONAl RIEQU~RIEMIENrS Signal Storage (Shop Spaces) Function o Designated space for the secure storage of traffic signals and street lights Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Signal Shop Comments/Characteristics o Furmshlngs Shelving Units and bulk storage units o Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets venblated and heated o Floor Finishes 5011 grease and water resistant concrete with Integral non-metallic hardener and clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish o Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent 30 fc Signal Cabinet Testing (ShOp Spaces) Function o Alcove area for Signal cabinet testing Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Signal Shop Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings None o Utility requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor Finishes SOil grease and water resistant concrete With clear epoxy sealer ProVide slip resistant fimsh o Wall Finishes 5011 and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent 30 fc DeSign Cnterla Page 3 38 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 6G1t}q flU NC1~ONAl RIEQU ~RIEMIEN1S Signal Bench Stock (Shop Spaces) See Signal Shop for graphic Funcllon Q Designated space for signals bench stock storage Relatlonshlp to Other Areas Q Adjacent to Signal Shop Comments/Characteristics Q Furnishings Bins shelvmg Q Utility requirements Grounded electncal convenience outlets ventilated and healed Q Floor Finishes SOIl grease and water resistant concrete with clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Q Wall Finishes 5011 and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF Q Ceiling Finishes PaInted exposed structure Q Llghtmg Metal halide or fluorescent 30 fc Signal Tool Cnb (Shop Spaces) See Signal Shop for graphic Function o Designated space for the secure storage of handheld equipment and specialty tools for the signal shop Relationship to Other Areas Q Adjacent to Signal Shop Comments/Characteristics o Furnishings Shelving Units and storage cabmets Q Utlllty requirements Grounded electrical convenience outlets ventilated and heated o Floor FInishes 5011 grease and water resistant concrete with clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Q Wall Finishes SOil and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF Q Ceiling Finishes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Metal halide or fluorescent 30 fc Dublin Public Works Departrnent Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cnterla Page 3 39 67 c;y qq IFUNcr~ONAl RlEQU~RIEM1ENrS Network I Telecom & Satellite Room (ShOp Spaces) Functlon Q Enclosed separately secured area for computer and telephone sWitching equipment Relationship to Other Areas Q Centrally located to minimize wlnng distances Comments/Charactenstlcs Q Furnishings None Q Utility Requirements Grounded electncal convenlence outlets telephone intercom/paging system condUIt for network computer system air conditioned and heated Q Floor FInishes ReSIlient f100nng Q Wall Finishes Painted gypsum board and/or concrete block Q Ceding Finishes Acoustical tile ceiling o Lighting Parabolic fluorescent fixtures 20 fc DeSign Crltena Page 3 40 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 5810q IFU NCr~(Q) NAlRIE QU ~ RIEM IE NIS OUTSIDE SPACES FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relationships between the vanous functional areas within this section are shown below The design should accommodate these relationships In order to maximize operational efficiency This diagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relauonshlp diagram r==== ADMINISTRATION SPACES CREW <l==C> SHOP SPACES SPACES -===:I -==:II == Ii;;;;;;I -==iI.c;;;;;liIll;;;;;llIll;;;l;iil~_~~IIl:=i:lI~ .c::=I _ __ OUTSIDE SPACES FUNCTIONAL AREA MODULES Each functional area within this section has been Individually defined as a module Each module has Information regarding the functJon of the space relationships to other areas cntlcal dimensions (If any) eqUlpment/fumlshlngs and finishes Technical considerations for venblatJon mechanical plumbing and electncal are also defined A detailed eqUipment list for each space will be developed dunng design Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DesIgn Cntena Page 341 511 qq lFUNC1~ONAl RIEQU~RlEMIENTS Bulk Storage (OutsIde Spaces) SEE PROGRAM FOR SIZE ANO MATERIAL STORAGE Open Matenal /' Storage Area I \, Covered Malerlali\ Slorage Area / ''\ I '\ --$- \1 I 114 per foot Slope (Typ l I \ \ " " '-- Con C rele Base 60.{l (Mln I Vehk;le Maneuvering Area 1 L________ "" ""'-- Can opr Cover (19.{1 Verneal Clearance) Function o Covered storage of various bulk materials Relatlonshlp to Other Areas o Efficiently located within Site traffic flow Cnhcal Dimensions o See Space Needs Program for matenals stored and Individual storage bay sizes Comments o Storage bunkers to be open faced with adequate vehicle turning area (BO 0 ) In front DeSign Cnterla Page 3 42 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California (po 1qq IFlUJNCr~ONAl RrEQU~IRIEMIENrS Cone I Barricade Storage (OutsIde Spaces) Functron " Designated covered area for the storage of traffic barricades Signs and cones Relationship to Other Areas " Near Equipment Parking Com ments/Characterlstlcs " Furnishings None " Utility requirements None " Floor Finishes Concrete " Wall Finishes Concrete " Ceiling FInishes Painted exposed structure " Lighting Site lighting Nursery Storage (OutsIde Spaces) Function " Designated shade covered area for the storage/stagmg of vanous trees shrubs and other planted vegetalion Relationship to Other Areas " Easy vehicle access Com m ents/Cha ractenstlcs Q Furnishings None " Utility requirements None " Froor Finishes Concrete " Wall Finishes None " Ceiling Finishes None " Lighting Site IIghtmg Maintenance Yard Storage (OutsIde Spaces) Function Q Designated outdoor area for meter boxes hydrants pipe covers culverts eqUipment accessones and other miscellaneous materials Comments Q Fence enclosed and security lighted Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DesIgn Criteria Page 3 43 (, f ;f qq lFUNcr~ONAl RIEQU~RIEMIENrS Decant Station (OutsIde Spaces) Function o Designated outdoor area for drying and staging Vactor I Sweeper debris Relationship to Other Areas o Easy vehicle access Comments/Characten stics o Furnishings None o Utility reqUirements None o Floor Finishes Concrete o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None Q Lighting Site lighting Signal 1 Lighting Yard Storage (OutsIde Spaces) Function o Designated outdoor area for signal cabinets streetlight poles mast arms and other miscellaneous materials Relationship to Other Areas o Easy vehicle access Comments/Cha ractenstlcs o Furnishings None Q Utility requirements None Q Floor FInishes Concrete o Wall FInishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o lighting Site lighting Design Cntena Page 3 44 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California bo< 1 q~ fUNC1~ONAl RfEQU~RIEMIEN1S Hazardous Materials Storage (Outside Spaces) """""." OpwMl F-..1Il &114 Function " Pre-engineered secure area for the storage of hazardous matenals Relationship to Other Areas " Convenient access to all areas Comments/Charactenstlcs I " Furnishings Shelving for 1 gallon 5 gallon and 30 gallon containerS " Utility ReqUirements Power as required by manufacturer " Floor FInishes ACid resistant grating " Wall Finishes Chemical resistant coating " Ceiling FInishes Chemical resistant coating " Lighting Metal halide orfJuorescent per manufacturer " Containment sump With removable grating " PrOVide for eaSily cleaning under grating " PrOVide concrete slab on which to set pre engineered portable structure Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cntena Page 3 45 f'UNCCr~ONAlIRIEQU~RIEMIENrS (,31 ~q Hazardous Materials Drop-off (OutsIde Spaces) Function o Designated outdoor area for receiving pen odic public drop-off of hazardous household matenals Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient Access to Hazardous matenals storage Dumpsters (OutsIde Spaces) Function o Designated area for stagmg of dumpsters Relationship to Other Areas o Located to optimize vehicle and pedestnan traffic flows Comments/Cha ractenstlcs o FUrnishings 30 CY roll-off dumpster o Utility requirements Intercom/paging system speakers o Floor Fmlshes Concrete o Wall Finishes None o Cellmg Finishes None o Lighting Watertight metal halide 20 fc Design Criteria Page 3 46 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 6tf 1qq IFU~Cr~ONAl RIEQU~IRIEMIE~lS> Outdoor Break Area (Outside Spaces) Function o Exterior patio area for employee breaks and relaxation Relationship to Other Areas o Near Vending/Kitchen CommentsfCharacten sucs o Furnishings Patio furniture o Utility requirements Outdoor electncal convenience outlets and Intercom/paging system speakers o Floor Finishes Slip resistant concrete or tile o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o Lighting Palla type lighting o Area should be nicely landscaped Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Criteria Page 3 47 b51 qq IFLDNC1r~ONAl RIEQU~IRIEMlENrS Wash Bay (OutsIde Spaces) 10 -0 ,( f ~ HIgh Pressure ~c, -j~' ......' High Pressure.-......... ,... Nonie Reel "" -i 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~'Mi ~ ~ i [I = Ill~r- i ..~. I I~ I I Canopy ~~-~-----------------------~ '---- High Pressure Nonie Reel " 50-0 j< FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Function o Canopy covered area for the manual cleaning of vehicle exteriors Relationship to Other Areas o Convenient access to/from vehicle parking a EfficlenUy located within site traffic flow Cntlcal Dimensions a 16 0 vertical clearance o 20 0 wide by 50 -0 long Eq ulpmentlFurnlshlngs a High pressure/hot water washer outlets air outlets hose bib Comments o Dnve through configuration Design Cntena Page 3 48 Dubhn Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California ac ~q1 IFU NCr~ ONAl R1E QU ~ RIEM IE NIlS TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Architectural o FInishes Floor 5011 grease and water resistant concrete with Integral non metallic hardener and clear epoxy sealer Provide slip resistant finish Walls 5011 and grease resistant Epoxy painted to full height Celllng Painted exposed structure o Doors None Structural o Control JOints In floor slab at adequate spacing o Structure as needed to support equipment Mechanical o General ventilation as required by codes o As required by eqUipment Plumbing o Two foot wide and two foot deep drain at mid bay (With removable cover) to sediment and 011 Interceptor o 3/4 water hose bib with standard faucet at 4 0 AFF o Compressed air II ne with cut-off valve filter regulator with gauge lubncator c1eanout valve and qUick disconnects on walls at 4 -0 AFF ProVide disconnects at locations to be determined dunng detailed deSign o As required by eqUipment Electrical o Llghllng WatertIght metal halide located between wall and centerline of lane 70 fc o Power Waterproof duplex receptacles 120V AC 20A GFI protected on walls at 3 6 AFF - As required by equipment o Communications Waterught paglnglintercom system speakers Dublm Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cntena Page 3 49 611 qq IFU NC1~OlNlAl fRlE QU ~ RIE M IE lNllS Wash EquIpment Room (Outside Spaces) See Wash Bay for Graphic Function o Covered area for vehicle washer and water reclaim equipment Relationship to Other Areas o Adjacent to Truck Wash Comments/Characteristics o Furnlshmgs Washer support and water reclaim equipment o Utility reqUlremenls As required by eqUlpment o Floor Finishes 5011 grease and water resistant concrete With clear epoxy sealer o Wall Finishes 5011 and grease resistant Epoxy painted to 8 feet AFF o Ceiling Fmlshes Painted exposed structure o Lighting Watertight metal halide 30 fc DesIgn Crltena Page 3 50 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin Callforma 6~ 1 11 FlUJ Nccr~ ONAl RlE QlUJ ~ REM [E NlS VEHICLE PARKING FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS The relationships between the various functional areas wIthin this section are shown below The design should accommodate these relationships In order to maximize operational efficiency This diagram IS not meant to be a floor plan only a representational relatlonshrp diagram Agency Vehicle I Equipment Parking (VehIcle Parkmg) Function o Designated outdoor parking area for vehicle and equipment parking Relationship to Other Areas o Near functronal area responsible for vehicles o Located to optimize vehicle and pedestrian traffic flows Com ments/Characterlstlcs o Furnishings None o Utility requirements Intercom/paging system speakers o Floor Finishes Concrete o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o Lighting Security type lighting typical for parking areas o See Space Needs Program for size and quantllJes Temporary Trailers (VehIcle Parkmg) Function o Designated outdoor area for the setup and operation of temporary trailers Relationship to Other Areas o Near administratIOn bUilding Comm ents/Characten StlCS o Furnishings None o Utility requirements Intercom/paging system speakers connected via condUit raceway to EOC o Floor Finishes Concrete o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o Lighting Secunty type lighting typical for parking areas Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Calrfornla Design Criteria Page 351 ~q 1C)Q flU INIcr~<o INIAL RIE QlU ~ RIE M IE INIIS Decommissioned Vehicle Storage (VehIcle Parkmg) Function o Designated outdoor storage area for Decommissioned vehicles Relationship to Other Areas o located to optimize vehicle and pedestnan traffic flows Com m ents/Characterlstlcs o Furnishings None o Utility requirements Inlercom/paglng system speakers o Floor Finishes Concrete or asphalt o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o lighting Secunty type lighting tYPical for parking areas o See Space Needs Program for size and quantll1es Personal Vehicle Parking (Vehicle Parkmg) Function o DeSignated area for employee / VIsitor vehicle parking Relationship to Other Areas o located to optimize vehicle and pedestnan traffic flows o Near lobby Comments/Charactenstlcs o Furnishings None o Utility reqUirements Inlercom/paglng system o Floor Finishes Concrete or asphalt o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Finishes None o lighting Security type lighting tYPical for parkmg areas o Meet ADA and local requirements for accessible parkmg spaces DeSIgn Cnterla Page 3 52 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 70 1qq fl~ NCl"~(QJ NAl IRIE QU ~ RIE M IE Nl"S Motorcycle Parkmg (VehIcle Parkmg) Functlon o Designated area for motorcycle vehicle parkmg Relationship to Other Areas o Near Lobby/Reception Comments/Characteristics o Furnishings None o Utility requirements Intercom/paging system o Floor FInishes Concrete o Wall Finishes None o Ceiling Fmlshes None o Llghtlng Secunty type lighting tYPical for parkmg areas Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 3 53 ~I ~~~ L-.- __~~~ CHAf'lIER ~ S~llE AND BU~lD~N<G RIEQU~RIEM1EN1S lel1'q~ SrnE AND BU~lD~N<G IRIEQU~RIEMlEN"S CODES AND STANDARDS o Site and BUilding reqUirements shall Incorporate sustamable cnterla that will faCIlitate LEED Silver Certification for the Project o All design elements shall be based on the requirements of local state and nalional codes and 7standards Due to the unique functions assocIated With thiS type of faCility a code review shall be performed durmg detailed design to Incorporate all codes and standards related to the faCility o The code review shall mclude listing and diSCUSSion of zoning requirements storm water retention fire prevention methods occupancy separatIOns area classifications CIVIL The followmg Issues shall be addressed by the CIVil discipline These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of CIVil mvolvement but Instead are meant to convey baSIC functional requirements In an effort to faCIlitate coordination dunng detailed deSign Survey o A survey of the selected site Will be developed by the Owner shOWing all pertinent eXisting boundanes property lines above and below ground utilities easements and topography o Utility easements Will be Identified SOils Earth Relocation, and Other ConSiderations o A geotechnical investIgation shall be developed by the Owner With detailed Information regarding surface and subsurface SOil conditions o Recommendations from the geotechnical Investigation shall be utilized In site development deSign Streets o Proposed access streets and any Improvements required for eXisting streets shall be deSigned to conform to applicable standards and codes and shall be approved by the responsible authOrity o A traffic study If necessary Will be performed by the Owner Parking Lots o Driveways Into site must be suffiCient to accommodate heavy loads and frequent traffic o Concrete shall be provided for all driveways and support vehicle parking areas o Asphalt paving With concrete curbs IS suffiCient for extenor employee/VIsItor parking areas o Concrete wheel stops and/or curbs shall be furnished In automobile parking lots only where reqUired for phYSical protection of bUlldmgs landscapmg fencmg and as needed for storm drainage o A concrete apron shall be provided for access to all bays fueling lanes and vehicle washers Concrete bypass lanes shall also be provided around these faCIlities where practical Dublm Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Crltena Page 4 1 S~1"1E AND BU~lD~NG RIEQU~IRIEMIEN1"S 151 01' o All slopes shall be perpendicular to vehicle parking where practical o Vehicle parking areas shall Include pavement markings Signs Sidewalks and hghtlng as reqUired for safe and efficient operations o Pavement markings shall be paint stnplng with no projections so that the surface can be easily swept and cleaned o Landscaping In parking areas shall be provided as required by the local JUrisdictions Site Dramage o New pavement grades shall be established with an attempt to malntatn a minimal grade of 1 00% (asphalt) and an absolute mtnlmum grade of 1 % (concrete) Maximum pavement grades shall be limited to 6% If greater slopes are required care must be taken to ensure that vehicles will not bottom out Q Adequate quantities and sizes of catch basins and drams shall be provided to keep paved areas free of standmg water dUring normal rainfall Q Site drainage shall Include oIl/water separation and retention/detention as required by state and local codes prior to discharge mto storm sewer sanllary sewer or natural outlet location o Building foundation elevations shall be Integrated to the site drainage to avoid the need for stairways at personnel entrances and excessive grades at vehicle entrances o Drainage shall always be directed away from bUildings and facIlities Q Drainage design shall address wetlands protection avoidance and/or mitigation Site Utlhtles Q Electncal telephone water natural gas sanitary sewer and storm drainage/retention availability capacity and charactenstlcs shall be determmed dunng detail design Q All utility services shall conform to local codes and requirements Q All utility services to bUildings shall be underground Service to the site may be overhead Q The specification should stipulate that the contractor IS to pay for any connection fees o Fiber OptiC service to the site IS required DesIgn Cnterla Page 4 2 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California "" 1- tt ~ S~llE AND IBU~lD~NG IRIEQU~RIEMIEN1S LANDSCAPE The following Issues will be addressed by the landscape architect These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of the landscape architects Involvement but Instead are meant to convey baSIC fundamental requirements In an effort to facilitate coordination durmg detailed design Vegetation o Vegetation shall be determined by the Dublin Parks Department o Vegetation which IS compatible and mdlgenous to the surrounding area IS preferred o Vegetation decorative fencing and berms shall be used to screen parking areas and maintenance areas from the public view as applicable and as required by zonmg ordinance o A small lawn area would be appropriate near the main or VIsitors entry to the facIlity o Vegetation shall be placed to avoid conflict with vIsibility needs for vehicle circulation Ingress and egress o Consideration shall be given 10 penmeter vegetation selection and placement to avoId Its use as a screen for Criminal or undesirable social activities o Consideration will be given to the size of fully mature plantlngs with respect to site IIghtmg and parkmg lot safety concerns Irrigation o An automated Irrigation system shall be provided m all new landscaped areas near bUildings ARCHITECTURAL The following Issues shall be addressed by the Project Architect These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of the Architect's Involvement but mstead are meant to convey basIc fundamental reqUirements In an effort to facIlitate coordmatlon dUring detailed design General ConSiderations o The overall architecture of the facIlity and ItS aesthetics shall create the feeling of Unity and proper relationship of all components o The facIlity shall be Oriented to take advantage of cross and/or stack ventilation If practical o Natural light shall be utilized wherever possible Vertical Orientation (windows) shall be used Instead of hOrizontal orientation (skylights) to aVOid problems with leaking o ThiS will be a no smoking facIlity however separate designated smokmg areas shall be provided o Windows should be operable (unless above reach) where appropnate o The entire facIlity must meet ADA accessibility requirements Dubhn Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Criteria Page 4 3 srnE AND IBU~l[))~NG ~IEQU~[RIEMIENlS '1() <;fqq Design DimenSions and Clearances The design of the facIlity must allow safe and efficient movement of personnel equipment agency vehicles and delivery vehicles In order to prOVide proper clearances the following minimum unobstructed clearances will be maintained o Hallways Doorways Interior Grade Changes and Restrooms ADA standards o Ceiling Clearances (minimums) Offices areas 8'-6' Parts rooms 14 -0 Shops 14'-0" Repair bays 19 -0 Support vehicle wash pads and fueling lanes 16-0 o Door Openings (width by height) Parts rooms 12 x12 Shops 1 0'x1 0' (for forklift access) Repair bays 14'x14 Vehicle wash areas variable o Circulation (width) Pedestrian cOrridors 6 -0 Forklift alsl es 10 0' o Work Area Engl ne end of vehicle 10 -0 Opposite end of vehicle 5 0 o Bay/Shop Width and Depth (width x depth) Minor Maintenance Bay 20 xSO (25 wide when adjacent to a wall) Carpentry Shop 30 x40 Mechanical Shop 20 x30 o Parking Space Dimensions (width x length) Large vehicles / eqUipment 12 x40 Medium vehicles (including employee/vIsitor) 10 x20 Small vehicles/eqUipment 8 x10 Motorcycle 5 x1 0 o Turning and Circulation Requirements (900 turn) Extra large and large support vehicles 50 Medium vehicles (supporUemployee/vlsltor) 25' Forklifts 1 0 Design Criteria Page 4 4 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 1~ }1q S~llE ANID BlU~llD~NG RIEQlU~[REMIEN1S Matenals The facIlity design shall utilize matenals that not only are aesthetically pleasing but are also durable and cost effective The matenals shall also be appropnate for the functional area In which they are used Some of the areas In which careful selection of matenals IS very Important due to the specialized functions are o Vehlcle wash area o Vehicle fueling lane o Compressor rooms If a composite wall system IS used CMU or other hard surface shall be used at least up to eight feet above finished floor Mechanical fasteners which are exposed to the weather or a wet environment shall be stainless steel Floors o Floors In maintenance bay and shops shall be flat with no slope to the drains o Floors In wash areas and parking areas shall slope to the trench drains FInishes Room finishes are an Important element In the design of this type facIlity The wrong finish can be dangerous and also very costly to replace The following are specialized finishes Inherent with maintenance functions o Epoxy painted CMU walls In shops and maintenance bay o Epoxy painted CMU walls or glazed block with epoxy grout In vehicle wash areas o 5011 and grease resistant walls o Painted exposed ceiling structure o 5011 grease and water resistant concrete with an Integral non metallic hardener light reflective colonng and sealer Doors o All door types and matenals shall be standardized throughout the facIlity except In spaces which have hostile corrosive environments such as wash areas and chemical storage o Exterior overhead garage doors shall be Insulated high 11ft aluminum frame type with full view glass panels o Extenor overhead garage doors shall be motor operated (where possible) with Intenor push-button controls Door controls shall allow for only full up or down (not partially closed) Doors shall open completely Automatic door opening loops shall be embedded In the pavement Immediately outside of each overhead door o Door thresholds shall be aVOided In maintenance and shop areas unless necessary If thresholds are reqUired they will be of Industnal grade In maintenance and shop areas Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Califorma DesIgn Cntena Page 4 5 "11 100 s~rlE A~D BU~lD~~G RlEQU~RlEMIENrS o Doors and doorways shall meet applicable accessibility reqUIrements o Overhead doors shall have clutches In the operator The chain drive operator shall be on one end of the spnng counter balanced shaft o All shop doors entering onto corndors shall have automatic fire closures o All overhead doors shall have a manual overnde o Door frames shall be all welded Knockdown type frames are nol acceptable o Extenor overhead doors must resist corrOSion from sail o Door hardware should be standardized DeSign team to coordinate With Park Superintendent and Supervisor Bollards o Protective bollards shall be prOVided al all overhead doors and where protection of personnel slructures and equipment are deemed necessary o Steel curb faces and corner edges shall be prOVided at all raised concrete Islands associated With protecting the bUilding or equipment Housekeeping Pads o Housekeepmg pads and Isolation pads shall be proVided for appropriate electrical mechanical and plumbing equipment Other housekeeping pads may be functionally necessary for some shop equipment o Housekeeping pad and Isolation pad deSign shall be coordinated With the structural engineer to ensure pad strength and uniformity throughout the faCIlity o Exposed housekeeping pad surfaces shall drain away from the equipment supported on them o Housekeeping pad surface finishes shall be conSistent With room floor finishes except for light reflectIVe surfacing DeSign Criteria Page 4 6 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublm California '18c:{qq S~llE AND BU~llQ)~NG IRIEQU~RlEMIENrS STRUCTURAL The following Issues shall be addressed by the structural engineer These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of structural Involvement but Instead are meant to convey basIc fundamental requirements in an effort to facilitate coordination during detailed design Foundations o Foundation design shall be based on the recommendal1on of the geotechnical investigation reports o Control JOints In floor slab shall be provided at adequate spacing Floor Load Ratings o Floor loads shall be determined by occupancy per applicable codes and standards o Where practical floor loads shall be consIstent for all occupancies on a glVen floor Structural Steel o Structural members shall be provided With corrosion protective coatings based on the functions of spaces In which they are exposed o Exposed JOiStS and other structural members shall be provided With ample future loading capacity for miscellaneous supported loads Piping Trenches o Piping trenches shall be coordinated With structures architectural elements mechanical and utilities and fixed equipment o Piping trenches shall be covered With steel plate or grating conSistent With the floor loading and finishes speCified for the space served o Steel angles or nosing shall be Imbedded In the trench mouth to support the trench covers and to prevent trench wall spalllng o Trench walls and floor finishes shall be epoxy coated to prevent excurSions of the piping fluids (see Plumbing) Into or through the concrete o Trench bottoms shall slope to drainage pOints Cranes o Crane InstallatJOn design shall be based on the cranes speCified The final crane details and installation reqUirements may vary based on the approved crane manufacturer Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard CIty of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 4 7 "111qq s~rlE AND BU~lD~NG RIEQU~RIEMIENrS MECHANICAL The following Issues shall be addressed by the mechanical engmeer These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of mechanical involvement but Instead are meant to convey basIc functional requirements In an effort to facilitate coordination dunng detailed design Heating, VentilatIon and Air Condltlomng o All enclosed occupied bUilding areas shall be provided with heating and ventilation In accordance with code requirements o All office areas will be provided with air conditioning to 78 degrees Fahrenheit 50% relative humidity o Air conditioning in areas with communication equipment and computers require 70 degrees Fahrenheit 50% :t 50;,,, relative humidity year round o Positive pressure relative to maintenance areas must be maintained In all offices and break room to preclude migration of fumes Into these areas o Restroom areas shall be negative pressure draWing air from adjacent spaces for additional ventilation o Maintenance areas shall be positively venlilated and spot cooled and heated with particular attention to the effects of air movement on the perception of comfort o Provide for smoke and heat venling of repair areas Make use of smoke curtain boards as reqUired o Repair inspection and body repair areas shall be ventilated by at-floor exhaust and basement/pit exhaust systems conforming to the ventilation requirements of NFPA 513 and NFPA 888 These systems Will remove vapors which are heaVier than air o Smoke and CO2 detectors shall be provided o Mechanical systems must be zoned so that adjustments can be made In response to varying demand and activity o Uliltzatlon of a waste 011 burning heating system will be evaluated dunng detailed deSign This type of system may be considered for the Enclosed/Unheated Vehicle Storage area Exhaust Ventilation o Exhaust ventilation where reqUired shall be provided In accordance With all applicable codes o An overhead vehicle exhaust reel system shall be provided for the maintenance bay Reels shall be located at the appropnate end of the bay Energy Conservation and Management o Mechanical and electrical deSign efforts shall coordinate to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the follOWing USing high effiCiency motors Duty cycling of HVAC systems (rotating off penods) DeSign Cnterla Page 4 8 Dublin Pubhc Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California g (Q ~q 4 s~r1E AND Bl\Jn..D~NG R.rEQl\J~RlEMlENr5 Demand load shedding controllers for non-essentlal HVAC motors Reduced voltage or current limiting starting for large motors Power factor correction for large motors Heat recovery Units HIgh efficiency cooling Units Use of automatlc dampers and variable frequency motor controllers to allow a central fan to efficiently collect exhaust from only the exhaust hose reels In use even though several reels are ganged together via common ductwork to the central fan Soft start capability for larger motors (40 h P or greater) o Consideration shall be given to over sIzing long pipe and duct runs where reasonable paybacks can be achieved through reduced brake horsepower requirements and reduced electrical consumption o Passive solar solutions (onentatlon natural lighting cross and/or stack ventilation) shall be evaluated o A centralized Energy Management System (EMS) shall be evaluated based on the followIng cntena among others Ability to conform to peak load crltena for energy cost savings Automated equipment maintenance scheduling resulting In lower anticipated equipment life cycle costs Benefits of mOnitoring equipment performance to be within acceptable limits Utlllty usage patterns Temperature setbacks corresponding to occupancy and utilization patterns Uniform and limited control of temperature settings Filter pertormance monitoring and replacement pattern data accumulaliOn Ability to monllor and record Indoor and outdoor conditions affecting HVAC systems as well as alarms failures and abnormal operating conditions Ability to automatically control selected equipment such as chillers air handlers pumps fans bOilers heaters valves and automated dampers as well as lighting In selected areas Ability to pertorm energy accounting by displaYing and recording electrical and natural gas flows o PassIve energy consumption reduction strategies such as Increased Insulation and Isolation of temperature controlled and ambient spaces and Increased eqUIpment capacities to reduce duty cycles shall be utilized to the best advantage of the faCIlity Pollution Control o Mechanical systems designs shall Insure that airborne and waterborne contaminant emiSSions Will meet all applicable codes and regulations Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Cntena Page 4 9 a'c;r01 s~rlE AND BU~lD~NG RIEQU~REMIEN1S o The percentage of air re circulated and outside air provided to the occupied spaces of the facility shall take ASHRAE recommendations Into account to avoid Sick bUilding syndrome and other undesirable effects associated With stagnant air o Exhaust air discharge and outside air Intake locations shall lake Into consideration building shape prevailing Winds and outdoor contaminants MechamcallEqUlpment Rooms o The mechanical discipline shall provide gUidance to the Architect concerning the size and [ocatlon of mechanical and equipment rooms and utility chases o Mechanical room SIZing shall take exchanger tube and air filter removal as well as other common maintenance activity clearance requirements Into account as well as space and clearance required by OSHA ASHRAE and bUilding codes and the recommendations of the design basIs equipment manufacturer shall also be taken Into account PLUMBING The follOWing Issues shall be addressed by the plumbing engineer These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of plumbing Involvement but Instead are meant to convey basIc functional reqUirements In an effort to faCilitate coordination during detailed design Plumbing and Plpmg Systems o The follOWing piping systems may be Incorporated Within bUildings as applicable Domestic Hot and Cold Water (HW and CW) Fire Protection Water Sanitary Waste and Vent Industrial Waste Water Roof Drainage Storm Drainage Compressed Air (CA) Diesel Fuel (OF) Unleaded Gasoline (UG) Fuel Gas/Low Pressure Natural Gas Vehicle Wash Water o PIPing which contains SOil contaminating flUIds shall not be directly bUrled In earth o Piping which IS reqUIred to communicate With services across floors and vehicle traffic areas shall be routed In trenches as desCribed In the structural section Design Criteria Page 410 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California g~ 1 q1 S~TE AND IBU~lD~NG fRlEQUHRIEMIENlS o All piping shall be readily accessible and available for visual mspectlon o The plumbmg disCipline shall provide the structural disCipline with trench width and turnmg area reqUIrements With attentIOn given to wrench clearances between fittings and pipes where appropriate or necessary for safe mamtenance practices o The preferred methods for supportmg pipes shall be detailed along With their arrangement and routmg o Plpmg supports shall allow for the possible modest addition of future services and plpmg o Each plumbed system shall have shut off valves overhead o All piping sizes shall be based on maximum expected flows With an appropnate fouling allowance o A set of pipe specifications shall be developed such that at least one specification eXists for each flUid service With design pressures and temperatures exceeding the expected operatmg pressure and temperature extremes of the system m question NOTE Each flUid service does not require ItS own pipe specifications The pipe specification shall detail the matenal design conditions sUitable valves and fittings m the appropriate size ranges minimum pipe wall thickness and required msulatlon If any o Pipe Insulation IS required for domestic hot water o Industnal waste water must go to an all/water separator o Where required by code plpmg shall have secondary containment With leak detection Plumbmg Fixtures o All plumbing fixtures where applicable shall be of a water savmg design o Water closets shall be wall hung Siphon Jet flush action flush valve type o Unnals In maintenance areas shall be wall mounted Siphon jet flush action durable low mamtenance type o Hand washmg stations shall be provided In shop areas Consider use of touchless faucet activation device o Showers for men and women shall be IndiVidual type o Eyewash and safety showers shall be located m hazardous areas and provided With tempered water o Paper towel dispensers (not hand dryers) shall be provided In restroom faCIlities o All dramage plpmg shall have adequate slope toward the colleclJon pomts o Trap primers shall be used as required by local codes and should be Installed on lines With a low expected frequency of operallon o Water hammer arrestors shall be properly applied to the system o Use of Instant on eleclnc water heaters shall be considered for restroom facilities Without showers o Flush valve handles on handicapped closets to be located on Wide Side of stall o Extenor hose bibs Will be key-type and of the' freezeless 1 vanety Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California Design Crrtena Page 4 11 g3 'f q q Si~rlE AND BU~lD~NG RIEQU~RIEMENrS o The effects of cold weather on standing water In piping and fixtures will be conSidered particularly for eyewash and safety shower applications o The design will stnve to passIVely eliminate the need for external powered freeze protection but where required heat tracing will be of the self limiting electncal type o Consideration will be given for uSing hydrant boxes With hot water and yard hydrants o Use of touchless fixtures (water closets urinals and hand washing faucets) should be considered An alternative consideration would be a timed shut off system Drains o All floor/area drain piping shall be Sized based on the maximum expected flow loading With a generous allowance for fouling due to gravity flow velOCities o Drain grates and frames shall be cast Iron o Drains In lubricant containment area shall be Ihe type which are manually operated and shall normally be closed except dUring wash down o Trench drains Will be proVided at maintenance bay and pool shop overhead door eXits Twelve Inch Wide trench drains Will be used whenever possible Grates and frames must support vehicle traffic o Drains from maintenance and lubricant containment areas shall pass through adequately Sized Oil/water separators o Wash bay may reqUire special drams traps and sumps These components shall be Identified and coordinated dunng detailed design o Drams shall be located away from maintenance actlvllles where pOSSible so as not to Impede movement of 1001 boxes and portable eqUipment o Vehicle wash water must connecllo an Oil/water separator o All trench drains must connect to an Oil/water separator Compressed Air System o Compressed air shall be prOVided to all maintenance work areas and to other designated locations o Compressed air drops shall consist of the followmg components ball cut off valve filter regulator With gauge lubncator 1/4 mch qUick disconnect and a 6 Inch drip leg With ball valve o Compressed air shall be SUitable In quality quantity and pressure for tool operation Including pneumatic engine starters and lire pressunzatlon Simultaneous use of tools may occur In particular areas o Instrument and/or breathable air shall be proVided for eqUipment as applicable o The compressed air system shall have appropnately Sized air receivers located In the compressor room The receivers shall have automatic drams DeSign Cntena Page 412 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin Callforma !!/f ~ qq s~rlE AND BU~lD~NG RlEQU~RIEMIENrS o All branch lines for the compressed air header shall eXit from the top of the header except drip legs to condensate dram traps shall exll from the bottom <) All lines mcludlng main header shall be sloped to dram to drip legs with condensate drain traps <) Designer shall evaluate cost reliability and benefits of regenerative refrigerated and combination refrigerated and deliquescent air dryers to obtain compressed air with a sUitable pressure dew pOint to prevent condensation under winter ambient design conditions o A pressure sWitch shall be mounted In the mam air header and shall activate an audible and visual alarm when the SWitch detects pressure at or below 90 PSI <) QUick connect fittmgs for different services such as lubricated air palnUblast air and breathing air shall be color coded and be non-mterchangeable <) A separator and filter shall be mounted between the air receiver and the air dryer o The air dryer as well as the upstream separator and filter shall be designed to handle the maximum surge flow from the receiver or the compressor rated flow whichever IS greater <) All receivers shall be equipped with automatic condensate drain traps which shall discharge to the mdustrlal waste system <) All valves m the compressed air system shall be of the ball-type Liquid Bulk Storage/Distribution <) The most economical method of purchasmg and stOring liqUid consumables IS In bulk Waste liquids can also be handled m bulk The follOWing storage capacities are to be provided at the new facility Diesel Fuel 5 000 gallon aboveground tank Unleaded Gasoline 5000 gallon aboveground tank <) Fuel tanks and fuel delivery piping Will be equipped with leak detection and alarm and automatic gauging devices Alarm location shall be Idenlified dUring detail design <) Bulk liquid fuels Will be transferred by m-tank electnc pumps <) Vapor recovery for gasoline Will be balance or vacuum assisted depending on the distance from the fuel dispensing pomt o Tank Will be separately vented at a safe distance from grade and from site faCilities and equipment <) Above ground fuel tanks must meet federal state and local regulations <) All tanks contamlng environmentally hazardous matenals shall be of the double wall type thus providing secondary containment In the event of mner wall failure A leak detector shall be located In the annulus between the mner and outer shells o All storage tanks shall be equipped With relief valves or devices to protect from over or under pressure conditions Fuel Management System Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin Califorma DesIgn Criteria Page 413 cSt) ~ q4 s~rlE AND BlIJ~lD~NG RIEQU~IREMIENrS o A fuel management system will be provided at the fueling area to monitor use of diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline o The fuel management system at all locations will be Integrated Into a centrally monitored network system o Final installatIOn details may vary based on the approved fuel management system manufacturer o The diesel fuel directed to the emergency generator will be monitored by the fuel management system o Fuel management system periormance dUring fire alarm situations shall be addressed o ProvIsions for premature vehicle pull out will be Included In the deSign Fire Protection System o Fire protection systems such as automatic fire sprinklers standpipes fire hose cabinets and fire extingUishers shall be deSigned as required for maximum safety In accordance with the requirements of all applicable codes and the local Fire Department for each hazard occupancy o Fire hydrants and pump connection locallons shall be coordinated with the local Fire Marshall or other appropriate local authOrity for the type and class of fire fighting equipment serving the site o BUilding fire alarm shall shut down process flUid flow to building o The fire alarm system shall have the option for testing IndiVidual alarm function o Emergency push button fuel supply shut off shall be prOVided near the fuel lanes ELECTRICAL The follOWing Issues shall be addressed by the electrical engineer These Issues are not meant to represent the full extent of electrical Involvement but Instead are meant to convey baSIC functional reqUirements In an effort to faCIlitate coordination dunng detailed deSign Power o The Site electriC service voltage shall be coordinated With the power utility dUring detailed deSign The electrical engineer shall prOVide the architect With direction concerning the form space reqUirements and site Impacts of the transformer and service entrance o In most cases motors larger than 1/2 HP shall be supplied 480 volt 3 phase 208 volt 3-phase If 480 vollls not available o Dedicated CirCUits and condUit connections shaH be prOVided throughout the faCIlity for computer terminals o A dedicated circuit 120 volt convenience receptacle shall be prOVided at each telephone terminal backboard o Spare capacity (25%) shall be prOVided at all panel boards and SWitchboards DeSign Crltena Page 414 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California 8& % q1 s~rlE AINJD IBU~l[))~NG RIEQU~RIEMIENrS o Surge suppression equipment shall be provided either at the panel boards from which Isolated ground receptacle CirCUits originate or Individually at the appropnate outlet o A 90 minute battery backup system shall be proVided for the following Items Radio and dispatch system Fire alarm and other fire protection and security systems EXit lights o Computers shall be connected to battery powered UPS packages with surge protection o All electrical equipment shall be sUitable for the area claSSification of the area for which It IS designed to be mstalled o All wall outlets and disconnects shall be labeled With panel location o The transformer and service entrance equipment shall be protected by removable traffic bollards o The mam distribution system voltage shall be 480/277 volts 3 phase 4 wire grounded neutral With a four wire fault system that meets or exceeds the National Electrical Code reqUirements o Distribution of branch CIrCUIts and feeders shall take the application of emergency power and zone electrical shut-down requirements mto account Emergency Generator o An emergency generator shall be Sized dUring detailed design The generator shall be connected to the main distribution system In such a manner as to promote maximum fleXibility for utiliZing emergency power o The emergency generator location shall be determined dUring faCIlity layout finallzallon It shall be close to the electncal service eqUipment Will require an outlet for hot exhaust gasses and Will require ample mtake and ventilation air o Due to the nOise and heat from the engine the generator shall be Isolated from faCIlity occupants o The follOWing Items shall be connected to the emergency generator Lighting heating and ventilation for all offices shOps kitchenette restrooms and fuel Island Llghtmg and heat for the emergency operational areas Ventllatlon/exhaust In the maintenance bay Fuel pump One air compressor for the maintenance bay RadiO communication equipment Fire alarm and fire protection Gate to the yard EXit lights o An automatIc transfer sWitch shall transfer the load from utility power to the engme generator after the engme gets up to speed and the generator up to frequency Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cnterla Page 415 srnE AND IBU~lD~N<G RIEQU~RIEMIENrS g11q~ General lighting Types and lighting levels o Site IIghtmg shall be high pressure sodium In exterior parking areas o Site Ilghtmg shall be photocell controlled o Light poles In the vehicle parking area shall be limited to the perimeter If pOSSible o Site Ilghtmg shall comply with any local light pollution regulations o Office lighting levels shall be equal to those suggested by the Illuminating Engmeers Society (IS) Handbook o Office areas shall use daylight fluorescent lamps with energy efficient ballast and reflectors o Maintenance bay and some shop areas shall use metal halide or fluorescent type lighting Each area shall be mdlvldually SWitched o Lighting shall be SUitable for the area classification where they are designed to be Installed Areas such as the vehicle wash area and others will bear special conSideration o Damp or wet location fixtures shall be labeled and used In appropriate locations o Interior lighting shall be controlled locally but may be Integrated to the Energy Management System In cases of single shift occupancies o Extra lighting must be prOVided In all areas (exterior and Interior) with vehicle movement at night o Areas where teleVISion CCTV or personnel mterface monitors (computer screens) are used shall have non-glare lighting treatments Fire Alarm and Detection o Fire alarm and fire/smoke detection devices shall be prOVided to momtor all areas m the facility o Fire alarm pull boxes shall be prOVided at eXits o ActivatIon of any detector or pullbox shall result In an audible/Visual alarm throughout the facIlity Interact with the mechanical systems Interact with the fire protection/suppression system (ref plumbing) and transmit an alarm Signal via telephone line to a centrally located monitor and to the local fire department mOnitoring station o The fire alarm control panel shall prOVide Visual and audible annunciation for each initiating zone o The fire alarm control panel shall be located m a conspICUOUS place TelephonefData Communications and RadiO o A system of empty conduits outlet boxes and terminal backboard shall be prOVided In each bUilding of the facIlity o Conduits shall Include pulling ropes o Computer network wlnng schemes shall be coordinated with the City of Dublin o Most telephones shall have long distance restrictions on outgoing lines DeSign Criteria Page 416 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California &81 cr1 S~llE AND IBU~l[)~NG IRIEQU~RIEMIEN1S PaglnglPubhc Address System o A paging/public address system shall provide service to all offices shops bays and outdoor work areas o System speakers shall be of a type sUitable for areas of high ambient nOise o The control eqUipment shall be complete with provISions to permit mterfacmg with telephone system to allow orlgmatlon of paging from telephone Instruments by dialing an assigned number o The volume level of Individual speakers shall be adjustable without sacnficlng system performance o Remote phone handsets shall be provided In shop and vehicle parking areas SECURITY FenCing o The entire yard area must be secured (with fence and/or bUildings) Consideration shall be given to one Inch wire mesh With no barbed wire versus two Inch wire mesh With barbed wire o Fenced areas Will need control gates at access/egress POints Gates may be accessed by key card or electronically The specific method of access shall be determmed dunng detailed deSign LIghting o Security site lighting shall be provided m employee and vehicle parking areas and around bUildings o Security lighting shall not adversely Impact surrounding property Other Security ConSlderatlons o An electrOniC security system shall be provided for the entire facility The system specifications must be coordinated With the City of Dublin dunng detailed deSign ALTERNATIVE FUEL IMPACTS Should there ever be a reqUirement to convert these faCilities to the servmg of natural gas powered vehicles the follOWing consideratIOns Will greatly reduce the reqUired capital expenditures o Note that future addition of a cellmg air sweep may reqUire freeze protection of mdoor fire suppression system piping since heatmg of sweep air may not be cost effective o Tie Ins to the fire suppression system header shall be prOVided for future fire mOnitor connections In the bulk storage area for alternative fuels o Spot heating In the maintenance bay which In the future may see the presence of LNG/CNG shall be prOVided by unit heaters fed by hot water or steam Electnc or gas fired Unit heaters shall be aVOided or located outSide of the maintenance space Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublm California DeSign Cntena Page 4 17 W1 ~ qq s~rlE AND BU~lD~NG IRIEQU~IRIEMIENrS o ProvIsions In the Architectural and Structural design of maintenance bUildings shall be made to allow for the future Installation of a ceiling air sweep exhaust system as well as an LNG/CNG tank vent exhaust system In the event that the facility beginS servicing LNG/CNG powered vehicles This Includes providing ample unobstructed wall space near the ceiling for the cut out of wall penetrations for the Installation of supply and exhaust fans ThIs also Includes providing ceiling space for the tank ventexhaustducDNork o The Energy Management System shall be capable of incorporating the Inputs and outputs of future LNG/CNG related systems such as ceiling sweep ventilatIon fans LNG/CNG tank vent fans and related eqUipment o Ceilings must be deSigned to be free of areas where a lighter than air gas might pocket o A slope In the ceiling shall be provided with the high pOint terminating In a wall that might easily be penetrated with louvers or forced ventilation eqUipment o Fire Detection and Alarm systems shall be specified so that they can be expanded for the possible addition of gas detection zones o DeSign for a 25% Increase In the number of motor feeder circuits o Open flame heaters or other high temperature systems shall be avoided In the repair bays o Allocate space for fuel storage or compression on the site keeping In mind the relationship beDNeen the dispenSing the properties adjacent to the facilities and the forecast number of vehicles to be fueled SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS Proper Slgnage and graphics throughout the facility are Important Because of complex Industnal work flow safety regulations mixing of vehicle and pedestnan traffic employee performance codes and the reqUirements of the Amencans with Disabilities Act high quality graphics that promote a positIVe orgafllzatlonallmage are Important Not only Will well deSigned graphics add to the aesthetics of the facIlity they Will also assist employees In performing their assigned tasks more efficiently and safely Specific slgnage and graphics requirements Including safety dlrechonal Informallonal traffic signs and pavement markings Will be developed during detailed deSign o All exposed pipes conduits and major lines In the maintenance areas shall be color coded for easy Identification Color coding shall be by full painting If possible but at least color banded DeSign Cnterla Page 418 Dublin Public Works Department MaIntenance Yard City of Dublin California 00 '3f qq s~rlE AND IBU~lD~NG RIEQU~RIEMIENll'S WASTE HANDLING o Appropriate space for storage and handling of waste must be provided Inadequate storage space can result In an unsightly mess that IS difficult to control There are four types of materials for which storage must be provided Waste This consists of the faCIlity s trash and waste products which cannot be recycled Provide a screened area for dumpsters Scrap Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals Contract scrap dealer may provide containers for collection and removal but adequate space and vehicle circulation must be considered when locatmg scrap areas Recyclable Bins may be provided for recycling steel brass copper glass aluminum paper and other selected matenals ProvIsions for these shall be Included In the facility design Hazardous Matenals Many Items are now considered hazardous materials and must be dealt with In special ways Some of these Items are tires battenes paint solvents and contaminated 011 filters Containers for hazardous matenals may be prOVIded for storage and collection but adequate space and vehicle Circulation must be conSidered when locating these containers Dublin Public Works Department Mamtenance Yard City of Dublin California DeSign Cntena Page 419 s~rlE AND BU~llD~NG IRIEQU~IRIEMIEN1S CJ/r{ q1 FACILITY MAINTENANCE o FacIlities are mamtalned by the City of Dublin o Space for storage of matenals and equipment and for a crew work area must be provided at the facIlity o Storage space for Janitorial supplies and equipment must be provided In each area o A floor sink with hot and cold water IS reqUired In custodial room Design Cntena Page 4 20 Dublin Public Works Department Maintenance Yard City of Dublin California B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Apt 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 255 7371 q~ ~qq SUMMARir - SITE WORK $3,646,905 OPEN SPACE $684,125 ADMINISTRATION AND CREW $3,473,200 SHOP SPACE $2,694,240 1 PROJECT TOTAL 1 $10,498,4711 Unit costs on the estimate are current Escalation factors have not been addressed The Unit Costs reflect the Increases expenenced thiS past 12 months specifically wages workmen s compensation copper products steel and other metals and all petroleum based products e 9 asphalt and plastiCS 10/17/2007 DubllnPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 1 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Apt 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 2557371 E1~MA~0q PROJECT IMAINTENANCE YARD DATE 10/17/07 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Est No 50278 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA I Job No None f-- SITE IMPROVEMENTS EST TYPE Concept AREA 220 308 liTEM II""~ IIYUAl'lllllf UNIT l;U~1 IT 1 A2 CLEAR AND GRUBB 2110105 A2 Clear and Qrub plants trees and miscellaneous 5 1 Ac 576000 29132 22000 A4 EARTHWORK 2200302 A4 Site cut & fill earth 50M 250M 26 437 Cv 600 158 622 2221102 A4 Eng Fill Imported 10 mile 31724 Cv 2160 685 246 2222102 A4 Ha ul matenal 10 cytruck 5 mile round trip 26437 Cy 954 252209 2500 A5 PAVING AND SURFACING 2500103 A5 AC 3 on 8 base [Truck & Ramp} 76 852 S 660 507 223 2525415 A5 Vertical curb 6 x24~ straight curb 3570 L 1926 68 758 2526011 A5 Parkmq Bumper block 3 Precast 88 Ea 54 00 4752 2530102 A5 Traffic sign 1 8 x24~ steel reflectonzed 6 Ea 270 00 1620 25607301 A5 StrlPInQ 4 Wide 2 cts 1836 L 120 2203 1 A6 SITE UTiliTIES 2611105 A6 Storm & Sewer Pipe PVC SDR 35 allowance ave 3150 L 54 00 170100 2630505 A6 Water Pipe PVC Munl Wtr C900 Class 150 ave 1250 L 54 00 67 500 2630606 A6 Fire Water Pipe DIP 350 PSI Class 50 ave 1500 L 6000 90 000 2630811 A6 Gas Pipe Black Stl Sch 40 ave allow 1500 L 4200 63 000 2670312 A6 ElectriC Telephone & Signal dlstnbullon allow 1190 L 5040 59 976 2670804 A6 8 x 10 Transformer Pad 2 Ea 1500 00 3000 2800 A8 MISC SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2830105 A8 Fence C/L 8 high galv steel 2440 L 3000 73 200 2830303 AS Sldq qate up to 45 lonq (pair) 2 Opq 6600 00 13200 29000 A9 LANDSCAPING 290001 A9 LandscaplnQ & Irrigation allow 10200 S 360 36 720 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROBABLE DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST I $10 381 $2 286 461 I 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS @ 15%1 1 II II $342,9691 I 1 CONTINGENCY & ESCALATION @ 30%1 1 II I $685 938 I I I I II I $3 315368 I I OVERHEAD AND PROFIT 10%/ II I $331 537 I I I II $3646905 10/17/2007 DubllnPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 2 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Api 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 255-7371 Es~t~ q1 PROJECT MAINTENANCE YARD Date I 10f17/07 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Est No 5027B DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Job No None - OPEN SPACE EST TYPE Concept I AREA 36225 ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITI COST I AMOUNT I I I I I 1 A BULK STORAGE 3050203 A Conc Wall 8 relnf 1 face IncldQ ftQS 2700 Sf 2600 70 200 3050704 A SOG 5 4 rock memb #4 @ 18 OCEW 2700 Sf 545 14715 13121101 A Pre.enQ metal covenng 20 eave helQht 2700 Sf 1500 40 500 16000107 A Total Elect Warehouse 2700 Sf 408 11 016 136431 1 C MAINTENANCE YARD STORAGE 2500102 C AC 2 on 6 base 1000 S 450 4500 2680704 C llQht 175W Merc Vapor 1 0 pole 6 Ea 1 800 00 10 800 2830105 C Fence C/l 8 high galv steel 140 l 17 50 2450 2830506 C Gates 20 Wide 8 hlah dbl SWlna 2 Ooa 2 850 00 5700 23 450 1 0 DECANT AREA 2520101 0 4 concpvq 5000 Sf 400 20 000 2680704 D llqht. 175W Merc VaDor. 1 0 Dole 10 Ea 1 800 00 18 000 38 000 1 E SIGNAULlGHTING YARD STORAGE 25201 01 E 4 concpvg 7500 Sf 400 30 000 2680704 E L1aht 175W Merc Vaoor 1000le 12 Ea 1 800 00 21 600 51 600 1 F HAZ MAT STORAGE 13121301 F Modular FMS Bldq Fdtn & Shell 200 Sf 195 00 39 000 13121302 F Electnc power and liQhtlnQ 1 Ea 630 96 631 13121303 F Fire SuppressIon System 200 Sf 10 00 2000 9920102 F1 Pamt Chemical Resltant Coating 520 Sf 400 2080 2520102 F2 6" Pavlnq concrete Matenals Drop off area 2500 Sf 550 13 750 2520101 F3 4 conc ova Dumoster staalna area 800 Sf 400 3.200 60 661 1 G OUTDOOR BREAK AREA 2520101 G 4 concpvg 400 Sf 400 1600 2680902 G 200W Incand flush mt landscape 110 8 Ea 425 00 3400 2900211 G landscaping Allowance 320 S 300 960 4210605010 G Precasl conc oallo blocks 2 Ihlck natural 400 S 390 1,560 7520 1 H FUELING POSITION & TANK FARM 2520102 H 6 Pavlnq conc remf sloned to drain on 6 rock 288 S 550 1584 2540101 H Pipe Bollards 6 pipe conc filled IncldQ ftg 16 Ea 16500 2640 2650602 H Trench Dram 1 6 x 1 6 x 3 thk wi grate 0 l 8100 0 11140151 H Gasoline Pump dual hose 1 Ea 712000 7120 10/17/2007 DublinPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 3 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Apt 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 255 7371 c18 o-i qq ESTIMtYfE PROJECT MAINTENANCE YARD Date 10/17f07 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Est No 50278 DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA Job No None - OPEN SPACE I EST TYPE Conceot I AREA 36225 ITEM I I DESCRIPTION IIQUANTITY IIUNITII COST I AMOUNT I I I 111401512 H Air and water service post tyoe allow 0 Ea 4 800 00 0 111401513 H Canopy Structure allow 0 Sf 2200 0 1650865 H 250W Metal Halide ExplOSion proof fixtures 0 Ea 371500 0 1114021012 H1 Fuel Storace Tank 1500 callon above around 1 Ea 5 200 00 5200 16730001 H1 PaOlna horns/soeakers Incldc cable & hook uo 1 Ea 1 173 84 1 174 17 718 1 J WASH BAY 2520102 J 6 PavmQ conc relnf sloped to drain on 6 rock 1000 S 550 5500 2650102 J Floor Om 2 x 2 x 2 Hvv Duty Grate 2 Ea 1 050 00 2100 09910101460J Paint 2 epoxy floor finish 1000 S 400 4000 111401513 J Canooy Structure allow 1000 S 2200 22 000 111401515 J HIQh Pressure Nozzle Reels allow 2 Ea 2 130 00 4260 1650865 J 250W Metal Halide Exnloslon oroof fixtures 2 Ea 371500 7430 45 290 1 K WASH EQUIPMENT ROOM 3050704 K SOG 5 4 rock memb #4 @ 18 OCEW 100 S 545 545 5100102 K Roof Structure Steel beams & metal Deck 100 S 3750 3750 3050203 K1 Conc Wall 8 relnf 1 face Incldg flgs 360 S 2600 9360 8101001 K1 Pair HM Door and Frame mcldo oamt 1 Ea 700 00 700 87023 K1 Door Hardware Pair Ext Storaoe 1 Ea 1 279 90 1280 09910101460K Paint 2 epoxy floor finish 100 S 400 400 99101015 K1 Pamtepoxvl ntenorfin Ish 420 S 500 2100 104001101 K1 SIQnaQe allow per door 2 Ea 7500 150 11140 K1 Vehicle Washer and water reclaim eqUipment 1 24 000 00 24 000 16001001 K1 SWltchaearallow 100 Ea 1 00 100 16010508 K1 Feeder CondUit and Wire allow 150 U 1000 1500 16230211 K1 SWitch 20 amp 1 Ea 105 00 105 16231013 K1 Receot 20 amo GFI weatheroroof 4 Ea 136 00 544 1650865 K1 250W Metal Halide Exoloslon oroof fixtures 1 Ea 371500 3715 48 249 TOTAl PROBABLE DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST 1184 $428919 GENERAL CON DlTIONS @ 15% 178 $64 338 CONTINGENCY & ESCALATION@30% 355 $128676 1717 $621 932 OVERHEAD AND PROFIT tID 10% 1 72 $62 193 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 1889 $684 125 10/17/2007 Dublin PWCorp Y dOct1707 xis Page 4 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Apt 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 255-7371 E~~/M~ tJt1 MAINTENANCE YARD DATE 10/17/07 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DUBLIN Est No 502781 CALIFORNIA Job No None - ADMINISTRATION AND CREW EST TYPE Concept AREA 10 334 ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY I UNITI COST AMOUNT I I I I I EXCAVATION FOR BUILDINGS Excavate project area dispose 1240 Cy 1260 15625 Eng Fill Imported spread m layers 1488 Cy 17 40 25 893 FOUNDA nONS !FtgS continUous and spread 1 story 207 Cy 762 00 157490 SLAB ON GRADE lSOG 5 4 rock memb #4 @ 18 OCEW 10 334 Sf 654- 67 584 STRUCTURE Columns TS 30x30 bays 18 Ton 780000 141 059 Roof Structure Trus JSIs wi plywood 10334 Sf 1020 105 407 ENCLOSURE VERTICAL * Exterior Studwalls * (65X181 )=492 Lf Ave Ht14 Ext Studwall 6 18ga @ 16 oc 5994 Sf 582 34 883 Bat! msul 6 R 19 wall fOil backed 1 Side 5994 Sf 132 7912 Int surf ext walls gyp bd pamt rubber base 5994 Sf 264 15823 Stucco 3/4 3 cis skip trowel finish 666 Sy 9994 66 554 Alum Storefront and Windows allowance 2397 Sf 7200 172619 EXT DOORS FRAMES AND HARDWARE Doors Frames and Hardware allow 6 Ea 1440 00 8640 ENCLOSURE HORIZONTAL FIG Insul 9 1/2 R30 ceiling attic orfloor 10334 Sf 180 18601 Roofing 5 ply JM 5GNC 20 yr mln surf system mcldg ngld msul Sf 62 004 10334 600 SUPPORT ITEMS Exp Jomt covers celllwall assbly w/2 sp bronze 64 Lf 9317 5963 Flashmg and Sheet metal allowance 1476 Lf 804 11 867 Roof hatch alummum 2 6 x 4 6 2 Ea 155281 3106 JOint sealanls allowance 10 334 Sf 072 7440 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION FLOOR FINISH Base Rubber 4 lopsel 2273 Lf 270 5138 ReSilient Floonng 1532 Sf 350 5515 Carpet acrylic 28 oz heavy 802 Sy 4200 33 703 Ceramic Tile FlOOring 1580 Sf 1800 28 440 WALL FINISH Sf Mtl stud 20 ga 6 16 oc 12401 Sf 330 40 923 Drywall 5/8 X walls mU studs or fumng 24802 Sf 132 32 738 Pamt Intenor drywall 3 cis 24802 Sf 180 44 643 CeramlcTlle Wall 2072 Sf 1800 37 296 CEILING FINISH Sf IT Bar Clg 2 x 4 Ultrallne senes 10334 Sf 158 16369 I Lay In Pnl 2 x 4 ALLOWANCE 10334 Sf 270 27 902 CASEWORK & MILLWORK Cabmets and tops allowance 162 Lf 330 00 53 460 Reception Counler allowance 1 Ea 900 00 900 ShelVing 12 14 deep var hts 208 Lf 300 00 62 400 10/17/2007 DublmPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 5 of a B HOdgson Construction Cost Consultant 710 Trancas Street Apt 227 Napa CA 94558 Phone ((707) 2557371 Es2r~q~ I MAINTENANCE YARD DATE 10/17107 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DUBLIN Est No 5027B1 CALIFORNIA Job No None - ADMINISTRATION AND CREW EST TYPE Concept AREA 10 334 ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY II UNIT COST AMOUNT I I I DOORS FRAMES AND HARDWARE Door and Frame Allowance Incldo Damt 41 Ea 540 00 22321 Pair Door & Frame Allow Incldo Damt 2 Ea 840 00 1680 Door Hdwe Assmbly Office/AdmlnlstratJon 33 Ea 780 00 25740 Door Hdwe Assmbly Pair Office/AdmmlstratJon 2 Ea 3780 00 7560 Door Hdwe Assmblv Storaoe 4 Ea 480 00 1920 Door Hdwe Assmblv Bath 4 Ea 780 00 3120 SPECIALTIES Slanaae allow per door 43 Ea 9000 3870 Pull Down Projection Screen 3 Ea 540 00 1620 Markerboards 8 x4 tYPical 14 Ea 900 00 12600 Shelves metal 5 36 x24 x84 8 Ea 47400 3792 Foldmo PartltJons motor allow 40 Lf 21000 8400 Lockers 64 Ea 300 00 19200 Bath Accessones 12 Ea 18000 2160 EQUIPMENT Food Service EqUipment 192 Sf 1800 3456 FURNISHINGS Sf Modular Units 3574 Sf 3000 107 220 PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION Sf I Fire Protection allow 10334 Sf 420 43 403 Plumblna Fixtures mcldQ roouQh m 34 Ea 300000 102000 HVAC Sf EaulPment mcldg controls 10334 Sf 180 18601 Ductwork Incldg dampers and InsulatJon 14468 Lb 1200 173 611 Diffuser Register and gnlle allowance 159 Ea 150 00 23 848 ELECTRICAL Sf SWITCHGEAR 10 334 Sf 120 12401 FEEDER CONDUIT AND WIRE' 11057 Lf 1200 132 689 ยท WIRING DEVICES Receptacle Duplex 91 Ea 1632 14841 SWitch SmQle Pole 43 Ea 126 5418 Fluor 2x4 2L Recessd Parabolic aluminum louver 129 Ea 360 46 503 Recessed down lights allow 32 Ea 540 17 280 S IGNALANDCOM M U N ICA TIONS 10334 Sf 420 43 403 I y~ I TOTAl PROBABLE DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTI $21072 $2177 555 GENERAL CONDITIONS@ 15%1 $31 61 $326633 I CONTINGENCY & ESCALATION @30%1 $63 22 $653 266 1 $30554 $3157455 OVERHEAD AND PROFIT @ 10% $30 55 $315745 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $336 09 $3 473 200 10/17/2007 DubhnPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 6 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant E~~M~:~ I I MAINTENANCE YARD DATE 10117107 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Est No 502784 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA I Job No None SHOP SPACE I EST TYPE Concept AREA 9658 DESCRIPTION QUANTIn UNIT COST AMOUNl EXCAVATION FOR BUILDINGS Excavate prOject area dispose 1 159 Cy 1260 14603 Eng Fill Imported spread In layers 1391 Cy 17 40 24199 FOUNDATIONS Ftgs conbnuous and spread 1 story 193 Cy 762 00 147 188 SLAB ON GRADE SOG 5 4 rock memo #4 @ 18 OCEW 9658 Sf 654 63 163 STRUCTURE Columns TS 30x30oays 17 Ton 780000 131 832 Roof Structure Trus JSts wi plywood 9658 Sf 1020 98512 ENCLOSURE VERTICAL Extenor Studwalls (150x1 12)=524 Lf Ave Ht 14 Ext Studwall 6 18ga @ 16 oc 5602 Sf 582 32 602 Bait msul 6 R 19 wall fall backed 1 Side 5602 Sf 132 7394 Int surf ext walls gyp bd pamt rubber base 5602 Sf 264 14788 Stucco 3/4 3 cis skip trowel finish 622 Sy 9994 62201 Alum Storefront and wmdows allowance 1467 Sf 72 00 1 05 624 EXT DOORS FRAMES AND HARDWARE Doors Frames and Hardware allow 16 Ea 1440 00 23 040 ENCLOSURE HORIZONTAL FIG Insul 9 112 R30 ceiling attic or floor 16908 Sf 180 30 434 Roofing 5 ply JM 5GNC 20 yr mln surf system mcldg ngld 57 948 msul 9658 Sf 600 SUPPORT ITEMS Exp Jomt covers celllwall assbly w/2 sp bronze 40 Lf 9317 3727 Flashing and Sheet metal allowance 960 Lf 804 7718 Roof hatch alummum 2 6 x 4 6 1 Ea 1552 81 1553 Jomt sealants allowance 9658 Sf 072 6954 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION FLOOR FINISH IClear epoxy Fmlsh 9658 Sf 900 86 922 WALL FINISH Sf Mil stud 20 ga 6 16 oc 11590 Sf 330 38 246 Drywall 518 X walls mtl studs or furnng 23179 Sf 132 30 597 Pamt mtenor drywall 3 cis Sf 180 Paint mterlor epoxy finish 23179 Sf 600 139 075 CEILING FINISH Sf Paint structure finish allow 9658 Sf 270 26 077 DOORS FRAMES AND HARDWARE Door and Frame Allowance mcldg pamt 10 Ea 540 00 5400 Pair Door & Frame Allow mcldg pamt 3 Ea 840 00 2520 20 x14 Sect metal orade overhead door wi hOist 4 Ea 7200 00 28 800 1 0 x1 0 Sect metal overhead door wi hOist 1 Ea 222000 2220 Door Hdwe Assmblv Office/AdmlnlstratJon 3 Ea 78000 2340 Door Hdwe Assmblv Pair OfficelAdmmlstratlon 3 Ea 3780 00 11340 Door Hdwe Assmblv Storaoe 3 Ea 480 00 1440 10/17/2007 DublinPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 7 of 8 B Hodgson Construction Cost Consultant ~;I:tJ1 I IMAINTENANCE YARD DATE 10/17/07 DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Est No 502784 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA I Job No None SHOP SPACE I EST TYPE Concept AREA 9658 DESCRIPTION QUANTln UNIT COST AMOUNT Door Hdwe Assmblv Entrv 2 Ea 1980 00 3960 Door Hdwe Assmbly Pair Storage 4 Ea 1536 00 6144 SPECIALTIES ISlgnage allow per door 29 Ea 9000 2610 IShelves metalS 36 x24 x84 30 Ea 47400 14220 EQUIPMENT IShop EqUipment allowance 9658 S 990 95 614 PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTION S Fire Protecbon allow 9658 S 420 40 564 Plumblnq Fixtures mcldq roouqh In 13 Ea 3000 00 39 000 HVAC S EqUipment mcldg controls 9658 S 180 17 384 Ductwork IncldQ dampers and InsulatIOn 4926 Lb 1200 59 107 Diffuser Reqlster and qnlle allowance 43 Ea 15000 6439 ELECTRICAL S 'SWITCHGEAR' 9658 S 120 11590 FEEDER CONDUIT AND WIRE 5312 L 1200 63 743 ~ WIRING DEVICES' Receptacle Duplex 48 Ea 19584 9400 SWitch Single Pole 29 Ea 151 2 4385 Fluor 2x4 2L Recessd ParaboliC aluminum louver 110 Ea 432 47520 Recessed down Ilqhls allow 16 Ea 648 10368 'SIGNALANDCOMMUNICA TIONS' 9658 Sf 504 48 676 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROBABLE DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST $17490 $1 689 179 GENE RAL CONDITIONS @ 15%1 $26 23 $253 377 I CONTINGENCY & ESCALATION@ 30%1 $52 47 $506 754 I $253 60 $2 449 309 I OVERHEAD AND PROFIT @ 10% $25 36 $244 931 I TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $278 96 $2 694 240 10117/2007 DubllnPWCorpYdOct1707 xis Page 8 of 8