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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Civic Ctr Fire Water Damage C~lY ClERrt{ File # D[ZJ[Q]~<{~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE January 15,2008 SUBJECT ContmuatIOn of Emergency ActIon and Progress Report Regardmg RemedIatIOn Work at DublIn CIVIC Center Report Prepared by Melissa Morton Public Works DI~ ResolutIOn ATTACHMENTS RECOMMENDA TION ~ Adopt the resolution contmumg the emergency actIOn to the CIty \ CounCIl meetmg of February 5, 2008 FINANCIAlL STATEMENT None at thIS time DESClUPTION On December 18, 2007, the CIty CounCIl declared an emergency relative to fire and water damage at the Dublm CIVIC Center and waIved the competItIve bId process for necessary envIronmental remedIatIOn and bUlldmg restoratIon A Budget Change m the amount of $100,000 was also approved to cover the cost of the remedIatIOn and restoratIOn The process of reImbursement from the CIty'S msurance carner has already begun The contractor for the remedIatIOn and restoratIOn has completed removal of wet sheetrock, carpet and msulatIOn and wIll be movmg mto the restoratIOn phase of the project Counter and plan check Staff whose offices were affected by the fire have been relocated to the RegIOnal Meetmg Room untIl the restoratIOn has been completed The project WIll take approxImately SIX weeks and temporary carpet WIll be mstalled and replaced when the carpet that matches the bUlldmg has been manufactured and mstalled UntIl that tIme, counter Staff WIll contmue to mhabIt the Regional Meetmg Room, where a temporary permit center has been establIshed Staff recommends that the CIty CounCIl adopt the resolutIOn contmumg the emergency actIon to the CIty CouncIl meetmg of February 5, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY'fO ]['flEM NO 4.6 Page ] of ] G \CIP\CIVlC Ctr Fire Water Damage\agst I 1508 report to Council doc 1~ I RESOLUTION NO - 08 A RESOLUTKON OF THE CKTY COUNCKL OW THE CITY OlF DUBLIN ************* APPROVING CONTKNUATION OF EMERGENCY AJLLOWffNG WMVER OlF COMPETITKVE llnD PROCESS AND EMERGENCY CONTRACT FOR ENVIRONMENT AlL REMEDIATION IN DUlBJLJ/.N CIVIC CENTER WHEREAS, the DublIn CIVIC Center sustamed fire and water damage on December 18, 2007, and WHEREAS, as a result of thIS event, It was found that several areas of the bUlldmg are not habItable as workspace, and WHEREAS, It IS necessary to remedlate thIS conditIon m order to preserve the well-bemg of CIty Staff and to return the bUlldmg to full operatIon, and WHEREAS, sald remedIatIOn IS so urgent as to preclude the tIme normally allotted for soliCItatIOn of bIds, and WHEREAS, the CIty CounCIl adopted ResolutIOn No 224-07, approvmg a findmg of emergency allowmg WaIver of competltlve bId process and emergency contractmg for envIronmental remed13tIOn and property restoratIOn m the CIVIC Center, and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE ][1' RESOJL VED that the CIty Council of the CIty of Dublm, pursuant to PublIc Contract Code sectIOns 20168 and 22050, finds that there IS a need to contmue the actIOns approved by the CIty CounCIl m ResolutIon No 224-07 BE KT FURTHER RESOJL VIED that tlns Item IS contmued until the Clty CouncIl meetmg of February 5,2008, at WhICh time the City CounCIl WIll reVIew the emergency actIon taken BE Xl' lFURTHER RESOJLVED that the CIty CounCil finds thiS proJect to be exempt from CEQA as an emergency proJect, pursuant to CEQA GUldelmes, SectIOn 15269 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thIS 15th day of January, 2008, by the followmg vote AYES NOES ABSENT AlBST AIN ATTEST Mayor CIty Clerk 1-/6-CJfl, 4/5 11-ftzLt.lj1 J11.lj] f G \CIP\CIV1C Ctr flre Water Dam.lgelreso 1 15 08 contmuatlon doc