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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.3 E-Waste & Surplus EquipSTAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File #350-40 DATE: September 20, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Use ECS Refining for the Recycling of City Electronic Waste and Surplus Computer Equipment Prepared by Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City generates electronic waste in the form of computers, monitors, printers and other items that have reached the end of useful life. The City strives to dispose of these items in an environmentally responsible manner. It is proposed to use ECS Refining for the recycling of electronic waste that has accumulated over the past 6 months. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost associated with the proper disposal of the computers and related electronic equipment by ECS Refining. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution authorizing the use of ECS Refining for the recycling of City electronic waste and surplus computer equipment. Submitted By Reviewed By Administrative Services Director Assistant to the City Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 4.3 DESCRIPTION: The City generates electronic waste as a result of its annual office equipment replacement schedule. Electronic waste includes obsolete computers, monitors, printers, scanners and other inoperable office equipment. California law requires that the City safely dispose of this electronic waste. Chapter 2.36 of the Municipal Code allows the Purchasing Agent to dispose of worn and obsolete equipment. In the past, for inventory tracking purposes, Staff has provided the City Council with a list of assets prior to disposal. At this time, the City will be disposing of obsolete City computers as well as unclaimed property in the form of computer equipment held by Dublin Police Services. Due to the age of the equipment it was determined that the computers are beyond their useful life and continued use would not be desirable. The City removes all files from the computer hard drive including the operating system software. This assures the City has complied with software licensing agreements and reduces the potential for City information to exist on the hard disk drive before disposal. Current best practices recommend, as a security precaution, that a professional recycler shred the hard disk drives and provide a certification of destruction for computer hard disk drives. ECS Refining of Santa Clara is a leader in electronics recycling and is at the forefront of environmental compliance within the recycling industry. ECS Refining is an approved Recycler for California's Electronics Recycling Act (SB20) which governs the processing of materials in laptop computers, and computer monitors. ECS Refining does not export electronic waste out of California where environmental standards may be less strict. All materials are recycled and re- enter the product manufacturing stream rather than being sent to a landfill for disposal. Incoming materials are sorted, weighed, labeled and sent to a de-manufacturing line. Computer hard disk drives are removed from computer cases and are shredded. ECS Refining will evaluate the condition and age of the computer cases minus the hard disk drives for potential remarketing. Based on the age of the City inventory remarketing is not likely. The City's computer equipment to be disposed of is inoperable without additional software and, based on the age, may not operate at current expectations. Current disposal practice has the recycler shred all hard drives. These factors limit the potential for seeking placement for re-use with other organizations. Staff reviewed current practices among cities and most follow a similar protocol of using a certified recycler. The City has also implemented a cost savings practice, in which monitors are not replaced each time adesk-top computer is replaced. Staff experience is that the monitors have a longer life. The proposed resolution (Attachment 1) authorizes Staff to use ECS Refining for disposal of electronic waste, and directs Staff to remove the disposed assets from the City's fixed asset records. A list of the equipment is attached to the resolution. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Authorizing the Use of ECS Refining for the Recycling of City electronic Waste and Surplus Computer Equipment. Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. xx - 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING THE USE OF ECS REFINING FOR THE RECYCLING OF CITY ELECTRONIC WASTE AND SURPLUS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the City generates electronic waste as a result of its annual computer replacement schedule; and WHEREAS, electronic waste includes computers, monitors, back-up power supplies, printers, and other office equipment; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2.36 of the Municipal Code allows the Purchasing Agent to dispose of worn and obsolete equipment; and WHEREAS, Staff has provided the City Council with a listing of worn and obsolete electronic equipment to be disposed of; and WHEREAS, the City's current electronic waste includes inoperable computers, printers, and other office equipment that is no longer used for City operations; and WHEREAS, California law requires that electronic waste be recycled and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner; and WHEREAS, ECS Refining is a State certified electronic waste recycler; and WHEREAS, ECS Refining will provide the City with certification that the electronic waste was disposed of properly and in an environmentally responsible manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby authorizes the use of ECS Refining for the recycling of City electronic waste and surplus computer equipment as described to the City Council on September 20, 2011 and listed on Exhibit A attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City assets disposed of shall be removed from the fixed asset records of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20t" day of September, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF DUBLIN COMPUTER RECYCLING LISTING (September 20, 2011) PREPARED BY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT A APPROX. PURCHASE Description DATE Serial Number Manufacturer /Model CITY OWNED EQUIPMENT COMPUTER 7/28/1999 US92914725 HP Vectra VEi8 COMPUTER 8/21/2001 US11554072 HP Vectra Pentium 4 COMPUTER 10/24/2003 JHZMP31 Dell Optiplex GX270 COMPUTER 10/24/2003 5SPVN31 COMPUTER 7/1/2004 D9N9851 Dell Optiplex GX270 COMPUTER 7/1/2004 BBN9851 Dell Optiplex GX270 COMPUTER 7/1/2004 BDN9851 Dell Optiplex GX270 COMPUTER 7/1/2004 B8N9851 Dell Optiplex GX270 COMPUTER 9/1/2004 F6N9851 Dell Optoplex GX-270 COMPUTER 11/2/2005 4094730-0001 MPC ClientPro 414 COMPUTER 2/27/2006 4152408-0001 MPC ClientPro 414 COMPUTER 10/2/2006 BX43YB1 Dell Optiplex GX620 LAPTOP 10/6/1998 FKSTJ01 Dell Latitude C600 LAPTOP 12/16/1998 Y8220931A Toshiba Satellite 4010 COS LAPTOP 11/15/2001 "283326303701806 Sony VAIO PCG-993L LAPTOP 12/8/2003 7CNLM11 Dell Inspiron 2650 SERVER 2/18/2003 GSNSB21 Dell PowerEdge 2650 SERVER 3/18/2003 7XHRF21 Dell PowerEdge 2650 SERVER 8/19/2003 31727334 Gateway 960 SERVER 11/2/2004 G4BNF51 Dell PowerEdge 2650 SERVER 8/16/2005 4010513-0001 MPC NetFRAME 620 SERVER 1/3/2006 4110811-0001 MPC NetFRAME 1620 PRINTER 5/15/2000 USGH021604 HP LASERJET 8000N PRINTER 11/3/2000 USAJ002993 HP LASERJET 8000N PRINTER 10/21/2003 JPBLM70683 HP LASERJET 8150N PRINTER 10/21/2003 JPBLM71030 HP LASERJET 8150N PRINTER 2/15/2005 35040002 Sharp AR-P450 MISC Fax parts Sharp FO-4400 MISC Dictaphone equipment MISC Cables, keyboards MISC APC 350 personal UPS POLICE NON CITY PROPERTY LAPTOP 3W96QB1 Dell Inspiron LAPTOP HXPOR41 Dell LAPTOP 52YZCB 1 Dell Inspiron LAPTOP 4H62324WVMN Mac LAPTOP Compaq Armada EXHIBIT A