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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 Auto Dealers Signage Loc~~~~ OF DUB~JG /// ~ 111 1~~~~~,~Z ~ / `~~LIFOR~~ STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File #^~ ~~ 3~"_ DATE: June 21, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FR~ Joni Pattillo, City Manager . SUBJECT: Replacement of City Directional Signage Location for East Dublin Auto Dealers Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Economic Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council has approved six locations for city directional signs to direct visitors to the auto dealers located in east Dubfin. Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the replacement of the existing direction sign at the terminus of Scarlett Drive to assist in the City's wayfinding efforts. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Costs for the production of the new directional sign will be paid for by the party (Hamcor, LLC, the parent company for Dubfin Toyota). Costs associated with the installation of the sign will be the responsibility of the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the replacement of fhe existing direction sign for automotive dealers at the terminus of Scarlett Drive. Submitted By Revie d By Economic Development Director Assistant City ager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~'~ DESCRIPTION: On November 3, 2009, the City Council adopted Resolution 161-09 amending the City's Streetscape Master Plan Policies to allow for City directional signage for places, building or locations of regional or historical significance. At this meeting, the City Council also ~approved City directional signs for the automotive dealers on Scarlett Drive and Scarlett Court, as a way to achieve a 2009-2010 City Council High Priority Goal and Objective to "assist the automobile dealers on Scarlett Court by enhancing their presence." Three signs were installed to direct visitors to the Scarlett Court auto dealers. On April 6, 2010, the City Council approved five locations for City directional signs in east Dublin to support auto dealers. The locations include Hacienda Drive at Dublin Blvd., Tassajara Road at Dublin Blvd., and three locations on Dublin Boulevard befinreen Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road. On July 20, 2010, the City Council approved the sixth location on John Monego Court just south of Dublin Boulevard. The applicant (Hamcor, LLC, the parent company of Dublin Toyota) has made a request to replace the existing sign at the terminus of Scarlett Drive ~ with a larger sign. The applicant believes that the existing sign, which is placed adjacent to the CALTRANS fence, is too small and not easily readable (Attachment 1). The applicant has requested that the City Council consider replacing that sign with a new, larger sign that will be able to be seen more easily as well as accommodate all of the car dealerships in the area (Attachment 2). The existing sign is 12 square feet (3 feet wide by 4 feet high), and the proposed sign is 32 square feet (8 feet wide by 4 feet high). Staff is supportive of the new sign at the terminus of Scarlett Drive. This request does not affect any of the other existing directional signs. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Photo of Existing Sign 2. Proposed Replacement Sign for Scarlett Drive Page 2 of 2 ~b~a , ~-<~; Ti u~~~ ~ ~ ~I ,. I~ y - ~ C: c sF. _ . a: _ , h~ . `~~ t '. .r~~ R f ' ''1"~~... ~ # .~ ~A.- i . ~, . . ~1 ' . . x N~~; ~~ !~ ~~fl' r~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ I Ni'. ., .2°~. a ~ . .Y . , . . w . ~ . a -..... . ._ ~ < < t ,, " :''" ~ ~ ~ ~« , ~~~'~~ ~~ ~ , ~ v ~ I ~ f r h~rt 3~ ~ ~ II ~Yy - { I ~ ~,II i e. `s~ :: ' ~ :. h _ : ,~v ~ . ~F~ ~, ; d. 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Wiget Lane Suite 275 Walnut Creek CA 9459&2440 T. 925.933.9677 F. 925.933.9784 E. http://www.dsignarLcom ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This is an oripinal unpublished piece of artwork generated by DSI6NART. tt is not to be shown W arryone outside your organizadon, nor is to be used, reproduced, copied or exhibfted In any fashion wBhout wrirtten auUiorizatlon trom DSIGNART. Pf0;8C~ City of Dublin Wayfinding Signage Phase: ^ ConcepWal ^ Design DevelopmeM ^ Canstructlon Drawinp p~: 06-02-11 Drawn by: S.A. sca~e: As Noted I Dwg #: I ^^vislon: ~ r~tle: Page #: - /V - ~ G.1 ~