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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 Farmer's Mkt Fund ReqG~~.~ OF Dp~~y ~ ~9~~;~~$Z STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ```~LI~~~/~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^[]~]~-0~ DATE: February 15, 2011 ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Update on the Dublin Farmers' Market and Request for Funding Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Economic Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association approved the Dublin Farmers' Market for 2011. Staff is requesting approval of a tr.ansfer of funds between departments, to capture the Farmers Market costs within the Economic Development operating budget, Estimated expenses total $34,000 for the 2010/2011 Fiscal Year, to assist in promoting and programming the Farmers' Market. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff estimates costs relating to entertainment and promotion will be $14,000 in the current Fiscal Year. In addition, Staffing or contract support needs for the Farmers' Market and related public information needs are estimated to total $20,000. Unexpended funding is projected to be available to transfer $34,000 from the Community Development Departments' Contract Services Budget to the Economic Development Operating Budget. The Farmers Market schedule will also result in costs after June 30th and the full annual costs relating to the program will be included in next Fiscal Year's budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve a budget change which transfers appropriated funds to the Economic Development Budget for the Fiscal Year 2011 Dublin Farmers' Market. ~ e ~ {/~I~` t~mitted By Reviewed By Re ewed B~ Economic Development Administrative Services Assistant Cit anager Director Director Page 1 of 2 ~TEIVI NO. ~• ~ DESCRIPTION: On December 21, 2010, the City Council gaye direction to Staff to submit a formal request to the Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFMA) for a farmers' market in Dublin in 2011 (Attachment 1). On January 20, 2011, Staff received notification that the City of Dublin was selected by the PCFMA Board for a farmers' market. The market is set to open on May 12, 2011 at Emerald Glen Park. As discussed at the December 21, 2010 City Council meeting, Staff anticipates the annual promotional and entertainment costs to be approximately $25,000. This doesn't account for the additional staffing required to facilitate the promotional and entertainment activities. To provide for the needed staffing, as well as other public information needs, the City recruited for a part- time, limited term position. Interviews have been completed and a part-time staff person has been selected to provide the needed staffing support to the Dublin Farmers' Market and other activities. The funding for current year expenses for this program will come from a transfer from the Contract Services budget in Community Development to the Economic Development Department. Therefore, the program will be accomplished without an additional appropriation of funds. Because the Farmers' Market spans two Fiscal Years, Staff is recommending a Budget Change (Attachment 2) in the amount of $34,000 for the current Fiscal Year and will budget for the remaining costs as part of the 2011/2012 Fiscal Year Budget. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. December 21, 2010 Staff Report 2. Budget Change Page 2 of 2 ~~~ ~ ~ '' C. ~ G~~.t OF DpB~ C ~i..} ~9 ~~ `~ STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ~~~-~~//l _ ~ ~^~ s DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ~[~ 1~ ~,~ DATE: December 21, 20'f0 TO: ~ Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager . SUBJEC • ublin Farmers' Market Proposal for 2011 Prepared By: Cinda Maurer, Economic Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is proposing a day, time and location, along with associated costs to host a Dublin Farmers' Market event in 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Costs relating to entertainment and promotion are expected to be approximately $25,000. This amount does not include necessary Staff time in helping to coordinate activities before and at the weekly Dublin Farmers' Market, which will result in additional costs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council direct Staff to make a formal request to the Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association to host a Dublin Farmers' Market in 2011 as proposed. ~. " ~ Submitted~By Revie y Economic Development Director Assistant City Manager ~,~ ~°~.~-0 ~ Page 1 of 3 ~ ATTACHMENT 1 ~~ ~~ l ?i DESCRIPTION: Backqround - , The City Council established a Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goal and Objective to "explore the feasibility of a farmers' market in Dublin." Staff has met several times with the John Silveira, director of the Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFMA), to discuss the creation of a Dublin Farmers' Market. The PCFMA is one of the largest certified farmers' market operators in the Bay Area. The PCFMA operates the popular and well-attended Pleasanton, Livermore, and Danville markets in the Tri-Valley region. - On February 16; 2010, the City Council agreed with Staff's recommendation to spend additional time on the creation of a Farmers' Market event in Dublin and to resubmit for the PCFMA Board's consideration in 2011 (Attachment 1). 2011 Dublin Farmers' Market Staff has worked closely with Mr. Silveira over the last several months, touring the site and reviewing options for market enhancements and entertainment. It is the PCFMA's opinion that a Thursday night option would better than a Friday night venue. The PCFMA has a strong track record of running successful Thursday night events and has very limited experience on Friday night. Addifionally, the promotiona! and programming costs for a Friday night event would likely be much greater than the costs to operate a Thursday night venue. Staff is proposing that the 2011 Dublin Farmers' Market be held at Emerald Glen Park in the plaza area of the northeast corner (Gleason side) on Thursday evenings from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. between May and October annually. The Market would be, for programmatic purposes, an event intended on building community versus a farmers' market event designed to encourage economic development. Proqramminq Options In terms of adding programming to the event, Staff is proposing the creation of "theme" weeks to keep continued interest in attending the Market. Following are suqgested "theme" week proposals: 1. "First Thursdays" at the Market - This week would include a"Market and Music" series, featu~ing staged performances. 2. "Family Night" at the Market - This could include programs and activities that encourage spending time with family at the park, including possibly hosting a picnic event in the summer months. 3. "Healthy Dublin" - This week could include ways to further the City's goals at becoming a , Healthy City. The City could offer, with our focal businesses and partners, free health screenings, blood pressure checks, nutritionists, or perhaps an organization exercise activity at the Park. . 4. "Community NighY' - This week could encourage participation at the Market by local service organizations to raise funds, or to show the many talents of our local community . ~ groups through a non-stage performance. Examples could include: Irish dancers, school bands, cheer perFormances, etc. ~- 5. "Food and Wine" - Work with the Livermore Valley Wine Growers Association and local restaurants to sample food and wine. Page 2 of 3 , '~~.1i .a j~~ `V_ ~ ' !1 . ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Costs and Staff Suqport Sfaff estimates that the Thursday.evening event, coiapled with programming and entertainment, would cost approximately $25,000 for the first Market season. Of this amount, Staff estimates that $15,000 would be used to support the "First Thursdays" Music series and $10,000 for general promotional support, including publicity, advertising and signage, to name a few. - - These costs are exclusive of Staff time to plan and arrange the thematic event weeks, and the ongoing Staff support to coordinate weekly. events. There will be likely a significant investment of Staff time between February and April to plan and program the event and seek out sponsors to offset the promotional costs. Through the duration of the Market from May to October; it is estimated that approximately five to 10 hours a week will be required. Next Steps ~ 1. If the City Council agrees with above outlined recommendations, Staff will submit a formal request to the PCFMA for their Board of Director's consideration; 2. The City Manager will evaluate the staffing needs and requirements for programming the event;.and 3. Staff will report back to the City Council the first meeting in February 2011 with the action of the PCFMA Board, and if approved, seek a budget change to fund tfie necessary activities to support a farmers' market in Dublin. ~ ~ NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1. February 16, 2010 Staff Report Page 3 of 3 ~ _~ ° - ~~~ ~ G~~.~ OF DpB~ 19r .. ~~~ ,8Z ~l~,~l~ STAFFREPORT CITY CLERK c~~L~~~ DUBLIN CITY COUN.CIL File #^~~D~-~~ DATE: February 16, 2010 ~ - TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: r, Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE : Updated Report on the Feasibility of a Dublin Farmers' Market Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Assistant to the Cify Manager EXECUTtVE SUAflMARY: The Dublin City Council established a Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goal and Objective to "explore the feasibility of a farmers' market in Dublin." Staff has surveyed the community regarding its preferences for a market and is prepared to present its findings and recommend that the City Council consider a farmer's market in 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. , RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report and direcf Staff to establish a farmers' market in 2011 or provide additional direction. ` ~ - '~ '~~.s~.s;(a-:~' ~(~_ ,_ _. "~..~ Submitted By "~"~. - Assistant to the City Manager Reviewed By Assistant City Manager ~,~ _ x . ~~ ~;'. ' ~ ~~ DESCRIPTION: . ~ At the December 15, 2009 City Council meeting, Staff provided an update to~ the City Council regarding its research into the establishment of a farmer's market in Dublin. Staff recommended the creation of a community survey to de#ermine the level of sustained cornmunity support for a market as the first of possibly several steps in determining the feasibility of hosting a market in Dublin. This,recommended action was supported by the City Council and an online survey was created and launched. • The survey is now complete arid the results of the survey are attached (Attachment 1) and summarized below. Farmer's Market Survev Summary The City received more than 900 responses to the survey and there was an overwhelming "yes" response (97%) to having a market in Dublin. . In terms of those that said "yes," only about half suggested that they wouid attend weekly. In terms of location, the respondents generally selected the location closest to where they live, rather than a particular desirable destination, which means there is~ a definite split between location choices of those living east of Dougherty Road and those living west of Dougherty Road. Staff's recommendation was to look at Hacienda Crossings as a location, and approximately 53 percent.of the respondents ranked it as a 3rd or 4th choice. The first choice of the survey respondents would be the new Historic Park.location with 48 percent ranking it "as a 1st or 2nd choice. The second choice would be at Dublin Place (Target center) with 47 percent ranking it as a 1st or 2nd cFioice. Emerald Glen Park came in as the third choice, with 45 percent ranking it as a 1 st or 2nd choice. It should be noteii that the Historic Park and Emerald G1en were ranked 1 and 2 respectively as the 15t choice. In terms of the day of the week, Saturday was the preferred day (57.5%), followed by Sunday (44:5%) and Friday (40%). . Staff shared the results of the survey with the Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association (PCFMA) in anticipation and support of the City's desire to host a market. PCFMA reviewed the data and did express some initial concern over the number of individuals thaf said they would support the market each week, but indicated that they would bring the request for the market to their Board for consideration on January 20, 2010. Response frorn PCFMA PCFMA contacted the City following the Board meeting to share its feedback. This year, the PCFMA received requests for 18 new markets throughout the Bay Area, an exceptionally high number. By comparison, the PCFMA opened 10 markets last year. The Board expressed concerns regarding the accommodation of 18 requests and directed its staff to bring back four recommended markets this year and to focus this year's efforts on strengthening the existing markets which iiave been struggling. PCFMA staff is still considering which four to recommend. PCFMA staff has told City Staff that, in order to be a successful market in Dublin - given its past history with unsuccessful markets - the Dublin market would need to ~iifferentiate itself from the . P~- . n f~ ~ ~~ . , lS/ ~ other markets in the area (Pleasanton, Danville and Livermore). The question of its differentiation and what that entails remains to be seen. Likely, it would require a significant dedication of resources, both with PCFMA staff and City staff and financial resources to make it work. PCFMA staff, given direction of its Board, was hesitant to recommend Dubfin for a market this year because they are already stretched very thin. Y Following this discussion, the PCFMA staff conducted a follow up tour in Dublin and sees a real opportunity for a market at Emerald Glen Park (on the Gleason side) on a weeknight. PCFMA staff sees the potential for a Friday night market, if that market also included entertainment- based programming, such as concerts or music. In the survey, Emerald Glen ranked #2 as the 1st choice and Friday evenings was listed as the.third choice, behind Saturday and Sunday: Staff shared the survey findings and feedback from PCFMA with. the Economic Development Committee on January 27, 2010. The Committee discussed the timing. concerns in pulling~ together a market event for this year given the desire to create a highly programmed event with entertainment_ The Committee agreed with a Staff recommendation to plan for an event in 2011 at Ernerald Glen Park that would also include an element for entertainment prograrnming. If the City Council concurs with this recommendation, Staff will work on a proposal for a more comprehensive program on Friday evenings that includes the farmer's market, as well as other entertainment. This proposal will require Staff to review the existing City programming to see if certain activities, such as the Summer Concert Series and Movies in. the Park, can be better leveraged in conjunction with a market event. NOTlCING RE4UIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: . None.. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Summary of Farmers' Market Survey Results . Dublin Farmers' Market - ~ .~~~~ -:-y , 4:= , . . . v Y . ~~~~, j ~i ~~ . ~ ~; - ; . .. ,5'~` '!S. ~ ,.es'~~'~a ;' ~a.::+[:.;~ . . .. a . tii•s.:. . 1 Would you support/afitend a Dublin Farmers MaricetT~~ _~~'~ ~ - : . ~,~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ .. _. .... • ~< . . .. . ... . . .. .. . ... . . . . . _. .. : .. .. ~: ..:.r.''.~..5..,..:r-A,:w? ~ - ~ - ' _ _ .... .. . ; . . - - . -:.:._ ,>: . _" `. - ~~. . :' : : . ~ ~~ ~.~.... . . . ~ . f .i, : _ ~O - se ~R n es ons e e R' s ,:, : - ~ ~ % ~~ ~~ ; ~~- ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~: , - , 5-{: Percent:' . .~-.Count -:;. . ; : _..: '.: _:.~~._ ' ~ . . ~;°. .~_ _ .. r ~. . . wcs`~is~a- `t . ~ : : ~ ,.. ~- :r ~~ i ~. ' 4 ~? ~ ' xi ~x.- .. . . a'. ~:•,~, ~ Yes '~ _: _ ._ _ ..... _ :: .. ~_ _~ _~= . --- .. _ . °--_ ~;~. ._~ . -~ :. 97.3% ~ 893 c ,. :;t: -,,.. ;< No ~ 2.7°/a 25 : ~ ~ Y ~ < ~`~~ ~ ~ ~} ,~~ Y~ t ~, ~ ~ k . ~ ~- ~P ~-. ,: - ° ~ ~. e ~ . an , swe es o . . . r d q i~ n 918 ~ .,. }:. .. . _ ..... . .. . , ~ . ~y Kn~~xl?::~~~'Y. ~ . ,. . ..a.. . ~ _ _ " ' ....:a"a::~aiea~zi~:ca . ..!'.,~~,1~~~ . . , . .....:... .... : . ....; . ... ... .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .,f'.i~tiW.. .: . . . . ~ . ...,., . -..: :. . . .. . . . . . ...... ... . s"~~>.ra:'t.-:' ~ -:; _ .. .. . ~ .. . . . ; . ~ ._ .. . . ... . .: '• ~ ,.: :` . . - . ... s[cipped: question 0 .~ . . . K~ _ {_. . _,..,,. ...,s , .. , _.. ,.. .. ,>_.:. .~:: - - - _ :~;...~s .:,~<;... -~ _ - .. ~ , ,,, - ~ ._. , 2. Please tell;.us where (location) you would most,l~kely attend a Farmers' Macket - . ' ; , , , .; . , _ .: . ,..: : . _. > ; : . ~ . ;~: . . _ ' ,. , : ,. ` ~ .,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ , _ - - ist ` 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ''6th '`Rating Response , ;: , ` ' Choice . Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice -~'Average~ ~`~Count n _ _ - : :. . :.'~. ',.~~~ :4 -,~:.. _ ~ ,~., ..__ ...._~. .. New Historic Park (just wesYof Sa.n..: ,~::~32!.0'!0 16.1°/a 10.9% 6.5% . . 6.6% 27:8% : ~ 323 805 Ramon Road on.Dublin Blvd:) ~:;{2581,.: (130) .: : (88):.:: , : .(52) (53) (224} At the Dublin Piace Shopping :.: . :: ''` 20.9% ::.: ::26:5% 12.5% 9.8% 24.8% 5.5% Panera Center (anchored by Target;: > - ~ - ,. ~ 3.07 803 . ,.;.> ,.::: . (168) (213) (100) (79). (199) ' :;<:'~~) , : < . ...:.: Bread, etc.) ! ... . ,_: . . ,: ~,;::;,. ,_.,.,,,,: ,.,..,....: , a......... , Dublin Ciuic Center (Dublin Sports 13.9% ' 17.6% ~:-35:6%.:"~~' Zz.7% , 6.0% 4.2°/a : ; . . . ._.~: . .. ,..~;,.~, ,: ,> , ':. 3.02 . 794 Grounds,:City Hall;>Library) ' (110) (140) ;.. (283}'; (180) (48) (33) _ _> ;. . .. Hacienda Crossings (Regal.: :: ' 5.3% 10.0% 25.7% . . , 27.2% ' . 15.4% : : ::;16.4% ::::.::::: :.::::... . . . •: 3.87 76D Cinemas, Best Buy:center). ,, (40) (76) (195) (207) : ~ (117) ,(125) ;. Emerald Glen Park (off. Central ;.5.zq.0°!o 2'1.3%. 9.8% 15.6% 23.6% 5.8%., . 3.11 800 Parkway) . i~:'' (~ 92) (170) (78} (125) (189) (46) ` Grafton Station (Lowe's, Buffalo 18.6% 17.5% 9.7% . 8.7% 11.9°/a 33.6'/0 : Wild Wings center) (146) (137) (76) (68) (93} . =::.,, (263): 3.78 783 ,: . ^ , ' -~ ~r '": -.', . ~ ;' . . " 1^ ~ ': C v~. N XT ' 's ^v.'/'s. .~k t . . { "h s~ ~~ ~~.~iG ~T Tk~¢'1~.s~R .7''X~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ...~f ~'T' , ~' ~ _ ~.,qy _ answerecf' uestion 902 °~ ~ - " _ . . . . ' ... . . . . . ~ . .. . . .... . .t :::::: . .. . . ................. ... ...... . ~ ...:.i. .. .. . . ....... . . ......_ ... ..... . . ~. ...... . . ... .. . ......... ...... . " . ~~~ ;~~.~. ~ a ,~..i... . .. 5.>`,".~ti:s~;'7 . . . . . . . .. ......... . .... .. . _ _ . . ....:.:.::::::'. ... ... . ' ~ .~ ~~'~ ~~~ ~,~ .':`~ sa. ~i 4.:r:.;C.vJ~,v.F ~ .•.... . ....... .. . _ _ .....:« .... .:..... ..... .... ' ~ a..?:_ .... ..... ... ;. ,~ q d~~':s .4-_ ... . . . 1Y:.455:::::.: . . . . . . ........... . . . . ............. _ .. •. ': ::' :':':: ' • :' ::::::. : :::::::'::::::::.. .::.. . : ::.. . k. .. . :':::::::.: ,. ,;.. .. . . . ,:':~_::::... . ~ . .. . .. ...: . .:::;~~;~::';?: :.', .. . . . ..,. ::-':':::::.'.:.;': . . . . . 6 ski ed pp quesiion 1 ~,~ . ert~{.. -- E ~~~~~'~ I z ~, _~ ~ . ... ~r .. ~ ~ n: r < :'_ ~-r...~ _ . .~.,, ,. _ : :~~. _ y.~,{-~ ' •_~ - ~~ '=_'ry,~ '. . ~'- ~ ~.: .. .,,.. „-~.y,~Y ~: .. ~. 3. How;often would you aftend a seasonal (AprillMay to Septlqct) Dublin Farmers Marfiet? ~ ; ._ : s < ,, ~ ,; ~ ..k , ~ ~. ; ,.. _ . .... _ ;. . _ y~.:. i ~~'~c.--' r':?~'~ . ~. . :.~.r ~ " : ' . ~ .. . + ~' ~ ' R i _. ' k2es_"ponse esponse,. Once a month ~ ;;,-<: . ~ Occasionally ~"~ . .:s ' .. . ' .. . ~ : 'Yx~Y 4 Y_ . d i+'H- '~!v`]F` dt42,t -p ',. $ '. ¢ ~'~..~-t K' ~`"„5y- ~XF' ~i ~ ~!~swe - ~ ~~~ - n~~ ~.~r~, ,,~~ ,~ {~,~.~~._... ~~:~. - ~ ~,~ :~ .~.3_.,_s. ~' ~~ ~ `~~ ~ _ . •, , x wPl S _ _ . ,: : ,._ .. .. . ~., _ W ` . ~.,_ , x~.~~:,~ So.J ~ ~~ . .,~._ . _.::~ ~ :. .: ... , .... ,. , ~.. : :.:.::,, A :.::.~:: ayy . .. . :. 31.7% ~ 286 7.8% 70 5.2% 47 ~fy~ ' .... ' d~quest~om :902 ~.~~~„ ._~,_ . _ d ~quesbon . 16 . .. ,:,,.: . __ . _ . ~ ,. .:.: :. ,.. 4. Please renk the :days and; times that you would most likely supporf a. Dublin .Farm ,, .. , : . ~_. . ,.: .::. i ers Market. , . _ ,_ .. 1st : _ 2nd _ 3rd 4th 5th` 6th ! 7th Rating ~ F - - . ;.: Choice Choice Choice. .. Choice Choice hoice „ Choice Average ~ ~ 33.7% 44.6°/u 7.2% 3.5% ;:1:4%a 2.4% 7.1°/a Sunday - 9 a.m. to 1. p.m. 2.30 (280) ; :-; (371)'; ;:: (60) (29) . (12) (20) (59) f 4.7% 4.3% 21.0% 16.9% 7.3% 14:2% 31.6%:~: Monday - 4 p.m. to 8 p,m. - ' 4.87 (28) ,.. . (26) .. .. ~126) (101) (44) -; :(85? `:. (189) ' . 2.2°/a :. ;.. 4.2% . 7,7% 21.8% 23.6% `; 33.5"/u=` :: 7.0% Tuesday - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. . 4.89 (13) (25) (46) (130) (141) (200),..: (42) 3.~°!0 4.9% 12.1 % 16.6% 45:6% ` ;.12.1 % 5.7% Wednesday - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. , _ :. ::..,, 4. , . . ' (18) (30) (74) (101) . .. ... ,;;(2Z8.), ;_ ......_:..::> ::::.4~:_ (74) : (35) .~ . . _ ; ... 4.6% . :.6.2% 14.6% 30.4% . 11.9% ., .. 21:1% , 11.2% Thursday - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. ' 4.47 (28) (38) (90) (187) ; (73) (130). . (69) 5.2°10 14.3% ;:: 39.8% 7.6% 4.9%; . ::..: 8:6% 19.5°l0 Friday - 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. ° 3.97 ~35~ , ~96~ ::s'I267) (51) (33) (58) (131) ' 57.6% 30.3°/a 4.2% 1.3°/a 0.9% 2.2% 3.4% - Saturday - 9 a.m: to 1 p.m. : 1.78 (491) .;_ t258) (36) (11) l$) ~19) ~29). O , ther (please specify) . . ~: .. . .. ' „„, ; ' x ~~ .~" ~ 5 ` ~`~~.~=~ ~'` - ~~ e - . . -:,..:.:. . '' ,. ~ ; .,, ~ 4.~~ answer ~ue d q n~ Y~~ ~ . . .. ... ... . . . . _ . . ....,~ ::.... . ~ . ... . _. . . . ....... . . . . . '...~,. . . .. ~.Y._..... . : .:. ~ti.: ., ... . . _ .:'. . ... . .w._ . ... ~ . . . ~ eN_ ..: f , , .: . ,... ,. : ~ . . ~ v.:r . . .. . kipped question _ S . r!' ~-'r , ~G~ n,( ~ . v--~:.i-r`~`< ~ ' l,. ~ ' • v . _ .. . ... _ ........ .... . . _ ' _ ' ' ' ~. , . .. ............~_,.: ~ ~: . .... ....:::, _..., r ...... ..... .. ... .......,.~. .. , ...._::.._..,..:-.,.. _ - ~ .. .....:::::: ~, :~. .:.': o~ : :.. ;. ....:..... : . .....:...... .: ~ .:_.•~.~ . ............._,:::,:_•a.. . : ' ..... .., .~ :....'Fi. ...• . .. ......::::::::..._ ~.. . r:S~:...~:::'~::::::':.:;.~: :.::: ".'L.;Y'•F:. . . .i:~ :.... ... ... .....,r.<.....~ - ...... .f~...: .. ...: ::::.:::::::::::' - ' iFi:.::". . ... ~ ~ 5 Do you currently' attend a farmers in anather community? '~ ~' ~ ,, ~ . ~~ . ... .. - -~ < ; 4 f ~ - ~x ' ~s~ ~.: ~ ?3" ~ - ~ :- Response o Resp nse;: .:.._. ~ _ ~ _ ~ ; . ~~' ~: ~;.~ .~.~: ' ~ i:,. . . . _ ~ ~ " - ; ~~,~.~'~~; ,~ ~ . ' ~ Percent ~. _ '~ Count . _:: . , _ ~: ~ X ~~ ;~ ^~-~: ~~;~; ,~ ~~; ~ ~ >a~ Yes : ,..s, „~ M..~- ti ~ ~ a.~..,,.~.., ~, ~ H ~ Qd~ - ._ . _ . , . _ _ ~ 1 0 ,~} - -~" 729 : x~; .,,, I No :. ; ~~,xa:::,.;,..<-- - 19.0% 171 t~... ' . f" e~S`~s. - .:. .Y f ~'i 1 k"h-~, ^: ~ „~y "i Fh~~ 50' ~~ wk„ ~ „ "s ~~~ _ .: ~ . .. . :. ..' :' .' .. . . ~_+ "RY,2~'~„ ~. r: ;. '~~ ~" ti ~'~`~ ~ x ° ~ answere''d quesUon ; 900 . . ~ ., ~ ~.~ ~ ~ _ ..: ~ ~.. : : „~ ~~ ~.~~, ~` ~ ' . _r x . .. ..» ._ ~.: . .... ... .. ....-.:, k.:5.-:. .x.l_.~.. . .~ _ ' - - : : . .~~: ~~.. ~~, . . .. ::.~ .::1, n - _ .. ,. x. . .. .... ... . ..:. ~ . . ....... . ..~..;.y~ . . . . _ . ,., ' . ... , shon ~ ed u: Pp 9 e S 18 _.. , . : -. . _ . ~ k :: >,.--_:;: _ .... ... ._ . '" . :: .:..:::..::::::::::.::.. . . ~:.:. . ... . : .. .:::..: . C a . ~ ~' .:. 6. Which farmecs markets do ou attend?; Check'ail that a I Ap. Y) Y ( _ :~.~Ai:.. . .. : .' ,::::' :::.: . ' - ~ > ' ' , . ~: ~ _- . . _.... . .:. ~ .. : ,~ . . _ . _.. ...... , _; ~ : ' . ~ . _ . ~ ~" -~ _ .. ... ~ ~~~ . . - ~~~ ~ n¢: ~ -^ ~~ - -. ~ K:~. .. .. . ,. . `. Response Response . . ,~ . ;`. ~ : ,. , -~-: P,er;cent,: ~ Count,- . . , _. :, .. . :. .... `: t =. ~~~. __ ~ `~ ' . ;~, ; : . ~ Pleasanton .--, '~.. ~~p.~~.m. `==-,x '~~ ~ ,:. a 80 5% ~~ . ~ < z 592 ~. _ > : ._ .. , ;: .,:. . _ ,. . ,~,~ ;. :~ ;~ h ~s~::~~~ , Livermore '~" - ,:.. 6.4% . _ 47. ~ Danville : "-w-,~.`°""~,-,~"~, . , ' 13.5%0 99 San Ramon ""`:~:~~ - 37.3°!0 274 ... . ' . ,~.^~' _ .' .. 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West of San Ramon Road ~F.~;~ .- ."°'-. . ~~~j~ 8%0'" ~~ 233 Y; 26 ,.; . ` , . , :~ - ~;~k.:.,_. ~ ~.._....,~......_: .:: .. .;:.: East of San Ramon Road, west of . ~ 1'2:Q% 1.04 Vllage.Parkway East of Village Parkway, west' of ~ ~ ~~, m 1.32 152°/a ~ Dougheriy.Road East of Dougherty Road; west of . ~ ~ ' 2.9%. - 25 . ! Hacienda Drive . : _ =. East of Hacienda Drive, w est of ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~J 15.5°/a 135 ~ '> : Tassajara: R,o,ad East of Tassajara Road ~'~~:~~---~~ ` 24.2% 210 If you don't know, please provide .~ '. ; 3.5% 30 street numbek and address below. ~ ~ Street Address: 113 ;: ~ ~~ • ~k~ ~ ~, : . ~ ~; ~ s~ e ^ " ~` d ~x answ q uesf n er ~0 8&9 ~'~;~~ . ~ ~~ r~ ~* K~ . . . .. . . „ : . .. , .... . ~ i...r.~r. ~;~ " ~ a.r~«._: .. ~ } ~ -..- s. ,,:. ~~.s.:.~_. r«wx.A . .. .. . . . .. ' ... .. .i. ' . ... . .. 1 : - . . . . . . ' ~ .. T ~':x~ ' . : . .~ t t ... . ". :'_~.'f.`;. . ~:.. ~ ° ~ . . skipped quesiion 49 , ~..~.:: .~ '.:: , ' .. ~.~. . . .' ,-', .:. . . 9. Can .you tell us how much you spend per visif at a farmers .market? .= ... . .... .~<w .~: ..... ~ ~ ~~° ° _... ; `.-.. . .. ,. ~ ~ r; ~ , , . _ , -, .. _ , . ,~ Response Response ~ ; ,. . , . . ; , , ~~ ~ ~~,: ~r Percent; ~ Count ~ . . .. . ... ;:.. ,HI , -- _..:.::..~ :,.,.. ~.. . .. . $0-$10 .::Q., 3.3°/a 29 $1a$15 Q 11.8% 105 $15-$20 ,: ~~ ~ 23.3%. - 207 ~ $20-$25 _.:.:~~~'_.::~:w ' 22,8°/a -, 202 ~~`"`~~~=~~:= ~ $25 or more :- ~'` ~` . . 38 8% 344 ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . . . ° . ~ -%xx3.` ~°`~y,~x : . . . . ~+ . ,~ .~T~ '~ - ' ~ ~ : ~' ~ j Y ~ ¢ ~~~ a ,: ' , t ~ ~~ . . . .. ~~n z . ......... . . . . . 3F~f~ ~, i:f ~ . . . "a f ~ . . . , . . . . ~ ~~ . _ ,v ".~' ,E,i ' ~ nswere 887 -; S +. -k.t a d ; .: } .. . . . . . q , ~ ~ . . . .. .. .. .. ~' .. , ~,. •. . < . ti l ~.. ... , . ::<. . : : ^.~ ~ ~ y , ,~ ~~~~ ~~ ~m ~. _.~. ~ w _ _ - . .... . . ,_ , ... . . ., . ; .~~. ....... . .. ..... _ „sk~pped questron ~ 31. I ~! ~ld q ~~ ~ 1~~~ ~~~I ~ - - P CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORiVi FY 2010 / 2011 New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required) _ From Unappropriated Reserves (*) From New Revenues Qther ~ CHANGE FORM # -~ r' . • i ~~~ f ~ ~ ! ~ ~~ Z 4 Budget Transfers: - __ From Budgeted Contingent Reserve.(1oo1.1901.81101) Within Same Department Activity XX Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) D:ECREl~SE~_BUDGET~ACCOUNTa~ ,~~ ~s/NMO,~UNT~=; , ,~~ _~~'INCRE'~4SE~BUD~GET'~~~4C,COUNT~~ ~~R _~_~ .. `~M„OUNT~;~~~~~ Name: EXPENDITURE: General Fund - Planning Department - Contract Services Account #: 1001.8101.64001 $34,000 Name: EXPENDITURE: General Fund Economic Development - Contract Services Community Events Account #: 1001.8401.64089 $34,000 REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: This transfer does not modify the total budgeted funds. it transfers an appropriation from Community Development (Planning Department) to the Economic Development Department. A review of expected expenditures indicates that funds will be available in the Planning Department Budget to offset Fiscal Year costs for a Dublin Farmers Market as presented to the City Council. 2/15/2011: ~ Fin Mgr/ASD: ~ Signature City Manager: Signature . Date: ~ y~ Date: .. ~., ,. ,. . ; As Approved at thexCity Council,Meeting;on x , ~ ;'. Date' 2/15/2011:; .`~ Mayor: Signature Posted By: Date: Date: G:'b'ud~rt C6mi,te.d3_20/0 1/V')_2_!~_L_Fnnucrs ildrvkcLdoc ` ATTAC H M E N T 2