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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attachment 1 - SCS Property Community Outreach OverviewAttachment 1 SCS Property Community Outreach Overview The community outreach approach includes utilizing an Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel (ULI TAP) to create a foundation for future discussion and a consultant team to assist in engaging the community. Details on these two efforts is provided below. Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel The ULI TAP program provides expert, multidisciplinary advice to local governments on complex land use issues ranging from site-specific projects to public policy questions. It is envisioned that the ULI TAP will provide input and recommendations on land uses that optimize the synergy between land use, economic development, and community compatibility for the SCS Property. The ULI TAP is scheduled for June 24-29. Consultant Team The selected consultant team lead by ELS Architecture & Urban Design will build off the ULI TAP work product as part of its planning and outreach program. The consultant team is composed of: ELS Architecture & Urban Design – Project management and urban design Urban Field Studio – Community engagement Retail Real Estate Resources - Commercial real estate strategy Bernese Lane Partners - Residential development Keyser Marston Associates - Financial feasibility Kimley-Horn – Traffic and related opportunities and constraints The consultant team will work with the community, property owner, City Staff and other stakeholders to identify viable land uses and development options for the property. The work will be driven by the following guiding principles and consider feedback from the community, Staff, Planning Commission and City Council, financial and economic feasibility, and goals of the property owner: 1. The goal of the outreach process is to gain consensus on preferred land use and future development of the property. 2. The outreach process will include a variety of interested parties including the property owner, adjacent property owners (i.e., Grafton, Lowe’s), adjacent homeowner’s associations and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. 3. The preferred plan will create the framework for a mixed-use private project including limited public amenities. 4. The preferred plan will establish minimum residential densities. 5. The preferred plan will meet the goals of the property owner to create a financially and economically feasible project in the current market and long-term sustainability for the City. 129 Attachment 1 Community Outreach Activities In coordination with the consultant team, the following community outreach activities will take place over the course of the coming year: Task A: Background Research – The consultant team will identify physical, political, and financial opportunities and constraints, working with key stakeholders, and will begin building a relationship with the community through a Community Advisory Committee (CAC). As part of this task, the consultant team will review relevant planning documents and site history, conduct urban design site analysis, evaluate geographic infrastructure constraints and opportunities, and complete a market analysis. Task B: Public Facing Engagement – The consultant team will create a website and survey to begin to build a relationship with the broader community and explore development of the site. This task will establish project goals, explore a potential range of development, and provide insight into the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) obligations. Task C: Land Use Framework – The consultant team will develop and share three broad planning concepts, which will consist of different approaches to land planning for the property and the general organization of parcels, streets, and public spaces. As part of this task, the consultant team will explore other development case studies, and prepare an economic viability memo and an educational video. The “Consensus Through Education” video will be used to summarize the process and provide an overview of Tasks A-C and create a foundation for the preferred plan (Task D). Task D: Preferred Plan – The consultant team will focus on presenting and receiving input on the preferred plan. Presentation of the preferred plan will include a summary of findings from community outreach, feedback on the initial three land plans, and an architectural workshop. The economic viability memo will also be updated to reflect the preferred plan and input received. Task E: General Plan Amendment Study Recommendation – The consultant team will prepare a recommendation memo to support a General Plan Amendment, if needed. Based on feedback received, the consultant team will prepare a site master plan. The plan will be developed with the following details: Land use plan including the organization of parcels, streets, and public spaces. Architectural prototypes for development capacities, including residential and commercial uses. Overall building massing, including scale of buildings, public streets, parks, and plazas; four focused renderings will convey character. Connectivity within the site and to the surrounding neighborhood context. 130 Attachment 1 Phasing plan for the commercial district illustrating near- and long-term build-out. Conceptual plans for up to two feature public spaces (one residential oriented, one commercial oriented). Table 1 below provides a tentative schedule for the community outreach activities described above. Table 1. Tentative Schedule Task A Background Research Task B Public Facing Engagement Task C Land Use Framework Task D Preferred Plan Task E GPA Study Recommendation April/ May 2021 August 2021 October 2021 January 2022 April 2022 Meeting with Staff Meeting with Staff Meeting with Staff Meeting with Staff Meeting with Staff Build Project Website Project Website Update Project Website Update Project Website Update Landowner Engagement Meeting #1 Landowner Engagement Meeting #2 Landowner Engagement Meeting #3 & #4 CAC Meeting #1 CAC Meeting #2 CAC Meeting #3 Synchronous Community Meeting #1 Synchronous Community Meeting #2 Synchronous Community Meeting #3 Asynchronous Community Survey #1 Asynchronous Community Survey #2 Asynchronous Community Survey #3 Planning Commission Meeting #1 Planning Commission Meeting #2 Planning Commission Meeting #3 City Council Meeting #1 City Council Meeting #2 City Council Meeting #3 “Consensus Though Education” Video Recommendation Memo 131