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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.10 Resolution Amending Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for City Commissions and Committees (2)STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 4.10 DATE:February 2, 2021 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Resolution Amending Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee Prepared by: Colleen Tribby, Assistant City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider amending the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure to update language for the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee, to address timing of the selection of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, meeting frequency, and other non-substantive changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Amending and Restating the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, the Youth Advisory Committee, and Rescinding Resolutions 101-20 and 19-16. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Background At its October 6, 2020 meeting, the City Council approved Resolution 101-20 amending the Terms of Office section of the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission (HCAC), Human Services Commission (HSC), Parks and Community Services Commission (PCSC) and Senior Center Advisory Commission (SCAC). The approved changes clarified that commission/committee terms would begin in January following an even-numbered election year. This gives time for the new Mayor and Councilmembers to be sworn in at the second 88 Page 2 of 3 City Council meeting in December, if the certification of the election does not happen prior to the first City Council meeting in December, and for the City Council to then make appointments to commissions/committees at its January meeting. The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) bylaws were not amended with the Staff Report in October; that document was last revised in February 2016 by Resolution 19-16. New Changes Recommended In preparation for terms beginning 2021, Staff completed another review of the collective bylaws and has updated Article V, Section 1 to reflect that the selections of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for these bodies will occur at the “first meeting of each year” rather than specifically at the first meeting in January. Further, Article VI, Section 1 has been updated in the PCSC, HCAC, and SCAC to replace the requirement to meet monthly with the charge to “endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month”. This will formally allow for cancellations in the case that there is no business to conduct in a particular month. All other changes (other than minor corrections such as for capitalization) are described below. The updated bylaws for each commission/committee are provided as Exhibits A-E (Attachments 2 - 6) to the Resolution (Attachment 1). A redlined version of the bylaws is provided as Attachment 7. Human Services Commission (HSC) Staff revisited the general responsibilities of the Commission and realigned the meeting calendar to reflect the tasks. As such, Article VI, Section 1 has been updated to reflect that the frequency of regular meetings will be “at least three times per year” (in January, March, and November) rather than quarterly. Parks and Community Services Commission (PCSC) Article II, Section 1 was updated to include that the high school representative on the Commission must reside in Dublin and be enrolled in a Dublin school. Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission (HCAC) Article II, Section 2 regarding the method of appointment has been updated to reflect the dissolution of the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, and the addition of “Dublin-based arts organizations”, giving the Mayor and City Council a broader pool of potential appointees who have involvement and experience in artistic and cultural activities. Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Article II, Section I, has been updated to include language about alternates, making it consistent with the other governing bodies. Additionally, Staff revisited the general responsibilities of the YAC and removed the inclusion of adult non-voting members residing on the committee. Article II, Section 3 was updated to clarify that the student representative on the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a non-voting member of the YAC. 89 Page 3 of 3 Article III, Section 1 was updated to state that during the months of July and August, meetings would be held as necessary, making June a regularly scheduled meeting to allow for Elections and Onboarding Training (Article VII, Section 1, was updated to reflect the same change). Article IV, Section 1 was updated so that the vacancies verbiage was consistent with the Bylaws and Rules of procedure of the other boards and commissions. Article V, Section 3e, was updated to include the additional duty of the Chairperson to represent the YAC at City Council meetings when necessary. Article VIII, Sections 3 and 4 were updated to maintain consistency with the Bylaws and Rules and procedures of the other boards and commissions. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The amended Bylaws and Rules of Procedure were distributed to the City Commissions and Committees included in this Staff Report, and the City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1)Resolution Amending and Restating the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, the Youth Advisory Committee, and Rescinding Resolutions 101-20 and 19-16 2)Exhibit A to the Resolution - Human Services Commission 3)Exhibit B to the Resolution - Parks and Community Services Commission 4)Exhibit C to the Resolution - Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission 5)Exhibit D to the Resolution - Senior Center Advisory Committee 6)Exhibit E to the Resolution - Youth Advisory Committee 7)Bylaws and Rules of Procedure (Redlined) 90 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. xx-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AMENDING AND RESTATING THE BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION, PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION, HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION, SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS 101-20 and 19-16 WHEREAS,the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Human Services Commission were adopted by Resolution 142-13 and amended by Resolutions 15-16 and 101-20; and WHEREAS,the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Parks and Community Services Commission were adopted by Resolution 57-83 and amended by Resolutions 137- 88, 135-90, 129-92, 137-92, 93-94, 130-98, 178-02, 160-08, 123-09, 16-16, and 101-20; and WHEREAS,the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission were adopted by Resolution 132-99 and amended by Resolutions 219-02, 161- 08, 124-09, 17-16, and 101-20; and WHEREAS,the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Senior Center Advisory Committee were adopted by Resolution 48-92 and amended by Resolutions 130-02, 138-92, 213-03, 162-08, 125-09, 18-16, and 101-20; and WHEREAS,the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee were adopted by Resolution 7-98 and amended by Resolutions 77-00, 159-08, 126-09, and 19-16; and WHEREAS,it is necessary to periodically review the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure to ensure that they are still reflective of the Commission’s charge and to make minor clarifications if deemed necessary; and WHEREAS,the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee have been notified of the recommended changes to the bylaws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council hereby adopts the amended and restated Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee as attached hereto as Exhibits A – E. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions contained in Resolutions 101-20 and 19-16 are hereby rescinded. 91 Attachment 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of February 2021 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _____ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Page 2 of 2 92 CITY OF DUBLIN HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit A ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Human Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of theCommission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1.The Human Services Commission shall be composed of five members (“members” or “Commissioners”) and two alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Commissioners”). One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” Section 2.The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 3.Commission members and alternates may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1.Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member's or alternate’s term, the Commission member may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight years with two four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 3.Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports of Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any 12-month period, said Commission member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Attachment 2 93 Section 4.If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1.Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting of each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. The secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/herdesignee. Section 2.Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3.Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a)Presides at all meetings of the Commission. (b)Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of theCommission. (d)Represents the Commission before the CityCouncil. (e)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. Section 4. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commission may appoint non-members to a committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. 94 ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold regular meetings at least three times per year, in January, March, and November at a designated time and place which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required bylaw. Section 2.A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3.Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1.The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as it deems necessary to the City Council and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to human service needs in the Tri-Valley. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the Community Grants Program, the Tri-Valley Needs Assessment, and the federal Community Development Block Grant Program. Section 2.A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 3.Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant orabsent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1.It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time, request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS 95 Section 1.These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 96 CITY OF DUBLIN PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit B ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Parks and Community Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of theCommission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Parks and Community Services Commission shall be composed of six members (“members or Commissioners”) and two alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Commissioners”). One member shall be a high school student residing in the City of Dublin or enrolled in a Dublin school. One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” Section 2.The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 3.Commission members and alternates may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1.Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member’s or alternate’s term, the Commission member or alternate may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight years with two four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. The term of the student member shall be for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating on the following June 30 th. Section 3. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from the office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the CityCouncil. Section 4.Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports on Commissioners and Alternate Attachment 3 97 Commissioners attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any 12-month period, said Commission member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 5.If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1.Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting of each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or ViceChairperson. Section 2.The Secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 3.Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of theterm. Section 4.Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a)Presides at all meeting of the Commission. (b)Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of theCommission. (d)Represents the Commission before the CityCouncil. (e)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her ability to act, the Vice Chairperson presides in the place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. 98 Section 5.The Committees. The Commission or Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commissions may appoint non-members to a committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold at regular meetings at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. The Commission shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required bylaw. Section 2.A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to beapproved. Section 3.Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1.The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as it deems necessary to the City Council and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate program of parks, recreation, and community services for the citizens of Dublin. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: (a)recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of recreation of community services and facilities; (b)future recreation and community service needs; (c)conduct of persons using park and recreation facilities by the public;and (d)annual review of the Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan. Section 2. The Commission shall also accept and consider recommendations from the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee, and forward the recommendations to the City Council, as appropriate. Section 3.A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 4.Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the 99 first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant orabsent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1.It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdiction. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1.These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 100 CITY OF DUBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit C ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of theCommission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1.The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission shall be composed of seven members (“members or “Commissioners”) and one alternate member (“alternate” or “Alternate Commissioner”). Section 2.The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. When making appointments to the Commission, consideration shall be given to members of the and Dublin Historical Preservation Association and Dublin-based (or similar groups) and to persons who are specifically qualified by reason of training, experience, interest or involvement in arts and/or heritage, particularly as related to artistic and cultural activities in the City. Section 3.All members shall be residents of the City and shall be committed to furthering public art, and historical and cultural life in the community. Section 4. Commission members and alternate may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1.Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commission member's or alternate’s term, the Commission member or alternate may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight years with two four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternate. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Attachment 4 101 Section 3.Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports on attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any 12-month period, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 4.If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1.Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, the alternate will be considered without submitting a new application unless the alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1.Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Commission for a one-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire. The officers are elected at the first meeting of the Commission of each year. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Commission members are present. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or ViceChairperson. The secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 2.Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3.Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties. (a)Presides at all meetings of the Commission. (b)Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of theCommission. (d)Represents the Commission before the CityCouncil. (e)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. 102 In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. Section 4. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but less than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commission may appoint non-members to a committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1.The Commission shall hold regular meetings at a designated time and place which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. The Commission shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2.A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3.Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1.The Commission shall consider and make recommendations, as it deems necessary, to the City Council in all matters pertaining to: (a)The promotion and support of history throughout the community. This includes restoration, maintenance and operation of the Heritage Park and Museums and any other similar City-sponsored locations promoting and supporting history. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of history facilities or programs; recommendations for policies on heritage preservation, artifact acquisition, or conduct of persons using history facilities; and rules for the use of the Heritage Park and Museums and any other City-sponsored history facilities by the public. (b)The promotion and support of the arts within the community. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations on art in public places including City facilities and new developments within the City; exhibits at the Civic 103 Center, Heritage Park and Museums, and Public Art venues; and recommendations for policies on art, cultural activities, and facilities. Section 2. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 3.Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the absence or vacancy. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1.The Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time, request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1.These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 104 CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit D ARTICLE I GENERAL ROVISIONS Section 1.These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Dublin Senior Center Advisory Committee of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the AdvisoryCommittee. ARTICLE II COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1.The Advisory Committee shall be composed of five members (“members” or “Committee Members”) and two alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Committee Members”). One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the CityCouncil. Section 2.Committee members and alternates may resign at any time giving written notice to the Mayor, City Clerk, and Senior Center Staff. Section 3.One member of the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a liaison to the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1.Committee members shall be appointed for terms which run four years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Committee member's or alternate’s term, the Committee member or alternate may be reappointed to the Committee in the same manner as the initial appointment. Committee members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight years with two four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Advisory Committee may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Advisory Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 3.Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee. The Secretary to the Advisory Committee shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports on Committee Members Attachment 5 105 and Alternate Committee Members attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Committee meeting within any 12-month period, said Committee Member’s or Alternate Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 4.If a Committee Member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Committee Member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Advisory Committee occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1.Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Advisory Committee for a one-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Advisory Committee expire. The officers are elected at the first meeting of the Advisory Committee each year. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Advisory Committee Members are present. The Advisory Committee shall, unless no Committee Members meet the criteria, elect Committee Members to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Section 2.The secretary to the Advisory Committee will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 3.Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 4.Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a)Presides at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. necessary. (b)Appoints sub-committees and chairpersons of sub-committees as (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of the Advisory Committee. 106 (d)Represents the Advisory Committee before the Parks and Services Commission and City Council or designates a representative. (e)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice- Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. Section 5.The Sub-Committees. The Advisory Committee or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Advisory Committee, may appoint several of its members, but less than a quorum, to serve as a Sub-Committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Advisory Committee may appoint non- members to the Sub-Committee. Sub-Committees make recommendations directly to the Advisory Committee. A Sub-Committee may not represent the Advisory Committee before the Parks and Community Services Commission and the City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Advisory Committee to do so. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1.The Advisory Committee shall hold regular meetings at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered upon its minutes. The Advisory Committee shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2.A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3.Advisory Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members shall attend all regular and special Committee meetings in person. Committee Members will not be permitted to use teleconferences as an option to attend Committeemeetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1.The Advisory Committee shall consider and make recommendations, as it deems necessary to the City Parks and Community Services Commission, City Council, and City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate Senior Center for Dublin citizens. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of senior services and facilities; future senior needs; conduct of persons using the Senior Center; and rules for the use of the Senior Center by the public. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 2.Alternates shall participate in all Committee matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Committee. In 107 such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMITTEE TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Advisory Committee shall be an advisory body to the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Committee Member and Alternate Committee Members is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1.The City Manager shall provide the Advisory Committee with such information and Staff assistance as the Advisory Committee may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1.These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 108 EXHIBIT E ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Youth Advisory Committee of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE II COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1.The Youth Advisory Committee shall be composed of a minimum of nine and a maximum of 13 youth members (“members” or “Committee Members”) and three youth alternates (“alternates” or Alternate Committee Members”). At least three of the Committee Members must be from middle school and six from high school. Section 2. Committee Members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor, City Clerk, and Parks and Community Services Director or his/her designee. Section 3. The youth student representative serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a non-voting member to the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1.Youth Advisory Committee Members shall serve a one-year term, commencing June 1 and terminating on the following May 31 (or until their successors are appointed). During the months of July and August, meetings will be held as necessary. At the end of a Committee Member's term, the Committee Member may be reappointed to the Advisory Committee in the same manner as the initial appointment. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a Committee Member may serve, as long as they remain enrolled in middle or high school. Section 2.Any member of the Advisory Committee may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Committee Members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the CityCouncil. Section 3.Committee Members should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee. The Secretary to the Advisory Committee shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports of Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Committee meeting within any twelve (12) month period, said Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Additionally, if a Committee Member is late by more than 20 minutes to two meetings CITY OF DUBLIN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Attachment 6 109 without permission from said Advisory Committee, this shall constitute one absence. Section 4. If a Committee Member ceases to reside in the City of Dublin or ceases to be enrolled in middle or high school, said Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1.Vacancies on the Youth Advisory Committee occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the alternates without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy.In the event that there are more than three vacancies on the Advisory Committee, vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1.Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Youth Advisory Committee for a one-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Advisory Committee expire. The officers are elected each year at the June meeting of the Advisory Committee. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Advisory Committee Members are present. The Advisory Committee shall, unless no Committee Members meet the criteria, elect Committee Members to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for more than two consecutive years. The secretary to the Advisory Committee will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 2.Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3.Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a)Presides at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. (b)Appoints sub-committees and chairpersons of sub-committees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of the Advisory Committee. (d)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. (e)Serves the City Council and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. (f)Represents the Advisory Committee before the City Council. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice Chairperson 110 presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. ARTICLE VI SUB-COMMITTEES Section 1.The Advisory Committee or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Advisory Committee, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a sub- committee. The Advisory Committee may appoint non-members to a sub-committee in an effort to obtain additional public involvement as needed. Sub-committees make recommendations directly to the Advisory Committee. Section 2.A sub-committee may not represent the Advisory Committee before the City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Advisory Committee to do so. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1. The Youth Advisory Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered upon its minutes, with the exception of the July and August meetings, to be held as necessary. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2.A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3.Committee Members shall attend all regular and special Committee meetings in person. Committee Members will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Committee meetings. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1.Provide input on youth services and programming to the Parks and Community Services Commission, City Council and to City Staff, address issues that affect youth in the community, assist with the promotion and implementation of youth activities, generate an annual report on the progress of the Youth Advisory Committee. Section 2.Committee members are expected to attend all regular meeting and subcommittee meetings as assigned; attend the activities planned and sponsored by the Advisory Committee; and promote youth activities and provide support for successful implementation of youth activities and programs. Section 3.A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 4.Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates 111 shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. The third alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the third occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy if the second alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF COMMITTEE TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1.It is intended that the Youth Advisory Committee shall be an advisory body to the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Committee Member is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE X STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1.The City Manager shall provide the Youth Advisory Committee with such information and Staff assistance as the Advisory Committee may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Section 1.These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 112 CITY OF DUBLIN HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit A ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Human Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Human Services Commission shall be composed of five (5) members (“members” or “Commissioners”) and two (2) alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Commissioners”). One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” Section 2. The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 3. Commission members and alternates may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four (4) years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member's or alternate’s term, the Commission member may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8) years with two four(2) 4-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 3. Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly attendance reports ofby Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any 12-twelve (12) month period, said Commission member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Attachment 7 113 Section 4. If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting in January of each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. The secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 2. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3. Duties of Officers. The Chairpersonman performs the following duties: (a) Presides at all meetings of the Commission. (b) Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c) Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. (d) Represents the Commission before the City Council. (e) Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. Section 4. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commission may appoint non-members to a committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. 114 ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold regular meetings at least three times per year, in January, March, and November once per quarter at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as it deems necessary to the City Council and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to human service needs in the Tri-Valley. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the Community Grants Program, the Tri-Valley Needs Assessment, and the federal Community Development Block Grant Program. Section 2. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 3. Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time, request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. 115 ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 116 CITY OF DUBLIN PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit B ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Parks and Community Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Parks and Community Services Commission shall be composed of six (6) members (“members or Commissioners”) and two (2) alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Commissioners”). One member shall be a high school student residing in the City of Dublin or enrolled in a Dublin school. One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” Section 2. The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 3. Commission members and alternates may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four (4) years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member’s or alternate’s term, the Commission member or alternate may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8) years with two (2) 4 four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. The term of the student member shall be for one (1) year, commencing July 1st and terminating on the following June 30th. Section 3. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from the office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 4. Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly attendance reports onby Commissioners and Alternate 117 Commissioners attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any twelve 12 month period, said Commission member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 5. If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does no t want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting in January of each year., or if a quorum is not present, at the next meeting at which a quorum is present. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Section 2. The Secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 3. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 4. Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a) Presides at all meeting of the Commission. (b) Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c) Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. (d) Represents the Commission before the City Council. (e) Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her ability to act, the Vice Chairperson presides in the place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. 118 Section 5. The Committees. The Commission or Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a cCommittee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commissions may appoint non-members to a cthe Committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold at regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. The Commission shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as it deems necessary to the City Council and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate program of parks, recreation, and community services for the citizens of Dublin. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: (a) recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of recreation of community services and facilities; (b) future recreation and community service needs; (c) conduct of persons using park and recreation facilities by the public; and (d) annual review of the Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan. Section 2. The Commission shall also accept and consider recommendations from the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee, and forward the recommendations to the City Council, as appropriate. Section 3. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 4. Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the 119 first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdiction. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 120 CITY OF DUBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit C ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members (“members or “Commissioners”) and one (1) alternate member (“alternate” or “Alternate Commissioner”). Section 2. The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. When making appointments to the Commission, consideration shall be given to members of the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and Dublin Historical Preservation Association and Dublin-based (or similar groups) and to persons who are specifically qualified by reason of training, experience, interest or involvement in arts and/or heritage, particularly as related to artistic and cultural activities in the City. Section 3. All members shall be residents of the City and shall be committed to furthering public art, and historical and cultural life in the community. Section 4. Commission members and alternate may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four (4) years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member's or alternate’s term, the Commission member or alternate may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8)years with two four(2) 4-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternate. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. atted:Body Text, Indent: Left: 0.15", Right: 0.26", spacing: Exactly 12.6 pt,No bullets or numbering, ops: 1.65", Left + Not at 0.42" 121 Section 3. Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly attendance reports on by Commissioners and Alternate Commissionerattendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any twelve (12)12-month period, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 4. If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s or Alternate Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, the alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless the alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Commission for a one1-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire. The officers are elected at the first meeting of the Commission in January of each year. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Commission members are present. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for two consecutive years. Alternates areis not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. The secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 2. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3. Duties of Officers. The Chairpersonman performs the following duties. (a)Presides at all meetings of the Commission. (b)Appoints ccommittee members and chairpersons of ccommittees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. (d)Represents the Commission before the City Council. (e)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. 122 In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice - Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice -Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. Section 4. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but less than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commission may appoint non-members to athe committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold regular meetings meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. The Commission shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations, as it deems necessary, to the City Council in all matters pertaining to: (a)The promotion and support of history throughout the community. This includes restoration, maintenance and operation of the Heritage Park and& Museums and any other similar City-sponsored locations promoting and supporting history. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of history facilities or programs; recommendations for policies on heritage preservation, artifact acquisition, or conduct of persons using history facilities; and rules for the use of the Heritage Park and& Museums and any other City-sponsored history facilities by the public. (b)The promotion and support of the arts within the community. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations on art in public places including City facilities and new developments within the City; exhibits at the Civic 123 Center, Heritage Park and& Museums, and Public Art vVenues; and recommendations for policies on art, cultural activities, and facilities. Section 2. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 3. Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the absence or vacancy. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. The Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time, request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 124 CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit D ARTICLE I GENERAL ROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Dublin Senior Center Advisory Committee of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE II COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Advisory Committee shall be composed of five (5) members (“members” or “Committee Members”) and two (2) alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Committee Members”). One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 2. Committee members and alternates may resign at any time giving written notice to the Mayor, City Clerk, and Senior Center Staff. Section 3. One member of the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a liaison to the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Committee members shall be appointed for terms which run four (4) years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Committee membe r's or alternate’s term, the Committee member or alternate may be reappointed to the Committee in the same manner as the initial appointment. Committee members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8) years with two (2) 4four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. Any member or alternate of the Advisory Committee may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Senior Center Advisory Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 3. Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee. The Secretary to the Advisory Committee shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports on attendance reports by 125 Committee Members and Alternate Committee Members attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Committee meeting within any 12-twelve (12) month period, said Committee Member’s or Alternate Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declare d vacant. Section 4. If a Committee Mmember or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Committee Mmember’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Advisory Committee occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Advisory Committee for a one1-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Advisory Committee expire. The officers are elected at the first meeting of the Advisory Committee in January of each year. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Advisory Committee Mmembers are present. The Advisory Committee shall, unless no Committee Members meet the criteria, elect Committee Members to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for more than two consecutive years . Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Section 2. The secretary to the Advisory Committee will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 3. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 4. Duties of Officers. The Chairpersonman performs the following duties: (a) Presides at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. necessary. (b) Appoints sub-committees and chairpersons of sub-committees as (c) Signs correspondence on behalf of the Advisory Committee. 126 (d) Represents the Advisory Committee before the Parks and Services Commission and City Council or designates a representative. (e) Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice- Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. Section 5. The Sub-Committees. The Advisory Committee or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Advisory Committee, may appoint several of its members, but less than a quorum, to serve as a Sub-Committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Advisory Committee may appoint non- members to the Sub-Committee. Sub-Committees make recommendations directly to the Advisory Committee. A Sub-Committee may not represent the Advisory Committee before the Parks and Community Services Commission and the City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Advisory Committee to do so. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Advisory Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered upon its minutes. The Advisory Committee shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Advisory Committee MMembers and Alternate Committee MMembers shall attend all regular and special Committee meetings in person. Committee Members will not be permitted to use teleconferences as an option to attend Committee meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1. The Advisory Committee shall consider and make recommendations, as it deems necessary to the City Parks and Community Services Commission, City Council, and City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate Senior Center for Dublin citizens. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of senior services and facilities; future senior needs; conduct of persons using the Senior Center; and rules for the use of the Senior Center by the public. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 2. Alternates shall participate in all Committee matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Committee. In 127 such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMITTEE TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Advisory Committee shall be an advisory body to the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Committee Member and Alternate Committee Members is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Advisory Committee with such information and Staff assistance as the Advisory Committee may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 128 EXHIBIT E ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Youth Advisory Committee of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE II COMMITTEE COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Youth Advisory Committee shall be composed of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of thirteen (13) youth members (“members” or “Committee Members”) and three (3) youth alternates (“alternates” or Alternate Committee Members”). At least three (3) of the Committee Members must be from middle school and six (6) from high school. Additionally, there shall be four (4) non-voting adult members representing Dublin Police Services, Dublin Unified School District, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the At-large Community. Section 2. Committee M members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor, City Clerk, and Parks and Community Services Director or his/her designee. Section 3. The youth student representative serving on the One member of the Parks and Community Services Commission shall serve as a non-voting member to the Advisory Committee. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Youth Advisory Committee Members shall serve a one- (1) year term, commencing June 1 and terminating on the following May 31 (or until their successors are appointed). During the months of July and June through August, meetings will be held as necessary. At the end of a Committee Mmember's term, the Committee Mmember may be reappointed to the Advisory Committee in the same manner as the initial appointment. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a a Committee Mmember may serve, as long as they remain enrolled in middle or high school. Section 2. Any member of the Advisory Committee members may be removed from office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Committee Members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 3. Committee Members should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee. The Secretary to the Advisory Committee shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports of attendance reports by Committee Mmembers and Alternate CITY OF DUBLIN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE 129 Committee Members attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Committee meeting within any twelve (12) month period, said Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Additionally, if a Committee Member is late by more than twenty (20 ) minutes to two meetings without permission from said Advisory Committee, this shall constitute one absence. Section 4. If a Committee Member ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, or in the case of youth members, or ceases to be enrolled in school, said Committee Member’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Youth Advisory Committee occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the alternates. without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. In the event that there are more than threewo vacancies on the Advisory Committee, vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority of the Youth Advisory Committee for a one-year term and hold office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Advisory Committee expire. The officers are elected each year at the June meeting of the Advisory Committee. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Advisory Committee Mmembers are present. The Advisory Committee shall, unless no Committee Mmembers meet the criteria, elect Committee Mmembers to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for more than two (2) consecutive years. The secretary to the Advisory Committee will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 2. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 3. Duties of Officers. The Chairpersonman performs the following duties: (a)Presides at all meetings of the Advisory Committee. (b)Appoints sub-committees and chairpersons of sub-committees as necessary. (c)Signs correspondence on behalf of the Advisory Committee. (d)Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. (e)Serves the City Council and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. 130 (e)(f) Represents the Advisory Committee before the City Council. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice - Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice -Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. ARTICLE VI SUB-COMMITTEES Section 1. The Advisory Committee or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Advisory Committee, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a sSub- cCommittee. The Advisory Committee may appoint non-members to a sthe Sub-cCommittee in an effort to obtain additional public involvement as needed. Sub-cCommittees make recommendations directly to the Advisory Committee. Section 2. A sSub-cCommittee may not represent the Advisory Committee before the Commission or City Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Advisory Committee to do so. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1. The Youth Advisory Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered upon its minutes, with the exception of the July and August meetings , to be held as necessary. which shall be fixed and determined by the Advisory Committee and entered upon its minutes. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Advisory Committee may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Advisory Committee, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Committee Members shall attend all regular and special Committee meetings in person. Committee Members will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Committee meetings. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1. Provide input on youth services and programming to the Parks and Community Services Commission, City Council and to City Staff, address issues that affect 131 youth in the community, assist with the promotion and implementation of youth activities, generate an annual report on the progress of the Youth Advisory Committee. Section 2. Address issues that affect youth in the community. Section 3. Assist with the promotion and implementation of youth activities. Section 4. Generate an annual report on the progress of the Youth Advisory Committee. Additionally,Section 2. Committee members are expected to attend all regular meeting and subcommittee meetings as assigned; attend the activities planned and sponsored by the Advisory Committee; and promote youth activities and provide support for successful implementation of youth activities and programs. Section 3. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 4. Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. The third alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the third occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy if the second alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF COMMITTEE TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Youth Advisory Committee shall be an advisory body to the Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. Each Committee Member is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE X STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Youth Advisory Committee with such information and Staff assistance as the Advisory Committee may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. 132 February 2, 2021 SB 343 Senate Bill 343 mandates supplemental materials that have been received by the City Clerk’s office that relate to an agenda item after the agenda packets have been distributed to the City Council be available to the public. The attached documents were received in the City Clerk’s office after distribution of the February 2, 2021, Regular City Council meeting agenda packet. Item 4.10 CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2, 2021 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Item 4.10: Resolution Amending Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for City Commissions and Committees The February 2, 2021 City Council meeting includes an item updating the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Human Services Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee. The amendments are primarily to clarify the timing of the appointment of officers, allow for flexibility in meeting frequency, and make other non-substantive corrections. After the agenda was posted, Staff identified the need to make a slight revision to the proposed bylaws of the Parks and Community Services Commission (PCSC), related to the requirement that the student member be both a resident of Dublin and be enrolled in a Dublin school. It is Staff’s intention that for appointment as the student member of the PCSC, priority is given to residents regardless of the location of their schools, in providing input on park facilities and recreation programming. Therefore, the PCSC bylaws have been updated to remove the requirement that the student member be enrolled in a Dublin school. A redlined version of the document (Exhibit B to the Resolution) is attached hereto, reflecting this change. CITY OF DUBLIN PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION BYLAWS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Exhibit B ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Parks and Community Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. Section 2. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. ARTICLE II COMMISSION COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT Section 1. The Parks and Community Services Commission shall be composed of six members (“members or Commissioners”) and two alternate members (“alternates” or “Alternate Commissioners”). One member shall be a high school student residing in the City of Dublin or enrolled in a Dublin school. One alternate shall be designated as first alternate or “A1.” The other alternate shall be designated as second alternate or “A2.” Section 2. The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. Section 3. Commission members and alternates may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ARTICLE III TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL Section 1. Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four years. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of two years. Terms shall begin in January following even-numbered election years and end in December of an even-numbered election year (or until successors are appointed). At the end of a Commissioner member’s or alternate’s term, the Commission member or alternate may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight years with two four-year terms. No term limit shall apply to alternates. Section 2. The term of the student member shall be for one year, commencing July 1st and terminating on the following June 30th. Section 3. Any member or alternate of the Commission may be removed from the office with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Section 4. Commission members and alternates should endeavor to attend all regular and special meetings of the Commission. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with quarterly reports on Commissioners and Alternate Attachment 3 Commissioners attendance. After the third absence from a regularly scheduled Commission meeting within any 12-month period, said Commission member’s or alternate’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. Section 5. If a Commission member or alternate ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner’s office shall be automatically declared vacant. ARTICLE IV VACANCIES Section 1. Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. In the event of a Commission vacancy, alternates will be considered without submitting a new application unless alternate notifies the Clerk that he or she does not want to be considered for appointment to the vacancy. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section 1. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect, by majority vote, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting of each year. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years. Alternates are not eligible to serve as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Section 2. The Secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. Section 3. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the Office of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. Section 4. Duties of Officers. The Chairperson performs the following duties: (a) Presides at all meeting of the Commission. (b) Appoints committee members and chairpersons of committees as necessary. (c) Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. (d) Represents the Commission before the City Council. (e) Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her ability to act, the Vice Chairperson presides in the place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. Section 5. The Committees. The Commission or Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commissions may appoint non-members to a committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Commission. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Commission shall hold at regular meetings at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. The Commission shall endeavor to hold at least one meeting per month. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. Section 2. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. Section 3. Commissioners and Alternate Commissioners shall attend all regular and special Commission meetings in person. Commissioners will not be permitted to use teleconference as an option to attend any Commission meetings. ARTICLE VII GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMISSION Section 1. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as it deems necessary to the City Council and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate program of parks, recreation, and community services for the citizens of Dublin. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: (a) recommendations for the development, improvement and/or modification of recreation of community services and facilities; (b) future recreation and community service needs; (c) conduct of persons using park and recreation facilities by the public; and (d) annual review of the Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan. Section 2. The Commission shall also accept and consider recommendations from the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee, and forward the recommendations to the City Council, as appropriate. Section 3. A majority vote of voting members is required to take action. Section 4. Alternates shall participate in all Commission matters except that alternates shall vote only in the event of an absence of a member or of a vacancy on the Commission. In such event, the first alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy. The second alternate shall participate as a voting member for the duration of the second occurring absence or vacancy or for the duration of the first occurring absence or vacancy if the first alternate is vacant or absent. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF COMMISSION TO BE ADVISORY ONLY Section 1. It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdiction. Each Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner is expected to serve the City and the residents of the City of Dublin with professionalism and respect. ARTICLE IX STAFF ASSISTANCE Section 1. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted.