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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.4 Cricket Batting Cage Facility Rental Policy – First Year Review and Minor (2)STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 4.4 DATE:January 12, 2021 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Cricket Batting Cage Facility Rental Policy – First Year Review and Minor Modifications Prepared by: Bridget Amaya, Assistant Parks and Community Services Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a report on the first year of operation of the cricket batting cages and consider approval of minor updates to the Cricket Batting Cage Facility Policy, relating to the transferring of use permits, refund credit period, use time changes, and requests for exceptions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and approve the updated Cricket Batting Cage Facility Rental Policy. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: At its March 5, 2019 meeting, the City Council approved termination of an agreement between the City of Dublin and Cricket for Cubs for exclusive use of the Emerald Glen cricket batting cages, effective January 1, 2020. Staff was directed to develop policies and fees for the cricket batting cage facility. At its August 20, 2019 meeting, Staff returned with the proposed policies and fees. During the discussion, the City Council expressed concern with the amount of time allotted for unorganized community use and wished to avoid the monopolization of cage use by organized groups. After the discussion, the City Council approved the Cricket Batting Cages Facility Reservation Policies, Rules and Fee Schedule, with a change to reflect an increase from three to four hours as the maximum hours any organized group can rent per day. The City Council also authorized Staff to make exceptions to the maximum hours rule if an organized group does request to reserve cage time in excess of the maximum and the cages are sitting unused. Staff were asked to return in approximately one year to provide a review on batting cage operations and recommend changes 48 Page 2 of 3 to the policy if necessary. Review of Cage Operation The cricket batting cages are open every day from 7:00 a.m. to sunset. From January 2 through December 15, 2020 the facility was rented approximately 1,130 hours to three cricket organizations. Typically, the cages were rented for two to six hours per day on weekdays and two to 10 hours per day on weekends depending on the season. Average hours the cages were rented are summarized as follows: Season Average rental time Available hours for walk-ons/casual user Fall/Winter Weekdays (Early Sunset) 3pm-5pm Minimal for working adults and youth in school Fall/Winter Weekends (Early Sunset) 8am-5pm Minimal for working adults and youth in school Summer Weekdays 9am – 10am 5pm-8pm Youth 10am – 5pm Minimal for working adults Summer Weekends 8am-5pm 5pm – 8pm Overall, Staff believes that the current policies have worked well. We did not receive any complaints from residents about access to the cages, even during minimal times available during the fall/winter season, and we also have not received any official requests from cricket groups to extend beyond their allocated, four-hour timeframe, which is already authorized under the Parks Director’s authority. There are, however, minor administrative changes Staff desires to make to the policy that will provide consistency with the City’s Field Reservation Policy and will formalize the City Council’s direction given at the August 20, 2019 meeting. Proposed Changes to the Policy The following administrative changes are proposed and are included in Attachment 1: Facility Use Permits cannot be transferred, assigned, orsublet. No refund or credit will be issued for a cancellation of pre-booked hours within 10 business days of the rental date. Adding or reducing hours fewer than 10 business days prior to the rental will only be accepted with Department approval. Requests for exceptions to the policy must be submitted in writing to the Parks and Community Services Director or designee. Approval or denial of the request will be issued in writing. At its December 21, 2020 meeting, the Parks and Community Services Commission voted to recommend the update to the Cricket Batting Cage Facility Reservation Policies, Rules and Fee Schedule to the City Council for approval. 49 Page 3 of 3 STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted, and a copy of this Staff Report was provided to cricket organizations utilizing the cage facility. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Cricket Batting Cage Facility Rental Policy 50 Attachment 1 City of Dublin Cricket Batting Cages Facility Reservation Policies, Rules and Fee Schedule 1.Rental Categories Public Agencies: Agencies serving the City of Dublin including Alameda County, Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD),DublinUnifiedSchoolDistrict,etc. Dublin Sports League Organizations: Organized sports league groups with current IRS non-profit status, whose membership is open to the public, and are sanctioned by the City of Dublin. The submission and approval of a “Dublin Sports League Organization Verification Form” must be on file with the City. The organization’s participants residency status must coincide with residency rates below and must provide current teamrosters: o Youth Sports League Organizations – at least 75% Dublinresidents. o Adult Sports League Organization – at least 51% Dublinresidents. Non-Profit Organizations: Organized non-profit groups with current 501(c) (3) or 501(c)(4) IRS status. The submission and approval of a “Non-Profit Organization Verification Form” must be on file with theCity. o Groupsapplying undertheNon-ProfitOrganization classificationmust havean“OrganizationVerification Form” on file and include the followingdocuments: 1) Bylaws 2) Current I.R.S. Tax ExemptionLetter Resident: Individuals must reside or own property within Dublin City Limits. Non-Resident: Individuals not residing or owning property within Dublin CityLimits. Commercial Use: Companies or individuals whose events have an admission fee or include the sale of goods and/or services. 2.Insurance Certificate For rentals that are for Public agencies, Dublin Sports League Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations and commercial uses, all applicants shall provide the City of Dublin with a valid Certificate of Liability including the endorsement page written through carriers acceptable to the City of Dublin. Such certificate shall provide bodily injury and property damage liability protection at a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The applicant must be specified as the insured. The certificate shall name the “City of Dublin, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers” as an “additional insured” in conformance with the hold harmless agreement and the applicant’s insurance shall be primary to any insurance carried by the City of Dublin and/or the Dublin Unified School District. The certificate shall be properly executed with the original signature of the authorizing agent of the insurance company. Note: Please contact your insurance provider to check if your homeowner’s policymay be extended to cover your facility rental. 3.Cancellations, Changes andRefunds Refunds and credits are not issued for unused rental hours. Occasionally, it may be necessary for the City to reschedule or cancel a request previously approved. In this event, the group or individual will be given as much advance notice aspossible. Cancellationrequestsmustbemadeinwritingbytheapplicantandsentviaemailto Refunds for cancellation requests will be handled asfollows: 30 days or more before rental date 29 days to 11 days before rental date Rainouts Full rental fees refunded, less $5 processing fee. 50% of rental fees will be refunded, less $5 processing fee. Credit will be issued for cancellations due to rain if the office is notified within 48 hours (via phoneor email) after scheduled rental date. 51 No refund or credit will be issued for a cancellation of pre-booked hours within ten (10) business days of the rental date. Adding or reducing hours fewer than ten (10) business days prior to the rental will only be accepted with Department approval. In each case, an administrative fee of $5 will apply for each addition. 4.General Rules Each renter must provide their ownequipment. Rental hoursof usemust include the amount of time needed, including set up andclean up. Renter must vacate by the time specified on the Cricket Batting Cages Facility rentalreceipt. Batting cages are open to walk-on users on a first come, first serve basis, if not previouslyreserved. For walk-on use, there is a 1-cage, 1-hour limit per user or user group when players arewaiting. Walk-on users must vacate the batting cages for a permitted renter upon proof or rentalreceipt. The consumption, serving and/or selling of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in City of Dublinparks. All garbage or other waste must be properly disposed of prior to vacating the cagefacility. Requests for exceptions to the policy must be submitted in writing no less than ten (10) business days prior to the rental date and receive written approval from the Parks and Community Services Director, ordesignee. Prohibited: o Facility Use Permits cannot be transferred, assigned orsublet. o Use of generators. o SMOKING in City of Dublinparks. o Paste, tack, glue or posting of any sign, placard, advertisement or inscription, or to erect any sign. o Selling, vending, or peddlingitems. o Use of amplification equipment. o Bikes, skateboards and other uses unrelated to batting use. o Hitting of balls against the cage fences inside oroutside. Cricket Batting Cages Facility Rules Cage facility is for cricket only. Only molded rubber cleats, synthetic turf shoes, or other athletic shoes are allowed in the cagefacility. Only balls and bats, usually associated with cricket are allowed in the cagefacility. All batters must wear a helmet at all times while in the cagefacility. Only one (1) batter is allowed in each tunnel at anytime. Spectators or batters on-deck must stay outside the cagefacility. No practice swings or swinging of bats is allowed outside the cage facility at anytime. No unauthorized persons shall enter the cage facility while it is reserved. Renters are responsible for the cage facility during their reservation. 5.Location The Cricket Batting Cages Facility is located at Emerald Glen Park (backside of the Cricketfield). 6.Cricket Batting Cages Facility Priority Use Dublin Sports League Organization, Public Agencies, Non-profits-Reservations accepted up to twelve (12) months in advance, with priority over all other groups. Resident-Reservations accepted up to twelve (12) months in advance of requested use. Non-Residents, Commercial Users-Reservations accepted up to ten (10) months in advance of requested use. 7.Cricket Batting Cages Facility Rental Process Cricket Batting Cages are available to rent online at Payment is required, in full upon reservation. 52 8.Cricket Batting Cages Facility Rental Availability Daily from 7:00 AM to Sunset o Minimum of 1 hour to rent perday. o Maximum of 4 hours to rent per day. 9.Cricket Batting Cages Facility Rental Fee Schedule Rental Category Hourly Fee Per Facility Public Agencies, Dublin Sports Organizations, Non-profit Organizations $15.00 Residents $18.00 Non-residents, Commercial Uses $22.00 10.Parks and Community Services Director Approval Requests for exceptions to the Cricket Batting Cages Facility Reservation Policies, Rules and Fee Schedule must be submitted in writingto the Parks and Community Services Director or designee. Approval or denialof the request will be issued in writing. The City of Dublin reserves the right to refuse to grant use of the City’s cricket batting cages facility to any person or group if such use is deemed to be contrary to the best interest of the City and/or its residents. 53