HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-24-2012 - AgendaPlanning Commission Regular Meeting City of Dublin April 24, 2012 City Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. 100 Civic Plaza 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – March 27, 2012 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION - At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the Planning Commission on any item(s) of interest to the public; however, no ACTION or DISCUSSION shall take place on any item, which is NOT on the Planning Commission Agenda. The Planning Commission may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Furthermore, a member of the Planning Commission may direct Staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the Planning Manager (no later than 11:00 a.m., on the Tuesday preceding a regular meeting) to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.1 PLPA-2012-00004 Buick/GMC Site Development Review Permit 9. NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. OTHER BUSINESS: Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from the Planning Commission and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by the Planning Commission related to meetings attended at City Expense (AB 1234). 11. ADJOURNMENT This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) and Government Code Section 54957.5 If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk’s Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. A complete packet of information containing Staff Reports (Agenda Statements) and exhibits related to each item is available for public review at least 72 hours prior to a Planning Commission Meeting or, in the event that it is delivered to the Commission members less than 72 hours prior to a Planning Commission Meeting, as soon as it is so delivered. The packet is available in the Community Development Department. (OVER FOR PROCEDURE SUMMARY) G~~y OF DU~~~ /// ~ ~~~ 1`~~~~~ ~~LIFOR~~ / DATE: TO: April 24, 2012 Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PLPA-2012-00004 Buick/GMC Site Development Review Permit Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Coordinator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant has requested approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow facade modifications and related site improvements to the existing Buick/GMC showroom building located at 4400 John Monego Court. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for facade modifications and related site improvements to the Buick/GMC Dealership Building located at 4400 John Monego Court. ~~ ~ . Submitted By Environmental Coordinator e ~ ed By Planning Manager COPIES TO: File Property Owner ITEM NO.: STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION Page 1 of 6 G:IPA#120121PLPA-2012-00004 Buick GMC SDRIPIanning Commission 4.24.121PC Staff Report 4.24.12.doc ,_ s. ^.~ ..; ~, ~ ~ ~~,. ~' ~'I ~.' tea: Vi Project Location The project site is located at 4400 John Monego Court and consists of the existing Buick/GMC dealership building, which includes a showroom, service reception, offices, parts storage and service area. This site has a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The project site is zoned PD, Planned Development. Car dealerships are a conditionally permitted use in the PD. There is an existing Conditional Use Permit for the dealership. Surrounding Uses `'°' '; The location of the project site is shown on ~.~~ ~ .~~` ~ ~ the vicinity map to the left. The future Kia ~ -`~' ~a_~°~~,a„ ~~: ~ Dealership (approved by the Planning Commission on October 11, 2011) is located to the south of the project site. Residential development is located north of the project site across the street from Dublin Boulevard. The Tassajara Creek is located to the west and the Dublin Corporate Center is located to the east. Project History In 1998 the City Council approved a Planned Development (PD) Zoning District for the entire General Motors Auto Mall site, which is comprised of three (3) parcels (Parcels A, B, and C) on nearly 13.5 acres. The PD allows up to 120,902 square feet of development across the three parcels. In 1998 the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Tentative Parcel Map for the General Motors Auto Mall that led to the construction of the 25,645 square foot Dublin Buick/GMC dealership building on the project site (Parcel A). In 2000, the City Council approved a Planned Development Zoning District amendment that realigned the three parcels and reassigned building densities on the parcels. There was no net change in the allowable building area for the auto mall, just some adjustments to where the building would take place. In 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for the development of a 23,108 square foot addition to the Buick/GMC dealership building. The expansion was to add a substantial service area to the existing sales and service facility and to allow the dealership to expand from Parcel A onto Parcel B. The Conditional Use Permit amended the PD to again transfer densities across Parcels A, B and C. The Site Development Review for the Buick/GMC expansion expired and the Applicant never moved forward with the proposed expansion. Project Description The Applicant is currently requesting approval of a Site Development Review Permit to allow fagade modifications and related site improvements to the existing Buick/GMC dealership building located at 4400 John Monego Court. 2 of 6 DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: Site Layout The project site was improved with the original construction of the dealership buildings (Exhibit A to Attachment 1, Sheet A-1 ). Access to the site is provided from a single driveway on John Monego Court. The Applicant is proposing to make minor site improvements including required ADA upgrades (signage, striping, path of travel, truncated domes, etc.). There are currently four storage containers on the southwesterly portion of the Buick/GMC project site that were discovered during a recent site inspection. Storage containers require a Temporary Use Permit and are allowed for up to one year. The Applicant has applied for and received approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow the storage containers for up to one year. The Applicant has indicated that the contents of the storage containers will be moved to the Kia site once that building is completed. Condition of Approval No. 14 requires that the outdoor storage containers be removed prior to the Temporary Use Permit expiration date on March 20, 2013 (Attachment 1). Staff also observed two unpermitted outdoor service bays located to the west of the service portion of the building. One of the service bays will be relocated to a facility outside of Dublin and the second service bay will be moved into the Dublin Chevy-Cadillac service building once the expansion has been completed. Condition of Approval No. 15 requires that the two existing outdoor service bays be removed from the site and/or relocated indoors prior to the project being finaled (Attachment 1). Staff also observed a tent structure located to the rear of the service center building, which is used for detailing. Condition of Approval No. 13 requires that the temporary tent structure be removed prior to the project being finaled (Attachment 1). Parking Parking requirements for the proposed dealership are regulated by the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.080.D). The parking requirements for the project are the sum of the different uses. The following table illustrates the number of parking stalls that are required for the use. TahlP 1 ~ Reauired Parkins Use Parking Requirement Total Area Required Number of Parkin Stalls Indoor/Outdoor Dis la 1 er 1,000 s . ft. 3,700 s . ft. 4 Service Area 1 per 400 sq. ft. plus one er service ba 9,910 sq. ft. and 17 service ba s 42 Office 1 er 250 s uare feet 3,150 ft. 13 Com an Vehicle 1 er com an vehicle 3 Total Stalls Required 62 Total Stalls Provided 7D As shown on Table 1 above, a total of 62 parking stalls are required by the Zoning Ordinance for employees and visitors. There are an existing 268 parking stalls on the site. Of these stalls, 70 parking stalls will be designated for employee, visitor parking, in-service cars, ready cars and company vehicles and the remaining spaces will be used for display and inventory parking. Therefore, the proposed project will exceed the minimum parking requirements. 3 of 6 Landscape The Applicant will refresh the existing landscaping. Condition of Approval No. 16 requires that the Applicant submit a landscape plan prior to issuance of building permits for the proposed facade improvement. As part of the landscape plan submittal, the Applicant is required to refresh the landscaping at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/John Monego Court, along the John Monego frontage and the landscaping median on John Monego Court (Attachment 1). Architecture The existing Buick/GMC dealership building is constructed primarily of split-face masonry block, with canopy projections over the east elevation (facing John Monego Court). The building walls are finished at the top with a cornice band using smooth-faced block for contrast. The dealer signs and logos are located on the main canopy elements. The building ranges from 20 to 24 feet in height. Please refer to Sheet A-3 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for plans showing the existing elevations. The Applicant is proposing to demolish the canopy projections located on the east elevation. The Applicant is proposing a new entry arch element in the center of the east elevation. The Applicant is proposing to modify the building materials on the majority of the east elevation (facing John Monego Court) with aluminum composite material to emphasize the showroom area. The Applicant is also proposing to locate the aluminum composite material on the showroom portion of the north elevation (facing Dublin Boulevard). The east and north elevation include column elements, which will be modified to the white aluminum composite material. The existing storefront glass on the east and north elevations will remain. The Applicant is proposing to leave the split-face masonry block on the south, west and a portion of the north elevation. Additionally, the service portion of the north elevation will also be left as split-face masonry block. The proposed aluminum composite material will upgrade and enhance the overall appearance of the building. The new materials will be white and provide a modern appearance. Please refer to sheet A-5 of Exhibit A to Attachment 1 for the proposed exterior elevations and Attachment 2 for colored elevations. East Elevation (John ~ ,. xa~ ., north elevation (Dublin Blvd.) Signage All signs shown on the plans are conceptual in nature. All new signs on the Buick/GMC building shall be consistent with the Master Sign Program for the General Motors Automall. 4 of 6 Conditional Use Permit An auto dealership is a conditionally permitted use. There is an existing Conditional Use Permit for the dealership. The project will remain consistent with the approved Conditional Use Permit. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The project site has a General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. An auto dealership is consistent with that land use. The proposed project is consistent with the Community Design and Sustainability Element in that the project includes a facade modification which will create dimension and visual interest. The Applicant is proposing a variety of materials, including aluminum composite, storefront glass, smooth face masonry block and split face masonry block. Additionally, the Applicant is proposing a new entry element. The project site is zoned PD, Planned Development. Car dealerships are a conditionally permitted use in the PD. The proposed project is consistent with the existing Conditional Use Permit for the project site. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services, and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance with all local ordinances and regulations. The Applicant has reviewed and agreed to these Conditions of Approval for the SDR (Attachment 1). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Applicant. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission find this project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for facade modifications and related site improvements to the Buick/GMC dealership building located at 4400 John Monego Court with the project plans attached as Exhibit A. 2) Colored Elevations. 5 of 6 GENERAL INFORMATION: PROPERTY OWNER/: APPLICANT LOCATION: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDING USES: Inder Dosanjh, Dublin Real Estate, LLC 4200 John Monego Court Dublin, CA 94568 4400 John Monego Court General Commercial PD (Planned Development) Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of Pro e Site PD (Planned General Commercial Automobile Develo ment Dealershi North PD (Planned Medium Density Residential Residential Develo ment South PD (Planned General Commercial Automobile Develo ment Dealershi East PD (Planned Stream Corridor Tassajara Creek Develo ment West PD (Planned Campus Office Koll Center Develo ment) REFERENCES: General Plan Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance 6 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 12 - xx A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR FACADE MODIFICATIONS AND RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE BUICK/GMC DEALERSHIP BUILDING LOCATED AT 4400 JOHN MONEGO COURT (APN 986-0016-002-01) PLPA-2012-00004 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Inder Dosanjh, has requested approval of a Site Development Review for facade modifications and related site and landscape improvements to the existing Buick/GMC showroom building located at 4400 John Monego Court; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans for the requested entitlement prepared by Avanessian Associates received by the Planning Division on March 16, 2012 and enclosed as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the Site Development Review Permit for facade modifications and the related site improvements is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities); and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission on April 24, 2012 recommending approval of said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations_and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the Site Development Review: ATTACHMENT 1 A. The proposed modifications to the existing Buick/GMC is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, of the Zoning Ordinance, with the General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1) auto sales and service is a conditionally permitted use; 2) there is an existing Conditional Use Permit for the dealership; 3) the proposed project will enhance the appearance of the existing dealership; 4) the proposed facade modification will provide visual interest; 5) the proposed project is well designed and is compatible with the surrounding area; and 6) adequate vehicular and pedestrian access to the site is provided. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the zoning for the site is PD (Planned Development) and the existing dealership is a conditionally permitted use type; 2) operation of the use is subject to compliance with the existing Conditional Use Permit for the site; 3) the overall design of the project is compatible with the neighborhood in which it is located; 4) the dealership buildings will have adequate parking to support the facility as required by Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking Regulations; and 5) the project is consistent with development standards of the PD zoning district. C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties and the lot in which the project is proposed because: 1) the project site is located in an urbanized area that is currently developed with a variety of building types and uses; 2) adequate access is provided to the site from John Monego Court; 3) the site is currently developed with automobile dealerships, which are consistent with adjacent uses; and 4) operation of the use is subject to compliance with the existing Conditional Use Permit. D. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the site has been designed for automobile uses; 2) access to the site is provided from John Monego Court, which is an existing roadway; 3) the proposed facade modifications of the dealership buildings results in little or no expansion of the use; and 4) the proposed use will have adequate parking to support the facility as required by Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking Regulations. E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: the project site is relatively flat and has existing improvements. F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other development in the vicinity because: 1) the project has been well designed to complement the surrounding neighborhood; 2) the materials of the remodeled showroom building consists of quality materials, including stucco finishes, split face CMU and aluminum composite; and 3) the project will enhance the appearance of the existing building. 2 G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the project site has previously been improved and has existing landscaping; 2) as part of the project, the Applicant will be enhancing the landscaping along the frontages (Dublin Boulevard and John Monego Court) in addition to the median on John Monego Court; and 3) the new landscaping will be consistent with the existing landscaping. H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure proper circulation for bicyclists, pedestrians and automobiles because: 1) access to the site is currently provided from a driveway on John Monego Court; and 2) the project has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department and adequate access and circulation has been provided on-site. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby approve said application, Site Development Review to allow facade modifications and related site improvements to the Buick/GMC dealership building located at 4400 John Monego Court as generally depicted in the Project Plans prepared by Avanessian Associates received by the Planning Division on March 16, 2012, labeled Exhibit A to this Resolution, stamped approved, and on file with the Community Development Department, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [PL] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [PCS] Parks and Community Services, [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [LDD], Livermore Dublin Disposal, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Zone 7], Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7, [LAVTA], Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, [CHS], California Department of Health Services. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ'D Prior to: SOURCE GENE RAL -SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval is PL On-going Planning for the Buick/GMC Dealership building located at 4400 John Monego Court, PLPA-2012-00004 and includes facade modifications to the Buick/GMC building in addition to site modifications. The project generally shall conform to the project plans submitted by Avanessian Associates received March 16, 2012, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site Development Review, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: 2. Permit Expiration. Construction shall commence PL One year After DMC within one (1) year of Permit approval or the Permit Effective Date 8.96.020. shall lapse and become null and void. If there is a D dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the re uirements of this Ordinance. 3. Time Extension. The original approving decision- PL Expiration DMC maker may, upon the Applicant's written request for Date 8.96.020. an extension of approval prior to expiration, upon the E determination that all Conditions of Approval remain adequate and all applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant an extension of the approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearin shall be held before the on final hearin bod . 4. Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall PL On-going DMC operate this use in compliance with the Conditions of 8.96.020. Approval of this Site Development Review, the F approved plans and the regulations established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions specified may be subject to enforcement action. Operating of the use is subject to compliance with the existin Conditional Use Permit. 5. Revocation of Permit. The Site Development PL On-going DMC Review approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this ermit shall be sub~ect to citation. 6. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Various Building Permit Standard Applicant/ Developer shall comply with applicable City Issuance of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: 7. Required Permits. Developer shall obtain all permits PW Building Permit Standard required by other agencies including, but not limited to Issuance Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide co ies of the ermits to the Public Works De artment. 8. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable Various Building Permit Various fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, Issuance including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, MC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be ado ted and a licable. 9. Indemnification. The Developer shall defend, ADM On-going Administra indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and tion/City its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, Attorney action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or roceedin s. 10. Clarification of Conditions. In the event that there PW On-going Public needs to be clarification to the Conditions of Approval, Works the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The Director of Community Development and the City Engineer also have the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or miti ations resultin from im acts to this ro~ect. 11. Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be PL On-going Planning responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean and litter-free site. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: 12. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site PL On-going DMC Development Review approval may be considered by 8.104.100 the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zonin Ordinance. PROJ ECT SPECIFIC 13. Tent Structure. The temporary tent structure PL Final Planning currently located on the project site shall be removed rior to the ro'ect bein finaled. 14. Outdoor Storage Containers. The Outdoor Storage PL Expiration of Planning Containers currently located on the project site shall Temporary be removed prior to the Temporary Use Permit Use Permit ex iration date March 20, 2013 . 15. Outdoor Service Bays. The two existing outdoor PL Final Planning service bays shall be removed from the site and/or relocated indoors. 16. Landscape Plan. The Applicant shall submit a PL Issuance of Planning landscape plan. As part of the landscape plan Building submittal, the Applicant shall refresh the landscaping Permits at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/John Monego Court, along the John Monego Frontage and within the landsca in median on John Mone o Court. 17. Colors. The exterior paint colors of the buildings are PL Occupancy Planning subject to City review and approval. The Applicant shall paint a portion of the building the proposed colors for review and approval by the Director of Community Development prior to painting the buildings, whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. -:PROJ ECT SPECIFIC-SIGNS ~ : ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 18. Banners and Balloons. Temporary Promotional PL On-going Chapter Temporary Promotional Banner Signs and Balloons 8.884 of shall only be permitted after first securing an DMC approved Temporary Promotional Sign Permit. Any signage on site shall be subject to the sign requirements contained in the City of Dublin Municipal Code. 19. A-Frame Signs. The use of any A-Frame, portable, PL On-going Chapter sandwich-board, pennants, or human-held signs on 8.884 of the premises is strictly prohibited. Said signs and any DMC form of off-site advertising signs shall also be prohibited upon any public property, including City streets and sidewalks. 20. Outdoor Events. Any outside events shall be subject PL On-going Chapter to the Temporary Use Permit requirements contained 8.884 of in the City of Dublin Municipal Code, specifically DMC Section 8.108.020. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: 21. Master Sign Program. All signs shown on the plans PL Installation of Chapter are conceptual in nature. All signs are subject to a Project 8.884 of separate permit and shall comply with the approved Related DMC General Motors Auto Mall Master Si n Pro ram. Signage BUILD ING -GENERAL 22. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project B Through Building construction shall conform to all building codes and Completion ordinances in effect at the time of buildin ermit. 23. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, B Issuance of Building Applicant/Developer shall submit five (5) sets of Building construction plans to the Building Division for plan Permits check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies rior to the issuance of buildin ermits. 24. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be B Issuance of Building fully dimensioned (including building elevations) Building accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed Permits conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 25. Addressing. Addresses will be required on all doors B Occupancy Building leading to the exterior of the building. Addresses shall be illuminated and be able to be seen from the street, 5 inches in hei ht minimum. _ 26. Temporary Fencing. Temporary construction fencing B Through Building shall be installed along the perimeter of all work under Completion construction. 27. Green Building Guidelines. To the extent practical, B Through Building the Applicant shall incorporate Green Building Completion Measures. A Green Building Plan shall be submitted to the Buildin Official for review. FIRE -GENERAL CONDITIONS 28. Fire Codes. Project shall comply with the applicable F On-going Fire Building and Fire Codes in effect at the time of submittal of Ian check and ermit. POLICE -PROJECT SPECIFIC 29. Security Requirements. The Applicant/Developer PO Issuance of Police shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non- Building Residential Security requirements. Permits/ On-going CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: PUBLI C WORKS -STANDARD CONDITIONS 30. Public Improvements. All public improvements shall PW Issuance of Public conform to the City of Dublin Standard Plans and Grading/ Works design requirements and as approved by the City Sitework En ineer. Permit 31. Water and Sewer Facilities. Developer shall PW Issuance of Public construct all potable and recycled water and sanitary Grading/ Works sewer facilities required to serve the project in Sitework accordance with DSRSD master plans, standards, Permit s ecifications and re uirements. PUBLI C WORKS -PROJECT SPECIFIC 32. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW On-going Public Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable Works City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval. In the event of a conflict between the Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail. 33. Encroachment Permit. An encroachment permit Issuance of Public from the Public Works Department may be required Building Works for any work done within the public right-of-way even Permits & on- if covered under an Improvement Agreement. going 34. Storm Drain Improvements. A Triton Filter shall be PW Issuance of Public installed on-site catch basins. Occupancy Works Permits 35. Storm Water Treatment Measures Maintenance PW Issuance of Public Agreement. Applicant/Developer shall enter into an Occupancy Works agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees the Permits property owner's perpetual maintenance obligation for all storm water treatment measures installed as part of the project. Said agreement is required pursuant to Provision C.3.e.ii of RWQCB Order R2-2003-0021 for the reissuance of the Alameda Countywide NPDES municipal storm water permit. Said permit requires the City to provide verification and assurance that all treatment devices will be properly operated and maintained. 36. Grading/Sitework Permit. All site improvement PW Issuance of Public work and public right-of-way work must be performed Grading/ Works per aGrading/Sitework Permit issued by the Public Sitework Works Department. Said permit will be based on the Permit final set of improvement plans to be approved once all of the plan check comments have been resolved. Please refer to the handout titled Grading/Site Improvement Permit Application Instructions and attached application (three 8-1/2" x 11" pages) for more information. The Applicant/Developer must fill in and return the applicant information contained on pages 2 and 3. The current cost of the permit is $10.00 due at the time of ermit issuance, althou h CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: the Applicant/Developer will be responsible for any adopted increases to the fee amount. 37. Vehicle Parking. All parking stalls shall be PW Occupancy Public constructed in accordance with Building and Works Municipal Code requirements. In addition, all customer and employee stalls shall be clearly identified with signs and pavement markings. The proposed parking shall not impede required exit aths or encroach onto edestrian athwa s. 38. Parking Prohibitions/Restrictions. Vehicle parking PW On-going and Public shall be prohibited or restricted at locations deemed Installed Prior Works reasonably necessary by the City Engineer/Public to Occupancy Works Director during final design and/or construction. 39. Step Out Curbs. All step out curbs adjoining the PW Occupancy Public parking spaces and adjacent landscape areas shall Works be 12" wide. 40. Site Accessibility Requirements. All disabled PW Occupancy Public access ramps, parking spaces for the disabled, and Works other physical site improvements shall comply with current UBC Title 24 requirements and City of Dublin Standards for accessibilit . 41. Path of Travel. A minimum 5 foot clear path of travel PW On-going Public shall be provided from John Monego Court to the Works primary building entrance. Display vehicles shall not block the ath of travel. 42. Driveway. The Applicant/Developer shall upgrade the PW Issuance Public existing driveways at John Monego Court to conform Occupancy Works to current Cit standard. Permits 43. Relocation of Existing Improvements/ Utilities. PW Occupancy Public Any necessary relocation of existing improvements or Works utilities shall be accomplished at no expense to the Cit . 44. Damage/Repairs. The Applicant/Developer shall be PW Occupancy Public responsible for the repair of any damaged pavement, Works curb & gutter, sidewalk, or other public street facility resulting from construction activities associated with the development of the project, to the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 45. Trash Enclosure. The trash bin shall be relocated PW Building Public and stored inside the building or the existing trash Permits Works enclosure shall be modified to be consistent with City's enclosure ordinance. If the Applicant chooses to relocate the trash enclosure inside the building, it shall only be moved outside on trash pick-up days and the relocation of the trash bin shall be coordinated with the City's trash hauler. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: 46. Bicycle Parking. Bicycle racks shall be installed near PW Prior to Public the entrance at a ratio of 1 rack per 40 vehicle parking issuance of Works spaces. Bicycle racks shall be designed to Occupancy accommodate a minimum of four bicycles per rack, Permit(s) and so that each bicycle can be secured to the rack. The location of the bicycle racks shall not encroach into any adjacent/adjoining sidewalks in a manner that would reduce the unencumbered width of the sidewalk to less than 4'. Bicycle racks shall be placed in locations where they will have adequate lighting and can be surve ed b the buildin occu ants. 47. Graffiti. The Applicant/Developer and/or building PL, PW On-going Public tenant(s) shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism Works on a regular and continuous basis. Graffiti resistant paint for the structures and film for windows or glass shall be used whenever ossible. CONSTRUCTION 48. Erosion Control During Construction. PW During Public Applicant/Developer shall include an Erosion and Construction Works Sediment Control Plan with the Grading and and Grading Improvement plans for review and approval by the Activities City Engineer/Public Works Director. Said plan shall be designed, implemented, and continually maintained pursuant to the City's NPDES permit between October 1St and April 15th or beyond these dates if dictated by rainy weather, or as otherwise directed by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 49. Construction Hours. City acknowledges that this PW During Public site is within a commercial district, with no surrounding Construction Works residential areas. Standard construction and grading and Grading hours shall be limited to weekdays (Monday through Activities Friday) and non-City holidays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Applicant/Developer may request reasonable modifications to such determined days and hours, taking into account the seasons, impacts on neighboring properties, and other appropriate factors, by submitting a request form to the City Engineer/Public Works Director. For work on Saturdays, said request shall be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. the prior Wednesday. Overtime inspection rates will apply for all after-hours, Saturday, and/or holida work. 50. Construction Noise Management Plan. Developer PW During Public shall prepare a Construction Noise Management Plan, Construction Works to be approved by the City Engineer and Community and Grading Development Director that identifies measures to be Activities taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding developed properties. The Plan shall include hours of construction operation, use of mufflers on construction e ui ment, s eed limit for construction traffic, haul 10 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D SOURCE AGENCY Prior to: routes and identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management measures shall be included in the ro'ect lans ands ecifications. 51. Dust Control. The Developer shall be responsible for PW During Public watering or other dust-palliative measures to control Construction Works dust as conditions warrant or as directed by the City and Grading En ineer. Activities 52. Temporary Construction Fencing. Temporary Various During Public Construction fencing shall be installed along the Construction Works perimeter of all work under construction to separate and Grading the construction operation from the public. All Activities construction activities shall be confined to within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operated or stored outside of the fenced area or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the City En ineer/Public Works Director. 53. Fire Access. Access roads, turnarounds, pullouts, Various During Fire and fire operation areas are Fire Lanes and shall be Construction maintained clear and free of obstructions, including and Grading the arkin of vehicles. Activities 54. Entrances. Entrances to job sites shall not be Various During Various blocked, including after hours, other than by approved Construction gates/barriers that provide for emergency access. and Grading Activities PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of April 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager G:IPA#120121PLPA-2012-00004 Buick GMC SDRIPIanning Commission 4.24.121SDR Reso.DOC I ' ~s I > I I I I L________ ___________ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p .. 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Di 7 Q O Q 0 y I O h~ V l~ a a I~4s' S w ~I, ~_ N _~~ >_ ~ ~ DUBL/N BOULEVARD ypy utcy~ a ~* IncW1 RS »to ~ ~ G7,7 AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS cwLF. nEU c sex 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD. SUITE 176 BOOTH BAN FRANCISCO, CA. fi40B0 VOICE: (860) 683-7344 FAX_ (860) 663-0076 E-MAL• AVABOC@AOLCOM D n qN_ T g L ° O REVISIONS 0 ~ D ~~ ~ C g y QI ~ 3~-~2 ! gg i ~ am ®gQ~ ~• ~ ~ ~- - N ~ ° x 1 ~ z = ~ s ~ ~ + a =Q $9d d p{ ~ e N . ~-• 3 qg$~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ A N ~E ~ N ~ca~ ~ $ . m n 0 o. Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA ~~~+'" µrJr~~ O tl da c~v1 ~~ Op CA1~\~ AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CALF. REG C 4614 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD., SUffE 115 30UTH SAN FRANCIBCO, CA. H40B0 VgCE: (850) SB3-7344 FAX: (B60) 6B3-OBTB E-MAIL: AVABOC@AOLCOM ~,,_,. i i I Irt 0 6 L ° p REVISIONS r ~ -~ ~ ~~~ i y Ol - ^ ~ ~ ~ mm ~ a ®,~8~~ m z ~ e e- - w ~ _ ~ ~ x. $ ~ ~: ~; o . ;Al._m W .. ~ ~ $$ $a ° A 1 @ g ~ ~ ~qg 3 ~ m rt i ~a ~m ~N ~~ A'~ ~~ 12'-0' \ . ~ ~ \ ~~~ ~ ~., 'i ~ ~ '~,.r --~ \~ \~ I i _ I~ I~ -~ ,_; ~.. li D J; la ~~~ ~ e \ \ \ ~ ~ _, ; - , :~ ~<li ;, ,li - ,, ~ i ~,Tj, , Jl r , ~~ ~ ~~ >.~ `'~~ `=; ~ o -~,~== .~~ I~_, ~ ~i ~ "J ..~.~_ _I -~--f ~ I ~\ I - ~~ ( F ~\\ \\. \\ \~ , \ ~. ~' F. 10'-0' 20'-e• 24'-0' U I~ to m 1 R Ayy (B ~~ (1 L ~1 O It Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA ~gP9 ~~H .i~~$s ~mAtA 0 oot 1 AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CALF. RECS. G 4674 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD., BUTTE 776 30UTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 84060 VOICE: 0860) 683-7344 FAX: C860) 683-0978 E-MAl: AVASOCLOAOLCOM O O I it (D . ~ Q o T `~ ~ _ 0 ( A O a ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ I I I ~ -INm I I _______ m ~ I I DISPLAY I I I I I I I I I I ~~ I ~ ~~ I I DISPLAY REFRESHMENT I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I ~ ~~ ~ ^~®~ ~ m~ I ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~~ I i I I, I I I II N I i ~I p /' 'I A I~~py V 1""-' if ®® l;/ he! 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C 4614 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD., SUITE 116 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, GA. 94080 VOICE: (BSO) 583-7344 FAX: (650) 883-0076 E-MALL.: AVASOC@AOLCOM ma mx rt I~ -o i -, 0 C £ L O D REVISIONS ~ ~ p € ~& 5 ~ ~ l0 ~ _ I-91-13 < < G m ~ ~~EZ~~ ~ ~ ZO ~ 9-I-12 ~ < ~ v ° ~z4g3~ ~+ ~ o t $~qa~' ~ ~, to • ~. (A ~ ~ r ~ $ o, y~~ ~ ~ e l y €€ ~ ~ O II~~11 P ~ ~ S b ' P8d ~ a ~ LfJ Ay f P ~~ .~ I 5°. ~~ ~n~ w i a~ r~ ~`` ~ ~~,o ~~ ~ i? ~~ a~g _` e rQi N > w ~~~ U ~ m ~~~ mz Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA s~ '~ H oes .vtiy~a8c+a ~o v U tL ~ ra. c1a~ ~, ^erv. rv-u r ~ ap ~~, AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARGHITEGTS CALF. RE6 G 4614 400 OVSTEfi PORJT BLVD., SUITE 718 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94080 VOICE: (BSO) 663-7344 FAX: (860) 683-0976 E-MAIL: AVASOC@AOL.COM n 0 0 `D a L ~~ ~ ~_ m ~n~ ~~ i ~~ 0 ' NQ i B i i __-J a ~p LJ ~a r N ~~ ~i. _r- 8 r a O A O O 1I 0 o Revisions /~ ~ O ~ ® Q~~ ~~¢E m O ®- - W ~ O~ i ~H r~ ~E¢ m P ~ ~ pj (~ ~~~~ 1" 6 -{ ~ Q ~ ~.~ ~ N IY $ i c 3 8 3 . i 3 y ~a ~~ ~~ Dp l ! .1 1 W Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA ~g-~ /o~g •Vq,~ AA~ t r ~~ NQ C191 r ^aa tv-u ~ Y q' G41~ AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CALF. RECS. C 4611 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD., 3UTE 176 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94080 VOICE: (B6D) SB3-7344 FAX: (660) 683-0978 E-MAL AVASOC@AOL.COM p r, - ~ ~ ~ -~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ a C ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ $ ~~~~ ~ ~~ N R --I v ~ _ a m .. c ~ ~ L ~~~yyy~1p~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ A ~~~ ~I~yy~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ R J 111 ~ fll aggo ~>~~ p ~~> ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~Zs tX ~.. ~ a ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ s ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~s ~~~ ~~~ ~o ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ .> ~ w u- £. Q. L ~ f ^ ~. L ~ a a .. E a _ ... L ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~~ ~z ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~® ~Y~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ a~~ €~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ P ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~> ~~~ ggx ~ ~ u~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ > s }~ S L a ~ Q L ~ L" g £ ° L D A ~~ygy~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$ a 5~ ~p~ ~ ~'~x~ ~~~5 ~ ~ ~ 6 ,N ®~~~~ ~ ~b~ ~~ ~ H ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ .~ ~R~ ~a~~ ~_ ~s~ ~~ ~ s~ ~~~~ ~ x~~-~ ~~~ ~ q n ~~ m TOYEL D19PENE.Bt ~ O `- T VV RECEPrAGLE a y ~ a NAPgN : N VBdT~R Tq^EL DISPENSER s'-4• MAx. ~ ~ f~/l ~ ~~)~)~ w~r ~00 ~_~ D O O ~ o~~ 0 7DC a~m', ~ gm~' u ~ b n °- g, m n ~ ~ 1.-0. r~• sra. Z 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ m . v ~ ~ D I / I O I ~ Z z s m ~5 ~° '~ € ~ ~ T b ~ ~ + ~ ~~ ~ ~z ~~ n ~~ MIN. S'i' MAX. ~•-lo• MAX. ,,_~. MIN. \ ~ 9' NN 3 ~ \ , \F ~ \\ yW~ tl~ \ \ ~~ N ~~~~~ o D ~~~ ~ _ ~ A r tll 3_ RI m ? ~ x 9 m >° I~ w ' a J F r ~ 44' MIN. 2 "~~~A~ ~ o n9i g~ S O. ~~~~ ~~~ ~y~~-iw RA)y°~;w2 m ~~~~~ u C7 E o J ~ D ~y z ~ss• ~ gg 6 MART \ v A ~ '> il ° ~ Qo 00 ~~~ " Oo Oo Oo ~ i~ ) n ~ 0 ~ S a ~ >~,o D ~ $ rn ~AR 0 ~ ~ ~ O O W Z m 1 v m m a~ ~~ ~~~ I! ~ ~~~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ Q t~\ ~ ~ N 0 ~ i ~y~ ~ ~ j ~Q~K ~jp ° 4D' MIN. F ~_~ ~ O ___~ {X 60'MIN. D. ~ ~ 40' MUIN. ~ A a o ~ I- Z a m -J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - x ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ Z ~,(Q~,Qx oo ~ ~+ ~zzp3 A T 4 a r6~? ; ? i~ Z Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA ~5~ ~~/ -: so~F wv,~,~ TAt+ i J ~ o xe~xiitN '~ OP ~`~ D ~~ i ~ ~ ~_ ~~~ L~ ~S ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~~ N m Y ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~~ vo ~ ~ 7f z O ~ D) W Z m m z 2~2 ~ rn Z z -i a a ~ m rn n rnp A n m N Z i; m 0 ~Y e ~ b I ~' ~ 4 ~ ~ .I ~~~~~~#~ A~~~~ 8~ ~s P~~ # 5 ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~L~~~~ ~~~s~ ~w m ~pT r - - -1 ~I I ao > a ' ~ i ~ w ~• sD• > ~ yD. a ~ y ~ I o r ~ $ ICI R O ~ ~ 'I G Q, ~ ~ 0~~ ~ D i m ~ ~ ~D' MRL n ~ $ rt1 N ~ / x i 19' ~. ~ EO' MIN. x ~ 0 4S' _ SI' ~ 0 ~ ~ s a y a 5 0 ~= l z c \ rn _ ~ ~.- ~~ D m ~ d ~ f p I ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I \ / / \I a ~ .i ~' u ~ - _ = w~ R~~ ? ~ 2'-9' MIN. Q S'-0' MAX. R MIN. 19' MUC ~ ? u w 4D' MIN. U P 2 ~o i G C 11' Z 71 MAX _ ~ a 70 r ~ u Z ~g m d FI ~~ Z o i ~I Z ~ I ~ '° ~ 1> °~ ( ~~ i ~~„ n ~F {~b~ ( r ~ ( e ', I °~ I J~ 9• I°. ~ I Si pp 9 ~ I'-b" =b ~_ = m~ N A ~r ~~ ~ ~~ v € ~ ( ( ~ ~u t+- la u ~w ~ ~ ± ~~ ~s cggs ~~~U~$ ~A ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ - 3 ~ ~ ~y1'O9A ~~~g ~ 3 AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CALIF. REO. C 4614 400 OYSTER POINT BLVD., SUITE 116 90UTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94060 VOICE: (660) 583-7344 FAX: C660) 663-0976 E-MAC: AVASOC~AOL.COM ~<w >~n'~~PPSwqp(n ~p~); ~~ ~~~~~~~ I .. -o 0 rn m m 0 0 m a m a i ~J r m z °°, C? ~ ~ ~ Q I~ ~ ~ ~ z y z y N ` O ~ REVISIONS 1~ OT D D g ~R~IIiz ~ m ©_ i-si-i~ N O §; 6' ~ X .g c e~ P8 ~ N O 3 g'S~~ ~ e o I ~ m ~ p a 3 ~s` N a ~ W e ~~P° 0 N y5 ~ ~ O ~ @H e Automobile Sales and Service Buick/GMC of Dublin BAC 257501 4400 John Monego Court, Dublin, CA ~~~~ ~~~~ ~g~~ g~~~~ ~~~€ y~~pm~ ~µ vT~OC c7 A ~}~ ~* T PIX 1 pp CAI.\t AVANESSIAN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS CALF. REQ C 46K 400 OYBTER POINT BLVD., BUITE 115 BOUTH SAN FRANC19C0, CA. 94060 VOICE: (650) 683-7344 FAX: C850) 603-0978 E-MAIL: AVASOC@AOLCOM April 24, 2012 ~~ ~- ~ -i~ 1 \~ S B 343 Senate Bill 343 mandates supplemental materials that have been received by the Community Development Department that re{ate to an agenda item after the agenda packets have been distributed to the Planning Commission be available to the public. This document is also available in the Community Development Department, the Dublin Library, and the Gity's Website. The attached document was received in the Community Development Department after distribution of the April 24, 2012 Planning Commission meeting agenda packet. April 24, 2012 Item # 8.1 G:IForms & DocumentslPC-CC FomtslPC FormslSB 343 Form.doc From: Concerned Dublin Citizens [mailto:makedublinbetter@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:52 AM To: Jeff Baker Subject: PLPA-2012-0004 Buick/GMC Site Development Review Permit Dear Jeff This email is regarding permit PLPA-2012-0004 Buick/GMC Site Development Review Permit, scheduled for Planning Commission on Apri124, 2012. We are happy to see that local car dealerships are making improvements to their sites. We are also happy to see that staff is requiring the applicant to clean up the site and remove unsightly tent structures and outdoor storage containers. The draft conditions for the project include a landscape plan for improvements along Dublin Blvd. Is the intent of the landscaping plan be to screen the bright lights from residences across Dublin Blvd? In order improve the site's appearance from Dublin Blvd., we ask that the following condition be added to the draft resolution: If new lights will be installed as part of the project - "All new lights proposed for the subject property shall have full cut-off and/or hoods to direct light down and to prevent light pollution to the maximum extent feasible. Applicant shall provide lighting specification with plans submitted for construction permits; subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development." If existin lg fights will be maintained as part of the project - "The applicant shall install shields or hoods on existing lights (and/or replace bulbs so that they have full cut off) to direct light down and reduce light pollution to the maximum extent feasible." We believe there is adequate nexus between the project scope and the above condition regarding lighting and find that this is a good opportunity to improve the site particularly as viewed from Dublin Blvd, a major street. We also hope staff will make sure that future signage will be tasteful. Thank you, Concerned Dublin Citizens