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Thursday, March 5, 2020
A Regular Meeting of the Senior Center Advisory Committee was held on Thursday,
March 5, 2020, at the Dublin Senior Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:31
AM, by Chairperson Michele Wayland.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Attendee Name Title Status
Michele Wayland ! Committee_ Chair Present
Christine Sevier Committee Vice Chair . Present
Connie Mack Committee Member i Present
Susan Miller ! Committee Member Present
Susan Woods Committee Member Present
Kristin Speck , Commission Liaison Present
2. Oral Communications
2.1 A member of the public, Jenny Pardini, Community Education Advocate of Legal
Assistance for Seniors (LAS), presented information on legal assistance, Health
Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) and other programs LAS
offers, and how seniors can access the programs. LAS is a non-profit, and
provide free services to Alameda County senior citizens 60 years of age or older.
3. Consent Calendar
3.1. Senior Center Monthly Report for January 2020
3.2. Minutes of the February 6, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Senior Center
Advisory Committee
The Committee approved the report and the minutes as received.
MOVED BY: Christine Sevier, Committee Vice Chair
SECOND: Sue Woods, Committee Member
AYES: Mack, Miller, Wayland
4. Written Communication None.
5. Public Hearing None.
SeniorAdvisory Committee 9�2'arch S, 2020
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6. Unfinished Business None.
7. New Business
7.1 Bread Distribution Program
The Senior Center Advisory Committee received a presentation from volunteer John
Sherwin regarding the Senior Center's Bread Distribution Program.
8. Other Business
5.1 The Senior Center Advisory Committee members and Staff provided brief
reports on meetings attended and upcoming events.
CM Susan Miller provided a Benefit Concert Sub -Committee update. She will attend
the March Parks and Community Services Commission meeting and provide the
Senior Advisory Committee report.
CM Connie Mack will volunteer at the Tea Room at the City's St. Patrick's Day
CM Sue Woods will volunteer on behalf of Job's Daughters at the St. Patrick's parade
and Fun Run.
Recreation Coordinator Liz Elliott attended the Dublin Senior Foundation meeting, and
will attend the California Parks & Recreation Society (CPRS) Annual Conference
March 10-13.
Parks &Community Services Commissioner Kristen Speck gave an overview of The
A ve's marketing plan, and solicited ideas from the Committee on now to attract
Seniors. She also gave an overview of the Goosechase scavenger hunt featuring Glen
the Guide.
9. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned by CM Wayland at 10:31 AM.
Minutes prepared by Recreation Coordinator, Liz Elliott.
Liz Ellibtt7 U
Recreation Coordinator
SeniorAdvisory Committee Matc( S, 2020 1�ggular
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