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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.2 Appointment of City HistorianSTAFF REPORT
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Agenda Item 4.2
January 12, 2021
Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Linda Smith, City Manager
Appointment of City Historian
Prepared by: Shaun Chilkotowsky, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager
The City Council will consider the appointment of a City Historian to serve a four-year term
beginning January 2021.
Confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Steve Minniear to serve as City Historian for a four-year term
beginning January 2021.
In 2007, the City Council approved the creation of the honorary volunteer positions of Poet
Laureate and City Historian with the first volunteers appointed to the positions in 2008.
At its November 3, 2020 meeting, the City Council approved updated policies (Attachment 1)
governing the positions of Poet Laureate and City Historian. Using the updated policies, Staff
recruited for both positions beginning November 9, 2020. The recruitments closed on November
27, 2020.
No applications were received for the Poet Laureate position. Should future interest in the
position be expressed, Staff will revisit the program at that time.
Two applications were received for the City Historian position. On December 8, 2020, one
applicant withdrew their application,reducing the pool to one candidate. The application for the
remaining candidate, Steve Minniear, is included with this Staff Report (Attachment 2).
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At its December 10, 2020 meeting, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the
application and voted to recommend to the Mayor that Steve Minniear serve as the next City
Historian. The Mayor has concurred with this recommendation.
A copy of the Staff Report was provided to applicants that submitted applications to be considered
for the City Historian position.
1) City Council Staff Report from its November 3, 2020 meeting with Updated Poet Laureate and
City Historian Program Guidelines
2) Application from Steve Minniear for City Historian
Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Attachment 1
City Historian Overview
The City Historian will assist researchers, students, librarians, and members of the public and press in accessing resources for
historical information.
• Maintain, add to, and facilitate access to City historical records. • Respond to inquiries regarding the City’s past. •
Serve as a resource to Staff, the City Council, and the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission; may act as a liaison between the
Commission and local schools, genealogical groups, and members of the media and the public.
• Be a Dublin resident; at least 18 years old. • A demonstrated interest in the history of the City of Dublin, including
participation in City Commissions, Committees, and other activities. • A demonstrated ability to maintain records. • Skilled
in public speaking.
Service Term
The selected City Historian will serve a term of four years, beginning with City Council appointment at a public meeting in
January 2021. A term may be renewed, upon submittal of a new application, unless or until a new City Historian applies and is
Selection Process
Review of applications and selection of the City Historian will be recommended by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission,
who will put forward a maximum of two applicants to the Mayor. The Mayor will recommend final appointment for approval by the
City Council, with the City Historian formally beginning the four-year term in January of each appointment year.
First Name*
Last Name*
Dublin, CA
Dublin, California
Phone Number*E-mail Address:*
How long have you lived in Dublin?*
30 years
Please upload a Letter of Interest. (Please include what you would like to accomplish.)*
Minniear Mayor Dublin Historian 11172020 001.pdf
City of Dublin Historian Application - Submission #3884
Date Submitted: 11/17/2020
Attachment 2
Please upload a Resume of Positions Held or Activities Conducted Related to the Position.*
Dublin Historian Application Resume 11172020.pdf
Attachment 2
Attachment 2
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Steven S. Minniear
, Dublin, CA 94568
Historian, 1978 to Present
Studied, researched, wrote, and presented to over 40 audiences on political, social,
military, and economic history with an emphasis on the Dublin, CA; Tri-Valley
(Livermore, Amador, San Ramon valleys), and San Francisco Bay Areas. Conducted
research at Bancroft Library, California Historical Society, US National Archives
(Burlingame, CA), Library of Congress, California State Archives, Sacramento County
Archives, and numerous local history archives and libraries throughout the San
Francisco Bay area.
Writer, 1978 to Present
Researched and wrote books, articles, book reviews, webpages, and social media posts
on many historical topics. Examples include the books Dublin, California: A Short
History and Dublin and the Tri-Valley: The World War II Years. Wrote webpage
material including Fleet City and World War II: Camp Parks, Camp Shoemaker and
Naval Hospital Shoemaker for the California State Military Museum and Murray
School District and Dublin Unified School District Chronology for the Dublin Unified
School District.
Public Speaker, 2000 to Present
Researched and presented historical topics at venues including Firehouse Theater
(Pleasanton, CA), TV-30, Mercury News, YouTube, and many historic and civic groups.
Examples include presentations to the Dublin Rotary, Tri-Valley Rotary, Dublin Lions,
Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley, Sons in Retirement, Dublin Historical Preservation
Association, Museum on Main, Pleasanton, Dublin-San Ramon Women’s Club,
Livermore Heritage Guild, Museum of the San Ramon Valley, Contra Costa Historical
Society, and the California Council of Historical Societies. Provided tours and
information to visitors at Dublin Heritage Park & Museums, Dublin Camp Parks
Military History Center and Alameda County Sheriff’s Archive.
Exhibit Advisor, Consultant and Designer, 2012 to Present
Planned, researched, advised, and designed history exhibits for museums, libraries, and
public spaces. Work exhibited at Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center, Dublin
Heritage Park & Museums, Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, Dublin Branch
Alameda County Library, Dublin Unified School District and Diablo Country Club.
Exhibits described and explained history topics related to Dublin, Dublin library,
Murray and Dublin Unified School Districts, Alameda County, the Tri-Valley,
transportation, suburbanization, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Santa
Rita Jail.
Archive Consultant, 2010 to Present
Advised on archiving standards and conducted archiving work for Dublin Heritage Park
& Museums and Alameda County Sheriff’s Archive. Curated, conserved, and managed
Attachment 2
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over 1,000 artifacts related to U.S. Navy, Air Force and Army Reserve history from
World War II (Camp Parks, Camp Shoemaker, and Shoemaker Naval Hospital) to the
present. Also worked with hundreds of items from Dublin’s Kolb collections and from
the Alameda County Sheriff’s Archive Santa Rita collection. The items included
photographs, clothing, tools, furnishings, and equipment from the 19th through 20th
Various Offices, including President, 2010 to Present, Dublin Historical
Preservation Association, Dublin, California
Duties included planning and implementing activities to obtain and preserve historical
materials related to Dublin and supporting the operation of the Dublin Heritage Park &
Museums. Also, as a member of the Camp Parks History Center Working Group,
collaborated on mission, goals, objectives and themes for Dublin Camp Parks Military
History Center.
Commissioner, Dublin Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, City of Dublin, 2008
to 2016, 2019 to Present
Advised City Council and City Staff regarding historical, cultural, and artistic matters
including ensuring historical preservation of the Heritage Park & Museums, generating
public input concerning the arts and reviewing arts contract proposals. Also reviewed
and made recommendations regarding the City's budgets for arts programs, facilities,
and the Heritage and Cultural Arts Long Range Plan for the community.
Other Experience
Senior Counterintelligence Officer, U.S. Department of Energy
Senior Industrial Security Specialist, U. S. Department of Energy
Senior Consultant, KPMG Peat Marwick Main & Co.
Program Evaluator, U.S. General Accounting Office (now known as the Government
Accountability Office)
Master of Arts, 1983, Georgetown University, Government (National Security Policy)
Bachelor of Arts, 1978, University of California, Berkeley, Political Science
(International Relations, History)
Areas of specialization: Twentieth Century Military History, World War II
Available upon request
Attachment 2