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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.3 - 3443 Fiscal Year 2019-20 4th Quarter Financial R Page 1 of 7 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: November 3, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2019-20 4th Quarter Financial Review Prepared by: Lisa Hisatomi, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a financial report on the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 - 20 and consider amendments to General Fund reserve designations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and confirm General Fund reserve designations as of June 30, 2020. FINANCIAL IMPACT: City Council confirmation of General Fund reserve designations will not alter amounts received or spent but will allow Staff to close the Fiscal Year 2019 -20 financial books. Total General Fund reserves are projected at $190.6 million at June 30, 2020, with $58.4 million in the unassigned cash flow reserve, representing 8.5 months of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Adopted Budget. All other funds comply with policies governing fund balance. DESCRIPTION: This report transmits the preliminary financial results of the Fiscal Year 2019 -20 year- end, focusing on the General Fund. At this time, the numbers are essentially final, and though adjustments may happen as the audit is finalized, Staff does not expe ct substantial changes from the numbers in this report. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which will be presented to the City Council at its second meeting in December 2020, will contain the final audited results. General Fund Overview (Attachment 1) General Fund operating revenues totaled $102.9 million in Fiscal Year 2019 -20, a decrease of $4.5 million from the prior year. Removing unrealized gains and transfers in, operating revenues decreased $5.8 from the prior year. General Fund expenditures totaled $83.5 million; removing contributions to other funds and transfers out, operating expenditures decreased $2.7 million from the prior year. Contributions to capital projects Page 2 of 7 and other funds totaled $9.2 million, an increase of $7.9 over the prior y ear. The resulting impact on total General Fund Reserves was an increase of $19.4 million, as shown in Table 1. Table 1: General Fund Summary FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 Total Reserves, Beginning of Year $142,112,669 $171,225,773 Total Revenues 107,391,738 102,909,631 Total Expenditures (76,964,506)(74,251,883) Total Transfers to CIPs/ISF (1,314,129)(9,234,298) Total Reserves, End of Year $171,225,773 $190,649,224 Change $19,423,450 The primary drivers of the decrease in year-to-year revenues was the economic impact of COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order, resulting in business shutdowns, combined with already flattening sales tax revenue and a slowdown in development activity that began early on in Fiscal Year 2019 -20. Specific revenue and expenditure changes (+/- $200,000 compared to Fiscal Year 2018-19 actuals and to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget) are discussed below. The General Fund Summary (Attachment 1) presents this data by major category. Revenues Property Tax (+$4,792,734 vs. prior year / +$1,551,581 vs. budget) Property Tax revenue in Fiscal Year 2019-20 increased along with a gain in net assessed valuation by $1.7 billion (10.4%) over the prior year, which was the largest percentage growth in Alameda County. The COVID-19 pandemic did not have a significant impact on Property Tax revenues since the values were placed on the tax roll in calendar year 2018, and there were no significant delinquencies. Sales Tax (-$3,377,151 vs. prior year / -$253,992 vs. budget) Overall Sales Tax came in $3.4 Million (13.6%) lower than Fiscal Y ear 2018-19. While the City had expected a decline from the prior year due to one -time receipts in Fiscal Year 2018-19 and to flattening sales in the Autos and Transportation sector, the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns aggravated the decline. In th e first two combined quarters of calendar year 2020 compared to the same period the previous year, declines were seen in Autos and Transportation (-9.5%), General Consumer Goods (-21.1%), Business and Industry (-10.7%), Restaurants and Hotels (-24.5%), Building and Construction (-13.2%), and Fuel and Transportation (-21.0%). Some of this decrease may be attributed to deferred payments, however much of it is related to the business closures and modified operations. Development Revenue (-$3,886,952 vs. prior year / -$1,230,486 vs. budget) This category includes revenues associated with permits for new development (primarily building permits) as well as tenant improvements on current structures. It also includes fees for City services provided, most typically zoning and plan checking services. The Page 3 of 7 decrease is due to the slowdown of development activities prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, which was exacerbated by the pandemic and related industry shutdowns. Transient Occupancy Tax (-$517,005 vs. prior year / +$167,987 vs. budget) Over the last few months of Fiscal Year 2019-20, the hotel industry faced an abrupt and unprecedented drop in business due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Other Taxes (-$426,182 vs. prior year / +$312,936 vs. budget) This category includes Property Transfer Tax and Franchise Fees for garbage and utilities. Property Transfer Tax is typically budgeted conservatively, as it fluctuates with the real estate market. In Fiscal Year 2019-20, the net decrease in Other Taxes from the prior year is related entirely to a decline in property sales, reflecting 817 transfers of ownership (for single-family residential as well as multi-family, commercial, and industrial types combined) versus 1,543 transfers the year before. Interest (+$456,878 vs. prior year / +$1,652,445 vs. budget) Interest earnings reflect the strategies used by Chandler Asset Management in managing the City’s portfolio, which has maintained a healthy balance of investment types. The total value of the City’s investment portfolio increased 10% compared to Fiscal Year 2018-19. In addition, higher LAIF yields prior to COVID-19 also contributed to the increase in interest earnings. Charges for Services (-$1,914,794 vs. prior year / -$791,592 vs. budget) The net change in Fiscal Year 2019-20 is primarily due to a significant decrease in Parks and Recreation program revenues, as many recreation programs were cancelled due to COVID-19. Other Revenue (+$159,876 vs. prior year / +$328,015 vs. budget) This increase is due to a reimbursement from the Alameda County Fire Department for improvements made to Fire’s side of the building during the construction of the Public Safety Complex. These are one-time revenues. Expenditures Salaries and Wages (-$259,594 vs. prior year / -$1,350,529 vs. budget) Staff costs came in lower than the prior year, and lower than budgeted, as a number of vacant positions remained unfilled during the year. In addition, seasonal salaries came in significantly lower due to the cancellation of recreation programs impacted by COVID- 19. Benefits (+$110,317 vs. prior year / -$794,386 vs. budget) This variance is primarily attributed to vacant positions and a lower retiree health contribution. Services and Supplies (-$251,216 vs. prior year / -$814,817 vs. budget) Reductions in expenditures for supplies and services in Fiscal Year 2019 -20 occurred primarily due to the closure of City facilities, with a majority of staff teleworking through the end of the year. Utilities (-$317,213 vs. prior year / -$322,165 vs. budget) This variance occurred primarily due to the closure of City facilities. Page 4 of 7 Contracted Services (-$604,598 vs. prior year / -$6,393,264 vs. budget) Nearly all City contracts came in lower than the prior year and under budget in Fiscal Year 2019-20 due to the COVID-19 shutdowns. Development services contracts finished the year $2.1 million under budget, which offsets the corresponding loss in revenue for that period, due to a slowdown in activity that began before and continued through the Shelter-in-Place Order. Other general City contracts were under budget $667,928, the MCE contract was under budget by $515,480, and recreation contract costs were under budget by $405,454. Additionally, non-departmental contract services (e.g., animal services, library services, citywide projects) were $1.2 million under budget. Of that amount, $791,000 will be carried over to Fiscal Year 2020 -21 for work on the City’s green infrastructure program, Downtown Dublin Preferred Vision, and fiscal consulting. The police services contract came in under budget by $526,900, which will be carried over to Fiscal Year 2020-21 to offset any dispatch overages and to fund public safety one-time needs. Budget savings in the Fire services contract amounted to $422,228, which Staff proposes to contribute to the Fire Services Pension/OPEB Reserve. Capital Outlay (+$2,672,646 vs. prior year / -$424,365 vs. budget) Capital Outlay expenditures were higher than in Fiscal Year 2018-19 due to the City’s participation in the Amador Plaza land acquisition as part of the Downtown Preferred Vision project. The variance to budget is due to unspent funds for the purchase of situational awareness cameras and auto license recognition cameras, and for the Public Works workspace reconfiguration. These budgets will be carried into Fiscal Year 2019 - 20. Transfers Out for Capital Improvement Projects The General Fund transferred out $8.0 million in Fiscal Year 2019-20 for capital project expenditures; of that amount, $7.7 Million was covered by Committed /Assigned Reserves. Table 2 summarizes the CIPs funded by the General Fund. Page 5 of 7 Table 2: General Fund CIPs Project Amount Committed/Assigned EV Charging Stations $6,316 Maintenance Yard Facility Improve 13,403 Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Phase 43,973 Citywide Signal Comm. Upgrade 79,851 Police Services Building 5,641,075 Imagine Playground at Dublin Sports Grounds 1,884,305 Subtotal - Committed/Assigned $7,668,923 Undesignated AVB - Wildwood Rd Intersection Improvements $120,000 Citywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 214,234 San Ramon Road Trail Improvements 2,075 Subtotal - Undesignated $336,309 Total - General Fund $8,005,232 Reserves (Attachment 2) In June 2020, based on estimated revenues and expenditures at that time, the City Council approved allocations to specific Committed Reserves and Assigned Reserves, shown in Table 3 below. With the close of the financial books, Staff is recommending the following additional allocations: Committed Reserves a. Advance to Public Facility Fee - Increase $3,100,000 In June 2020, the City Council approved the creation of a new reserve and set aside half of the expected surplus to advance the construction of the Wallis Ranch Community Park, Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square, and Library Tenant Improvements projects. Staff now recommends setting aside an additional $3.1 million ($7.5 million total), which would fund 75% of the total estimated cost for the CIPs. b. Cultural Arts Center Reserve - Transfer $760,059 from HVAC Replacement and Civic Center Improvements Reserve The City Council approved the Cultural Arts Center project cost on May 19, 2020, along with shifting a portion of the budget from the HVAC & Roof Replacement and Civic Center Rehabilitation projects. The General Fund portion of the budget shift is $760,059; with this adjustment plus the City Council-approved transfer of $3,779,138 from the Cemetery Expansion reserve, the Cultural Arts Center reserve will be $4,539,197. c. Don Biddle Community Park Reserve - Increase $500,000 Staff is recommending an additional $500,000 to cover anticipated higher soft costs associated with the construction of Don Biddle Community Park. With this adjustment, the reserve will total $1,500,000. On a related staff item on tonight’s Page 6 of 7 agenda, the $1,500,000 will be necessary for the updated costs for the project. d. Downtown Public Improvement Reserve - Increase $5,000,000. In accordance with the City Council’s Strategy #1: Implement the City’s Adopted Preferred Vision for Downtown Dublin, Staff recommends the addition of $5.0 million to this reserve for funding towards the Downtown Dublin Town Square Park and the Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network. With this adjustment, the total reserve will be $8,454,625. e. Dublin Sports Grounds Reserve - Transfer - $1,141,400 from Assigned CIP Carryovers The total General Fund contribution to this project is $3,641,400, with an existing reserve of $2,500,000 for the Imagine Playground. The remaining $1,141,400 is held in a general CIP carryover reserve. Staff recommends shifting this amount to the Dublin Sports Grounds Reserve to fully commit the General Fund portion of the project cost. f. Fallon Sports Park III Reserve - Transfer $110,500 from Fallon Sports Park II Reserve With the completion of Fallon Sports Park Phase II, Staff recommends transferring the reserve balance to Phase III, for a total balance of $3,110,500. g. Fire Services Pension/OPEB Reserve - Additional increase $1,422,228. The City Council approved the addition of $317,325 to this reserve in June 2020. Staff recommends an additional $1,422,228; of that amount, $422,228 is from fire contract savings for Fiscal Year 2019-20 and $1.0 million is from the overall surplus. With the adjustment, this reserve will total $5,324,225. Assigned Reserves a. Climate Action Plan - Create a new reserve and add $3,000,000 The total estimated City cost for the measures in the Climate Action Plan 2030 is approximately $4.6 million. Staff recommends initial funding of $3.0 million for near term priorities. Staff plans to pursue grant opportunities for the rem aining funding. b. Contribution to Internal Service Funds - Increase $500,000 Staff recommends adding $500,000 to the reserve for information technology infrastructure needs, in addition to the $1.0 million contribution approved by the City Council in June 2020 for facility/equipment replacement needs. c. Combine HVAC and Civic Center Renovation - Police Wing Reserves Staff recommends combining the two reserves into one and renaming it the HVAC Replacement and Civic Center Improvements Reserve. After shifting $760,059 of the reserve balance to the Cultural Arts Center project, this reserve will total $4,202,041. d. Village Parkway Pavement Reconstruction Reserve - Increase $3,000,000 In June 2020, the City Council approved the creation of a new reserve and agreed to set aside $2.0 million each year for the project. With the Fiscal Year 2019-20 surplus higher than previously estimated, Staff recommends adding $3.0 million. With this adjustment the balance will be $5.0 million, about 50% of the estimated, future project cost. e. Pension and OPEB - Increase $1,000,000 Staff recommends the addition of $1.0 million to this reserve to cover potential increases in the City’s unfunded liability for pensions. f. Catastrophic Loss Reserve - Increase $1,937,717. With this adjustment per the City’s Fund Balance and Reserves Policy, the total Page 7 of 7 Catastrophic Loss Reserve balance will be $17,702,316, 15% of the book value of City-owned building and improvements. These designations, as well as reserve allocations for budget carryovers and per accounting rules and/or City policy, have been incorporated into the General Fund Reserve Balances (Attachment 2). Table 3. Committed/Specific Assigned Reserve Recommendations Reserve Category June 2020 Approval Recommendation FY 19-20 Total Adjustment Adj Type Committed Advance to Public Facility Fee $4,400,000 $3,100,000 $7,500,000 Add Cultural Arts Center 3,779,138 760,059 4,539,197 Add Don Biddle Park 500,000 500,000 Add Downtown Public Improvement 5,000,000 5,000,000 Add Dublin Sports Grounds 1,141,400 1,141,400 Transfer Fallon Sports Park III 110,500 110,500 Transfer Fire Services Pension/OPEB 317,325 1,422,228 1,739,553 Add Specific Assigned Climate Action Plan 3,000,000 3,000,000 Add Contribution to Internal Service Funds 1,000,000 500,000 1,500,000 Add HVAC Replacement & Civic Center Improve (760,059) (760,059) Transfer Village Parkway Pavement Reconstruction 2,000,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 Add With approval of the recommendations above, and after res erve shifts for accounting purposes or per the Fund Balance and Reserves Policy, the Unassigned Cash Flow Reserve is estimated at $58.4 million (or 8.5 months of the Fiscal Year 2020 -21 Adopted Budget), which is above the reserve target as provided for in the City Policy. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 1: Implement the City’s Adopted Preferred Vision for Downtown Dublin. Strategy 2D: Continue to maintain strong fiscal policies. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Fund Summary Q4 FY 2019-20 2. General Fund Reserves Summary Q4 FY 2019-20 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY - Q4 FY 2019-20 Actual 2018-19 Adopted Budget 2019-20 Amended Budget 2019-20 Actual 2019-20 2019-20 vs 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Actual vs Amended Revenues Property Tax $44,293,602 $46,874,754 $47,534,754 $49,086,335 $4,792,734 $1,551,581 Sales Tax 24,817,037 21,693,878 21,693,878 21,439,886 (3,377,151)(253,992) Sales Tax Reimbursements (91,062) (466,500) (466,500) (407,431) (316,369)59,069 Development Revenue 10,603,008 8,446,542 7,946,542 6,716,056 (3,886,952)(1,230,486) Transient Occupancy Tax 2,084,992 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,567,987 (517,005)167,987 Other Taxes 6,138,518 5,399,400 5,399,400 5,712,336 (426,182)312,936 Licenses & Permits 291,788 233,147 233,147 236,972 (54,816)3,825 Fines & Penalties 130,993 111,432 111,432 85,128 (45,865)(26,304) Interest Earnings 3,195,567 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,652,445 456,878 1,652,445 Rentals and Leases 1,100,888 1,104,127 964,127 974,392 (126,496)10,265 Intergovernmental 287,811 234,919 234,919 306,425 18,614 71,506 Charges for Services 7,559,259 6,436,057 6,436,057 5,644,465 (1,914,794)(791,592) Community Benefit Payments 600,000 200,000 641,000 (600,000)(641,000) Other Revenue 1,214,400 814,706 1,046,260 1,374,275 159,876 328,015 Subtotal Revenues - Operating $102,226,800 $94,482,462 $95,175,016 $96,389,272 ($5,837,528)$1,214,256 Transfers In $144,098 $1,075 $76,075 $87,098 ($57,000)$11,023 Unrealized Gains/Losses 5,020,840 - - 6,433,261 1,412,422 6,433,261 Total Revenues $107,391,738 $94,483,537 $95,251,091 $102,909,631 ($4,482,107)$7,658,540 Expenditures Salaries & Wages $11,237,770 $12,330,169 $12,328,705 $10,978,176 ($259,594)($1,350,529) Benefits 4,780,663 5,368,041 5,685,366 4,890,980 110,317 (794,386) Services & Supplies 3,179,408 3,496,548 3,743,008 2,928,191 (251,216)(814,817) Internal Service Fund Charges 2,985,004 2,977,333 2,977,333 2,977,333 (7,671)0 Utilities 2,744,523 2,728,912 2,749,475 2,427,310 (317,213)(322,165) Contracted Services 46,675,752 50,653,983 52,464,417 46,071,154 (604,598)(6,393,264) Capital Outlay 1,287,107 153,580 4,384,118 3,959,753 2,672,646 (424,365) Contingency & Miscellaneous 4,074,279 222,235 162,235 18,987 (4,055,293)(143,248) Subtotal Expenditures - Operating $76,964,506 $77,930,801 $84,494,657 $74,251,883 ($2,712,622)($10,242,773) Operating Impact (REV-EXP)$25,262,295 $16,551,661 $10,680,360 $22,137,389 ($3,124,906)$11,457,029 Transfers Out (CIPs) - Undesignated $1,953,000 $4,379,955 $336,309 $336,309 ($4,043,646) Transfers Out (CIPs) - Com./Assig. Res $252,321 2,600,000 14,967,418 7,668,923 7,416,602 (7,298,496) Contribution to OPEB/PERS 1,000,000 1,000,000 - (1,000,000) Contribution to ISF 1,061,808 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,229,066 167,258 229,066 Total Expenditures $78,278,634 $84,483,801 $105,842,030 $83,486,181 $5,207,546 ($22,355,849) GF Impact (Include CIP & Transfers)$29,113,104 $9,999,736 ($10,590,938)$19,423,450 ($3,628,473)$15,271,609 TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE $171,225,773 $181,225,509 $160,634,835 $190,649,224 Attachment 1 GENERAL FUND RESERVES - Q4 FY 2019-20 RESERVE DESCRIPTION Actual 2018-19 Adjustment 2019-20 Decrease 2019-20 Net Change Projected 2019-20 Non-Spendable $12,818 $243 $243 $13,061 Prepaid Expenses 12,818 243 243 13,061 Restricted $1,938,000 $1,938,000 Cemetery Endowment 60,000 60,000 Developer Contr - Downtown 1,049,000 1,049,000 Developer Contr - Heritage Pk 19,000 19,000 Developer Contr - Nature Pk 60,000 60,000 Heritage Park Maintenance 750,000 750,000 Committed $47,267,326 $16,641,012 ($6,079,863)$10,561,149 $57,828,474 Advance to Public Facility Fee 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 Downtown Public Impr 4,000,000 5,000,000 (545,375)4,454,625 8,454,625 Economic Development 2,806,486 (2,680,126)(2,680,126)126,359 Economic Stability 8,000,000 8,000,000 Emergency Communications 532,113 532,113 Fire Svcs Pension/OPEB 3,584,672 1,739,553 1,739,553 5,324,225 Innovations & New Opport 1,133,753 (68,283)(68,283)1,065,471 One-Time Initiative - Capital 5,837,548 (844,398)(844,398)4,993,150 One-Time Initiative - Operating 503,860 503,860 Public Safety Reserve 2,000,000 2,000,000 Specific Committed Reserves Cemetery Expansion (CIP)5,270,875 (3,779,138)(43,973)(3,823,111)1,447,764 Contribution to Public Facility Fee 6,000,000 6,000,000 Cultural Arts Center 4,539,197 4,539,197 4,539,197 Don Biddle Park (CIP)1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 Dublin Sports Ground (CIP)2,245,576 1,141,400 (1,884,306)(742,906)1,502,671 Fallon Sports Park II (CIP)110,500 (110,500)(110,500) Fallon Sports Park III Contingency 3,000,000 110,500 110,500 3,110,500 Maintenance Facility (CIP)71,753 (13,403)(13,403)58,350 Utility Undergrounding (CIP)1,170,190 1,170,190 Assigned $60,771,811 $17,016,902 ($13,784,053)$3,232,849 $64,004,659 Accrued Leave 1,001,744 42,986 42,986 1,044,730 Catastrophic Loss 15,764,599 1,937,717 1,937,717 17,702,316 CIP Carryovers 4,006,912 3,502,246 (4,006,912)(504,666)3,502,246 Fiscally Responsible Adj 325,000 325,000 Municipal Regional Permit 2,360,673 (77,768)(77,768)2,282,905 Non-Streets CIP Commitments 2,462,100 2,462,100 Operating Carryovers 2,805,459 1,724,011 (2,805,459)(1,081,448)1,724,011 Parks and Streets Contingency 250,000 (23,773)(23,773)226,227 Pension & OPEB 14,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 15,000,000 Pension Rate Stabilization Plan 2,000,000 2,000,000 Relocate Parks Dept 250,000 250,000 Service Continuity 3,150,000 3,150,000 Specific Assigned Reserves Civic Ctr Renovation-Police Wing 2,962,100 (2,962,100)(2,962,100) Climate Action Plan 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 Contribution to ISF 1,000,000 1,500,000 (1,000,000)500,000 1,500,000 Façade Improvement Grants 304,157 70,000 70,000 374,157 Fire Equipment Replacement 229,066 (229,066)(229,066) HVAC Replacement & Civic Ctr Improv. (C 2,000,000 2,202,041 2,202,041 4,202,041 Public Safety Complex (CIP)5,900,000 (5,641,075)(5,641,075)258,925 Village Pkwy Pavemt Recon 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Unassigned $61,235,819 $19,863,916 ($14,234,706)$5,629,210 $66,865,029 Unassigned-Unrealized Gains 2,186,891 6,266,349 6,266,349 8,453,240 Unassigned (Available)59,048,929 58,411,790 TOTAL RESERVES $171,225,773 $53,522,073 ($34,098,623)$19,423,450 $190,649,224 Attachment 2