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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 - 2994 Intergovernmental Support Agreement IGSA
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DATE: December 3, 2019
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Christopher L. Foss, City Manager
Intergovernmental Support Agreement with Parks Reserve Forces
Training Area
Prepared by: Andrew Russell, Public Works Director
The City Council will consider approving an Intergovernmental Support Agreement with
the United States Army for the provision of janitorial, pest control, and solid waste
services at Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks).
Adopt the Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Support Agreement Between
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett and the City of Dublin for Municipal Services.
Approval of the Intergovernmental Support Agreement (IGSA) for janitorial, pest control,
and solid waste services will have no impact on the General Fund. The IGSA includes
provisions for the City to charge a fee to cover the City’s administrative costs associated
with managing the janitorial, pest control, and solid waste services being provided to
Camp Parks. The total annual cost of this IGSA is approximately $775,377, including
the administrative fee for the City’s oversight and management of services. The IGSA
also includes a provision for service cost increases, which are tied to the consumer
price index. Annual cost will vary, as the City’s vendors will bill the City for actual work
performed in accordance with the agreed upon standards of service and pricing
Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, commonly called Camp Parks, is located in
central Dublin and currently serves as an academic institution, military intelligence
facility, and battlefield simulation center supporting military readiness for the U.S. Army.
Camp Parks has been part of the Tri-Valley since 1942 and is an important part of the
Dublin community.
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The City of Dublin and Camp Parks have a longstanding relationship and partnership.
This partnership goes beyond mere goodwill to include agreements over the years that
have resulted in various community enhancements and cost savings for one or the
other. An example of such a partnership is the Dublin Camp Parks Military History
Center. The Military History Center is located at the Camp Parks Visitor Center, just
outside of the base’s main entry gates, and it preserves and shares the stories of the
military in the Tri-Valley through museum exhibits, temporary exhibits, and history-
related activities throughout the year. The City of Dublin curates the temporary exhibits
and manages the operations of the Military History Center.
Intergovernmental Support Agreements (IGSA)
In January 2013, new legislation for public-public partnerships was authorized by the
2013 National Defense Authorization Act which allowed the U.S. Military to enter into
Intergovernmental Support Agreements (IGSA) for five-year terms with a state or local
government to provide, receive, or share support services, if it is determined that the
agreement will serve the best interests of the Military by enhancing mission
effectiveness or by creating efficiencies or economies of scale, including by reducing
costs. Since 2013, the United States Code has been revised to allow a 10-year term for
an IGSA. In short, an IGSA allows the Army to have partnerships with municipalities for
services that that traditionally are obtained through contracts with private vendors.
Camp Parks and City of Dublin staff have jointly attended IGSA workshops and
conducted meetings to discuss potential public-public partnerships in a variety of
service areas. One area identified for potential partnership is municipal services, which
consists of janitorial, pest control, and waste management. An IGSA for these
municipal services was developed with the goal that the City’s vendors will provide
services on Camp Parks through the City’s existing contracts. The costs for these
services will be paid by the Army at an agreed upon amount. The amount will include
administrative fee to cover the City’s oversight and management of the vendors.
In development of the IGSA, City staff met and conferred with its current vendors Tri-
Valley Janitorial (TVJ), Advanced Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and Amador
Valley Industries (AVI). AVI currently provides services on Camp Parks and the IGSA
would shift management and coordination of the vendor from Camp Parks staff to City
staff. Camp Parks currently receives limited janitorial services from inmates from FCI
Dublin and receives pest management services from a contractor. It is anticipated that
the IGSA would result in improved janitorial and pest management services to Camp
This agreement will strengthen the bonds of partnership between the City of Dublin and
Camp Parks, as well as reducing the Army’s cost of doing business through the
elimination of the process of contract acquisition, management and oversight of such
contracts, and the procurement of supplies. This agreement will not only allow the
Dublin community to continue to reap the benefit of being home to a robust national
defense asset such as Camp Parks, but will ultimately benefit the Army by allowing it to
focus more effort on its core mission of training soldiers for the defense of the nation.
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Strategy 1 Assure the City’s long-term financial sustainability.
Strategy 1.b Explore operational efficiencies in delivering service with other public
Strategy 3 Pursue efforts to help strengthen the City’s infrastructure and technology.
Strategic Objective 3.a Work to establish a Public-Public Partnership with Parks
Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) Maintenance.
1. Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Support Agreement Between U.S. Army
Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett and the City of Dublin for Municipal Services
2. Exhibit A to the Resolution - Intergovermental Support Agreement
3. Exhibit A, Appendix C - Performance Work Statement: Custodial Services
4. Exhibit A, Appendix D - Performance Work Statement: Pest Control
5. Exhibit A, Appendix E - Performance Work Statement: Solid Waste
* * * * * * * * * * *
WHEREAS, the United States Army is authorized by federal law codified in 10
U.S.C. 2679 to enter into Intergovernmental Support Agreements on a sole source basis with a
local government to receive installation support and services; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin and the United States Army have developed an
Intergovernmental Support Agreement to share municipal services provided by the City of Dublin’s
current solid waste, janitorial, and pest control vendors; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin wishes to enter into an Intergovernmental Support Agreement
with the United States Army.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby approve the Intergovernmental Support Agreement with the United States Army, as
attached hereto as Exhibit A to the Resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of December 2019, by the following
City Clerk
Intergovernmental Support Agreement (IGSA)
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett
City of Dublin
Municipal Services: Custodial, Pest Control and Solid Waste Removal
This is an Intergovernmental Support Agreement (hereafter referred to as the IGSA or
Agreement) between the United States and City of Dublin, hereafter referred to as
Dublin. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to federal law codified at 10 USC
2679. The statute authorizes the Secretary of the Army to enter into an IGSA on a sole
source basis with a state or local government to receive installation support and
services. The Secretary of the Army has delegated authority to IGSA Agreements
Officers which are also referred to as the IGSA Manager or IGSA-M and IGSA
Technical Representative or IGSA-TR (hereafter Agreements Officers) to execute
agreements on behalf of the United States.
The purpose of this IGSA is to outline the roles and responsibilities of the parties and
identify the services to be furnished by the signature authority. The parties undertake
this Agreement in order to provide services to Parks Reserve Forces Training Area
(Parks) and local communities while achieving cost savings for both.
Dublin shall perform the installation support services as stated in this IGSA. The term
“installation support services” only includes services, supplies, resou rces, and support
typically provided by a government for its own needs and without regard to whether
such services, supplies resources, and support are provided to its residents generally,
except that the term does not include security gu ard or firefighting services.
This is a non-personal services agreement. Each party is responsible for all costs of its
personnel including pay, benefits, support and travel. Each party is responsible for
supervision or management of its personnel.
The tasks, duties and responsibilities set forth in this IGSA may not be interpreted or
implemented in any manner that results in Authority personnel creating or modifying
federal policy, obligating appropriated funds of the United States, or overseeing the
work of federal employees. Under no circumstances shall Authority employees or
contractors be deemed federal employees. If Dublin shall provide services through a
contract, the contract must be awarded through competitive procedures that are
equivalent to federal practices. Employees of the United States may not perform
services for or on behalf of the Authority without the approval of the Agreements Officer.
This is the estimate for the base year 2020, we anticipate a consumer price index (CPI)
increase of 3% per follow on year for the life of the IGSA until 2030 (10 years). These
estimates are expected to become more accurate in the first 6 months of this
agreement. As far as our new custodial services Army usage quantities for building
tenant consumable supplies (hand towels, toilet paper, etc .) were a ‘best guess’ (from
lack of accurate historical data) and the actual labor and supplies to bring floor care to
the desired standard is unknown at this time.
In summary, Dublin shall provide municipal services to Parks including: solid waste,
pest control and janitorial services. These are accomplished via service contracts that
Dublin procures through the same processes for obtaining vendors to perform services
needed by Dublin.
The Municipal Services definitions are as follows:
Custodial Services. Provide janitorial services performed in all installation facilities.
Includes routine washing, waxing, dusting, indoor refuse collection, and other
scheduled cosmetic cleaning activities. Includes scheduled (routine), requested, and
emergency cleaning services. Does not include equipment cleaning covered under a
preventive maintenance contract.
Solid Waste Management. Collect and dispose of installation refuse and provide for
recycling collection and transportation. Provide landfill management and inspection.
Ensure sanitary condition of equipment and containers. Does not include hazardous
Pest Management Service. Prevent and eradicate pest infestation. Reduce exposure
to pesticide. Provide service to develop and implement integrated building/facility and
open space (outdoor/unimproved) pest management strategies. Service includes pest
surveillance, pest identification, breeding site removal, pesticide applications, and other
Service Quantity Unit Unit Price Total
Custodial Services 12 per month $38,333 $460,000
Pest Control 12 per month $3,633 $43,590
Solid Waste 12 per month $16,754 $201,042
Dublin Contract Management 12 per month $5,895 $70,745
Total $64,615 $775,377
required actions to control pests in and around buildings and facilities including non ‐
privatized family housing. Includes response to emergency and non‐emergency service
Each of these services are currently provided to Dublin by contract obtained through
competitive procedures that are equivalent to federal practices and based upon Parks’
requirements for each. The requirements came from performance work statements in
appendices D-F. Extensive coordination was made with the City of Dublin contractors
to determine their ability to perform the work to the expected performance standards
and the contractors have reviewed and agreed upon the resulting performance work
statements in Appendices.
Parks and Dublin will execute this agreement to those standards contained in the
appendices and modify them as needed for compliance and as requirements are
refined. The requirement owner is the Parks Directorate of Public Works (DPW) and
this is also where the IGSA-TR comes from. The IGSA-TR will work with the Dublin
contracting staff as well as the vendors to ensure the requirements are being met and
payments are made based upon satisfactorily meeting the conditions outlined in the
aforementioned appendices.
TERM OF AGREEMENT: The term of this Agreement shall be for nine years from the
execution of the Agreement. It may be renewed for successive periods. However, the
United States has no authority to obligate beyond the current fiscal year until the
appropriation of funds by the Congress. The United States shall only be obligated for
additional years of performance upon receipt of such funds, and only upon written
notice by the Agreement Officer of an intent to award the option for a dditional years of
performance. The Agreements Officer shall provide notice of the renewal of the IGSA
at least 10 days prior to the expiration of then current performance period. The
Agreements Officer may condition the renewal upon availability of funds . The
Agreements Officer may suspend performance of the renewed period at no additional
cost to the United States, until adequate funds have been received. If funds are not
received, the parties agree that the Agreement can be unilaterally terminated by the
Agreements Officer without further liability to the United States.
PAYMENT: The United States shall pay Dublin for services based upon satisfactory
completion of services on a monthly basis. Payment shall be based for services
provided as set forth in this Agreement. Dublin shall not include any State or Local
taxes in the price it charges the United States unless approved by the Garrison
Commander (GC) in advance. Dublin shall electronically submit invoices or payment
requests to the Government’s Coordination Representative (CR) and the GC. The GC
will not authorize payment unless all billed services have been satisfactorily completed
and may reduce the amount(s) billed for unsatisfactory or partial performance, or for
other reasons specified in this agreement.
The authority for payment is the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),
Section 331, provided authority to the Military Service Secretaries to enter into Public -
Public partnerships with local and state governments, called Intergovernmental Support
Agreements (IGSAs), for installation support services. This legislation was codified as
Title 10 United States Code (USC) 2336. The 2015 NDAA, section 351, further clarified
Congressional intent regarding IGSAs, and was codified as 10 USC 2679,
“Intergovernmental Support Agreements” (Annex A). The 2018 NDAA expanded the
term limit of IGSAs from five years to ten years, further incentivizing partnerships
between military installations and local governments for installation support services.
Payment will be made by the CR through the General Fund Enterprise System
(GFEBS). Rates may only be adjusted upon 90 days written notice to the CR and the
GC. If the CR or his representative disagree, the parties shall discuss the proposed
rates, changes in the services, or other modifications to this Agreement. Modifications
to prices in the Agreement must be reduced to writing and approved and incorporated
into the Agreement by the GC.
Further instructions are noted in Appendix K: FINANCE to this Agreement.
present any issues and concerns that could potentially impede successful performance
of the IGSA in a timely and professional manner. The Authority shall develop a quality
control plan and submit it for approval by the Army. After its execution, an initial joint
meeting of the Parties will be conducted to discuss the terms of the IGSA. The
Authority shall maintain this quality control plan to ensure all work is completed within
the specified timelines and quality standards specified in the Agreement. The initial
meeting shall also discuss orientation of the Authority and its employees to work areas
on the installation as well as a phase-in plan to permit the orderly transition of
responsibilities for performance of the services by the Authority.
INSPECTION OF SERVICES: The Authority will only tender services and goods in
conformance with the IGSA. The Directorate of Public Works, Parks, shall appoint a
Coordinating Representative (CR) who will be responsible for inspecting all services
performed. The Authority will be notified of the identity of the CR and his alternate, and
of any changes. If services are performed outside the installation, the CR shall be
granted access to areas where services are performed. The CR shall have the right to
inspect and test all services; inspections and tests to be conducted in a manner that will
not unduly delay the performance of work.
If the CR determines that services do not conform to the requiremen ts in Agreement,
the CR can require the Authority to perform the services again, in whole or in part, at no
additional cost to the government. If the services cannot be corrected by re-
performance, the CR may alternately, in his/her sole discretion, re-performance of
services or terminate the agreement in part (the service area in question). Such
waivers shall not constitute a waiver of requirements in the IGSA unless approved in
writing by the Agreements Officer.
If the Authority is unable to perform any of the services due to an occurrence beyond
the reasonable control of the parties, such as Acts of God, unusually severe weather, or
government activities on the installation which impede the Authority’s performance, the
Authority shall promptly notify the CR.
Should the Authority fail to perform services or abandons performance, the United
States may perform or contract for performance of the services at no cost to the
Authority and may terminate this agreement. Except in an emergency, the United
States will not exercise this authority without providing prior notice to the Point of
Contact (POC) designated by the Authority to allow for amicable resolution of issues
between the parties. If services are deemed to be deficient and cannot be corrected to
the satisfaction of the Agreements Officer, the CR may terminate the IGSA immediately.
Such termination shall not become effective without prior notice and consultation with
the Authority POC identified in this agreement.
TERMINATION: The IGSA may be terminated by mutual written agreement. Except as
otherwise specified in this agreement, either party can unilaterally terminate this IGSA
upon 180 days written notice to the POCs designated in this Agreement. An extended
period of performance for a minimum of an additional 185 days shall be granted to
either party, if requested, to manage the business effects to either party resulting from
the termination of this agreement.
SUSPENSION OF AGREEMENT: The United States reserves the right to suspend
performance of the agreement or access to the installation in event of emergencies,
mobilizations, national security reasons, or for other reasons outside the control of the
United States.
APPLICABLE LAW: The IGSA is subject to the law and regulations of the United
States. If any federal statute expressly prescribes policies or requirements that differ
from the terms and conditions of this IGSA, the provision s of the statute shall govern.
CLAIMS AND DISPUTES: The parties shall use their best efforts to resolve any
disagreement or disputes they may have regarding this Agreement. To minimize
disputes, the parties will meet periodically, preferably on a monthly basis, to discuss
performance and any other issues they may have. The CR shall represent the
Government in such meetings.
If the parties are unable to resolve an issue, the CR or the Authority may submit a claim
arising out of the Agreement to the Agreements Officer for a final decision. The written
submission must specify the nature and basis for the relief requested and include all
data that supports the claim, and may designate an Authority representative to discuss
the claim and its resolution. The Agreements Officer shall issue a final decision within
90 days of receipt of each claim.
If the Authority is dissatisfied with the Agreements Officer’s decision, it may appeal the
matter to the GC and must specify the basis of its disagreement. The GC or his/her
designee shall issue a final determination on the matter within 60 days of receipt of the
appeal. The final determination shall be reduced to writing and provided to the POCs
specified in this agreement. All final determinations that result in the payment of
additional funds to the Authority must be coordinated with the Agreements Officer.
As part of its appeal, the Authority may request alternate disputes resolution (ADR) to
resolve disputes; the Government may agree to use of ADR in its sole discretion. If
ADR procedures are employed, the GC shall consider the findings and
recommendations of the third party mediator(s) in making his final determination.
The parties agree to the above procedures in lieu of litigation in any forum.
The POCs for issues pertaining to this IGSA are as follows:
For Parks, the IGSA-M, IGSA-TR or designated coordination representative.
For Dublin: the Public Works Director or designee
Unless otherwise specified, all notices under this Agreement shall be provided to the
POCs specified above.
The POCs and a management official at least one level above the POCs as well as the
IGSA Agreements Officer shall meet annually to discuss the IGSA, and consider any
amendments to the Agreement.
Any party can propose amendments at any time. All amendments must be reduced to
writing and incorporated by amendment to Agreement by the Agreements Officer in
order to be effective.
Authority shall conduct a visit of the installation with the CR prior to performance to
satisfy itself of the general and local conditions existing on the installation to include
sites where services will be performed. The Authority shall take measures to protect
and not damage any property of the United States during performance of services.
Should the Authority damage such property, the Authority may replace the item or
restore it to its prior condition at its own cost or reimburse the United States for such
costs. If the Authority does not take measures to replace or restore, the United States
reserves the right to sever this agreement.
CONTINUITY OF SERVICES: The Authority recognizes that the services under this
Agreement are vital to the United States and must be continued without interruption,
and performed even in the event of a dispute between the parties. Should the United
States terminate this Agreement for any reason, the Authority agrees to furnish phase-in
training to any successor contractor and exercise its best efforts and cooperation to
effect an orderly and efficient transition of services.
HOLD HARMLESS: Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Authority
shall indemnify and hold the United States harmless against any and all judgments,
expenses, liabilities, claims and charges of whatever kind or nature that may arise as a
result of the activities of the Authority or its employees in performance of this
Agreement, except for the United States’ officers, agents and employees’ negligence or
wrongful acts or omissions. The United States shall not be responsible for injuries and
deaths to the Authority’s employees or employees of its contractors, unless caused by
United States’ acts, omissions, property, or its officers, agents or employees and
compensable pursuant to federal legislation authorizing recovery against the United
WAGES AND LABOR LAW PROVISIONS: These provisions apply to the Authority and
any contractor performing services under this IGSA on behalf of the Authority. The
Authority shall gain no new obligations under federal labor statutes, provided it pays its
employees at wage grades or rates normally paid by the Authority, and complies with all
applicable Authority labor laws and standards. In no event, however, shall any
employee be paid at wage rate below the minimum wage established in the Fair Labor
Standards Act. The Authority shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local
occupational safety and health requirements and standards. If the Authority has
knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute by its employees may delay or
threaten to delay performance of the contract, the Authority shall immediately notify the
Agreements Officer. The Authority shall provide timely updates until the dispute is
applies to Authority and its contractors. The Authority agrees not to discriminate against
any employee based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or sexual
orientation, or to allow any employee to engage in discriminatory practices or conduct
while performing work under this IGSA. The Authority shall not permit employees which
engage in sexual assault, sexual harassment or trafficking to perform services under
this IGSA. The Authority shall not engage in age discrimination, and shall comply with
the Americans with Disabilities Act with respect to the hiring and accommodation of
employees performing services under this IGSA.
TRANSFERABILITY: This Agreement is not transferable except with the written
authorization of the Agreements Officer.
ACTIONS OF DESIGNEES: Any act described in the IGSA to be performed by an
individual or official can be performed of the designee of such individual or official, with
the exception of the Agreements Officer.
Signatures and dates of signatures of the parties:
______________________________ _________________________________
Colonel, Engineer Mayor
Commanding Dublin, CA
_______________________________ __________________________________
Date Date
List all Attachments/Annexes:
working at Parks must comply with installation security practices. The Authority shall
provide a list of names and dates of birth of all employees that will be working at Parks,
to include subcontractors. The designated Army Agreements Officer for this IGSA will
complete an IMDR-ES Form 2 (Application for Sponsorship) for all individuals needing
access under the contract and submit to at least 7 days prior to
access being needed. Each employee who requires access to Parks to perform work
under any contract, at any tier, must obtain a DoD identification (ID) credential,
temporary pass, or a Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) Access Badge to
obtain access to Parks.
The Authority shall provide information as required by the Parks Physical Security
Specialist to enable the government to conduct a criminal history background check
(CHBC) on Authority employees working at Parks. If the CHBC is not adverse, a 30 day
temporary access pass will be prepared by the Parks Physical Security Division while
the Authority’s employee makes an appointment for a DBIDs Access Badge to be
created if access is needed longer than 30 days. A DBIDs Access Badge will be issued
for a period of no longer than 365 days at a time. If the CHBC is adverse, the employee
will be denied access. If access is denied for any reason, the contractor’s employee
may request a waiver from the installation utilizing the Access Waiver Denial Program.
If the Authority’s employee is denied access for any reason the employee will not be
allowed access until a waiver is requested and approved. There is an appeals process
through the Directorate of Emergency Services. Final determination to allow entry and
the issuance of a DoD credential rest with the GC or his/her designee, the Director of
Emergency Services.
If an Authority employee no longer needs the DoD identification credential for any
reason (e.g. quits his/her job or no longer performs under the contract), the Authority is
required to collect the DoD identification credential from the employee and surren der it
to the Parks Physical Security Office within four (4) calendar days of such change. If
the DoD identification credential cannot be returned within the required time frame for
any reason, the Authority shall immediately notify the Physical Security Office verbally,
followed up in writing the next work day. Email notification is authorized. An
employee’s inability to obtain entrance to a Government installation because he/she
does not have the required identification badge or visitor’s pass shall no t excuse timely
performance of the requirements of this contract. DoD identification credentials are
currently issued at the Parks Visitor Center located in Building 275. The Government
may change the location at which DoD identification credentials are issued or returned,
with or without advance notice to the contractor.
DoD identification credentials will not be reproduced or copied by the Authority, its
subcontractors, or their employees. If an employee’s DoD identification credential is
lost, stolen, or reproduced, the Authority shall verbally report the loss, theft, or
reproduction to the Parks Physical Security Division on the day such loss, theft, or
reproduction is discovered, followed by a written report of the circumstances to the
Parks Physical Security Office within two (2) calendar days.
Each Authority employee shall possess/wear the DoD identification credential while
performing work under this agreement. The DoD identification credential shall be worn
on the upper front of the outer garment unless precluded by OSHA regulation(s). The
DoD identification credential will not be used for access to any other Government
installation. The Authority, shall upon expiration or termination of this agreement,
collect all DoD identification credentials and turn them into the designated government
Agreements Officer.
On occasion, Authority personnel or their subcontractors may need to enter the Parks
cantonment area for meetings or similar purposes. Entry to the installation cantonment
area (beyond the gates) requires the following: current vehicle registration, proof of
insurance, valid driver's license for the vehicle driver, and picture identification for other
personnel. Contractors/Subcontractors and their employees requiring access to the
installation will be required to comply with the installation access control
policy/procedures. The Government will not be responsible for damages due to
delay/stoppages caused by failure to comply. Contractors shall be restricted to
physically sign in at the Visitors Center unless they have a DoD issued ID card, a local
temporary pass, or a DBIDs Access Badge. The contractor shall also provide all
information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to
be accomplished by the Director of Emergency Services or the Physical Security Office.
Contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements as
directed by DOD, HQDA and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise
authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require
changes in contractor security matters or processes.
The Authority shall not permit employees who are not citizens or lawful immigrants to
perform services under this IGSA. Employees who have been convicted of felonies,
sex crimes, drug offenses or violent crimes, shall not perform services under this IGSA
without the specific approval of the Coordination Representative (CR). The Authority
shall not permit any employee to perform work on this IGSA if such person is identified
by the CR as a potential threat to the health, safety, security, general well-being or
operational mission of the United States. The CR may deny the continued entry of any
employee upon receipt of information that indicates that the individual’s continued entry
to the installation is not in the best interests of national security.
FEDERAL HOLIDAYS: Work shall not be performed on Federal Holidays. Work
outside of the normal operational hours (0700-1700, Monday-Friday) of Parks shall be
approved by the CR. In addition prior approval may be given for application of pest
INSURANCE: The Authority shall at its own expense provide and maintain during the
entire period of this IGSA the following insurance, either through a paid insurance
provider or through self-insurance:
a. General liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 per
occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate fo r all premises and operations. The
policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, death and property damage arising out of
actions or omissions by the Authority or its employees or contractors.
b. Comprehensive vehicular liability insurance in the combined single limit of
$1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.
cooperate with the United States in investigations involving accidents or damage to
property or persons on property under federal control. The Authority shall timely furnish
to the CR reports of investigations it completes regarding such incidents.
MEDICAL CARE IN EMERGENCIES: In the event of a medical emergency involving
one of its employees or customers, the Authority shall arrange for off-post medical
transportation and treatment. Parks Emergency Services will assist by responding to
medical emergencies as dictated by local cooperative agreements with surrounding
ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: The Authority must comply with Parks
environmental policies and requirements, to include Parks Regulation 420-7.
property under the control of the Department of the Army are drug free areas.
Notwithstanding any contrary State or Local law, the Authority shall notify all individuals
performing services on the installation that no controlled substances as specified in the
Controlled Substances Act and 21 CFR shall be sold, distributed, used or consumed on
the installation. The agreements coordinator may direct the Authority to bar individuals
who violate these laws and policies. Such individuals additionally may be barred from
access to the installation by the GC.
AUTHORITY EMPLOYEE REQUIREMENTS: All Authority and contractor employees
shall comply with all installation security, health and safety conditions. Employees who
interface with government personnel shall be able to speak and understand English. All
employees shall wear identification badges or distinctive clothing which clearly identifies
that they are Authority employees. At the conclusion of the IGSA or whenever an
employee no longer performs IGSA services, the Authority will provide the CR all
identification or other credentials furnished by the government.
Attached Separately
Attached Separately
Attached Separately
These services are done as a reimbursable agreement, not as a service contract.
Therefore, prompt payment is necessary to ensure invoices and electronic fund
transfers (EFT) are exchanged in a timely manner.
The main person at Parks for payments is the IGSA-TR for the service because that is
the person who verifies services were rendered and meet the terms of this agreement.
Once an invoice is received from the IGSA-TR, a SF 1034 will be prepared and sent to
RMO-Invoices in order to assign a line of accounting (LOA) and initiate a request for
payment to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). This will result in an
EFT being sent to Dublin on a monthly basis.
Dublin Public Works: Prepare a listing of services/materials and charges for Dublin
Finance. This background information tells a third party what we are paying for. This is
accomplished via the EDEN system currently.
Dublin Finance: Prepares an invoice based upon the request from Public Works and
attaches the printout of services/materials when submitting the invoice to the IGSA -TR.
Dublin Finance includes the transaction document (agreement) number, DUNS #
361268063 and Cage # 530F3 and prepares the transaction in the System for Award
Management (SAM).
IGSA-TR: Prepares the SF 1034 for FHL RM. The SF 1034 is required for requesting
EFT from DFAS to Dublin. Along with the SF 1034, the invoice and EDEN printout
should be attached. Send these in an email to servicing budget analyst and confirm
Parks Public Works Supervisor: Supervisory authority over the IGSA-TR, ensure
payments are processed timely and address any issues with service or operations
directly. Responsible for budget formulation and all other tasks related to supervision of
IGSA-M: Prepares the administrative requirements for the IGSA reviews of the
transaction document, coordinates these with IMCOM and Dublin as necessary in
support of the Parks Public Works Supervisor.
RMO Invoices: Receives the SF 1034 and Invoice from DPW budget Analyst with Line
of Accounting/Work Breakdown Structure (LOA/WBS) and processes the payments via
Government Federal Enterprise System (GFEBS).
FHL RMO Budget Supervisor: Oversee payments and coordinate with Dublin Finance
and DFAS for as necessary. Financial transactions are further described in the IGSA
Handbook Annex K.
Agreements Officers: the IGSA-M or IGSA-TR, see below
CR: Coordinating Representative, employee(s) representing the government
DFAS: Defense Finance and Accounting Service
EDEN: City's financial system, the source for substantiating documents for the invoices
EFT: Electronic Fund Transfers
FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation, used in preparing service contracts
FPCON: Force Protection Condition, determines access procedure to post
GC: Garrison Commander, our signature authority and counterpart to the City Manager
GFEBS: Government Federal Enterprise System
IGSA: Intergovernmental Support Agreement, a public partnership similar to a contract
or support agreement but subject to NDAA and USC authorities, not bound by the FAR
or support agreement guidance
IGSA-M: IGSA Manager, normally this is the supervisor of the providing directorate. In
this case the IGSA-M is the Agreements Manager out of the Resource Management
Directorate who is in support of the Parks Public Works Supervisor
IGSA-TR: IGSA Technical Representative, responsible for day to day operations and
management of the IGSA
LAB: Local Access Badge, used for frequent access to post
LOA: Line of Accounting, used to account for funds
NDAA: National Defense Authorization Act, provided authority to the Military Service
Secretaries to enter into Public-Public partnerships with local and state governments,
codified as 10 USC 2679, “Intergovernmental Support Agreements”
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
SAMS: System for Awards Management
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure, used to align funds
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
Custodial Services
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
Table of Contents
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ............................................................................................... 3
2.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Special Event Cleaning ............................................................................................... 3
2.3 Facility Cleanings ........................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Hard Floors ................................................................................................................. 4
2.4.1 Spray and Buff .................................................................................................... 4
2.4.2 Stripping/Finishing .............................................................................................. 4
2.5 Carpeted Floors ........................................................................................................... 4
2.5.1 Removable (Area and Throw) Rugs .................................................................... 4
2.5.2 Annual Carpet Cleaning and Shampooing .......................................................... 4
2.5.3 Spot Cleaning Floors and Carpets ...................................................................... 5
2.6 Floor (Walk-Off) Mats .................................................................................................. 5
2.7 Stairways/Elevators/Handicap Lifts .............................................................................. 5
2.8 Trash Collection and Removal ..................................................................................... 5
2.8.1 Recycle Collection and Removal ......................................................................... 5
2.9 Restrooms/Toilet Areas/Locker Rooms ....................................................................... 5
2.9.1 Clean and Disinfect ............................................................................................. 5
2.9.2 Custodial Services Provider Log ......................................................................... 6
2.9.3 Floor Care ........................................................................................................... 6
2.9.4 Supplies Restockage .......................................................................................... 6
2.9.5 Trash Removal ................................................................................................... 6
2.10 Drinking Fountains ..................................................................................................... 6
2.11 Dusting ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.11.1 Light Dusting, Low (under six (6) feet). ............................................................... 7
2.11.2 Heavy Dusting, Low (over six (6) feet). ............................................................... 7
2.12 Interior Glass ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.13 Windows (exterior/interior) ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.14 Child, Youth and School Services (CYS) .................................................................... 7
3.0 WORK CAPABILITY LEVELS ............................................................................................... 8
4.0 TECHNICAL EXHIBITS ........................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Task and Frequency of Custodial Services .................................................................. 9
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
1.0 General Information.
1.1 Overview. The IGSA service provider shall provide Custodial Services on Camp
Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (PRFTA). The work and frequency are defined in
the Work Capability Levels table located in paragraph 3.0 and as further noted in the
Technical Exhibits (TE). These works include, but are not limited to, the following:
cleaning restrooms and kitchens; removing trash and emptying recycle bins; cleaning
windows, highchairs, cribs, playpens, and food service areas; vacuuming and spot
cleaning carpet, sweeping and mopping floors, and buffing; dusting and scrubbing walls;
cleaning upholstered furniture; and other associated work as coordinated by the Camp
Parks IGSA TR with City of Dublin counterpart.
2.0 Description of Services.
2.1 Scope. The Custodial Services Provider shall provide all management, tools,
equipment, and labor necessary to ensure that custodial services are performed. The
Contractor shall accomplish all cleaning tasks in accordance with (IAW) the Work
Capability Levels table, located in paragraph 3.0, in order to meet the requirements of this
PWS. The three (3) levels of custodial service include the following:
a. Enhanced Service
b. Standard Service (Based upon the estimate)
c. Basic Service
Child care and youth services facilities shall receive Enhanced Service. Fitness centers
shall receive Standard Service. For all installation level support facilities that do not fall
into Enhanced or Standard Service, they shall be considered Basic Service. The offices,
classrooms, and latrines located within warehouses shall receive Basic Service.
Buildings requiring service and estimated square footages are established in TE 1.
Facility drawings of areas cleaned will be provided as needed. The Contractor shall
perform custodial services IAW all applicable laws, regulations, Army standards,
instructions, and commercial practices. The Custodial Services Provider shall display the
appropriate caution signs when cleaning floors or any other surface that might pose a risk
to injury for any personnel that are present. The contractor shall use environmentally
favorable products and provide a list of cleaning products in use, upon reque st.
Coordinate with the IGSA-TR to have Occupational Safety and Health Administration
compliant safety data sheet on hand for cleaning products used.
2.2 Special Event Cleaning. The Contractor shall provide Custodial Services for special
events, which shall be outside of the established frequencies for custodial services as
Camp Parks IGSA TR with City of Dublin counterpart. These events include, but are not
limited to, VIP visits, summer camps, and Inspector General (IG) Team visits. The Camp
Parks IGSA TR will notify the City of Dublin counterpart of the requirements as soon as it
is known, but not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the event. The Custodial
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
Services Provider shall complete all cleaning tasks not less than four (4) hours prior to
each event.
2.3 Facility Cleanings. The Custodial Services Provider shall clean accessible floor
surfaces. The Custodial Services Provider shall not move chairs, trash receptacles, or
other easily moveable items to maintain floors underneath these items. Grout on wall
and floor tiles shall be free of dirt, scum, mildew, and residue.
2.4 Hard Floors. (Vinyl, Ceramic, Wood, Concrete, etc.) The Custodial Services
Provider shall accomplish cleaning by the most appropriate method (vacuum, sweep,
mop, spot clean, etc.) and with cleaning solutions, if applicable, for the specific floor type.
The Contractor shall not move chairs, trash receptacles, or other easily moveable items
to maintain floors underneath these items. Hard floors shall be cleaned, scrubbed,
sealed, polished, waxed, and stripped as required. After cleaning floor surfaces, to
include grout, the Contractor shall ensure hard floors have a uniform, clean appear ance
without streaks, swirl marks, detergent residue, or any evidence of soil, stain, film, or
standing water. Baseboards and corners shall also be clean.
2.4.1 Spray and Buff. The Custodial Services Provider shall spray and buff all floors
receiving floor maintenance.
2.4.2 Stripping/Finishing. The Custodial Services Provider shall strip, scrub, seal, and
wax floors as necessary to maintain a uniform glossy appearance. The Custodial
Services Provider shall ensure the wax is non-skid as coordinated by Camp Parks IGSA
TR with City of Dublin counterpart. The Custodial Services Provider shall not move
chairs, trash receptacles, or other easily moveable items to maintain floors unde rneath
these items. The Custodial Services Provider shall remove all stripping solution, sealant,
and waxy residue from floor drains immediately upon completion of service.
2.5 Carpeted Floors. The Custodial Services Provider shall ensure the carpets are
maintained free of soil, dirt, debris, litter, and other foreign matter by effective routine
vacuuming. The Custodial Services Provider shall not move chairs, trash receptacles, or
other easily moveable items to maintain floors underneath these items. The Custodial
Services Provider shall vacuum carpeted floors and rugs with an industrial -type vacuum
cleaner that has been certified with a GOLD rating by the Carpet and Rug Institute
2.5.1 Removable (Area and Throw) Rugs. The Custodial Services Provider shall ensure
area and throw rugs receive the same service as annotated above.
2.5.2 Annual Carpet Cleaning and Shampooing. The Custodial Services Provider shall
clean carpets using an extractor approved by the Carpet and Rug Institute
( with a GOLD rating. The Custodial Services Provider shall
not move chairs, trash receptacles, or other easily moveable items to maintain floors
underneath these items. A commercial truck-mount Steam Extraction Method shall be
used IAW standard commercial practice. The Custodial Services Provider shall use a
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
portable unit for use in upper floors or areas where it is not feasible to use a truck-mount
system with coordination thru Camp Parks IGSA TR with City of Dublin counterpart . A
heavy-duty spot remover, approved by the Carpet and Rug Institutes with a GOLD rating,
may be required in heavily soiled areas. Stains which are not easily removed by normal
cleaning processes shall be treated using an alternate method.
2.5.3 Spot Cleaning Floors and Carpets. The Custodial Services Provider shall spot
clean floor surfaces to remove spots two (2) square feet or less. Areas that are embedded
to the point of non-removal and have been treated during two (2) consecutive cleanings
and resists removal shall be annotated to the Camp Parks IGSA TR and City of Dublin
counterpart for resolution.
2.6 Floor (Walk-Off) Mats. The Custodial Services Provider shall vacuum and clean
interior floor mats. Floor mats shall be free of all visible lint, litter, debris, soil and other
foreign matter. Soil and moisture underneath mats shall be removed and mats returned
to their normal location. Area and throw rugs shall receive the same service.
2.7 Stairways/Elevators/Handicap Lifts. The Custodial Services Provider shall clean all
floor surfaces IAW the non-carpeted and carpeted requirements as appropriate. Stair
guards, handrails, wall caps, and baseboards shall be free from grease and grime. The
Contractor shall remove all marks, dirt, smudges, scuffs, and other foreign matter from
adjoining stairwell walls, up to seventy-two (72) inches height from stair tread level, to
provide or maintain a clean, uniform appearance.
2.8 Trash Collection and Removal. The Custodial Services Provider shall collect and
dispose of all trash from all waste receptacles, to include wastebaskets and ot her trash
containers (exterior waste baskets, trash receptacles, and smoking urns are included in
the scope of trash removal). The Custodial Services Provider shall remove any trash
boxes or debris stacked near the waste receptacles. The Custodial Services Provider
shall replace plastic trash bags and can liners as needed.
2.8.1 Recycle Collection and Removal. The Custodial Services Provider shall collect,
pickup, and dispose of all recycle paper from the appropriate recycle bins located at each
office. The Custodial Services Provider shall dispose of the collected paper to the nearest
recycle dumpster located outside at each building.
2.9 Restrooms/Toilet Areas/Locker Rooms.
2.9.1 Clean and Disinfect. All surfaces of sinks, toilets, urinals, lavatories, showers,
shower mats, dispensers, plumbing fixtures, drinking fountains, saunas, partitions,
dispensers, doors, walls, partitions, stalls, stall doors, entry doors (including handle, kick
plates, ventilation grates, metal guards), walls, and other such surfaces shall be cleaned
and disinfected using a germicidal agent and free from water and scale deposits, soil,
streaks, and other removable matter. Restrooms shall be left with a clean or odorless
scent. Showers, toilets, and urinals shall be free of spots, water spots, scale buildup,
soap scum, odors, and any other deposits. Mirrors shall be clean and have no streaks or
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
other removable matter. Partitions shall be smudge, stain free. Vents (within seventy-
two (72) inches of the floor) shall be clean. Walls and grout shall be free of all firm, spots,
and detergent buildup.
2.9.2 Custodial Services Provider Log. The Custodial Services Provider shall keep a
detailed log of work accomplished in each restroom receiving custodial work. The log
shall include relevant custodial practices and the dates of the service after completed.
The Custodial Services Provider shall submit this log to the Camp Parks IGSA TR along
with the completed project work list not later than the 25th day of each month.
2.9.3 Floor Care. The Custodial Services Provider shall maintain all floor surfaces IAW
original equipment manufacturer instructions and commercial practices.
2.9.4 Supplies Restockage. The Custodial Services Provider shall ensure restrooms
are stocked sufficiently with provided supplies including toilet tissue, paper towels, and
hand soap. The Custodial Services Provider shall store supplies in designated areas.
The Custodial Services Provider shall sufficiently stock quantities to ensure supplies do
not run out before the next service date. If supplies run out prior to the next service date,
the Custodial Services Provider shall refill within two (2) hours of notification and without
additional cost to the Government. The Contractor shall only purchase and furnish items
approved by the Camp Parks IGSA TR prior to use. The contractor will be provided
custodial space at or near vicinities for stock purposes. Resupplying Dispensers. The Custodial Services Provider shall resupply all
toilet tissue dispensers, towel dispensers, soap dispensers, toilet seat cover dispen sers,
and sanitary napkin dispensers.
2.9.5 Trash Removal. Trash containers in restrooms and locker rooms shall be emptied,
trash disposed, and containers returned to their original locations. Trash receptacles shall
be left clean, free of foreign matter, and free of odors. The Custodial Services Provider
shall replace soiled, worn, or torn plastic trash can liners. The collection of recycled refuse
(paper, plastic, glass, etc.) shall be IAW local policies, laws, and regulations.
2.10 Drinking Fountains. The Custodial Services Provider shall clean all facility drinking
fountains, typically located near or in the vicinity of restrooms. The Custodial Services
Provider shall clean and disinfect porcelain, polished metal surfaces (including the orifices
and drain), and exterior surfaces of fountains. Drinking fountains shall be free of streaks,
stains, spots, smudges, scale, and other obvious soil. The Custodial Services Provider
shall not use abrasives or toilet bowl cleaners to clean drinking fountains.
2.11 Dusting. Regular dusting includes surfaces within six (6) feet of the floor and shall
be free of dust, lint, cobwebs, and litter. High dusting includes surfaces above
approximately six (6) feet up to ten (10) feet. Surfaces could include items such as tables,
shelves, bookcases, storage lockers, window sills, hand rails, pictures, clocks, window
blinds, ceiling fans, etc.
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
2.11.1 Light Dusting, Low (under six (6) feet). The Custodial Services Provider shall dust
all furniture, equipment, Venetian blinds, and all horizontal surfaces from the floor level to
a minimum height of approximately six (6) feet above the top of the floor surface. The
Custodial Services Provider shall not move personal items.
2.11.2 Heavy Dusting, Low (over six (6) feet). The Custodial Services Provider shall dust
using a dust removing agent. The Contractor shall dust all visible surfaces to include
cabinets, millwork, tops of low walls, window frames, drapes, and equipment to include
vending machines and other materials.
2.14 Child, Youth and School Services (CYS). Currently N/A
Areas occupied by children. Chemical air fresheners are not permitted. Cleaning
products for use in the CYS facilities shall be approved by local preventative medicine
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
3.0 Work Capability Levels.
1. Facility Category Codes to be excluded from these custodial services: 141XX, 17XXX, 722XX, 724XX, and 721XX (Except 72112, WTU UPH) facilities.
2. Custodial services for facilities in the frequency chart (as shown in the columns below) are not provided to facilities assigned to military units below the Brigade level.
3. Garrison Commanders have the discretion to alter these standards to a higher level when supported as reimbursable.
4. Administrative space within U.S. Army Reserve unit facilities with Category Code 17140 is considered non-reimbursable for Custodial Services. US Army Reserve receives equal IMCOM
installation BASOPS Service as all Army tenants. USARC will receive custodial services regardless of the unit level and will receive the same level of support as other authorized buildings on the
installation. Any service beyond the Garrison’s basic service will be provided on a reimbursable basis. To receive custodial services, the building must have the correct CATCODE.
5. Training building under CATCODE (17xxx) such as Simulations Center (CATCODE 17213) and Simulator Building (motion based) (CATCODE 17210) with administrative offices will be treated the
same as Installation Admin on non-reimbursable basis.
6. Services for Warriors in Transition unaccompanied personnel housing will be funded and executed in full compliance with OACSIM policy memorandum, “Unaccompanied Personnel Housing for
Warriors in Transition (WT)” dtd 14 Oct 09, ref (b) custodial services for WTs residing in WT UPH facilities.
Service Pricing Standard
Service Pricing Basic Service Pricing Standard
Service Pricing Basic Service Pricing Basic Service Pricing
Clean/Supply Kitchens & Breakrooms D $D $D $A/R $A/R $N/A $
Remove Trash in Kitchens & Breakrooms D $D $D $D $D $2W $
Clean/Supply Restrooms D $D $D $D $D $2W $
Disinfect Toilets/Urinals1A D $D $D $D $D $2W $
Remove Trash in Restrooms D $D $D $D $D $2W $
Clean Drinking Fountains D $D $D $D $D $1W $
Remove Trash D $D $D $2W $2W $1W $
Remove Recycle 1W $1W $1W $1W $1W $1W $
Vacuum Cleaning D $D $D $1W $1W $1W $
Carpet Cleaning 1Y $1Y $1Y $1Y $1Y $1Y $
Spot Clean A/R $A/R $A/R $A/R $A/R $A/R $
Sweep Floors D $D $D $D $D $1W $
Wet Mop D $D $D $D $D $1W $
Dry Buff or Spray/Buff 1M $1M $1M $1M $1M $4Y $
Stripping/Finishing Tile 2Y $2Y $2Y $1Y $1Y $1Y $
Regular Dusting D $D $D $2Y $2Y $2Y $
High Dusting 1W $1W $1W $1Y $1Y $1Y $
Clean Furniture 4Y $4Y $4Y $2Y $2Y $1Y $
Wash Interior Glass D $D $D $A/R $A/R $A/R $
Wash Exterior Glass 4Y $4Y $4Y $A/R $A/R $A/R $
Clean Window Treatments 4Y $4Y $4Y $A/R $A/R $A/R $
Highchairs, Cribs, Playpens D2,BO $
Food Service Areas D2,BP $
Clean Doors, Doorframes D3,BQ $
Scrub Walls, Woodwork 1W 4,BQ $
Dust Ledges, Window Sills 1W 5,BR $
Clean Upholstered Furniture 2Y 6,BS $
---------------------Total Price $Total Price $Total Price $Total Price $Total Price $Total Price $
Biohazard Waste Notes:
D - Daily
1W - Once a Week
2W - Twice a Week
3W - Times a week 5Y - 5 Times a Year
1M - Once a Month 6Y - 6 Times a Year
2M - Twice a Month 1A. Includes partitions and walls behind toilets
1B. Window Treatments = window coverings such as blinds, drapes, interior shutters, etc.
BO - Applicable only to Child & Youth Services facilities 1. Per AR 608-10, g. (1) this service will be provided as needed, but at least semi-annually.
BP - Applicable only to Child & Youth Services facilities - for all other facilities; see "Clean/Supply Kitchens & Restrooms." 2. Includes all cleaning tasks described in AR 608-10, Ch 5-37, e. (4)
BQ - Covered under "Spot Cleaning" for all facilities except Child & Youth Services facilities. 3. Includes all cleaning tasks described in AR 608-10, Ch 5-37, e. (7)
BR - Covered under "Regular Dusting" for all facilities except Child & Youth Services facilities. 4. Includes all cleaning tasks described in AR 608-10, f. (1)
BS - Applicable only to Child & Youth Services facilities - for all other facilities; see "Clean Furniture." 5. Includes all cleaning tasks described in AR 608-10, f. (2)
N/A - Not Applicable
A/R - As Required/Requested
1Y – 1 Time a Year
2Y - 2 Times a Year
4Y - 4 Times a Year
Caliber of the cleaning service for Child Development Services facilities will be specified as hospital-
grade quality, as per AR 608-10 Ch 5-37 a.
6. Includes all cleaning tasks described in AR 608-10, g. (4); these services will be
Caliber of the cleaning service for casualty/trauma decontamination at facilities where regulations shall be
cleaned IAW MEDCOM Reg 40-35; paragraph 16 Contingency Planning (h) Casualty/trauma Suicide.
Applicable for CDCs and Youth Services Facilities ONLY
Child Development Services Notes:
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
4.0 Technical Exhibits
4.1 Task and Frequency of Custodial Services.
Routine Cleaning for all areas listed
(choose if applicable based on floor type):
Spot Clean Floors/Carpets AR
Carpeted Floors - Removable (Area and Throw Rugs) 1W
Buffing/Spray Buffing 4Y
Stripping & Wax After Stripping 1Y
Damp Mop 1W
Sweep/Dust Mop Floors 1W
Vacuum Carpeted Floors 1W
Drinking Fountains & Sinks 2.5W
Sweep Stairways/Elevators/Handicap Lifts 1W
Remove Trash and Recyclables 1W
Low Dusting 2Y
High Dusting 1Y
Clean and Supply Restrooms/Toilet Areas/Locker Rooms 2.5W
Clean Doors 1W
Building # Description (Room Type) Estimat.
282 Admin 700 CONC/VCT
285 Admin 530 CONC
300 Admin 11,284 CPT/VCT
301 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
302 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
303 Gymnasium 11,284 CPT/VCT
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
304 Offices/Classroom 11,284 CPT/VCT
306 Comm/Area 4,000 VCT
310 Comm/Area 4,000 VCT
311 Offices 2,670 VCT
312 Admin Gen Purp 12,600 VCT/CPT
323 Classrooms / Common Area 11,284 CNL/CPT
331 Admin 2,500 VCT/CPT
340 Admin/classroom 41,508 VCT/CPT
342 Comm/Area 57,000 CONC
350 Admin/Classroom/DES 14,260 VCT/CPT
360 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
361 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
362 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
363 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
364 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
370 Admin/Classroom 39,632 VCT/CPT
373 TEMF 33,024 CONC/VCT
390 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
391 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
392 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
393 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
394 Comm/Area 3,000 VCT
398 Laundry 2,400 CONC
490 AMSA 13,600 CONC
494 Office/warehouse 10,000 CPT
501 Chapel 7,200 CPT/HDWD
510 Admin/Gen Purp 62,000 62,000 CONC
514 Admin/Classroom 4,050 CONC/CPT
516 Admin/Storage 3,350 CONC
517 Admin/Classroom 41,902 VCT/CPT
520 Comm/Area/Sleep Area 12,000 VCT/CPT
Appendix C to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Custodial Services Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and Technical Exhibits
521 NAF/Clubhouse 12,000 VCT/CPT
610 Admin 33,422 VCT/CPT
611 Admin 2,324 VCT
620 Admin 13,364 VCT/CPT
650 Admin 47,112 VCT/CPT
659 Comm/Area 60,000 CONC
665 Admin/WHSE 36,260 CONC
677 Classrooms 7,043 VCT/CPT
690 Admin/Classroom 45,752 VCT/CPT
960 LRC Warehouse 60,000 CONC
1152 Comm/Area 24,000 VCT
Special Services
332 Admin/hallway/Bathrooms 11,699 VCT/CPT
B332 is a dining facility. Requires 2x cleaning
CPT = Carpet
CONC = Concrete
EPOXY = Epoxy Flooring
HDWD = Hardwood
VCT = Vinyl Composite Tile
2W = two times per Week
2.5 = Two and a half times per Week
5W = 5 times per Week
2Y = Twice a Year
N/A = Not Applicable
A/R = As Required
Appendix D to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
Pest Management
Appendix D to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
Table of Contents
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION. ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Pest Management Services ......................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Significant Public Health Pests ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Buildings and Structures .............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Regulations ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Army Policy ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Environmental Protection .................................................................................... 2
1.4 Licenses and Certifications .......................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 Personnel ........................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Pesticides .................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Service Requests. ....................................................................................................... 4
1.6.1 Emergency Public Health Requests .................................................................... 4
1.6.2 Emergency Mission Critical Requests ................................................................. 4
1.6.3 Non-Emergency Requests .................................................................................. 4
1.7 Structural Pests ........................................................................................................... 4
1.8 Miscellaneous Pests .................................................................................................... 4
2.0 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. .............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Indoor Pest Control...................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Plan and Manage the Indoor Pest Management Program ................................... 5
2.1.2 Food Handling Establishments............................................................................ 5
2.2 Outdoor Pest Control ................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Outdoor Pest Management ................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Dead or Dying Animals ....................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Stray Animals ...................................................................................................... 6
2.2.4 Miscellaneous Animal Pests ............................................................................... 7
2.2.5 Vegetation Control .............................................................................................. 7
2.3 Other Services ............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Special Services ................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Special Event Services ....................................................................................... 7
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
1.0 General Information.
1.1 Introduction/Pest Management Services. This is a non-personal
intergovernmental support agreement (IGSA) with the City of Dublin, also known as the
Authority, to provide Pest Control services at Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training
Area (PRFTA). The Government shall appoint an IGSA Technical Representative (IGSA
TR). The IGSA TR will conduct periodic checks of pest control services through
personal inspection and review of records to ensure the services outlined in this PWS
are performed in a satisfactory manner. The IGSA TR will serve as the Army’s liaison
between PRFTA and the City of Dublin on agreement- and performance-related
matters; however, the IGSA TR is not authorized to make any commitments or changes
that will affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or any other term or condition of the
The Pest Management Service Provider shall perform scheduled and unscheduled Pest
Management Services for public health pests for real property, facilities, and grounds on
Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (PRFTA). Pests are: a nuisance, invasive
species, or disease vector such as arthropods, stray dogs, stray cats, birds, rodents,
nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, algae, snails, marine borers, snakes, weeds, and
other organisms (except for human or animal disease-causing organisms) that adversely
affect readiness, military operations, or the well-being of personnel and animals; attack
or damage real property, supplies, equipment, or vegetation; or are otherwise
undesirable. A disease vector is any animal capable of transmitting the causative agent
of a human disease; serving as an intermediate or reservoir host of a pathogenic
organism; or producing human discomfort or injury, including (but not limited to)
mosquitoes, flies, ticks, mites, snails, and rodents.
Pest Management Service includes pest surveillance, pest identification, breeding site
removal, pesticide applications, and other required actions to control pests in and
around buildings and facilities including non-privatized family housing.
1.1.1 Significant Public Health Pests. Significant public health pests include, but are not
limited to, the following:
a. Disease vectors, e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, bats (indoors), fleas, bees, and flies
b. Venomous arthropods, e.g., spiders, scorpions, and wasps
c. Vertebrate pests, e.g., bats, birds, rodents, and snakes
d. Stray animals
e. Invasive vegetation, toxic plants e.g. poison ivy, and weeds
1.2 Buildings and Structures. The Pest Management Service Provider shall perform
quarterly inspections for household pests in buildings and structures as coordinated with
Camp Parks IGSA TR and City of Dublin counterpart, except for the dining facility which
requires weekly inspections, treatment as necessary and mainten ance of approximately
(14) existing "Lure-a-lite"fly trapping equipment (bulbs to be replaced annually and glue
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
boards replaced monthly). The Contractor shall maintain and monitor pheromone traps in
the stored product areas.
1.3 Regulations. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide all services and
storage procedures in accordance with (IAW) the following:
a. Federal, State, and Local Laws and Regulations
b. Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 4150.07, DoD Pest Management
c. AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement
d. PRFTA Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP)
e. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
f. California Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regulations
g. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulations
1.3.1 Army Policy. The Pest Management Service Provider shall follow Army policy that
requires DD Form 1532, Pest Management Report and DD Form 1532-1, Pest
Management Maintenance Record, or equivalent, to be used to record and report all pest
control operations, to include surveillance.
1.3.2 Environmental Protection. All environmental protection issues shall be
coordinated with the Camp Parks IGSA-TR and City of Dublin counterpart.
1.4 Licenses and Certifications. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide
its business license and pest management specialist’s names, certification numbers
(DOD or State), certification categories, and expiration dates within thirty (30) days of
start of IGSA agreement, and annually by end of the performance period. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall ensure that the licenses/certificates and training of
Contractor personnel are kept current. Copies of these licenses/certifications shall be
provided to the Camp Parks IGSA TR, as coordinated and agreed upon with City of Dublin
The Pest Management Service Provider shall ensure that the licenses, certificates, and
training of Pest Management Service Provider personnel applying pesticides are valid
and kept current. Copies of these licenses and certifications shall be provided to the KO
within ten (10) calendar days prior to the start of the contract period, and again within ten
(10) calendar days upon a change in personnel. Pesticides management employees,
provided by the Pest Management Service Provider shall not apply pesticides under
someone else’s certification. If the Pest Management Service Provider spills or releases
any hazardous substances (i.e., substances listed in 40 CFR 302, Designation,
Reportable Quantities, and Notification), the Pest Management Services Provider shall
notify the Camp Parks IGSA TR and the Environmental Office by written notification within
one (1) hour, as coordinated and agreed with City of Dublin cou nterpart. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall submit a consolidated list of all pesticides used
during the month, in a monthly pesticides application record, to the Camp Parks IGSA
TR, as coordinated and agreed with City of Dublin counterpart. The Pest Management
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
Service Provider shall only use pesticides listed on the garrison’s Pesticide Use List
1.4.1 Personnel. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide properly
licensed and certified pest management personnel Monday through Friday, during normal
duty hours. The Pest Management Service Provider personnel shall perform pest
surveillance, pest control, inspection operations, and pesticide application, IAW DODI
4150.07 and PRFTA IPMP. All pest management work shall be performed by a licensed
business and individuals certified IAW DOD and State requirements and regulations. The
Pest Management Service Provider shall have a State pesticide application business
license and the Pest Management Service Provider’s pest management specialists shall
be State of California certified in the following pest control categories/subcategories:
a. Forestry (EPA Category 2/ CA Category E)
b. Turf (EPA Category 3/ CA Categories A and B)
c. Ornamental (EPA Category 3/ CA Categories A and B)
d. Aquatic (EPA Category 5/ CA Category F)
e. Right of Way (EPA Category 6/ CA Category C)
f. Mosquito & General Use Pesticides (EPA Category 7/ CA Categories A and K)
g. Public Health Pest Management (EPA Category 8/ CA Category K)
1.5 Pesticides.
a. All pesticides used shall be registered, for unrestricted use, with the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the State.
b. All pesticides used shall be approved IAW DODI 4150.07, Chapter 5. The
Contractor shall annually submit a Pesticide Use Proposal, IAW Pest
Management Plan. The initial plan submittal is required thirty (30) calendar
days after contract start.
c. All pesticides shall be used in strict conformance with label directions.
Mixing of chemicals shall comply with EPA, DoD, State requirements and
the IPMP.
d. The Pest Management Services Provider shall not store or mix pesticides
on the installation. The exception to this is if the work (such as herbicides
for vegetation management or termiticides for new building construction)
requires mixing on-site. However, the Contractor shall not have a location
or work site to store unmixed pesticides on site.
e. The Pest Management Services Provider shall submit monthly pesticide
usage on DD Form 1532, or equivalent, IAW PRFTA IPMP.
f. The Contractor shall maintain a label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) book of
pesticides used or stored for use, and shall have it readily available for the
Camp Parks IGSA upon request, as coordinated and agreed upon with City
of Dublin counterpart.
g. The Pest Management Services Provider shall notify the Camp Parks IGSA
TR within twenty-four (24) hours in advance when subcontracting any pest
management operations, as coordinated and agreed upon with City of
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
Dublin counterpart. The Pest Management Services Provider shall ensure
that the subcontractor is properly licensed, trained and certified in each
category being subcontracted. The Pest Management Service Provider
shall be responsible for the subcontractor’s reports of pest management
operations performed by the subcontractor.
h. Any proposed changes in Government-approved pesticides shall be
submitted to the Camp Parks IGSA TR for approval at least ten (10) working
days in advance of the anticipated use, as coordinated and agreed upon
with City of Dublin counterpart.
1.6 Service Requests.
1.6.1 Emergency Public Health Requests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
provide personnel to respond to emergency public health pest management service
requests within four (4) hours of the request. Examples of emergency public health pests
include bats, wasps, bees, snakes, squirrels, raccoons, opossums, skunks, potentially
rabid animals, or any other threatening species.
1.6.2 Emergency Mission Critical Requests. The Pest Management Service Provider
shall provide personnel to respond to mission critical pest management service requests
within four (4) hours of the request. Mission critical facilities include command centers,
emergency operations facilities, and IT/communications.
1.6.3 Non-Emergency Requests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide
personnel to respond to non-emergency pest management service requests within three
(3) days of the request. Non-emergency pest management service requests shall be any
request that is not an emergency public health pest management request or emergency
mission critical pest management request.
1.7 Structural Pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall perform control
services to eradicate termites and other structural pests. The Pest Management Service
Provider shall perform building and structure inspections for wood infestation or visible
damage to structures containing wooden components annually by the end of the
performance period. The Pest Management Service Provider shall submit an inspection
report (DD Form 1070, Termite and Wood Decay Inspection) to the Camp Parks IGSA
TR and the Installation Pest Management Coordinator, as coordinated and agreed upon
with City of Dublin counterpart. The Pest Management Service Provider shall use
approved chemicals and wood treatment when pests are discovered during the
performance of maintenance, repair, or minor construction work.
1.8 Miscellaneous Pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide pest
control services for the control of miscellaneous pests, to include various insects, birds,
rodents, and animals. Humane treatment shall be used to remove miscellaneous pests
from buildings. The Pest Management Services Provider shall also provide cleanup of
nesting materials, feces, urine, etc. left by these pests and apply an effective deodorizer
as required. The Pest Management Services Provider shall use live traps or nets to
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
capture vertebrate pests. Any poisoning of ground squirrels will be conducted in
accordance with PRFTAs Biological Opinions, requiring carcass-removal surveys on the
third day after poisoned baits are introduced and continuing daily at least until the fifth
day after poisoned baits are removed and until no additional carcasses are found.
2.0 Description of Services.
2.1 Indoor Pest Control.
2.1.1 Plan and Manage the Indoor Pest Management Program. The Pest Management
Service Provider shall submit to the Camp Parks IGSA TR, as coordinated and agreed
upon with City of Dublin counterpart, a weekly Pest Management Maintenance Record,
which includes a schedule for all work and inspections (to include actuals, as well as
scheduled). The submittal shall begin ten (10) days after award. The schedule and
arranged work shall have minimal disruptions.
2.1.2 Food Handling Establishments.
a. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide pest control inspections at
all food handling establishments weekly and treat as required. Treatment shall be
performed only when the food establishments are unoccupied. Food handling
establishments are shown in the Technical Exhibits.
b. The Pest Management Service Provider shall control infestation of insects and
rodents IAW IPMP.
c. The Pest Management Service Provider shall conduct inside treatment of child
care development centers only when children are not present in the facilities. Child
care center spraying shall comply with AR 608-10, Child Development Services.
d. The Pest Management Service Provider shall weekly set and check traps or use
other approved methods in food storage areas to protect stored products. The
Pest Management Service Provider shall not use poison for pest control in food
preparation areas or floor space in common areas su ch as hallways. Traps located
outdoors shall be placed in bait stations to protect non -target animals. Bait stations
shall be secured against removal. Flies. The Pest Management Service Provider shall inspect for flies during
monthly building and weekly food handling establishment inspections. Building
inspections shall include all lunchrooms, break rooms, and kitchenette areas. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall provide pest control based on inspection results.
2.2 Outdoor Pest Control.
2.2.1 Outdoor Pest Management. The Pest Management Service Provider shall control
public health animal and plant pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
submit to the Camp Parks IGSA TR, as coordinated and agreed upon with City of Dublin
counterpart, a weekly Pest Management Schedule of outdoor pest management
activities, which includes a schedule for all work and inspections (to include actuals, as
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
well as scheduled). The submittal shall begin ten (10) days after award. The schedule
and arranged work shall have minimal disruptions. Required inspections shall be
performed concurrently whenever possible. Trees, Shrubs, and Turf Pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
control trees, shrubs, and turf pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
inspect trees and shrubs in April, June, August, and October for infestation and disease,
and treat based on inspection findings. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
treat infestation within five (5) calendar days of detection. Mosquito Larvae. The Pest Management Service Provider shall perform weekly
inspections of mosquito larvae during mosquito season based on the IPMP. Adult Mosquitoes. The Pest Management Service Provider shall perform adult
mosquito surveillance and treatment and control, as specified in the IPMP. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall weekly inspect for adult mosquitoes and treat as
necessary (April through October). The Pest Management Service Provider shall reapply
pesticides whenever critical levels are reached or mosquito-borne disease outbreaks are
detected, based on guidance from the Camp Parks IGSA TR, as coordinated and agreed
upon with City of Dublin counterpart.. Other Pests of Medical Importance. The Pest Management Service Provider
shall survey and control pests of medical importance (to include fleas and ticks) as
necessary for the protection of health and safety as outlined in the IPMP.
2.2.2 Dead or Dying Animals. The Pest Management Service Provider shall remove
dead or dying vertebrate animals from the installation and dispose IAW Federal and
Stateregulations. The Pest Management Service Provider shall immediately, not later
than two (2) hours, locate and remove the carcass, and apply a deodorizer (if necessary)
to effectively treat odors. Any poisoning of ground squirrels will be conducted in
accordance with PRFTAs Biological Opinions, requiring carcass-removal surveys on the
third day after poisoned baits are introduced and continuing daily at least until the fifth
day after poisoned baits are removed and until no additional carcasses are foun d.
2.2.3 Stray Animals. The Pest Management Service Provider shall remove and properly
handle stray animals. Stray animals considered household pets shall be delivered to the
local animal shelter the same day of capture. Stray animals shall be considered as DOD-
owned animals until disposition is made; that is, until euthanized, adopted, or released to
civil authorities. Animal Pick-up. The Pest Management Service Provider shall humanely pick up
all strays and transport them according to the City of Dublin requirements. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall only use animal handling equipment that has been
specifically designed for the humane treatment of domestic animals.
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits Animal Control Vehicles. Vehicles utilized to transport domestic animals shall be
equipped with cages specifically designed to transport, confine, and segregate domestic
animals in a humane manner. The vehicles and animal carriers used for transporting
domestic animals shall be cleaned IAW Code of Federal Regulations Title 9, Sec 3.11. Service Calls. The Pest Management Service Provider shall proceed to the
specified location, arrive within thirty (30) minutes after notification, pick up the described
domestic animal in a humane manner, and impoun d. The Pest Management Service
Provider shall impound domestic animals that have been involved in bite or scratch
incidents, are creating a nuisance, are a hazard, or have otherwise been ordered to be
impounded. Reporting. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide a daily
electronic summary report of activities performed throughout the day. The Pest
Management Service Provider shall provide an example of the daily summary report to
the Camp Parks IGSA TR ten (10) days after service agreement is finalized for approval,
as coordinated and agreed upon with City of Dublin counterpart. The report shall include:
total mileage driven, animals captured, location of capture, impound location, and any
other significant activity or problems associated with animal control.
2.2.4 Miscellaneous Animal Pests. The Pest Management Service Provider shall control
pests that damage grounds, particularly moles and ground squirrels, and fill burrows that
have been trapped out within the cantonment area. Any filling of burrows will be done in
coordination with PFRTA Environmental department. The Pest Management Service
Provider shall lock the live traps in either the open or closed position during non -duty
days. The Pest Management Service Provider shall remove and properly handle animals
according to State and IPMP regulations. Diseased animals shall be handled IAW local
ordinances and properly disposed.
2.2.5 Vegetation Control.
Unwanted vegetation control service frequency will be performed as needed to eliminate
weeds in the specified locations during the growing season (March through October). Weed Control. The Pest Management Service Provider shall limit the application
of herbicide to parade and athletic fields.
2.3 Other Services.
2.3.1 Special Services. The Camp Parks IGSA TR, as coordinated and agreed with City
of Dublin counterpart, will notify the Pest Management Service Provider as soon as a
special service requirement is known. The Pest Management Service Provider shall
coordinate special service requirements with the existing pest management schedule.
Pricing for this unscheduled service shall be IAW the pre-established unit prices in the
2.3.2 Special Event Services. The Pest Management Service Provider shall provide
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
additional pest control services for special events when necessary. Special events
include, but are not limited to, Very Important Person (VIP) visits, retreats, ribbon cutting
ceremonies, and open houses. When necessary, the Contractor shall deviate from its
schedule to meet special event requirements, at no additional cost to the Government.
The Pest Management Service Provider shall be authorized one (1) additional duty day
to return to its normal operations.
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
3.0 Technical Exhibits
3.1 List of Buildings and Sites for Scheduled Services
Pest Control PWS Technical Exhibit
Building #/
Building Type Floors Service
275 Visitor Control Center 1 Every Other
277 Gate House 1 Every Other
278 Gate House 1 Every Other
282 Gate House Office 1 Every Other
300 Barracks 2 Monthly
301 Barracks 2 Monthly
302 Barracks 2 Monthly
303 Fitness Center 2 Monthly
304 Barracks 2 Monthly
306 Barracks 2 Monthly
310 Barracks 2 Monthly
311 Administrative 1 Monthly
312 Administrative 1 Monthly
313 Storage 1 Monthly
320 Administrative 2 Upon
321 Administrative 2 Upon
323 Administrative 2 Monthly
330 Administrative 2 Upon
331 Admin/Storage 3 Monthly
332 Dining Facility 3 Weekly
340 Administrative 2 Monthly
342 Barracks 3 Monthly
350 Storage 2 Upon
360 Barracks 2 Monthly
361 Barracks 2 Monthly
362 Barracks 2 Monthly
363 Barracks 2 Monthly
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
364 Barracks 2 Monthly
370 Administrative 2 Monthly
390 Barracks 2 Monthly
391 Barracks 2 Monthly
392 Barracks 2 Monthly
393 Barracks 2 Monthly
394 Barracks 2 Monthly
398 Laundry Facility 1 Monthly
490 Vehicle Maintenance 1 Monthly
494 Warehouse 1 Monthly
495 Admin/Storage 1 Upon
501 Chapel 2 Every Other
510 Administrative 2 Monthly
511 Storage 1 Upon
512 Storage 1 Monthly
514 Administrative 1 Monthly
516 Vehicle Maintenance 1 Monthly
517 Administrative 2 Every Other
520 Fire Station 1 Every Other
521 Recreation Center 2 Every Other
522 Storage 1 Upon
610 Administrative 1 Monthly
612 Storage 1 Upon
620 Administrative 1 Monthly
628 Admin/Toilet 1 Upon
632 NEC Node 1 Upon
650 Administrative 2 Monthly
659 Administrative 3 Monthly
665 Admin/Storage 1 Monthly
677 Administrative 1 Monthly
685 Warehouse/Storage 1 Monthly
690 Warehouse/Admin 1 Monthly
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
691 Storage 1 Upon
692 Administrative 1 Upon
960 Warehouse/Admin 1 Monthly
1152 Barracks 2 Monthly
1192 Access Control 1 Upon
1194 Administrative 1 Monthly
1195 Range OPS/Storage 1 Upon
1206 Administrative 1 Upon
1209 Administrative 1 Upon
1211 Administrative 1 Upon
0133C Recycling Storage 1 Upon
0133D Recycling Storage 1 Upon
2001 Air Force 1 Every Other
2002 Air Force 1 Every Other
2003 Air Force 1 Every Other
2004 Air Force 1 Every Other
2005 Air Force 1 Every Other
2011 Air Force 1 Every Other
2024 Air Force 1 Every Other
0396A Baseball Dugout (R) 1 Upon
0396B Baseball Dugout (L) 1 Upon
J1210 Administrative 1 Upon
R0EST Administrative 1 Upon
R396C Baseball (Booth) 1 Upon
Annex XX to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Pest Control Performance Work Statement (PWS)
and Technical Exhibits
R628A Administrative 1 Upon
T860A Administrative 1 Upon
T860B Warehouse 1 Upon
TR305 Administrative 1 Upon
TR490 Showers 1 Upon
TR670 Mailroom 1 Monthly
TR794 Administrative 1 Monthly
8300 BT Collins – Dining 1 Weekly
MISC Curbs 1 2 x Year
MISC Gravel Areas 1 2 x Year
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
Solid Waste Management
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
Table of Contents
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction/Description of Services ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Deliverables................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Outside Normal Duty Hours ......................................................................................... 1
2.0 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ............................................................................................... 1
2.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1.1 Ordnance ............................................................................................................ 1
2.1.2 Hazardous Materials ........................................................................................... 2
2.1.3 Scavenging ......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Schedules ................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Recycle/Refuse Collection Schedule................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Specific Tasks Routes/Schedules Submittals ...................................................... 2
2.3 Recycle Support .......................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Collection Containers .................................................................................................. 3
2.4.1 Container Management....................................................................................... 3
2.4.2 Containers and Installation Access ..................................................................... 3
2.4.3 Containers in Field Training Areas ...................................................................... 3
2.4.4 HAZMAT in Containers ....................................................................................... 3
2.4.6 Serviceable Containers ....................................................................................... 3
2.4.7 Container Lids ..................................................................................................... 3
2.4.8 Evaluating Containers ......................................................................................... 3
2.4.9 Container Replacements ..................................................................................... 4
2.4.10 Container Spillage ............................................................................................... 4
2.4.11 Complaints .......................................................................................................... 4
2.4.12 Container Cleaning Schedule.............................................................................. 4
2.5 Collection Vehicles ...................................................................................................... 4
2.5.1 Vehicle Operation and Maintenance ................................................................... 4
2.5.2 Unserviceable Vehicles ....................................................................................... 5
2.5.3 Scales ................................................................................................................. 5
2.6 Special Events/Tasks .................................................................................................. 5
2.6.1 Special Events Planning ..................................................................................... 5
2.6.2 Additional Services ............................................................................................. 5
2.6.3 Airfields ............................................................................................................... 5
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
2.7 Other Events ............................................................................................................... 5
2.7.1 Storms and Natural Disasters ............................................................................. 5
2.7.2 Inclement Weather Planning ............................................................................... 5
2.7.3 Inclement Weather Delay .................................................................................... 6
2.7.4 Unscheduled Clean-Ups ..................................................................................... 6
2.7.5 Examples of Scheduled and Unscheduled Requirements ................................... 6
2.7.6 Emergency Work ................................................................................................ 6
2.7.7 Installation Closures ............................................................................................ 6
2.8 Reports ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.8.1 Monthly Summary Report ................................................................................... 6
2.8.2 Work Control, Records, and Reports Plan (WCRRP) .......................................... 6
2.8.3 Container Condition Report ................................................................................. 7
2.8.4 Weekly Skip Reports ........................................................................................... 7
2.8.5 Regulatory Agency Inspections ........................................................................... 7
2.8.6 Other Reports ..................................................................................................... 7
4.0 TECHNICAL EXHIBITS ........................................................................................................ 8
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
1.0 General Information.
1.1 Introduction/Description of Services. This is a non-personal intergovernmental
support agreement (IGSA) with the City of Dublin, also known as the Authority, to provide
refuse and recycle removal and disposal at Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area
(PRFTA). The Government shall appoint an IGSA Technical Representative (IGSA TR).
The IGSA TR will conduct periodic checks of refuse and recycle collections through
personal inspection and review of records to ensure the services outlined in this PWS are
performed in a satisfactory manner. The IGSA TR will serve as the Army’s liaison between
PRFTA and the City of Dublin on agreement- and performance-related matters; however,
the IGSA TR is not authorized to make any commitments or changes that will affect price,
quality, quantity, delivery, or any other term or condition of the IGSA.
The City of Dublin shall provide all personnel, equipment, supplies and transportation
necessary to perform refuse and recycle removal and disposal as defined in this
Performance Work Statement (PWS), except for those items specified as Government -
furnished property and services. The City of Dublin shall perform to the standards in this
IGSA and shall remove and dispose of refuse waste and recyclable items from PRFTA in
a timely, efficient and environmentally conscious manner. Required refuse and recycle
removal and disposal is for nonhazardous refuse waste.
1.2 Deliverables. The Authority and/or the Authority’s Contractor (here after referred to
as the Contractor) shall compile historical data, prepare reports, and submit information
as specified by the Deliverables section of this IGSA.
1.3 Outside Normal Duty Hours. Except for specials events, the Contractor shall not be
required to provide services after normal duty hours, weekends and Federal holidays.
Services outside of normal duty hours must be authorized by the IGSA TR.
2.0 Description of Services.
2.1 Scope. The Authority shall empty recycle/refuse containers, compacters, and roll-
offs once a week or as noted in the Technical Specification section of this contract . In the
event of demand fluctuations, frequency adjustments must be approved by IGSA TR.
The Contractor shall remove all litter and waste on the ground within a ten (10) foot radius
of the container. The Authority shall track and report to the IGSA TR all container weights
and number of services per week. The Authority shall perform services IAW approved
scheduled routes for pick-up and respond to calls for service when dumpsters reach full
before scheduled pick-up.
2.1.1 Ordnance. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor knowingly accept
ammunition, explosives, or firearms. The Contractor shall immediately report all
potentially explosive items or materials to the Provost Marshal’s Office and Explosive
Ordnance Disposal.
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
2.1.2 Hazardous Materials. The Contractor shall not handle asbestos, human remains,
or compact military food heaters. The Contractor shall not handle bio-medical (also
known as “red bag”) or other hazardous materials. The Authority shall report to the IGSA
TR any hazardous materials identified or discovered at the Collection Point.
2.1.3 Scavenging. The Contractor shall prohibit scavenging of materials from the
Collection Point. The Contractor shall not salvage materials. The Contractor shall
maintain the Collection Point to discourage the harboring, feeding , and breeding of
disease vectors.
2.2 Schedules.
2.2.1 Recycle/Refuse Collection Schedule. The Contractor shall coordinate with the
IGSA TR to develop a schedule that minimizes interference with Government business
and submit the schedule to the IGSA TR for approval. The Contractor's schedule shall
cover a 12-month period. The Contractor shall submit the schedules not later than (NLT)
ten (10) days prior to contract performance start date and every subsequent option period.
The Contractor shall submit changes to the schedule to the IGSA TR NLT ten (10) working
days prior to the proposed implementation date of any change. The Contractor shall not
implement schedules or changes to the work schedule without prior written approval from
the IGSA TR. The Contractor shall perform all work under the contract IAW the
Contractor's schedules. All schedules shall be submitted to the IGSA TR for approval.
2.2.2 Specific Tasks Routes/Schedules Submittals. The Contractor shall submit a
schedule organized in two (2) hour increments and by days of the week for vehicle routes
and collection. The report shall be submitted for IGSA TR approval NLT ten (10) business
days from the signature of the IGSA. The Authority shall jointly monitor with the IGSA TR
fill capacities during the first thirty (30) days of performance and one (1) other time during
each performance period. Proposed changes to the schedule or haul route shall be
approved by the IGSA TR in writing prior to route changes. Estimated container sizes
and frequencies are found in Technical Exhibits. A map of the garrison’s current dumpster
locations will be provided upon request.
2.3 Recycle Support. The Contractor shall pick up recyclables generated on post at the
PRFTA Dining Facility (DFAC). Bulk Items. The Contractor shall collect and dispose of bulky items (e.g.,
shipping cartons, scrap lumber, discarded furniture, appliances, toys, wood pallets)
placed at collection stations, curb side or outside a refuse container. Hazardous Items. Items such as refrigerators, freezers, and window air
conditioner units may contain chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). Items containing CFCs shall be
picked up and properly disposed. Scrap Metal Items. Any scrap metal roll-offs will be coordinated and inspected
by the IGSA TR prior to transport. The Contractor shall obtain a stamped DD form 1348-
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
1A, Issue Release/Receipt Document, from the vendor and submit the stamped form to
the IGSA TR. Yard Waste Items. N/A.
2.4 Collection Containers.
2.4.1 Container Management. The Contractor shall place, combine, relocate, and
remove all refuse containers and equipment in types and quantities, adequate to collect
and deliver after receiving approval from the IGSA TR. Damages to property or grounds
after placing containers shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Government.
Relocation of containers/bins is at no cost to the Authority.
2.4.2 Containers and Installation Access. The Contractor shall place recycle/refuse
containers according to standoff distances as required by the IGSA TR. In addition, the
recycle/refuse collection containers shall be positioned more than fifteen (15) yards from
a food establishment’s entrance doors and adjacent entry way.
2.4.3 Containers in Field Training Areas. The Contractor shall provide recycle/refuse
containers to support training on ranges as needed. The IGSA TR will ensure all range
and training area roads are accessible prior to collect ing, disposing, or relocating
2.4.4 HAZMAT in Containers. The Authority shall notify the IGSA TR immediately after
asbestos or other HAZMAT has been identified by the Contractor.
2.4.6 Serviceable Containers. The Contractor shall maintain refuse containers in a
serviceable condition. The containers are unserviceable if any one of the following
conditions exist:
a. Container does not meet specifications
b. Container is not leak proof (storm water pollution prevention compliant)
c. Container is not enclosed (except for roll-off containers designed to be open)
d. Doors, lids or hardware are missing, damaged, not operational, or do not close in
the manner in which they were designed to close
e. Over twenty-five percent (25%) of exposed surface is not a uniform color (painted
if container is not molded or composite plastic)
f. Over ten percent (10%) of exposed surface is covered with rust
g. Container exterior is damaged (substantial dents, holes, excessive scratches,
burrs, ragged edges that present the container in an undesirable appearance).
2.4.7 Container Lids. All containers shall be equipped with metal lids and locking
latches. All solid waste container tops, lids, and doors shall be closed after emptying.
2.4.8 Evaluating Containers. The Contractor shall evaluate the condition of collection
recycle/refuse containers on a quarterly basis and provide this information in a report to
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
the IGSA TR. The report shall include container size, serial number, location, condition
rating, number of times cleaned that quarter, number of times painted that quarter, the
number of times repaired that quarter, number of dumpsters moved that quarter, total
number of serviceable collection containers, and number of collection containers in need
of repair.
2.4.9 Container Replacements. Deteriorated solid waste containers shall be replaced
or repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Government. The Contractor shall replace
containers within two (2) working days of receiving notification. The Contractor shall
furnish replacement containers when containers are removed for cleaning, painting,
maintenance, or repair.
2.4.10 Container Spillage. The Contractor shall pick up all spillage resulting from
emptying of container and compacting of solid waste, recycle material, or grease in
2.4.11 Complaints. Complaints regarding unsanitary conditions due to Contractor
negligence shall be corrected by the Contractor within two (2) hours of notification.
2.4.12 Container Cleaning Schedule. The Contractor shall provide the IGSA TR with a
recommended recycling/refuse collection container cleaning schedule NLT ten (10)
calendar days after IGSA signature. The Contractor shall only clean recycling/refuse
dumpsters containing food waste, (e.g., containers at dining facilities, cafeterias, etc.) as
needed. The Contractor shall provide to the IGSA TR with a list of refuse collection
containers that have received cleaning service each month. The Contractor shall provide
a Monthly Refuse Container Cleaning Schedule that shall include days of service and
driver, each container location, container type, cleaning time, and cleaning method. The
Contractor shall clean and sanitize recycling/refuse containers as needed to ensure they
are clean and odorless.
2.5 Collection Vehicles.
2.5.1 Vehicle Operation and Maintenance. Collection vehicles shall be maintained and
serviced IAW the manufacturers’ recommendations. The Contractor shall ensure
collection vehicles receive periodic safety checks and all irregularities shall be repaired
before the vehicle is operated. The Contractor shall remove, all inoperable or
unserviceable Contractor-furnished vehicles and equipment, off the installation. The
Contractor shall not leave Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in collection vehicles over
twenty-four (24) hours. The collection vehicle operator shall immediately clean up all
spills caused during the operation. All operators of Contractor-furnished vehicles shall be
licensed by the State and operate IAW installation traffic regulations. The Contractor shall
not leave vehicles unattended unless properly locked and secured.
Properly trained personnel and standard collection vehicles shall be used during
scheduled collections to provide an efficient operation. Adequate operating procedures
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
shall be established to prevent injury of personnel from slips, falls, strains, cuts, and motor
vehicle accidents.
2.5.2 Unserviceable Vehicles. The Contractor shall have serviceable vehicles to ensure
completion of contract requirements in the event of breakdowns, repair, or other
mechanical problems. Vehicles that are identified as unserviceable shall be repai red or
replaced NLT seven (7) calendar days at no additional cost to the Government. The
Contractor shall provide maintenance and repair service.
2.5.3 Scales. Collection equipment of the types used for the collection, storage, and
transportation of MSW shall meet the standards established by the American National
Standards Institute (as of the effective date(s) established in ANSI Z245.1, Safety
Standards for Refuse Collection Equipment).
2.6 Special Events/Tasks.
2.6.1 Special Events Planning. The Contractor shall participate in the planning and
coordinating of special events. Scheduled special events typically take place installation-
2.6.2 Additional Services. The Contractor shall be required to provide an additional 12,
six yard container collections per year for special ceremonies, small construction projects,
security, organizational events, and unit moves to satisfy the Command. Relocations
shall be accomplished, with the approval from the IGSA-TR, not more than eight (8)
working hours after the verbal request by phone. Major events requiring refuse and
recycling support will be planned two (2) weeks in advance and the Contractor shall
provide services necessary to support the event. The Contractor shall place recycling
and refuse containers at the event or locations for the period of time specified by the
2.6.3 Airfields. N/A
2.7 Other Events.
2.7.1 Storms and Natural Disasters. The Contractor shall provide additional collection
containers or increase frequency of services to manage the temporary demand. The
Contractor shall provide additional resources as needed to facilitate returning to full
operational capacity.
2.7.2 Inclement Weather Planning. Upon notification of destructive weather by the IGSA
TR to the Authority to prevent damage to containers, the Contractor shall collect all
containers and temporarily relocate them to positions adjacent to buildings or other
immovable structures. The Contractor shall provide appropriate tie-downs. The
Contractor shall return all refuse/recycle collection containers to normal positions when
destructive weather conditions have diminished.
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
2.7.3 Inclement Weather Delay. If the Contractor determines unsafe weather conditions
for continued operations, then the Authority may suspend services. The Authority shall
coordinate suspension and resumption of operations with the IGSA TR.
2.7.4 Unscheduled Clean-Ups. The Contractor shall remove materials on the ground at
collection sites and clean-up unauthorized (illegal) dump sites as requested. Examples
may include abandoned property generated from unit moves or barracks clean -ups. The
Contractor shall provide the appropriate containers and labor.
2.7.5 Examples of Scheduled and Unscheduled Requirements. Scheduled
requirements include the following: military unit moves, barracks/dormitory clean-ups, Air
Show, Armed Forces Day, military unit field exercises, Freedom Fest, Family Day, and
Single Soldier Day, recovery operations due to natural causes or man-made causes, and
military unit deployments. The Contractor shall provide collection containers to
adequately manage the waste volume. Unscheduled events will be coordinated through
the IGSA TR to the Authority. Upon notification, the Contractor shall provide the required
services within five (5) working days.
2.7.6 Emergency Work. The IGSA TR may designate a work requirement as an
emergency through the Authority. The Contractor shall respond immediately to
emergency work requests. The Contractor shall divert employees, if necessary, to
respond to and accomplish emergency work. Emergency work would be necessary for
the protection of life, health, or safety. Response time shall not exceed one (1) hour and
work shall commence within two (2) hours upon notification. The Contractor shall
continue working until the work is complete.
2.7.7 Installation Closures. N/A - See Emergency Work.
2.8 Reports.
2.8.1 Monthly Summary Report. The Authority shall provide a monthly summary report
of tonnage landfilled as MSW and materials recycled.
2.8.2 Work Control, Records, and Reports Plan (WCRRP). The Authority’s Contractor
shall develop and implement a WCRRP to include all information control procedures
necessary to ensure timely and acceptable accomplishment of all IGSA requirements;
and permit tracking of work in progress. The Authority shall submit a WCRRP to the IGSA
TR for approval NLT ten (10) days after contract performance start date, and
modifications to the plan NLT seven (7) working days prior to implementation of any
changes. The Contractor shall revise, modify, and resubmit the plan for approval
annually. The Contractor shall accurately, completely, and legibly prepare and submit
the documentation and automated reports to the IGSA-TR. Reports shall include any
supplemental charts, photographs, manufacturer's pamphlets, etc., necessary to
complete the report.
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
2.8.3 Container Condition Report. The Contractor shall evaluate the condition of the
collection containers on a monthly basis and provide this information in a quarterly report
to the IGSA TR.
2.8.4 Weekly Skip Reports. The Contractor shall provide a Weekly Skip Report (WSR)
listing containers that cannot be serviced because of blocked access, contamination,
illegal material, etc. The Contractor shall contact the IGSA TR within (one) 1 hour after
identifying the non-collected container. The Non-Collected Container Report shall contain
the service date, truck or route number, driver's name, container location, time container
was checked, why it could not be emptied, and comments (for notations such as a
description and license number of blocking vehicle). Upon notification by the IGSA TR of
resolution of the unserviceable condition, the Contractor shall ensure collection of the
refuse collection container NLT four (4) hours following notification.
2.8.5 Regulatory Agency Inspections. The Contractor shall submit a written report of
any inspection visit by representative(s) of any regulatory agency and immediately notify
the IGSA TR. This report shall include the representatives' names, titles, identification
numbers, and agencies, reason(s) for the visit, and comments or findings. The Contractor
shall submit a copy of all reports received as a result of these visits to the IGSA TR by
the end of the next working day following receipt of the report. Any samples, reports, etc.
shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the inspecting regulatory agency
representative validating their authenticity.
2.8.6 Other Reports. The Contractor shall provide copies of other reports to the IGSA
TR, such as those reports the Contractor develops to submit to State Regulators or to
support the Contractor's work system, within one (1) working day of completion.
3.0 Government-Furnished Material (GFM)/Property (GFP)/Equipment (GFE). N/A
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
4.0 Technical Exhibits
4.1 Task and Frequency Chart
# Size (CY) Bldg # Frequency
1 4 2001 Weekly
2 3 960 Weekly
3 1 960 Weekly
4 6 690 Weekly
5 4 665 Weekly
6 6 650 Weekly
7 3 650 Weekly
8 1 677 Weekly
9 2 520 Weekly
10 4 521 Weekly
11 4 512 Weekly
12 6 512 Weekly
13 3 501 Weekly
14 6 670 Weekly
15 3 312 Weekly
16 3 304 Weekly
17 4 340 Weekly
18 6 340 Weekly
19 6 332 Weekly
20 6 332 Weekly
21 6 332 Weekly
22 3 321 Weekly
23 4 350 Weekly
24 4 370 Weekly
25 4 394 Weekly
26 6 394 Weekly
27 3 1152 Weekly
28 3 373 Weekly
29 4 490 Weekly
30 1 494 Weekly
31 20 510 As Needed
32 20 610 As Needed
33 40 960 As Needed
Appendix E to Dublin/Parks IGSA: Solid Waste Management Performance Work
Statement (PWS) and Technical Exhibits
4.2 Base Map Locations and Offset Requirements
Provided upon request