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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 - 2991 VCC Parcel 3 Cont. Page 1 of 4 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: December 3, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Valley Christian Center Parcel 3 General Plan Amendment Study Initiation Request (PLPA-2019-00042) Prepared by: Amy Million, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On November 19, 2019, the City Council considered a request by Fulcrum Development to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for a portion of Parcel 3 of the Valley Christian Center located at the northeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. The General Plan Amendment Study would evaluate a proposal to change the existing General Plan land use designation for a portion of Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public in order to accommodate a residential care facility for seniors. After taking testimony, the City Council directed Staff to return with a report on previous similar General Plan Amendments to change the land use designation of properties from Open Space to another developable designation, and to identify an opportunity to offset the proposed loss of open space. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to Evaluate Changing the Land Use Designation of Approximately Two Acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and Approximately Five Acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space (APN: 941-0022-006-00) (PLPA-2019-00042); OR adopt the Resolution Denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to Evaluate Changing the Land Use Designation of Approximately Two Acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and Approximately Five Acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space (APN: 941-0022-006-00) (PLPA-2019-00042). FINANCIAL IMPACT: There will be no financial impact to the City. All costs associated with preparing the General Plan Amendment Study, if authorized by the City Council, will be borne by the Project Proponent. Page 2 of 4 DESCRIPTION: Fulcrum Development proposed a residential care facility for the elderly on an undeveloped 4.68-acre portion of Parcel 3 at Valley Christian Center as shown in Figure 1 below. The project site is part of the larger 12.7-acre parcel. The entirety of Parcel 3 has a General Plan land use designation of Open Space and the 8.02-acre portion of Parcel 3 that is not proposed for development is encumbered with a conservation easement. Fulcrum is also proposing a companion memory care project on Parcel 2 of the Valley Christian Center. Parcel 2 is located at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. Parcel 2 has a General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi - Public. The proposed memory care facility is consistent with the existing land use designation and does not require a General Plan Amendment. Therefore, the current request to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study does not include Parcel 2. Development of Parcel 2 would require future public hearings before both t he Planning Commission and City Council. On November 19, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing to consider initiating the proposed General Plan Amendment Study on Parcel 3. A copy of the Staff Report for the November 19, 2019 meeting is included as Attachment 1. At the meeting, the City Council received presentations by Staff and the Applicant and received public comment. After deliberating, the City Council directed Staff to return on December 3, 2019 with a report on previous General Plan Amendments to convert Open Space to a developable land use, and identify an opportunity to offset the proposed loss of open space . This Staff Report provides the following responses to the City Council’s request for additional information. General Plan Amendments that changed the land use designation from Open Space to a developable land use designation Amendment Previous Land Use Size (acres) Approved Land Use Size (acres) Year Adopted Schaefer Ranch Lot 70 Open Space .35 Single-Family Residential .35 2017 Sub Area 31 Open Space 24.9 Rural Residential / Agriculture Medium Density Residential 14.5 10.4 2014 Moller Ranch2 Open Space/ Stream Corridor 32.6 Open Space/ Stream Corridor 7.6 2012 Jordan Ranch Sub Area 4 Open Space 4.6 Mixed Use 4.6 2012 Page 3 of 4 1. The 24.9 acres of open space were changed to Rural Residential/ Agriculture (RR/A) and Medium Density Residential. Minimum density in RR/A is 1 unit per 100 acres. Since the RR/A land use is less than 100 acres, no units are permitted withi n that 14.5-acre area so it remained as undesignated open space. 2. The reduction in Open Space/Stream Corridor by 25-acres was changed to a combination of Single-Family Residential and RR/A. The total amount of RR/A for the project was 136.8-acres of which none was proposed for development and a majority was placed within a conservation easement. Evaluate the opportunity to offset the loss of Open Space either within the City of Dublin or immediately contiguous to the City’s boundary The existing topography of the 4.68-acres on Parcel 3 limits the development envelope to approximately two acres. To offset the loss of Open Space, the Applicant, in coordination with Valley Christian Center, has modified their request for a General Plan Amendment Initiation Study. The Applicant’s revised request is included as Attachment 2. The revised request proposes to change the land use designation of approximately two acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public. In order to address the City Council’s request to offset the loss of Open Space, the Applicant further proposes to change the land use designation of approximately five acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space. The revised proposal would mitigate the loss of Open Space on a 2.5:1-acre basis. In addition, the Applicant proposes placing a permanent conservation easement on the undeveloped portions of Parcel 3 and the newly created Open Space on Parcel 1 (approximately seven acres total). The conceptual locations of the proposed conservation easements are shown in green in Figure 2. Page 4 of 4 Draft Resolutions to approve and deny the initiation of the proposed General Plan Amendment Study are included in this report as Attachments 3 and 4. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Staff Report dated November 19, 2019 without Attachments 2. General Plan Amendment Initiation Request- Revised November 21, 2019 3. Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study 4. Resolution Denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study STAFF REPORT c CITY COUNCIL DATE: November 19, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Valley Christian Center Parcel 3 General Plan Amendment Study Initiation Request(PLPA- 2019 - 00042) Prepared by: Amy Million, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider a request by Fulcrum Development to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for 4.68 acres located at the northeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. The project site is a portion of Parcel 3 (12.7 acres) designated as Future Study Area in the Valley Christian Center Development Plan. The General Plan Amendment Study would evaluate a proposal to change the existing General Plan land use designation of the 4.68 acres from Open Space to Public/Semi- Public in order to accommodate a residential care facility for the elderly. The remaining 8.02 acres is located within a recorded conservation easement and would remain Open Space. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to Evaluate Changing the Land Use Designation of 4.68 acres from Open Space to Public/Semi- Public; OR adopt the Resolution Denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to Evaluate Changing the Land Use Designation of 4.68 acres from Open Space to Public/Semi- Public. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There will be no financial impact to the City. All costs associated with preparing the General Plan Amendment Study, if authorized by the City Council, would be borne by the Applicant. DESCRIPTION: Background Fulcrum Development is proposing to develop a memory care facility on Parcel 2, and an assisted living facility on Parcel 3 of the Valley Christian Center. These undeveloped parcels are located at the comer of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive (see Figure 1 Page 1 of 5 below). Parcel 2 has a General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi- Public and a memory care facility is consistent with the land use designation. Parcel 3 has a land use designation of Open Space. A General Plan Amendment is required to allow assisted living facilities on this site, and this is the subject of this Staff Report. Please refer to Figure 2 for the land use boundaries. Attachment 1 includes a brief description of the proposed project. The 4.68 -acre project site is part of the larger 12.7 -acre parcel designated as Parcel 3 in the Valley Christian Center Development Plan. The majority of Parcel 3 (8.02 acres) is within a recorded conservation easement and the remaining 4.83 -acre project site is shown as a Future Study Area. Please refer to Figure 1 for the boundaries of the conservation easement and the proposed project site. Parcel 3 consists of vacant land and generally follows the downward slope of Inspiration Drive to Dublin Boulevard. The site is vegetated with low lying native and non - native grasses as well as trees which line the outer edges. The irregularly shaped site has a flat area near Inspiration Drive with a steep slope to the northeast, south and southwest. The project site is surrounded by Valley Christian Center to the north, residential uses and Open Space to the east and west and Dublin Boulevard /Interstate 580 to the south as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 below. Figure 1. Vicinity Map Page 2 of 5 Table 1: Surrounding Land Uses Figure 2. Existing Land Uses It is the City Council's policy to initiate all General Plan Amendment Studies prior to accepting an application and beginning work on such a request. The City received a letter from Fulcrum Development requesting that the City Council consider initiating a General Plan Amendment Study (Attachment 1) to change the land use designation of 4.68 acres of Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public /Semi - Public. Page 3 of 5 Current Use of the Property D (Planned Low - Density Single Single Family 7WestPD evelopment) Family Homes N/A N/A Dublin Boulevard ngle Family Single Family Single Family Residential Residential Homes Open Space & Medium- Open Space & High Density Residential California Highlands Condominiums Figure 2. Existing Land Uses It is the City Council's policy to initiate all General Plan Amendment Studies prior to accepting an application and beginning work on such a request. The City received a letter from Fulcrum Development requesting that the City Council consider initiating a General Plan Amendment Study (Attachment 1) to change the land use designation of 4.68 acres of Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public /Semi - Public. Page 3 of 5 ANALYSIS: The Applicant proposes to develop an assisted living facility on Parcel 3, which is the subject of the General Plan Amendment Study initiation request. The proposed facility is being designed as a maximum three -story building with approximately 100 beds in a mix of studios, one - bedroom and two- bedroom units as well as a communal kitchen, dining, and activities areas. Initial designs indicate the building would be approximately 65,000 to 75,000 square feet. The Applicant also proposes to develop a residential memory care facility for the elderly on Parcel 2. Based on initial information, the Applicant proposes a two -story building on Parcel 2 with approximately 30,000 square feet to accommodate approximately 50 disabled seniors with memory loss. In order to accommodate the proposed project on Parcel 3, the Applicant is requesting the initiation of a General Plan Amendment to designate 4.68 -acres of the site to Public /Semi - Public. The balance of the 12.7 -acres of Parcel 3 will remain designated as Open Space and continue to be held in a permanent conservation easement. Development of the site would require additional entitlements including: a) Planned Development Zoning with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; b) Tentative Map; and c) Site Development Review Permit. If the City Council initiates a General Plan Amendment Study, Staff would then: 1. Determine the associated impacts from the land use change; 2. Complete a fiscal impact analysis of the proposed land use change; 3. Conduct the appropriate level of environmental review and documentation; 4. Perform any additional studies that may be required; and 5. Prepare an analysis of the project for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. Work on the General Plan Amendment Study would be completed concurrently with processing the other entitlements that are requested by the Applicant. Once the General Plan Amendment Study is complete, Staff would then bring the application to the Planning Commission for their recommendation to the City Council. The project would then move forward to the City Council for their consideration. Staff has prepared draft Resolutions approving and denying the initiation of the proposed General Plan Amendment Study. The draft Resolutions are included in this report as Attachments 2 and 3. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: Although a public notice is not required to review a request to initiate a General Plan Amendment, the City mailed a notice to surrounding property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the Valley Christian Center property. A public notice was published in the Page 4 of 5 East Bay Times and posted in the designated posting places. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Applicant and was made available on the City's website. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends that the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as defined in CEQA Guideline Section 15378(a). ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Plan Amendment Initiation Request 2. Resolution Approving the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study 3. Resolution Denying the Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study Page 5 of 5 November 21, 2019 Ms. Amy Million Principal Planner City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Subject: 7500 Inspiration Drive – General Plan Amendment Request Dear Ms. Million, Fulcrum Development would like to amend our initial General Plan Amendment Study request to reflect the following: Fulcrum Real Estate and Development and the Valley Christian Center are agreeable to the concept of changing the land use designation of approximately 5 acres located on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space as outlined in green below and designate this area as a Conservation Easement. Furthermore, we amend our request for Parcel 3 to change the land use designation from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public to the developable area only (approximately 2 acres), thus maintaining approximately 2 acres of the existing Open Space land use designation. We are also agreeable to create an additional Conservation Easement of the approximately 2 acres of Open Space on the current Parcel 3 (to be later subdivided to create a separate Parcel) as part of our requested study. In summary, a total of 10 acres of Conservation Easements will exist on the East side of Inspiration Drive, as opposed to the existing 8 acres and approximately 5 acres of a Conservation Easement will exist on the west side of Inspiration Drive for a total of 15 acres of Conservation Easements. Please let us know if you need further clarification and thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Steven Ring Richard Lietz Steven Ring Richard Lietz David Ford David Ford Managing Principals Authorized Signatory Fulcrum Real Estate and Development Inc Valley Christian Center RESOLUTION NO. XX – 19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * APPROVING THE INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY TO EVALUATE CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF APPROXIMATELY 2-ACRES ON PARCEL 3 FROM OPEN SPACE TO PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC AND APPRXOMIATELY 5-ACRES ON PARCEL 1 FROM PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC TO OPEN SPACE (APN: 941-0022-006-00) (PLPA-2019-00042) WHEREAS, the City received a letter from Fulcrum Development requesting that the City Council consider initiating a General Plan Amendment Study to change the existing land use designation of approximately 2-acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and approximately 5-acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space; and WHEREAS, the project site is a portion of Parcel 3 (12.7 acres) designated as Future Study Area in the Valley Christian Center Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the Applicant anticipates the future development of a residential care facility for the elderly designed as a 65,000 to 75,000-square-foot, three-story building providing assisted living with approximately 100 beds in a mix of studios, one bedroom and two bedroom units as well as a communal kitchen, dining, and activities areas ; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Amendment Study initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and found to not be a project as defined in CEQA Guideline Section 15378(a); and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the General Plan Amendment Study initiation request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby approve the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to evaluate changing the land use designation of approximately 2-acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and approximately 5-acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space to accommodate the future development of a residential care facility for the elderly. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Dublin City Council on this 3rd day of December 2019 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ____________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. XX – 19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * DENYING THE INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY TO EVALUATE CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF APPROXIMATLEY 2-ACRES ON PARCEL 3 FROM OPEN SPACE TO PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC AND APPRXOMIATELY 5-ACRES ON PARCEL 1 FROM PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC TO OPEN SPACE (APN: 941-0022-006-00) (PLPA-2019-00042) WHEREAS, the City received a letter from Fulcrum Development requesting that the City Council consider initiating a General Plan Amendment Study to change the existing land use designation of approximately 2-acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and approximately 5-acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space; and WHEREAS, the project site is a portion of Parcel 3 (12.7 acres) designated as Future Study Area in the Valley Christian Center Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the applicant anticipates the future development of a residential care facility for the elderly designed as a 65,000 to 75,000 square foot three-story building providing assisted living with approximately 100 beds in a mix of studios, one bedroom and two-bedroom units as well as a communal kitchen, dining, and activities areas ; and WHEREAS, the General Plan Amendment Study initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and found to not be a project as defined in CEQA Guideline Section 15378(a); and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the General Plan Amendment Study initiation request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby deny the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to evaluate changing the land use designation of approximately 2-acres on Parcel 3 from Open Space to Public/Semi-Public and approximately 5-acres on Parcel 1 from Public/Semi-Public to Open Space to accommodate the future development of a residential care facility for the elderly. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Dublin City Council on this 3rd day of December 2019 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ____________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ City Clerk