HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 KolbPrkHndcpPlygrndImp CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 26, 1991 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements - Lions Club Handicapped Playground Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson and Recreation Director Diane Lowart EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ~ Letter from Lions Club dated August 20, 1991 1) Accept the gift of improvements to the park and for City maintenance. 2) Direct Staff to notify the Lions Club of final acceptance in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement between the Lions Club and the City. 3) Direct Staff to purchase plaques for formal acknowledgement of the gift in accordance with the policy used in the Gift Catalog. 4) Authorize an additional appropriation from the Contingent Reserve to this Capital Improvement Project in the amount of $2,026.52. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club has contributed a net amount of approximately $23,814.18 in actual cost of improvements, plus 525 hours of work, to install the handicapped playground improvements and equipment at Kolb Park. As noted in the financial report attached to the Lions' August 20th letter, a number of other individuals and organizations also provided materials, services, or financial contributions toward the project. The City's direct costs were as follows: Fibar surfacing (material purchase): Maintenance crew removal of grass, trees, and bushes; opening and closing section of chain link fence $10,499.20 TOTAL COST TO CITY: $ 1,527.32 $12,026.52 A $10,000 Clorox grant has been obtained to reimburse most of the City's expense. A budget transfer in the amount of $2,026.52 is necessary to complete the project. DESCRIPTION: At the July 22, 1991, meeting, the City Council approved an agreement with the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club regarding construction of a handicapped playground at Kolb Park. This project is, by far, the largest volunteer project accomplished on behalf of the City of Dublin. The work was planned out and undertaken in a very professional manner and in a very short time. The resulting playground facility will be a valued asset to the City. During construction, it was found that the quantity of Fibar surfacing ordered would fill the area under the play structure but would not allow for the initial settling of the material as it is played on. Staff authorized ordering an additional amount of Fibar to insure that the surface remains safe once the initial compaction takes place. This will avoid the need for the City to purchase additional material within a short time after installation. :T:M-N:.-~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COPIES TO: Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club --.----.---- The Agreement approved by the City Council identified that the total City contribution toward the project would be $lO,OOO. As shown in the Financial Statement, the City's total expense including material and preparing the site was $12,026.52. The City will receive a grant of $10,000 for this project. staff recommends that the City Council authorize an additional appropriation from the contingent Reserve to fund the additional costs. The City Engineer has reviewed the work on the project and determined that it is complete and in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the gift of improvements as well as accept the improvements for maintenance. It is proposed to present a plaque indicating Dublin's appreciation of the gift at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, september 7th and to purchase a permanent plaque for installation at the site. This recommendation follows the guidelines established in the Community Gift Catalog for gifts over $5,000. The cost of this recognition is proposed to be expensed under the City Council Community Promotion account. a:\august\acclions ~ .. D V B L IN· S A \ R A ~ ION L I 0 \ S C L li B (H 0 S T ) PO. BOX 203 5 DUBLIN. CALIFORNIA 94568 August 20, 1991 Lee Thompson Public Works Director CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Lee, The Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club has finished our Handicapped Playground Project in Kolb Park. The equipment has been installed under the supervision of Husbands and Associates from whom the equipment was purchased. A certification letter is being sent to you in the next few days from Husbands. We would appreciate your final inspection today, so that the Lions Club can release liability and can donate the equipment to the City of Dublin. We look forward to your final report. Our sincere thanks to you and your staff for their assistance in making repairs and helping us complete the project. again, Ro ert M. Trimble Project Chairman cc: Diane Lowert, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Jones, President Dublin-San Ramon Lions Pete Snyder, Mayor ~ Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club HANDICAPPED PLAYGROUND PROJECT Completed August 18, 1991 çost Statement August 19, 1991 FINAL REPORT Playground Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 24,278.22 Installation Excavation of Park area $ 525.00 Soil removal - 220 yards P.B. Trucking 300.00 Dennis Wing Trucking 220.00 Drain Rock, Con Mix, Cement, Block 233.55 Lumber, Rebar 47.46 Flower box lumber 105.80 Concrete Ramp Finisher 250.00 Total Installation. . . . . . . .1,681.81 Equipment Rental Bobcat Post hole digger Total Rental. . photography. . . . . . Fibar. - . . . . . . Freight and Handling Sa 1 esT ax. . . . . . . . . . - - . . Donated Items (Approximatp. Cost) Concrete - 11 yards - Don Kaler Skip Loader Tractor - Dublin Schools Generator - Taylor Equipment Rentals Top Soil Flowers - Mrs. Glenda Vesey Drill Post Holes - Frank Smith Repair Broken Pipes - MCE Level Soil and Repair Borders - HCE Food and Drinks - Dublin Women's Club Fibar - 310 Yards - City of Dublin and Clorox Community Development Grant Total Donations. . 175.36 67.80 . .243.16 · . . .125.00 . 10,000.00 . . .1,710.82 . .. .1,760.17 · . . · . . $ 750.00 200.00 135.00 450.00 350.00 250.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 ~ 10.000.00 .<12,585.00> . - . . Cash Donations from Outside Organizations Dublin Women's Club 300.00 Tri-Valley Lioness 100.00 Pleasanton Women's Club 300.00 Tri Valley Community Fund 2,500.00 Farmers Insurance Co. 100.00 Honorarium for Mrs. Morley 100.00 Total Cash Donations. . . . . . .<3,400.00> Page2 Donated Labor Hours 25 Lions worked a total of 525 hours in all phases of construction. TOTAL EXPENSES FOR PROJECT. . . . . . . . $39,799.18 TOTAL DONATIONS FOR PROJECT . . . . . . .15,985.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR LIONS CLUB . . . . . .23.814.18 Submitted by, ;&at' ß!.d-d. Robert M. Trimble Project Chairman ~ ~