HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 127-18 Adopting the Cemetery Policy RESOLUTION NO. 127 — 18
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WHEREAS, the City of Dublin ("City"), State of California, has owned and operated the Dublin
Pioneer Cemetery since its purchase from Dublin Cemetery, Inc., in 1992; and
WHEREAS, the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is an active Cemetery, still being used by local
families for burials of human remains; and
WHEREAS, the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is a site of great historic interest, containing the
graves of some of Dublin's earliest settlers and founders; and
WHEREAS, the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is located within the bounds of Heritage Park and is
accessible to the general public in the course of their enjoyment of the park grounds; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin desires to balance the interests of various types of cemetery
users and maintain the Cemetery in a safe, dignified and attractive manner in perpetuity.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby adopt the Cemetery
Policy, attached hereto as Exhibit A to the Resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December 2018, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Gupta, Hernandez, Thalblum and Mayor Haubert
ABSENT: Councilmember Goel
Ma or
City Clerk
Reso No. 127-18, Adopted 12/4/18, Item 4.6 Page 1 of 1
The Dublin Pioneer Cemetery (“Cemetery”), located on the grounds of Heritage Park, has served
as a final resting place for Dublin residents since the early days of pioneer settlement. The first
burial in the Cemetery occurred in 1859, and it remains active for burials only. All available
plots have been sold.
Although the primary purpose of the Cemetery is to serve as a burial park, the Cemetery is also a
historical and educational resource for residents and visitors. Guided group tours are available
with a reservation, and individuals are welcomed to take self-guided tours during daylight hours.
The Cemetery is open to the public daily, from sunrise to sunset. The City maintains the common
areas of the Cemetery and shares the responsibility to maintain each plot or grave with the plot-
owning family. Service and volunteer groups are invited to assist in the maintenance of historic
plots or graves that have no surviving family members.
This Policy outlines the rules and etiquette for use of the Cemetery and identifies maintenance
standards and procedures. The City has owned and operated the Cemetery since 1993 and has the
authority to promulgate and enforce this Policy under California state law. The City expressly
reserves the right to amend this Policy without notice.
1. Purpose. The City owns and operates the Cemetery and has jurisdiction over the general
management, conduct and regulation of burials, as well as the disposition and
management of plots. While all available plots have been sold, the Cemetery remains
active and serves existing plot owners who are entitled to bury family members on the
This Policy in intended to:
a. Establish rules and regulations for allowed Cemetery uses.
b. Identify roles and processes to ensure that the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is
managed and maintained in a dignified manner appropriate to its history
and consistent with the City’s standards for park maintenance.
c. Encourage groups and individuals with an interest in the Cemetery to
share in the responsibility of protecting and preserving the Cemetery for
future generations.
2. Definitions. The following words and phrases, whether capitalized or not, shall have the
meaning defined in this section. All other words in this Policy shall have their customary
dictionary definition unless the context suggests a contrary intention:
a. Burial means the process of placing human remains in a grave.
b. Grave means a space of earth in a burial park that is used or intended to be
used for the disposition of human remains.
c. Interment means the permanent disposition of the remains of a deceased
human being by burial, cremation, inurnment, or entombment.
d. Marker means the memorial placed upon the gravesite to identify the
individual interred; also grave marker or gravestone.
e. Monument means a memorial erected on a plot principally to identify the
family name.
f. Opening and closing of grave means the excavation of earth and other
materials for the creation of the grave and the subsequent refilling after
g. Person means an individual, partnership, association, society, organization
or corporation.
h. Plot means the subdivision of land in a cemetery for the interment of one
or more person(s).
i. Plot owner means any person who is record owner of a plot
3. Purpose and Use of Cemetery. The primary purpose of the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is
to serve as the burial location for human remains. This purpose supersedes all other uses
of the Cemetery. Secondarily, the Cemetery is a community heritage resource of great
educational value. Finally, because it is located within the bounds of a Community Park,
the Cemetery is considered passive park space where the general public is free to walk
and enjoy the grounds. The City of Dublin complies with and enforces all applicable state
laws concerning cemeteries.
a. Use for Burials and Graves.
i. Burials are restricted to existing plots. Plots are owned by the plot
owner and his/her descendants. Plots may be used as the family
wishes to bury family members until the capacity for graves within
the plot has been reached.
ii. Plots may not be re-sold.
iii. Opening of grave, burial, and closing of grave must be coordinated
through the City and performed in compliance with state law and
current City procedures, including the payment of all necessary
fees. Grave and burial costs are included in City fees. The City will
determine the contractor.
iv. Installation of any permanent feature within the plot, including
monument, marker, and curbing, must be coordinated through the
City and performed by a contractor approved by the City.
Contractors must obtain City of Dublin business licenses and
provide satisfactory proof of insurance in order to be approved.
v. Any permanent plot landscaping, such as the addition of stones or
planting, must be approved by the City. Planting is restricted to
slow-growing, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plants that will
not infringe on neighboring plots.
vi. Graveside memorial services must be coordinated through the
b. Use for Tours and History-Related Events.
i. Guided Cemetery tours are available for students and other groups
with a reservation and payment of small fee.
ii. Individual visitors are welcome to take self-guided tours daily
during public hours between sunrise and sunset.
iii. The City reserves the right to host public tours and other history-
related events in the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery at any time. All
activities in the cemetery are historical and educational in nature
and conducted in a respectful manner.
c. Passive Park Use.
i. The Dublin Pioneer Cemetery is open to the public from sunrise to
ii. All City of Dublin Park Rules and Regulations are applicable to
the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery.
iii. Park users must abide by general cemetery etiquette listed below in
section 5(a).
iv. Dogs must be leashed.
4. Cemetery Maintenance. It is the City’s desire to maintain the Cemetery in a way that is
respectful to all ownership interests. The City is responsible for general and overall
maintenance and retains the right to maintain all areas of the Cemetery and remove debris
and materials it deems dangerous, unsightly or offensive to the public.
a. Common areas.
i. Common areas of the Cemetery will be regularly maintained by the
City. Common areas to be maintained include the parking lot,
pathways, wayfinding and historical signs, trees, fences and
perimeter landscaping.
ii. The City will hire professional contractors as needed to tend to
common areas and will welcome assistance from volunteer groups.
Volunteer group clean-ups must be coordinated through the Public
Works Department (as during Dublin Pride) or directly with the
Heritage Parks and Museums staff.
iii. The City’s maintenance standards for the common areas are:
(1) Pathways will be kept clear of branches and vines and piled
(2) Dirt pathways, which are prone to mud, will be left with a
thin carpet of natural leaf debris to minimize soil erosion.
(3) Accepted safe herbicides will be used for weed control, as
(4) Weeds will be cut and removed a minimum of twice a year
(late Spring and early Summer). A third weed cutting may
be scheduled in wet years.
(5) Non-routine maintenance issues, such as downed trees,
broken signage or broken fencing, will be immediately
secured in a safe manner and repaired as soon as practical.
b. Plots and Graves.
i. Maintenance of plots and graves within the Cemetery are the
shared responsibility of the City and plot-owning families. Plot and
grave maintenance includes trash, debris and weed removal, and
plant care as applicable.
ii. Plot owners may choose to take sole responsibility for care of their
plot and graves if they wish. To exercise this choice, plot owner
must provide the City annually with contact information of a local
family member who will care for the plot and graves and who will
remedy maintenance issues within two weeks of receiving notice
from the City as to the maintenance issue.
For plot owners who exercise this option, the City will install a
small sign to indicate the plot is family maintained. Staff will
refrain from entering the plot and will similarly prohibit access by
contractors or volunteers. City staff will contact the family member
and document any requests for maintenance. Should the family be
unable to address maintenance concerns within a reasonable time,
the City will exercise its right to maintain the plot.
iii. The City will hire professional contractors as needed to provide
minimal care to plots and graves. The City will welcome assistance
from volunteer groups and individuals in maintaining plots and
graves. Volunteer group clean-ups must coordinated through the
Public Works Department (as during Dublin Pride) or directly with
the Heritage Parks and Museums staff.
iv. The City may encourage service and volunteer groups to adopt
historic plots and graves where no surviving family members
remain. If a service group agrees to maintain its section monthly
for a commitment of one year, the City will install a small sign
indicating that the section is maintained by the group. This will
only be available for plots and graves where the City has no valid
plot owner contact information and no new graves in the past 20
years. This is not a sponsorship; no business or organization logos
would be placed in historic plots.
v. The City’s maintenance standards for plots are:
(1) Accepted safe herbicides will be used for weed control, as
(2) Weeds will be cut and removed a minimum of twice a year
(late Spring and early Summer). A third weed cutting may
be scheduled in wet years.
(3) Non-routine maintenance issues, such as downed trees,
broken headstones and sinking grave plots will be
immediately secured in a safe manner and repaired as soon
as practical.
c. Regular inspections.
i. Heritage Park Staff will visually inspect the entire cemetery on, at
minimum, a monthly basis and shall report any maintenance issues
to Maintenance Staff.
ii. A walk-through with the maintenance contractor shall be
conducted at least annually and after any significant damage, such
as tree falls or earthquakes, to identify and address any
maintenance and repair concern
d. Records keeping.
i. To the best of its ability, the City shall maintain records on the
graves within Dublin Pioneer Cemetery and make this information
available to the public upon request.
ii. The City welcomes genealogy and history groups to research and
assist with cataloging historical data on the individuals interred at
the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery.
5. Special Restrictions. The following Rules and Regulations pertain only to the Dublin
Pioneer Cemetery:
a. Cemetery Etiquette
i. Out of respect and for safety reasons, no climbing, standing, sitting
or leaning upon grave markers. Also, avoid walking over graves.
ii. Grave rubbings are not permitted.
iii. Picnicking within the graves is not permitted.
iv. Running and playing games such as hide-and-seek within the
graves is not permitted.
b. Grave Décor
i. Family members and their designees may leave flowers and other
tribute items within plots.
ii. The City assumes no responsibility for items left on graves or in
iii. The City reserves the right to remove any item it deems a safety
hazard, unsightly or offensive.
iv. Any holiday items will be removed by Staff three weeks after the
holiday passes.
c. Veterans Events
i. Veterans recognition events – including installation of flags – must
be approved by the City in writing.
ii. Ceremonies involving gunshot salutes require additional
coordination with Dublin Police Services. Organizers may be
required, at their own expense, to notify neighboring residents and
businesses of any planned salutes.