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Public Hearing: Proposed Amendments to Title 9 (Subdivisions)
of Dublin Municipal Code
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
Draft Ordinance Revisions
Open Public Hearing
Receive Staff presentation and public testimony
Question Staff and the public
Close Public Hearing and deliberate
Waive reading and introduce the ordinance.
No impact to the City. May reduce submittal costs to developers for
Vesting Tentative Maps
DESCRIPTION: The City, from time to time, reviews its ordinances to determine if
revisions are necessary to bring the ordinances into conformance with State Law and to meet the latest
needs of the City. Title 9 of the Dublin Municipal Code relates to Subdivisions. Regulations related to
these laws must also be in conformance with applicable State Laws, which are commonly referred to as
the Subdivision Map Act. It is appropriate that Dublin's Subdivision Ordinance be brought up to date.
Representatives from the local Chapter of the Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California
(CELSOC) have also brought several requested revisions to Staff's attention. To this end, the City
Attorney's office has reviewed the existing ordinance and has made recommendations for appropriate
revisions. The Draft Ordinance attached includes the current text in the Dublin Municipal Code.
Proposed deletions are shown in striket.~cugh and additions are in bold italics. The Staff Report
outlines major changes in the ordinance.
Section 9.04.050: It is proposed to add exceptions to the requirement for subdivision processing
(per State Law) for operating railroad right-of-way and for land transferred to or from a governmental
agency, including public utilities. It would also allow for waiver of the subdivision requirements for a lot
line adjustment if no new parcels are created and the adjustment of the lot line would not create the
potential for more parcels than was possible before the adjustment. Another proposed change would
amend the exclusions available for Parcel Map or Final Map. This change is also addressed by current
State Law.
Rod Andrade, MacKay & Somps (CELSOC)
Dublin Unified School District
Livermore Unified School District
Chapter 9.06: It is proposed to add a new chapter to address environmental subdivisions which are
authorized by newly enacted Government Code Section 66418.2 (AB 1287) until January 1, 2003.
Environmental subdivisions will be used primarily for the purpose of providing off-site mitigation for
development projects.
Section 9.08.050: It is proposed to add language to allow discretion on the part of the City
Engineer to determine whether or not to require preliminary grading plans, preliminary soil investigation
reports or other information when a tentative map is submitted. The mnendment would also add
clarification regarding "will serve" letters for utility sen, ices.
Section 9.20.080: It is proposed to repeal the section regarding boundary monuments compiled
from recorded maps pursuant to the recommendation of CELSOC.
Section 9.24.090: At the recommendation of CELSOC, modifications to the size of the lettering
on maps would be made.
Section 9.24.150(E): It is proposed to include the recommendation by CELSOC regarding a
signature by a registered civil engineer, rather than a certification.
Section 9.24.230: Certification of correction. It is proposed to repeal the existing section and
replace it with a new section that provides for six (6) different types of corrections, rather than the existing
two (2) types of corrections. This is consistent with the provisions in the Subdivision Map Act.
Section 9.24.260: It is proposed to add a new section to designate when Parcel Mergers are not
required pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act.
Section 9.24.270: It is proposed to add a new section to designate when Parcel Mergers are
required pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act.
Chapter 9.28: This Section relates to limitations on dedications of land for park and recreational
purposes. At the City Council meeting on February 13, 1996, under a separate Council Agenda Item, the
City Council will consider additional changes to the section on dedication for parks and recreation
purposes (Quimby Act). The changes recommended as part of this revision are minor and have been
added for clarification.
Chapter 9.36 Sections 9.36.080 and 9.36.140: It is proposed to make minor wording changes
related to provisions related to interim school facilities.
Chapter 9.40: It is proposed to delete certain provisions in section 9.40.040 related to information
required to be submitted to process a Vesting Tentative Map. Specifically, subdivisions (a) and (c) are
proposed to be deleted. These sections required a great deal of additional information that the City
Engineer considers excessive. Instead, it is proposed to add language that makes it possible for the City
Engineer to require additional information if needed to carry out certain environmental determinations.
This is consistent with the existing terms of the State Subdivision Map Act.
Section 9.40.100: It is proposed to add this Section to allow for amendments to Vesting Tentative
Staff recommends that Council conduct a Public Hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and introduce the
Page 2
The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 9.04 Section 9.04.040 Subsection B. of the Dublin Municipal
Code shall be amended to read as follows:
The City Engineer or his or her designated representative, as specified in the
Subdivision Map Act, is responsible for determining if proposed subdivisions comply
with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this chapter, reporting whether the
proposed improvements are consistent with the design and improvement standards
specified or referred to in this chapter, for the inspection and ultimate approval of all such
improvements, and for making recommendations on the granting of variances under
Section 9.12.110.
Section 2. Chapter 9.04 Section 9.04.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
A. No real property, or portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county
assessment roll as a unit or contiguous units and lying wholly or partially within the City
of Dublin shall be divided into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale, lease or
financing, whether immediate or future, unless prior thereto a tentative map is acted upon
and a final map or parcel map has been filed in accordance with the provisions of this
title, except (1) for the cases of subdivision for which the advisory agency waives the
requirement for filing a parcel map based on the findings: (a) that the proposed
subdivision complies with requirements as to area, improvement and design, flood and
water drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities,
water supply availability, environmental protection, and other requirements of this
chapter; (b) that waiving the parcel map will not be materially detrimental to the public
welfare; and (c) that filing of a parcel map would impose an unusual hardship to the
subdivider; and (d) all adopted ultimate road right-of-way fronting or through the parcels
has been dedicated to or purchased by the city; or except (2)for cases of subdivision for
either of the following:
(a) The subdivision is of a portion of the operating right-of-way of a
railroad corporation, as defined by Section 230 of the Public Utilities Code, which is
created by short-term leases (terminable by either party upon thirty days' written
notice); or
(b) Land conveyed (including a fee interest, att easement, or a license) to or
front a governmental agency, public entity, public utility, or for land conveyed to a
subsidiary of a public utility for conveyance to that public utility for rights-of-way,
unless a showing is made itt individual cases, based upon substantial evidence, that
public policy necessitates a parcel map.
B. The City Engineer may waive the requirement of a parcel map, tentative
map, or final map for a lot line adjustment provided that: (1) no additional parcels or
building sites have been created; (2) the adjustment does not create the potential to
furth er divide the parcels into more parcels tit an would h ave been otherwise possible;
and (3) there are no resulting violations of the Dublin Municipal Code.
C.~. A tentative map is required but no parcel map or final map is required for
the following cases of subdivision:
1. The subdivision results in parcels that each are of an area of forty (40)
acres or more or are quarter-quarter sections;
2. The subdivision is for the purpose of leasing commercially or industrially
zoned land for a period not exceeding five (5) years;
3.~ The subdivision is for conveyance of land to a public agency or public
utility, or to a subsidiary of a public utility for conveyance to such public utility for
rights-of-way, unless a showing is made in individual cases, upon substantial evidence,
that public policy necessitates such a parcel map.
4. The land before division contains less than five (5) acres, each parcel
created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway and no
dedications or improvements are required by the Dublin Municipal Code or the Dublin
Cio, Council.
5. Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of twenty (20) or
more acres and has approved access to a maintained public street or highway.
6. The land consists of a parcel or parcels of land having approved access
to a public street or highway which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for
industrial or commercial development, and which has the approval of the City as to
street alignments and widths.
7. Until January 1, 2003, the land being subdivided is solely for the
creation of an environmental subdivision.
D.C-:. No person shall sell or lease or contract to sell or lease any subdivision, or
any part thereof, until a final map or parcel map thereof in full compliance with the
provisions of this title has been filed in the office of the Recorder of Alameda County,
except for the cases listed in subsection B of this section for which only a tentative map
need be acted upon.
E. tX. Any deed of conveyance, sale or contract to sell made contrary to the
provisions of this title is voidable to the extent allowable and in the same manner
provided for violation of the of the Subdivision Map Act.
F.E~. Any sale, contract to sell, or deed of conveyance made contrary to the
provisions of this title is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of not less than one
hundred dollars ($100) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or imprisonment
in the county jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or both.
G.F-:. At such time as the Building Official becomes aware of a land division in
violation of the provisions of this title, he shall record a notice of intention to record a
notice of such violation in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County,
describing the land so divided, naming the owners thereof, and describing the violation,
and stating that an opportunity will be given to the owner to present evidence. A copy of
such notice will be mailed to the owner. The notice shall specify a time, date, and place
at which the owner may present evidence to the advisory agency why such notice should
not be recorded. If, after the owner has presented evidence, it is determined that there has
been no violation, the Building Official shall record a release of the notice of intention to
record a notice of violation. If, however, after the owner has presented evidence, the
advisory agency determines that the property has in fact been illegally divided, or if
within sixty (60) days of receipt of such copy the owner fails to inform the local agency
of his objection to recording the notice of violation, a notice of violation shall be recorded
with the County Recorder. The notice of intention to record a notice of violation and the
notice of violation, when recorded, shall be deemed to be constructive notice of the
violation to all successors in interest in such property. The County Recorder shall index
the names of the fee owners in the general index. Nothing in this section shall be deemed
to require such recording as a condition precedented to the enforceability of any other
provision of this chapter.
H.G:. Pursuant to the request of any person owning the real property, or
purchasers of the property under a contract of sale, the Planning Director and City
Engineer, upon the determination that the property complies with provisions of the
Subdivision Map Act and this chapter, shall record a certificate of compliance. If the
property does not comply, conditions may be applied as would have been applicable to
the subdivision creating the property. Upon applying such conditions, the Planning
Director shall record a conditional certificate of compliance. Such certificate shall serve
as notice to the property owner or vendee who has applied for the certificate pursuant to
this section, a grantee of the property owner, or any subsequent transferee or assignee of
the property that the fulfillment and implementation of such conditions shall be required
prior to subsequent issuance of a permit or other grant of approval for development of the
property. Compliance with such conditions is not required until such time as a permit or
other grant of approval for development of such property is issued by the local agency.
L~. Neither the approval nor conditional approval of any tentative map shall
constitute or waive compliance with any other applicable provision of the Dublin
Municipal Code, nor shall any such approval authorize or be deemed to authorize a
violation or failure to comply .with other applicable provisions of said code.
Section 3. Chapter 9.04 Section 9.04.060 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
Ail words and terms used in this title shall have the same meaning as defined in
the Subdivision Map Act, except as expressly defined in this section.
"Developable acreage" means the acreage that is being developed as part of the
subdivision in question as shown on the approved tentative map. It shall include the
areas lotted for residential uses or non-residential uses, as applicable, including streets,
but does not include open space parcels such as creeks, ridgelines, and other areas not
allowed to be built upon by the general plan or other city policies.
"Map" means either parcel map or final map.
"Subdivider" means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association, who
proposes to divide, divides or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for
himself or for others except that employees and consultants of such persons or entities,
acting in such capacity, are not "subdividers."
"Vesting tentative map" means a "tentative map" for a residential or non-
residentia! subdivision, as defined in this title, that shall have printed conspicuously on
its face the words "Vested Tentative Map" at the time it is filed in accordance with
Section 9.40-040, and is thereafter processed in accordance with the provisions hereof.
Section 4.
Chapter 9.06 Environmental Subdivisions shall be added as follows:
Chapter 9. 06
9. 06. O10
9. 06. 020
9. 06. 030
9. 06. 040
Environmental Subdivision Defined.
Findings of ApprovaL
Restrictions on Conditions of ApprovaL
Circumstances Permitting Abandonment.
Application Only Upon Request.
9. 06. O10 Environmental Subdivision Defined.
"Environmental subdivision" means a subdivision of land pursuant to this
chapter for biotic and wildlife purposes that meets all of the conditions specified in
section 9. 06. 020.
9.06.020 Findings of ApprovaL
Prior to approving or conditionally approving an environmental subdivision,
the City shall find each of the following:
A. That factual biotic or wildlife data, or both, are or will be available to
the City approving the environmental subdivision to support the application for
B. That provisions have been made for the perpetual maintenance of the
property as a biotic or wildlife habitat, or both, in accordance with the conditions
specified by any local, state, or federal agency requiring mitigation.
C. That att easement has been recorded in the county in which the land is
located to ensure compliance with the conditions specified by any local, state, or
federal agency requiring the mitigation. The easement shall contain a covenant with a
county, city, or nonprofit organization running with the land in perpetuity, that the
landowner shall not construct or permit the construction of improvements except those
for which the right is expressly reserved in the instrument. This reservation shall be
not inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter and shall not be incompatible with
maintaining and preserving the biotic or wildlife character, or both, of the land.
D. The real property is at least twenty (20) acres in size, or it is less than
twenty (20) acres itt size, but is contiguous to other land that would also qualify as an
environmental subdivision and the total combined acreage would be twenty (20) acres
or more.
9. 06. 030 Restrictions on Conditions of Approval.
Any improvement, dedication, or design required by the City as a condition of
approval of an environmental subdivision shall be solely for the purposes of ensuring
compliance with the conditions required by the local, state, or federal agency requiring
the mitigation.
9. 06. 040 Circumstances Permitting Abandonment.
A. After recordation of an environmental subdivision, a subdivider may
only abandon an environmental subdivision by reversion to acreage if the City finds
that all of the following conditions exist:
1. None of the parcels created by the environmental subdivision has
been sold or exchanged.
2. None of the parcels is being used, set aside, or required for
mitigation purposes pursuant to this section.
3. Upon abandonment and reversion to acreage pursuant to this
subdivision, the easement for biotic and wildlife purposes is extinguished.
B. If the environmental subdivision is abandoned and reverts to acreage
pursuant to subdivision (A), all local, state, and federal requirements shall apply.
9. 06. 050 Application Only Upon Request.
The section shall apply only upon the written request of the landowner at the
time the land is divided. This section is not intended to limit or preclude subdivision by
other lawful means for the mitigation of impacts to the environment, or of the land
devoted to these purposes, or to require the division of land for these purposes.
9. 06. 060 Sunset Date.
This Chapter shall terminate on December 31, 2002, pursuant to Government
Code Section 66418 (g).
Section 5. Chapter 9.08 Section 9.08.050 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
For any subdivision into five (5) or more lots and, when required by the advisory
agency, for any other subdivision, the tentative map submittal shall include, when
required by the City Engineer:
A. A preliminary grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered by the
State of California;
B. A preliminary soils investigation report prepared by a soils engineer who
is a civil engineer registered by the State of California. This report shall be submitted to
the City Engineer, or his or her designated representative, for review (all references
hereafter to the City Engineer shall also include his or her designated representative).
The City Engineer may review the report and may require additional information or may
reject the report if it is found to be incomplete, inaccurate, or unsatisfactory.
Said data and material shall be consistent with requirements and specifications of
the Dublin grading ordinance. Additional reports and data may be required by the
Planning Director when deemed necessary due to scale of the proposed subdivision or
presence of potential hazardous or environmentally sensitive conditions;
C. A report evaluating the geological conditions present, prepared by a
geologist certified in engineering geology by the State of California.
D. A "will serve" letter from the agency proposed to provide sewer and water
service to the proposed subdivision indicating and committing that sewer and water
service connections and service can be placed on the proposed subdivision.
Section 6. Chapter 9.16 Section 9.16.110 Subsection A. of the Dublin Municipal
Code shall be amended to read as follows:
A. As a condition of approval of a tentative map, there may be imposed a
requirement that improvements installed by the subdivider for the benefit of the
subdivision contain supplemental size, capacity, number or length for the benefit of
property not within the subdivision and that those improvements be dedicated to the
public .......... ,
m~ ~.~.~c,, ~c ......~ .... , ..,:,h;. ,h .... *.A;.,:.:^. When the City imposes such a
requirement, the City shall, subject to the provisions of Sections 66486 and 66487 of the
Subdivision Map Act, enter into an agreement with the subdivider to reimburse the
subdivider for that portion of the cost of such improvements equal to the difference
between the amount it would have cost the subdivider to install such improvements to
serve the subdivision only and the actual cost of such improvements.
Section 7.
Chapter 9.20 Section 9.20.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
Section 8. Chapter 9.24 Section 9.24.090 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.24.090 Lettering.
All lettering on the map shall be a minimum of one-eighth inch (1/8") in height,
ttnless done itt type, then lettering shall be a minimum of one-tenth inch (1/10") in
height, and of such shape and weight as to be readily legible on prints and microfilm
reproductions. Minimum pen size shall be "0."
.Section 9. Chapter 9.24 Section 9.24.150 Subsection E. of the Dublin Municipal
Code shall be amended to read as follows:
E. Plans, cross sections, profiles and specifications of the street
improvements, grading, drainage facilities, water, water recycling and sanitary sewer
improvements, and erosion and siltation control measures or structures and such drawings
and specifications as the City Engineer may require. The plans and drawings shall be
drawn to a scale not to exceed one inch (1") equal forty feet (40') horizontal and one inch
(1 ") equal four feet (4') vertical, unless prior approval is granted by the City Engineer.
Plans and drawings shall be in the form specified by the City Engineer and shall be
signed ~by a registered civil engineer.
Section 10. Chapter 9.24 Section 9.24.230 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.24.230 Certification of Correction.
A certificate of correction may be used to: (1) correct an error in any course or
distance; *~'~ a ....;~,;,,,, ,,c~ ..... "*-' (2)
.......... r ........... r. ~ ~J , to show any course or distance that was
o~nitted; a ........... ,~.~,; .... ,~;~ ~,r ,~ ~,~;~ ~. .... ~ .....c ,~. .... (3)
............................................. ~ .......... ~,. correct an
error in the description of real property; (4) inc~cate monuments set after the death,
disability, retirement from practice, or replacement of the engineer or surveyor charged
with the responsibility for setting monuments; (5) show the proper location or
character of any monument which has been changed in location or character
originally shown at the wrong location or incorrectly as to its character; and/or (6)
correct any other type of error or omission as approved by the City Engineer, which
does not affect any property right. The certificate of correction shall be upon a form
approved by the City Engineer.
Section 11. Chapter 9.24 Section 9.24.260 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
added to read as follows:
9. 24. 260 Parcel Mergers - Not Required.
Two (2) or more contiguous parcels or units of land which have been
subdivided under the provisions of this Title 9 or the Subdivision Map Act shall not
merge by virtue of the fact that such contiguous parcels are held by the same
Section 12. Chapter 9.24 Section 9.24.270 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
added as follows:
9.24.270 Parcel Mergers - Required.
If any one of two (2) or more contiguous parcels or units of land held by the
same owner does not conform to existing zoning regulations so as not to permit its
development, and at least one (1) of the parcels is undeveloped by any structure for
wh ich a building permit was issued or for which a building permit was not required at
the time of construction, then such parcels may be merged by complying with all
applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act.
Section 13. Subsections A., B., and C. of Section 9.28.030 of Chapter 9.28 of the
Dublin Municipal Code shall be amended to read as follows:
9.28.030 Limitations.
A. The land, fees, or combination thereof are to be used only for the purpose
of developing new or rehabilitating existing neighborhood or and community park or
recreational facilities bearing a reasonable relationship to use by future residents of the
B. The City of Dublin shall develop a schedule specifying how, when, and
where it will use the land or fees, or both, to develop park or recreational facilities to
serve the residents of the subdivision in a manner consistent with the limitations of this
chapter and the state Subdivision Map Act. Any fees collected under the title shall be
committed within five (5) years after the payment of such fees or the issuance of building
permits on one-half (1/2) of the lots created by the subdivision, whichever occurs later. If
such fees are not committed, they, without any deductions, shall be distributed and paid
to the then recorded owners of the subdivision in the same proportion as it was collected.
C. Park and recreational facilities shall be in accord with principles and
standards of the park and recreation element of the City of Dublin General Plan and the
City of Dublin Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Section 14. Chapter 9.36 Section 9.36.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.36.080 Reasonable methods for mitigating conditions of overcrowding defined.
"Reasonable methods for mitigation conditions of overcrowding" include, but are
not limited to, agreements between a subdivider or builder and the affected school
district whereby temporary-use buildings will be leased to the school district or
temporary-use buildings owned by the school district will be used, and agreements
between the affected school district and other school districts whereby the affected
school district agrees to lease or purchase surplus or underutilized school facilities
from another school district. The City Council may establish by resolution additional
methods for mitigating conditions of overcrowding which should be considered by school
Section 15. Chapter 9.36 Section 9.36.140 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.36.140 School district schedule.
Following the concurrence and decision by the City to require the dedication of
land or the payment of fees, or both, or to increase the amount of land to be dedicated or
the fees to bepaid, or both, for an attendance area, the governing body of the involved
school district shall submit a schedule specifying how it will use the land or fees, or both,
to solve the conditions of overcrowding. The schedule shall include the school sites to be
used, the classroom facilities to be made available, and the times when such facilities
will be available. In the event the governing body of the school district cannot meet the
schedule, it shall submit modifications to the City Council and the reasons for the
.Section t6. Chapter 9.40 Section 9.40.040 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.40.040 Filing and processing.
A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same form and have the same
contents, accompanying data and reports and shall be processed in the same manner as set
forth in this title for a tentative map, except as.,.,...-~,,~**'~-~;"~r+ ....... ~--, ..,~,,,..;'~a'
B. At that at the time a vesting tentative map is filed it shall have printed
conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map." Additionally, the City
Engineer may require more information to permit the City to make a determination
whether att environmental impact report or a negative declaration is needed.
-- L~ge scale details;
-- ~;
-- ~;
St~cmral ~o1~,,1
Electrical plans --a ~1~+~1..1 1~ calculations;
p! ~
-- Elevations +~
Section 17. Chapter 9.40 Section 9.40.090 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be
amended to read as follows:
9.40.090 Applications inconsistent with current policies.
Notwithstanding any provision of this title, a property owner or his or her
designee may seek approvals or permits for development which depart from the
ordinances, policies and standards described in Sections 9.40.070 A. and 9.40.080, and
the City to~almg~-ies-may grant these approvals or issue these permits to the extent that
the departures are authorized under applicable law.
Section 18. Chapter 9.40 Section 9.40.100 Amendment to Vesting Tentative Map shall
be added as follows:
9.40.100 Amendment to Vesting Tentative Map.
If the ordinances, policies, or standards described in Section 9.40.070A. are
changed subsequent to the approval or conditional approval o fa vesting tentative map,
the subdivider, at any time prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map pursuant
to Section 9.40.070 C., may apply for an amendment to the vesting tentative map to
secure a vested right to proceed with the changed ordinances, policies, or standards.
An application shall clearly specify the changed ordinances, policies, or standard for
which the amendment is sought.
Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its
passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in
at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of
the Government Code of the State of California.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13th day of February, 1996
City Clerk