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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.3 Baseball Field DSRSD Agmt CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 28, 1991 SUBJECT : Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin Unified School District For Dublin High School Baseball Field and Girls Athletic Field Renovation. Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director. EXHIBITS ATTACHED : · Draft Agreement ® Resolution Adopting Agreement RECOMMENDAT ION ~, i/~ .~ ' : Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT : Cost To City: $549,500. Sufficient Funds Are Available in the Capital Improvement Program DESCRIPTION : In September of 1989, the City of Dublin and the Dublin Unified School District entered into a Joint Facility Use/Development Agreement. As provided for in the agreement, the City may make improvements to school district property provided the improvement is not in conflict with school use and subject to a separate improvement agreement. Attached is the draft improvement agreement for the Dublin High School Baseball Field and Girls Athletic Field renovation. The agreement spells out the specific responsibilities of the City and the District with regards to the project. The areas covered by this agreement include the following: 1. Description of project 2. Estimated project costs 3. Responsibility for project supervision 4. Maintenance responsibilities The total estimated cost for the project is $549,500 and sufficient funds are budgeted in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. The District will not be contributing funds towards this project. It is Staffs recommendation that the city Council adopt the attached resolution approving and authorizing execution of the Agreement for the Dublin High School Baseball Field and Girls Athletic Field Renovation. Staff will then forward the agreement to the Dublin Unified School District Board for adoption. NO. Dublin Unified School District ITEM COPIES TO: AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1991, by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITY," and the DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter called "DISTRICT". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the CITY and the DISTRICT have entered into an agreement for joint use of DISTRICT facilities and improvement thereto entitled "Agreement Between City of Dublin and Dublin Unified School District Regarding Use of Facilities" (referred to as "Master Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish site specific duties and obligations for the improvement of each DISTRICT facility; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the DISTRICT have agreed to proceed on the project entitled "Dublin High School Baseball Field and Girls Athletic Field Renovation". NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises herein and in the Master Agreement dated September 25, 1989, the CITY and the DISTRICT agree as follows: 1) The scope of Project No. 3 entitled "Dublin High School Baseball and Girls Athletic Field Renovation" shall be based on the design approved by the City Council on December 18, 1990 and shall include the following elements: a) Baseball Fields Turf Area - to include "Cambridge" sand drain system, aeration and overseed of entire area, added turf and irrigation adjacent to tennis and basketball courts, and quarry waste path. b) Varsity Infield and Bleacher Area - to include grading, bleachers (170-seat capacity), backstop, decomposed granite paving, sand clay infield and infield turf and irrigation, fencing and batting cage. c) Junior Varsity Infield and Bleacher Area - to include grading, bleachers (60-seat capacity), backstop, decomposed granite paving, sand clay infield and infield turf and irrigation, and fencing. d) Girls Softball Fields - to include "Cambridge" sand drain system, aeration and overseed of entire area, added turf and irrigation to the South, portable bleachers (60-seat capacity), backstops, decomposed granite paving, and sand clay infields. e) Irrigation Upgrade - to include a new controller and valve wiring at baseball fields and a booster pump. -1- 2) 3) 4) The preliminary budget estimate for the project is $549,500 itemized as follows: Improvements: $496,250 Design/Inspection: $ 53,250 In the event that the contract for the project exceeds the sum of $549,500, the CITY reserves the right to reduce the scope of work. The area to be eliminated or reduced shall be determined by common agreement between the CITY and the DISTRICT. In the event that the contract for the project is less than $549,500, the CITY reserves the right to add the following alternates shown in priority order: a) b) c) d) Replace Existing Sprinkler Heads Additional Landscaping Scorers Booth High Net Fencing Along Canal The CITY shall be the project coordinator, and its responsibility for this project shall be as follows: a) Selection of Architect/Engineer; b) Review of the Architect's plans, specifications, and estimates, with input from the DISTRICT; c) Advertising and award of bid to the Contractor; d) Inspection of the Contractor's work, with input from the DISTRICT; e) Payment of monies due for architectural services, contract work, and CITY Staff assigned to the project; f) Acceptance of Contractor's work as complete. The DISTRICT's responsibility for this project shall be as follows: a) Review of Architect's plans and specifications and provision of comments to CITY; b) Periodic field reviews with CITY Staff during construction and provision of comments to CITY relating to construction progress and quality; c) Payment of all DISTRICT Staff project; d) Payment of all utility costs construction. costs relating to this for this project during -2- 5) 6) The CITY and the DISTRICT shall work together to schedule the actual construction work to be done between May 13, 1991 and September 13, 1991 in order that the fields will be playable for the 1991 season. The DISTRICT will not schedule any other events on the fields during this time period without prior written approval from the CITY. Upon completion of the improvements under this agreement, maintenance responsibilities shall be apportioned as follows: a) CITY shall provide at its sole cost and expense, maintenance to the infields, turf areas and landscaped areas. This includes mowing, fertilization, and irrigation repair. b) DISTRICT shall provide at its sole cost and expense, maintenance to bleachers, backstops, decomposed granite paving, quarry waste path, fencing and batting cage. DISTRICT shall be responsible for payment of all utilities including gas, electricity, water, and sewer. CITY with access to grounds during hours in order to carry out DISTRICT agrees to provide regularly scheduled school maintenance responsibilities. the parties have caused this IN WITNESS WHEREOF, executed by their respective officers and duly authorized by the day and year first above written. Agreement to be the CITY ATTEST: CITY OF DUBLIN, A Municipal Corporation City Clerk ATTEST: Mayor DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Clerk of the Board President, Board of Trustees -3- RESOLUTION NO. - 91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL FIELD AND GIRLS ATHLETIC FIELD RENOVATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin and the Board of Directors of the Dublin Unified School District desire to work cooperatively on the renovation of the Dublin High School Baseball Field and Girls Athletic Field; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish site specific duties and obligations for the renovation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby find that: 1. The agreement attached hereto in Exhibit A is hereby approved and ratified and the Mayor is authorized and directed to sign it. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of January, 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: city Clerk