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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.12 - 2007 Award Street Resurfacing San Ramon Page 1 of 2 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2018 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Award of Contract to DeSilva Gates Construction, LP and Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project, Project No. ST0117 and ST0517 Prepared by: Michael Boitnott, Capital Improvement Program Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider awarding a construction contract to DeSilva Gates Construction LP and approving the plans and specifications for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (San Ramon Road Overlay Project, CIP Project No. ST0117). The project will overlay San Ramon Road and segments of Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The contract work also includes repaving of the multi-use path fronting San Ramon Road (CIP Project No. ST0517). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract for Project Nos. ST0117 and ST0517 to DeSilva Gates Construction, LP for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The lowest responsive bid for construction was $3,853,360.00. A construction contingency of $575,000 is requested for unforeseen construction issues bring the total potential construction cost $4,428,360. Sufficient funds are available in the budgets for this and next Fiscal year in Capital Improvement Projects ST0117 and ST0517. DESCRIPTION: The 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the Annual Street Resurfacing Program (CIP No. ST0117) and Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (CIP No ST0517). The Annual Street Resurfacing project provides for various types of pavement improvements from slurry seals to major rehabilitation of roadways and the Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements provides for various improvements to pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the City. Page 2 of 2 The project plans and specifications for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project , including resurfacing the pedestrian and bicycle trail along the west side of San Ramon Road, were completed and the project was advertised for bids in April 2018. The work includes: a rubberized asphalt overlay of San Ramon Road from I -580 to Alcosta Boulevard; an asphalt overlay of the Amador Valley Boulevard cul-de-sac west of San Ramon Road; an asphalt overlay of Dublin Boulevard from Hansen Drive to San Ramon Road; and repaving the multi-use path on San Ramon Road from Dublin Boulevard to Silvergate Drive and from Shannon Avenue to Alcosta Bou levard. The multi-use path between Silvergate Drive and Shannon Avenue was recently resurfaced as part of a previous CIP project, San Ramon Storm Drain Bypass (CIP No. ST1212). The project also includes the reconstruction of curb ramps, modifications to median island noses to accommodate crosswalks, installation of traffic signal video detection systems at 5 intersections along San Ramon Road, adjustment of utilities to finish grade and installation of new pavement markings. This project is exempt under Se ction 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. A total of three (3) sealed bids were received on April 26, 2018, ranging from $3,853,360 to $5,084,952.50. A summary of the bids is provided as Attachment 2. The low bid of $3,583,360 was submitted by DeSilva Gates Construction, LP. Staff reviewed the bid results, checked references, and necessary licenses, and recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution awarding the project construction contract to DeSilva Gates Construction, LP., as the lowest responsive bidder. To facilitate the approval of contract change orders and to avoid construction delay, it is requested that the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders up to the contingency amount of $575,000.00. The Resolution wi ll authorize this change as it relates to this Project. Staff expects the project to begin in June and anticipates completion of the majority of the improvements by the end of fall 2018. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A copy of this staff report was sent to DeSilva Gates Construction, LP and to the Alameda County Transportation Commission, Independent Watchdog Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Approving the Plans and Specification and Awarding a Contract to DeSilva Gates Construction LP, for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (Project Nos. ST0117 and ST0517) 2. Bid Results 3. CIP ST0117 and ST0517 RESOLUTION NO. - 18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO DESILVA GATES CONSTRUCTION, LP. FOR ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT, PROJECT NOs. ST0117 and ST0517 WHEREAS, the design team has completed the plans and specifications for the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (San Ramon Road Overlay Project CIP No. ST0117 and ST0517) (“Project”). The work includes an asphalt overlay San Ramon Road and segments of Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The project also includes re -paving of the multi-use path fronting San Ramon Road.; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on April 26, 2018, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans and Specification for the Project, which Plans and Specification are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and, WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the Public Works Director, who has recommended that the bid hereinafter is the lowest responsive responsible bid for doing said work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby approves the plans and specifications for the Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby award the Contract for the Project, to the lowest responsive responsible bidder therefore, to wit, DeSilva Gates Construction, LP., at a bid of Three Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty-Three Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars and no cents ($3,853,360.00) the particulars of which bid are on file in the Office of the Public Works Director. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby authorize the City Manager of his designee to approve the Project Contract Change Orders based on the appropriated funds designated for the Project up to the contingency amount of $575,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the Project Construction Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk Attachment 2 Project Name: San Ramon Road Overlay Project Bid Date: April 26, 2018 BASED BID ITEM Qty.UNIT Unit CostExtensionUnit CostExtensionUnit CostExtension 1 1LS $380,000.00$380,000.00$400,000.00$400,000.00$400,000.00$400,000.00 2 1LS $539,000.00$539,000.00$341,413.00$341,413.00$700,000.00$700,000.00 3 1LS $2,000.00$2,000.00$5,600.00$5,600.00$30,000.00$30,000.00 4 26,000SF $8.00$208,000.00$8.90$231,400.00$9.00$234,000.00 5 10,100TON $100.00$1,010,000.00$115.00$1,161,500.00$141.00$1,424,100.00 6 2,500TON $100.00$250,000.00$170.00$425,000.00$110.00$275,000.00 7 30,100SY $4.00$120,400.00$4.50$135,450.00$3.20$96,320.00 8 31,000SY $5.00$155,000.00$6.00$186,000.00$8.00$248,000.00 9 400CY $100.00$40,000.00$110.00$44,000.00$150.00$60,000.00 10 2,900SY $3.00$8,700.00$9.30$26,970.00$5.00$14,500.00 11 1LS $15,000.00$15,000.00$25,500.00$25,500.00$30,000.00$30,000.00 12 2EA $2,500.00$5,000.00$4,000.00$8,000.00$1,000.00$2,000.00 13 23EA $950.00$21,850.00$1,300.00$29,900.00$1,100.00$25,300.00 14 10EA $950.00$9,500.00$1,300.00$13,000.00$1,100.00$11,000.00 15 3EA $800.00$2,400.00$2,000.00$6,000.00$900.00$2,700.00 16 61EA $800.00$48,800.00$1,000.00$61,000.00$900.00$54,900.00 17 4EA $800.00$3,200.00$1,000.00$4,000.00$900.00$3,600.00 18 8EA $1,000.00$8,000.00$1,500.00$12,000.00$1,200.00$9,600.00 19 102EA $375.00$38,250.00$520.00$53,040.00$500.00$51,000.00 20 4EA $500.00$2,000.00$567.00$2,268.00$550.00$2,200.00 21 1EA $500.00$500.00$618.00$618.00$500.00$500.00 22 6EA $30,000.00$180,000.00$32,400.00$194,400.00$38,500.00$231,000.00 23 1 EA $3,000.00$3,000.00$2,580.00$2,580.00$4,000.00$4,000.00 24 5EA $4,000.00$20,000.00$4,125.00$20,625.00$4,400.00$22,000.00 25 4EA $1,000.00$4,000.00$750.00$3,000.00$1,100.00$4,400.00 26 180LF $80.00$14,400.00$156.00$28,080.00$120.00$21,600.00 27 70LF $60.00$4,200.00$63.00$4,410.00$110.00$7,700.00 28 580SF $18.00$10,440.00$20.00$11,600.00$30.00$17,400.00 29 420SF $30.00$12,600.00$54.00$22,680.00$30.00$12,600.00 30 60SF $50.00$3,000.00$310.00$18,600.00$110.00$6,600.00 31 31LF $100.00$3,100.00$115.00$3,565.00$220.00$6,820.00 32 135SF $50.00$6,750.00$22.00$2,970.00$110.00$14,850.00 33 4EA $5,000.00$20,000.00$8,800.00$35,200.00$9,400.00$37,600.00 34 7EA $5,000.00$35,000.00$6,900.00$48,300.00$8,500.00$59,500.00 35 1EA $5,000.00$5,000.00$11,500.00$11,500.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 36 1EA $5,000.00$5,000.00$6,900.00$6,900.00$7,000.00$7,000.00 37 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$12,400.00$12,400.00$11,000.00$11,000.00 38 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$12,400.00$12,400.00$12,000.00$12,000.00 39 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$12,400.00$12,400.00$12,000.00$12,000.00 40 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$17,670.00$17,670.00$16,000.00$16,000.00 41 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$9,400.00$9,400.00$11,000.00$11,000.00 42 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$9,400.00$9,400.00$11,000.00$11,000.00 43 1EA $6,000.00$6,000.00$15,500.00$15,500.00$16,000.00$16,000.00 44 3EA $9,000.00$27,000.00$10,200.00$30,600.00$20,000.00$60,000.00 45 4,800SF $18.00$86,400.00$20.00$96,000.00$20.00$96,000.00 46 1,200TON $120.00$144,000.00$117.00$140,400.00$130.00$156,000.00 47 700CY $200.00$140,000.00$100.00$70,000.00$175.00$122,500.00 48 75CY $200.00$15,000.00$50.00$3,750.00$200.00$15,000.00 49 100LF $25.00$2,500.00$25.00$2,500.00$1,000.00*$100,000.00 50 2EA $1,000.00$2,000.00$1,000.00$2,000.00$1,100.00$2,200.00 51 1EA $800.00$800.00$900.00$900.00$900.00$900.00 52 1EA $1,000.00$1,000.00$3,600.00$3,600.00$1,100.00$1,100.00 53 2EA $800.00$1,600.00$3,100.00$6,200.00$1,000.00$2,000.00 54 1EA $800.00$800.00$3,092.00$3,092.00$1,000.00$1,000.00 55 4EA $1,500.00$6,000.00$1,500.00$6,000.00$5,500.00$22,000.00 56 370LF $75.00$27,750.00$78.00$28,860.00$100.00$37,000.00 57 1EA $11,000.00$11,000.00$12,100.00$12,100.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 58 1EA $9,000.00$9,000.00$9,700.00$9,700.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 59 5EA $300.00$1,500.00$300.00$1,500.00$380.00$1,900.00 60 18,023SF $3.00$54,069.00$5.00$90,115.00$4.50$81,103.50 61 2,595SF $10.00$25,950.00$14.00$36,330.00$12.00$31,140.00 62 24,620LF $0.60$14,772.00$0.80$19,696.00$1.00$24,620.00 63 30LF $1.50$45.00$1.90$57.00$2.00$60.00 64 970LF $1.50$1,455.00$1.90$1,843.00$2.00$1,940.00 65 5,225LF $0.60$3,135.00$0.75$3,918.75$1.00$5,225.00 66 495LF $0.60$297.00$0.75$371.25$1.00$495.00 67 1,210LF $1.00$1,210.00$1.60$1,936.00$2.00$2,420.00 68 9,610LF $1.20$11,532.00$1.60$15,376.00$1.50$14,415.00 69 29,365LF $0.60$17,619.00$1.00$29,365.00$1.00$29,365.00 70 4,610LF $0.60$2,766.00$1.00$4,610.00$1.00$4,610.00 71 1,065LF $2.00$2,130.00$2.50$2,662.50$2.00$2,130.00 72 95LF $2.00$190.00$2.50$237.50$3.00$285.00 73 18EA $25.00$450.00$31.00$558.00$28.00$504.00 74 5EA $60.00$300.00$40.00$200.00$50.00$250.00 75 1LS $5,000.00$5,000.00$25,800.00$25,800.00$22,000.00$22,000.00 TOTAL $3,853,360.00 $4,326,517.00 *$5,084,952.50 * Mathematical summaton error and a unit extension error. Construct Custom Curb Ramp - SE Corner of San Ramon Road and Dublin Blvd Construct Custom Curb Ramp - SW Corner of San Ramon Road and Silvergate Drive Construct Angled Case C Curb Ramp Construct Custom Curb Ramp - NW Corner of Amador Valley Blvd and San Ramon Road Re-Construct Island Passageway Construct Custom Curb Ramp at NW Corner of San Ramon Road and Arbor Creek Circle - Class I Path Roadside Signs Thermoplastic Pavement Marking (Arrows, Symbols, and Words) Construct Angled Case C Curb Ramp - Class I Path Construct Custom Curb Ramp - SW Corner of San Ramon Road and West Vomac Road Construct Custom Curb Ramp - NW Corner of San Ramon Road and W Vomac Road Construct Custom Curb Ramp - SW Corner of San Ramon Road and Alcosta Blvd Construct Custom Curb Ramp - NE Corner of San Ramon Road and Dublin Blvd Construct Custom Curb Ramp - NE Corner of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Blvd Install Pedestrian Barricade and Signage Remove and Replace or Construct New Curb and Gutter Remove and Replace or Construct New Curb Remove and Replace Sidewalk Removal of Median Nose Adjust Telephone Manhole to Grade Detector Loop (Type E ) Detector Loop (Modified Type E ) Bicycle Detector Loop Install Video Detection System - Camera and Wiring Remove Existing Push Button from Existing Post and Install New Pedestrian Push Button and Post Relocate Pedestrian Push Button Post Reset Survey Monument Adjust Sanitary Sewer Manhole to Grade Adjust Storm Drain Manhole to Grade Adjust Detector Handhole to Grade Adjust Water or Recycled Water Covers to Grade Adjust Gas Valve Cover to Grade Construct Concrete Median Adjust Telephone Manhole to Grade - Class I Path Adjust PG&E Box to Grade - Class I Path Adjust AT&T Box to Grade - Class I Path Install Detectable Warning Surface to Full Width of Class I Path Remove and Replace or Construct New Curb - Class I Path Install 3" or 4" Under Sidewalk Drain Remove and Replace Concrete Driveway Construct Case A Curb Ramp Construct Case C Curb Ramp with 6' Landing Hot Mix Asphalt - Class I Path Excavation - Class I Path Class 2 Aggregate Base Removal of Tree Roots Over 2" Diameter Adjust Sanitary Sewer Manhole to Grade - Class I Path Adjust Water Covers to Grade - Class I Path Green Pavement Markings Detail 9 Detail 10 Detail 22 Detail 27B Detail 37B Detail 38 Remove Pavement Markings and Traffic Stripes Blue Fire Hydrant Markers DESCRIPTION Mobilization Mill Asphalt Concrete Pavement - 2" Depth Water Pollution Control Hot Mix Asphalt - Roadway Traffic Control & Construction Area Signs RHMA (1/2" Type G) Overlay HMA Digout Repair- 6" Thick Crack Sealing Conform and Wedge Grind Engineered Paving Mat Detail 24 Detail 40 Delineators Detail 39A Detail 41 Detail 39 Excavation - Roadway CITY OF DUBLIN ENGINEERING DIVISION BID SUMMARY Project No. : ST0117 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Decorative Stamped Crosswalk GRANITE APPARENT LOW BIDDER DESILVA GATES O'GRADY PAVING 1 Number ST0117 Program STREETS ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2016-2017 BUDGET2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 FUTURE YEARS ESTIMATE TOTALS 9100$58,480$24,980$24,980$24,980$24,980$158,400 9200$185,000$215,600$215,600$215,600$215,600$1,047,400 9400$1,451,520$1,451,520$1,451,520$1,451,520$1,451,520$7,257,600 9500$5,000$5,000$5,000$5,000$5,000$25,000 $1,700,000$1,697,100$1,697,100$1,697,100$1,697,100$8,488,400 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2016-2017 BUDGET2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 FUTURE YEARS ESTIMATE TOTALS 2201$920,000$1,102,100$917,100$917,100$917,100$4,773,400 2204$370,000$215,000$580,000$580,000$580,000$2,325,000 2214$410,000$380,000$200,000$200,000$200,000$1,390,000 $1,700,000$1,697,100$1,697,100$1,697,100$1,697,100$8,488,400 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING TOTAL State Gas Tax Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Salaries & Benefits Contract Services Improvements TOTAL 2016-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Miscellaneous PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for a variety of pavement resurfacing treatments, from slurry seal to major rehabilitationand reconstruction. The project also includes installation of ADA ramps along roads that are reconstructed or receive an AC overlay. Streets are selected for improvements based on the City's Pavement Management System to optimize the pavement condition based on available budget. TheCity owns and maintains approximately117 centerline miles of streets. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) groups Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ratings into the following categories:80-100 Very Good- Excellent; 70-79 Good, 60-69 Fair, 50-59 At Risk, 25-49 Poor, and 0-24 Failed. The Cityof Dublin is rated very good with a rolling three-year average PCI of 85. This annual Resurfacing Program is primarily funded by Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC919) Measure B/BB funds andGas Tax. This program protects the substantial investment the City has in the street system. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT:None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Number ST0517 Program STREETS ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2016-2017 BUDGET2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 FUTURE YEARS ESTIMATE TOTALS 9100$21,600$36,980$36,980$19,180$19,180$133,920 9200$15,000$190,000$15,000$15,000$15,000$250,000 9400$568,000$350,000$368,000$368,000$368,000$2,022,000 9500$5,000$25,200$5,400$5,400$5,400$46,400 $609,600$602,180$425,380$407,580$407,580$2,452,320 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2016-2017 BUDGET2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 FUTURE YEARS ESTIMATE TOTALS 1001$108,000$108,000$108,000$108,000$108,000$540,000 2204$180,000$180,000$180,000$180,000$180,000$900,000 2205$80,000$176,400$19,600$276,000 2214$213,600$20,000$233,600 2215$28,000$117,780$17,780$19,580$19,580$202,720 4304$100,000$100,000$100,000$300,000 $609,600$602,180$425,380$407,580$407,580$2,452,320 CITYWIDE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL General Fund Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Salaries & Benefits Contract Services Improvements TOTAL 2016-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Measure B Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) Western Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Miscellaneous PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project includes improvements to variouspedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the City. This project replaces former projects that provided funding for ADA Transition Plan improvements and Citywide Sidewalk Repair improvements. In addition to the scope of those previous projects, this project includes design and construction of improvements recommended in the City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the ADA Transition Plan, and the Class 1 Facilities Maintenance Plan. In Fiscal Year 2017-2018, work on the update to the ADA Transition Plan will commence. In Fiscal Year 2018-2019, work will begin on the update of the City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT:None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works