HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 142-17 Task Order with Kimley-Horn to Prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the At Dublin Project RESOLUTION NO. 142 — 17
WHEREAS, on October 3, 2017, the City Council granted the request by Shea Properties to
initiate a General Plan Amendment Study to change the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan land use designations on approximately 76 acres primarily bound by Tassajara Road, Interstate
580, Brannigan Street and Gleason Drive, to accommodate the development of up to 450,000 square
feet of commercial development and up to 700 residential units; and
WHEREAS, the City maintains contracts with qualified firm, that were selected through a
competitive process, to provide planning consulting services on an as needed basis; and
WHEREAS, City Staff requested a scope of work and budget from Kimley-Horn, one of the
City's on-call planning consulting firms, to assist staff with preparation of the necessary environmental
documentation in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to analyze the
impacts of the proposed At Dublin project; and
WHEREAS, Kimley-Horn prepared a detailed scope of work and fee proposal to prepare an
Environmental Impact Report for the proposed project which is included as Exhibit A to this
resolution; and
WHEREAS, Kimley-Horn has shown that they have the ability to perform the planning and
environmental consulting services required; and
WHEREAS, a budget to complete the scope of work is not to exceed $501,663 (project budget
amount of$456,057 plus additional 10% contingency fund); and
WHEREAS, Kimely-Horn will perform the work outlined in the Scope of Work and Fee
Proposals once the Project Applicant has funded the Developer Deposit Account to complete the
work described in the Scope of Work; and
WHEREAS, all costs associated with the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report shall
be borne by the Applicant.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
authorize the City Manager to execute a Task Order with Kimley-Horn in accordance with the scope
of work and budget, attached hereto as Exhibit A, to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for a
fee not to exceed $501,663 (project budget amount of $465,057 plus additional 10% contingency
fund to be spent only with authorization of City).
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November 2017, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Biddle, Goel, and Hernandez
NOES: Councilmember Goel and Mayor Haubert
Reso No. 142-17, Adopted 11/21/2017, Item No. 4.5 Page 1 of 2
City Clerk
Reso No. 142-17, Adopted 11/21/2017, Item No. 4.5 Page 2 of 2
Scope of Work
At Dublin Project EIR
CEQA Environmental Services
kimley-horn.com 100 West San Fernando Street, Suite 250, San Jose, CA 95113 669 800 4130
November 8, 2017
Amy Million
Principal Planner
City of Dublin
Community Development Department
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
via email
RE: At Dublin Project EIR
Dear Amy:
Kimley-Horn is pleased to submit this scope of work to provide CEQA environmental services
for the proposed At Dublin project. The project-level EIR will include a comprehensive
environmental analysis of a 76-acre mixed-use project that proposes to change the existing
General Plan land use designations to accommodate the development of 450,000 square feet
of commercial development and 700 residential units.
Kimley-Horn provides a highly skilled, experienced, and responsive team of local professionals
with a record of successfully prepared legally defensible environmental documents for public
agencies throughout Northern California. Staff from Kimley-Horn have been working for the
City of Dublin for more than 20 years on various planning, design, and engineering projects. As
a result, we bring significant insight and understanding of the environmental and planning
issues that will be addressed in this EIR.
Our formula for success results in the presentation of potential impacts and key findings to
decision-makers for project determination and certification. To ensure a successful CEQA
review process and the preparation of a high quality environmental document, our approach
▪ Identifying the individual, cumulative, and growth-inducing impacts that may result
from implementation of the proposed improvements.
▪ Facilitating open communication and developing an understanding of project needs with
our client to guide the overall approach and successful issue resolution.
▪ Commitment of senior level management to provide close coordination with our client
to ensure technical accuracy and carefully monitor budget and schedule compliance.
Ms. Amy Million
City of Dublin
Page 2
▪ Responsiveness to issues of concern raised by responsible and regulatory agencies and
the public.
▪ As a full-service firm, Kimley-Horn’s planning and environmental services are supported
by in-house technical expertise (e.g. civil engineering, land development, traffic analysis,
landscape architecture, and GIS) which results in fewer subconsultants, more
streamlined project management, and improved quality control.
Throughout our 50-year history, Kimley-Horn has built a reputation for providing innovative,
high-quality consulting services and is recognized nationwide for our stature as a business
enterprise, for the outstanding talents of our consulting staff, and for the quality of our work.
For this project, Kimley-Horn has partnered with; WRA Inc. to address biological resources, and
Michael Baker International to address air quality, greenhouse gas emissions , energy and noise.
We have worked extensively with both firms and will provide in-house coordination of their
technical studies into the Draft EIR. Should the need for other subconsultants arise, we will
work with the City of Dublin to identify the most suitable consultant to accomplish your
We greatly look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of Dublin on this very
important project. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this scope of work.
Bill Wiseman
Planning Practice Leader
At Dublin Project EIR
Project Understanding & Approach | Page 1-1
Project Understanding & Approach
The City of Dublin City Council has approved a request by Shea Properties, in partnership with
SCS Development Company, to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for a 76.2-acre site
bound by Tassajara Road, Interstate 580, Brannigan Street and Gleason Drive. The Study would
evaluate a proposal to change the existing General Plan land use designations to accommodate
the development of 450,000 square feet of commercial development and 680 residential units.
Part of this evaluation will include the preparation of a project-level Draft and Final
Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
The At Dublin project is proposed on the property formerly owned by the Dublin Land
Company. The property is located in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area and has
Planned Development Zoning (Resolution No. 104-94) adopted with the EDSP. The site is
surrounded by commercial uses to the southwest and southeast and residential uses to the
northwest and northeast.
At Dublin Project EIR
Project Understanding & Approach | Page 1-2
The project site is vacant land and is generally flat with a slight slope from a higher elevation at
the northerly boundary to a slightly lower elevation towards the southerly boundary. At one
time the property was used for agricultural purposes and has remained vacant (except for
temporary seasonal uses) with low lying native and non-native grasses turned periodically for
the purposes of weed abatement. A small group of trees and shrubs is located near the corner
of Tassajara Road and Central Parkway. No grading for development purposes has occurred to
The site currently has General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designations of
Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, Medium High Density Residential, High
Density Residential, and Public/Semi-Public. A majority of the site is designated General
Commercial. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan assumed development of 261 residential units
and 902,563 square feet of commercial.
Most the site, excluding the most northerly portion, is located with the Airport Influence Area
(AIA)/Overlay Zoning District. This area is designated as an area in which current or future
airport-related noise, overflight, safety and/or airspace protection factors may affect land uses
or necessitate restrictions on those uses. The AIA is a designation by the Alameda County
Airport Land Use Commission.
The project consists of a mix of lifestyle retail and residential uses. To accommodate the
project, the applicant proposes to redistribute and simplify the six existing land use
designations to four land use designations organized in large blocks . The proposed land use
designations are generally consistent with the land use patterns of the surrounding properties .
The proposed land uses, from the south to the north are: General Commercial; Mixed Use;
Medium High Density Residential; and Medium Density Residential.
At Dublin Development Program
Land Use Designations Gross Acres Res. Units Du/Acre
Floor Area
sq. ft.
General Commercial 22.1 -- -- .39 370,000
Mixed- 15.1 300 -- .74 80,000
Medium-Density Residential 39 380 9.7 -- --
Total 76.2 680 -- -- 450,000
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-1
Scope of Work
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Kimley-Horn) has prepared this Scope of Work to the City of
Dublin (the Client/Client) for preparation of an EIR for the At Dublin project (the project).
Kimley-Horn will be the prime consultant and will be responsible for authorship of the EIR,
project management, selected technical analysis, and public engagement. Subconsultants to
Kimley-Horn will be Michael Baker International and WRA, Inc.
Kimley-Horn will provide the Client with a project-level EIR that will address all aspects of the
project while minimizing or avoiding the need for future environmental review. The EIR
analysis will be sufficient in detail to allow for the identification of environmental impacts and
mitigations. The thresholds of significance for determining impact significance will be clearly
defined early in the process, and will be reviewed with the Client prior to preparing the EIR
impact sections.
Project Initiation
Project Kick-Off Meeting
Kimley-Horn’s project manager and other key team members will meet with Client staff and the
project applicant (as appropriate) to discuss the environmental review process for the project
and develop a strategy for environmental compliance that meets the requirements of CEQA.
Meeting agenda items will include:
▪ Team introductions
▪ Role, responsibilities and communication protocols
▪ Review of project development plans
▪ Receipt of existing technical studies
▪ Review status of technical studies to be prepared/pending
▪ Receipt of project objectives from applicant
▪ Discuss technical assumptions and data needs
▪ Provide applicant with KHA construction and GHG questionnaires
▪ Review of project scope and schedule
▪ Discuss NOP and scoping meeting (distribution, noticing, dates, venue, etc.)
▪ Action items / net steps
Research and Investigation
Kimley-Horn will work with the Client and the project applicant to collect and review all
relevant reports and sources of data. Kimley-Horn will review and confirm that the project
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-2
information collected is suitable for use in developing the project description , as well as
applicable impact assessments for the environmental document.
Project research will include coordination with the Client to acquire relevant environmental
data, previous studies for the area, and other available files, exhibits, maps, and reference
documents. The initial investigation will consist of a site visit, review of existing land uses and
environmental conditions, and a photographic recording of onsite and surrounding uses.
This scope of work assumes the following technical studies will be utilized for the EIR analysis.
Table 1: AT Dublin Technical Studies
Resource Title Source
Aesthetics Visual Simulations Project Applicant
Resources -- East Dublin Specific Plan EIR
Air Quality Air Quality Technical Report Michael Baker International
Biological Resources
Biological Resources Assessment
Wetland Delineation (if required)
Rare Plant Surveys
WRA, Inc.
Cultural Resources -- East Dublin Specific Plan EIR
Geology & Soils Preliminary Geotechnical Report Project Applicant
Greenhouse Gas
Emissions GHG Analysis Michael Baker International
Hazards &
Hazardous Materials
Phase I/II Environmental Site
Assessment(s) Project Applicant
Hydrology & Water
Quality Stormwater Management Plan Project Applicant
Noise Noise Study Michael Baker International
Transportation &
Traffic Traffic Impact Analysis Kimley-Horn & Associates
Utilities & Service
Water Supply Assessment
Utility Analysis Dublin San Ramon Services District
Public Services -- Various existing agency master plans
EIR Outline
Prior to preparation of the Administrative Draft EIR, Kimley-Horn takes the unique approach of
preparing a detailed EIR outline. This outline serves as a roadmap for the project and helps to
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-3
ensure a clear and effective Client working relationship, according to a mutually agreed p rocess
and approach. The EIR outline will identify in draft form the following:
▪ A detailed table of contents that identifies all the chapters, sections, and organizational
structure of the EIR.
▪ All relevant thresholds of significance including CEQA and th ose of the Lead Agency and
Responsible Agencies (where relevant).
▪ Discussion of the Effects Not Found to Be Significant and thresholds were there are
anticipated to be no impacts or beneficial impacts.
▪ Preliminary identification of all impact statements.
▪ Preliminary list of figures and tables.
▪ Preliminary list of appendices.
Draft Project Description
Kimley-Horn will prepare a draft of the project description including all referenced figures . As
stated in Section 15124 of CEQA, the project description will contain the following information:
▪ The precise location and boundaries of the project will be shown on a detailed,
topographic map. The location of the project will also appear on a regional map.
▪ A statement of objectives sought by the project. A clearly written statement of
objectives will help the Client develop a reasonable range of alternatives to evaluate in
the EIR and will aid the decision makers in preparing findings or a statement of
overriding considerations, if necessary. The statement of objectives will include the
underlying purpose of the project.
▪ A general description of the project's technical, economic, and environmental
characteristics, considering the principal engineering proposals, if any, and supporting
public service facilities.
▪ A thorough discussion of project phasing.
▪ A statement briefly describing the intended uses of the EIR. This statement will include,
to the extent that the information is known to the Client the following:
a) A list of the agencies that are expected to use the EIR in their decision-making,
b) A list of permits and other approvals required to implement the project, and
c) A list of related environmental review and consultation requirements required
by federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or policies.
All decisions subject to CEQA will be listed in the order in which they will occur.
The draft project description will be submitted to the Client for review and comment .
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-4
Kimley-Horn will review the draft EIR outline with the Client concurrent with review of the draft
project description.
Notice of Preparation
Kimley-Horn will prepare the Notice of Preparation (NOP) that summarizes the project and
what environmental issues will be addressed fully in the EIR and those that will be determined
to be insignificant, as shown I the table below.
Included for Detailed EIR Analysis (Potentially
Excluded from Detailed EIR Analysis
Air Quality / GHG Emissions
Biological Resources
Cultural Resources
Geology & Soils
Hazards & Hazardous Materials
Hydrology & Water Quality
Land Use / Planning
Population & Housing
Public Services and Recreation
Transportation & Circulation
Tribal Cultural Resources
Utilities & Service Systems
Agricultural and Forestry
Mineral Resources
The NOP package will be prepared pursuant to Section 15082(a) of the CEQA Guidelines. An
electronic file will be sent to the Client for review and consideration. Following review and
incorporation of comments by the Client, Kimley-Horn will prepare the final NOP.
This scope of work assumes that the Client will be responsible for the preparation of all public
notices and distribution of the IS/NOP pursuant to CEQA requirements, including all relevant
public agencies.
Public Scoping Meeting
Staff from Kimley-Horn will attend and help facilitate a public scoping meeting for the project.
The public scoping meeting will serve to obtain information and input from responsible
agencies and the public, as well as to inform the public about th e CEQA review and EIR process.
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-5
Kimley-Horn will prepare a draft and final presentation (in PowerPoint) and will prepare
handout materials including copies of the NOP and comment forms. These materials will be
reviewed with the Client prior to finalizing.
Scoping comments received will during the scoping meeting and from the NOP will be
documented in the Draft EIR.
Review NOP and Refine Project Scope
Based on comments received by the public from the NOP and the public scoping meeting,
Kimley-Horn will review the key environmental issues with the project team, clarify/refine the
scope of work for the EIR, and identify any additional analytical tasks not included in this scope
of work.
Peer Review and Preparation of Technical Studies
Geotechnical Study Peer Review
Kimley-Horn will conduct a peer review of the applicant-provided geotechnical study to
determine if it provides sufficient information to complete the CEQA evaluation . Kimley-Horn
will review the geotechnical study to evaluate the characterization of site condition s, the
adequacy of the geotechnical data collected, and the consistency of the engineering
conclusions. Kimley-Horn will review recommended actions to mitigate potential impacts
related to these site conditions. If issues are identified, we will prepare a memo recommending
or describing conditions that need to be addressed by supplemental investigation or analysis.
Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessment(s) Peer Review
Kimley-Horn will conduct a peer review of the applicant-provided Phase I/II Environmental Site
Assessments (ESAs) to determine if they provide sufficient information to complete the CEQA
evaluation. Kimley-Horn will review the Phase I/II ESAs to identify data gaps and review
historical documentation for the site and adjacent properties . We will review the report
conclusions and recommendations, and any recognized environmental concerns for the site . If
issues are identified, we will prepare a memo recommending or describing conditions that need
to be addressed by supplemental investigation or analysis.
Biological Resources
WRA, Inc. will provide the following technical studies as a subconsultant to Kimley-Horn.
Biological Resources Assessment
WRA staff biologists will conduct a biological resources survey at the site as part of the CEQA
analysis. WRA will conduct a site visit to make observations on the vegetation and potential
wildlife use in areas identified for impacts to prepare the Biological Resources Assessment
(BRA) using the existing information, previous studies, and published accounts, including the
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-6
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). The BRA will include an analysis of potential
impacts, significance, and minimization, mitigation, and avoidance measures suitable for
incorporation into the biological resources section of the Draft EIR.
WRA’s approach for conducting this study consists of the following:
▪ Collect and Review Existing Information on Biotic Resources in the Project Vicinity .
Prior to the site visit, a search of the California Department of Fish and Wildlif e
California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB), the California Native Plant Society
(CNPS) database, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) county list will
be conducted to determine which protected species and/or critical habitat potent ially
occur near the site. Available aerial photography, United States Geologic Survey (USGS)
maps, and other sources will be reviewed for the potential location of wetland habitats
or other sensitive species for the site.
▪ Conduct a Field Reconnaissance of the Site. A site visit will be undertaken and the site
will be traversed on foot and the habitats present assessed to determine suitability for
special-status wildlife and plant species. Possible impacts to sensitive species located
within the footprint of the project will be the focus of the site inspection; however, any
potential indirect impacts from the project will also be assessed.
Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Report (Optional Task)
WRA staff will review the data collected during the initial site visit to determine if areas meet the
criteria required in the US Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual. If wetlands
are identified, a Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Report will be prepared in accordance with
the format required by the San Francisco Corps District.
WRA will prepare a draft report for review by Kimley-Horn and the City. Once approved for
submittal, WRA will assist the Applicant in submitting the delineation and request that the
Corps conduct a site verification of the proposed delineation. WRA will attend the site visit and
discuss its findings with Corps staff. A final map will be prepared following the site inspection
by the Corps to reflect any modifications agreed to in the field.
Rare Plant Survey and Mapping
As part of the vegetation survey, a rare plant survey following the CDFW and California Native
Plant Society protocols will be undertaken. Plant species that have the potential to occur in the
project area include Congdon’s tarplant, saline clover, and hai rless popcornflower.
Using the list of potential sensitive species, qualified staff will conduct a rare plant survey with a
focus on areas of proposed development. A reference site will also be visited to confirm that
the species in question are blooming at the time of the surveys. The survey will require three
site visits to cover the blooming periods of the range of species that are being surveyed . One
survey will be conducted in the fall, and two in the spring.
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-7
Additional Biological Support Services
Response to Comments on Draft EIR Bio Section
Following completion of the public review period, WRA will respond to agency and public
comments submitted on the Draft EIR biological resources section. The extent of work
necessary to complete the Final EIR is contingent upon the number and nature of public
comments that are received after the Draft EIR is circulated . For the purposes of this scope of
work, WRA has budgeted twenty-four (24) hours for WRA to respond to comments. If
additional time is required, Kimley-Horn will consult with the Client on a revised scope of work.
Project Management and Meetings
Staff from WRA will be available to attend up to three (3) public hearings on the EIR and
project. In addition, WRA’s project manager will be available during the EIR phase of the
project for conference calls and three (3) team meetings, as necessary.
Air Quality, GHG, Noise, and Energy
The Air Quality, GHG, Noise, and Energy technical analysis will be prepared by Michael Baker
International (MBI), as a subconsultant to Kimley-Horn.
Air Quality
The air quality analysis will follow guidance presented by the BAAQMD in its CEQA Air Quality
Guidelines (2017) where appropriate for this assessment. The 2017 version of the CEQA Air
Quality Guidelines includes revisions made to address legal challenges and the 2015 California
Supreme Court’s opinion. However, the 2017 Guidelines update does not address outdated
references, links, analytical methodologies or other technical information. As such, the
Guidelines will be primarily utilized for information purposes. Per direction from the
BAAQMD, the Guidelines will inform environmental review for the project. Specific
methodologies will be reviewed for appropriateness and updated methodologies may be used
if available (e.g., the methodology for risk assessment in the 2017 Guidelines can be
supplemented with latest guidance from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment). It should be noted that the BAAQMD has initiated an update to reflect new or
revised requirements in the State CEQA Guidelines, recent court decisions, improved analytical
methodologies, and new mitigation strategies.
The analysis will address the CEQA guidelines Appendix G checklist questions for air quality and
greenhouse gases. MBI will base the greenhouse gas significance on consistency with the City of
Dublin Climate Action Plan 2013 Update if the resident and employee projections are similar to
the projections for the site included in the CAP under the existing entitlements. In addition, the
EIR will analyze project consistency with post-2020 GHG reduction goals (i.e., SB 32 reduction
targets as well as 2050 targets), which is outside of the scope of the City’s CAP. Project GHG
emissions and applicable reductions will be quantified.
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-8
Existing Conditions/Regulatory Framework
The project is located within the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin (SFBAAB), which is under the
jurisdiction of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Baseline
meteorological and air quality data developed through the Califor nia Air Resources Board
(CARB) will be utilized for the description of existing ambient air quality. Air quality data from
the nearest air quality monitoring station will be included to help highlight existing air quality
local to the project area. The analysis will also describe and address the requirements set forth
by the BAAQMD CEQA Air Quality Guidelines.
Short-Term Emissions
Construction emissions will be quantified with the California Emissions Estimator Model version
2016.3.2 (CalEEMod). A general description of the major phases of construction and their
timing will be included. The air pollutant emissions during construction will be compared to the
BAAQMD thresholds of significance. Naturally occurring asbestos impacts will also be discussed
Long-Term Emissions
Operational (i.e., area and mobile source) emissions will be quantified and compared to the
BAAQMD thresholds of significance. Primary sources of emissions will be related to area
sources and local/regional vehicle miles traveled. Project consistency with the latest BAAQMD
Clean Air Plan will be evaluated.
Toxic Air Contaminants
The project is located within 1,000 feet of Interstate 580, which have a significant number of
vehicles and are toxic air contaminant (TAC) sources. Based on the BAAQMD’s Planning Healthy
Places interactive maps, the project site is within an area where best practices are
recommended to reduce exposure to TACs. However, the project proposes residential uses
outside of the BAAQMD’s recommended 1,000-foot buffer. Per the BAAQMD requirements,
the analysis will qualitatively address TACs based on the proximity of the toxic air contaminants
to sensitive receptors; the likelihood and potential level of exposure; and the degree to which
project design will reduce the risk of exposure. The analysis will qualitatively discuss the
potential risk at the project site and identify applicable best practices that can be implemented
to reduce potential exposure to TAC emissions. This scope excludes quantitative analysis,
dispersion modeling, and risk calculations.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MBI will review the land use data and prepare an inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
(i.e., nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) from both direct (i.e., area and mobile
sources) and indirect sources (i.e., energy/water consumption and wastewater/solid waste
generation). Project GHG emissions and applicable reductions will be quantified with
CalEEMod. The analysis will address the project’s consistency with the City’s Climate Action
Plan (July 2013) and the project’s GHG emissions in relation to BAAQMD significance thresholds
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-9
and/or screening thresholds. As discussed above, the CAP consistency analysis will determine if
resident and employee projections are similar to the projections for the site included in the CAP
under the existing entitlements. The EIR will also analyze project consistency with post-2020
GHG reduction goals.
The climate change analysis will be structured to address the relevant question s from Appendix
G of the CEQA Guidelines. Mitigation measures will be identified and incorporated, as
necessary, to reduce potentially significant GHG emissions of the project.
The GHG emissions analysis will also discuss the potential global climate chan ge impacts, the
effects of GHG emissions, and history of GHG emissions regulations in California. Project
consistency with statewide GHG emissions reduction strategies such as the CARB Scoping Plan
and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Regional Transportation
Plan/Sustainable Community Strategy (Bay Area Plan) will also be reviewed.
Noise & Vibration
Existing Conditions
Applicable noise and land use compatibility criteria for the project area will be reviewed and
noise standards regulating noise impacts will be discussed for land uses on and adjacent to the
project site. A site visit will be conducted and short-term noise level measurements will be
taken along the project area. The noise monitoring survey will be conducted at up to six
separate locations to establish baseline noise levels in the project area. Noise recording lengths
are anticipated to require approximately 10 minutes at each location.
Construction-Related Noise and Vibration
Construction would occur during implementation of the project. Noise impacts from
construction sources will be analyzed based on the anticipated equipment to be used, length of
a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower,
load factor, and percentage of time in use. The construction noise impacts will be evaluated in
terms of maximum levels (Lmax) and hourly equivalent continuous noise levels (Leq) and the
frequency of occurrence at adjacent sensitive locations. An analysis of vibration impacts will be
based on the Federal Transit Administration’s vibration analysis guidance. Analysis
requirements will be based on the sensitivity of the area, specific construction activities, and
Noise Ordinance specifications.
Operational Noise Sources
On- and off-site noise impacts from vehicular traffic will be assessed using the U.S. Federal
Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). The 24-hour weighted Community
Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) will be presented in a tabular format . On-site noise generating
activities will also be addressed and analyzed for potential impacts to the adjacent uses.
Project consistency with applicable General Plan and EDSP policies will also be addressed to
analyze the compatibility of the project residential uses with the surrounding land uses and
noise sources.
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-10
MBI will analyze the energy implications of the project pursuant to Public Resources Code
Section 21100(b)(3) and Appendix F of the CEQA Guidelines. These statutes and guidelines
require an EIR to describe, where relevant, the wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary
consumption of energy caused by a project. The analysis will analyze energy consumption
associated with short-term construction activities, long-term operations, buildings, and
transportation. The assessment of environmental impacts on energy resources will include
mitigation measures, if necessary, to reduce inefficient and unnecessary consumption of
Traffic Impact Analysis
The Traffic Impact Analysis will be prepared by Kimley-Horn. 2000 HCM methodologies will be
used to determine current levels of service at City of Dublin study intersections . HCM 2010
methodologies will be used to evaluate Alameda CTC CMP facilities, Tri-Valley Transportation
Council routes of regional significance, and Caltrans facilities. Queueing at study intersections
and project driveways will be evaluated using Synchro. The transportation impact analysis will
use information included in the Dublin Crossing EIR and the Dublin IKEA Transportation Analysis
Assumptions memo, as well as current traffic count data, as identified below.
The following intersections will be evaluated:
City of Dublin
1. Gleason Drive / Hacienda Road (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
2. Hacienda Drive / Central Parkway (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
3. Dublin Boulevard / Hacienda Drive (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
4. Dublin Boulevard / Hibernia Drive (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
5. Dublin Boulevard / Myrtle Drive-Toyota Drive (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
6. Dublin Boulevard / John Monego Court
7. Dublin Boulevard / Glynnis Rose Drive
8. Tassajara Road / Gleason Drive
9. Tassajara Road / Central Parkway (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts)
10. Tassajara Road / Dublin Boulevard (utilizing the IKEA traffic counts) *
11. Tassajara Road / Dublin Corporate Way
12. Tassajara Road / I-580 WB Ramps
13. Tassajara / I-580 EB Ramps – Pimlico Drive
14. Santa Rita Road / Las Positas Boulevard
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-11
15. Brannigan Street / Gleason Drive
16. Brannigan Street / Central Parkway
17. Brannigan Street / Finnian Way
18. Brannigan Street / Dublin Boulevard
19. Gleason Drive / Fallon Road
20. Dublin Boulevard / Fallon Road
21. Project Driveway #1 / Gleason Drive
22. Project Driveway #2 / Brannigan Street
23. Project Driveway #3 / Central Parkway
24. Project Driveway #4 / Central Parkway
25. Project Driveway #5 – The Shops / Tassajara Road *
26. Project Driveway #6 – Finnian Way / Brannigan Street
27. Project Driveway #7 / Tassajara Road
28. Project Driveway #8 / Dublin Boulevard
29. Project Driveway #9 / Tassajara Road
30. Project Driveway #10 / Brannigan Street
31. Dublin Boulevard / Grafton
32. Fallon Road at I-580 WB ramps
33. Fallon Road at I-580 EB ramps
City of Pleasanton
34. El Charro Road at Stoneridge/E. Jack London
35. Hacienda Drive at Owens Drive
36. Hacienda Drive at I-580 WB ramps
37. Hacienda Drive at I-580 EB ramps
* Includes both weekday and weekend intersection analysis.
The following intersections will have a signal warrant analysis completed:
1. Finnian Way /Brannigan Street
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2. Aviano Way / Brannigan Street
The following freeway segments will be analyzed:
a. I-580 from Dougherty Road to Hacienda Drive
b. I-580 from Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road
c. I-580 from Tassajara Road to Fallon Road
d. Fallon Road to Airway Boulevard
Project Initiation
Existing Conditions
Where existing traffic count data is not available, Kimley-Horn will collect weekday AM (7:00 -
9:00) and PM (4:00-6:00) peak period intersection turning movement counts at the existing
study intersections on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday when local schools are in session
and not during a holiday week. Pedestrian, bicyclist and heavy vehicle classification counts will
also be counted at these study intersections. Additionally, Kimley-Horn will collect weekend
peak hour intersection turning movement counts at the intersections of Tassajara Road / Dublin
Boulevard and Tassajara Road / The Shops
Available data from Caltrans and the City will be used to determine freeway mainline
volumes, and ramp merge/diverge volumes will be determined from turning movement
counts at the ramp terminal intersections .
Kimley-Horn will conduct a field reconnaissance of the project site and surrounding
roadway network to verify existing intersection control, lane configurations, and other
roadway characteristics. Data for transit services, heavy vehicle classification, bicycle, and
pedestrian facilities within the study area will also be collected . Kimley-Horn will request
accident data from the City at intersections within the immediate study area .
Project Trip Generation and Assignment
The Kimley-Horn will peer review the Trip Generation Estimates for Shea Properties, dated
9/29/17, and as validated by City staff, as the basis for the trip generation analysis. This
analysis includes the project as well as existing use trip generation estimates per the East
Dublin Specific Plan.
Kimley-Horn will develop trip distribution percentages using a variety of data sources including
existing and new traffic counts, and a select zone analysis. The updated City of Dublin travel
demand model that was developed as part of the Kaiser TIA, and updated in the IKEA TIA, will
be used to prepare a select zone analysis for the project for 2025 and 2040 future year
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Transportation Analysis Assumptions Memorandum
Kimley-Horn will prepare a Transportation Analysis Assumptions Memorandum that will
document the analysis assumptions for the project’s transportation impact analysis. It will
address the project description, project travel characteristics, analysis scenarios and
parameters, potential travel demand management (TDM) strategies, parking assumptions, and
significance criteria. It will also include a final list of study intersections and mainline freeway
Kimley-Horn will outline an approach to calculate vehicle miles of travel for the project, as
well as suggest additional transportation thresholds of significance consistent with the
updated CEQA guidelines. New thresholds of significance will consider if a project site is
located within a PDA planning area and safety impacts
A draft memorandum will be reviewed in a meeting with City staff. A final memorandum will
be prepared per City direction.
Administrative Draft Traffic Impact Analysis
The Administrative Draft TIA Report will include text, charts, and figures describing our process,
assumptions, and results. To avoid duplication of work, the TIA will be prepared as a drop-in
section to the Draft EIR. Supporting documentation will be included as an appendix.
Preparation of the Draft TIA will include the following tasks.
Existing Plus Project
Existing plus project traffic volumes will be evaluated to determine levels of service (LOS) and
vehicle queuing under implementation of the project. Clarification regarding the timing of
project buildout will be described.
Near-Term (2025)
Near-Term traffic volumes will be estimated based on 2025 development year . Kimley-Horn
will work with the City to determine approved project s expected to be constructed before
2025. Levels of service (LOS) and vehicle queuing under this development condition will then
be prepared.
Near-Term Plus Project (2025)
Near-Term plus the project traffic volumes will be evaluated to determine levels of service
(LOS) and vehicle queuing under this development condition.
Cumulative (2040)
Cumulative traffic volumes will be evaluated to determine levels of service (LOS) and vehicle
queuing under this development condition. Cumulative volumes will be estimated/determined
based on the development year 2040.
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Cumulative Plus Project (2040)
Cumulative plus project traffic volumes will be evaluated to determine levels of service and
vehicle queuing under this development condition .
Site Plan Evaluation
Kimley-Horn will review the site plan for the project phases to ensure safe and efficient
circulation of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians through the project site and on the
roadways adjacent to the project site for each project phase. Kimley-Horn will review the
plan in terms of:
▪ Site access and interface with roadway network including adequacy of turn-pocket
lengths, driveway throat lengths, sight distance and level of service.
▪ Vehicular circulation and internal intersection operations.
▪ Emergency vehicle access and circulation.
▪ Pedestrian access and circulation within and adjacent to the site.
▪ Bicycle access and circulation within and adjacent to the site.
▪ Transit and shuttle vehicle circulation within and adjacent to the site.
▪ Pedestrian access to and from transit stops.
▪ Truck circulation and loading dock access.
Transit Evaluation
The potential transit trip generation for the project will be calculated and the existing load
factors of relevant transit routes reviewed. Potential transit trips from the project will be
added to the existing routes in the area to determine if project related transit trips can be
accommodated by the existing system. The potential for a shuttle between the West
Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and the project site will be evaluated.
Transportation Demand Management
TDM elements that will be evaluated will include: project design to encourage walking and
biking, lower parking ratios, shuttle service and transit fare incentives, designated bike parking,
EV charging stations, carpool, and clean-fuel parking spaces.
Vehicle Miles Traveled
The updated City of Dublin travel demand model and CalEEmod will be used to estimate VMT
for the project. OPR’s draft VMT guidelines will be used to evaluate the project VMT, however,
since the City of Dublin has not yet adopted VMT significance criteria, the analysis and results
will be provided for informational purposes only.
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Impacts and Mitigations
Kimley-Horn will identify locations and facilities that are impacted by implementation of the
project and make recommendations for improvements to mitigate project impacts. Mitigation
improvements could include, but are not limited to, street widening, lane additions, TDMs,
intersection configuration changes, safety improvements, new traffic signals, turning lanes,
channelization, traffic control devices and adaptive traffic signal. Such improvements will be
considered, evaluated and recommended when determined necessary by accepted
professional engineering standards and practices. Fair share portions will be calculated as
Congestion Management Agency Assessment
A separate analysis of regional roadways will be conducted to comply with requirements of the
Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA). The ACCMA requires the analysis
of project impacts to Metropolitan Transportation System (MTS) roadways for development
projects that would generate more than 100 PM peak hour trips . The ACCMA requires that the
baseline forecasts be represented by the model run completed by the ACCMA. Kimley-Horn
will add the project-related traffic directly to the baseline forecasts and compare the net
change as a percentage of total traffic.
The ACCMA analysis will be based on the 2025 and 2040 forecast years and will evaluate the
roadway segments as identified above.
Project Alternatives
Kimley-Horn will prepare a qualitative analysis of up to three (3) project alternatives. Trip
generation will be calculated and compared to that of the project. The potential for the
alternatives to reduce the significant impacts of the project will be discussed.
Finalize Traffic Impact Analysis
Screencheck Draft Traffic Impact Analysis
Based on one set of consolidated comments received from the City on the Administrative Draft
TIA, Kimley-Horn will prepare a Screencheck Draft TIA. This scope of work assumes that no
additional analysis or data collection beyond that identified in this scope of work will be
Final Traffic Impact Analysis
Based on one set of consolidated comments received from the City on the Screencheck Draft
TIA, Kimley-Horn will prepare the Final TIA.
Administrative Draft EIR
Kimley-Horn will prepare an Administrative Draft and Screencheck Draft EIR (EIR) for review and
comment by the Client in a format in accordance with applicable requirements as described in
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CEQA Guidelines Sections§15120 through 15132. The approach to each section of the EIR is
summarized below.
Executive Summary
Kimley-Horn will provide an Executive Summary for the Draft EIR including summary of the
project, an overview of project impacts, mitigation, levels of significance after mitigation,
summary of project alternatives, areas of controversy, and issues to be resolved. The Executive
Summary will be presented in a tabular format and will be included in the Screencheck Draft
EIR, following Client review of the Administrative Draft EIR.
For each significant impact, only the summary title of the mitigation measure will be provided
and not the full text of each mitigation measure. This approach will help ensure a manageably-
sized Executive Summary and avoid excessive duplication of text.
For legal defensibility reasons, the Executive Summary will also include a section summarizing
the NOP comments and where they are addressed in the body of the EIR.
Introduction and Purpose
This section will identify the purpose of the Draft EIR and statutory authority under CEQA, as
well as document-scoping procedures, summary of the EIR format, listing of responsible and
trustee agencies, and documentation incorporated by reference.
The Introduction will describe the project background and purpose; identify the lead agency,
and other trustee agency roles, describe the required approvals (including any permit
requirements); describe the intended uses of the EIR (e.g., compliance with CEQA); and outline
the EIR scoping process.
The introduction will establish the scope of review of the EIR and identify environmental topics
that had been previously evaluated at a sufficient level in prior environmental review and thus
would not need to be evaluated again.
Final Project Description
Kimley-Horn will update/finalize the project description based on NOP and scoping meeting
comments and any minor refinements as provided by the Client and/or project applicant.
Environmental Analysis
Each environmental section in the Draft EIR will include sections for existing setting, thresholds
of significance, an analysis of project-related impacts, and mitigation measures to avoid or
reduce significant impacts. Thresholds will be based on the State CEQA Guidelines, as well as
those identified thresholds of the Client (as the Lead Agency) and relevant thresholds from
Responsible and/or Trustee Agencies (e.g. Caltrans).
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Each resource section of the EIR will include a summary of applicable regulations and relevant
general plan policies that could avoid or reduce significant environmental impacts . Kimley-Horn
will ensure that thresholds of significance are acceptable to Client staff before beginning the
environmental analysis.
The project has the potential to substantially alter the existing visual character of the project
site and views of the area from public roadways that surround the project site through build
out of the project.
The aesthetics section of the Draft EIR will identify the visual characteristics of the project site
and surrounding area. Kimley-Horn will describe the existing aesthetic environment and visual
resources, including a discussion of views within the project site and views from surrounding
areas, particularly from the adjacent uses, utilizing pictures and information from a site
reconnaissance of the project site and surrounding area and inf ormation from the project.
Kimley-Horn will work with the Client to identify up to four visual simulation viewpoints . The
project applicant will be responsible for providing the simulations that will be used for
evaluation and incorporated as figures into the Draft EIR.
This section will evaluate the following:
▪ Description of existing views to and from the project site will be provided with an
emphasis on views from public roadways.
▪ Evaluation of the alteration in views of the project site to and from these public viewing
▪ Evaluation of the project for the potential to introduce substantial new night-time
lighting or create new sources of glare that could affect surrounding land uses.
▪ Evaluation of General Plan and EDSP policies related to aesthetics that are relevant to
the project.
▪ Identification of mitigation measures determined to be appropriate and those
determined to be feasible for implementation.
Air Quality / GHG Emissions
Kimley-Horn will utilize the air quality and GHG emissions technical studies prepared by Michael
Baker to prepare this section. The findings will be summarized consistent with CEQA Appendix
G requirements and supporting documentation provides as an appendix to the Draft EIR.
Biological Resources
This section will be prepared utilizing the technical reports as prepared by WRA, Inc. It will
evaluate the project actions relative to existing biological resources, evaluate the proposed
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impacts to sensitive biological resources and identify measures to avoid or reduce impacts.
Potential direct and indirect impacts from the project(s) will be identified.
Cultural Resources
The project site is undeveloped land that may contain undiscovered cultural resources (e.g.
artifacts, fossils, etc.). This section will utilize the East Dublin Specific Plan EIR as the basis for
this analysis. Updated Sacred Lands Request from the NAHC will be incorporated.
The section will analyze the potential project impacts to any resources found onsite, including
any potential sites important to Native American history and early European settlements.
Potential impacts to cultural resources due to the extension of offsite infrastructure (e.g.,
bridges, water lines, etc.) will also be evaluated. Appropriate mitigation measures will be
developed for any cultural resource sites found to occur within the project area.
This section will also address the requirements of Assembly Bill 52 regarding Tribal Cultural
Resources. This scope of work assumes that the Client will be responsible for all consultation
Geology & Soils
This section will be prepared utilizing the applicant-provided preliminary geotechnical report as
the basis for evaluating impacts associated with geology, soils and seismicity.
Utilizing the applicant-provided geotechnical report, Kimley-Horn will describe the seismicity of
the area and the potential for liquefaction, subsidence and similar effects, as applicable . This
section will include information associated with the regional and site-specific geology and soils
constraints and existing topography. Specifically, this section will:
▪ Discuss potential project impacts including areas potentially subject to significant
grading impacts, seismic hazards, landform modifications, and wind and/or slope water
erosion to the extent feasible.
▪ Discuss the project consistency with the grading standards/policies. In addition,
mitigation measures will be discussed to reduce impacts associated with the project.
▪ Describe the potential geotechnical and geologic hazards that may be present including,
but not limited to, liquefaction, settlement, compression, subsidence, erosion,
expansive soils, collapsible soils, inundation, naturally occurring asbestos, and existing
Should a potentially significant impacts(s) be identified, Kimley-Horn will recommend mitigation
measures to reduce these impacts to the extent feasible.
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Hazards & Hazardous Materials
This section will utilize the applicant-prepared Phase I/II ESAs to assess the potential presence
of hazardous materials within the project site.
This section will examine the project site’s environmental condition and the chemicals of
potential concern (COPCs). Using the Phase I/II ESAs, Kimley-Horn will address hazardous
environmental issues, if any, and mitigation measures that may be appropriate to support the
significance thresholds.
The project site is within the Livermore Airport Influence Area . The EIR will discuss the relevant
policies of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUP) regarding land uses and will confirm
consistency with ALUP policies and regulations regarding land use, height restrictions, etc.
Should a potentially significant impacts(s) be identified, Kimley-Horn will recommend mitigation
measures to reduce these impacts to the extent feasible.
Hydrology & Water Quality
The project contemplates future development activities that would involve construction and
operation activities that have the potential to create polluted runoff, increase impervious
surface coverage, and create downstream drainage problems.
Kimley-Horn will review applicant-provided project drainage and storm water quality plans for
the Stage II submittal (mid-January) as the basis for assessing impacts to hydrology and water
quality. We will also utilize the California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 118, the San
Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Basin Plan, the City of Dublin General Plan,
and the County of Alameda General Plan.
Kimley-Horn will describe the hydrological setting, including its location within the regional
watershed system and describe the potential urban water pollutant types and their sources.
This will include assessment of flood hazards and determination of 100-year flood zones, if
applicable. Information sources will include published flood maps, the U.S. Geological Survey,
and the California Department of Water Resources.
The hydrology and water quality impact analysis will address short-term temporary
construction-related effects on hydrology and water quality; long-term project-related water
quality; permanent changes to stormwater drainage and/or flooding; project-related impacts to
groundwater quantity and quality; and cumulative on-site and off-site hydrology and water
quality impacts.
Applicable federal, state, and local regulations for stormwater drainage, grading and erosion
control, and other water quality protection procedures will be described . Kimley-Horn will
discuss potential flooding hazards, general management practices, and mitigation measures to
reduce the effects of storm water runoff.
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Kimley-Horn will summarize the groundwater conditions in the project area and discuss the use
of groundwater, trends, and general aquifer conditions. This effort will rely on existing sources
and will not include water quality testing, or field verification of stream conditions.
Significant impacts could relate to increased rate and volume of runoff from impervious
surfaces, erosion and sedimentation, and transport of urban contaminants. Completion of this
section will include the following:
▪ Describe surface drainage patterns of the project area and adjoining areas.
▪ Summarize the drainage network of the project area, including information on channel
conditions, culvert locations and sizing, and capacity of existing drainage facilities to
pass flows. This will include identification of flood hazards in the project area.
▪ Identify applicable City of Dublin and state policies, programs, and standards associated
with storm water detention and water resources. Analyze pre- and post-development
runoff and detention basin size(s) and location(s).
It is anticipated that increases in storm water drainage resulting from construction of the
project would be mitigated through detention and/or retention of storm water flows onsite .
The section will also discuss other Best Management Practices for mitigation of any significant
impacts associated with water quality.
Should a potentially significant impacts(s) be identified, Kimley-Horn will recommend mitigation
measures to reduce these impacts to the extent feasible
Land Use & Planning
The project would involve a General Plan Amendment and an amendment to t he Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan. Entitlements will include: a) Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment consistent
with the proposed General Plan Amendment; b) Planned Development Rezone with related
Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans; c) Tentative Map; and d) Site Development Review
This section of the EIR will evaluate potential impacts related to land use in the project area
that could result from implementation of the project. Existing land uses in the immediate
vicinity of the project site will be described . This section will also analyze the distribution,
location, and extent of proposed land uses, and analysis of the project with respect to logical
growth patterns, compatibility, and contiguity with development in surrounding areas.
General Plan Consistency Analysis
Kimley-Horn will analyze the project for consistency with the City of Dublin General Plan.
Consistency with key General Plan and Specific Plan goals and policies will be provided in a
table format. Additionally, the proposed uses infrastructure improvements will be assessed in
accordance with the development standards set forth in the General Plan and Municipal Code .
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The project's consistency and potential impacts with surrounding land uses will be addressed
and mitigation or project modifications will be suggested to a void or minimize any conflicts.
Noise & Vibration
This section will be prepared utilizing the relevant technical studies as prepared by Michael
Baker International, as a subconsultant to Kimley-Horn. It will also include coordination with
the applicant regarding noise-attenuating design features.
The project contemplates construction and operational activities that could potentially expose
surrounding land uses to excessive noise and vibration levels.
The analysis will discuss temporary construction-related impacts as well as impacts during
project operations. This section will contain a characterization of current average sound
levels at the project site, as well as a review and description of the noise exposure
standards related to existing surrounding land uses, including single-family residential
development in relation to the standards defined by the General Plan and applicable state
standards for noise exposure. Project consistency with applicable General Plan and EDSP
policies will also be addressed to analyze the compatibility of the project residential uses with
the surrounding land uses and noise sources. Additional information will include a definition
of acoustical terminology.
The EIR will identify mitigation measures determined to be appropriate and those
determined to be feasible for implementation for each individual proposed land use, as
Population & Housing
This section will discuss the existing population and housing conditions within the City of Dublin
and the project’s consistency with the adopted regional or local projections from the
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).
The impact analysis will address how the project will contribute to population growth in the
City of Dublin in comparison to ABAG projections. The environmental impacts of the increased
population and housing (e.g. air quality, noise, utilities, etc.) will be addressed in their
respective technical sections in the EIR.
Public Services
This section of the EIR will evaluate the impact of the project on:
▪ Fire Protection/ Emergency Medical Services
▪ Police Protection
▪ Schools
▪ Parks and Recreation
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Kimley-Horn will evaluate impacts on public service providers and evaluate the project's
impacts in terms of the need to construct new or expanded existing facilities, acquire additional
supplies, generate effluent that exceeds the permitted capacity, etc.
Project-related demand for facilities and services will be estimated and compared against
existing capacity and proposed future capacity associated with intensification within and
around the project area. Impacts will be based on whether any new public services or facilities
would be needed and if construction of such facilities could generate significant impacts based
on established Client or service-provider thresholds.
Kimley-Horn will:
▪ Contact service providers to determine existing service levels in the project area,
including documentation regarding existing staff levels, equipment and facilities, and
planned service expansions.
▪ Discuss project impacts on local school districts including the Dublin Unified School
District. Incorporate information from school district demographics study (if available).
Discuss the need for new school sites within the community and/or project area and
what provisions to accommodate additional schools.
▪ Describe City of Dublin policies, programs, and standards associated with the provision
of public services.
Transportation and Circulation
The project will generate new trips, alter traffic circulation patterns, create a need for roadway
improvements and increase the use of public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian modes of
To create better efficiencies and streamline the review process, the traffic impact analysis will
be prepared as a section of the EIR. Supporting technical data will be included as an appendix
to the EIR. As such, there will not be a separate, stand-alone traffic impact analysis. The EIR
will address the project specific and cumulative effects of the project in co mbination with other
Utilities & Service Systems
Kimley-Horn will use the Water Supply Assessment [WSA] and Utility Analysis as prepared by
the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) to evaluate the adequacy of existing
infrastructure, anticipated utility loads (e.g., water demand, sewage generation, etc.), and
similar topics.
This section of the EIR will address water supply (potable and recycled), wastewater, electricity,
natural gas, and communications. Project-related demand for facilities and services will be
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estimated and compared against existing capacity and proposed future capacity associated with
the project. Service demand will be evaluated for each utility and service .
Potential impacts to these utilities and service systems will be addressed and any impacts will
be based on adequacy of water supply under near and long-term conditions and whether any
new facilities would be needed and if construction of such facilities could generate significant
Kimley-Horn’s description of the proposed infrastructure systems and any impacts upon them
or resulting from them will be based on the infrastructure plans and any supporting technical
studies as provided by the project applicant and DSRSD.
Kimley-Horn will coordinate with the Client and DSRSD to document existing and planned
facilities, current and projected usages, and excess capacities. Additional infrastructure and
services capacity required to meet project needs associated with the project will be described.
Anticipated impacts will be assessed based upon a comparison of the increased demand for
services and utilities and the ability of the city and other utility districts to accommodate this
increased demand.
Cumulative Impacts
Consistent with Section 15130 of the CEQA Guidelines, Kimley-Horn will discuss cumulative
impacts of the project when the project’s incremental effect is cumulatively considerable . The
analysis shall be conducted using either a “list of past, present and probable future projects
producing related or cumulative impacts” or “a summary of projections contained in an
adopted general plan or related planning document, or in a prior environmental document that
has been adopted or certified which described or evaluated regional or area wide conditions
contributing to the cumulative impact.”
If using the “list” approach, Kimley-Horn shall identify region of influence for each issue area
being analyzed. Assumptions will be coordinated with the cumulative traffic analysis and with
the assumptions of other projects in the vicinity to ensure consistency. This analysis will
address each topic covered in the EIR environmental analysis and will identify appropriate
mitigation measures that may reduce any potentially significant cumulative impacts to a less
than significant level.
Alternatives to the Project
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6, the EIR will evaluate a range of feasible
alternatives to the project. One of the alternatives will be the CEQA-mandate, “No Project
Alternative. Kimley-Horn will evaluate up to three (3) additional alternative, likely consisting of
a combination of a reduction in project site and alternative uses. In addition, the Alternative
section will address the feasibility of an alternative location and any alternatives that were
initially considered by rejected from further consideration.
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Kimley-Horn will prepare a qualitative analysis of impacts from each alternative with respect to
each environmental analysis topic covered in the EIR, and provide quantitative and comparative
analysis where data is available (in accordance with recent case law and CEQA Guidelines
Section 15126.6(d)). The environmentally superior alternative will be identified.
Other CEQA Considerations
Effects Not Found to be Significant
CEQA Guidelines Section 15143 establishes that EIRs shall focus on significant impacts on the
environment and need not discuss in detail effects that are clearly insignificant or unlikely to
This section will discuss impacts to resources not found to be significant. It is anticipated that
the following issues will be briefly addressed in this section:
▪ Agricultural and Forestry Resources
▪ Mineral Resources
Significant Environmental Effects Which Cannot be Avoided if the Project is
Impacts that are both significant and unavoidable will be identified. These will be determined
based on the analysis in the EIR and thresholds of significance established in the EIR or by
regulatory agencies. Should there be significant unavoidable adverse impacts, these will need
to be addressed in a Statement of Overriding Considerations.
Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes Which Would be Caused by the
Project Should it be Implemented
This section will summarize the major changes to the environment that would result from
development and occupation of the project. It will focus on the physical environmental
changes in the project setting such as those caused by grading and paving, the level of
commitments to use of non-renewable resources represented by the project, and potential for
secondary impacts that may place additional burdens on non-renewable resources.
Growth Inducing Effects
Per CEQA Section 15126.2(d), Kimley-Horn will provide a Growth Inducing Effects discussion in
the EIR. Kimley-Horn will work with the Client to establish the anticipated growth conditions in
the project area and parameters for consideration of any secondary impacts from growth .
Kimley-Horn will evaluate the potential for the project to generate additional growth in the
area using standard growth analysis criteria, such as the project’s potential to foster economic
or population growth or its potential to remove obstacles to population growth through
extension of infrastructure.
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References and List of Preparers
This section will provide a list of references for citations found in the body of the EIR. In
addition, this section will also identify all federal, state, or local agencies, other organizations
and private individuals consulted in preparing the Draft EIR, and the persons, firm, or agency
preparing the draft EIR, by contract or other authorizations (per CEQA Section 15129).
Document Collation and QA/QC Editing
Kimley-Horn will assemble all completed sections into a single consolidated Administrative
Draft EIR submittal (ADEIR) with appendices. The ADEIR will include figures to enhance the
written text and clarify the project’s environmental impacts. The entire document will be
reviewed to ensure consistent references to terms, methodology of analysis, and correct use of
The Administrative Draft EIR will be sent to the Client for review and comment.
Public Review Draft EIR
2nd Administrative Draft EIR
Based on and review by city staff and the City Attorney, Kimley-Horn will prepare a second
Administrative Draft EIR. All revisions will be shown in track changes for ease of review.
Screencheck Draft EIR
Following internal review of the second ADEIR, Kimley-Horn will revise the document based on
comments received by city staff and the City Attorney and provide a track-changes screencheck
document for Client review. This will consist of responding to Client comments on the ADEIR
requiring a mixture of substantive corrections and editing, but no new technical studies or site -
specific data collection. Revisions to the technical appendices are not anticipated.
Public Review Draft EIR
Based on comments received by the Client on the Screencheck Draft EIR, Kimley-Horn will
prepare the Public Review Draft EIR. Revisions are assumed to be limited to editorial and
formatting changes.
This scope of work assumes that the Client will be responsible for preparing the Notice of
Completion (NOC) and Notice of Availability (NOA) and distribution of the Draft EIR to the State
Clearinghouse and to other public agencies and interested parties.
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Certification of the Environmental Impact Report
Administrative Final EIR
Kimley-Horn will meet and/or coordinate with the Client to review written comments on the
Public Review Draft EIR; and develop a strategy and framework for r esponding to comments.
Given the fact that Kimley-Horn does not know how many comment letters will be received,
this scope includes an initial estimate of time in the project budget . Once all comments are
received, Kimley-Horn will review and discuss any modifications to the budget estimate with
the Client. If the volume or complexity of comments requires more hours than identified to
respond to comments, Kimley-Horn will request authorization from the City for additional
Kimley-Horn will prepare an Administrative Final EIR in accordance with the applicable
requirements contained in CEQA Guidelines Sections 15088 and 15089 . The Administrative
Final EIR will list all agencies, organizations, and individuals who submitted written comments
on the Draft EIR during the public review period and provide written responses to those
comments. To enhance readability and avoid redundancy, Kimley-Horn will use Master
Responses to address frequent and reoccurring comments on the Draft EIR's analysis .
Additionally, the Administrative Final EIR will contain Errata, which will document minor
changes to the Draft EIR text in strikeout-underline format.
The introduction to the AFEIR will document compliance with all CEQA Statutes and Guidelines
throughout the CEQA process. It will also provide an index of all changes made to the Draft EIR
in response to comments received. The comments and responses will comprise the second
section of the AFEIR, where each comment letter will be reproduced and specific responses to
each comment will be provided. The third section of the AFEIR will present those pages of the
Draft EIR on which changes were made in response to the comments using underlined text for
additions and strikeout text for deletions.
Screencheck and Final EIR
Kimley-Horn will respond to Client comments on the Administrative Final EIR, complete
necessary revisions, and prepare the screencheck and Final EIR. Per Client direction, the Final
EIR will be either: 1) A single, complete document with the complete revised text of the Draft
EIR, indicating changes, or 2) A reprinting of only those pages from the Draft EIR on which
changes were made, with the changes tracked with underlining and strikethrough, as
Notice of Determination
Kimley-Horn will prepare the Notice of Determination and provide it to City staff for filing with
the Alameda County Clerk's Office within 5 business days of EIR certification.
Kimley-Horn will not be responsible for paying the associated filing fees.
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-27
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
To comply with the CEQA Guidelines Section 21081.6, Kimley-Horn will prepare a Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for concurrent review with the AFEIR. Kimley-Horn
will work with the Client to identify appropriate monitoring steps/procedures and to provide a
basis for monitoring such measures during and upon project implementation . The MMRP will
be created in a tabular checklist format that indicates those mitigation measures identified in
the EIR, the monitoring milestone (at what agency/department responsible for verifying
implementation of the measure), and the method of verification (such as documentation or
field checks,).
The MMRP will be prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. For each
mitigation measure contained in the EIR, the MMRP will identify: the party or parties
responsible for implementation (individuals, departments); timeframe and mechanism for
monitoring; funding source(s); and monitoring and performance criteria (to measure success of
mitigation). The MMRP will be bound separately for use as an independent document for field
verification of adequate implementation of mitigation measures and any remedial action
necessary to achieve adequate mitigation.
To the extent feasible, Kimley-Horn will tie mitigation measures directly to required
authorizations (e.g., grading and building permits, PUD, etc.). Revisions will be made to the
MMRP as directed by the Client following internal review of the AFEIR.
Meetings and Project Management
This task assumes attendance by Kimley-Horn staff at the following meetings:
▪ Project kick-off meeting (1)
▪ Public Scoping meeting (1)
▪ Client coordination meetings (4)
▪ Traffic coordination meetings (3)
▪ Planning Commission Study Sessions (2)
▪ Planning Commission meeting (1)
▪ Council meeting (1)
This scope of work assumes that Kimley-Horn’s role at the public meetings will be to provide
support to the Client in answering questions and providing general guidance and
recommendations. Kimley-Horn will not be responsible for providing presentation materials.
Attendance at public meetings/hearings assumes preparation of one PowerPoint presentation.
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Scope of Work | Page 2-28
Project Management
In addition to the research, analysis, communications, and report writing tasks described abo ve,
Kimley-Horn will perform a project management duties to ensure that the EIR meets the
Client’s standards of quality, and that it is delivered on time and within budget . These duties
will include team supervision and coordination, oral and written communications with Client
staff, project accounting, and quality assurance review by Kimley-Horn and the technical editor
for all deliverable products.
Project Deliverables
Kimley-Horn will provide hard copies of the following project deliverables to the Client:
▪ Draft Project Description and EIR outline
▪ Transportation Assumptions Memo
▪ 1st Administrative Draft EIR – 4 copies
▪ 2nd Administrative Draft EIR – 4 copies
▪ Screencheck Draft EIR– electronic only
▪ Public Review Draft EIR – 7 copies
▪ Public Review Draft EIR Technical Appendices (for web posting)
▪ Administrative Draft Final EIR – 4 copies
▪ Screencheck Administrative Draft Final EIR – electronic only
▪ Final EIR – 7 copies
In addition, Kimley Horn will provide an electronic, internet-ready version of the Draft and Final
EIR for web posting as follows:
▪ Text will be provided in PDF format using Adobe Acrobat. Chapters will be separated
into individual PDF files with figures provided at the end of each chapter.
▪ A Table of Contents will be provided in PDF format, which includes relative links (not
absolute links) to each section in the document.
▪ The electronic, internet-ready versions of the DEIR and FEIR will be posted to an
electronic file-sharing web site (i.e. ShareFile) for Client download in “ready to post”
Project Budget
The project budget is shown at the end of this section.
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Scope of Work | Page 2-29
Project Schedule
Task End Date
City Council – Kimley Horn contract approved November 21
Public release of NOP Mid-January
Public Scoping Meeting Mid-February
Public Review Draft EIR Mid-June
End of 45-day comment period on Draft EIR Early August
Public Review of Final EIR and MMRP Early October
Public Hearings October - December
Notice of Determination W/in 5 days of
project approval
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-30
Project Assumption
In addition to any assumptions noted above, the scope and associated costs are based on the
following assumptions:
1. The cost estimate includes meetings described in this scope of work. Additional
meetings will be billed on a time and materials basis.
2. The Client will provide Kimley-Horn will all technical materials, maps, project plans, GIS
data, etc. as they become available. This scope of work assumes that all project plans
and supporting technical studies to be prepared outside of this scope of work will be
provided prior to preparation of any project deliverables and that no further
modification to the data will be required.
3. No new technical analysis or preparation of technical reports will be required, other
than those identified in this scope of work.
4. All technical studies provided to Kimley-Horn are assumed to be technically accurate
and not require peer review by a technical expert. Unless specifically stated otherwise,
Kimley-Horn’s review of these technical studies will be limited to an assessment of their
completeness necessary to prepare the work products identified in this scope of work.
5. Deliverables will be submitted to the Client in electronic (PDF) format and source files,
except for printed copies as identified in this scope of work.
6. Client will act as a clearinghouse for comments on all administrative draft documents
and will provide Kimley-Horn with a single, internally reconciled set of comments for
each submitted draft document.
7. There will be a single round of review and revision to all draft document deliverables. If
Client feels that additional reviews are necessary, a contract amendment for additional
work may be necessary, depending on the nature and circumstances associated with the
additional changes (e.g. changes to the project description, additional technical analysis
required, etc.). These changes can be characterized as being outside of the control or
knowledge of Kimley-Horn and would not be considered reasonable from the
standpoint of professional standards of service and appropriate due diligence.
8. Revisions to screencheck documents will focus on typographical errors, formatting
issues, and other minor edits. Such revisions will not include substantive content
changes from the Client. Edits other than typographical and formatting may require
9. The Client will be responsible for the preparation and distribution of all public notices
and publications (e.g. web, newspaper) unless otherwise noted in this scope of work.
10. The project budget is based on completion of work within an agreed upon schedule. If
substantial delay occurs, an amendment of the budget may be warranted to
accommodate additional project management time and other costs . Substantial delay is
normally defined as 90 calendar days or more.
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Scope of Work | Page 2-31
11. This project includes an allowance for printing as shown in the attached budget . This is
an allowance only, based on the numbers of products and copies shown in this scope of
work. If this allowance is exceeded, additional printing costs will be bil led at Kimley-
Horn’s direct cost.
12. The Client will be responsible for meeting logistics, including schedule coordination,
public outreach, document production, printing notices, mailing costs, room
reservations, room set-up and take-down, and refreshments.
13. If applicable, the Client will be responsible for identifying and communicating with all
stakeholders including on-going scheduling and coordination and distribution of all
14. Project schedule assumes timely review by the Client (no more than 15 working days)
for all product deliverables. Outside review by the applicant or their representative(s)
or Client designee; including legal review separate from Client staff, shall result in a
modification to the project schedule.
15. Kimley-Horn retains the right to make modifications to this scope of work based on
changes to the project, change in regulatory requirements, or other factors outside of
Kimley-Horn’s control, and reasonably deemed acceptable by the Client.
16. Kimley-Horn retains the right to transfer budget allocations between tasks to support
completion of the work products, as needed, as long as the total budget is not
exceeded. Shifts in task budget allocation will be at the discretion of Kimley-Horn’s
Project Manager.
17. The project budget is a fixed-fee, unless where otherwise noted, and is subject to the
contract requirements as agreed to between Kimley-Horn and the Client.
CEQA Documents
18. The project schedule assumes that all architectural and engineering plans, as well as any
technical studies required to prepare the project description will be provided to the
Consultant within 30 calendar days of the execution of contract. A list of information
needs will be provided at the project kick-off meeting and refinements to the list
submitted within two weeks, based on review of received information. Furthermore,
Kimley-Horn assumes that all technical studies required by the project applicant to
address the respective environmental resource section(s) are provided at least two (2)
months prior to release of the Public Review Draft EIR and that no further modifications,
refinements or additions to the information will be required. Failure to meet these
deliverables on the part of the applicant, and/or their consultants may result in a delay
to the project schedule.
19. Because the extent of public and agency comments received on CEQA documents (e.g.
Draft EIR) is unknown, the proposed budget includes a preliminary budget estimate of
time to respond to comments. Kimley-Horn will consult with the Client after the
evaluation of the comments to determine if the preliminarily budget estimate is
At Dublin Project EIR
Scope of Work | Page 2-32
20. Once the project description, baseline and alternatives are approved by the Client for
analysis in the CEQA document, it is assumed that they will not change significantly
thereafter. If changes requiring revisions to the CEQA document occur, an amendment
of the budget may be warranted.
21. The project applicant will provide various technical reports (as noted) that will be used
as supporting background information. This scope of work assumes that these reports
will be sufficient in their accuracy and comprehensive in their level of detail sufficient
for preparing the CEQA analysis. Kimley-Horn, and our sub-consultants (where
applicable), will review the first draft of these documents. Should it be found that the
information presented is not adequate (at the discretion of Kimley-Horn and the Client),
and that additional substantive revisions are required, Kimley-Horn reserves the right to
request additional compensation on a time and materials basis, per prior approval by
the Client.
22. The CEQA statutes or guidelines may change during the course of this project, or legal
decisions can alter the extent of the analysis needed . If amendments or decisions
redoing work already performed or substantially increasing effort, a contract
amendment may be warranted.
At Dublin EIR
Fee Estimate
1.0 $17,050
Project Kick‐off Coordination
Research and Investigation
EIR Outline
Draft Project Description
Notice of Preparation
Preparation for Public Scoping Meeting
2.0 $133,440
Geotechnical Study Peer Review
Phase I/II ESA(s) Peer Review
Biological Resources Assessment Peer Review
Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Report Peer Review
Rare Plant Survey and Mapping Peer Review
Air Quality Analysis Peer Review
GHG Peer Review
Noise Peer Review
Energy Peer Review
Traffic Impact Analysis
3.0 $79,100
Executive Summary
Introduction and Purpose
Final Project Description
Environmental Analysis
Air Quality / GHG Emissions / Energy
Biological Resources
Cultural Resources
Geology & Soils
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Hydrology & Water Quality
Land Use and Planning
General Plan Consistency Analysis
Noise & Vibration
Population and Housing
Public Services
Traffic & Circulation
Utilities & Service Systems
Cumulative Impacts
Other CEQA Considerations
Document Collation and QA/QC Editing
Project Initiation
Admin Draft EIR
Peer Review and Preparation of Technical Studies
Kimley‐Horn Associates, Inc.
At Dublin EIR
Fee Estimate
4.0 $42,000
2nd Administrative Draft EIR
Screencheck Draft EIR
Public Review Draft EIR
5.0 $41,460
Administrative Final EIR
Screencheck Final EIR
Final EIR
Notice of Determination
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
7.0 $55,270
Project Kick‐off Meeting
Public Scoping Meeting
Client Coordination Meetings (4)
Traffic Coordination Meetings (3)
Planning Commission Study Sessions (2)
Planning Commission Meeting (incl. prep.)
City Council Meeting (incl. prep.)
Project Team Conference Calls
On‐going Project Management
Subtotal Hours
Subtotal ‐ Labor Cost $368,320
Direct Expenses (printing, travel etc.)
Indirect Expenses (5% of labor)
WRA Inc.
Michael Baker International
Traffic Counts
Optional Tasks
WRA ‐ Wetlands Delineation $7,800
10 % Contingency $45,606
Total with Contingency $501,663
Subconsultants and Expenses
Total Labor & Expenses
Note: All work will be performed at a "Not to exceed" fixed fee with the exception of meetings. KHA will receive
payment on a percentage basis using milestones. The project director reserves the right to make adjustments to
staff allocations as necessary within the overall budget. See scope of work for additional project assumptions.
Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to report reproduction, postage and handling of drawings and
documents, long distance communications, fees paid to authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and travel
expenses. Reimbursable automobile travel mileage will be billed at the current IRS business standard mileage rate.
Fees for employee rates, sub‐consultant expenses, reimbursable expenses, and Kimley‐Horn reproductions shall be
billed to the Client on a percentage of completion or on an as‐performed basis as agreed by the parties. Clients
shall reimburse Kimley‐Horn for incidental expenses incurred by Kimley‐Horn, or any sub‐consultant they may hire
in the interest of this Agreement, at actual cost plus 10% to cover our overhead and administrative expenses.
Meetings & Project Management
Public Review Draft EIR
Certification of the EIR
Kimley‐Horn Associates, Inc.