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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.5 - 1611 The Road Repair and Accoutability Act of 20 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: October 3, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, Senate Bill (SB) 1 - Fiscal Year 2017-18 Project List Prepared by: Andrew Russell, Asst. Public Works Director/City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approving a list of projects funded in Fiscal Year 2017-18 by Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The City Council will also consider approving a budget change for the Annual Street Resurfacing (ST0117) and Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening (ST0116) projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving a List of Projects Funded in Fiscal Year 2017-18 by Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 ; and, approve a budget change for the Annual Street Resurfacing and Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening Projects. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Update accounted for revenue the City will receive as a result of the passage of Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. This law provides funding through increased gasoline excise taxes, diesel fuel sales taxes, and vehicle registration fees via the new Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). It is projected that the City will receive $3 30,716 of RMRA funds in Fiscal Year 2017-18 and approximately $972,000 of RMRA funds annually in future fiscal years. This funding is in addition to the annual Highway Users Tax Account (or Gas Tax) funds the City receives. To include RMRA as a funding source, a budget change is proposed for two Capital Improvement Program projects. The proposed budget change will add $30,716 to the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (CIP No. ST0117) and will include $300,000 of RMRA funds in the Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening project (CIP No. ST0116) in lieu of Measure BB funds. The proposed budget change for each project will result in the following: Page 2 of 5 Annual Street Resurfacing, CIP Project Number ST0117 Proposed FY 2017-18 Budget $76,834 $375,287 $2,815,915 $9,524 $30,716 $3,308,276 2201 State Gas Tax $2,022,100 2204 Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC)$465,460 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC)$790,000 2220 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (NEW)$30,716 $3,308,276 Add'l Improvements (NEW) Project Funding Sources TOTAL Project Expenditures Salaries & Benefits Contract Services Improvements Miscellaneous TOTAL Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening, CIP Project Number ST0116 Proposed FY 2017-18 Budget $51,283 $357,355 $408,638 4301 Traffic Impact Fee – Category 1 $108,638 2217 Measure BB Grants (REMOVE)$0 2220 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (NEW)$300,000 $408,638 Project Funding Sources TOTAL Project Expenditures Salaries & Benefits Contract Services TOTAL DESCRIPTION: In April 2017, the State Legislature passed and Governor Brown approved Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Beall, Chapter 5, Statues of 2017). SB 1 provides a significant, stable and ongoing increase in state transportation funding. SB 1 created the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program to address deferred maintenance on the state highway system and on the local street and road system. Funds for the program are deposited into the State Transportation Fund, Road Page 3 of 5 Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). SB 1 is projected to generate over $5 billion annually for state and lo cal transportation improvements. Cities and counties are slated to receive $1.5 billion at full implementation of SB 1. According to analysis by the League of California Cities, SB 1 will double the amount of revenues cities receive from the state for lo cal street maintenance and rehabilitation needs, with allocations to cities based upon population. The RMRA receives funds from the following new taxes imposed under SB 1:  A 12 cent per gallon increase to the gasoline excise tax effective November 1, 2017.  A 20 cent per gallon increase to the diesel fuel excise tax effective November 1, 2017, half of which will be allocated to Trade Corridors Enhancement Account (TCEA) with the remaining half to the RMRA.  A new vehicle registration tax called the “transportation improvement fee,” effective January 1, 2018, based on the market value of the vehicle.  An additional new $100 vehicle registration tax on zero emission vehicles model year 2020 and later effective July 1, 2020.  Annual rate increases to these taxes beginning July 1, 2020 (July 1, 2021 for the ZEV fee), and every July 1 thereafter for the change in the California Consumer Price Index. The first adjustment to be made on July 1, 2020 will cover CPI change for two years: November 1, 2017 through November 12, 2019. RMRA funds are in addition to the existing/traditional state gas tax funds which have been in place for decades and are allocated by the state through the Highway User Tax Account (HUTA). The Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Update, adopted by City Council in May 2017, included the increased gas tax revenue projections based upon the passage of SB 1. Gas tax revenues in the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget are shown below, along with projected Fiscal Year 2018-19 revenues. State Gas Tax Fiscal Year 2017-18 Projected 2018-19* Existing (HUTA) $1,272,787 $1,344,761 New (RMRA, SB 1) $330,716 $972,025 Total $1,603,503 $2,316,786 * Fiscal Year 2018-19 revenue projections based upon May 11, 2017, report from The California Local Government Finance Almanac. The Fiscal Year 2018-19 revenues, and future years’ revenues, provide the City an opportunity to expand and enhance street maintenance activities and to fund existing and new street projects. Funding in future years will be included as part of the Cit y’s two-year budget and Capital Improvement Project adoption process. The rules associated to use of RMRA funds are similar, but not identical to the rules associated with HUTA funds. RMRA local streets and roads funds must be used for Page 4 of 5 projects that include, but are not limited to the following:  Road maintenance and rehabilitation  Safety projects  Railroad grade separations  Traffic control devices  Complete streets components, which include active transportation projects, pedestrian and bicycle safety projects, transit facilities, and drainage and storm- water capture projects in conjunction with other allowable projects. Additionally, if a city or county has an average Pavement Condition Index of 80 or more (very good to excellent), then the city or county may spend its RMRA funds on transportation priorities other than those listed above. The City of Dublin currently has a Pavement Condition Index of 86. Maintenance of Effort (MOE) SB 1 requires that RMRA funds not supplant existing general revenue funds that the City of Dublin is using on streets and roads. This is referred to as the maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement. The MOE is calculated by the State Controller based upon the City’s average spending for street and road purposes for Fiscal Ye ars 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12. The City of Dublin’s MOE was calculated at $1,229,320. For Fiscal Year 2017-18, the City’s adopted Capital Improvement Program, Annual Street Resurfacing Project has a total budget over $3.3M, however this reflects budget carried over from prior fiscal years. In future years beyond Fiscal Year 2017 -18, the five-year Capital Improvement Program includes proposed annual budgets of $1.7M per year. Reporting Requirements In order for the City to receive RMRA funds from the state, SB 1 requires the City to annually submit, to the California Transportation Commission, a project list pursuant to an adopted budget. For Fiscal Year 2017 -18, Staff is recommending that City Council approve the project list to include the Annual Street Resurfacing project and the Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening project. In conjunction with the project list, Staff recommends City Council approve corresponding budget changes for both projects to include RMRA as a funding source. The project list must include a description of the project location, a proposed schedule, and the estimated useful life of the improvement. The two projects are summarized below.  Annual Street Resurfacing (CIP No. ST0117) The project provides for a variety of pavement surface treatments and repairs to existing City streets. The project is budgeted annually to help maintain the significant investment the City has in the street system. For Fiscal Year 2017-18, a pavement overlay of the entire length of San Ramon Road and an overlay of Dublin Boulevard from San Ramon Road to Silvergate Drive is planned. Page 5 of 5 Proposed FY2017-18 RMRA Funding: $30,716  Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening (CIP Project ST011 6) The project provides for the preliminary engineering, design, right-of-way acquisition and eventual construction of Tassajara Road from North Dublin Ranch Drive to the northern City limit. The project is currently in preliminary engineering with the development of a new roadway alignment, design cross- section, environmental document preparation and related General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments. For Fiscal Year 2017 -18, following certification of the environmental document and approval of the preliminary engineering efforts, it is planned that detailed design to begin. Proposed FY2017-18 RMRA Funding: $300,000 In future years, the project list will be taken from the adopted Budget and Capital Improvement Program, which will identify projects that are budgeted to use RMRA funds. In addition to the annual submittal of a project list, SB 1 also requires the City to submit to the California Transportation Commission an annual report updating the status of projects for which RMRA funds were expended. The report must also include project descriptions, locations, fund expended, completion date, and useful life of the project. At this time, annual report guidelines from the California Transportation Commission have not been finalized. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Approving a List of Projects Funded in Fiscal Year 2017-18 by Senate Bill 1 2. Budget Change Form RESOLUTION NO. XX- 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING A LIST OF PROJECTS FUNDED IN FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 BY SENATE BILL 1, THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of our City are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City must include a list of all projects proposed to receive funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1, in the City budget, which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project’s completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City will receive and estimated $330,716 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2017-18 from SB 1; and WHEREAS, the City has undergone a robust public process to ensure public input into our community’s transportation priorities; and WHEREAS, the City used the adopted Capital Improvement Program and a Pavement Management System to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high-priority and cost-effective projects that also meet the community’s priorities for transportation investment; and WHEREAS, the funding from SB 1 will help the City maintain and rehabilitate streets, bridges, sidewalks, traffic control devices, and help add active transportation infrastructure throughout the City this year and into the future; and WHEREAS, the 2016 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment found that the City’s streets and roads are in an “very good” condition and this revenue will help us maintain the overall quality of our road system; and WHEREAS, if the Legislature and Governor failed to act, city streets and county roads would have continued to deteriorate, having many and varied negative impacts on our community; and WHEREAS, cities and counties own and operate more than 81 percent of streets and roads in California, and from the moment we open our front door to drive to work, bike to school, or walk to the bus station, people are dependent upon a safe, reliable local transportation network; and WHEREAS, modernizing the local street and road system provides well -paying construction jobs and boosts local economies; and WHEREAS, the local street and road system is also critical for farm to market needs, interconnectivity, multimodal needs, and commerce; and WHEREAS, police, fire, and emergency medical services all need safe reliable roads to react quickly to emergency calls and a few minutes of delay can be a matter of life and death; and WHEREAS, maintaining and preserving the local street and road system in good condition will reduce drive times and traffic congestion, improve bicycle safety, and make the pedestrian experience safer and more appealing, which leads to reduce vehicle emissions helping the City and State achieve its air quality and greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals; and WHEREAS, restoring roads before they fail also reduces construction time which results in less air pollution from heavy equipment and less water pollution from site run - off; and WHEREAS, the SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting-edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive co-benefits statewide. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve a list of projects funded in Fiscal Year 2017-18 by Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following is the approved list of projects planned to be funded with Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues in Fiscal Year 2017-18: 1. Annual Street Resurfacing (CIP No. ST0117): The project provides for a variety of pavement surface treatments and repairs to existing City streets. For Fiscal Year 2017-18, a pavement overlay of the entire length of San Ramon Road and an overlay of Dublin Boulevard from San Ramon Road to Silvergate Drive is planned to be constructed in summer 2018. Upon completion, the new road surface is estimated to have a twenty-year useful life. 2. Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening (CIP No. ST0116): The project provides for the preliminary engineering, design, right-of-way acquisition and construction of Tassajara Road from North Dublin Ranch Drive to the northern City limit. For Fiscal Year 2017-18, the project is planned to complete preliminary engineering, including with the development of a new roadway alignment, design cross-section, environmental document preparation and related General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments. The project is also planned to begin detailed design upon completion of preliminary engineering. Upon project completion, the new pavement surface is estimated to have a twenty-year useful life. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ City Clerk Budget Change Reference #: From Un-Appropriated Reserves X Budget Transfer Between Funds From Designated Reserves Other X Account Amount Account Amount EXP: CIPS ST0117.9400.9401 (Annual Street Resurfacing) - Improvements $30,716 3600.9601.49999 (Transfers In)$30,716 ST0117.2220 (2220.9601.89101) - RMRA Transfers Out $30,716 ST0116.2220 - Tassajara Road Alignment & W idening (2220.9601.89101) - RMRA Transfers Out $300,000 ST0116.2217 (2217.9601.89101) - Measure BB Grant Transfers Out ($300,000) REV: Road Repair and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) 2201.3201.49131 (Gas Tax Fund)- Misc Revenue ($330,716) 2220.0000.47250 (RMRA Fund - Gas Taxes)$330,716 10/3/2017 Posted By:Date: As Presented at the City Council Meeting **********Finance Use Only********** CITY OF DUBLIN CIP adjustments due to funding from Road Repair and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). The estimate of additional funding from RMRA was accounted for in Gas Tax Fund, a new fund is created for RMRA to meet the State's reporting and accounting requirements. Measure BB Grant funding is transfered out of ST0116 because the project did not receive this discretionary funding from the Alameda County Transportation Commission. REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 BUDGET CHANGE FORM City Council's Approval Required C:\Users\walfreds\appdata\roaming\iqm2\minutetraq\\work\attachments\2494 2494