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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-1999 Approved P&CSC Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN .,: `PARKS AND COMMUNITY,SERVICES COMMISSION, MINUTES OF •FEBRUARY 8,;1999 ` .=. The February 8, 1999 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:02p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California,by Chairperson Cobb-Adams. Pledge of Allegiance Chairperson Cobb-Adams led pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Chapman,Cobb-Adams,Wong-Gillmore, and Swalwell Commissioners Absent: Gill and Cramer Oral Communications Betsy Chapman, Youth Advisory Committee,reported that at a special meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee, elections were conducted. Michael Algers, Dublin High Senior, was elected as the Chairperson and April Christiansen, Valley Christian Senior, was elected as Vice-Chairperson. YAC will be selling t-shirts again this year at the St. Patrick's Day Celebration along the parade route and in a booth. The ski trip is scheduled for February 27 & 28th, but as of last week there are not enough signed up for the trip to go. The Random Act of Kindness Week at Dublin High School is scheduled from March 15-19. YAC would like to do something similar but on a smaller scale,like a clothing drive or serving at a soup kitchen. Commissioner Swalwell asked Ms. Chapman if she felt that the low enrollment is due to it being an overnight trip as opposed to a day trip. Ms. Chapman stated that she did not feel that the event was promoted as well as it should have been. Bret Strong,7543 Bonniewood Lane, stated that he is a student at Wells Middle School and that he and his friends like to ride their BMX bikes. Sometimes they go into San Ramon, but that is 3 miles away. They build jumps at the schools but get run off. They recently built a jump in back of the.Civic Center adjacent to the sports grounds, but the Police ran them off there too. He understands that the City is in the process of making goals and objectives and felt that a bike jump in Dublin should be added to the list. A friend is willing to donate dirt for the jump and only 2 acres of land is needed. Commissioner Chapman asked how many kids are involved. Bret indicated approximately 50-60. Commissioner Chapman stated that Camp Parks has been very open and willing to work with the community, and that perhaps they have some open land available. Director Lowart indicated that the City will be meeting with Camp Parks on February 22nd and will bring this item to their attention. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Chapman referred to Page 2, Paragraph 2, indicating that "Commissioner Anu" should be corrected to read"Commissioner Gill". ON A MOTION BY CM. CHAPMAN, SECONDED BY CM. WONG-GILLMORE AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 11, 1999 AS CORRECTED. Written Communications-None Public Hearinft-None Unfinished Business-None MINUTES—FEBRUARY 8, 1999 PAGE TWO New Business Parks and Community Services Goals and Objectives Director Lowart reported that Staff has prepared a year-end status report outlining the level of accomplishment for the 28 objectives assigned to Parks and Community Services. Of the 28 objectives, thirteen have been completed, eight are underway, no progress has been made on one, and six were not funded in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget. Ms. Lowart briefly summarized for the Commission those objectives that were either underway or not funded. Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 1999 Goals & Objectives for Parks and Community Services. Staff included ten new objectives for 1999. The remaining fourteen objectives have been carried over from the previous year. Of this fourteen, Staff is recommending the deletion of five objectives. Staff recommends that the Commission individually prioritize the objectives by giving a rating of high, medium, low, or no priority (delete). She briefly summarized the objectives for the Commission. After review and discussion,the Commission prioritized the Preliminary Goals and Objectives for 1999 as follows: Objectives#1-11, 13-16, 19 High; #12, 17, 18 Medium; and#20-24 were deleted. Director Lowart stated that the City Council would review the Objectives for 1999 at their meeting of February 16. The Commission should receive a copy of the agenda statement by mail. Chairperson Cobb-Adams asked if there are any plans for a Fall Festival this year. Director Lowart replied that funds have been budgeted, however the Heritage Center Advisory Committee has decided not to pursue a festival. The City Council received a report from the Downtown Study Task Force recommending implementation of a festival in late summer or early fall. This will be considered as part of the City Council Goals and Objectives Study Session. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore inquired about the status of the Heritage Center renovation. Director Lowart reported that Phase I will include grading, a walkway and paving. The Phase I bids received last week were less than the engineers estimated and the bid should be awarded next week. Phase II will include irrigation and . landscaping,which is now out for bid. Commissioner Chapman pointed out there is considerable emphasis on youth events and indicated that he would like to see funding continued. He also inquired if an increase in funding is required. Director Lowart stated that this would be looked at as part of the budget process. Chairperson Cobb-Adams reported that she is hearing that the teens want a Teen Center. She suggested that Shannon Center could be used as a starting place. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore felt that YAC could be the base for the center. Commissioner Chapman stated he would like to see Staff research other successful ventures in the area and report back to the Commission. Director Lowart stated that Staff could have something for the Commission within 6 months. Chairperson Cobb-Adams inquired about the request for a bike ramp. Commissioner Chapman felt that adding it to list now would not be a good idea. Chairperson Cobb-Adams suggested adding as a future agenda item to gage interest. Proposed Revisions to Fees for Swim Team Program Paul McCreary,Recreation Coordinator,reported that each summer the City sponsors a recreational swim team for youth up to 18 years of age, which competes in the Tri-Valley Swim League. Following the 1998 swim season, Staff sent written evaluation forms to all of the swim team families. A majority of families responded indicating a need for more individualized attention to work on stroke technique, and expressed concern with the larger number of swimmers attending evening practice. Staff also met with the Dublin Swim Team Parents Committee to evaluate the past year and make plans for the 1999 season. The committee agreed with the comments provided on the evaluations. They also indicated they would be in favor of paying a higher registration fee for more practice time and lower coach to participant ratios. Staff is therefore proposing to add an additional hour of practice, Monday through Friday, during the Spring season(May 25-June 18). Staff is also proposing an increase the number of MINUTES—FEBRUARY 8, 1999 PAGE THREE coaches on the deck from two to three during evening practices (June 21-August 6). By offering this higher level of service the City would incur additional part-time salary costs. These increased costs could be offset by increasing the fees charged as follows: First Child/Resident $80.00/$90.00; First Child/Non-Resident $92.00/$104.00; Second Child/Resident$55.00/$75.00; Second Child/Non Resident$63.00/$86.00. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if parents had input on the proposed fees. McCreary responded affirmatively. Chairperson Cobb-Adams asked if there was any program available for those who can't afford to pay. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore pointed out that this was an objective added to the goals and objectives list years ago. Director Lowart stated that there is a program,however no funding available. ON A MOTION BY CM. WONG-GILLMORE, SECONDED BY CM. SWALWELL AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO GIVE CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL TO THE PROPOSED SWIM TEAM PROGRAM FEES. 1999 Shamrock 5K Fun Run and Walk McCreary reported that the 1st Annual 5K Shamrock Fun Run & Walk will be held on Sunday, March 14, 1999, beginning at 8:30am. The run will start and finish on Amador Valley Blvd. at Regional Street. Check-in and race day registration will be held in the Shamrock Village Shopping Center parking lot in front of World of Shoes. Activities will be held in this area before and after the race. The first 300 finishers wearing green will receive a small gift at the finish line. The City has contracted the services of a professional race director to handle registration, timing and results. In addition over 60 volunteers will be needed to assist with the race day registration, T-shirt and goody bag distribution, road closures and finish line services. Race workers will earn an hourly stipend that will be paid to the non-profit organization of their choice. Staff recently sent information to all Dublin based non-profit organizations regarding volunteer opportunities for the festival and race, and positions are still available. Staff has developed a partnership with the Alameda County Firefighters, who will be providing a $600 cash donation to conduct a competition between the elementary schools in Dublin. After the race, the parent faculty club at each school will receive a cash donation based on the number of entries tallied from each school. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Place/$200; 2nd Place/$150; 3rd Place/$100; 4th & 5th Place/$50; and 6th & 7`t Place/$25. The race will be advertised in the newspaper, running magazines, a race web site, channel 30, KKIQ, the City's activity guide and local marquees. Race entry forms will be distributed to all of the elementary schools. The race web site will allow people to register for the race online. Staff will be highlighting the festival as part of the fun run advertising. Commissioner Swalwell asked if 15, 16 & 17 year olds could volunteer. McCreary responded affirmatively and indicated that volunteers could contact Staff for further information. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if groups need to have a 503c designation? McCreary indicated that groups do need to have that designation. After School Teen Programs and Activities Director Lowart reported that the afterschool programs and activities for middle and high school teens would be offered at the Dublin Community Gymnasium beginning in late February. Drop-In Basketball, Step Team and Hip- Hop Funk Aerobics will be offered with fees ranging from$1.00 per day for drop-in basketball to $15.00 for the five-class Step Team program. Pre-registration is. required for Step Team and Hip-Hop Funk Aerobics. These programs are being offered on a trial basis to determine if there is sufficient interest by the teens in after school programming. Staff hopes to gradually expand the program offerings at the gym. ti • MINUTES—FEBRUARY 8, 1999 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Wong-Gillmore suggested that YAC be present at the events, perhaps serve hot chocolate and/or popcorn in the lobby and mingle with the crowd. Director Lowart indicated that she would pass this idea on to YAC. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks& Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Commissioner Chapman stated that he has to attend a banquet at the high school on March 1581, which is the next meeting date for the Commission. Commissioner Swalwell indicated that he too will be attending the banquet, and that Commissioner Cramer and Gill will probably attend as well. Director Lowart changed the next meeting date to March 22. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore stated that there seems to be a good crowd at the community gym. She asked if all the slots for the CPRS conference had been filled. Director Lowart indicated the slots had been filled. Commissioner Swalwell reported that he attended his first Heritage Center Advisory Committee meeting. They are a very enthusiastic group. They discussed the exhibit of student photographs of the center, church and cemetery; brainstormed on ways to increase and promote weddings at the church; increasing the weekend hours of the museum, the need for more storage for exhibit items; and the Fall Festival. It was suggested that perhaps the City should e-mail the meeting packet information instead of mailing,thereby saving on postage. Director Lowart reported on the following: 4. Dedication of the gym is scheduled for Saturday, March 6 at 3:00pm. Staff is currently working with the School Superintendent on the programming for the event. 4. Pool renovation has begun. 4 St. Patrick's Day Celebration is scheduled for March 13 & 14. Events will include the Sister City Gala, Parade,5k Fun Run,and Pancake Breakfast. 4 City Council agreed to have a series of five concerts in June,July and August from 7-9pm. Commissioner Swalwell asked if the Commission would be participating in the parade. Director Lowart stated that if the Commission should decide to enter the parade,that they need to complete an entry form. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore inquired about the outcome of the float workshop. McCreary stated that attendance was low. The presentation was good and he taped it to show at leadership classes. Commissioner Chapman reported that the DHS Senior Fashion Show is scheduled for April 19th which again could affect the Commission meeting date. Director Lowart stated that the Commission would need to look at the meeting schedule, since there seems to be a problem with continuing to meet on the third Monday of each month. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 9:10p.m. Respectfully submitted, Char J. Young Administrative Secretary APPR• D i r Chairman