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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 - 1163 Kaiser Dublin Medical CenterPage 1 of 10 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: September 20, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, CityManager SUBJECT: KaiserDublinMedical Center Project Prepared by: KristiBascom, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: TheCityCouncilwillconsidertheKaiser DublinMedical Centerproject, which allows up to 950,000 square feet of medical campususes in threemain buildings, 250,000square feetof commercialuses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscapeimprovements. Requestedland use approvals include a GeneralPlan andEastern Dublin SpecificPlan Amendment to createnew land use districts, Planned DevelopmentRezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review for the first phase of development (a220,000 square foot medical office building). Certification of a Final Environmental ImpactReport (EIR) and approval of aproject -specific Development Agreement is also beingconsidered. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that theCityCouncilconductthepublic hearing; deliberate; and adoptthe following Resolutions: a) Certifying an EnvironmentalImpactReport, adoptingEnvironmentalFindings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a MitigationMonitoring and Reporting Program underCEQA for theKaiser Dublin MedicalCenterProject; b) Amending the General Planand theEasternDublinSpecificPlanrelatedtothe KaiserDublinMedicalCenterproject; and c) ApprovingSiteDevelopmentReviewPermit fo r Phase 1A oftheKaiserDublin MedicalCenterproject. Staff furtherrecommendsthat the CityCouncil waive the readings, and INTRODUCE the following Ordinances: a) Amending the ZoningMap and approving aPlanned Development ZoningDistrict with a related Stage 1 DevelopmentPlanfor the wholeproject siteand a Stage 2 Development PlanforPhase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin MedicalCenter; and b) Approving a DevelopmentAgreementbetweentheCity of DublinandKaiser Foundation Hospitals related to the Kaiser Dublin MedicalCenter project. FINANCIALIMPACT: Page 2 of 10 Thecostto process this application is borne bythe applicant. Pleaserefer to the DevelopmentAgreementsection of thisstaffreport for additionalinformation about financialimpacts. DESCRIPTION Kaiser FoundationHealth Plan, Inc. hassubmitted an application tobuild a medical campus and associatedcommercial center on approximately 58 acres of land southof Dublin Boulevard between Tassajara Roadand FallonRoad. Thepropertycurrently has a GeneralPlan landusedesignationofCampusOffice, whichallows forthe development ofa “campus-like setting for officeandother non-retailcommercial uses.” Typical uses includeprofessional and administrative offices (includingmedical), research anddevelopment, businessandcommercialservices, andlimited light manufacturing. Theproject site is shown inthe VicinityMapbelow: Figure 1: ProjectVicinity Kaiseracquiredthepropertyseveralyearsago with the intentofeventuallyconstructing amedicalcampus to serve the greater Tri-Valleyarea. If approved, the project will be developed in threephasesoverthe course of up to25years, consistingof approximately 1.2 million squarefeetofmedicalcampus and commercialusesonthe project site, as follows: Page 3 of 10 Building/Use Size (in squarefeet) Building Size Estimated Construction Phase 1A “TheHub” medical office building with advanced facilitiesincluding an urgent careclinic, medical office space, and a radiation/oncology center 220,000 3 stories < 60 feet tall 2016-2020 Phase 1B Commercial uses includingretail, office, ancillary health-relatedfacilities, and business park 250,000 Up to 4 stories 60 feet tall 2016-2020 Phase 2 High-Acuity MedicalServices building possibly a hospital) 400,000 5 stories 85 feet tall 2025-2035 Phase 2 EnergyCenter 50,000 2 stories 40 feet tall 2025-2035 Phase 3 MedicalOfficeBuilding 2 280,000 6 stories 90 feet tall 2035-2040 Phase 3 ParkingStructure 6 stories < 70 feet tall 2035-2040 TotalProject 1,200,000 The siteplan (atfull build out) is included as Attachment 1 to this StaffReport. OnApril 19, 2016, the City Councilreceived a report onthe status of the project andopportunity for the CityCouncil to provide feedbacktotheApp licant and Staffregarding the project as describedabove. ANALYSIS Project Applications Kaiser has appliedforthe following landuse entitlements: 1. General Planand EasternDublinSpecificPlan Amendment. 2. Planned Development Rezone (with a related Stage 1 DevelopmentPlan for the whole site and Stage 2DevelopmentPlan for Phase 1A). 3. Site Development Review for thePhase 1A MedicalOffice Building and related site improvements. 4. Certification of an Environmental ImpactReport. When the futurephases of theprojectarereadytomoveforward, planningapplications at that timewillinclude: 1. PlannedDevelopmentRezoning (with a relatedStage 2 Development Plan) and Site Development Review for eachfuture development phase: a. Phase 1B - CommercialCenter b. Phase 2 - HighAcuityMedicalCenter and Energy Center c. Phase 3 - MedicalOffice Buildingand parking garage 2. Conditional Use Permit(s) to establishanyusethat is required bythe Planned Development Zoning District to have one. Page 4 of 10 3. Vesting Tentative ParcelMap to subdividetheproperty, dedicate right of way, and formalize easements. General Planand Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Inorder to accommodate theproject as proposed, two new landuse categories are proposed to be created for inclusion in both the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The existing landuse designation is Campus Office, which allows a variety of officeuses (including medical), but which does not explicitlyidentify the proposed medical-relatedusesto the extent desired by Kaiser. Therefore, two new land use categoriesare proposed: “MedicalCampus,” whichappliestothe Kaiser Medical Center portion of the site, and “MedicalCampus/Commercial,” which applies to the commercially-designated portionofthe site. Theproposed description for the MedicalCampus land use categoryidentifies the range ofoutpatientprimary and specialtycareservices that Kaiser intends to provide at thefuturemedicalcenter (Phases 1A, 2, and 3). Theproposeddescription for the MedicalCampus/Commercial landuse category identifiestherange of commercial uses thatare expected forthe commercial parcel (Phase 1B) including retail, office, hotel, andrestaurants. Thelanguage for both landuse catego ries is provided in Attachment 2 to the Staff Report. PlannedDevelopmentRezoning ThePlanned Development Rezoning forthe propertywillestablish the detailed Development Plan (site plan) for the site, thespecific uses that are permitted by right, conditionallypermitted, andprohibited, theoveralldevelopmentdensity and intensity e.g. FAR, buildingheights) forthe site, anddesignguidelinesforthefuturemedical centerand commercial buildings. Kaiser is proposing that the Planned Development ZoningDistrictallowhospitals as a permitted use, whereas citywide, hospitals are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. ThePlanned Development ZoningDistrict contains developmentstandards to address issuestypicallyaddressed through a Conditional Use Permitthat are relatedtohospitalssuchas noiseand compatibilitywith surroundinguses. If approved, thePlannedDevelopmentZoning Districtwill have a related Stage 1 Development Planfortheentire58 -acreprojectarea and aStage 2 Development P lan forPhase 1A. ThePlanned Development Zoning District recognizes the phased development of the Kaiserproject and includes a Stage1 Development Planfor Phase 1Aonly, Phases1Aand 2 combined, and the full campus with Phases 1A, 2, and3 completed, which is the final buildoutcondition. ThedetailsofthePlanned Development ZoningDistrictareprovided in Attachment 3to the Staff Report. Page 5 of 10 Phase 1A Site Development Review The first phaseof the KaiserDublinMedicalCenter isthe 220,000square foot medical officebuilding. This facility - referred to as “The Hub” - will containadvancedmedical facilities, urgent care clinics, medical office spaces, and a connected radiation/oncology center, along with surfaceparking for nearly 1,000 vehiclesan d associated site improvements. The detailed ProjectPlansforPhase 1A areincluded as Exhibit A to Attachment 4. Additionaldetails on the key project components areprovidedbelow. SitePlan The siteplan for Phase 1A includes the construction of thetwo mainentry driveways into theproject site that alignwithKeegan Street and LockhartStreet, the 220,000 square foot medicaloffice building, the associated parkingfield, perimeterlandscaping along the lengthof DublinBoulevard andthe medical campusportion of Interstate 580, photovoltaic panels in the southernparking lot, and landscaping throughoutthemiddle portionof the site. Sheet A1.1 of the ProjectPlans (Exhibit A toAttachment 4) identifies thephysicallimitsofPhase 1Aand those improvements thatwill be installed with the firstbuilding inthe medicalcampus. Access, Circulation, andParking Vehicular access tothemedical office buildingwill be provided byboththe Keeganand Lockhart Streetentry driveways. Parking lots exist on both the northand south sides of thebuilding, thepatientdrop-offpoint is onthe north sideof the building, theshuttle dropoff ison the north side ofthebuilding, and the loadingdock/service area is onthe west side. Thereareclear, accessible pedestrianpathways fromeveryparkingarea, the busstop on Dublin Boulevard, and from the public sidewalk to all building entry points. Sheet A1.4 of the ProjectPlans (Exhibit A toAttachment 4) illustratesthe pedestrianpathways through and aroundtheproject site. ThePhase 1Asiteplan identifies978parkingspaces for themedical office building, including 100 accessible spaces, 50 spacesfor fuel-efficient vehicles, and 29 spaces for car/vanpools. Theremainderof the parkingstalls are regularand compactsizes as well as motorcycle parking. All oftheparkingsizes and otherrequirementsare in conformance with the DublinZoningOrdinance. The Zoning Ordinance requires a total of 880 parkingspaces for a 220,000squarefoothealthclinic/medical office building (1 spaceper 250 square feet), so the project has 98 morevehicularspaces than is required. The project also provides 28 long-termand 28 short term bicycleparking spaces in bothlockersand racks. The southernparking field is expectedtobecovered with photovoltaicsthatwill provide shadeforparked cars, but included inthe Project Plans is an alternate plan thatincludesthetreeplanting plan in theeventthatthe photovoltaics are notfeasible. Either the photovoltaics or the trees willberequiredto beinstalledpriortooccupancy of thebuilding (Condition of Approval 49 noted in Attachment 4) Building Design/Architecture: Kaiser has opened anumberof new medical office buildingsandhospitals in theBay Page 6 of 10 Area in recentyears. With each newfacility, lessonsarelearnedanddesigntechniques areimproved. The designconcept forthe Dublinmedical campus is to incorporate materials, features, andanarchitectural statement that is compatible with the other buildings inthe vicinitywhileallowing for creativeand imaginative design that will provide amenitiesbeyondthoseexpected in conventional developments. The building is primarilyorientedalongan east -west axiswith the medical officesand urgent care at thewestern-mostportionofthebuilding andthe cancercenter on the eastern side. The building is four stories and stands58’6” tall to the peakoftheroof parapet. The building (and the restof thefuture campus) has a contemporary aesthetic with themain building materialsbeing an aluminum and glass curtain wallsystem blendedwithconcrete panels in white andgrey, accentmetal panels with a horizontal wood effect, corrugated metal panels for theroofscreen, and perforatedsilver/grey panels on the south side of the buildingserving as sunshades. Sheet A3.1 of the Project Plans demonstrates theexteriormaterialpalette, and SheetA7.1 illustrates the locationof the variouscolorsandmaterialson the buildingelevations. Sustainability Kaiserserves a key role in developingnationallyrecognizedhealth-based green buildingstrategiesfor the health care sector, andthey intendtoincorporateKaiser’s leadingsustainablebuilding standards and green initiatives into the DublinMedical Center Project. As part of its commitment togreenbuilding, Kaiser willpursueLEED Goldcertification or equivalent forthe buildings that it develops onthe ProjectSite. To attain this goal, Kaiseranticipates implementing many of the following less -typical green strategies: PVC-freematerials (such as resilientflooring, carpet androofs) Low or VOC-freepaints CFC-freerefrigerants Formaldehyde-freecasework Cogenerationelectricityproductionand heat recovery Permeablepaving to reduce stormwaterrunoff in parkingareas Thermal fluid heaters as a high-efficientwaterheating source Landscape Concept: Thelandscapeconcept for Phase 1A is “building within a garden.” Sheet L.1.2 most clearlyillustrates the variouslandscapeandhardscape amenities thatsurroundthe building - focused primarily on thesouthernandeasternsidesof the building. There are avariety of sittingareas (“rooms”) that are connected by pedestrian pathways surrounded by generous amounts of landscaped spaces. Thevarious materia ls and finishesthat are will be employed in the outdoor roomsand pathways areshownon Sheet L.3.0 of the Project Plansandthetreeand plant palettesareshownon Sheets L.5.0, 5.1, and 5.2. Sheet L.6.0 of the Project Plans shows severalprecedent ima ges thatdemonstratethedesign goals for themedical office buildinglandscapeconcepts. TheResolution approving a Site DevelopmentReview PermitforPhase 1A ofthe Page 7 of 10 KaiserDublinMedicalCenter is Attachment 4 to the Staff Report. DEVELOPMENTAGREEMENT TheApplicantrequested a DevelopmentAgreement forthe KaiserDublinMedical Centerproject. Theproposed DevelopmentAgreement would give Kaiser a vested right to develop the proposedproject for a period of 25 years. This is a long periodof timeto vestdevelopmentrights, butStafffeels it is reasonablefor a master-planned medicalcampus. In exchange, Kaiser has agreed to termsthatbenefit the City's General Fund. In particular, Kaiserwould commit to activelymarketing the Commercial Parcel (Phase 1B). The promptdevelopment of thatparcel would benefit the City's GeneralFund by generating significantsales and property tax fromadevelopmentthat would be largely tax exempt at build out. If Kaiser hasnot soldthe Commercial Parcel when it seeks a property tax exemptionfor any developmenton the site, the DevelopmentAgreementwould terminateunlessKaiser makes a paymentequal to 200,000 in today's dollarsforeachyear it desirestoextend the term. Theproposed Development Agreement also obligates Kaiser to takecertainsteps toensurethatsales anduse tax revenue associated with its constructionand purchases is allocated to the City ofDublin. Staffbelieves that the agreed -upon terms are reasonable in light of Kaiser's non-profitstatus and thepublicbenefits its servicesprovide to the community. An Ordinanceapproving the DevelopmentAgreement is included as Attachment 5 with theDevelopment Agreement included as Exhibit A to Attachment 5 to the Staff Report. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT A DraftEnvironmentalImpactReport (FEIR) was prepared for theKaiserprojectand was circulated for a 45-day publicreviewperiodthatclosedonMarch 21, 2016. Comments werereceivedfromsevenpublicagencies, one comment letterfromthe Project Applicant, and one comment letterfrom a Dublin resident that does not support theproject. Responses to comments wereincorporated into theFinalEIR (FEIR). The DEIR and FEIR are included as Exhibit A toAttachment 6 of this StaffReport. TheEIR examinedpotentialenvironmentalimpactsresulting from theproject at fullbuild out in the following topic areas: Aesthetics, Light, andGlare Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions Biological Resources CulturalResources Geology, Soils, andSeismicity Hazards and HazardousMaterials Hydrology andWater Quality Land Use Noise Public Services and Utilities Transportation Page 8 of 10 Insummary, the EIR concludesthat the projectwillhavesignificantimpacts in several topicareas andmitigation measures have beenwritten to reducetheimpacts to a level that is less thansignificant. These impacts areprimarily related to aesthetics, air quality, biology, cultural resources, geology, hydrology, noise, and transportation. As is typical for other projects of this size, several other impactswere identifiedwhere, evenwith the implementation of mitigation measures, the effects to the environment are still expected to be significant. Thereare impacts to vehiculardelays at certainstreet intersections in the future, notable greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollutionimpacts thatcannot be mitigated. Iftheproject receives supportfromtheCityCouncil, the following components arepart of the resolution (Attachment 6) certifying the EIR: 1. Exhibit B: The Findings onImpactsand Mitigation Measuresoutlines the reasonswhichproposedmitigation measures areexpected to besuccessful in reducing the impactsof the project. 2. Exhibit C: The FindingsConcerning the Infeasibility of Alternatives and Potential Mitigation Measuresoutlinesthereasons which measures that havethepotential tomitigateproject-relatedimpactsare not desirable or arenotbeingproposed. 3. Exhibit D: A Statementof Overriding Considerations (SOC) that identifies all environmentalimpacts that cannot be mitigated and explain why the project is beingapproved. The SOC, is required in order to certify the EIR and, if desired by a majorityoftheCityCouncil, ultimatelyapprovetheproject. 4. Exhibit E: The Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Planoutlines those measures needed to reducetheimpacts of the proposedproject, thetimelinefor implementing the measures, andthe agency/departmentresponsiblefor confirming their implementation. PLANNING COMMISSIONACTION: OnMay 10, 2016, a Study Session washeld with thePlanningCommission to receive a report onthe projectstatusand provide feedback on theprojectdesign. The Commissionprovidedfeedback for Kaiser’s consideration onthe buildingand site/landscape design. OnAugust 23, 2016, the PlanningCommissionreviewed the project applications in their entirety. After discussion anddeliberation, the Commission voted unanimously to recommendapprovaloftheprojecttothe City Council, andthePlanningCommission adopted the followingResolutions: 1. Resolution 16-16RecommendingCityCouncilcertificationof a Final Environmental Impact Reportand AdoptionofEnvironmental Findings under CEQA forthe Kaiser Dublin MedicalCenterproject 2. Resolution 16-17 Recommending that the CityCounciladopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and the EasternDublinSpecificPlan related to the KaiserDublinMedicalCenterproject; Page 9 of 10 3. Resolution 16-18 Recommending that theCityCouncilAdopt an Ordinance amending the Zoning Mapand approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a related Stage 1 DevelopmentPlan for thewholeproject siteand a Stage 2 Development PlanforPhase 1A 4. Resolution16-19 Recommending thattheCity Counciladopt an Ordinance approving a DevelopmentAgreementbetween theCity of Dublinand Kaiser FoundationHospitals related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Centerproject; and 5. Resolution 16-20 Recommending that the CityCounciladopt a Resolution approving Site Development Review for Phase 1Aof the Kaiser DublinMedical Centerproject. The resolutions are included as Attachments 7 to 11 of this staff report. NOTICINGREQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A notice of this publichearing waspublished in the EastBay Times. All persons who haveexpressedaninterest in being notified ofactionsrelatedto this projectwere notified viaemail. Noticesweremailed to all propertyownersandtenants within 300 feetoftheKaiser site and also to an expanded areabeyond300feet, as shownbelow: Figure2: Public Noticing Thetotalmailing listwas over 2,000addresses. The Staff Report for this public hearing was also available on theCity’s website. Acopy of this Staff Report was provided to the Project Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. KaiserDublinMedicalCenterSitePlan 2. ResolutionSpecificPlan Amendment andGeneral PlanAmendment Page 10 of 10 3. OrdinancePlanned Development 4. Resolution Site Development Review 4. Exhibit A - Project Plans 5. Ordinance DevelopmentAgreement 5. Exhibit A - Kaiser DevelopmentAgreement 6. Resolution Certifying an Environmental ImpactReport 6. Exhibit A - Draft EIR Kaiser 6. Exhibit A - FinalEIRKaiser 6. Exhibit B - FindingsConcerning Significant Impacts and Mitigation Measures 6. Exhibit C - FindingsConcerning Infeasibilityof Alternatives and PotentialAdditional Mitigation Measures 6. Exhibit D - Statement of OverridingConsiderations 6. Exhibit E - Mitigation Monitoring and ReportingProgram 7. Planning CommissionResolution 16-16 8. Planning CommissionResolution 16-17 9. PlanningCommissionResolution 16-18 10. Planning CommissionResolution 16-19 11. Planning CommissionResolution 16-20 x I T - -1 ENERGYCNTRPH2 E I oou CANCERCENTER P H i PH A 1 I Iwo 1 COMMERCIALSITE 1 PKGSTRUCT1230CAR MOB2 II' IIwnmeLru ermee 6LEVELSPARil A PH 3 r i BASEMEN PH3 x I T - -1 ENERGYCNTR PH 2 1 RESOLUTIONNO. xx-16 A RESOLUTIONOFTHECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDINGTHE GENERAL PLAN AND THEEASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TOTHE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-50 and PLPA 2016-00007 APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, theApplicant, Kaiser FoundationHospitals, submitted a PlanningApplication for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Centerproject, which is comprisedof 950,000square feet of medicalcampus uses in three main buildings, 250,000square feet ofcommercial uses, a parkingstructure, and associated site, roadwayfrontage, and landscapeimprovements. Requested land use approvals includeaGeneralPlan Amendment andEasternDublinSpecific Plan to create two new land usedistricts, Planned DevelopmentRezoning (Stage1 and Stage 2), and SiteDevelopment Review for Phase 1A (a 220,000square foot medical office building), a request for a DevelopmentAgreement, and certification ofa Final EnvironmentalImpact Report, amongother related actions. Theseplanning and implementing actions are collectively known as the “KaiserDublin Medical CenterProject” or the “Project”; and WHEREAS, theGeneralPlanandEastern DublinSpecific Plan land usedesignation for the project site is amended from “CampusOffice” to “MedicalCampus” and “Medical Campus/Commercial” in accordancewith the exhibit within the resolution. Inaddition, other provisionsoftheGeneralPlanandEasternDublinSpecificPlanare amended to ensure consistency with the new landuse designations forthe project site; and WHEREAS, the CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct (CEQA), together with the State guidelinesandCityenvironmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmentalimpacts and thatenvironmentaldocuments be prepared; and WHEREAS, the City prepareda Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Projectwhich reflected the City’s independentjudgmentandanalysis of thepotential environmentalimpacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, the DraftEIR was circulated for45 days for public comment in Februaryand March 2016; and WHEREAS, comments received on the DraftEIRwerereviewedandrespondedto, and the Final EIR (thatcontainstheResponsetoComments) datedAugust 9, 2016 was prepared; and WHEREAS, consistent with section65352.3 oftheCaliforniaGovernmentCode, theCity obtainedacontact list oflocal Native Americantribesfrom the NativeAmerican Heritage Commission and notified the tribesonthe contactlist of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposedGeneral Plan Amendment. None of the contacted tribesrequested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and nofurther action is required undersection 65352.3; and 2 WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, thePlanningCommission adopted Resolution16-16 recommending that the City Council certify theFinalEIRfor the project, which Resolution is incorporated hereinby referenceand available for r eview at CityHallduringnormal business hours; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, thePlanningCommissionadoptedResolution16-17 recommending that theCityCouncilapprovethe proposedGeneral Planand Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, which resolution is incorporatedherein by referenceandavailable for review at City Hallduringnormal business hours; and WHEREAS, a StaffReport, dated September 20, 2016and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the General Plan Amendments, EasternDublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned DevelopmentRezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 andStage 2 Development Plan, SiteDevelopmentReview, and certificationof a Final Environmental Impact Report, forthe City Council; and WHEREAS, theCity Council held a properly noticedpublic hearing on the Project, including the proposed GeneralPlanandEasterDublinSpecificPlan amendments, on September20, 2016, at which time all interestedpartieshadthe opportunity to beheard; and WHEREAS, on ___________, theCityCouncil adoptedResolution xx-xx certifying the KaiserDublinMedical Center ProjectEIR and adoptingCEQAfindings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and MitigationMonitoring and Reporting Program for theProject; and WHEREAS, theCityCouncil considered theFinal EIR and all above-referenced reports, recommendations, andtestimony to evaluatetheProject. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDthat theforegoingrecitalsaretrue and correct and madeapartof this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat theCity Council finds thattheGeneral Plan and Eastern DublinSpecific Plan amendments, as setforth below, arein thepublicinterest, will promote generalhealth, safety and welfare, andthattheGeneralPlanasamendedwillremain internallyconsistent. Theproposedproject is consistent with the guiding and implementing policies of theGeneral Plan in eachof the Elements and will allow for developmentof a medical campusand associatedcommercialdevelopmentin anarea thathas longbeenplannedfor campus-style usesand ancillary commercial uses. The development of theproject is consistent with the goals and policies ofthe General PlanLand Use Element, PublicLandsandUtilities Element, Circulation and Scenic Highways Element, Community Design and Sustainability Element, and theEconomic Development Element . The General Plan amendmentsnoted belowwillensure that theimplementation of theproposedproject isin compliance with the General PlanandthateachElementwithintheGeneralPlan is internally consistent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat theCityCouncil hereby adoptsthefollowing amendmentstotheGeneral Plan: 3 Figure 1-1 (Land Use exhibit) shallbeamended with newdesignations for theproject site as noted below: Section (Commercial Industriallanduse categories) shall be amended toadd the following two newland use categoriesand descriptions: Medical Campus (FAR: .25 to .80); Employeedensity: 260 square feet peremployee This designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus-like setting for medicaloffices, hospitals, andothernon-retail commercial uses that donotgeneratenuisancesrelated to emissions, noise, odors, or glare. Anticipatedusesinclude, but are not limitedto, a comprehensiverange ofoutpatientprimary and specialtycare services, professi onal and administrative offices, hospital/medicalcenters (including full service hospital s/medical centers with 24 houroperations, and related centralutility plant), skillednursing, assisted living, licensedcare, andassociatedparkingstructures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in theFARcalculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designationaccommodates a range of commercial uses includingregional- and community-serving retailuses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales, andeatinganddrinking establishments. Table 2.2 (Land Use DevelopmentPotential: EasternExtended Planning Area) shall be amendedtoadd two new land usecategories underthe “Commercial” heading. Theacreage for theKaiser Dublin MedicalCampus (approximately 58 acres) will be removed from the Medical Campus / Commercial Medical Campus 4 CampusOffice” category and added to the “MedicalCampus” and “Medical Campus/Commercial” categories with the appropriate acreage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat theCityCouncilherebyadoptsthefollowing amendmentstotheEasternDublinSpecificPlan: Figure 4.1 (Land Use Map) shall be amendedwith a new designation for the project site as shownbelow: Table 4.1 (Eastern DublinSpecific Plan Land Use Summary) shallbeamended to add two newland use categories underthe “Commercial” heading. TheacreagefortheKaiserDublin MedicalCampus (approximately 58 acres) will beremovedfrom the “Campus Office” category and added to the “MedicalCampus” and “MedicalCampus/Commercial” categories with the appropriateacreage. Table 4.2 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population andEmployment Summary) shall be amendedto addtwonew landuse categories under the “Commercial” heading. The developmentpotential for the KaiserDublin MedicalCampus (1.2 million square feet in total) will be removed fromthe “CampusOffice” category and added to the “MedicalCampus” and MedicalCampus/Commercial” categories with theestimatedemployeenumberand estimated number of jobs. Table 4.4 (Tassajara GatewaySubarea Development Potential) and Table4.7 (Fallon Gateway Subarea Development Potential) shall be amended to add two new land use categories. Theacreage, density, and development potentialforthe Kaiser DublinMedical Campus (1.2 million squarefeet in total) willbe removedfrom the “Campus Office” categoryand added to the “MedicalCampus” and “Medical Campus/Commercial” categories in each respective table. Medical Campus / Commercial Medical Campus 5 Section 4.8.2 (Commercial land use categories) shallbe amended toadd the following two new land usecategories and descriptions: MedicalCampus (FAR: .25 to .80); Employee density: 260square feet per employee This designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus-like setting for medical offices, hospitals, andothernon-retail commercial uses that donotgeneratenuisancesrelated to emissions, noise, odors, orglare. Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to, a comprehensiverange ofoutpatientprimary and specialtycare services, professionaland administrative offices, hospital/medicalcenters (including full service hospitals/medical centers with 24 houroperations, and related centralutility plant), skillednursing, assisted living, licensed care, and associated parkingstructures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in theFARcalculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designationaccommodates a range of commercial uses including regional - and community-serving retailuses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limitedautomotive sales, andeatingand drinkingestablishments. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this ____day of _____, 2016 bythe following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: CityClerk 1 ORDINANCENO. xx – 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THEZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICTWITH A RELATED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT SITE AND A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PHASE 1A OFTHE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-50 and PLPA 2016-00007 APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) The DublinCityCouncildoesordain as follows: SECTION 1: Findings A. PursuanttoSection 8.32.070 of the Dublin MunicipalCode, the CityCouncil finds as follows. 1. TheKaiser Dublin MedicalCenter Project (“the Project”) PD-Planned Development zoning meetsthe purpose and intent ofChapter 8.32in that it provides a comprehensive development plan thatcreates a desirable use ofland that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue of the layoutand design of thesite plan. 2. DevelopmentofKaiser Dublin Medical Center Project underthePD-Planned Development zoning will be harmonious and compatible with existingandfuture development in the surrounding area in that the site willprovide newretail, restaurant, andpersonal services to residents in an area that has similarusesnearby and is also adjacenttoexisting and futureworkplacesandresidentialneighborhoods. B. Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, theCityCouncil finds as follows. 1. ThePD-PlannedDevelopmentzoning for KaiserDublinMedicalCenter Project will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in thatthe proposed SitePlan has taken into account sensitive adjacencies and will provide a widerangeofamenities to the surrounding neighborhoods. 2. The project site conditionsweredocumented in the Environmental ImpactReport EIR) thathas beenprepared, and the environmentalimpacts that havebeenidentified will be mitigatedtothegreatest degree possible. Thereareno site challengesthatwere identified in the EIR thatwill present an impedimenttoutilization of the site for the intended purposes. There areno majorphysical or topographicconstraintsand thus the site is physically suitable forthe type andintensity of the retail commercial center approved throughthePDzoning. 3. The PD-Planned Development zoningwill not adversely affect thehealth or safety of persons residing or workingin thevicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety andwelfare in that the project willcomply withall applicabledevelopment regulations and standards andwillimplement all adopted mitigation measures. 2 4. ThePD-Planned Development zoning is consistent with and in conformance with the Dublin GeneralPlan, as amended, in that theproposed use as a medical campus and adjacent commercial shoppingcenter is consistent with the proposedMedicalCampus and MedicalCampus/Commercial land usedesignations for the site. C. Pursuant to the CaliforniaEnvironmental Quality Act, the City Council adopted a Final EIR via Resolution xx-16on _______________, prior to approving the Project. SECTION 2: Pursuantto Chapter 8.32, Title 8of the City of DublinMunicipal Code theCityofDublin Zoning Map is amended torezone the propertydescribed below to a PlannedDevelopment Zoning District: 58 acres southof Dublin Blvd. betweenGrafton Station and FallonGateway. Interstate 580formsthe southernboundary of thesite. (AssessorParcelNumbers985 -0061-005- 00 and985-0027-009-02) (“the Property”). A map of therezoning area with a relatedStage1 Development Plan is shownbelow (entire project siteand outlinedin red): A map of the rezoning areawith arelatedStage2DevelopmentPlan for Phase 1A only is shownbelow: 3 SECTION 3. The regulationsforthe use, development, improvement, and maintenance of theProperty are set forth in thefollowingStage 1 Development Plan for theentire58acre Project area, which is hereby approved. Anyamendments to the Stage1 Development Plan shall be in accordance with section8.32.080 of the DublinMunicipal Codeorits successors. Stage 1 and Stage2 DevelopmentPlan for theKaiser Dublin Medical Center Project This is a Stage 1andStage 2 Development Planpursuantto Chapter 8.32 ofthe Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This DevelopmentPlanmeets all the requirements for both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 DevelopmentPlan and is adopted as part of thePD-PlannedDevelopment rezoning forthe KaiserDublinMedical Center Project, PA 08-50and PLPA-2016-00007. The PD-PlannedDevelopmentDistrictand this Stage 1/Stage 2 DevelopmentPlan provides flexibility to encourage innovative development while ensuringthat the goals, policies, and actionprogramsoftheGeneralPlanand provisions of Chapter 8.32 of theZoningOrdinance are satisfied. The following Stage 1 DevelopmentPlan appliestotheentire58 -acreproject siteand the Zoning District for theproject site is PD-PlannedDevelopment (PA 08-050). 1. Statement of Permitted Uses. PermittedUses (as defined bythe Zoning Ordinance) forthe MedicalCampus (identified as Phases1A, 2, and 3): Health Services/Clinics—including, withoutlimitation, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty careservices, urgentcare, radiation/oncology 4 services, outpatientsurgery, diagnostic servicesincluding radiology and telemedicine, women’s services, inpatient care, includingdiagnosticandtreatmentservices, surgical services and emergencycare, and supportingancillary healthcare services such as optical, pharmacy, laboratory, educationand training MedicalOffices and MedicalOfficeBuildings High-AcuityMedicalCenters/Hospitals (including full serviceHigh-Acuity Medical Centers/Hospitals with 24-hour operations) CentralUtility Plants, including renewable energy facilities, and ancillarystructures to serve the project site ParkingStructuresancillary tomedical uses SkilledNursing, AssistedLiving, or Licensed CareFacilities Day CareFacilities PermittedUses (as defined bythe Zoning Ordinance) for theCommercialparcel identified as Phase1B): Hotel or resort Eating and drinking establishments1 Entertainment (including movie theater, performance venue, or similar) Automotive sales (outdoor display/storagearea limited to 10% of the subjectparcel) Thefollowingretailuses: o Home Furnishings o Clothing/Fashion o OfficeSupplies o HomeAppliance/Electronics o Hardware o Jewelry o Bookstore o SportingGoods o Grocery2 o Otherretail establishments determined by theCommunityDevelopmentDirector to be similar (in termsofCityrevenuegenerationanduse type) to the foregoing3 Conditionally PermittedUsesfor the Commercial parcel (identified as Phase 1B) Membership-based warehouse retail store4 Professionaland Administrative Offices Research and Development Automotive sales (outdoordisplay/storagearea more than10% ofthesubjectparcel) Fitness/Health Club2 Notes: 1. Up toa maximumof 20% of thetotal buildingsquarefootage onthe commercialparcel. Drive -through or traditional fast-food chainrestaurants shallnotbe permitted. 2. Up to a maximum of 30% of the totalbuildingsquare footage on the commercialparcel 3. TobaccoRetail usesshallnotbe permitted. 4. CUP analysis will require a trip generation assessment/site plan review and potentially a supplemental analysis to determineif theuse generatestrafficmore thanwhat was assumed inthe EIR 5 2. Stage 1 SitePlan. 3. Site area, proposeddensities, anddevelopment regulations. MaximumBuilding Height: 90 feet Signage Pursuant toan approved Master Sign Program Minimum LotSize None Maximum lot coverage None MaximumBuilding Area 1.2 million square feet MaximumFloor Area Ratio 80 ParkingStall Dimensions Standards Per Chapter 8.76Off-StreetParking And Loading Regulations of the DublinZoning Ordinance MinimumSetbacks None ParkingSpacesRequired: Per Chapter 8.76Off-StreetParking And Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance 4. Phasing Plan. Building/Use Size (SF) Estimated construction timeframe Phase 1A “The Hub” medical office building 220,0002016-2020 6 Phase 1B Commercial parcel 250,0002016-2020 Phase 2 High-Acuity Medical Servicesbuilding possibly a hospital) 400,0002025-2035 Phase 2 EnergyCenter 50,000 2025-2035 Phase 3 2nd Medical Office Building 280,0002035-2040 Phase 3 ParkingStructure 2035-2040 TotalProjectSize 1,200,000 SF 5. Concept LandscapePlan. The landscapedesignconcept is being established with the detaileddesigns for Phase 1A, which areincluded inthe ProjectPlans associatedwith thePhase1ASDR application. Thesame plant paletteand designvocabulary approved forPhase 1A shall continuethrough the remainderof the project site. 6. Consistency with GeneralPlan and any applicable Specific Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin SpecificPlan (as amended). 7. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. The InclusionaryZoningRegulations do not regulate non-residentialprojects, so therefore this is not applicable. 8. AerialPhoto. An aerialphoto is on file with the Community Development Department. The followingStage 2 DevelopmentPlanapplies to Phase 1A only. TheZoning District forthe projectsite is PD-PlannedDevelopment (PLPA-2016-00007). 1. Statement of Compatibility with Stage1 Development Plan. ThePhase 1A portionof theKaiserDublinMedicalCenter Project is whollyconsistent with the Stage 1 Development Plan. 2. Statement of Permitted Uses. Same as Stage 1 Development Plan. 3. Stage2 Site Plan 7 4. Sitearea, proposed densities a. Grossarea: 22.2 acres b. Net area: 22.1 acres 5. Development Regulations MaximumBuilding Height: 60 feet Signage Pursuant toan approved Master Sign Program Minimum LotSize None Maximum lotcoverage None MaximumBuilding Area 220,000squarefeet Maximum Floor Area Ratio 80 Parking Stall Dimensions Standards Per Chapter 8.76 Off-StreetParking And LoadingRegulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance MinimumSetbacks None ParkingSpacesRequired: Per Chapter 8.76 Off-StreetParking And LoadingRegulations of the DublinZoning Ordinance 6. Architectural Standards. Theconceptualarchitecturaldesign of theprojectshallreflect the following standards as illustrated inthe ProjectPlans. The architectural designshall: Employ a variety of materials, texturesand colors to provide visual interest in the project and to complement its surroundings. Use diversity of colorsand textures inthe buildingfinishes to provide a variedand interestingbaseformforthebuildings. Incorporatefeaturessuch as differentwallplanes, heights, walltextures, roof elements, storefrontdesigns, awnings, canopies, trellises, base treatments, signs, light fixtures and landscaping to contribute layersofdetail at the pedestrianlevel. Providefunctionaloutdoorplazaswherepeoplewillgatherand socialize, with landscaping, outdoorseating, enhancedpavingtreatment, andotherfeatures to provide an appropriateurbanscale for thecenter. 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plan. 8 8. Compliance with adopted Mitigation Measures. The Applicant/Developer shallcomply with all applicableactionprogramsandmitigationmeasuresof the Eastern Dublin Specific Planand General Plan Amendment EIR and theKaiser DublinMedical Center Project EIR. SECTION 4. The CityClerk of theCity of Dublinshallcause this Ordinance to be posted in at l eastthree (3) publicplaces in theCity of Dublin in accordancewith Section36933 of theGovernmentCodeof the StateofCalifornia. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effectand be enforced thirty (30) days from andafter its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of theCity of Dublin, on this _________ day of _____________ 2016, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: 9 CityClerk RESOLUTIONNO. XX-16 A RESOLUTION OF THECITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTIONAPPROVING A SITEDEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR PHASE 1A OF THE KAISERDUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-50 and PLPA 2016-00007 APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, theApplicant, Kaiser FoundationHospitals, submitted a PlanningApplication for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Centerproject, which is comprisedof 950,000square feet of medicalcampususes in threemain buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parkingstructure, and associated site, roadwayfrontage, and landscapeimprovements. Requested land use approvals includeaGeneralPlan Amendment andEasternDublinSpecific Plan to create two new land usedistricts, Planned DevelopmentRezoning (Stage 1 andStage 2), and SiteDevelopment Review for Phase 1A (a 220,000square foot medical office building), a request for a DevelopmentAgreement, and certification ofa Final Environmental Impact Report, amongother related actions. Theseplanningand implementing actions are collectively known as the “KaiserDublin Medical CenterProject” or the “Project”; and WHEREAS, theproject site is locatedwithin a Planned Development Zoning District; and WHEREAS, theProjectPlans, attached as Exhibit A, illustrate the site layout and building elevations for approximately 220,000squarefeet of medical officeuses, which arepermitted by the EasternDublinSpecific Planand General Plan, as amended ; and WHEREAS, theSiteDevelopment Review application collectively defines this “Project” and is available and on file in the CommunityDevelopmentDepartment; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the CaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act certainprojects are required to be reviewed for environmentalimpactsandwhenapplicable, environmental documentsprepared; and WHEREAS, onAugust 23, 2016, thePlanningCommissionadoptedResolution16-16 recommendingthatthe City Councilcertify the Final EIR for the Project, which Resolution is incorporated herein byreferenceandavailable for reviewat City Hallduring normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, thePlanningCommissionadoptedResolution16-17 recommending that theCityCouncilapprovethe proposedGeneral Planand EasternDublin SpecificPlan amendments relatedtotheProject, whichresolution is incorporated herein by referenceandavailable for review at City Hall duringnormalbusiness hours; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, thePlanningCommissionadopted Resolution 16-20 recommending that theCity Council approveSiteDevelopmentReview for Phase 1A of the KaiserDublin Medical Center Project, whichresolution is incorporatedherein by reference and available for reviewat City Hallduringnormalbusiness hours; and 2 WHEREAS, the PlanningCommissiondid hold a public hearing onsaid application on August 23, 2016for thisproject, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated September 20, 2016and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the General Plan Amendments, EasternDublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned DevelopmentRezoning and approvalofa related Stage 1 andStage 2 Development Plan, SiteDevelopmentReview, and certificationof a Final Environmental Impact Report, fortheCityCouncil; and WHEREAS, on ___________, theCityCouncil adoptedResolution xx-xx certifying the Kaiser DublinMedical Center Project EIR and adoptingCEQAfindings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and WHEREAS, theCity Councilheld a properlynoticedpublic hearing on the Project , including the Site Development Reviewapplication, on September 20, 2016 , at which time all interestedpartieshadtheopportunity to beheard; and WHEREAS, propernotice of thepublichearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, aStaffReportwas submitted recommendingthattheCityCouncil approve the Site Development Reviewapplication; and WHEREAS, the City Councildidhear anduseindependentjudgmentandconsidered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove setforth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thattheCityCouncil of theCityofDublin does hereby makethefollowingSite Development Reviewfindingsanddeterminations regarding the KaiserDublinMedicalCenter Project: A. Theproposal is consistent withthe purposes of Chapter8.104 (Site Development Review) of the ZoningOrdinance, with the GeneralPlan, and any applicableSpecific Plans and designguidelinesbecause: 1) The project provides an orderly, attractive andharmonious developmentcompatible with the site’s environmental constraints and with surroundingproperties and neighborhoods. The developmentgives thoughtfulconsideration tobuildinglocation, architecturalandlandscapedesignand theme, vehicularandpedestrianaccessand on -site circulation, parking and traffic impact. Itcomplies withdevelopment regulationsand the requirements of thezoning district, as required by Section 8.104.020.A of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; 2) the project is utilizing traditionalbuildingforms with contemporary, high -qualitymaterials andfinishes in compliance with the design guidelinesoftheEastern Dublin Specific PlanandCommunityDesign and Sustainability Elementofthe General Plan; 3) the projectwillserve to activate the areaandprovideservices to existingand future residents and workers in the vicinity; 4) theproposedprojectwillconform to the density, design, andallowable uses as stated inthe Stage 2 Development Plan as required by Section 8.104.020.B ofthe DublinZoningOrdinance; 5) theproject includesstreetscapeenhancements to complement thosealready in place; and 6) the 3 project is consistentwith the General Plan and EasternDublin SpecificPlan, as amended. B. Theproposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) The architecture and landscapedesign for the project provides an appropriate pedestrian scale withcommercial retail uses, restaurantsandthe proposed layout of buildings, landscaping andparkingare well -suitedto the uses; 2) the overalldesign of theproject is consistentwith the designrequirements of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; 3) theproposedproject is consistentwith the EasternDublin SpecificPlan in that taller buildingsandmoreintensiveusesshouldbelocatedsouth ofDublin Boulevard and near freeway interchangeswhere convenientvehicular access will limittraffic impacts to the restofDublinandthemedical office building is intended to serve the community as well asthe region; 4) the overall project is consistent with the total developmentpotential for the site as stated in theStage 1 andStage2 Development Plan; 5) theproposed development is compatiblewith the GeneralPlanLand Use designationsofMedicalCampus and Medical Campus/Commercial (as amended) whichallows for medical officeuses; and 6) the proposed project meets the intent of the Dublin GeneralPlan whichdiscourages projects that do not relate wellto the surroundingdevelopments and the proposed project is compatible with thesurrounding neighborhoo d thatincludesresidentialand commercial uses. C. Thedesign of the project is appropriate to theCity, the vicinity, surrounding properties, andthe lot(s) in which the project is proposedbecause: 1) The architecture and landscape design forthe projectprovides an appropriate pedestrian scale andthe landscaping and parking areas are well-suitedto the uses; 2) theoverall design of the project is consistent with thedesignrequirements of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 DevelopmentPlan; 3) the proposeddevelopment is compatible with the GeneralPlanLand Use designationofMedical Campus and Medical Campus/Commercial (as amended), which allows for medicalofficeuses; and 4) the proposed project meets the intentof the DublinGeneralPlanwhich discourages projectsthat donot relate wellto the surrounding developments and the proposed project is compatible with thesurroundingneighborhoodthatincludes office, residential, and commercial uses. D. Thesubject site is suitableforthe typeand intensityofthe approveddevelopment because: 1) theproject willprovide additionalmedicalfacilities in thatwill be of benefit to the Dublincommunity and is within the densityrequirements of the Planned Development ZoningDistrict, theGeneralPlan, and theEastern Dublin Specific Plan; 2) the project providesfor its owninfrastructureandrequiredservices and is designed toincludesufficientvehicularandpedestrianaccess, with parking to support the use s; and 3) the proposeddensityof the site is consistent with the GeneralPlanand EasternDublinSpecificPlan (as amended). E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographicfeatures are addressedbecause : 1) the project site is relatively flat; 2) the roadway and utility infrastructure to serve the site already exists, and 3) futureapprovalof grading and improvement plans will enable the site tobe modified to suit theproject, which will be developed for thesite in accordance with Citypolicies and regulations. 4 F. Architecturalconsiderationsincluding the character, scaleand quality ofthe design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site andotherbuildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materialsandcolors and similar elements result in a projectthat is harmonious withits surroundings and compatible with other developments in thevicinity because: 1) the architectural style and materialswill be consistent and compatiblewith the contemporary architectural style, colors, and materials being utilized onother commercial projects in theCity; 2) the project is utilizingtraditionalbuilding forms withcontemporary, high-qualitymaterials and finishes in compliance with the designguidelinesof the Eastern Dublin SpecificPlan; 3) the size and scale of the development will be similartoother buildings in the project vicinity; and 4) unsightlyuses (e.g. loadingdocks, parking lots) will be screenedwith appropriate materialsthatare architecturally compatible with the buildingdesign. G. Landscapeconsiderations, including the location, type, size, color, textureand coverage of plant materials, and similarelements havebeen incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequatescreening and an attractive environmentfor thepublic because: 1) the Preliminary LandscapePlan for the project site emphasizes thecreation of a comfortable pedestrian environment thatwillinclude a variety of outdooramenities for patientsandvisitors; 2) landscapingwill be providedthroughout theparking fields both at thefrontandrearoftheproject buildings; and 3) theproject perimeter and interiorlandscaping is consistent with othercommercialdevelopment in thevicinity and conformstothe requirements of the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. H. The sitehas been adequately designedto ensure thepropercirculationforbicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) all infrastructureincludingdriveways, pathways, sidewalks, and streetlightinghave been reviewed for conformance with City policies, regulations, and best practicesandhavebeen designed withmulti - modaltravel in mind; and 2) development of thisproject willconform to the major publicimprovements already installed allowing patrons thesafeandefficient use of these facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat theCityCouncil of theCity of Dublindoes hereby approve Site Development Review for theKaiserDublinMedicalCenter Project, subject to the conditionsincludedbelow. CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditionsof Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of buildingpermits or establishment of use, and shall be subjecttoPlanningDepartmentreview and approval. The following codesrepresentthose departments/agencies responsible for monitoringcompliance of the conditionsof approval. [PL.] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, PW] Public Works [P&CS] Parks & CommunityServices, [ADM] Administration/CityAttorney, FIN] Finance, [F] AlamedaCounty Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin SanRamon ServicesDistrict, CO] Alameda CountyDepartment of EnvironmentalHealth, [Z7] Zone 7. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: PLANNING CONDITIONS 5 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: 1. Approval. This Site Development Reviewapproval is forPhase 1Aof the Kaiser DublinMedicalCenter, which is a220,000 square foot medicalofficebuilding. Thisapprovalshall be asgenerallydepictedand indicated onthe plan set preparedbySmithGroupJJR, Sherwood DesignEngineers, and RHAA, stampedreceived onJuly29, 2016and asgenerallydepicted bythe colorand materialboardsubmitted along with the project. The project plans andcolorandmaterialboardare on file inthe Community DevelopmentDepartment. This Site Development Reviewapproval is as furtherspecifiedas the following Conditions of Approval forthis project. PL Ongoing 2. Effective Date. This SDR approvalbecomes effective oncethe accompanying FinalEIRhas been certified by theCity Council and once boththe Planned Development ZoningDistrictand the project Development Agreement havebeen approved by City Counciland are effective. PL Ongoing 3. Site Development Review Expiration. Construction or useshall commencewithin one (1) year of Site DevelopmentReviewapproval or the Site Development Review shall lapse and become null and void. If there is a disputeas to whether the Site DevelopmentReview has expired, the Citymay hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processedconcurrentlywith revocationproceedings in appropriatecircumstances. Ifa Site Development Reviewexpires, a newapplicationmust be made and processedaccording to the requirements ofthe ZoningOrdinance. PL One Year After Effective Date 4. Time Extension. The originalapprovingdecision-maker may, upon the Applicant’s writtenrequest for an extension of approval prior to expiration, upon the determination thatall Conditions of Approval remainadequateand all applicablefindings of approvalwillcontinue to be met, grant an extension ofthe approval for a period notto exceed six 6) months. All time extensionrequests shall be noticed anda public hearing shallbe heldbefore the originalhearingbody. PLPrior to Expiration Date 5. Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall operate thisusein compliance with the Conditions of Approval of thisSite Development Review Permit, the approved plans and the regulationsestablished in the ZoningOrdinance. Any violation of the terms or conditionsspecified may be subject to enforcement action. PL On-going 6. Revocation of Permit. The Site Development Review approval shall be revocable for cause in accordancewithSection 8.96.020.I of the DublinZoningOrdinance. Any violation of the terms orconditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. PL On-going 7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Applicant/ Developer shall complywith applicableCity of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin PublicWorks Department, DublinBuildingDepartment, Dublin PoliceServices, Alameda CountyFloodControlDistrict Zone 7, Livermore AmadorValleyTransit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon ServicesDistrict andthe CaliforniaDepartment of HealthServicesrequirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of buildingpermitsor the installation of any improvements relatedto thisproject, the Developer shallsupplywritten statementsfrom eachsuchagency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicableconditions requiredhave been or will bemet. Various Building Permit Issuance 8. Required Permits. Developer shall obtain all permitsrequired by other agencies, if applicable, including, but not limited to AlamedaCounty PW Building Permit 6 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: Flood Control andWater Conservation DistrictZone 7, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional WaterQualityControlBoard, Caltransandprovidecopies of the permits tothe Public Works Department. Issuance 9. Fees. Applicant/Developer shallpay all applicable fees in effect atthe timeof buildingpermit issuance, including, but notlimited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin UnifiedSchool DistrictSchoolImpact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, AlamedaCounty Flood andWater Conservation District (Zone7) Drainageand Water Connection fees; or anyother fee thatmaybe adopted and applicable. Approved Development Agreementsupersedes whereapplicable. VariousBuilding Permit Issuance 10. Indemnification. The Developer shalldefend, indemnify, andhold harmless the City of Dublinand its agents, officers, and employees from anyclaim, action, orproceedingagainst the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, CommunityDevelopmentDirector, Zoning Administrator, or anyother department, committee, or agency ofthe City to the extent such actions arebrought within the time period required by Government Code Section66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of anysaidclaim, action, or proceeding andthe City's full cooperation in the defense of such actionsorproceedings. ADM On-going 11. Clarification of Conditions. In the eventthatthere needs to be clarification to the Conditions of Approval, the Director of Community Development andthe City Engineer have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developerwithoutgoing to a public hearing. The Director of CommunityDevelopment andthe City Engineer also have the authority tomake minor modifications to these conditionswithoutgoing toa publichearing in order for the Developer to fulfillneededimprovementsormitigationsresulting from impacts to this project. PW On-going 12. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site Development Reviewapproval may be considered by the CommunityDevelopment Directorif the modifications or changesproposed comply withSection 8.104.100 of the Zoning Ordinance andwith the EasternDublin Specific Plan. PL On-going 13. Equipment Screening. Allelectrical equipment, firerisers, and/or mechanicalequipment shall be screened frompublicview by landscaping and/or architectural features. Anyroof-mounted equipment shall be completely screened from adjacentstreet view by materials architecturally compatible with the building andtothe satisfaction of the CommunityDevelopmentDirector. The BuildingPermitplans shall show the location of all equipment and screening for review and approval by the Director of CommunityDevelopment. PL Building Permit Issuance and Through Completion/ On-going 14. Master Sign Program. A Master Sign Programwill be reviewed and approved atthe Staff-level forall project-relatedsignageincluding, but notlimited to, wall signs, monument signs, communityidentification signage, addresssignage, directionalsignage, parking signage, speed limitsignage, retailtenantsignage, and other signagedeemed necessary bythe City. The wall and monumentsignsshownin the ProjectPlans are for illustrative purposesonly andthe full details ofthe signsizes, materials, andconstructionshall be shown in the separate PLInstallation of any project- related signage 7 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: signpackage. 15. Construction Trailer. The Applicant/Developer shallobtain a Temporary UsePermit prior to the establishment ofany construction trailer, storage shed, or container units onthe project site. PL Establishment ofthe temporary use 16. Final Building and Site Improvement Plans shall be reviewedand approvedby the Community DevelopmentDepartment staff prior to the issuance of a buildingpermit. All such plans shallinsure: a. Thatstandard non-residential security requirementsas established by the Dublin PoliceDepartmentareprovided. b. That ramps, specialparkingspaces, signing, and otherappropriate physical features for the disabled, are provided throughout the site for all publicly used facilities. c. Thatcontinuousconcretecurbing is provided for all parkingstalls, if necessary. d. Thatexteriorlighting ofthe buildingand site is not directed onto adjacentpropertiesand the light source is shielded from direct offsite viewing. e. That all mechanical equipment, including air conditioning condensers, are architecturallyscreened fromview, andthat electricaltransformers are eitherunderground, architecturally screened, orscreened by landscape of an adequate size. Electrical and gas meters shall be screened to the greatestdegree possible. f. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashings, etc., are painted to match the color of adjacentsurface. g. That all materialsandcolors are tobe as approved by the Dublin CommunityDevelopmentDepartment. Onceconstructedor installed, all improvements are tobe maintained in accordance with the approvedplans. Any changes, which affect the exterior character, shallbe resubmitted to the DublinCommunity DevelopmentDepartment for approval. h. That all exteriorarchitecturalelementsvisible from view and not detailed onthe plans be finished in a style and in materials in harmony with the exterior ofthe building. All materials shall wrap to the insidecorners and terminate at a perpendicularwallplane. i. That all other publicagencies that require review ofthe project are supplied with copies ofthefinal building and site plansand that compliance is obtained withat leasttheir minimumCode requirements. PLIssuanceof Building Permits 17. Construction Noise. Developer shall prepare a construction noise managementplanthatidentifiesmeasures tobe taken to minimize construction noise on surroundingdevelopedproperties. The plan shall include hours of constructionoperation, use of mufflers on construction equipment, speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes andidentify a noisemonitor. Specificnoise management measuresshall be provided prior to project construction. PL/PWOngoing 18. Public Art. The Applicant/Developerintends to acquire and install public art onthe project site in accordancewithChapter 8.58ofthe DublinMunicipal Code. The value of the publicartproject is required to equalorexceed 0.5% ofthe building valuation (exclusive of land) for PL Art to be installed prior to occupancy 8 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: the entireproject. The Building Officialwilldetermine the building valuation atthetimeof Plan Check submittal for the first buildingpermit on site. An agreement that sets forththe ownership, maintenance responsibilities, and insurance coverage forall public art on siteshall be executed prior to occupancy. All public art installations aresubject to approval of the City Council upon recommendation by the Heritage and CulturalArts Commission. 19. CalTrans coordination. ConsultwithCalTransregardingdetails of proposedimprovementsalong theI-580 interface. PL Approval of Improvement Plans 20. ConstructionTrafficMitigation Plan. Shall be prepared and submitted to theCity for review and approval priortothe issuance of the first gradingpermit. Construction traffic and parkingmay be subject to specificrequirements by the City Engineer. Ifthe plan will result in traffic restrictionsand/or detours to any statehighways, CalTrans may require an impactstudy tobe prepared andthe measuresoutlined in the studyfollowed during construction. PL/PW Issuanceof grading permit. 21. MitigationMonitoring Program. The Applicant/ Developer shall complywith The Kaiser DublinMedical Center FinalEnvironmental ImpactReport (EIR) certified by City CouncilResolution xx-xx, including all mitigation measures, action programs, and implementation measures containedtherein. The EIR is onfile with the Community DevelopmentDepartment. PL On-going BUILDING CONDITIONS 22. Building Codes andOrdinances. Allprojectconstruction shall conform to all buildingcodes and ordinances in effect atthe time of buildingpermit. B Through Completion 23. Building Permits. To apply for buildingpermits, Applicant/Developer shall submit five (5) sets of construction plans to the Building & Safety Division forplancheck. Eachset of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearlyindicate howall Conditions of Approvalwill or havebeen compliedwith. Constructionplanswill notbe acceptedwithout the annotatedresolutionsattached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer willbe responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-Cityagenciesprior tothe issuance of buildingpermits. BIssuance of Building Permits 24. Construction Drawings. Constructionplans shall befully dimensioned includingbuilding elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposedconditions onsite), andpreparedand signedby a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structuralcalculations shall be prepared and signed by a CalifornialicensedArchitect or Engineer. The siteplan, landscape plan anddetails shall be consistent with eachother. BIssuance of building permits 25. HVAC Systems. Airconditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be screened from adjacentstreet view withmaterialscompatible to the mainbuilding. Unitsshall be permanentlyinstalled on concretepadsor other non-movable materials tobe approved bythe Building Officialand Director of Community Development. PL, B Occupancy of any tenant space 26. Addressing. Addresswill be required on all doorsleading to the exterior ofthe building. Addressnumbers/letters shallbe in a contrasting color tothe surface on which they are applied andbe able tobe seen from the street, 4 inchesinheight minimum. B Occupancy of any building and ongoing 27. Temporary Construction Fencing. Temporary constructionfencing shall be installed alongthe perimeter of all work underconstruction. B Through Completion 9 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: 28. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of recordshall be retained to provideobservationservices forall components of the lateraland verticaldesign ofthe building, includingnailing, hold-downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm andstructuralframe of building. A written report shall be submitted totheCity Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. B Scheduling the final frame inspection 29. Green Building Guidelines. TheGreen Building checklistshall be included in the masterplans. The checklist shall detail whatGreen Pointsare beingobtained and where the information is found within the masterplans. (Prior to first permit). Prior to each permit final, the project shall submit a completed checklist withappropriateverification that all GreenPointsrequiredby 7.94ofthe DublinMunicipal Code have been incorporated. B Through Completion 30. Foundation. GeotechnicalEngineer for the soils report shall review and approve the foundationdesign. A lettershall be submitted to the BuildingDivision onthe approval. BPermit issuance 31. Cool Roofs. Flat roofareas shallhavetheirroofingmaterial coated withlightcolored gravel or paintedwithlightcolored or reflective materialdesigned for Cool Roofs. B Through Completion 32. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Show the location of Electric VehicleCharging Stations. Include the numberandlocation ofEV chargingstations on plans. B Through Completion 33. Solar Zone – CA Energy Code. Show the location ofthe SolarZone onthesite plan. Detail the orientation ofthe Solar Zone. This information shallbe shown in the masterplan check. This condition of approvalwill be waived if the projectmeets the exceptionsprovided in the CAEnergy Code. B Through Completion 34. AccessibleParking. Therequired number of parkingstalls, the design andlocation ofthe accessible parking stalls shall be as requiredby the CABuilding Code. B Through Completion 35. Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall provide City with two (2) reduced (1/2 size) copies ofthe City of Dublin Building Plans stamped approved”. B 30 daysafter permit and each revision issuance 36. Electronic File: The applicant/developer shall submit all building drawings and specifications for this project in an electronicformat to the satisfaction of the Chief BuildingOfficial prior to the issuance of building permits. Additionally, all revisions made to the buildingplansduring the project shall be incorporated into an “AsBuilt” electronic fileand submittedprior to the issuance ofthe final occupancy. BIssuance of the final occupancy PLANNING - LANDSCAPE 37. Final landscapeand irrigation system plans. Alllandscape submittals shallinsure: a. That plantmaterial utilized will be capable of healthy growthwithin thegiven range ofsoil andclimate. b. Thatproposedlandscapescreening is of a height and density so that it provides a positivevisual impact within three years from the timeof planting. c. All ground covershall be a minimum of 1 gallon, shrubs shall be a mix of 1 and 5 gallon (at least 50% 5 gallon), andtrees shall be a mix of 15 gallon and24” box size. 36” boxtrees (or larger) shall be installed at key locations. Public street trees shall be24” box. d. That a planfor an automaticirrigationsystem be providedwhich assuresthat all plants get adequatewater. PIssuance of buildingpermit 10 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: e. Thatconcrete curbing is to beusedatthe edges of all planters and paving surfacesunless otherwise designed. f. Thatall cutand fill slopes conform tothe mastervestingtentative map and conditionsdetailed in the Site DevelopmentReview packet. g. Thatall cutandfill slopes gradedand notconstructedby September 1, ofanygiven year, are hydroseededwithperennial or native grasses and flowers, and thatstockpiles ofloose soil existing on that datearehydroseeded in a similarmanner. h. Cut and/or fill slopesexceeding a3:1 gradeshallbe stabilized with jute netting or approved equalto controlerosion. Trees planted on slopesthatexceed a 3:1 grade shall be installed with approvedrock slopeprotectionaboveandbelow the treepit to catchgrade. i. That a warranty from the owners or contractorsshall be required to warranty allshrubsand groundcover, all trees, and the irrigation systemfor one year. A permanentmaintenanceagreement onall landscapingwill be required from the ownerinsuring regular irrigation, fertilization and weed abatement, if applicable. 38. Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The Applicant shallmeet all requirements ofthe City of Dublin's Water-EfficientLandscaping Regulations, Section 8.88ofthe DublinMunicipal Code. PIssuance of the building permit 39. OpenSpace Areas. Private open space areasshall be planted and irrigated to createlandscapethat is attractive, conserves water, and requires minimalmaintenance. PIssuance of the building permit 40. Plant Clearances. All trees planted shall meet thefollowing clearances: a. 6' from the faceof building walls or roof eaves b. 7’ fromfire hydrants, storm drains, sanitarysewers and/orgas lines c. 5' from top of wing of driveways, mailboxes, water, telephone and/or electrical mains d. 15' from stopsigns, street or curb sign returns e. 20' from either sideof a streetlight f. Plantclearances may be modifiedwithapproval from the Community DevelopmentDirector ona case by casebasis. P Approval of Final Landscape Plans 41. Landscaping at Street/Drive AisleIntersections. Landscaping shall notobstruct the sight distance of motorists, pedestriansorbicyclists. Except fortrees, landscaping (and/orlandscape structuressuchas walls) at drive aisle intersections shall notbe tallerthan 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept ata minimum height and fullnessgiving patrolofficers andthe general public surveillance capabilities ofthe area. PL Ongoing 42. Lighting. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a photometric plan to the reasonablesatisfaction ofthe City Engineer, Director of Community Development, the City’s ConsultingLandscapeArchitectand Dublin PoliceServices. The photometric planshallshow lightinglevelswhich takesinto consideration poles, low walls and other obstructions. Exterior lighting shallbe providedwithin the surfaceparkinglot andon the building, and shall beofa design and placement soas not to cause glare onto adjoiningproperties, businesses or to vehicular traffic. Lighting usedafter daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. The parking lot lights shallbe designed to eliminate any pockets of high andlow illuminated areas. Prior to Occupancy, the PL, PW, PO Building Permit Issuance 11 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: Applicant shallrequest an inspection ofthe lighting levels in the structure to determine if lighting is sufficient. If additional lights are required tobe installed to meet the 1.0 foot-candlerequirement, the Applicant shall do so prior to Occupancy. 43. Irrigation SystemWarranty. The applicant shallwarranty the irrigation system and planting for a period of oneyear fromthedateof installation. The applicant shall submit for the Dublin Community Development Department approval a landscapemaintenance plan for the CommonArealandscapeincluding a reasonable estimate of expenses for thefirst five years PFinal sign-off on Sitework Permit 44. Sustainable Landscape Practices. The landscapedesignshall demonstrate compliance withsustainablelandscapepracticesas detailed inthe Bay-FriendlyLandscapeGuidelines by earning a minimum of 60 points or more onthe Bay-Friendly scorecard, meeting 9 of the 9 required practices and specifyingthat 75% of thenon-turf planting only requiresoccasional, little or no shearing or summerwater onceestablished. Finalselection and placement of trees, shrubsand ground coverplants shall ensurecompliancewith this requirement. Herbaceousplants shall be usedalong walks to reducemaintenance and the visibility of the sheared branches of woody ground cover plants. Planters for mediumsized treesshall bea minimum ofsixfeet wide. Small trees or shrubsshall be selected for planting areaslessthansix feet wide. P Approval of Final Landscape Plans 45. Copies of Approved Plans. The Applicant shall provide the City with one full size copy, one reduced (1/2 sized) copy and oneelectronic copy of theapproved landscapeplans prior to construction. PIssuance of any building permit 46. Plan Coordination. Civil ImprovementPlans, JointTrench Plans, Street Lighting Plans and Landscape Improvement Plans shall be submitted on the same sizesheet and plotted atthe same drawing scale for consistency, improvedlegibility and interdisciplinarycoordination. P Approval of Final Landscape Plans 47. Utility Placement and Coordination: Utilitiesshall be coordinated with proposed tree locations to eliminate conflicts between trees and utilities. Submit typicalutilityplans for each housetype to serve as a guide during the preparation offinal grading, planting and utilityplans. Utilities may have to be relocated inorder to provide the required separationbetween the trees and utilities. The applicantshall submit a final tree/utilitycoordination planas part ofthe construction document reviewprocess to demonstrate thatthis condition has been satisfied. P Approval of Final Landscape Plans 48. SouthernParking Lot. Sheets L1.0 andL1.1ofthe Project Plans identifytwo alternatives for the southernparking lot: the installation of photovoltaicarrays or the planting of treesin the parkinglot. One of these twooptions shallbe executedprior tothe occupancy ofthe building. This is notan element that can be deferred until post- occupancy. P Building occupancy FIRE PREVENTION 49. Aerial fire apparatus access roadsshallhave a minimumunobstructed width of 26 feet exclusive of shoulders. At least one ofthe required accessroutesmeetingthis condition shall be located within a minimum of 15feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entireside ofthe building. F Approval of Improvement Plans 50. New Fire Sprinkler System & Monitoring Requirements. In accordancewith The Dublin FireCode, fire sprinklersshall be installed in the building. The systemshall be in accordancewith the NFPA 13, the CA FireCode andCABuildingCode. Plans andspecifications F Permit issuance 12 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: showingdetailed mechanical design, cut sheets, listingsheetsand hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. Thismay be a deferredsubmittal 51. FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORINGSYSTEM (NOT FIRE ALARM SYSTEM). Alarm, supervisory and troublesignalsshall be distinctly different andshall be automatically transmitted to an approved supervising station. One EXTERIORapproved audible device, located onthe exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automaticsprinklersystem. Suchsprinkler water- flow devicesshall be activated bywater flow equivalent to theflowofa singlesprinkler ofthe smallest orifice sizeinstalled inthe system. Visible alarmnotificationappliances shallnot be requiredexcept when required by California FireCode section 907. F Permit issuance 52. FD Building Key Box. Building Access. A Fire Department KeyBox shall be installed at the main entrance tothe Building. Notethese locations onthe plans. The key box should be installedapproximately 5 1/2 feet above grade. Thebox shall be sized to hold the master keyto the facility as well as keys for roomsnotaccessible by the master key. Specialty keys, such as thefire alarm controlbox keyand elevator controlkeysshallalso be installed in the box. F Occupancy of any building 53. Gate Approvals. Fencingandgates that cross pedestrian access and exit paths as well as vehicle entrance and exitroads need to be approved for fire department access and egress as well as exiting provisionswhere such is applicable. Plans needtobe submitted that clearly showthe fencing and gates anddetails of such. This should be clearly incorporated as part ofthe site planwith details provided as necessary. F Details to be shown on building and/or sitework permit; installation to be complete prior to occupancy of any building 54. Addressing. Addressing shall be illuminatedor in an illuminated area. The addresscharacters shall be contrasting to their background. If address is placed on glass, the numbers shall be on the exterior ofthe glass anda contrastingbackgroundplacedbehind the numbers. BuildingAddress. The building shallbe provided with alladdresses or the assignedaddressrange so as tobe clearlyvisible fromeither direction of travel on the street the addressreferences. The address characters shallnotbe less than 5 inches in height by 1-inchstroke. Largersizes may be necessarydepending onthe setbacksand visibility. Multi-Tenants. Where a building has multipletenants, address shallalso be provided near the main entrancedoor of each tenant space. The address shall be highenough on the building to be clearly visible from the driveway, street or parking area it faces even whenvehicles are parked in front ofthe tenant space. The address shall not belessthan 5-inches in heightwith a ½-inchstroke. F Occupancy of any building 55. Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout the project andalong the projectstreetsasrequired by theFire Department and 2010California Fire Code. Allfire hydrants and FDCs shall be noted on the site plan. F Occupancy 56. Driveway Modifications. Accessonto the project site from allpublic streets mayneed minormodifications to meet Fire Departmentaccess requirements. F Approval of Improvement Plans 13 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: 57. FIRE SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION 1. Clearance to combustibles from temporary heatingdevices shall be maintained. Devices shall be fixedin place andprotected from damage, dislodgement or overturning inaccordancewith the manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Smokingshall be prohibited except in approved areas. Signs shall be posted “NO SMOKING” in a conspicuous locationin eachstructure or location in which smoking is prohibited. 3. Combustibledebris, rubbish and waste material shall be removed from buildings atthe end of eachshift of work. Flammable and combustibleliquid storage areas shallbe maintained clear of combustiblevegetationandwastematerials. F Ongoing during construction and demolition DUBLINSAN RAMON SERVICESDISTRICT 58. Complete improvement plansshall be submitted to DSRSDthat conform to the requirements of the Dublin SanRamon Services District Code, the DSRSD “StandardProcedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation ofWaterand Wastewater Facilities”, all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. DSRSD Issuance of any building permit 59. All mainsshall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate future flow demands in addition to each developmentproject's demand. Layout and sizing ofmainsshallbe in conformancewith DSRSD utility masterplanning. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 60. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD’s existing sanitary sewersystem. Pumping of sewage is discouragedand may only be allowedunder extremecircumstances following a caseby casereviewwithDSRSD staff. Anypumpingstation willrequire specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminarydesignreports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to requirepayment of present worth 20 yearmaintenancecosts as well as other conditions within a separate agreementwith the applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 61. Domesticand fire protectionwaterline systems for Commercial Development shall be designed tobe looped or interconnected to avoid deadendsections in accordancewith requirements ofthe DSRSD StandardSpecifications andsound engineering practice. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 62. DSRSD policyrequires public water and sewerlines to be locatedin public streetsratherthanin off-street locations tothe fullestextent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be establishedover the alignment ofeach publicsewer or waterlinein an off-street or private streetlocation to provideaccess for future maintenance and/or replacement. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 63. Locations and widths of all proposedeasementdedications for water andsewerlinesshall be submitted toand approved by DSRSD. DSRSD Issuanceof any grading permit or a site development permit 64. Prior to issuance by theCity of any BuildingPermitor Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all utilityconnection fees includingDSRSD and Zone7, plan checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewaterdischargepermitshall bepaidto DSRSD in accordancewith the rates and schedulesestablished in the DSRSD Code. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 14 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: 65. Prior to issuance by theCity of any BuildingPermitor Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all improvementplansfor DSRSD facilitiesshall besigned by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvementplansshallcontain a signatureblock for the District Engineer indicatingapproval ofthe sanitary sewer or waterfacilitiesshown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicantshall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer’s estimate of construction costsfor the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-yearmaintenancebond, anda comprehensive general liability insurancepolicyin the amountsand forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allowat least 15 working days forfinal improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 66. Nosewerline or waterlineconstruction shall be permittedunless the proper utility constructionpermit has beenissued by DSRSD. A construction permitwill only be issued after all of the items in Condition No. 66 havebeensatisfied. DSRSD Issuanceof any building permit 67. The applicant shallhold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the samefromany litigation, claims, or finesresultingfrom the construction and completion ofthe project. DSRSDOngoing 68. Improvementplans shall includerecycled water improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for landscapeirrigation shall connect to recycled water mains. Applicantmust obtain a copy ofthe DSRSD RecycledWater Use Guidelinesand conform to the requirements therein. DSRSD Issuance of any building permit 69. Above-groundbackflowprevention devices/doubledetectorcheck valves shall be installed on fire protection systemsconnected to the DSRSD watermain. The Applicant shall collaboratewith the Fire Department and DSRSD to size andconfigure thefire system. The Applicant shall minimize the number of backflow prevention devices/double-detector check valve through strategicplacementand landscaping. DSRSD Issuance of any building permit and ongoing 70. Development plans will notbe approved until landscapeplans are submitted for DSRSD reviewandapproval. DSRSDApproval of Final Landscape Plans 71. Grading for construction shall be done withrecycledwater. DSRSDOngoing 72. Temporarypotableirrigationmeters in areaswithrecycled water service shall only be allowed for cross-connection and coveragetesting for a maximum of14 days. DSRSDOngoing 73. The sewer main shown onthe plans is a 10-inchmain with a2% slope tothe main in Dublin Boulevard. Thisappears to be a largermain than is neededand a largerslope than needed. Review and confirm this is the bestapproach. DSRSDApproval of improvement plans 74. The water supplemains shown onthe plansindicate the domestic consumption on Zone 1 and thefire suppression system on Zone 2. Thismeans the firessuppressionsystemwillhaverelatively high pressure due to its elevation in comparison totheZone2 reservoirs. Review and confirmthis is thebest approach. DSRSDApproval of improvement plans 75. The recycled watersupple for landscapeirrigation shows a double detectorcheck on the facilitiesfeeding the irrigationnetwork. The double detectorcheck is probably not needed. Review and confirm this is the bestapproach. DSRSD Approval of improvement plans 15 CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHENREQ’D Prior to: 76. Cityof Dublin and DSRSD shall review the proposed project’s building plans to determine applicable fireflow requirementsand whether additionalinternalpotablewaterstoragemust be provided. DSRSD Issuanceof first building permit PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTEDthis ____day of _____, 2016 bythe following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: CityClerk s • • s • • s • • • o • • • • • • • • sss • • • • • • • I Ma Dam 7282018 8 02 04 PM J 1 l 7 1/ 1/ 1/ 111 411 PN V Q7 .... .co I 1 IIII— Io Z cr 7.. 7 nn".. rn V 0 611012111Y' co — o in CD r- I 0 rn C Or Z 14 Q) Z Z Y. i. n G) t- 48 CD irt ,..,, 1,-; t.,:= 4-,,,. .,,. 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S i,— W 6 r, S.:, 9: 822 . suf; 8c I si.J x i g g i a 7:4 I I i I ' i 0 0 \ I 11 1 IIII 1 ESni I. 16: 1 I; il; L co 24 ,, x fil§ 53 z 0 Z I— 1 ./ ' 7 0 6 2 1 0 1111 I 5ipir. I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII t > m Z z 1. § I 1 rn Emory 1181111 • 111111111111111181111OSSOSSOOO1111111109119118 • 111111111111111 pvoi ski 5. 129_ 1(.... 0,, tin, 34 13.. 0, 02_ 1: 030a C2, 00 G49. . 02 Gadire. Pabb Lopex. 7/ 27/ 2016 6 37 15 PUNCH Ad bleed El( 30. 00 x 42. 00 Ind. 11/. 1 I I I I I l. I j\ 4.1 - • ....!*. s., 1 I,^ m• 2 i 1 1 MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 01F- 1 l - - -, 1... , —._._,_,..;.. ' 1_ _ _ _._. . ... y,_ _.,.. xi5.:- 4 1 f a MA a 4/ 1111W.. ; '' MO a tilli; 1110 a i a a r." 1 . 8 1 I. i 1 ' 1 Ise , A......, " it I t n- a • 3. 4, e8 3 1 v v .., ag ° tO lit- 0 1" 0100 gi\ In '-' 5 - n ' Cr' .... 4,, Da.„! u; s k 2 0 a as gis , u. 0 _: rre, . tt • ' . 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N Q I r 7 c- I i 08 I I < 2^ n • I z I I I g Q I r g 2 I li m 11 f I r 4 l n f i I s s H S I I . HE 03. 04 I s < . IIII o7; 1Zw7OI. rN_ o w w. n. l. r • i ii EA SQl rg S $ w m a$$ l f a s 21 n A R ^ 1 A a s g- V ` p a ii oIq n R R R5i t ` l L yy o Y, i ii i i' o 5.. 5 5 5. 55 xW : 5.= 5 i 5 tts6s Rs4w_ t* D x s g - Q, g tix b v c 1 F. 11 at y Ye"" 6000000' 6' 6' oo o 0 X 2$ > a AP = R y xg" e ' A* $ NN NM ti wwww -~ N; w;; Y ww a ; P z 0988ccoo m$.= 8© I - iI I I I } 1 1 g t sit at ig6 18 1 l I III II V C C C CD 07 L-,-, cu_ 1` Ya zO P19 ' O om 3 n I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4; g z wa W Z I;': , I - I may t p I I I I I I 1 II , v . . , CB . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1512015\ 15129_ O5w_ Duo1n' 411_ EloPeit CD490Rp. 661Mry. 0.' 6, C3. 04 UINy WOI. tra[, 72720116MOOf6URCR u OMod El p0. 012 it 4210Inch 11. 1 I I I I tNATCHI. IN .- SEE C3 03 1 I Go C•i p .. 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D s= 4 ati aaa 5\ 4 n C r - A 0w22 2° Y` N i Y R V cx' eat astgs °: ws aws $ el g 7 4 S F F A g; i, 1 2 ; 1 P„ m PPPw - ti III Yp >~ 4 8 9, tst e• wop a41 1 I i 1 I I I• y7- p 13 o 0 0 00440lt® .' WI I I I III ' I I y ' a' ar ii eb a wsCNis ae N a -' I I 6 a 12 a • 1 I r-- T---, ! o0 1 1 l i in 3 oco 0. I 1 11! 11 -! F'!'. , J 7 lip. f lT1 l' il§ n nrIII'; I 1 4 y0 c cpi,. z 1 y IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ s „ d m ill o J moo` m 1 I I I I I SOSSOSS11118111111111111SOCIOSSIDSOOSSOOSSSOISOOOSOSSO9%150 6. 129- 1( ame aanM_ Deegro COESDRUAO D. I. Y4wp. G 00 See Dee6 Pa Lop, yr66. 43: 49 MARCH h• deed E,( 30. 00 x 42. 0° Yrlae), l 1 1 _ I I I I 1 opg 0 91 rvrI ti 4 Z$ 7 8 p Ec$ A w o y 4 F ; Y OS : e K tig 4 Of R q p " A N8 , 6' to2• j•. I n C I 4wQ f 4 N iii g iti: I '' q i'" Alf ci, sR M. f I 4 ll' x 0 s s3 3,, 0 Tit o• • tI . 4 . i 4> q e e 7 b s s o 6 . ` y • ^ i 11: w j.. i'• gd , ti. 1 =, g I i, s 0. a• o f, ti, pb. r• i,/ l p I— III : a ^, a^ a a w 0• 11, 000 III . g., m o Art N4— St) ball U t SZ o i P 0. 2 9 0 . . c- p-. >. 44! if° ip : k li flE n ; R a R$ I a = a N€. b j 9 Q fP>= 2° R 8c p 04Y, l cn VARI¢ PER a 2q• mN1S 4 T. O 5` ; a€ g iy> n, S Z Cu rtin LP EEEV bi LEN AN VMtS p t 8?• 21; A °> i wZS a d ( 01 YAM) _ { PER PUW Pa 1111 O R9oPm = V: 5. i ! ii 1,. 0 1r8 r, I F< e 9 ix g — j_ S Ana f . N i G14i+' 1' ' Ij$ I ,. 0.R. I psi a F 1_ " R s sas q x a .• ` bg rb " ` tom, t 8A R0. Q\ F 0 F 11- iiii RSAs e 4 O M 100410P 2" 7t-. A 88 b my d07. i! i PM141 NI I. 6p, , g . r, i E 9 5Q Q H n .. ii Or= 111 ` 7 cp, z.. oibn$ kR R z^ c> Y d'"$ TII k Se x 1111 — ` fr t 2 4 li ` ITI A i 1' 1j N Cl"-- In -- 84 5 // 8 884 Bi _ I 9 III— 4' v o 45 a (- 1 9 _ 1 1 ° Q Vo, 3 s It ' 1, 98 III 1 ,. IX'/% <. aar R I — 4 0 ° p 3e F. ,• Aoi,'. II 3 a Bat OP R tZ/ is 3 r o o w 27, s W '! t t' V I ngA g 10,, kisMs‘ 3R14 1- 1 C ens j y• ,, : 1 53 i ti 4! 4ir i_ SG fd w cNcc 0 0 i r __ _ _. ,. 0 8 o25 II iQJ r L tttf: m n cn ; c - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , If A z m I,. I ni' O y 3 o i m 00 • • • • © 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P62016616129 Knuar_ D, dnO4_ DeapAO2 CC' SDR U. 00 OMWIAWp, GA1 SNOW& Pablo lope,/ 2720166 44: 13 MI ARCH All OIe. tl El I30X0 K42 0011Achesj. 1 1 I I I I. O R o a K IN lb a a' g A' X44 n s sX Ya L t. es uax _ P r D c $ T. Sx b YY yy 3 1 m ua ; tA•', b 3 y: ' t Yin r 0 No F7 p. SIDEWALK Ica _ i I E jmg y I m t> I Ii i q IF CROSSWALK IF PROVIDED av pJt. i " X tix II m g I 1 ± 4 p p I 4xM 4 1 T. SX RIO - T iX a" I. SX Nu 1 - o ` J- 1. 5% x 1l 111K/, 1 YPR .. ff L x a. Se a I,IiILWW X D p tiC m I= nm. fr T5 3..... ` aR P PLANTINGAREA CRO65NALK If PROVIDED I 1 e Yin — aim Y° K t. sr% i 1 IN 2 i ^ 9R_ g Ap sX Ud ` o m w r - I u q I€ E a« NI iI±;:: D T. SXY x ! i v. r Y` sx• TAT m Cm" 5 ago' Y f' liaa ut la i g. V ; f gi VW; 0 R a a ii?' lii . g 9a° ao . , Zia" oa° peI.. a In X s'' io8 gab . Rya g gxog' .„ $^ -° $ 38 w 2a ` Agl R$ m oy o o v g (• b i' o = G gl5AP 5 . 1 il% 20 oI • 1" 1ii Vii"!°AI p 1 1. 0 n of W 1 ! $ 3 0' = R. o 9. 7" 30- $ o °--° o' 1° . S oo.. ` 42 oo Z of a, 6_ f 4, 0 ; PI ° er•. id - ! , o °' 4 n• :. z n g n ° 0 2 qa> -. eg R q . s 10 dS -; Ri ' ao oal " o ai 1 I:: W 0 3 , ° o o O S 4>? P- 8 0•= p:' S gg Y, oo" o " o 1; 83• > _ t i a& 3 I. Ya - !,.`.: ii 4,A a$ ^ g3 ga - a €— . s z F Aa o it ! r o Q °. g S 3; 9 • a- - 7° - o3 ,, aoo e a Fti"\ t' • 4At 1 . F z n z W is.' hp $ o -. n ' ea 1,,„ ci R x o III g ao . ; S s; s. pg flc cn n N ns 3 Til a 3 ; = a rasa R Fir! a $ o ^ oa s. 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F 1.• - NA xi IN 1 gI 8 10., 5. 57 _ o ' E y I s, r r s I1 m tin 8. 2724 o rn 0 1 A Y 800 l I O 0 is,< rn I l 1 c n 0 8x : I 9 o . 0( y` ,. E U ED 1 G 1{ E G g' V Y fA 1 2& 8 10. 89 45 1 v a IV C/.{) C) O Oo 1 $ O 101+ 1 n N + J IS I P, 7 1/ i 1 c z 1 tT1 E O c w I 1 I g o I og o I L,. tJ l 4 x 0 nCi7 I s,,. > s 23 zi P: 1 1 0: 1E rrrr/ a OR I 1 Ci7 H it t 1 s i IIlg vii v g > G s x g g s 44 co N 0Zm -"" 0 ' III x a a S oznz AO 8 WM flit O o o Wm Illit c ro z o g I 4: b w g C mn II; 7 y I s z A c V z p m 1 1 1 sssssssssssssssssss ssssvosssssssssssssssssss RID* 10/ 12/ 20159 25 38 AM Mho! I I Iy D1m aA m s Fi m A Ilk 0Q9yy 51 NS > m r• y A o n2 Z 1 i- AO 0 g z co KEEGAN STREET L —. 1 .. O D 0 x0_ ao 1 i 4, , I r . i l r m isi 2 i CD 4 E1 ig ..- at. ) a Ij / C ' 7 9 Z- I+ A r w YI Q LOCKHART STREET IFH s 6 4 E 4 a 8f z T F o c u m m y rn6 O I. o R 91 o x A cAi O m r9 p n o V S Z L Z wA i I 0 i a. _ A 3 cco O O PF ioaaT C= 00 o 0 p v+ m y ' E c zczc O Illllllllilllllill 0 z X CO Z C I I X) m I. i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • • P910189 10112/ 20159 25 95 AM / aim 00 r - - pm rj 1 f A pTpS , A z 0 2/ mZA 718 x8 Lf, u o y zI1 z Eco p r KEEGAN STREET 1 . . . 44 . r—"-- e r' 0 5a o D zp 0 W i na .. Nm 2/yyy n• w t,' O 1. Tax 0 vT k . 4- Z wk. b 14., m*' n ., 1' k jfl rz,„, Z o p c m e LOCKHART STREET l I . 1 mm 9 FX 1 f apn'' O O yA D OD N A SB a PI 19 g Au 7 i- 8 lk, S a CA a 9 S Omm O I 1 QQ 3 I 93N g D W Dco e,- E,- 701 NC3 Z O FRA G7 CO o 0 p N al r_ y y CO . go 1 2 z W z 00 z C_, IIIIHIIIlItIII I o a D/ A I I I 73 f` f 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pd as 10/ 12/ 2016925 as AM arm I 1 1 r m n m In QCg n D n j z5z i• 0 D f/ 7 k C f1 m D k Ji ' O 1) S m g QJ J G. ' F I 3 L t r r L . . 5 y I mayy 7 r 4. ss ! yA F A 1 ' J g v O R I. F II I.. 3,* 4 FR pi- 1 Y r.); ,7, i v i D or AAC D Z r 22223 1 3 El, acc ,,,,` n2 m r 4 I i Z L fg m g Pi A 4 Z h 1 x f f 1::? ja x Z r r N e,. In. A I N Ale,: i,—. — y i Iii r 0 co i m . Or' ' 1 iii I a 9 1aEi' S CC o co Z O FFF 8 ' = I CO O W D VI T/ 73 o < C zcDoro G7 Q 8 - vnWnzall) g Doz N I I 77 a ssIs . s • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • a • • • s . Os . ss • • • • . • PYl Deb. 10/ 12120159' 25 38 MA Maw I — I 1 I Z II t 1m Z iZ n . h ` I c IX Nm k i: i' , t m z T t;.;,.. Z I lis. 0, _ , ,.. ...: ,,' s- J a Z x I I - t; Ai 1y. I f: z I IIL cf. i101 1 A t. r - 04 To I g all K r' v 1 lz r c 5,. I s`. y'...,. .. 4 . . . r': Ili 04 , :: - 15 1. INN, 1 t. 2' it 5 SAL Y r ---_ 4.;: k11101,,, r It a F N Y t 1 4l t ` ti I , 1. [ . 14'. , Z' gff e.. Ii kL& r f fir1 0E 1n Z s x PP• L____ L. r Ili' am , m rte•! ` 1 • iia 4: 4.,' Li 1. 1 _ IL i 1 - '<: . ... L m i lfftlli III rt sr; id& 11 L; 9 E' 111 3 c pppppp 1 o cn^ cs IEl' i8T = I is M a, cn A r c S IIIIIIIIIII6 p n 70 Aoo nD N $ z° may 00 ° m O 1 1 m m FM DM 10/ 12/ 2015 9 25 38 AM MYm I 1 or:, 7,,) D k J O r ki. o p X t c:114f ' r 4 M x k 0 S+ j t 1. Z fii Nor .,; 244:':.' •- • 1 , , , p, . di? z l • • i * 11. U1 •-"' 0 0 7a. . 1„. 5,..•, rt,, t. • Ill r I 4. • y it Ft .; 1 a¢ .. i, is Ls;) 4*. . •, Ilk R Vii' di/ h z x 3 S. i 111 Y . 1 . 1. • .• 1 ill 1 4,, A N. irsif 0, 4. 1!''';-.' 4. ' " .: :'., ,, ,, Z; r I I r. y t ttit. by 1 y i ft : fry. , gip• !, ` r: y._ f'.' O^• f iii 11111 I t, C % N i t rn II+ T Y . . rf f r 1 i f r opt I A r f t • t 40 e 741rs' :. f r No 1 I. f 40. 1_ a cn J i r5&.. 13 8 T S C o h1 r.. O J FFF a_ 1E 0, co ° o to U: J 12 s o z C D o mrn Qy III I S A CC D nZ r o s,-,, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 70 4.. co D cn Z ma. M I I 73 I IIIIIIIIImillw 0s MU,, 101128015 9 25 38 AM Alta I C—) rZ 0 riti1101111111111. D i r n cnm O a z 5*,: w L.. fi• 44.‘,..,. 1,': O 1 . x`' 1, 1 i lj LIMIT CFN' ORK .' L .- (+ Y.. 1 4 ~ f 4 7. L ra: 1 i F- tea c 3 03 i pt 2-' _ oZ Op o m Z CO , ct 7i I_ i c c-) r— z- y D Co m C- p III o l l lll l ill I I v• 1 I l r y\/ i ° I i m aN N• Fa Drt• 101120015 0 25 38 PM Mho, I I Ex) co ci C • a m1c13 L. 1 , II a r+. C W., 0 . , _, Aderr 14* 1 tiodiply„, i I 4 tl3 Si 1; A Yjti ti I ... p c7 um r lT 1' S rte. P m i qi r m 2 cil / 11Y,'` t ` II:!• .{% .:. .. 0 HA In p C' Z T N'+ 2'' 88 y C y' 8s a y Tw mQ 6 < m4 av A 0 m _. \/ lJ Z CO N / A W m nD D0 2 f m D CO m C7 I I• ( t , m i O t D n 1 O 1.- t, 71111T, 0 D f i m n tf - W 13 ttL N. ow t y m mn 8O DG> O¢ T x. A N llo r A priP VTQ. r T N I C` b A pO I Q y V y Z N ti D if , ' Vii° 1 C Ir: 1: I ( ( (( ( ( ( 011 ,,, 9.-- C ( ( ( ( ( t ri 4 1 x its.. ., I t a 71 f 1N D N n• S N f i0 T y 1 T IA Ai m ey > ypS2 f OM illpoll C y f2`' Z9 Li S) y AW* T y)% FZAZO> A DNCn DSO m; r2 mZyDNN, Py x4 < D< r n( 1, u G12 m GG jAZ Q j S 2p mTUAA; Tr ZTFy Oy Om ` ZO Q VA ]. I 2RIny D O TD 95 n Ai. J 5m o o f1 z u% DmA f A ak T N $ T bi "' 2 8 D AO Y m mDi Z p n p W b O I j'' ; 81 C' Q F IF Jop ^ i7 co 0 Q co z 7) m 61 g z Z z 73 1r O 4 yZmz 13 z C - IIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIR 4. CO > D I CU co oz r^ m 0 s • • • • • • • s • • ss • • ss • • s • • • • • s • • • • • • s • Rd Oath 10/ 12/ 20159 25 38 AM Author I I I 1 I I 7 II 1 iik _" :..: [ ; t - r- r- c in KEEGAN STRET n I , ; i , it ( 11- 1 (_ iT( 1 11TT 1 __; li' as` ru. z i?; ' g pT' o< S. 1111111 6 tL- z 6._> C m- j a y 2 i a S.•:., n'. 7!% t...- iIJ - ... a. a i i I s.\ _ a" . 0` Vs` . M 4 1 0 a i I 4 tl I 1 4 Z 3 1 . ....: __... 1.,__ T i_ 7 i vim II• a a a z n i C k L i I''' . 11 ommD .. ‘ : I1 , ' , . . 1I 2 . A ., ti i t - _ 1 _ 4 rt.• A• LOCKHEART STRET i - Z Z 1 1' yy 1 - ""' ......;: m.' ce! C.. 1::... ........, I yC e I I I I I 1 111 I I I I I 1 I I 1 ' rte\\\\\., a \,,,,, \„ x.„ \\\\„,„ a\„,. t 5 I.• ~ j r-'• I 1T- r ', 2 A w # , z \..., ' t4 ii1 a 111 5 111111 i 1 f r I a 9I9 41I 5j pn' aN (- mO riit; tri mgiCZ > S V K. A DCm D 2 g c r ; aN'< J ZC X f. x 413 nr rhh Aa'+ v• nv y vm z A 2 41 C y T ZS y Z Y c 4j: 13 > CtC7l 6i AD T;< in as NNNDTIff a m 9 ilk\*' 111°: sm vr c c tnPHP 5sm DUD TmrF r m1 vm m mZ mxzm zg A m > 560-( 5. m m'^ a- 3m 4 u) mm: a yrn2 p. cmVr' z 8 a ccV15 mtai41 ty5 < F LSm 5 m me c e I N° < A m y T 7^ m 171 6 l\\ U U U rrr r r r r r tktkt° ki wv. amam w na 4. 1ngn4i "; it,. 88888 888822 8 yN28888 8 8088888m 8 888882 a% WQ 444• 9 o. J• • i , u w Q k k 4 0 LAdc L J iN h• J4nj r.= b 4-' HLi 4 H C1 ' 4, 7';-' 414, 1 GGGnG 6 z r r r r rrr m-; rrr ; AViVi ' iVi° fig ' i ? 8283? 28 ?????? ilzzg 824?$ i ; g m m m m Cl) E J '' 4 In lUEPa 0 N D i F 2 o Z00CC s czi yp s 9 o DCnz CF IIIIIIIIIIHIHHI zmn - OD o z O m I I I x m Mt k 119 • 1199999999999999 • 911091100911119911999999999999 FictCa. low/ 7015 9 25 38 NA Pads I I I I I RV2pO N G I 9 m D C 4 g I 19 ill 1 , . 0 I 4 i T S Y i n N p- 4 Z J 1 . 1..": 11-. 1 2T, KEEGAN STRET L r r m c 4 11 cn II 0 m i ., c„,)..,( 72., c yl D m/ I i C O1 4 17:* il H' . : _ rio ; I:" i / WI 4 i 0;4 \03 \ l LI : L: EE- zo z I C-- 4. C m I I_ _ _ _ .. . .. III, iik,,,'-- ' k , s f1 ;__ . r — .-- ... e.- 71 j_.- . i « a a. r . 111,..._ . 1., ., IIL_, _: i111: 1 o` LOCKHEART STRET P j. Y Y r V T J I i r, I 1 I I 1 N N IA. i• -:- g L- S p Z o a m g Og Ps; g o n D N H D yD CnJ44> n m V n D> m LODb p•; T ; 1. 1F46 ; 8 z R a+ tt>55 p^ K• A L 11A!, 11. g 0 4 , 5.•, m1 m i Z 0. ill 0 411(.: ) y a y > s m m Q w 4U o W N N M 5y m Z ? 3 D y s g 8 444QUvi HIlilii$M So f' 3 co t s ee fa° 9 F Q 79Q S OZ X71 e ) C 2 . › co z C C y lI IHIIl r Z co. 2 y g , Q I m rn < a o a' ° m X I Zr mwmommwe Pd Ow. 10112/ 2016 9 25 38 AM Author I 1 r R D H t : I1; v o y m N i J r I D f A DZ 1 t 4 1 L3 I li 9 Ox) f 1 5-• 1-. z m KEEGAN STRET jLj = 41 O- 4( 0 _ y 11( V,, 40.., 7.- tf) I 1 i 11__... :.:,,_ -. 7:: ._._.- : 1_ 1 4::._.., . 1, ri• 01• 0 A ir 2 D •- y 4- gt LI._ ,. ti ________...,,:..., i,,,,, 4. „. 1, 4, L. m i i . i '', L ... I. OPP 7:-. ' ''''• 1 1. ‘. tr) LOCKHEART STRET f l . ' La ; ' , i I 1 11 ' 1' - --.- - ... . ---/ I 1----\ 1/ N ' 1 , r r , - rti r i L_ Q5 I A l Vhf g 3S n Z 7 x V D Y Etppn,, yyT,y,yFnnSA O a gg C Z S 3 0 A T r 1 pg> xZy > z m A N A s l; Dfn u a ; d r. eQoGln ova o Q' ADmgImgm y-. 9 Q m r," 7e_& om1 ri il ; 5 ; ii' ll' 1)(-..\) DN D D>> H Y y m m 7 K D r<77 R y > R¢ b u y n aaao g Q y ii, ro' s co rn m g co y g co . 0 c, y ' m A cW o s nZ I A W I y o I co < m D o oz m 7) ._-_ s s . © © . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j PH Oda 10' 1212015 9 25 38 AM htiv -. I• 1), vi, a '' s ,'' 4, , ,-.. crs s. 1*. '' A C3 .,' i l CD Q 17. 3 r s 3 CD o N co r a 3 ,.„,,, t, . A' ...,.... 4.. r:,,.; ... ( D 174., 1._ '- mot Tr' d . X m r R t I I i 4 . '...?,'-..,,,,,-, . ii„, 1!- I I i 1 , Isper_ ramil o J R f" r--'; i . ,, s r I 41L. n L 6Y r I r — ;, 12 q- ! Jr ' NrY-- r' y N S 0) 1 2o u I• • OP CD U y _d N A d N 4 I I. N t N e. . 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X r O rn < I co (. 3 zi I I I sssssssssss sssssssss ssssoosssssssssssss • ssss PH Pi. 10/ 12/ 2015 9 25 38 AM Atha I -. II y 4. 1 y m f % - Q co O I A n y O Ofr r 1 ( L101). a \ e r m N , / r L y V A r 1y'" N W m en E \ Ne..., it it .''---• / • 1 i R o i iC o z 1.- t ua D 11 m 4, .) t. " ' 6,-•,," 4N4 s‘ S. y 1 r-- 1- I 3 c r 1, • S S, ) c t h G'"• am. a m 1. t. 4 a tom, _ o a y b1. k a t I _ , 0 .`` 4. d \ m DI m T `' l' a;'.? c i m r T S• y/ c / ice' d r' li ^ 9• f it • 1r' .. T. ° ' m V 11 0 ' i/• r. Lb v 1 w t. ,, • . ' fir'' O 1 1• I,'" I r 0. 4. 4 4 is " n 1 y Jsy cn 0/ • a , ' 9 v 4 / s it' St r - r 1r " f i O T m 7 0, y 4 a' a• I a N i w•. at.. N a" 7. OD tt if m I I , ' o ice. 0/` M • . "''- i i 1.•. it t r . a P II lVil 1 CCA F paw f is g = 0ND 4 Ind D' Q Q ), Z C o Z erg§ A C12 o c> o Ati) I CI3 9 9 D z m nco CO Z I— y 111111IIIIIIIIIIII poo7, D ill z N I I I 73 T. C ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pa Dot. 10„ 2/ 2015 9 25 38 AM Author I i 1 I 4 y 11 t. Sy i 1 t r 1/41 i I 1 r., VA; x r , i p” IA, f ' •_ Y n: r. cam. X. IF •-- e ,. ` •' 1 41: a;, yr . I ti` 1 t v : . y 1 mss' Y l,. q . i 1 it tar^ yr • a S .. •• , vi*• ', t r { i); ,,•-,-... i.•'' It 447'.., w . 3 w. I,, , i ,. TS v. . . t t 7 3 gin.. \ liVg. 1 A. I a 1 'I i Li. w kb il B. a Pf11 1 A Ai iz ci; 1 V. r i 1 • 11. 1.:, 1"‘ 1 11 . 1 1 v . 9 H r. &:, g „ I I 1 M tit m ! T _ coz co m C0 ° s x g ., o, o n° c ^ co r y I III11 111 r PO ga3X>OD 0 Z o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • v., Ow 7 2812011 439 39 PM adla I I I I 1 O g'q co I — 1 N 1 ft h) 4 4, , vfi F It II fi ` f II 1 I I la, H ii I y, ii'; 11 1 , 1 I II L_ 7- II 11 II 11 II- 1t 11 II 11 11 11 I I iS' a""'- I , i. i I I - 1z f I I I I . I C O I III I I 111 L, i I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 r-'" 1"- jr, 1 110:, I I 1 l I I V 1 4 1 4 1 i 1• 1 11 ISv ' I I p 11 I I C I 1 to I t I j 4 , 1 T _ 7. . I I t 16 1- I I 1 II I 1 I f I 11 T ` nt. 11 III j I I WW ± L I I t 111 1 1 1 k I t 1 1 1. 1,,-;, - o . t. 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