HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 16-17 Rec CC Kaiser GPA/EDSPA RESOLUTION NO. 16-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TO THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the "Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project" or the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the project site is amended from "Campus Office" to "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" in accordance with the Exhibit within the Resolution. In addition, other provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are amended to ensure consistency with the new land use designations for the Project site; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared, and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Project which reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was circulated for 45 days for public comment in February and March 2016, and WHEREAS, comments received on the Draft EIR were reviewed and responded to, and the Final EIR (that contains the Response to Comments) dated August 9, 2016 was prepared; and WHEREAS, consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan Amendment. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352 3, and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated August 23, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the General Plan Amendments, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned Development Rezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, for the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, on August 23, 2016 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the Final EIR, all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony to evaluate the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Resolution attached as Exhibit A approving amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan based on findings, as set forth in Exhibit A, that the amendments are in the public interest, promotes general health, safety and welfare, and that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as so amended, will remain internally consistent. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August 2016 by the following vote: AYES: Do, Kohli, Goel, Bhuthimethee NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mitten Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Assista t iQjy unity Development Director RESOLUTION NO. xx-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TO THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure. and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the "Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project" or the "Project", and WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the project site is amended from "Campus Office" to "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" in accordance with the exhibit within the resolution. In addition, other provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are amended to ensure consistency with the new land use designations for the project site; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Project which reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project, and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was circulated for 45 days for public comment in February and March 2016, and WHEREAS, comments received on the Draft EIR were reviewed and responded to, and the Final EIR (that contains the Response to Comments) dated August 9, 2016 was prepared; and WHEREAS, consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan Amendment None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352 3, and 1 EXHIIH I A 10 ATTACHMENT 4 WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution xx-xx recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for the project, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution xx-xx recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the General Plan Amendments, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned Development Rezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, for the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, on , at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, on , the City Council adopted Resolution xx-xx certifying the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project EIR and adopting CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Final EIR and all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony to evaluate the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, as set forth below, are in the public interest, will promote general health, safety and welfare, and that the General Plan as amended will remain internally consistent. The proposed project is consistent with the guiding and implementing policies of the General Plan in each of the Elements and will allow for development of a medical campus and associated commercial development in an area that has long been planned for campus-style uses and ancillary commercial uses. The development of the project is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan Land Use Element, Public Lands and Utilities Element, Circulation and Scenic Highways Element, Community Design and Sustainability Element, and the Economic Development Element. The General Plan amendments noted below will ensure that the implementation of the proposed project is in compliance with the General Plan and that each Element within the General Plan is internally consistent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the General Plan: 2 Figure 1-1 (Land Use exhibit) shall be amended with new designations for the project site as noted below: /Medical Campus/ Commercial ' ALL( SHOP Section (Commercial Industrial land use categories) shall be amended to add the following two new land use categories and descriptions: Medical Campus(FAR:.25 to.80);Employee density:260 square feet per employee This designation is intended to provide an attractive,campus-like setting for medical offices, hospitals, and other non-retail commercial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions, noise, odors, or glare. Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty care services, professional and administrative offices, hospital/medical centers (including full service hospitals/medical centers with 24 hour operations, and related central utility plant), skilled nursing, assisted living, licensed care, and associated parking structures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in the FAR calculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25 to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community-serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales,and eating and drinking establishments. Table 2.2 (Land Use Development Potential: Eastern Extended Planning Area) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial"heading. The acreage for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (approximately 58 acres) will be removed from the 3 "Campus Office" category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories with the appropriate acreage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan: Figure 4.1 (Land Use Map) shall be amended with a new designation for the project site as shown below: 1 y a �_— :1, x ar .-'-� .._..,.._. .._.._f.. ' ! I i 1 Medical ,, _5 i Campus / Medical '• � 1 Commercial Campus i -;F i z Au( I : j - 1 ;, a .k, . Table 4.1 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial" heading. The acreage for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (approximately 58 acres) will be removed from the "Campus Office" category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories with the appropriate acreage. Table 4.2 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial" heading. The development potential for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (1.2 million square feet in total) will be removed from the "Campus Office" category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories with the estimated employee number and estimated number of jobs. Table 4.4 (Tassajara Gateway Subarea Development Potential) and Table 4.7 (Fallon Gateway Subarea Development Potential) shall be amended to add two new land use categories. The acreage, density, and development potential for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (1.2 million square feet in total) will be removed from the "Campus Office"category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories in each respective table. 4 Section 4.8.2 (Commercial land use categories) shall be amended to add the following two new land use categories and descriptions: Medical Campus (FAR: .25 to .80); Employee density: 260 square feet per employee This designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus-like setting for medical offices, hospitals, and other non-retail commercial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions, noise, odors, or glare. Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty care services, professional and administrative offices, hospital/medical centers (including full service hospitals/medical centers with 24 hour operations, and related central utility plant), skilled nursing, assisted living, licensed care, and associated parking structures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in the FAR calculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25 to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community-serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales, and eating and drinking establishments. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of , 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 5