HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 PCSR Kaiser Dublin Med Ctr OF DU��ti fiNet � STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 23, 2016 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Kaiser Dublin Medical Center (PLPA- 2016-00007) Report prepared by Kristi Bascom, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Planning Commission will consider and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review Permit for the first phase of development (a 220,000 square foot medical office building). Certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and approval of a project-specific Development Agreement is also being considered. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt the following Resolutions: a) Recommending City Council certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report and Adoption of Environmental Findings under CEQA for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project; b) Recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project; c) Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map and approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole project site and a Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A; COPIES TO: Applicant File ITEM #: 5.1 Page 1 of 11 d) Recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project; and e) Recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project. Submitted By: Reviewed By: . )?- Submitted by Reviewed by Consulting Planner Assistant Community Development Director Page 2 of 11 DESCRIPTION Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. has submitted an application to build a medical campus and associated commercial center on approximately 58 acres of land south of Dublin Boulevard between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. The property currently has a General Plan land use designation of Campus Office, which allows for the development of a "campus-like setting for office and other non-retail commercial uses." Typical uses include professional and administrative offices (including medical), research and development, business and commercial services, and limited light manufacturing. The project site is shown in the Vicinity Map below: Figure 1: Project Vicinity k • ,�. , '4,F. -,.,,..,..5.4-1 f �-: 10 . W .' d�`. ;"r 1. Future Dublin ,) . .IC „h: Ranch Subarea 3 . Dublin Ranch Villages The i t Groves ligiV.: x. 4,1 / : i. ,ti . `" • L1 i D t'� Dublin Bled. x' 1 . Grafton • '¢ Future w -1Lir'2._ ,- a - ,„: - 44. :-Z;IL 1, ii.. i . 1 -• P-'-' Station 7 3f Grafton Fallon a Plaza Gateway Project secs 4 ��/ Site i `. t 1, : .._ Interstate 540 � � r1 1 0' - irr . " 1!_ Kaiser Foundation Health Plan acquired the property several years ago with the intent of eventually constructing a medical campus to serve the greater Tri-Valley area. If approved, the project will be developed in three phases over the course of up to 25 years, consisting of approximately 1.2 million square feet of medical campus and commercial uses on the project site, as follows: Page 3 of 11 Building/Use Size Building Estimated (in square Size Construction feet) Phase 1A "The Hub" medical office building 220,000 3 stories 2016-2020 with advanced facilities including an < 60 feet tall urgent care clinic, medical office space, and a radiation/oncology center Phase 1B Commercial uses including retail, 250,000 Up to 4 2016-2020 office, ancillary health-related stories facilities, and business park 60 feet tall Phase 2 High-Acuity Medical Services 400,000 5 stories 2025-2035 building (possibly a hospital) 85 feet tall Phase 2 Energy Center 50,000 2 stories 2025-2035 40 feet tall Phase 3 Medical Office Building 2 280,000 6 stories 2035-2040 90 feet tall Phase 3 Parking Structure 6 stories 2035-2040 < 70 feet tall Total Project 1,200,000 The site plan (at full build out) is included as Attachment 1 to this Staff Report. Planning Commission Study Session On May 10, 2016, a Study Session was held with the Planning Commission (Attachment 2) to receive a report on the project status and provide feedback on the project design. The meeting minutes are included as Attachment 3 to this Staff Report. ANALYSIS Project Applications Kaiser has applied for the following land use entitlements: 1. General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment. 2. Planned Development Rezone (with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole site and Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A). 3. Site Development Review Permit for the Phase 1A Medical Office Building and related site improvements. 4. Certification of an Environmental Impact Report. + When the future phases of the project are ready to move forward, Planning applications at that time will include: 1 . Planned Development Rezoning (with a related Stage 2 Development Plan) and Site Development Review for each future development phase: Page 4 of 11 - - - - - - _ -- a. Phase 1B — Commercial Center b. Phase 2 — High Acuity Medical Center and Energy Center c. Phase 3 — Medical Office Building and parking garage 2. Conditional Use Permit(s) to establish any use that is required by the Planned Development Zoning District to have one. 3. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the property, dedicate right of way, and formalize easements. General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment In order to accommodate the project as proposed, two new land use categories are proposed to be created for inclusion in both the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The existing land use designation is Campus Office, which allows a variety of office uses (including medical), but which does not explicitly identify the proposed medical-related uses to the extent desired by Kaiser. Therefore, two new land use categories are proposed: "Medical Campus", which applies to the Kaiser Medical Center portion of the site, and "Medical Campus/Commercial", which applies to the commercially-designated portion of the site. The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use exhibit is included in Attachment 4. The proposed description for the Medical Campus land use category identifies the range of outpatient, primary and specialty care services that Kaiser intends to provide at the future medical center (Phases 1A, 2, and 3). The proposed description for the Medical Campus/Commercial land use category identifies the range of commercial uses that are expected for the commercial parcel (Phase 1B) including retail, office, hotel, and restaurants. The language for both land use categories is provided in Attachment 4 to the Staff Report. Planned Development Rezoning The Planned Development Rezoning for the property will establish the detailed Development Plan (site plan) for the site, the specific uses that are permitted by right, conditionally permitted, and prohibited, the overall development density and intensity (e.g. FAR, building heights) for the site, and design guidelines for the future medical center and commercial buildings. Kaiser is proposing that the Planned Development Zoning District allow hospitals as a permitted use, whereas citywide, hospitals are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. The Planned Development Zoning District contains development standards to address issues typically addressed through a Conditional Use Permit that are related to hospitals such as noise and compatibility with surrounding uses. If approved, the Planned Development Zoning District will have a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire 58-acre project area and a Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A. The Planned Development Zoning District recognizes the phased Page 5 of 11 development of the Kaiser project and includes a Stage 1 Development Plan for Phase 1A only, Phases 1A and 2 combined, and the full campus with Phases 1A, 2, and 3 completed, which is the final buildout condition. The details of the Planned Development Zoning District are provided in Exhibit A to Attachment 5 to the Staff Report. Phase 1A Site Development Review The first phase of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center is the 220,000 square foot medical office building. This facility — referred to as "The Hub" — will contain advanced medical facilities, urgent care clinics, medical office spaces, and a connected radiation/oncology center, along with surface parking for nearly 1,000 vehicles and associated site improvements. The detailed Project Plans for Phase 1A are included as Exhibit A to Attachment 6. Additional details on the key project components are provided below. Site Plan The site plan for Phase 1A includes the construction of the two main entry driveways into the project site that align with Keegan Street and Lockhart Street, the 220,000 square foot medical office building, the associated parking field, perimeter landscaping along the length of Dublin Boulevard and the medical campus portion of Interstate 580, photovoltaic panels in the southern parking lot, and landscaping throughout the middle portion of the site. Sheet A1.1 of the Project Plans (Exhibit A to Attachment 6) identifies the physical limits of Phase 1A and those improvements that will be installed with the first building in the medical campus. Access, Circulation, and Parking Vehicular access to the medical office building will be provided by both the Keegan and Lockhart Street entry driveways. Parking lots exist on both the north and south sides of the building, the patient drop-off point is on the north side of the building, the shuttle drop off is on the north side of the building, and the loading dock/service area is on the west side. There are clear, accessible pedestrian pathways from every parking area, the bus stop on Dublin Boulevard, and from the public sidewalk to all building entry points. Sheet A1.4 of the Project Plans (Exhibit A to Attachment 6) illustrates the pedestrian pathways through and around the project site. The Phase 1A site plan identifies 978 parking spaces for the medical office building, including 100 accessible spaces, 50 spaces for fuel-efficient vehicles, and 29 spaces for car/vanpools. The remainder of the parking stalls are regular and compact sizes as well as motorcycle parking. All of the parking sizes and other requirements are in conformance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance requires a total of 880 parking spaces for a 220,000 square foot health clinic/medical office building (1 space per 250 square feet), so the project has 98 more vehicular spaces than is required. The project also provides 28 long-term and 28 short term bicycle parking spaces in both lockers and racks. The southern parking field is expected to be covered with photovoltaics that will provide shade for parked cars, but included in the Project Plans is an alternate plan that includes the tree planting plan in the event that the photovoltaics are not feasible. Either the photovoltaics or the trees will be required to Page 6 of 11 be installed prior to occupancy of the building (Condition of Approval #49 noted in Exhibit A to Attachment 6) Building Design/Architecture Kaiser Permanente has opened a number of new medical office buildings and hospitals in the Bay Area in recent years. With each new facility, lessons are learned and design techniques are improved. The design concept for the Dublin medical campus is to incorporate materials, features, and an architectural statement that is compatible with the other buildings in the vicinity while allowing for creative and imaginative design that will provide amenities beyond those expected in conventional developments. The building is primarily oriented along an east-west axis with the medical offices and urgent care at the western-most portion of the building and the cancer center on the eastern side. The building is four stories and stands 58'6" tall to the peak of the roof parapet. The building (and the rest of the future campus) has a contemporary aesthetic with the main building materials being an aluminum and glass curtain wall system blended with concrete panels in white and grey, accent metal panels with a horizontal wood effect, corrugated metal panels for the roof screen, and perforated silver/grey panels on the south side of the building serving as sunshades. Sheet A3.1 of the Project Plans demonstrates the exterior material palette, and Sheet A7.1 illustrates the location of the various colors and materials on the building elevations. Sustainability Kaiser serves a key role in developing nationally recognized health-based green building strategies for the health care sector, and they intend to incorporate Kaiser's leading sustainable building standards and green initiatives into the Dublin Medical Center Project. As part of its commitment to green building, Kaiser will pursue LEED Gold certification or equivalent for the buildings that it develops on the Project Site. To attain this goal, Kaiser anticipates implementing many of the following less-typical green strategies: • PVC-free materials (such as resilient flooring, carpet and roofs) • Low or VOC-free paints • CFC-free refrigerants • Formaldehyde-free casework • Cogeneration electricity production and heat recovery • Permeable paving to reduce stormwater runoff in parking areas • Thermal fluid heaters as a high-efficient water heating source Landscape Concept The landscape concept for Phase 1A is a "building within a garden". Sheet L.1.2 most clearly illustrates the various landscape and hardscape amenities that surround the building — focused primarily on the southern and eastern sides of the building. There are a variety of sitting areas ("rooms") that are connected by pedestrian pathways surrounded by generous amounts of landscaped spaces. The various materials and finishings that will be employed in the outdoor rooms and pathways are shown on Sheet L.3.0 of the Project Plans and the tree and plant palettes are shown on Sheets L.5.0, Page 7 of 11 5.1 , and 5.2. Sheet L.6.0 of the Project Plans shows several precedent images that demonstrate the design goals for the medical office building landscape concepts. The Resolution recommending Site Development Review approval for Phase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center is included as Attachment 6 to the Staff Report. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Applicant requested a Development Agreement for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project. The Development Agreement outlines the obligations of the Applicant as it relates to different phases of the development of the medical campus and the associated commercial parcel, including an obligation for Kaiser to allocated sales and use tax revenue generated by the construction and development of the project to the City of Dublin. A second component of the Development Agreement is Kaiser's obligation to actively market and seek development for the commercial parcel in order to provide ongoing tax revenue to fund the costs of providing public services to the Medical Center portion of the project. The term of the Development Agreement is twenty five years. The specifics of the Development Agreement were agreed to by both parties. The Resolution recommending City Council approval of the Development Agreement is included as Attachment 7 with the draft City Council Ordinance included as Exhibit A and the Development Agreement included as Exhibit B to the Staff Report. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was prepared for the Kaiser project and was circulated for a 45-day public review period that closed on March 21, 2016. Comments were received from seven public agencies, one comment letter from the Project Applicant, and one comment letter from a Dublin resident that does not support the project. The EIR examined potential environmental impacts resulting from the project at full build out in the following topic areas: • Aesthetics, Light, and Glare • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Geology, Soils, and Seismicity • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use • Noise • Public Services and Utilities • Transportation Page 8 of 11 In summary, the EIR concludes that the project will have significant impacts in several topic areas and mitigation measures have been written to reduce the impacts to a level that is less than significant. These impacts are primarily related to aesthetics, air quality, biology, cultural resources, geology, hydrology, noise, and transportation. As is typical for other projects of this size, several other impacts were identified where, even with the implementation of mitigation measures, the effects to the environment are still expected to be significant. There are impacts to vehicular delays at certain street intersections in the future, notable greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution impacts that cannot be mitigated. If the project receives support from the City Council after the Planning Commission review, a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) would need to be adopted that identifies all environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated and explain why the project is being approved. The SOC is required in order to certify the EIR and, if desired by a majority of the City Council, ultimately approve the project. The DEIR and FEIR are included as Exhibits A and B to Attachment 8 to the Staff Report. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A notice of this public hearing was published in the East Bay Times. All persons who have expressed an interest in being notified of actions related to this project were notified via email. Notices were mailed to all property owners and tenants within 300 ' feet of the Kaiser site and also to an expanded area beyond 300 feet, as shown below: • Figure 2: Public Noticing Intim Lien • ,ft*::;r'l ; l amit.W.annomma AI r . ...._,_. ,L___ Project Site r? Page 9 of 11 The total mailing list was over 2,000 addresses. The Staff Report for this public hearing was also available on the City's website. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Project Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Site Plan at project buildout 2. Planning Commission Report, dated May 10, 2016 (without attachments) 3. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes dated May 10, 2016 4. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project with the draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A. 5. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map and approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole project site and a Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A, with the draft City Council Ordinance included as Exhibit A. 6. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, with the draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A and the Project Plans included as Exhibit B. 7. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, with the draft City Council Ordinance included as Exhibit A and the Development Agreement included as Exhibit B. 8. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report and Adoption of Environmental Findings under CEQA for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, with the Final EIR included as Exhibit A. Page 10 of 11 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan PROPERTY OWNERS: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan LOCATION: The 58 acre site lies south of Dublin Blvd. between Grafton Station and Fallon Gateway. Interstate 580 forms the southern boundary of the site. (Assessor Parcel Numbers 985-0061- 005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) ZONING: Planned Development GENERAL PLAN: Campus Office SURROUNDING USES: LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY North PD Residential Condominiums and Townhomes South None None Interstate 580 East PD General Commercial Retail commercial shopping center Dublin Ranch Water Quality West PD Mixed Use pond and future mixed use (residential/commercial) development Page 11 of 11 • (COI 074>k��n\ STAFF REPORT V / PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: May 10,2016 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Update(PA 08-050) Report prepared by Kristi Bascom. Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Planning Commission will receive a report on the status of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is proposed to be developed on approximately 58 acres of property on the south side of Dublin Boulevard between Grafton Plaza/Dublin Ranch Water Quality Pond to the west and the Fallon Gateway Shopping Center to the east. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive the report and presentations from both Staff and the Applicant. Submitted By e ed By Principal Planner Assistant Community Development Director COPIES TO: Applicant File ITEM 7.1 Page 1 of 5 G\PA\2008\PA 08-050 Kaiser Medical CenterlPC Study Session 5 10 161PCSR Kaiser SS.doc ATTACHMENT 2 BACKGROUND: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.has submitted an application to build a medical campus and associated commercial center on approximately 58 acres of land south of Dublin Boulevard between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. The property currently has a General Plan land use designation of Campus Office, which allows for the development of a "campus-like setting for office and other non-retail commercial uses." Typical uses include professional and administrative offices(including medical),research and development, business and commercial services,and limited light manufacturing. The project site is shown in the Vicinity Map below: Fi.ure 1: Pro'ect Vicinit Future Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 Dublin Ranch Villages a The ' Groves a Dublin Lihd Grafton i' I uture —— Fallon Project wait z Site T _.c...�_.... �_ .�' 4 - 3 3,."'m-asa<aiss� Inler,,tate GRO "_ r,, r. .:i. _ -:tit.'*:.td . Kaiser Permanente acquired the property several years ago with the intent of eventually constructing a medical campus to serve the greater Tri-Valley area. If approved,the project will be developed in three phases over the course of up to 25 years,consisting of approximately 1.2 million square feet of medical campus and commercial uses on the project site,as follows: Building/Use Size Building Size Estimated (in square feet) Construction Phase 1A "The Hub" medical office building with 220,000 3 stories 2016-2020 advanced facilities including an urgent <60 feet tall care clinic, medical office space, and a radiation/oncology center Phase 1 B Commercial uses including retail, office, 250,000 Up to 4 2016-2020 ancillary health-related facilities, and stories business park 60 feet tall Phase 2 High-Acuity Medical Services building 400,000 5 stories 2025-2035 (possibly a hospital) 85 feet tall 2 of 5 Phase 2 Energy Center 50,000 2 stories 2025-2035 40 feet tall Phase 3 Medical Office Building 2 280,000 6 stories 2035-2040 90 feet tall Phase 3 Parking Structure 6 stories 2035-2040 <70 feet tall Total Project 1,200,000 The site plan(at full build out)is included as Attachment 1 to this Staff Report. PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS: Kaiser has applied for the following land use entitlements: 1. General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment 2. Planned Development Rezone (with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole site and Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A). 3. Certification of an Environmental Impact Report. 4. Site Development Review for the Phase 1A Medical Office Building and related site improvements. When the future phases of the project are ready to move forward, planning applications will include: 1. Planned Development Rezoning (with a related Stage 2 Development Plan) and Site Development Review for each future development phase: a Phase 1 B—Commercial Center b. Phase 2—High Acuity Medical Center and Energy Center c. Phase 3—Medical Office Building and parking garage 2. Conditional Use Permit(s) to establish any use that is required by the Planned Development Zoning District to have one. 3. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the property. dedicate right of way, and formalize easements PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposal for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center can be described in more details,as follows: General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Kaiser is proposing a new land use category for the project site: "Campus Medical." The existing land use designation is Campus Office, which allows a variety of office uses (including medical), but which does not explicitly identify the proposed medical-related uses to the extent desired by Kaiser. The proposed description for this land use category will list the range of outpatient primary and specialty care services that Kaiser intends to provide at the future Medical Center. The land use category will also list the type of commercial uses that could be accommodated in the Phase 1 B portion of the site, including uses related to the medical center such as skilled nursing. assisted living, or licensed care facilities. Other contemplated uses could be retail,office,hotel,and restaurants. 3 of 5 Planned Development Rezoning The Planned Development Rezoning for the property will establish the detailed Development Plan (site plan)for the site. the specific uses that are permitted by right, conditionally permitted. and prohibited,the overall development density and intensity(e.g. FAR,building heights)for the site, and design guidelines for the future medical center and commercial buildings. Kaiser is proposing that the Planned Development Zoning District allow hospitals as a permitted use. whereas citywide, hospitals are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. The Planned Development Zoning District will contain development standards to address the particular issues typically addressed through a Conditional Use Permit that are related to hospitals such as noise and compatibility with surrounding uses. Phase 1A Site Development Review The first phase of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center is the 220,000 square foot medical office building. This facility — referred to as "The Hub" — will contain advanced medical facilities, urgent care clinics, medical office spaces, and a connected radiation/oncology center, along with surface parking for over 1,000 vehicles and associated site improvements. Several conceptual exhibits depicting the architectural style and form of The Hub building are included as Attachment 2 to this Staff Report. A more detailed presentation will be provided at this Planning Commission meeting by Staff and the Applicant. The detailed plans for this Site Development Review permit for The Hub building are currently under review by Staff and Conditions of Approval are being drafted. Environmental Impact Report A Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Kaiser project and was circulated for a 45-day public review period that closed on March 21, 2016. Comments were received from seven public agencies, one comment letter from the Project Applicant, and one comment letter from a Dublin resident that does not support the project. The EIR examined potential environmental impacts resulting from the project at full build out in the following topic areas, • Aesthetics,Light,and Glare • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Geology,Soils,and Seismicity • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use • Noise • Public Services and Utilities • Transportation In summary, the EIR concludes that the project will have significant impacts in several topic areas and mitigation measures have been written to reduce the impacts to a level that is less than significant. These impacts are primarily related to aesthetics. air quality, biology, cultural resources.geology. hydrology, noise,and transportation. 4 of 5 As is typical for other projects of this size, several other impacts were identified where, even with the implementation of mitigation measures,the effects to the environment are still expected to be significant. There are impacts to vehicular delays at certain street intersections in the future, notable greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution impacts that cannot be mitigated. When the project is considered by the City Council in the future, a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) will need to be adopted that identifies all environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated and explain why the project is being approved. The SOC is required in order to certify the EIR and, if desired by a majority of the City Council, ultimately approve the project. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public noticing is not required for an item unless it is a public hearing. Although not required. the City mailed notices to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the Kaiser site and an expanded area beyond 300 feet.as shown below: Figure 2: Public Noticing 1 Project Site The total mailing list was over 2,000 addresses. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Project Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Site Plan(at project buildout) 2. Site and architectural exhibits for Phase 1A 5of5 .414 Planning Commission Minutes Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE TO THE FLAG A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday,May 10, 2016, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair Kohli called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Present:Chair Kohli;Vice Chair Mittan;Commissioners Bhuthimethee and Goel;Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director; Kit Faubion, Assistant City Attorney; Kristi Bascom,Principal Planner;and Debra LeClair,Recording Secretary. Absent: Cm.Do 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS—NONE 3. CONSENT CALENDAR— 3.1 Minutes of the April 12,2016 Planning Commission Meeting. On a motion by Cm. Cm. Goei and seconded by Cm. Bhuthimethee, on a vote of 4-0-1, (Cm. Do absent) the Planning Commission approved the minutes of the April 12,2016 meeting. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS—NONE 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS—NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS—NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS— 7.1 Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Update (PA 08-050). The Planning Commission will receive a report on the status of the project and a presentation from both City Staff and the Project Applicant on the detailed site and architectural designs for the first phase of the medical campus as well as an overview of the medical campus master plan. Vice Chair Mittan recused himseff from Item 7.1 due to his ownership of a rental property within 500 feet of the project. Kristi Bascom,Principal Planner,presented the project as outlined in the Staff Report. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked why the project update at this time. Ms. Bascom answered that,due to the size and magnitude of the project, Staff wanted to give the Planning Commission a preview of what will come before them in the future and give them an opportunity to ask questions. ATTACHMENT 3 Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director, added that there is interest in the community and Staff wanted to ensure that the community is informed and has an opportunity to ask questions and provide input. Cm. Goel asked if the Planning Commission will receive a presentation for the commercial portion(Phase 1b)with the next presentation,since the timing is the same as Phase la. Ms. Bascom stated that Kaiser was hoping to have the commercial center Phase lb proceed at the same time as Phase la; however, the commercial site has not been defined as yet. The application will be submitted in the future,but it has not been received by City Staff yet. Cm.Goel asked how the height of the complex will compare to the adjacent buildings. Mr. Baker answered that the recently approved Aloft Hotel at the tallest element will be approximately 53 feet, with the main building being approximately 48 feet tall at 4 stories. He stated that the Grafton Plaza residential was approved at 3 stories and will be approximately 42 feet at the peak of the roof. Across Dublin Blvd. there are similar heights in the 40-50 foot range. Cm. Goel asked about elevation changes across Dublin Blvd and if those developments are also approximately 45 feet tall. Mr. Baker stated that the properties across Dublin Blvd. are approximately 40-50 feet in height from Dublin Blvd.to the peak of the roof. Cm. Goel asked about receiving a copy of the environmental document as part of the presentation. Ms. Bascom responded that the Planning Commission will receive a copy of the Draft EIR as well as the public comments and response to those comments. She stated that there were no comments received regarding building heights. She pointed out the buildings and their proximity to the project on a slide. Hollis Harris, Kaiser Permanente, Applicant, spoke in favor of the project. She stated that Kaiser is ready to build the complex and with 134,000 members of Kaiser Permanente they are excited to expand into the Tri-Valley. She stated that the existing clinics in Pleasanton, San Ramon and Livermore will remain open because they are primary care facilities. The current application will provide specialists, radiation, an oncology center and an infusion center. She thanked City Staff for their collaborative effort. She stated that Kaiser wanted to the complex to be visible but as unobtrusive as possible in order to preserve the character of Dublin. Tyler Krehlik, SmithGroupJJR,Architect,spoke in favor of the project and introduced his team. He presented the architectural design of the project and listed the services that will be provided and the garden atmosphere of the site. Don (chino, SmithGroupJRR, Design Architect, spoke in favor of the project and gave an overview of the design of the entire project, i.e., building elevations, building massing, pedestrian access and the"building within a garden"concept. Jimmy Chen,RHAA, Landscape Architect,spoke in favor of the project and gave an overview of the landscaping plan including the water detention basins. Mr.Krehlik thanked the Planning Commission for their time. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked Ms. Harris how she felt the project would improve the Dublin community. Ms. Harris responded that, currently the 134,000 Kaiser Members must drive to Walnut Creek for hospital services and the traffic is challenging. She felt that it is important for Dublin residents to be able to take care of their health care needs in their own community in a nice setting and felt that the complex will be a benefit for the local community and a slightly broader community outside the Tri-Valley area. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked how the project will fit into the City and benefit the Dublin community. Ms. Harris stated that Kaiser is embarking on a new core value of total health, which is mind, body and spirit and a community that links it all together. She stated that for a community to be healthy, they need to have good health care, as well as good schools, shopping experiences, and housing and Kaiser would like to become an integral part of that community. Cm.Bhuthimethee asked if there is a linear accelerator in the project. Mr.Krehlik answered that there will be 4 linear accelerators on-site allowing for radiation therapy at the center. The accelerators are stored within shielded bunkers of 4-7 feet thick concrete around each room. He stated that the radiation shielding was designed by a radiation physicist and approved by the Radiological Board of the State of California. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked about the energy center. Mr. Krehlik responded that the energy center is a large building that houses the main transformer vaults, boilers, water heaters, and chillers for the air conditioning. The energy center would be associated with the high acuity medical building in Phase 2. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked about the artwork and where it would be located. Mr.Krehlik answered that the proposed artwork would be on the north side of the building facing Dublin Blvd. He stated that they studied where the best place for the art would be and decided that, to give the artist the most freedom and not burden them with solar control, the north side would be best. On the south side of the building they will need to do solar control to keep glare and heat out of the building. He also felt that having the artwork face away from the community would not be a good idea. Cm.Bhuthimethee asked if there would be artwork seen from the 1-580 freeway. Mr. (chino stated that the artwork that is currently being considered has a kinetic quality so that it changes as you move past it. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked if there will be artwork for each phase or will this be representing the entire campus. Mr.Ichino stated that,according to the Dublin Arts Program,each building would require artwork specific to each phase. Cm. Bhuthimethee felt that Kaiser has chosen a great location for the Phase la building, and will be interested to see how artwork will enhance the elevations facing 1-580 freeway, Mr. (chino answered that facing 1-580 will have a different perceptual scale being seen from an automobile on the freeway. Cm.Goel asked the landscape architect if there will be an elevated deck surface in the"outdoor rooms"as shown on one of the slides. Mr. Chen answered that the deck will not be elevated and the slide was to show the general concept of the roof. Cm. Goel stated that he liked the elevated deck concept and felt that it would bring out some emphasis or"zen"to the area. He suggested that, when the proposal is submitted, they add more textures and colors that will work with the overall environment. Cm. Goel asked if the plant materials and selections will take into consideration allergies. He felt that some of the plant materials listed could be pollen producing and wanted to ensure that some consideration was made for allergies. He also wanted to ensure that the plant materials would also be drought tolerant and suggested a more Japanese environment. Mr. Chen answered that, while refining the design, they will be more strategic regarding allergies. He stated that he appreciated Cm. Goel's comments and will take them into consideration during the design phase. Cm.Goel mentioned Phase la as the center of the project with landscaping where Phase 3 will be built in the future. He asked if they would remove the landscaping and replant that area as part of their strategy;and if the concept for the entire project will be"a building in a garden." Mr. Chen stated that when they started the design process they looked at all the phases together but they have not developed design concepts for the different phases. Ms. Harris stated that what they do in Phase la will set the tone for the entire campus. She stated that,as the project is built out,it will look like one cohesive design element. Cm.Goel asked if installation of a sub drainage basin will not only help with retention on the site but percolation as well. Mike Hastings, Engineer, Sherwood Design Engineers, answered that they are utilizing the regional water quality basin for the portion allotted which will allow them to drain directly to the culverts that drain to the basin. He stated that they will manage water through bio retention and will treat all of the water to the standards that are required. Cm.Goel asked about traffic along Dublin Blvd.and turning movements in and out of the facility. He asked how this correlates to the overall regional plan for Dublin Blvd. Mr. Hastings responded that there is a full transportation study with the EIR and all the improvements with each phase will be more than adequate to handle the increased traffic loads. Cm.Goel asked if Dublin Blvd.,at this site,will be a Level of Service(LOS)F in 2040. Mr. Hastings answered no; he did not recall the details of the 2040 situation, but with Phase la all the required improvements will be completed. Cm.Goel asked if the project will meet the parking requirements. Mr. Hastings stated that there are approximately 200 parking spaces more than required, Chair Kohli asked what uses will be allowed in Phase lb, and the estimated number of employees working in the overall facility. Ms. Harris answered that the first building Phase la, will have approximately 400-500 employees on a daily basis;evenings and weekends will have a much smaller crew. She stated that there will be a broad range of uses allowed for Phase lb because of the rapidly changing medical care and what is provided. She stated that uses such as office, retail, R&D, senior housing, or a skilled nursing facility will be allowed as they continue to determine the best use for the very large parcel. Chair Kohli asked additional questions about the type of retail tenants that might be allowed to operate in a commercial center at this site using a yogurt shop as an example. Ms.Harris stated that she is unsure at this time how the land will be developed. She stated that Kaiser will ensure that their members' needs are met first. She stated that there could be a yogurt shop but was not sure. She stated that, at full build out,there should be approximately 2,500 employees at the site. Mr. Baker mentioned that,with the commercial component,a wide range of uses are proposed to be allowed,these are not necessarily all Kaiser serving uses,and could be a retail center or skilled nursing;there are a host of uses that could be allowed. Chair Kohli felt that, when the uses are determined, the projects will come to the Planning Commission. Ms. Harris stated that they have tried to allow for maximum potential uses, but whatever use is determined will come before the Planning Commission. Cm.Goel asked if there will be a full medical facility at the Kaiser project. Ms. Harris answered that the name "high acuity medical center" Phase 2 could be a hospital. She stated that health care is a rapidly changing field and she was not sure at this time but wanted to preserve the right for a hospital, but does not want to promise a hospital and not deliver one. Cm. Goel felt that this is the best location for a hospital, due to the traffic congestion along the tri-valley corridor and encouraged them to include a maternity ward. Ms. Harris answered that the location is the reason they purchased the property, but hospitals are incredibly expensive and an involved process to be build. She stated that, at some point, she could see a hospital on the campus. She stated that the first building will include an urgent care facility which will be staffed by ER doctors and patients can avoid going to Walnut Creek ER and come to Dublin instead. Scott Mittan, Planning Commissioner, spoke as a resident. He stated that he is in favor of the overall concept. He encouraged the Planning Commissioners to scrutinize the project in high detail and determine the development of the entire project so that they get it right at this point. He suggested that they demand high quality building materials. He felt that with the amount of high density residential close by that pedestrian traffic should be considered paying attention to the look and feel of getting to the facility. He was concerned with the amount of the parcel dedicated to a parking lot and would like to see enhanced paving materials. He wanted to ensure that there is good access to public transportation. He was concerned with the noise impact of ambulances at the possible hospital site. He asked if safety issues related to the Livermore Airport were considered in the EIR. He wanted to ensure that there was a good transition from the future residential and the commercial site so that it all blends together. Robert Upham, resident, was concerned about traffic in Dublin and how this project will impact the city. He asked if the facility will be open to everyone in Dublin or only Kaiser members and if so,he felt that it would not serve the entire community. Janice Wei,resident,was concerned about traffic and public transportation to the Kaiser facility, but stated that she is in favor of the hospital. She was also concerned about the number of employees and patients and how that would affect the traffic situation. Ms.Bascom stated that there was a detailed traffic analysis completed with the City's EIR which takes into account the existing and future conditions and at build out. She stated that the document looks at all development within the community that has been planned for at the year 2040 when the facility would be fully operational. She stated that, not only does it take into account all the development, but it takes into account all the traffic improvements that are planned. There will be a number of traffic improvements that will be triggered by the Kaiser project; additional lanes in the immediate vicinity; roadway width; and activating signals that are not currently operating. She stated that there will be a lot of improvements that were planned for in the long term that will come on board as additional projects are built. She added that the project site was designed to account for additional rights of way for CalTrans and for the BART extension to Livermore. Ms. Harris responded to the question regarding if anyone can come into a Kaiser facility; she stated that it is not a yes or no question. She added that anyone can come in, but Kaiser members pay a fee to have access to Kaiser health care. If a resident is not a member they can be seen but on a fee-for-service basis. She added that there is a pharmacy that can be used by anyone, as well as Vision Essentials which is the eye care section where anyone can buy eye glasses and contact lenses. She stated that a hospital cannot deny service to anyone that comes to the ER. She conferred with her legal counsel and then stated that, as part of the community benefit,when there are members of the community that need healthcare, Kaiser will work to provide that. She added that Kaiser has a broad community benefit outreach that will start to be a factor in the community. Mr. Krehlik responded to the pedestrians question - He stated that there is full pedestrian access to the front doors from the sidewalks along Dublin Blvd.which will be built to City design standards. He pointed out the bus stop on the campus and regarding the ambulance and noise question—he stated that,for Phase la,the ambulances are there only for scheduled transport of cancer patients and no sirens would be needed. Mr. Upham asked where he can obtain the results of the traffic study and was concerned with the results. Cm. Goel stated that he assumed that the traffic study took into account the MTC's 2040 projections for the regional network and takes into account Dublin Blvd., 1-580 and all tributary corridors. He asked when the traffic study was completed. Ms. Bascom answered that the EIR was released for public review in February and March which means the traffic study was completed prior to that. Cm.Goel asked if the traffic study took into account the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and all the developments that are currently known. He asked if the study included Fallon Road as a corridor, 1-580 and the east and west movement on Dublin Blvd. Ms. Bascom responded that the traffic study looked at the entire circulation system throughout the City,both current and future. Cm. Goel felt that the resident was asking if there would be a BART station near the Kaiser facility but the last known public information shows that the first BART station to the east would be near Isabel in Livermore and would not be close to the Kaiser facility. Ms. Harris thanked the Planning Commission for their comments and questions which will give them a lot to work on. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked if the comments received regarding the EIR were available for review. Ms. Bascom responded that they are public information and will appear in the Final EIR when it is published. Mr. Baker reminded the Planning Commission that this item was informational only and no action will be taken tonight. However,the Applicant and Staff will take their comments and bring the project back at a future date for consideration. Cm. Goel felt that pedestrian access was important and suggested providing some additional safety elements such as color to the crosswalks and a safe landing area. He was in support of the overall design of the project and felt that using more enhanced materials in the parking lot would help. He assumed that the EIR would address the residents' concerns regarding the Livermore Airport and the noise element. Chair Kohli thanked the members of the public for attending the meeting and providing comments. He also thanked the Applicant for the presentation and stated that he is looking forward to continuing the discussion and felt that the hub will set the tone for the rest of the project and wanted to create a project that truly represents Dublin and benefits the community but stays in line with the Kaiser mission. 8. OTHER BUSINESS - Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from the Planning Commission and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by the Planning Commission related to meetings attended at City Expense (AB 1234). 9. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 8 33:37 PM Respectfully submitted, j Plan niy Commission Chair ATTEST: -_ r,. e `Jeff Baker Assistant Community Development Director G:IMINUTESl20161PLANNING COMM/SSION105 10.16 FINAL PC MINUTES(CF)docx 11 RESOLUTION NO.16-xx A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TO THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project,which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review for Phase 1A(a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the project site is amended from "Campus Office" to "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" in accordance with the Exhibit within the Resolution. In addition, other provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are amended to ensure consistency with the new land use designations for the Project site;and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared;and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Project which reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project;and WHEREAS,the Draft EIR was circulated for 45 days for public comment in February and March 2016;and WHEREAS, comments received on the Draft EIR were reviewed and responded to, and the Final EIR (that contains the Response to Comments) dated August 9, 2016 was prepared; and WHEREAS,consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code,the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan Amendment. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3;and ATTACHMENT 4 WHEREAS, a Staff Report,dated August 23,2016 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the General Plan Amendments, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned Development Rezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report,for the Planning Commission;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments,on August 23,2016 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the Final EIR, all above-referenced reports, recommendations,and testimony to evaluate the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Resolution attached as Exhibit A approving amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan based on findings, as set forth in Exhibit A, that the amendments are in the public interest, promotes general health,safety and welfare,and that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as so amended, will remain internally consistent. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Assistant Community Development Director 2 RESOLUTION NO.1 -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN AND THE EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN RELATED TO THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project,which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses,a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review for Phase 1A(a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the project site is amended from "Campus Office" to "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" in accordance with the exhibit within the resolution. In addition, other provisions of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are amended to ensure consistency with the new land use designations for the project site;and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared;and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Project which reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project;and WHEREAS,the Draft EIR was circulated for 45 days for public comment in February and March 2016;and WHEREAS, comments received on the Draft EIR were reviewed and responded to, and the Final EIR (that contains the Response to Comments) dated August 9, 2016 was prepared; and WHEREAS, consistent with section 65352.3 of the California Government Code, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan Amendment. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3;and 1 EXHIIHPI A 1'0 ATTACHMENT 4 WHEREAS,on August 23,2016,the Planning Commission adopted Resolution xx-xx recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for the project,which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS,on August 23,2016,the Planning Commission adopted Resolution xx-xx recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments,which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS,a Staff Report,dated and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project,including the General Plan Amendments,Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments,Planned Development Rezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report,for the City Council;and WHEREAS,the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, on ,at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS,on ,the City Council adopted Resolution xx-xx certifying the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project EIR and adopting CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations,and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and WHEREAS,the City Council considered the Final EIR and all above-referenced reports, recommendations,and testimony to evaluate the Project. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments,as set forth below,are in the public interest,will promote general health,safety and welfare,and that the General Plan as amended will remain internally consistent. The proposed project is consistent with the guiding and implementing policies of the General Plan in each of the Elements and will allow for development of a medical campus and associated commercial development in an area that has long been planned for campus-style uses and ancillary commercial uses. The development of the project is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan Land Use Element,Public Lands and Utilities Element, Circulation and Scenic Highways Element, Community Design and Sustainability Element, and the Economic Development Element. The General Plan amendments noted below will ensure that the implementation of the proposed project is in compliance with the General Plan and that each Element within the General Plan is internally consistent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the General Plan: 2 Figure 1-1 (Land Use exhibit) shall be amended with new designations for the project site as noted below: ,..° �_-- - -air ear` __ _ - drm�awiom°w° -_- i -4 Medical '• Campus/ Medical • Commercial Campus FALL( i SHOP 1 jp_ Ar r Section (Commercial Industrial land use categories) shall be amended to add the following two new land use categories and descriptions: Medical Campus(FAR: .25 to.80);Employee density:260 square feet per employee This designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus-like setting for medical offices, hospitals, and other non-retail commercial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions, noise, odors, or glare. Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty care services, professional and administrative offices, hospital/medical centers (including full service hospitals/medical centers with 24 hour operations, and related central utility plant), skilled nursing, assisted living, licensed care, and associated parking structures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in the FAR calculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25 to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community-serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales,and eating and drinking establishments. Table 2.2 (Land Use Development Potential: Eastern Extended Planning Area) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial"heading. The acreage for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (approximately 58 acres) will be removed from the 3 "Campus Office" category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial"categories with the appropriate acreage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan: Figure 4.1 (Land Use Map) shall be amended with a new designation for the project site as shown below: Medical s ' Campus/ i Medical Commercial 1 Campus FALL( } i SHOP 1 • l i Table 4.1 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial"heading. The acreage for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus (approximately 58 acres) will be removed from the "Campus Office"category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories with the appropriate acreage. Table 4.2 (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary) shall be amended to add two new land use categories under the "Commercial" heading. The development potential for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus(1.2 million square feet in total)will be removed from the "Campus Office" category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial"categories with the estimated employee number and estimated number of jobs. Table 4.4 (Tassajara Gateway Subarea Development Potential) and Table 4.7 (Fallon Gateway Subarea Development Potential) shall be amended to add two new land use categories. The acreage, density, and development potential for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Campus(1.2 million square feet in total) will be removed from the "Campus Office"category and added to the "Medical Campus" and "Medical Campus/Commercial" categories in each respective table. 4 Section 4.8.2(Commercial land use categories) shall be amended to add the following two new land use categories and descriptions: Medical Campus(FAR: .25 to.80);Employee density:260 square feet per employee This designation is intended to provide an attractive, campus-like setting for medical offices, hospitals, and other non-retail commercial uses that do not generate nuisances related to emissions, noise, odors, or glare. Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty care services, professional and administrative offices, hospital/medical centers (including full service hospitals/medical centers with 24 hour operations, and related central utility plant), skilled nursing, assisted living, licensed care, and associated parking structures and/or facilities. Structured parking square footage is included in the FAR calculation. Medical Campus/Commercial (FAR: .25 to .60); Employee density: 510 square feet per employee This designation accommodates a range of commercial uses including regional- and community-serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, limited automotive sales,and eating and drinking establishments. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this day of ,2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 5 RESOLUTION NO. 16-a A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT WITH A RELATED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT SITE AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PHASE 1A PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning (Stage 1 and Stage 2), and Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the "Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS, the implementation of the development project requires that the project site be rezoned to a new Planned Development Zoning District with approval of a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole project site and Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A only;and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certain projects are required to be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments and Planned Development Rezone on August 23,2016 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project;and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for the Project, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific ATTACHMENT 5 Plan amendments related to the Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did review the Final Environmental Impact Report, all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment prior to making a recommendation on the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance (Attached as Exhibit A) approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole project site and a Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A,based on findings,including but not limited to, that the Planned Development zoning and project as a whole is consistent and in conformance with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as proposed, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Planned Development Zoning District, and that development of the proposed project will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Assistant Community Development Director ORDINANCE NO.41—16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT WITH A RELATED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT SITE AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PHASE 1A OF THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Findings A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code,the City Council finds as follows. 1. The Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project ("the Project") PD-Planned Development zoning meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive development plan that creates a desirable use of land that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue of the layout and design of the site plan. 2. Development of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project under the PD-Planned Development zoning will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the site will provide new retail, restaurant, and personal services to residents in an area that has similar uses nearby and is also adjacent to existing and future workplaces and residential neighborhoods. B. Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code,the City Council finds as follows. 1. The PD-Planned Development zoning for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that the proposed Site Plan has taken into account sensitive adjacencies and will provide a wide range of amenities to the surrounding neighborhoods. 2. The Project site conditions were documented in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that has been prepared, and the environmental impacts that have been identified will be mitigated to the greatest degree possible. There are no site challenges that were identified in the EIR that will present an impediment to utilization of the site for the intended purposes. There are no major physical or topographic constraints and thus the site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the retail commercial center approved through the PD zoning. 3. The PD-Planned Development zoning will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety 1 EXHIBIT A TO ATTACHMENTS and welfare in that the project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. 4. The PD-Planned Development zoning is consistent with and in conformance with the Dublin General Plan, as amended, in that the proposed use as a medical campus and adjacent commercial shopping center is consistent with the proposed Medical Campus and Medical Campus/Commercial land use designations for the site. C. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council adopted a Final EIR via Resolution xx-16 on , prior to approving the Project. SECTION 2: Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the property described below to a Planned Development Zoning District: 58 acres south of Dublin Blvd. between Grafton Station and Fallon Gateway. Interstate 580 forms the southern boundary of the site. (Assessor Parcel Numbers 985-0061-005- 00 and 985-0027-009-02) ("the Property"). A map of the rezoning area with a related Stage 1 Development Plan is shown below (entire project site and outlined in red): , -- - A --..]:] --1_ 7„;i-5- 7'4'.14' -- — jCON61C --` _ _ .NNENTP _ �"�.�� Jt / �\ Jt 7 .. 'E, KIPP%- is fj � I . � — _ ,' ;� b cam" 1, _ • i,t__,pM"_p i-t\ti.t.A',p,_ii_i_Nm_1_1oN_11w1O1_1-10_0.-_9j!:iIiiii_i-M-- iiiSii;iii_*__t__- 1''I'''` ':,;.1:,,' 1 1 __ _ 1 1-" , , 4E -L.• c-e ,i VDDSGPE SCPEENM ' ig�pp�1 (4., :4,, • iI I.VGNG TECH DOM l j 1(a. 1— ` , " , • t61VICE•E• =CANCER V 77` • -- - CENTER —: ' \ ▪ 0°6 PH'IA PH1A •• H 1 1 COMMERCIAL SITE f `.. t ., I • '• • ,— —I,I Il I� ONLYTEARN PK z •• I�• y O ` q• • - 4� C;i I i 6 LEVELS•• A1082 _ _ `�• euETr.E DOPES .PARTL 4. PH 3 • 4 E . 0 i BASEMENT. 'f g o 'GAR i . o i � PH3 i �� I --- -------------- -------- 2 A map of the rezoning area with a related Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A only is shown below: it . IIIIL I • CANCER r MOB1 CENTER — ', 14 JvII000ll6 DOac� �. — 1111111111 -1 l! MHO INNNM MO IIIIINM 1001 MO Ili e f i4 YWtlWW W W�t'W'W4MW'W'�Y'W'WYI'W'W'W''"R '• SECTION 3. The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the following Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire 58 acre Project area,which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Stage 1 Development Plan shall be in accordance with section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project This is a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This Development Plan meets all the requirements for both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as part of the PD-Planned Development rezoning for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project,PA 08-050 and PLPA-2016-00007. The PD-Planned Development District and this Stage 1/Stage 2 Development Plan provides flexibility to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan and provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. The following Stage 1 Development Plan applies to the entire 58-acre project site and the Zoning District for the project site is PD-Planned Development(PA 08-050). 1. Statement of Permitted Uses. Permitted Uses(as defined by the Zoning Ordinance)for the Medical Campus(identified as Phases 1A,2,and 3): 3 • Health Services/Clinics—including, without limitation, a comprehensive range of outpatient primary and specialty care services, urgent care, radiation/oncology services,outpatient surgery,diagnostic services including radiology and telemedicine, women's services, inpatient care, including diagnostic and treatment services, surgical services and emergency care, and supporting ancillary health care services such as optical,pharmacy, laboratory,education and training • Medical Offices and Medical Office Buildings • High-Acuity Medical Centers/Hospitals (including full service High-Acuity Medical Centers/Hospitals with 24-hour operations) • Central Utility Plants, including renewable energy facilities, and ancillary structures to serve the project site • Parking Structures ancillary to medical uses • Skilled Nursing,Assisted Living,or Licensed Care Facilities • Day Care Facilities Permitted Uses (as defined by the Zoning Ordinance) for the Commercial parcel (identified as Phase 1B): • Hotel or resort • Eating and drinking establishments • Entertainment(including movie theater,performance venue,or similar) • Automotive sales(outdoor display/storage area limited to 10%of the subject parcel) • The following retail uses: o Home Furnishings o Clothing/Fashion o Office Supplies o Home Appliance/Electronics o Hardware o Jewelry o Bookstore o Sporting Goods o Grocery2 o Other retail establishments determined by the Community Development Director to be similar(in terms of City revenue generation and use type)to the foregoing3 Conditionally Permitted Uses for the Commercial parcel(identified as Phase 1 B) • Membership-based warehouse retail store4 • Professional and Administrative Offices • Research and Development • Automotive sales(outdoor display/storage area more than 10%of the subject parcel) • Fitness/Health Club2 Notes: 1. Up to a maximum of 20%of the total building square footage on the commercial parcel. Drive-through or traditional fast-food chain restaurants shall not be permitted. 2. Up to a maximum of 30%of the total building square footage on the commercial parcel 3. Tobacco Retail uses shall not be permitted. 4. CUP analysis will require a trip generation assessment/site plan review and potentially a supplemental analysis to determine if the use generates traffic more than what was assumed in the EIR 4 +2. Stage 1 Site Plan. . .,>6:w I�I_I 7 ' L. 4,4... NNE IMNINiNNNNIMIB-,!WI� , i ' ."ve �*" 1 4 � .) CENTER' e 1,. • . 1, CAHCEt"�i e� •' RI PH1A • "\"'.' I I •ewes RIM \ •• i -- 1 COMMERCIAL SITE _ s tt S J e �--r 1 Mir••• __I n fl r _1 1 � , ALL. ill w E_ i is accsmu r•' L. A t - <' taocae • I I. BASEMENT Mt• <L: : E + 1:___" po PHx EL 3. Site area,proposed densities,and development regulations. Maximum Building Height: 90 feet Signage Pursuant to an approved Master Sign Program Minimum Lot Size None Maximum lot coverage None Maximum Building Area 1.2 million square feet Maximum Floor Area ' .80 Ratio Parking Stall Dimensions Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations of Standards the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Minimum Setbacks None Parking Spaces Required: Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance 5 4. Phasing Plan. Building/Use Size(SF) Estimated construction timeframe Phase 1A "The Hub"medical office building 220,000 2016-2020 Phase 1 B Commercial parcel 250,000 2016-2020 Phase 2 High-Acuity Medical Services building 400,000 2025-2035 (possibly a hospital) Phase 2 Energy Center 50,000 2025-2035 Phase 3 2nd Medical Office Building 280,000 2035-2040 Phase 3 Parking Structure 2035-2040 Total Project Size 1,200,000 SF 5. Concept Landscape Plan. The landscape design concept is being established with the detailed designs for Phase 1A, which are included in the Project Plans associated with the Phase 1A SDR application. The same plant palette and design vocabulary approved for Phase 1A shall continue through the remainder of the project site. 6. Consistency with General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (as amended). 7. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. The Inclusionary Zoning Regulations do not regulate non-residential projects,so therefore this is not applicable. 8. Aerial Photo. An aerial photo is on file with the Community Development Department. The following Stage 2 Development Plan applies to Phase 1A only. The Zoning District for the Project site is PD-Planned Development(PLPA-2016-00007). 1. Statement of Compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Phase 1A portion of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project is wholly consistent with the Stage 1 Development Plan. 2. Statement of Permitted Uses. Same as Stage 1 Development Plan. 3. Stage 2 Site Plan 6 jL fikg o , �t l 4. Site area,proposed densities a. Gross area: 22.2 acres b. Net area: 22.1 acres 5. Development Regulations Maximum Building Height: 60 feet Signage Pursuant to an approved Master Sign Program Minimum Lot Size None Maximum lot coverage None Maximum Building Area 220,000 square feet Maximum Floor Area .80 Ratio Parking Stall Dimensions Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations of Standards the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Minimum Setbacks None Parking Spaces Required: Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance 6. Architectural Standards. The conceptual architectural design of the project shall reflect the following standards as illustrated in the Project Plans. The architectural design shall: • Employ a variety of materials, textures and colors to provide visual interest in the project and to complement its surroundings. • Use diversity of colors and textures in the building finishes providing a varied and interesting base form for the buildings. • Incorporate features such as different wall planes, heights,wall textures, roof elements, storefront designs, awnings, canopies, trellises, base treatments, signs, light fixtures and landscaping to contribute layers of detail at the pedestrian level. 7 • Provide functional outdoor plazas where people will gather and socialize, with landscaping, outdoor seating, enhanced paving treatment, and other features to provide an appropriate urban scale for the center. 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plan. UN, t straw ww ._LLLo w+etr r+ttt IiIIIwrr tw,w impansitemile ittttwtwrt!Mww _ fc Y4YyWdV.10.4 8. Compliance with adopted Mitigation Measures. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable action programs and mitigation measures of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment EIR and the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project EIR. SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three(3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty(30)days from and after its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this day of 2016,by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 8 Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 9 2a RESOLUTION NO. 16-4P/C" A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR PHASE 1A OF THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS,the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning(Stage 1 and Stage 2), and a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS,the project site is located within a Planned Development Zoning District;and WHEREAS,the Project Plans,attached as Exhibit B, illustrate the site layout and building elevations for approximately 220,000 square feet of medical office uses,which are permitted by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan,as amended;and WHEREAS, the Site Development Review Permit application collectively defines this "Project"and is available and on file in the Community Development Department;and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State Guidelines and Dublin's CEQA Guidelines require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared;and WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Project which reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project;and WHEREAS, a Staff Report for the Planning Commission, dated August 23, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the Site Development Review Permit and furthermore, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed Site Development Review Permit,at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for the Project, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and ATTACHMENT6 WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments related to the Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin, based on the findings and conditions of approval in the attached Resolution, recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution attached as Exhibit A,which Resolution approves a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23`d day of August 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Assistant Community Development Director 2 15Z RESOLUTION NO.XX-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR PHASE 1A OF THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS,the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. The requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning(Stage 1 and Stage 2), and a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS,the Project site is located within a Planned Development Zoning District;and WHEREAS,the Project Plans,attached as Exhibit A, illustrate the site layout and building elevations for approximately 220,000 square feet of medical office uses,which are permitted by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan,as amended;and WHEREAS, the Site Development Review Permit application collectively defines this "Project"and is available and on file in the Community Development Department;and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act certain Projects are required to be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared;and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council certify the Final EIR for the Project, which Resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments related to the Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 16-xx recommending that the City Council approve Site Development Review for Phase 1A of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours;and EXHIBIT A TO ATTACHMENT 6 WHEREAS,the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on August 23,2016 for this Project,at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS, a Staff Report,dated and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project,including the General Plan Amendments,Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments,Planned Development Rezoning and approval of a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan,Site Development Review Permit,and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report,for the City Council;and WHEREAS,on ,the City Council adopted Resolution xx-xx certifying the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project EIR and adopting CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the Site Development Review Permit application, on , at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS,proper notice of the public hearing was given in all respects as required by law;and WHEREAS,a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the Site Development Review application;and • WHEREAS,the City Council did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports,recommendations,and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following Site Development Review findings and determinations regarding the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project: A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104(Site Development Review)of the Zoning Ordinance,with the General Plan,and any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1)The Project provides an orderly,attractive and harmonious development compatible with the site's environmental constraints and with surrounding properties and neighborhoods. The development gives thoughtful consideration to building location,architectural and landscape design and theme,vehicular and pedestrian access and on-site circulation, parking and traffic impact.It complies with development regulations and the requirements of the zoning district,as required by Section 8.104.020.A of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance;2)the Project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary,high-quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan;3)the Project will serve to activate the area and provide services to existing and future residents and workers in the vicinity; 4)the proposed Project will conform to the density,design,and allowable uses as stated in the Stage 2 Development Plan as required by Section 8.104.020.E of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; 5) the Project includes streetscape enhancements to complement those already in place;and 6)the 2 Project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8,Zoning Ordinance because: 1)The architecture and landscape design for the Project provides an appropriate pedestrian scale with commercial retail uses,restaurants and the proposed layout of buildings,landscaping and parking are well-suited to the uses;2)the overall design of the Project is consistent with the design requirements of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; 3)the proposed Project is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in that taller buildings and more intensive uses should be located south of Dublin Boulevard and near freeway interchanges where convenient vehicular access will limit traffic impacts to the rest of Dublin and the medical office building is intended to serve the community as well as the region; 4) the overall Project is consistent with the total development potential for the site as stated in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan;5)the proposed development is compatible with the General Plan Land Use designations of Medical Campus and Medical Campus/Commercial(as amended)which allows for medical office uses;and 6)the proposed Project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan which discourages Projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments and the proposed Project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes residential and commercial uses. C. The design of the Project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and the lot(s) in which the Project is proposed because: 1) The architecture and landscape design for the Project provides an appropriate pedestrian scale and the landscaping and parking areas are well-suited to the uses;2)the overall design of the Project is consistent with the design requirements of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; 3)the proposed development is compatible with the General Plan Land Use designation of Medical Campus and Medical Campus/Commercial(as amended),which allows for medical office uses;and 4)the proposed Project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan which discourages Projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments and the proposed Project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes office, residential,and commercial uses. D. The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1)the Project will provide additional medical facilities in that it will be of benefit to the Dublin community and is within the density requirements of the Planned Development Zoning District,the General Plan,and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; 2)the Project provides for its own infrastructure and required services and is designed to include sufficient vehicular and pedestrian access,with parking to support the uses; and 3)the proposed density of the site is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan(as amended). E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: 1)the Project site is relatively flat;2)the roadway and utility infrastructure to serve the site already exists;and 3)future approval of grading and improvement plans will enable the site to be modified to suit the Project,which will be developed for the site in accordance with City policies and regulations. 3 F. Architectural considerations including the character,scale and quality of the design, site layout,the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings,screening of unsightly uses,lighting,building materials and colors and similar elements result in a Project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other developments in the vicinity because:1)the architectural style and materials will be consistent and compatible with the contemporary architectural style, colors, and materials being utilized on other commercial Projects in the City; 2)the Project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary, high-quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; 3)the size and scale of the development will be similar to other buildings in the Project vicinity; and 4) unsightly uses (e.g. loading docks, parking lots) will be screened with appropriate materials that are architecturally compatible with the building design. G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the Project to ensure visual relief,adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the Preliminary Landscape Plan for the Project site emphasizes the creation of a comfortable pedestrian environment that will include a variety of outdoor amenities for patients and visitors;2)landscaping will be provided throughout the parking fields both at the front and rear of the Project buildings;and 3) the Project perimeter and interior landscaping is consistent with other commercial development in the vicinity and conforms to the requirements of the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure the proper circulation for bicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) all infrastructure including driveways, pathways,sidewalks,and street lighting have been reviewed for conformance with City policies, regulations, and best practices and have been designed with multi- modal travel in mind;and 2)development of this Project will conform to the major public improvements already installed allowing patrons the safe and efficient use of these facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve Site Development Review for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project,subject to the conditions included below. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise,all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use,and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL.] Planning,[B]Building,[PO]Police, [PW]Public Works[P&CS]Parks&Community Services,[ADM]Administration/City Attorney, [FIN]Finance,[F]Alameda County Fire Department,[DSR]Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO]Alameda County Department of Environmental Health,[Z7]Zone 7. 4 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: PLANNING CONDITIONS 1. Approval. This Site Development Review approval is for Phase 1A of PL Ongoing the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center, which is a 220,000 square foot medical office building. This approval shall be as generally depicted and indicated on the plan set prepared by SmithGroupJJR, Sherwood Design Engineers, and RHAA, stamped received on July 29, 2016 and as generally depicted by the color and material board submitted along with the Project. The Project plans and color and material board are on file in the Community Development Department. This Site Development Review Permit approval is as further specified as the following Conditions of Approval for this Project. 2. Effective Date. This SDR approval becomes effective once the PL Ongoing accompanying Final EIR has been certified by the City Council and once both the Planned Development Zoning District and the Project Development Agreement have been approved by City Council and are effective. 3. Site Development Review Expiration. Construction or use shall PL One Year commence within one (1) year of Site Development Review approval or After Effective the Site Development Review shall lapse and become null and void. If Date there is a dispute as to whether the Site Development Review has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Site Development Review expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Time Extension. The original approving decision-maker may, upon the PL Prior to Applicant's written request for an extension of approval prior to Expiration expiration, upon the determination that all Conditions of Approval Date remain adequate and all applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant an extension of the approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing shall be held before the original hearing body. 5. Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall operate this use in PL On-going compliance with the Conditions of Approval of this Site Development Review Permit, the approved plans and the regulations established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions specified may be subject to enforcement action. 6. Revocation of Permit. The Site Development Review approval shall PL On-going be revocable for cause in accordance with Section of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. 7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Applicant/ Developer Various Building shall comply with applicable City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Permit Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin Issuance Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this Project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 8. Required Permits. Developer shall obtain all permits required by other PW Building 5 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: agencies, if applicable, including, but not limited to Alameda County Permit Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Issuance Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. 9. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the Various Building time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning Permit fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Issuance Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted and applicable. Approved Development Agreement supersedes where applicable. 10 Indemnification. The Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold ADM On-going harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. 11 Clarification of Conditions. In the event that there needs to be PW On-going clarification to the Conditions of Approval, the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The Director of Community Development and the City Engineer also have the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts to this Project. 12 Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site Development PL On-going Review approval may be considered by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zoning Ordinance and with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 13 Equipment Screening. All electrical equipment, fire risers, and/or PL Building mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view by Permit landscaping and/or architectural features. Any roof-mounted equipment Issuance shall be completely screened from adjacent street view by materials and architecturally compatible with the building and to the satisfaction of the Through Community Development Director. The Building Permit plans shall Completion/ show the location of all equipment and screening for review and On-going approval by the Director of Community Development. 14 Master Sign Program. A Master Sign Program will be reviewed and PL Installation of approved at the Staff-level for all Project-related signage including, but any Project- not limited to, wall signs, monument signs, community identification related signage, address signage, directional signage, parking signage, speed signage limit signage, retail tenant signage, and other signage deemed necessary by the City. The wall and monument signs shown in the Project Plans are for illustrative purposes only and the full details of the 6 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: sign sizes, materials, and construction shall be shown in the separate sign package. 15 Construction Trailer. The Applicant/Developer shall obtain a PL Establishment Temporary Use Permit prior to the establishment of any construction of the trailer, storage shed, or container units on the Project site. temporary use 16 Final Building and Site Improvement Plans shall be reviewed and PL Issuance of approved by the Community Development Department staff prior to the Building issuance of a building permit. All such plans shall insure: Permits a. That standard non-residential security requirements as established by the Dublin Police Department are provided. b. That ramps, special parking spaces, signing, and other appropriate physical features for the disabled, are provided throughout the site for all publicly used facilities. c. That continuous concrete curbing is provided for all parking stalls, if necessary. d. That exterior lighting of the building and site is not directed onto adjacent properties and the light source is shielded from direct offsite viewing. e. That all mechanical equipment, including air conditioning condensers, are architecturally screened from view, and that electrical transformers are either underground, architecturally screened, or screened by landscape of an adequate size. Electrical and gas meters shall be screened to the greatest degree possible. f. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, fleshings, etc., are painted to match the color of adjacent surface. g. That all materials and colors are to be as approved by the Dublin Community Development Department. Once constructed or installed, all improvements are to be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. Any changes, which affect the exterior character, shall be resubmitted to the Dublin Community Development Department for approval. h. That all exterior architectural elements visible from view and not detailed on the plans be finished in a style and in materials in harmony with the exterior of the building. All materials shall wrap to the inside corners and terminate at a perpendicular wall plane. i. That all other public agencies that require review of the Project are supplied with copies of the final building and site plans and that compliance is obtained with at least their minimum Code requirements. 17 Construction Noise. Developer shall prepare a construction noise PL/PW Ongoing management plan that identifies measures to be taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding developed properties. The plan shall include hours of construction operation, use of mufflers on construction equipment, speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management measures shall be provided prior to Project construction. 18 Public Art. The Applicant/Developer intends to acquire and install PL Art to be public art on the Project site in accordance with Chapter 8.58 of the installed prior Dublin Municipal Code. The value of the public art Project is required to to occupancy # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: equal or exceed 0.5% of the building valuation (exclusive of land) for the entire Project. The Building Official will determine the building valuation at the time of Plan Check submittal for the first building permit on site. An agreement that sets forth the ownership, maintenance responsibilities, and insurance coverage for all public art on site shall be executed prior to occupancy. All public art installations are subject to approval of the City Council upon recommendation by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. 19 CalTrans coordination. Consult with CalTrans regarding details of PL Approval of proposed improvements along the 1-580 interface. Improvement Plans 20 Construction Traffic Mitigation Plan. Shall be prepared and PL/PW Issuance of submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of the grading first grading permit. Construction traffic and parking may be subject to permit. specific requirements by the City Engineer. If the plan will result in traffic restrictions and/or detours to any state highways, CalTrans may require an impact study to be prepared and the measures outlined in the study followed during construction. 21 Mitigation Monitoring Program. The Applicant/ Developer shall PL On-going comply with The Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) certified by City Council Resolution xx-xx, including all mitigation measures, action programs, and implementation measures contained therein. The EIR is on file with the Community Development Department. BUILDING CONDITIONS 22 Building Codes and Ordinances. All Project construction shall B Through conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of Completion building permit. 23 Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer B Issuance of shall submit five (5) sets of construction plans to the Building & Safety Building Division for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an Permits annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 24 Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully dimensioned B Issuance of (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing building and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a permits California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 25 HVAC Systems. Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be PL, B Occupancy of screened from adjacent street view with materials compatible to the any tenant main building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or space other non-movable materials to be approved by the Building Official and Director of Community Development. 26 Addressing. Address will be required on all doors leading to the B Occupancy of exterior of the building. Address numbers/letters shall be in a any building contrasting color to the surface on which they are applied and be able and ongoing to be seen from the street, 4 inches in height minimum. 27 Temporary Construction Fencing. Temporary construction fencing B Through 8 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: shall be installed along the perimeter of all work under construction. Completion 28 Engineer Observation. The Engineer of record shall be retained to B Scheduling provide observation services for all components of the lateral and the final vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, frame shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report inspection shall be submitted to the City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. 29 Green Building Guidelines. The Green Building checklist shall be B Through included in the master plans. The checklist shall detail what Green Completion Points are being obtained and where the information is found within the master plans. (Prior to first permit). Prior to each permit final, the Project shall submit a completed checklist with appropriate verification that all Green Points required by 7.94 of the Dublin Municipal Code have been incorporated. 30 Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report shall review B Permit and approve the foundation design. A letter shall be submitted to the issuance Building Division on the approval. 31 Cool Roofs. Flat roof areas shall have their roofing material coated B Through with light colored gravel or painted with light colored or reflective Completion material designed for Cool Roofs. 32 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Show the location of Electric B Through Vehicle Charging Stations. Include the number and location of EV Completion charging stations on plans. 33 Solar Zone— CA Energy Code. Show the location of the Solar Zone B Through on the site plan. Detail the orientation of the Solar Zone. This Completion information shall be shown in the master plan check. This condition of approval will be waived if the Project meets the exceptions provided in the CA Energy Code. 34 Accessible Parking. The required number of parking stalls, the design B Through and location of the accessible parking stalls shall be as required by the Completion CA Building Code. 35 Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall provide City with two (2) B 30 days after reduced (1/2 size) copies of the City of Dublin Building Plans stamped permit and "approved". each revision issuance 36 Electronic File: The applicant/developer shall submit all building B Issuance of drawings and specifications for this Project in an electronic format to the the final satisfaction of the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of building occupancy permits. Additionally, all revisions made to the building plans during the Project shall be incorporated into an "As Built" electronic file and submitted prior to the issuance of the final occupancy. PLANNING - LANDSCAPE 37 Final landscape and irrigation system plans. All landscape P Issuance of submittals shall insure: building permit a. That plant material utilized will be capable of healthy growth within the given range of soil and climate. b. That proposed landscape screening is of a height and density so that it provides a positive visual impact within three years from the time of planting. c. All ground cover shall be a minimum of 1 gallon, shrubs shall be a mix of 1 and 5 gallon (at least 50% 5 gallon), and trees shall be a mix of 15 gallon and 24" box size. 36" box trees (or larger) shall be installed at key locations throughout each neighborhood. Public street trees shall be 24" box. 9 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: d. That a plan for an automatic irrigation system be provided which assures that all plants get adequate water. e. That concrete curbing is to be used at the edges of all planters and paving surfaces unless otherwise designed. f. That all cut and fill slopes conform to the master vesting tentative map and conditions detailed in the Site Development Review packet. g. That all cut and fill slopes graded and not constructed by September 1, of any given year, are hydroseeded with perennial or native grasses and flowers, and that stockpiles of loose soil existing on that date are hydroseeded in a similar manner. h. Cut and/or fill slopes exceeding a 3:1 grade shall be stabilized with jute netting or approved equal to control erosion. Trees planted on slopes that exceed a 3:1 grade shall be installed with approved rock slope protection above and below the tree pit to catch grade. i. That the area under the drip line of all existing oaks, walnuts, etc., which are to be saved are fenced during construction and grading operations and no activity is permitted under them that will cause soil compaction or damage to the tree, if applicable. j. That a warranty from the owners or contractors shall be required to warranty all shrubs and ground cover, all trees, and the irrigation system for one year. A permanent maintenance agreement on all landscaping will be required from the owner insuring regular irrigation, fertilization and weed abatement, if applicable. 38 Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The Applicant shall meet P Issuance of all requirements of the City of Dublin's Water-Efficient Landscaping the building Regulations, Section 8.88 of the Dublin Municipal Code. permit 39 Open Space Areas. Private open space areas shall be planted and P Issuance of irrigated to create landscape that is attractive, conserves water, and the building requires minimal maintenance. permit 40 Plant Clearances. All trees planted shall meet the following P Approval of clearances: Final a. 6' from the face of building walls or roof eaves Landscape b. 7' from fire hydrants, storm drains, sanitary sewers and/or gas lines Plans c. 5' from top of wing of driveways, mailboxes, water, telephone and/or electrical mains d. 15' from stop signs, street or curb sign returns e. 20' from either side of a streetlight f. Plant clearances may be modified with approval from the Community Development Director on a case by case basis. 41 Landscaping at Street/Drive Aisle Intersections. Landscaping shall PL Ongoing not obstruct the sight distance of motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists. Except for trees, landscaping (and/or landscape structures such as walls) at drive aisle intersections shall not be taller than 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept at a minimum height and fullness giving patrol officers and the general public surveillance capabilities of the area. 42 Lighting. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a photometric plan to PL, PW, Building the reasonable satisfaction of the City Engineer, Director of Community PO Permit Development, the City's Consulting Landscape Architect and Dublin Issuance Police Services. The photometric plan shall show lighting levels which takes into consideration poles, low walls and other obstructions. io # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: Exterior lighting shall be provided within the surface parking lot and on the building, and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties, businesses or to vehicular traffic. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. The parking lot lights shall be designed to eliminate any pockets of high and low illuminated areas. Prior to Occupancy, the Applicant shall request an inspection of the lighting levels in the structure to determine if lighting is sufficient. If additional lights are required to be installed to meet the 1.0 foot-candle requirement, the Applicant shall do so prior to Occupancy. 43 Irrigation System Warranty. The applicant shall warranty the irrigation P Final sign-off system and planting for a period of one year from the date of on Sitework installation. The applicant shall submit for the Dublin Community Permit Development Department approval a landscape maintenance plan for the Common Area landscape including a reasonable estimate of expenses for the first five years 44 Sustainable Landscape Practices. The landscape design shall P Approval of demonstrate compliance with sustainable landscape practices as Final detailed in the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines by earning a Landscape minimum of 60 points or more on the Bay-Friendly scorecard, meeting 9 Plans of the 9 required practices and specifying that 75% of the non-turf planting only requires occasional, little or no shearing or summer water once established. Final selection and placement of trees, shrubs and ground cover plants shall ensure compliance with this requirement. Herbaceous plants shall be used along walks to reduce maintenance and the visibility of the sheared branches of woody ground cover plants. Planters for medium sized trees shall be a minimum of six feet wide. Small trees or shrubs shall be selected for planting areas less than six feet wide. 45 Copies of Approved Plans. The Applicant shall provide the City with P Issuance of one full size copy, one reduced (1/2 sized) copy and one electronic any building copy of the approved landscape plans prior to construction. permit 46 Plan Coordination. Civil Improvement Plans, Joint Trench Plans, Street P Approval of Lighting Plans and Landscape Improvement Plans shall be submitted on Final the same size sheet and plotted at the same drawing scale for Landscape consistency, improved legibility and interdisciplinary coordination. Plans 47 Utility Placement and Coordination: Utilities shall be coordinated with P Approval of proposed tree locations to eliminate conflicts between trees and utilities. Final Submit typical utility plans for each house type to serve as a guide Landscape during the preparation of final grading, planting and utility plans. Plans Utilities may have to be relocated in order to provide the required separation between the trees and utilities. The applicant shall submit a final tree/utility coordination plan as part of the construction document review process to demonstrate that this condition has been satisfied. 48 Southern Parking Lot. Sheets L1.0 and L1.1 of the Project Plans P Building identify two alternatives for the southern parking lot: the installation of occupancy photovoltaic arrays or the planting of trees in the parking lot. One of these two options shall be executed prior to the occupancy of the building. This is not an element that can be deferred until post- occupancy. FIRE PREVENTION 49 Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed F Approval of width of 26 feet exclusive of shoulders. At least one of the required Improvement access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum Plans 11 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. 50 New Fire Sprinkler System & Monitoring Requirements. In F Permit accordance with The Dublin Fire Code, fire sprinklers shall be installed issuance in the building. The system shall be in accordance with the NFPA 13, the CA Fire Code and CA Building Code. Plans and specifications showing detailed mechanical design, cut sheets, listing sheets and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. This may be a deferred submittal 51 FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM (NOT FIRE ALARM F Permit SYSTEM). Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly issuance different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved supervising station. One EXTERIOR approved audible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water- flow devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be required except when required by California Fire Code section 907. 52 FD Building Key Box. Building Access. A Fire Department Key Box F Occupancy of shall be installed at the main entrance to the Building. Note these any building locations on the plans. The key box should be installed approximately 5 1/2 feet above grade. The box shall be sized to hold the master key to the facility as well as keys for rooms not accessible by the master key. Specialty keys, such as the fire alarm control box key and elevator control keys shall also be installed in the box. 53 Gate Approvals. Fencing and gates that cross pedestrian access and F Details to be exit paths as well as vehicle entrance and exit roads need to be shown on approved for fire department access and egress as well as exiting building provisions where such is applicable. Plans need to be submitted that and/or clearly show the fencing and gates and details of such. This should be sitework clearly incorporated as part of the site plan with details provided as permit; necessary. installation to be complete prior to occupancy of any building 54 Addressing. Addressing shall be illuminated or in an illuminated area. F Occupancy of The address characters shall be contrasting to their background. If any building address is placed on glass, the numbers shall be on the exterior of the glass and a contrasting background placed behind the numbers. Building Address. The building shall be provided with all addresses or the assigned address range so as to be clearly visible from either direction of travel on the street the address references. The address characters shall not be less than 5 inches in height by 1-inch stroke. Larger sizes may be necessary depending on the setbacks and visibility. Multi-Tenants. Where a building has multiple tenants, address shall also be provided near the main entrance door of each tenant space. The address shall be high enough on the building to be clearly visible from the driveway, street or parking area it faces even when vehicles are parked in front of the tenant space. The address shall not be less than 5-inches in height with a %-inch stroke. 55 Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout the Project F Occupancy and along the Project streets as required by the Fire Department and 12 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: 2010 California Fire Code. All fire hydrants and FDCs shall be noted on the site plan. 56 Driveway Modifications. Access onto the Project site from all public F Approval of streets may need minor modifications to meet Fire Department access Improvement requirements. Plans 57 FIRE SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION F Ongoing 1. Clearance to combustibles from temporary heating devices shall during be maintained. Devices shall be fixed in place and protected construction from damage, dislodgement or overturning in accordance with and demolition the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Smoking shall be prohibited except in approved areas. Signs shall be posted "NO SMOKING" in a conspicuous location in each structure or location in which smoking is prohibited. 3. Combustible debris, rubbish and waste material shall be removed from buildings at the end of each shift of work. Flammable and combustible liquid storage areas shall be maintained clear of combustible vegetation and waste materials. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT 58 Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform DSRSD Issuance of to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the any building DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design permit and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities", all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. 59 All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate DSRSD Issuance of future flow demands in addition to each development Project's demand. any building Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility permit master planning. 60 Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's DSRSD Issuance of existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and any building may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by permit case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20 year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the applicant for any Project that requires a pumping station. 61 Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for Commercial DSRSD Issuance of Development shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid any building dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD permit Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. 62 DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in DSRSD Issuance of public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent any building possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must permit be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. 63 Locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water DSRSD Issuance of and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. any grading permit or a site development permit 64 Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or Construction DSRSD Issuance of Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes any building 13 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: first, all utility connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan permit checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. 65 Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or Construction DSRSD Issuance of Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes any building first, all improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the permit District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. 66 No sewer line or waterline construction shall be permitted unless the DSRSD Issuance of proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A any building construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Condition permit No. 66 have been satisfied. 67 The applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, DSRSD Ongoing employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the Project. 68 Improvement plans shall include recycled water improvements as DSRSD Issuance of required by DSRSD. Services for landscape irrigation shall connect to any building recycled water mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD permit Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the requirements therein. 69 Above-ground backflow prevention devices/double detector check DSRSD Issuance of valves shall be installed on fire protection systems connected to the any building DSRSD water main. The Applicant shall collaborate with the Fire permit and Department and DSRSD to size and configure the fire system. The ongoing Applicant shall minimize the number of backflow prevention devices/double-detector check valve through strategic placement and landscaping. 70 Development plans will not be approved until landscape plans are DSRSD Approval of submitted for DSRSD review and approval. Final Landscape Plans 71 Grading for construction shall be done with recycled water. DSRSD Ongoing 72 Temporary potable irrigation meters in areas with recycled water DSRSD Ongoing service shall only be allowed for cross-connection and coverage testing for a maximum of 14 days. 73 The sewer main shown on the plans is a 10-inch main with a 2% slope DSRSD Approval of to the main in Dublin Boulevard. This appears to be a larger main than improvement is needed and a larger slope than needed. Review and confirm this is plans the best approach. 74 The water supple mains shown on the plans indicate the domestic DSRSD Approval of consumption on Zone 1 and the fire suppression system on Zone 2. improvement This means the fires suppression system will have relatively high plans pressure due to its elevation in comparison to the Zone 2 reservoirs. 14 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN REQ'D AGENCY Prior to: _ Review and confirm this is the best approach. 75 The recycled water supple for landscape irrigation shows a double DSRSD Approval of detector check on the facilities feeding the irrigation network. The improvement double detector check is probably not needed. Review and confirm this plans is the best approach. 76 City of Dublin and DSRSD shall review the proposed Project's building DSRSD Issuance of plans to determine applicable fire flow requirements and whether first building additional internal potable water storage must be provided. permit PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of , 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 15 s • • s • • s • • • o • • • • • • • • sss • • • • • • • I Ma Dam 7282018 8 02 04 PM J 1 l 7 1/ 1/ 1/ 111 411 PN V Q7 .... .co I 1 IIII— Io Z cr 7.. 7 nn".. rn V 0 611012111Y' co — o in CD r- I 0 rn C Or Z 14 Q) Z Z Y. i. n G) t- 48 CD irt ,..,, 1,-; t.,:= 4-,,,. .,,. I' 1 C) cn 44 CD I tri- X CD 0 i - - I G)rn j A tar L L' • ja i1_ 1 l ! 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A s a ' u :. p r I gsa 00 g 00 HY g 00 I e 00 e = 4 F K ' F ' F, sy I 1 1' I' d 1 S I O » a u 11 I lob I[ 3 I L .. a L'..$ t' 1 •'-: i t I I I i i 1 r,2a as a aLf aa a s L' J E — N.- ° I. g as ; L» a N I 1 V a uI r a r I h L- J [ 1 I aa,, a I I I r I I; 8° _ s 0441Cba© s , - O» u. F 8 08' t aaa 1E \ 0 , . - a 11: . Ir St e C: F » O.:. I I 8a SS 8 a• N _ I-- J 1 m / ; 3 I . MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 04 5!! aly Q g ggg- olitiSx • 8 si Ra a p a Qg p F a" R N Z r 0( 1 1 B a o H O / I qx i~ T x Z g u, ci T x Iii§, O 1119 ti ti N I , y I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III I C N g g pz Z O 1 p c % A g W 1 B • • s • s • • • s • s • • • • • • • • • • • • oass • • • s • s • • • • • • • • ss 1 P17 01. 0 75- 129_ urw_ Outa001_ U 9NO2_ CO\ SOR C2. 000rs6n9+ 9. C7. M Grating Patio LWe+. 7/ 27/ 2016 6 38 06 PMARCHU• El( 90. 00. 42031714). 1. 1 J I t J I f I t I MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 03 t 2 is a I Y[ 6. ,. a, u a ,; Y it iI s 3; I g EI! ' H iI71 0 ::: 0 f d AlJ I I aa aa r as F*' aria I r. a ' a 00 . a x f I ill' I a r as as a' p p aaaa Q g \. 10.., 1i Ili' oas a0 b 0 O SS 6 0 a" E p 0 a 9. 1 g Ntv x V- c g c as a i. I• 46 - '"--- I . I I as0 . s.Y IV m Y 3 0 I s 1 r k' A a 8 1 . .. JP--_ a r/ g Iv a Rd FF I g s. . V . Y 1. u 1 x• a as. Rf` Z1 Z91 IY+ a: i f3;!- 6r? 1: _ 4 a aNI= 4 tii. b., u,` , O Q aw ' 1 Y I 11 a." rzva: Ca o cs » or s cs I- _ Q x" a V ' 4 i 1;\ 1 0 1 © , 0 0•• if © 211 0 0 " e" v ! 00 • © ; . 1 00 L.'© -. 0 c . e . N x . a I - '',‘\:, ' t d— I 7- 1.1a a I a a a g S ar- ::- a, as S • ; as ° 74 ; 8 as ' Ret ; a > Y f \ q f Mg' s, Y Ya $ x uu'• cs S l x s` \' e, a Oa a 00 00 00 ea, 00 6 y r\. . t pti s ; t tt, x I t x r a s p, t 4 I i— — nr — — —... f - .--_. — — Ui — — j' y - o - gar a4,-- p I 1„ I as as as a I aa. 0 i' a\ c 1 I N a as 14 a n a ;;; '~ a I : t a ry t i j l'• x e t e j'.• O O O '. a u a O O s O 00 It g 0 . .. 1 if. . o. 4<;,,,,• 601;.,, i snn s I., e1 ' .' 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I III r.. 777: I I 1 y 1 y 1 41i I i J Y- L I 11 I 4.. q a I I, 1 a 1 t O 0, tl i r I I __ -- t y - - yl`-- fit - R I p - - I I I I I 0 1 IiI i E• I G a y IL: [ Y 1 i n, , G I I I I' IP Li aI r 1 t n II a 1 II y.__.-_ < o.. ro+. - cwr c1, I I 2 Spy — t-_ '— a I 1 I r 9 1;__-'—._ O s _: • I 6 I Il ../ I II/ ;' a I n', q I I 4 i ti— _ 1 1 I 1 IJi_. I11 I iyI r iTfl – ; t– – tl J 1_ __ ig • • I _ I • _ a I o I c\ I a e-,-— C- r , I J I I 1 n I I/ I r, I 1 i 1 P- - Y— – Y I I 41. -'+' I 1 S. I , ,', fi I I Q , 1, 11. 14, ,: ; I , 1 1 1 41' F \ I I 11' s!' 1 ; I i 7 Imo/ I i 4 ti I nill I MN i a I Ole w o o: 1. - Win ill I- I Pill L_ —— — 1 — — ey, 1 i 1( IF_.___ O .•••••••. cs== w: iliLI I I 1 I 6t® 111 t1 1 I I H! k 1 i IaI 1 en 4 p Il I 1 II 1 1 1 1O 1\ 1 1 j . i i. ' 7 '' i..\' I Q 1 I i111 ay , 4 w Z i 4§ P3XRiiEElii §§ i1; F1 S F1m-< 1Pn 666666Y66 9 6 till AIBfA = = W;> 1 Q r r.. i $ A ^• g A ' i, Npp Y A n a F R 33 IRE 2,` _ 1§ t 6666668666666Y 1466666 R 11 1 ppz = log, C 2° p 44 II II 2 g78 ;. Neo wcw z kpinli ' i w . • Iwzirl. . rmaP.;.: ti . , I ! I ICI II p. E541; 5« 55, mo55g` g5gg= g At § 4t C 4 R 8, N.. N.> 3IW Wti.. r,,.° sYzs^ s E • n f y I as 11' : 221A, > 1 • ao 1 1 111 > 111 m ', It' l 4 r' 6 °€ 2 * I I I I I I c G 3 i• moo. m ex I- WIZ a ( O- }}}{ 1l11 II- 0 1111 I[ I f L r IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 z W r 1 1 I 69996699999669999909999009969999969999999699P120,51151 29_ K• ser- DibNi04_ Des4002_ CDSD11 C3. 00 Ut1MAw9. C3A1 WryPeeb Lop44. 742720168: 40. 54 MARCH N Deed El 00. 00 4 4240YWw+). 1' 1 I I It1 1 F. s.;' II1 I i Y I I t 0, z 1 1 a I ezz N m^ I I a II I t r, i 1,\ 1n1\ I i I p g p 7Y UNE- I.\::,-):: 1. 11--- pK w ti N m...-..--...... o . 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RI a I I Itl: Iii 1 r= i I 1` T P I lil s g0 \( t a 6% r 5- O 0IY a.£. a- a 015 J d A yt\\\ l i, z- PAZ •/ C Iti g a1 - Ate ' t II 1 W a 1 < < s ox , 1! i i 4. 1 \ • I \ _ i CJI a I 1' S( q I 1 0 k a \ II 1._.- II p S N., 8t a 1 . 1, L I r I I. • o, I 1 111, SW,. I I li d t U gig m \ I Tri. ir....-- 4 \ t 4 C I .. \ 1 Y\ \' a-- 1 i° i ieM v I II A iF a. /\) „ — . «. T1+ % 1 " ,_\ rJLi:°: 11 s r. r - ' g K' m L J i p .', 1. o42Y - 1. R.. iof 2 a n 41 '-, . 1 4 aawY+• 0, Z l ti- ' i...._ ____ s, 7- 7,,.._,...‘ T ik' N•\ i . - A 010';' 1. 2".‘......... 7 x. 21 o LLin ' v,§• I 6 of Kw 1• s, 8-~ _ r• l. I• YL. r;_ Nn a• G- = z 1 11 vvt ao V< yt I n 4 I o 2- x 1 . 7\,' 0 I a; 1 I I c '' I I ' II m a I I 11t' \ i A j I . PROPERTY LINE I 1', t j I I i 1 I 0 I 1 ' y 1 11; 1 1 . 2I 1 2, • 9 . t5 ,, 6688615 55, . J,„— m4g ! g' R k o S nnnnnnf iii a c n Ai Q . IR 8 = 3 a i S m r srX''' ;; gta , g PR-, R o; R° wmm. 1•,^ m P aax i. . a.. g A. 9 ?^ ', 2g N R * a" I G) 6 p EsY4 So € YY - SO° KKYXNYPXWkKm55m5Q P. 5 op-L. CI 0: A g`- ,- gA 9 ATE g ogg 1 i I 11 li N NH A° InQ G 000000 A .*> i° 8® I I I 1 1 $ 1 I A 811 g Purr rr. s I f @ e " 6 tNECGiCEIa6sN$$ - e a Y a 2 R 50 °"€ s I i I 11 11 Chi a T-- 7 ? 0 € iii i 3 Do 5 CEL c0 l I_ Off ' x I MT = ZCOZ 1111 ' r- 31 ! I :.. i rsi" J 0 611§, DZg' n I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1 C z z Ft W D I' y Q 0 Z L gyp` I N I 000 • • • Ci00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . c...„. 3. 00,.. y....... 03 UIfry. P. dO LLDse. 7R7R0116 641 a PMARCI1 At Deed ET 00. 00 a 400Inches t I I I I I II l I 11 1 I 1 I 4 ti um I 1 Y4r . A rw. H N wp I I P f« f4 2 4V r, g E, w: 1; Y g o uS g O PROPERTY UNE i- - N vl V m w 0 1 c• p I .• L----- 1----,,..,----. ---- -''''''- - ------- — -- --.,..-.. 111....- „---__- .--__„-- -- soL,_ 75-_-,---=_ !. __ -__„ 1, 1__ . I u P POOwy vV 4 L2 a— A o d J` Q F — " Y o s® I.... — u I I) e., 5- 0010 I J. S Dw0 u e4!• S 0010 u Y u Y 1 lr S- Op1 I», r, 5- 000 fl f I 0S It 1 _ s—_. s ; A i 4- T2 f- 3—. 3 1 A i w ., T xY f I i li Y Y Y a in 1' of I• 1' r . w i 0 v • L w s Y US. 0 H It ki 2---- I fits i. I ro I poo pl I i I J: I j. xr8u _ R 4 I I QP... w w 1 O p I L I g= z el d Y a Fl c - C o I 3 YkkYa iI fd r r c I s 9eo9 u. YV 15* FIRE f. OR ALIT 1 `._ i___: Y.. wv x x c 9 I EnsEME LT. TW-• fi r C f 0 G i I r U IS Ip 5. 0010 Ib/. S• n010 SW 40010 i II3 o { S I c O L . 1 L I r I I z2a m YMC Y v i o Li gp i g, G.: 3 P Uw 4r; qN T s s"•- kl 1 t. sir 5 LI Nry d I I © _ J sC — 7 c t__ Ovvl I I ri i. . I i ee. r, Y0010 W I I• 7 r 1 I--- — 9 0 I I rI I g I s I C i• m I '- Immo Y t 2• 4 a_ I r YYY C I I : 7111t; Y Is I ea 5_ o 11111-----. •. t 5_ 0000 1. 6, 1-. f_ 0005 I I i`^ I o O i sxi. s- a n i IIIIIIE 1 I _ - _ or o wr . P kt I al ar t o I o w r I'. II • w. laor._. ^. — .. s. wos r: srlI seoO L P A s. N Q I r 7 c- I i 08 I I < 2^ n • I z I I I g Q I r g 2 I li m 11 f I r 4 l n f i I s s H S I I . HE 03. 04 I s < . IIII o7; 1Zw7OI. rN_ o w w. n. l. r • i ii EA SQl rg S $ w m a$$ l f a s 21 n A R ^ 1 A a s g- V ` p a ii oIq n R R R5i t ` l L yy o Y, i ii i i' o 5.. 5 5 5. 55 xW : 5.= 5 i 5 tts6s Rs4w_ t* D x s g - Q, g tix b v c 1 F. 11 at y Ye"" 6000000' 6' 6' oo o 0 X 2$ > a AP = R y xg" e ' A* $ NN NM ti wwww -~ N; w;; Y ww a ; P z 0988ccoo m$.= 8© I - iI I I I } 1 1 g t sit at ig6 18 1 l I III II V C C C CD 07 L-,-, cu_ 1` Ya zO P19 ' O om 3 n I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4; g z wa W Z I;': , I - I may t p I I I I I I 1 II , v . . , CB . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1512015\ 15129_ O5w_ Duo1n' 411_ EloPeit CD490Rp. 661Mry. 0.' 6, C3. 04 UINy WOI. tra[, 72720116MOOf6URCR u OMod El p0. 012 it 4210Inch 11. 1 I I I I tNATCHI. IN .- SEE C3 03 1 I Go C•i p .. Ca 8 0 Ca 14,- 2 1.!!: 1 1 u r 5\ U 61° 4 g isss= 9 T.- r, I I 5\ 2"_ 15 N I 3 Y , \ I j u II I I I Airs oN C - r" , , Ps \ ,© 2 1 ”.' F.; li I j rgs g w g s a nermi 1 I wr sama gar s- omo 1 ms r • MN 1 m Y4X N II 2 4 1158 lu 4A I r j i; ' I 1 1=--. -._ l © r 9 I., I . as sao, o 1, I I yH li L. i o w` yS 3 k A 5\ i. a 2 I, s IF qN tT. S F > mN L- Sv Wiz. OW.$- aom w s- ao a n1. s- aoio J V N + 2- K7 i. s- a. on A E r 1 0 YA Ya I a$ II 1 1 Voss- i, m,» w . i ..... _ ,,,,.... J' L 1 E• s I a4 II s 0 ., , 1 1, I A . .,_ . ,..- ---." -" --* N.. VS '`, LL 1 1. .. \ • )\''--- . • Li 3. o 1 111 I <. s Sm i g Y H v I M I ( zi-- 7- E T , YY,- c S$ Lf: L s 4RA m I I 7,!:= I v I ao15rtlr- L_ J A A g s 4 I 1 ,Im 1 0 IN i 1 G 7. Q Q QZ A FEi• iR WP'^ asr... mMiw' 4* Za. a.. P.,.. . 1 S ` \ c^ N' u^>^ QAR! AEn= q g ; Fagg€ = g 8 i ! i ! bi! Ii fi r.' n y a aia Y a g S 0 2 0 S m z i p a sSm, 1 Q a i ' $ i ' - 1; y 5\ R 2, II 4 g a 8, 999° I94P P* 3 1 n 3 i 2 :, i' 8 s . ,. l ? D s= 4 ati aaa 5\ 4 n C r - A 0w22 2° Y` N i Y R V cx' eat astgs °: ws aws $ el g 7 4 S F F A g; i, 1 2 ; 1 P„ m PPPw - ti III Yp >~ 4 8 9, tst e• wop a41 1 I i 1 I I I• y7- p 13 o 0 0 00440lt® .' WI I I I III ' I I y ' a' ar ii eb a wsCNis ae N a -' I I 6 a 12 a • 1 I r-- T---, ! o0 1 1 l i in 3 oco 0. I 1 11! 11 -! F'!'. , J 7 lip. f lT1 l' il§ n nrIII'; I 1 4 y0 c cpi,. z 1 y IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ s „ d m ill o J moo` m 1 I I I I I SOSSOSS11118111111111111SOCIOSSIDSOOSSOOSSSOISOOOSOSSO9%150 6. 129- 1( ame aanM_ Deegro COESDRUAO D. I. Y4wp. G 00 See Dee6 Pa Lop, yr66. 43: 49 MARCH h• deed E,( 30. 00 x 42. 0° Yrlae), l 1 1 _ I I I I 1 opg 0 91 rvrI ti 4 Z$ 7 8 p Ec$ A w o y 4 F ; Y OS : e K tig 4 Of R q p " A N8 , 6' to2• j•. I n C I 4wQ f 4 N iii g iti: I '' q i'" Alf ci, sR M. f I 4 ll' x 0 s s3 3,, 0 Tit o• • tI . 4 . i 4> q e e 7 b s s o 6 . ` y • ^ i 11: w j.. i'• gd , ti. 1 =, g I i, s 0. a• o f, ti, pb. r• i,/ l p I— III : a ^, a^ a a w 0• 11, 000 III . g., m o Art N4— St) ball U t SZ o i P 0. 2 9 0 . . c- p-. >. 44! if° ip : k li flE n ; R a R$ I a = a N€. b j 9 Q fP>= 2° R 8c p 04Y, l cn VARI¢ PER a 2q• mN1S 4 T. O 5` ; a€ g iy> n, S Z Cu rtin LP EEEV bi LEN AN VMtS p t 8?• 21; A °> i wZS a d ( 01 YAM) _ { PER PUW Pa 1111 O R9oPm = V: 5. i ! ii 1,. 0 1r8 r, I F< e 9 ix g — j_ S Ana f . N i G14i+' 1' ' Ij$ I ,. 0.R. I psi a F 1_ " R s sas q x a .• ` bg rb " ` tom, t 8A R0. Q\ F 0 F 11- iiii RSAs e 4 O M 100410P 2" 7t-. A 88 b my d07. i! i PM141 NI I. 6p, , g . r, i E 9 5Q Q H n .. ii Or= 111 ` 7 cp, z.. oibn$ kR R z^ c> Y d'"$ TII k Se x 1111 — ` fr t 2 4 li ` ITI A i 1' 1j N Cl"-- In -- 84 5 // 8 884 Bi _ I 9 III— 4' v o 45 a (- 1 9 _ 1 1 ° Q Vo, 3 s It ' 1, 98 III 1 ,. IX'/% <. aar R I — 4 0 ° p 3e F. ,• Aoi,'. II 3 a Bat OP R tZ/ is 3 r o o w 27, s W '! t t' V I ngA g 10,, kisMs‘ 3R14 1- 1 C ens j y• ,, : 1 53 i ti 4! 4ir i_ SG fd w cNcc 0 0 i r __ _ _. ,. 0 8 o25 II iQJ r L tttf: m n cn ; c - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , If A z m I,. I ni' O y 3 o i m 00 • • • • © 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P62016616129 Knuar_ D, dnO4_ DeapAO2 CC' SDR U. 00 OMWIAWp, GA1 SNOW& Pablo lope,/ 2720166 44: 13 MI ARCH All OIe. tl El I30X0 K42 0011Achesj. 1 1 I I I I. O R o a K IN lb a a' g A' X44 n s sX Ya L t. es uax _ P r D c $ T. Sx b YY yy 3 1 m ua ; tA•', b 3 y: ' t Yin r 0 No F7 p. SIDEWALK Ica _ i I E jmg y I m t> I Ii i q IF CROSSWALK IF PROVIDED av pJt. i " X tix II m g I 1 ± 4 p p I 4xM 4 1 T. SX RIO - T iX a" I. SX Nu 1 - o ` J- 1. 5% x 1l 111K/, 1 YPR .. ff L x a. Se a I,IiILWW X D p tiC m I= nm. fr T5 3..... ` aR P PLANTINGAREA CRO65NALK If PROVIDED I 1 e Yin — aim Y° K t. sr% i 1 IN 2 i ^ 9R_ g Ap sX Ud ` o m w r - I u q I€ E a« NI iI±;:: D T. SXY x ! i v. r Y` sx• TAT m Cm" 5 ago' Y f' liaa ut la i g. V ; f gi VW; 0 R a a ii?' lii . g 9a° ao . , Zia" oa° peI.. a In X s'' io8 gab . Rya g gxog' .„ $^ -° $ 38 w 2a ` Agl R$ m oy o o v g (• b i' o = G gl5AP 5 . 1 il% 20 oI • 1" 1ii Vii"!°AI p 1 1. 0 n of W 1 ! $ 3 0' = R. o 9. 7" 30- $ o °--° o' 1° . S oo.. ` 42 oo Z of a, 6_ f 4, 0 ; PI ° er•. id - ! , o °' 4 n• :. z n g n ° 0 2 qa> -. eg R q . s 10 dS -; Ri ' ao oal " o ai 1 I:: W 0 3 , ° o o O S 4>? P- 8 0•= p:' S gg Y, oo" o " o 1; 83• > _ t i a& 3 I. Ya - !,.`.: ii 4,A a$ ^ g3 ga - a €— . s z F Aa o it ! r o Q °. g S 3; 9 • a- - 7° - o3 ,, aoo e a Fti"\ t' • 4At 1 . F z n z W is.' hp $ o -. n ' ea 1,,„ ci R x o III g ao . ; S s; s. pg flc cn n N ns 3 Til a 3 ; = a rasa R Fir! a $ o ^ oa s. R v e•; g s-. 1 a:• S oK _ o ° j q°> S a ax a V881/ dSEI NVId OUVONVIS O3SIA3l1 SIOZ i i p M I i 3 JV Dr 0. r . 2. 9. 2 _ 0 v., D lilt 1111 0)," I H. i; 0 A = x I cn I I IgI I I I I I I I I I I I 40, g z Z DO rn m 1 Y\ t01511N2e- Kaaer_ Udnla Desg1O2- COMP G. 00 Dealt Op. G At Darer Devb. P+ do Low, 7/ 27/ 201664431 MARCH U EbM El 30. 00 a12. O 140041 I I I I Os p pp V i E 0 iePG !, I' I F a T R l m i 1 A rn I A I4g i r-. iq RA •. G A I P 1S A AF- gi! yi WRa d gr L i mdi:i A 0g - 1---` W . .: 1 a lfr m I( 11C3 J a" i I` l- Ill. g LiMAL' sl; 1A5 3R Ek II HI I • X1;/ 0 8 1 I R AI gN AA ag aQ r rII j! i ril b£ XliAgqeAl; i> A P PI # i 4g! R y i- Ii= so gliA s A I f yo a i 2Hg ! i ! I y ; a r A. i i la A g 0A. PIC aA 1' f p^ 4 1 1 I 1 S R s_ x g 3 1i 1g2x2 F>• ! A ..$ g 2 c A itA t: 4 IFila¢ i g- 1 I ILLI1` . b. saAwsA _ 8 p SRI gR 2 V. i at 1 A 1 . 41-- , ii! Jj a8 pI rr 1 J 7— _ L. I_- JL y- o p § ! % . Is - r - S . ;'. 4 ' I' 1 1 1 .) [ ob 1° I-- s q ! 1 1' 1 I 11 ' a t 2, i A§ ? 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CIIr Il ri t ') ;ill= g;. POE 1 rco 4 so Ag t,; ru; 5E( 55 BEA 4./.-- I 1' ., 9,. ! - N Qy-. ISC{ 1 It i iT gE,t aD 4 Q q! I1Rs! b1'® gyItIPP1 jj I I ' a 8•— F 8 2 of a Q g Ib ,, 11I tAf i $ ii!' r aN $ I 4! F v I E li i 3 aw= }..„. :, LiEjIuI! L' li: go 671 Z c imo 1 P I IIm Oy 1111 m I N m i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • o © • • • • • • • • • • • • i P 12015NS129_ N4Nr_ OItlI11M_ ENMgVO2 CESEIR GAO DMEY4gG- 033310430sfatio LOpeer27, 2016 E. 45: 37 PNARCH AA OM El( 3CA0 x 4200 YM4A). 1. 1 I I I I 1 O _ P a P', PV• YN, y m sg Sao4 . AA' P lAp g g. 0 A. r74% spa ix[ volt 2) A , BEDCINC W. I. 01P- 91 , Okt All" P .., g2a R ( SEE NOM 5; rta I 1 E WE v \ mQQF Sri QQA 8 8 _ 91 yC n isttuNts t L' y' pg i im15 ! ; Ti., 1 \ il Ar A s pzF vg 3 AM Vg 4 ig g vg 0n O P R p PP .. my,! PN 7qq. z Z eft ao< 411aill ilnik c... . 7, ... s AA 5.... P. S. A. IA ... - z A a -. RS° f' gN S o F R IB c A AOp EEN5On-" SLEEVE Wet Ng c Y 48 -. 84!". 810- p a fx DEPTH Q., T8IFAN 0 9 x== ECECDS AM$ CC-. 0P_ rwhm em m af F 1 Mi Ill liI F I o O m 4 a€ A,., ARtx,.- gO Ili oA El p6 8 g .., ° gFm ea. $ 8 g i°' T•= a o° om SS 8 0" $ ° P £ y 3 8 e % z4 1n n CI: g e A ; A A; 1414 a+ Q a ' g el v, C „ A 0 o c„ g g f AP 23 o 8 g Z P ' 3 m yV A O • 813DI SOWRNIS M71\ 01h\ A CE.( Ali( 4 Hai: Aa t I 1 133W0 51410M fIB, Mp odd MOO ,.„ 1r,., t e,, ttM 1 777 aNO 9W[ Y t YHIl 10f 130 ` 46 L C • rar nos m, a mss ql S' IUflLW 20d SNOLLVJO1 Q1iVONVIS 4, S; g tiPS ri I oltAi... 4, N, N tPaEAC[ 1 ro wai^ ' A a I 1 q 1 kil .., R Ai i iti, I 1 - A ti ,, Ilih i,.., 1: v 1 1 1 8 41 s LL ss; 6: i Ag 5# a .. iI.',! 1QA • . .. a • . • Fi m Z ooA ,,, ii r i Ili to 8 C b a L I• L e . 9 4 1 2 A. of, es tilts a o L L • C e a y eggs I ••;^ m : gig i' l 2 z,, 2- 8 1,4 g. os O S er A § F8' Jx',' Orr I11 O r i/ i 7j p G./ Ti P K • b a e a . czi gq w ga O o JJ p. 4 o.. . 34;. f n o 11,( No $ ztiF a g 8 f I> A R w " 4 ' ' I I ; b L4 0 E;Fp S t I.., l b n x ; n at . 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F 1_ Mg.!!! me ` Z v p y - 1 I141I 4 Q__ gtt g Fg - g '< R., Y ,' l lg a L ° i a , r..., F M 0 7 b2 y 8 lift. th se tE2I CP fiT 1 Fl 1 Q- AC • Fsm Rt A g > m, I z Ilk AAt ° 0 $,‘ 0 tkiiirdifil I ry PI r 8 7 g R F 7rE d nor 1 YAc i wrw , 1E I i; 1E* * i- Q 1$ 3* MN Q AR a 8 i S n" 6 i 7S W 0 R 4 YYY4R G 7 g 1 Q$ a$ S n b$ b A a; S A b x P O I q O ie 's8 Fs ; Jh - N M Q' mEx Q iT 6• YM. 6' MN. QR y . 4'- v v. j01 g° T __ (] 0N) S FRpQ114 i Q j y. 1pful m 7 elg 43 Og i 0 0 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . / . . . . P12015k15129_ harses_ Dto.' OI_ 0I61POR_ ONele. 6w. G. 07 Utley Dew1011H6 Laps= 1727Q0166: t6: t6 MARCH SA teed E1( 30A0' 42. 0101040. 1: 1 I I I g so O EXTENSIONS m a ° A E x ri 56. 06 m 42. 00- 1300'- s J JJ MN 3% 719. CI 7 l O I' MN. 111- 1— 11 0 o z a . ID z rn r 0 0 . R G ao.,.. o O Z O O I.. d POP MUM N CO' El R b i 5 C O X 1° 1 10. 00 10. 03' 6. 1. 3- sS0' 600• A xBL0 Ill Ill is I. 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F 1.• - NA xi IN 1 gI 8 10., 5. 57 _ o ' E y I s, r r s I1 m tin 8. 2724 o rn 0 1 A Y 800 l I O 0 is,< rn I l 1 c n 0 8x : I 9 o . 0( y` ,. E U ED 1 G 1{ E G g' V Y fA 1 2& 8 10. 89 45 1 v a IV C/.{) C) O Oo 1 $ O 101+ 1 n N + J IS I P, 7 1/ i 1 c z 1 tT1 E O c w I 1 I g o I og o I L,. tJ l 4 x 0 nCi7 I s,,. > s 23 zi P: 1 1 0: 1E rrrr/ a OR I 1 Ci7 H it t 1 s i IIlg vii v g > G s x g g s 44 co N 0Zm -"" 0 ' III x a a S oznz AO 8 WM flit O o o Wm Illit c ro z o g I 4: b w g C mn II; 7 y I s z A c V z p m 1 1 1 sssssssssssssssssss ssssvosssssssssssssssssss RID* 10/ 12/ 20159 25 38 AM Mho! I I Iy D1m aA m s Fi m A Ilk 0Q9yy 51 NS > m r• y A o n2 Z 1 i- AO 0 g z co KEEGAN STREET L —. 1 .. 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Tax 0 vT k . 4- Z wk. b 14., m*' n ., 1' k jfl rz,„, Z o p c m e LOCKHART STREET l I . 1 mm 9 FX 1 f apn'' O O yA D OD N A SB a PI 19 g Au 7 i- 8 lk, S a CA a 9 S Omm O I 1 QQ 3 I 93N g D W Dco e,- E,- 701 NC3 Z O FRA G7 CO o 0 p N al r_ y y CO . go 1 2 z W z 00 z C_, IIIIHIIIlItIII I o a D/ A I I I 73 f` f 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pd as 10/ 12/ 2016925 as AM arm I 1 1 r m n m In QCg n D n j z5z i• 0 D f/ 7 k C f1 m D k Ji ' O 1) S m g QJ J G. ' F I 3 L t r r L . . 5 y I mayy 7 r 4. ss ! yA F A 1 ' J g v O R I. F II I.. 3,* 4 FR pi- 1 Y r.); ,7, i v i D or AAC D Z r 22223 1 3 El, acc ,,,,` n2 m r 4 I i Z L fg m g Pi A 4 Z h 1 x f f 1::? ja x Z r r N e,. In. A I N Ale,: i,—. — y i Iii r 0 co i m . Or' ' 1 iii I a 9 1aEi' S CC o co Z O FFF 8 ' = I CO O W D VI T/ 73 o < C zcDoro G7 Q 8 - vnWnzall) g Doz N I I 77 a ssIs . s • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • a • • • s . Os . ss • • • • . • PYl Deb. 10/ 12120159' 25 38 MA Maw I — I 1 I Z II t 1m Z iZ n . h ` I c IX Nm k i: i' , t m z T t;.;,.. Z I lis. 0, _ , ,.. ...: ,,' s- J a Z x I I - t; Ai 1y. I f: z I IIL cf. i101 1 A t. r - 04 To I g all K r' v 1 lz r c 5,. I s`. y'...,. .. 4 . . . r': Ili 04 , :: - 15 1. INN, 1 t. 2' it 5 SAL Y r ---_ 4.;: k11101,,, r It a F N Y t 1 4l t ` ti I , 1. [ . 14'. , Z' gff e.. Ii kL& r f fir1 0E 1n Z s x PP• L____ L. r Ili' am , m rte•! ` 1 • iia 4: 4.,' Li 1. 1 _ IL i 1 - '<: . ... L m i lfftlli III rt sr; id& 11 L; 9 E' 111 3 c pppppp 1 o cn^ cs IEl' i8T = I is M a, cn A r c S IIIIIIIIIII6 p n 70 Aoo nD N $ z° may 00 ° m O 1 1 m m FM DM 10/ 12/ 2015 9 25 38 AM MYm I 1 or:, 7,,) D k J O r ki. o p X t c:114f ' r 4 M x k 0 S+ j t 1. Z fii Nor .,; 244:':.' •- • 1 , , , p, . di? z l • • i * 11. U1 •-"' 0 0 7a. . 1„. 5,..•, rt,, t. • Ill r I 4. • y it Ft .; 1 a¢ .. i, is Ls;) 4*. . •, Ilk R Vii' di/ h z x 3 S. i 111 Y . 1 . 1. • .• 1 ill 1 4,, A N. irsif 0, 4. 1!''';-.' 4. ' " .: :'., ,, ,, Z; r I I r. y t ttit. by 1 y i ft : fry. , gip• !, ` r: y._ f'.' O^• f iii 11111 I t, C % N i t rn II+ T Y . . rf f r 1 i f r opt I A r f t • t 40 e 741rs' :. f r No 1 I. f 40. 1_ a cn J i r5&.. 13 8 T S C o h1 r.. O J FFF a_ 1E 0, co ° o to U: J 12 s o z C D o mrn Qy III I S A CC D nZ r o s,-,, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 70 4.. co D cn Z ma. M I I 73 I IIIIIIIIImillw 0s MU,, 101128015 9 25 38 AM Alta I C—) rZ 0 riti1101111111111. D i r n cnm O a z 5*,: w L.. fi• 44.‘,..,. 1,': O 1 . x`' 1, 1 i lj LIMIT CFN' ORK .' L .- (+ Y.. 1 4 ~ f 4 7. L ra: 1 i F- tea c 3 03 i pt 2-' _ oZ Op o m Z CO , ct 7i I_ i c c-) r— z- y D Co m C- p III o l l lll l ill I I v• 1 I l r y\/ i ° I i m aN N• Fa Drt• 101120015 0 25 38 PM Mho, I I Ex) co ci C • a m1c13 L. 1 , II a r+. C W., 0 . , _, Aderr 14* 1 tiodiply„, i I 4 tl3 Si 1; A Yjti ti I ... p c7 um r lT 1' S rte. P m i qi r m 2 cil / 11Y,'` t ` II:!• .{% .:. .. 0 HA In p C' Z T N'+ 2'' 88 y C y' 8s a y Tw mQ 6 < m4 av A 0 m _. \/ lJ Z CO N / A W m nD D0 2 f m D CO m C7 I I• ( t , m i O t D n 1 O 1.- t, 71111T, 0 D f i m n tf - W 13 ttL N. ow t y m mn 8O DG> O¢ T x. A N llo r A priP VTQ. r T N I C` b A pO I Q y V y Z N ti D if , ' Vii° 1 C Ir: 1: I ( ( (( ( ( ( 011 ,,, 9.-- C ( ( ( ( ( t ri 4 1 x its.. ., I t a 71 f 1N D N n• S N f i0 T y 1 T IA Ai m ey > ypS2 f OM illpoll C y f2`' Z9 Li S) y AW* T y)% FZAZO> A DNCn DSO m; r2 mZyDNN, Py x4 < D< r n( 1, u G12 m GG jAZ Q j S 2p mTUAA; Tr ZTFy Oy Om ` ZO Q VA ]. I 2RIny D O TD 95 n Ai. J 5m o o f1 z u% DmA f A ak T N $ T bi "' 2 8 D AO Y m mDi Z p n p W b O I j'' ; 81 C' Q F IF Jop ^ i7 co 0 Q co z 7) m 61 g z Z z 73 1r O 4 yZmz 13 z C - IIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIR 4. CO > D I CU co oz r^ m 0 s • • • • • • • s • • ss • • ss • • s • • • • • s • • • • • • s • Rd Oath 10/ 12/ 20159 25 38 AM Author I I I 1 I I 7 II 1 iik _" :..: [ ; t - r- r- c in KEEGAN STRET n I , ; i , it ( 11- 1 (_ iT( 1 11TT 1 __; li' as` ru. z i?; ' g pT' o< S. 1111111 6 tL- z 6._> C m- j a y 2 i a S.•:., n'. 7!% t...- iIJ - ... a. a i i I s.\ _ a" . 0` Vs` . M 4 1 0 a i I 4 tl I 1 4 Z 3 1 . ....: __... 1.,__ T i_ 7 i vim II• a a a z n i C k L i I''' . 11 ommD .. ‘ : I1 , ' , . . 1I 2 . A ., ti i t - _ 1 _ 4 rt.• A• LOCKHEART STRET i - Z Z 1 1' yy 1 - ""' ......;: m.' ce! C.. 1::... ........, I yC e I I I I I 1 111 I I I I I 1 I I 1 ' rte\\\\\., a \,,,,, \„ x.„ \\\\„,„ a\„,. t 5 I.• ~ j r-'• I 1T- r ', 2 A w # , z \..., ' t4 ii1 a 111 5 111111 i 1 f r I a 9I9 41I 5j pn' aN (- mO riit; tri mgiCZ > S V K. 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J• • i , u w Q k k 4 0 LAdc L J iN h• J4nj r.= b 4-' HLi 4 H C1 ' 4, 7';-' 414, 1 GGGnG 6 z r r r r rrr m-; rrr ; AViVi ' iVi° fig ' i ? 8283? 28 ?????? ilzzg 824?$ i ; g m m m m Cl) E J '' 4 In lUEPa 0 N D i F 2 o Z00CC s czi yp s 9 o DCnz CF IIIIIIIIIIHIHHI zmn - OD o z O m I I I x m Mt k 119 • 1199999999999999 • 911091100911119911999999999999 FictCa. low/ 7015 9 25 38 NA Pads I I I I I RV2pO N G I 9 m D C 4 g I 19 ill 1 , . 0 I 4 i T S Y i n N p- 4 Z J 1 . 1..": 11-. 1 2T, KEEGAN STRET L r r m c 4 11 cn II 0 m i ., c„,)..,( 72., c yl D m/ I i C O1 4 17:* il H' . : _ rio ; I:" i / WI 4 i 0;4 \03 \ l LI : L: EE- zo z I C-- 4. C m I I_ _ _ _ .. . .. III, iik,,,'-- ' k , s f1 ;__ . r — .-- ... e.- 71 j_.- . i « a a. r . 111,..._ . 1., ., IIL_, _: i111: 1 o` LOCKHEART STRET P j. Y Y r V T J I i r, I 1 I I 1 N N IA. i• -:- g L- S p Z o a m g Og Ps; g o n D N H D yD CnJ44> n m V n D> m LODb p•; T ; 1. 1F46 ; 8 z R a+ tt>55 p^ K• A L 11A!, 11. g 0 4 , 5.•, m1 m i Z 0. ill 0 411(.: ) y a y > s m m Q w 4U o W N N M 5y m Z ? 3 D y s g 8 444QUvi HIlilii$M So f' 3 co t s ee fa° 9 F Q 79Q S OZ X71 e ) C 2 . › co z C C y lI IHIIl r Z co. 2 y g , Q I m rn < a o a' ° m X I Zr mwmommwe Pd Ow. 10112/ 2016 9 25 38 AM Author I 1 r R D H t : I1; v o y m N i J r I D f A DZ 1 t 4 1 L3 I li 9 Ox) f 1 5-• 1-. z m KEEGAN STRET jLj = 41 O- 4( 0 _ y 11( V,, 40.., 7.- tf) I 1 i 11__... :.:,,_ -. 7:: ._._.- : 1_ 1 4::._.., . 1, ri• 01• 0 A ir 2 D •- y 4- gt LI._ ,. ti ________...,,:..., i,,,,, 4. „. 1, 4, L. m i i . i '', L ... I. OPP 7:-. ' ''''• 1 1. ‘. tr) LOCKHEART STRET f l . ' La ; ' , i I 1 11 ' 1' - --.- - ... . ---/ I 1----\ 1/ N ' 1 , r r , - rti r i L_ Q5 I A l Vhf g 3S n Z 7 x V D Y Etppn,, yyT,y,yFnnSA O a gg C Z S 3 0 A T r 1 pg> xZy > z m A N A s l; Dfn u a ; d r. eQoGln ova o Q' ADmgImgm y-. 9 Q m r," 7e_& om1 ri il ; 5 ; ii' ll' 1)(-..\) DN D D>> H Y y m m 7 K D r<77 R y > R¢ b u y n aaao g Q y ii, ro' s co rn m g co y g co . 0 c, y ' m A cW o s nZ I A W I y o I co < m D o oz m 7) ._-_ s s . © © . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j PH Oda 10' 1212015 9 25 38 AM htiv -. I• 1), vi, a '' s ,'' 4, , ,-.. crs s. 1*. '' A C3 .,' i l CD Q 17. 3 r s 3 CD o N co r a 3 ,.„,,, t, . A' ...,.... 4.. r:,,.; ... ( D 174., 1._ '- mot Tr' d . X m r R t I I i 4 . '...?,'-..,,,,,-, . ii„, 1!- I I i 1 , Isper_ ramil o J R f" r--'; i . ,, s r I 41L. n L 6Y r I r — ;, 12 q- ! Jr ' NrY-- r' y N S 0) 1 2o u I• • OP CD U y _d N A d N 4 I I. N t N e. . 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X r O rn < I co (. 3 zi I I I sssssssssss sssssssss ssssoosssssssssssss • ssss PH Pi. 10/ 12/ 2015 9 25 38 AM Atha I -. II y 4. 1 y m f % - Q co O I A n y O Ofr r 1 ( L101). a \ e r m N , / r L y V A r 1y'" N W m en E \ Ne..., it it .''---• / • 1 i R o i iC o z 1.- t ua D 11 m 4, .) t. " ' 6,-•,," 4N4 s‘ S. y 1 r-- 1- I 3 c r 1, • S S, ) c t h G'"• am. a m 1. t. 4 a tom, _ o a y b1. k a t I _ , 0 .`` 4. d \ m DI m T `' l' a;'.? c i m r T S• y/ c / ice' d r' li ^ 9• f it • 1r' .. T. ° ' m V 11 0 ' i/• r. Lb v 1 w t. ,, • . ' fir'' O 1 1• I,'" I r 0. 4. 4 4 is " n 1 y Jsy cn 0/ • a , ' 9 v 4 / s it' St r - r 1r " f i O T m 7 0, y 4 a' a• I a N i w•. at.. N a" 7. OD tt if m I I , ' o ice. 0/` M • . "''- i i 1.•. it t r . a P II lVil 1 CCA F paw f is g = 0ND 4 Ind D' Q Q ), Z C o Z erg§ A C12 o c> o Ati) I CI3 9 9 D z m nco CO Z I— y 111111IIIIIIIIIIII poo7, D ill z N I I I 73 T. C ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pa Dot. 10„ 2/ 2015 9 25 38 AM Author I i 1 I 4 y 11 t. Sy i 1 t r 1/41 i I 1 r., VA; x r , i p” IA, f ' •_ Y n: r. cam. X. IF •-- e ,. ` •' 1 41: a;, yr . I ti` 1 t v : . y 1 mss' Y l,. q . i 1 it tar^ yr • a S .. •• , vi*• ', t r { i); ,,•-,-... i.•'' It 447'.., w . 3 w. I,, , i ,. TS v. . . t t 7 3 gin.. \ liVg. 1 A. I a 1 'I i Li. w kb il B. a Pf11 1 A Ai iz ci; 1 V. r i 1 • 11. 1.:, 1"‘ 1 11 . 1 1 v . 9 H r. &:, g „ I I 1 M tit m ! T _ coz co m C0 ° s x g ., o, o n° c ^ co r y I III11 111 r PO ga3X>OD 0 Z o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • v., Ow 7 2812011 439 39 PM adla I I I I 1 O g'q co I — 1 N 1 ft h) 4 4, , vfi F It II fi ` f II 1 I I la, H ii I y, ii'; 11 1 , 1 I II L_ 7- II 11 II 11 II- 1t 11 II 11 11 11 I I iS' a""'- I , i. i I I - 1z f I I I I . I C O I III I I 111 L, i I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 r-'" 1"- jr, 1 110:, I I 1 l I I V 1 4 1 4 1 i 1• 1 11 ISv ' I I p 11 I I C I 1 to I t I j 4 , 1 T _ 7. . I I t 16 1- I I 1 II I 1 I f I 11 T ` nt. 11 III j I I WW ± L I I t 111 1 1 1 k I t 1 1 1. 1,,-;, - o . t. 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A I t i 1 I 1 1 t k, T CI 4161011, 111 R F__ __,- i _, 13 11. 000010_..... li,,- ....,..-- 1111111• L 11111 ., a Li4- 71111: 111111. TM' ilk. , , II, %, EAST ACCESS ROAD i IVIlt i I\ \ , \ \ n--\ 1 O D t I` 1 I 111 0 ‘ % I\ 1 Ell O IIIIIiiii\ 1 o 0, 11 1 Eli- 1 O 0 OO t t 01 ,\ is o z 7 O iii° i 11 Ha 0 1g8 OM 4%) `\`\ \, v ffi0 5° b° c y b of o : o 1 s1 9to n m ^ m n m r p Fo F '' o 1 1 - p F.)° F N ti nn g n I m A o i P o g g R A l o m to as a e is' 2C- 1s 16 o % 1 1! mz g v i 1 n g H Z m G) g c2 i MI I i m EE X i 6 3d q G m o z y PA z yp o O 3 Y V m Ao C) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i / A 1- 70 Z el 4) 0 i I I I I I 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ` pima. 7282018 4 40. 48 FM X* lor I I I 1 I I I I ii'It I I I 11 i l I I I I II y74 I F n 1 1 I I I I I I y4 1 1 I Z I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I NEST ACCESS ROAO.. _ __ -— 1 ORIIMI. 11.. Mb. AIM...... sra oo- ow lor mor mu. I z,_ A mom 214 . 7- _ _-- - r 0 1 1 I I 1 ll II II I I I I I f I 1 I I 1 FFF rte/ I iI ) 1 1 I I c I I t I I, 1. 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Mod Fm, DUBLIN CA O COVER DUBLIN CA' JFORNIA San NOTES, I' CS? s HUB& CANCER CENTER OICI l/ 5. w. she.. momtBnen. ar., f $ F § i ABBREVIATIONS RV: 1•' SITE DESIGN REVIEW O?, y 4 a. DUBLIN, CA 94568 P 12015, 1 6. 128_ Naear__ p0rAC4_ 0000002_ CDLgIM_ OESi C1. Cp lqw Plan Oey. 0 1 AC• L> fw Flan, Padp Lapa[,/ 2! 20166 50 09 PYMRCM N deed E 1 00 00 e, 1. 00 Yrha11 1 1 1 ' 4 o If. 4, l 8 1 i li o 1t /'; f I I I om oom' 1 ti I P A I j P ' C rx III r I r v • 0 A 6.£ 1 I I + m nut I Ou,' I z z ,,, J g A A V s m o e g egg rH I • 1A N .. m N b '' I X I 8 • m• OD - o 1 J I j 1 .\ C ri F o 1 y,, 1\ v m n I I d O N I • . / I a' 6. ma o I 1 I 0 . 1 Iii. I 1 I a C 1 1 1 • \ `: I z o 1' oz 1 1 I I O I I 1 11 I I I I I I I I I 0 I I e, I 1 1 1 1 1 i // J 11 1 f I 1 I I 1 I 1i N r 1 I I t` d I I / I I 13- I I II / 41, I 6E) I I tt I : I r I ' I III I ° 1 \ 0 m 9 1 I 1 ° 1 I I( hi • ! ; I I I I M,.. c• 1 a i . r / 11 I Y F I I 1 fi I 1 1 I E 1 I ll, y 11 1i s I I I I ' d 2. 1 1 I I gip. - 1t I • l 1 li. j 1r3 1 I I • II ' •'; I I I I it!' I F I/ I. I I ) 10' ', h I o • I I 5. 1 E 1 , I 11 ' Q q 1 6. 1 / I I sps 1 1 • I 1 0 AR / 1 1 C` rq • • ill\\ I I] I` I 1 11)) I O \ O O L. t Jr1 1 1 1 ! • 3 k I In I I m I 1 \!. L C I V 1 I 1 I 1 m Cte T I > C C 28. O A 1 If I O gA pA m m r0 1G11 1 I I J zz z _, k Znzr, a, l . N [ I m O n O O m5, . < z m r O c 6 So C C d I p a I r m n 0 p () mrn rn rr, I y o z n m 1 m m 5, m p OP. K m 11. L L / rn O $ z > S 5 m 2 i m o 1x i y o m I 1 / J 1 9 rl g IIII a I 1\ L + a f 1. l I \ Xz 9 L \ r 1 I1 i I 1 \ g I: I I I I: L' ' n I i l' 4 MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 01 1I- E DRAWING TITLE. iI1 KAISER DUBLIN v KAISER PERMANENTE. C) _ '' T, DUBLIN BLVD iii SHERWOOD FRONTAGE zx HUB- CANCER CENTER pe 8EMreanLLm1Ne° II» FOz DUBLIN CA CURB LAYOUT PLAN v, DUBLIN CALIFORNIA c' 9 F HUB& CANCER CENTER • i g@ tt SITE DESIGN REVIEW oU _ DUBLIN, CA9 568 c, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1 1015115. 110_ Rapr_ QjU1p/_ 00+ 47 102- CD' SOR_ CESr CLOGlryal Pynhy. C1A1. tryout PM, P4gplopu. 70700 01 6 50 16PM 01O1 N bk. E1( 3110. 4700 Ytree), I I 1 I \ i h., \ I 4 q I I• 8 II 1 r. r I 111 I0,, 8 MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 00 7. r ',• . 7 ii t 7 r.., 7, m ' Iri, m a '' 29+ 23. 4 R . 7 1. I it I o o m ,''- e. I ,, r. ._ 1- 4 , 0D N 1 I 111 I I (` D v P ri q t.. v 29+ 39 • 11• 4' i \ `` l P N O U ? O I \\ mm U L m ,,. U P z i 1 1p• oN ( 0 i.. o l- 5 u I 29+ 65. 71 R 94. 7 II U N t/> O N U U O < AA I ' Iry 7 7' 1 Et\ I O; VAo 4 N v m A I, Ig 1 V 4) O U 1 mz I I I ! 1 N„; L EG 1 STRt i t I 1^ I \ y I• 7 R B5. 7TF -• 1' ' A' 4' .. 1 Mal '\_ 11 IPSIF m R UU I.. al. NI I 30+ 77 62 L 2. 06• v7 / /• I I ( ' . .' I 1. a gaol I I I I o j.. I . 1 I .\• 11 5' ty -- i II 1 I] I 1. 98' 1 I 30 7 7 '' 1 1 i 1 I. 1' c 1 30• 9 22 I 30BC 1 1 I -. I_...` i f I i I 30+ 98. 25'',, 57. 91' II 1 1 I EC 1 11. I I' I C 11 1 1 I I JlN111 J,..?!... I r.4 j.. ,.. imr- IIR : , i q \ e .. I . 31 54 E2 6•._ 4' r t. I 1 I 1 1 8 , 1 I 1 • N 1 I , I i 1 8• 1 . Ii I 1 pp I f I' o lUllI a7. I X32+ 34. 2 R 69. 44' I f3C 1 1• . 05.. 161 32' : R 68. 59• I 1 1 I I ' aII' I m 1 g I u r l 1 0 1 r 1 I / IL , n 1 11 1 12+ 9020 R 5791' 1 if _ I IN 1 I no i J 1 il 32+ 94. 03 R 57 50' NI". 1 J 1 p9 I ! fgl t. AAm I I' I OA 1 1 2 1 ) L 1 I V'' A' I I \ I i 1 I f I I I I I w 4 g 1 I I lj1 I T 1 I r II i 11 8. 0' 1r, 4' LI l 1 I I 1 I I k I` u j• O I \ A + I In In , n N n o v- a T. v ti f i Imo- z a o $ Q QAA C' 1 r 0 s ` r4' z z z ` c es z 172 m o p ' I I 1 ; 10 k 1 ( I / 1 m8 6s' ii G 1' 1` 4 i, j1 1 ® r $ r, rn 1 rrai 4 Z yIQ A T Pf 4+ 1. . I 1 N m A nco -< m O f I Z 1, I m a g Z ; D MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 02 S + ai 21 R 57 50' ai v o I 1 i I 6. t! 89,_ I 1 I Pi ^ z I 341- 55. 56 R 59. 35" ' 1 I - i z f. O I II I 1 I to II 1 1 II I 9 R $ DRAWING TITLE g :( t 0 9 DUBLIN BLVD 2 it- KAISER DUBLIN ISHERWOOD KAISER PERMANENTE5 2: I1f HUB- CANCER CENTER OESKiN ENGINEERS FRONTAGE r SfifAOCOnL6ne. TThal Poor DUBLIN CA CI CURB LAYOUT PLAN DUBLIN CALIFORNIA usher enreerstan HUB& CANCER CENTER A a ' v ;`, SITE DESIGN REVIEW 3200 DUBLIN BLVD s E ... r _., DUBLIN, CA 94568 P1201A15. 129_ 141aM_ dlynVA_°• Kra02_ COl50RCPST C1. 00 Lay. Plan. O p, C1A 2- Lay. PW, P. A. low. M/ R01665026 P4MC11 41/ 01• 40 EI( 39010 a 42001' tllaa11, 1 I / \\ I l'MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 01 a 1 1- . l1 of 1.. 1 o m m 2 P d tl { i ; l t- I ' t' ' ' i 1!', & II 1 P' - .. _ _. is i' q I fa° 11 4+ 41 21 R 57. O 1 m v' N v = C1 1 m a Y", t 11. V-,• . 4+ 55 56 R 5. JS 1 1 - I 1 N O O ; I I 1" I I N ` c;',. tii Oo U e o 1 ll I t 1111 4 : O N 0Up O D I l l i O 1 O . r m 1 c um o ICJ;. I I ' I in r0 11 1 I I 34+ 85. 77 R 87. 43' 1 1 1 o 4 1140, . 11 Iii > ,-.; ; 1. I I 01. 21 R 69. 50'_ _ 8= _ 1 T I 1 .•' per 1 . l 1 C iR. i t. 1 I 1 1 11 .,- 1 1 1 1 1 I i' i I 1 1 1 -' 1 II • 1 '' • i' 1 I I ae + I 1. I I I I i 8 1 1 1II I 1 t 1' I I j I II I L• I I I 4 I, ' m 1 I 11, I • L_ 1 6L1 \:: e'e 1 , 1 I' ' 3 a06 R 1.. 1 I ... 7 PT. 7y a Ih f.,. I I •, Ny pill ' 1 3 86 2 ' -' 49 ' y a 1° l 1 1 I .:• V ' m. t •_,,- a, • a , k . j'I1 1 r 1 1 r-- R. Ise , p X4. 11 w_ 1 __ , 111 u1t { aw_ 1 O a 1 . w • .- ra'_'-... 1 41 l a II 4 7+ 14 R 99. 65• 6 I ' - 1; 11' I i ' g ii € 1 g . 1 I ' K GA STREET E 11 II Ii " I 4 1! 1 1 1 I !\ 1 0 i 1 4 38+ 03. 36 R 86. 21' 1 111 1' I' 1 u 1 111 1 \ ; ', 1 010 illnalli 4ritir 401, 11 _ Mr uI 1 o 1 11 a 7 I 1 1'. 1 1 I w.,,, t 384. 31. 1 59. 00' C 1 1 . m 11 1 1 f I ! li w. 1 A - I 1 r 1 1 q) ! D/ I 0 1 r 11, x_ I n ,, v v v m c° cog A A r 1` \ . 0'> a';!'' 1 { 1 \\ •• rn, h.° r, i m m ' o o ( 11 i 1,-_, 1 o NNNN I ` 1 cLg y mn Ss egg d 11. _ ; 1 1/• i o5 1 s17 I ILL n 5 Ki A > a z 1 ` m N m A v..- -< ,. F 4s1 I' 1 9 z zo k 1 - . i``` V 115 I1 r1 m z I( 1 11 I 1 O n o 1 5 I IJ\ \\ / 1 11 m N n 1 1 11'\ 1 1 \ i I 1 Z 4 l a. •.•'" E SEE ClA3 A 1 97, 1 I I I 4 1 r 1' I 1 i I1 n 11 Q DRAWING TITLE. ill C) DUBLIN BLVD KAISER DUBLIN Pi. KAISER PERMANENTE z'? ® SHERWOOD FRONTAGE HUB- CANCER CENTER E51°" ENGINEERS• a xx 58 Malden Lana. Third FOa DUBLIN CA Cis CURB LAYOUT PLAN i`. DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Sal Franpun, CA9410d HUB& CANCER CENTER cm N S " SITE DESIGN REVIEW 6 3200 DUBLIN BLVD f 3 7 DUBLIN, CA 94568 I P120, 915- 129 i(. yy_ Cutin1fA_ DKpyg2_ CD' SDR_ OFST C1AO Lam, Phs& ICI, Q"•• Iayco Pion Patio L( pa+ IR720166` O 36 P4 ARCM All b. d El MOO x 42, CO Nd ) I I I11' I I ` L 1 I 1 I L1 S J ' I 11 u 1 I N` i 1 Q \ \ \ \ LINE_ SEE 01. 02 k II MATai t 1, I g' t 1 1 . \ 0 1 I I V t i ` V 5111 1 g I \‘ 4tNI It I Q\ ' 13 \ \ 11 l` I l 11 I O i I 111 ° , 1:— 11 •.• 1 LL 1 \ 1 111 \ I I I \ \ ' i` 6 1 O • 5 7 I kV 151 A k:%, 11-_\ G I 1' t • fik4. 11k` . l lI \ ‘' 2\: ii-::\ N 0 I k r I/ 1 j I 0/ 0' 10 t:,, , v, .•*.:., • \ . ; ) A „ , . 1 a 1 C , I o A 1 I . a h vs 6..• 1\\` •` w\ O \, a 1 \\ D W/\\ o Z 8 m m O qq gD 1 \ ` A MMMaaa 1 Li X fy ro s s v_ m s 0 M rX C) y ZGO q\ r m SZi SZi S= i m ` R1 d. c,"-\ ,---‘ . 11‘ — -- t• -- \ m In c L 0' zD^ ya p I J I v I YFQ o I I I I I I I s I v n II I Y s o m , N N a a r y X \ \„.. b v v 9 v c b. 45+ 29 25 R 59 00' s EC\ 11'':. n .. t+\ \\ y 9 F P DRAWINGTITLE 1 C) DUBLIN BLVD ro ii; F KAISER DUBLIN nit, i $ HERWOOD + 1• KAISER PERMANENTE DESIGN ENGINEERS p FRONTAGE r i4 HUB- CANCER CENTER se' Aap6RLan6TItiMFo« DUBLIN CA CURB LAYOUT PLAN iz DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA SanF` anosoo CA94103 HUB 8 CANCER CENTER GJ E ; 9 N 14 SITE DESIGN REVIEW R"”" "°°°°"%"'` 3200 DUBLIN BLVD M = s w~ ._ DUBLIN, CA 94568 J 1 o • • • • ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PVCIAIS129- Krs._ Ou S4,( 4_ D. spIC2 CAS OFST C1AgO,. o. OAnArq C2 A0 Cris Dr. A69. PA61el. pc,// 1/ R0, 66S2' SPM. ARO, 41 bN- 6 E,() 0. DO. A2 00 Ind-).,, 1 ' C QI) Q O / y, O I iI I 9 g I I I w; I f/ I o P I / Kn - I w / n j F IPrgi' l Ay. mo a Aa t I ao l I x / i 1 d i Db IWO 1. 5X 1prx c• 1I£`•.. ,. Sxw. c-'F 1 ZmDA I n > I I l Rill ill Yln v. 3 2 Q o Pg. I I 4 rn 1 D SIDEYAIK I1 ; _!: ng I ! \ { 11 N yl 0 A c , n. CROSSWALK IF PROVIDED I1 a I I t°. V I + o ox q2R. Ia m1 I I • F n at j. Z 17g 1: 1-' 4P I T, I 0 Y m S } 5xr. a: I O. D j I I' a r 1 11y3 f€ v n l g I/ o n ' n, rtR R ' i I eo s^ ; R. - fig j I 1 I ii k' gm Q n I I v J°.. PL giEl n I 1'• II tk; I ; Q L• JFI g' T z> 1 i I I CROSSWALK lF PROVIDED I Min - 54T I r. tK 5z g M I I r l I I e. q- R 1m a 6 I I I I ti as - . 7e ' m € A.> °. a Y0 I N o] a D > A I I\ s i r 8 l$ n In n ' 1 1 x. v 1 m> : i' y E D f5 k ti 1 1 9 1 - r 3 . -. o a, m I I I l- L I 0 I ` ,,- m c, K8° € ti 0,:::: s: - M II I yy m F 1 I 0 p I 1 1 m p' T, . -, a r w " o i I I I i / ti S 25 aa1' P o' aI' a'°" _ a sa' a' o. ss s p i4 a; a saa a i 0 s. i1 I ; 1• N ° n " , 1i• o 3a° 7 a yi?, : •» a' n.. d§ i0 8. 3. Vd- oz y 1 v g n v a, 22. ' a g°^.' 3 84oi no: 3g " 3 g: t •: g" a. d s• n I NJ 1/ t. N ° G A i- ' lg.. o • 90 °. s; 733 3° " S : o g38 on°` g U I- i 37 igs BSz? oY i 8R' '-. - 2 ' 1 _. 892 • 9'. oy I S D V° n of ° g = = 8;° ,° o• °." v D 8 vda 2.;: a" 1 I Z 3 v. 3 4 oav 0° a° o • Foss I I Ii n v 70 ` m s o > o, s $ Y °— a " < " a ' 3 ». a a it I o > g$ , 0 0 pi , 38 i - gg; a •••.;° qS n.". t.:,' it s - 8• R. . nt ^ o83. S o" iR9hp I v ue°', n o5; . g o' oa 3a' ng S o• i%.• 0•' 7 F m I 13 P oao ? a a a 90- ° 3> bad Am I v n I. ; $ s a 1: ai sa as p a2 3s g2o°; sya7, F o I., o a I 1 r I iti aa aa pai A aA I I 1 r- y RS = o °° Sa8 03 8a " c 3 -? ° 2r Y T eF: I - 1 I I I Z so '— s ; a? ; oo3€ i° R ., 8 _ ys vm 1 I I Iw L d 1 70 " 3e R 80 Z. 2S n ogan t,? ( I I c v, §= cn a% 1' 3 aaa 21a ' S- a ° €, aa N 1 I 1° I a, tit 88, v a $ S a'.• x 3 S B Vi s' 1+ II ` k 1 D y o R, a 8 0• rS$ a I k , Cam' 0 I_ i • 8" is 80: Ixl I j, I I e D 08 0 I I f 1 I i V88V dSti NVId a VaNVIS a3SIA3t! SLOB 1, o I I 11 v L- 11117/ 1 1 I. I 1 4s 1f I i i g> 1 I I I d I I I ; ` a 1 I I j2 I I Iz I ( a m 1 l 0rA" m nr5 A '^ c HI rQQs c c cc o o a A I ti PA A 2 rZry m ° N C p! j = i K < f y°$ 8> o A i ` q $ n n n C7 v, ina I Z r^ SL ; m o 4 D O A Z , n' n A 1 \ I Z r" D I OZ ti ZA N m N A am D A I m apn > o gA a- Z z Z Z f v 5 Z L A ° Sn " m 1 / 2 O Z ° ges2 3 I 1ir I gR8 N 1 ADZ m 1 m 1 II I g° Z l i i I^ ' 0 1^ 0m 1 al 1 iy1 D 1 i gig" lD Z PI 1 0 a1 I I I I l i I I: Al 1 Ft I I il i II 8 , 1/ I H. r I I \ I. R31 r- I MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 01 2 E ! DRAWING TITLE. If N m m DUBLIN BLVD i} KAISER DUBLIN v ® SHERWOOD KAISER PERMANENTE. HUB CANCER CENTER DESIGN ENGINEERS FRONTAGE i." .' po 58 Maiden Lane. Third Floor DUBLIN CA O A GRADING & z SITE DESIGN REVIEW San h. . de,.,, BL N CA, IFCR.. ye HUB& CANCER CENTER CD s 9 a@ 1 I< k EVIEW Qo 3200 DUBLIN BLVD PAVING PLAN t v DUBLIN, CA 94568 oo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P ItOI AIS- 124_ 6066.__ py nIW_ p66. 9v02_ COISCEtCFSi C2A04roy panon6( y O Owe pain C60Pafb low r! 2ll20166 S2' S2 PNARCR IW tease E1( 30. 00 a 42- 00 W. I. 1 I 4 a. I 1 Q 11l 8 I I \ f' 21 I a' I g tI y ti1ATCHLINE- SF, F. C1. 00 1—' 7' 11 7 I U i,, g. 4 01! I i . e R 2 / mom I x m 2; 3. y3 w p 4 X I I I ! a, O! A. 1I t> m t{ A y , oAi°- Ki 8 I I I If q3. : nil £ j5 0,-, z7:', t'" I r i I v{ 1 1v e~ C 2N nr> I S 7 y ' 19 ins O DO9 I E 1> NZ. hf'.•. GAI \ 1Rl'. hl m'' 1 I I G1 1Fi Z A I IS nth 4_, 1 1 N° 7,-...\/ N I ili. N t'. ( V / b'" L4• 54 Ic- 1....:; 1!\\\‘‘‘\...\\:\.;,\•\-*!:\-\ 1`. 1 \\'‘\:''.\\''.\-‘\'+‘\: ' .....‘:\ j co ii 8 arx Th p 1 aI t to iNg 8"; a D y I L S. I A9 1 ; A I 1 A I, rr 71 a I p 1 A co 0$ C agyy7 I1I/ i p \ 1 i 1 i?> A I 2 r r- r . T, O r71 7; 4 A • II A 111 11 A + _ R I 1 11\ t \' T I I t ' 11 C nor Aa ! P 1\ rn Nr n`obi I i• O. O N t I VVV a Li 8 1 I;` i is 0 1 II1 a 1 I AE , 11 . 1 I I N R IE r 8 I U1 r f*_ y 1,y I I 1 ; ffiI: d I 1 2 tr 1 1 8 a I 1; 1 a 4 slur g 3' ii 4 1' i r7 O 1 I 8 0 I 1 I 1 i a v IIi1 1 i I I tan—_ U 332 I l l 1 O O O ON 1 Z . A.., I r t I I NATCI- ILINE- SEE C1. 02 11,, I, { ° ' 9 I 8 1 I I 7', N I EN A c' o I I1 A I rn m v >< cn c v A no A + 1n y y vl 2 2 v- > o v I 1 3 1 ` L 0 A \ m D >_ T A m l l D C C CO ° A A r—• r I'_ 1 O 0,- 0>m An p. z2 2 P 2 A ? 1 S * A m m O O Ia trl I. 4. j . F, e F) a Z ;°, ez 8 , E1 2 2 Z C co ; nz m r '' f° v 1 1l`' 1 y ° A p o> y m o cl 1cp1 c < '' i° in ? 1i e1 1. P •+ El 2 8> 9 mN Ay Jm y m l2'' ° C v 5 A Z 2 I I 1 1 , .' , 1Y J Ira Om V p O A I1" 5LZI1 1 I t zy> a 44 ' I, i o z n ';- 3 1 z m- .. p1 z v v> m (( 1 mz VP, A o 2 A s v g A 52a o m 5 $ z ; A z 1-16 F a I MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 02 m p . X rag ° i A ° " $ ' zs $ y t';'' f 1 g'> s sz I ° 4` I 1• a i v er IIv io I A> n • ° f I '! I u I I I — I• i i A II II I Ii o I I' I I 4 sa P ORAWINGTI7LE a( f C7 DUBLIN BLVDI: KAISER DUBLIN 1 KAISER PERMANENTE, N i SHERWOOD FRONTAGE II! 1 j HUB- CANCER CENTER DESIGN oNLENGINEER DUBLIN CA z GRADING & P DUBLIN. CALIFORNIA San Francisco, CA 44163 Cii HUB 8 CANCER CENTER y• rn o. snen 000eny neencan F P PAVING PLAN a @' W a' SITE DESIGN REVIEW 3UBIJftDUBLIN BLVD DUBLIN. CA 94568 I 1111118911111111111111111OISIOSIOOS11011111111 • 0 • 111111801111111101111 201511} 129_ KaiW_ Obln40{- 0 - COLOR- DEBT C1. 00 Grade Arn. O. va,( 2. 02 Grade pyn EPtlb low. 021/ 20166 S3 46 MARCH hA( ad El DODO.< Zep yrr), t I SEE ABOVE MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 01 t11 I U 4 4 I Il 11 E L..\ I O . I gt r- 8. 1 zt MATCHLINE- SEE C1. 01 1 8— II,_, I i I I Qkk 1` 1 I m Q I. I I y n 1„ \ e 1 I I ^ T I I - 1, + I R f u w J u 4os t w ft I a 1 8 \ 7 I 8 ki___.:_ l. . ___ i>'"/ vo' q 0 1 4 $ I U 1 r I m I l x 1 , I 1 PI oa1 N ; I 1 Pu f I a 1 ' I 1 \ 8 ® ! I1 N I k 1, 8 I g a II;' , if ___ 1I"\t I c If I 4 I I 1: II I m . ' I, Ia I i 1 gj I 1 {; • I_-- sL. I 1 1' D I 4 _ r j' I I S Eft, ( 11 i CC2. i" I II j. I I1 II_ gg 8 ` I ' Ir ° I; 1' c 1 O A SI$ n 8 I r A lI # iI IL I I' i I ygm I Azm I; p I a g 8' 2 I y- o I 1. 11' 4, am l I m D I $ I- D I' I m I mm I I. p y am9Vy 1 I Q I I v S.'- p 1 111 I OO Q 4 1 Y am I r7 1' 1 2 N x I 8 A IiN ti,< 3 & , rgi# p I Hg tk I II rn I I; A 11, 1 I N. 1 T- \ 1 J ---- I v y 8 I I a wl u 1 a o • I I e_ N 1 \ V\ z_ I r1 t. I 4 8 on tn I u I I r-1"- I N 1 8 t 1 1 - a Cc r sTltcET I I m 4 1 S 4$ y 1. l) CI FtAR' 1 5` A; Z ''' r: 1 1 N \\\ \\ \\\\\\ \ I J 1n. z 1 Y S / A N 4 J Yw n • t ',, I a l•.' Y ., of , s 1 I • I , sJ oZ f 1 f m 1 1..__ I - ..._ o Al, gal u'- i ; 1 U e I; 4 I a A A ' a ' J 1 I tr, D 1 f L,. FO 7a I 8 Iv 1 Y ` SrJ I 4m \ II j I 4 G...- I 1 o SEE BELOW I i° I C \'''. ff! omo A > a DAmA mp a c ° co b A A r v pS'' 1; 2S 8 cSc 07A Ort O„, S8j ; 8 Z 2 Z y m z P. ( al m / 7 C ' I 11, Am I I r. 1 Z p j O y = y t A0 4l n n A. Z m A x1 1^ . 1., C. CO.. I, O O U: P z° m ''_ t zz i ' t I I rm 5 \ 1 1 mvA K N rn 1 t, } va ' I 0 i 1 a OD r. l D I 1 gm r r- I c I j I t , 1 1 Q I i IG I rt ' I b t v S DZa I 1 j',\' mqN I Wt Ii , .\+ '-- E EE C1. 03 s Z l 0—• v . 1i- TCKLIN S A 1 I E I I I I 1 ,, j,. / \ \\ \ \ I\ I I o 1 I I I li I I 111 E 1 DRAWING TITLE. ill n DUBLIN BLVD 1j KAISER DUBLIN t M KAISER PERMANENTE N FRONTAGE ii. DESIGN ENGINEERS xi ps HUB- CANCER CENTER SEI Malden Lane, TRvdFox DUBLIN CA GRADING & It DUBLIN CALIFORNIA San Francesco, CA 41104 F N § F d w wsrerwooden.,...., HUB& CANCER CENTER PAVING PLAN ig° E I. SITE DESIGN REVIEW DUBLIN, CA945 8 t m at 4- 4:.....,-:-....:::.-_, DUBLIN, CA 94568 S / S S S / S S S S S S / 1 I S , I S , S . S , S S S S S S S , / S • S S S S S , S . r V1201A15- 09_ Nns_ DuLMW_ Oe. q, x72_ COSOR_ OEST 07. 00 O1a1yd.. C3A0 LbMy. DU Lapsr3/ 2110• 665641 MARCH Jul dead EI DOA a 42 00 O p 0, I 1 il/ l- a ' ii I r,x1 0—. 4, Jr I I Z y1 1Cfr S . k b I a 1 I a 4' IF Z.,,,, I t 1 i: ARNAU WI'. I, 1, I I g L. I _ " 1 I 11 I E 1 I I. y I,, - L. 1 I r N I I r , 1\ I ) I 8''' 1 I m°,, t„ 1 I L F AZmO I I 1' I NDNm • a C. I _ y1 I I 1 I 184N nC . I a l 1. I • 3 \ I DL J 1I r I ad tr II I 4 m I o I r I 1 I I I11 n I I 1 O i 1 1 CA 1 I k 1 if 0 rrl I I l 1 I N 1 I I 1, 8 , 1 I r 1 I ; I i I I 1 I 4 q I 0 1 t L I I I i. 1 I, Amy'''' y10= 80000000_ I e/ O Oto 0 . I'n1I r.T° m prn ia U ! HU° m Dti gi eI ND 2A x o om O x> y — I _ I dd r, NG, Z_, y f - I '\ : I Z my Z Il I! I I D n I rl o ' x n V) I Q I I 1. D Z A' 2?- 3 -' an 0 - x " o G l' mv_ i z° ZO C 11 ' 1 5' o5Tr' 5 SND S OSN Om ( 7 O ODOQAN v xyR o ° d/ try. T. OQ rX* 1 I i I V S m I- 2 , T, TO S. j g L O 8p V O ! O- 9y I I O D Fr O•'• Z D D 111 O rmO v p NO 1 U O rA W n t1 ° N F1 p oZ O mO N m - n N N N U) ° O 9- D pV p0 I I ODA N ° y E to D Z ; mZ A ( Z1 ' O S S , m m m D m V m I ' - 1 r A C D A Z g N PD 3: ,. C Z . z f, r1 4, 1 xL y rn f) A D D ° Om ° , Z., n n n m mp i { R7 I I\\ I m map D m F D y m N C A° II" azZ Q° ° ^ 5 a z Z a A Z Z O I 31 I I I_ o Z F ti ,- _ O A ° n O I a it', 9 ' A 2 > ' A A 6 K D 4 Vn Zy mm A 1 '' I ` I OZ ° < M Z 5 I^ M a f ppp '' 2 * A A m N m A ' • < m p I -„ JI N AA2 c r = i z c) i F I ce oi 17.= A N o A ' I Z I I 1 mv . o n 9 I 5, I 1 Rg I ^ N^ I 111 13 r gD I ga Z I I o € e a 9 I I I I ; 11L i D= y I ' l 0 I Imo' I D I 1 4 I 1 1 O 9 e u ? 7 9 E 1 n 11 u: g 1 ° I I I ZUNI I i I I I e11, i 1 II o I U; ' i I I I M \ I I T I f Iy I xI t I I d, I I 0 I 8 ;' 11- *" I Q '`, I, C' —, — , n-,. r{'— ,' ice . - M C. Ian III • MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 01 I . a g Q DRAWING TITLE. II C 1 _ 1 - DUBLIN BLVD ill P KAISER DUBLIN U ti P d KAISER PERMANENTE. FRONTAGE HUB- CANCER CENTER a, SHERWOOD DESIGN ENGINEERS Qvo 59 Malden Lane ilumFm' DUBLIN CA O 1 ii DUBLIN. CALIFORNIA V j Saq FranaaW. CA94103 UTILITY PLAN w..: mac, HUB& CANCER CENTER O 1 q SITE DESIGN REVIEW 0; 3200 DUBLIN BLVD r_ s t 1,---::',==. 17: 2- 71—*".'" DUBLIN, CA 94568 201506121 1441R_ DutWa- DW40112- COSOR-- DEBT C100 NFyep, 0. 01 UPWy. PS6b LW0, 727 20166: 6121 P URDU Owl El 00. 00 a 470010rs11 1 P Y N s o U o I I ,; MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 00 U II I 1\ I ? I f 1 I 1 use I 1, I ,,, 1 gii 14 1 0111111a11 1. 1111115m....... - ;:•,,, , , II hI STA 10 43 67 7'.. 7.' 77-,-- f- Q E C- 1 9 40 I O RIM 124 I 4• Q p Y g I I IE 33'. 90'( I F IE - 3 :. 40'( E) 1 IE 33' 11'( S) I I Ir•_ S;. r D p ©, „ f.. po , ._„_ _,, ,, o rp• lzn m o 1{. 127 1 4I 1 w.. I 0 ,,, l! R I 1 u I w KEEe KI: I. I. c mA__.. pAq 4 I m J 7 1, / STA 11+ 43. 45 7- _, i_ A. 1 E MH1I IN RIM 35 46• fi ilk 1' iF O I IE .-• 33 51'( W) I. IE = 34. 06• N I d. 1 I` ; w._` l r 1 Q" !.-- J I STA I1t7441 I I 1 1 0- S3 I 1 .' I+ I. ou. I RIM 351 f8' 1 i I 8 IE 31255'( E) 11 I (,/ N I IE = 342 60'( W) li, 1 . n I N vt% tj I 1 1p 7 I 0 0 .' 111 o aN° I i 111 g o I c F I 1I I a N I fI" I b I m '! 11 fj ag7y gm I oog Hb I rAI .. t; 1 I gk 1 F. y YIN I 1III ° 1 0 I N E- n 1 I i i R 0 4s. I 12+ d5. 95 II 1. L1 , E I a N A I 10 f W I -} I I ' ntn + I II 1 . IIl ` Av I [ 1 U C D I• T1 t Z 11 mo U ) 64._ II I r. 1 do I 1 y o 0 x I y z..• l'' N mn 1_- ' I _.. i i I' i, 1 1 V O sr, I Lf III zm 1 I f 1I m I I I O N r// A P 3 STA 13+ 79 n f 1r l r $ n' I'.4 0- 52 1 I i RIM 352. 72• O I __ o III1ff'. 1C I IE = 344. 64'( E) I < nN I t ry I IE - 341. 64' ( W) 1 a^' Illlll 1 mZ I 1 ' N 1 i r I s 1 In III g0 I f O z OF e n I 1 O O V1 1 I AYo 1 I ir . % i II 1 7. E III( a i T11 k 2 O; I 0 D * pZ O AO LA D + INDIA N N In 0 co > V D IJ O 1 O m n D g 1P pm Z _ > A m m ° O Qp 7 n 3' 3' 3' 7 I 444 y7 z a z o an ; y z z z C 4 fi= ( a A A n F N 2 m n ?? CG n O o y Z C C n Ih':+ 1 f Azg - Egl -g A m f. y Z m m ; 1 g 8 y n N a' I- n I- n V T - - i1 WNW 1 - 1- In $ 1 7. 7, MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 02 yy i A A F A m = r o A pi, 0= mN S D V K D O u1 I ; 1 1 R it I 1 r 1 I() 77 ' 1 y\ O mo; I I I D n 1 I o YRI I I ipqog , 1 • p i i 9 • z N o iz n5 Imo, n N.11 1 1 pR "_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 p I 1 OIAUIni y.. Imo• 0- 7 p 2 V F I p a a N O A m K On gin ? 0 2 n> p 1 N- § 1 FTl w N QQQ 22 + N I I I 01 I U= Im OIAN ' - ; g,,, ? zccy O C5 O X n i a6i u i> ssn ° Inn ' A R. Qm = Z cl RI I I gDg0o A Qs l' 9 = I I I o o- 1 I I 0 RR A= o s R "> t c I ki o a F* I I I UI I I no n0 S ° 2 , 3 8p r yy Omr7An° -``' O N t= il° 4 DRAWING TITLE. W S? DUBLIN BLVD i KAISER DUBLIN SHERWOOD 14- KAISER PERMANENTE., FRONTAGE I_ HUB- CANCER CENTER DESIGN ENGINEERS xix sDa 58Mwden Lam Dv/ Foot DUBLIN CA DUBLIN CALIFORNIA San Flanusco. CA 94104 UTILITY PLAN S CS' S19 w HUB R CANCER CENTER s = gg= i• SITE DESIGN REVIEW S 3200 DUBLIN BLVD m •/ 2 I DUBLIN, CA 94568 PWISI194S- Kalm- D IROI- Dwar a_ . SR_ ORSTC7. 00 Wypp0. 2lR7Atlo LCOM. 7R7/ 201665405 PUARCH NI and Et3 4 indwoI L1. MATCHLINE- SEE C2. 01— —' — ' i —• — ' - 1 —• — I la Y o G1 I I I i_ i 1 1 4 1 G j N i, I MATCHLINE SEE C2. 01 i I I I,, JTT f I vtissismin 1/ . O I. II I i1 F ,, a Ir 7/ , I I 15+ 87.. I 1 y}. I. - 71 IT" Y a- xl_ YG, I I T+ as a F I g 1 1 I • 5 Iin 4o f I I Do 1• As I I A r ' 1 I I 1 APi1 u ir O I I1 I , I-. F I zi 11 1 i k0 I is I a 9a yry] AOZ q 1 I C• 1O 1 3' 1 I r rl D1nry. Uo I I II 1 I iI ARC 1 U iE_ 1 I I Z I I II I li I I m il N j I IN I ' I I I aym I II I I i I I 1 8 • A_ D2 I I 1 II ;‘,..,-,,, zNO I N I mOrO II • I 1 1 ' 1 ,' D m. 0 aZ I I z I I 4 I_ R I 1, ogz I gN0 i 1 pi t t' A-. 0y 6-* lw U I 3'.' s'!• 1 17 3502 a I 1 9>° In : F U NA , I tip I m . U l r m, Sz _ I I 1 v 1 • tpt ' I I I I - S1 I RIM 24 N z A w u a -- - y- -----..... - u oar car I I III 10 ! j t• I, r„ w& . 111 N m O O P tr O N ' m I I m;= I. V/ I \ lI\. 1 I W ICJ 1 `+ iJ01, Inz I I \ Q i- I 1 1 i4 ter Pi\ L.„ i r Am N' Z 00000000 I CD A - omK- om JD is n f tlm Dy 2 o I l SS Y9 vv AOmlr' O 2•:-•; C D n O•- NA VI I A> Z !' I (= Z pIn OOD Zn VI 2A fTl j ,. w+ l I i \ I I I I O o. ' 1 r c a A z v in an ; m c z TSS n r r Aal"Sy'^ 8 yZ-Si y2n ,,, R2 D7. SZFZi511 -' ,,. wvai1A I m II / i t oz g 2 rA m m rA r - m ° A m m.°, Q m 1 , I Cdr II a 1 o p C n A 5 A 9 m 7 g 5 1n rA ak' A I A 1 ' i 1'' 1 I . o W II INI I 1 4 m y r A n m D o m A ; D i i t _ 1 0= A ro i m ,,^ V m m 0 I rn o i 2An m 0 g N z I Q I Iof 1 mA n 00 1' 1 '. CCC 1 mO I I i 1} I z 8 I•' I rnhi1 I o- O I a a I, I 1 t• I $ I d c 1 1 I\ . I 1 II I n I 7 it a i\ til Y. 1 ' I i l 1 I I I w Q 1 4 fig, I f I f f 1 2,' ... ' ,,• 1 EE C2. o3 o o bm i i 1 , 11 TCNI- INE_ S.__.„ I II I I I I I a t t 1 1, a , , 5 1 1 1 t f Q DRAWING TITLE g {{ k W DUBLIN BLVD KAISER DUBLIN ISHERWOOD ' II• KAISER PERMANENTE g FRONTAGE I HUB- CANCER CENTER DESIGN ENGINEERS 1 CD P z x set.+ aamLare. rlwFoo DUBLIN CA I4 DUBLIN. CALIFORNIA San Francam. CA 94103 N x UTILITY PLAN 9p HUB 8 CANCER CENTER v, wv« sna1w000erglneersc4r. r aa I: SITE DESIGN REVIEW 3200 DUBLIN BLVD F DUBLIN, CA 94568 itegl e ! • • • • ! e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • • NEM P X, NI 5- 129 HWM_ Oitlmu_ Omprk2_ CD OFST 3. 000Yry. a9. C7. o] IAfy. PB[ b L. N• t. M20101450. 1 NA of lul d. M E 1 00. m x. 200 kdw). 1, t,,, . 1 \ 1. 1. 1 \ 1 I 1 - Y111 1'\\ \ W; 1 S t 1{` 1 1 1 V Ui m 1 Il' t Y Iii iti•\' I 1 z 1r j S g` 1 11• 1 41 1 e 1 i 1 1 t 1 ' I \ 1 N o ; 1 8 1 • O I y` 1 1 mpp° a . \\\•' 1 W I A2N 1 r,:..,, y N t 1 O` t' 5 1 o 1 1 11 2 p g" , tom t I,‘,\. 11' 1 1, CO/• RR M { I t l t 1` 1 a . s; '-,^ a 3 MMM 1 1nt s `\ 16 ` 1 , t\ PPP N r, „ 1 p D \ 1\ 1 1 N H= 1 -• 1 ,, \ p rn CP U\\ tom o V M. p r om r C F A o t ' p m. p O> Nm NZ m 00000000 A 02- N_ DO_mmA\ m. f mmCAZ nD On NO mrFZnl4P \ t, t .`\` 0 A O ym n ZO 2 ON p ZZ p 22 R 2 m> m2 T,.) y 9< 8 E''''' gm Q x m r9, 2N U t i, 23, 6^ o"," -, m zp gA - 7,,,, > n m w orco4 \ t Oo k y R y D m g° Z z m o S ^ DoAmc, A\ Or _ O° WNA Nr548 N m O< = Ao n rlA> DmO p \ p O OAO3Oyy . Q > X n D 8 X DE O, Jz D w yD7n t tt\` OZCN 80 M 00 ° xgri < p mjis o° vP AN e , n r z C Ry mov, pF.,. m , , L ZoTr, > x C z . m R Io v ° D AN 0op . c on m C m c t AAnO O D c' ° y AVIO AmO 1 Po Z-- o p Pm O2mp oAO m C) E pO DN F ° O2 pO mO N Am R N V N N O O V" O> AD A " O O. O 9 2 D mO D Z c mP 2 Z N N A mm m O o 71- p p ., A Z Vi r ; C m D O m m v m MZ C D O D y 2 Z Z ' R o A A T Vm m O p < f n O O C7 O y Ay A = v Z9 A m M r - m m o M n , r, 0 m A) Q m A y r;° o N n 761 Zm ZZ ' 1. A n m O ; Z CI; r D F p- A _ t\ p A An N zl m r. v Z n O V > O D O DZ ' I II o- rI, I Ib1 n` N' I pA t \\\\ p O Z v ZE" 1 III I C\\\\ I I I p \ 0 o my O Jk 3 q I I I g m AZ; y Z a I I c a \ p \\\\ I I I II om: L S I^ , $ DRAWING TITLE: if C7 m m l; KAISER DUBLIN Pi KAISER PERMANENTE DUBLIN BLVD ESHERWOOD FRONTAGE ill i 1; qi HUB- CANCER CENTER DESIGN E` 1GIYEERS O2zx 581dm0en,', T'.,", DUBLIN CA UTILITY PLAN qvi DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Sd, Frawso C 4IO; HUB& CANCER CENTER j CO f Al SITE DESIGN REVIEW 5µ > 3200 DUBLIN BLVD DUBLIN, CA 94568 SSSS SSSSSSSOO SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS . SS • • • • • • • P 12015115. 17 K Nff_ Mbn' 0/- DWOW2S01SOR- DE$ 7. 4. 00 DMM..° yU. 00 S* 041• 10. 0, 14,.. 1, 21, 20, 6/ 01' ISPI RM,/ tyi El PMAM./ 200 KN./, t. l m 3" o y 0 Fri t av v1 # zzxo Y a O mm in m n^PIy'),$ 2 V 8 mmmm , /`• igi a A• 11 2; J!:! 1 ! ffl r_ IIbi J I i / / C A }* 4"' t% A I iI m8 A / t v _ x zoo c Y £' 0 882 L vm ° zm r u -/- 3. 56' NI. y? i 1 o; 4 o : 4,: ra F. i ° co ki: amino a i n . 7, 4 aV. 1' '/ IA. msg, 4., NAV. A Nm 1R i oa = t 9\/// c,\ Li I I 8• n.. '\/ v!•', „:-. 6. 1., VT a.< .. 1• w dii. f// u mo P% 2 g rill 0 I I . r: qa2 •• zx '” a Ii:! i! i mr a- 1 ., 00 m z t- A J , 11- 1II— I T2 o TL r v, z ' ifI I- 1 I II . I i p Q z u ` r1Qo of 7. 16. 11 1— I8I—- I n I O g i PG, I0V40 xl ,-, k N o X z , i..,. S Pmt m OP^< n 26 Q C O _ Z o a frlhil 1. f1 z> 17n RPz£ L - ;! i.. 8 cm a j1l i` 0' P', a F hH20 mnP , % 1 I I I— III !' 1 41 $ g$ . atm, '. ri1 ic$ o 1 R1 R ".-, n > r /•. Q1 91 A$ T -- 1. 1.. c a• c v m z>• `// ? PI! oz ° o 96; , ; 1 I— III— I Inm >° rAouET4 1Ri 0 o Mt' j t i' v 3 A . J\ '!•' m y N y ` i' N r i i a n R rA r- i• 4< < m w, 1 III— III H 1 zm 15;• w. x mg pppp Ii— 1 mr n J c MO; 1' 1 8 N i 0_ V' t• 1 8• 70 x/,,,,, 4%,• JS o p o, xO o • s s , c, 1• Iketobi c n A ° ng o o__ .\%`\,\\%, y0 r.20 T: 4 G fli t 5513 , 225!! 2 LVL i 2 0 --. 4 9 K> c Q, i> o° ' Y' m 30 . g> F I? oy ' F>; z \/ /\/\. _ S m 1 JIgi.' m> IT , igW Vi1nl} e]' ra; X11 \ 1i 5" 1 SS 2 oi/• nA" VIR' 8' 2x52 a y1_ CI i . o> g 5.^ i zF i m cfipv^ cco-. p i f YN- Z f ot T, c $ wlel. n i x 8; I x ~ m = N ' v o O% c ^ ygp I O R'•••- KS $ u y yA Ap N yQ m C y m r0 ? prT y J. (% 1.., II ^ 1 m O K O I O yY 11% 1 y 4 J Z l, l 2 NDt, nrm l' 1 SD a C 7d z ^ A O g°'• o mm r gg m42p> m q" gy $ c ism ggR l a$ o 4.r 6g=$ 2' o z RF2 OaRo AN A yN qq m' 2Er 1 z6 I RF 12U U. Ao g e vt, t . I N 0 o I G t S? op -, 82 g ii z2. Q 1I i 0 i I i I m m °' FLOW LWE AND L , q, a t,O H PRO. IECtED FACE 9 z a 3: 1 3„ I 7 OF OM a g e>• i m 4 ...._ , Q , ce A • Ng$. I pa > a 1 j a y e 8.- f- 8 g- bg N - Iz c C7 Fi O I S m - • .\ 265.. 0 z R rQ ay/ 1 $ g i mi Is 71 o^ tip 1 Ilz I 2. 4t Y R* a--, N L g 8 J Wj z Az loc° y t- 42 c 0O m it1 o o p m ^'^ o e 2m8 zA p m z A eA n DRAWING T DUBLIN BLVD KAISER DUBLIN o HERWOOD KAISER PERMANENTE.: FRONTAGE 111 HUB- CANCER CENTER DESIGN ENGINEERS aix 0 58Maaenlan•. TmaFna DUBLIN CA 0 n li DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA G tO San Francisco. CA 9N0B O F s r DETAILS - SITE C' r ln stetwmeengneen. com HUB& CANCER CENTER i M SITE DESIGN REVIEW o2 .__ _,.. DUBLIN, CA94568 o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PV015111179_ Nawr_ Qaf 1C& 04. gnm_ COISOR_ OFST U00 N4444. 04VA. 01 0441, 494 Ds° a. Pado low/ 1]/. 01670273 PYARCR I b.. Et( 7000a 42. 00 r°• s). 1• I r O 1 M5+ vO, N . 4N- 4 f) I s> vl - 1^ Z^> I 5'' 9•( YN) SEC NOtE S 1 oP ImAi FiF - se__ . 7 - 57' .. I. 1 r ; n Ir R CNNmm_= SNP a ma o m 1 a2NDyD Dg,"' ' A of I Zf SZDZDZOy O.Zj C I I NI __ I:! VARIES I 1 • o i TG! iC mv o yA I I 1 I Nz. A.1Nr; Am A- 1 pO I s pA = Zm D rp^ SZ 2= I1 2; Zt^ O(/=` DAA1yyyy 0 OS r A 11 ...:: H N 11° RmN NF I Z 1 05 _ t a' f% I I I °: P° A a° o I qQ ncl - a no pQ pvmAm-'^ z9rr- I II GZ2 i 1y oa° isz2 ^ v I J m m p OO ZOAa co o r!. IR mp r. AF0 zruli F" ln it a c2 MA p n v_. (/ m(/ 1 a( y 2 r' I gj myy , j at d pcZOyisyDo tom o uo E$ w ' zp > PAn ° r p 7q rfi ^c go , 02 7fi q' Q m' 1> o N N ymi STY n r ry Q ` yn r- % S fT pp DNA B '( I'-- N A00 mO Z C 6 IS q e 11- 1r oi ,m F,_ N z li c> 7^ 4 . z= 0 p22 a i C ,•.. a m+ i ' cns> my a: 11 1u \' 1 Jar••.; 1+- —•;..- D e5•+ o a r. l 1/ 2' I ago m y AT, 5Qy i @NFp- • I Rio c, Ay V2 oN @- 4' a-. I I / s• I hoc <> zo Rm at X6 N / 1 6'' C IS goo 0 0 SEE NOTE a 24' „ Imo° is pl, r-- r 6` r m°' 001 61, y p fi rsim A !; i rz Yi5! rE: : iiI1iI a] JN Nmm c°^ 0' m m I N r q aZ NNm lnR>` a°• 1 Zmm : ul R 1 m IIII t 002m Q - 00 l" I VA1ES6'( MAK) N$ N 0 nm P. w $ e-: It 0 c r q! S, 2 qa 111sssi iii CC A z ZIA NZ g mo p; A Zm M s" r' J a P Z - M3 e b izp g c om y9 Yalu F": Q g '. 1¢, ti y -`- - z y m fM 1' U - F Q i , 1•i i y m m R N• o{/= ? > mo IN l I yVn lr' W> D '\ s. I11I1 z -< 2A 11Q O i A 8 DI O ay L z I a A 8 I mO IQ\ X 4 OO C r) Oti r xy z% lA QQ7( Rm z y i O \ I timXO ZOm 2 m !• f S F, 1 rNmi mD mA ,,* in- 4om Tm, L. 1m/ 11Fc mCJ KA,' m mx F fAb Q t2, 2,„ -- i1 x ° rD N Z m O D I m Sai•- 2N m ASx O N Om> m 2 C m FR NAN A,,< ptiC2T> ° pNm zKO>* A~ Cti00 O N Z FU t F 2Z m. mzOA; F omTtpm AFZpAO a z- pym R r 2 Y r rr.. 11 ppr4i r: l ym>• DS DDx ADmNmm 2m? Vm > m F. o N N DmQ . tiZpp. N> PNIP "' NAr/ g 8.- DN An Ox QFQF m< OyN Am Nr. 5 Cr 4 am {/{/ 0 Nm B c G{ ' Ai 2'Fi ZZn NyyC OZ N 42:,'. 0. z SmA_ OpA OxxpOrc5. < 2z>- ; S ap m os L SIp 53 _ e 414.,X mDNOm" 1' a' v cv z^ oo Sz Zi a o rrn• L' m v° z vnz j0m i o irrA• 1 a Re 1 ; g cam+ o g 3 i ' 6711, oz -'> g - ex)> m NIO" vj0 ° 2.);°,, z ° zNm1o= D z° ;'" OO° N' Rzo n F+ 304$ mor iZ mm m yi A o aR~ m O rn m0A ro.'/ m', o it t^ 22 & r3,• Dti " N m ; mpN> iT AyFrml NN • rO yi Fmz c --' o N= < im; !^, g 2 Xi i UI NzmN N ny ppm N Z vvNa m Omm m m RA v s a= , ra- vv 0m> A; A52o r> I n^ xmTo~ a6Dml(' i2 m $ li m a' sT oQm Pp mo 4c4mv, p i rOAi LZg N" 1Y- 0 ? Dyo ; O i Q 91 200 nx> 9mNDA; ox o cm ? AOm;; iy 1 o to P, Nm< o> SAT F° A 0. N xmN z 06Nm d0RT, m NmZ mm m S_ 5. m A a m N ~ r; i o 00 lt, CG t. A! x_ 41 • m aMlRjr' m 6 rf, 11( _ FI 40 r r dg al 31/ Y i... H3 I aJ/ a' DIMS atSar i/ i J-.. q gl b I A AI: 1 . A= SEE NOTE 2) ,. nmti r• t tD LDO, y"' I- 6./ m N 0irDA2> r I? F Nz 2 Q : M. BEDDING I l i -) L^ \ i c; FM!!! i q a 1/ r 3 p 8 CZ') a ( SEE NOTE 5) SEE20N I A F m 4 v. ,,, 2 ° Allih Mt M - MIG111111 C r z v. o x gi " np W z > A u 4~ 1Sa Q. I IS 1 ' II_ 4' ; _- ; r, vl_ p c I N. 1. N i fwlwrr r* as seKar E u N - o m a 0 4 C' 1•., T f_,_. , n n Z Q o$ a cg1NOi { 4cr7. iQnt 3F '' a A Q 1 R qo z > m ON ipvitu 2 WWI,` D l• O oz) y1z cl s' i° Frzt °: c ng `+ 1 r31(~• Z NNA ° D'^ Amm saca POo• D '.. I a£ tr • 11111, 111p r8 4' 5" ino r2imrAi i °' ° Agi o Tr n; py yamr`+ IF z N` T °¢°: o^ nv' z T, 3 Cf I 3•° n irc.' vr5' zl LTL pp Z m° m' gr> n * 6 . 7-9 9c2 d- f t RAT 3srS r'> Y1 F- FOOOO ' aiNma4Fi y( nn L t a• w a' cvriE4< mYbTrA2t4g2: 9 :' m 0 r' a• RR c z DP O > oaf m na de [ ig[f. y= • • 0T$ r0z (-,= 0, 0 r a F t; kq1 , ," N v a F^ 5 „ z€' a> r" i, Dgx vl '" as t_ • !<` I r 5 - o said e, e. a •• : s ; ^ E 9- 1 ' onp $' y>... 0... $ i Mil.. ir^ g r 5 : ° 3 - • e o $ cg loin pF T vM> 7 lsg' l fn m : n °< r' g r r• 1'+ c> a * rt' i lcr w e_ a d ° ° e m z '< ° pD €} C > zoKD Fi n 3 t a9 ° ° 4 KS ^ M\ IL n ^ Z O Z z 4 Q n m p° a i 2-.-,.., 6 7 o a r ° o S i 91 0 9 ' 2 8 x ° qa oo^ z n a, I •-_ a___ O• m O nr , 2 m N 2 m y y r lT T• a •• c 4 F a Xz Kz' ig yo ; 1 L) Iti ' I y 9si B • ° a v, m o n F. a DRAWING TITLE. el C7 3 g 3 , A DUBLIN BLVD 1z, KAISER DUBLIN qo KAISER PERMANEME SHERWOOD P A E FRONTAGE ii i3 :;; HUB- CANCER CENTER a5 DESIGN ENGINEERS n 58Ramoinge. Ord Foot DUBLIN CA O DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA San Franosco, CA94105 DETAILS - DRAINAGE wwx. sfernooeergirxers. wm HUB& CANCER CENTER A gat SITE DESIGN REVIEW 3200 DUBLIN BLVD• r®-_-_ 3 ti . DUBLIN, CA 94568 o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P\ 20, 5% 1SI29( loar_ OWn4_ Dap002_ CO` SCR_ OFST CA. 02S. 8oMAp. G. 02 Sad AO. Papp lfgURf201870338 PNg& i NW F 11) 0. 00 a 47A0kMwx 11 y g m I; 8 4 N zrn0? 2c fr 8 a 0 7 E i: v z w i N I 1 1:':-. 1 i r f Z v O i. ' t O O a 3fdO O Cl, CO a CO f C zg8 V. z z 8 co r U d ON o dg d m n rn n O A` 0 0 z O N G z tn Li CA i y Y r c W v.to 0 1 1 v gY to Si A 0 m w a z' 0 Z i 7.‘ 24. q Q1.. o 3. N 3. sl A C n a A ri Q rn 1, F-] n c3 c3=- 3u kAF, m m rn Fa rAm A v m C" m it A mL. R. m 7 rn c I i. Hc . 2 rac I c x i CW v I G.= L S 9 a y+ p m 2i,' U 9+ v iN Aik N i C. C. a x 8. ama> m m R co N m A o N. M O B i 8 0 c„ 1 c s o a c N o n^ 0 c_ f F n n c m vmA Et S o a r' tI S x t If r y. 8 A g r o o C I rt,_____.) A 11 i x s Plm n3Ag fa Aazn i7n t• i 3 DRAWING TITLE: t( t i: KAISER DUBLIN 1 KAISER PERMANENTEO C ' DUBLIN BLVD Pi SHERWOOD 1, 1 DESIGN ENGINEERS A' FRONTAGE kip HUB- CANCER CENTER O sen, aaen Lane. TArdFbo DUBLIN CA C a ROADWAY SECTIONS S; DUBLIN CALIFORNIA F om HUB& CANCER CENTER N € F F 2 a 3200 DUBLIN BLVD• fli r: SITE DESIGN REVIEW o DUBLIN, CA 94568 I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P% XI k1S12p- Nyw WOM W_ Drp n72_ Cp. 50R_ CfSi G. 02 6sanuaq. UA7 Oeeele Sea E. F Pala Lope: J/ 27/ 2016 703 55 N. CARCH tJ Need 77( 30. 00 a x2. 00 Mau)' 1 I 5 i e 1._ efl A FX--- r7— 1 1— rf, i tc n m a q D Z m 0 Z> sZ> 2 m • a e e 00 0d c r d ` o t r r ar 7 z z o co o r r 0 d y v A > d m m m I1 H q q m o O p z z z yY y y PIC. LM N o a I W m 3U. A m A.._C-Zrt v 0. ti 17..' S rSl i 4 = r i r m m 0 IF 1 S nf1 Via, 82 23R C Am yXi E M r a v s 1 4 ri o • 0 N V Z py G. yy y_ 29 m Aw Z 9m a p CM ie g 5 asn an b o i fL o n N q A xb x n o 11°..- t.'. r, m A A In a.. L In\ L4• ' 6- ' xE N x C S AA a 5 t' i s x si P A DRAWING TITLE 1! DUBLIN BLVD KAISER DUBLIN I$ HERWOOD KAISER PERMANEMEa 6 FRONTAGE as HUB- CANCER CENTER p DESIGN ENGINEERS b a QOo SBMaOen Lane. TmdFbp DUBLIN CA O ROADWAY SECTIONS t DUBLIN CALIFORNIA San F7anasco• cA411w HUB& CANCER CENTER I Co ,- A 1 E - G SITE DESIGN REVIEW 0 y w., Y- M DUBLIN, CA 94588 I11101e • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • ® 0 • • • • • • • • • • 00 • • • • • • • • • 9CHSikE$ 2NCryS. F401' 4. W 20 S. LLUn Kaza• Cocaato 99., 9.• Sp0t' A'/ 4p9y, FETSp099. 14•• 0• SGl,$ wwyn Khadern372. 7016 9 an 32 MARCH 9441x00( 35. 00• 2400 Irenso' I II y V 9 N m 6 1 x rn I z a4N e o N I Q h I o.AJ D P Z K a nrn Pm'mo D rl V n g n Z N' S 0 O m l' F,, N5 A n rn rr 1..-- 1 V i N m X y211 VIAD I 6'. 6; 4NN 4 ALrDm \\ V1 N. Ar SAX l• I I, C N. r i T lA 08 I / I' 7. ; 1 U a m c c' einxm O 1. VX hl _ _---_ min. T•_.. \ 0 N 0 0 I r ,, o 0 Q 4 j- ter r e 1P 0 DV 1- ox a rani" 4" 11,, rn u rno KEEGAN ST p z, w, :., r o rn 70 Z O p. A n x rn LW ti u_ fl r g— Pa a e_ fl v 4 . L VI e a _ _ Y\ 1 : / ' i it Z,( I ` O J. — LT_, T` ys i m I ap 1 IF, IIII II n i 8 m Nmo I I o Fo a f vx 0 1' W'' a R 1x zmo I I A F 9m>< „ 0OSp I m T. m I g I rn I 1nxr., I 1 I I I I 1 U I C _CT I I I I CO U ino I o II' I oN Ho' 4 B $ DRAWING TITLE i 11" P s o , g 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN KAISER DUBLIN r` KAISER PERMANENTE. DUBLIN BOULEVARD AT HUB- CANCER CENTER z A e i j SanFlancrsm CA 94104 DUBLIN CA a DUBLIN CALIFORNIA v aww. cnswns. Nlg_ cet o KEEGAN STREET S a HUB& CANCER CENTER e SIGNAL MODIFICATION P :, PERMIT 1 Q 3200 DUBLIN BLVD aw_ r- 1:;....... DUBLIN, CA 94568 ASSSSSS SS SSSS • • • S00 ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1,( 31Sf3. ISTCnS- riya3Pryga20190N3 Kasar Caalaam Renew-, 5203 CA0SHEETSGIAp). SCN. SaovN c- 36 ; RV2016944 33 AMARCH U b 6013fi. 00‘ NFO Mea). 1I 0 CAB COAX D OM Z Z z D PTIC 0 O 00 O cc - - 1 1 M 0 N r to > D n o r) O - 1 O 1 D 0 r m O r D D D D r W 10 - 0 Lil= D U O ' O CO CO CO CO H H 6 H r D p 9 O H r. n Z Z Z Z H V H UH 1 AH w H N H Z CO C A N O CO C1 P A ( N m Z z m m m m C m Co 03 A N C m D r r r r 0 Z O ( n vD v n 2 Z m o o cc D O A O Z AD z N n m v I En r D D DZ 0CO O D DcD I cDzarn s. o Z O i› 1 O O IXI O O O O Im1 I0) to) Io I I DI. 0 \ Z z m M m x7 N 1 A N a) 1D m Z - D - u - O 1 — m m 0 O z- O Ti TI I z A I I U• 1 ( P I U) r co ( 33 CO 03 ---• W I W CO I CO W OoI p Co V) 0 O co M n r o O O o 1 z M m D I p r A 0 00 O U1 O U) D -) O > I- r OZ u) cr U3 U• D OO 1 1 0 DDD O)SSS - 1 p m En cn N( n to v v VD w v) i c) orn D co w Z A NN V1 Z.. 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Lco,, GI$ OrwW KNwiem! Ra? J189 N42 AVARCMN Um 0175. 00: 21. 00 Ytltlsl,, 1 L II n d! a 0rrl I Z 1 Ii • m t- f I 1 0 I m cn II 0 Q r1I I 0 I o Ccp i D z III I Pr— A 1 a a 11 1 1 1I1I 1 I 1 1 I an I I1 1111 a zom i y hi II Vc m I rpio 7 fl ZyZy O ODOC 1 I rX Q F= m- 5, 1 go Dmx 1 O Q N 4 I e; i, a a m vxa 1 iry Zo ILi f* 1 w U) 9N 1 z I \ 1 V'_ Yi v rJ Pe C 1 s 1 k _ I N 0 A O b Z T' i 6 1i \ 11 12 I v ITI 11 O, y 4/ O 9' mV s U rD F m—+ Zm NIA a m••__ 8p LOCKHART ST C ( i Z A I . 8). . a II\ ,, a, ar Q_ 41 J imigrillli e Fls N B Y Z X T. , . i• itio -.-: O' S r© Z f o, F, X ` i' F - mr x== mr o m 1- Q I 1 gi Do m 1 1 1 l IO o omm i i AN, m V I n O a 1 1 m xZ Znnm p r r , 1 1 mr. l tnx•1mFog m l 9` AOm 1 1 4I Ar 11 I mg 1 c I m° x* 1 0 1 II t1 It 1 O 1 1 C 11 1 0- 3 I 1 1 1 4 1 Z I II 0 I o OD I m ro I '. 0 a0 jl A TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN KAISER DUBLIN KAISER PERMANENTE.' CnIV DUBLIN BOULEVARD AT - a HUB- CANCER CENTER N' A, OC $ $U 1566 DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 62> San Fran: rsa. CA 54164 DUBLIN CA j p s N LOCKHART STREET Y ct ' HUB& CANCER CENTER L i SIGNAL MODIFICATION iN m , i PERMIT 1 w µ mw , DUB DUBLIN BLVD M> nw DUBLIN, CA 94568 ISsssssssssIssOssssssisssssssssssssss . . . . . à A45- 40. ES1106 449**• geLp.] 01511AIn Kalov 09664496 Arrow• 16700e( CAO( SHEEfSGLA. g lW6. 96^ 9 1 S eouen N1496. 769J016 9 N 43 144g101 NI Mold I)(". 16. 00. 29, 00 hdw), I 1 o z z- z z D COAX CEM C) AB O 0 0 p o 0 O c ti x 0 in r N 0 r 2 2 2 2 ~ z O W M O r, i Z Z z Z O C) D In W - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 n— O ^ > < Z Z Z Z r 9 a g 6 6 8 9 a r y 0 CO CO W CO 9 9 9 9 m Z Zi m m m m 07 V 0 Ir A w IV Z p 0 9 9 9 0 N CO A N 8888, 9 9 9 a m D r r r r Z m QD CT1 A N - O ' U CO V O) ( J1 A W N) 0 m m Z W p n co D O O N O C z z D N z D D D07- z0C0 I O D c D Ca7zrDim mi \ Z D ! 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DRAWING TITLE. g i- d -- w - TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN f KAISER DUBLIN o fin3 KAISER PERMANENTS. N A DUBLIN BOULEVARD AT z HUB CANCER CENTER 2G MOnlgan CA 94104$ui1e16 o LOCKHART STREET i; DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA G SanEranaSw, CA94104 DUBLIN CA aww. cfscons2- y. rw1 HUB& CANCER CENTER N B ` a i EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE g r PERMIT 1 T QUl; A.T _ 3200 DUBLIN BLVD N e. ..... N =... DUBLIN, CA 5 94 68 IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIOIIMMIIINIII MLN6FlLF82100 411pRopckt01310U/ nKW, 0m40on RMw• 15- 70g1' CAVSHEE7SO4. 9 SCIrsmann. ctSuwM lVnant7/ 1820185“ SI AM) C• I Ngoq D( 70. 0, 24. 00 Mctoo, 11 f-------. 9 I tti / JiI; FIi! !! j o O 0 1 L II ITI f`^ i A z Z f a 1 Hx6DD0—' r) I I K m CO r D D D Iil f 1 { 1 : I mQ Zr- rZW ( n 1 I 1 S mAm mmom W I p Z r< D N m 1 I Z_> oDZ D X C 1f 1 ff 1 Omzxm0D 0 I II I t I Z V) N Z- ri D p 1 I ODx - Hr' 13 Z D I 1 1- z> ce) O Z I 1 i MATCHLINE, SEE TOP RIGHT Nm2 m 2= A m I 1 I 1 I Ar— G) MD N Jr I II I DCDZZMw I I In000O0 I I D- 1DONZ I 1 I 91 — — 1 D L. I I 00000, > I I I CO i s I D zl* InO I 1 i rnpzxm I I i nr' 1 plmilp 1 I I I Z Acc I j 1 a ziCD z,* o I I 1 c) z C. I 1 i I I zma zto I I zz > = 1 1 2 j bl I I I; I 1 bliil 1 1 \ n I I 1 I I I{ r I 1 k_( I r--.. mss-=- - iV I t Q r g?' 4..... 1 e Q \ ' 1 I 1 I I I rQ : I 7 LOCKHART ST i t' . I- I I I IJ I. , I KEEGAN ST 1 It I 1 i. n. ; r, u 2_ II II' l I' 3 I. 1 1 1 v CI. CO t'+ 1 • 1 , k\ ` o I 1 I I I I r [-, r 1 1 1 1 2A s-; 11 1 1e i G CO 1 ti, I I I Li il. , 1. i I I f n 9 I IIA cI C l I b MATCHLINE, SEE BOTTOM LEFT 4 DRAWING TITLE. d a. S Q TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN y I' KAISER DUBLIN So0 jo P"" KAISER PERMANENTE Group CO 1 DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM 34 HUB- CANCER CENTER 220 Ikea St Sub 146 p KEEGAN TO LOCKHART Id DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA CG/ San Flanasw, CA9! DUBLIN CA L yl Y c' abng^" HUB& CANCER CENTER I SIGNAL INTERCONNECT 5: 11 i PERMIT 1 DUB DUBLIN BLVD wA i 4_.._, DUBLIN, CA 94568 VC11SilES7CHSFlw' hgYbV01SALM Maar C. ol. an Rvw• 1} NWY'. A0541EE iS7RIPNDAq, DaInSIRP. SbdW Kvenn. 7// W 1594507 MARCH M Oboe D( 09. 00. 200 Ftos) II MATCHLINE, SEE TOP RIGHT I I I I I I m I I I R I 1 r5 I m ' I I 1 I I I II I A 1 I r- - , I g 1 1 z I I I I; i I I J I I I I g J I 1' 1 I //;, III, IsII, ri 1 I , 1 1 I NIn II II 1 I I f I rZi 1 I I I I I I 11 I I I I l I 1 I I I 0 ; I ' 1 I n I I J o I, I I In I I I 1 I r-- II 1 II I I I / z II I II I / II I I 1 I z II 1 1 1 1 I li 1 l y f r— 11 I I I 1 I II 1 I 1 1j 11 I I I 1 1 ^ 11 II 1 v_ a I I II zoo 1I mpar 1 1' II I I A" ) I 1 1 Amv 1 1 1 _ II I I z l 17-- 11 . 1 I II I f I I I I I I I I I II I LOCKHART ST I 1 I ; II i j L I I I 1 I I i I I , yz I I E z ` 1 1 1 1 I I I I ' It I I gA 1 I 1 I 1 1 i f I I I 1 I I I 1 1 11 1 I I I) IM 11111116-1 6 1 I I I 1 1 I I v 9 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I A I F-_ 1 1' 1 I 11 1 \ 1 I u 1---- I i o x I I 1 I 1 I tt AI 4o 1 rACAi PEi 1 I 11 1 \ 1 11` 11 z A I 11 I 1 ' 1 11 11 NIY m 1 I 3 1 v 1 11 \ 11 11 1 I1 I I 1 1 I I \ 1 1 1 I 1 II l N I I s 1 \ I 1 1 I 1 I I I I II I I C I 7. II 11 I I 1 I c m 11 1 1 I II 1 I I I 1 1 1 I c A‘. 11 11 `; 1 VI VV J= G6 r KEEGAN ST 1Al 1v I 1 1 \: A4 a-- k 1\ y 1 l z> IC I 11 1 m 1 i I II V, I 1 f I 1 I I I s. Cry r1 zm I o I I,, I 1 V I n I m g a z MATCHLINE, SEE BOTTOM LEFT T.. il w G x S. g yR P DRAWING TITLE sal 1 2 1 t ' iii 1, ; :. o a KAISER PERMANEME. iii- TRAFFIC STRIPING PLAN it KAISER DUBLIN a m HUB- CANCER CENTER X DUBLIN BOULEVARD FROM a 1;;+ zzo . s., e b A: t{ San DUBLIN CA p KEEGAN STREET TO DUBLIN CALIFORNIA g. H n'"""" 015 " ne HUB& CANCER CENTER 1 '` PERMIT 1 0 3200 DUBLIN BLVD a LOCKHART STREET i t 41/ "'° "'" "' DUBLIN, CA 94568 RESOLUTION NO. 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN RELATED TO THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS, the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, submitted a Planning Application for, and is proposing to obtain approvals for, the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. Requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning(Stage 1 and Stage 2),and a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS, the project is the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse number 2015012018. On August 23, 2016,the Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 16-xx, recommending that the City Council certify the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Final EIR and adopt CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project.The Development Agreement was part of the Project analyzed in the EIR and the impacts of the activities under the Development Agreement were analyzed in the EIR;and WHEREAS, the proposed Development Agreement is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A-1;and WHEREAS,on August 23, 2016, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement;and WHEREAS, proper notice of the public hearing was given in all respects as required by law;and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving the Development Agreement;and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all reports,recommendations,and testimony hereinabove set forth. ATTACHMENT 7 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Development Agreement: 1. The Development Agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies,general land uses and programs specified and contained in the City's General Plan,and in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in that: (a) the Development Agreement incorporates the objectives, policies,general land uses and programs in the General Plan and Specific Plan and does not amend or modify them;and(b)the project is consistent with the fiscal policies of the General Plan and Specific Plan with respect to the provision of infrastructure and public services. 2. The Development Agreement is compatible with the uses authorized in,and the regulations prescribed for,the land use districts in which the real property is located because the Development Agreement does not amend the uses or regulations in the applicable land use district. 3. The Development Agreement is in conformity with public convenience,general welfare,and good land use policies in that the Developer's project will implement land use guidelines set forth in the General Plan as articulated in Resolution No.xx-xx,amending the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, adopted by the City Council on ,2016. 4. The Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare in that the Developer's proposed project will proceed in accordance with all the programs and policies of the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan,and future Project Approvals and any Conditions of Approval. 5. The Development Agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values in that the project will be consistent with the General Plan,the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan,and future Project Approvals. 6. The Development Agreement specifies the duration of the agreement, the permitted uses of the property, and the obligations of the Applicant. The Development Agreement contains an indemnity and insurance clause requiring the developer to indemnify and hold the City harmless against claims arising out of the development process,including all legal fees and costs. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council adopt the Ordinance,attached as Exhibit A, approving the Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals related to the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August 2016. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Page 2 of 3 ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Assistant Community Development Director Page 3 of 3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF DUBLIN WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Fee Waived per GC 27383 Space above this line for Recorder's use DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS FOR THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT EXHIBIT B TO ATTACHMENT 7 THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT(this"Agreement"or this"Development Agreement")is made and entered in the City of Dublin on this_day of 2016,by and between the City of Dublin,a Municipal Corporation(hereafter"City")and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,a California nonprofit public benefit corporation(hereafter referred to as"Kaiser")pursuant to the authority of§§65864 et seq.of the California Government Code and Dublin Municipal Code,Chapter 8.56. City and Kaiser are,from time-to-time,individually referred to in this Agreement as a"Party,"and are collectively referred to as"Parties." RECITALS A. California Government Code§§65864 et seq.("Development Agreement Statute")and Chapter 8.56 of the Dublin Municipal Code(hereafter "Chapter 8.56")authorize the City to enter into a Development Agreement for the development of real property with any person having a legal or equitable interest in such property in order to establish certain development rights in such property. B. Kaiser owns certain real property(the"Property")consisting of approximately 58.7 acres of land and that is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. C. Kaiser has applied for,and City has approved or is processing,various land use approvals in connection with the development of the Project,including,without limitation,a General Plan Amendment(Resolution No. adopted on ,2016),an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment(Resolution No._adopted on ,2016),a Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning and Development Plan(Ord.No. adopted by the City Council on ,2016);a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan for Medical Center Phase 1A(Ord.No._adopted by the City Council on ,2016),Site Development Review(SDR)approval for Phase 1A (Resolution No. adopted on ,2016),and the DA Approving Ordinance (defined below),which collectively are referred to herein as the"Existing Project Approvals"and together with any Subsequent Project Approvals defined below are referred to herein as the"Project Approvals." D. On ,2016,the City Council again considered and approved the DA Approving Ordinance and the other ordinances described above. E. Development of the Property as currently anticipated by Kaiser will be subject to other future discretionary and non-discretionary City approvals and permits (collectively,the"Subsequent Project Approvals")including Stage 2 Planned Development Plans,a vesting tentative parcel map(an application for which was submitted to the City by Kaiser on July 28,2016),and site development review approvals,which if granted by the City in accordance with this Agreement,shall automatically become part of the Project Approvals,except as otherwise specified herein. F. City desires the timely,efficient,orderly and proper development of the Project. G. The City Council has found that,among other things,this Development Agreement is consistent with its General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ("Specific Plan"),as both have been amended by the Project Approvals,and has been reviewed and evaluated in accordance with the Development Agreement Statute and Chapter 8.56. H. City and Kaiser have reached agreement and desire to express herein a Development Agreement that will facilitate development of the Project subject to conditions set forth herein. I. City has undertaken,pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.,hereinafter"CEQA"),the required analysis of the environmental effects that would be caused by the Project and has determined those feasible mitigation measures which will eliminate,or reduce to an acceptable level,the adverse environmental impacts of the Project. The environmental effects of the proposed development of the Property were analyzed by the Final Environmental Impact Report(the"FEIR")certified by City on ,20_. City has also adopted a mitigation monitoring and reporting program(the"MMRP")to ensure that those mitigation measures incorporated as part of,or imposed on,the Project are enforced and completed. Those mitigation measures for which Kaiser is responsible are incorporated into,and required by,the Project Approvals. J. The City is aware that the State of California,through its Office of Statewide Health,Planning and Development,regulates health,safety and intemal design aspects of hospitals and related facilities for public health and safety. K. On ,2016,the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted Ordinance No. approving this Development Agreement("the DA Approving Ordinance"). The DA Approving Ordinance took effect on ("the Effective Date"). NOW,THEREFORE,with reference to the foregoing recitals and in consideration of the mutual promises,obligations and covenants herein contained,City and Kaiser agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Description of Property. The Property that is the subject of this Agreement is described in Exhibit A attached hereto("Property"). 2. Interest of Kaiser.Kaiser has a legal interest in the Property in that it is the owner of the Property. 3. Relationship of City and Kaiser.It is understood that this Agreement is a contract that has been negotiated and voluntarily entered into by the City and Kaiser Page 2 and that Kaiser is not an agent of the City. The City and Kaiser hereby renounce the existence of any form of joint venture or partnership between them,and agree that nothing contained herein or in any document executed in connection herewith shall be construed as making the City and Kaiser joint venturers or partners. 4. Effective Date and Term 4.1 Effective Date.The effective date of this Agreement("Effective Date')is (as defined in Recital K). 4.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for twenty-five(25)years thereafter,unless said term is otherwise extended or terminated as provided in this Agreement.In the event that any third-party lawsuit is filed challenging the City's issuance of the Project Approvals or its compliance with CEQA,the term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for a duration equal to the time from the filing of such lawsuit to the entry of an order dismissing or otherwise terminating such lawsuit,which duration shall include any appeals. 4.3 Term of Proiect Approvals. Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code§66410 et seq.),and in particular,Government Code Section 66452.6(a),the term of any tentative or vesting tentative map,parcel map or vesting parcel map for the Property or any Portion thereof,shall be extended automatically for the Term of this Agreement,such that such tentative or vesting tentative maps or parcel maps remain in effect for no less than the Term,and shall also be extended by any other extension(s)granted under the Subdivision Map Act and/or City ordinance consistent with the Subdivision Map Act. 5. Vested Rights/Use of the Property/Applicable Law/Processing. 5.1 Right to Develop. Kaiser shall have the vested right to develop the Project on the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Project Approvals(as and when issued),and any amendments to any of them as shall,from time to time,be approved pursuant to this Agreement,and the City's ordinances,codes,resolutions,rules,regulations and official policies governing the development,construction,subdivision,occupancy and use of the Project and the Property including,without limitation,the General Plan,the Dublin Municipal Code,and the Specific Plan,the permitted uses of the Property,density and intensity of use of the Property and the maximum height,bulk and size of proposed buildings,and the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes that are in force and effect on the Effective Date of this Agreement(collectively,"Applicable Law"). In exercising its discretion when acting upon Subsequent Project Approvals,City shall apply the Applicable Law as the controlling body of law(within which Applicable Law such discretion shall be exercised).Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary herein,any amendment to the Existing Project Approvals shall not become part of the law Kaiser is vested into under this Agreement unless an additional amendment of this Agreement is entered into between Kaiser and City in accordance with this Page 3 Agreement. In the event that such amendments to the Existing Project Approvals are sought for any distinct portion of the Property or Project(for example,for the Commercial Parcel as defined herein),such amendments shall not require amendment of this Agreement with respect to any other portion of the Property or Project,except to the extent set forth in such amendment. 5.1 Fees,Exactions,Dedications. The City shall not apply to the Project any development impact fee that the City first enacts after the Effective Date. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement,City and Kaiser agree that this Agreement does not limit the City's discretion to impose or require(a)payment of any fees in connection with the issuance of any Subsequent Project Approvals for purposes of mitigating environmental and other impacts of the Project,(b)dedication of any land, or(c)construction of any public improvement or facilities(collectively"Exactions"), unless the Exactions could have been imposed on the Existing Project Approvals,in which case the City shall be prohibited from imposing them.Notwithstanding the foregoing,the City shall be permitted to impose any Exaction on the vesting tentative parcel map application submitted on July 28,2016 and on a Subsequent Project Approval that requires an amendment to the Existing Project Approvals. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the City's ability to impose existing development impact fees at rates that are increased beyond the amounts in effect on the Effective Date or limit Kaiser's ability to challenge any such increases under state or local law. 5.2 Construction Codes. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.1 above,to the extent Applicable Law includes requirements under the state or locally adopted building,plumbing,mechanical,electrical and fire codes(collectively the "Codes"),the Codes included shall be those in force and effect at the time Kaiser submits its application for the relevant building,grading,or other construction permits to City,unless govemed by the State of California as referenced in Recital J. In the event of a conflict between such Codes and the Project Approvals,the Project Approvals shall,to the maximum extent allowed by law,prevail. For construction of public infrastructure,the Codes applicable to such construction shall be those in force and effect at the time of execution of an improvement agreement between City and Kaiser pursuant to Chapter 9.16 of the Dublin Municipal Code. 5.3 Rights Under Vesting Tentative Map. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,this Agreement shall not supersede any rights Kaiser may obtain pursuant to City's approval of the vesting tentative map for the Project. The parties agree that the vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in accordance with the Project Approvals for the life of the vesting tentative map. 5.4 New Rules and Regulations. During the term of this Agreement, the City may apply new or modified ordinances,resolutions,rules,regulations and official policies of the City to the Property which were not in force and effect on the Effective Date only to the extent they are not in conflict with the vested rights granted by this Agreement,the Applicable Law,the Project Approvals or this Agreement. In addition to any other conflicts that may occur,each of the following new or modified Page 4 ordinances,resolutions,rules,regulations or official policies shall be considered a per se conflict with the Applicable Law: 5.4.1 Any application or requirement of such new or modified ordinances,resolutions,rules,regulations or official policies that would(i)cause or impose a substantial financial burden on,or materially delay development of the Property as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement or the Existing Project Approvals,(ii)frustrate in a more than insignificant way the intent or purpose of the Existing Project Approvals or preclude compliance therewith including,without limitation,by preventing or imposing limits or controls in the rate,timing,phasing or sequencing of development of the Project;(iii)prevent or limit the processing or procuring of Subsequent Project Approvals;or(iv)reduce the density or intensity of use of the Property as a whole,or otherwise requiring any reduction in the square footage of,or total number of,proposed buildings,structures and other improvements,in a manner that is inconsistent with or more restrictive than the limitations included in this Agreement and the Project Approvals;and/or 5.4.2 If any of such ordinances,resolutions,rules,regulations or official policies do not have general(City-wide)applicability. Kaiser specifically acknowledges that it will be subject to new or modified ordinances, resolutions,rules,regulations or official policies that implement the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the San Francisco Bay Region from time to time(the"MRP")to the extent that the permit does not include exemptions that apply to the Project. 5.5 Moratorium Not Applicable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,if a City ordinance,resolution,policy,directive,or other measure is enacted or becomes effective,whether by action of the City or by initiative, and if it imposes a building moratorium which affects all or any part of the Project,City agrees that such ordinance,resolution or other measure shall not apply to the Project, the Property,this Agreement or the Project Approvals unless the building moratorium is imposed as part of a declaration of a local emergency or state of emergency as defined in Government Code section 8558,provided that to the extent a moratorium applies to all or any part of the Project then the Term shall automatically be extended for a period of time equal to the period of the moratorium. 5.6 Revised Application Fees. Notwithstanding section 5.1 abov 5.2 above,any existing application,processing and inspection fees that are revised during the term of this Agreement shall apply to the Project provided that(1)such fees have general applicability and are consistent with State law limitations that processing fees not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which they are charged;(2)the application of such fees to the Property is prospective;and(3)the application of such fees would not prevent,impose a substantial financial burden on,or materially delay development in accordance with this Agreement.By so agreeing, Kaiser does not waive its rights to challenge the legality of any such application, processing and/or inspection fees. Page 5 5.7 New Taxes. This Agreement shall not prohibit the application of any subsequently enacted city-wide taxes to the Project provided that(1)the application of such taxes to the Property is prospective,and(2)the application of such taxes would not prevent development in accordance with this Agreement. By so agreeing,Kaiser does not waive its rights to challenge the legality of any such taxes,facially or as applied to its Project or Property,or to claim exemption from any taxes to the extent allowed by law. 5.8 Development of the Proiect:Phasing.Timing. Since the California Supreme Court held in Pardee Construction Co.v.City of Camarillo(1984)37 Cal.3d 465,that the failure of the parties therein to provide for the timing of development resulted in a later adopted initiative restricting the timing of development to prevail over such parties'agreement,it is the Parties'intent to cure that deficiency by acknowledging and providing that this Agreement contains no requirements that Kaiser must initiate or complete any action,including without limitation,development of the Project within any period of time set by City. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create nor shall it be construed to create any affirmative development obligations to develop the Project at all or in any particular order or manner,or liability in Kaiser under this Agreement if the development fails to occur. It is the intention of this provision that Kaiser be able to develop the Property in accordance with its own time schedules and the Project Approvals. 5.9 Processing.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the authority or obligation of City to hold necessary public hearings,nor to limit the discretion of City or any of its officers or officials with regard to those Subsequent Project Approvals that require the exercise of discretion by City,provided that such discretion shall be exercised consistent with the vested rights granted by this Agreement,the Applicable Law and this Agreement. 6. Community Benefits. 6.1 Kaiser's Obligation to Allocate Sales and Use Tax Revenue.The Landowner shall use its best efforts to maximize the Citys allocation of sales and use taxes associated with Project construction and operation as follows: 6.1.1 The parties understand that state law gives construction contractors the option to allow certain use tax revenues derived from contracts of $5,000,000 or more to be allocated to the jurisdiction in which the jobsite is located, rather than to the countywide pool. (See California State Board of Equalization["BOE"], Compliance Policy and Procedures Manual,Contractors,260.020.) In order to ensure that such revenues accrue to the City,Kaiser will include in any construction contracts a provision that requires qualifying general contractors and subcontractors to exercise their option to obtain a Board of Equalization sub-permit for the jobsite and allocate all eligible use tax payments to the City.Prior to commencement of any construction activity onsite,Kaiser will require that the contractor or subcontractor provide the City with either a copy of their BOE account number and sub-permit or a statement either Page 6 that use tax does not apply to their portion of the project or that the contractor is not eligible for a permit and the reason why. 6.1.2 Kaiser will take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that its purchases of tangible personal property subject to use tax or its making of qualified leases of tangible property are completed in a manner that allocates local taxes from such purchases to City. 6.2 Development of the Commercial Parcel. 6.2.1 Kaiser will promptly begin marketing the commercial site (designated as"Commercial Parcel"on the Stage 1 Site Plan)(the"Commercial Parcel")for sale to a buyer intending to develop the Commercial Parcel in a manner consistent with the uses approved for the Commercial Parcel in the Stage 1 Development Plan.Kaiser shall have an obligation to attempt in good faith to sell the Commercial Parcel to a reputable developer on reasonable commercial terms, consistent with the then-current values in the real estate market. The parties recognize that values will vary depending on the specific development the buyer intends to pursue on the Commercial Parcel,and that nothing herein obligates Kaiser to establish a certain sale price for the Commercial Parcel. 6.2.2 In furtherance of its obligation to actively and diligently market the Commercial Parcel,Kaiser shall engage a commercial real estate broker that specializes in marketing retail sites,update the City Manager and Economic Development Director on a monthly basis on the status of its efforts,and update the City as part of its annual review. The City agrees to assist and cooperate with Kaiser with its efforts to market the site. City recognizes that aside from simple use categories or considerations,Kaiser's decision to sell to a particular buyer that will be a long term neighbor to its investment in the Project will necessarily consider numerous variables other than use or price. 6.2.3 Notwithstanding the Term set forth in Section 4,the Agreement shall terminate upon Kaiser submitting to the applicable tax authority a Claim for Welfare Exemption("Claim for Exemption")for any development on the Property,unless Kaiser has completed the sale of the Commercial Parcel consistent with the requirements of this Section 6.2. (a) Notwithstanding the foregoing,Kaiser may elect to continue the Term beyond the termination arising from the filing of the Claim for Exemption(a"Continuation Period")by making a payment of Two-Hundred Thousand Dollars($200,000),adjusted based on the change between the then-most recently published the CPI-U index for the SF Bay Area and the same index most recently published on the Effective Date("Annual Payment")for each one-year period it desires to continue the Term beyond the submittal of the Claim for Exemption. Thereafter, Kaiser may continue the Term by making an Annual Payment for each one-year Continuation Period it desires to continue the Term. The Annual Payments shall be made,as the case may be,prior to the submission of the Claim for Exemption or the Page 7 end of the Continuation Period.If,at the time a Claim for Exemption is filed,Kaiser has entered an agreement for the sale of the Commercial Parcel to a qualified purchaser, Kaiser may elect to extend the Term beyond the termination date by making a payment of Fifty Thousand Dollars,adjusted based on the change between the then-most recently published the CPI-U index for the SF Bay Area and the same index most recently published on the Effective Date,for each three-month period it desires to continue the Term beyond the submittal of the Claim for Exemption,not to exceed one year. (b) If Kaiser sells the Commercial Parcel consistent with the requirements of this Section 6.2 at any point prior to submitting the Claim for Exemption or during any Continuation Period,the Term for the remainder of the Property shall be as set forth Section 4. 7. Amendment or Cancellation. 7.1 Modification Because of Conflict with State or Federal Laws. The Project and Property shall be subject to state and federal laws and regulations and this Agreement does not create any vested right in state and federal laws and regulations in effect on the Effective Date. In the event that state or federal laws or regulations enacted after the Effective Date of this Agreement prevent or preclude compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement or require changes in plans,maps or permits approved by the City,the parties shall meet and confer in good faith in a reasonable attempt to modify this Agreement to comply with such federal or state law or regulation. Any such amendment or suspension of the Agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Council(in accordance with Chapter 8.56).Each Party agrees to extend to the other its prompt and reasonable cooperation in so modifying this Agreement or approved plans. 7.2 Amendment by Mutual Consent. This Agreement may be amended in writing from time to time by mutual consent of the parties hereto and in accordance with the procedures of State law and Chapter 8.56. When a Party seeking such an amendment owns or has an equitable right to only a portion of the whole of the Property ("Portion"),then such Party may only seek amendment of this Agreement as directly relates to the Portion,and the Party owning any other Portion shall not be required or entitled to be a signatory or to consent to an amendment that affects only the other Party's Portion. If any Portion of the Property is subject to a document which creates an association which oversees common areas and any construction or reconstruction on or of the same,then the association shall be deemed to be the"owner"of that Portion of the Property for the purpose of amending this Agreement. 7.3 Maior Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement which relate to(a)the Term;(b)the permitted uses of the Property as provided in paragraph 5.1;(c)provisions for"significant"reservation or dedication of land;(d)conditions, terms,restrictions or requirements for subsequent discretionary actions;(e)an increase in the density or intensity of use of the overall Project;(f)the maximum height or size of proposed buildings;or(g)monetary contributions by Kaiser as provided in this Page 8 Agreement,shall be deemed a"Major Amendment"and shall require notice or public hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council before the parties may execute an amendment hereto. The City's Public Works Director shall determine whether a reservation or dedication is"significant"in the context of the overall Project. 7.4 Minor Amendments.Any amendment that is not a Major Amendment shall be deemed a"Minor Amendment"and shall not,except to the extent otherwise required by law,require notice or public hearing before the parties may execute an amendment hereto.The City Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority to determine if an amendment is a Major Amendment subject to Section 7.3 above or a Minor Amendment subject to this Section 7.4.The City Manager shall have the authority to review and approve amendments to this Agreement provided that such amendments are not Major Amendments. 7.5 Cancellation by Mutual Consent. Except as otherwise permitted herein,this Agreement may be canceled in whole or in part only by the mutual consent of the parties or their successors in interest,in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8.56. Any fees paid pursuant to this Agreement prior to the date of cancellation shall be retained by the City. 8. Annual Review. 8.1 Review Date. The annual review date for this Agreement shall be between July 15 and August 15,2017 and thereafter between each July 15 and August 15 during the Term. 8.2 Initiation of Review. The City's Community Development Director shall initiate the annual review,as required under Section 8.56.140 of Chapter 8.56,by giving to Kaiser thirty(30)days'written notice that the City intends to undertake such review. Kaiser shall provide evidence to the Community Development Director prior to the hearing on the annual review,as and when reasonably determined necessary by the Community Development Director,to demonstrate good faith compliance with the provisions of the Agreement. The burden of proof by substantial evidence of compliance is upon Kaiser. 8.3 Staff Reports. To the extent practical,the City shall deposit in the mail to Kaiser a copy of all staff reports,and related exhibits concerning contract performance at least five(5)days prior to any public hearing addressing annual review. 8.4 Costs. Costs reasonably incurred by the City in connection with the annual review shall be paid by Kaiser in accordance with the City's schedule of fees in effect at the time of review. 9. Default. 9.1 Remedies Available. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, the parties may pursue all remedies at law or in equity which are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement or in the City's regulations governing development agreements, Page 9 expressly including,but not limited to,the remedy of specific performance of this Agreement. 9.2 Notice and Cure. Upon the occurrence of an event of default by either party,the nondefaulting party shall serve written notice of such default upon the defaulting party. If the default is not cured by the defaulting party within thirty(30)days after service of such notice of default,the nondefaulting party may then commence any legal or equitable action to enforce its rights under this Agreement;provided,however, that if the default cannot be cured within such thirty(30)day period,the nondefaulting party shall refrain from any such legal or equitable action so long as the defaulting party begins to cure such default within such thirty(30)day period and diligently pursues such cure to completion. Failure to give notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default. 9.3 No Damages against City. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,in no event shall damages be awarded against the City upon an event of default or upon termination of this Agreement. 9.4 Commercial Parcel. In no event shall Kaiser's failure to complete a sale of the Commercial Parcel,after diligent and good faith efforts in accordance with Section 6 of this Agreement,be deemed a default subject to this Section 9. Should Kaiser partially assign this Agreement as to any portion of the Property,the City shall not deem a default by Kaiser or its assignee a default by the other. 10. Estoppel Certificate.Either party may,at any time,and from time to time, request written notice from the other party requesting such party to certify in writing that, (a)this Agreement is in full force and effect and a binding obligation of the parties, (b)this Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing,or if so amended,identifying the amendments,and(c)to the knowledge of the certifying party, the requesting party is not in default in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement,or if in default,to describe therein the nature and amount of any such defaults. A party receiving a request hereunder shall execute and return such certificate within thirty(30)days following the receipt thereof,or such longer period as may reasonably be agreed to by the parties. The City Manager of the City shall be authorized to execute any certificate requested by Kaiser. Should the party receiving the request not execute and return such certificate within the applicable period,this shall not be deemed to be a default,provided that such party shall be deemed to have certified that the statements in clauses(a)through(c)of this section are true,and any party may rely on such deemed certification. 11. Mortgagee Protection;Certain Rights of Cure. 11.1 Mortgagee Protection. This Agreement shall be superior and senior to any lien placed upon the Property,or any portion thereof after the date of recording this Agreement,including the lien for any deed of trust or mortgage ("Mortgage"). Notwithstanding the foregoing,no breach hereof shall defeat,render invalid,diminish or impair the lien of any Mortgage made in good faith and for value,but all the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon and Page 10 effective against any person or entity,including any deed of trust beneficiary or mortgagee(Mortgagee")who acquires title to the Property,or any portion thereof,by foreclosure,trustee's sale,deed in lieu of foreclosure,or otherwise. 11.2 Mortgagee Not Obligated. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11.1 above,no Mortgagee shall have any obligation or duty under this Agreement,before or after foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure,to construct or complete the construction of improvements,or to guarantee such construction of improvements,or to guarantee such construction or completion,or to pay,perform or provide any fee,dedication,improvements or other exaction or imposition;provided, however,that a Mortgagee shall not be entitled to devote the Property to any uses or to construct any improvements thereon other than those uses or improvements provided for or authorized by the Project Approvals or by this Agreement. 11.3 Notice of Default to Mortgagee and Extension of Right to Cure. If the City receives notice from a Mortgagee requesting a copy of any notice of default given Kaiser hereunder and specifying the address for service thereof,then the City shall deliver to such Mortgagee,concurrently with service thereon to Kaiser,any notice given to Kaiser with respect to any claim by the City that Kaiser has committed an event of default. Each Mortgagee shall have the right during the same period available to Kaiser to cure or remedy,or to commence to cure or remedy,the event of default claimed set forth in the City's notice. The City,through its City Manager,may extend the thirty-day cure period provided in paragraph 12.2 for not more than an additional sixty(60)days upon request of Kaiser or a Mortgagee. 12. Severability. The unenforceability,invalidity or illegality of any provisions, covenant,condition or term of this Agreement shall not render the other provisions unenforceable,invalid or illegal. 13. Attorneys'Fees and Costs. 13.1 Prevailing Party. If the City or Kaiser initiates any action at law or in equity to enforce or interpret the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys'fees and costs in addition to any other relief to which it may otherwise be entitled. 13.2 Third Party Challenge. If any person or entity not a party to this Agreement initiates an action at law or in equity to challenge the validity of any provision of this Agreement or the Project Approvals,the parties shall cooperate in defending such action. Kaiser shall bear its own costs of defense as a real party in interest in any such action,and shall reimburse the City for all reasonable court costs and attorneys' fees expended by the City in defense of any such action or other proceeding. 14. Transfers and Assignments. 14.1 Agreement Runs with the Land. All of the provisions,rights,terms, covenants,and obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their respective heirs,successors and assignees,representatives,lessees, Page 11 and all other persons acquiring the Property,or any portion thereof,or any interest therein,whether by operation of law or in any manner whatsoever. All of the provisions of this Agreement shall be enforceable as equitable servitude and shall constitute covenants running with the land pursuant to applicable laws,including,but not limited to,Section 1468 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Each covenant to do,or refrain from doing,some act on the Property hereunder,or with respect to any owned property,(a)is for the benefit of such properties and is a burden upon such properties, (b)runs with such properties,and(c)is binding upon each party and each successive owner during its ownership of such properties or any portion thereof,and shall be a benefit to and a burden upon each party and its property hereunder and each other person succeeding to an interest in such properties. 14.2 Right to Assign. Kaiser may wish to sell,transfer or assign all or portions of its Property to other developers(each such other developer is referred to as a"Transferee"). In connection with any such sale,transfer or assignment to a Transferee,Kaiser may sell,transfer or assign to such Transferee any or all rights, interests and obligations of Kaiser arising hereunder and that pertain to the portion of the Property being sold or transferred,to such Transferee,provided,however,that: except as provided herein,no such transfer,sale or assignment of Kaiser's rights, interests and obligations hereunder shall occur without prior written notice to City and approval by the City Manager,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 14.3 Approval and Notice of Sale,Transferor Assignment. The City Manager shall consider and decide on any transfer,sale or assignment within ten(10) days after Kaiser's notice,provided all necessary documents,certifications and other information are provided to the City Manager to enable the City Manager to determine whether the proposed Transferee can perform Kaiser's obligations hereunder. Notice of any such approved sale,transfer or assignment(which includes a description of all rights,interests and obligations that have been transferred and those which have been retained by Kaiser)shall be recorded in the official records of Alameda County,in a form acceptable to the City Manager,concurrently with such sale,transfer or assignment. 14.4 Considerations for Approval of Sale.Transferor Assignment. In considering the request,the City Manager shall base the decision upon the proposed assignee's reputation,experience,financial resources and access to credit and capability to successfully carry out the development of the Property to completion.The City Manager's approval shall be for the purposes of:a)providing notice to City;b) assuring that all obligations of Kaiser are allocated as between Kaiser and the proposed purchaser,transferee or assignee as provided by this Agreement;and c)assuring City that the proposed purchaser,transferee or assignee is financially capable of performing Kaiser's obligations hereunder not withheld by Kaiser.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager's approval shall not be required for(i)an assignment in conjunction with a sale of the Commercial Parcel consistent with Section 6.2 above,provided that Kaiser shall provide notice of the sale to the City,or(ii)an assignment to an entity or entities controlling Kaiser,controlled by Kaiser,or under common control with Kaiser, Page 12 provided that Kaiser owns and controls no less than fifty percent(50%)of such successor entity. 14.5 Release upon Transfer. Upon the transfer,sale,or assignment of all of Kaiser's rights,interests and obligations hereunder pursuant to Section 14.2 of this Agreement,Kaiser shall be released from the obligations under this Agreement,with respect to the Property transferred,sold,or assigned,arising subsequent to the date of City Manager approval of such transfer,sale,or assignment;provided,however,that if any transferee,purchaser,or assignee approved by the City Manager expressly assumes all of the rights,interests and obligations of Kaiser under this Agreement, Kaiser shall be released with respect to all such rights,interests and assumed obligations. Notwithstanding the foregoing,such release shall be automatic with respect to a sale of the Commercial Parcel upon Kaiser's provision of notice to the City Manager pursuant to Section 14.4. In any event,the transferee,purchaser,or assignee shall be subject to all the provisions hereof and shall provide all necessary documents, certifications and other necessary information prior to City Manager approval. 14.6 Kaiser's Right to Retain Specified Rights or Obligations.Kaiser may withhold from a sale,transfer or assignment of this Agreement or any portion of the Property transferred,certain rights,interests and/or obligations which Kaiser wishes to retain,provided that Kaiser specifies such rights,interests and/or obligations in a written document to be appended to this Agreement and recorded with the Alameda County Recorder prior to the sale,transfer or assignment of the Property. Kaiser's purchaser, transferee or assignee shall then have no interest or obligations for such rights, interests and obligations and this Agreement shall remain applicable to Kaiser with respect to such retained rights,interests and/or obligations. 14.7 Omitted. 15. Bankruptcy.The obligations of this Agreement shall not be dischargeable in bankruptcy. 16. Indemnification.Kaiser agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City,and its elected and appointed councils,boards,commissions,officers,agents, employees,and representatives from any and all claims,costs(including legal fees and costs)and liability for any personal injury or property damage which may arise directly or indirectly as a result of any actions or inactions by Kaiser,or any actions or inactions of Kaiser's contractors,subcontractors,agents,or employees in connection with the construction,improvement,operation,or maintenance of the Project,provided that Kaiser shall have no indemnification obligation with respect to negligence or wrongful conduct of the City,its contractors,subcontractors,agents or employees or with respect to the maintenance,use or condition of any improvement after the time it has been dedicated to and accepted by the City or another public entity(except as provided in an improvement agreement or maintenance bond). If City is named as a party to any legal action,City shall cooperate with Kaiser,shall appear in such action and shall not unreasonably withhold approval of a settlement otherwise acceptable to Kaiser. Page 13 17. Insurance. 17.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance. During the term of this Agreement,Kaiser shall maintain in effect a policy of commercial general liability insurance with a per-occurrence combined single limit of not less than one million dollars($1,000,000.00). The policy so maintained by Kaiser shall name the City as an additional insured and shall include either a severability of interest clause or cross- liability endorsement.City and Kaiser agree that such insurance may include alternative risk management programs,including self-insurance or a combination of self-insurance and insurance,provided that such alternative risk management programs provide protection equivalent to that specified under this Agreement. 17.2 Workers Compensation Insurance. During the term of this Agreement Kaiser shall maintain Worker's Compensation insurance for all persons employed by Kaiser for work at the Project site. Kaiser shall require each contractor and subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation insurance for its respective employees. Kaiser agrees to indemnify the City for any damage resulting from Kaiser's failure to maintain any such insurance. 17.3 Evidence of Insurance. Prior to issuance of any permits for the Project,including grading permits,Kaiser shall furnish the City satisfactory evidence of the insurance required in Sections 17.1 and 17.2 and evidence that the carrier is required to give the City at least fifteen days prior written notice of the cancellation or reduction in coverage of a policy unless replaced with similar coverage. The insurance shall extend to the City,its elective and appointive boards,commissions,officers, agents,employees and representatives and to Kaiser performing work on the Project. 18. Sewer and Water.Kaiser acknowledges that it must obtain water and sewer permits from the Dublin San Ramon Services District("DSRSD")which is another public agency not within the control of the City. City agrees that it shall not take any action with DSRSD opposing Kaiser's efforts to reserve water and sewer capacity sufficient to serve the Project described herein. 19. Notices.All notices required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices required to be given to the City shall be addressed as follows: City Manager City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin,CA 94568 Fax No.(925)833-6651 Notices required to be given to Kaiser shall be addressed as follows: Kaiser Health Foundation Real Estate Department 1800 Harrison St. Oakland,CA 94612 Page 14 With a copy to: Kaiser Health Foundation Legal Department Attn:Christopher Alonzi One Kaiser Plaza,19 Bayside Oakland,CA 94612 A party may change address by giving notice in writing to the other party and thereafter all notices shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. Notices shall be deemed given and received upon personal delivery,or if mailed,upon the expiration of 48 hours after being deposited in the United States Mail. Notices may also be given by overnight courier which shall be deemed given the following day or by facsimile transmission which shall be deemed given upon verification of receipt. 20. Agreement is Entire Understanding.This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties. 21. Exhibits.The following document is referred to in this Agreement and is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full: Exhibit A Legal Description of Property 22. Recitals.The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereof. 23. Counterparts. This Agreement is executed in two(2)duplicate originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 24. Recordation. The City shall record a copy of this Agreement within ten (10)days following execution by all parties. 25. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to or shall be deemed to confer upon any person,other than the Parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns,any rights or remedies hereunder. [Execution Page Follows] Page 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date and year first above written. CITY OF DUBLIN KAISER Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,a California nonprofit public benefit corporation By: Chris Foss,City Manager By. Attest: Caroline Soto,City Clerk Approved as to form John Bakker,City Attorney 2690303.3 (NOTARIZATION ATTACHED) Page 16 Exhibit A Legal Description of Property Real property in the County of Alameda,State of California,described as follows: [ADD] Page 17 RESOLUTION NO.16'1fX1(ll A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND ADOPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS UNDER CEQA FOR THE KAISER DUBLIN MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT PA 08-050 and PLPA 2016-00007 (APNs 985-0061-005-00 and 985-0027-009-02) WHEREAS,the Applicant, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,submitted a Planning Application for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is comprised of 950,000 square feet of medical campus uses in three main buildings, 250,000 square feet of commercial uses, a parking structure, and associated site, roadway frontage, and landscape improvements. The requested land use approvals include a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to create two new land use districts, Planned Development Rezoning(Stage 1 and Stage 2), and a Site Development Review Permit for Phase 1A (a 220,000 square foot medical office building), a request for a Development Agreement, and certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report, among other related actions. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the"Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project"or the"Project";and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared. It was determined that an Environmental Impact Report(EIR)be prepared to analyze the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project;and WHEREAS,the City circulated a Notice of Preparation,dated January 12,2015,to public agencies and interested parties for consultation on the scope of the EIR. The City also conducted a public scoping meeting on January 22,2015;and WHEREAS,the City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report(EIR)dated February 3, 2016 for the proposed Project that reflected the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project. The Draft EIR is incorporated herein by reference;and WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was circulated for public review in February and March 2016 for 45 days; and WHEREAS, the City received comment letters from State, regional, and local agencies as well as interested individuals and organizations during the public review period. In accordance with the requirements of CEQA, the City prepared written responses to all the comments received during the public comment period. The City prepared a Final EIR (that includes the Responses to Comments), dated August 2016, for the proposed Project, which included an annotated copy of each comment letter identifying specific comments, responses to each specific comment, and clarifications and minor corrections to information presented in the Draft EIR. The Final EIR is attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution and is incorporated herein 1 ATTACHMENT 8 by reference(Exhibit A also contains the complete EIR—Draft EIR,Appendices,and Final EIR combined—on a CD within the document).The complete Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project EIR incorporates the Draft EIR and the Final EIR together.The responses to comments provide the City's good faith,reasoned analysis of the environmental issues raised by the comments; and WHEREAS, the City carefully reviewed the comments and written responses and determined that the Final EIR,including the clarifications and minor corrections to the Draft EIR, do not constitute significant new information requiring recirculation of the Draft EIR under the standards in CEQA Guidelines section 15088.5;and WHEREAS,a Staff Report,dated August 23,2016 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project for the Planning Commission and contained information on the Final EIR;and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission reviewed the Staff Report,the Final EIR,including comments and responses,at a noticed public hearing on August 23,2016 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard;and WHEREAS, the Final EIR, including comments and responses, reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis on the potential for environmental impacts from the Project; and WHEREAS,the Final EIR identified several potentially significant impacts that will be reduced to a less than significant level with specified mitigation measures. Approval of the project by the City Council will therefore require adoption of findings on impacts and mitigations and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program;and WHEREAS,the Final EIR identified significant and unavoidable environmental impacts of the project and approval of the project by the City Council will therefore require adoption of Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations:and WHEREAS,the Final EIR and all of the documents relating to the Project are available for review in the City Planning Division at the Dublin City Hall,file PA 08-050,during normal business hours. The location and custodian of the Final EIR and other documents that constitute the record of proceedings for the Project is the City of Dublin Community Development Department,100 Civic Plaza,Dublin,CA 94568,file PA 08-050. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT,the Dublin Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings and recommendations to the City Council on the Final EIR and the environmental review of the Project under CEQA: A. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. B. The Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA,the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines. C. The Planning Commission has independently reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR,including the written comments received during the Draft EIR 2 review period and the oral and written comments received at the public hearing, prior to making its recommendation on the proposed Project. D. The Final EIR reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis on the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project. The Final EIR provides information to the decision-makers and the public on the environmental consequences of the proposed Project. E. The Final EIR adequately describes the proposed Project, its significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures and a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Dublin Planning Commission hereby recommends that, prior to the approval of the Project, the City Council certify the Final Environmental Impact Report as complete, adequate and in compliance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines. The Planning Commission further recommends that the City Council make all required, mitigation and alternatives findings, adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all in compliance with the requirements of CEQA. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 23`d day of August, 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Assistant Community Development Director 3 NOUVAONNI 33dVNV 9TOZ '6 jsnSnV :ale(] ADgeueN 10@foAd !isAosliem euuer A@SeueN 1:)@fOJd 'jaqnjE) luejE) J0P@J'(1 1:)@foJd 'ueaq AjeN :1:)eiuo0 Z9SZ'LSE*SZ6 L6St,6 VD 'pwD Inule/V\ OSE al!nS 'PAeADInoo leaji OSEJ suoilnIoS uoqje:)Isjij :Aq paied@Jd J@Uueld jedPUIJd 'W0:)Se0!lSIJA :PelU00 Nriono & 'I 00 :joj pz)jed@Ad SIOZTOSIOZ *ON asnoqSuijeaj:) ajejS WOO 'SN011MOS N09 dVOISH I TAAAAAA visv I viivaisnv I voidiv I AdoHn3 I V0183VIVHiHON eiujoj!le:) 'Aluno:) epoweIV luilqn(i jo Ai!:) 1:)DfOJd Jalui):) le:)'PaVY uilqn(i jasie>l liodaM pedwi jejuawuoJIAU3 IVNIJ I .op'30l TO-001-S 600D99LE\813i -5\b00099LE\99LE\W-Nd) lua�1�\suo�)e��lgnd\gape\5'i'OOL'OI\\ suo.anios uogao.)3saij £-Z................................................................... suo!laaS ssojD Aiepunoa Alaadoad uaaglnoS:T-Z I!q!yx3 sl!q!gx310 Isil uo!s!nab dew }o aallal :l x!puaddy T-t?.................................................................. sluawwo:) a!j!aads of asuodsad u! s@Suey:) - T'b T-b..........................................................................................................................e;eaa3 :b u0113aS T-£................................................................................................ sluawwo:) of sasuodsad - Z-£ T-£................................................................................................................ saoglny jo is!l - T'£ T-£................................................................................ s;uawwo:) ual;!aM o; sasuodsab :£ uo!i:)aS T-Z............................................................................................................ asuodsaa aalsew - T'Z T-Z.......................................................................................................sasuodsaa aalsew :Z uoi;:)aS T-T............................................................................................................... uoll:)npoa;u! :T uoipas s4ualuo:) }o algel s)ua)uo,7 fo algol U13 loui3 ),7aloid aa)ua.) wa!paW ugjgno aasloH—upgnp fo Aj!j T-T ..p'..jppw1u100-i0- S 6000991E\6000991E\99LSMN(-Nd) lump\sUo�lenl9�d\gape\9'I'OOZ'Or\\ suopn/os uogao33sa13 (aanoa a;eaedas aapun papinoad) uaeaSoad Sul;aodaa pue Sulao;luoN uol;e2ilm . 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'aignurouns• '41)9 n apinu.rd„ :uojjL,wjojuT ojow .ioj ojTsgom BUImolloj aqj 03S 'AkON ajLjS Oj jaaoLfpr .i0 uigjiM SXUMaAI.Ip PUB sNirmopis `Sgino `Sax mom a8rummp `sadols sr cons S0.1111raj Butjstxa 3o Uo1j1Po13tpouu .io/pur `saurl bripme `uotjrztlauurgo 2uiuop!m curl :oj pajnutl jou si jnq `sopnlout sjuauuaimbai osogj of joafgns �lioM •aouatjo-d irjuautuO.ttnug p.MPUMS �smijpeD jo Z auunloA pur `apoD soamosom oilgnd Mu.'O3tlr.D aqj Jo L609 PUr 9-t ZOS uotjoaS `(F'OgD) jod Xjtlrncj ILjuautuo.TIAug rtUJOJ!IUD aqj g1jM aourtldmoo a.Tnsuo of UotjLjlnsuoo Uroi.TaUIV antjrisi 3O aouaptna pur `jsTBolooego.Tr Iruoissajoid 1pat3tlrnb r �q Xpnjs aomosa.I imnjlno p, `pajuriirm 3t pur, `goiras spi003.1 aqj sa.Tinbai surijlrD 'pIO S.iratt aAt3 Urgj amw ou oq jsnui Sagamos pi0oai juaiin� •( A OX) Xt,m-jo-jciBtg ajrjS uigjim posodoid on, SatjtnijoL uoijon.gsuoo 3i uiajsXS uoprui.Tojul soamosON Ipoiiojs H p.TUJOJ!ILD aqj Jo .iajuOD uotjpmiojul jsomgjioN aqj Tuo.i3 coiras piooa.i IrotBoioapgoir jua.Tuno r to uotjrjuaumoop opnlom juacunoop IrjuauiUO.Ttnua joa fold L jrgj Sa.Ttnbo.T surijluD saatnosaH 1n.rnjpnj •Sa1111tor3 aBrulu.tp pur uBtsap joofaid of sjuautala pa.iinbai ngj.inj io sjaaUuano.idtui Iruoijtppr ,Cur XItjuopt of paBL.inooua sT sur.ijlr:) gjim uotjrjlnsuoo Xing -, Pm-jo-jgBti suL ijt D utgjtM joLJ UT St j.Tanlno aqj uotjpwjguoo 6 .iagjin3 Maas am sr uoijpool S,j.tanlno aqj sai3Tjuopt jrgj surid joofo.id .io di w ojriido.iddr aqj gjtm SUr.gip,D aptno.id asrald '(1-Z •Bd) firm-jo-jgBt.T suLijiLD all uigjtm 08S-I 3o opts gjuou all slollrird jrgj jiaAlno xog ajaiouOo 100J-6 Xq loo3-01 algnop r si magi sajrjs ZIIgQ oqj, sialnnap,Cg 0 •jpd•loogpuL'H-xoglool,/saltj/jlnrjap/soots/Ao8•ro•ojwH:djjq :a2rdgam ButNird D.LW aqj jtstA io I/IAAO.ID poutS 1.IoddnS o) Vd1d110d D'11.1y1Od 8utiu.iof'ad podai (Di w) uoissiulLUOD uoijrjiodsupil, urjtlodogaW popunj sur.iijuD aqj aas `SOijm 2ut3lipd jnogr uoijrcuiO3ui .tod •WLiBo.Td WGI agj utgjtm S01201L.gS Sr Pal sti a.tL jrgj `•oja `atpgs .Teo `Bui�i.Ird a�Itq B a `sapoui angrU.iajlp, JOJ j.toddns pur `qui.tad Bupi.Tpd 3o .iaquinu aqj 2mjotijsai `sotoilod BuiNmd paipgs `ftoi.Td gBnoigj a.injon.tjs Bupiird ainjn3 aqj jo asn jsaq agj oinsuo pinogs saioilod juauuaBrurut BuMird •Lair agj sso.iop, pUruiap Buplird aqj Butourirq l(IantjoaJJa Xq Bugaiio salolgaA aonpoi iiim stq L •siuoB Xoilod puL iruotjr.tado jaaUu of sootid Buiiiird jaa.Tjs-Ijo pur jaaijs-uo Uaamjaq UOtjrUtpi00o Maiduq pur `soioilod BulaTid algrt.iLA .Iap!SUOO `S2A1jUa3uT 2uiaiid u0 SUOISsnostp anuquoo of UIB BOM WQ.L aqj utgjtm urld juauuaBLuuw Buis and L opnjoui of XI!D agj aBL.inooaa oM '(Oi-Z •Bd) S0101g0A SZt`I Oj OtI`I XiajLuilxo.Tddr .to3 ajts sndwBD agj jo umpod u.Tajsomgjnos aqj uo pajrool oinjon.gs Bui lmd p, pur Bupiird oorlins pajrtoossp, apniout pinom E asrgd •SalotgaA 009` I of 009 �lajruitxoiddr .toj Bupiipd aptno.id pinom Z asrgd juanbasgns agd saiotgan SLO` i of 098 rilajrcutxoiddL .Tol Bupind xmj.ms pajrioossr apiAoid pinom VI asrgd S,joafo.Td aq,i, •gora juooiad Oi �q IWA pjidpo .Tad BUionpai pur `uogrj.iodsumj apoLu ojnr-uou BuiSramui gjoq 3o slpo8 OolwIS XjiunuiuioD iNOO aigrutrjsnS/uLld uoijLjiodsumI ILuotBa-1 s,DJ W gjtM juajsiSUoo Si anpoafgo m2ol ijs L siq L 'OZOZ Xq jtsumi pur urt.ijsapod Buggnop pur `alo,Coiq BUgdt.g gBnoigj samgs ;)pow ojnu -tiou 3o aBrjuao.Tad aqj asraiotiT of suitr urld juacuaBruVW oTBajr.gS suL.glrD aq,l, •sjordutt ot��r.q PUB palaApij SaltUu alotgaA iBU0120J Butonpa.i , ga.iagj asn jtsuwj ssLut ojowaid Ilim jrgj uir.TBoid £ aBLd 91OZ `iZ goirW uilgnCI 3o Xj!D `uioosrg tpsT.t}I 'sW t, 10 C 96ed SNV2U IVO nop'slu—W 0D ualluM of sasuodsa8 00-E(PaS WW991£\YI33 - S\600099LE\99LE\(Nf-Nd) ivalU\doi�IsaO\uols8uIM13\slash\ J L-£ suo!;nlos uogaoj;sqj aae sisoz) aaeys-alel aqj legl aansua ll!m AI!D agj'junon:)e monsa leuol8aa a 8ulgsllgelsa to ssalpaesa8 •sweiSoad aal leuol8aa ao leaol ul papnpul jou s}uauaanoidual aouegaaalui aol pal!sodap aq uea spunl aaeys-a!el aaagm junoaae moaasa ue to luauagsllgelsa agj 8u!paeow (01:) epauaely'uolueseald pue WOWJanll to sail!:) aqj) salaua8e leuol8aa gllnn suolJesaanuoa paIell!ul seq ullgna to Aj!D aql •pauleldxa pue pall!luapl Alln} aq pinogs uolle8!j!W 1aafoad aol pasn aq of saa3 pedual uollelaodsueal leuol8a8 pue Al lD aqj saSuegaaalui an!aa epua!aeH pue peo8 AlaagBnoo aqj se spiepuels awes aqj of aq pinogs s@2uegaaalui paipjuapl aq} 8ulpeAdn Aol suo!lnq!aluoa asagl '(8T-SNd81 Pue'ZT-SNVUJ-'S-SNVUi sainseaW uolle8ll!1N) sainseaw uolie8ll!w ,slaedual laafoid aql ul palsll pue pa;enlena aae ga!gm'sa!l!l!ae} aje}S of slaedwi juea!}!u8!s aje8lj!W 01 papaau sIuauaanoadual punt of AAessaaau uoljeSij!w to aaeys alel a!agl sAed juawdolanap mau legl aansua of pue'sainpaaoad pue Aa!lod'spaepuelS'sanllaead suealle0 MONO} 01 paslnpe AaUaSe aqj 'sail! I!oel ajejS of sped ual asaglao3 •(S£- pue'9Z-'8T-'ZT-'S-SNd81 sluedwl) suoll!puoa anllelnwnD ao suoli!puoa uaaal-AeaN 'Pafoad snld Sullslx3 aapun 089-1 pue 08S-I ulgl!m sall!l!ael aje}S Iaedua! Allueall!u8ls pinom 1:)afoad s!ql Aq palel!l!ael juawdolanap jegj pajou Auu@2e aql P-SNV817VD of asuodsaa •anuao sluedual legl auall a41 le sainseaw uolle8l}!w 8u!}uawaldual to swial ul sluawaalnbai yb3:) g;!nn jualslsuoa aae saaljaead asagl ainseaw uolle8!jlua g:)ea u1 paIou auall aleudoidde a41 le AaUaBe alge:)lldde aql of @pew aq slu@wAed aaeys-alel 1egj saa!nbaa 813 lleao ayl'(peoa oaaeq:) 13/peo8 uolle3 pue peo8 el!8 e;ueS/peo8 eaefessel ql!m sa8uegaaalul 08S-1 aq}';l a) ullgna to Aj!0 agjlo loa}uoa leuolla!pslanf aqj ap!slno we legj sIuauaanoidual ao3 •ainseaw uolie8ll!w gaea ul paJou auall aleladoidde aqj le paluawaldual aq of wagj aalnbaa pue asegd Aq sluauaanoadual allleal to gulwil aqj Al!}uap! sainseaw uolle8ll!w s,81311eaa agl'u!lgna to A3!D aqi to loaiuoa leuolj:)lpslanf aqj ulq}!m aae jegj sjuauaanoadual ao3 •£ pue 'Z '8T 'b'T :sasegd anol to slslsuoa laafoad pasodoad agl'Al!aelp of •Aauednaap to aieall!}aaD aqj to aauenssi aqj of aoud palaldwoa aq sjuauaanoadual a!lleal paalnbaa legl papuauauaoaaa AaU@Se aql '(dBWW) wea8oad 8ullaoda8 pue 8u!ao,!uoiN uolje8lj!W agl8uluaaauoa s}uawaalnbai db3D pue sail! I!glsuodsaa uolle8ll!w s,Aau@Se peal a 1noge a8en8uel paepue}s pap!noid Aau@Se aql E-SNY/a17VD of asuodsaa t7-SNt1nlVD of asuodsa8 ul passaappe aae salj!l!oel 08S-1 asagl of slaedwi uo sluawwoa all!aads s,Aouage aql •peo8 oaaegD 13/13e08 uolle3 pue peo8 el!8 ejueS/peo8 eaefessel le sa8ueyaaam (08S-1) 08S alelsaalul aql aeau palenol sl iaafoid aq, legl pajou pue sa!lspapeaeya 1aafoad aqj paz!aewwns Aauase aql 7-SNda17VD ol asuodsaa •Aaessaaau si asuodsaa ON 'aallal aqj uado of sliewai Aaolanpoalu! pap!noid Aauase aql T-SNVY.L7dJ o4 asuodsaa (SMfMl7V.)) u01.Ia;aodsuaal,jo;uaur;aada(7 vivaofgq) saiauasd ajels s;uawwo.7 ua;;!,M o;.,asuodsaa uld luu!j pa!oid as;uaj 103!pa!N u!!gna jaslnN—u!lgnp Jo Am 6-£ raop's)uaw W o� uapuM o) sasuodsay ME01a5 4"99LEWM - 9\b000991E\991EMNf-N41 )uai��\do)�sa0\uo)sHu�n��3\s�asN\:� suopnlos uogap_73s4J •uoljejlnsuoa uealaauay aAIIeN pue'Apnis saaanosaa leinjlna'sayaaeas spaoaaa aol sjuawaalnbaa Sulpnlaul 'Aeon-jo-igSIj @IeJS agJ ulgllnn saIJ!AIJJe uopnalsuoa sanlonul 1aafoad ayjI! sjuauaaalnbaa juawssasse saaanosaa lean}ina s}l jnoge @SenSuel paepueJS papinoad Aau@se ayl OT-SNVY17VD 07 asuodsaa aaouaaanll 01 uolsuajxa lild8 ayj jo uolssnoslp aayljnj aol T asuodsaa aalseVq of aaj@H 'eleaa3 'b uolIaaS ul paIou sl @Sueya agI pue Aenn -}o-Jg2IA suea}leO agj ulgllan aq of Aeadde jou op sJaanlna xoq agl •;uauaasea @Beuleap wAOIs 8ullslxa ayj jo uoljeaol ayj slaldap 1egj l xlpuaddy ul papinoad sl AananS a11ll puel (VVSOd/dllb') SulddeVU pue BulAananS }o ss@ASuoO uealaauay/uolIelaossy al}ll puel uealaawV uy glpinn ul Jaa} OF lelol ley; (,aa} OZ pue �aa, OZ) sluauaasea juaaefpe onn,10 s,slsuoa juauaasea @Seuleap wAoJs ayl •aaouaaanll o, uolsuajxa (lad8) ilsueal pldea eaay Ae8 pauueld agj Aoj joeglas a ajeajsnlll osle pue ivauaasea aseuleap wAols 8ullslxa ay} jaldap (ati-Z pue 'gt7-Z'et7-Z sllgl4x3) ueld ails s,jaafoad pasodoad ayl sall!llaej @Seuleap ao uBlsap jaafoad of sjuawala paalnbaa Aaglanj Ao s}uauaanoadual leuoljlppe Aue Alljuapl 01 p@Seinoaua sl sueaile0 yl1^n uoljejlnsuoa Apea 1egj pajou Aau@Se agl Aeon-jo-jgSla s,sueajleD ulgllnn Joel ul sl JI Jey} willuoa 01 uolJeaol s,Iaanina agl sailpapl 1eyj sueld Ao dew e gjIM 1! apinoad Aj!D ayj JegJ palsanbaa Aouase ayl •Aeon-to-IgSla sueajleO ayj ulyllM 08S-I jo apls gIjou agj slalleaed 1egj Iaanlna xoq alaaauoa 1001-6 Aq fool-OZ algnop a sl away} 1egj Z-Z aSed a13 IPaa uo juauaajels a paauaaajaa AaUaBe ayl 6-SNVY17VD of asuodsaa •papuauauaoaaa osle senn'saseyd juanbasgns ul papinoad iou sl Suplied ssaaxa 1eyj Bans 'pad0lanap aae sasegd 1aafoad se puewap Buplied lenjae agi }o Supoilum •juawssassy uoljelaodsueil agj ul pallpapl Wann sa'Saleajs lellualod pue 'ueld Nol ayj jo juauodwoa AAeualad a aq of papadxa aae sal2aleals JuawaSeuew Sullied weiSoid WOl a41 u141lnn salsajeals se palsll aae galynn 10 Ile—siay;o pue 'aiegs aea 'Sullied aIiq se yans sapoua aAIJeuaa}le aol lioddns pue 'slluaaad Sullied }o aagwnu ayl 8uippisai 'salallod Sullied paaegs 'Sulaud 49noagl aanlana;s Sullied aanjn} ay} }o asn jsaq agj aansua pinogs salallod Juaw@9euew 8ulVed eaae agj ssoaae pueuaap SulNaed agj 8ulaueleq AlanlJaa}}a Aq Sulpala salalgan aanpaa IIIM slyl 'sleoS Aallod pue leuogendo jaaw o} saalad Sullied jaaajs-}}o pue 1aaals-uo uaannlaq uolJeulpaooa anoadual pue'salallod Sulaud algelaen aaplsuoa'sanlJuaaul gulalad uo suolssnosip anulluoa of weiSoid Mal agj ulyllnn ueld lu@w@Seuew Sullied a apnpul of Aj10 agj paSeinoaua Aauase agl (OT-Z 'd) salalgaA SZb'Z of OVTIT Alajeualxoidde Sol sndweD agj jo uollaod uaalsannglnos ay} uo paIeaol ainjanals Sullied a pue Sullied aaejjns palelaosse apnlaul pinonn £ asegd •salalgan 009'Z of 009 Ala}eualxoadde Sol Bullied apinoad pinonn Z asegd juanbasgns ayl •salalgan SLOT of 098 Alaleualxoidde Sol SulNaed aae}ans pa}elaosse apinoad pinonn yl asegd 1eyj pa}ou Aauase ayl 8-SNV817V D oa asuodsaa Aaessaoau sl asuodsaa leuolIlppe ON •T-SNdal ainseavq uoljeSij!A saquasap Alaleinaae juawwoa agl sauawwo,) ualauM ol sasuodsay 813 /0"t aia foad japa3 Ipo(paW uggnp aastpH—uijgno Jo All.) NO •slielap aaoui aoj luauinoop dWZ) 9Toz aq4 jo x xipuaddv aas •suuld poldopu giiM hualsisuoo puu `sjuautanoidtui Xempeoa pue luauidolanap alis `su0111pu03 uutalsapad uo otUJeal aloigan Jo sloaJJa apnloui aapisuoo of sloudtui palelaa uutalsapad •sliu}ap aaoua aoj luminoop dWO 9TOz alp jo x xipuaddy aas sueld paldopu gllm XDualsisuoo pue `sluawanoadtui Xumpuoa pue }uatudolanap ails `suoiiipuoo Isilobig uo OUJUJI aloigan Jo sloajja apnloui aapisuoo of sloudtui palulaa alosoig •slie}ap aaoua aoj }uatunoop dwo 9Toz alp jo x xipuaddV aas •sueld paidope glien Souaisisuoo pue `aoinaas 4lsuea} oaninj aoj paau jisuuaj `X4toudeo 11sum `suopmado lisuual moU paxiuT uo oiJJeal aloigan loafoad jo slaajja atll apnloui aapisuoo ol spudtui 11sueas, :Xlluagloads •Vuplaud puu uopulnoaio `ssaooV a}is 6 aaldugD — r xipuaddV alp ui sisXluuu site jo sluauzala atuos papnloui suq glgQ aq j •sisSleue lauduti loafoad lepouiillnw apnloui pinogs 8 aaldugo -r xtpuoddV o quawaatnbaa jWD s,oyo upowuly jo aan}uu lupoutillnui alp almodwoui pinogs 8 aaldutlo — r xipuaddV ui aVun2uul ally, o :sjuawaainbaa dWD aql jo aan}eu lupotuillnui aql 4oalj9a o} 2llgQ aql of apew aq pinogs suoisinaa 2umolloj aqy •aouuaijiuVis appmAunoo jo sua.iv uuiaisapad pue `j.iom4aN alohTg apinfqunoo `(asuo sup ui vy Avi pue j,-dVg) saoluaado jjsuui4 syW uo loafoad agl jo sloudun luilualod ospu inq `Iiomiou (SiLW) uuNsKs uoilelaodsueay uu4ilodoa4aw aql uo sxennpeoa Sluo 4ou of sloudtui lui}ua4od ssoappe 2IlgQ aql juqj saainbai dWo s,oyo epauzuly aqy :s4uatuutoo 2uimolloj aql sliuigns Sllnjloadsaa (Dyo upamBIV) uoissnuuzoo uoiulaodsuuay 14unoo upauaely ally saloigan ooz`9 04 oo£`£ aoj 2uplaud paanionals io/puu aoujzns tpim sasn luioaautwoo pue snduieo luoipaui jo laaj aaenbs uoillitu z•T Ala}uuzixoaddu jo lsisuoo pinom loafoad pasodoad aqy •glnos aqi ol 089 alulsaalul puu `}sua atg of aaJuao 1i7319a xunmaluD uollej alp `tpaou 9141 of paunalnog uilgnQ `Isom agi of uisuq aalemmaols u puu puul padolanapun Xg papunog si pue uilgnQ jo Alio aqi jo uoilaod uaalsea ag} ui pal -cool sane-G•89 Sloleumoadde si alis loafoad ally •loafoad aaluao luoipaW uilgn( aasie)l aql ao1(gljC[) laoda21 }oedwl leluaLuuoainug jjeaQ aq, uo luaututoo of X4iunlaoddo aql ioj noA )luugy `Ltiooseg •sN auaQ loafoad aaluao leoipaW uilgnQ aasiux aql ioj laodax louduil luluawuoainug jeaQ agl 01 asuodsad : 'Durafis 899t,6 vo `uilgnQ wield oin.0 ooT uilgn(I3o Rio aauuuld ludiouiad woosug ilsiax 9Toz 18T goi*ew N\\\\ � I,, 6j0•0j0DPgwDjv- mmm 00PL'90Z'O13 ZOM VO 'PUD1100 '009 GVS •%0MPn01g t I I t uOISS(IUWO�� u0.1041 odsuoilju}un Mo�0/ a3w I Y £ Io � 96ed 1 • % ♦� 0i0v 9ioz/suoiuido mau lu�uauzuoatnug/dji3 :alg .iauuujd uotIu:podsuujy luulsissV `nM laiuuCl :aa Amlod puu Wuiuuuld jo zopan(I S4nda(l laA2uaq ssay G� Islaaaauis 6 I •suotlsanb �fuu anuu no�f ji E9t�G-goz (ot9) ju guls �fuzjo nM IaiuuQ xo gzbG-goz (0�9) IL, auz �auIuoa asuald •doN stgl uo juaLuwoa o4 /qiun:poddo ail} xoj noX:luu-ly E 10 E 96ed oiov E aVL'd 9Yo7;`gT uo.ivW womug tlsijX nop)—.odsay Otr£O)aS 600099LE\U133-S\V00099LE\991EMNf Nd))uall0\do)�saO\u0)s2U!AJ13\s) nv3 ST-E suo13nloS uogm33sald lade aql asn Aew 99eluaaaad a 'sdlal Ilsueal lelol aql j0 •eaae Apnis aql anaas legl salnoi JlsueAJ uo Alpedea ssaaxa Alluaaana sl aaagl'd1Nd-1 Aq papinoad uolleuaaojul dlgsaapla uo paseq •}uauodwoa .12ld9 pue snq a Sulpnpul awos gllan'luauodwoa snq a apnlaul pinonn lsow 'sdlal asagl10 }aafoad aql jo T asegd ql!m palaadxa aae sdlaj 1lsuea} anoq-dead Buluana 09 pue anoq-dead Suluaow OZ Alaleualxoidde 'weiSoid N01 aql Io uolleluawaldual aqI 01 aolad •luauassassd uOIJeJAodsueal aqI ul paluasaid se 1aafoad aql aoj paleuallsa osle seen uolleaau;30 dul Ilsueal Io lanal aql •palpluapl wane sluawaalnbW dN0 aql Io ainleu lepowillnui aql }o lualul aql aleaodaoaul legl sainseaw uol;eoll!iN 'SK-IVE 49noa4i EtlT-TT•£ s@Sed uo 813 l}ea0 aqljo lied se pazAleue pue passnaslp wane sapow asagl of pedual lellualod a41'aanannoH -2 13 1}ea0 aql ul pauolluaw Allealjlaads Jou warn aauealjlusls ap mAlunoD jo seaad uelalsapad pue NaonnlaN alaAa18 ap mAlunoD aql legl Sul;ou ul 1aa.aaoa sl aaluauauaoa aql •padolanap wane saanseaw uol}eSilp pue spedual'luawwoa aql ul palou se 'pue 'elaaJlaa aauealptiols aqJ uloaJ palTlIuapl warn laAeJJ Jo sapoua asa41 of spedual pafoad '2113 IJea0 a41 jo gZ-TT•E aged uo passnaslp aae suepisapad pue 'apAalq 'suolleaado Ilsueal aol elaalua aaue:)q!u$iS •silelap aaow aoj juawnaop dW0 STOZ aql }o >l xlpuaddd aas •sueld paldope 41!m Aaualslsuoa pue's;uauaanoadual Aelwpeoa pue luawdolanap aIls'suolIipuoa uelalsapad uo al}}eal aplgan }o spa}}a apnlaul aaplsuoa o} spedual palelai uelalsapad - •silelap aaow aol luawnaop dW0 STOZ a41 Jo A xipuaddd aas •sueld paldope 41lnn Aaualsisuoa pue's;uauaanoadual Aennpeoa pue juawdolanap a;ls 'suolllpuoa lsllaAalq uo:)gJeal aplgan 10 spa}}a apnlaul aaplsuoa of spedual palelai apAalq - 'sll elap aaow aol luawnaop dVVD STOZ aql jo >1 xlpuaddd aas •sueld paldope gl1M Aaualslsuoa pue 'aalnaas Ilsueal ainin} ao; paau 'ssajSa/ssaaae llsueal'Alpedea llsueal'suolleaado 1lsuea; moll-paxlua uo al}}eal alalgan laafoad jo spa}}a aql apnlaul aaplsuoa o} spedual Ilsueal - :AllealIlaads 'Su'Ved pue uollelnaal:)'ssaaad ails 6 aaldeg0—f xlpuaddd aql ul slsAleue slq; jo s}uawap auaos papnlaul seq b130 aql •slsAleue pedual laafoid lepoualllnw apnpul pinogs g aaldeg0—f xlpuaddd . sluawaalnbW dND s,010 s,epauaeld }o ainleu lepowillnui aql aleaodaoaul pinogs g aa}deg0—f xlpuaddd ul @SenSuel agl . :sluawaalnbaa dAD a41 jo ainleu lepowillnui a41 hall of U13 ljeaO of apew aq pinogs suolSIAW Sulnnollo} aql legl pales AaUaSe aql •aaue3IJ!uSis ap!mAluno0 }o seaad ueulsapad pue NaonnlaN apAalq ap!m Aluno0 '(asea slgl ul [ViAV1] Allaogind Iisueal AalleA aopeuad aaouaaanl3 pue jUV9) sjoleaado Ilsueal walsAS uollelaodsueal uelllodoalalN uo laafoid ag} jo slaedual lellualod osle inq 'Nionnlau (SiA) uaa}sAS uollelaodsueal uelllodoalalN aql uo sAennpeoi of Aluo;ou spedual lellualod ssaappe d13 lJea0 a41 legl saalnbaa dN:) sll }eql palou Aau@Se aql Z-J1Jb' o4 asuodsay Aaessaaau sl asuodsai ON •aapal aql uado o; sliewai Aaopnpoalul papinoad Aau@Be aql T-DID y 04 asuodsay (Jl,)V) uo►ss two,) uo►Ja;aodsuaal Ajuno.) apaurald sapua2v JeaoJ sluawwoD uajj!jm o; sasuodsaa NI3lot /d »afoad aa;ua3lwjipaw uggnp aaslop—LgIgnp Jo Aj!l ..p'sfuaww.3 uajj!,M o) sasuodsay pp-£MaS W0099LE\Hi3j - S\WO099LE\991EMNFNd)1uallD\doIjsaO\uo)s8ulAn3\slash\:3 suopnlos uogio3354ld [ • • • ] :anuany !ages! pue 089-1 uaannlaq peog sol!aalleA paenalnog uuueauo:) pue paenalnog AaluelS uaannlaq anuany lagesl anlaa llalaeaS pue 08S-1 uaannlaq peog AlaagBnoa/peoa paeAdoH peo8 u01le3 pue paenalnog Wed dwe0 uaannlaq paenalnog ullgna :slaeduai laafoad lue3!l!u8!s aaua!aadxa p1nonn sluawSas Aennpeoa SiN gulnnollol agl'OtOZ ul legl papnpuou U13 ileao agl legl palou A3ua9e aql g-D19V o3 asuodsaa 'AAessaaau sl asuodsaa aaglanl ou fpalou sI luauauaoa agl •1:)egpaal sl! saleaodaoaui pue btOZ ul }leis ullgna to Al!:) Aq pannainaa uaaq seg lapow O10 epaweiy agl ul suo!idwnsse asn puel leg} palou Aauage agl'@nil si s!ql al!q/N 'lapow s,u!lgna to Al!0 aql woal aa}}!p AM suollaafoad luawAoldwa pue uo!lelndod (E)ygy) sluauauaanog eaay Aeg to uo!le!aossy aql gl!m luaislsuoa aae lapoua Ianeal O10 epawely agl ul suolidwnsse asn puel aql legl palea!pui d13 ilea(] aql legl palou Aauaoe aql Z-DIDV of asuodsaa •luauassasse uo!laasaaluj al!s-llo aql ui pasn uolleaaua8 dial pagalew Alasop lapow aql Aq palewpsa u01leaau@9 dial ap!gan aql legl Bans laal aaenbs Og£ aad aaAoiduaa Z Alalewixoadde of laafoad aql to luauodwoa lealpaw aql aol paanpaa aaann salea uolsaanuoa agl's!sA!eue uollaasaalul al!s-llo aql pue luauassasse lUVA aql uaannlaq Aaualslsuoa ao3 •slaedwi ails llo alenlena of pasn salewilsa uo!leaau@S dul aql gl!M paaedwoa uagl seen lapoua aql Aq palewilsa uolleaaua9 dul Oulilnsaa agl •laafoad aql to sluauodwoo lealpaw aql aol pasn seen laal aaenbs OOti aad aaAolduaa Z Alaleualxoadde pue 'ails laafoad aql to luauoduaoa I!elaa agl aol pasn seen laal aaenbs OSZ aad aaAolduaa Z Alalewixoadde to aolael uolsaanuoa lell!ul ue 'laafoad slgl ao3 •saaAoldwa pue laal aaenbs gloq uo paseq sl legl paluasaad sl elep uagnn salsa lenuelm uolleaauag dial aaaulgu3 uollelaodsueal to alnl!lsul aql Bulnnalnaa Aq palelaaaoa aq osle ue:) pue 'laafoad a ulgl!nn lu@wAoldwa to larval agl aleuallsa of sluauassasse leash ui asn aol padolanap uallo We saolael asaal •saaAoldwa to aagwnu palelaosse ue of loot aaenbs Aq luawdolanap e laanuoa of pasn uailo we saolael uolsaanuoa leaauag •sindul asn puel se adAl luawAoldwa Aq saaAoldwa to aagwnu pue shun Su!llannp sasn laafoad pasodoad aql aol laneal to sal!w ap!gan aleuallsa of pasn senn legl lapoua uollelaodsueal aql -asn puel laafoad Iapow aql of saaAoldwa to aagwnu of luawdolanap laafoad to laal aaenbs palaanuoa b13a aql nnoq to aaanos aql ap!noad aseald 'ObOZ ul laafoad aql Aq paleaaa saaAoldwa S16'Z Ieuoll!ppe ue aq pinonn aaagl legl palewilsa luaWssasse 1Wn aql:S£ pue ti£ salgel—f x!puaddy :luawwoa Sulnnollol aql pap!noad pue alepdn sau!lap!nS yb30 aql to luawdolanap aql Suiaolluoua Alasop osle si pue luauassasse iNA e aol splogsaagl las lou seq 1! legl palou AaUaSe aql -gaaeasaa pue Suluueld to aalllO agl Aq sau!Iap!nS (yp3D) lay Al!lenb Ieluauauoalnu3 e!uaol!Ie0 aql to alepdn Sulpuad aql gl!nn aull ul luawssasse -LNA y papnpu! (f xlpuaddy) luawssassy uollelaodsueal aql legl palou Aauase aql 9-D1DV of asuodsaa sluawwo3 ualluM of sasuodsay 813IDMY haload jalua3Inj1paW ullgnp aas/oN—tg1gnp fo A3/3 x:)op•gT-TZ-£ so-so Vd j3D paW uIlgna jasle>l WRI - leUld s;u8wwOD\aJ3p JasleN\suodaa pue salpn3S 90\jaslex - TOddST\68Z-ST-d(I 10;ua:) lealpaV3 ulignp aluauewJad jaslex\lel»awwoj lelaisnpul\luawdolana4\SJIWa3d\id3a9N3\.H dalem paphaJ a pllnq pue Jol ueld of loafwd aq} adlnbaJ lllm (]SUS(] `aainaas Jolem algelod jo uolllpuoo 5 e sy •loafodd agl punode ullgna jo Ally agl JO suolloas of aolnaas Jalem palohaJ sapinoad AlluaJJno aSaSa a:TAMS pun AjdanSjalnM palo oaf/ A M •aSeJols Jalem algelod leuaalul umo s,loafodd agl Aq papinodd aq lsnw awnlon leuolllppe agl'suol;lpuoo moljaig Jol wd8 000'b uegl awnlon J@SJeI a aimbaJ lllm loafodd slgl jl •wd8 000'ti jo awnlon Jalem mollaJu wnwlxew a apinodd Illm legl sallllloej sapinoad AlluaJJno aSaSa AladnS mol a�tj •sasegd paloafoad s;l gSnoJgl loafoJd agl Jo; algellene aq lllm Alddns Jalem alenbape legl molts salpnls IIV •91OZ aunt ul 11 idope of sueld agl;dope of sloadxa pue dWmn STOZ sll SupedaJd sl aSUSo '9TOZ19T goJeW uo (dwmn) veld luawa8euei q daleM uegan STOZ sll paldope L auoZ'uolldope slgl of luanbasgnS •STOZ'T JagwaldaS uo loafo.ld agl Jo; Allilgeileny pue luawssassy AlddnS JaleM a paldope (]SUS(] •JalempunoiS BulAlJapun agl jo a8degoaJ pue lemedpgllm aql saleln8ad pue (adowJanrl ul osle) AuedwoD Jalem eludojlle:) pue aaowaanrl ;o All:)'uolueseald JO AID'aSbSa 8ulpnpul eaae AalleA-la.L agl ul saallelad of Jalem algelod sapinoad L auoZ Aou@SV JaleM L auoZ sl lolalsla agl JOI Japinoad alesalogm aqi •loafoJd agl of Jalem algelod apinoJd ll!m aSaSa aoiaraS pun nSja]nM a19n7od •loafoJd agl jo uollaldwoo pue uollanJlsuoo agl 1no48noJ4l 8ulo8uo ulewaJ of We saolndas asogl •loafoJd agl Jeau ullgna;o AllD agl;o suopiod anlloe agl JOI saolnJas agl aleulwlla Jo 1dnJslp lou saop legl Aem a ul auop aq lsnw loafoJd agl Jo; saolnaas 10 luawdolanap agl loafodd agl 8ulpunwins ullgna jo suolloas padolanap Alluanno agl JOI Japinoid Allll;n agl sl aSaSa •eaae agl;o spaau lno-pllnq alewilln agl se llam se wlaalul agl laaw of pauueld Alalenbape sl adnlonJlsedlul aq} aJnsua of sl lualul Jnp •saoindas asogl Jol AJessaoau aanlonalsea3ul aql jo luawdolanap pue 8uluueld agl Jol alglsuodsaJ sl aS2lSa `salllllln asagl JOI JapinoJd agl sy •seaJe 8ulpunwins pue loafoJd agl;o eaJe agl dol Alill;n luawleadl Jalemalsem pue uolloalloo dalemalsem'Jalem palohad 'Jalem algelod aql se saMas Alluaddno (]SUS(] �Iuunld pun ash pun? •loafoad agl jo eaae aql ul salllilglsuodsaJ s Aouase Jno uo Jeaq legl soldol leluawuodlnua agl uo molaq sluawwoo Jno papnloul aneg am •al3 l;eaa agl Aq padanoo sanssl leluawuodlnua 10 isll agl3o alou Tool kwak Jnp •loafwd agl Aq padolanap aq of eaae aril ul aloJ lueoulu8ls e seq aSaSa '(loafoJd) loafoad Jalua:) leolpavy ullgna JasleN agl Jo} (Ul3o) laodaa loedwl leluawuoJlnu3:UeJa agl uo luawwoo pue malnaJ of Allunlaoddo agl (lolalslp 'aSdS(I) lolJ}slo saoinJaS uoweH ueS ullgnp 8ulpinoJd Jo; noA juegl w0:)'psJsp•mmm 08l 1-6Z8 (SZ6) xe; 91SO-SZ8 (SZ6) auogd :wooseg •sw Jeaa (OSO-80 Vd) loafoJd Ja;ua:) lealpaW ullgna aasle)l (Ml3a) laodaa laedwl leluawuoJlnu3 l;eaa uo sluawwo:) :laafgnS 895176 vD'uligna ezeld olAl:) OOT luawlaedaa luawdolanao Allunwwo:) ullgna;o Ally Jauueld ledlaulJd 'wooseg PUN 9TOZ'TZ gaJeW jajnni paphaj ;ralomagm ha)ntil 8l0£-895b6 dJ'uligno viaisia SWIAMS pimpo8 ullgn0 ISOL uoweU ues ufignp Z 10 � 96ed aSdSo nop's)ua W wo) ua))uM o) sasuodsay GO-EW a5 V=99LEW33 - 5\000099LE\99LE\W-Nd) Iuai��\do)�sa0\uo)s8uinr73\slash\:� IZ-£ suolpnlos uogjo-71salj uaalsAs aalem paphaa sl! uo puno B4oeq pap!Aoid aSdSa eaae laafoad aql ui uoilegini adeaspuel col liomlau uolinglalslp aalem papAaaa a pl!nq pue ueld of laafoad pasodoad aql winbaa ll!m 3! legl palels Aauase aql S-OSNSo olasuodsad •papinoad aq lsnw @Seaols Aalem algelod leuaalui leuoil!ppe aaglagm pue sluauaaainbaa molj aaij algeaildde auivaaalap of sueld duip!lnq s,laafoad pasodoad aql ma!naa of Al!unlioddo agl aneq ll!m aSbSa pue uilgna jo Al!:) agl'asegd gaea col sl!uaaad Suippq jo aauenssi of aoud •adeaols aalem algelod leuialui s,laafoad aql Aq papinoad aq lsnw Alpedea leuoil!ppe agl'auanloA aagSiq a saainbaa laafoad agl j! legl palou pue alnuiw cad suolleg 0001b jo auanlon moll aalj wnwixew a sap!noid Alluaaana li legl palels Aauase aql b-OSNSO o4asuodsay •f xipuaddy d13 IJeao ul papinoad si Al!l!gel!eny pue luawssassy AlddnS aaleM alaldwoa aql 'STOZ I aagwaldaS uo paldope Aau@Se agl Al!l!gel!eny pue luawssassy AlddnS aale/N aql uo paseq si gaigm'sasegd palaafoid sl! gSnoagl laafoid pasodoad aql aoj algel!ene aq pinom Alddns aalem alenbape legl papnlauoa osle dl3 3}eaa aql •sasegd palaafoad sl! gSnoagl laafojd pasodoad agl col algel!ene aq pinom A!ddns aalem alenbape legl molts saipnls aaagl lie legl palels asdsa '9TOZ aun f ul 3! ldope of slaadxa pue ueld luawadeueVq aale/v\ uegan STOZ sl! Ouiaedaad Alluanna si 3! legl paslnpe Aauade agl '910Z '9T gaaeW uo ueld luaw@SeuelN aalem uega fl STOZ sl! paldope Aau@Sv aale/\A Z auoZ legl paleaipui pue STOZ 'T aaquaaldaS uo laafoad pasodoad aql ao} Al!I!gel!eny pue luauassassy AlddnS aaleM a paldope 3! legl palou asdsa •saaanos Aiddns aalem leaol inoge uoilewiojul punoigpeq papinoad pue laafojd pasodoad agl of aalem algelod ap!noid pinom 3! legl palels Aau@Se aql E-OSHSa o4 asuodsay •uilgna ui saasn aaglo JOI saalnaas }o uoileuiwila ao uoildnisip ao} leilualod aql pone pinom sigl •Aiessaaau aq pinom sluauaanoiduli al!s-}jo ou pue laafoad aql anaas of Alpedea alenbape aneq paenalnog uilgna uigl!m sauil camas pue 'aalem pal3Aaaa 'aalem algelod Suilsixa agl'aanoaaolN •saasn aaglo of aa!Aaas jo uoildnisip jo aauep!one of uieliad legl asogl Suipnpui 'suoilelnSai s,asdsa ql!m aauepioaae ui palanpuoa aq ll!m suollaauuoa leaalel aalnaas }o uo!lellelsul •paenalnog uilgna uigl!m paleaoi saull camas pue 'aalem apAaaj 'aalem algelod punoiSiapun duilsixa of sleaalel aalnaas elA laauuoa pinom laafoad pasodoad agl'ST-Z pue LT-Z saSed d13 lleaa uo passnaslp sy al!s laafoad agl Aeau uilgna jo Al!O a4110 suo!laod anllae AOI saalnaas aleulWIla ao ldnisip lou saop legl Aem e ui auop aq lsnw laafoad pasodoad aql jo luawdol@Aap aql legl palels AaUaSe aql •slao}}a Suluueld aanlanalsea}ul sl! pue sap!no.ad 3! saalnaas agl lnoge uoileuaaojui punOASN:)eq papinoad Aauase agi Z-OSNSO olasuodsad •Aaessaaau si asuodsai ON •aalial aql uado of slAewai AAolanpoilui papinoad Aauase aq I L-OSNSO olasuodsad (aSUS(7) jo!a3sia sajinaaS uowoa uaS uijgno spawwo3 uajj!jM oa sasuodsaa 8131ou/3 3aafoad jalua3 loalpaml ullgnp .iagD)j—ullgna 10 A3!3 M n'era.iow.i11i,tt,tt,m OSSh6 dJ `aaoui.ianl-1 anuand a.uxu.ianll tI1110S Z501 -6uluall pus ss000id 6uluusld agl 6ulpas6aa uollsuaaoIul isuollffe opinoid of algsilsns s1 }}sls aaouaaani-I salts Xpunpoddo jo luauadolanapaJ ao luawdolanap gllnn palsioosss sasn pusl nnau sazlasuauans nnolaq algsl agl 'aaou.aaanl-1 of uoisualxa pasodoid s,1�1y8 luauaaldwoo pus 'slso6 Allunwwoo pus Aj!o lioddns 'Apnwwoo aaouaaanl-1 aul Jo spaau agl laaW Minn lsgl ueld poogaoggBION lagssl agl aasdaad of sseooid 6uluusld asn pusl agl bullonpuoo Alluaaano sl A110 agl lsgl a6pelnnouNos �118 l4saa agl slsanbaa ,ljslS 'Z 'aaouaaanl-1 of U01SU91XG _WV8 agl aol algsilsns sl Asnn-10-1415H alsnbaps aansue of gels 1�1y8 Qm alsulpa000 ullgna lsgl pus sueld ails au} uo gull Aem_4o-jq6la 1�jy8 eqj joldep o pus q `s},-Z saan6lj spuauauaooaa A110 agl *aan6ll agl uo umogs lou sl aull ABm-lo -lg61a 'JanannoH pua6al agl ul Aem_}o-jgBu lyy8 Isllualod apnloul o pus q 'st, -Z sllglux3 'uoilsool sM is MOa Jo 1991-/+0t Jo /(1issaoau agl snnogs su6isap buluepinn Aemg6ig AGsulua1laad -aoplaaoo 089-1 au} buols sluawdolanap pasodoid 6ulnoidds pus 6uluusld ui aaouaaanl-1 of 1.21`d8 pualxa of iGsssaoau uoisusdxa (Mo2j) Aam-lo-ju6la Isllua}od aaplsuoo ullgna jo �4!o aqj 1egj s1sanbaa 9aouaJani-1 jo Apo agl -aaouaaanrl of uolsualxa (j�IVS) llsusal plds�j saay Ase s alsllllosl of lio}49 Aouebe-Illnw s ul pa6ebue Alluenno sl aaouaaanlj to A110 eqi l, 11LH ,C10 -9l,0Z '9 AGsnaga3 uo aoi-4o anoA Aq luas 2113 l4saa agl l0 M91AGJ Galls sluawu.loo s,A110 agl We aaaH 'uol69a 4911M-P I agl llIaueq llinn lsgl saolmas lusliodual apinoid IIIM Allliosl. lsolpew nnau agl -ullgna ul Allllosd lsolpaW aasle)l pasodoid agl aol W13 llsaa) laoda�l losdwl Islu9uauoainu3 l4saa agl 9aouaaani-1 jo Aj!o agl 6ulpuas aol. nog( Musgl :wooss8 -SIN asaa loa(oad aaluaa lsolpaW ullgna jasls>{ agl aol laoda�l losdwl Isluauauoainu3 l}saa :3�1 £ I0 1, 96sd 3210M:13AI-I aauueld ledioulad `uao0ss8 IlslaN :ull`d 995ti6 'da 'ullgna szsid ohla 006 lu9w:ped9a luauadolanao Apunwwoa ullgna Jo 40 91,0Z ' I,Z Pievi aauueld ledloulad '}PeMGIS anaIS aaaul6u3 40 iuelslssV 'uulA qo8 :oo mueld Jue}slssV `sso�l ApuV 0 'Alaaao .-Sc" -9Ltbt7-096 (9Z6)1e aw Ileo aseald `suollsanb Aue aneq nog( jl -sluewnoop pue sool}ou palelaa V030 aaglo L Aue pue ssaooad �]13 agl'uolleolldde slgl jo snjels eqj 6upebaa 910uaaani-1 WJOJUi of anupoo aseald '2113 }eaa aql uo }uGwwoo of Apunlaoddo aq} aoj ulebe nog( � uegl -saloads jueld pue lewlue leool aol }ejlgeq anlIlsuas Aue aol saanseaw uollezlualulua pue aouepione 6ulpae69a aouepin6 aol A68jells uollemesuo0 aq} llnsuoo jueolldde eqj }eqj spuawwooaa A16UOJIS 9aouaaanl-110 A110 aql -6uillpied le}uauauoalnua pue 6uluueld Ianal-joefoid ollgnd 6ulanp salllaolad uollenaasuoo pue seoinosai leol6ololq 6ul6euew uo }ndul apinoid of }uawnoop aq} sasn pue s}oafoid }uauaanoadwi lejideo /ainjona}sealul ollgnd aol aouepin6 se S00V3 aq} pa}dope ullgno jo Aj10 eqj }eqj 'aaq:pnd A691eilS uollenuasuo0 Alunoo epawelV }sea eql jo Z auoZ uol}enaasuoO ulgl!M Ioafoad aql jo uolleool eq} sa}ou �J13C1 9ql '9 £ 10 £ a6ed 9wz `�Z goaen £ 10 £ abed 10afoad a91u90 leolpaW ulignd iasle){ JOI 2JBG e 10 VON X.aop's)uaw W o3.ajjpm os sasuodsay ME01a5 600099LEW31 - 5\600099LE\99LE\(Nt-Nd) luaII3\dosMsao\uoJs8uIM13\slasn\:3 LZ-£ suopnjoS uogm3;sagd uilgna jo Al!:) aqj jo loajum aqj uigl!m si 1egj pedwi sigj ssaippe of algellene aanse@w uoljeslj!w alq!seaj ou sem aaagi papnlauoa U13 aqi •aaijew sigj uo uoijisod s,aaouaaanll 10 Al!:) aqj qi!m iva}sisuoa s! Ixal s,al3 IJeJa aqi „•aaouaaanll jo Aj!0 aq} }o loajuoa aqj ui si uoispap jegi„ pue „s@ildde ueld leaauaE) aaouaaanll jo Aj!0 aqj aapun uoilduaaxa aqj aaglagm jo uopeuiwnlap a @Jew louuea uilgna jo Aj!0 aqi„ Ml £TZ-ZZ•8 aged uo s@Iels a13 Ijeaa agj'paenalno8 uopuol jaef/anuany lages! }o lxaiuoa aqj ul aaouaaanll Jo Al!:) a4110 loaIuoa a41 u! s! uolspap a Bans pue sa!ldde Ueid leaauag aaouaaanll 10 AID a41 aapun uoildwaxa a41 aaglagnn 10 uo!Ieu!uaaa}ap a41 @New louue:) uilgna }o AID aqI Ie4T paIaasse AOu@Be aqi •algealsap ao alq!seal aq }ou Aew slanal pauueld anoge Suivap!m aaglanj pue 01}}eal 48noagj-jn3 leuolow 10 uolIaodoid 40lq a sa!aaea J! Se'paepuejs o S0l aaouaaanll 10 Al!:) a41 woaj Idwaxa Allegualod se uoi;aasnjui sigl saq!a:)sap ueld leaauag aaouaaanll Jo Aj!D aqj Ie4I sa10u a13 ljeaa a41 legj pale0lpul A0Ua8e aqi •anoq dead Wy 941 ul 3 SOl 01 apei2ap of pajaafoid sl paenalnoe uopuol 1:)ef/anuany lagesl jo uoilaasniui a41 pue 3 SOl Ileaano ue of apeiSap o} palua(oad si uoijaasnjui (anoq dead W'd'3 SOl) sdweb punoglsaM 08S-1/peO'd oaae401310 uolIaasaaIu! a41;egI palou Aau@Se aqi tb-3llOWN3A/7 0; asuodsaa •s}z)afoad leuoij!ppe }o uoijuaw apnpui 01 b13 I}eao aqj aslnaa of siseq ou si aaa41'suoseaa asagj ao3 'ueld poogaoqqBlaN lagesl aql Aq passedwoaua wam jegj omi papnpul ga!gnn'asealaa allgnd jo awil le slaafoad aAljelnwna umoul lie aoj palunoaae 813 WAG aq}'snq I •(uoisuajxa iby8 aaouuanll aqj pue 1aafoad Ieiluap!saU aBeS agj'aldwexa aoj) 1-ti algei ui spafoid anllelnwna se paisil aaann ease veld poogaoqqBlaN !agesj aqj jo saiaepunoq a41 ulgl!m aae Ie4I s13afoid ulejaaa'aanannoH 'I-b algel b13 IJeaa ul 13afoad anllelnwna a se pall!wo seM j! 'sngi *veld poogaoqqBlaN lagesl a41 JOJ ssaaoad V'030 aqj unBaq IOU peq aaouaaanll 10 AIl0 a40910Z '£ AAenaga3) asealaa b13 1JeAa }o goad 941 IV •sasn lepaauauaoa j01aal aaenbs uoili!ua £ pue sj!un Suillamp SZZ'b jo inopl!nq a seq ueld poogaoqqBlaN lagesl aqj }eqI Suimogs algej a paauaaa}aa A:)uaBe aqi •uolsuaIxa i21y9 aaouaaanll pasodoid aqj juawaldwoa 11W legl ueld p004aog49!aN lagesl aqj aiedaid of ssa:)oad Buiuueld asn puel a41 Builanpuoa Alluaaana si Aj!0 aqj 1egj a8palnnouVe U13 IJeaa aqj Ie4I palsanbaa AauaSe aqj_ E-3YOW83AI7 07 asuodsaa •Z asuodsa8 aaiseVq ui passaappe s! uolsuaIxa i�lya aaouaaaAll aqi •algel!ene s! Aem-}0-}481a alenbape 1eq} aansua of }}els i21y8 qj!m aleuipaooa ullgna jo Aj!0 aqj Ie4I pue aanjeal sigj pidap 01 paslnaa aq Aaq} 1egj papuawwoaaa I! pue'sllq!gxa a41 uo um04s IOU si auil Aem-to-1421a a411egj pajou A3u@Se aqi •pu@Sal aqj ui Aem-jo-jg9iA lbb'8 molts:) pue 'q 'eti-Z sl!q!4x3 b13 ;Jeaa Ie4I pa;ou pue uolIeaol s!41 le paiinbae aq of paau pinom Aem-10-1481A }o jaal Oti Alaiew!xoadde jegI pa}eaipui suBisap Aieuiwilaad 1egj pajou Aou@Se aqi •uoisualxa aqj alejilpej of AAessaaau uo!suedxa Aem-10-148!a leilualod Aap!suoa uilgna }o All0 aqi }eqI palsanbaa pue aaouaaanll of lily8 pualxa of Iao}}a AauaBe-ij!nw a ui paBeBua Al;uaaan:) si I! 1egj pajou AjuaBe aqi Z-3a0Wa3A/7 07 asuodsaa •Aaessaaau si asuodsaa ON aalial aqj uado of sliewai Aaolanpoajui pap!noid AauaBe aqi t-38011V83/17 0; asuodsaa (3y0Mjy3A11) aaouraan/710 AM s4uawwo3 uaiijim o; sasuodsab dig Iould 3iaload aaaua.) joaipaw Lgjgna jasgoH—ugjgna jo R)!3 %�op's7uaw Woo ual)uM of sasuodsay 00-EWaS 6000991E\HI3d' S\6000991E\99LEVNf-Nd) luaiI0\dosl5a0\uo)s9uIAIli\svasN\:0 6Z E su091110S uogaa-1lsald Aiessa:)au si asuodsaa ON •aallal aql asop of sliewai Suipnpuoa papinoid huase aq I L-380Wa3/117 04 asuodsaa •JueaIJ!USIS uegJ ssal }o Ianal a of paleSil!w aae sapads asagl uo spedwi JegJ ainsue pinonn pue sappolad uollenaasuoa s,S:)Jd3 aql glinn jualsisuo:) si slgl'palldde aq of paainbai IOU sI SDDd3 aqI ggnogl uaA3 -sapads asagl uo spedwi ajeSpua of pasodoad wane (Boa} pa09a1-paa eluaoJlle0) aL/pZ-019 pue '(Irmo Buinnoaanq) aT-019 '(shield aaea) et-019 sainseavq uoiJesIll W 'g3ns sy (a}Is-uo inoao of Iequalod aneq IOU plp slellgeq anlIlsuas ao sapads snIels-Iepads Aaq}o aql) queldiel s,uopSuo:) pue'aleasaeads ulnbeof ueS'Boil pa98al-paa eluaojlleD agI'Inno sulnnonnq aq} ao} leligeq alge}Ins saplAoad 1! IegI puno} pue ails 1aafoad aq} }o palanpuoa Senn Aanans Iealsololq y •auo slgl se Bans slaafoid @Jenud of palldde aq of ullgna to AI1D aq} Aq paalnbaa }ou si auueping SJDd3 aq}'S:)DV3 aql llnsuoa o} p@Seanoaua aae slueallddy 49noglly •slaafoad Juauaanoidual IeIldea/aan;anjIseajul allgnd ao; aauepino se SDDV3 aql sasn ullgnp }o AI!D aq} IegI pajou pue (SDDb'3) AS@Jea;S uolJenaasuoD Aluno:) epawely Ise3 aq} gllnn Aaualslsuoa s,loafoad pasodoad aqI }o uoilenlena s,b13 IJeaa aqI paauaaajai AaUaBe aql 9-.98OW83/U7 of asuodsaa •sJuauaanoadual lellualod aJeulpaooa 01 }}eJs aaoulaaAIJ of ino pagaeaa Apewle aneq }}els ullgna Jo AJ!D sluawwo_1 uaa)ljM of sasuodsau 8131ou13 j:)afojd aaauaj la.7!paw ullgno jas1aH—u11gnpI0 An.) —p'sWawwo3 ualU1M of sasuodsou oo-EWaS WW99LE\Ul3f-S\W 9LE\99LEVW-Nd)lUa�l�\dol�sap\uo�sBuinN3\s�asN\:� ££'E suol;nlog uoga3sagj •eleaa3 'ti uollJaS u! unnogs se ZZ-SNVUI WW pas!naa ul papnpul sl a8en8uel slyl `paaa88la18ulaq luawaalnbai lu@wAed aaegs-ale} ag101 aolad weiSoid aa} leuol8aa ao leaol a 01 pappe We sluauaanoaduai palpluap! ag1 ssalun 'slu@wAed aal leuol8aa pue leaol paalnbaa agl of uoll!ppe ui aq pinom slu@wAed aaegs-ale} a41 •swei0oid aaj leuol8ai ao leaol ul papnl:)ul lou sluauaanoadwi a8ue43aalul aoj pallsodap aq uea spun] aaeys-ale} aaagnn junoaue monsa ue jo luawgs!lgelsa aql 8ulpae8aa (O10 epauaely pue'uolueseald 10 A71g'aaouaaanll jo A7!g) sa!aua8e leuol8aa ql!m suo1lesaanuo3 palell!ul seq u!lgnp jo A7!g aql -pled aq Ileys 1! uaognn of pue'paalnbaa aq ll!m lu@wAed aql uagm'palelnnle:) aq ll!m „aaegs Mel„ a41 nnoq salIlael:) legl lenoidde jo uoll!puo:) a asodwl ao '8u!puelsiapun jo wnpueaowaw a 'luawaaa8e luawasinqua!aa a olul aalua of aasleN 8ulalnbaa pappe aq a8en8uel 1eg1 palsanbai Aau@Se aq I „•aaegs a!ej„ s1! Aed of paa!nbw aq ll!m aasle>l legl salels uolle8llp aql legl pale:)lpui pue sdwea punoglsea 08S-I pue peon ellb elueS jo uo1luasaalul aql le auel uinl-1ja1 punogglnos puojas a ao} paau a41 sa!3!luap! ZZ-SNdbl ainsealN uollesIM 1e41 palou A:)uaBe aql b-NO1NVSV37d o; asuodsad ,algeploneun pue lue:)13lu8(s ulewai p1nom pedwi a41'u!lgno jo A71g a4110 1oaluo:) aql ul411nn 1ou sl uo1l:)asaalu! aql se'aanannoH •pa11iluapl wam (sapea8dn leu8ls a!}}ea1 pue auel uanl-1jal punogglnos puo:)as a 8ull:)nalsuo:)'ZT-SNVK aansealN uo1le8ll!W) lava) luealj!u8ls uegl ssal a of peduai ananb pue uoll:)asaalul aql aanpaa of pasodoad wam sainseaw uolle8!1!W f xlpuaddV a13 IJea4 ul luawssassy uolleliodsueal aql ul pal!elap se 'a8eaols algel!ene ag1 u!gl!m u!ewaa of pal:)adxa we sdweb punoglse3 08S-1/peou oaae4013 a411e sananb aPlyaA •sdweZl punoglse3 0SS-1/peo8 el!8 e1ueS 1e paljlluap! seen pedwi aalnaas 10 lanal pue ananb lueu!j!u8ls y •(sdweb punoglse3 08S -I/peoll oaae40 13) SZ 'ON pue (sdwea punoglse3 08S-I/peon el!a e1ueS) SZ 'ON :Aau@Se aq1 Aq palsll suo!1Jasaalui onnl ag1'Alle:)ijpads'pue uolueseald ul suo1luasaalu! le pannalnaa wam sananb alulgaA •sasodand Alajes JOJ panna!naa aq pinogs pue a8eaols algel!ene aq1 puoAaq pualxa Aew speduai ananb'snoaaua8 aae s41sual 1apod uanl a1!4M •anoq dead pea ul suanl 11al paleaaua8-luafoad 00£ 01 OSZ aneq q:)!Wsdweb punoglse3 08S-I/peo� oaaeyg 13 pue sdwe8 punoglse3 08S-I/peO'8 el!2J elueS 10 suolPasaalul aql pals!l Allnilpads Aauage aql •uolueseald ui lslxa spedwi palelai-A1ales ael!w(s }! autwialap 01 suollaasaalul a41 JOI palaldwo:) aq pinogs slsAleue aelpis a legl palels pue slapod uanl-13a1 aol slsAleue ananb al!1uaoaad y,S6 a sapnlaui slsAleue uolPasaalul s,U13 1jea(l agl leyl palou Aauase agl £-NOlNVSd37d 04 asuodsad •Aiessaaau si asuodsaa ON •sluauapuz)wV ueld a!}laadS pue ueld leaauag pasodoad a41 pazlaewwns Aauase ayl Z-NO1NVSV37d 04 asuodsad AAessa:)au si asuodsaa ON •aa11a1 a41 uado of laafoad a41 }o Aaewwns a pue slieuaaa Aaolanpoalu! pap!noid Aau@ge ayl T-NO1NVSV37d 04 asuodsad (NO1NVSd31d) uoluvsaald fO AM s;uawwo3 ua;;!jm o; sasuodsad Y/9IDW-4 ;:)afojd aa;ua3Io,lpapy uggnp tas/ox—ullgnp Jo Aj!3 g I aql Ouolu XLI;)p ui uotionpa.t jueo!jIuOis u uaas suq uoure-H uuS jo Xl!o aql •sloedLul ag) uaut ssal of 31sxs leu21s ogJe.tj anildepu uu jo uo►jullelsui aqj si .tap►suoo of uo►l7a5lT! t d £ Juan ljal punoglsom oql .toj uoijonpa.t autnlon (090`I)09Z all aoj uotjeogtjsnf 5 oql ap►noad aseald •punogisam (09)Og we wogj suO►IipuOD (OVOZ) an►IulnwnD .tapun '(OZI`I)OI£ jo sautnlon smogs uan ljal punoglsom aql suopIpuoD (gZOZ) ut.ta,L-.reap aql .tapun •p.tenalnog utlgnQ / puo-H Xltag2noa Iu su.tnl ljol punoglsoM 'Z -Xjpsnf aseald •ptenalnog utlgnQ b jo qltou peo-I Xpotl2noQ uo sdi.tl punoggltou GL)9I We sdi.tl punogglnos (LZ)It of sd► l pappd inopling-llnd wfoad aql u.toaj Xpueo!luOis sdo.tp sdiij 103fO.td Jo .taqutnu oql — suoiitpuoD (OtOZ) anljelnwnD sdi.tL pappd Inoppng-llnd �oafotd •q •stsXleue oql ui popnlout oq pinogs uo[joos.tajut sigl `sdtai mou Og uegi aaout 3I jg1noS) pro-1 uoXueo .tai?utllog £ / puoX XvoggnoQ `aldutuxa .ioj `oi pappu aq pinom sdyl asogi jo Xum moH •p.tenalnog uilgno jo gpou puoX Xp3g0noQ of pappe sd►ai punoggpou (ILZ)5g puu sdi.j punogglnos (gZI)VOZ are aiaq,L — sdiil poppy inoplmg-lln3 loafOad •e Z •pama�na.t aaam p.renalnog uilgna / peo-I Xijoqi?noQ jo cto►lommul agI Ve (uollooslalut aql jo gpou sdul punogglnos pue punoggltou oqj `,�Ileogloods) sdtaL �oafoad ag1 `a.toja.tagl :p.tenalnog utlgna jo gpou peo21 XpogOnoCl uo suopoos.taiui Xuu azXluuu Jou saop 2II3Q aql •uo►loos.tajul Cue of sd►.tl mou a.iow .to 0S sppu joafoad u uagm suopoosniu► jo sIs/CIuuu oqj saalnbaa uoure-H uuS jo Xl!o oqj, •uoute,I ueS jo XIID oqj ggno.tgl sung pue ss000e ginos-gltou sapino.td Iegl Iel.talte Ieumow .tofeut e st peod Xpog2noQ 'I :2IIgQ .tasre)I utlgnQ aqj uo sluowwoo 2utmolloi aqj seq uotsInIG OUI.taau►Sug oUJe.t,L UOWmd ueS JO /�I!D aql :�IIgQ aas►e)l utlgnQ joafgns oql uo j3ulaa3utj?ug ogjuil Luo.tj sluowwoo molaq oql aas aseald sIuaWWOD mama-1 -dIgQ .taslex utlgnQ :,LDgrgRS .taautOug aIuioOssd `uosaaPd esaaagd, .taautj?ug oUpjj ajeioossd `.tqo j ge.togaQ aaauti?ug outu.ty XI!D "Callul aN!W J39eueW uO►stnIQ `uiul.taqu.tegD oiggaQ aaautiiug XID `utaisu.tog uet.tg utlgnQ jo Xl!o aauueld Iud►ouiad `wOosug Rst.i)I 9IOZ `IZ gojLw :33 O.L IM uOUIVN ubS Z 10 6 a6ed NONV2J NVS nop'sluaWwo� ua)luM of z—.dsay 06£Oaas Woo991E\H133 -5\000099LE\99LEMNf-Nd) luai�9\tlol�sa0\uolsBuinN3\ssasN\:� L£-C suol;n;oS uogao,7;sald paalnbai sl slsAleue ou 'uollaasaalul slgj gSnogj laneaj 01 palaadxa aae sdlaj 1aafoad anoq-dead mau OS uegj aamaj auulS •(glnos) peon uoAueD aaSullloe/peoa AIJ942noa jo uolpasnjul a41 ggnoagl Sullanea; sdlaj 1aafoad mau-lau anoq-dead OS uegl aam@J aq pinom aaa41 JegJ Bans peoa AIaa4Snoa o; Pauuoa Ie4I spoogaogg2lau agl of painquislp aq pinom ul}}eal }ua(oad jeq} auansse of le:)lSol aq pinom jl 'sngl •auuapisaa Jo aaeld ala41 uaoa} pue 01 aullaneal sIuaplsaa leaol Aq @peoa aq pinom Aempeoa slgj uo sdlal palelaa-13afoad }sou@ Ie4I pa}:)adxa aq pinom jl 'uowea ueS pue ullgna ul spoogaoggglau lelluaplsaa sulofpe Allaeullad peoa Alaa49noa jo lu@wS@s slgj auulS 'ul}jejj 1aafoad uoljnglajslp a41 aol molle pinom 1egj suol;:)asaajul Suluanaajul snoaauanu 41lm paenalnoe ullgna woaj sallua £ Alaleualxoadde sl (41nos) peoa uoAue:) aaSullloe/peoa Alaaganoo jo uoljaasaajul agl •slsAleue aqj ul papnloul aq pinogs uoljaasjajul slgj uagj'sduj OS paaaxa Aagj jI palaasse pue'peoa uoAue:) aaSullloe/peoa AjaagSnoa jo uopasialul aqj of pappe aq Illm sduj asa4110 Auew moq paalnbul AaUaSe aqj •paenalnoe ullgna 10 gIaou peoa AIaa40noo of pappe sdlaj punoggljou anoq-dead Nd TLZ pue anoq-dead lily SS pue 'sdlai punoggjnos anoq-dead Wd gZT pue anoq-dead Wb' VoZ aae aaagl jegj pajou A:)uase agi £-NOW b'a NVS 04 asuodsaa peoa Alaa49noa uo suol}uasialul uowea ueS jo AjI:) of Aldde pinom uo(snlouoa awes agl'sngl •slanal algelda:):)eun 01 @Ieaolaa}ap 01 aulAaas Jo lanal asneo of sawnloA ul}}eal aseaaaul Allelluelsgns of lellualod aqj aneg IOU pinom ul}}eaj pa;elaa-luafoid asneaaq palueaaem IOU sem paenalnoe ullgna jo gjaou peoa Alaa40noa uo suolpasaajul ullgna jo Al!:) jo uoljenlena }eqj pauluaaalap ullgna jo AID aql •s}luall Alp uowea ueS aq; uiq;im peoa A),jagBnoa uo uollaasialul Aue uegj saulnIOA al}}eaj pajelai -1aafoad AaleajS ao jualenlnba aaualaadxa pinom suollaasialul asagj }o Ile'aiouaaag1an3 •s;lwll Alp uligna aql ul We qulgm 3o Ile—paenalnoe AalleA aopewv/peoa A;aaggnoa pue 'paenalnoe slied dweD/peoa A:wa4Snoa 'anlao jjalae:)S/peoa AlaagSnoo 'aue-1 eaaalS/peoa AlaagSnoo jo suollaasaalul pazlleuSIs a41 sapnlaul aull jluall Alp uowea ueS/ullgna a41 pue paenalnoe uligna uaamlaq peoa AIAa4Snoa Jo lu@wS@s aql •peoa A}aa49noa/paenalnoe ullgna jo uoljaasialul ag110 gIaou sallua 8'T pajeaol sl aull Iluall Alp uowea ueS/uligna agl 1eq} pajou aq pinogs 11 'peoa AlaagSno(i jo ase:) aqj ul •AIlulalA jaafoid aqj ul suollaasialul aqj of pappe aq pinou Ie4I 340410 }unowe a41 pue uoljeaol jaafoid aq} 10 Mahe@ e uo paseq '(uowea ueS Sulpnlaul) jjejs uollalpsunf anllaadsai 41lm uollellnsuoo ul papalas aaam suoljaasialul Apnis a41'a13 IPA(] 94110 g-TT•e aged uo pajou sy •peoa Alaaggnoo/paenalnoe ullgna To gIaou suoljaasia}ul Aue a;enlena IOU pip a13 j3eao aqj Ie4I pajou Az)UaSe aql u0113asialul Aue of sdui mau wow ao OS sppe 13afoad a uagm suoljaasaajul jo slsAleue saalnbai Al!:) a411egj pajou II pue 'uowea ueS jo Aj10 aq} gsnoaq} sung pue ssaaae 41nos-glaou sapinoad 1egj lelaalae leuolSaa aofew a sl peoa A}aagSnoo 1egj paje}s A3u@Se aql Z-NOWt/a NVS of asuodsaa Aaessa:)au sl asuodsaa ON •aallal aqj uado of sliewai Aaolanpoajul papinoid kmase aql T-NOW b'a NVS 04 asuodsaa (NOMIVY NVS) uouaaa UPS10 AM s;uawwoi ua;;!jM o; sasuodsab 81-4ID /d pafoid as;ua3 /oalpaW uggnp jas!Dx—upgnQ jo A;!3 E 9 0 c Z Z 10 Z a9ed •Matna.I .IO Iuaulleail jeuoillppB Cue a.Ilnboi Iou saop uisBq aalemuuols Sullsixa ue olul ails barb id oql jo £/Z uio.g 2uLun000 saRmpsip mou mot{ ureldxg o :£-CIAH IaBdwl `£i-L'£•d u0 'S «•suoileogtoads Put? sp.tBpuuls L auoZ tll!m �Iduloo pue hul.Iad JUODUloBo.Ioug ue uielgo of pa.unba.i aaB `XITOBJ L auoZ e oI uotloauuoo JO `uolleogipotu `uogon zlsuoo anlonui IBgI ao Xem-jo-jg2m s,L auoZ uUpim .tom aAjonut iegl sloaCo.id Iuautdolanap `uotltppe ul •sailipoej utea.ilsumop of sloeduu ,Cue osodold IOU saop loo fo.id aql let{l o.msua oI L auoZ Xq pamarAai ag Isnw sloofo.td luauidolanap .Ioj sueld aDftumj(j •uie.tp of sosodo.Id loofoad atll gotgm of `£-O oulZ `Xlil►oej UIBOJISUmop aql suieluleut pue sumo L auoZ -XlunoO epatuuly tualsBEI jo sluaptsa.t oql of uoilooloid pooh i?utpiAo.zd .toj algtsuodsa.i st L auoZ„ :peaj of gdu.t$B.IBd astAa- •utlgnQ ui uoiIoipsLinf aneq lou saop Q0M030�I sB `,,(L aao2) �Cauaiid .IaleM L auoZ„ of �utpeaIt 32lletla `Clilela Iod (CI0M030d) lo?-IIstO UoileAJOSUOO .IaleM pue Io.ilu00 poold XlunoO epauteIV `9-L'£-duo 'b *(I-L'£ liq!gxg ui paleotput se) uoIIL'UlIo3ui 60OZ' WHA uo paseq si ea.rd aqI IBgI zapea.i oql of uotluatu oI Iuem 11151uz �I10 otly :sBa.TV p-reZBH poo13 `£-L'£ -duo •£ •patls.ralem 133t0 B.tefem'I IOU `pags.ialBm «£-O aui-]„ atll ut poleool sI alis loofo.id oLI L :patls.zaleM `Z-L'£ •d u0 .Z •eun2B7 Bl ap OXO.Liy palleo Si ttlBa.11sumop luiod letll uio.Il goTtlm `IeuBO otuBld atll olui soilduia ... ogoolN o,Co.ud :Xjl.iBlo pinotls NIg oqZ • :Z-L•£ a&ed u0 .I :uoge.Iaplsuoo .tnoX .Ioj sluatuuloo 3ABq OM 'XatIBA aopBluy-a.toul.Ianirl atll Ullllim lUaut30BUL'UI uieatls pin? .ialempuno.J? pue `umpolo.id pool; `Xlddns ialem apino.id of uolssltu s,L auoL 3o Ixaluoo aql ui WIH IJB.IQ p03ua.ia3a.i aql pamaiAaa sBq (L auoZ) XOU32d .taIBM L auoZ ,!Isixx .tapuaj lvatpdN ur1gn(7 dastvx.tof ylVa uo sluaiutuo0 :o-d .IauuBld IBdroupj `ulooseg ►)si.rA :u)jV 89Sb6 `d0 `uggnQ RZBId 31A?0 001 luaull redaQ Iuouidol3A3a Xltunuiuto0 uilgna jo XliO LZLS+Sb (SZ6) XV3 • OOOS-bSt, (SZ6) 3NOHd • TSSb6 VD `32J MgAT1 • AVIWRIVd SNOANVD HildON OOT L 3NOZ J-DrdiSI4 NOIL` M3SNOD 2AIVM (INV IMNOD Q00I3 J.LNnoD v(jgv4 'ld 9I0Z `91 gojew Z 10 � abed L 3NOZ U 1egD CI!"I `uoijemap!suoo pue auilj .mop .ioj noX Nuegl •uilgno OOZ£ uo lej!dsoq .tasiuN aql jo pl!nq aqj dots pue suolsloap asim 3NLw of anulluoo aseald •uilgnQ put, o.imegD Ig jo maumoo aql jr maTuao 132.lul pue si?ulsso.ID >;pua!oey £ aql se Bons - sinopl!nq moj ised all ui soo!ogo pooh Xurw apLw seq uilgna jo Xj!D aql -spooq.iogqi?!au jeijuap!sa.i oT asolo os T,ust legl Xjmado.id .iasie}I aql .ioj suo!ldo a!ge!n maglo le.tanas ame amagj ana!iaq I Z I •TgOlu pue Cep oql jo .inoq /Wna Te pnlg u!ignCl uo oq 11!m Iegl o!jjeml jueisuoo oqj oT anp ulef?e smopu!m .gogj uado of alge aq 13AOU ll,,Cagj `.las!e}I Jo aoue.ljua aqj qj!m Tnq `pnlg u!IgnQ uo og3emj Tuauno aql of anp ju!od slgi Te mopu!m m!agj uado X;)ql uagm j!wil Xpemge sluamed XN •Tno as!ou daa)l oT smopu!m cued algnop Xjgrnb g5lq osn l'ou prp sopuoo s,.laglo.ig 11ol aql `s! 1! se mou peq Xjjzmd Xpea.ile s,jl -as.lom uana owooaq 1l!m uollnllod as!ou aclj `Xlleuo!j!ppd •jaalls aql sso.ioe ll!nq aq lej!dsoq .ios!e}I oqj pinogs mn000 1l!m jegj oUjemj joauojjjoq oqj meaj pue mou}l aM •sluonl!lsuoo ullgnQ XuLw Xq poogoo uaaq seq umino w,I 1egl slu!od u!ed owos paoua!madxa osle an,am `glmomo slgl gllm 5u01e `manamoH 'smeaX lemanas Jsel aql pooual.todxa an,am glmoi5 jo wooq aql aTeloamdde pue JUQWUo.11nua aql anol pue XT!unwwoo oqj uu an!Jae am,aM •eame u!lgnCl oqj qj!m .ie!1!WLlJ Xman a.le am pue uo!leool s!ql ui of pumu! Xagl -aI!s posodomd aql wo.ij Taa.ils aql sso.loe opuoo e umo I pue sluamed XVV L 10 L 96ed WHO `wooseg 'SN meaa pn19 ullgn(i OOZ£ le ma4uaD leaipaW ullgna masle>l jo:poddns ul 4oN :;:)a[gns wo3seq I4slj>l :oj WV 8£:TT 9TOZ'IT yoaeW'Aepsingj_ quas [uaoo'llew loUo llr,o lliew] legD Alll :woaq x�op'sluawwo� ua11i1M o1 sasuodsay oo'E W as 6o0099LEWM - S\t00099LE\99LE\)Nf-Nd)m\:D LS-E suoljn1oS uogjo.73salj le saaeaaal aql le slang! aslou 1aafoad-Isod •(Iaafoad yl!/N anllelnwnO) 9-6-E I!q!ux3 pue (1aafoad ON anllelnwn0) S-6'E 1!q!gx3 ul papldap Alleal4dea8 si slanal aslou ul uollanpaa slgl •s8ulpl!nq aaJua0 lealpaN ullgna aasle>l aql Aq pap!noad 8ulplalgs aql to asneaaq paenalnoe ullgna to ap!s glaou aql uo saoldaaaa lsow aol aansodxa aslou Aennpeoa aanpaa 01 anaas pinonn 1aafoad pasodoad aql JegJ punol s!sAleue agl gauea ullgna le saaeaaal aql 8ulpnlaul 'paenalnoe u!lgn4 8uole paleaol saoldaaaa le slanal aslou Aennpeoa to uollenlena ue papnloul slgl •as!oN '6'E uollaaS ul E-10N pedwl ul 13afoad pasodoad aql gl!M palelaosse slanal as!ou Aennpeoa ul sa8uega palenlena M Ileaa agl'AlBulpaoaay '08S-1 pue paenalnoe ullgna gloq woaj aslou Aennpeoa le!luelsgns of pasodxa si uolleaol ao;daaaa slgl alealpul sBulpeaa aslou E-1S a41'aanoaaolN •a8uea „@Igeldaaay Alleuo!l!puoD„ aq} ulgl!M Ilel pinonn (0'S9) E-1S le signal asiou a8eaane agl ailgnn'a8uea „algeldaaay AlleuaaoN„ age u!ql!nn Iles pinonn (9p 0'9S) Z-1S le Ianal aslou a8eaane aq}'sngl (•aslou aua!llg8!u aol pa!ldde sa!lleuad q}!M polaad anoq-bZ e aano slanal aslou a8eaane uo paseq age slanal aslou a41 legl palou aq pinogs 11) •sasn le!luap!saa aoj „@Igeldaaay Alleuollipuo0„ we op OL pue 19 uaannlaq slanal aslou pue sasn le!luap!saa aol „algeldaaay AlleuaaoN„ age ep 09 of do slanal aslou }eg} palea!pul (6-6'E algel 2113 IJeAG ul paanpoadaa) spaepuelS asloN A}!l!glledwo0 ash puel s,ullgna to Al!:) agl'sasodand uoslaedwoa ao3 9p L'08 10 (xewl) larval as!ou wnualxew a pue yep 0'S910 (bal) Ianal aslou a8eaane ue of pasodxa seen (aauealua paenalnoe ullgn(i a41) E-1S UOIJeaol allgM'gp 8'9L 10 ()ewl) larval aslou wnwixew a pue yep 0'9S 10 (bal) larval aslou a8eaane ue 01 pasodxa seen (eaae lood aql) Z-1S uolleaol 'algel aql ul palealpul sy •ti-6•E algel ul palaodaa aaann sllnsaa aql pue (T-6•E 1!q!gx3 01 aalaa'E-iS pUe Z-is) STOZ'TZ Aaenuef'Aepsaupam uo •ua•d OE:E pue 'ua'd OO:ZT uaann}aq paaol!uow aaann gauee ullgna le saaeaaal a41 u!gl!M suolleaol onnl •xaldwoa wnlululopuoa s,aoglne aq1 „ gaued ullgna le saaeaaal„ a41 suolleaol le 8ulpnlaul '@I!s 1aafoad a41 punoae suolleaol le 8u!aol!uow aslou lualgwe papnlaul slsAleue aslou s,e13 Ileaa aql •uo!ssnaslp aa41anj aol uollelaodsueal 'TT'E uollaaS 01aaIaa'suolleaado anoaduai of pasodoad age saanseaw uo!le8!l!A '8TT-TT-E 48noa4; 6b-TT-E sa8ed b13 1Jeaa 01 aa}aa 'gaueZl ullgna le saaeaaal agl of isasola suolpasaalul a41—laaaIS laeqlaol/paenalnoe ullgna pue JaaaJS ueS@0A/paenalnoe ullgna to suollaasaalul aql 8ulpnlaul '1aafoad pasodoad aql ql!m palelaosse slaedual al}Jeal palenlena 2113 Ilea(] aql ,; 1g8lu pue Aep aql 10 anoq Agana paenalnoe ullgna uo aq ll!M legl al}}eal luelsuoa aql anp ule8e snnopulnn alagl uado of alge aq aanau IILAa41„ leg} paJeJS pue slanal aslou al}}eal 8ullslxa uo paseq snnopulnn a!agl uado Aa4J sauall a41 I!ua!l Alluaaana sluaaed aaq legl paIealpul aqS •snnopu!nn paued algnop aneq }ou saop wnlulwopuoa aaq legl palou pue „peq Allaad„ aaann slanal aslou aI}}eal 8ul;slxa legl palou osle aqS 1aafoad pasodoad aql to lInsaa a se anaao pinonn legl uo!;sa8uoa a!}}eal inoge uaaauoa passaadxa aoglne agl Z-IVHJ of asuodsay Aaessaaau sl asuodsaa ON •uol;eaol slgl le aallaa of pualul sluaaed gag leg} palou pue'@I!s laafoad a41 uaoaJ paenalnoe ullgna to ap!s al!soddo ag} uo wn!uluaopuoa a unno sluaaed gag pue ags;egl pauleldxa aoglne agl T-IVHD of asuodsay (IVHJ) !VY3 AM sauawwo.) ua»1aM of sasuodsay 813 /ou/d »aload aa;ua31-!paw ullgna jas1aN—ul1gno Jo Api nop'W113 00-60laS 6000991E\11133 - S\600099L£\99L£\(Nf-Nd) I—11)\Su-R'll lq nd\la pe\S'T'OOZ'OT\\ r b suopnjos uogao3;s4zt •laaaed lepaawwoa aqj uo jo pealsui sndwea lealpaw agl jo E asegd ui asn alglssod e of paljlgs uaaq aneg sasn asagl •salllllaej aaea pasuaall ao'Bulnll palsisse'Buisinu pallhis of aauaaajaa apnpul of paippow uaaq seq aauawas Isel aql £ asp4d 'OT-Z a6pd sallllpe} aaea pasuaall JO'SUInII palsisse'Buisinu pallhls • •Iaaaed lepaawwoa aql uo jo pea;sul sndwea lealpaw aql jo E aseyd ui asn alglssod e of pa}jlys uaaq aney sasn asagl •sap pej aaea pasuaall JO'OuInII palsisse'Buisinu pallhls ppe of paippow uaaq seq ails 13afoad aql le aluaueuaaad aasieN Aq papinoad aq 01 saalnaas aaea glleag }o isil pajallnq aql sndwi23Im.1paW aasipN '6-Z a6pd 08S-I 10 apls glaou aql slalleaed jeqj Iaanlna xoq alaaauoa 1001-6 Aq 1001-OT algnop a olul aSaegaslp saull gloe •jaanlna xoq alamoa I00}-8 Aq I0o}-OZ e suleluoa pue luauauglle laaalS laeq�laol @419uole a'ls }aa. aql olul spua;xa }uauaasea uaaIsea Ni •aull uleap wAo;s punoa9aapun Aalawelp-gaul-96 a suleluoa Pule luawu8lle haws ueSaaA @41 guole a}ls pafoad aql o;ul spualxa luauaasea uaalsam aql •uoljaaalp 41nos-4laou a ul ails 1aafoad aqj sson sluawasea Allllln aOeuleap uaaojs onnl -Aem-to-Igola suealle:) aqj ul Sulaq Iaanlna xoq uleap uaaols aqj of aauaaalaa aql aluis of paippow uaaq seq gdeAOeaed puoaas aql sad !Ap:) y asn p11137 6ufAtx3 IT-Z a6pd uolldinsaa ;aafoad 'Z uolPaS 'ObOZ pUe SEOZ uaamlaq padolanap aq pinom aseyd slgl -@Beae8 8uplied pue'(sal}lllaej aaea pasuaall ao'Bulnll pa}slsse 'Oulsanu Pawls) saalnaas palelaa 'Bulpllnq aal}}o lealpaua jo laaj aaenbs 000'08Z :E aseyd . •91 asegd wOAJ pa11l4s uaaq aneg sasn gans •pafoad aqj 10 E asegd ul (sa11l1lae} aaea pasuaall ao TUInII paIslsse 'Oulsanu pallhls) saalnaas pa}elaa 10 uolsnpul aqi ul aauaaa}aa of pal}lpoua uaaq seq jallnq gjano} agl uoijd1a3saO 43aload 't-S3 a6pd RaewwnS 8n1}naax3 sjuawwo: :)ijpads of asuodsall ui sagueQ - Z•ti (tta±s) uajalajs aae ixal aql woaj suollalap Ile pue (paullaapun) paullaapun we ixa; aqj of suoll!ppe IId •aagwnu abed Aq palsll We suolslnaa agl �U13 l}eaa aqj ulgllnn suolsnlauoa anssl IeIuauauoalnua aq} }o /pue �0 aaueal}lulls aql a8uega jou op pue'juawmop aq} of suollealjlaep pue suol}ealjipoW aoulua aae suolslnaa asagl •10afoad aa}uaO lealpaW ullgnQ aasleN aqj ao} U13 Ijeao aqj of suolSlnaa We 8ulnnollol aqj did luu!d ;.7aload aa;uai Io.?ipa►N Lgjgno aasiDX—uggna jo Aw £-b —P'e1e113 MhP7 SV00099LE\NI3d-S\600099LE\99LEVNf-Nd)1-0\—AIIHl9 A-P� \S'I'Doz 01\\ suopnjos uogjojjs�q j algeMauaa woaj Alpipala sl! jo lua:)aad OZ ajeaaua8 of e!uaoj!ieD Suu!nbai SLOT BS pauSis slAep Aeag aouaanog'ZOOZ'ZT aagwaldaS u0 •spiepue;S Al!:)'a;:)al3 ajgennauaa—SLoj SS saapaO anlln3ax3 ay} papasiadns legl uoljels!Sal ajou 01 paslAaa uaaq seq spaepuelS AIPIaPa13 algemauaS jo uo!ssnos!p aqi ydoa6oaod pa!Nl '6Z-Z•£ a6od 'aWbb"d9 Aq paaedaad (60OZ aagola0 palep) }aodaa uo!lea!j!}snr pue suo!ldo a41'ol pal!ua!l IOU Inq 'Su!pnl3u! 'splogsaagl agl jo uolldope aol paoaaa s,aWbyyB uI sluawnaop pue sa!pnis aqj uI gjaoj las we splogsaagi y103D aW'OVV9 agj Sullaoddns s!seq AAelIuap!na pue al}!jualas aqi .. •splogsaagl asogj.toj s!seq 311!Tualas agj10 Aoenbape aqj pue splogsaaq} aq}10 uo!lope s,aW yb'B ssaappe IOU p!p nilm jAnoO auaaa nS aqi •saaue}swnaa!a pal!W!l u! aaxa 1aa,oad a41 uo Iuauauoalnua ulIsixa a41 10 s}ue ual aqj jo s!s Ieue aqj aaln as IOU saop y 30 Iegl palm tce±s!aap}eaek V to jAme5lanoO auaaa nS e!uaoj!leO aql • '(SLbETZS 'ON aseO JanoD auaaadnS) STOZ LT aagwaaa4 uo linoO auaaadnS e!uaoj!IeO agjaie;aq a + Aq pap!aap seen ga!gm oWbyyB .A uo!le!oossy Aaisnpul Su!pl!nq e!uao}!le0 jo 1!nsmel a41 ui pasuallega H88q BAEq aaann splogsaag; OTOZ sj! jo uolldope s,aVq*OVVB •splogsaagl yb3J OTOZ s,OVV'OyyB uo paseq sI juauassasse s!qi •ase:) aql jo awoalno aql @Iou 01 paslnaa uaaq seq splogsaagl yb3D OTOZ (ON'ovvq) p!als!o }uaw@Seuevq Al!lenb a!y eaay Aeg aqj of aSuallega IeSaI aql jo uo!ssnas!p aqi 9 y6noayj t sa.7uajuaS'ydaa6oaod y;anoj'6t-Z•;r a6od 'paldope aq of j@A seq Allaleils leUll a Inq s ogsjjom a!Ign Ieaanas play pue AN@IejlS uo!;anpaS luelnllod @JeW11D panl3-laogS ijeaa a panssl peq Bby 9TOZ I!a y }o sy •sainseaw dolanap 01 sjalajslp pue sa!auaSe @leis aaglo ql!m aleu!pa000 pue'sl!jauaq -oa aa}}o legl sainseaw loaluoa mau le!lualod pue Sulls!xa Aj!luap! 'spaau gaaeasaa Aj!luap! 'sluelnllod asagj jo Aaojuanul uo!ss!uaa ue alaldwoo 11!M 9UV •9TOZ 'T Aaenuer Aq sluelnllod ajeualp panll-hogs }o suo!ss!uaa aanpai of ASaaeals anlsuagaadwoa a @Ialdwoa of BBy aqj saa!nbai 'VTOZ 'tiT aagwaldaS uo aouaanoE) aqj Aq panoidde 'S09 II!e aleuaS -sluelnllod aleualp paAI1-w04s se 01 paaaa}aa sluelnllod Su!ssaippe jo ssa:)oad aqj unSaq seq ajejS aqi S09 II!e aleuaS of luensind sluelnllod aleualp paAll-jaogs SulAaoIuanul 10 snlels AaolelnSai aqj a;ou of palepdn uaaq seq gdeaSeaed ;sal j aqi ydoa6oaod isa j '_I-Z•6 a6od su01ss1ua3 seg asnoyuaaag/Aj!jenb a!tl `Z•£ uoipaS IJIJIS!a saOIAaaS uouaea ueS-u!Igno o lauls!a I!sueai p!de21 eaay Aeg . uoIueseald jo Al!:) . o30a3 813IoWd paloid jaauaj joi!paW Lgjgno jasivx-ugjgna Jo Aw --P'e1-3 OUbW aS W0099LE\8I33 - 9\6000991E\99LE\(NFNd) Iua117\suolle�ll9�d\�a Pe\5'I'OOZ'OT\\ 511 suolanloS uogao3lsagg 10 sl!ejap AUeW jeyj uan! lieln5pie WOIJ paIlanlp aq pinom A@41 aaaym pue •:)Ia .lopuan .loj!s!n jua!je as of uaa pau lsseaa aq pinom SC11,11 jo @ClAj leym Ise5aJOI 01 u!T Walle }o alnieu anllelnoa s ayT oI anp lied a -lel ul sl s!yl ;mau„ se 1aa oa a yjim paTe!oosse s !aj Ile jewl 01 e!uio}!IeD ul sal3ua a peal Aq pa oI wa @3!1:)ejd paT ane lap!m a s! 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K atpjo sluouminboA omwnsui pooh Aimpuuw ot0 uo luounuoo s,dyggs soptnoad ;l-gygOZ ogy •ugol aqI uo �su Igioueuy slI Joolad of luowaltnbai oougmsut poop oqI onupuoo of sogstm It legi'uoisioap ssoutsnq e su umo sp UO 'ouluualop stew lopual aqy •do.11od atp 8uilaouvo wofaq aapual ayi tuoaf .tantvM ualjlaM v anlaoaa puv Jsanbai Jsntu .iauMo ,04ado.td a yj, -luowajtnbaa aqI posodwi aapuol oql osnuoaq luowoambai osugomd oouutnsui pooh aql antgm ilea Japuai aqi dlup •Allodold oql .rqi Avianoa aauumsut poop MUIU uw jaumo Andoid o111 aaulug/ uoiltpuoo Oq) JO aantem g IOU st 1-gyg0-I aqy 'paquasap Apodoid oql .to3 a3eaanoo umsut pooh ajtnbaj of .tapual otp .tol luawaainbaa le.topo3 aql sanowaa It St d--dWO 1 a JO 13000 agy -dew (dl3t) we.tgoid ooutunsul poola luuopglg onilaollo aqI uo umogs IOU Sutpoop pozileool Aq .to pooh osvq otp uugl aoluaA opnlluguw u gltm poop g Xq polupunut oq pinoo t4aadoid oqy splezuq poop loglo of Ioofgns IOU si Aliadoid oq) uuaw IOU saop stgy (poop asuq) JnA aanlAuu to popaaoxo ao polunba 3uioq jo oouugo luoaiod-1 u gutnuq poop otp Aq uotlupunut of loofgns IOU si Altodoid otp pouitwalop suq dygud sugow (d}l3S) gaiv PluzeH poot3 lutoodS otp wolf (omlotuls jo puul jo looted) Avadoid a jo ienowaJ Iutp onme oq pinogs osle sialsonbo)i -aoJlal Aq pouuolut oq 111m Altunw-woo ogl'sasuo qons ul •umigumuolop s,VWS3 opasiadns pinom Iutl► poluaauag oq Auw uotleuu03ul mau .to o5uugo xuw suolltpuoo poop lugl onmu oq pinogs stolsanba)l %oputulop ogl3o owl) ag1 IV olgellvnu uollutwo3ut piexgg poop ag1 uo uotlgutttualap slt sasuq ua (mm') ADUAd luawa uueyg Aoua3aaws lu.tapad s,f4pn3as puulowoH jo luouq.tudaQ aqI '(s3-1dW0'1) Ili jo luawooeld otil uo paseq uotstno-d deyg jo sjailo`I aoj slsanbw uo suopauluualap Su.*w uagM Ilia NO Q51SdB NOISIAaM dM dO SHHJ.L TI oNna vDau NOI.LvWHOdN1 IVNOI.LIQQb ��s aHhd uvoz '0'Q'u012utgsutA sauaBV quauza -me1q SauaBiatug I-exapa3 hfi n p'sluawwo7ualipm of s.—dIaH MEOIaSV=99L£\HGA-S\b00099LE\99LE\(N!-Nd)lua��0\dalHsaO\uolsBUini�3\sias(7\:� Tb E suo/lnjos uogaoj;sai3 woaj}jouna aaleiv\wjois'sngi (uolliod uaalsann) ails 1aafoad aqj jo spalgl-onnl Alaleualxoidde woaj }}ouna aalennuaaols uoliana}suoa-Isod leaal pue jdaaae of pougisap seen ulseq Alllenb-aaienn leuoiSai Sullslxa agj'juawdolanaa gauea ulignQ a41 ao} dNMS panoadde aqj gllnn aauepioaae ul •aapap aql gllnn uollaunfuoa ul 9ObM2! aql Aq panoadde pue juawdolanap gaueg ullgna aql Ao} paaedaid seen legl (dWMS) ueld juawaSeuelN aalennuaaolS aql pue sluauaaalnbai Alllenb aalenn aqj of }aafgns sl 'aaojaaagl'pue aapap aqj Aq paaanoa ewe aql ulgllnn pole: ol sl alls laafoad aqi •ZE00-EOOZ -Zg 'ON aapap aapun pal Ad gaueg uligna aql aoj uollealjlIAaD A;llenb A@Ie/N a pue s�uawaalnbab @SAegasla alseM panoadde (gObMN) paeog loaluo0 Ajllenb aalem leuol2ag agl'EOOZ ul •nnainaa ao juawleaal leuolllppe Aue aalnbai iou pinonn ails 1aafoad a4110 spal41-onnl uaalsann a41 wOJJj}ouna Agnn 01 se uolleueldxa aa41an j palsanbai pue E-QAH 1aedwl ul uolssnaslp a41 paauaialai Aau@Se aqi 9-L 3NOZ 04 asuodsay eleaa3 'ti uolIaaS ul paIou We saBuega a41 pue @pew uaaq aneq suolslnaa agi •saljlllglsuodsaa AaolelnSai sll Sulzlaewwns'papinoad se 'lxal anljeaaeu Sulsn pue L auoZ of AaUaBe aqj jo aweu aqj Oulguego Sulpnpul '9-L•E aged U13 IJeao uo gdejSeaed leUll aqj of s@2uega Aa palsenbai uage aqi S-L 3NOZ 01 asuodsay •1 xlpuaddy ul papinoid sl uolsln@u deal jo aailal luaaaa Isoua agi •eleaa3 'ti uolIaaS ul paIou We saSuega agi •uolIenala pooh aeaA-001 a41 anoge 01 aIis pafoad a4110 suollaod algedolanap aqj paslea peq 13afoad gaue'd ullgnp a41 41lnn paIelaosse SulpeAS ;eql pau[wJ@Iap;egl LOOZ pUe ti00Z uaann}aq Aauagy ivaw@Seum Aau@SAaw3 leaapaj a41 Aq passaaoad aaann uolslnaa deN jo saa11a1 aaa41 legl alou o} paslnaa uaaq seq E-L•E aged uo lxal agi •600Z ul Aau@SV luaw@SeueN AauDSJ@w3 leaapa3 a41 Aq palanpuoa senn Sulddew pool} agl legl a10u E-L•E aged M IleiG uo seaay paezeH poo13 jo uolssnaslp aql legl pals@Bgns Aaua0e aqi tl-L 3NOZ 04 asuodsay eleaa3 't, uollaaS ul paIou aae saSuega a41 pue apeua uaaq aneq suolslnaa agi •Z-L•E aged U13 IJeaa uo pajels se'pagsaalenn Naaa0 eaefessei aql jou 'pagsJ@Ienn „E-g aui l„ aqj ul paleaol sl ails }aafoad aqj legl paIels AaU@Se aqi E-L 3NOZ 04 asuodsay e1eaa3 'ti uollaaS ul paIou sl aSuega agl pue @pew uaaq seq uolslnaa aqi •eunge-1 el ap oAoaay pallea sl weaalsunnop julod leg} woaj galgnn'leue0 ouaely aqi olul salldwa ogaolN oAoaay legl a}ejs o; paslnaa aq pinogs Z-L•E aged uo pagsA@Ienn Iaaa0 eaefessei aqj }o uolldinsap s,g13 WAG 941 legl palels Aauase aqi Z-L 3NOZ 04 asuodsay Aaessaaau sl asuodsai ON Jal}al agl uado o; sliewai Aaolanpoalul papinoad Aauage agi T-L 3NOZ 04 asuodsay (L 3NOZ) A.7ua6d aajL?M L auoZ s;uawwoj ua;j!jm o; sasuodsaa H13 I°u13 ;.7aload aa;ua.)Ioaipa►N Lgjgno aasloH—ugjgno jo L(;!j Z •sluap!saJ ullgna Jol sa!l!uauJe pue 'anuanaJ xel 'sgof alnq!Jluoo ll!M sasn lepawwoo Jol aps aqj jo uollJod uJa}sann au} jo juawdoianap 'UOII!ppe ul 'eaJe agj ul saolnaas pue spoo6 asepind sJOJISin pue saaAoldwa se senuanaJ ssau!snq leool aouequa pue 'gels 6u!lJoddns pue 'leuo!ssajoid 'leolpaw 009`Z aano Aoidwe ll!M sa!l!lpe} asagl -6ulu!eJl pue uoljeonpa 'fuoleJogel 'Aoewjegd 'leo!}do se Bons saolnJas aJeo glleaq Aiell!oue 6u!}Joddns pue 'aaeo Aoua6Jawa pue saolnJas leol6Jns 'aaeo jualledu! `saolnJas s,uauaonn 'saolnJaS o!lsou6elp 'Aie6ins jualledlno 'saolnaaS A60l00uo/uoljelpeJ 'aJeo jua6Jn 6uipnlou! 'sa!l!Iloej lie-NI-}o-ale}S ul saolnJas anlsuagaJdwoo aaeo 01 pa}edlo!lue s! JajuaO Ieolpan aqj 'Inopl!nq llnj }y 'JGIIO ll!M Jaluao leolpalN aqj saolnaas aaeo gIleaq 10 96ueJ ap!nn aq, ssaooe of goo!luy Jo oapueal ueS '� aaJo InuleM ui sall!lpeJ aluauewJad Jasleyi 01 IaneJl Isnw Alluanno ognn uol69J AGI[en-!Jl aql pue ullgna ui saagw@w aluauewJad Jasleyl 000't7C 6 aano 6uimas Allen}uana Aq aloJ Alales ollgnd leoilpo a auras ll!M Ja}uao leolpan aql nnalnaanp ;oafoad 'uolSln slgj 6ulz!IeaJ o} Jana uegl Jasolo nnou Sl ullgn4 „.sall!uaWe I!eIGJ pue saoinaas leolpauJ bu!pnlou! Alq!ssod 'AI!nlIoe oluJouooa J}ou!ds aleaao pinoo legl Al!l!oel leolpaw a Jol„ ullgnp jse3 ui puel paJlnboe Jasleyl 'A691eJls juauadolanaQ 01uJou003 Z�OZ s,AI!O aqj ul pajou sy .al!s o!pJa} s!ql uo Apunwwoo aqj o} S901AJGS aJeo glleaq paouequa ap!noJd of sueld Jno gl!nn pJennJoj panouJ aneg ann se unnogS seq Ilels Apo goeoidde anlJeaogelloo pue leuo!ssajoJd aqj almaJdde osle aM -slepillo u!lgna pue A}!unwwoo aqj WOJJ anlaoaJ of panulluoo seq JasleN awoolann aqj Joj Inja}eJ6 aJe aM -Jajuao leolpaw Jofew a bulleool jo uollualui aqj gl!nn seen }! '90OZ ui u!igna ul 94!s aaoe L-gq Alajewixoadde 96Jel siq} aJlnboe of uolsloap aqj apew Jasleyl uagM 'CA13(„) }oafoad Ja}u@O leolpan uilgno Jas!e>j aqj Jol paJedaJd jJoda�I joedwl IeJU9WuoJinu3 }JeJQ aql uo Iuauauaoo pue nnalnaJ of Al!unlioddo aqj Jol uollepaJdde Jno ssaadxe of bullunn we I 'slel!dsOH uollepunod Jas!eN jo llegaq up woose8 -SIN Jeaa I:Joda�j joedwi IeIUGWUoJlnu3 }JeJG—'GoafoJd Jalu@O IeolM l u!lgnp Jas!eyi :a�j Zb9b6 do 'PUeNeO JooIJ y�Z6 '499a;S ui�� MA 0966 suoi;eaad0 �(aangap aoinaaS WON saoinJaS SGII!Iioe J leuoileN 899t?6 dO `u!Igna ezeld olnlO 00 � }uawliedaQ juawdolanaa ApUnWWOO u!lgn4 jo Apo Jauueld ledlou'Jd 'wOOse9 !jslayl -sW no vo, u!lqnpg woo seq•!;sp)j ;1!ew-3 A8 MZ ' 6Z Wien 3.N3NVWS3d 2l3S1NM 910 6 abed 2J3slv>i 01 U9 •P w N I--' ;y m 3 w w w w N N N (n rp U.) D m D m D m D z v -o N c CIO c e to .O _p n v A c C o c0 D O n (D n v °+ m o-q EA Ln O v m rD m " o N Q- o O O I pr 7 OO m 'O M N rD fD O Dm S _0 n N m -0 a -0 O O. O. 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