HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 Proposed Budget STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK File #330-20 CITY COUNCIL DATE:June 7, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Proposed Budget, Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Prepared by Colleen Tribby, Administrative Services Director and Lisa Hisatomi, Assistant Administrative Services Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council with conduct a public hearing and consider approval of a Resolution adopting the City’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17, and approval of additional resolutions related to a City Contribution to Dublin Partners in Education, a Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt from Competitive Services, a Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel, a Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel; and Amendments to the Classification Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 totals $104.1 million in all funds, less internal service purchases. This is made up of operating appropriations of $78.0 million, and capital appropriations of $26.1 million. Additionally, the City will incur $4.7 million in Internal Service Fund costs, which include equipment purchases, Information Technology costs, and debt service on the City’s capital lease for solar equipment. The Fiscal Year 2016-17 General Fund operating budget, excluding transfers to capital improvement projects, totals $70.0 million and is in a surplus position, with ongoing revenues covering ongoing expenditures in excess of $7.2 million. After transfers, total reserves in the General Fund are projected to increase $6.7 million over Fiscal Year 2015-16. Additional General Fund appropriations for consideration by the City Council total $50,000 and will be added to the final budget document if approved. All budgeted funds are balanced, with revenues covering expenditures. The negative fund balances in several impact fees funds and internal service funds are related to the timing gap of revenue collection (Fire Impact Fees Fund, Dublin Crossing Fund), or to balances being paid off over time (PERS Side Fund Payoff, Energy Efficient Capital Lease Fund). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution following: (1) Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2016-17; (2) Resolution Adopting an Appropriation for a City Contribution to Dublin Partners in Education for Resolution Fiscal Year 2016-17; (3) Establishing a Salary Plan for Management Positions ITEM NO. 6.2 Page 1 of 9 Resolution Exempt from Competitive Services (4) Establishing a Salary Plan for Full-Time Resolution Personnel in Accordance with the Personnel Rules; (5) Establishing a Salary Plan Resolution for Part-Time Personnel; and (6) Amending the Classification Plan. Reviewed By Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Attachment 1) includes a Transmittal Letter (Section B) from the City Manager, which provides a budget overview as well as detailed discussions of the assumptions used in the preparation of the budget, the projected changes to reserves, Capital Improvement Program appropriations, and a discussion of the 10- Year Forecast. This Staff Report serves to highlight the information presented in the budget document, and repeats much of the information contained in the Transmittal Letter. While the Proposed Budget covers two fiscal years, the City Council adopts a budget only for the coming fiscal year (FY 2016-17). The financial schedules for FY 2017-18 are a projection, and will be updated in the before June 30, 2017. The City Council will adopt the budget with two resolutions (Attachments 2 and 3) that segregate a $7,000 grant appropriation for a community organization, Dublin Partners In Education (DPIE), as a City Councilmember is also a member of DPIE’s Board of Directors. The Proposed Budget document contains the following Sections: A. Table of Contents B. Transmittal Letter – Overview of activity in the City, including a discussion of the activities the City has undertaken to support the City Council’s strategic goals of fiscal sustainability C. Introductory – Community profile and description of budget process D. Funds Summary – Definition of fund classifications; projection for all funds E. General Fund Summary – General Fund revenues and expenses F. Departments – departmental projections, including accomplishments and goals G. Capital Improvement Projects – Summary of capital project proposals, covering only FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 H. Proprietary Funds – Internal Service Fund projections I. Fiduciary Funds – GHADS, ACAP projections J. Strategic Plan K. Appendix – Historical information and Position Allocation Plan While the document contains capital improvement appropriations for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017- 18, the full 2016-2021 CIP proposal is presented in a separate document and adopted by the City Council during a separate public hearing. Any changes made by the City Council during that public hearing will be incorporated into the final Adopted FY 2016-17 Budget. Page 2 of 9 Citywide Highlights The total fund balance at the end of FY 2016-17 (in all funds, excluding fiduciary funds) is projected at $195.0 million, compared to $186.1 million estimated for June 30, 2016. This is primarily the net result of $2.7 million more in General Fund revenue, and less capital project expenses in Fiscal Year 2016-17 than in the prior year. All fund balances are projected in the positive, with the exceptions of certain impact fees funds and internal service funds, which are repaid over time. The Proposed Budget in the General Fund is balanced in both years, with a projected operating surplus of $7.2 million in the first year, and $6.4 million in the second year. Property Tax, Sales Tax, and Development Revenue continue to show growth in both years, but contract services costs, for both public safety and maintenance, have increased significantly. The full cost impact of the operation of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex is being shown in the second year. City staff is also preparing for the impact of the preventative maintenance study, which is currently underway. The budget also carries forward the City Council’s fiscal sustainability initiative; a full discussion of planned activities that support that initiative is provided in the Transmittal Letter. Revenues Citywide revenues total $110.7 million in FY 2016-17, a decrease of $10.0 million from the FY 2015-16 Amended Budget, which included a one-time $15.0 million contribution to the Dublin Crossing Fund by June 2016. When removing that contribution, citywide revenues are actually increasing by $5.0 million, due to increases in property taxes, other taxes (franchise and waste management fees), and charges for services in the General Fund, as well as impact fees paid by developers, and grant funds for specific capital projects. Total General Fund revenues are budgeted at $77.2 million, an increase of $6.5 million and $2.7 million over the FY 2015-16 Adopted and Amended Budgets, respectively. Highlights:  Property Taxes and Sales Taxes are the City’s largest ongoing revenue sources in the General Fund, accounting for 72.4% of total revenues in FY 2016-17.  General Fund revenues are increasing $2.7 million, due to gains in Property and Sales Taxes, as well as Charges for Services (recreation program revenue).  Revenue from the new Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex will be offset by operational expenditures, requiring a General Fund subsidy of $1.0 million in FY 2017-18.  No significant Community Benefit payments from development have been budgeted in FY 2016-17. The City will receive a $15.0 million payment from the Dublin Crossing development by the end of the current fiscal year, which has been appropriated for the construction of a new Public Safety Complex at the existing building used by the Alameda County Fire Department.  Development revenues in the General Fund will decline slightly in the first year ($197,000), as the current year budget includes a $1.9 million increase in projected development revenues approved by the City Council in the current fiscal year. These estimates are based on the activity in existing projects in the current year, versus the number of units waiting to be completed for each project.  Grant funding is increasing by a net $2.7 million in FY 2016-17, incorporating the addition of $10.7 million in Measure BB funding, which will partially fund the planned Dougherty Page 3 of 9 Road widening and improvements, and the removal of some one-time streets and storm water grants accepted in the current budget year. Operating Expenditures The FY 2016-17 Proposed Budget totals $104.1 million in all funds (less internal service purchases). This is made up of operating appropriations of $78.0 million, and capital appropriations of $26.1 million. Additionally, the City will incur $4.7 million in Internal Service Fund costs, which include equipment purchases, Information Technology costs, and debt service on the City’s capital lease for solar equipment. The FY 2016-17 General Fund operating budget, excluding transfers to capital improvement projects, totals $70.0 million, and is in a surplus position, with ongoing revenues covering ongoing expenditures in excess of $7.2 million. Most operational departmental expenditure budgets are adjusted each year in a relatively consistent manner, that is, they change with CPI adjustments, or are grown by another specific known factor. Examples are: − Personnel costs are driven by the provision of salaries and benefits as approved by the City Council (most recently in Spring 2015). Pension and retiree health rates are set by CalPERS and actuaries, respectively, and are driven by actual investment performance, investment return expectations, demographic and mortality changes, benefit provision changes, and any additional contributions that agencies choose to make. The Proposed Budget incorporates the City’s most recent reported rates, and includes an additional lump sum payment towards the pension liability, as discussed below. − Supplies and Services and Capital Outlay budgets remain generally static across departments, unless there are one-time planned purchases, such as for new software, new subscriptions or services, etc. The Proposed Budget does not contain significant changes in this category. Highlights: Personnel The Proposed Budget includes the addition of the following City positions, beginning in FY 2016-17 (cost shown is first year salary and benefits):  1.0 Recreation Coordinator for the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex: $143,545.  1.0 Office Assistant I (Two-Year Limited Term) in the Records Division of the City Clerk’s Office: $99,537.  Seasonal and Temporary salaries increase roughly $747,000 in FY 2017-18 for the full year of the aquatics complex operations. The Proposed Budget also incorporates an increased annual lump sum payment towards the City’s Unfunded Pension Liability, from $250,000 to $500,000 per year, beginning in FY 2016- 17. According to the most recent reports, the City’s unfunded pension liability is $8.8 million (in addition to an unfunded retiree health liability of $4.5 million), and while the City has $10.8 million in reserves for these obligations, Staff will evaluate whether to enter into an alternate amortization schedule, or to make annual lump sum contribution as the budget allows, to pay off the liability sooner and save the City money over the long term. Page 4 of 9 Contract Service Costs The City contracts for public safety (Police and Fire), maintenance (MCE), development and other miscellaneous services. In FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18, total proposed contract services make up 62% of the overall General Fund expenditure budget. Public Safety contract costs make up 41% of the total operating budget. There are significant increases budgeted for public safety, particularly due to the rising cost of benefits. In FY 2016-17, the Police Services contract is increasing $1.8 million, and the Fire Services contract is increasing $1.0 million. Both contracts provide cost-of-living adjustments and salary contingencies. The Police Services contract also includes one additional Deputy, at a total cost of $225,000. This position was made available due to the deletion of two existing City positions. The City’s maintenance services contract with MCE is increasing $610,000 in FY 2016-17 due to the incorporation of new parks and facilities, the restoration of previously-cut service levels, and higher levels of service for maturing natural elements. Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex In prior budget reviews, Staff reported to the City Council that the annual General Fund subsidy to the aquatics complex operations was estimated at $900,000 to $1.0 million per year. Staff has now put together a comprehensive budget for this facility, including staffing, maintenance, and equipment costs, and an estimate of attendance and fees. The cost in the first full year of operations (FY 2017-18) is anticipated to require a General Fund subsidy of $1,033,806. The City will incur costs for four months of operation in Fiscal Year 2016-17, and has already included the additional full-time positions in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 and Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget. As a final note, the Dublin Swim Center is still fully budgeted to be operational for both fiscal years, for recreational swim, swim lessons, and high school usage. The City swim team will move its practices to the new aquatics complex. New Budget Proposals At the March 29, 2016 Budget Study Session, the City Council discussed the addition of the following items into the two-year budget: General Fund FY 2016-17 Add back Library service hours (two hours weekly) $50,000 Add a Senior Planner (Four-Year limited term) in the $204,000 Community Development Department Total Cost $254,000 The cost of the Senior Planner is included in the Position Allocation and in the financial schedules in the document. The Library hours have not yet been incorporated but will be added upon adoption of the Resolution adopting the budget, with Exhibit B calling out the specific addition of this item. Page 5 of 9 In addition, on February 16, 2016 the City Council approved the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for FY 2016-17. The final CDBG allocation, which occurred after that meeting, resulted in the City receiving $2,893 in additional funding. Staff proposes to distribute the additional funds evenly amongst those organizations that did not receive the full amount of their request at the February meeting. The following summarizes the changes into the Proposed Budget: Original City Council Recommendation Approved with Increased CDBG Funds Funding Funding CALICO Center - Dublin Child Abuse Intervention $7,735 $8,314 Open Heart Kitchen - Dublin Meal Programs $13,000 $13,578 Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley - Case Management $12,000 $12,579 Spectrum Community Services - Meals on Wheels for Homebound Seniors $8,600 $9,179 Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Violence Services Program $8,000 $8,000 Tri-Valley Haven - Homeless Services Program $10,000 $10,000 Axis Community Health - Facility Project Loan Obligation $13,374 $13,952 Subtotal - CDBG Fund $72,709 $75,602 General Fund Reserves Total General Fund reserves are projected at $101.1 million at the end of FY 2016-17, an increase of $4.9 million over FY 2015-16. The unassigned/available cash flow reserve is projected at $31.8 million, before any designation by the City Council to specific Committed reserves, and before Staff completes the necessary accounting adjustments to reserves at the end of the current fiscal year. The City Council will have the opportunity to make reserve designations during the City Council meeting of June 21, 2016. 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The 2016-2021 CIP totals $81.2 million over the five years. The proposed General Fund contribution is relatively low ($460,000) as compared to prior years, however there are large projects using General Fund dollars or Community Benefit Payment dollars, in the current year, which likely will be unfinished at the year end and will be carried over to next year. Those projects include:  Renovation of the Public Safety Complex: $15 million  Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex: $3.0 million  Fallon Sports Park, Phase II: $1.8 million  Shannon Center Parking Lot Resurfacing: $1.1 million Page 6 of 9 Highlights: Below is a list of large-scale projects (over $1.0 million) with new anticipated funding in the next five years, with the funding sources indicated. This project costs listed do not include budgets existing in Fiscal Year 2015-16. The details of the two-year appropriations can be found in the CIP Section of the budget document. The five-year CIP document itself will be presented to the City Council under a separate Public Hearing item, and adopted with a separate resolution. Streets  Annual Street Resurfacing: $8.5 million (Gas Tax, Measure B, Measure BB)  Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: $2.5 million (Measure B, Measure BB, Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Fund, General Fund)  Dougherty Rd. Improvements Sierra Lane to N. City Limit: $11.2 million (Measure BB)  Dublin Boulevard Extension: $3 million (Traffic Impact Fee Funds)  Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening: $11.5 million (Traffic Impact Fee Funds, Measure BB) Parks  Dublin Crossing Community Park: $15.3 million (Dublin Crossing Development Fund)  Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements: $1.5 million (General Fund)  Dublin Ranch Sub Area 3 Parks: $1.8 million (Developer-built)  Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex: $6.2 million (Public Facility Fees Funds, General Fund)  Fallon Sports Park - Phase II: $2.4 million (Public Facility Fees Funds, General Fund)  Sean Diamond Park: $2 million (Public Facility Fees Funds)  Wallis Ranch Community Park: $6.4 million (Public Facility Fees Funds) 10-Year Forecast The 10-Year General Fund Forecast serves as the foundation of the Proposed Budget, in terms of guiding the City’s use of resources now to prepare for the future. Staff has been particularly focused on monitoring development revenues and expenditures, and preparing the City for how those will impact the General Fund over time. While it is clear that the City has recovered from the recession of 2008, ongoing expenditures are trending upwards at a sharper rate than revenue growth, and will likely outpace revenues by FY 2020-21, as shown in the graph below. As expenditures (indicated with the red line) surpass revenues (shown in bars), the City would need to dip into its unassigned cash flow reserve (the black line), barring any corrective action, and not assuming the use of other contingency reserves. Page 7 of 9 10-Year General Fund Forecast (in thousands) In developing the forecast, Staff continued the practice of projecting revenues fairly conservatively, and growing expenditures using historical information. While predicting economic health in the long term is challenging, we believe the forecast is a fair representation of the City’s potential financial future. The Transmittal Letter to the budget document provides a discussion of the assumptions used in the forecast. Salary Resolutions The resolutions establishing and amending the City’s salary plans (Attachments 4-6) incorporate changes to Full-Time, Part-Time, and Management Salary Schedules. Full-Time salary adjustments are based on a five-year arrangement with employees which began during FY 2015-16. The full-time salary schedule incorporates a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) of up to 3% per year, based on the Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose) each February. The adjustment in FY 2016-17 was 2.9%. Part-time salary schedule adjustments as proposed are based on a recent market survey conducted by the Parks and Community Services Department. Additionally, the Full-Time and Management Salary Schedules incorporate a possible performance merit of up to 3% in both years. The new position of Deputy City Clerk has also been added to the City’s Classification Plan and full-time salary schedule to meet the future business needs of the City Clerk’s Office, replacing the current Administrative Technician position. The Resolution amending the City’s Classification Plan (Attachment 7) incorporates several new positions related to the anticipated staffing needs at the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex. Page 8 of 9 Conclusion The City of Dublin’s Proposed Budget for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 incorporates growth in the City’s major revenue categories, provides for the full funding of City operational and capital improvement costs, and is a solid financial plan for the coming fiscal year. It also maintains adequate reserves for contingencies and cash flow requirements. While the budget is balanced in the short term, the 10-Year Forecast and projected deficit fiscal position require that the City continue addressing future ongoing funding issues through strategic planning now, with the goal of maintaining and enhancing the City’s current quality of life standards through services provided by the City. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A Budget Hearing Notice was posted on June 3, 2016. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Proposed Budget, Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 2. Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2016-17 3. Resolution Adopting an Appropriation for a City Contribution to Dublin Partners in Education for Fiscal Year 2016-17 4. Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt from Competitive Services 5. Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel in Accordance with the Personnel Rules 6. Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel 7. Resolution Amending the Classification Plan Page 9 of 9 ,...., ,, ,... ., i'l c.- -'- _ . � I i _ ��,• g 1a �-,.' x F tlOnn!onr neua.trcp� �- s - - ' ,,',-..7,7,..,.,.",.,,,.:41.t.,„,,,,,w.,,,,,,,,,v‘i,:,, ,.„4,...17::::,.;75:,7,,,,,,,,: ,,': g p. a" �ti /, ,, 1ma 0 19 —'—$ 821 O14LIFOCz-- City of Dublin CALIFORNIA Dublin klittil aicaenr 2011 PROPOSED BUDGET Fiscal Years 2016- 17 and 2017- 18 , 8 b t .: " ( 'Y - r 20.i.5 J 7 and .x`F w ,4 8 Proposed Budget OF DO.. UB 1., // 0 19 ['ANN= =NO 82 I O Mayor — David Haubert Vice Mayor — Abe Gupta Council Member — Don Biddle Council Member — Kevin Hart Council Member — Doreen Wehrenberg City Manager — Chris Foss Assistant City Manager — Linda Smith Prepared By: Colleen Tribby — Director of Administrative Services Lisa Hisatomi — Assistant Director of Administrative Services Jay Baksa — Financial Analyst Renuka Dhadwal — Administrative Technician /LIABLE OF CONTENTS This page intentionally left blank |e C[wf,2Qƒs C,JQi"eDis A. TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Table of Contents iii Table of Figures v Table of Organizational Charts vii B. TRANSMITTAL 8'l City Manager Transmittal Letter B-3 C. INTRODUCTORY SECTION C'1 City of Dublin Profile C-3 City Organizational Chart C-7 Budget Document and Process C-8 D. FUNDS D'l Fund Definitions D-3 Overview of Revenues D-8 Overview of Expenditures D'10 Summary by Fund Type D'lZ Overview of Fund Balances D'13 Funds and Department Relationship Matrix D'19 E. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY E'1 General Fund Operating Summary E-3 General Fund Reserves Summary E-4 General Fund Reserve Details E'S General Fund Revenue Assumptions E-6 General Fund Expenditure Assumptions E'10 F. DEPARTMENTS F'1 City Council F-3 Office of the City Manager F-6 City Clerk's Office F-9 Human Resources F'14 City Attorney's Office F'19 Administrative Services F'll Non-Departmental F-26 Economic Development and Public Information F-36 Community Development F-42 Fire Services F. Police Services F-58 Parks and Community Services F-64 Public Works F-73 G. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS G-1 Overview G-3 General Improvements G-6 Community Improvements G-7 Parks G-8 Streets G-9 H. PROPRIETARY FUNDS H-1 Internal Service Funds H-3 I. FIDUCIARY FUNDS I-1 Dublin Boulevard Assessment District 1-3 Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts 1-4 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District 1-6 Fallon Crossing (North Tassajara) Geologic Hazard Abatement District 1-7 California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) 1-8 Associated Community Action Funds (ACAP) 1-9 J. STRATEGIC PLAN J-1 City of Dublin Strategic Plan J-3 Strategies J-5 K. APPENDIX K-1 Introduction K-3 Historical Comparison of Revenue by Source K-4 Human Services Grants Program K-22 Position Allocation Plan K-24 Fiscal Year 2016-17 Appropriations Limit K-34 Fund Balance and Reserves Policy K-36 Glossary/Index K- , City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page iv Demographics K-47 Legal Debt Limit K-49 City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page v Table of Figur Figure 1: FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Revenues,All Funds 8 Figure 2: FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Expenditures, All Funds 10 Figure 3: Summary by Fund Type 12 Figure 4: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2015-16 Amended Budget 13 Figure 5: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2016-17 15 Figure 6: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2017-18 17 Figure 7: Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Year 2016-17 14 Figure 8: Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Year 2017-18 15 Figure 9: City Council Expenditures 5 Figure 10: Office of the City Manager Expenditures 8 Figure 11: City Clerk's Office Expenditures 11 Figure 12: City Clerk/Records Expenditures 12 Figure 13: City Clerk/Elections Expenditures 13 Figure 14: Human Resources Department Expenditures 16 Figure 15: Human Resources Expenditures 17 Figure 16: Insurance/Risk Management Expenditures 18 Figure 17: City Attorney's Office Expenditures 20 Figure 18: Administrative Services Expenditures 23 Figure 19: Finance Expenditures Figure 20: Information Systems Expenditures 25 Figure 21: Non-Departmental Expenditures 28 Figure 22: Disaster Preparedness Expenditures 30 Figure 23: Crossing Guard Expenditures 31 Figure 24: Animal Control Services Expenditures 32 Figure 25: Non-Departmental - Other Expenditures 33 Figure 26: Waste Management Expenditures 34 Figure 27: Community Cable Television Expenditures 35 Figure 28: Economic Development/Public Information Expenditures 39 Figure 29: Economic Development Expenditures 40 Figure 30: Public Information Expenditures 41 Figure 31: Community Development Expenditures 45 Figure 32: Planning Expenditures 46 Figure 33: Building and Safety Expenditure 48 Figure 34: Housing Expenditures 50 Figure 35: Fire Services Expenditures 53 Figure 36: Fire Operations Expenditures 54 Figure 37: Fire Prevention Expenditures 55 Figure 38: Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Expenditures 5R Figure 39: Fire Station Maintenance Expenditures City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page v Figure 40: Police Services Expenditures 61 Figure 41: Police Operations Expenditures 62 Figure 42: Police Operations Support Expenditures 63 Figure 43: Parks and Community Services Expenditures 67 Figure 44: Parks and Community Services Administration Expenditures 68 Figure 45: Heritage and Cultural Arts Expenditures 69 Figure 46: Facilities Operations and Rental Expenditures 70 Figure 47: Recreation Programs Division Expenditures 71 Figure 48: Library Services Expenditures 72 Figure 49: Public Works Expenditures 75 Figure 50: Public Works Administration Expenditures 78 Figure 51: Street Maintenance Expenditures 79 Figure 52: Street Landscaping Expenditures 80 Figure 53: Street Safety Expenditures 81 Figure 54: Building Management Expenditures 82 Figure 55: Engineering Expenditures 83 Figure 56: Parks Maintenance Expenditures 85 Figure 57: Parks and Facilities Development Expenditures 86 Figure 58: Environmental Services Expenditures 87 Figure 59: Overall CIP Expenditures 3 Figure 60: General Improvements Expenditures 6 Figure 61: Community Improvements Expenditures 7 Figure 62: Parks Expenditures 8 Figure 63: Streets Expenditures 9 Figure 64: Fallon Village GHAD(5301) 5 Figure 65: Schaefer Ranch GHAD (5302) 6 Figure 66: Fallon Crossing GHAD (5321) 7 Figure 67: CERBT Summary 8 Figure 68: ACAP Schedule 9 Figure 69: Historical Comparison of Revenue by Source 4 Figure 70: Grants for Fiscal Year 2016-17 22 Figure 71: Legal Debt Limit 49 City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page vi Table Rof Organizational Car` 1. City Organizational Chart C-7 2. City Council Organizational Chart F-3 3. Office of the City Manager Organizational Chart F-6 4. City Clerk Organizational Chart F-9 5. Human Resources Organizational Chart F-14 6. City Attorney Organizational Chart F-19 7. Administrative Services Organizational Chart F-21 8. Non-Departmental Organizational Chart F-26 9. Economic Development Organizational Chart F-3g 10. Community Development Organizational Chart F-42 11. Fire Service Organizational Chart F-51 12. Police Services Organizational Chart F-58 13. Parks and Community Services Organizational Chart F-64 14. Public Works Organizational Chart F-73 City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page vii B. TRANS[VIITTAL LETTER Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-1 This page intentionally left blank Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-2 City Manager franc:;€ `YR e I Letter June 7, 2016 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: It is my pleasure to submit for your consideration the City of Dublin's Fiscal Year 2016-17 and Fiscal Year 2017-18 Proposed Budget. This budget (hereinafter referred to as the Proposed Budget) reflects continued growth in the City's major revenue categories, as well as a renewed commitment to service delivery in the form of public safety resources, recreation and cultural opportunities, and the preservation of excellent community facilities. We are mindful that, while it is an exciting time to live, work, and play in the City of Dublin, the long-term forecast presents fiscal challenges for which we need to prepare in the short term. Accordingly, the three primary goals of the last budget cycle have been carried into the new Proposed Budget: 1) Fully fund current City operations; 2) Continue funding future capital endeavors now, through the setting aside of specific reserves; and 3) Maintain adequate operating reserves over the long term. The short-term action items detailed below, as well as the planned activities discussed in the departmental section of the budget document, support these primary goals and are in line with the City Council's principal initiative of achieving long-term fiscal sustainability. Because this is the first year of a new two-year budget cycle, the Proposed Budget document is comprehensive, including fund summaries, revenue and expenditure summaries, position allocations, and illustrative charts and graphs that aim to present the City's financial plan in a clear and transparent manner. It is important to remember that behind the numbers is the City's plan to fully fund City operations in the coming year. It also reflects the strategic use of current resources now, so that Dublin will remain fiscally sound for years to come. Budget-In-Brief: Key Issues Executive Summary The total fund balance at the end of Fiscal Year 2016-17 (in all funds, excluding fiduciary funds) is projected at $195.0 million, compared to $186.1 million estimated for June 30, 2016. This is primarily the net result of $2.7 million more in General Fund revenue, and less capital project expenses in Fiscal Year 2016-17 than in the prior year. All fund balances are budgeted in the positive, with the exceptions of certain impact and developer fees funds, which are repaid over time, and the energy efficient capital lease fund, which is paying off the capital lease debt service on the City's solar equipment. The Proposed Budget in the General Fund is balanced in both years, with a projected operating surplus of $7.2 million in the first year, and $6.4 million in the second year. Property Tax, Sales Tax, and Development Revenue continue to show growth in both years, but contract services costs, for both public safety and Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-3 maintenance, have increased significantly. The full cost impact of the operation of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex is being shown in the second year. City staff is also preparing for the impact of the preventative maintenance study, which is currently underway. Issue—Deficit Spending Projected in Five Years As discussed with the City Council at its March 29, 2016 meeting, while General Fund has a projected surplus in the short-term, the 10-Year General Fund Forecast projects a deficit by Fiscal Year 2020-21 ($0.9 million), which grows to $7.4 million by Fiscal Year 2024-25. In the forecast, Staff has continued the practice of estimating revenues conservatively and planning for cost increases proactively. The forecast assumptions are detailed in the sections below. Issue— Rising Cost of Contract Services The rising cost of contract services (which make up 62% of the total General Fund Operating Budget) has been a central issue for the City in the last several years, particularly as the City completes projects and begins its transition to a built-out community. Contracts for police, fire, and maintenance services will rise 11.5%, 8.8%, and 16.7%, respectively, in the first year of the Proposed Budget. Much of the public safety increases are related to benefit provisions (as opposed to significance increases in personnel), which are typical to the nature of the work, whereas the increase in maintenance costs is related to preserving the high quality parks and facilities throughout the City. Issue— Increased Costs in Subsidizing City Assets This Proposed Budget also incorporates the opening and operation of the new Emerald Glen Recreation anu Aquatics Complex, which will offer a variety of indoor and outdoor aquatic attractions and programs. Under the current business model, operational costs of the facility will require a planned General Fund subsidy of $1.0 million in its first full year. In addition, the City is currently undertaking a preventative maintenance study which will determine the total cost of ownership of all of its assets (buildings, parks, roadways, equipment) and provide a framework for enhancing the useful life of the assets. It will also inform conversations with the City Council with respect to the expectation of certain levels of service over the long term. In the current budget proposal, Staff has included $300,000 and $750,000 in the two fiscal years respectively, working up to an annual cost of$1.0 million to invest and re-invest in our assets by Fiscal Year 2018-19. Short-Term Priorities and Factors In preparing the Proposed Budget, we are mindful of how decisions made today will impact the City's ability to continue to provide service in the future. The following is a discussion of the short-term considerations addressed in the Proposed Budget. 1. Use the anticipated surplus in the current year and in the Proposed Budget cycle to prepare for " potential forecast deficit Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-4 The City has experienced General Fund surpluses over the last several years due to increases in property tax and sales tax revenue, and to the acceleration in development projects. However, as will be discussed below, increases in ongoing operational expenditures will eventually outpace revenue growth as development declines and City services expand. With this in mind, departmental budget proposals were scrutinized for their sustainability over time. Staff will also be proposing to the City Council that the surplus anticipated at the end of the current fiscal year be shifted appropriately to contingency reserves and/or be used to pay down unfunded liabilities. 2. Continue work on the action items that support the fiscal sustainability initiative At the Strategic Planning meeting of March 7, 2015, the City Council received a report on the City's 10-Year Forecast, which projected an operating deficit in the General Fund by FY 2020-21. In response, the City Council identified long-term fiscal sustainability as the City's key strategic initiative and directed Staff to ensure that fiscal sustainability becomes a major factor in future decisions, including the future budget proposals. Staff presented an initial list of specific focus areas within this initiative, and began work on many of them during the current fiscal year. Below is the list of action items discussed at that meeting, with the current status and the goal for the Proposed Budget period. Focus Areas • Development of a Preventative Maintenance Plan: City Council approved an agreement in November 2015 to start the process of documenting the City's assets as a prelude to determining a proper service levels over the long term. In the upcoming budget cycle, Staff will complete the plan. • Reinvestment in Existing Facilities/Infrastructure: Funds have been set aside for the Shannon Center parking lot resurfacing and for a master plan for the Dublin Sports Grounds. Additionally, the City Council has taken action to invest in the Public Safety Complex with the relocation and expansion of Dublin Police Services. • Evaluate Cost Recovery and Pricing Policy for Services/Maintenance: A comprehensive User Fee Study will get underway in Fiscal Year 2016-17 with the goal of completing this study by the end of this Fiscal Year. Staff has also proposed updates to the Parks and Community Services Pricing Policy, which will be brought back with the Master Fee Schedule at the second meeting in June 2016. • Develop Performance Measures/Metrics: This effort is to understand the "return on investment" (ROI) of all City services and to use that data more effectively to inform policy decisions. Staff is currently evaluating performance measurement and data tools in the marketplace with the goal of having these tools in place during this upcoming budget cycle. • Reevaluate Internal Service Funds (ISFs) and Fund Balance Priorities: Last budget year, the City Council created the Information Technology Fund and funded $2 million in IT Master Plan initiatives. Staff will be recommending that a portion of the surplus be put towards the Building Replacement Fund. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-5 • Assess the City's Unfunded Liabilities (Retirement Benefits): City Council, during the last budget update, took steps to control spending on retiree medical costs, approved changes to increase employee contributions to retirement and contributed a lump sum payment of $250,000 towar pension and retiree health. In the upcoming budget period, Staff is recommending additional paydowns of the City and Fire retiree health, as well as an additional $1 million lump sum payment towards pension liability. • Discuss Strategies for New/Increased Revenue Streams: Over the last year, the City has engaged in a community outreach effort to solicit feedback on the types of services that the residents value and those that they wish to maintain at the current levels over the long term, given the anticipated deficit spending in the next 10 years. In the upcoming budget year, Staff will be recommending that the City Council consider placement of a sales tax measure on the November 2016 ballot so that residents can decide on the level of service they wish to maintain in the community. 3. Continue current high standard of maintenance in City parks and facilities The City is committed to maintaining our facilities to a high standard, and the Proposed Budget allows funding for that. Our maintenance services provider, MCE, has provided a cost and services proposal for the two-year period which incorporates new parks and facilities, and includes adjustments to our service levels of maintenance citywide. The result is an increase of$609,413 (14.0%) in Fiscal Year 2016-17 and $553,310 (11.1%) in Fiscal Year 2017-18. The largest increase in the contract is for parks maintenance. The City of Dublin currently maintains 1' neighborhood and community parks, sports fields, and open spaces for hiking and biking, and spent rough $1.8 million in this area in the current year. Due to the addition of the new parks and streets inventory (Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex, Jordan Ranch Park, Fallon Sports Park Phase II, and landscape features in new subdivisions), maintenance costs are increasing 3% in the first year and 20% in the second year of the Proposed Budget. These costs are detailed later in this letter, and in the General Fund Section of the budget document. It is important to remember that as City continues to add to the current facilities inventory, and as we approach a budget deficit position in the first five years of the forecast, we will need to weigh the benefits and costs of such a service level provision. Staff is currently working with a consultant to develop a Preventative Maintenance Plan to understand the true cost of ownership of our assets, and has proposed $300,000 in the Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget, and $750,000 in Fiscal Year 2017-18 be included in the budget to cover any impacts the study results may have. These costs ramp up in the forecast to $1,000,000 annually by Fiscal Year 2018-19. 4. Initiate and/or complete key capital improvement projects The Proposed 2016-2021 CIP Budget addresses several large-scale projects that will be significant to the community, and will impact the City's ongoing maintenance and replacement budgets. These are projects expand the City's capacity to serve a growing population, and it is important for the City to utilize a surplus budget position to make these kinds of long-term investments in the community. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-6 The Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex is on track to open in the spring of 2017. Staff continues to refine the business model for the operations of the complex in order to incorporate the large number of new seasonal staff, cover the indirect costs of the facility, and plan appropriately for attendance levels throughout the year. The operations plan was presented to the City Council on May 3, 2016. The project budget is $43.8 million, funded primarily by the Public Facility Fees Funds, with a General Fund contribution towards construction of $3 million. As mentioned earlier, it is anticipated that this facility will require a $1.0 million General Fund subsidy annually. In March of 2016, the City Council committed a $15 million Community Benefit Payment from the Dublin Crossing development project to the renovation of the existing Public Safety building. The project will allow for Police Services to relocate from the Civic Center and join the Fire Department in a larger, expanded space. It will also provide adequate space for the addition of safety personnel in the future. Staff anticipates that the work will begin by early 2017 and will be completed in 2018. The City also anticipates adding several new community parks to its inventory, including a second phase to Fallon Sports Park ($17.8 million), funded by $15.8 million from Public Facility Fees and a $1.8 million General Fund contribution. The project comprises two synthetic turf lighted soccer fields, a baseball diamond, playground, picnic area, and other features. Design began on this project in Fiscal Year 2013-14, and construction is expected to be completed in Fiscal Year 2017-18. The Dublin Crossing Community Park is a three phase, 30-acre site, that will include playgrounds, picnic tables and secluded space for informal family picnics as well as facilities for group picnics. There will be open space for informal sports, games and activities as well as sports facilities such as baseball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, volleyball courts and basketball courts. Phase I of the Dublin Crossing Community Park is scheduled to be complete in Fiscal Year 2018-19 at a cost of $7.3 million, with funding coming from the Dublin Crossing Project and Public Facilities Fees funds. With regard to neighborhood parks, the community can expect two new facilities. Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park (4.9 acres) is under construction and is being built by a developer with the expected delivery date of spring 2017 and Sean Diamond Park is a 4.8-acre neighborhood park located in the Positano Development and is scheduled to be completed in Fiscal Year 2017-18 at a cost of approximately $2.0 million, funded by Public Facility Fees Funds. The park will include a playground, picnic tables, open space for informal sports and games, as well as a tennis court, volleyball court and walkways. In addition to the new community parks, the City is under taking two major street widening and improvement projects. The Dougherty Road Widening and Improvements Project will widen Dougherty Road from Sierra Lane to the north City limits from four to six lanes, and includes the construction of new and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities, new bus stops and bus pullouts. These improvements will address traffic congestion and improve access to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, by providing a consistent six-lane roadway and pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the entire length of Dougherty Road from Dublin Boulevard to the north City Limit. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2016 commencing in the fall of 2017. The project cost of $22.9 million will be funded with Measure B and BB grant funds as well as various Traffic Impact Fees. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-7 The Dublin Boulevard Improvements Project will widen Dublin Boulevard from four to six lanes from Sierra Court to Dublin Court to address traffic congestion and provide a consistent six lane roadway from San Ramon Road to Dougherty Road. Additionally the project will add bicycle lanes and underground exist' overhead utilities within the project limits. The project will be constructed in two phases at a total cost (.,' $6.9 million and will be funded by $3 million in Measure BB grant funds and other Mitigation and Traffic Impact Fee funds. Phase one of the project, the undergrounding of the utilities is anticipated to start at the end of 2016. Proposed Budget: The Details REVENUES Citywide revenues total $110.7 million in Fiscal Year 2016-17, a decrease of $10.0 million from the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Amended Budget, which included a one-time $15.0 million contribution to the Dublin Crossing Fund by June 2016). When removing that contribution, citywide revenues are actually increasing by $5.0 million, due to increases in property taxes, other taxes (franchise and waste management fees), and charges for services in the General Fund, as well as impact fees paid by developers, and grant funds for specific capital projects. Total General Fund revenues are budgeted at $77.2 million, an increase of $6.5 million and $2.7 million over the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Adopted and Amended Budgets, respectively. Highlights: • Property Taxes and Sales Taxes are the City's largest ongoing revenue sources in the General Fur. accounting for 72.4% of total revenues in FY 2016-17. • General Fund revenues are increasing $2.7 million, due to gains in Property and Sales Taxes, as well as Charges for Services (recreation program revenue). • Revenue from the new Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex will be offset by operational expenditures, requiring a General Fund subsidy of$1.0 million in Fiscal Year 2017-18. • No significant Community Benefit payments from development have been budgeted in Fiscal Year 2016-17. The City will receive a $15.0 million payment from the Dublin Crossing development by the end of the current fiscal year, which has been appropriated for the construction of a new Public Safety Complex at the existing building used by the Alameda County Fire Department. • Development revenues in the General Fund will decline slightly in the first year ($197,000), as the current year budget includes a $1.9 million increase in projected development revenues approved by the City Council in the current fiscal year. These estimates are based on the activity in existing projects in the current year, versus the number of units waiting to be completed for each project. • Grant funding is increasing by a net $2.7 million in Fiscal Year 2016-17, incorporating the addition of $10.7 million in Measure BB funding, which will partially fund the planned Dougherty Road widening and improvements, and the removal of some one-time streets and storm water grants accepted in the current budget year. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-8 OPERATING EXPENDITURES The Fiscal Year 2016-17 Proposed Budget totals $104.1 million in all funds (less internal service purchases). This is made up of operating appropriations of $78.0 million, and capital appropriations of $26.1 million. Additionally, the City will incur $4.7 million in Internal Service Fund costs, which include equipment purchases, Information Technology costs, and debt service on the City's capital lease for solar equipment. The Fiscal Year 2016-17 General Fund operating budget, excluding transfers to capital improvement projects, totals $70.0 million, and is in a surplus position, with ongoing revenues covering ongoing expenditures in excess of$7.2 million. Most operational departmental expenditure budgets are adjusted each year in a relatively consistent manner, that is, they change with CPI adjustments, or are grown by another specific known factor. Examples are: — Personnel costs are driven by the provision of salaries and benefits as approved by the City Council (most recently in Spring 2015). Pension and retiree health rates are set by CaIPERS and actuaries, respectively, and are driven by actual investment performance, investment return expectations, demographic and mortality changes, benefit provision changes, and any additional contributions that agencies choose to make. The Proposed Budget incorporates the City's most recent reported rates, and includes an additional lump sum payment towards the pension liability, as discussed below. — Supplies and Services and Capital Outlay budgets remain generally static across departments, unless there are one-time planned purchases, such as for new software, new subscriptions or services, etc. The Proposed Budget does not contain significant changes in this category. Highlights: Personnel The Proposed Budget includes the addition of the following City positions, beginning in FY 2016-17 (cost shown is first year salary and benefits): • 1.0 Recreation Coordinator for the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex: $143,545. • 1.0 Office Assistant I (Two-Year Limited Term) in the Records Division of the City Clerk's Office: $99,537. • Seasonal and Temporary salaries increase roughly $747,000 in FY 2017-18 for the full year of the aquatics complex operations. The Proposed Budget also incorporates an increased annual lump sum payment towards the City's Unfunded Pension Liability, from $250,000 to $500,000 per year, beginning in FY 2016-17. According to the most recent reports, the City's unfunded pension liability is $8.8 million (in addition to an unfunded retiree health liability of $4.5 million), and while the City has $10.8 million in reserves for these obligations, Staff will evaluate whether to enter into an alternate amortization schedule, or to make annual lump sum contribution as the budget allows, to pay off the liability sooner and save the City money over the long term. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-9 Contract Service Costs The City contracts for public safety (Police and Fire), maintenance (MCE), development and oth miscellaneous services. In FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18, total proposed contract services make up 62% of the overall General Fund expenditure budget. Public Safety contract costs make up 41% of the total operating budget. Police Services Significant increases are proposed for the Police Services contract with Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO), as shown in the table below: Police Services Contract Changes Contract $, Increase Increase Contract $, Increase Increase FY All Funds $ % General Fund Only $ 15-16 15,524,192 15,424,192 16-17 17,301,894 1,777,702 11.5% 17,201,902 1,777,710 11.5% 17-18 18,289,855 987,961 5.7% 18,189,860 987,958 5.7% The following are key components of the proposal: • The FY 2016-17 proposal includes 4% COLA for sworn and non-sworn, and 4% COLA contingency • The FY 2017-18 proposal includes 4% COLA for sworn and 3.25% for non-sworn, and 4% COLA contingency • Beginning in FY 2016-17, the proposal includes one additional Deputy, at a total cost of $225,06_ This position was made available due to the deletion of two existing City positions. • Salaries and Benefit increases for the current contracted personnel total $1.2 million; Salaries increased $354,000 (5.2%) and Benefits increased $861,000 (16.2%). • The significant increase in the City's payment of benefits is due to more retirements, and the increased costs of those retirement benefits. Total benefit costs are $6.3 million in FY 2016-17 and $6.8 million in FY 2017-18. Benefits as Percent of Salaries FY °/0 of Salaries 2012-13 73% 2013-14 79% 2014-15 80% 2015-16 80% 2016-17 90% Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-10 Fire Services Fire Services Contract Changes Contract$, General Fund Operating Contract Contract$, Increase Increase Only Cost %, General Total Increase FY All Funds $ % (Operating) Increase Equip Fund Only Increase % 15-16 11,768,731 11,425,166 19,244 11,444,410 16-17 12,792,959 1,024,228 8.7% 12,039,262 614,096 409,127 12,448,389 1,003,979 8.8% 17-18 12,828,030 35,071 0.3% 12,420,769 381,507 61,807 12,482,576 34,187 0.3% The following are key components of the proposal: • FY 2016-17 proposal assumes 4.33% COLA effective 1/1/2016 and 3% COLA effective 1/1/2017 • FY 2017-18 proposal assumes 3% COLA effective 1/1/2017 and 2.5% COLA effective 1/1/2018 • FY 2016-17 proposal includes $409,127 for equipment replacements (self-contained breathing apparatus); an additional $200,000 will be needed in future years for radio replacements. Staff will propose to designate $600,000 in June 2016 for the replacement costs and will include these in the City's Internal Service Funds. • The following patrol vehicles are due for replacement, and sufficient funds are available in the City's Internal Service Funds to cover the costs: — FY 16-17: Patrol Vehicle at Station 16 ($250,000) — FY 17-18: Patrol Vehicle at Station 18 ($250,000) and Engine at Station 18 ($700,000) Maintenance Services The City's maintenance services provider, MCE, has provided a cost and services proposal for the two- year budget period, which incorporates new parks and facilities, and includes the restoration of previously-cut service levels, as well as the higher levels of service for maturing natural elements. MCE Services Contract Changes Contract $, Increase Increase Contract $, General Increase Increase FY All Funds $ % Fund Only $ 15-16 4,354,209 3,680,892 16-17 4,964,622 610,413 14.00% 4,295,247 614,355 16.70% 17-18 5,516,932 552,310 11.10% 4,829,512 534,265 12.40% The following are key components of the proposal: • Streets and Parks— due to the maturing of landscaping and service level cuts made during the Great Recession, and drought, additional ongoing maintenance and/or replacement will be required ($121,294/year in Streets and $148,755/year in Parks). • Facilities — due to the aging of facilities (Civic Center, Library, and Senior Center), additional maintenance will be required beyond general repairs, including HVAC systems, main doors, and main lighting. ($40,027/year). Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-11 • New Inventory- 1) Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex grounds: $36,000 / year; building and amphitheater: $42,697 / year (only four months of costs were included in the Fiscal Yv 2016-17 proposal); 2) Jordan Ranch Park: $52,453 /year, beginning in Fiscal Year 2017-18; 3) Fallon Sports Park Phase II: $175,291 /year; beginning in Fiscal Year 2017-18 (not including an annual charge for turf replacement; 4) Sub-Area 3 at IronGate: $85,059/year, beginning in Fiscal Year 2017-18; 5) New subdivisions accepted by the City for landscaping, drainage inlets, and road maintenance: $67,530 in Fiscal Year 2016-17 and $85,394 in Fiscal Year 2017-18. • Additional Work-The two-year budget proposal also includes a lump sum budget for additional work beyond what is included in the contract scope. This has been historically budgeted for but not called out in the contract. Staff has asked MCE to include this in the total contract amount, at a not-to-exceed amount of $300,000, which is the average cost of additional work over the past several years. Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex While the specific budget for the operation of this new facility falls in the expenditure categories already discussed (contracted services and staffing), it is important to discuss the bottom line budget impact separately. In prior budget reviews, Staff reported to the City Council that the annual General Fund subsidy to the aquatics complex operations was estimated at $900,000 to $1.0 million per year. Staff has now F together a comprehensive budget for this facility, including staffing, maintenance, and equipment costs, and an estimate of attendance and fees. The cost in the first full year of operations (FY 2017-18) is estimated to require a General Fund subsidy of $1,033,806. The City will incur costs for four months of operation in Fiscal Year 2016-17, and has already included the additional full-time positions in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 and Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget. As a final note, the Dublin Swim Center is still fully budgeted to be operational for both fiscal years, for recreational swim, swim lessons, and high school usage. The City swim team will move its practices to the new aquatics complex. Additional New Budget Proposals At the March 29, 2016 Budget Study Session, the City Council discussed the addition of the following items into the two-year budget: General Fund FY 2016-17 Add back Library service hours (two hours weekly) $50,000 Add a Senior Planner in the Community Development Department $204,000 Total Cost $254,000 Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-12 City Council Recommendation Approved with Increased CDBG Funds Funding Funding CALICO Center- Dublin Child Abuse Intervention $7,735 $8,314 Open Heart Kitchen - Dublin Meal Programs $13,000 $13,578 Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley- Case Management $12,000 $12,579 Spectrum Community Services - Meals on Wheels for Homebound Seniors $8,600 $9,179 Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Violence Services Program $8,000 $8,000 Tri-Valley Haven - Homeless Services Program $10,000 $10,000 Axis Community Health - Facility Project Loan Obligation $13,374 $13,952 Subtotal - CDBG Fund $72,709 $75,602 RESERVES Total General Fund reserves are projected at $101.1 million at the end of FY 2016-17, an increase of $4.9 million over FY 2015-16. The unassigned/available cash flow reserve is projected at $31.8 million, before any designation by the City Council to specific Committed reserves, and before Staff completes the necessary accounting adjustments to reserves at the end of the current fiscal year. The City Council will have the opportunity to make reserve designations during the City Council meeting of June 21, 2016. 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Program The 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $81.2 million over the five years. The proposed General Fund contribution is relatively low ($460,000) as compared to prior years, however there are large projects using General Fund dollars or Community Benefit Payment dollars, in the current year, which likely will be unfinished at the year end and will be carried over to next year. Those projects include: • Renovation of the Public Safety Complex: $15 million • Emerald Glen Aquatics Center: $3.0 million • Fallon Sports Park, Phase II: $1.8 million • Shannon Center Parking Lot Resurfacing: $1.1 million The chart below illustrates the total expenses in all funds by project type (there are only Streets and Parks projects in the current CIP; no new Community or General Improvements Projects have been appropriated). (CIP Expenses, All Funds) Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-13 $30,000 000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 P' 515,000,000 0 I 0 $10,000,000 I I $5,000,000 I ri 1 _ __ $0 2016-17 2017-18 ' 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 ■Streets i $16,652,723 $7,094,422 $3,259,060 $5,634,460 $11,448,460 •Parks j $12,251,476 $9,937,289 L $1,329,528 $12,496,196 $1,185,300 Highlights: Below is a list of large-scale projects (over $1.0 million) with new anticipated funding in the next fi years, with the funding sources indicated. This project costs listed do not include budgets existing ii. Fiscal Year 2015-16. Those details can be found in the CIP Section of this document. Streets o Annual Street Resurfacing: $8.5 million (Gas Tax, Measure B, Measure BB) o Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: $2.5 million (Measure B, Measure BB, Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Fund, General Fund) o Dougherty Rd. Improvements Sierra Lane to N. City Limit: $11.2 million (Measure BB) o Dublin Boulevard Extension: $3 million (Traffic Impact Fee Funds) o Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening: $11.5 million (Traffic Impact Fee Funds, Measure BB) Parks o Dublin Crossing Community Park: $15.3 million (Dublin Crossing Development Fund) o Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements: $1.5 million (General Fund) o Dublin Ranch Sub Area 3 Parks: $1.8 million (Developer-built) o Emerald Glen Recreation &Aquatic Complex: $6.2 million (Public Facility Fees Funds, General Fund) o Fallon Sports Park- Phase II: $2.4 million (Public Facility Fees Funds, General Fund) o Sean Diamond Park: $2 million (Public Facility Fees Funds) o Wallis Ranch Community Park: $6.4 million (Public Facility Fees Funds) Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-14 10-Year General Fund Forecast The 10-Year General Fund Forecast serves as the foundation of the Proposed Budget, in terms of guiding the City's use of resources now to prepare for the future. Staff has been particularly focused on monitoring development revenues and expenditures, and preparing the City for how those will impact the General Fund over time. While it is clear that the City has recovered from the recession of 2008, ongoing expenditures are trending upwards at a sharper rate than revenue growth, and will likely outpace revenues by Fiscal Year 2020-21, as shown in the graph below. As expenditures (indicated with the red line) surpass revenues (shown in bars), the City would need to dip into its unassigned cash flow reserve (the black line), barring any corrective action, and not assuming the use of other contingency reserves. 10-Year General Fund Forecast (in thousands) 100,000 90,000 — 80,000 — -- . 111 111 ME Community Benefit Payment 70,000 II a 111 II ■ 111 111 wen Other NM Charges for Services 60,000 ' I . . . Development Services 50,000 Development Permits 40,000 I • ■ Other Taxes III 30,000 Sales Tax 51 IN=Property Taxes 20,000 111 -Expenditures 10,000 I -Cash Flow Reserve 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 In developing the forecast, Staff continued the practice of projecting revenues fairly conservatively, and growing expenditures using historical information. While predicting economic health in the long term is challenging, we believe the forecast is a fair representation of the City's potential financial future. The following are the assumptions used in the forecast: REVENUES Property Tax • CPI adjustment: 1.5%through FY 2020-21; 1% annually thereafter. • Transfer of ownerships: growth based on historical averages, with no large land transfers factored in. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-15 • Prop 8 recapture: minimal increase due to large Prop 8 recapture already occurring • New development: Includes activity in existing (vested) projects in the 10-year period (e.g., Dublin Crossing, Fallon Village,Transit Center, etc.). Sales Tax • Growth factor: 2.5% in FY 2018-19; 2.0% annually thereafter. • All sales tax sharing agreements have been factored in with the last agreement projected to finish in FY 2022-23. Development Revenues • The overall long-term trend shows double-digit percent declines starting in FY 2018-19 through FY 2022-23, flattening out as build-out approaches. • FY 2016-17 development revenues are projected to be 11.3% of total revenue ($8.7 million) • FY 2024-25 revenues are projected to be 3.1% of total revenue ($2.6 million) Charges for Services • Annual increase of 1% beginning in FY 2018-19 (including revenue from Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex). EXPENDITURES Personnel • No new positions added beyond recommended positions in FY 2016-17 • COLA: up to 3% annually; Merit Pay: up to 3% annually, beginning Fiscal Year 16-17 • Benefit increases according to actuarial estimates (no significant change from the FY 2016-i, budget) Contracted Services • Annual increase to Police Services Costs: 5.5% • Annual increase to Fire Services: 4.0% • Annual increase to Maintenance Services: 4% • Annual increase to all other: 3% Preventative Maintenance • $1.0 million per year beginning FY 2018-19 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS While revenue estimates in the forecast are arguably conservative, it is important to note the things that are not included in the current version of the forecast: Recession Scenario Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-16 Economists at local and national levels believe that the economy as a whole has stabilized (albeit slowly), and this idea was reiterated last December when, for the first time since June 2006, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates a quarter-point. However, many experts also point to the potential for another recession in the next two years, a sentiment also echoed by California Governor Jerry Brown in presenting the May Revise of the State budget. Mindful of this, Staff has made some assumptions about the potential effects another recession will have on the City's revenue sources, and consequently the City's ability to deliver core services. It is estimated that, in a downturn similar to that of 2008, the City could lose a cumulative $4.8 million in Property Taxes and Sales Taxes alone, over a one-to-two-year period. The loss would likely be one-time, but it would create a new baseline for those revenue streams, a recovery from which could be prolonged. Public Safety Services to Maintain Service Levels with Community Growth The fully loaded cost of a deputy sheriff serving Dublin is roughly $225,000. Staff is currently working on a staffing plan for police services that would look at the personnel needs to serve the community over the long term, and will bring that back to the City Council in the coming months. General Fund Contribution to Capital Projects The forecast does not assume any funding from the General Fund for capital projects, such as reinvestment projects or other annual streets projects. In that scenario, projects could only be funded by Special Revenue Funds, such as Gas Tax, which can also be volatile to changes in the economy. The General Fund does currently have a reserve balance of $3.1 million for Non-Streets Projects, which could be utilized in a deficit position, but any contribution from the General Fund beyond that would be limited. Next Steps As we finish the current fiscal year and make reserve designations with the forecast in mind, Staff will continue refining estimates and will bring back updates to the City Council as they occur. We will also continue our discussions with the City Council, and various interested groups in the community, related to a potential revenue measure in November 2016. Additionally, we will be putting together a contingency plan for the City's options if a deficit position gets closer on the horizon. It is our intention to be proactive and to provide the most accurate information in order to help inform decisions that the City Council makes in addressing this issue and securing Dublin's future. Conclusion As reflected in this transmittal letter, fiscal sustainability is the overarching theme of the Fiscal Year 2016- 17 and Fiscal Year 2017-18 Proposed Budget, and has guided the proposals therein. The City has been fortunate, in the last several years, to experience a robust recovery from the recession, and to be able to fully fund City operations, provide services, subsidize community projects, and continue to build our reserves. I look forward to the exciting tasks the City will be undertaking in the next couple of years, and I remain committed to ensuring the long-term fiscal health of this organization. Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-17 I would like to thank the City Council for its leadership during the last year in continuing to guide City Staff in providing excellent level of service to the Dublin community. I would also like to recognize the City of Dublin Staff for their dedication to this organization. Respectfully, Christopher L. Foss City Manager Letter City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page B-18 C. INTRODUCTORY SECTION Introduction City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-2 City of y Dublin Profile J.ql f Overview a _ concord d ':,laytnn The City of Dublin is located in the East Bay of 58p° d3 V the San Francisco Bay Area and is 'r'a'y;, 5ei '�—"� E t,a r,-aw. approximately 30 miles east of San Francisco Eerheir,,, IY�F A l aMn and approximately 30 miles northeast of the emer"'Ile =a'1;,n mc'1'''a - r iat'b; Silicon Valley. Dublin is one of five Oakland n - communities that comprise the Tri-Valley San o ``�aa Xj r ' Ram c'n region. According to the California Department - of Finance, the population in the City of Dublin v% is 53,746, excluding group quarters, as of i January 1, 2016. �U Hayward r Plea,�nton 1I. The City of Dublin was incorporated in 1982 .. 4 ,. 3 v•6 C. and in 2011 was named an "All-America City" '° Fose/ e.v v by the National Civic League. Fre ont Beim on, Crossroads of the Bay Area Redo,cod Dublin, California has long been known as the "crossroads" of the Bay Area. Dublin sits at the intersection of two major highways: Interstate 580 and Interstate 680. The significance of its location dates back more than 200 years when Dublin served as the crossroads of two important state routes — one from the Bay Area to Stockton, and the other from Martinez to San Jose. The Alamilla Spring, located in the Dublin area, provided a place for travelers to change horses and freshen up before continuing their journey. Dublin has a rich history dating back to 1772 when Pedro Fages led an expedition of 16 mounted men on a journey in search of a land route to Drake's Bay, which at that time was called San Francisco Bay. Their return journey brought them through the Amador Valley. Building a Community in 1835 and Beyond It was not until 1835 when building began in the area. Jose Maria Amador had been paid in land for his years of service as a Mexican soldier and as administrator of Mission San Jose. He received a land grant of 16,517 acres in the Amador-Livermore Valley. He built many adobe homes and small buildings that were used as shops where his Indian workers made soap, blankets, shoes, farm tools and other products for use on his ranch. Profile City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-3 In 1850, Michael Murray and Jeremiah Fallon came to this area from Ireland. They purchased 1,000 acres of land from Jose Amador and built homes for their families. The area began to grow as many people settled in the area. In 1867, Alameda County was created from parts of Contra Costa and Sar Clara counties. Both Murray and Fallon served on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. By 1877, the first schoolhouse in the Amador-Livermore Valley was constructed in Dublin, along with a church, two hotels, Green's Store, a wagon and blacksmith shop, and a shoemaker's shop. The Murray Schoolhouse, Green's Store, St. Raymond's Church, and the old Pioneer Cemetery (where members of the Donner Party Expedition are buried) have been preserved and are now located on Donlon Way. Back then, mail was delivered to the Dougherty Station Hotel. Thus, the area became known as Dougherty's Station. Subsequently, the area later became known as Dublin and in 1982 the City was incorporated. Modern Day The Tri-Valley area is made up of several cities — Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton, along with San Ramon and the Town of Danville located in nearby Contra Costa County. During the past 20 years, the Tri-Valley area has become a place of prosperity, a center for internationally acclaimed business parks, home to some of the world's largest corporations, as well as known for its outstanding schools and variety of housing options. Over the 25 years, Dublin has emerged as a dynamic, thoughtfully planned community. Home to a wide mix of quality housing and two pedestrian-oriented transit districts, Dublin is poised for continued prosperity. The community has continued to maintain its small town character and has becor increasingly diverse. Its strong business climate, new and high-performing schools, planned neighborhood developments, and award-winning parks and facilities, have contributed to a high quality of life for its residents and businesses. Employment There are an estimated 22,320 jobs in Dublin with five industry sectors accounting for the majority of employment. Following is a breakdown by type of industry and percent of jobs in those industries as provided in the March 2016 Nielsen Report: • Retail Trade—25.9% • Accommodation and Food Services— 11.3% • Manufacturing—8.8% • Health Care and Social Services—8.7%of jobs • Construction—7.6% of jobs • Educational Services—6.4% of jobs • Public Administration —5.5% Employment growth forecasts indicate potential for robust growth in the coming decades, primarily in knowledge-intensive sectors that include professional services, health care and education. The joke housing balance in Dublin remains healthy at 1.2 jobs per household. Dublin median household incon Profile City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-4 ($121,617) and per-capita income levels ($114,699) are considerably higher than in the East Bay ($73,775) and California overall ($61,489). The estimated median household income in Dublin is similar to the Tri-Valley as a whole. A listing of top City employers may be found in the Appendix of the Budget document. Schools The Dublin community is served by the Dublin Unified School District (DUSD). DUSD has seven elementary schools, two middle schools, one traditional high school and one continuation high school, as well as an adult education program. Plans for additional school facilities are underway. In addition to the public school K-12 system, Dublin boasts of several private schools, including Valley Christian (K-12), St. Raymond's School (K-8), St. Philip Lutheran (K-8) and Quarry Lane School (K-12). The region is served by the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and more specifically by Las Positas College just minutes east from Dublin in Livermore. Parks and Community Services The City of Dublin is renowned for its parks and recreation facilities. There are 18 neighborhood and community parks that serve the variety of outdoor needs in the community. Additionally, the City boasts a significant open space and trail system for those that walk, run, hike and bike throughout the community. As new neighborhoods develop, additional parks and facilities will be built to meet the needs of Dublin residents. The community parks include amenities such as children's play equipment, sports fields and courts, picnic areas, dog parks, swimming pools, bocce ball courts, trails, large grass areas for informal play or sports activities. Fiscal Year 2016-17 will see completion of the next phase of Emerald Glen Park - the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex — a centerpiece for the community. Other park improvements underway include new amenities at Fallon Sports Park, new cricket batting cages at Emerald Glen Park, and three new parks are planned, including Dublin Crossing Park, Jordan Ranch Park, and Sean Diamond Park. In addition to City parks, trails and facilities, the East Bay Regional Park District operates several parks/open spaces facilities in and around Dublin, including the Dublin Hills Regional Preserve and the Iron Horse Trail. The District has trails for hiking, horseback riding, water enjoyment, and multiple regional amenities. The Dublin City Council recently adopted the Iron Horse Trail Park Master Plan — which will enhance the existing regional trail that runs from Pleasanton to Martinez and will continue to support efforts to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. Public Transportation The Dublin community enjoys a variety of transportation options. Dublin has two BART stations that serve ridership in the Tri-Valley and commuters from the Central Valley. The City is served by the Livermore Amador Valley Transportation Authority (LAVTA) which provides Wheels bus transportation and connections to Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), the Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) train, and to the Central Contra Costa Transportation Authority transportation lines. Profile City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-5 Structure of Government City Council— Five Members, Elected at-large The City of Dublin is a general law city operating under a City Council-City Manager form of government. Council Members are elected at-large and serve the entire community rather than by district. The four Council Members are elected to four-year staggered terms; the Mayor is elected to a two-year term. The City Council establishes local law and policies through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions. The City Council also determines how the City shall obtain and spend funds, adopts a two-year budget process and a 10-year Strategic Plan. The City Council appoints community members to serve on commissions/boards and advisory committees and represents the City by serving on regional and county committees/boards whose policies may impact Dublin and the Tri-Valley area (e.g. Associated Bay Area Governments, League of California Cities, and Metropolitan Transportation Commission). The City Council appoints the City Manager and City Attorney positions. A City Council position is a part-time and salaried position. City Manager—Appointed by City Council The City Manager is the Chief Executive Officer and is appointed by the City Council. The City Manager provides, in accordance with the City Council policies, overall administration and direction for the City organization and operations. In the event of an emergency, the position is designated to serve as the Director of Emergency Services. The City Manager position is a full-time, salaried position. City Attorney—Appointed by City Council The City Attorney serves as legal counsel for the City Council. This position is responsible for providing both formal and informal legal opinions, as well as advice to the City's officers, employees, boards and commissions. The duties of this position also include the review and/or preparation of all contracts, bonds, deeds, leases, and other documents of legal significance. This is a contract position. Profile City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-6 City Organizational Chart Citizens of Dublin City Council City Attorney City Manager Assistant City Manager Public Works — Economic Development Parks and Community Community — Development Services Human — Police Services Resources Administrative Services — Fire Services City Clerk — Non Departmental Org. Chart City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-7 Budget Document and Proce_. Budget Accounting In accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the City's funds are grouped into three categories: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary. Within each category, the funds are further classified into types such as general funds, special revenue funds, etc. Additionally, the funds are divided between major and non-major categories. For budgeting purposes, a major fund represents a fund or fund category that has revenues or expenditures that equals more than ten percent of the City's entire appropriated budget. In governmental accounting, agencies report different kinds of information for different fund types, according to what and how financial resources are measured. The "current financial resources" method measures an entity's ability to pay obligations in the near-term, and focuses on cash and/or assets that are expected to be converted to cash within the accounting period, or shortly thereafter. The "economic resources" method measures all assets that are available to the entity, not only cash or soon to be cash. Agencies also use different methods to recognize the timing of certain transactions. Under the "full accrual" accounting basis, all assets are considered available to the governmental unit for the purpose of providing goods and services. Therefore, transactions are recorded when the underlying action tali place, regardless of the actual cash flow timing. Under the "modified accrual" basis, income is recordeu using the accrual basis, but expenditures are recorded when they actually occur. The City of Dublin complies with the GASB requirements and thus budgets and accounts for transactions based on the following rules: Fund Category Measurement Focus Accounting Basis Governmental Current financial resources Modified accrual (60 days after year-end) Proprietary Economic resources Full accrual Fiduciary Economic resources Full accrual Furthermore, the City's expenditure appropriations lapse at the fiscal year end (June 30th), but may be carried over for specific purposes when approved by the City Manager. Encumbrances are considered expenditures in the year of the issuance of the purchase order. If the encumbrance is unused at year end, it is re-appropriated the following fiscal year. A two-year budget is presented to the City Council at the beginning of the budget cycle. The Operating Budget is adopted by the City Council on an annual basis. During mid-cycle, a review and update are prepared and presented to the City Council for the adoption of the second year's budget. The fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends June 30. Operating budgets are controlled at the department level and fund level. The City Council may amend the budget by resolution during the fiscal year. Process City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-8 The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is adopted on a multi-year project basis, where funds for specific projects receive an annual appropriation and any unused appropriation may be re-appropriated the following year. The projects are budgeted and built in phases, so as to allow for future planning and budgeting. CIP project budgets are adopted and controlled at the project level and funding source level. The Resolution to adopt the operating budget approved by the City Council may be found in the appendix of this document. Included in the Resolution are guidelines of how the budget may be amended without a City Council action. To summarize, the City Manager may increase expense and revenue budgets for both operating budgets where there is a zero net impact on the fund, and transfer between capital improvement projects where the funding source is the same. All other budgetary changes after budget adoption are subject to approval via resolution by the City Council. In addition to budget amendments that may occur during the fiscal year, the Administrative Services Director prepares and presents a quarterly review of expenditures and revenues to the City Council. At that time, the Administrative Services Director may recommend budget amendments to the City Council for their consideration. MAJOR BUDGET CATEGORIES REVENUES Taxes/Special Assessments— Revenue collected on property and sales, transient occupancy (hotel tax). Franchise Fees — Fees paid by utility companies (i.e. cable, telephone, garbage) to operate within the City. Licenses and Permits— Fees paid for building, planning and fire inspections and permits. Fines and Forfeitures—The City's share of fines related to traffic, library, and alarms. Intergovernmental— Includes grants from local, county, state and federal governmental agencies. Charges for Service — Specific police service fees, charges for recreational classes, day care, and library programs, as well as the General Fund administration fee charge to other funds. Use of Money and Property— Includes revenue from land rental and interest income. Other Financing Sources / Uses — Accounts for transfers to and from funds, and proceeds of debt issuance. Development Fees/Impact Fees — Fees which may be imposed on new construction to pay for improvements and facilities required to serve the new development and to reduce the impacts of new development on the community. For example, the development fees may pay fees for streets, parks and schools, but may not be used for day-to-day operating expenses. Process City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-9 Other Revenues — Includes donations to a variety of City programs and other revenue that cannot be categorized in distinct revenue category. Transfers In— Internal transfers from another fund. EXPENDITURES Salaries and Benefits — Employee salaries, health benefits, retirement benefits, insurance and other miscellaneous benefits. Service and Supplies—office supplies, program supplies, etc. Utilities—Gas & electric, water & sewer, telephone charges. Internal Service Fund Charges — Account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the City on a cost reimbursement basis and replacement cost charges for equipment, vehicle, building etc. Contracted Services — Costs associated with contracting agencies that provide services to the City (ex. Police and Fire), consulting and professional services. Capital Outlay— Reserved for the purchase of land, vehicles, and large equipment. Debt Service—Accounts for the principal and interest on loans, bonds, leases, and other credit issued the City. Transfers Out—Internal transfers to another fund. Process City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-10 Two-Year Budget Process and Timeline Year 1 Cycle Month Description December Budget Kickoff and distribution of budget calendar. 1. Departments prepare position allocations for the upcoming fiscal year. January 2. Departments input CIP project information into budget worksheets. 3. City Council approves the budget calendar and receives information regarding the budget process. Departments input expenditure and revenue data into budget worksheets for January- February the upcoming fiscal year for City Manager's review. February City Manager reviews preliminary budget. City Council holds Budget Study Session and seeks input for any additional March initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year. City Commissions review draft CIP budget for conformance and provide April recommendation for City Council consideration. City Council adopts year one of the two-year operating budget and five-year June Capital Improvement Program through separate resolutions. Year 2 Cycle Month Description December Mid-year financial review and Budget Update Kickoff. January— February Finance provides updated projections for Year 2. March City Manager reviews preliminary budget update information. April Update City's strategic plan, City Council holds budget study session for Year 2 June City Council adopts the second year update to the Budget. Process City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page C-11 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget � W C D. FUNDS SUMMARY 1 7 A gi Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-2 Fund Definitions The funding received by public agencies generally has restrictions on how it may be utilized. For example, Gas Tax Revenue must be spent on certain street-related improvements. In accordance with government auditing practices, agencies establish separate funds to demonstrate compliance with the variety of restrictions. There are three categories of Funds used in governmental accounting, which are classified further into Major and Non-Major Funds: • Governmental Funds—Account for activities which are primarily tax-supported operations or other mandatory payments and are virtually unique to government. Fund types are: o General — primary operating fund; accounts for all financial resources of the City except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Use of these funds is discretionary in accordance with City Council policies, and State and local laws. o Capital Project — accounts for the improvement, construction or acquisition of fixed assets such as buildings, facilities, equipment and roads. o Debt Service—accounts for principal and interest of long-term debts. o Special Revenue — accounts for the use of revenues that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. o Permanent— accounts for funds in which only interest earnings, and not principal amounts, are expendable. The City does not use this type of fund. • Proprietary Funds — Account for activities that are primarily funded by income from operations resulting from voluntary payments for goods and services provided to users. Fund types are: o Internal Service — used for operations serving other funds or departments within the government on a cost-reimbursement basis. o Enterprise — Accounts for operations financed and operated similar to business activities, and services rendered to the general public on a fee basis. The City does not use this type of fund. • Fiduciary Funds — Account for resources held by a governmental entity in a trustee or agency capacity for the benefit of others, and which cannot be used to support the governmental entity. Fund Types are: o Agency — accounts for assets held by the City in a custodial capacity and paid to other individuals or organizations (ex. assessment districts). o Trust—accounts for assets held by other parties (i.e., Pension or Retiree Health Trust). • Major Funds vs. Non-Major Funds — The General Fund is always a major fund. Other major funds have total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses that are: 1) 10% or more of the corresponding element, excluding extraordinary items, for all funds of that type; and 2) at least 5% of the corresponding element total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined. All other Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-3 funds are classified as non-major, unless the City deems a certain fund of interest or important to financial statements. CITY OF DUBLIN MAJOR FUNDS Governmental Funds 1. General Funds a. General Fund (1000)—This is the City's primary operating fund. 2. Capital Project Funds - The City's Capital Projects are divided into seven fund categories as listed below. Impact Fee Capital Project Funds account strictly for impact fees received from developers that can only be used for specific activities within the City. a. General Improvements Capital Projects (3300) b. Community Improvements Capital (3400) c. Parks Capital Projects (3500) d. Streets Capital Projects (3600) e. Public Facilities Impact Fees (4100) —only for new parks and facilities f. Fire Impact Fees (4201)—only for fire capital expansion projects g. Traffic Impact Fee Funds (4300)—only for street and highway projects h. Dublin Crossing Funds (4400) 3. Special Revenue Funds a. Affordable Housing Fund (2901) - Accounts for in-lieu fees received from developers properties, which can only be used for the design, development, and construction or citywide affordable housing projects and/or support of affordable housing programs. CITY OF DUBLIN NON-MAJOR FUNDS Governmental Funds 1. Special Revenue Funds a. ACTC Sales Tax: Bike and Pedestrian (2205) - Accounts for an Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) voter approved increase in sales tax use for bike and pedestrian related projects. b. ACTC Sales Tax: Local Streets (2204) - Accounts for an Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) voter approved sales tax used for improvements made to streets and roads. c. ACTC Vehicle Registration Fee Fund (2212) - Accounts for an Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) voter approved increase in vehicle registration fees that is distributed by ACTC and designated to be used for street and road system maintenance. d. Box Culvert Maintenance Fund (2322) - Accounts for the funds designated for the maintenance and repairs of box culvert in East Dublin. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-4 e. Cable TV Facilities Fund (2811) - Accounts for Cable TV Facilities fees collected from Cable Television providers and passed through to the City for local cable television, as allowed Qunder State and Federal franchising laws. f. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund (2903) - Accounts for grants and expenditures related to the Federal Community Development Block Grants received. g. Congestion Management Agency (2208) — Accounts for funding from federal Surface Transportation Program (STP), federal Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Program (CMAQ), and State Transportation Improvement Program via Alameda County Transportation Commission. h. East Bay Regional Park District Fund (2402) - Accounts for grant funds received from the East Bay Regional Park District via Measure WW, which continued funding for local agencies to preserve open space for recreation and wildlife habitat. i. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Special Revenue Fund (2109) - Accounts for Supplemental Paramedic Special Assessment and First Responder Advanced Life Support (FRALS) reimbursements from the Alameda County to fund the costs of providing emergency medical services. j. Enforcement Grants (2111) - Accounts for miscellaneous grants received for police expenditures not reported in other funds. k. Federal Asset Seizure Fund (2107) - Accounts for the receipts and expenditures of the Federal asset seizure funds. I. Federal Transportation Grant (2202) - Accounts for the revenue received from the U.S. Department of Transportation under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act fund. m. Garbage Service Fund (2303) - Accounts for the use of funds received which are levied by the County on behalf of the City for residential garbage and recycling services. n. Highway Safety Traffic Reduction Bond (2210) - Accounts for the receipts of State grants for local streets and road improvements funded by a statewide bond. o. HCD Housing Related Park Grant (2904) - Accounts for a Housing-Related Parks (HRP) grant funding from the Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Proposition IC). p. Landscape Districts Funds—Accounts for revenue and related expenditure of landscape districts within the City: - Stagecoach 1983-2 Fund (2702) - Dougherty Road 1986-1 Fund (2703) - Santa Rita Road 1997-1 Fund (2704) q. Local Recycling Programs Fund (2304) - Accounts for locally derived funds collected for a commercial organic and recycling program, and retained by the City at the end of the franchise held by Waste Management Inc. These funds are independent of the funds distributed by StopWaste.org pursuant to the Alameda County Recycling Measure. r. Measure BB - Bike and Pedestrian (2215) —Accounts for a direct distribution of an Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) 2014 voter-approved increase in sales tax used for improvements on bike and pedestrian projects. s. Measure BB - Grants (2217) - Accounts for Alameda County Transportation Commission 0" (ACTC) discretionary funding (versus direct funding) from 2014 voter-approved increase in sales tax used for improvements on bike and pedestrian projects. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-5 t. Measure BB — Local Street (2214) —Accounts for a direct distribution of an Alameda County 2014 voter-approved increase in sales tax used for improvements on streets and roads. u. Measure B - Grants (2216) — Accounts for Alameda County Transportation Commiss (ACTC) discretionary funding from 2014 voter approved increase in sales tax used tug improvements on streets and roads. v. Measure D Recycling Fund (2302) -Accounts for the use of funds received from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority (Stopwaste.org) pursuant to a voter approved charter amendment and is provided for recycling and related activities. This fund also accounts for other locally derived funds for recycling related activities. w. State Gas Tax Fund (2201) - Accounts for the receipt of state gasoline taxes and expenditures. x. State Seizure/Special Criminal Activity Fund (2101) - Accounts for receipt of funds derived from non-federal asset forfeitures. y. Street Light Assessment Districts Funds — Account for revenue and related expenditures of lighting districts. The City has established the following district funds: - Street Light Assessment District 1983-1 Fund (2701) - Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 Fund (2705) z. Storm Water Management Funds - Accounts for the funds received from the State, which are designated specifically for the use of storm water related activities. These include: - Storm Water Management Fund (2321) - Dublin/Dougherty Storm Water Management Fund (2323) - Village Parkway Storm Water Management Water (2324) aa. Traffic Safety Fund (2106) - Accounts for the receipt of traffic fines and traffic safety expenditures. bb.Vehicle Abatement Fund (2102) - Accounts for the use of funds received from vehicle registration of Dublin residents for the towing of abandoned vehicles in city limits. cc. Noise Mitigation Fund (2902) -Accounts for the fees received from developers of residential properties, which can only be used for noise mitigation measures. dd. Public Art Fund (2801) -Accounts for the fees received from developers of properties, which can only be used for the purchase of design, development, and construction of Public Art projects within the City of Dublin. ee. SLES/COPS Fund—CA (2103)—Supplemental Law Enforcement Services/Citizens' Option for Public Safety: Accounts for police expenditures funded by a State grant. Proprietary Funds 1. Internal Service Funds a. Vehicle Replacement Fund (6105) — finances necessary vehicle replacements, primarily fire apparatus and police vehicles. b. Facilities Replacement Fund (6205) — finances future major building components such as Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC), major electrical system components, and parks related replacements for all City-owned facilities. c. Equipment Replacement (6305) — finances necessary equipment replacement such as computers and network infrastructure, solar equipment, and telephone systems. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-6 yyS d. Information Technology Fund (6605) — accounts for all Information Technology costs, including staffing. Ce. Retiree Health Fund (6901) — accounts for contributions made to the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust Fund (CERBT) for future retiree health care benefits. f. PERS Side Fund (6951) — accounts for the repayment to the City's General Fund for the prepayment made in 2007 to pay CALPERS for the City's Side Fund obligation. g. Energy Efficiency Fund (7101) — accounts for the Chevron energy lease financing arrangement, which financed the construction of the Energy Efficient Upgrade Capital Project. Fiduciary Funds 1. Agency Funds a. Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) - The California Public Resource Code, Section 25670 provides for the establishment of a GHAD as an independent, state-level public agency that oversees geologic hazard prevention, mitigation, abatement and control. GHADs operate with a focus on the prevention of geologic hazards, with mitigation and abatement also being primary functions. A "geologic hazard" is broadly defined as an actual or threatened landslide, land subsidence, soil erosion, earthquake, fault movement or any other natural or unnatural movement of land or earth. Three GHADs have been established in the City of Dublin, with the City acting as trustee of GHAD funds collected and used to contractually provide or arrange for services. The City Council serves as the Board of Directors for the following GHADs: Ay- - Fallon Village GHAD (Funds 5301 & 5311) - Schaefer Ranch GHAD (Fund 5302) - Fallon Crossings GHAD (Fund 5321) b. Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District (5101) — accounts for special assessments to fund improvements to Dublin Blvd. This service bond was fully retired on September 2012. c. Associated Community Action Program (ACAP) (5198) — accounts for the City's position as fiscal agent to collect and account for the funds received and used by the ACAP Joint Powers Authority (made up of twelve Alameda County cities and the County of Alameda) for County social services programs RELATED FUNDS HELD BY OTHER AGENCIES Fiduciary Funds 1. Trust Funds a. California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust Fund (CERBT) Trust Fund (5171) — assets held in trust by CaIPERS and used to pay retiree health obligations. Per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, an agency only reports a trust fund in its financial statements if it has some managerial responsibility over the funds (i.e., investment responsibility). Therefore, the City does not show the CERBT Fund in its annual financial 0" report. It is included in this document for informational purposes only. tie Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-7 Overview of Revenues Figure 1: FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Revenues, All Funds Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 REVENUES Property Taxes $29,437,951 $31,786,036 $32,913,746 $35,182,061 $36,969,35 P' Sales Taxes $19,211,823 $21,186,434 $22,116,434 $21,784,181 $22,230,903 Other Taxes $6,159,654 $4,908,000 $4,908,000 $5,465,000 $5,547,000 Special Assessments $1,264,204 $1,286,664 $1,286,664 $1,389,615 $1,396,861' Licenses & Permits $6,055,255 $3,123,692 $5,036,061 $4,533,124 $3,665,491 & Penalties $320,630 $258,211 $258,211 $258,211 $258,211 Use of Money& Property $3,424,738 $1,648,439 $1,648,439 $1,714,068 $1,829,716' Intergovernmental $3,245,816 $3,356,693 $11,144,980 $13,311,009 $5,253,657 Charge for Services $13,708,362 $11,428,036 $11,630,836 $13,167,967 $14,024,387 Revenue $22,039,365 $10,187,596 $29,744,596 $13,906,879 $12,296,077 TOTAL REVENUES (1) $104,867,797 $89,169,801 $120,687,967 $110,712,115 $103,471,660 INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND Use of Money & Property $72,903 $63,784 $63,784 $76,080 $77,430 Charge for Services $3,991,331 $5,136,948 $5,167,448 $5,747,206 $5,698,547 Other Revenue $585,909 $607,560 $607,560 $627,000 $727,320 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND $4,650,143 $5,808,292 $5,838,792 $6,450,286 $6,503,297 (1)Excludes Fiduciary Fund and Transfers In. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-8 C Revenue All Funds $140,000,000 -- $120,000,000 $100,000,000 sYFV- $80,000,000 y $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Actual Adopted Budget Amended Budget Proposed Budget Forecast Budget •Property Taxes •Sales Taxes •Other Taxes •Special Assessments •Licenses& Permits •Fines&Penalties DD Use of Money&Property n Intergovernmental Charges for Services iv Other Revenue Internal Serice/Debt Service Alvw Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-9 Overview of Expenditures Figure 2: FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 Expenditures, All Funds Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 OPERATING BUDGET Salaries & Wages $9,662,043 $10,808,384 $10,848,448 $11,252,333 $12,196,621 Benefits $4,517,085 $5,203,800 $5,203,800 $5,812,331 $6,101,291 Services & Supplies $1,707,008 $2,798,022 $3,109,098 $3,131,163 $3,190,235 Internal Service Fund Charges $1,786,290 $2,664,942 $2,716,277 $3,127,833 $3,051,816 Utilities $2,234,153 $2,738,790 $2,738,790 $2,919,825 $3,356,502 Contracted Services $42,432,783 $44,775,596 $46,491,818 $49,166,296 $51,406,907 Loans $272,000 $5,572,000 $272,000 $1,372,000 Capital Outlay $432,965 $381,250 $984,294 $776,616 $349,967 Other $69,264 $717,756 $758,501 $989,112 $1,000,203 Principal & Interest Payments $103,006 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 Impact Fee Obligations $414,537 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $63,359,134 $70,865,540 $78,928,025 $77,952,508 $82,530,541 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM General Improvements $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 Community Improvements $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 Parks $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 Streets $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $9,620,156 $18,451,051 $85,090,732 $26,122,841 $17,031,711 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (1) $72,979,291 $89,316,591 $164,018,757 $104,075,349 $99,562,252 INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND Salaries & Wages $472,634 $473,432 $510,895 $526,198 Benefits $535,229 $826,106 $826,106 $880,532 $992,840 Services & Supplies $353,035 $314,570 $308,772 $402,478 $441,515 Internal Service Fund Charges $94 $32,899 $33,965 $23,473 $23,525 Utilities $29,712 $32,432 $35,200 $35,200 Contracted Services $1,307,339 $1,547,942 $1,597,392 $1,814,266 $1,759,120 Capital Outlay $560,680 $218,700 $218,700 $179,300 $229,000 Capital Outlay- ISF $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 Principal & Interest Payments $156,897 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,882 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND(2) $2,913,275 $4,161,776 $4,326,584 $4,662,121 $5,745,280 (1)Excludes Fiduciary Funds and Transfers Out (2) Excludes depreciation expenditures Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-10 rrrr10., Operating Budget $90,000,000 $80,000,000 . ;, Impact Fee Obligations $70,000,000 - '-Principal&Interest Payments $60,000,000 Other ri $50,000,000 Capital Outlay Loans $40,000,000 •Contracted Services $30,000,000 � •Utilities $20,000,000 ■Internal Service Fund Charges $10,000,000 •Services&Supplies $0 •Benefits I FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 •Salaries&Wages Actual Adopted Amended Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget Budget ._. Summary - Expenditures $180,000,000 $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 _ $40,000,000 _ $20,000,000 $0 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Actual Adopted Amended Proposed Forecast Budget Budget Budget Budget Internal Service/Debt Service Fund $2,913,274 $4,161,776 $4,326,584 $4,662,121 $5,745,280 ■Capital Improvement Program $9,620,156 $18,451,051 $85,090,732 $26,122,841 $17,031,711 •Operating Budget $63,359,134 $70,865,540 $78,928,025 $77,952,508 $82,530,541 Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-11 Summary by Fund Tyre'* Figure 3: Summary by Fund Type Governmental Proprietary Fiduciary FY 15-16 Beginning Balance $172,444,707 $55,152,372 $18,029,088 Revenues/Transfers In $205,785,299 $7,838,792 $2,673,909 Expenditures/Transfers Out $250,950,809 $4,088,406 $723,591 Ending Balance $127,279,198 $58,902,758 $19,979,405 FY 16-17 Beginning Balance $127,279,198 $58,902,758 $19,979,405 Revenues/Transfers In $136,841,556 $6,450,286 $3,797,382 Expenditures/Transfers Out $130,204,790 $4,233,011 $2,048,6 Ending Balance $133,915,963 $61,120,033 $21,728,112 FY 17-18 Beginning Balance $133,915,963 $61,120,033 $21,728,112 Revenues/Transfers In $120,841,806 $6,171,462 $3,494,261 Expenditures/Transfers Out $116,600,563 $5,289,281 $2,063,006 Ending Balance $138,157,206 $62,002,214 $23,159,367 Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-12 Overview of Fund Balances Figure 4: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2015-16 Amended Budget Beginning Ending Fund Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 1000 General Fund $97,706,497 $74,450,266 $65,135,150 $12,660,608 $94,361,005 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund $99,341 $417 $3,980 $95,778 2102 Vehicle Abatement $292,421 $32,174 $822 $323,773 2103 SLES/COPS Fund-CA $15,842 $100,167 $100,000 $16,009 2106 Traffic Safety $321,515 $149,183 $126,656 $133,923 $210,119 2107 Federal Asset Seizure Fund $149,724 $675 $136,655 $13,744 2109 EMS Special Revenue $52,978 $350,520 $348,416 $55,082 2111 Enforcement Grants $5,593 $2,460 $2,426 $5,627 2201 State Gas Tax $3,561,617 $1,306,317 $840,886 $1,870,695 $2,156,353 2202 Fedral Transportation Grant ($368,511) $470,000 $65,604 $35,886 2203 Transportation Development Act $148,311 $115,000 $33,311 2204 Measure B Sales Tax-Local Streets $534,806 $712,027 $1,115,849 $130,984 2205 Measure B Sales Tax-Bike&Ped $132,040 $240,390 $22,062 $110,000 $240,368 2207 TFAC/Transportation for Clean Air $90,000 $14,367 $75,633 2208 Congestion Management Agency $621,513 $621,513 2210 Highway Safety Traffic Reduct. Bond $4,327 $26 $4,353 2211 Federal Transportation(TIGER) ($579) ($579) 2212 ACTC-Vehicle Registration Fee $174,188 $234,718 $149,959 $243,520 $15,427 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax-Local Streets $72,149 $320,000 $392,149 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax- Bike&Pede $24,352 $110,000 $134,352 2216 Measure B Grants $6,267,000 $6,267,000 2302 Measure D $222,576 $147,745 $233,697 $136,624 2303 Garbage Service Fund $164,483 $3,341,464 $3,344,889 $161,058 2304 Local Recycling Programs $94,374 $96,265 $55,090 $86,000 $49,548 2305 AVI Eco Benefit/Business Asst Prof $38 $38 2321,2322-3 Storm Water Management $200,044 $744,846 $10,000 $736,537 $198,353 2322 Box Culvert $360,193 $2,160 $362,353 2701,2705 Street Light District Funds $670,971 $561,278 $479,027 $68,349 $684,873 2702-2704 Landscape District Funds $533,918 $566,570 $544,018 $556,470 2801 Public Art Fund $2,991,194 $251,538 $65,500 $432,391 $2,744,841 2811 Cable TV Facilities $347,485 $150,442 $35,340 $325,000 $137,587 2901 Affordable Housing Fund $13,607,855 $1,465,308 $6,600 $6,313,482 $8,766,282 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund $88,326 $1,474 $89,800 2903 Community Development Block Gran $76,412 $69,812 $6,600 2904 HCD Housing Related Park Grant $599,025 $599,025 3000 Capital Improvement Project Funds $85,090,732 $85,090,732 4100 Public Facility Fees $33,664,322 $9,325,705 $111,332 $42,384,522 $494,172 4201 Fire Impact Fees ($470,607) $316,692 $5,000 058,915) 4300 Traffic Impact Fees $17,260,168 $2,434,879 $664,460 $4,046,117 $14,984,471 4400 Dublin Crossing Fund ($68,933) $15,000,000 $15,049,854 ($118,787) Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-13 Overview of Fund Balances FY 2015-16 Amended Budget, continued Beginning Ending Fui,u Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 6105 ISF-Vehicles (1) $4,486,513 $541,147 $285,131 $4,742,529 6205 ISF- Facilitiess (1) $53,156,414 $318,611 $50,000 $53,425,025 6305 ISF- Equipment(1) $4,060,657 $785,933 $170,700 $76,514 $4,599,376 6605 ISF- IT Fund $1,152,861 $2,000,000 $1,190,597 $1,962,264 6901 ISF- Retiree Health $26,208 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $26,208 • 6951 ISF- PERS Side Fund Payoff ($918,005) $410,084 ($507,921) • 7101 Energy Efficiency Capital Lease(2) ($5,659,414) $550,654 $550,654 $88,767 ($5,344,722) GRAND TOTAL 131 $227,597,079 $126,526,759 $87,097,332 $168,345,341 $87,097,332 $186,181,956 (1) Beginning Fund Balance includes $50,245,614 as Net Investment in Capital Assets. (2) Energy Efficiency Capital Lease Fund balance reflects the pay down of the principal amount: $403,459 for FY 2015-16, $429,110 for FY 2016-17, and $455,999 for FY 2017-18. Expenditures shown in the summary includes both principal and interest payments. (3)Excludes Fiduciary Funds. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-14 Figure 5: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2016-17 C Beginning Ending Fund Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 1000 General Fund $94,361,005 $77,177,087 $70,024,711 $459,510 $101,053,871 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund $95,778 $850 $5,795 $90,833 2102 Vehicle Abatement $323,773 $32,427 $822 $355,378 2103 SLES/COPS Fund-CA $16,009 $100,200 $100,000 $16,209 2106 Traffic Safety $210,119 $150,039 $142,757 $217,401 2107 Federal Asset Seizure Fund $13,744 $70 $5,700 $8,114 2109 EMS Special Revenue $55,082 $364,202 $349,413 $69,872 2111 Enforcement Grants $5,627 $20 $2,500 $3,147 2201 State Gas Tax $2,156,353 $1,147,928 $549,726 $1,041,128 $1,713,427 2202 Fedral Transportation Grant $35,886 $35,886 2204 Measure B Sales Tax-Local Streets $130,984 $428,339 $550,000 $9,323 2205 Measure B Sales Tax-Bike& Ped $240,368 $165,845 $17,961 $250,680 $137,572 2207 TFAC/Transportation for Clean Air $146,352 $146,352 2210 Highway Safety Traffic Reduct. Bond $4,353 $4,353 2211 Federal Transportation (TIGER) ($579) ($579) 2212 ACTC-Vehicle Registration Fee $15,427 $252,230 $161,280 $40,840 $65,537 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax- Local Streets $392,149 $390,005 $623,600 $158,554 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax- Bike& Pede $134,352 $135,622 $28,000 $241,974 2217 Measure BB Grants $10,773,000 $10,773,000 2302 Measure D $136,624 $134,330 $129,560 $80,000 $61,394 2303 Garbage Service Fund $161,058 $3,792,450 $3,870,150 $83,358 2304 Local Recycling Programs $49,548 $28,790 $15,200 $63,138 2305 AVI Eco Benefit/Business Asst Prof $38 $38 2321, 2322-3 Storm Water Management $198,353 $249,380 $10,000 $437,733 2322 Box Culvert $362,353 $2,430 $364,783 2701, 2705 Street Light District Funds $684,873 $592,172 $524,321 $351,450 $401,274 2702-2704 Landscape District Funds $556,470 $624,353 $549,284 $631,538 2801 Public Art Fund $2,744,841 $15,640 $157,645 $512,046 $2,090,790 2811 Cable TV Facilities $137,587 $180,290 $35,338 $282,539 2901 Affordable Housing Fund $8,766,282 $893,522 $6,600 $664,828 $9,001,576 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund $89,800 $2,811 $92,611 2903 Community Development Block Gran $82,202 $75,602 $6,600 3000 Capital Improvement Project Funds $26,122,841 $26,122,841 4100 Public Facility Fees $494,172 $9,162,198 $54,915 $8,789,344 $812,111 4201 Fire Impact Fees ($158,915) $86,496 $5,000 ($77,419) 4300 Traffic Impact Fees $14,984,471 $3,064,935 $500,000 $1,487,658 $16,061,748 4400 Dublin Crossing Fund ($118,787) $535,899 $989,233 ($572,121) Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-15 Overview of Fund Balances FY 2016-17, continued Beginning Ending Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 6105 ISF-Vehicles (1) $4,742,529 $547,591 $250,000 $5,040,120 6205 ISF-Facilitiess(1) $53,425,025 $352,221 $50,000 $53,727,246 6305 ISF- Equipment(1) $4,599,376 $887,178 $131,300 $5,355,254 6605 ISF- IT Fund $1,962,264 $1,439,866 $1,426,578 $1,975,552 6901 ISF- Retiree Health $26,208 $2,245,860 $2,238,266 $33,802 6951 ISF- PERS Side Fund Payoff ($507,921) $411,593 ($96,328) 7101 Energy Efficiency Capital Lease(2) ($5,344,722) $565,977 $565,977 ($4,915,613) GRAND TOTAL(3) $186,181,956 $117,162,401 $26,129,441 $108,737,470 $26,129,441 $195,035,995 (1) Beginning Fund Balance includes$50,245,614 as Net Investment in Capital Assets. (z) Energy Efficiency Capital Lease Fund balance reflects the pay down of the principal amount: $403,49 for FY 2015-16, $429,110 for FY 2016-17, and $455,999 for FY 2017-18. Expenditures shown in the summary includes both principal and interest payments. (3)Excludes Fiduciary Funds. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-16 Figure 6: Overview of Fund Balances FY 2017-18 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 1000 General Fund $101,053,871 $79,538,966 $73,094,582 $1,567,520 $105,930,735 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund $90,833 $810 $5,795 $85,848 2102 Vehicle Abatement $355,378 $32,547 $822 $387,103 2103 SLES/COPS Fund-CA $16,209 $100,200 $100,000 $16,409 2106 Traffic Safety $217,401 $150,029 $149,566 $217,864 2107 Federal Asset Seizure Fund $8,114 $8,114 2109 EMS Special Revenue $69,872 $371,528 $350,304 $91,096 2111 Enforcement Grants $3,147 $2,500 $647 2201 State Gas Tax $1,713,427 $1,145,218 $570,897 $920,000 $1,367,748 2202 Fedral Transportation Grant $35,886 $35,886 2204 Measure B Sales Tax-Local Streets $9,323 $430,000 $435,000 $4,323 2205 Measure B Sales Tax-Bike& Ped $137,572 $165,485 $17,961 $194,600 $90,496 2210 Highway Safety Traffic Reduct. Bond $4,353 $4,353 2211 Federal Transportation(TIGER) ($579) ($579) 2212 ACTC-Vehicle Registration Fee $65,537 $252,520 $173,124 $40,840 $104,093 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax- Local Streets f $158,554 $389,700 $545,000 $3,254 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax- Bike& Pedest $241,974 $135,870 $121,600 $256,244 2217 Measure BB Grants $3,100,000 $3,100,000 2302 Measure D $61,394 $134,370 $129,660 $66,104 2303 Garbage Service Fund $83,358 $4,073,000 $4,155,150 $1,208 2304 Local Recycling Programs $63,138 $38,870 $15,200 $86,808 2305 AVI Eco Benefit/Business Asst Prog $38 $38 2321,2322-3 Storm Water Management $437,733 $900 $10,000 $428,633 2322 Box Culvert $364,783 $2,430 $367,213 2701,2705 Street Light District Funds $401,274 $592,742 $543,108 $38,020 $412,889 2702-2704 Landscape District Funds $631,538 $624,603 $561,841 $694,300 2801 Public Art Fund $2,090,790 $11,810 $157,645 $346,573 $1,598,382 2811 Cable TV Facilities $282,539 $184,910 $35,338 $432,111 2901 Affordable Housing Fund $9,001,576 $96,932 $6,600 $1,770,198 $7,334,910 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund $92,611 $2,635 $95,246 2903 Community Development Block Grant $82,202 $75,602 $6,600 3000 Capital Improvement Project Funds $17,031,711 $17,031,711 4100 Public Facility Fees $812,111 $5,946,129 $106,248 $4,953,595 $1,698,397 4201 Fire Impact Fees ($77,419) $27,704 $5,000 ($54,715) 4300 Traffic Impact Fees* $16,061,748 $1,555,637 $500,000 $1,591,362 $15,526,023 4400 Dublin Crossing Fund ($572,121) $4,615,748 $3,177,601 $866,026 Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-17 Overview of Fund Balances FY 2017-18, continued Beginning Ending Fund Title Fund Balance Revenue Transfer In Expenditures Transfer Out B-, 6105 ISF-Vehicles (1) $5,040,120 $444,524 $1,156,000 $4,328,644 6205 ISF- Facilitiess ill $53,727,246 $358,655 $50,000 $54,035,901 6305 ISF-Equipment(1) $5,355,254 $904,287 $181,000 $6,078,541 6605 ISF-IT Fund $1,975,552 $1,444,775 $1,442,958 $1,977,369 6901 ISF-Retiree Health $33,802 $2,341,012 $2,333,440 $41,374 6951 ISF-PERS Side Fund Payoff ($96,328) $96,328 ($0) 7101 Energy Efficiency Capital Lease(2) ($4,915,613) $581,881 $581,882 ($4,459,614) GRAND TOTAL(3) $195,035,995 $109,974,957 $17,038,311 $105,307,532 $17,038,311 $200,159,421 (1)Beginning Fund Balance includes $50,245,614 as Net Investment in Capital Assets. (2) Energy Efficiency Capital Lease Fund balance reflects the pay down of the principal amount: $403,459 for FY 2015-16, $429,110 for FY 2016-17, and $455,999 for FY 2017-18. Expenditures shown in the summary includes both principal and interest payments. (3) Excludes Fiduciary Funds. Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-18 Funds and Department Relationship Matrix This table illustrates departmental oversight of City funds. The Office of the City Manager and the Administrative Service Department are not listed, as they provide oversight and assistance in managing all funds. Parks & City Comm. Comm. Public Non- Fund Name Attorney Dev. Fire Police Services Works Dept. GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS- MAJOR FUNDS General Fund X X X X X X X Affordable Housing Fund X X Capital Improvement Project Funds X X Fire Impact Fees Public Facility Fees X Traffic Impact Fees X X GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS- NON-MAJOR FUNDS ACTC-Vehicle Registration Fee X Measure B Sales Tax-Bike & Ped X Measure B Sales Tax-Local Streets X Measure B Grant X Measure BB Grant X HCD Housing Related Park Grant X X Box Culvert X Cable TV Facilities X Community Development Block Grant X Congestion Management Agency X Dublin Crossing Comm. Dev. Fee X East Bay Regional Park District X EMS Special Revenue X Energy Efficiency Capital Lease X Enforcement Grants Federal Asset Seizure Fund X Garbage Service Fund X Highway Safety Traffic Reduct. Bond X Landscape District Funds X Local Recycling Programs X Measure D X Noise Mitigation Fund X Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-19 Parks& City Comm. Comm. Public Non- Fund Name Attorney Dev. Fire Police Services Works Del Parks Replacement Fund X Public Art Fund X Federal Transportation Grant X SLES/COPS Fund - CA X State Gas Tax X State Seizure/Special Activity Fund X Storm Water Management X Street Light District Funds X Traffic Safety X Transportation Development Act X Vehicle Abatement x PROPRIETARY FUNDS ISF— Facilities Replacement X X X ISF— Equipment Replacement X ISF - Non-Safety Vehicles X ISF - PERS Side Fund Payoff X ISF - Retiree Health X ISF— Energy Efficiency ISF—Vehicle Replacement X X X I Summaries City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page D-20 E. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY : o 1 r General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-2 General Fund Operating Summary 0 Adopted Amended %change Actual Budget Budget Proposed from Forecast %change Prior from Prior 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 Amended 2017-18 Proposed REVENUES BY CATEGORY Property Taxes $29,437,951 $31,786,036 $32,913,746 $35,182,061 6.9% $36,969,357 5.1% Sales Tax $18,571,057 $20,236,439 $20,736,439 $20,666,260 (0.3%) $21,111,118 2.2% Other Taxes $6,159,654 $4,908,000 $4,908,000 11.3% o $5,465,000 11.3/° $5,547,000 1.5/ Development Permits $5,860,052 $2,938,433 $4,850,802 $4,337,161 (10.6%) $3,467,766 (20.0%) Development Services $4,781,506 $4,032,006 $4,032,006 $4,349,136 7.9% $4,344,748 (0.1%) Other Licenses & Permits $195,203 $185,259 $185,259 $195,963 5.8% $197,725 0.9% Fines & Penalties $124,529 $109,932 $109,932 $109,932 0.0% $109,932 0.0% Interest $550,264 $466,191 $466,191 $465,880 (0.1%) $465,880 0.0% Rentals& Leases $1,001,581 $943,073 $943,073 $1,033,485 9.6% $1,141,913 10.5% Intergovernmental $483,300 $198,620 $198,620 $198,620 0.0% $198,620 0.0% Charges for Services $5,527,476 $3,867,803 $4,070,603 $4,817,245 18.3% $5,728,563 18.9% Other Revenue $441,791 $358,417 $359,917 $256,344 (28.8%) $256,344 0.0% Comm. Ben. Pmnt $2,964,899 $675,678 $675,678 $100,000 (85.2%) $0 (100.0%) Subtotal Revenues $76,099,262 $70,705,887 $74,450,266 $77,177,087 3.7% $79,538,966 3.1% °rior Year Carryover $866,562 OTAL REVENUES $76,099,262 $70,705,887 $75,316,828 $77,177,087 2.5% $79,538,966 3.1% EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries &Wages $9,465,819 $10,535,746 $10,565,810 $11,100,239 4.8% $11,990,533 8.0% Benefits $4,395,043 $5,074,484 $5,074,484 $5,707,981 11.1% ° $5,992,647 5. %0 Svcs &Supplies $1,584,944 $2,641,339 $2,632,703 $2,946,393 10.6% $3,013,709 2.3% Internal Svc Chgs $1,763,226 $2,584,258 $2,658,841 $3,065,341 13.3% $2,988,764 (2.5%) Utilities $1,724,116 $2,100,310 $2,100,310 ° ° $2,248,261 6.6%6 $2,657,341 18. /0 2 Contracted Svcs $37,400,528 $39,397,142 $40,633,962 $43,247,582 6.0% $45,158,233 4.4% Capital Outlay $174,314 $329,250 $805,539 $719,801 (11.9%) $293,152 (59.3%) Conting. &Other $69,264 $717,756 $633,501 $989,112 36.0% $1,000,203 1.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $56,577,252 $63,380,285 $65,135,150 $70,024,710 7.0% $73,094,582 4.4% OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT $19,522,010 $7,325,602 $10,181,678 $7,152,374 $6,444,383 NET BUDGET IMPACT $19,522,010 $7,325,602 $10,181,678 $7,152,374 $6,444,383 Transfers Out $(1,393,277) $($6,366,292) $(12,660,608) $(459,510) $(1,567,520) IMPACT ON RESERVES $18,128,733 $959,310 $(3,345,493) $6,692,864 $4,876,863 General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-3 General Fund Reserves Summa Specific changes to all reserves are shown on the following page. Adopted Amended change %change Actual Budget Budget Proposed from Prior Forecast from Prior 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 Amended 2017-18 Proposed RESERVE BALANCES Non Spendable $1,475,691 $6,488,338 $753,915 $260,826 (189.0%) $141,794 (45.6%) Restricted $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 0.0% $500,000 0.0% Committed $38,531,179 $30,069,672 $36,841,565 $36,742,070 (0.3%) $35,282,550 (4.0%) Assigned $35,875,264 $27,144,862 $32,220,651 $31,720,651 (1.6%) $31,205,651 (1.6%) Unassigned/Cash Flow * $21,324,361 $19,036,567 $24,044,870 $31,830,319 24.5% $38,800,734 21.9% TOTAL RESERVES $97,706,494 $83,239,438 $94,361,002 $101,053,866 6.6% $105,930,729 4.8% * Cash Flow Reserve at 4.1 months of operating budget in FY 2015-16 Highlights of Reserve Changes The Fund Balance and Reserves Policy are included in the Appendix to this document. The policy was last updated in June 2015. The following are projected changes to reserves in the Proposed Budget: • Use of $99,495 in the Fallon Sports Park Reserve in Fiscal Year 2016-17 for project costs funded by the General Fund. • Use of $500,000 and $515,000 in the Pension/OPEB Reserve for lump sum payments in Fiscal Years 2016- 17 and 2017-18, respectively. • Use of$1.49 million of the Cemetery Expansion Committed Reserve in Fiscal Year 2017-18. • Payoff of the PERS Side Fund Advance in Fiscal Year 2017-18. Specific changes to all reserves are shown on the following page. The changes in Fiscal Year 2015-16 are estimates at this point in time. The City Council will designate year-end reserves at the meeting of June 21, 2016. General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-4 General Fund Reserve Details 0 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Actual total change Projected total change 16-17 YE total change 1 -r. ""_,; 2014-15 during year 2015-16 during year Proposed during year •a .? TOTAL CHANGE TO RESERVES $ 2,260,629 $ (3,345,493) $ 6,692,864 $ 4,876,863 Non-Spendable $ 1,475,691 $ (721,776) $ 753,915 $ (493,089) $ 260,826 $ (119,032) $ 141,794 Prepaid Expenses $ 27,080 $ 27,080 $ 27,080 $ 27,0:' Cemetery Endowment $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Advance to Fire Impact Fee $ 470,606 $ (311,692) $ 158,914 $ (81,496) $ 77,418 $ (22,704) $ 54,714 Advance to PERS Side Fund $ 918,005 $ (410,084) $ 507,921 $ (411,593) $ 96,328 $ (96,328) $ - Restricted $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Heritage Park Maintenance $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Committed $ 38,531,179 $ (1,689,614) $ 36,841,565 $ (99,495) $ 36,742,070 $ (1,459,520) $ 35,282,550 Economic Stability $ 6,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 8,000,000 Downtown Public lmpr $ 1,000,000 $ (459,647) $ 540,353 $ 540,353 $ 540,353 Affordable Housing $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Emergency Communications $ 741,000 $ 741,000 $ 741,000 $ 741,000 Fire Svcs OPEB $ 9,196,000 $ 1,904,000 $ 11,100,000 $ 11,100,000 $ 11,100,000 Innovations&New Opport $ 1,372,785 $ 1,372,785 $ 1,372,785 $ 1,372,785 Jt City/School Projects $ 46,015 $ (46,015) $ - $ - One-Time Initiative $ 1,341,408 $ 1,341,408 $ 1,341,408 $ 1,341,408 EGRAC $ 3,000,000 $ (3,000,000) $ - $ - Maintenance Facility $ 250,023 $ (250,023) $ - $ - Cemetery Expansion $ 5,272,210 $ 5,272,210 $ 5,272,210 $ (1,459,520) $ 3,812,690 Fallon Sports Park $ 2,000,000 $ (1,800,000) $ 200,000 $ (99,495) $ 100,505 $ 100,505 CivicCtrExpansion $ 136,737 $ (33,118) $ 103,619 $ 103,619 $ 103,619 Public Safety Complex $ - $ - $ Storm Drain Capture $ 400,000 $ (400000) $ - $ Shannon Center Parking Lot $ 775,000 $ (775,000) $ - $ - Utility Undergrounding $ - $ 1,170,190 $ 1,170,190 $ 1,170,190 $ 1,170,190 Advance to Public Facility Fee $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 Assigned $ 35,875,264 $ (3,654,613) $ 32,200,651 $ (500,000) $ 31,720,651 $ (515,000) $ 31,205,651 Accrued Leave $ 953,251 $ 953,251 $ 953,251 $ 953,251 Operating Carryovers $ 866,562 $ (866,562) $ - $ - CIP Carryovers $ 1,133,753 $ (1,133,753) $ - $ - Non-Streets CIP Commitments $ 3,132,016 $ 3,132,016 $ 3,132,016 $ 3,132,016 Catastophic Loss $ 10,608,186 $ 760,345 $ 11,368,531 $ 11,368,531 $ 11,368,531 Service Continuity $ 2,771,500 $ 228,500 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 Pension&OPEB $ 9,866,853 $ 750,000 $ 10,616,853 $ (500,000) $ 10,116,853 $ (515,000) $ 9,601,853 Fiscally Responsible Adj $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 325,000 Municipal Regional Permits $ 2,250,000 $ (25,000) $ 2,225,000 $ 2,225,000 $ 2,225,000 CivicCtrRenovation-Police $ 1,968,143 $ (1,968,143) $ - $ - Contribution to ISF $ 2,000,000 $ (2,000,000) $ - $ Fire Equipment Replace $ - $ 600,000 $ 600000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Unassigned $ 21,324,361 $ 2,720,509 $ 24,044,870 $ 7,785,448 $ 31,830,319 $ 6,970,415 $ 38,800,734 TOTAL RESERVES $ 97,706,494 $ 94,361,002 $ 101,053,866 $ 105,930,729 liklio General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-5 General Fund Revenue Assumptio The Proposed Budget in the General Fund is in a surplus position in both years, with revenues exceeding operating expenditures by $7.2 million in the first year, and $6.4 million in the second year. Property Tax, Sales Tax, and Development Revenue continue to show growth in both years, but contract services costs, for both public safety and maintenance, have significantly increased. The full impact of the Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex is being shown in the second year, and the City is preparing for the impact of the preventative maintenance study, which is currently underway. Dublin's two largest ongoing revenue sources in the General Fund, Property Taxes and Sales Tax, account for 72.4% of total revenues in FY 2016-17. FY 2016-17 Sales Taxes,26.9% other Taxes,7.1% Rents&Leases,1.3% All Other, Community Benefit Charges for Interest,0.6% 1.0% Payment,0.1% Service,5.7% The following are the key assumptions used to construct the General Fund operating budget in Fiscal Year 2016 -17 and Fiscal Year 2017-18, and the variances from year to year (the two variance numbers represent the change in Fiscal Year 2016-17 from the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Amended Budget; and the change in Fiscal Year 2017-18 from the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Proposed Budget). Property Tax: +$2.3 million /+$1.8 million Property Tax revenue is projected to grow 6.9% in FY 2016-17 and 5.1% in FY 2017-18. The projected growth is based on a 1.525% (out of a maximum of 2%) CPI adjustment on all existing properties that were not previously reduced via the Prop 8 process. Transfer of ownerships and Prop 8 recapture are projected to increase in both years based on the assumption of continued growth in the median sales price of sink, General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-6 family residential homes. All new (vested) development scheduled to be completed in the Proposed Budget period has been factored into the projection, and a delinquency factor of 1% has been included. Sales Tax: +$487,000/+$527,000 The City continues to benefit from the high performance of new businesses coming to Dublin coupled with the improving economy, leading to an average annual increase in sales tax of 10% over the past five years. While it is anticipated new businesses will continue to come to Dublin, the large-scale increases over the past five years are not expected to continue as development of large commercial projects is expected to slow. Sales Tax in FY 2016-17 is projected to increase 5.9%, without factoring in the one-time final triple flip payment expected to be received by the City in FY 2015-16, and not taking into account sales tax reimbursement agreements. The actual year-over-year change in Sales Tax revenue is a decrease of 0.3% due to the previously-mentioned factors. Growth in the second year is projected at 2.4%. All Sales Tax projections are done in collaboration with the City's sales tax consultants (HdL), who provide local and statewide trend analyses, and take into account new business coming into or leaving the City. One trend of note which the City continues to watch closely is the shift of consumers to online retail, whose sales have continued to outpace brink and mortar stores. Other Taxes: +$557,000/+82,000 Other Taxes include Property Transfer Taxes, Transient Occupancy Taxes and multiple Franchise Taxes (electric, gas, garbage, cable). The Proposed Budget projects an 11.3% increase in FY 2016-17 and a 1.5% increase in FY 2017-18 due to growth in garbage and cable franchise taxes. All other components were held flat. Development Revenue: -$208,000/-$871,000 Development revenues include revenues from permits (primarily building permits), and from planning and engineering services provided by the City. Accelerated activity in the current year has carried forward into the Proposed Budget, resulting in an increase in revenue, over previous forecasts, for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 with decreases occurring in the outer years (FY 2018-19 and beyond). However, because the FY 2015-16 Amended Budget included a mid-year increase of $1.9 million, the budget for FY 2016-17 is technically decreasing, because of the shift in the timeline of existing projects. The FY 2017-18 revenues are projected to decrease 10.2%, according to current estimates of units to be completed that year. Other Licenses and Permits: +$7,500/+$3,400 The FY 2016-17 budget proposes a slight increase to include higher Business License revenue, to account for the new business entering Dublin as commercial projects are completed. FY 2017-18 revenues are projected to increase by 1.0%. Interest Income: flat The Proposed Budget for interest income remains essentially flat, based on projected rates based and General Fund cash available to be invested. Rentals and Leases: +$90,000/+$108,000 General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-7 The projected increases of 9.6% in FY 2016-17 and 10.5% in FY 2017-18 are due to higher lease revenue from the Alameda County Fire Department for their use of the City's Public Safety Complex on Clark Avenue, as well as the inclusion of facility rental revenue anticipated from the new Emerald G' , Recreation and Aquatic Center (EGRAC). Charges for Services (excluding development services): +$761,000/+$907,000 Charges for Services includes revenue primarily from Parks and Community Services programs. Recreation program revenues are projected to increase significantly due to the inclusion of EGRAC revenue for a partial year in FY 2016-17, and a full year in FY 2017-18, though it must be noted associated that EGRAC expenditures more than offset the increased revenues. Overall, Charges for Services are projected to increase 24.5% in FY 2016-17 (increase of 13.9% without EGRAC) and 40.7% in FY 2017-18 (decrease of 2.0% without EGRAC). The decrease in FY 2017-18 is due to a projected year-over-year decrease in Fire Prevention revenue due to the slowing of development activity. The other large funding sources in this category are Waste Management Administrative Fees, collected from the City's sole garbage and waste collector, and Santa Rita revenue, whereby the County reimburses the City for costs incurred when responding to non-emergency calls at the Santa Rita Jail. In FY 2016-17, the waste management- related fees are increasing $145,000 to account for an increase in users, and Santa Rita revenue is projected $125,000 higher, in keeping with recent trends. Community Benefit Payments: -$567,000/flat These revenues are not counted on in advance for ongoing purposes, but are included in the budget when they are known, or added to the amended budget throughout the year. Large payments anticipated for specific projects are called out separately in the General Fund summary, and are segregated it Committed Reserves. In FY 2016-17 the City expects a $100,000 payment from the Transit Center Master Development Agreement. Nothing is anticipated FY 2017-18. In June 2016, the City will receive a $15.0 million Community Benefit Payment from the Dublin Crossing project. Although this is technically general revenue, because of its profile it will be segregated into the Dublin Crossing Fund rather than in the General Fund. These funds have already been appropriated by the City Council for the expansion of the Public Safety Complex. General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-8 General Fund Revenues by Category C40,000,000 35,000,000 — 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 •FY 2016-17 Projected 5,000,000 •FY 2017-18 Proposed• �a}�� ��+e� e�J� �e� `eS� ``e e�� re` e �'a\eS O�rec ec-fie, e���4-e \��e eS�o`�c, e`�el) v- 'R<29 \o�cc Q. ac°o �e� A'' •S\ O 0r J e S C, � 0 General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-9 General Fund Expenditure Assumptions Amok The City's ongoing operating expenditures and long-term financial liabilities continue to grow, and as previously mentioned are projected to eventually outpace the City's ongoing revenue growth in Fiscal Year 2020-21, absent any significant additional revenues or significant cost cutting measures. The Proposed Budget reflects an increase in total operating expenditures of $6.6 million in Fiscal Year 2016-17 and $3.0 million in Fiscal Year 2017-18. The chart below presents the composition of operating expenditures by category for Fiscal Year 2016-17, and is followed by a discussion of the assumptions used in preparing the budget. General Fund Expenditures by Category Capital Outlay,1.0% All Other,1.4% tpet 8.2% Contracted Services, '` 61.8% .Y, Services& Supplies,4.2% Internal Services Fund, 4.4% Utilities,3.2% Personnel Costs: +$1.2 million /+$1.2 million Rising personnel costs are a major area of concern for all public agencies. In recent years, the City has implemented employee cost sharing measures to relieve a portion of the healthcare and retirement cost burden on the City. Currently, employees are paying 100% of the employee portion of pension costs (8% of salary), and are also contributing to the employer portion of pension costs (an additional 7%, for a total of 15% of salary). Salaries and wages are driven by the most recent five-year employee agreement approved by the City Council in spring 2015. Seasonal and temporary staff for the operation of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex (EGRAC) account for increases of $389,000 and $745,000, in the two budget years, respectively. General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-10 Benefit costs are projected to increase 12.5% and 5.0% in Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18. The factors relating to these costs increases are detailed below: • The City's pension contribution requirement is now reported in the California Public Employee Retirement System's (CaIPERS) annual actuarial report as a combination of the "normal" rate (a percentage of payroll) plus a lump sum payment against the agency's unfunded liability (essentially, an amortized payment). The City's Dublin's normal rate increased slightly from 10.96% to 11.63% for Fiscal Year 2016-17, and the payment for the unfunded liability increased by approximately $70,000 in Fiscal Year 2016-17 and $110,000 in 2017-18. These rates are partially offset by the 7.0% contribution the employees make on behalf the City. • An additional payment against the unfunded pension liability has been included in both Fiscal Year 2016-17 ($500,000) and Fiscal Year 2017-18 ($515,000) to continue the City's effort to pay off the City's unfunded liability, which is currently $8.8 million. As shown in the chart below, the City's pension plan is 81.3%funded, as of the most recent valuation. A)Accrued Liability $47,146,195 (what the City owes for past service) B) Market Value of Assets $38,342,882 (amount held in trust) C) Unfunded Liability $8,803,313 (A-B) D) Funded Ratio 81.3% ((B)/(A)) • The maximum contribution amount paid by the City for employee health insurance is increasing by $100 per month in each year of the Proposed Budget. That factor, as well as the increase in staff, leads to a projected increase in health insurance costs by 9.7% and 6.1% over the two years. • The maximum contribution amount paid by the City for employee health insurance is increasing by $100 per month in each year of the Proposed Budget. That factor, as well as the increase in staff, leads to a projected increase in health insurance costs by 9.7% and 6.1% over the two years. Budgeted Positions The Proposed Budget also includes the following position allocation plan changes which result in no additional positions: New Positions • Recreation Coordinator for EGRAC • Office Assistant I (Two-Year Limited Term) in the Records Division of the City Clerk's Office • Senior Planner(Four-Year Limited Term) in Community Development. Deleted Positions • Assistant to the City Manager in Community Development • Senior Management Analyst in Economic Development • Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator in Parks and Facilities Development C General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-11 Position Allocation Plan 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 93.75 93.75 93.75 Contract Services: +$2.6 million/+$1.9 million The City contracts for Public Safety (Police and Fire), maintenance, development and other miscellaneous services. In Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18, total proposed contracted services make up approximately 62% of the overall General Fund expenditure budget. Public Safety contracts costs make up 43% of the total operating budget. The details of contract increases were included in the Transmittal Letter to this document, but are also included here for easy reference. Police Services Significant increases were proposed for the Police Services contract with Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO). The following are highlights of the proposal • Beginning in FY 2016-17, the proposal includes one additional Deputy, at a total cost of $225,000. Salaries and Benefit increases for the current contracted personnel total $1.2 million. • The FY 2016-17 proposal includes 4% COLA for sworn and non-sworn, and 4% COLA contingency. • The FY 2017-18 proposal includes 4% COLA for sworn and 3.25% for non-sworn and 4% COLA contingency. Total police service contracted costs are projected to increase $1.7 million (11.5%) to $17.3 million in Fis Year 2016-17; and $988,000 (5.7%) to $18.2 million in Fiscal Year 2017-18. Fire Services Fire Services contract costs are projected to increase $1.0 million (8.7%) in Fiscal Year 2016-17 to $12.8 million, followed by an estimated increase of $35,000 or 0.3% in Fiscal Year 2017-18, resulting in a total budget of$12.8 million.The following are highlights of the proposal: • The FY 2016-17 proposal assumes 4.33% COLA effective 1/1/16 and 3% COLA effective 1/1/2017. • The proposal includes $409,127 for equipment replacement with an estimated $200k need in future years for radio replacement. Staff will propose designating $600,000 in June 2016 for replacement costs. • FY 2017-18 proposal assumes 3% COLA effective 1/1/2017 and 2.5% COLA effective 1/1/2018. Staff will continue working with the Alameda County Fire Department and Alameda County Sheriff's Office to negotiate and implement cost containment measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of providing public protection services. Maintenance Services The City's maintenance service provider, MCE, has provided a cost of service proposal for the two-year budget period, which incorporates new parks and facilities, and includes restoring service levels to those General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-12 prior to the Great Recession. The result is an increase in General Fund costs of $614,000 (16.7%) in Fiscal Year 2016-17 and $534,000 (12.4%) in Fiscal Year 2017-18. The following are the highlights of the proposal: • Streets and Parks — due to the maturation of landscaping, and service level cuts in FY 2008-09, additional maintenance and/or replacement will be required for trees, shrubs, bedding and plant pruning, leaf cleanup, rodent control, litter pickup, restroom maintenance, tournament support, field renovation ($121,294/year in Streets, and $148,755/year in Parks). • Facilities — due to the aging of facilities (Civic Center, Library, and Senior Center), additional maintenance will be required beyond general repairs, including HVAC systems, main doors, and main lighting ($40,027/year). • New Inventory- 1) Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex grounds: $36,000/year. 2) Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex building and amphitheater: $42,697 / year (only four months of costs were included in the FY 2016-17 proposal). 3)Jordan Ranch Park: $52,453/year, beginning in FY 2017-18. 4) Fallon Sports Park Phase II: $175,291/year; beginning in FY 2017-18. 5) Sub-Area 3 at Iron Gate: $85,059/year, beginning in FY 2017-18. 6) New subdivisions accepted by the City for landscaping, drainage inlets, and road maintenance: $67,530 in FY 2016-17 and $85,394 in FY 2017-18. The Proposed Budget also includes a lump sum amount for additional work beyond what is included in the contract scope. This has been historically budgeted for but not specifically called out in the contract. Staff has asked MCE to include this in the total contract amount, at a not-to-exceed amount of$300,000, which is the average cost of additional work over the past several years. Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex (EGRAC) While the specific budget for the operation of this new facility falls in the expenditure categories already discussed (contracted services and staffing), it is important to discuss the EGRAC budget impact separately. In prior budget reviews, Staff reported to the City Council that the annual General Fund subsidy to EGRAC operations was estimated at $800,000 to $1.0 million per year. Staff has now put together a comprehensive budget for this facility, including staffing, maintenance, and equipment costs, and an estimate of attendance and fees. The cost in the first year of operations (Fiscal Year 2017-18) is estimated to require a General Fund subsidy of$1,033,806. The City will incur costs for four months of operation in Fiscal Year 2016-17. As a final note, the Dublin Swim Center is still budgeted for in this proposal to be operational for both years of the Proposed Budget, for recreational swim, swim lessons, and high school use. The City swim team will move practices to the new aquatics complex. Preventative Maintenance As part of the action items presented at the City Council's Strategic Planning meeting last March, Staff discussed the need for a citywide preventative maintenance plan, which is a plan to invest and re-invest in existing City assets in an effort to prolong the useful life and avoid large one-time repairs, but also to continue to provide to the community facilities and infrastructure of the highest quality. General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-13 Accordingly, Staff has engaged the services of a consultant to provide a full report of the total cost of ownership (Phase 1), and plan to maintain (Phase 2), City assets over the long term. Phase 1 of the study is currently in draft form and being reviewed by Staff. It is not known at this time the full impact of the reps but this kind of reinvestment will likely require significant funding from the General Fund. Staff has estimated these costs at $300,000 in Fiscal Year 2016-17, ramping up to $1.0 million per year by Fiscal Year 2018-19, and those costs are included in the Budget Proposal and the 10-Year Forecast. Out-of-State Travel (requires City Council approval) Figure 7: Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Year 2016-17 Conference Description Location Attendee(s) Budget Amount National League of Cities (Fall) Pittsburgh, PA Councilmember $2,500 National League of Cities (Spring) Washington, DC Councilmember $2,500 United States Conference of Mayors Washington, DC Councilmember $2,500 ICMA Conference Kansas City, MO City Manager & Asst. City $5,000 Manager ICMA Conference Kansas City, MO Administrative Services $2,500 Director American Association for State and Detroit, MI Heritage Center Director $1,750 Local History National Recreation and Park St. Louis, MO PCS Director &Asst. $3,500 Association Director World Water Park Association New Orleans, LA Asst. Director & $3,000 Recreation Supervisor International Association of Orlando, FL Asst. Director & $3,000 Amusement Parks and Attractions Recreation Supervisor American Society of Landscape New Orleans, LA Parks & Fac. Dev. $2,250 Architects Coordinator International Code Council Annual Kansas City MO Chief Building Official $3,500 Business Meeting and Code Hearings ASCE Conference Portland, OR Senior Civil Engineer $2,750 ICSC RECON: Global Retail Real Estate Las Vegas, NV Economic Dev. Director $2,600 Convention & Management Analyst II Institute of Transportation Engineering Albuquerque, NM Transportation & $3,000 (ITE) Regional Conference Operations Manager International Training& Expo Kansas City, MO Human Resources $2,500 Director American Planning Association New York, NY Community Dev. Director $3,000 National Planning Conference or Asst. Community Dev. Director Review of Public Art Sculpture for Portland, Oregon Cultural Arts & Heritage $2,000 Emerald Glen Park Recreation & Manager General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-14 Conference Description Location Attendee(s) Budget Amount Aquatic Complex Total $47,850 Figure 8: Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Year 2017-18 Conference Description Location Attendee(s) Budget Amount National League of Cities (Fall) TBD Councilmember $2,500 National League of Cities (Spring) Washington, DC Councilmember $2,500 United States Conference of Mayors Washington, DC Councilmember $2,500 ICMA Conference San Antonio, TX City Manager &Asst. City $5,000 Manager ICMA Conference San Antonio, TX Administrative Services $2,500 Director National Recreation and Park Assoc. TBD PCS Director&Asst. $3,500 Director World Water Park Association TBD Asst. Director& $3,000 Recreation Supervisor International Association of Orlando, FL Asst. Director & $3,000 Amusement Parks and Attractions Recreation Supervisor International Code Council Annual Columbus OH Chief Building Official $3,500 Business Meeting and Code Hearings ASCE Conference TBD Senior Civil Engineer $3,000 Institute of Transportation TBD Trans. And Operations $3,000 Engineering(ITE) Regional Mgr. Conference ICSC RECON: Global Retail Real Las Vegas, NV Econ. Dev. Director and $2,600 Estate Convention Management Analyst II American Planning Association New Orleans, LA Community Dev. Director $3,000 National Planning Conference or Asst. Community Dev. Director Total $39,600 General Fund City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-15 This page is intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page E-16 F. DEPARTMENTS Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-1 Amb This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-2 City Council Chart 2: City Council Organizational Chart Citizens of Dublin i i Council Council Council Vice Mayor Mayor Member Member Member Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-3 City Council Amok Description: The City Council consists of the Mayor and four City Council members elected at large by the voters of Dublin. The City Council is responsible for enacting legislation, establishing policies, and providing guidance and direction for actions that affect the quality of life in the City. Local elected officials also represent the City at a variety of forums at the County, Regional, State and National levels, in order to make certain the interests of the City of Dublin, and cities in general, are represented. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Adopted a comprehensive Marketing and Branding Plan for the City. • Adopted Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. • Approved conceptual design for Sean Diamond Park. • Approved design of Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center. • Approved pilot program for free Wi-Fi system for part of Downtown Dublin. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Participate in Federal Legislative Consultant Services, in partnership with cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville (FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18). • Issue the City of Dublin Annual Report on City Accomplishments (FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18). • Adopt an update to the 10-Year Strategic Plan (FY 2017-18). Budget Highlights: • Funding for Dublin Pride Week activities (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for Youth in Government Program (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for Volunteer Recognition Event and Inside Dublin (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for professional services for Strategic Plan and audits (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-4 Figure 9: City Council Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $57,985 $58,525 $58,525 $58,512 $58,512 Benefits $57,554 $82,705 $82,705 $96,743 $102,703 Services & Supplies $93,299 $130,645 $130,645 $142,255 $142,255 Internal Service Fund Charges $17,520 $48,819 $49,835 $61,878 $61,264 Contracted Services $138,163 $168,710 $212,460 $172,288 $172,288 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $364,521 $489,404 $534,170 $531,676 $537,022 FUNDING General Fund $364,521 $489,404 $534,170 $531,676 $537,022 TOTAL FUNDING $364,521 $489,404 $534,170 $531,676 $537,022 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Mayor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 City Council Member 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-5 Figure 10: Office of the City Manager Expenditures 1 Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $674,439 $655,640 $664,420 $741,639 $763,349 Benefits $300,519 $288,082 $288,082 $334,151 $349,933 Services & Supplies $34,331 $41,640 $32,860 $36,664 $36,015 Internal Service Fund Charges $22,872 $79,459 $81,051 $110,056 $109,714 Contracted Services $60,519 $5,000 $15,000 $5,000 $5,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,092,680 $1,069,821 $1,081,413 $1,227,510 $1,264,011 FUNDING General Fund $1,092,680 $1,069,821 $1,081,413 $1,227,510 $1,264,011 TOTAL FUNDING $1,092,680 $1,069,821 $1,081,413 $1,227,510 $1,264,011 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant to the City Manager 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Executive Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-8 City Clerk's Office Chart 4: City Clerk Organizational Chart City Clerk's Office Elections City Clerk/Records Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-9 City Clerk's Office Ask Description: The City Clerk's Office is comprised of two functions: City Clerk/Records and Elections. The City Clerk's Office is responsible for administering municipal elections; maintaining official City records and financial statements, the preparation of minutes of City Council meetings, and coordinating Commission and Committee appointments. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Selection, training and implementation of new agenda management software. • Continued Records Retention implementation. • Initiated preparations for the November 2016 General Municipal Election. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Conduct consolidated General Election, November 8, 2016 (FY 2016-17). • Continue Records Retention implementation. • Conduct pre-candidate and candidate informational meetings for the City Council election process (FY 2016-17). Budget Highlights: • Funding to conduct Biennial General Municipal election (FY 2016-17). • Addition of one Office Assistant I (2 year Limited Term) to assist with records management. • Transition position to Deputy City Clerk from Administrative Technician. • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-10 Figure 11: City Clerk's Office Expenditures Adopted Actual Budget Amended Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 Budget 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $209,790 $212,956 $212,956 $308,160 $317,405 Benefits $110,179 $106,780 $106,780 $171,310 $179,256 Services & Supplies $8,988 $12,155 $12,155 $14,845 $12,245 Internal Service Fund Charges $9,756 $15,979 $16,276 $86,038 $86,093 Contracted Services $54,226 $28,460 $28,460 $153,460 $76,060 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $392,939 $376,330 $376,627 $733,813 $671,059 FUNDING General Fund $392,939 $376,330 $376,627 $733,813 $671,059 TOTAL FUNDING $392,939 $376,330 $376,627 $733,813 $671,059 City Clerk's Office Elections $3,120 0% City Clerk/Records $667,939 100% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-11 City Clerk/Records The budget includes staffing costs associated with providing the primary function of the City Clerk's Office. The City Clerk/Records unit maintains all official records of the City of Dublin, as well as maintains Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest records submitted by elected officials. The City Clerk prepares and maintains the minutes of the City Council meetings, and coordinates the City Commission and Committee appointments. Figure 12: City Clerk/Records Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $209,790 $212,956 $212,956 $308,160 $317,405 Benefits $110,179 $106,780 $106,780 $171,310 $179,256 Services & Supplies $4,929 $9,035 $9,035 $9,125 $9,125 Internal Service Fund Charges $9,756 $15,979 $16,276 $86,038 $86,093 Contracted Services $427 $28,460 $28,460 $78,460 $76,06C TOTAL EXPENDITURES $335,081 $373,210 $373,507 $653,093 $667,939 FUNDING General Fund $335,081 $373,210 $373,507 $653,093 $667,939 TOTAL FUNDING $335,081 $373,210 $373,507 $653,093 $667,939 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION City Clerk/Records Mgr. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant I 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-12 City Clerk/Elections A General Municipal Election is held every other year, with the next election scheduled for November 2016. The budget includes funding for printing costs for candidate binders and related documents, and elections training for City staff. Figure 13: City Clerk/Elections Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed +recast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 117-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $4,059 $3,120 $3,120 $5,720 Contracted Services $53,800 $75,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $57,858 $3,120 $3,120 $80,720 $3,120 FUNDING General Fund $57,858 $3,120 $3,120 $80,720 TOTAL FUNDING $57,858 $3,120 $3,120 $80,720 $3,120 C Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-13 Human Resources Amok Chart 5: Human Resources Organizational Chart Human Resources Director Human Resources Insurance/Risk Management Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-14 Human Resources Description: The Human Resources Office oversees such City programs as human resources (recruitment, selection, salary and fringe benefits administration), risk management (general liability, claims management, property insurance, workers' compensation, and safety training), employee training and recognition programs and special projects. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Administered City's Health and Welfare Benefit Program. • Administered City's Recruitment Efforts. • Administered City's Risk Management Program. • Reduced ABAG, Plan Pooled Public Funds Exposure by 50% (to $2.5M) through Plan Purchase of Reinsurance Layer. • Conducted Employee Workplace and Safety Training. • Complete Employee Process and Restructured City Benefits. • Completed Safety Inspections per City's Injury Illness Prevention Program. • Provided Summer Internship Program. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Administer City's Health and Welfare Benefit Program. • Administer City's Recruitment Efforts to Attract, Develop and Retain Top Talent. • Administer City's Risk Management Program. • Conduct Employee Workplace and Safety Training. • Complete Safety Inspection per City's Injury Illness Prevention Program. • Provide Summer Internship Program. Budget Highlights: • Increase in City's Property Insured Values with the addition of Emerald Glen Aquatic Complex (FY 2016-17). • Increase Recruitment efforts to Staff and Train Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex Full- and Part-Time City Employees. • Funding to support additional targeted employee training programs (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for Summer Internship program (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-15 Figure 14: Human Resources Department Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $301,429 $333,953 $336,233 $364,624 $374,894 Benefits $132,697 $137,355 $137,355 $149,340 $156,159 Services & Supplies $461,125 $584,740 $584,410 $641,700 $630,700 Internal Service Fund Charges $5,112 $16,096 $16,393 $27,942 $27,696 Contracted Services $42,274 $43,000 $70,500 $57,000 $57,000 Capital Outlay $7,989 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $950,625 $1,125,644 $1,155,391 $1,251,106 $1,256,949 FUNDING General Fund $950,625 $1,125,644 $1,155,391 $1,251,106 $1,256,949 TOTAL FUNDING $950,625 $1,125,644 $1,155,391 $1,251,106 $1,256,949 3 Human Resources Insurance/Risk Management : k $497,450 40% Human Resources $759,499 60% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-16 Human Resources Description: The Human Resources function oversees such City programs as human resources (recruitment, selection, salary and fringe benefits administration), risk management (general liability, claims management, property insurance, workers' compensation, best practice compliance and safety training), employee training and recognition programs and special projects. Figure 15: Human Resources Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecas 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-181 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $301,429 $333,953 $336,233 $364,624 $374,894 Benefits $132,697 $137,355 $137,355 $149,340 $156,159 Services & Supplies $86,833 $113,330 $113,000 $144,250 $133,250 Internal Service Fund Charges $5,112 $16,096 $16,393 $27,942 $27,696 ,,....,, Contracted Services $42,274 $43,000 $70,500 $57,000 $57,000 Capital Outlay $7,989 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $576,334 $654,234 $683,981 $753,656 $759,499 FUNDING General Fund $576,334 $654,234 $683,981 $753,656 $759,499 TOTAL FUNDING $576,334 $654,234 $683,981 $753,656 $759,499 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst ll 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50,, TOTAL POSITIONS 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-17 Insurance/Risk Management The Human Resources Department has functional oversight of the City's General Liability Insurance that it obtained through a pooled risk sharing arrangement offered through the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Plan Corporation. This pool currently includes 28 cities in the greater Bay Area, and offers coverage up to $30 million per occurrence. In addition to General Liability coverage, the policy also includes Property, as well as Errors and Omissions coverage for the City. The Human Resources Director serves as the City's Risk Manager and manages the City's Tort Claims Management process in collaboration with the City Attorney. Figure 16: Insurance/Risk Management Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $374,292 $471,410 $471,410 $497,450 $497,450 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $374,292 $471,410 $471,410 $497,450 $497,450 FUNDING General Fund $374,292 $471,410 $471,410 $497,450 $497,450 TOTAL FUNDING $374,292 $471,410 $471,410 $497,450 $497,450 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-18 City Attorney's Office Chart 6: City Attorney Organizational Chart City Attorney Assistant City Attorney *Not included in the Position Allocation Plan 0 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-19 City Attorney's Office Description: The City contracts with an outside firm, Meyers Nave, for legal services. In addition to having a partner specifically designated as City Attorney for legal services, the firm has a number of practicing attorneys specializing in various areas of municipal law who are utilized by the City on an as-needed basis. The City Attorney provides the following services to the City Council and staff: legal opinions related to City business; drafts and reviews proposed ordinances, resolutions, and contracts; represents the City in certain litigation; and provides legal counsel on development review issues. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Provided legal support for City Council initiatives. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Continue to provide legal support for City Council initiatives which involve new ordinances or resolutions (FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18). Budget Highlights: • Funding for providing legal services related to City business and development review issues (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). Figure 17: City Attorney's Office Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Contracted Services $596,285 $807,360 $887,360 $881,182 $881,182 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $596,285 $807,360 $887,360 $881,182 $881,182 FUNDING General Fund $499,536 $777,810 $777,810 $800,746 $800,746 Affordable Housing Fund $96,748 $29,550 $109,550 $80,436 $80,436 TOTAL FUNDING $596,285 $807,360 $887,360 $881,182 $881,182 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-20 Administrative Services Chart 6: Administrative Services Organizational Chart Administrative Services Director Assistant Administrative Services Director I I Finance Information Systems Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-21 Administrative Services Description: The Administrative Services Department is comprised of two divisions. The Finance Division is responsible for budget, treasury, accounting, financial reporting and payroll. The Information Services Division is responsible for the City's network infrastructure, IT service delivery, and Geographic Information Systems. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Formed the Dublin Crossing Community Facilities District. • Created IT Fund with City Council approved seed funding of$2,000,000. • Revised the City Fund Balance and Reserves Policy. • Received Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). • Received Excellence in Budgeting for Operating Budget Award from California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO). • Implemented quarterly training for the database system (Eden) and the financial reporting system (Simpler). • Continued with the inventory of assets. • Implemented the changes to GASB 45 Actuary update. • Implemented GASB 68. • Continued with the close out of Associated Community Action Program Operations. • Completed Information Technology Master Plan. • Completed GIS portal implementation. • Received 2015 MISAC Award for Excellence to recognize outstanding practices in Information Technology. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Provide guidance on the City's plan for fiscal sustainability. • Update User Fee Schedule (FY 2016-17). • Complete inventory of assets (FY 2016-17). • Finalize and close out Associated Community Action Program Operations (FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18). • Initiate discussion to implement new financial system (FY 2016-17). • Provide internet connectivity to the new Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex (FY 2016- 17). • Evaluate need and feasibility of new Asset Management System (FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18). • Implement free Wi-Fi in the downtown area. • Implement city wide performance measures. Budget Highlights: • Funding for consulting services for the Information Technology Master Plan. • Funding for Performance Measures software. • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-22 Figure 18: Administrative Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 20171.` EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $1,142,942 $1,271,072 $1,275,632 $1,361,063 $1,401,729 Benefits $578,245 $618,957 $618,957 $669,060 $700,052 !; Services & Supplies $32,639 $350,932 $341,372 $434,588 $470,235 Internal Service Fund Charges $41,820 $119,483 $122,141 $148,605 $149,373 Utilities $31,365 $29,712 $32,432 $35,200 $35,200 Contracted Services $336,489 $303,819 $355,828 $504,288 $427,788 Capital Outlay $8,284 $500 $500 $3,200 $1,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,171,785 $2,694,475 $2,746,862 $3,156,004 $3,186,077 FUNDING General Fund $2,171,785 $1,552,114 $1,556,265 $1,729,426 $1,743,119 Internal Service Fund - IT $1,142,361 $1,190,597 $1,426,578 $1,442,958 TOTAL FUNDING $2,171,785 $2,694,475 $2,746,862 $3,156,004 $3,186,077 Administrative Services Information Systems $1,442,958 45% Finance $1,743,119 55% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-23 Finance The Finance Division performs all Finance related functions which include Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Treasury, Audit, and Budget. The Division is also responsible for managing the collection of development related fees and maintaining other related City financial records. Figure 19: Finance Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 `;. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $673,345 $798,438 $802,200 $850,168 $875,531 Benefits $346,101 $394,411 $394,411 $415,528 $434,532 Services & Supplies $23,580 $38,362 $34,600 $34,110 $30,720 Internal Service Fund Charges $31,356 $86,584 $88,176 $125,132 $125,848 Contracted Services $192,032 $233,819 $236,378 $301,288 $274,788 Capital Outlay $1,533 $500 $500 $3,200 $1,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,267,946 $1,552,114 $1,556,265 $1,729,426 $1,743,11' FUNDING General Fund $1,267,946 $1,552,114 $1,556,265 $1,729,426 $1,743,119 TOTAL FUNDING $1,267,946 $1,552,114 $1,556,265 $1,729,426 $1,743,119 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Director 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Asst Admin Svcs Dir./Budget 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Finance Technician II 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-24 Information Systems The Information Systems Division oversees the operation and maintenance of the City's technological systems. Functions include support to computer systems, Geographic Information Systems, the telecommunications system, and overall system strategy for delivering services. Figure 20: Information Systems Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $469,598 $472,634 $473,432 $510,895 $526,198 Benefits $232,144 $224,546 $224,546 $253,532 $265,520 Services & Supplies $9,060 $312,570 $306,772 $400,478 $439,515 Internal Service Fund Charges $10,464 $32,899 $33,965 $23,473 $23,525 Utilities $31,365 $29,712 $32,432 $35,200 $35,200 Contracted Services $144,457 $70,000 $119,450 $203,000 $153,000 Capital Outlay $6,751 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $903,839 $1,142,361 $1,190,597 $1,426,578 $1,442,958 FUNDING General Fund $903,839 Internal Service Fund - IT $1,142,361 $1,190,597 $1,426,578 $1,442,958 TOTAL FUNDING $903,839 $1,142,361 $1,190,597 $1,426,578 $1,442,958 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION p Director 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35'' Information Systems Mgr. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Systems Tech I & II 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-25 Non-Departmental Chart 8: Non-Departmental Organizational Chart Non-Departmental • Non- Waste Community Disaster Crossing Animal Departmental Management Television Preparedness Guard Control Other Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-26 Non-Departmental Description: This budget funds activities that are not allocated to another Budget Activity. The following programs are included: Non-Departmental, Waste Management, Community Television, Disaster Preparedness, Crossing Guards, and Animal Control. Waste Management covers contract services for basic garbage collection, curbside recycling, organic waste collection and other waste related services. Community Cable Television provides funding for, and oversight of, Tri-Valley Community Television, a non-profit corporation, which provides education and government cable television access to the Tri-Valley area, including the City of Dublin. Disaster Preparedness provides training and activities for the community and City to be prepared in the event of a disaster. Crossing Guards are provided by contract to assist with school children safely crossing intersections during the school year. Animal Control services are provided under contract for shelter and enforcement services. Accomplishments 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Conducted a Disaster Preparedness exercise for City Staff. • Conducted Staff Emergency Operations Center Training. • Transitioned to a new communitywide Emergency Alert System. • Performed the annual garbage rate adjustment. • Negotiated an extension to the City's Disposal Services Agreement at the Altamont landfill. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Conduct annual disaster preparedness training for City Staff. • Conduct the annual review of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. • Conduct and evaluate the annual garbage rate adjustment. Budget Highlights: • Funding to support for the City's Emergency Alert System (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding to support County Property Tax Administration services (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for residential waste management services (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding for equipment, police vehicle, fire equipment and apparatus replacements, and City employees' Other Post-Employment Benefits contribution (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. • Budget includes impact fee right-to-reimbursements, as well as Traffic Impact Fee reimbursements for advances to the City related to the Tassajara interchange. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-27 Figure 21: Non-Departmental Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $226,665 $727,242 $727,242 $102,392 $105,464 Benefits $682,996 $1,273,057 $1,273,057 $1,234,638 $1,352,140 Services & Supplies $394,095 $29,591 $264,461 $29,591 $29,591 Internal Service Fund Charges $5,242 $37,459 $38,165 $25,683 $26,194 Contracted Services $5,349,341 $5,874,379 $5,954,388 $6,602,896 $6,883,647 Capital Outlay $596,217 $263,135 $263,135 $223,800 $277,950 Capital Outlay- ISF $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 Other $69,264 $210,000 $155,000 $210,000 $210,000 Principal & Interest Payments $259,903 $655,654 $655,654 $670,977 $686,882 Impact Fee Obligations $414,537 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,998,260 $9,639,076 $10,016,233 $9,749,977 $11,127,868 FUNDING General Fund $1,201,385 $2,734,432 $2,758,562 $2,103,946 , �� 2,130,0r Gas Tax $234,870 Measure D $58,901 $1,125 Garbage Service Fund $3,185,816 $3,344,889 $3,344,889 $3,870,150 µ=4,155,150 Local Recycling Programs $1,141 Cable TV Facilities $33,400 $35,340 $35,340 $35,338 $35,338 Fire Impact Fees $3,006 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 $451,337 $400,000 $400,460 $400,000 '' $400,000 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 2 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Dublin Crossing Fund $50,000 ISF - Vehicles $443,758 $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 . ,1,156,000 ISF - Facilities $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 ° 50,000 !SF - Equipment $129,076 $170,700 $170,700 $131,300 , " 181,000 ISF - Maintenance & Repairs $341,316 ISF - Retiree Health $1,842,228 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $2,238,266 $2,333,440 Energy Effcy Capital Lease $156,897 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 x :1,882 TOTAL FUNDING $7,998,260 $9,639,076 $10,016,233 $9,749,977 $11,127,868 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-28 Non-Departmental Waste Community Management , : Cable Television ',233,287 ` $158,988 .o r 2% Disaster Preparedness $126,632 1% Crossing Guard $147,729 1% Animal Control Services $299,570 3% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-29 Disaster Preparedness The Disaster Preparedness program is responsible for activities related to disaster preparedness including public information, neighborhood preparedness, staff training, and attendance at specialized State training courses. Figure 22: Disaster Preparedness Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $47,607 $47,547 $47,547 $51,196 $52,732 Benefits $22,689 $21,552 $21,552 $24,319 $25,415 Services & Supplies $3,500 $7,291 $7,291 $7,291 $7,291 Internal Service Fund Charges $3,276 $37,459 $38,165 $25,683 $26,194 Contracted Services $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $92,072 $128,849 $129,555 $123,489 $126,632 FUNDING General Fund $92,072 $128,849 $129,555 $123,489 $126,632 TOTAL FUNDING $92,072 $128,849 $129,555 $123,489 $126,632 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Assistant to the City Manager 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 ,. i. d TOTAL POSITIONS 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-30 Crossing Guard Services Crossing Guard services are provided to Dublin Unified School District schools at 11 crossing locations throughout the City. The crossing guards assist elementary students in crossing heavily traveled streets on their way to and from school. Services are provided at these locations for four hours per day, in accordance with the Dublin Unified School District regular school schedule. Crossing guard services are provided to the City under private contract. The contractor provides the recruitment, training, supervision, and substitute personnel associated with the program management. Figure 23: Crossing Guard Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Contracted Services $121,510 $133,996 $133,996 $140,695 Aid TOTAL EXPENDITURES $121,510 $133,996 $133,996 $140,695 $147,729 FUNDING General Fund $121,510 $133,996 $133,996 $140,695 7; :' TOTAL FUNDING $121,510 $133,996 $133,996 $140,695 $147,729 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-31 Animal Control Services Animal Control Services are provided under contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office for shelter and field services. The contracted activities include: field patrol, enforcement of domestic animal related laws, investigation of dog bites and attacks, collection of stray and dead animals, and animal shelter services. City Staff serves on an Advisory Committee with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and County of Alameda to oversee operations at the jointly owned East County Animal Shelter. Figure 24: Animal Control Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast �p 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2!. 7- 8 BY CATEGORY Contracted Services $212,101 $237,802 $237,802 $256,757 $250,620 Capital Outlay $35,536 $44,435 $44,435 $44,500 $48,950 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $247,637 $282,237 $282,237 $301,257 $299,570 FUNDING General Fund $247,637 $282,237 $282,237 $301,257 $299,57. TOTAL FUNDING $247,637 $282,237 $282,237 $301,257 $299,570 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-32 Non-Departmental - Other This budget funds items that are not allocated to another budget activity. For example, this includes costs associated with replacement of capital assets, credit card processing fees, administrative fees associated with part-time employee retirement system charges (PARS), and the commute alternative incentive program for employees, and disbursement of impact fee obligation. The salaries and wages budgeted in FY 2015-16 were for merit contingency. As of FY 2016-17 this cost is directly reflected in department pages rather than a lump sum here. The budget for benefits includes the retiree health premiums and a lump sum contribution to the retiree health liability. Figure 25: Non-Departmental - Other Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries &Wages $496,412 $496,412 Benefits $582,616 $1,173,642 $1,173,642 $1,186,000 $1,301,320 Services & Supplies $353,035 $22,000 $256,870 $22,000 $22,000 Internal Service Fund Charges $94 Contracted Services $1,652,729 $1,998,502 $2,077,386 $2,161,606 $2,156,460 Capital Outlay $560,680 $218,700 $218,700 $179,300 $229,000 Capital Outlay- ISF $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 Other $69,264 $210,000 $155,000 $210,000 $210,000 Principal & Interest Payments $259,903 $655,654 $655,654 $670,977 $686,882 Impact Fee Obligations $414,537 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,892,859 $5,343,469 $5,718,795 $5,079,883 $6,161,662 FUNDING General Fund $375,240 $1,819,054 $1,842,478 $1,339,340 $1,354,340°M Gas Tax $234,870 Fire Impact Fees $3,006 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5;r s i' Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 $451,337 $400,000 $400,460 $400,000 $400,000 -i Traffic Impact Fee - Category 2 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Dublin Crossing Fund $50,000 ISF -Vehicles $443,758 $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 ISF - Facilities $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 ISF - Equipment $129,076 $170,700 $170,700 $131,300 $181,000 ISF - Maintenance & Repairs $341,316 ISF - Retiree Health $1,842,228 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $2,238,266 $2,333,440 Energy Effcy Capital Lease $156,897 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 882 • TOTAL FUNDING $3,892,859 $5,343,469 $5,718,795 $5,079,883 $6,161,662 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-33 Waste Management Services The Waste Management program oversees the budget and contract for providing basic garbage servic curbside recycling, organic waste collection, on-call bulky waste clean-ups and other related services, whicn includes: support for commercial recycling programs; curbside used oil collection; an annual household hazardous waste collection event; and a food-scrap recycling program. Figure 26: Waste Management Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $179,057 $183,283 $183,283 $51,196 $52,732 Benefits $77,691 $77,863 $77,863 $24,319 $25,405 Services & Supplies $35,166 $150 $150 $150 $150 Internal Service Fund Charges $1,872 Contracted Services $3,210,712 $3,344,739 $3,345,864 $3,870,000 $4,155,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,504,499 $3,606,035 $3,607,160 $3,945,665 $4,233,287 FUNDING General Fund $258,641 $261,146 $261,146 $75,515 $78,13' Measure D $58,901 $1,125 Garbage Service Fund $3,185,816 $3,344,889 $3,344,889 $3,870,150 $4,155,150 Local Recycling Programs $1,141 TOTAL FUNDING $3,504,499 $3,606,035 $3,607,160 $3,945,665 $4,233,287 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Assistant to the City Manager 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 Administrative Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 Environmental Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.25 Environmental Technician 0.75 0.75 0.75 TOTAL POSITIONS 1.83 1.83 1.83 0.33 0.33 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-34 Community Cable Television Tri-Valley Community Television (TV30) is a non-profit corporation which provides education and government cable television access, including the broadcast of City Council meetings. The TV30 Board of Directors is comprised of the Mayors from the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton. This budget funds the City of Dublin's share of costs associated with the TV30 organization and televising City Council meetings. Figure 27: Community Cable Television Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $2,395 $150 $150 $150 $150 Contracted Services $137,289 $144,340 $144,340 $158,838 $158,838 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $139,683 $144,490 $144,490 $158,988 $158,988 FUNDING General Fund $106,284 $109,150 $109,150 $123,650 $123,650 Cable TV Facilities $33,400 $35,340 $35,340 $35,338 $35,338 TOTAL FUNDING $139,683 $144,490 $144,490 $158,988 $158,988 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-35 Economic Development and Public Information Chart 9: Economic Development Organizational Chart Economic Development Director/Public Information Officer I I I Economic Development Public Information Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-36 Economic Development and Public Information Description: The Economic Development Department is comprised of two divisions— Economic Development and Public Information. The primary objectives of this department are to enhance and maintain the City's economic base through programs and activities focused on business attraction, expansion and retention; and to create consistent and ongoing communication with Dublin residents and businesses through a variety of outreach efforts. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Provided Business Assistance to tenants of Persimmon Place shopping center. • Developed "Start-Up Dublin: A Bootcamp for Technology Entrepreneurs" in cooperation with Alameda County Small Business Development Center (ACSBDC) and i-GATE. • Promoted key opportunity sites on website, OppSites, which can be viewed by national and international developers and businesses. • Organized Tri-Valley Small Business Assistance Series, along with the Small Business Administration, the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and the three respective Chambers of Commerce. • Participated in National Manufacturing Day to highlight Dublin's economic diversity by organizing tours of two Dublin manufacturing firms. • Expanded the "Discover Dublin for the Holidays" Campaign to a year-round social media promotion. • Launched the updated City website, including a "responsive design" that is fully functional across mobile devices; simple, streamlined links; a prominent translation feature; and new content that encourages visitors to explore the City. • Launched an updated version of the City's mobile app— MyDublinCA. • Developed a two-minute video highlighting Dublin, which was translated to Mandarin and is displayed on the City's new YouTube channel—City of Dublin, CA. • Published branded print and television ads targeting new residents, visitors, and businesses in a range of publications. • Implemented the City's marketing and branding campaign in City publications and materials, City events, and promotional items. • Created New Resident Guide and Dining Guide to assist residents and visitors to Dublin. • Nominated Dublin-based Callidus Cloud for their successful East Bay EDA Innovation Award. • Expanded social media campaign efforts to promote Dublin businesses and increase community awareness of events and activities. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Continue to implement the City's marketing and branding plan to assist in the City's economic development and outreach efforts and promote commercial opportunity sites. • Host a new economic development event to showcase Dublin to commercial brokerage and development community. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-37 • Continue to offer incentives to address current market conditions (Façade Improvement Program, Sales Tax Reimbursement, Sewer Capacity Assistance, Small Business Assistance, etc.). • Continue to expand social media uses and options for general City use. • Facilitate roundtables with commercial and residential brokers, developers and auto dealers. • Continue the City's efforts to better connect to the Livermore Valley Wine Region. Budget Highlights: • First year managing the City's Street Banner Program (FY2016-2017 & 2017-2018). • Funding to continue the City's Facade Improvement Program in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18). • Funding to assist with research on the implementation of Economic Development Strategy (FY 2016- 17 & 2017-18). • Funding for the implementation of Marketing and Branding Campaign (FY 2016-17 & 2017-18), including translation services. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-38 Figure 28: Economic Development/Public Information Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $401,761 $411,465 $398,745 $439,371 $452,482 Benefits $188,517 $168,628 $168,628 $184,524 $192,272 Services & Supplies $99,178 $127,377 $106,697 $157,537 $156,937 Internal Service Fund Charges $6,888 $20,237 $21,058 $23,221 $23,736 Contracted Services $111,928 $391,109 $592,815 $234,697 $157,709 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $808,272 $1,118,816 $1,287,943 $1,039,350 $983,136 FUNDING General Fund $808,272 $1,118,816 $1,287,943 $1,039,350 $983,136 TOTAL FUNDING $808,272 $1,118,816 $1,287,943 $1,039,350 $983,136 Economic Development Public Information $278,552 28% Ff k- 11!.KF .. Economic Development $704,584 72% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-39 Economic Development Economic Development Division activities include economic development programs, such as targeted incentives to attract, retain and expand business; economic reports; development of various business marketing materials; implementation of the City's marketing and branding plan, execution of the Business Recognition Program; participation in regional economic development efforts, including but not limited to, the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, iGATE, East Bay Leadership Council, Innovation Tri-Valley and Visit Tri-Valley; partnerships with the Alameda County Small Business Development Center and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce on small business support, as well as continued participation in membership groups such as the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED). Figure 29: Economic Development Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $293,541 $300,730 $287,554 $318,258 $327,751 Benefits $145,804 $126,094 $126,094 $146,624 $153,480 Services & Supplies $68,431 $97,351 $95,527 $92,717 $92,117 Internal Service Fund Charges $6,888 $20,237 $21,058 $23,221 $23,736 Contracted Services $19,115 $107,500 $330,343 $107,500 $107,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $533,779 $651,912 $860,576 $688,320 $704,584 FUNDING General Fund $533,779 $651,912 $860,576 $688,320 $704,584 TOTAL FUNDING $533,779 $651,912 $860,576 $688,320 $704,584 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Director/PIO 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Management Analyst I 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Management Analyst II 1.00 .= 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL POSITIONS 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-40 Public Information Public Information activities include the issuance of City press releases; management of the City website content and information, development of other communications such as City Report newsletter and Annual Report, as well as social media outreach efforts. The division also provides support for a variety of special citywide events. Figure 30: Public Information Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $108,220 $110,735 $111,191 $121,113 $124,731 Benefits $42,713 $42,534 $42,534 $37,900 $38,792 Services & Supplies $30,747 $30,026 $11,170 $64,820 $64,820 Contracted Services $92,813 $283,609 $262,472 $127,197 $50,209 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $274,492 $466,904 $427,367 $351,030 $278,552 FUNDING General Fund $274,492 $466,904 $427,367 $351,030 $278,552 TOTAL FUNDING $274,492 $466,904 $427,367 $351,030 $278,552 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Director/PIO 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Management Analyst I 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 TOTAL POSITIONS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-41 Community Development Chart 10: Community Development Organizational Chart Community Development Director Assistant Community Chief Building Official Development Director Building and Safety Planning Housing F Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-42 Community Development Description: The Community Development Department is comprised of three divisions: Building and Safety, Planning Services, and Housing. Oversight and coordination of the activities of the three divisions is the responsibility of the Community Development Director. The Department works to ensure that established land development policies are implemented and enforced in a manner that is consistent with the high standards set by the City Council and the community. The Community Development Department also provides lead staff support to the Planning Commission. It is the mission of the Department to insure that residential and commercial development projects are of the highest quality design and environmentally sustainable for a deserving community, that the buildings are safe, efficient and constructed in accordance with internationally recognized standards, and that the housing needs of all residents are addressed. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Completed key amendments to the General Plan and revised the Dublin Crossings and Eastern Dublin Specific Plans to facilitate the creation of two new school sites for the Dublin Unified School District. • Provided permitting assistance for planned commercial development including the Whole Foods anchored Persimmon Place Shopping Center, Fallon Gateway, upgrades to Dublin Place, Tesla Motors, and small business renovations on Village Parkway. • Worked cooperatively with the Dublin San Ramon Services District and State agencies to ensure compliance with the Governor's Executive Order regarding the 2015 Drought and long-term water conservation planning. • Commenced project review and completed the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed multi-phase Kaiser Permanente Medical Campus to include medical offices, an oncology treatment center, and an eventual acute care facility. • Completed the successful financing for the 64-unit Dublin Family Apartments and worked with the project developer Eden Housing, to commence construction and develop an outreach program to assist veterans in need of affordable housing. • Completed a critical assessment and modernized and streamlined the City of Dublin First-Time Homebuyer and Inclusionary Below Market Rate housing programs to enhance effectiveness and flexibility while reduce program complexity. • Processed permits for major projects including the Bay West Apartments, Dublin Station Apartments, Dublin Corporate Center tenant relocations and enhancements, and the Stanford Health Urgent Care Facility. • Prepared, for City Council adoption, an ordinance for streamlined permitting process for small residential rooftop solar systems (AB 2188). • Worked with the Department of Water Resources on the completion of the five-year annual FEMA. National Flood Insurance Program audit of the City's flood plain management. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-43 Objectives for 2016-17 and 2017-18: • See through to completion the implementation of the General Plan and PD Zoning Amendments fui the E-5 School and related residential and park land provisions. • Initiate the preparation of an updated Wireless Communications Ordinance to be consistent with State and Federal law. • Initiate necessary revisions to the sign regulations to bring these provisions of the Zoning Code into conformance with recent court decisions. • Work in cooperation with DSRSD to revise and update the Water Efficiency landscape Ordinance to comply with State Water Resources Board mandates. • Work with Information Technology to increase access to current development information and enhance public understanding of active development proposals. • Identify and secure a potential affordable housing development site or alternative approach to providing opportunities for additional affordable housing development. • Educate and assist the public, and successfully adopt and implement the 2016 California Building Codes leading to a January 1, 2017 effective date. • Initiate a trial email-based electronic plan submittal for small-scale plans. Determine the effectiveness of the process and expand as feasible. • Prepare, for City Council adoption an expedited, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations meeting the requirements of AB1236. Budget Highlights: • The Human Services operational budget and programs have been transferred to the Parks and Community Services Department Budget. • Decreased Contracted Services associated with processing of anticipated development projects during the upcoming 2016-2018 two-year budget period. • Funding for the addition of one Senior Planner (4 year Limited Term). • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-44 Figure 31: Community Development Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $1,882,526 $1,971,848 $1,978,688 $2,118,481 $2,181,627 Benefits $935,056 $927,949 $927,949 $1,032,370 $1,080,046 Services & Supplies $78,266 $129,155 $122,315 $121,352 $117,992 Internal Service Fund Charges $115,208 $210,672 $213,988 $303,618 $302,492 Utilities $6,268 $7,220 $7,220 $6,836 $6,836 Contracted Services $2,752,907 $2,624,059 $2,896,401 $2,491,899 $2,387,519 Loans $272,000 $5,572,000 $272,000 $1,372,000 Capital Outlay $14,764 Other $125,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,784,995 $6,142,903 $11,843,561 $6,346,556 $7,448,512 FUNDING General Fund $5,450,483 $5,418,506 $5,647,629 $5,770,164 $5,766,750 Affordable Housing Fund $334,513 $724,397 $6,195,932 $576,392 $1,681,762 TOTAL FUNDING $5,784,995 $6,142,903 $11,843,561 $6,346,556 $7,448,512 Community Development Housing $1,681,762 23% Planning $2,678,194 36% Building and Safety $3,088,556 41% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-45 Planning The Planning Services Division, under the oversight of the Assistant Director, is responsible for providing support to the City Council and the Planning Commission in the development of land use policy, and the review and regulation of land development. Division responsibilities include processing and reviewing development applications for new, renovated and re-purposed residential, retail commercial, office, and industrial projects; preparation of updates and amendments to the Dublin General Plan; administration of the Zoning Code; ensuring compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for planning applications; and working in cooperation with local, regional and state planning and permitting agencies. Code Enforcement staff is responsible for enforcement of the City's Zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinance. Figure 32: Planning Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $968,437 $999,437 $1,002,857 $1,237,127 $1,273,935 Benefits $483,988 $477,989 $477,989 $598,260 $626,r Services & Supplies $48,609 $71,342 $67,922 $66,815 $65,6uu Internal Service Fund Charges $52,352 $104,852 $108,109 $159,703 $159,735 Utilities $3,455 $3,480 $3,480 $3,096 $3,096 Contracted Services $965,699 $840,635 $840,862 $549,823 $549,823 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,522,541 $2,497,735 $2,501,219 $2,614,824 $2,678,194 FUNDING General Fund $2,522,541 $2,497,735 $2,501,219 $2,614,824 $2,678,194 TOTAL FUNDING $2,522,541 $2,497,735 $2,501,219 $2,614,824 $2,678,194 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-46 Planning Personnel Allocation Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Community Development Dir. 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Asst Dir. of Community Dev. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Assistant Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Associate Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 Office Assistant II 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 Principal Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 9.20 9.20 9.20 10.20 10.20 '.tars` Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-47 Building and Safety The Building and Safety Division is responsible for construction plan review, the issuance of building permits and the inspection of construction work in the City of Dublin to safeguard the health, property, and public welfare of the community. The Chief Building Official is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City's Building Codes, Housing Code, Universal Design and Green Building Ordinances; and the administration of the City's Waste Management Plan. The Division administers the Business Registration Program, and is responsible for the Federal Flood Plain Management program in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Figure 33: Building and Safety Expenditure Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $679,008 $696,636 $700,056 $753,457 $775,958 Benefits $324,705 $323,073 $323,073 $365,543 $382,357 Services & Supplies $26,882 $47,168 $43,748 $43,748 $43,748 Internal Service Fund Charges $54,240 $72,064 $73,901 $106,482 $104,- Utilities $2,813 $3,740 $3,740 $3,740 $3,740 Contracted Services $1,730,140 $1,678,100 $1,901,902 $1,882,370 $1,777,990 Capital Outlay $10,469 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,828,257 $2,820,781 $3,046,420 $3,155,340 $3,088,556 FUNDING General Fund $2,828,257 $2,820,781 $3,046,420 $3,155,340 $3,088,556 TOTAL FUNDING $2,828,257 $2,820,781 $3,046,420 $3,155,340 $3,088,556 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-48 Building and Safety Personnel Allocation Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Subtotal -City Positions 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 Contract Positions 8.50 8.75 8.75 9.69 9.21 TOTAL POSITIONS 15.00 15.25 15.25 16.19 15.71 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-49 Housing Overseen by the Assistant Director, the Housing Division helps provide safe, decent and suitable liviris environments for low-and moderate-income Dublin residents. Affordable housing support responsibilities include the implementation of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other housing programs such as the First-Time Home Buyer Loan Program. The Housing Division coordinates with current and future residential developers to develop Affordable Housing Agreements, marketing and management plans for inclusionary units, and qualifying applicants for the ownership of new and resale Below Market Rate Inclusionary Units. The Division also works with non-profit housing developers in the planning and financing for the construction of new and renovated affordable housing in Dublin. Figure 34: Housing Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $235,081 $275,775 $275,775 $127,897 $131,734 Benefits $126,363 $126,887 $126,887 $68,567 $71,684 Services & Supplies $2,775 $10,645 $10,645 $10,789 $8,644 Internal Service Fund Charges $8,616 $33,756 $31,978 $37,433 $37,( Contracted Services $57,068 $105,324 $153,637 $59,706 $59,706 Loans $272,000 $5,572,000 $272,000 $1,372,000 Capital Outlay $4,295 Other $125,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $434,198 $824,387 $6,295,922 $576,392 $1,681,762 FUNDING General Fund $99,685 $99,990 $99,990 Affordable Housing Fund $334,513 $724,397 $6,195,932 $576,392 $1,681,762 TOTAL FUNDING $434,198 $824,387 $6,295,922 $576,392 $1,681,762 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Administrative Technician 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Housing Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.75 1.75 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-50 Fire Services Chart 11: Fire Services Organizational Chart City of Dublin Fire Operations Dougherty Fire Station Fire Prevention Services Regional Fire (Contract with Alameda County Authority Main ten an ce Fire Department) Fire Chief Contract - Alameda County Fire Marshal Contract - Alameda County r Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-51 Fire Services Description: Fire Services in the City of Dublin are comprised of four divisions: Fire Operations, Fire Prevention, Fire Station Maintenance, and Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). Fire operation services are provided under a contract with the Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD). The department personnel provide fire suppression, advance life support emergency medical response, special operations response, hazardous materials responses and fire prevention services to the City of Dublin. Suppression and prevention personnel are assigned to provide service from one of the three fire stations and/or the fire prevention office located in Dublin. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Responded to 4,344 calls from July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. • Conducted 5,587 inspections. • Completed 1,560 plan checks. • Established an Automatic Aid Agreement for response with Livermore- Pleasanton Fire Department. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Provide quality emergency response services within contract guidelines. • Work with the business and development community to meet the changing needs of a growiris community. Budget Highlights: • ACFD contract cost includes the operating cost of running a firefighter recruit academy of the 24 and the capital improvement projects for Radios and SCBA replacement. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-52 Figure 35: Fire Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $52,249 $65,582 $65,582 $69,917 $72,016 Benefits $33,868 $41,636 $41,636 $170,744 $173,595 Services & Supplies $78,318 $104,043 $104,043 $103,904 $106,561 Internal Service Fund Charges $215,232 $327,171 $328,034 $364,015 $333,998 Utilities $72,580 $79,851 $79,851 $84,173 $88,730 Contracted Services $11,471,563 $11,884,098 $11,914,659 $12,413,273 $12,790,007 Capital Outlay $6,436 $18,300 $36,600 $427,427 $80,107 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,930,246 $12,520,681 $12,570,405 $13,633,453 $13,645,014 FUNDING General Fund $11,599,772 $12,172,265 $12,221,989 $13,284,040 $13,294,710 EMS Special Revenue $330,474 $348,416 $348,416 $349,413 ;, 0....,14 TOTAL FUNDING $11,930,246 $12,520,681 $12,570,405 $13,633,453 $13,645,014 Fire Services Fire Prevention $441,777 3% Dougherty . ' Regional Fire .' mo . £ .,` Authority $125,000 1% Fire Station Fire Operations Maintenance $12,828,030 _ $250,207 94% • 2% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-53 Fire Operations The City of Dublin contracts with the Alameda County Fire Department to provide fire services to the Dublin community. Services include fire suppression, emergency medical, hazardous materials, and special operations response. ACFD then provides line personnel to the City's three fire stations; these personnel provide first responder/paramedic services on three engines and one truck company. Figure 36: Fire Operations Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $76,303 $88,703 $88,703 $88,564 $91,221 Contracted Services $11,330,150 $11,699,273 $11,699,273 $12,295,268 $12,675,002 Capital Outlay $409,127 $61,807 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,406,453 $11,787,976 $11,787,976 $12,792,959 $12,828,030 FUNDING General Fund $11,081,102 $11,444,410 $11,444,410 $12,448,396 $12,482,5. EMS Special Revenue $325,351 $343,566 $343,566 $344,563 $345,454 TOTAL FUNDING $11,406,453 $11,787,976 $11,787,976 $12,792,959 $12,828,030 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.33 36.33 TOTAL POSITIONS 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.33 36.33 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-54 Fire Prevention The Alameda County Fire Department provides Fire Prevention services to the City of Dublin, providing plan check and inspection services at City Hall. The Fire Prevention Division ensures that new and existing businesses, and all construction, meet the safety standards adopted by the City Council and State of California. Figure 37: Fire Prevention Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $52,249 $65,582 $65,582 $69,917 $72,016 Benefits $33,868 $41,636 $41,636 $45,744 $48,595 Services & Supplies $1,192 $7,970 $7,970 $7,970 $7,970 Internal Service Fund Charges $183,936 $295,498 $296,361 $333,363 $303,346 Contracted Services $5,123 $9,850 $9,850 $9,850 $9,850 Capital Outlay ^"\ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $276,368 $420,536 $421,399 $466,844 $441,777 FUNDING General Fund $271,244 $415,686 $416,549 $461,994 $436,927 EMS Special Revenue $5,123 $4,850 $4,850 $4,850 $4,850 TOTAL FUNDING $276,368 $420,536 $421,399 $466,844 $441,777 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Subtotal - City Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Contract Positions 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 TOTAL POSITIONS 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-55 Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) The budget funds the City's estimated share of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) liabilities. Prior to the City's contracting with Alameda County Fire Department in July 1997, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority provided services to the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. DRFA continues to exist as a Joint Powers Authority, only for the purposes of distributing the outstanding liabilities and assets to the cities. Figure 38: Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-14 £" EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Benefits $125,000 Contracted Services $43,253 $71,300 $100,055 $3,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $43,253 $71,300 $100,055 $128,000 $125,000 FUNDING General Fund $43,253 $71,300 $100,055 $128,000 $125,000 TOTAL FUNDING $43,253 $71,300 $100,055 $128,000 $125,01 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-56 Fire Station Maintenance Fire Station Maintenance is included as a separate budget area within the Fire Services budget. This budget area includes the maintenance and operations of the three Dublin fire stations. Components of the budget include inspection and County permits for operation of machinery, utilities, telephone services, contract maintenance services, minor improvements and repairs associated with the three stations. Figure 39: Fire Station Maintenance Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $824 $7,370 $7,370 $7,370 $7,370 Internal Service Fund Charges $31,296 $31,673 $31,673 $30,652 $30,652 Utilities $72,580 $79,851 $79,851 $84,173 $88,730 Contracted Services $93,036 $103,675 $105,481 $105,155 $105,155 Capital Outlay $6,436 $18,300 $36,600 $18,300 $18,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $204,172 $240,869 $260,975 $245,650 $250,207 FUNDING General Fund $204,172 $240,869 $260,975 $245,650 $250,20,;x1 TOTAL FUNDING $204,172 $240,869 $260,975 $245,650 $250,207 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 0.39 0.39 0.39 040 TOTAL POSITIONS 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.40 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-57 Police Services Chart 12: Police Services Organizational Chart City of Dublin Sheriff Contract - Alameda County Police Commander (Contract with Alameda County) I I I Police Operations Police Operations Support Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-58 Police Services Description: Dublin Police Services is comprised of the Operations Division, Operations Support Division, and the Crime Prevention Unit. Dublin Police Services consists of 53 sworn officers, 4 non-sworn personnel, and 4 City personnel as of Fiscal Year 2016-17. The Department provides the following services to the community: Crime Prevention, Neighborhood Watch, Investigations, Special Investigations, Patrol, and Traffic Enforcement. Police Services are provided to the City under a contract with Alameda County Sheriff's Office. The County Sheriff, under consultation with the City, designates the Commanding Officer who functions and is empowered to act as the City's Police Chief. Patrol, criminal investigation, traffic, crime prevention, and office management functions are performed from the Dublin Civic Center office. Dispatch and additional data processing functions are handled at the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Commander Dennis Houghtelling joined as Chief of Police when Commander McCarthy retired. • Captain Garrett Holmes was chosen for the new Captain position, overseeing Police Operations, Police Operations Support, and the Crime Prevention Unit. • Purchased body cameras to outfit all sworn staff. • Facilitated the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program to Dublin 5th graders with 1130 graduates. • Operated a successful Holiday Crime Suppression Unit (HCSU) during the holiday season. • Conducted the annual Independence Day Special Operation with the goal of controlling the use of illegal fireworks and the protection of public safety with a reduction in calls from the previous year. • Participated in the 2015 National Night Out event, along with over 1,700 residents in 23 neighborhoods throughout the community. • Partnered with the Alameda County Fire Department and American Red Cross to facilitated the first annually Safety Fair for the community. • The Crime Prevention Unit hosted several "Coffee with the Chief" events at the Farmers' Market in Emerald Glen Park. • Participated in the National Drug "Take-Back Initiative" event, resulting in 452 lbs. of prescription drugs collected. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Work to improve community conditions and public trust through proactive activities and strengthen partnerships to reduce crime and minimize recidivism. Work with Neighborhood Watch Captains to locate citizens who have home surveillance systems and are willing to be a resource in investigations. • Maintain emergency plans, sustain planning coordination with other city entities, and participate in emergency drills to address expanding responsibilities in emergency management. • Continue using of Propertyroom.com, an internet based auction company, to assist in selling salvaged property. This allows space for new incoming property and evidence, and generates revenue. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-59 • Explore innovative and creative means to upgrade, maintain, and replace department facilities and equipment. Work with a consultant in order to complete a thorough staffing analysis which will provide the necessary information to determine optimum staffing strategies and space needs. Budget Highlights: • New five year contract for Police Services provided by the Alameda County Sheriff's Office was approved by City Council in June 2015, expiring June 30, 2020. • The Neighborhood Resources program budget transfers to the Police Operations Support program budget. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-60 Figure 40: Police Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $376,287 $370,870 $370,870 $306,016 $315,196 Benefits $211,289 $198,383 $198,383 $167,002 $178,423 Services & Supplies $111,636 $669,713 $681,113 $698,526 $699,644 Internal Service Fund Charges $691,844 $737,149 $745,437 $702,247 $644,291 Utilities $9,774 $11,283 $11,283 $11,213 $11,213 Contracted Services $14,119,337 $15,401,977 $15,449,403 $17,159,200 $18,129,249 Capital Outlay $177,264 $315 $127,070 $2,130 $2,130 Other $257,756 $257,756 $279,112 $290,203 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $15,697,432 $17,647,446 $17,841,315 $19,325,446 $20,270,349 FUNDING General Fund $15,425,565 $17,542,644 $17,597,432 $19,210,629 $20,161,232 State Seizure/Special Act. Fund $1,915 $3,980 $3,980 $5,795 $5,795 Vehicle Abatement $822 $822 $822 $822 SLES/COPS Fund - CA $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Federal Asset Seizure Fund $163,811 $136,655 $5,700 Enforcement Grants $6,140 $2,426 $2,500 $2,508. TOTAL FUNDING $15,697,432 $17,647,446 $17,841,315 $19,325,446 $20,270,349 Police Services Police Operations $18,289,860 90% Police Operations Support $1,980,489 10% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-61 Police Operations The Police Services Operations Division is comprised of Administration, Investigations, Patrol, Traffic Unit, anu Dispatch. Figure 41: Police Operations Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $163,900 $163,900 $170,456 $177,274 Contracted Services $13,973,804 $15,102,536 $15,102,536 $16,852,334 $17,822,383 Other $257,756 $257,756 $279,112 $290,203 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,973,804 $15,524,192 $15,524,192 $17,301,902 $18,289,860 FUNDING General Fund $13,873,804 $15,424,192 $15,424,192 $17,201,902 $18,189,860 SLES/COPS Fund - CA $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 11,000 TOTAL FUNDING $13,973,804 $15,524,192 $15,524,192 $17,301,902 $18,289,860 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 55.00 56.00 56.00 57.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 55.00 56.00 56.00 57.00 57.00 I Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-62 Police Operations Support The Police Services Operations Support Division is comprised of the Records Unit and the Evidence Unit. Records provide assistance to the general public regarding various procedures such as release of reports, impounded vehicles/releases, and filing of police reports. The Evidence Unit is responsible for the processing of evidence collected by patrol and investigations, preparing evidence for court, and releasing back to owners. Figure 42: Police Operations Support Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $376,287 $370,870 $370,870 $306,016 $315,196 Benefits $211,289 $198,383 $198,383 $167,002 $178,423 Services & Supplies $111,636 $505,813 $517,213 $528,070 $522,370 Internal Service Fund Charges $691,844 $737,149 $745,437 $702,247 $644,291 Utilities $9,774 $11,283 $11,283 $11,213 $11,213 Contracted Services $145,533 $299,441 $346,867 $306,866 $306,866 Capital Outlay $177,264 $315 $127,070 $2,130 $2,130 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,723,628 $2,123,254 $2,317,123 $2,023,544 $1,980,489 FUNDING General Fund $1,551,762 $2,118,452 $2,173,240 $2,008,727 $1,971,372 State Seizure/Special Act. Fund $1,915 $3,980 $3,980 $5,795 $5,795 Vehicle Abatement $822 $822 $822 $822 Federal Asset Seizure Fund $163,811 $136,655 $5,700 Enforcement Grants $6,140 $2,426 $2,500 $2,500 TOTAL FUNDING $1,723,628 $2,123,254 $2,317,123 $2,023,544 $1,980,489 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Administrative Aide 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Management Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Subtotal - City Positions 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-63 Parks and Community Services Chart 13: Parks and Community Services Organizational Chart Parks and Community Services Director Assistant Parks and Community Services Director Facilities Operations Recreation and Rentals Programs I I Administration/ Heritage and Business Services Cultural Arts Library Services Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-64 Parks and Community Services Description: The Parks and Community Services Department is comprised of the following areas: Administration/Business Services, Recreation Programs, Heritage and Cultural Arts, Facilities Operations and Rentals, and Library Services. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Completed update to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Public Facility Fee Program. • Expanded the number of group picnic rental areas to include Schaefer Ranch Park, Kolb Park, and Bray Commons Park. • Expanded the Summer Camps program to include the Camp Connector program at more sites. • Installed the Senior Center Marquee and enhanced landscaped area with drought resistant plants. • Completed the Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center management plan. • Developed and launched the "Arts Resource Database". • Completed an inventory and maintenance plan for the City's public art collection. • Began construction on several new parks and facilities, including Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex, Fallon Sports Park Phase II, and Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park. • Expanded the quantity and availability of tennis court rental facilities. • Included multi-cultural performance venues at Splatter through partnerships with local performing arts groups. Objectives for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Complete one full year of operations of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. • Install Public Art at the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex and Fallon Sports Park. • Work with Facilities Development staff to develop the small expansion space at the Dublin Public Library into a 21st Century Library space for technology based programs that support "Idea Exchange" and "Maker" programs, employment programs, technology training, and education. • Design and install Dublin Camp Parks Military History Center exhibits at the new Camp Parks Visitor Center, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. • Implement the maintenance plan for the City's Public Art Collection, and publish background information on the artwork on the City website. • Continue to support opportunities for multi-cultural performance venues at Splatter and other City events through partnerships with local performing arts groups. • Develop and implement Department Marketing and Promotions Plan. • Develop and implement Department Sponsorship Plan. • Develop and implement signage and interpretive improvements at Heritage Park and Museums. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-65 • Complete update to the Master Plan and phasing options for the Cemetery development at the Heritage Park and Museums and identify funding sources. • Digitize cemetery records and create a GIS layer to make cemetery records readily available onlinE • Develop and implement an Arts Grant Program. • Complete Cultural Arts Needs Assessment. • Funding for additional items approved by the City Council: o Additional two hours of library services; and o Additional funding for the Community Grants Program ($20,000). Budget Highlights: • New funding for the operation of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. • Increases to Internal Service Fund Charges account for change in IT allocation. • Moved core staffing into Administration budget rather than distributing to program areas. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-66 Figure 43: Parks and Community Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $2,625,490 $3,376,144 $3,380,704 $3,994,471 $4,822,014 Benefits $950,289 $1,203,811 $1,203,811 $1,361,519 $1,457,802 Services & Supplies $509,644 $671,303 $710,371 $854,130 $930,615 Internal Service Fund Charges $176,160 $415,883 $422,946 $549,137 $554,131 Utilities $372,228 $329,073 $329,073 $448,546 $675,110 Contracted Services $2,158,146 $2,207,152 $2,642,391 $2,437,739 $2,603,318 Capital Outlay $17,718 $172,700 $382,870 $151,359 $69,080 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6,809,675 $8,376,066 $9,072,166 $9,796,901 $11,112,070 FUNDING General Fund $6,721,220 $8,298,254 $8,975,362 $9,613,154 $10,928,323 Public Art Fund $100,145 $100,145 Affordable Housing Fund $7,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Community Dev. Block Grant $71,402 $69,812 $69,812 $75,602 $75,602 Public Facility Fees $10,053 $18,992 TOTAL FUNDING $6,809,675 $8,376,066 $9,072,166 $9,796,901 $11,112,070 Parks and Community Services Library Services Administration $845,184 $2,100,291 8% 19% t $ � '° Heritage and Cultural Arts ;�- $1,377,670 Recreation � 12% Programs Facilities $5,206,543 Operations and 47% Rentals $1,582,381 14% Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-67 Parks and Community Services Administration/Business Services The Parks and Community Services Administration/Business Services Division manages the departme. communications, marketing, budget, human resources for part-time employees, contract administration, technology, and provides administrative support to the Department. In addition, the division operates department administration of the registration and facility reservation system, and publication of the seasonal Activity Guides for the community. The division also provides support to Human Services function for social service related activities and provides staff support to the Human Services Commission. Figure 44: Parks and Community Services Administration Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $243,498 $434,312 $436,706 $862,197 $886,799 Benefits $122,161 $198,461 $198,461 $424,404 $444,458 Services & Supplies $82,456 $190,090 $212,696 $171,253 $168,816 Internal Service Fund Charges $55,428 $153,080 $158,175 $267,719 $266,591 Contracted Services $418,925 $499,563 $542,555 $343,402 $333,627 Capital Outlay $2,528 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $924,996 $1,475,506 $1,548,593 $2,068,975 $2,100,29 FUNDING General Fund $836,541 $1,397,694 $1,451,789 $1,985,373 $2,016,689 Affordable Housing Fund $7,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Community Dev. Block Grant $71,402 $69,812 $69,812 $75,602 $75,602 Public Facility Fees $10,053 $18,992 TOTAL FUNDING $924,996 $1,475,506 $1,548,593 $2,068,975 $2,100,291 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Parks & Comm. Services Director 0.80 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 Asst. Parks & Comm. Svcs. Dir. 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.00 1.00 Graphic Design & Comm. Coord. 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst I 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant I/II 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.85 0.85 Parks & Comm Svcs Business Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 0.70 0.70 TOTAL POSITIONS 2.85 3.50 3.50 6.85 6.8 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-68 Heritage and Cultural Arts The Heritage and Cultural Arts Division funds the programming and activities of Historic Facility Operations and Rentals; Heritage Center Programs; Cultural Activities; Community Events and Festivals; and burials at the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. Figure 45: Heritage and Cultural Arts Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $370,921 $505,071 $505,185 $519,423 $540,355 Benefits $166,566 $228,068 $228,068 $244,369 $255,273 Services & Supplies $214,131 $217,788 $236,074 $224,317 $217,017 Internal Service Fund Charges $852 Utilities $260 Contracted Services $102,184 $93,395 $114,795 $350,525 $365,025 Capital Outlay $20,850 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $854,914 $1,044,322 $1,104,972 $1,338,635 $1,377,670 `i✓ FUNDING General Fund $854,914 $1,044,322 $1,104,972 $1,238,490 $1,277,525 Public Art Fund $100,145 $100,145 TOTAL FUNDING $854,914 $1,044,322 $1,104,972 $1,338,635 $1,377,670 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Parks & Comm. Services Director 0.10 0.05 0.05 Graphic Design & Comm. Coord. 0.30 0.30 0.30 Heritage & Cultural Arts Mgr 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Heritage Center Director 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Management Analyst I 0.10 Office Assistant I/II 0.05 0.05 0.05 Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.70 1.70 Senior Office Assistant 0.05 0.05 0.05 TOTAL POSITIONS 3.40 4.05 4.05 4.30 4.30 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-69 Facilities Operations and Rentals The Facilities Operations and Rentals budget includes the scheduling, use and rental of park and community facilities, including the Dublin Public Library Community Room, Dublin Civic Center, Shannon Community Center, Dublin Senior Center, Dublin Heritage Park and Museums, City-owned sports fields and courts, and group picnic areas. Figure 46: Facilities Operations and Rental Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $509,819 $555,475 $556,045 $470,896 $492,278 Benefits $173,398 $176,614 $176,614 $128,281 $134,381 Services & Supplies $89,757 $107,658 $105,950 $112,860 $108,460 Internal Service Fund Charges $54,258 $210,389 $212,357 $229,004 $235,126 Utilities $227,107 $226,280 $226,280 $243,863 $262,515 Contracted Services $294,581 $280,243 $615,997 $289,372 $287,372 Capital Outlay $5,724 $150,200 $314,800 $145,029 $62,250 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,354,645 $1,706,859 $2,208,043 $1,619,305 $1,582,3; FUNDING General Fund $1,354,645 $1,706,859 $2,208,043 $1,619,305 $1,582,381 TOTAL FUNDING $1,354,645 $1,706,859 $2,208,043 $1,619,305 $1,582,381 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Parks & Comm. Services Director 0.05 0.05 0.05 Asst. Parks & Comm. Svcs. Dir. 0.20 0.20 0.20 Heritage & Cultural Arts Mgr 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Heritage Center Director 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Management Analyst I 0.30 0.40 0.40 Office Assistant I/II 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.25 1.25 Recreation Coordinator 0.25 0.25 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.55 0.55 Senior Office Assistant 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.55 0.55 Subtotal - City Positions 3.60 3.90 3.90 3.00 3.00 Contract Positions 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.92 0.92 TOTAL POSITIONS 4.26 4.56 4.56 3.92 3 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-70 Recreation Programs The Recreation Programs budget funds the programming operations of family and teen programs; recreational activities; preschool programs; senior programs; sports programs; and aquatic programs. Figure 47: Recreation Programs Division Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 I.,. .r.. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $1,501,252 $1,861,747 $1,863,001 $2,141,954 $2,902,582LZ Benefits $488,164 $592,594 $592,594 $564,464 $623,690 Services & Supplies $118,190 $149,079 $149,191 $343,200 $433,822 Internal Service Fund Charges $13,206 Utilities $1,093 $2,840 $2,840 $103,163 $306,749 Contracted Services $764,715 $719,160 $754,253 $800,594 $937,870 Capital Outlay $9,466 $5,600 $5,600 $1,330 $1,830 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,896,086 $3,331,020 $3,367,479 $3,954,705 $5,206,543 Adoofts FUNDING General Fund $2,896,086 $3,331,020 $3,367,479 $3,954,705 TOTAL FUNDING $2,896,086 $3,331,020 $3,367,479 $3,954,705 $5,206,543 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Parks & Comm. Services Director 0.05 0.05 0.05 Asst. Parks & Comm. Svcs. Dir. 0.50 0.50 0.50 Graphic Design & Comm. Coord. 0.70 0.70 0.70 Management Analyst I 0.10 0.10 0.10 Office Assistant I/II 0.75 0.75 0.75 Recreation Coordinator 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.75 4.75 Recreation Supervisor 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 2.75 Recreation Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.15 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 TOTAL POSITIONS 12.25 12.55 12.55 10.95 10.95 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-71 Library Services The Dublin Public Library is owned by the City of Dublin and library services are provided through a contract agreement with the Alameda County Library System. Figure 48: Library Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries &Wages $19,539 $19,767 Benefits $8,074 $8,074 Services & Supplies $5,109 $6,688 $6,460 $2,500 $2,500 Internal Service Fund Charges $52,416 $52,414 $52,414 $52,414 $52,414 Utilities $143,767 $99,953 $99,953 $101,520 $105,846 Contracted Services $577,742 $614,791 $614,791 $653,846 $679,424 Capital Outlay $16,900 $41,620 $5,000 $5,000 FUNDING General Fund $779,034 $818,359 $843,079 $815,280 $845,184 TOTAL FUNDING $779,034 $818,359 $843,079 $815,280 $845,184 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Parks & Comm. Services Director 0.10 0.10 Subtotal - City Positions 0.10 0.10 Contract Positions 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.42 0.42 TOTAL POSITIONS 0.38 0.48 0.48 0.42 0.42 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-72 Public Works Chart 14: Public Works Organizational Chart Public Works Director Asst Public Works Director/City Administration Engineer Geologic Hazard Abatement District Engineering C Facilities Development 1 Public Works Transportation Manager and Operations Manager 1 I 1 I 1 1 Streets Building Parks Streets Environmental Street Safety Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Landscaping Services m�. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-73 Public Works Description: The Public Works Department is responsible for developing, operating and maintaining City infrastructure and is comprised of several functional areas including Administration, Building Management, Engineering, Environmental Services, Geologic Hazardous Abatement Districts, Facilities Development, Street Landscaping, Street Maintenance, Park Maintenance and Street Safety. Accomplishments for 2014-15 and 2015-16: • Coordinated and administered the Federal and Military Communities Committee established by City Council. • Adopted the update to the City of Dublin, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. • Updated the Countywide Transportation Plan for the City's long term transportation needs. • Completed annual slurry seal and street overlay programs. • City's Pavement Condition Index Rating of 84 is#1 in Alameda County. • Coordinated the City's Energy Action Plan implementation. • Began Construction at Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. • Implemented the Green Shamrock Business Program. • Initiated the implementation of Trash Reduction Plan, designed to reduce the amount of litter by 70% within the City's storm drains, creeks, and waterways by the end of Calendar Year 2017. • Completed design for Dougherty Road widening. • Begin construction on Fallon Sports Park (Phase II) in spring 2016. • Completed the Sean Diamond Park Master Plan. • Completed Dog Park Surface Renovation. • Completed Corporation Yard construction. Objectives for 2016-17 and 2017-18: • Support "Bike to Work Day" and "Walk and Roll to School" activities. • Construct Dublin Boulevard Improvements — Sierra Court to Dublin Court, and begin utility undergrounding. • Monitor and evaluate the Energy Upgrade Improvements. • Complete Green House Gas Inventory for the City to meet the Climate Action Plan requirements. • Install additional Full Trash Capture Devices as mandated by MRP through TWQCB. • Construction of Dougherty Road widening project (Sierra Lane to North City Limits). • Complete construction of Emerald Glen Recreational and Aquatic Complex. • Complete design and construction of the Public Safety Complex— Police Services Building Project. • Complete construction of Fallon Sports Park (Phase II). • Complete construction of Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park. • Complete design and begin construction of Sean Diamond Park. • Complete design and begin construction on Dublin Crossing Community Park— Phase I. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-74 • Complete design and construction of Dublin Ranch — Subarea 3 Neighborhood Square and Community Nature Park. • Complete the Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Master Plan. • Develop a Green Infrastructure Plan as per the new Municipal Regional Permit. • Update Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee program. • Complete a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) study for preparation of a preventative maintenance program. • Complete the General Plan Amendment and precise plan alignment for Tassajara Road. Budget Highlights: • Took over responsibility of Parks and Facilities Development. • Funding for participation in Alameda County National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Congestion Management Agency programs. • Additional contract staff in FY 2016-17 budget for MCE (maintenance) services: base contract: $4,663,762; cap for additional work: $300,000. Figure 49: Public Works Expenditures Adopted Amended Q Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $1,710,479 $1,825,721 $1,852,283 $1,898,582 $1,858,131 Benefits $871,107 $982,563 $982,563 $1,121,462 $1,171,750 Services & Supplies $158,525 $261,298 $327,427 $298,550 $298,960 Internal Service Fund Charges $478,730 $669,434 $694,918 $748,866 $756,359 Utilities $1,741,939 $2,311,363 $2,311,363 $2,369,057 $2,574,613 Contracted Services $6,548,943 $6,584,415 $7,069,545 $7,867,639 $8,595,259 Capital Outlay $164,973 $134,500 $382,319 $137,500 $137,500 Other $250,000 $220,745 $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,674,695 $13,019,294 $13,841,163 $14,941,656 $15,892,572 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-75 Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 FUNDING General Fund $9,898,469 $10,704,245 $11,164,556 $12,729,151 $13,557,467 Traffic Safety $102,778 $148,126 $126,656 $142,757 $149,566 State Gas Tax $485,493 $557,159 $606,015 $549,726 $570,897 Trans. Dev. Act $115,000 $115,000 Measure B - Bike & Pedestrian $49,627 $17,962 $22,062 $17,961 $17,961 Transportation for Clean Air $14,367 ACTC Vehicle Registration Fee $161,330 $149,959 $149,959 $161,280 $173,124 Measure D $24,405 $121,426 $232,572 $129,560 $129,660 Local Recycling Programs $33,781 $26,950 $55,090 $15,200 $15,200 Dublin/Dougherty Storm Water $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Village Pkwy Storm Water $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Street Light District 1983-1 $301,706 $315,698 $317,242 $341,099 $348,896 Landscape Dist. Stagecoach 1983-2 $47,218 $81,107 $81,887 $86,552 $89, Landscape Dist. Dougherty 1986-1 $77,090 $133,940 $134,720 $138,885 $143,754 Landscape Dist. Santa Rita 1997-1 $243,000 $326,631 $327,411 $323,847 $328,666 Street Light Dist. East Dublin 1999-1 $139,209 $161,785 $161,785 $183,222 $194,211 Public Art Fund $30,058 $57,500 $65,500 $57,500 $57,500 Public Facility Fees $69,660 $91,806 $92,340 $54,915 $106,248 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 $282 $164,000 Traffic Impact Fee - Downtown $588 TOTAL FUNDING $11,674,695 $13,019,294 $13,841,163 $14,941,656 $15,892,572 Excludes expenditures and FTE allocated to Geologic Hazard Abatement District 3 4 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-76 Environmental Public Works Administration Services $1,532,480 $823,426 10% 5% Street Parks and Facilities Maintenance Development $976,367 $390,594 «�,� � 6% 2% Street Landscaping Parks Maintenances " $2,364,853 $3,998,467 15% csfokc Traffic Safety $916,714 6% Building Engineering Management $3,439,142 $1,450,529 22% 9% 0 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-77 Public Works Administration The Public Works Administration is responsible for oversight of the department and its related functions in t areas of engineering, building maintenance, streets and streets landscaping and maintenance, assessments, etc. The administrative function includes the budgeting, as well as revenue and expense management on work related to capital projects and development. It should be noted that the Public Works Administration budget accounts for staff time and service to most of the functional/budget areas as outlined in this department budget. Figure 50: Public Works Administration Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $489,328 $525,208 $528,400 $673,691 $709,817 Benefits $230,669 $256,403 $256,403 $339,551 $355,341 Services & Supplies $17,942 $32,430 $29,238 $36,165 $36,625 Internal Service Fund Charges $36,012 $214,481 $261,435 $270,913 $274,637 Contracted Services $211,196 $206,825 $210,998 $156,060 $156,060 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $985,146 $1,235,347 $1,286,474 $1,476,380 $1,532,480 FUNDING General Fund $975,797 $1,217,385 $1,268,512 $1,458,419 $1,514,519 Measure B - Bike & Pedestrian $9,349 $17,962 $17,962 $17,961 $17,961 TOTAL FUNDING $985,146 $1,235,347 $1,286,474 $1,476,380 $1,532,480 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Public Works Dir./Asst City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Public Works Manager 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.00 1.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Subtotal -City Positions 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.45 5.45 Contract Positions 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 6.38 6.38 6.38 6.45 6.45 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-78 Street Maintenance The Street Maintenance Division is responsible for the following services: street sweeping; street repair; drainage system maintenance; storm patrol and clean-up; emergency and temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk repair; traffic, street and community sign repair and installation; striping and marking; guard rail repair; weed control; and bike and pedestrian path maintenance. Street Maintenance services are provided to the City under private contract (MCE Corporation). Figure 51: Street Maintenance Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $3,500 Contracted Services $593,677 $694,462 $744,301 $699,514 $726,367 Capital Outlay $97,082 Other $125,000 $121,500 $250,000 $250,000 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES $690,758 $819,462 $869,301 $949,514 $976,367 FUNDING General Fund $217,765 $290,463 $291,446 $430,948 •,630 State Gas Tax $453,673 $509,159 $558,015 $498,726 $519,897 Measure D $9,320 $9,840 $9,840 $9,840 $9,840 Dublin/Dougherty Storm Water Mgmt $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Village Pkwy Storm Water Mgmt $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 0,00 TOTAL FUNDING $690,758 $819,462 $869,301 $949,514 $976,367 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 2.15 2.15 2.15 1.81 TOTAL POSITIONS 2.15 2.15 2.15 1.81 1.81 a- Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-79 Street Landscaping Street Landscaping services are provided to the City under private contract (with MCE Corporation). The contract provides for landscape maintenance, including street trees, turf care, irrigation maintenance, weed control, litter pick-up and illegal sign removal. The increase in contracted staff is related to an increase in maintenance services provided by MCE. Figure 52: Street Landscaping Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Utilities $251,451 $509,171 $509,171 $541,652 $590,669 Contracted Services $1,243,094 $1,360,884 $1,359,901 $1,685,976 $1,774,184 Capital Outlay $1,694 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,496,240 $1,870,055 $1,869,072 $2,227,628 $2,364,853 FUNDING General Fund $1,141,664 $1,346,467 $1,345,484 $1,697,320 $1,822,405 Landscape Dist. Stagecoach 1983-2 $44,487 $76,807 $76,807 $82,050 $84,780 Landscape Dist. Dougherty 1986-1 $73,579 $128,760 $128,760 $133,433 $138,163 Landscape Dist. Santa Rita 1997-1 $236,509 $318,021 $318,021 $314,825 $319,505 TOTAL FUNDING $1,496,240 $1,870,055 $1,869,072 $2,227,628 $2,364,853 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 9.45 9.45 9.45 14.44 15.50 TOTAL POSITIONS 9.45 9.45 9.45 14.44 15.50 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-80 Traffic Safety The Traffic Safety Division is responsible for maintaining safety and circulation of all modes of transportation along City streets. One of the key tasks of this Division is to represent the City at regional and State transportation agencies, and to advocate for regional funding for City projects. It collects traffic volume and speed data regularly to evaluate and address circulation and access issues in different areas and land uses. It works closely with Dublin Police to enhance enforcement of traffic laws, and coordinates on directed enforcement at location of concern. This Division provides input on transportation planning associated with the CIP program and new development. It works closely with Livermore Amador Valley Transportation Authority (LAVTA) on various transit planning and operation issues. Figure 53: Street Safety Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 ..:_x' EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $20,256 $32,632 $32,632 $41,501 Internal Service Fund Charges $12,576 $46,928 $25,458 $25,058 $25,058 I Utilities $424,998 $464,231 $464,231 $501,708 $520,4561 Contracted Services $247,246 $227,863 $227,863 $256,191 $274,198' Capital Outlay $36,532 $52,000 $52,000 $55,000 $55,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $741,609 $823,654 $802,184 $879,458 $916,714 FUNDING General Fund $24,055 $24,601 $24,601 $25,994 6,$35 Traffic Safety $102,778 $148,126 $126,656 $142,757 $149,566 State Gas Tax $25,983 $42,000 $42,000 $45,000 $45,000 ACTC Vehicle Registration Fee $161,330 $149,959 $149,959 $161,280 $173,124 Street Light Dist. 1983-1 $294,531 $305,453 $305,453 $330,171 $337,428 Street Light Dist. East Dublin 1999-1 $132,932 $153,515 $153,515 $174,256 $185,060 TOTAL FUNDING $741,609 $823,654 $802,184 $879,458 $916,714 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-81 Building Management The Building Management Division is responsible for the maintenance and operations of the Dublin Civic Center, Public Works Corporation Yard, and the Public Safety Complex. Components of this budget includes supplies, utilities, telephone costs for most of the City system, contract services, minor improvements, and repairs associated with these buildings. The maintenance cost for other City facilities, such as the Library, Senior Center, and Shannon Community Center, is included in the respective budgets for each of these facilities. Figure 54: Building Management Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $30,438 $39,323 $39,323 $40,498 $40,498 Internal Service Fund Charges $270,552 $298,127 $298,127 $331,732 $335,501 Utilities $375,772 $395,234 $395,234 $413,105 $427,902 Contracted Services $440,078 $502,412 $518,790 $611,128 $614,628 Capital Outlay $18,807 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,135,647 $1,267,096 $1,283,474 $1,428,463 $1,450,529 FUNDING General Fund $1,135,647 $1,267,096 $1,283,474 $1,428,463 $1,450,529 TOTAL FUNDING $1,135,647 $1,267,096 $1,283,474 $1,428,463 $1,450,529 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.77 2.04 TOTAL POSITIONS 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.77 2.04 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-82 Engineering The Engineering Division is responsible for managing the planning, design, and construction of street infrastructure projects and other civil improvement projects within the Lighting and Landscaping Districts. These projects include new construction and major capital maintenance construction. The Division is also responsible for the review, approval, permitting, and inspection of subdivisions, other private development projects, and encroachments within the public street right-of-way or within City property. The Division manages consultant activities for three Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts. Figure 55: Engineering Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $799,200 $882,396 $905,766 $772,853 $710,584 Benefits $405,053 $470,588 $470,588 $519,895 $543,640 Services & Supplies $31,485 $35,625 $26,505 $39,365 $38,915 Internal Service Fund Charges $44,990 Utilities $2,277 $2,370 $2,370 $2,770 $2,770 Contracted Services $1,882,918 $1,398,830 $1,691,036 $1,973,393 $2,139,733 Capital Outlay $1,475 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,167,398 $2,793,309 $3,099,765 $3,311,776 $3,439,142 1 FUNDING General Fund $3,094,229 $2,635,704 $2,755,809 $3,266,906 $3,393,130 State Gas Tax $5,837 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Transportation Development Act $115,000 $115,000 Measure B - Bike & Pedestrian $40,278 $4,100 Transportation for Clean Air $14,367 Street Light District 1983-1 $7,176 $10,245 $11,789 $10,928 $11,468 Landscape Dist. Stagecoach 1983-2 $2,731 $4,300 $5,080 $4,502 $4,641 Landscape Dist. Dougherty 1986-1 $3,511 $5,180 $5,960 $5,452 $5,591 Landscape Dist. Santa Rita 1997-1 $6,490 $8,610 $9,390 $9,022 $9,161 Street Light Dist. East Dublin 1999-1 $6,276 $8,270 $8,270 $8,966 $9,151 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 $282 $164,000 Traffic Impact Fee - Downtown $588 Ow TOTAL FUNDING $3,167,398 $2,793,309 $3,099,765 $3,311,776 $3,439,142 I. Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-83 Engineering Personnel Allocation Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Asst. Public Works Dir/City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Associate Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Public Works Trans/Ops Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.75 7.75 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-84 Parks Maintenance The Parks Maintenance Division is responsible for the maintenance of the City's p y s 18 public parks, recreational areas and open spaces. Specific maintenance activities include: landscape and turf maintenance; play structure inspection and repair; hardscape maintenance; path, lighting and parking area maintenance; weed abatement and fire protection; and civic facilities maintenance. Park maintenance services are provided to the City under private contract (MCE Corporation). Figure 56: Parks Maintenance Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $32,528 $5,584 $5,584 / Benefits $15,895 $2,331 $2,331 Services & Supplies $30,415 $62,980 $62,980 $62,980 62,980" Internal Service Fund Charges $108,480 $109,898 $109,898 $121,163 $121,163 Utilities $687,440 $940,357 $940,357 $909,822 $1,032,816;., Contracted Services $1,847,005 $2,051,739 $2,041,284 $2,065,546 $2,484,508 Capital Outlay $9,384 $47,000 $294,819 $47,000 $47,000;;:.' Other $125,000 $99,245 $250,000 $250,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,731,147 $3,344,889 $3,556,498 $3,456,511 $3,998,467 FUNDING General Fund $2,701,089 $3,287,389 $3,490,998 $3,399,011 $3,940,967 Public Art Fund $30,058 $57,500 $65,500 $57,500 $57,500 TOTAL FUNDING $2,731,147 $3,344,889 $3,556,498 $3,456,511 $3,998,467 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Contract Positions 12.82 12.82 12.82 13.91 17.45 TOTAL POSITIONS 12.82 12.82 12.82 13.91 17.45 C Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-85 Facilities Development The Facilities Development Division is responsible for managing the planning, design and construction or recreation, parks and other municipal facilities. These projects include both new and renovation CIP projects. Staff coordinates with the Parks and Community Services Department on park projects and manages the development of facilities and tenant improvement projects for the City including facilities for the Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Fire Department, and Alameda County Library. Figure 57: Parks and Facilities Development Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $247,763 $266,578 $266,578 $195,154 $173,141 Benefits $156,782 $188,936 $188,936 $144,908 $151,433 Services & Supplies $4,084 $9,130 $9,130 $15,220 $16,020 Internal Service Fund Charges $504 Contracted Services $55,239 $50,000 $94,627 $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $464,371 $514,644 $559,271 $405,282 $390,594 FUNDING General Fund $394,711 $422,838 $466,930 $350,367 $284,346 Public Facility Fees $69,660 $91,806 $92,340 $54,915 $106,248 TOTAL FUNDING $464,371 $514,644 $559,271 $405,282 $390,594 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Facilities Dev. Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks & Facilities Dev. Coord. 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-86 Environmental Services The Environmental Services Division is responsible for the management and development of environmental programs related to energy, source reduction and recycling, sustainable development, and both municipal as well as community-wide sustainable policies and practices. Specific program areas include: climate change; energy efficiency; environmentally-preferable purchasing; clean water; green building; solid-waste reduction; recycling program promotion and improvement; monitoring, implementation and promotion of the City's Climate Action Plan and Green Plan. Staff also coordinates environmental compliance efforts, develops new sustainable programs and practices, and coordinates the Clean Water Program efforts. Figure 58: Environmental Services Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $141,661 $145,955 $145,955 $256,884 $264,589 Benefits $62,708 $64,305 $64,305 $117,108 $121,336 Services & Supplies $23,905 $49,178 $124,119 $62,820 $61,920 Internal Service Fund Charges $5,616 Contracted Services $28,490 $91,400 $180,745 $369,831 $375,581 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $262,379 $350,838 $515,124 $806,643 $823,426 FUNDING General Fund $213,513 $212,302 $237,302 $671,723 $688,406 Measure D $15,085 $111,586 $222,732 $119,720 $119,820 Local Recycling Programs $33,781 $26,950 $55,090 $15,200 $15,200 TOTAL FUNDING $262,379 $350,838 $515,124 $806,643 $823,426 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Environmental Coordinator 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 Environmental Technician 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 TOTAL POSITIONS 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Departments City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page F-87 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Budget Page 88 C G. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS C C CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-2 Overview The 2016-21 Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which includes twenty-five (25) projects within the current CIP time frame with a proposed funding allocation for 16 of the projects in FY 2016-17 and 14 projects in 2017-18. The City's Capital Projects are divided into four Capital Funds: General Improvements, Community Improvements, Parks, and Streets projects. The Fund accumulates resources for capital expenditures, and utilizes those resources to support projects that are general in nature, projects that would promote or enhance redevelopment, revitalization, beautification of the City's infrastructure, projects that would construct, improve or enhance the City's parks and facilities, projects that would construct, improve, or enhance the City's trails, highways, streets, roads, bridges, as well as street lighting, and storm drain systems. Figure 59: Overall CIP Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 CATEGORY 0 General Improvements $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 Community Improvements $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 Parks $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 Streets $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 TOTAL COST(1) $9,620,156 $18,451,051 $85,090,732 $26,122,841 $17,031,711 FINANCING General Fund $1,393,278 $4,566,291 $8,860,609 $459,510 $1,567,519 Community Benefit Payment (GF) $1,800,000 $1,800,000 Traffic Safety $68,489 $133,923 State Gas Tax $766,974 $1,136,218 $1,870,695 $1,041,128 $920,000 Federal Transportation Grant $404,396 $65,604 Transportation Development Act $150,043 $33,311 Measure B Sales Tax- Local Streets Fund $682,727 $565,893 $1,115,849 $550,000 $435,000 Measure B Sales Tax- Bike & Pedestrian Fund $20,592 $30,000 $110,000 $250,680 $194,600 Transportation for Clean Air $75,633 $146,352 Ow- Congestion Management Agency $621,513 Vehicle Registration Fee $3,670 $35,160 $243,520 $40,840 $40,840 CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-3 Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-1£ FINANCING Measure BB Sales Tax- Local Streets Fund $623,600 $545,000 Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund $28,000 $121,600 Measure B Grants $6,267,000 Measure BB Grants $10,773,000 $3,100,000 Measure D $80,000 Local Recycling Programs $86,000 Storm Water Management $30,175 $736,537 East Bay Regional Park District $122,085 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 $31,680 $35,884 $68,349 $351,450 $38,020 Public Art Fund $105,477 $439,554 $432,391 $512,046 $346,573 Cable TV Facilities $325,000 Housing-Related Parks Grant Fund $599,025 Public Facility Fees $4,305,724 $8,808,678 $42,384,522 $8,789,344 $4,953,596 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 $520,000 $495,000 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 2 $67,884 $257,760 $1,487,658 $1,096,3 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 3 $411,616 Traffic Impact Fee - Downtown $14,330 $854,000 $939,670 Traffic Impact Fee - Dougherty Valley $792,932 $1,992,130 Mitigation Contributions $145,536 $336,556 Dublin Crossing Development Fee $69,026 $15,049,854 $989,233 $3,177,601 Internal Service Fund - Facilities Replacement $361 Internal Service Fund - Equipment $43,247 $43,000 $76,514 Energy Efficient Capital Lease $126,287 $88,767 TOTAL FINANCING (1) $9,620,156 $18,451,051 $85,090,732 $26,122,841 $17,031,711 (1) Excludes project improvement costs to be constructed by developers and other agencies The following pages contain a summary of these projects and associated funding sources by category. Detailed information about each of these projects is contained in the 2016-2021 Five Year Capital Improvement Program. CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-4 0 CIP Funding $60,000,000 _.-- $50,000,000 — — — --- $40,000,000 — - - - $30,000,000 $20,000,000 — $10,000,000 $0 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 Actual Adopted Budget Amended Budget Proposed Budget Forecast Budget —General Improvements $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 $0 $0 —Community Improvements $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 $0 $0 -Parks $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 —Streets $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 0 4 CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-5 General Improvemen Figure 60: General Improvements Expenditures Adopted Amended Project Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast Project Name 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES GI4099 Civic Center Modification Design and $122,339 $358,118 Construction GI0115 Civic Center Police Wing Renovation $31,857 $1,968,143 GI0611 Electronic Agenda System $27,902 $216,103 G10913 Energy Upgrade $13,360 G13513 Geographic Information System $43,247 $37,000 $130,745 GI0509 Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements $883,578 $250,023 G13014 Network System Upgrade $89,790 $55,000 $301,003 G10712 Public Safety Complex $7,021 G10116 Public Safety Complex- Police Svcs Bldg. $15,000,000 Annual Annual ADA Transition Plan $22,400 $23,833 $45,010 TOTAL COST $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 FINANCING 1001 General Fund $1,184,887 $72,833 $2,873,057 2811 Cable TV Facilities $325,000 4401 Dublin Crossing Development Fee $15,000,000 Internal Service Fund - Facilities 6205 Replacement $361 6305 Internal Service Fund - Equipment $43,247 $43,000 $71,088 7101 Energy Efficient Capital Lease $12,999 TOTAL FINANCING $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-6 Community Improvements C Figure 61: Community Improvements Expenditures Adopted Amended Project Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast Project Name 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES CI0114 San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation $406 $238,660 Annual Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program $67,784 $104,925 $244,252 TOTAL COST $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 FINANCING 1001 General Fund $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 TOTAL FINANCING $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 0 C CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-7 Pa r1.4. Figure 62: Parks Expenditures Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast Project# Project Name 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES PK0115 Dublin Crossing Community Park $97,220 $70,228 $1,393,286 $6,124,1'''" PK0215 Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements $6,928 $998,151 $1,459,5 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation $599,025 PK0105 Emerald Glen Recreation&Aquatic Complex- $3,315,811 $6,181,642 $31,916,182 $6,193,624 PK0414 Fallon Sports Park- Phase II $656,963 $6,850,698 $14,242,294 $2,371,162 PK0514 Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park $39,509 $109,472 $506,980 PK0315 Library Improvement-Center for 21st Century $26,447 $92,700 $196,009 PK0212 Passatempo Park $897 PK0311 Positano Neighborhood Park $181,637 PKNEW5 Public Art- Dublin Crossing Community Park $176,446 $251,593 PK0415 Public Art- Emerald Glen Recreation and $91,977 $53,030 $165,957 PK0515 Public Art- Fallon Sports Park $13,500 $136,184 $266,434 PK0116 Public Art- Heritage Park $250,340 PKNEW6 Public Art-Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park $46,91 PKNEW9 Public Art- Public Safety Complex- Police $300,000 PKNEW7 Public Art-Sean Diamond Park $48,000 PKNEW8 Public Art-Subarea 3 Community Park $35,600 PK0216 Sean Diamond Park $271,816 $271,816 $2,007,000 PK0316 Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements $1,075,000 PK0713 Shannon Park Water Play Area $56,266 $30,868 PK0914 Tennis Court Resurfacing Project $255,174 TOTAL COST(1) $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 FINANCING 1001 General Fund $140,018 $3,895,801 $4,075,000 $99,495 $1,459,5 0 ' 1005 Community Benefit Payment(GF) $1,800,000 $1,800,000 2302 Measure D $80,000 j' 2402 East Bay Regional Park District $122,084 2801 Public Art Fund $105,477 $439,554 $432,391 $512,046 $346,5 2904 Housing-Related Parks Grant Fund $599,025 4100 Public Facility Fees $4,305,724 $8,808,678 $42,384,523 $8,789,344 $4,953,595 4401 Dublin Crossing Development Fee $69,026 $49,854 $989,233 $3,177,601 TOTAL FINANCING Ill $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 (1) Excludes project improvement costs to be constructed by developers and other agencies. CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-8 Streets Figure 63: Streets Expenditures Adopted Amended Project Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast Project Name 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 EXPENDITURES ST1513 Accessible Pedestrian Signal Retrofit of Existing $5,502 Traffic Signals ST0815 Amador Plaza Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Imp. $14,330 $863,605 $1,399,317 STNEW5 Amador Valley Blvd-Wildwood Rd Intersection Imp. $170,680 ST1413 Amador Valley Blvd Ped.Safety Imp. at Midblock $164,182 Crosswalk Bet. Regional St. and Starwood Dr. STNEW2 Annual Street Resurfacing $1,700,000 $1,700,000 ST0715 City Irrigation Improvements $113,288 $88,767 STNEW6 Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements $609,600 $624,200 ST0713 Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade $3,670 $35,160 $113,599 $40,840 $40,840 ST0610 Citywide Street Storm Drain Condition Assessment $184 $83,128 $289,954 $252,015 ST0911 Dougherty Road Imp.Sierra Lane to North City Limit $1,204,548 $8,966,643 $11,073,000 $87,808 ST0216 Dublin Boulevard Extension $400,000 $395,000 ST1012 Dublin Boulevard Imp.-Sierra Ct to Dublin Court $93,447 $67,883 $557,005 $987,658 $4,008,554 STNEW7 Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements $351,450 $38,020 ST0494 Saint Patrick Way- Regional St.to Golden Gate Dr. $52,089 $37,312 STNEW3 San Ramon Road Arterial Management $267,480 ST0514 San Ramon Road Trail Improvements $101,603 ST1212 Storm Drain Bypass San Ramon Road $30,175 $1,089,537 ST1312 Storm Drain Trash Capture Project $400,000 $578,436 ST0116 Tassajara Road Realignment&Widening $120,000 $200,000 $200,000 ST0615 Traffic Sign Inventory and Safety Review $68,489 $133,923 ST0316 Village Parkway and Brighton Traffic Signal Upgrade $196,480 Annual Annual Street Overlay Program $1,082,863 $1,047,271 $1,523,105 Annual Annual Slurry Seal Program $772,185 $684,840 $1,333,852 Annual Annual Dublin Ranch Street Light Pole Painting $31,680 $35,884 $68,349 TOTAL COST(11 $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-9 Streets CIP Financing Adopted Amended Project Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast # Project Name 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 FINANCING 1001 General Fund $184 $492,733 $1,429,640 $360,015 $108,000 2106 Traffic Safety $68,489 $133,923 2201 State Gas Tax $766,974 $1,136,218 $1,870,694 $1,041,128 $920,000 2202 Federal Transportation Grant $404,396 $65,604 2203 Transportation Development Act $150,043 $33,311 2204 Measure B Sales Tax- Local Streets Fund $682,727 $565,893 $1,115,849 $550,000 $435,000 2205 Measure B Sales Tax- Bike& Pedestrian Fund $20,592 $30,000 $110,000 $250,680 $194,600 2207 Transportation for Clean Air $75,633 $146,352 2208 Congestion Management Agency $621,513 2212 Vehicle Registration Fee $3,670 $35,160 $243,520 $40,840 $40,840 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax- Local Streets Fund $623,600 $545,000 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax- Bike& Pedestrian Fund $28,000 $121,600 2216 Measure B Grants $6,267,000 2217 Measure BB Grants $10,773,000 $3,100,000 2304 Local Recycling Programs $86,000 2321 Storm Water Management $30,175 $736,537 2705 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 $31,680 $35,884 $68,349 $351,450 $38, 4301 Traffic Impact Fee- Category 1 $520,000 $495,0Uu 4302 Traffic Impact Fee- Category 2 $67,883 $257,760 $1,487,658 $1,096,362 4303 Traffic Impact Fee- Category 3 $411,616 4304 Traffic Impact Fee- Downtown $14,330 $854,000 $939,670 4305 Traffic Impact Fee- Dougherty Valley $792,932 $1,992,130 4309 Mitigation Contributions $145,536 $336,556 6305 Internal Service Fund- Equipment $5,426 7101 Energy Efficient Capital Lease $113,288 $88,767 TOTAL FINANCING Ill $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 (1) Excludes project improvement costs to be constructed by developers and other agencies. CIP City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page G-10 411164, H. PROPRIETARY FUNDS ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-2 Internal Service Funds The Internal Service Fund provides funding to support the following areas: 1) Replacement of vehicles and fire apparatus; 2) Replacement of major building system components such as heating and air conditioning systems, pumps, boilers, etc. at City owned facilities; 3) replacement of office equipment, computers, network infrastructure, solar equipment, telephone systems, etc.; 4) City employees Other Post- Employment Benefits (OPEB); 5) Energy Efficient Capital Lease. Each City Operating Department includes, within its budget, charges for equipment usage and City employees' post-employment benefits. The Internal Service Fund charges in each City Operating Department represent revenue to the Internal Services Fund. The charges to the Departments are established at a level to sufficiently accumulate funds over time for the replacement of the equipment and funding for future employee obligations. The total Internal Service Funds budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is $4,662,121 (excludes depreciation expense and transfers). The Fiscal Year 2016-17 Internal Service Funds budget includes funding for building maintenance, replacement of network servers and computers, and replacement of 1 fire apparatus unit and related equipment, and retiree health. Fiscal Year 2016-17 is also the first year the City is using an Information Technology (IT) Fund to centralize IT costs. The General Fund will make a planned contribution of $2 million by June 30, 2016 to the IT Fund, to be used for projects idenitified in the City's IT Master Plan. Such projects include a new data center, server upgrades virtualization, and the provision of WI-Fl in the Downtown area. IT operational costs are also budgeted in the IT Fund, with charges back to departments allocated primarily by the percentage of service calls during the prior year. The Forecast Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is $5,745,280 (excludes depreciation expense and transfers). The Fiscal Year 2017-18 Internal Service Fund budget includes funding for building maintenance, replacement of network servers and computers, replacement of seven police patrol cars, 2 fire apparatus units, and related equipment, and retiree health. ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-3 The following are the fund summaries for Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Fund -Vehicles Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $3,848,104 $4,486,513 $4,486,513 $4,173,327 $3,901,716 REVENUES Internal Service Charges $362,066 $517,795 $517,795 $528,051 $430,494 General Revenues $50,618 $6,000 $6,000 Interest $17,420 $17,352 $17,352 $19,540 $14,030 TOTAL REVENEUS $430,103 $541,147 $541,147 $547,591 $444,524 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Capital Outlay $443,758 $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 Fixed Asset Transfer ($1,061,043) Depreciation $408,979 $569,202 $569,202 $569,202 $569,202 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($208,306) $737,761 $854,333 $819,202 $1,725,202 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) (1) $4,486,513 $4,289,899 $4,173,327 $3,901,716 $2,621,038 (1) FY 2014-15 Fund Balance includes$1,799,496 as Net Investment in Capital Assets ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-4 Internal Service Fund - Facilities Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $54,829,735 $53,156,414 $53,156,414 $51,307,907 $49,493,010 REVENUES Internal Service Charges $746,280 $288,091 $288,091 $317,671 $322,345 Interest $35,255 $30,520 $30,520 $34,550 $36,310 • TOTAL REVENEUS $781,535 $318,611 $318,611 $352,221 $358,655 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $340,881 Internal Service Fund Charges $94 Contracted Services $340 Capital Outlay $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,001 Depreciation $2,113,179 $2,117,118 $2,117,118 $2,117,118 $2,117,118 Transfers Out $361 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,454,856 $2,167,118 $2,167,118 $2,167,118 $2,167,118 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) (1) $53,156,414 $51,307,907 $51,307,907 $49,493,010 $47,684,547 * FY 2014-15 Fund Balance includes $47,335,812 as Net Investment in Capital Assets ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-5 Internal Service Fund - Equipment Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $3,483,086 $4,060,656 $4,060,656 $4,198,132 $4,552,767 REVENUES Internal Service Charges $677,064 $770,021 $770,021 $865,718 $877,727 General Revenues $62 Interest $19,189 $15,912 $15,912 $21,460 $26,560 TOTAL REVENUES $696,314 $785,933 $785,933 $887,178 $904,287 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies $12,154 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Capital Outlay $116,922 $168,700 $168,700 $129,300 $179,000 Fixed Asset Transfer ($126,156) Depreciation $72,577 $401,243 $401,243 $401,243 $401,243 Transfers Out $43,247 $43,000 $76,514 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $118,744 $614,943 $648,457 $532,543 $582,243 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) (1) $4,060,656 $4,231,646 $4,198,132 $4,552,767 $4,874,8 * FY 2014-15 Fund Balance includes$1,110,305 as Net Investment in Capital Assets ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-6 Internal Service Fund— IT Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 . ;, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) (1) $1,962,264 $1,975,552 REVENUES Internal Service Charges $1,122,361 $1,152,861 $1,439,866 $1,444,775 Transfers In $2,000,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,122,361 $3,152,861 $1,439,866 $1,444,775 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries &Wages $472,634 $473,432 $510,895 $526,198 Benefits $224,546 $224,546 $253,532 $265,520 Services & Supplies $312,570 $306,772 $400,478 $439,515 Internal Service Fund Charges $32,899 $33,965 $23,473 $23,525 UTILITIES $29,712 $32,432 $35,200 $35,200 Contracted Services $70,000 $119,450 $203,000 $153,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,142,361 $1,190,597 $1,426,578 $1,442,958 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) ($20,000) $1,962,264 $1,975,552 $1,977,369 (1) Fund was established in FY2015-16. ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-7 Internal Service Fund—Retiree Health Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $25,855 $26,208 $26,208 $26,208 $33,802 REVENUES Internal Service Charges $1,306,999 $1,477,942 $1,477,942 $1,618,330 $1,613,162 General Revenues $535,229 $601,560 $601,560 $627,000 $727,320 Interest $353 $530 $530 TOTAL REVENUES $1,842,581 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $2,245,860 $2,341,012 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Benefits $535,229 $601,560 $601,560 $627,000 $727,320 Contracted Services $1,306,999 $1,477,942 $1,477,942 $1,611,266 $1,606,120 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,842,228 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $2,238,266 $2,333,440 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) $26,208 $26,208 $26,208 $33,802 $41,374 Internal Service Fund—PERS Side Fund Payoff Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) ($1,281,035) ($918,005) ($918,005) ($507,921) ($96,328) REVENUES Internal Service Charges $363,030 $410,084 $410,084 $411,593 $96,328 TOTAL REVENUES $363,030 $410,084 $410,084 $411,593 $96,328 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) ($918,005) ($507,921) ($507,921) ($96,328) ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-8 Internal Service Fund— Energy Efficient Capital Lease Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) ($5,912,808) ($5,659,414) ($5,659,414) ($5,344,722) ($4,915,613) REVENUES Internal Service Charges (1) $535,892 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,881 Interest $686 TOTAL REVENUES $536,578 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,881 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Interest payment $156,897 $147,195 $147,195 $136,868 $125,882 Transfers Out $126,288 $88,767 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $283,185 $147,195 $235,962 $136,868 $125,882 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) ($5,659,414) ($5,255,956) ($5,344,722) ($4,915,613) ($4,459,614) (1) Internal Service Charges include the principal payment of the capital lease $378,995 $403,459 $403,459 $429,110 455,999 ISF City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-9 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page H-10 C I. FIDUCIARY FUNDS C C Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-2 '.' Dublin Boulevard Assessment District This fund makes debt service payments on bonds issued to construct a portion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension improvements. A total of $2,350,000 in bonds was originally issued on June 2, 1992. The debt service bond was fully retired on September 2, 2012 and the residual funds will be disbursed in accordance with State Law. Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-3 Geologic Hazard Abatement Distric A Geologic Hazard Abatement District (District) is a special entity which is established separate from the City of Dublin and applies to a specific defined area within the City. The District is formed under provisions in the California Public Resources Code which establishes in Section 26500 that a District is a political subdivision of the State and is not an agency or instrumentality of a local agency. The City's role is limited to providing support to the District, coordinating activities undertaken for the District, administering the District funds and coordinating the payment of expenses associated with the District. GHAD funding is collected as part of property tax bills. The District can perform maintenance on defined areas and can also accumulate reserves to address major or extraordinary work such as a landslide repair. The Public Resources Code defines a "geologic hazard" as an actual or threatened landslide, land subsidence, soil erosion, earthquake, fault movement, or any other natural or unnatural movement of land or earth. A District may be formed for the following purposes: (a) Prevention, mitigation, abatement, or control of a geologic hazard; or (b) Mitigation or abatement of structural hazards that are partly or wholly caused by geologic hazards (Public Resources Code 26525). The City of Dublin has established three separate Districts: Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District, Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and Fallon Crossing Geologic Nazar' Abatement District. These Districts are managed by a Board of Directors, which is currently comprised the Dublin City Council. Assessments are levied in accordance with an Engineer's Report prepared for each District and adopted at a public meeting. Information in this section is presented for informational purposes, since these activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-4 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District The Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) was established in accordance with a condition of approval for the Fallon Village development project. On December 4, 2007, the City Council approved Resolution No. 216-07 which created the Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District. The GHAD was formed to provide a mechanism for the prevention, mitigation, abatement, and control of identified or potential geologic hazards within the District's boundary. The boundary of this assessment district encompasses approximately 175 acres of land, located generally east of Fallon Road. On May 3, 2011, the City Council approved Resolution No. 52-11 which modified the boundaries of the Fallon Village GHAD. The modification was made to include the Jordan Ranch development, which is adjacent to the Fallon Village development. At the beginning of FY 2016-17, there will be an additional thirty-six parcels within the GHAD that will be subject to the special assessment. In FY 2017-18, it is estimated an additional forty parcels within the GHAD will be subject to the special assessment. Figure 64: Fallon Village GHAD(5301) Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $1,148,585 $1,790,992 $1,790,992 $1,879,874 $2,056,717 REVENUES Assessments $695,049 $735,613 $735,613 $882,693 $912,973 Interest $9,372 $6,040 $6,040 $11,450 $12,850 TOTAL REVENUES $704,421 $741,653 $741,653 $894,143 $925,823 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries &Wages $35,048 $50,428 $50,428 $18,322 $18,865 Benefits $12,272 $23,068 $23,068 $7,210 $7,547 Services &Supplies $19 $798 $798 $100 $100 Contracted Services $14,676 $578,477 $578,477 $691,668 $702,333 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $62,014 $652,771 $652,771 $717,300 $728,845 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) $1,790,992 $1,879,874 $1,879,874 $2,056,717 $2,253,696 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Asst. Public Works Dir/City Engineer 0.10 Public Works Manager 0.35 0.35 0.35 TOTAL POSITIONS 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.10 Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-5 Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District The Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Assessment Abatement District was established in accordance with a condition of approval for the Schaefer Ranch development project. On December 5, 2006, the City Council approved Resolution No. 224-06 which created the Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District. The GHAD was formed to provide a mechanism for the prevention, mitigation, abatement, and control of identified or potential geologic hazards within the District's boundary. The boundary of the District encompasses approximately 500 acres of land located at the westerly boundary of the City limits. At the beginning of FY 2016-17, there will be an additional thirty-two parcels within the GHAD that will be subject to the special assessment. In FY 2017-18, it is estimated an additional twenty-one parcels within the GHAD will be subject to the special assessment. Figure 65: Schaefer Ranch GHAD(5302) Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $1,330,524 $1,851,002 $1,851,002 $1,887,184 $2,132,387 REVENUES Assessments $564,559 $603,779 $603,779 $758,815 $814,8. Interest $10,211 $6,819 $6,819 $11,030 $13,150 TOTAL REVENUES $574,770 $610,598 $610,598 $769,845 $827,981 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $20,027 $28,816 $28,816 $18,322 $18,865 Benefits $7,012 $13,061 $13,061 $7,210 $7,547 Services & Supplies $456 $456 Contracted Services $27,252 $532,083 $532,083 $499,111 $509,783 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $54,291 $574,416 $574,416 $524,643 $536,195 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) $1,851,002 $1,887,184 $1,887,184 $2,132,387 $2,424,173 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Asst. Public Works Dir/City Eng 0.10 6. Public Works Manager 0.20 0.20 0.20 % TOTAL POSITIONS 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-6 Fallon Crossing (North Tassajara) Geologic Hazard Abatement District The Fallon Crossing Geologic Hazard Assessment Abatement District was established in accordance with a condition of approval for the Fallon Crossings development project. On August 16, 2011, the City Council approved Resolution No. 147-11 which created the Fallon Crossing Geologic Hazard Abatement District. The GHAD was formed to provide a mechanism for the prevention, mitigation, abatement, and control of identified or potential geologic hazards within the District's boundary. The boundary of the District encompasses approximately 68 acres of land located on the northeast side of Tassajara Road. At the beginning of FY 2016-2017, all building permits would have been issued within the Fallon Crossing development and there are a total of 106 parcels within the GHAD that will be subject to the special assessment. Figure 66: Fallon Crossing GHAD (5321) Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $56,570 $143,547 $143,547 $133,058 $230,163 REVENUES Assessments $96,001 $116,545 $116,545 $123,551 $126,023 Interest $614 $344 $344 $720 $970 TOTAL REVENUES $96,615 $116,889 $116,889 $124,271 $126,993 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages $5,007 $7,204 $7,204 $9,161 $9,432 Benefits $1,753 $3,265 $3,265 $3,605 $3,773 Services & Supplies $114 $114 Contracted Services $2,878 $116,795 $116,795 $14,400 $40,441 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9,638 $127,378 $127,378 $27,166 $53,646 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) $143,547 $133,058 $133,058 $230,163 $303,509 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION Asst. Public Works Dir/City Engr 0.05 Works Manager 0.05 0.05 0.05 TOTAL POSITIONS 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 tit Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-7 dik California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) The State of California Public Employees Retirement System (CALPERS) developed the CERBT to allow pub.._ agencies to invest money in a trust mechanism to fund other post-employment benefits (OPEB), otherwise known as retiree health care. The City of Dublin Retiree Health Plan is a single-employer defined benefit health care plan administered by CaIPERS. The plan provides medical insurance benefits to eligible retiree and their eligible dependents in accordance with the State Public Employee Retirement Law. During the Fiscal Year 2006-07, the City made arrangements with CALPERS for the initial establishment of the trust, and transferred $5.5 million into the trust. The City has established a policy to make annual contribution for the purpose of funding the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) when there are no budget constraints. The ARC amount is determined by an Actuarial Study which is required to be updated biennially. The most recent Actuarial Study was for fiscal year 2014-15. The Annual Required Contribution rates were determined at 15.6% and 15.10% of salaries for the two fiscal years respectively. It is important to note that the CERBT funds are not controlled by the City, as they are assets held by and distributed by CaIPERS. This page is included in the budget document for informational purposes only. Figure 67: CERBT Summary Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JULY 1) $12,784,615 $13,533,664 $13,533,664 $15,244,046 $16,218,3 REVENUES Contribution $1,306,999 $1,477,942 $1,477,942 $1,618,332 $1,613,164 Interest ($9,530) $850,000 $850,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,297,469 $2,327,942 $2,327,942 $1,618,332 $1,613,164 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Benefits $535,229 $601,560 $601,560 $627,000 $727,320 Contracted Services $13,192 $16,000 $16,000 $17,000 $17,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $548,421 $617,560 $617,560 $644,000 $744,320 ENDING FUND BALANCE (JUNE 30) $13,533,664 $15,244,046 $15,244,046 $16,218,378 $17,087,222 Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-8 Associated Community Action Funds (ACAP) Alameda Community Action Program (ACAP) is a California public entity based in the Alameda County. ACAP was formed on July 18, 1995 by a Joint Powers Agreement consisting of 13 member agencies, which include the County of the Alameda and 12 cities within the County's boundary, except the City of Berkeley and the City of Oakland. ACAP is governed by a 13-member Governing Board, comprised of one representative from the Alameda County and one representative from each of ACAP's 12 founding cities. ACAP's purpose was to locally administer certain federal and state anti-poverty programs. At its board meeting on November 16, 2011 the City of Dublin was appointed as ACAP's Fiscal Agent and Administrator. The City of Dublin manages the ongoing fiscal needs of the agency, prepares the agency's annual budget and audit until which time the agency is dissolved. Note the financial information is presented on a calendar year basis. Figure 68: ACAP Schedule Proposed Forecast 2015 2016 2017 ,20.8 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (JANUARY 1) ($650,877) ($701,380) ($737,060) ($737,060) REVENUES Contribution from Member Agencies k ' Interest $211 $220 I€vej0440 , TOTAL REVENUES $211 $220 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages Benefits & Supplies $9,182 $9,100 .tt � � Contracted Services $10,662 $16,800 Contingency $30,870 $10,000 �t TOTAL EXPENDITURES $50,714 $35,900 ENDING FUND BALANCE (DECEMBER 31) ($701,380) ($737,060) ($737,060) ($737,060) *ACAP financials are presented on a calendar year basis. Budgets for 2017 and 2018 are not available. Fiduciary City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page I-9 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget J. STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Plan City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-2 City of Dublin Strategic Plan March 7, 2015 Update City of Dublin Strategic Plan Proposed for Fiscal Years 2015-16 & 2016-17 (updated every two years) Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, and fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and informed community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and preserve our natural surroundings through environmental stewardship and sustainability. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. Values Our Values in Building Community • Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together. • Provide more venues for family-based activities. • Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Ensuring a Safe Community • Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the citizens living in the community. • Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development • Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. • Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. • Promote high quality design and architectural standards in private development and in all public facilities. Strategic Plan City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-3 • Develop transportation systems that facilitate ease of movement throughout the City. Our Values in Governing • Commit to openness and responsiveness to the public and community. • Operate at all times with honesty and integrity. • Exercise fairness in consideration of issues. • Provide a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City staff to citizens. • Embrace technology to improve effectiveness and efficiency. • Strive to build an informed community through communication. Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities • Encourage collaboration and communication with other communities on issues of mutual concern. • Encourage public and private partnerships of mutual benefit. Strategic Plan City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-4 Strategies Strategy 1. Assure the City's long-term financial sustainabilit Strategic Objectives: 1A. Maintain and enhance the current quality of life standards, including public safety services, streets, parks, recreation and facilities. 1B. Create efficiencies, where applicable, to ensure fiscal stewardship and improve the customer experience. 1C. Evaluate cost recovery in all City departments. am a n„.tt a City's marketing and branding plan. Strategic Objectives: 2A. Integrate brand into City functions including, but not limited to, economic development, communications, and parks and recreation. 2B. Work collaboratively with area marketing partners to ensure brand adoption and incorporation. 2C. Work collaboratively with key commercial centers in Dublin to incorporate messaging. 3. Pursue initiatives to help strengthen and retain current businesses. Strategic Objectives: 3A. Implement recommendations from the City's adopted Economic Development Strategic Plan. 3B. Work with Dublin Chamber of Commerce to support ongoing small business efforts. 3"F.dw"4.!P4"da l..,:::4; ar l.r & :8 SSIn Strategic Objectives: 4A. Implement recommendations in the City's adopted Economic Development Strategic Plan. 4B. Evaluate expansion of fiber and conduit to key office nodes in Dublin — Downtown and Eastern Dublin Transit Center. 4C. Market, in conjunction with property owners, the office opportunity sites Strategic Plan City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-5 throughout Dublin. Strategic Objectives: 5A. Work with property owners on improvements and assist with incentives where needed (Facade Improvement Program, Small Business Assistance). 5B. Implement recommendations from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that relate to aesthetic/streetscape improvements in the Downtown. 6. Develo• :°'+ °: 3 e`»:'stinct From reat :"Y " " d cu rat oppa uns es in 'e region. Alt Strategic Objectives: 6A. Update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to include passive/open space parkland. 6B. Increase City's community outreach efforts to encourage participation in all aspects of City life, including volunteerism. Strategic Plan City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page J-6 K. APPENDIX Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-1 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-2 Introduction The City of Dublin adopts a Biennial Budget which incorporates the estimated Revenue and Expenditures for the City each of the two Fiscal Years. The Fiscal Year begins July 1st and ends on June 30th. The schedules included in the Appendix are intended to provide additional summary and comparison information related to both Revenues and Expenditures. The Appendix also includes a glossary of terms, and detailed demographic information about the City of Dublin. Upon adoption by the City Council, a copy of the resolution will be placed in the Appendix as well. Questions about the presentation of the information can be directed to Administrative Services Department at (925) 833-6640, or via e-mail at admin.services @dublin.ca.gov. The following are the sections included in the Appendix: #1— Historical Comparison of Revenues by Source #2— Human Services Grants Program #3—Position Allocation Plan #4—Fiscal Year 2016-17 Appropriations Limit #5—Fund Balance Reserves Policy #6—Glossary/Index #7— Demographics #8— Legal Debt Limit Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-3 Historical Comparison of Revenue by Source Figure 69: Historical Comparison of Revenue by Source Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 General Fund (# 1001 & 1005) Property Taxes Current Secured $23,776,025 $26,137,321 $27,265,031 $28,847,580 $30,409,038 Current Unsecured $1,353,039 $1,474,378 $1,474,378 $1,500,000 $1,530,000 In Lieu Property Tax $4,531,787 $4,892,064 $4,892,064 $5,430,608 $5,669,551 Property Tax Reduction ($1,483,818) ($1,500,594) ($1,500,594) ($1,559,117) ($1,621,482) Supplemental $773,560 $400,000 $400,000 $662,990 $676,250 Prior Secured $381,222 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $306,000 Prior Unsecured $31,421 $4,430 $4,430 Property Tax Penalties $74,715 $78,437 $78,437 Sub-Total $29,437,951 $31,786,036 $32,913,746 $35,182,061 $36,969,357 Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax $14,002,375 $19,392,749 $19,892,749 $21,074,410 $21,572,513 In Lieu Sales Tax $4,759,687 $1,170,190 $1,170,190 Sales Tax Reimb. ($191,006) ($326,500) ($326,500) ($408,150) ($461,395) Sub-Total $18,571,057 $20,236,439 $20,736,439 $20,666,260 $21,111,118 Other Taxes Property Transfer Tax $1,104,428 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Transient Occupancy Tax $1,319,409 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Sub-Total $2,423,837 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Franchise Taxes Electric $511,161 $510,000 $510,000 $510,000 $510,000 Gas $103,947 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Garbage $2,273,501 $2,048,000 $2,048,000 $2,460,000 $2,522,000 Cable $847,208 $750,000 $750,000 $895,000 $915,000 Sub-Total $3,735,817 $3,408,000 $3,408,000 $3,965,000 $4,047,000 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-4 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Licenses Business Licenses $157,327 $145,000 $145,000 $157,000 $157,000 Taxi Company $4,135 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 Taxi Driver $7,980 $8,080 $8,080 $8,080 $8,080 Tobacco Retailing License $8,424 $7,800 $7,800 $7,500 $7,500 Massage $3,000 $1,740 $1,740 $1,740 $1,740 Massage - Employee $666 $1,600 $1,600 Peddler $7,854 $1,797 $1,797 $1,797 $1,797 Animal $5,817 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 Sub-Total $195,203 $177,987 $177,987 $188,087 $188,087 Permits Fire Permits- Self Insp. $13,152 $12,996 $12,996 $12,980 $12,980 Fire Permits- Annual $80,707 $83,700 $83,700 $79,697 $81,291 Planning Permits $49,157 $44,642 $44,642 $54,992 $54,992 Building Permits $5,120,437 $2,444,500 $4,235,716 $3,692,895 $2,903,382 Constrn & Demo Permits $131,868 $91,380 $134,825 $93,435 $75,643 City Calgreen Building Permit Surcharge $327,649 $140,772 $218,480 $281,662 $217,978 Encroachment/ Transportation $125,073 $117,791 $117,791 $118,000 $118,000 Grading $3,432 $2,652 $2,652 $3,500 $3,500 Newspaper Racks Permit $1,440 $1,440 $1,440 Miscellaneous Permits $8,578 $5,832 $5,832 $7,876 $8,198 Sub-Total $5,860,052 $2,945,705 $4,858,074 $4,345,037 $3,477,404 Fines& Penalties Other Court Fines $47,288 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 Parking Citations $73,483 $72,432 $72,432 $72,432 $72,432 Business License Penalties $3,758 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Sub-Total $124,529 $109,932 $109,932 $109,932 $109,932 Revenue from Use of Money& Property Interest $550,264 $466,191 $466,191 $465,880 $465,880 Field & Court Rentals $227,096 $193,550 $193,550 $200,000 $200,000 Facility Rentals $314,323 $290,170 $290,170 $320,730 $420,880 Picnic Area Rentals $26,159 $15,740 $15,740 $20,000 $20,000 Leased Property $434,003 $443,613 $443,613 $492,758 $501,036 Sub-Total $1,551,845 $1,409,264 $1,409,264 $1,499,368 $1,607,796 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-5 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Intergovernmental-State Motor Vehicle In Lieu $21,909 Mandated Costs Reimb. $254,961 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Property Tax Relief (HOPTR) $206,430 $183,620 $183,620 $183,618 $183,618 Sub-Total $483,300 $198,620 $198,620 $198,618 $198,618 Charge for Services General &Administrative Sale of Documents $712 $3,700 $3,700 $500 $500 Bldg. Use Insurance $23,297 $19,000 $19,000 $21,000 $21,000 General&Admin. $24,009 $22,700 $22,700 $21,500 $21,500 Police Services Police Reports $4,175 $2,380 $2,380 $2,380 $2,380 Background Letter $1,100 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 ABC Letter $1,029 $620 $620 $620 $620 Livescan $3,810 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Fingerprints $5,992 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 Vehicle Release $27,336 $41,780 $41,780 $41,780 $41,78C Fix It Tickets $430 $310 $310 $310 $310 Repo Releases $580 $600 $600 $600 $600 DUI Resp. Costs Recovery $4,695 $2,110 $2,110 $2,110 $2,110 Misc. Police Services $1,301 $820 $820 $820 $820 Police Services $50,447 $56,720 $56,720 $56,720 $56,720 Fire Services Fire Alarm $63,257 $15,000 $45,000 $18,046 $3,361 Sprinkler/ Underground $452,397 $130,000 $250,000 $275,437 $185,696 Fixed System $6,516 $1,032 $7,032 $2,506 $365 Fire Plan Check $83,615 $25,000 $67,000 $59,086 $46,454 Misc Fire Services $11,975 $500 $5,300 $1,000 $500 Santa Rita Services $1,026,809 $380,200 $380,200 $505,200 $505,200 Fire Services $1,644,569 $551,732 $754,532 $861,275 $741,576 Environmental Services EV Charging Stations $1,712 $1,500 $1,500 Waste Mgt Admin Fee $796,288 $730,000 $730,000 $875,000 $900,000 Local Share Permit Surcharge-Green Bldg. $1,491 $802 $802 $1,194 $905 Environmental Svcs $799,491 $730,802 $730,802 $877,694 $902,405 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-6 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Parks &Community Services Cultural Arts Activities $25,268 $20,000 $20,000 Heritage Center Programs $19,013 $10,740 $10,740 $16,600 $15,950 Cemetery $920 $1,150 $1,150 $6,222 $6,222 Community Events & Festivals $155,206 $133,140 $133,140 $112,490 $112,490 Family Programs $698,641 $602,195 $602,195 $675,085 $675,085 Recreational Activities $524,801 $385,607 $385,607 $503,000 $503,500 Preschool Programs $412,639 $389,850 $389,850 $336,646 $368,576 Senior Programs $101,778 $91,150 $91,150 $91,150 $91,150 Sports Programs $879,589 $715,847 $715,847 $740,513 $745,513 Aquatic Programs $191,104 $176,170 $176,170 $498,350 $1,467,875 Parks & Community Services $3,008,959 $2,505,849 $2,505,849 $3,000,056 $4,006,361 Sub-Total $5,527,476 $3,867,803 $4,070,603 $4,817,245 $5,728,562 Development Services Zoning $1,907,324 $1,527,450 $1,527,450 $951,669 $701,669 Plan Checking $2,848,471 $2,498,012 $2,498,012 $3,376,246 $3,626,079 Local Share Permit Surcharge-Zone 7 $19,881 $2,980 $2,980 $16,517 $13,405 Local Share Permit Surcharge-SMIP $2,918 $1,289 $1,289 $2,254 $1,494 Business License City Admin CASp fee $2,488 $2,275 $2,275 $2,450 $2,100 PFD Development Services $424 Sub-Total $4,781,506 $4,032,006 $4,032,006 $4,349,136 $4,344,748 General Revenue Sale of Property $285 Donations and Sponsorships $114,320 $100,250 $101,750 $112,960 $112,960 Miscellaneous Revenue $126,301 $102,001 $102,001 Reimbursement, General $181,186 $133,666 $133,666 $138,384 $138,384 Reimbursement, Damage $19,698 $22,500 $22,500 $5,000 $5,000 Community Benefit Payments $2,964,899 $675,678 $675,678 $100,000 Sub-Total $3,406,690 $1,034,095 $1,035,595 $356,344 $256,34 Total $76,099,262 $70,705,887 $74,450,266 $77,177,087 $79,538,966 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-7 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund (#2101) Interest Interest $1,011 $417 $417 $850 $810 Sub-Total $1,011 $417 $417 $850 $810 General Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue $28,896 Sub-Total $28,896 Total $29,907 $417 $417 $850 $810 Vehicle Abatement (#2102) Interest Interest $1,760 $1,717 $1,717 $1,970 $2,090 Sub-Total $1,760 $1,717 $1,717 $1,970 $2,090 Intergovernmental-County County Grants $36,368 $30,457 $30,457 $30,457 $30,457 1 Sub-Total $36,368 $30,457 $30,457 $30,457 $30,457 Total $38,128 $32,174 $32,174 $32,427 $32,547 SLES/COPS Fund - CA (# 2103) Interest Interest $179 $167 $167 $200 $200 Sub-Total $179 $167 $167 $200 $200 Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $113,164 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Sub-Total $113,164 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Total $113,343 $100,167 $100,167 $100,200 $100,200 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-8 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Traffic Safety (# 2106) Fines & Penalties Vehicle Fines $196,101 $148,279 $148,279 $148,279 $148,279 Sub-Total $196,101 $148,279 $148,279 $148,279 $148,279 Interest Interest $1,905 $904 $904 $1,760 $1,750 Sub-Total $1,905 $904 $904 $1,760 $1,750 General Revenue Reimbursement, General ($11,825) Sub-Total ($11,825) Total $186,181 $149,183 $149,183 $150,039 $150,029 Federal Asset Seizure Fund (# 2107) Interest - Interest $1,553 $675 $675 $70 '� Sub-Total $1,553 $675 $675 $70 Total $1,553 $675 $675 $70 EMS Special Revenue (# 2109) Special Assessments Current Assessments $171,122 $162,816 $162,816 $176,580 $183,826 Prior Assessments $2,636 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Assessment Penalties $309 $500 $500 $300 $300 Sub-Total $174,067 $164,816 $164,816 $178,380 $185,626 Interest Interest $366 $292 $292 $410 $490 Sub-Total $366 $292 $292 $410 $490 Intergovernmental-County County Grants $180,884 $185,412 $185,412 $185,412 $185,412 Sub-Total $180,884 $185,412 $185,412 $185,412 $185,412 Total $355,317 $350,520 $350,520 $364,202 $371,528 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-9 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Enforcement Grants (#2111) Interest Interest $34 $34 $34 $20 Sub-Total $34 $34 $34 $20 Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $7,301 $2,426 Sub-Total $7,301 $2,426 Total $7,334 $34 $2,460 $20 State Gas Tax (# 2201) Interest Interest $22,258 $11,349 $11,349 $12,960 $10,250 Sub-Total $22,258 $11,349 $11,349 $12,960 $10,250 Intergovernmental-State Gas Tax Section 2105 $316,910 $305,441 $305,441 $305,441 $305,441 Gas Tax Section 2106 $210,141 $162,273 $162,273 $162,273 $162,273 Gas Tax Section 2107 $408,101 $417,594 $417,594 $417,594 $417,594 Gas Tax Section 2107.5 $15,000 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 Prop 42 (TCRF) Replacement $565,686 $242,160 $242,160 $242,160 $242,160 Sub-Total $1,515,837 $1,134,968 $1,134,968 $1,134,968 $1,134,968 General Revenue Reimbursement, General $24,183 $160,000 Sub-Total $24,183 $160,000 Total $1,562,279 $1,146,317 $1,306,317 $1,147,928 $1,145,218 Federal Transportation Grant (#2202) Interest Interest $24 Sub-Total $24 Intergovernmental-Federal Federal Grants $470,000 $470,000 Sub-Total $470,000 $470,000 ` f Total $24 $470,000 $470,000 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-10 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Transportation Development Act (# 2203) Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $207,189 $148,311 $148,311 Sub-Total $207,189 $148,311 $148,311 Total $207,189 $148,311 $148,311 Measure B - Local Streets (# 2204) Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax $396,556 $709,994 $709,994 $428,339 $430,000 Sub-Total $396,556 $709,994 $709,994 $428,339 $430,000 Interest Interest $5,899 $2,033 $2,033 Sub-Total $5,899 $2,033 $2,033 Total $402,455 $712,027 $712,027 $428,339 $430,000 Measure B - Bike & Ped (#2205) Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax $149,070 $240,001 $240,001 $165,085 $165,085 Sub-Total $149,070 $240,001 $240,001 $165,085 $165,085 Interest Interest $528 $389 $389 $760 $400 Sub-Total $528 $389 $389 $760 $400 Total $149,598 $240,390 $240,390 $165,845 $165,485 Transportation for Clean Air (# 2207) Intergovernmental-County County Grants $90,000 $146,352 a Sub-Total $90,000 $146,352 Total $90,000 $146,352 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-11 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Congestion Management Agency (#2208) Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $621,513 $621,513 Sub-Total $621,513 $621,513 Total $621,513 $621,513 Highway Safety Traffic Reduction Bond (#2210) Interest Interest $28 $26 $26 -_ Sub-Total $28 $26 $26 Total $28 $26 $26 ACTC-Vehicle Registration Fee $# 2212) Interest Interest $847 $718 $718 $230 $52C Sub-Total $847 $718 $718 $230 $520 Intergovernmental-County ACTC- Vehicle Reg. Fee $252,863 $234,000 $234,000 $252,000 $252,000 Sub-Total $252,863 $234,000 $234,000 $252,000 $252,000 Total $253,710 $234,718 $234,718 $252,230 $252,520 Measure BB - Local Streets (# 2214) Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax $70,906 $320,000 $389,695 $389,700 Sub-Total $70,906 $320,000 $389,695 $389,700 Interest Interest $310 Sub-Total $310 Total $70,906 $320,000 $390,005 $389,700 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-12 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Measure BB - Bike & Ped (# 2215) Sales Tax Sales and Use Tax $24,234 $110,000 $134,802 $135,000 Sub-Total $24,234 $110,000 $134,802 $135,000 Interest Interest $820 $870 Sub-Total $820 $870 Total $24,234 $110,000 $135,622 $135,870 Measure B Grants (# 2216) Intergovernmental-County County Grants $6,267,000 Sub-Total $6,267,000 .. Total $6,267,000 Measure BB Grants (# 2217) Intergovernmental-County ■- County Grants $10,773,000 $3,100,000 Sub-Total $10,773,000 $3,100,000 Total $10,773,000 $3,100,000 Measure D (# 2302) Interest Interest $1,119 $745 $745 $330 $370 Sub-Total $1,119 $745 $745 $330 $370 Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $14,943 $13,000 $13,000 Sub-Total $14,943 $13,000 $13,000 Intergovernmental-County County Grants $146,042 $134,000 $134,000 $134,000 $134,000 Sub-Total $146,042 $134,000 $134,000 $134,000 $134,000 Total $162,104 $147,745 $147,745 $134,330 $134,370 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-13 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Garbage Service Fund (#2303) Interest Interest $1,583 $749 $749 $450 Sub-Total $1,583 $749 $749 $450 Environmental Services Residential Garbage/ Recycle $3,193,445 $3,310,715 $3,310,715 $3,770,000 $4,051,000 Residential Garbage/ Recycle Prior Year $2,509 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 Garbage Penalties $7,191 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 $7,000 Sub-Total $3,203,145 $3,340,715 $3,340,715 $3,792,000 $4,073,000 Total $3,204,727 $3,341,464 $3,341,464 $3,792,450 $4,073,000 Local Recycling Programs (# 2304) Interest Interest $623 $265 $265 $590 $670 Sub-Total $623 $265 $265 $590 $67(' Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $86,000 $26,000 $26,000 Sub-Total $86,000 $26,000 $26,000 Intergovernmental-County County Grants $28,940 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Sub-Total $28,940 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 General Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue $2,200 $2,200 Sub-Total $2,200 $2,200 Total $29,564 $10,265 $96,265 $28,790 $38,870 Storm Water Management (# 231, 2323, 2324) Interest Interest $1,351 $1,010 $1,010 $1,380 r p $900 Sub-Total $1,351 $1,010 $1,010 $1,380 $900 Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $25,733 $743,836 $248,000 Sub-Total $25,733 $743,836 $248,000 Total $27,084 $1,010 $744,846 $249,380 $90' Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-14 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Box Culvert (#2322) Interest Interest $2,346 $2,160 $2,160 $2,430 $2,430 Sub-Total $2,346 $2,160 $2,160 $2,430 $2,430 Total $2,346 $2,160 $2,160 $2,430 $2,430 East Bay Regional Park District (# 2402) Intergovernmental-County East Bay Regional Park Dist. Measure WW $156,549 Sub-Total $156,549 Total $156,549 Street Light District (# 2701 & 2705) Special Assessments Current Assessments $558,899 $552,912 $552,912 $586,102 $586,102 Prior Assessments $4,751 $3,107 $3,107 $3,100 $3,100 Assessment Penalties $926 $1,674 $1,674 $950 $950 Sub-Total $564,575 $557,693 $557,693 $590,152 $590,152 Interest Interest $3,592 $3,585 $3,585 $2,020 $2,590 Sub-Total $3,592 $3,585 $3,585 $2,020 $2,590 Total $568,168 $561,278 $561,278 $592,172 $592,742 Landscape District Funds (# 2702, 2703, 2704) Special Assessments Current Assessments $523,019 $561,653 $561,653 $619,358 $619,358 Prior Assessments $2,050 $1,252 $1,252 $1,250 $1,250 Assessment Penalties $493 $1,250 $1,250 $475 $475 Sub-Total $525,562 $564,155 $564,155 $621,083 $621,083 Interest Interest $2,995 $2,415 $2,415 $3,270 $3,520 Sub-Total $2,995 $2,415 $2,415 $3,270 $3,520 ,� Total $528,558 $566,570 $566,570 $624,353 $624,603 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-15 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 '. 2017-18 Public Art Fund (# 2801) Interest Interest $17,631 $11,538 $11,538 $15,640 ` 1,810 Sub-Total $17,631 $11,538 $11,538 $15,640 $11,810 General Revenue Developer Contribution $969,432 $240,000 Sub-Total $969,432 $240,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Total $987,063 $11,538 $251,538 $15,640 $11,810 Cable TV Facilities (#2811) Interest Interest $1,563 $442 $442 $1,290 Sub-Total $1,563 $442 $442 $1,290 General &Administrative Cable TV Support $169,768 $150,000 $150,000 $179,000 .'80 Sub-Total $169,768 $150,000 $150,000 $179,000 ` ' 4!0`` Total $171,331 $150,442 $150,442 $180,290 $184,91• Affordable Housing Fund (#2901) Interest ■--_ Interest $81,498 $57,796 $57,796 $47,840 --4,830 Sub-Total $81,498 $57,796 $57,796 $47,840 44,830°' Loan Repayments Interest $423,833 Principal $964,730 Sub-Total $1,388,563 Development Services ■_ Housing Services $26,468 $37,512 $37,512 $30,586 $26,912 $26,468 $37,512 $37,512 $30,586 $26,912 General Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Reimbursement, General Developer Contribution $2,479,989 $1,370,000 $1,370,000 $815,096 25,190 Sub-Total $2,479,989 $1,370,000 $1,370,000 $815,096 . 0 Total $3,976,518 $1,465,308 $1,465,308 $893,522 $96,932 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-16 Revenue Comparison, continued ® Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Noise Mitigation Fund (#2902) Interest Interest $577 $517 $517 $400 $410 Sub-Total $577 $517 $517 $400 $410 General Revenue Developer Contribution $5,365 $957 $957 $2,411 $2,225 Sub-Total $5,365 $957 $957 $2,411 $2,225 Total $5,942 $1,474 $1,474 $2,811 $2,635 Community Development Block Grant (# 2903) Intergovernmental-Federal Federal Grants $76,702 $76,412 $76,412 $82,202 $82,202 Sub-Total $76,702 $76,412 $76,412 $82,202 $82,202 Total $76,702 $76,412 $76,412 $82,202 $82,202 0 HCD Housing Related Park Grant (# 2904) Intergovernmental-State Other State Grants $599,025 Sub-Total $599,025 -_ Total $599,025 Public Facility Fund (#4100) Interest Interest $229,304 $83,705 $83,705 $20,280 $26,800 Sub-Total $229,304 $83,705 $83,705 $20,280 $26,800 General Revenue Developer Contribution $8,534,908 $6,629,500 $9,242,000 $9,141,918 $5,919,329 Sub-Total $8,534,908 $6,629,500 $9,242,000 1111Mmr, $5,919,329 Total $8,764,212 $6,713,205 $9,325,705 $9,162,198 $5,946,129 4 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-17 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Fire Impact Fee Fund (#4200) General Revenue Developer Contribution $434,307 $196,692 $316,692 $86,496 $27,704 Sub-Total $434,307 $196,692 $316,692 $86,496 $27,704 Total $434,307 $196,692 $316,692 $86,496 $27,704 Traffic Impact Fee Fund (#4300) Interest Interest $103,737 $55,527 $55,527 $96,360 $94,070 Sub-Total $103,737 $55,527 $55,527 $96,360 $94,070 General Revenue Developer Contribn. $6,154,171 $956,352 $2,379,352 $2,968,575 $1,461,567 Reim., General $13,248 Sub-Total $6,167,419 $956,352 $2,379,352 $2,968,575 $1,461,567 tm . Dublin Crossing Fund (#4400) Interest Interest $17 $2,060 $14,230 Sub-Total $17 $2,060 $14,230 General Revenue -� Developer Contribution $533,839 $1,601,518 Reimbursement, General -� Comm. Benefit Payments $15,000,000 $3,000,000 Sub-Total $15,000,000 $533,839 Total $17 $15,000,000 $535,899 $4,615,748 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-18 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Internal Service Fund -Vehicles (#6105) Interest Interest $17,420 $17,352 $17,352 $19,540 $14,030 Sub-Total $17,420 $17,352 $17,352 $19,540 $14,030 Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $362,066 $517,795 $517,795 $528,051 $430,494 Sub-Total $362,066 $517,795 $517,795 $528,051 $430,494 General Revenue Sale of Property $50,618 $6,000 $6,000 Sub-Total $50,618 $6,000 $6,000 Total $430,103 $541,147 $541,147 $547,591 $444,524 Internal Service Fund - Facilities (#6205) Interest Interest $32,409 $30,520 $30,520 $34,550 $36,310 Sub-Total $32,409 $30,520 $30,520 $34,550 $36,310 Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $254,904 $288,091 $288,091 $317,671 $322,345 Sub-Total $254,904 $288,091 $288,091 $317,671 $322,345 Total $287,313 $318,611 $318,611 $352,221 $358,655 Internal Service Fund - Equipment (#6305) Interest Interest $19,189 $15,912 $15,912 $21,460 $26,560 Sub-Total $19,189 $15,912 $15,912 $21,460 $26,560 Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $677,064 $770,021 $770,021 $865,718 $877,727 Sub-Total $677,064 $770,021 $770,021 $865,718 $877,727 General Revenue Sale of Property $62 Sub-Total $62 Total $696,314 $785,933 $785,933 $887,178 $904,287 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-19 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Internal Service Fund - Maintenance & Repairs (# 6501) Interest Interest $2,847 Sub-Total $2,847 Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $491,376 Sub-Total $491,376 Total $494,222 Internal Service Fund - IT (#6605) Charge for Services -�-� Internal Service Charges $1,122,361 $1,152,861 $1,439,866 $1,444,775 Sub-Total $1,122,361 $1,152,861 $1,439,866 $1,444,775 Total $1,122,361 $1,152,861 $1,439,866 $1,444,775 #11) Retiree Health Fund (# 6901) Interest Interest $353 $530 $530 Sub-Total $353 $530 $530 Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $1,306,999 $1,477,942 $1,477,942 $1,618,330 $1,613,162 4 Sub-Total $1,306,999 $1,477,942 $1,477,942 $1,618,330 $1,613,162 General Revenue Reimbursement, General $535,229 $601,560 $601,560 $627,000 $727,320 Sub-Total $535,229 $601,560 $601,560 $627,000 $727,320 Total $1,842,581 $2,079,502 $2,079,502 $2,245,860 $2,341,012 PERS Side Fund Payoff (# 6951) Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $363,030 $410,084 $410,084 $411,593 $96,328 Sub-Total $363,030 $410,084 $410,084 $411,593 $96,328 Total $363,030 $410,084 $410,084 $411,593 $96,32: Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-20 Revenue Comparison, continued Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Energy Efficiency Capital Lease (# 7101) Interest Interest $686 Sub-Total $686 ■_ Charge for Services Internal Service Charges $535,892 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,881 Sub-Total $535,892 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,881 Total $536,578 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,881 Grand Total $109,517,940 $94,978,093 $126,526,759 $117,162,401 $109,974,957 *Excludes Agency Funds and Transfers In C Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-21 Human Services Grants Program Figure 70: Grants for Fiscal Year 2016-17 City Council Recommendation Approved with Increased CDBG Funds Funding Funding CALICO Center- Dublin Child Abuse Intervention $7,735 $8,314 Open Heart Kitchen - Dublin Meal Programs $13,000 $13,578 Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley- Case Management $12,000 $12,579 Spectrum Community Services - Meals on Wheels for Homebound Seniors $8,600 $9,179 Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Violence Services Program $8,000 $8,000 Tri-Valley Haven - Homeless Services Program $10,000 $10,000 Axis Community Health - Facility Project Loan Obligation $13,374 $13,952 Subtotal - CDBG Fund $72,709 $75,602 Affordable Housing Fund Community Resources for Independent Living- Independent Living, Housing & Employment Services $8,000 $8,0" Subtotal -Affordable Housing Fund $8,000 $8,0L_ General Fund Chabot-Las Positas Community College District/Tri Valley One Stop Career Center- Dublin Job Initiative $15,000 $15,000 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District/Tri Valley One Stop Career Center-Tri-Valley Volunteer Income Tax Assistance $6,000 $6,000 Child Care Links - Early Childhood Education $15,000 $15,000 CityServe of the Tri-Valley- CityServe of the Tri-Valley $15,000 $15,000 Dublin High School Parent Faculty Student Organization - Dublin High Safe and Sober Grad Night &Senior Scholarships $3,000 $3,000 Dublin Partners in Education - Community Grant $7,000 $7,000 Easter Seals Bay Area - Easter Seals Kaleidoscope $15,000 $15,000 Eden I&R, Inc. - 2-1-1 Alameda County Communication System $10,000 $10,000 Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley, Inc. - Homebuyer Financial Literacy Counseling Program $9,000 $9,000 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-22 City Council Recommendation Approved with Increased General Fund Funding Funding Hope Hospice, Inc - Grief Support Center and Hospice Volunteer Program $15,000 $15,000 Sandra J. Wing Healing Therapies Foundation - Healing therapies for Cancer Patients $10,000 $10,000 YMCA of the East Bay, Tri-Valley YMCA- Mental Health Services $10,000 $10,000 YMCA of the East Bay, Tri-Valley YMCA- YMCA Day Camp Affordable Summer Child Care $10,000 $10,000 Subtotal - General Fund $140,000 $140,000 Grand Total $220,709 $223,602 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-23 Position Allocation PIS Now Position Allocation Plan Summary by Department 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended City Manager City Positions 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 Total 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 City Clerk City Positions 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Human Resources City Positions 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 475:,!,,,:,;::"T,4 �' Total 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 . ; 0 Administrative Services City Positions 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 ° . . � Total 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 "r -�� Non-Departmental City Positions 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.66 0 . . (1.50) Total 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.66 0.66 (1.50) Economic Development City Positions 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Total 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Community Development City Positions 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 Contract Positions 8.50 8.75 8.75 9.69 9.21 0.94 Total 26.95 27.20 27.20 28.14 27.66 0.94 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-24 Position Summary by Department, continued 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended Fire Department City Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Contract Positions 38.91 38.91 38.91 38.99 38.99 0.08 Total 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.99 39.99 0.08 Police City Positions 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 (1.00) Contract Positions 55.00 56.00 56.00 57.00 57.00 1.00 Total 60.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 Parks & Community Services City Positions 22.10 24.10 24.10 25.10 25.10 1.00 Contract Positions 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.34 1.34 0.30 Total 23.14 25.14 25.14 26.44 26.44 1.30 Public Works City Positions 18.95 18.95 18.95 19.45 19.45 0.50 Contract Positions 27.15 27.15 27.15 32.93 37.80 5.78 Total 46.10 46.10 46.10 52.38 57.25 6.28 i�IiYi l• ifIi• lii :`:ii.°7ill ; TOTAL CITY& CONTRACT 222.10 225.60 225.60 233.70 238.09 8.10 NOTE: All of the designated personnel perform duties directly from City facilities. The Position Allocation Plan does not account for the temporary/seasonal Staff in the Parks & Community Services Department which varies between 50-100 additional employees. It also does not include all the contract personnel who perform work under contract to the City of Dublin at offsite locations. Examples of these contract personnel include Contract Engineering, some MCE Corporation (Public Works); Alameda County employees performing some Police, Fire, and traffic signal maintenance services; or legal services provided by Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver&Wilson. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-25 Position Allocation Plan City Positions 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/ Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended City Manager City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant to the City Manager 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Executive Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 City Clerk City Clerk/Records Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant I (2yr Limited Term) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Human Resources Human Resources Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst I I 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Total 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-26 City Positions, continued C2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast vs 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended Administrative Services Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Asst. Admin. Svcs Dir./Budget Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Finance Technician II 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Financial Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Systems Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 Non-Departmental Assis. to the City Manager 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 rrd 44 4 Administrative Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 °4 °b''A (0.50) Environmental Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.25 o lir" �� (0.25) Environmental Technician 0.75 0.75 0.75 ._ 1 (0.75) Total 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.66 '` �' ' , �.,.� � . : (1.50) Economic Development Economic Dev Dir/PIO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00',, Management Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Senior Office Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Total 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-27 City Positions, continued 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast vs 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 Amended Community Development Community Dev. Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Associate Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Asst. Director of Community Dev. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 Housing Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Plan Check Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Principal Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner (4 yr Limited Term) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 Fire Department Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 il Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-28 City Positions, continued 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended Police Department Administrative Aide 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Management Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Office Assistant II 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Total 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 (1.00) Parks & Community Services Parks & Comm Svcs Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 Asst. Parks & Comm Services Dir. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Graphic Design & Comm Coord 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Heritage & Cultural Arts Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Heritage Center Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant I/II 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 Parks & Comm Svcs Business Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Recreation Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 Senior Office Assistant 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 (1.00) Total 22.10 24.10 24.10 25.10 25.10 1.00 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-29 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed 1`. Actual Budget Budget Proposed F 1 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended Public Works Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Aide 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Associate Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Public Works Dir/City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Environmental Coordinator 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.25 Environmental Technician 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.75 Facilities Development Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst II 1.00 1.00 1.00 Office Assistant II 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.45 1.45 1.00 Parks & Facilities Dev. Coord 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks & Facilities Dev. Coordinator (Limited Term) 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 (1.01 Public Works Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Public Works Manager (Maintenance) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Trans/Ops Mgr 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 18.95 18.95 18.95 19.45 19.45 0.50 GRAND TOTAL-ALL CITY POSITIONS 91.50 93.75 93.75 93.75 93.75 I Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-30 Position Allocation Plan CContract Positions 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building&Safety Building Inspector 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.34 8.25 0.34 Plan Checker 1.00 0.75 0.75 1.35 0.96 0.60 Total 8.50 8.75 8.75 9.69 9.21 0.94 Fire Department Fire Contract(Alameda County) Firefighter/Paramedic 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Fire Engineer 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Fire Captain 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 CERT Coordinator 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Emergency Prepared. Mgr 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Emergency Prepared. Assis. 0.07 0.07 0.07 Sub-Total 36.26 36.26 36.26 36.33 36.33 0.07 Fire Prevention (Alameda County) Fire Marshal 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Deputy Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plans Checker 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub-Total 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 Fire Station Maintenance (MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Landscape Laborer I 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 Landscape Laborer II 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.01 Landscape Laborer III 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Sub-Total 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.01 Total 38.91 38.91 38.91 38.99 38.99 0.08 Or LL Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-31 Mika Contract Positions, continued "_ ' `` 2016-17 Adopted Amended Proposed vs Actual Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 2015-16 Department/Classification 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended 1 Police Department Police Contract (Alameda County) Commander 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Captain 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sergeant -Training 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sergeant - Patrol 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Sergeant- Investigations 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sergeant -Traffic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sergeant - Crime Prevention 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Officer- Patrol 26.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 1.00 Officer- Investigations 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Officer-Traffic 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Officer- Crime Prevention 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Officer-School 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Sheriff's Technician 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Total 55.00 56.00 56.00 57.00 57.00 1.00 I Parks & Community Services Library(MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.26 0.26 0.05 Landscape Laborer I 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 (0.01) Sub-Total 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.42 0.42 0.04 Facilities Operations & Rentals (MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.01 Landscape Laborer I 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.51 0.51 0.11 Landscape Laborer II 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.04 Landscape Laborer III 0.10 0.10 0.10 Sub-Total 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.92 0.92 0.26 TOTAL 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.34 1.34 0.30 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-32 Contract Positions, continued 2016-17 Proposed Actual Adopted Amended vs 2015- 2014- Budget Budget Proposed Forecast 16 Department/ Classification 15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Amended Public Works Administrations (MCE) Maintenance Superintendent 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.00 (0.03) Sub-Total 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.00 (0.03) Building Management (MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.73 0.73 0.73 1.00 1.00 0.27 Landscape Laborer I 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.69 0.92 (0.12) Landscape Laborer II 0.08 0.08 0.08 (0.08) Landscape Laborer III 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.12 Sub-Total 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.77 2.04 0.07 Street Maintenance (MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.15 (0.06) Landscape Laborer I 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.41 0.41 (0.04) Landscape Laborer II 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.15 0.15 (0.06) Landscape Laborer III 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.10 1.10 (0.18) Sub-Total 2.15 2.15 2.15 1.81 1.81 (0.34) Street Landscaping (MCE) Landscape Foreman 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.07 1.07 0.08 Landscape Laborer I 2.68 2.68 2.68 3.30 3.35 0.62 Landscape Laborer II 2.17 2.17 2.17 3.01 3.01 0.84 Landscape Laborer III 3.61 3.61 3.61 7.06 8.07 3.45 Sub-Total 9.45 9.45 9.45 14.44 15.50 4.99 Park Maintenance (MCE) Landscape Foreman 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Landscape Laborer I 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.20 4.80 0.07 Landscape Laborer II 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.60 3.90 0.29 Landscape Laborer III 5.38 5.38 5.38 6.11 7.75 0.73 Sub-Total 12.82 12.82 12.82 13.91 17.45 1.09 Total 27.15 27.15 27.15 32.93 37.80 5.78 GRAND TOTAL- CONTRACT POSITIONS 130.60 131.85 131.85 139.95 144.34 8.10 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-33 Fiscal Year 2016-17 Appropriations Lirnik (Based on Fiscal Year 2015-16 Limit Adopted By City Council Resolution No. 77-1_, The Gann Limit, or Proposition 4 Limit, was a 1979 amendment to the California constitution sponsored by political activist Paul Gann in 1979 on the heels of his property tax-reducing Proposition 13 initiative passed the prior year. The Gann Limit was designed to regulate state and local spending by linking the rate of appropriation growth to a statewide index. In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. The City of Dublin has calculated a FY 2016-17 limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and the recognized methodology for calculating adjustments. Although this is a two-year budget the City can only adopt the limit for a single year. The details of this calculation are shown on the following page. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the City Council. State law limits only the appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of taxes," which are narrowly defined. The law also establishes a formula to be used to calculate annual adjustments to the limit using a combination of two factors selected by the agency. The first factor is based on changes in population. Agencies may either select the change in the city population or the change in county population. For FY 2016-17 the City of Dublin population growth of 2.42% was larger than the Alameda County population growth of 1.06% (based on the Price and Populati ' Information each May by the California Department of Finance). Therefore, the adjustment calculation uses the City of Dublin population growth. The second factor allows the City to use either 1) the increase in the State Per Capita Personal Income, or 2) the change in local assessed valuation based on changes in the "Non-Residential New Construction." The change in the Per Capita Personal Income as provided by the Department of Finance is -5.37%. The change in the assessed valuation compares the total change in assessed valuation to the amount related strictly to non-residential improvements. In April 2016, the Alameda County Assessor provided data related to FY 2015-16 changes in assessed valuation attributable to Non-Residential New Construction. The amount of the increase was $17,361,549, or 1.17%. Therefore, the City of Dublin elected to use the change in State Per Capita Personal Income. The two factors discussed above are combined to arrive at a growth rate for appropriations, which is then applied to the prior year to arrive at a limit for the new budget year. The City of Dublin's FY 2016-17 Appropriations Limit is $291,414,855, as shown on the following page, while the FY 2016-17 Budget contains appropriations of $59,101,896 that would be categorized as funded by proceeds of taxes. Therefore, the City's appropriations subject to the Gann Limit are $232,312,959 below the allowed amount calculated for FY 2016-17. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-34 CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2015-16 Limit) A. Selection of Optional Factors 1. Change in Population—City vs. County. Factors 1/1/2016 1/1/2015 % Increase a. City of Dublin 55,804 54,486 2.42% b. County of Alameda 1,624,841 1,607,863 1.06% The City selected Factor la. City of Dublin population growth 2.42% 2. Change in State per Capita Personal Income vs. City Non Residential Building Construction. Factors % Change a. Change in State per Capita Personal Income 5.37% b. Change in Non Residential Assessed Valuation 1.17% The City selected Factor 2a. Change in State per Capita Personal Income 5.37% B. FY2016-17 Growth Adjustment Factor Calculation of factor for FY2016-17 = X*Y= 1.0242*1.0537 = 1.0792 X = Selected Factor#1 + 100 = 2.42+100 = 1.0242 100 100 Y= Selected Factor#2 + 100 = 5.37+100 = 1.0537 100 100 C. Calculation of Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2015-16 Appropriations Limit $270,028,591 Fiscal Year 2016-17 Adjustment Factor x 1.0792 Fiscal Year 2016-17 Appropriations Limit $291,414,855 Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-35 Fund Balance and Reserves Polite. General Fund and Other Governmental Fun es (Updated June 2015) This document shall establish the foundation for the components of fund balance and provide requirements for maintaining reasonable levels of reserves in governmental funds, with a focus on the General Fund. The presentation of fund balances is also presented in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and the official City financial records. This document is intended to comply with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54. In the event of a conflict between this policy and the provisions of GASB Statement No. 54 the accounting statement shall prevail. In accordance with the requirements of GASB, the City Council also confirms as part of this policy the order of expenditures from resources available. The City considers "Restricted" amounts to have been spent prior to "unrestricted" amounts when an expenditure is incurred for purposes for which both are available ("unrestricted" would include Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned). Similarly, when an expenditure is incurred for purposes for which amounts in any of the unrestricted classifications of fund balance could be used, the City considers "Committed" amounts to be reduced first, followed by assigned amounts and then the unassigned amounts. A. POLICY OBJECTIVES The City of Dublin's Fund Balance and Reserves Policy has four primary objectives: - Determine available liquid resources; - Classify fund balances in accordance with GASB 54; - Define the methodology of allocating net resources; and - Provide information needed to make informed financial decisions. Periodically the City Manager may recommend to the City Council a review of this policy based on overall City initiatives and current balances. Any adjustments to the policy shall be adopted by the City Council. B. CLASSIFICATION OF FUND BALANCES In accordance with GASB Statement No. 54 and as reported in the City's financial statements, fund balances are identified by the following five fund balance classifications: I. Non-spendable Fund Balance Non-spendable fund balances are amounts in a form that cannot be spent because they are either (a) in a non-spendable form such as pre-paid items, inventories, or loans receivable; or (b) they have external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, laws, regulations, etc. However, if the use of the proceeds from the collection of those receivables or from the sale of those properties is restricte Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-36 committed, or assigned, then they should be included in the appropriate fund balance classification (restricted, committed, or assigned), rather than non-spendable fund balance. The following are items that are expected to be recorded as "Non-spendable": Prepaid Expenditures: The portion of fund balance that represents the asset amount of prepaid expenditures, held by a given fund. Endowments: The portion of fund balance established as an endowment by the donor and in which the principal balance is not intended for expenditure. Advances To Other Funds: The portion of the fund balance that represents the asset amount of cash advanced to other funds, held by a given fund. Notes/Loans Receivable: The portion of fund balance that represents the asset amount of notes or loans receivable, held by a given fund. II. Restricted Fund Balance Restricted Fund Balance shall reflect that portion of fund balance that reflects constraints placed on the use of resources (other than nonspendable items) that are either: (a) externally imposed by creditors (such as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments; or (b) Imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. The following are items that are expected to be recorded as "Restricted": Public Safety Special Revenue Funds:unds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Public Safety related activities. Transportation Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Transportation related activities. Environmental Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Environmental related activities. Parks Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Parks related activities. Assessment District Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Public Safety and Transportation related activities, consistent with the purpose under which the fee is collected. Cultural & Arts Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Cultural &Arts related activities. Health & Welfare Special Revenue Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for Social Services and Housing related activities. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-37 Impact& Mitigation Capital Project Funds: The portion of fund balances derived from funds collected to be used for parks, public facilities, fire and transportation related activities, consistent with the purpose um. which the fee is collected. Other Restricted: The portion of fund balance in any governmental fund (except the General Fund) that is restricted under the "Restricted Fund Balance" definition as otherwise prescribed by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54 and not otherwise described in this category above. III. Committed Fund Balance Committed Fund Balance shall be comprised of amounts in which the City Council has taken action to commit the funds before the end of fiscal year. The decision to modify the amount or use of funds designated as committed can only be changed by action of the City Council. Economic Stability: The portion of General Fund Balance committed for the purpose of stabilizing the delivery of City services during periods of severe operational deficits and to mitigate the effects of uncertainties from unforeseen change in revenues and / or expenditures. City Council approval shall be required before expending any portion of this fund balance. Reserve shall be used only if: a) Sudden and unexpected decline in ongoing revenues greater than 5% of General Fund operating revenues; and/or b) Elimination or reduction of State revenue source(s) received consistently for municipal purposes, resulting in a decrease of $1,000,000 in General Fund revenues; and/or c) Reduction in projected or actual property tax or sales tax of$1 million or more; and/or d) An increase in contracted Police or Fire Services in excess 10 percent more than the previous year. Downtown Public Improvements Seed Funding: The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council for public improvements in the downtown. The use of this balance is intended to address public improvements within the Downtown Specific Plan Area. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. The appropriation shall be a minimum of$50,000. Open Space Funding: The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council for the acquisition and long term protection of open space in the City. The acquisition may be in cooperation with other agencies. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Affordable Housing Funding: The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council to support the construction, acquisition, or creation of affordable housing in the City. The acquisition may be in cooperation with other public and private entities. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Emergency Communications System: The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council to fund the purchase of emergency radio system equipment. This includes a pro-rata share of regional radio infrastructure as well as City owned radios for Police, Fire, and Public Works. Further the reserve may be used to fund the upgrade of centralized City telephone and communication systems. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-38 ce Fire Retiree Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB): The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council for the future liability related to retiree medical benefits offered to the inactive Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Staff, as well as the City share of obligations with the OPEB benefits for Alameda County Fire Department. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Innovations & New Opportunities: The portion of General Fund Balance established by the City Council to fund potential projects which require up-front costs, but would provide longer term benefits and / or potential operating cost reductions. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. One Time Initiatives: The City Council recognizes that there may be fluctuations in revenues and expenditures over time. Periodically the Council may determine that funds are best set-aside to address certain one-time initiatives within the operating and/or capital budget. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Joint City/School Projects This commitment shall be used to fund projects undertaken via a joint effort of the City and the Dublin Unified School District. The expenditure is to be identified as a specific appropriation made by the City Council. Fund Balance-Committed: The portion of Fund Balance that is in any non-general fund governmental fund that is committed under the "Committed Fund Balance" definition as otherwise prescribed by QGovernmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54 and not otherwise described in this category above. The portion of Fund Balance that was restricted but later found to be unrestricted shall be designated as a "Committed" balance. Committed for Specific Projects: The portion of fund balance that is established annually by the City Council to fund design, improvements, and equipment required for a variety of capital improvement projects. Specific project designations will be identified with the Resolution Authorizing Special Designations of General Fund Reserves, to be considered for adoption by the City Council prior to the end of each fiscal year. This reserve category replaces all subcategories for specific projects, except for the reserves listed here separately, which are more long term in nature and/or are considered contingency reserves to be used in the case of specific fiscal necessity. IV. Assigned Fund Balance Assigned fund balances are amounts constrained by the City's intent to be used for a specific purpose, but are neither restricted nor committed. The City Council has authorized the City Manager or his/her designee to make assignments in accordance with this policy and in conformance with any formal direction provided by the City Council. C Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-39 Accrued Leave Subject To Year End Calculations: Certain fund balances are calculated based on the financial performance of the reporting period including accrued Leave. These amounts fluctuate each year and are reflected as part of the year-end financial statements. Carry-Over Items (Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Projects): Fund balance may be assigned for operating expenditures (excluding personnel costs) which were not expended in the current year and the expense will occur in the following year, i.e. encumbrances. Similarly, a Capital Improvement Project may have funds allocated in a specific year and the project remains incomplete at year end. The City Manager or his/her designee may assign fund balance representing the unexpended funds. These funds are available for authorized appropriations in the subsequent year. Non-Streets Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Reserve: The portion of General Fund Balance intended to fund future non-streets capital projects, where total funding may not currently be known, and for which lump sum amounts will be set aside over time. These funds are available for authorized appropriations in the subsequent year. Carry-Over Fiscally Responsible Adjustment: In any year that an appropriation was made to the contingency For Fiscally Responsible Adjustment the unused fund balance may be assigned as a carry-over for personnel costs. The City Manager or his/her designee may assign fund balance representing the unexpended funds. These funds are available for authorized appropriations in the subsequent year in conformance with personnel policies and procedures. Catastrophic Facility / Infrastructure Loss & City Business Recovery: The City Council recognizes the importance to maintain funds to recover from a catastrophic loss which are unexpected and incur me than $500,000 in expenses to public facilities and infrastructure. This may also be used for short-term recovery and business operations following a catastrophic loss pending the reimbursement from insurance or grants to the extent that they are available. The balance is established in the General Fund and the expenditure shall be made only by City Council appropriation, which shall include a special emergency appropriation. The target established for the maximum balance in this category is an amount equal to 15% of the reported book value of the City owned Buildings and Improvements recorded as Capital assets. Service Continuity Obligations: The City Council recognizes the importance to maintain funds for continued obligations to provide Building and Safety inspections in the event that program supporting fees are collected in one year and the expenditures occur in a subsequent year. The City Council hereby establishes as policy that the assigned funds shall not exceed 125% of the budgeted Building and Safety Division operating cost. Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits: The City Council recognizes that investment earnings can fluctuate from year to year and they are an important component of the funding of retiree benefits. Investment performance impacts annual contributions and expenditures made towards retiree obligations. The intent of the City Council is to establish a fund balance that can provide supplemental financing to lessen the impacts from decreases in investment performance on retiree obligations. The City Manager or designee may allocate from what would otherwise be "Unassigned" fund balance to increase the fund balance. The use of funds from this fund balance may be used: (a) if the City Employer share of the Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) rate increases by 3 percent; and / or (b) If the City Annual Requir Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-40 Contribution (ARC) for retiree medical benefits increases by 3 percent or more; and / or (c) If the City C Council by majority vote authorizes a lump sum use of the fund balance to reduce pension or OPEB liabilities. Assigned for Specific Projects: The portion of fund balance that is intended to be used to fund design, improvements, and equipment required for a variety of capital improvement projects, via recommendation of either the City Council or the City Manager. Specific assigned reserves will be identified with the Resolution Authorizing Special Designations of General Fund Reserves, to be considered for adoption by the City Council prior to the end of each fiscal year. This reserve category replaces all subcategories for specific projects, except for the reserves listed here separately, which are more long term in nature and/or are considered contingency reserves to be used in the case of specific fiscal necessity. IV. Unassigned Fund Balance (General Fund Only) Unassigned fund balance represents amounts that have not been restricted, committed, or assigned and is available for any purpose. The City Council at its discretion may modify unassigned fund balance, and designate in the future an intended "Commitment" or "Assignment". Unrealized Gain on Investments: Used to account for that portion of fund balance that is the result of unrealized investment gains that have been recorded in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 31. Unassigned For Cash Flow Purposes: The City Council recognizes the importance to maintain funds for cash flow purposes to balance the fact that the receipt of major revenues and major expenditure disbursements are not evenly distributed throughout the year. The City Council establishes as policy that this fund balance shall be at a minimum equal to two months of budgeted operating expenditures with a goal to achieve a maximum of four months. As part of the annual budget appropriation the City Council may also appropriate as a source of funding "Unrestricted — Capital Contribution" from this source. This shall typically be done only for high priority one time capital expenditures, provided the minimum fund balance would remain. C. CHANGES IN GENERAL FUND RESOURCES In accordance with the requirements of GASB the City Council also confirms as part of this policy how General Fund resources shall impact changes in balances. Revenue Sources Allocated to Fire OPEB: The entire amount of the General Fund resources derived from the repayment of funds advanced to the PERS Side Fund, shall be assigned to the Fire OPEB Committed Balance, until such time that either there are no longer any repayments made, or the balance equals $8.6 million, whichever occurs first. Revenue Sources Allocated to Service Continuity: If the "Assigned" balance is below the target maximum of 125% of Building & Safety Expenditures, the following criteria shall be used for calculating an adjustment.. The Administrative Services Director shall complete an analysis of major building permits issued in the Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-41 period April —June and shall assign an allocation of the portion of revenue that is expected to be related to expenditures occurring in the subsequent year. The amount derived shall be recommended to the City Manager. If annual building permit revenue is less than the annual Building and Safety expenditures, t City Manager is authorized to reduce the assigned amount by the amount necessary to balance revenue and expenditures. Allocation of Residual Resources: When there are net resources in excess of what is classified as Non- spendable, Restricted, Committed, and/or Assigned, and after maintaining the minimum level of unassigned cash-flow funding, those resources shall be allocated as follows: a) 50% to Pension and Other Post Employment Benefits; and b) 50%to Non-Streets CIP Reserve. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-42 Glossary/Index Term Description Page# Amended Budget The increase or decrease of the amount budgeted for a program B-8 or account code. Appropriation The amount of money that has been designated for specific B-9 purposes and approved by the City Council. A legal authorization granted by the City Council to expend monies, and incur obligations for specific purposes. Appropriations Limit Local agencies are subject to annual spending limits. The limit K-3 applies only to tax revenues. Annual Required The annual amount that is needed to pay for retiree benefits. 1-8 Contribution (ARC) Assessment District A defined area of land that will be benefitted by the acquisition, D-3 construction, or maintenance of a public improvement; it is not a separate governmental entity. Budget The plan of expenditures and revenues for a specific period. B-3 Budget Deficit The gap between revenue and expenditures; a deficit occurs when B-7 expenditures are greater than revenues. Capital Expenditures Expenditures that are used to improve the infrastructure of the G-3 City. Capital Outlay One time expenditures for the purchase of furniture, equipment, B-9 or vehicles. Capital Improvement Program used for City infrastructure improvement projects. The B-13 Program (CIP) CIP appropriations are approved by the City Council in a separate document. Charge for Services These are fees and charges that are imposed for services and K-6 facilities provided, such as recreational classes or plan checking. Use of the revenue is limited to paying for the service for which the fees are collected, but may include overhead, capital improvements, or debt service. Community This is a grant from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban D-5 Development Block Development (HUD). The funds are used to support programs Grant (CDBG) such as housing programs, and grants to nonprofit agencies providing social services. Development Impact These are fees which may be imposed on new construction to pay B-8 Fees for improvements and facilities required to serve the new development and to reduce the impacts of new development on the community. For example, they may pay for streets, sewers, parks and schools. They may not be used for day-to-day operating expenses. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-43 Term Description Page# Equipment An internal service fund that is used to set aside funds for future B-11 Replacement equipment purchases. Charges are made to the department and the money is placed into the equipment replacement fund. Fiduciary Fund This is a fund where the City acts as a trustee of impact fees B-3 received from developers of properties. All of the funds used in the Fiduciary Fund are set aside for specific types of projects or purposes. Fiscal Year (FY) This is the year used for accounting purposes that begins July 1 B-3 and ends June 30. Franchise These fees are collected in lieu of rent for use of city streets from B-8 refuse collectors, cable television companies and utilities. Some franchise fees are limited by statute. Funds Different accounts that are used to separate expenses and B-3 revenues used for specific purposes. Full Time Equivalent Some positions are part-time and are budgeted based on the E-12 (FTE) hours, and are then converted to a full-time equivalent of a position. One FTE is equivalent to 2080 hours of work per year. GASB 45 Accounting guidelines issued by the Governmental Accounting F-22 Standard Board (GASB) on how and when to account for expenditures and liabilities relating to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB). GASB 54 Accounting guidelines issued by the Governmental Accounting K-36 Standard Board (GASB) on fund balance reporting and classification of Governmental Funds. GASB-68 Accounting guidelines issued by the Governmental Accounting F-22 Standard Board (GASB) requiring governments providing defined benefit pensions to recognize their long-term obligation for pension benefits as a liability, and to more comprehensively and comparabley measure the annual costs of pension benefits. Gas Tax This tax is an 18 cent per gallon tax on fuel used in vehicles and B-14 aircraft. The use of gasoline tax revenue is restricted to research, planning, construction, improvements, maintenance, and operation of public streets and highways, or public mass transit guide ways. General Fund The main governmental operating fund for the City. The General B-3 Fund is the largest of the City funds and the majority of government activities are in this fund. General Revenue Revenues that cannot be associated with a specific expenditure, E-8 such as property taxes, sales tax, and business license tax. Internal Service Fund Charges that are made to departments to support internal C-10 Charges operations, for example IT, phone service and vehicle repair. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-44 Term Description Page# Modified Accrual The basis for budgeting and accounting in the governmental funds C-8 Basis where the revenues are recognized as they are measureable and available, when the invoice for payment is issued. The expenditures are recognized as they occur, and not as the check clears. Operating Budget This is the budget that is used to plan for City operational B-4 expenditures and revenues each fiscal year. OPEB—Other Post- These are the costs related to benefits paid to employees who E-4 Employment have retired from the City. Benefits CaIPERS—The The City is part of the State's PERS retirement system. Employees B-9 California Public contribute to PERS for employee defined benefit pension costs. Employee Each year, CaIPERS sends the City the required contribution Retirement System information, based on age and number of employees. Projected The projected amount of expenditures or revenues for the City, B-3 before the account books have been closed out for the fiscal year and an audit of expenses and revenues has been conducted. Property Tax This tax is imposed on real property and tangible personal B-3 property, and is based on the value of the property. It is collected by Alameda County and allocated to cities, counties, special districts and school districts Proposed Budget The budgeted revenues and expenditures that are presented to B-3 the City Council for consideration. After the City Council has approved the proposed budget, then it becomes the Adopted Budget beginning July 1st Proprietary Funds These are the funds that receive the majority of revenue from user D-3 fees and not through taxes. Proprietary Funds are considered business-related because of the nature of activity that takes place within the fund such as sewer charges. Quimby Act The Act was passed by the California State Legislature in 1975 K-45 which authorizes local governments to require developers to set aside land, make a donation, or pay fees for park improvements (California Government Code 66477). Resolution The legal document that is approved or rejected by the City C-6 Council for a specific action regarding City government. A resolution is often prepared in conjunction with a staff report which is present to the City Council for consideration and vote. Reserves Money that is set aside for future expenditures and emergencies. B-3 The City Council approves a reserve policy for the General Fund. Sales and Use Tax Sales and use tax revenue received by cities is general purpose K-4 revenue and is deposited into a city's General Fund. A sales tax is collected by the state Board of Equalization, and imposed on Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-45 Term Description Page# retailer for the privilege of selling tangible personal property in California. A use tax is imposed on purchasers for transactions in which the sales tax is not collected, such as for goods purchase out of state for use in California. Special Revenue These are funds used to account for activities paid for by taxes or B-17 Funds other designated revenue sources that have specific limitations on their use according to law. Staff Report The memorandum or report that is presented to the City Council K-45 for information or approval. Transient Occupancy This tax may be levied by a city under the police powers granted to E-7 Tax (TOT) cities in the state Constitution. It is a tax imposed on people staying for 30 days or less in a hotel, inn or other lodging facility. Vehicle License Fee This is a tax on ownership of a registered vehicle. The tax rate is D-6 (VLF) based on the value of the vehicle, and paid to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-46 Demographics Since the City of Dublin's incorporation in 1982, the City's population has progressively increased as both residents and businesses found the benefits of calling Dublin home. The U.S. Census Bureau is continually releasing additional data from the 2010 U.S. Census. The full 2010 Census Population Demographics Report, as well as the 2016 Demographic Snapshot report (provided by Neilsen Site Reports) may be found on the City's website under the Community and Economic Profile Section. The data shown is based on the 2016 Demographic Report.* 55,132 60,680 14.59 3,779 +10.06% 55,132 28,354 51.43% 26,778 48.57% ersons o 3,679 6.67% 9,077 16.47% 12,834 23.8% 24,464 44.37% 5,078 9.22% *It should be noted that the population numbers included in this section vary slightly from some the numbers included earlier in the report. The source of the formal population numbers is the California Department of Finance as of January 1, 2016 (front section of the Budget Document). The number listed here is inclusive of group quarters and reflects the population of one year prior. Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-47 Total Population 55,132 100% Total Population of One Race 51,306 95.25% White 25,207 45.72% Black or African American 4,820 8.74% American Indian and Alaska Native 262 0.48% Asian 18,023 32.69% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 352 0.64% Other 2,640 4.79% Two or More Races 3,828 6.94% Not Hispanic or Latino 47,643 86.42% Hispanic or Latino 7,489 13.58% E.ucation,_; Less than High School Diploma 3,468 9.05% High School Graduate (or GED) 5,724 14.93% Some College, no Degree 7,244 18.90% Associate Degree 2,720 7.10% Bachelor's Degree 12,183 31.78% Master's Degree 5,031 13.13% Professional School Degree 1,001 2.61% Doctorate Degree 960 2.50% Households $ Population % 2016 Estimate 17,954 Estimated Growth 2011-2016 11.09% Family Households 12,704 70.76% Nonfamily Households 5,250 29.24% Average Household Size _ 2.75 Average Household Income _ $149,510 Median Household Income $121,617 Per Capita Income $44,679 Top Ten Employers United States Government & Federal Correction Alameda County Institute - Ross Stores Headquarters Target Dublin Unified School District Callidus Cloud SAP Safeway Zeiss Meditec Microdental DTI Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-48 Legal Debt Limit The City of Dublin does not currently have any bonded indebtedness, and does not intend to issue any such debt in the foreseeable future. The following table illustrates the City's most recent debt limit over a five-year period, as presented in the FY 2014-15 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Government Code of the State of California provides for a legal debt limit of 15% of gross assessed valuation. However, this provision was enacted when assessed valuation was based on 25% of market value. Effection with FY 1981-82, each parcel is now assessed at 100% of market value (as of the most recent change in ownership for that parcel). The computations shown below reflect a conversion of assessed valuation data for each fiscal year from the current full valuation to the 25% level that was in effect at the time that the legal debt margin for local governments was enacted by the State. Figure 71: Legal Debt Limit Fiscal Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Assessed valuation $8,190,747,208 $8,363,640,410 $8,790,788,955 $9,643,278,030 $11,113,995,626 Add back exempted real property $115,875,189 $120,225,737 $112,296,063 $111,067,996 $121,616,290 Total assessed valuation $8,306,622,397 $8,483,866,147 $8,903,085,018 $9,754,346,026 $11,235,611,916 Conversion Ratio 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Converted assessed valuation $2,076,655,599 $2,120,966,537 $2,225,771,255 _ $2,438,586,507 $2,808,902,979 Debt limit percentage 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% Debt limit $311,498,340 $318,144,981 $333,865,688 $365,787,976 $421,335,447 Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 0 0 0 0 0 Legal debt margin $311,498,340 $318,144,981 $333,865,688 $365,787,976 $421,335,447 Total debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Appendix City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 Budget Page K-49 This page intentionally left blank Blank City of Dublin Fiscal Years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Budget RESOLUTION NO. -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************************** ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Dublin desires to establish a Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17; and WHEREAS , the City Council has reviewed and considered the Budget documents and has received input from the public; and WHEREAS , the City Manager has prepared a balanced budget which provides for organizational adjustments and allocation of resources in a manner which aligns with available resources and the Strategic Plan elements; and WHEREAS , the General Fund Operating Budget is balanced without the need to draw from the Reserve for Economic Stability in order to balance funding with planned expenditures; and WHEREAS , the City Council is required to adopt a budget and financial plan before the Fiscal Year begins on July 1, 2016; and WHEREAS , the Summary of Appropriations (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made part of this Resolution, reflects the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget (All Funds) for the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS , Exhibit A has been segregated to isolate a grant appropriation for a community organization, Dublin Partners in Education, (DPIE) which will be voted on as a separate Resolution as one City Councilmember is also a member of the community organization’s Board of Directors; and WHEREAS , the action taken by this resolution shall approve the appropriation of all funds excluding the DPIE appropriation; and WHEREAS , the City Council also desires to confirm adjustments made administratively to the Capital Project balances during the preparation of the Proposed Budget and accommodate the carryover of unspent Fiscal Year 2015-16 Capital Project appropriations, for those projects where work and expenditures will continue in Fiscal Year 2016-17; and WHEREAS , the City Council also desires to accommodate a process for the carryover of unspent FY2015-16 operating expenditures, both encumbered and unencumbered, (excluding personnel costs) for activities where work and expenditures will continue in Fiscal Year 2016-17; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby: 1. Adopt the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Appropriation for the City of Dublin, as outlined in Exhibit A (Column A – Excludes DPIE Contribution); 2. Adopt the additional budget proposal listed in Exhibit B; 3. Authorize the City Manager to make expenditures appropriations in accordance with the Budget as adopted, with the exception of those expenditures which require prior City Council approval, in accordance with the adopted City ordinances, rules and regulations; 4. Authorize the City Manager to transfer budgeted amounts between line items, provided that the transfer is within the same fund, regardless of the specific department activity. This includes the authority to transfer from the General Fund budgeted contingency amounts that are approved by the City Council during the budget adoption. A full accounting of any such transfers will be provided to the City Council during the quarterly financial reviews; 5. Recognize that the Budget as presented also includes a Contingency for Fiscally Responsible Adjustments of $404,979, the utilization of which will be determined by fiscal outcomes of June 30, 2016; 6. Authorize the City Manager to increase revenue and expenditure budget for various departmental functions, when corresponding revenues comes in over budget: this would apply to developmental activity, inspection activity, recreation program activity, and any other departmental activity which generates correlating revenues, as verified by the Administrative Services Director. Increased appropriations shall continue to be documented in the financial records and conveyed to the City Council as part of the quarterly financial reviews; 7. Authorize the City Manager to increase revenues and expenditures related to the award of grants, where there is no net impact to the City, as verified by the Administrative Services Director. Increased appropriations shall continue to be documented in the financial records and conveyed to the City Council as part of the quarterly financial reviews; 8. Authorize the City Manager to make transfers among the various funds, consistent with the “Fund Balances FY 2016-17” as presented in the Proposed Budget. Fund transfers are reported as part of the regular financial reports provided to the City Council; 9. Authorize the City Manager to increase the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016- 17 expenditures in an amount not to exceed the amount of funds encumbered or designated by the City Manager as needed for expenses that did not occur prior to the year-end, but are expected to be expended in Fiscal Year 2016-17 consistent with the original purpose. This ability to carry-over funding shall not apply to savings from personnel services and shall only occur if the Department Activity total for non-personnel expenditures was less than the amount budgeted for the same. This must also be evaluated on a fund by fund basis. The actual amount of the increased appropriation shall be reported to the City Council, and the City Manager may assign the fund balance in an amount sufficient to account for the increase; 10. Authorize the City Manager to adjust the Fiscal Year 2016-17 appropriations to account for the carryover of unspent Capital Project appropriations from Fiscal Year 2015-16. All such adjustments shall be clearly recorded in the City financial records and shall only be for projects that remain incomplete as of June 30, 2016; and 11. Authorize the City Manager to transfer funds between capital projects, within the same funding source. Any revisions, which alter the project’s budget by adding a new funding source, are to be approved by the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 2016. AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST : ____________________________ City Clerk EXHIBIT A FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS A B C EXCLUDING INCLUDING DPIE DPIE DPIE OPERATING PROGRAM City Council $531,676 $531,676 City Manager $1,227,510 $1,227,510 City Clerk $733,813 $733,813 Human Resources $1,251,106 $1,251,106 City Attorney $881,182 $881,182 Administrative Services - Finance $1,729,426 $1,729,426 Non-Departmental $6,514,434 $6,514,434 Economic Development $1,039,350 $1,039,350 Community Development $6,346,556 $6,346,556 Fire Department $13,633,453 $13,633,453 Police Department $19,325,446 $19,325,446 Parks & Community Services $9,789,901 $7,000 $9,796,901 Public Works $14,941,656 $14,941,656 Total Operating Program $77,945,508 $7,000 $77,952,508 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Parks $10,470,118 $10,470,118 Streets $15,652,723 $15,652,723 Total Capital Improvement Program $26,122,841 $26,122,841 INTERNAL SERVICES PROGRAM Administrative Services - Information Services $1,426,578 $1,426,578 Non-Departmental $3,235,543 $3,235,543 Total Internal Services Program $4,662,121 $4,662,121 EXHIBIT B FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 ADDITIONAL BUDGET REQUEST ADDITIONAL ITEM (GENERAL FUND) $ Expanded Library Hours $50,000 RESOLUTION NO. - 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************************** ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATION FOR A CITY CONTRIBUTION TO DUBLIN PARTNERS IN EDUCATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted the majority of the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016-17 in a separate resolution; and WHEREASExhibit A , the Summary of Appropriations () attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, reflects the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget (All Funds) for the City of Dublin; and WHEREASExhibit A , () has been segregated to isolate a Community Support Grant appropriation for a community organization, Dublin Partners In Education (DPIE) which will be voted on as a separate Resolution as a City Councilmember is also a member of the community organization’s Board of Directors; and WHEREAS , the action taken by this resolution shall approve the DPIE appropriation shown in Column B. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the appropriation of $7,000 for Dublin Partners in Education as shown in Column B of Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 2016. AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST : ____________________________ City Clerk EXHIBIT A FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS A B C EXCLUDING INCLUDING DPIE DPIE DPIE OPERATING PROGRAM City Council $531,676 $531,676 City Manager $1,227,510 $1,227,510 City Clerk $733,813 $733,813 Human Resources $1,251,106 $1,251,106 City Attorney $881,182 $881,182 Administrative Services - Finance $1,729,426 $1,729,426 Non-Departmental $6,514,434 $6,514,434 Economic Development $1,039,350 $1,039,350 Community Development $6,346,556 $6,346,556 Fire Department $13,633,453 $13,633,453 Police Department $19,325,446 $19,325,446 Parks & Community Services $9,789,901 $7,000 $9,796,901 Public Works $14,941,656 $14,941,656 Total Operating Program $77,945,508 $7,000 $77,952,508 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Parks $10,470,118 $10,470,118 Streets $15,652,723 $15,652,723 Total Capital Improvement Program $26,122,841 $26,122,841 INTERNAL SERVICES PROGRAM Administrative Services - Information Services $1,426,578 $1,426,578 Non-Departmental $3,235,543 $3,235,543 Total Internal Services Program $4,662,121 $4,662,121 RESOLUTION NO. XXX- 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE SERVICE WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benefit Plan pursuant to the Personnel System Rules; and WHEREAS , the City Council adopted Resolution No. 86-01 and subsequent amendments which establish a Salary Plan for full-time management positions exempt from competitive service in accordance with the City’s Personnel System Rules; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary provisions shall be established in accordance with City’s Personnel System Rules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous enacted salary provisions contained in Resolution No. 86-01 and subsequent amendments shall be superseded by this Resolution. ARTICLE I: SALARY PROVISIONS A. REGULAR EMPLOYEES EXEMPT FROM FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) OVERTIME PROVISIONS Monthly Monthly Minimum Maximum Administrative Services Director $13,791 $17,239 Assistant City Manager $14,839 $18,547 Assistant Dir. of Community Development $10,826 $13,532 Assistant Parks & Community Services Director $10,826 $13,532 Assistant Dir. of Admin Svcs/Finance $10,826 $13,532 Assistant to the City Manager $9,884 $12,355 Chief Building Official $10,708 $13,384 City Clerk/Records Manager $9,884 $12,355 Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer $11,528 $14,410 City Manager $20,818 Community Development Director $13,373 $16,717 Economic Development Director $10,154 $12,693 Economic Development Director/Public Information Officer $12,428 $15,536 Facilities Development Manager $9,884 $12,355 Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager $9,884 $12,355 Human Resources Director $12,428 $15,536 Information Systems Manager $9,884 $12,355 Parks & Community Services Business Manager $9,884 $12,355 Parks & Community Services Director $13,579 $16,971 Plan Check Engineer $9,884 $12,355 Planning Manager $10,486 $13,108 Principal Planner $9,884 $12,355 Public Works Director/Asst City Engineer $13,272 $16,591 Public Works Trans & Ops Mgr. $10,708 $13,384 ATTACHMENT XX Public Works Manager $9,884 $12,355 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2016. th PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7 day of June, 2016. AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ABSTAIN : ________________________________________ Mayor ATTEST : _______________________________________ City Clerk ATTACHMENT XX RESOLUTION NO. XXX - 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR FULL-TIME PERSONNEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERSONNEL RULES WHEREAS , the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benefit Plan pursuant to the Personnel System Rules; and WHEREAS , the City Council adopted Resolution No. 64-97 and subsequent amendments which establish a Salary Plan for full-time personnel in accordance with the Personnel System Rules; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary provisions shall be established in accordance with City’s Personnel System Rules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous enacted salary provisions contained in Resolution No. 64-97 and subsequent amendments shall be superseded by this Resolution. ARTICLE I: SALARY PROVISIONS SECTION A: REGULAR EMPLOYEES EXEMPT FROM FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) OVERTIME PROVISIONS Employees covered under this Section shall be paid a monthly salary within the following ranges with the exclusion of any Performance Pay Adjustment granted in accordance with the Personnel System Rules. In the event that it is deemed by the City Manager to be in the best interest of the City, temporary appointments of no more than 6 months, where the work assignments are such that they can be completed with less than a 40 hour week, may be approved based upon hourly rates. The total salary paid for such work shall not be less than the “salary test” required for an exemption under the FLSA. Monthly Monthly Minimum Maximum $7,659 $9,576 Accountant $7,793 $9,741 Assistant Civil Engineer $9,063 $11,329 Associate Civil Engineer $7,659 $9,576 Associate Planner $6,607 $8,259 Deputy City Clerk $7,332 $9,166 Environmental Coordinator $6,607 $8,259 Executive Aide $8,433 $10,541 Financial Analyst $7,332 $9,166 Geographic Information System Coordinator $8,433 $10,541 Housing Specialist $7,332 $9,166 Management Analyst II $7,332 $9,166 Network Systems Coordinator $7,659 $9,576 Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator ATTACHMENT XX $7,864 $9,829 Permit Coordinator $7,479 $9,346 Recreation Supervisor $8,433 $10,541 Senior Accountant $8,433 $10,541 Senior Management Analyst $10,154 $12,693 Senior Civil Engineer $8,728 $10,912 Senior Planner SECTION B: REGULAR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY OVERTIME PROVISIONS OF THE FLSA. Employees covered under this Section shall be paid hourly wages within the following ranges with the exclusion of any Performance Pay Adjustment granted in accordance with the Personnel System Rules. The monthly salaries are shown for informational purposes only. Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Administrative Aide $6,291 $7,866 $36.2960 $45.3789 Administrative Technician $5,720 $7,149 $33.0013 $41.2471 Assistant Planner $6,783 $8,477 $39.1337 $48.9052 Code Enforcement Officer $6,104 $7,630 $35.2156 $44.0194 Environmental Technician $6,044 $7,555 $34.8713 $43.5861 Finance Technician I $4,807 $6,009 $27.7355 $34.6694 Finance Technician II $5,344 $6,677 $30.8284 $38.5222 Graphic Design & Comm. Coordinator $6,353 $7,945 $36.6522 $45.8360 Heritage Center Director $6,353 $7,945 $36.6522 $45.8360 Information Systems Technician I $5,488 $6,860 $31.6596 $39.5789 Information Systems Technician II $6,098 $7,623 $35.1800 $43.9779 Management Analyst I $6,600 $8,248 $38.0769 $47.5873 Neighborhood Res. Tech I $5,138 $6,423 $29.6412 $37.0558 Neighborhood Res. Tech II $5,629 $7,065 $32.4729 $40.7602 Office Assistant I $4,069 $5,086 $23.4730 $29.3443 Office Assistant II $4,521 $5,651 $26.0852 $32.6035 Permit Technician $5,720 $7,149 $33.0013 $41.2471 Public Works Inspector $6,984 $8,729 $40.2913 $50.3597 Public Works Technician I $6,044 $7,555 $34.8713 $43.5861 Public Works Technician II $6,649 $8,310 $38.3619 $47.9435 Recreation Coordinator $6,353 $7,945 $36.6522 $45.8360 Recreation Technician $5,083 $6,353 $29.3265 $36.6522 Secretary $4,973 $6,216 $28.6913 $35.8626 Senior Code Enforcement Officer $6,783 $8,477 $39.1337 $48.9052 Senior Finance Technician $6,098 $7,623 $35.1800 $43.9779 Senior Neighborhood Res Technician $6,783 $8,477 $39.1337 $48.9052 Senior Office Assistant $4,973 $6,216 $28.6913 $35.8626 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2016. th PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7 day of June, 2016. ATTACHMENT XX AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ABSTAIN : Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk ATTACHMENT XX RESOLUTION NO. XX-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR PART-TIME PERSONNEL WHEREAS , in accordance with the City’s Personnel System Rules, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 52-15 and subsequent resolutions which comprise the Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel; and WHEREAS , competitive salary provisions which will attract and retain quality employees are important to the organization; and WHEREAS , it is desirable to update salary provisions for part-time employees in the City’s personnel system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following salary ranges in accordance with the adopted Personnel Rules: Part-Time Classification Minimum Maximum Administrative Intern Minimum Wage $25.75 Aquatics Program Specialist Minimum Wage $29.92 Assistant Pool Manager Minimum Wage $24.93 Assistant Swim Lesson Manager Minimum Wage $24.93 Cashier Minimum Wage $14.42 Customer Service Assistant I Minimum Wage $23.07 Customer Service Assistant II Minimum Wage $27.69 Facility Attendant I Minimum Wage $14.42 Facility Attendant II Minimum Wage $17.30 Head Lifeguard Minimum Wage $24.93 Lead Preschool Teacher Minimum Wage $29.92 Lifeguard I Minimum Wage $17.30 Lifeguard II Minimum Wage $20.75 Lifeguard/Swim Instructor I Minimum Wage $17.30 Lifeguard/Swim Instructor II Minimum Wage $20.75 Pool Manager Minimum Wage $41.20 Program Specialist Minimum Wage $41.20 Preschool Aide Minimum Wage $17.30 Preschool Teacher Minimum Wage $24.93 Recreation Driver Minimum Wage $24.93 Recreation Leader I Minimum Wage $14.42 Recreation Leader II Minimum Wage $17.30 Senior Facility Attendant Minimum Wage $20.75 Senior Recreation Leader Minimum Wage $20.75 Slide Attendant Minimum Wage $14.42 Sports Official Minimum Wage $24.93 Swim Instructor I Minimum Wage $17.30 ATTACHMENT XX Swim Instructor II Minimum Wage $20.75 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this document shall become a part of the official Salary Plan for the City of Dublin; and that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2016. th PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7 day of June, 2016. AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ABSTAIN : Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk ATTACHMENT XX RESOLUTION NO. XXX – 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN WHEREAS , in accordance with the City’s Personnel System Rules, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent resolutions which comprise the Classification Plan; and WHEREAS , it is necessary to periodically add job descriptions to the Classification Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent Resolutions shall be amended to include revisions in the following position(s): Cashier (Exhibit A) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thatthat the following new job descriptions be added: Deputy City Clerk (Exhibit B) Assistant Swim Lesson Manager (Exhibit C) Head Lifeguard (Exhibit D) Lead Preschool Teacher (Exhibit E) Lifeguard I (Exhibit F) Lifeguard II (Exhibit G) Slide Attendant (Exhibit H) Swim Instructor I (Exhibit I) Swim Instructor II (Exhibit J) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this document shall become a part of the official Classification Plan for the City of Dublin; and that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2016. th PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7 day of June, 2016, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ABSTAIN : ________________________________________ Mayor ATTEST : _______________________________________ City Clerk ATTACHMENT XX EXHIBIT A Clean and sanitizes work station and equipment; Build and maintain positive working relationships with co- workers, other City employees and the public using principles of good customer service; Perform other duties as assigned; Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge of: Basic arithmetic, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; Point of sale or cash registers; English language skills, including punctuation and spelling; Safe food handling procedures. Ability to: Follow written and oral instructions. Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in meeting or talking with the public; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; Follow proper food handling procedures including wrapping, labeling, dating, stocking, storing, rotating, and checking temperature of products; Use of a personal computer and ten key adding machines is desirable. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. An employee is regularly required to: sit at desk and in meetings for long periods of time; talk or hear in person, in meetings and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office equipment including cash register; and reach with hands and arms. Intermittently, twist to reach equipment surrounding desk; walk to observe department activities; bend and squat to perform file searches; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use telephone and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; attend various meetings and workshops at locations other than primary worksite. While performing duties, the employee is regularly required to use written and oral communication EXHIBIT A skills; know laws, regulations and codes; remember personnel rules, legal and code requirements; and explain and interpret codes, policies and procedures; interact with City management, other governmental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the public. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Work experience is not required; experience in handling money and cashiering is desirable. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 15 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification in First Aid and CPR is desired. Possession of a valid California Class C drivers' license is not required for this class, however, if an employee possesses a valid license, he /she may be required to provide a Certificate of Automotive Insurance for Personal Liability. This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. Date Adopted: June 7, 2016 Date Revised: Title: Deputy City Clerk FLSA: Exempt General Purpose: EXHIBIT B Under general direction, the Deputy City Clerk performs a full range of professional and technical work in support of the City Clerk's Office. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the maintenance of official City documents and records; coordination, preparation and publication of City Council agenda packets; processing public hearing notices and public records act requests; providing information to members of the City Council, public and City staff, and other duties as assigned. Distinguishing Characteristics: The Deputy City Clerk works under general direction within the limits of policies and procedures, performs routine to difficult professional level work, receiving occasional direction on methods and techniques. The Deputy City Clerk will assist in the day -to -day management of the operations of the City Clerk's Office and provide functional supervision to staff. The Deputy City Clerk is distinguished from the City Clerk who has overall responsibility for the division. Supervision Received and Exercised: Receives direction from the City Clerk. Provides lead direction or functional supervision over staff in the City Clerk's Office. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The following duties are normal for this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this class. When assigned, attends City Council or other public meetings, takes minutes of proceedings, from either handwritten notes or recording device transcribes minutes for review by management/executive staff, From drafts, types in final form a variety of documents including minutes, resolutions, ordinances, and documents of a confidential nature for the City Manager or City Attorney; EXHIBIT B Manages and participates in the City's records management programs, including document imaging; develops, implements, and monitors programs; indexes actions and documents; microfilms and destroys documents; and trains staff and city employees; Receives, files, and retrieves documents ensuring documents are maintained in accordance with applicable policies and regulations, including the City's Records Retention Schedule; Assists in the conduct of municipal elections including preparing, submitting for translation and posting of required notices, issuing, receiving and safeguarding election forms /documents, explaining election and filing procedures, coordinating election with County Registrar of Voters; Assists the City Clerk in the coordination of municipal elections; and assists in the administration and monitoring of compliance with the State and local campaign finance and conflict laws, and the City's Conflict -of Interest Code; Builds and maintains positive working relationships with co- workers, other City employees, and the public using principles of good customer service; As directed, organizes City Council and other public meetings including preparing and posting meeting notices, notifying appropriate persons and agencies; securing meeting sites and making necessary physical arrangements, typing and distribution of meeting agenda, and overseeing and organization of and distribution of agenda materials; Verifies material submitted for the Agenda Packet is complete, accurate, presentable, and contains all necessary signatures and attachments - notifies appropriate department and secures corrections /changes as necessary; Provides information and answers inquiries from officials, the public, and City staff on laws, procedures and policies such as the City Municipal Code, the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act, the Public Records Act, and the Election Code; Supervises assigned support staff to include scheduling, assigning tasks, evaluating, training, recommending personnel actions; assisting in selection, and enforcing rules and regulations. Ensures the provision of official notification of public hearings, including legal notices in accordance with City, State, and federal laws; Composes correspondence and responses for the City Clerk; completes special projects as assigned; Oversees the day -to -day support services of the office in order to ensure effective, efficient operation of the City Clerk's Office; supervises support staff including preparing performance evaluations and approval of time cards; Serves as Acting City Clerk as required; Independently operates within the framework of contract management instructing City staff, using independent judgment and making recommendations for improvements to the program; EXHIBIT B Posts notices, receives and records documents submitted in response to public bids, and requested; Researches, retrieves and provides a variety of information regarding municipal affairs to individuals and organizations; coordinates the updating of City's intemet home page; Performs a variety of high -level administrative tasks associated with operation of the City Clerk's Office as requested. Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge of: Modern office practices, procedures and computer equipment and software; Business English, punctuation, spelling and arithmetic; Supervisory principles and practices; Basic principles of office project management; Principles and practices of records management systems including various software databases and optical imaging systems; Municipal government operations, structure and regulation such as the Brown Act, Political Reform Act, Public Records Act, and Election Code; Accepted formats of legal documents desirable. Ability to: Learn, understand and interpret rules, regulations, laws and ordinances affecting the operation of the City; Learn, understand and interpret the Brown Act and Public Records Act; Analyze situations carefully and adopt effective courses of action; Plan, organize and schedule priorities in the office; Compile and maintain complex and extensive records and prepare reports; Supervise assigned staff, Manage projects independently; Design and implement procedures and programs; Make decisions consistent with department philosophy; EXHIBIT B Work independently with minimal direction; Communicate verbally and in writing in a positive and effective manner; Work effectively with a variety of people at various levels of the organization, the public and members of the city council; Provide meaningful recommendations for and promote continuous improvement of systems and processes; Produce accurate and timely work; Perform high level administrative duties as required including typing at as speed sufficient to performance duties; Establishing and maintaining indexes and files; Track accurately, the processing of documents /reports; Operate modern office technology including word processing and audio recording equipment; Independently compose public hearing notices and other correspondence; Process documents of a sensitive and confidential nature; Transcribe and summarize notes from written or recorded material; Accurately and completely record the proceeding of public meetings; Read, understand, and explain governmental regulations. Training and Experience: Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Equivalent to AA or AS degree in business administration, public administration or other related specialized training. Experience: Six years' experience performing increasingly responsible administrative support work which included public contact and working with records management systems. Previous experience in a City Clerk's office is highly desirable. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. An employee is regularly required to, sit at desk and in meetings for long periods of time; talk or hear, in person, in meetings and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate EXHIBIT B standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. Intermittently, twist to reach equipment surrounding desk; walk to observe department activities; bend and squat to perform file searches; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use telephone and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; operate an automobile to attend various meetings and workshops. While performing duties, the employee is regularly required to use written and oral communication skills; know laws, regulations and codes; observe performance and evaluate staff, remember personnel rules, legal and code requirements; explain and interpret codes, policies and procedures; interact with City management, other governmental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the public. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Certification as Municipal Clerk (CMC) by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks or Certification through the American Records Management Association within 2 years of employment. Ability to obtain a Notary Public certification within 6 months of employment. Ability to obtain Agency Passport Acceptance status within one year of employment. Possession of a valid California Class C driver's license and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Liability. EXHIBIT C Basic techniques of motivation and leadership; Use and care of lifesaving techniques and equipment used at public swimming pools; English usage, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Ability to: Assist in the management and operation of a public swimming pool; Oversee part-time staff activities, as assigned; Perform all swimming strokes according to American Red Cross standards, engage in physical activity; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Prepare reports related to pool management and operations, as assigned; Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work; Use of computer applications is desirable. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and special projects; identify and interpret technical and numerical information; observe and problem solve operational and technical policy and procedures. On an intermittent basis stand, walk, and bend while monitoring aquatics programs; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques when instructing staff and /or patrons; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: EXHIBIT C Education: Equivalent to completion of twelfth grade. Experience: Three years' experience as a swim instructor. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 17 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification as an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor is desirable. Possession of a valid California Class C drivers' license and Certificate of Automotive Insurance for Personal Liability. This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. EXHIBIT D Use and care of lifesaving techniques and equipment used at public swimming pools; English usage, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Ability to: Assist in the management and operation of a public swimming pool. Oversee part-time staff activities, as assigned. Perform all lifesaving strokes according to American Red Cross standards, engage in physical activity. Perform and demonstrate lifesaving and emergency first aid techniques and practices. Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner. Prepare reports related to pool management and operations, as assigned. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Use of computer applications is desirable. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and special projects; identify and interpret technical and numerical information; observe and problem solve operational and technical policy and procedures. On an intermittent basis stand, walk, and bend while monitoring aquatics programs; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques when instructing staff and /or patrons; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Equivalent to completion of twelfth grade. Experience: Three years' experience or equivalent to completion of three seasonal assignments as Lifeguard with the City of Dublin. EXHIBIT D Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 17 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification in American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED; Lifeguard Training with Administering Emergency Oxygen; Emergency Response (Title 22). Lifeguard Management certification is desirable. Possession of a valid California Class C drivers' license and Certificate of Automotive Insurance for Personal Liability. This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. I0.4011:]118 sr; Z�?' h, 4 ON _� Date Adopted: June 7, 2016 Date Revised: Title: Lead Preschool Teacher FLSA: Non - Exempt, Part - Time /Temporary General Purpose: Under general supervision, the Lead Preschool Teacher plans, organizes and teaches preschool classes to children 2 -1/2 through 5 years of age. Supervises Preschool Teachers and Preschool Aides; oversees program operations which includes lessons, arts & crafts, games, music, drama, special events and field trips Supervision Received/Exercised: Receives immediate supervision from a Recreation Supervisor. Exercises supervisory responsibility over part-time and temporary employees, as well as volunteers. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The following duties are normal for this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this class. Oversees weekly program lesson plans taught at Shannon Preschool and Dublin Elementary Preschool; Ensures that activities run smoothly and according to program objectives and guidelines and general department philosophy; Plans and directs lessons, games, crafts and songs; Organizes field trips and special events; Trains, supervises and evaluates part-time Preschool Teachers and Preschool Aides; Maintains a variety of program records including attendance, accounting, accident/incident reports and citizen concerns and prepares reports relevant to program area; Requests, issues and is responsible for proper care of equipment; I0.4MeIIH118 Evaluates program and makes recommendations to Recreation Supervisor; Checks Live Scan clearance list to ensure parent volunteers have been cleared to volunteer in the classroom; Conducts monthly staff meetings; Reviews timesheets for all part-time Preschool Teachers and Preschool Aides; Reviews the City Website and Activity Guide information to ensure information is current; Enforces City and department rules and regulations; Performs routine facility /equipment maintenance tasks; Renders basic First Aid /CPR as necessary; Acts as primary liaison between parents and the preschool staff, responsible for communication regarding issues such as parent orientation, parent volunteers, special needs children, kindergarten readiness and parent counseling. Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge of: Current early childhood education practices; Age group characteristics of preschoolers; Customer service techniques; Federal, state and local laws, regulations and court decisions applicable to assigned areas of responsibility. Ability To: Work effectively with preschool age children and parents; Lead recreational activities such as games, arts & crafts, music and drama; Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing and keep organized records; Establish and maintain effective relationships with the public and other employees; Organize people, supplies, equipment and facilities; Plan and schedule activities; I0.4MeIIH118 Explain and enforce rules, regulations, procedures and program objectives; Administer basic First Aid /CPR; Perform routine maintenance tasks; Develop and implement effective program curriculum /content; Supervise, train and evaluate subordinates; Understand, evaluate and resolve problems and conflicts; Exercise good judgment, tact and courtesy. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. An employee is regularly required to sit for long periods of time; talk or hear, in person, in classroom and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate standard office equipment and instructional supplies; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is frequently required to bend and twist to interact with children, reach files, walk and stand. While performing duties, the employee is regularly required to use written and oral communication skills; read and interpret information and documents; deal effectively with children; analyze and solve problems; interact with City management, employees and the public. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience is likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Completion of 12th grade and completion of two (2) years of college with specialization in Early Childhood Education, Education or Recreation. Experience: Two years of experience working in a preschool or elementary school setting and one year of supervising staff. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Possession of or ability to obtain valid Red Cross CPR and First Aid Certification. Possession of a valid California Class C drivers' license and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Liability. I0.4MeIIH118 This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. EXHIBIT F Ability to: Learn and enforce City swimming pool rules, regulations, and policies; Perform lifesaving strokes according to American Red Cross standards, perform lifesaving and emergency first aid techniques and practices; engage in physical activity; Follow written and oral instructions. Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with pool patrons; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and instructions, observe, identify, and report operational problems. On an intermittent basis, sit in lifeguard station for long periods of time; stand, walk, and bend while monitoring various swimming activities; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Demonstrated experience in skilled aquatic activities is desirable. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 15 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. EXHIBIT F Current certification in American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED; Lifeguard Training with Administering Emergency Oxygen; and Emergency Response (Title 22). This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. EXHIBIT G Use and care of lifesaving techniques and equipment used at public swimming pools. Ability to: Learn and enforce City swimming pool rules, regulations, and policies; Perform lifesaving strokes according to American Red Cross standards, perform lifesaving and emergency first aid techniques and practices; engage in physical activity; Follow written and oral instructions. Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with pool patrons; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and instructions, observe, identify, and report operational problems. On an intermittent basis, sit in lifeguard station for long periods of time; stand, walk, and bend while monitoring various swimming activities; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Two years' experience or equivalent to completion of two seasonal assignments as Lifeguard I with the City of Dublin. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 16 years of age or older. EXHIBIT G Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification in American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED; Lifeguard Training with Administering Emergency Oxygen; and Emergency Response (Title 22). This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. I�►.�OII:�YIY01 Ability to: Learn and enforce waterslide operational procedures, City swimming pool rules, regulations, and policies; Perform lifesaving and emergency first aid techniques and practices; engage in physical activity; Follow written and oral instructions. Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with pool patrons; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and instructions, observe, identify, and report operational problems. On an intermittent basis, sit in lifeguard station for long periods of time; stand, walk, and bend while monitoring various swimming activities; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Demonstrated experience in skilled aquatic activities is desirable. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 16 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. 10,14111:111811 Current certification in American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer with AED; Lifeguard Training with Administering Emergency Oxygen; and Emergency Response (Title 22). This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. I0.4OIIHIW Ability to: Learn and enforce City swimming pool rules, regulations, and policies; Perform all swimming strokes according to American Red Cross standards, engage in physical activity; Follow written and oral instructions; Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with pool patrons; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and instructions, observe, identify, and report operational problems. On an intermittent basis, sit in lifeguard station for long periods of time; stand, walk, and bend while monitoring various swimming activities; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform various swimming techniques; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Demonstrated experience in skilled aquatic activities is desirable. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 15 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification in CPR/AED and First Aid is desirable. I0.4OIIHIW This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. I0.4OIIHIMI Instruct and train patrons in a variety of swimming skills and techniques; Learn and enforce City swimming pool rules, regulations, and policies; Perform all swimming strokes according to American Red Cross standards, engage in physical activity; Communicate concisely orally and in writing. Communicate in an effective manner; Exercise courtesy and tact in dealing with swimming students and pool patrons; Deal with difficult or stressful situations in a calm and professional manner; Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Physical Standards: The physical standards described are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; intermittently analyze work papers, reports and instructions, observe, identify, and report operational problems. On an intermittent basis, stand, walk, and bend while monitoring various swimming activities; squat, climb, kneel and twist intermittently when setting up various programs; perform and demonstrate various swimming techniques; perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; and lift or carry weight of 100 pounds or less. Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experience likely to provide the required knowledge and abilities are qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: There is no educational requirement for this class; equivalent to completion of two years of high school is desirable. Experience: Two years' experience as a swim instructor Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: At time of hire, must be 16 years of age or older. Any offer of employment to an adult who will have direct contact with minors is conditional upon submission of a completed fingerprint screening and a satisfactory background check. Current certification in American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor is desirable. I0.4OIIHIMI This classification is designated as a Mandatory Reporter; Completion of Mandatory Reporter training is required within one month of employment. Proposed Budget FY 16-17 and 17-18 June 7, 2016 BUDGET ISSUES •Deficit Spending in Five Years •Rising Cost of Contracted Services –62% of total operating budget –Police, Fire, Maintenance: up 11.5%, 8.8%, 16.7% •Public Safety personnel / retirement costs •Preserving high quality parks and facilities •Costs of Subsidizing City Assets PRIORITIES •Use surpluses in preparation of deficit •Continue work on Fiscal Sustainability –Preventative maintenance; Reinvestment in facilities •Shannon Ctr Parking lot, Dublin Sports Grounds, Public Safety Complex –Cost recovery; Performance metrics –Internal Service Funds –Unfunded Liabilities –New/Increased revenue streams PRIORITIES •Continue current high standard of maintenance of parks and facilities •Key capital improvement projects –EGRAC; Public Safety Complex, Fallon Sports Park Phase II –Community and Neighborhood parks –Dougherty Road Widening; Dublin Blvd Improvements FY 16-17 REVENUES Actual 2014-15 Adopted Budget 2015-16 Amended Budget 2015-16 Proposed 2016-17 Forecast 2017-18 REVENUES Property Taxes $29,437,951 $31,786,036 $32,913,746 $35,182,061 $36,969,357 Sales Taxes $19,211,823 $21,186,434 $22,116,434 $21,784,181 $22,230,903 Other Taxes $6,159,654 $4,908,000 $4,908,000 $5,465,000 $5,547,000 Special Assessments $1,264,204 $1,286,664 $1,286,664 $1,389,615 $1,396,861 Licenses & Permits $6,055,255 $3,123,692 $5,036,061 $4,533,124 $3,665,491 Fines & Penalties $320,630 $258,211 $258,211 $258,211 $258,211 Use of Money & Property $3,424,738 $1,648,439 $1,648,439 $1,714,068 $1,829,716 Intergovernmental $3,245,816 $3,356,693 $11,144,980 $13,311,009 $5,253,657 Charge for Services $13,708,362 $11,428,036 $11,630,836 $13,167,967 $14,024,387 Other Revenue $22,039,365 $10,187,596 $29,744,596 $13,906,879 $12,296,077 TOTAL REVENUES (1)$104,867,797 $89,169,801 $120,687,967 $110,712,115 $103,471,660 INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND Use of Money & Property $72,903 $63,784 $63,784 $76,080 $77,430 Charge for Services $3,991,331 $5,136,948 $5,167,448 $5,747,206 $5,698,547 Other Revenue $585,909 $607,560 $607,560 $627,000 $727,320 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND $4,650,143 $5,808,292 $5,838,792 $6,450,286 $6,503,297 Operating Budget •$15 million Comm. Ben. Payment in 15-16 •General Fund is 70% of total FY 16-17 EXPENDITURES Actual 2014-15 Adopted Budget 2015-16 Amended Budget 2015-16 Proposed 2016-17 Forecast 2017-18 OPERATING BUDGET Salaries & Wages $9,662,043 $10,808,384 $10,848,448 $11,252,333 $12,196,621 Benefits $4,517,085 $5,203,800 $5,203,800 $5,812,331 $6,101,291 Services & Supplies $1,707,008 $2,798,022 $3,109,098 $3,131,163 $3,190,235 Internal Service Fund Charges $1,786,290 $2,664,942 $2,716,277 $3,127,833 $3,051,816 Utilities $2,234,153 $2,738,790 $2,738,790 $2,919,825 $3,356,502 Contracted Services $42,432,783 $44,775,596 $46,491,818 $49,166,296 $51,406,907 Loans $272,000 $5,572,000 $272,000 $1,372,000 Capital Outlay $432,965 $381,250 $984,294 $776,616 $349,967 Other $69,264 $717,756 $758,501 $989,112 $1,000,203 Principal & Interest Payments $103,006 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 Impact Fee Obligations $414,537 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $63,359,134 $70,865,540 $78,928,025 $77,952,508 $82,530,541 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM General Improvements $1,241,494 $115,833 $18,269,145 Community Improvements $68,190 $104,925 $482,912 Parks $4,742,329 $14,944,033 $49,340,793 $10,470,118 $9,937,289 Streets $3,568,143 $3,286,260 $16,997,882 $15,652,723 $7,094,422 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $9,620,156 $18,451,051 $85,090,732 $26,122,841 $17,031,711 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (1)$72,979,291 $89,316,591 $164,018,757 $104,075,349 $99,562,252 INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND Salaries & Wages $472,634 $473,432 $510,895 $526,198 Benefits $535,229 $826,106 $826,106 $880,532 $992,840 Services & Supplies $353,035 $314,570 $308,772 $402,478 $441,515 Internal Service Fund Charges $94 $32,899 $33,965 $23,473 $23,525 Utilities $29,712 $32,432 $35,200 $35,200 Contracted Services $1,307,339 $1,547,942 $1,597,392 $1,814,266 $1,759,120 Capital Outlay $560,680 $218,700 $218,700 $179,300 $229,000 Capital Outlay - ISF $168,559 $285,131 $250,000 $1,156,000 Principal & Interest Payments $156,897 $550,654 $550,654 $565,977 $581,882 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE/DEBT SERVICE FUND (2)$2,913,275 $4,161,776 $4,326,584 $4,662,121 $5,745,280 Operating Budget •General Fund is 90% of total GF REVENUES Property Taxes 46% Sales Tax 27% Other Taxes 7% Development Rev 11% Charge for Services 6% Other 3% FY 16-17 $70.2M FY 17-18 $73.7M GF REVENUES Assumptions Property Taxes: -Increase of $2.3 million (6.9%) and $1.8 million (5.1%) over two years -CPI adjustment: 1.525% increase (out of a maximum of 2%, non-Prop 8 homes) -Transfer of ownerships: + $451 million in FY 16-17; 2.4% in FY 17-18. -Prop 8 recapture: growth based on projected growth in median sale price, for SFR’s -New development: Includes activity in existing projects GF REVENUES Assumptions Sales Taxes: –Increase of $1.2 million (5.7%) in FY 16-17, without last triple flip payment –Higher than anticipated sales in new businesses –Growth in FY 17-18 is projected at $780k (3.7%) –After factoring in sales tax sharing, actual revenue grows $1.1 million (5.6%) in FY 16-17 and $445,000 (2.2%) in FY 17-18 GF REVENUES Assumptions Development-Related Revenues: ―Decrease of $197,000 (2.2%) in FY 16-17 from the FY 2015-16 Amended Budget ―Amended Budget includes a $1.9 million increase in projected development revenues approved by the City Council at the mid- year review ―Decrease of $874,000 in FY 17-18 ―Based on Building Division projection Charges for Services ―Full Year of EGRAC in FY 17-18 ($1.6 million) ―PCS revenue up $558,000 and $1.1 million GF EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 24% Services & Supplies 4% ISF Charges 4% Utilities 3% Contracted Services 62% Capital Outlay 1% Other* 2% FY 16-17 $70.2M FY 17-18 $73.7M BUDGET PROPOSALS New Positions -1.0 Recreation Coordinator for EGRAC: $143,545 -1.0 Office Assistant I (Two-Year Limited Term) in the Records Division of the City Clerk’s Office: $99,537 -Seasonal and Temporary salaries increase roughly $747,000 in FY 2017-18 for the full year of EGRAC. Payment to Unfunded Liability -From $250,000 to $500,000 / year BUDGET PROPOSALS Contracted Services Police: -Addition of 1 Deputy -COLA increase -Increase in retirement cost FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Proposed Incr. $ Incr. % Forecast $ Incr. $ Incr. % All Funds $17,301,895 $1,777,703 11.5% $18,289,856 $987,961 5.7% GF $17,201,895 $1,777,703 11.5% $18,189,856 $987,961 5.7% Fire: *Operating budget comparison, excludes one-time equipment costs -FY 16-17 budget includes one-time fire equipment replacement costs ($409k) -COLA increase -Increase in retirement cost FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Proposed $ Incr.$ Incr.% Forecast $ Incr.$ Incr.% All Funds $12,792,959 $1,004,984 8.5% $12,828,030 $35,071 0.3% GF $12,448,389 $1,003,979 8.8% $12,482,576 $34,187 0.3% Operating* $12,383,832 $615,101 5.2% $12,766,223 $382,391 3.1% BUDGET PROPOSALS MCE: -New parks and facilities -Aging facilities require additional repair & maintenance -Bringing back service level cuts in FY 08-09 -Budget for additional work\ FY 16-17 FY 17-18 Proposed Incr. $ Incr. % Forecast $ Incr. $ Incr. % All Funds $4,963,622 $609,413 14.0% $5,516,932 $553,310 11.1% GF $4,295,247 $614,355 16.7% $4,829,512 $534,265 12.4% BUDGET PROPOSALS Emerald Glen Aquatics Complex -GF subsidy: -$909,147 in FY 16-17 -$1,033,806 in FY 17-18 Preventative Maintenance -Total cost of ownership study currently underway -Could require significant investment and re-investment in City assets -$300,000 in FY 16-17 -$750,000 in FY 17-18 BUDGET PROPOSALS 1. Police Increases −Sworn staff have received COLAs in the last 3 years −County lowered the funding for the retirement system by 2% −2 Sheriff Techs added mid-year in FY 2015, a Captain in FY 2016 and the contract for FY 2017 includes one additional Deputy 2. Status of Police Wing Renovation Budget −Roughly $1.9 million left; will be replaced with Community Benefit Payment, and moved to Dublin Sports Grounds 3. EGRAC Contingency −$2.3 million remaining (of $3 million) FOLLOW UP 4. Pension Contribution of $1 million −Staff will recommend funding in FY 15-16 (June 21 meeting) 5. Sean Diamond Park budgeted in FY 17-18 in current proposal 6. Increase Library hours by 2 hours / week −Included in budget proposal 7. Addition of a Senior Planner −Included in budget proposal FOLLOW UP 8. Economic downturn scenario −Included in next 10-Year Forecast update 9. Pension Liability funding ratio comparison FOLLOW UP Agency Tier Liability Value of Assets Unfunded Liability Funded Ratio Albany**All 79,485,214 64,918,087 14,567,127 81.67% Union City*All 292,582,781 237,648,197 54,934,584 81.22% Emeryville All 155,505,510 125,384,476 30,121,034 80.63% Dublin All 64,870,831 51,570,720 13,300,111 79.50% San Leandro*All 524,697,778 399,426,749 125,271,029 76.13% Piedmont All 107,947,624 80,619,745 27,327,879 74.68% Berkeley*All 1,542,263,676 1,097,616,234 444,647,442 71.17% Newark All 256,789,284 181,861,041 74,928,243 70.82% Fremont All 1,055,274,378 719,019,865 336,254,513 68.14% Livermore All 419,094,132 283,969,886 135,124,246 67.76% Hayward All 1,028,049,046 671,008,189 357,040,857 65.27% Pleasenton All 644,236,690 416,088,728 228,147,962 64.59% Oakland*All 4,444,944,777 2,870,446,009 1,574,498,768 64.58% Alameda All 727,685,559 444,151,590 283,533,969 61.04% 10-YEAR FORECAST 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 Property Taxes 32,914 35,182 36,969 38,478 40,113 41,816 43,093 44,396 45,711 47,054 Sales Tax 20,736 20,666 21,111 21,365 21,455 21,600 21,720 21,982 22,495 22,619 Other Taxes 4,908 5,465 5,547 5,602 5,658 5,658 5,658 5,658 5,658 5,658 Development Permits 4,851 4,337 3,468 2,578 2,301 2,058 1,966 1,891 1,891 1,741 Development Services 4,032 4,349 4,345 2,509 2,033 1,305 1,131 965 929 891 Charges for Services 4,071 4,820 5,732 5,789 5,847 5,905 5,964 6,024 6,084 6,145 Other 2,263 2,260 2,370 2,150 2,176 2,173 2,160 2,162 2,164 2,146 Community Benefit Payment 676 100 100 - - - - - - - REVENUES 74,450 77,180 79,642 78,470 79,583 80,515 81,693 83,077 84,932 86,254 Salaries & Wages 10,521 10,975 11,901 12,605 13,228 13,917 14,877 15,716 16,601 17,536 Benefits 5,074 5,692 5,925 5,848 6,186 6,466 6,681 6,842 7,007 7,176 Services & Supplies 2,643 3,066 3,133 3,100 3,193 3,289 3,387 3,489 3,594 3,702 ISF Charges 2,584 2,910 2,872 3,083 3,176 3,271 3,369 3,470 3,575 3,682 Utilities 2,100 2,248 2,657 2,737 2,819 2,904 2,991 3,081 3,173 3,268 Contracted Services 40,265 43,321 45,238 46,582 48,062 49,279 50,611 52,160 53,905 55,831 Capital Outlay 355 720 244 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Contingency & Contributions 647 989 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,160 1,194 1,230 Preventative Maint - 300 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 EXPENDITURES 64,190 70,222 73,722 76,186 78,924 81,420 84,242 87,118 90,250 93,625 NET IMPACT 10,261 6,959 5,920 2,284 659 (905) (2,550) (4,040) (5,318) (7,371) 10-YEAR FORECAST RESERVES Reserve Balances -$100.9 million in FY 16-17 -$104.9 million in FY 17-18 -Cash flow at maximum of 4 months operating budget •Projected operating deficit in FY 20-21 •Cash Flow is maintained through the end of the forecast – with no contribution to CIP or other major reserve change RELATED RESOLUTIONS City Salary Plans -Changes to FT, PT and Management Salary Schedules -Five-Year employee agreement -New positions related to staffing needs at EGRAC RECOMMENDATION •Staff recommends that the City Council: –Conduct the Public Hearing, deliberate, and adopt: •Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2016-17; •Resolution Adopting an Appropriation for a City Contribution to Dublin Partners in Education for Fiscal Year 2016-17; •Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt From Competitive Services; •Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt From Competitive Services; •Resolution Establishing a Salary Plan for Part-Time Personnel; and •Resolution Amending the Classification Plan THANK YOU