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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 Amend Reso Calling Nov Election CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Amendment to Resolution Calling the November Election Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Resolution No. 79-92 Draft Resolution Amending Resolution No. 79-92 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Funds have been included in the 1992-93 Budget to cover election expenses. DESCRIPTION: On June 22, 1992, the City Council adopted a Resolution calling for a General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Dublin on November 3, 1992, at which time voters will elect one Mayor and one Councilmember. The adopted Resolution requested that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors consolidate this election with the Statewide General Election and authorized certain other procedural matters. While the Registrar of Voters of Alameda County was requested to perform services in connection with said election at the request of the City Clerk, language was inadvertently left out of the Resolution specifically stating that the City of Dublin agreed to pay its pro- rata share of the election expenses involved. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution amending Resolution No. 79-92. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM No. CITY CLERK FILE 1 161 � RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN **************** CALLING FOR A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD. IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN ON NOVEMBER 3, 1992 ; REQUESTING THE ALAMEDA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CONSOLIDATE THE CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PROCEDURAL MATTERS WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election to be consolidated with the Statewide General Election is to be held on Tuesday, November 3 , 1992 , in and for the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, certain actions are required in connection with said election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dublin that the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Dublin on November 3 , 1992 , is hereby called. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED as follows: 1. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors is requested to consolidate the City of Dublin General. Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election. 2 . The Registrar of Voters of Alameda County is requested to perform services in connection with said election at the request of the City Clerk. 3 . The offices to be voted upon shall be: One (1) Mayor One (1) Councilmember 4 . The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the posting, publication and printing of all notices or other election materials pursuant to the requirements of the Government Code and Elections Code of the State of California. 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to obtain printing, supplies and services as required. G . The City Clerk is hereby authorized to provide such other services and supplies in connection with said election as may be required by the *, statutes of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of June, 1992 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Jeffery and Moffatt NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Snyder ABSTAIN: None Mayor Pro pore ATTEST: C ty �C erk (K2/A/Reso-1) RESOLUTION NO. - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79-92 CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN ON NOVEMBER 3, 1992 WHEREAS, on June 22 , 1992, the Dublin City Council adopted a resolution calling for a General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Dublin on November 3 , 1992; and WHEREAS, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors was requested to consolidate said election with the Statewide General Election; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters was requested to perform services in connection with said election at the request of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 79-92 shall be amended to include the following paragraph: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin shall pay to the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County its pro-rata share of the expenses for said election as jointly determined by the City of Dublin and the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the State of California. " PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of July, 1992 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk