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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.4 Heritage Center Report CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 27, 1992 SUBJECT Heritage Center Report Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED A. Correspondence from ALVHS B. Correspondence from DHPA C. Correspondence from Dublin Cemetery, Inc. D. Memorandum from City Attorney E. Summary of Costs ION Receive Report ort P FINANCIAL STATEMENT Acquisition $ 29 ,400 - $ 49 ,100 Renovation $257 ,440 Total (one-time costs) $286,840 - $306,540 Maintenance & Operation $ 46, 470 Total (annual costs) $ 46,470 DESCRIPTION At the February 25, 1992 Goals and Objectives Study Session, the Council adopted the following high priority goal: Prepare a report to the City Council identifying; a) how the history and culture in Dublin can be promoted b) the costs associated with ownership, rehabilitation and operation of the Heritage Center and develop purchase agreements with Dublin Cemetery and ALVHS to acquire cemetery and church C) establish a Heritage Task Force later to determine the best way to operate programs at the Heritage Center and report to Council for action BACKGROUND At the June 11, 1991 meeting of the City Council , the Council approved the formation of a study group to consider how best the history and culture of Dublin could be promoted. At the December 23 , 1991 meeting of the City Council, the study group recommended that the City acquire the Heritage Center which includes the Old Murray School , the Old St. Raymond's Church and the Dublin Cemetery. It was the study groups opinion that the historical resources within the City could be preserved and promoted more efficiently under the City's management. FISCAL ANALYSIS As directed by the City Council , Staff has prepared an analysis of the fiscal impact to the City for acquiring, renovating and maintaining the Heritage Center properties. Acquisition The Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society (ALVHS) has indicated a willingness to sell the Old St. Raymond's Church to the City for $10 ,700 . The Dublin Historical Preservation Society would like to make the Old Murray School a gift to the City. The Board of Directors of the Dublin Cemetery have expressed an interest in having the City take over the Cemetery. Copies of correspondence from the aforementioned groups outlining their proposals are attached in Exhibits A - C. The City Attorney has determined that the following procedures should be followed if the City is to acquire the properties: 1) obtain an appraisal of the properties; 2) prepare a legal description of the properties; 3 ) prepare a purchase or transfer agreement for the properties; and 4) obtain a soils report on the properties . -------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. COPIES TO: ALVHS/DHPA/DUBLIN CEMETERY CITY CLERK FILE 191 / D Acquisition Continued A memorandum from the City Attorney outlining the aforementioned procedures in further detail is attached in Exhibit D. The estimated cost to the City to acquire the Heritage Center properties (inclusive of the purchase price, cost of appraisals, preparation of legal descriptions, cost of soils report, cost of escrow, and legal expenses) is approximately $29 , 400 to $49 ,100. Renovation The City's Building Department has inspected both the church and the school to determine the renovation necessary in order for the buildings comply with current building, electrical and access codes, and, in addition, to identify those areas in need of repair. Similarly the Public Works Department has inspected the grounds to determine the initial maintenance costs. Old St. Raymond's Church The church was built in 1860 and is the oldest extant catholic church building in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. City files indicate that the building has been structurally rehabilitated and from the structural standpoint it appears to be adequate. There are, however, a number of other problems that need to be addressed including apparent dry rot in many areas of the building, inadequate accessibility for the handicapped, and extensive repair to the bell tower including a new roof, floor and siding. The following preliminary scope of work has been developed to address code compliance issues and areas which require repair to prevent further deterioration of the building. Exterior 1 . "Beak blast" siding to remove old paint. 2 . Remove and replace siding which contains dry rot. 3 . Repair and replace areas of over hang and gutters which contain dry rot. 4 . Replace back door and threshold; remove porch and build handicapped ramp. 5 . Repair existing windows where possible; install new double hung windows as needed. 6 . Install foundation vents. 7. Replace roof, floor and siding of bell tower; mill work is required for lumber. 8. Paint exterior of building Interior 1 . Remove plywood panels and replace with matching material. 2 . Repair floor; replace damaged planks as necessary. 3 . Paint interior of building. 4. Bring electric up to code. The estimated cost to accomplish the aforementioned items is $88 ,725 . Old Murray School The schoolhouse was built in 1856 and was the first school in the Valley. It was originally located on Flanagan Lane and moved West to Dublin Canyon Road in 1860 . In 1976 the school was moved to it's current location on Donlon Way. At the time that the building was moved in 1976 , a structural analysis was made and some retrofit work was done. In addition, the building was made to comply with the handicapped access standards in affect at that time. The school also has many areas requiring repair for safety, maintenance and code compliance. This includes removal of dry rot, repair and/or installation of new steps, ramps and rails for handicapped accessibility, replacement of broken windows, exterior painting and limited work to interior areas of the building. Renovation Continued The following preliminary scope of work has been developed to address code compliance issues and areas which require repair to prevent further deterioration of the building. Exterior 1 . "Beak blast" siding to remove old paint. 2. Remove siding where necessary and replace with exterior plywood and battens. 3 . Remove the overhang soffit and repair the dry rot. 4. Repair decks; repair/replace steps and rails as needed to comply with applicable codes. 5 . Check existing ramp for slope; install metal flashing. 6. Replace threshold on front door; install new back door and threshold; remove sliding glass door and replace with 31/0 door and 3 ' of wall . 7 . Repair existing windows where possible; install new double hung windows as needed. 8 . Paint exterior of building. Interior 1. Sheetrock and paint restrooms; install new hand rails; adjust slope of drains to sink and urinal. 2 . Replace ceiling of meeting room. 3 . Tape, texture and paint back entry hall and meeting room. 4 . Bring electric up to code. Storage ShedlGarage 1 . Replace roof with composition material and paint exterior to match school and church. The estimated cost to accomplish the aforementioned items is $125 , 260 . Dublin Historical Preservation Association (DHPA) have indicated that they plan to paint the exterior of the school prior to the end of the Fiscal Year, however this has not yet been accomplished. In the event that DHPA does pursue painting of the school prior to the proposed City takeover, City Staff should be involved in the supervision of the project to insure that dry rot is removed and exterior repairs are made prior to painting. Dublin Cemetery The property owned by Dublin Cemetery, Inc. as well as the grounds adjacent to the church are in need of an extensive clean-up to bring them up to City standards. The majority of the work can be accomplished by the City's Public Works Department however there are some items requiring the services of subcontractors. The recommended work program includes tree pruning and removal of dead trees, pruning and trimming of bedding plants and shrubs, manual weeding and chemical weed control, repairs to the gravel parking lot and lighting, painting of the flag pole and light poles, repair and replacement of fencing and installation of vehicle gates. The estimated one-time cost to the City accomplish this work is $43 , 455. Representatives from the Dublin Cemetery Board have indicated a willingness to work cooperatively with the City to see that the grounds are cleaned up prior to the proposed City takeover. If this occurs, the cost to the city for clean-up would be considerably lower. Maintenance and Operation Costs for maintenance and operation of the Heritage Center will vary to some extent according to how the buildings and grounds are utilized. The following cost estimates assume that the City would be responsible for maintenance of the grounds and buildings and, in addition, would be overseeing the use of the buildings . The estimates do not provide for personnel costs associated with direct programming of historical activities, conducting burials at the cemetery or for the costs associated with .staff support to a historical commission. Maintenance and Operation Continued Grounds Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 18 ,600 Building Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15 , 800 Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2 ,870 Scheduling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9 , 200 The estimated annual cost of maintenance and operation for the Heritage Center is $46 ,470. CONCLUSION As shown in Exhibit E, Staff estimates that there would be a one-time cost to the City of $286,840 to $306 ,540 to acquire and restore the Heritage Center properties. In addition, the ongoing cost to maintain and operate the Heritage Center is estimated to be $46, 470 annually. It should be noted, however, that these costs are simply estimates which could vary depending on the direction that the Council wishes to pursue with regards to the method of acquisition and the extent of renovation undertaken. Additionally, the estimates for maintenance and operation could decrease if the City chooses to lease the buildings to a non-profit organization, and increase if the buildings and grounds receive greater use than is currently anticipated. It is recommended that the City Council receive the report and provide Staff with further direction. " ,vr • E XIIXBI'p A ado - iverrr�or Valley m r Historical Soclel�y 603 Dtnin Street • Plensunton,CA 94566 • (416)4G'L•L7GG The Museum l� L NOV 'r 121 OF DUBLIN October 30, 1991 City Council City of Dublin P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94560 Dear Members of the Dublin City Council : The Amador Livermore Valley Historical Society hereby agrees to sell to The City of Dublin the property known as Old St. Raymond' s Church as per the attached description for the sum of Ten Thousand and Seven Hundred dollars ($10,700). Sincerely, EXHIB T B C Murray School 1860 December 9, 1991 Council Members Paul Moffatt & David Burton City of Dublin P 0 Box 2340 �i Dublin CA 94568 Dear Paul & Dave: Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your study committee to investigate long term resolutions for the Heritage Center. We have conducted several Board and General Membership Meetings in order to discuss the issues. We have concluded that, in the best interest of 'the preservation of the Old Murray School , the City of Dublin is best suited to ensure that the building will be maintained and restored. This gift, however, would need to have some stipulations: 1. The DHPA would be allowed to lease the building back to operate historical programs and store our historical artifacts presently in the building. We ensvision using sample leases from the cities of Pleasanton and Hayward with their historical societies as working documents to assist us in the specifics. 2. We would hope for continued support from the city to fund future projects and programs. 3. Should the city ever be in a financial situation such that the building could not be maintained to standards to allow public access, then ownership would revert to DHPA. 4. We believe that the DHPA could become the logical historical arm of the city and thereby preclude any cost associated with a formal city commission. We look forward to continued discussion on this topic and are anxious to work toward total preservation of the entire site for the current and future residents of Dublin. Sincerely, Marie Cronin President MC/mp EXHIBIT C IN CLMI-' ERY INC. DUBS , 1 { .,•• (A lion-profit Corporation 1'. O, Box 2114 DitWin, California 94568 ti December 16 , 1991 City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Calif. Attn: Dave Burton Paul Moffatt Dear Councilmen; The Dublin Cemetery Board met November 7 , 1991 to discuss the conditions we would require to be met for the City take-over of the cemetery property. The following stipulations are merely, a rough draft based on our Board' s informal discussions . The final agreement would have to be ratified by our general membership. The following is a cursory list resulting from our discussions : 1. Restricted Fee Title 2 . Perpetual care quarantee 3 . Cemetery Board will be available for the City' s reference 4 . City to contract with a qualified mortuary and to handle burials 5 . No alcohol 6 . No gatherings on the grounds except quided tours and funerals . The grounds to be maintained as an area of reverence with respect for those deceased and their families. We are hoping that our organization and the City of Dublin will be able to successfully reach an agreement that will preserve -the cemetery so that our city residences will have a Historical landmark that we can all be proud of . Sincerely, Gordon Rasmussen President EXHIBIT D NIEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK & SILVER MICHAEL R.NAVE A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION PENINSULA OFFICE STEVEN R.MEYERS ELIZABETH H.SILVER GATEWAY PLAZA 1220 HOWARD AVE.SUITE 250 BURLINGAME.CA 94010-4211 MICHAEL S.RIBACK 777 DAVIS STREET,SUITE 300 TELEPHONE:TELEPHONE:(415)340-7130 MICHAEL F.ROORIOUEZ SAN LEANDRO,CALIFORNIA 94577 FACSIMILE (415)3420886 KATHLEEN FAUBION TELEPHONE: (510) 351-4300 FREDERICK S.ETHERIDGE FACSIMILE:(510)351-4481 WENDYA.ROBERTS DAVID W.SKINNER MEMORANDUM STEVEN T.MATTAS OF COUNSEL ANDREA J.SALTZMAN REPLY TO San Leandro TO: Paul Rankin DATE: February 28, 1992 Assistant City Manager FROM: Elizabeth H. Silver City Attorney RE: Procedures and Costs Associated with Purchase of Historical Properties If the City wishes to purchase the properties owned by the Dublin Cemetery, Inc. and the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society (Old Murray School, Old St. Raymond ' s Church and Dublin Cemetery) , the following procedures must be followed: 1. The City must obtain an appraisal of the properties. The Public Works Department can probably give you an estimate of the cost of the appraisal, based on recent appraisals the department has obtained. 2 . If the property is offered to the City at less than what the City considers to be the fair market value, the City may purchase the property. (Gov. Code section 7267 . 2 (b) . ) This will require preparation of a legal description (Public Works Department) , a purchase agreement (City Attorney' s Office) and an escrow (City Attorney' s Office) . The costs of escrow (escrow fees, recording fees, etc. ) would be in the range of $600-800 per escrow. The cost of title insurance depends on the purchase price (the cost was $1450 for the recent purchase of the fire station site, based on a purchase price of $212 , 000) . 3 . If the property is not offered to the City at less than what the City considers to be the fair market value, the City will have to make a formal offer to the owners, based on the appraised value in accordance with the appraisal, and, if accepted, a purchase agreement can be prepared. 4 . In either event, a soils report should be done to determine if there are any toxic or hazardous materials in or on the property. If so, that will affect the purchase price. Public Works should be able to estimate the cost of such a report. TO: Paul Rankin, Assistant City Manager FROM: Elizabeth H. Silver, City Attorney RE: Procedures and Costs Associated with Purchase of Historical Properties DATE: February 28 , 1992 PAGE: 2 5 . Because the Murray School is owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association, although it does not own the land, I believe an agreement with the Association to terminate their leasehold or otherwise deal with it would be necessary as well. I would estimate the legal expenses (exclusive of the cost of the appraisal, cost of the toxics report, any cost of preparing the legal description and costs of escrow) to be in the range of $4000- $6000 . Given the number of entities involved with these properties, the legal expenses could be more than this if there are any complications. MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK & SILVER Elizabeth /H. Silver EHS:apn cc: Diane Lowart 114\memo\paul2.ehs EXHIBIT E SUMMARY OF COSTS Acquisition Purchase Price - Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 10 ,700 Appraisals ($3 , 000-7 ,500 per site) . . . . . . . . . .$ 9, 000 - $ 22 ,50.0 Legal Descriptions ($700 per site) . . . . . . . . . .$ 2 , 100 Escrow - Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 600 - $ 800 Soils Report - Entire Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 3 ,000 - $ 7 ,000 Legal Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 , 000 - $ 6, 000 TOTAL ACQUISITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 29,400 - $ 49,100 Renovation St. Raymond's Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 88 ,725 Murray School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125, 260 DublinCemetery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 43 ,455 TOTAL RENOVATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$257,440 Maintenance and Operation Building Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15 ,800 GroundsMaintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 18,600 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 , 870 Scheduling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9, 200 TOTAL ]MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 46,470