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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Waste Mgmt Authority Advisory Board CITY OF DUBLIN
SUBJECT: Written Communication: Request from Alameda County
Waste Management Authority (ACWMA) to Approve Formation
and Appointees to a Consolidated Local Task Force (LTF)
q� Waste Reduction Advisory Board
j (Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager)
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1 : Letter (with attachments) dated April
16, 1992 from Thomas Martinsen,
Executive Director, ACWMA.
Exhibit 2: Agenda Statement from 1 /14/91 Approving
Appointments to the LTF.
RECOMMENDATION: �- kConsider request and direct Staff to notify the
Authority of the action taken by the Dublin City
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Activities of the Board are funded through ACWMA
tipping fees which impact the cost of garbage
disposal for local residents and businesses.
DESCRIPTION: The Alameda County Waste Management Authority (ACWMA)
has requested that the member cities approve a revised membership of the
Local Task Force. In the attached letter from the Executive Director
(Exhibit 1 ) , the City has been requested to confirm appointments currently
under consideration.
In January of 1991 , the City Council took an action to approve a 13 member
Local Task Force. As described in Exhibit 2, this body has specific
responsibilities identified in State Law. The membership must also be
confirmed by a majority of the cities, which comprise a majority of the
population and the County Board of Supervisors. The Authority has
indicated that several of the members originally appointed are no longer
interested or unavailable to continue serving. The following members
approved by the City Council in January of 1991 have indicated an interest
in continuing to serve:
Ms. Stana Hearne Mr. Stuart Rupp
Ms. Kirsten Ritchie Ms. Suzanne Schweitzer
Mr. Ralph Riva Mr. Richard Valle
The Authority has proposed to reorganize the LTF and incorporate the six
members who have indicated an interest in continuing to serve.
Waste Reduction Advisory Board
Prior to the first ruling on the Measure D litigation initiated by the City
of Dublin, the Waste Management Authority appointed a "Recycling Board" as
called for under Measure D. Since the Measure was invalidated by the trial
court, the Recycling Board could not continue. The proposed Waste
Reduction Advisory Board is comprised of members who had previously been
appointed to the Measure D Recycling Board and had an interest in
continuing to serve in some capacity. Therefore, the item currently under
consideration is the formation of an advisory committee which may undertake
items beyond the legal responsibility of a Local Task Force. The proposed
composition would also include the active members of the current LTF as
mentioned in the previous section.
Thomas Martinsen, ACWMA
The Authority indicates that the LTF responsibilities may be expanded to
include countywide recycling programs, which are subject to action by the
Authority and concurrence by the member agencies. For this reason, the
Authority is proposing the revised name to reflect the responsibilities as
the designated Local Task Force and the use of the group as an Advisory
Board. The Executive Director has indicated that there is not currently an
adopted work plan which the Board would provide input on. The Authority
Staff has outlined potential programs which could be undertaken under the
auspices of the Authority and potentially would be reviewed by the Advisory
Board for a recommendation to the Authority Board and/or its committee(s) .
The State Law requires that each County appoint a Local Task Force to carry
out the responsibilities identified in Exhibit 2. The ACWMA has elected to
broaden the role of the LTF to establish a Waste Reduction Advisory Board.
This is not required by the State Law.
Staff would recommend that the City Council consider the request to approve
the proposal of the Authority. Mayor Snyder serves as the City's
representative on the Waste Management Authority and may also be available
to provide additional input.
_ REC � iVn
• 'APR �. 7 1992
Thomas M. Martinsen
Executive Director April 16, 1992
Mr. Richard Ambrose, City Manager
City of Dublin
P. O. Box 2340
Dublin, CA 94568
RE: Formation of Local Task Force\Waste Reduction Advisory Board
Dear Mr. Ambrose:
The review process for Source Reduction and Recycling Elements in
Alameda County is nearing completion, following months of arduous work
by the Local Task Force and the individual agencies. Membership on the
Local Task Force has, through attrition, dropped from the original
thirteen appointees to a current active membership of six. In
preparation for the continuing advisory role of the Local Task Force, it
would be appropriate to make replacement appointments at this time.
In order to provide for the continuing work of the Local Task Force as
well as for the coordination of county-wide waste reduction efforts in
an advisory capacity, the Authority has named additional members to a
Local Task Force\Waste Reduction Advisory Board. This Board will in
essence be an expanded Local Task Force, comprised of the remaining
members of current Local Task Force with several new appointments who
possess related experience and expertise. A copy of Authority
Resolution No. 195 forming the Local Task Force is enclosed for
reference. This action by the Authority supersedes a prior action as
the result of reconsideration by the Authority Board.
The California Integrated Waste Management Act provides that
appointments to the Local Task Force are to be approved by the County
and the majority of the cities with a majority of the population.
Accordingly, these appointments are provided to you for approval by your
Board or Council. It is intended that the new Board be seated following
completion of the SRRE review process in will facilities continuation of
Local. Task Force business on schedule. Either a certified resolution or
minute action confirming the appointments will be required by the State
Integrated Waste Management Board. If you would like any additional
information or wish to discuss any aspect of Local Task Force
responsibilities, please do not hesitate to call.
Thomas M. Martinsen
Executive Director
cc: Paul Rankin
1933 Davis St., Suite 308, San Leandro, CA 94577. (415) 639-2481, FAX: (415) 639-2491
Ms. Abbe is presently a Solid Waste Management Consultant with the
firm of Brown, Vence & Associates, and is involved with developing
source reduction and recycling plans for city and county governments.
Ms. Abbe is a former member of the Alameda County Recycling Board, is
Chair of the Legislative Committee of the California Resource Recovery
Association, and serves on the Steering Committee of the National War
on Waste, a campaign to reauthorize the Federal Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act. She was also Chair of the Steering Committee for
the Alameda County Recycling Initiative.
Ms. Aiken has over ten years of experience as a public relations
specialist. Ms. Aiken is the senior partner of Aiken and Associates
and she specializes in publicity, marketing, and producing promotional
and special events. Previously, Ms. Aiken worked for Gainer and
Associates as a recycling consultant.
Ms . Davis has worked for the City of Oakland for 20 years . Presently
she is a member of the Special Program Support Unit in the office of
Economic Development and Employment. Ms. Davis has been a resident of
Union City for 16 years and is very involved in community groups. She
is a member of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators,
American Society for Public Administrators, Conference on Minority
Public Administrators, Tri-City National Council of Negro Women, and a
number of other community organizations.
Ms Hearne has worked with the Bay Area League of Women Voters, which
is actively involved in waste management issues. She has served as a
member of the Environmental Management Task Force which was
implemented as part of the Clean Water Act. She has also served on
the State Solid Waste Management Board Advisory Committee which
addressed regulatory aspects of solid waste management in the Bay
Area. She has served as Chair of the Alameda County Integrated Waste
Management Plan Local Task. Force since its inception in 1990.
Mr. MacDonald, Executive Vice President for Oakland Scavenger Company,
has extensive background in the solid waste industry. In 1979, Mr.
MacDonald started as Director of Finance with overall financial
responsibility for the company. Shortly after Oakland Scavenger
Company's merger with Waste Management Inc. , in 1986 he was appointed
District Vice President and Controller. Mr. MacDonald was promoted to
Executive Vice President in 1988 . Mr. MacDonald has financial and
operational experience in solid waste collection, transfer, recycling
and landfills. For eighteen years prior to joining Oakland Scavenger
Company, Mr. MacDonald held various financial management positions in
500 Recycled Paper
the computer and construction industries. He is a former member of
the Alameda County Recycling Board.
Mr. Morgan, President of Evergreen Oil Inc. in Newark, is responsible
for the activities of a state-of-the-art recycled oil refinery. He
has eighteen years of operations management and staff support
experience, including hazardous waste management. Mr. Morgan has
successfully started and managed several oil refinery and related
facilities. Mr. Morgan received his Bachelor of Science and Masters
degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University. He is
a former member of the Alameda County Recycling Board.
Ms. Ritchie is a registered Civil Engineer with over twelve years of
experience in the solid waste management field. Her experience
encompasses both public and private sector activities, including
serving as staff to the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control
Board, as a Solid Waste Management Specialist with the international
consulting firm of Dames & Moore, and as Director of Environmental
Compliance with Browning Ferris Industries. Ms. Ritchie now serves as
the Executive Director of the newly created Western States Glass
Recycling Program. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil
Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and a
Masters of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from San Jose
State University. She is a current member of the Alameda County
Integrated Waste Management Plan Local Task Force.
Mr. Riva is currently the Chairman of the Salinas Valley Water
Coalition. He is Vice President of Agricultural Operations at Wente
Bros. , and serves on the Alameda County Agricultural Advisory
Committee and the Livermore Valley Grape Growers Association Technical
Committee. He is the past President of the Independent Growers
Association of Monterey and San Benito Counties. Mr. Riva has been
actively involved in 4-H clubs, the Monterey County Grape Growers
Association. Mr. Riva received his Bachelor of Science degree in
Agricultural Management from California Polytechnic Institute in San
Luis Obispo. He is a current member of the Alameda County Integrated
Waste Management Plan Local Task Force.
Mr. Rupp has served as the Manager of Environmental Affairs for New
United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. in Fremont since 1989 . He has also
served as Environmental Manager at Raytheon Company in Mountain View,
and worked as an Environmental Management Consultant to several Bay
Area companies. Mr. Rupp has a Bachelor of Science degree in
Chemistry from Ohio State University and a J.D. degree from Golden
Gate University. He, is a current member of the Alameda County
Integrated Waste Management Plan Local Task Force.
Ms. Schweitzer has a Bachelor degree in Chemistry and a Masters degree
in Urban Planning. She has been employed in the waste-water industry
%� Recycled Pace'&
for 12 years. Her professional work experience has been in
California, Oregon and Washington. Ms. Schweitzer has worked
exclusively in the sludge management field for wastewater utilities
since 1984 . Since 1989 , Ms . Schweitzer has been the Manager of the
Wastewater Solids Program for East Bay Municipal Utility District.
She has staffed both the California Association of Sanitation Agencies
and the Alameda County Sewerage Advisory Committee. In addition, Ms.
Schweitzer has been actively following the evolution of the various AB
939 related bills. She is a current member of the Alameda County
Integrated Waste Management Plan Local Task Force.
In January 1980 , Mr. Valle founded and incorporated TRI-CED Community
Recycling. TRI-CED is a non-profit corporation which operates a seven
day per week multi-material buyback recycling center in Union City.
TRI-CED also operates the Union City curbside recycling program
providing curbside service to over 13 , 000 single family homes and the
multi-dwelling program serving over 2 , 600 multi-dwellings. TRI-CED is
50% partner in a joint venture with Oakland Scavenger Company for
curbside recycling in the City of Hayward. TRI-CED's role in the
venture is providing curbside collection service to over 13 , 500 single
family homes. Mr. Valle is currently finishing his Masters degree in
Public Administration at Cal State Hayward. He is a current member of
the Alameda County Integrated Waste Management Plan Local Task Force.
Ms. Holdren is a lecturer at Stanford University and a former member
of the Alameda County Recycling Board. Ms. Holdren's field of
expertise is biology, and she is actively interested in environmental
management. Ms. Holdren will be out of the state for several months
in early 1992 , and is expected to return by mid-1992 .
Mr. Ryniec has worked for Weyerhaeuser Paper Company for 21 years and
in the recycling field for more than 6 years. Mr. Ryniec is an M.B.A.
and has extensive knowledge and expertise in waste reduction programs.
He has been active in Sacramento on AB 939 related legislation and has
participated in numerous conferences and seminars on waste handling,
recycling and paper manufacturing.
50% Recycled rapes
Ms. Stana Hearne, League of Women Voters, currently Chair of the
WHEREAS, the Alameda County Local Task Force has been organized
and functions in accordance with applicable provisions of the Ms. ling n Ritchie, Executive Director, western StatesGlass
California Integrated Waste Management Act; and, Program, current LTF member.
WHEREAS, in order to coordinate recycling programs, facilities Mr. Richard Valle, President of TRI-CED Community Recycling,
and related matters on a countywide basis, a board of experts, current LTF member and former President of Recycling Board.
advisory to the Authority has been recommended; and, Mr. Stuart Rupp, Manager of Environmental Affairs for New United
WHEREAS, the responsibilities of the Local Task Force may be Motor Manufacturing, current LTF member.
expanded to include countywide recycling programs, subject to Mr. Ralph Riva, Wente Bros. Vineyard, current LTF member.
action by the Authority and subsequent concurrence by the member
agencies; and,
Ms. Suzanne Schweitzer, Wastewater Solids Program Manager with
WHEREAS, thirteen individuals representing the current Local Task EBMUD, current LTF member.
Force, the former Alameda County Recycling Board and the public Mr. D. David MacDonald, Executive Vice President for Oakland
who possess extensive knowledge and expertise are available to Scavenger Company, former member of Recycling Board.
serve on the eleven member Advisory Board with two alternate
members; and, Mr. Curtis Morgan, President of Evergreen Environmental Services,
WHEREAS, preparation of the Alameda County Integrated Waste former member of Recycling Board.
Management Plan is currently in process, and review of the Ms. Ruth Abbe, Consultant with Brown Vence Associates, former
County-wide Siting Element by the Local Task Force is scheduled member of Recycling Board.
to commence soon.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Alameda County Waste Ms. Edna Davis, Special Programs Support Unit in the Office of
Economic Development and Employment for the City of Oakland.
Management Authority hereby:
Ms. Veronica Aiken, Senior Partner with Aiken and Associates,
(1) Approves the formation of an expanded Local Task Force/Waste j
R I Marketing and Promotions.
Reduction Advisory Board.
(2) Approves the attached roster of members of the new Board, Alternate Members:
and requests the concurrence of the member agencies in
membership appointments.
� Ms. Cheryl Holdren, Lecturer at Stanford University and former
(3) Authorizes the Executive Director to take such administra- member of Recycling Board.
tive actions as are necessary to carry out this organiza- Mr. David Ryniec, Weyerhaeuser Paper Company and recycling field.
tional process.
MORRISON, WIESKAMP, NAGY, MILEY, FOULKES, MERCER, !:\data\support\authority\uasteadv.brd
_ , /� 50% Recycled Paper
SUBJECT: Request to Approve Local Task force (LTF) for Alameda
�} County Integrated Waste Management Plan
(Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant- City Manager)
1 . Letter dated December 20, 1990 from Waste Management
Authority Executive Director
Biographical Information on Proposed Members
3. Resolution adopted by Waste Management Authority
\v� 4. Proposed Resolution
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Proposed Resolution.
DESCRIPTION: AB 939 (California Integrated Waste Management Act of
1990) includes 'a requirement- for the establishment- of a Local Task Force
(LTV) . The law states that this body is to assist in coordinating the
development- of City source reduction and recycling elements required by the
The law requires that the LTF membership is to be determined by the Board
of Supervisors and a majority of the cities within the County, which
contain a majority of the population in the County. The State law does not
mandate particular membership requirements. However, it is noted that the
task force may include representaL-ives; of the solid waste industry,
environmental organizations, general public, special districts, and
affected governmental agencies. The Alameda County Waste Management
Authority (ACWMA) has developed a proposed membership for the Alameda
County LTF. The proposed membership was formally approved by the ACWMA and
the Authority is now requesting action by the cities and the County.
The' state law identifies specific tasks for the Local Task Force as
(1 ) Identify solid waste management issues of countywide or regional
(2) Determine the need for solid waste collection systems, processing
facilities, and marketing strategies that can serve more than one
local jurisdiction within the region.
(3) Facilitate the development of multijurisdictional arrangements for the
marketing of recyclable materials.
(4) To the extent- possible, facilitate resolution of conflicts and
inconsistencies between or among city source reduction and recycling
(S) Development of goals, policies, and procedures which are consistent
with guidelines and regulations adopted by the State Integrated Waste
Management Board, to guide the development of the siting element of
the countywide integrated waste management plan.
Staff has prepared a Resolution which will approve the Local Task Force as
proposed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority. Staff
recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution. Mayor Snyder is the
City's representative on the Waste Management Authority and would be able
to address any specific questions on the selection of the proposed Task
ITEM NO. C/l C7—/O