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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 JTPA Organizational Structure CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Organizational Structure /(Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Letter Outlining Potential Option for City Input on JTPA Programs i RECOMMENDATION. Cons de r FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Undetermined, however, in the event that City Staff were actively required to monitor another agency, Staff costs may be incurred. DESCRIPTION: In the past, the State of California took action to require that the Board of Supervisors act as the elected body for all Job Training Partnership Act programs in the County, except for the City of Oakland. The City of Oakland has a large enough population to qualify as its own Service Delivery Area. Prior to this action, the programs were handled by ACTEB. The City's representative on ACTEB was Councilmember Moffatt. Elected Officials who served in this capacity have been working with the County to identify a role for the jurisdictions served by JTPA programs to have input into the policies, programs, and funding distributions. The law requires the County to have a Private Industry Council (PIC) which represents labor and service providers and the community at large. The PIC is an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors. The law does not require representation from each City. Councilmember Moffatt has requested that the City Council review the concepts currently being discussed regarding the City's, role in JTPA oversight. If the City Council has a certain preference, it would be appropriate to provide Councilmember Moffatt with further direction. a:413JTPA.agenda#9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. CITY CLERK FILE / d I I`.VI I . 1 I 1 VI I'ILVJf-I\I �(c b - Apt- -N C u v ti t�! M L"�.="'fie,C3 G.. L'O ev Ec�Pal�l►�7E, March 11, 1992 7D��L Alameda County Board of Supervisors 1221. Oak Street Oakland, California 94112 Re; Cities Role in Alameda. County Service Delivery ea Dear Supervisors: Ci.ty representatives have attended two meetings held jni fitly with the Private In is try Council for the purpose of defining a role for city representation in the Job Tra' dng Partnership Act (TI'PA) decision making. Unfortunately we still have not agreei i with the Private Industry Council on the role that the cities ale going to play in this n w . Service Delivery Area. The Private Industry Council has suggested a role that w feel is not consistent with the wishes of city elected officials. For ihis reason The city representatives met separately in Union City on March 5 1992, to formulate the following recommendation which we feel is consistent with the wishes of all city representatives. We would like to call this Option #5. Board of supervisors . 1 City Advisory Private Ind try tY rY �����...I..«1„��I.,.NII 1�1 Brie rr ��� Roprosontativo Council PIC Department Staff j Alameda County Board of Supervisors - Page 2 March 11, 1992 We recommend under this Option that the city elected r presentatives and the 'vate Industry Council provide recommendations to the Board of Supervisors as fo110 + Policy Guidance.and Oversight; Program Design Outcomes and Guidelines; + Budget/Personnel; Geographic Distribution of Funds; Evaluation; + Funding Decisions; + Target Populations; + Demand Occupations. Under this Option the following characteristics would ap�ly: 1. Each city would be responsible for selecting an el�cted official to sit on t 's advisory-board; 2. A voting process of one city, one vote, would be a tablished; 3. Items for ,Board of Supervisors/Private Industry C uncil concurrence would be presented to cities prior to submission to the Board of Supervisors; 4. For those decisions where the cities and the PIC o not agree, the cities ee to set up a joint City/PIC committee made up of three representatives from ach body to resolve the issues; s, An annual meeting between the Board of Supervi ors, the Private Indust Council and the cities would be held; 6. The majority as well as minority opinions of the es would be represent d in any recommendations to the Board of Supervisors The cities realize that this Option may entail'additional s affing, and for this real n, the cities propose to hold meetings at the same time and plae as the existing ACAP Board meet:; which will be adjusted to conform with the new meting schedule. Becaus the material is already prepared.for the Private Industry Co cil as well as the Boar of Supervisors, the incremental duplication and staffing we el would be minimal. is Option is a workable compromise that Oermits cities the oppor inity to We feel that th p P have significant decision making prerogatives, while at th same time, minirz WI- additional staffing. We think that this is well within applicable federal regulatio TOTAL F.04