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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 1991 Goals & Objectives Report CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 SUBJECT: Report on 1991 Goals & Objectives and Development of 1992 Goals & Objectives (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1 . Memorandum from City Manager dated February 16, 1992 2. 1991 Goals & Objectives Year End Report 3. 1992 Goals & Objectives Preliminary and Additional Goals Rating Form 4. 1990-95 Capital Improvement Program Summary RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Review 1991 Goals & Objectives Jy 2. Receive Staff Report on 1992 Preliminary Goals & Objectives 3. Receive Public Input 4. Deliberate, prioritize, and adopt 1992 Goals & Objective Plan FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See 1992 Goals & Objectives Report DESCRIPTION: See City Manager's memorandum of February 16, 1992. a:225g&o.agenda#8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. I -- CITY OF DUBLIN M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager RE: 1991 Goals & Objectives Year End Report 1992 Preliminary Goals & Objectives . DATE: February 16, 1992 The Annual Goals & Objectives Program has been established for the purpose of providing policy direction in setting priorities for the City in the upcoming year. Historically, Staff has prepared a Preliminary Draft Goals & Objectives Plan, which is reviewed, modified, and adopted by the City Council. The Goals & Objectives Program provides the framework for prioritizing the allocation of Staff and financial resources during the upcoming budget year. The purpose of this memorandum is to review the City' s progress towards 1991 Goals and Objectives and identify 1992 Goals & Objectives for Council consideration. 1991 Goals & Objectives Status Report Last year, the City Council adopted the 1991 Goals & Objectives Plan. A Year End Report (see attached) regarding individual progress made toward each objective has been prepared by Staff for Council review. The 1991 Year End Report also includes a review of progress made on those Capital Improvement Projects authorized by the City Council in the 1991 -92 Budget. The 1991 Adopted Goals & Objectives Plan included a total of 98 objectives. Of those objectives adopted, 63 objectives were assigned a high priority, 33 objectives were assigned a medium priority; and 2 objectives were assigned a low priority. In addition to those objectives included in the adopted Goals & Objectives Plan, 25 other objectives were assigned to Staff by Council or were necessary due to circumstances that occurred during the year. Shown below in Table I is a summary of the progress made toward 1991 objectives. For comparison, Table II includes a summary of the progress made toward 1990 objectives, which was presented to the City Council in last year' s report.. -1- TABLE I SUMMARY OF 1991 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT NEARLY NO PRIORITY NUMBER COMPLETE COMPLETE UNDERWAY PENDING ONGOING ACTION High( 64%) 63( 100%) 30( 47 . 5%) 6(9 . 5%) 18(28.5%) 3 (5%) 1 ( 1 . 5%) 5(8%) Medium( 34%) 33 ( 100%) 12( 36. 5%) 3(9%) 11 (33 . 5%) 3 (9%) 1 (3%) 3 (9%) Low(2%) 2( 100%) 1 (50%) 0 0 1 (50%) 0 0 subtotal 98( 100%) 43 (44%) 9(9%) 29 (30%) 7 (7%) 2 ( 2%) 8 (8%) .dded 25 ( 100%) 16( 64%) 9 (36%) (% Increase +25 . 5%) TOTAL 123 ( 100%) 59(48% ) 9(7%) 38(31 %) 7 ( 6%) 2 ( 1 .5%) 8(6. 5%) Note: Percentages are approximate to identify 100% in each category. TABLE II SUMMARY OF 1990 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT NEARLY NO PRIORITY NUMBER COMPLETE COMPLETE UNDERWAY ONGOING ACTION High 76( 100%) 35(46%) 18(24%) 19(25%) 2 ( 2 . 5%) 2(2. 5%) Medium 24( 100%) 12( 50%) 3( 13%) 6(25%) 1 (4%) 2 (8%) Low 6( 100%) 1 ( 17%) 2( 33%) 3(50%) Subtotal 106( 100%) 48(45%) 21 (20%) 27 (25%) 3 ( 3%) 7 (7%) Added Assignments 15( 100%) 7( 47%) - 2( 13%) 6( 40%) TOTAL 121 ( 100%) 55(46% ) 23(19%) 33(27%) 3 ( 2%) 7 ( 6%) As indicated above in Table I, of the total adopted 1991 objectives, 52 ( 53%) have been completed or nearly completed during the last year. This compares to 69 (65%) objectives which were completed or nearly completed during 1990 . Of the 63 objectives in 1991 which were designated high priority objectives, 36 (57%) have been completed or nearly completed. This compares to 53 (70%) which were completed or nearly completed in 1990 . -2- A There were 5 high priority objectives in which no action was taken. An explanation regarding each of these objectives is given below. Objective Reason (90) Report to Council on Insufficient Staff time due to development of a Strategic absence of key personnel for a Plan for the City portion of 1991 -92. (90) Select & Install Community Insufficient Staff time; lack Development Data Processing of available funds. System (91 ) Regularly contribute articles Insufficient Staff time due to to Chamber of Commerce absence of key personnel for a Newsletter portion of 1991 -92 . (91 ) Hold Disaster Simulation Efforts spent on other aspects Exercise of Disaster Preparedness. (91 ) Develop a Landscape Water Insufficient Staff time. Use Policy to include a Recycled Water Policy There were also 7 1991 Objectives which are identified as pending. Most of the objectives in this category were pursued as far as possible by Staff and will not be completed until additional funding is available. Two additional major factors impacted Staffs ability to achieve a higher level of progress toward completing the 1991 objectives. First, the increase in the number of organizations which Staff monitors, as well as increased time required to monitor these organizations . Second, a total of 25 major -assignments were added after the 1991 Goals & Objectives were adopted. These assignments are identified below. ADMINISTRATION 1 . Report to Council on impact of American Disabilities Act. 2 . Develop an injury & illness prevention plan. 3 . Coordinate the design of Fire Station No. 1 . 4. Renegotiate the Santa Rita Tax Exchange Agreement. -3- 5 . Annex the City to the Countywide Vector Control District. 6. Negotiate the Western Dublin Tax Exchange Agreement. FINANCE 7 . Rebid Auditing Services. 8. Apply for the 1991 Certificate of Excellence for financial reporting. 9 . Audit the City' s Property Tax Allocation for annexations . INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 10 . Provide Staff support to the Tri Valley Council. PLANNING 11 . Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Outdoor Storage. 12 . Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Massage. 13 . Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Sign/Banners. 14. Challenge U. S. Census Counts. ENGINEERING 15 . Report to Council on 1991 Drought Impacts. RECREATION 16 . Form the Library Plan Task Force. POLICE 17 . Implement Speed Awareness Warning Program. -4- 18 . Selective Traffic Enforcement at San Ramon Rd/Dublin Blvd. 19 . Report to Council on implementation of Countywide Booking Fees. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 20 . Develop Neighborhood Preparedness Program. WASTE MANAGEMENT 21 . Develop & implement City Office Paper Recycling Program. 22 . Report to Council regarding revised County Solid Waste JPA. 23 . Develop new rate class for low volume residential customers . 24 . Develop mandatory garbage program. 25 . Challenge Measure D. As indicated in Table I above, of the 25 additional objectives, 16 ( 64%) have been completed. CAPITAL PROJECTS The Fiscal Year 1991 -92 Capital Improvement Program included funding for 28 capital projects or capital equipment items. Since the beginning of the Fiscal Year, 17 of the 28 projects have been completed or are on schedule, 9 projects have been deferred due to lack of funding, and 2 projects are behind schedule . Those projects which are behind schedule include: ( 1 ) Shannon Park Well - The Staff is currently attempting to resolve a dispute with the Contractor over the quality of the work provided to the City. ( 2) Downtown Infrastructure Impact Fee Study - This study is pending completion of the Tri Valley Transportation Model. 1992 GOALS & OBJECTIVES The City Manager' s Office in conjunction with the City' s Operating Departments has prepared a preliminary list of Goals & Objectives for 1992. A total of 101 objectives are proposed for this upcoming year. This includes 44 new objectives for 1992. The remaining objectives have been carried over from the previous year and/or have been expanded or revised in scope. Staff has also identified these objectives in priority order as viewed by Staff. -5- i s The Council should be aware that the Parks & Recreation Commission has reviewed the Recreation objectives and the priorities reflected for those objectives represent the Commission' s priority. The 1992 Goals & Objectives Preliminary Program also includes a new column this year. This column identifies the Benefit/Need that Staff perceives for each and every objective. It is hoped that this column will help the Council assess the importance of each objective. Staff has also included a column which indicates whether adequate resources are presently available to accomplish each of the objectives within the timeframe of the Goals & Objectives Plan (one year) , unless otherwise noted. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the 1992 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Plan and prioritize each objective within each program area i .e. Administration, Finance, etc by giving a rating of high, medium, or low, or no priority (delete) . Staff has also provided additional space at the end of each goal for the City Council to identify and prioritize any additional objectives which individual councilmembers may wish to incorporate into the 1992 Goals & Objectives Plan. With respect to Capital Projects, Staff has provided additional space on the last page of the 1992 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Report for the City Council to identify any additional projects which should be given consideration in a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program ( 1992-1997 ) . It is further recommended that each Councilmember complete their review and prioritization of the objectives including any new objectives by Friday, February 21 , 1992 and submit them to the City Manager' s Office at that time. This will allow Staff sufficient time to compile the results and rankings of the Councilmembers collectively and distribute the results to the City Council prior to the February 25, 1992 Goals & Objectives meeting. If you have any questions, desire further clarification regarding the process, or any of the materials included in the packet or need additional time, please advise the City Manager, as soon as possible. a: 215g&O .rca#5 -6- 3' ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 1 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS I . General Government A. Administration High Ambrose/ (90 ) Implement a "Customer Service" Program Complete. Texeira High Rankin (89 ) Prepare report on feasibility of Business Task Force formed; developing a local Economic Development Business Survey completed; Task Program Force Scope of Work approved by Council. High Rankin (90 ) Report to Council on development of a No action to date. Strategic Plan for the City High Texeira (87 ) Develop Employee Recognition Program Complete. High Ambrose (89 ) Prepare report on benefits of Issue being discussed by Business establishing a Redevelopment Agency Task Force Traffic & Land Use Subcommittee. Medium Texeira (90 ) Complete Clerical Classification Study Complete. Medium Keck (91 ) Develop program for use of Display Complete. Cases Medium Keck (88) Implement Records Management Program Complete. for City Clerk Records Medium Texeira (91 ) Complete Employee Handbook Draft Handbook nearly complete. Medium Rankin (91 ) Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Complete. to implement 1991 projects ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 2 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS . ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Barker (91 ) Report to Council on impact of Underway. American Disabilities Act Texeira/ (91 ) Develop Injury & Illness Prevention Complete. Barker Plan Rankin (91 ) Coordinate Design of Fire Station Plans & Specifications to be No. 1 completed & presented to DRFA Board March 1992 . Ambrose (91 ) Renegotiate Santa Rita Property Tax Negotiations underway; Agreement Exchange Agreement to be presented to Council with East Dublin EIR. Texeira (91 ) Annex City to Countywide Vector Control Complete. District Ambrose (91 ) Negotiate Western Dublin Tax Exchange Underway. Agreement B. Finance High Molina (85 ) Review charges for services rendered by General Fees - complete; all departments Police & Public Works - drafted; Recreation, Planning & Building - underway. High Ambrose (91 ) Report to Council on Infrastructure Report to Council March 1992; Financing Alternatives for General Plan Workshop planning underway. Study Areas ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 3 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS (89 ) Develop a long term financial plan for the City which includes the following: High Molina Report to Council on Sales Tax Complete. Auditing Program High Ambrose/ Develop a 3-5 year forecast for Underway; 3 year forecast to be All Depts revenues & operating expenditures included in 1992-93 Budget. to be used in conjunction with Five-Year CIP High Ambrose/ (90) Select & Install Community Development No action; Pending availability Molina/ Data Processing System of funds and Staff time. Comm Dev Depts High Texeira/ (91 ) Improve Productivity of Data Processing D P User' s Group established Molina System & support to operating first phase of training complete; departments IBM Consultant services secured. Medium Molina (90 ) Update Purchasing Ordinance Draft being reviewed by City Manager & Operating Departments. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Molina (91 ) Rebid Audit Services Complete. Molina (91 ) Apply for 1991 Certificate of Complete. Excellence for Financial Reporting. Molina (91 ) Audit City' s Property Tax Allocation Complete. for Annexations ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 4 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS C. Intergovermental Relations High All Depts (91 ) Aggressively monitor activities of Considerable time is devoted to other regional agencies & regional monitoring activities of regional proposals agencies; Some of the agencies monitored include ABAG, Alameda County (AlaCo) Planning Commission, AlaCo. Economic Advisory Council, AlaCo Congestion Management Agency, AlaCo Waste Mgmt Authority, AlaCo Non-Point Source Pollution Control JPA, AlaCo Zone 7 Water District, AlaCo LAFCO, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, CALTRANS, East Bay Regional Park District, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, AlaCo Transporation Advisory Commission, AlaCo Transportation Authority, Tri-Valley Waste Water Authority, Airport Land Use Commission, AlaCo, Jobs Training Partnership Act. Medium All Depts (91 ) Meet jointly with representatives from On-going. other agencies ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Ambrose (91 ) Staff Tri-Valley Council On-going. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 5 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS D. Public Relations High Texeira (91 ) Prepare & distribute 1 City Newsletter Complete. & a 10 Year ( 13 month) Calendar/Report High Texeira (91 ) Regularly contribute articles to No articles submitted for 1991 ; Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Revised Chamber Newsletter format provides reduced opportunity for City articles . High Texeira (90) Complete Student/Teacher Civic Guide being circulated for final Education Guide & Set Up Speakers comments; materials collected on Bureau Speaker' s Bureau. High Lowart/ (91 ) Plan 10 Year Celebration of Cityhood Anniversary Reception & Dinner Texeira completed; Plans for St. Patrick' s Day completed; Plans underway for July_ 4th event. Medium Tong (86) Prepare report on program for Draft complete; Report to Council recognition of outstanding development April 1992 . E. Contract Administration (91 ) Performance Contract Review High Rankin/ Building & Safety Complete. Taugher High Rankin/ Engineering Complete. Thompson High Rankin/ Library Services Complete. Lowart High Rankin/ Street Sweeping Complete. Thompson High Rankin/ Vector Control Complete. Texeira High Rankin/ Traffic Engineering Complete. Thompson ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 6 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS II . Community Development A. Planninq High Tong (87 ) Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Draft GPA, SP to be released May Specific Plan Studies 1992, EIR June 1992; Planning Commission Public Hearings June- August 1992; Council Public Hearings Sept-Oct 1992 . High Tong (85 ) Downtown Improvement Plan See Administration "Economic Implementation Strategies Development Report. " (89 ) Implement Management Audit Recommendations High Tong Establish a planning & scheduling Complete. system for current planning applications High Tong Modify role of "Planner of the Complete. Day" High Tong Convert records system to street Complete with exception of one address based system third microfishe; Microfishe will be complete Spring 1992. High Tong Modify Site Development Review Planning Commission Review process & guidelines complete; Report to Council March 1992 . High Tong Schedule current planning Complete. applications for a public hearing at the time of complete submittal ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 7 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Tong Revise Zoning Ordinance in Complete. accordance with Management Audit recommendations Medium Tong Develop more effective handouts & Handouts for fifteen of 20 areas brochures have been completed. High Tong (88) Western Dublin General Plan Amendment Planning Commission Public Specific Plan Studies Hearing to be completed early March; City Council Public Hearing to commence Mid April 1992 . High Tong (91 ) Conduct Land Use Study for Southern Preliminary discussion held with Portion of Camp Parks Property Alameda County & Army. High Tong (87 ) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence LAFCO will reconsider when both dispute with Livermore Dublin & Livermore General Plans are complete. High Lowart/ (91 ) Provide technical & financial aid to Financial aid provided during Tong/ Dublin Cemetery & Historical 1991 -92 for school repairs, Taugher Associations, properties Building Dept assisted in providing advice on repairs. Heritage Committee established to investigate how the history of Dublin can be promoted & the historical facilities preserved. Staff undertaking cost analysis of City assuming responsibility for properties. Medium Tong (90) Prepare Density Bonus Ordinance Complete. Medium Tong (90) J L Construction General Plan Amendment Complete. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 8 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Medium Tong (90 ) General Plan Update Scope of Work completed; update underway. Medium Tong (85 ) Revise Zoning Ordinance No further action to date. Medium Tong (90) Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance Draft report reviewed by Planning Commission. No available Staff time for follow-up report. Medium Tong (90) Prepare Development Agreement Ordinance Complete. Medium Tong (90 ) Implement Miscellaneous Housing No action necessary. to date. Strategies Medium Tong (90) Prepare Rental Availability Ordinance Complete. Medium Tong (86) Report on historic element to General Annual Report on General Plan Plan presented to Council on 12/91 ; Historic resources to be addressed in revisions to Conservation Element portion of General Plan Update. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 (91 ) Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Outdoor Underway. Storage (91 ) Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Massage Complete. (91 ) Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Underway. Signs/Banners (91 ) Challenge U. S. Census Counts Complete. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 9 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS B. Building & Safety High Taugher/ (91 ) Review Building Permit Fee Schedule Underway; Draft of new fee Molina schedule has been prepared. Medium Tong (88) Continue follow-up of enforcement of Letters sent to 55 sign non-conforming signs locations; Follow-up to occur prior to 7/92 expiration date. Medium Taugher (91 ) Develop & implement a Homeowner Complete; Program developed, one Building Education Program seminar held. Medium Taugher (91 ) Apply for Flood Plain Map Amendment Underway; FEMA requested additional information. C. Engineering High Thompson (91 ) Work with Alameda County to apply for & Complete. obtain a Non Point Source Drainage Permit ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Thompson (91 ) Report to Council on 1991 Drought Complete. Impacts a:ag&o91 -2 .g&o ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 10 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS III . Culture & Leisure A. Recreation High Lowart (89) Complete Park & Recreation Facilities Nearly complete; Admin draft due Master Plan 3/31 /92 . High Lowart (87) Develop a youth sports program Complete. High Lowart (91 ) Complete facility development Complete (Cronin Play Area, agreements with School District for Nielsen Play Area, DHS Baseball those projects identified for funding Softball Fields. ) in Fiscal Year 1991-92 High Lowart (91 ) Establish Afterschool Teen Program at Complete. Wells Middle School High Lowart (91 ) Complete Renovation of Frederiksen Tot Complete. Lot High Lowart (91 ) Coordinate expanded St. Patrick' s Day Complete. Celebration with Dublin Chamber of Commerce High Lowart (89) Complete Dublin High School Football Complete. Field & Track Renovation High Lowart (91 ) Complete renovation of Dublin High Plans & Specs complete; School Athletic Fields Construction deferred due to insufficient funds. Medium Lowart (91 ) Coordinate installation of handicapped Complete. play area by Lions Club at Kolb Park ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 11 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Medium Lowart (91 ) Undertake revision to Use Policies for Policies have been reviewed by City Facilities Park & Rec Commission; Fees to be reviewed; Commission Report to Council May 1992. Medium Lowart/ (91 ) Complete Dougherty Hills Park Plan only Council deferred in CIP; Staff Thompson so Rotary Club can adopt some of the met with Rotary to discuss scope projects, i .e. trails, signs, benches, of services to be provided by etc. Rotary; Cost to City to plan & provide water service so Rotary can do project estimated at $45, 000. �l Medium Lowart (89 ) Report to Council on appropriate role No progress to date; insufficient for City regarding human services Staff resources . Medium Lowart (89) Develop a vandalism awareness program No progress to date; insufficient in cooperation with Public Works & Staff resources. Police Low Texeira (89 ) Participate on Citizens for Valley Participated on Committee; Performing Arts Center Study Committee Awaiting Council decision on participation; Funding deferred. Low Lowart (89) Investigate feasibility of skate board Complete; No land available at park this time. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Lowart (91 ) Form Library Plan Task Force Task Force formed; First meeting in March 1992. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 12 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS IV. Public Safety A. Police High Rose (87 ) Complete alcohol/drug awareness program Complete. at Private High School High Rose (89) Implement Police Records Management Complete. System High Rose (89) Develop & implement a program to reduce Alarm Ordinance rewritten; Report commercial false alarms by 20% to Council in March 1992. Medium Rose (91 ) Report to Council on effectiveness of Draft report submitted to City existing Traffic Enforcement Program Manager; Report to Council in March 1992 . Medium Rose (89 ) Develop & implement a facility Complete. operation program for police facility Medium Rose (91 ) Develop & implement an applicant Program developed; Report to fingerprint program Council on proposed program fees March 1992 . ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Rose (91 ) Implemented Speed Awareness & Warning Complete. Program Rose (91 ) Selective traffic enforcement at San Carried out for limited period; Ramon Road/Dublin Blvd. Continued selective enforcement will require additional overtime funds. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 13 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Rankin/ (91 ) Report to Council on implementation of Complete. Rose Countywide Booking Fees B. Animal Control High Ambrose (86) Prepare report to Council on long term Tri-Valley City Managers have solution for animal shelter negotiated draft agreement with County; County proceeding with project; Report to Council March 1992 . Medium Rankin (91 ) Develop strategies to increase dog Advertisement included in City licensing (i .e. make easier to do, Newsletter; Report to improve dog advertise program, etc. ) licensing to be included in 1991 - 92 Contract Review. C. Disaster Preparedness High Rankin (91 ) Hold Disaster Simulation Exercise Training needs assessed; EOC supplied; No exercise held in 1991 . High Taugher (90) Develop Earthquake Damage Assessment Complete Program Medium Thompson (91 ) Develop a Public Works Tri-Valley Sample agreements gathered; Mutual Aid Agreement letter of interest sent to other Tri-Valley Cities; No response from other Cities to date. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Rankin (91 ) Develop Neighborhood Preparedness Complete. Program. ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 14 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS D. Waste Management High Rankin (90 ) Prepare Source Reduction Recycling Preliminary draft complete; Final Element to County Waste Management Public Hearing 3/23/92. Plan High Rankin (90 ) Prepare report on expanded recycling No action to date on waste oil; program to potentially include waste Staff reviewing multi-family oil & service to multi-family & proposal; No action to date on commercial customers commercial. Medium Rankin (91 ) Work with appropriate agencies to Complete. develop a means to communicate to residents on how to dispose of Household Hazardous Materials ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED DURING 1991 Rankin (91 ) Develop & implement City Office Paper Complete. Recycling Program Rankin (91 ) Report to Council on revised County Underway. Solid Waste JPA Rankin (91 ) Develop new rate class for low volume Complete. residential customer Silver/ (91 ) Challenge Measure D Complete, pending appeal. Rankin a:ag&o91 -3 .g&o ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 15 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS V. Transportation A. Maintenance High Thompson (91 ) Implement 3 new community volunteer Completed; 4 Community volunteer projects projects. High Thompson (91 ) Develop a Landscape Water Use Policy to State law requires ordinance to include a Recycled Water Policy be complete by 1 /93; no action to date. B. Transportation High Ambrose/ (88) Resolve issue of Downtown & Eastern Complete; eastern Dublin to be Tong/ Dublin BART Stations constructed with split parking; Thompson western Dublin to be designed & station pad to be constructed. High Thompson (88) Report to Council on Traffic Impact Fee Pending completion of Tri-Valley Study Traffic Model; approximately 2 months needed after model completed. High Thompson (87) Coordinate I-580 Improvements with Work with CALTRANS on Pleasanton & CalTrans Eden/Schaefer, Hacienda, Santa Rita interchanges; Reported to Council on Freeway Agreement. High Ambrose (90 ) Develop financing plan for easterly Complete. extension of Dublin Blvd to SP R-O-W and 2-lane access road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Dr/I-580 _ Interchange ADOPTED 1991 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT Page 16 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Thompson (88) Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop Underway; Model to be completed Regional Transportation Plan Spring 1992; Plan to be completed January 1993 . High Thompson (91 ) Work with Alameda County & ,-Cities in Plan Complete; implementation Alameda County to develop a Congestion measures to be undertaken. Management Plan High Thompson (87 ) Work with other agencies to implement Participated in selection of Measure B projects design consultant for 580/680 flyover; construction 1996-98 . No further action required at this time. Medium Thompson (87) Report on County Transportation Plan Interim Report presented to Council; Status report to Council May 1992 . VI . Capital Improvements Proiect High Lowart (91 ) Civic Center Holiday Decorations Deferred due to lack of funds. High Thompson (91 ) Add another season to the Banners Complete a:ag&o91 -5 .g&o 1991 -92 CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Page 1 PROJECT PERSON ASSIGNED STATUS 1 . Data Processing System Molina No action due to lack of funds. 2 . Civic Center Holiday Decorations Lowart No action due to lack of funds . 3 . Sidewalk Safety Repair/Handicap Thompson Complete. Ramps 4, Downtown Promotional Banners Thompson Complete. 5 . High School Football Field Thompson Complete. Renovation 6 . Senior Center Upgrade Lowart All items installed; except rain gutter which will be completed by April 1 , 1992 . 7 . Park & Recreation Facilities Lowart 80% complete. Masterplan 8 . Dublin High School Baseball & Lowart Plans & Specifications complete; Girls Athletic Field Renovation Construction deferred due to lack of funds. 9 . Nielsen School Play Area Lowart Construction underway, to be complete April 1992 . 10 . Cronin School Play Area Lowart Construction underway, to be complete April 1992 . 11 . 90' Baseball Diamond Lowart Little League submitted plans; Report to Council 2/24/92 . 12. Shannon Park Well Thompson Project not complete. 13 . Shannon Center Exterior Painting Thompson Complete. 14 . Bleachers - Dublin Sports Grounds Lowart No action due to lack of funds. 1991 -92 CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Page 2 PROJECT PERSON ASSIGNED STATUS 15 . Bathhouse Renovation - Dublin Lowart Floor safety measures complete; No action Swim Center on remainder of project due to lack of funds. 16. Kolb Park Handicapped Playground Thompson Complete. 17 Shannon Center Kitchen Floor Lowart Complete. 16. Annual Street Overlay Program Thompson Out to Bid; Project to be complete by June 1992 . 19 . Dougherty Road Bike Path Thompson Same as above. 20. San Ramon Road (Phase IV) Thompson Complete, except for landscape maintenance period. 21 . Downtown Infrastructure Impact Thompson/ Pending completion of Tri-Valley Fee Study Tong Transportation Model. .22 . Dublin Blvd Improvements Thompson Design complete; Right-of-way acquisition Donlon Way to Village Pkwy underway. 23. Dougherty Road Improvements Thompson Environmental review to be completed by South of SPRR June 1992. 24. Traffic Signals - Village Pkwy Thompson No action due to lack of funds. at Brighton & Tamarack 25 . Dublin Blvd Extension Thompson Bid to be awarded 2/24/92; Construction to Dougherty Rd east to SPRR be completed September 1992. 26 . Dublin Blvd/Silvergate Dr Thompson Design Complete; Go to Bid March 1992. Intersection Improvements 27 . Street Subdrains Thompson Reduced Scope of Work due to lack of funds; Limited work to be constructed in conjunction with Annual Overlay. 28 . Dublin Blvd Bridge over Thompson Design & testing complete; Go to Bid on Alamo Creek repair Phase I construction March 1992. a:91-92cip.g&o CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 1 1 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT - ADMINISTRATIVE 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (89) Prepare report on the feasibility of Increase the City' s ability None for developing a Local Economic to attract business & Report Development Program enhance the City' s economic i base 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Assist Business Task Force in review Same as above; and to Undetermined of Downtown Improvement Plan & other improve working relationship at this time business issues & report to Council between City & business ( includes report on redevelopment community which was separate objective last year) 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (91 ) Renegotiate Santa Rita Tax Exchange Assure City has sufficient None Agreement fiscal resources to serve Santa Rita property & Eastern Dublin Planning area 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High (91 ) Negotiate Western Dublin Tax Assure City has sufficient None Exchange Agreement fiscal resources to serve Western Dublin Planning area 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High (91 ) Coordinate Design of Fire Station Make certain construction None No. 1 costs are kept to a minimum 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (91 ) Report to Council on Impact of Required by Federal Law None for American Disabilities Act Report :/ CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 2 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 3 3 2 3 3 2 . 8 High Medium (90 ) Report to Council on development of Establishes Long Term None for a Strategic Plan for the City Vision for City Report 3 2 2 3 2 2 . 4 Medium Medium (92) Implement a Customer Service Improve Service None for Evaluation Program responsiveness Report 2 2 2 3 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Implement Employee Brown Bag Improve employee cross None Training Program training & familiarity with City 2 2 3 2 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Hold one Customer Service Special Enhance Staff morale Additional Event funds 2 2 2 2 3 2 . 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Complete Employee Handbook Improves personnel None administration ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) 3 To Be Determined (Burton) Evaluate Building Inspection Dept' s Operating Procedures so customer satisfaction can be improved. 3 To Be Determined (Jeffery) Develop Sexual Harassment Policy CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 3 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT - FINANCE 2 3 3 3 3 2 . 8 High High (85) Review charges for services rendered To make certain that None by all departments . the cost of City User Services are covered to the extent possible so that the provisions of those services do not impact the City' s ability to provide basic services. 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (91 ) Report to Council on Infrastructure To provide policy Possibly Financing Alternatives for General maker' s with sufficient Additional Plan Study Areas information to make Funds future decisions Required which have the least impact on the City' s finances. 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (89 ) Develop a 3 year forecast for Improves City' s ability None revenues & operating expenditures to to react to changes be used in conjunction with Five in City' s revenue Year CIP . stream. 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92 ) Prepare new Five Year Capital Will enable City to None Improvement Program aggressively solicit grants & fees to offset the cost of Capital Projects CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 4 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 2 2 2 3 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (90) Select & install Community Recommended as Additional Development Data Processing System part of 1989 Funding Management Audit to improve employee productivity i 2 2 3 3 3 2 . 6 High Medium (91 ) Improve Productivity of Data Increase employee Additional Processing System & support to productivity Funds operating departments Required in 1992-93 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Update Purchasing Ordinance Clarifies purchasing None issues not addressed in current purchasing ordinance 2 2 2 2 3 2 . 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Determine feasibility of early call Reduce amount of Staff Yes, but of San Ramon Road Specific Plan time allocated to the funded by Assessment District Bonds District in future years Assessment District ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FINANCE) 3 To Be Determined (Burton) Improve Expense Reporting Forms CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 5 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High (92 ) Aggressively monitor activities of Preserve local control; Possibly other regional agencies & regional Minimize impacts on City; additional proposals Coordinate provisions of Staff services i 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High (92 ) Meet jointly with representatives Improve provision of None from other agencies services & infrastructure; reduce conflict between agencies ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) 3 To Be Determined (Burton) Review productivity of meetings with other agencies . Some seem to meet for the sake of meeting only with no appreciable results . To Be Determined (Jeffery) Conduct joint work session with Board of Supervisors (eastern & western Dublin issues) CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 6 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT - PUBLIC RELATIONS 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92 ) Prepare & distribute one City Contributes to informed Funding will Newsletter & 13 month Community citizenry be required Calendar/report in 1992-93 2 3 3 1 3 2 . 4 High High (91 ) Complete 10 year Celebration of Promotes Community Funding will Cityhood Plans & implement Pride & involvement be required activities in 1992-93 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (90) Complete Student/Teacher Civic Educates young people None Education Guide & Set up Speakers & community groups Bureau about local government 3 2 2 3 2 2 . 4 Medium Medium (91 ) Contribute articles to Chamber of Improves communication None Commerce Newsletter as space is with Business Community available 2 2 1 2 2 1 . 8 Medium Medium (86) Prepare report on program for Improves relationship None recognition of outstanding with development community development CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 7 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92 ) Performance . Contract Review Assures Contract Services None are performed in a cost effective manner a. Building & Safety b. General Engineering C. Traffic Engineering d. Library Services e. Police Services f. Animal Control Services g. Street Sweeping ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) To Be Determined (Burton) Important - This review should involve at least 2 members of the Council & report to the Council . To Be Determined (Moffatt) Legal in Closed Session a:pg&o92-1 CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 8 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (87 ) Eastern Dublin General Plan Addresses future uses Additional Amendment Specific Plan Studies & policies in City' s Funding for planning area Staff & Consultant in 1992-93 (85 ) Downtown Improvement Plan Implementation Strategies (See Administration) (89 ) Implement Management Audit Recommendations 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High a. Convert records system to Reduces processing time None street address based system for applicants & Staff 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High b. Modify Site Development Review Same as above None Process & Guidelines 2 1 1 1 2 1 . 4 Low Low C. Develop more effective handouts Same as above None & brochures 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High (88) Western Dublin General Plan Addresses future uses None Amendment Specific Plan Studies & policies in City' s planning area 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) General Plan Update To meet legal requirements None for General Plan Consistency CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 9 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High (92) Process General Plan Amendment & Required by State Law Possibly necessary enabling ordinances to Additional include County Hazardous Waste Staff time Management Plan 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (87 ) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence Establishes future growth None with Livermore boundary for City 2 3 2 2 2 . 5 2 . 3 Medium Medium (91 ) Conduct Land Use Study for Southern Provides continuous land Additional Portion of Camp parks Property plan connecting Central Consulting Dublin with eastern planning Services area 3 3 3 Discuss (91 ) Provide technical & financial aid to Dublin Cemetery & Historical Associations properties (See Culture & Leisure) 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (85) Revise Zoning Ordinance Reduces processing time for Additional applicants & Staff; Staff time facilitates easier enforcement of zoning ordinance 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (90) Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Needed to Meet Housing None Ordinance Element Requirement 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Zoning Ordinance Amendment/Outdoor Eases enforcement of None Storage zoning policies; provides greater flexibility for businesses CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 10 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 3 3 1 2 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Zoning Ordinance Eases enforcement of None Amendment/Signs/Banners zoning policies; provides greater visibility for businesses 1 1 1 2 2 1 . 4 Low Low (90) Implement Miscellaneous Housing Little City can do at None Strategies this time 1 2 Discuss (86) Report on historic element to General Plan (See General Plan Update) ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PLANNING) Already Underway (Burton) Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Banners; Could be assigned to Business Task Force to review. Discuss (Moffatt) Include in the Historical Element an inventory and analysis of Historical & Cultural Resources . Along with policies, plan proposals and standards of preservation. Including looking at model ordinances of the California Office of Historical Preservation. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 11 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING. & SAFETY 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (91 ) Review Building Permit Fee Schedule To fully recover plan check None & inspection costs 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (88) Continue follow-up of enforcement of Improve signage None nonconforming signs 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92 ) Adopt 1991 Edition of Uniform Required by State Law None Building Code 3 2 2 1 2 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Provide two homeowner education Minimize plan check & None program seminars inspection time; saves homeowner money due to costly mistakes 2 2 3 1 2 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Apply for Flood Plain Map Amendment Reduce flood insurance None costs to property owners ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (BUILDING & SAFETY) f This has been done annually (Burton) Cost of Plan Checking & Inspection should be compared with having City Staff Building Inspectors . 8 persons attended (Jeffery) How was attendance on prior homeowner seminars? CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 12 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ENGINEERING (92 ) Implement Non-Point source Drainage Required by Federal Law; None Measures reduce environmental anticipated damage to waterways at this time (Burton) What dates required? 2 3 3 3 3 2 . 8 High High a. Develop Public Information Program 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High b. Develop Inspection Program identify illegal discharge 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High C. Increase storm drain & catch basin cleaning 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High d. Monitor storm water runoff from new development, industrial & auto related uses 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Update City' s Subdivision Ordinance Required by State Law None ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ENGINEERING) (Burton) There is no solution for monitoring storm water runoff. It should not be taken as a high priority until we know what we will do with the information. It will just be another report. a:pg&o92-2 CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 13 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE CULTURE & LEISURE - RECREATION High High (91 ) Prepare a report to the City Council identifying 3 3 3 3 3 3 a) how the history & culture in Dublin can be promoted, and 3 3 2 3 3 2 . 8 b) the costs associated with Assist City & Non-Profit Possibly ownership, rehabilitation & in determining costs additional operation of the Heritage associated with historic contract Center preservation service costs 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Complete Parks & Recreation Master Planning document for None Plan preservation acquisition & development of parks, facilities, & open space 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High (91 ) Undertake revisions to use policies Streamline process for None for City facilities Staff & public 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High (91 ) Complete renovation of DHS Athletic Will add 2-90 baseball Additional Fields fields to inventory Funds will available for growing be required number of teen & adult users 2 3 3 2 3 2 . 6 High High (92) Complete renovation of 90 ' Baseball Will add 1 90, baseball Additional Field fields to inventory Funds will available for growing be required number of teen & adult users 1 CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 14 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 3 3 2.5 3 3 2 .9 High High (92 ) Prepare a report with Identify long term library None for recommendations from Library building needs for community report Planning Task Force 2 2 3 3 3 2 . 6 High Medium (89) Develop a vandalism awareness By having neighbors & park Additional program in cooperation with Public users be our "eyes & ears" Staff Works & Police vandalism & costs associated with vandalism could be reduced. 2 2 2 2 2 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Work with EBRPD & County on Provides alternate None, development..of Iron Horse Trail transportation route for anticipate through Dublin pedestrians, bikes, & using grant equestrians funds 2 2 3 2 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (92 ) Work with Dublin Fine Arts Enhance City' s cultural Staff time Foundation to implement 1992 resources projects 2 1 1 2 2 1 . 6 Medium Low (91 ) Complete Dougherty Hills Park Plan Will allow the City to Additional in order that Rotary can adopt a pursue development of park Staff time; portion of the project sooner than originally Additional planned Costs estimated at $45, 000; will also increase City' s Maintenance costs earlier CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 15 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 1 2 1 1 1 1 . 2 Low Low (89 ) Participate in Citizens for Valley Undetermined $20, 000 in Performing Arts Center Study funding Committee required for consulting study ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (RECREATION) 3 To Be Determined (Burton) Develop purchase agreement with Dublin Cemetery and ALVHS to acquire Cemetery & Church. Establish a Heritage Task Force to determine the best way to manage, maintain, & operate the Heritage Center and report to Council for action/ $10, 700 to purchase church. To Be Determined (Moffatt) Consolidate & acquire the historical school, church, & Cemetery on Donlon. a:pg&o92-3 .J CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 16 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE PUBLIC SAFETY - POLICE . 3 3 3 2 3 2 .8 High High (89 ) Develop & implement a program to Reduce impact on None reduce commercial false alarms by essential police services 20% 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Report to Council on effectiveness Partially offsets cost of None of a cost recovery program for jail County booking fee charges booking fees to City 3 3 2 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Report to Council on Countywide Offset City' s towing cost None Vehicle Abatement Program 1. .2 2 3 2 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Report to Council on effectiveness Enable Council to better None of existing Traffic Enforcement assess community safety Program needs 2 2 2 2 1.5 1 . 9 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop & implement an applicant Service for individuals None fingerprint program seeking employment 2 2 3 3 2 2 . 4 Medium Medium (92) Increase Police involvement in Improve Officer/student None Middle School Athletic Programs relations ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) 2 To Be Determined (Burton) What is involved in having a "Ride Along" Program for outstanding "Safety Contest" Winners from High School? J CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 17 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE PUBLIC SAFETY - ANIMAL CONTROL 3 2 3 3 3 2 . 8 High High (86) Prepare report to Council on long Improve convenience & None for the term solution for animal shelter access to shelter report 2 2 2 3 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop strategies to increase dog Improve public health & None for the licensing safety report i ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ANIMAL CONTROL) Discuss (Jeffery) Pitch dog licensing in Community Calendar i CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 18 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE PUBLIC SAFETY - -DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Hold Disaster Simulation Exercise Tests the readiness of Exercise current emergency design response system consultant &critique servicesi 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Develop on-going Staff training City Staff will be required Training program to familiarize Staff with to provide services which funds responsibilities during an emergency may be different than their incident regular duties; training is important to their successful completion of the duties. 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Implement Community Based Residents may need to be None Neighborhood Preparedness Program capable of taking care of including seminars on key skills their own needs for 72 hours; required. training the residents is important for a successful program. 3 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 Medium Medium (91 ) Develop a Public Works Tri-Valley Improve City' s Disaster None Mutual Aid Agreement Response Capability ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) 3 Included in Emergency (Burton) Prepare public information on Preparedness Workbook evacuation sites (shelters) radio frequency for monitoring emergency information, etc r CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 19 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL : COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE Discuss (Burton/Jeffery) Doesn' t Public Works Tri-Valley Mutual Aid Agreement already exist? PUBLIC SAFETY - WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90 ) Complete adoption of Source State Mandated None Reduction Recycling Element of Integrated Waste Mgt Plan 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (90) Prepare a report on provision of Proposed Program in SRRE Staff time multi-family recycling service 2 3 3 3 3 2 . 8 High High (90) Prepare a report on potential means Proposed Program in SRRE Potential of implementing commercial recycling consultant program; i .e. targeted commodities, services both franchised vs. open competition legal & technical 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Report to City Council on proposed Measure D settlement None use of Measure D funds received requires that these funds through the settlement of litigation be expended on recycling/ resource recovery in one year 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Process review & adoption of County Required by State Law Potential Hazardous Waste Management Plan Study Session w/Consultant & Waste Mgt Authority Staff CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 20 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 1 2 3 3 2.5 2 . 3 Medium? Medium (92 ) Evaluate effectiveness of Community The success of the program None Promotion Program for existing requires continued efforts residential curbside recycling to increase diversion; All activities are currently handled by the Garbage Co 2 2 2 3 2.5 2 . 3 Medium Medium (92 ) Participate in Countywide studies Countywide efforts can Staff time which benefit Dublin' s SRRE goals provide information in a cost effective manner 1 1 1 2 2 1 . 4 Low Low (90) Prepare report on potential to Would provide an Staff time provide curbside waste oil recycling opportunity for residents to program dispose of waste oil 1 1 1 2 1 1 . 2 Low Low (92 ) Present Report to City Council on Included in SRRE None Model Recycled Content Procurement Policy 1 1 1 2 2 1 . 4 Low Low (92) Establish City policy to direct Included in SRRE None inert substances (concrete/asphalt) to recycling facility; Develop reporting mechanism to monitor diverted waste ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) To Be Determined (Jeffery) Composting Study Discuss (Jeffery) Print locations for waste oil recycling in calendar. a:pg&o92-4 J CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 21 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE TRANSPORTATION - MAINTENANCE 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (92) Implement 3 new community volunteer Saves tax dollars; increases None projects citizen involvement 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (91 ) Develop a Landscape Water use Policy Required by State Law; None to include a Recycled Water Policy Will conserve water resources 1 1 1 2 1 1 . 2 Low Low (92) Undertake Corporation yard Future City growth will Consultant Facilities..Studies overload existing Services corporation yard facility for equipment & material storage TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION 3 3 3 2 3 2 . 8 High High (88) Report to Council on Traffic Impact Eliminate individual Additional Fee traffic impact studies funds will be on new developments; will required result in cost savings to developer 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92) Coordinate I-580 Improvements with Insure cost effective Costs Pleasanton, CALTRANS, Alameda County construction of borne by for following interchanges : freeway improvements development (a) Eden (b) Schaeffer (c) El Charro CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 22 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (88) Work with Tri Valley Council to Improve coordination None develop Subregional Transportation of subregional trans- Plan portation improvements resulting in cost saving to the Cities (92 ) Implement Elements of Congestion Required by Law; City Additional Management Plan will lose gas tax funds Funds will be if not completed required 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High a. Develop & implement a trip reduction ordinance 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High b. Update Transportation Model four times per year 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High C. Monitor Dublin' s impact on regional transportation network on a project by project basis 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High d. Report to Council on County Transportation Plan 3 3 3 3 3 3 High High (92 ) Report to Council on BART Station & Reduce impact on None Parking Lot Design neighboring businesses ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (TRANSPORTATION) (Burton) Why will additional funds be required to report on Traffic Impact Fee? (Jeffery) Promote "Rides" in Dublin to encourage carpools for long rides Grant funds available. r CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1992 Page 23 INDIVIDUAL PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL COUNCIL COUNCIL STAFF PROPOSED OBJECTIVE RESOURCES PRIORITY PRIORITY PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL BENEFIT/NEED REQUIRED B H J M S AVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1 2 1.51 1.5 1 . 2 Low Medium Iron Horse Trail Provides alternate Anticipate transportation route for using grant pedestrians, equestrians & funds bikes; Ties in with trail in Contra Costa County ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS) To Be Determined (Burton) Iron Horse Trail will not be important until eastern Dublin Blvd & BART are completed To Be Determined (Jeffery) Fencing around Historical Area. Good Community Project - (Rotary, etc? ) a:pg&092-5 SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ALL PROGRAMS TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 General $ 288,985 $ 176,135 $ 24,000 $ 88,850 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Community Improvements 887,374 80,312 174,738 101 ,324 208,000 50,000 273,000 Parks 6,017,697 1 ,144,326 1 ,385,560** 671 ,256 1 ,072,800 1 ,217,255 526,500 Streets 18,923,990 354,403 1 ,742,841 6,688,368 1 ,191 ,600 4,884,278 4,062,500 Total Cost $26,118,046 $1 ,755,176 $3,327,139** $7,549,798 $2,472,400 $6,151 ,533 4,862,000 FINANCING * eneral Fund $4,803,520 $ 693,244 $ 875,724 $ 630,797 $ 806,200 $ 918,055 $ 879,500 Community Development Block Grant Fund 29,125 9,400 19,725 Federal Aid Urban Fund 2,193,325 948,369 744,956 180,608 319,392 Transportation Development Act (Article 3) Grant Fund 289,389 72,280 107,085 35,024 State Park Bond Act Fund 72,017 66,550 5,467 75,000 Park Dedication In-Lieu Fund 2,202,114 501 ,406 182,087 392,750 521 ,771 604,100 Measure B Fund 605,000 125,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Measure AA Fund 631 ,316 12,120 461 ,367 157,829 SAFCO Grant Fund 100,000 100,000 Capital Project Fund (Reim- bursements) *** 9,058,976 309,576 129,030 744,592 411 ,392 3,899,786 3,564,600 SB 140 Fund 377,280 104,125 273,155 Dublin Blvd Extension Fund 2,584,345 71 ,000 2,513,345 Dublin Blvd Assmnt District 1 ,534,400 1 ,534,400 Gas Tax 1 ,080,689 308,485 297,004 158,400 158,400 158,400 Gas Tax (Prop 111 ) 556,550 169,050 116,200 131 ,800 139,500 Total $26,118,046 $1 ,755,176 $3,327,139 $7,549,798 $2,472,400 $6,151 ,533 $4,862,000 Bess Capital Improvements (26,118,046) (1 ,755,176) (3,327,139) (7,549,798) (2,472,400) (6,151 ,533) (4,862,000) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0*** $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include the use of General Fund Reserves. ** Does not include final settlement payment on the Shannon Center Renovation of $8,151 , which was paid in 1990-91 . This project was completed prior to the 1990-91 CIP. *** Of the total $9,058,976 in Reimbursements identified, the City has received or has obligated to it $948,622 and $1 ,000,000 from BART for mitigation costs associated with the BART extension. If the City is unable to collect the remaining ($7,110,354) Reimbursements identified, those affected projects would require General Fund support, if available, or would have to be deferred. i I SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GENERAL TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 ' ) Data Processing System* $285,635 $176,135 $ 24,000 $ 85,500 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Civic Center Holiday Decorations 3,350 3,350 Total Cost $288,985 $176,135 $ 24,000 $ 88,850 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 FINANCING ** General Fund $288,985 $176,135 $ 24,000 $ 88,850 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total $288,985 $176,135 $ 24,000 $ 88,850 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Less Capital Improvements (288,985) (176,135) ( 24,000) ( 88,850) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Additional costs are anticipated beyond Fiscal Year 1991-92. However, the costs are not known at this time. ** Does not include the use of General Fund Reserves. ii v SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1) Sidewalk Safety Repair $283,240 Annual $ 48,216 $ 85,024 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 2) Downtown Promotional Banners 19,654 $ 354 3,000 16,300 3) City Entrance Signs 62,676 7,678 54,998 4) Catch Basin Grate Replacement 117,434 72,280 45,154 5) Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modifications 23,370 23,370 6) Downtown Identity Theme Program 158,000 158,000 7) widen Village Parkway Sidewalk 138,000 138,000 8) Street Name Identification Sign Replacement Program 85,000 85,000 Total Cost $ 887,374 $ 80,312 $174,738 $101,324 $208,000 $50,000 $273,000 FINANCING * General Fund $ 725,916 $ 8,032 $120,584 $ 66,300 $208,000 $50,000 $273,000 Transportation Development Act (Article 3) Grant 152,458 72,280 45,154 35,024 Capital Projects Fund (Reim- bursements) 9,000 9,000 Total $887,374 $ 80,312 $174,738 $101,324 $208,000 $50,000 $273,000 Less Capital Improvements (884,374) (80,312) (174,738) (101,324) (208,000) (50,000) (273,000) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include the use of General Fund Reserves. iii ti SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARKS TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1)Park & Pool Signs $ 33,245 $ 8,734 $ 24,511 $ 0 $ 0 - $ 0 $ 0 2)Shannon Park Renovation 1,097,583 508,310 589,273 3)Alamo Creek Park 386,499 263,929 122,570 4)Dublin Nigh School Football Field Renovation 944,007 363,353 485,348 95,306 5)Frederiksen Kindergarten Tot Lot 57,833 57,833 6)Senior Center Kitchen upgrade 29,125 9,400 19,725 7)Park & Recreation Facilities Masterplan 84,500 59,625 24,075 8)DUblin High School Baseball and Girls Athletic Field Renovation 594,800 37,000 224,600 333,200 9)Nielsen School Athletic Field 8 Play Area 388,000 58,800 329,200 Renovation 10)Wells-Cronin Athletic Field & Play Area Renovation 349,100 58,800 290,300 11)90' Baseball Diamond 19,100 19,100 12)Shannon Park Well 62,500 62,500 13)Shannon Center Exterior Painting 20,000 20,000 14)Bleachers-Dublin Sports Grounds 6,800 6,800 15)Dublin Swim Center Bathhouse Renovation 64,750 64,750 16)KOlb Park Handicapped Playground 10,000 10,000 17)Shannon Center Kitchen Floor Replacement 6,000 6,000 18)DUblin Sports Grounds Renovation 720,900 346,400 279,900 99,600 19)Mape Park Renovation 393,200 393,200 20)Dublin High School Tennis Court Renovation 210,975 210,975 21)DUblin High School Outdoor Lighting 22,680 22,680 22)Murray School Athletic Field Renovation 379,500 379,500 23)Frederiksen School Athletic Field Renovation 86,600 86,600 24)Dougherty Hills Park Design Study 50,000 50,000 Total Cost $6,017,697 $1,144,326 $1,385,560* $671,256 $1,072,800 $1,217,255 $526,500 FINANCING * General Fund $2,620,278 $ 211,232 $ 667,002 $209,189 $ 393,200 $ 613,155 $526,500 Community Development Block Grant Fund 29,125 9,400 19,725 State Park Bond Act Fund 72,017 66,550 5,467 0 Park Dedication In-Lieu Fund 2,202,114 501,406 182,087* 392,750 521,771 604,100 Measure AA Fund 631,316 12,120 461,367 0 157,829 SAFCO Grant Fund 100,000 100,000 0 0 Capital Project Funds (Reim- bursements) ** 362,847 253,018 60,237 49,592 Total $6,017,697 $1,144,326 $1,385,560 $671,256 $1,072,800 $1,217,255 $526,500 Less Capital Improvements (6,017,697) (1,144,326) (1,385,560) (671,256) (1,072,800) (1,217,255) (526,500) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include final settlement payment on the Shannon Center Renovation of $8,151 which was paid in 1990-91. This project was completed prior to the 1990-91 CIP. ** Of the $362,847 in Reimbursements, the City has received or has obligated to it, the entire amount. I SUMMARY 1990-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREETS TOTAL PRIOR PROJECT COST YEARS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1)Annual Street Overlay Program $1,089,399 Annual $ 289,399 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 2)DOUgherty Road Bike Path 136,931 $ 0 61,931 75,000 3)San Ramon Road Phase IV 2,429,605 186,075 1,201,020 1,042,510 4)I-580/I-680 (tamp widening 111,764 55,930 55,034 5)Dublin Blvd Improvements- Donlon Way to Village Parkway 1,831,000 74,529 59,793 365,000 214,000 1,117,678 6)DUblin Blvd Extension- Dougherty Rd East to Southern Pacific R-O-W 4,342,400 0 71,000 4,271,400 7)Dougherty Rd Improvements South of SPRR 1,187,000 22,042 0 114,958 378,000 672,000 8)DUblin Blvd/Silvergate Or Intersection Improvements 292,000 0 292,000 9)DOwntown Infrastructure 13,608 6,744 3,864 3,000 Impact Fee Study 10)Dublin Blvd Bridge over Alamo Creek Repair 235,200 40,500 194,700 11)Street Subdrains 274,000 274,000 12)Landscape Silvergate Drive Medians 152,600 152,600 13)Traffic Signals-Village Parkway @ Brighton Drive & @ Tamarack Drive 289,483 9,083 10,000 270,400 14)DOwntown Street Light Additions 247,000 247,000 15)New Street Parallel to and South of Dublin Blvd 3,692,500 2,361,000 1,331,500 16)1-580 Offramp Improvements @ San Ramon Road 761,000 68,500 692,500 17)ROad Parallel to SPRR - Dougherty Rd to Dublin Blvd Extension 1,838,500 1,838,500 Total Cost $18,923,990 $ 354,403 $1,742,841 $6,680,368 $1,191,600 $4,884,278 $4,062,500 FINANCING * General Fund $ 1,168,341 $ 297,845 $ 64,138 $ 266,458 $205,000 $ 254,900 $ 80,000 Federal Aid Urban Fund 2,193,325 948,369 744,956 180,608 319,392 Transportation Development Act (Article B) Grant Fund 136,931 61,931 75,000 Measure B Fund 605,000 125,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Capital Project Fund (Reim- bursements) ** 8,687,129 56,558 59,793 695,000 411,392 3,899,786 3,564,600 SB 140 Fund 377,280 104,125 273,155 Dublin Blvd Extension Fund 2,584,345 71,000 2,513,345 Dublin Blvd Assessment Dist 1,534,400 1,534,400 Gas Tax 1,080,689 308,485 297,004 158,400 158,400 158,400 Gas Tax (Prop 111) 556,550 169,050 116,200 131,800 139,500 Total $18,923,990 $354,403 $1,742,841 $6,688,368 $1,191,600 $4,884,278 $4,062,500 Less Capital Improvements (18,923,990) (354,403) (1,742,841) (6,688,368) (1,191,600) (4,884,278) (4,062,500) Surplus (Deficit) $ 0** $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 * Does not include the use of General Fund Reserves. ** Of the $8,687,129 in Reimbursements the City has received or has obligated to it $576,775. It is important to note that BART is required by the Dublin BART Extension EIR to contribute $1,000,000 toward certain roadway improvements, if the West Dublin BART station is built. If the City is unable to collect the remaining reimbursements identified, those affected projects would require General Fund support, if available, or would have to be deferred. v