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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.3 Amendment to Fee Schedule CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 10, 1992 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Fee Schedule Related to 1) Receipt of Meeting Agendas 2) Annual Budget Document O) Annual Capital Improvement Program Document eport Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Resolution amending Exhibit 7 (General Fees for Service) of Resolution No. 96-84 RECOMMENDATION: TX Open public hearing Receive Staff presentation Receive public testimony Close public hearing Deliberate Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below DESCRIPTION: In August of 1984, the City adopted a Resolution establishing fees and charges for certain municipal services. Exhibit 7 of Resolution No. 96-84 established specific fees for: Receipt of Meeting Agendas $12 . 00 per year Photo Copies $ 0. 10 per page Annual Budget Document $ 5. 00 per copy Annual Capital Improvement Plan $ 5. 00 per copy Maps Cost Plans and Specifications Cost Aerial Photographs Cost Other Printed Documents Cost Staff recently prepared an analysis of actual costs incurred by the City for publication of agendas and also surveyed surrounding agencies. Actual costs per meeting agenda were calculated as follows: Postage $ .29 Copies (Assumes 2 Pages) $ . 20 Envelope $ . 06 Mileage to Post Office $ . 28 Labor (including overhead) to copy, fold, stuff envelopes & deliver to Post Office $4 . 68 Total Costs Incurred by City for Each Agenda = $5.51 Neighboring cities currently charge: Pleasanton $24/year San Ramon $20/year Livermore $38/year Danville $20/year The Dublin City Council holds an average of 30 meetings per year. Therefore, actual annual costs incurred by the City for agenda subscriptions equal approximately $165. Because this cost would be prohibitive to the majority of the recipients of the agendas, Staff proposes to implement an annual City Council agenda subscription fee of $40. Complete agenda packets are available for review by citizens at no cost several days prior to each City Council meeting at both the Dublin Library and in the City Clerk's Office. ------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: T Y CL-MR 1Z 1 ITEM NO. F a v The Planning Commission holds an average of 24 meetings per year. Therefore, actual annual costs equal approximately $132 . Planning Department Staff has, in the past, allowed recipients to provide self- addressed stamped envelopes in order to receive the Planning Commission agendas, with no additional fee charged. Subscribers who provide no envelopes are charged $12 per year. In order to provide for uniformity, Staff proposes to eliminate the option for subscribers to provide envelopes and implement an annual Planning Commission agenda subscription fee of $30. The Park & Recreation Commission holds an average of 12 meetings per year. Therefore, actual annual costs equal approximately $66. The list of agenda recipients for this Commission is considerably smaller and Staff proposes to implement an annual Park & Recreation Commission agenda subscription fee of $18. With regard to the annual Budget and CIP documents, the City of Dublin currently charges $5. 00 for each of these documents, plus postage, if mailed. Neighboring cities currently charge: Budget CIP Livermore $10. 00 * $10. 00 * Danville $10. 00 * $15. 00 * San Ramon $15. 00 (Budget & CIP = 1 document) Pleasanton Summaries provided free of charge Considering Implementing Charges for Complete Documents * Includes Postage $25. 00 $75. 00 Staff proposes implementation of a flat fee of $10. 00 for each of the 2 documents, plus postage, if mailing is requested. No fee adjustments have been made for agenda subscriptions, Budget or CIP documents' since establishment of the fees in 1984 . In summary, Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the Exhibit 7 fee schedule as follows: Receipt of City Council Agendas $40 er p year Receipt of Planning Commission Agendas $30 per year Receipt of Park & Recreation Commission Agendas $18 per year Photo Copies $0. 10 per page (no change proposed)Annual Budget Document $l0 per copy + postage Annual Capital Improvement Program Document $10 per copy + postage Maps Cost Plans and Specifications Cost Aerial Photographs Cost Other Printed Documents Cost Public Hearing notices were published twice in accordance with the requirements of State Law related to fee adjustments. City Council agenda recipients were also provided with individual notices that the Council would' be reviewing fees at the February 10th meeting. RESOLUTION NO. - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING EXHIBIT 7 OF RESOLUTION NO. 96-84 ADOPTING FEES FOR CERTAIN MUNICIPAL SERVICES WHEREAS, Resolution No. 96-84 adopting fees, charges, and bond amendments for certain municipal services was adopted by the City Council on August 27, 1984 ; and WHEREAS, a review of charges for receipt of agendas, annual Budget document, and annual Capital Improvement Program document was performed; and WHEREAS, as required by State Law, the City Clerk published twice the notice of the public hearing to consider an adjustment to fees and provided notice to interested parties; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on February 10, 1992 ; and WHEREAS, the City desires to modify the fee schedule for certain municipal services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve amendments to Exhibit 7 General Fees for Service as follows: Receipt of City Council Agendas $40 per year Receipt of Planning Commission Agendas $30 per year Receipt of Park & Recreation Commission Agendas $18 per year Photo Copies $0. 10 per page Annual Budget Document $10 per copy + postage Annual Capital Improvement Program Document $10 per copy + postage Maps Cost Plans and Specifications Cost Aerial Photographs Cost Other Printed Documents Cost PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of February, 1992 . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk