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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 Traffic Engineering Contract Review CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: June 24, 1991 SUBJECT: \ Traffic Engineering Contract Review - TJKM C Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Memo from Chris Kinzel, TJKM 2) Current TJKM agreement dated October 14, 1985, with current amendment showing rates effective for Fiscal Year 1990-91 3) Resolution and proposed TJKM agreement amendment RECOMMENDATION: 1) Review services of TJKM 2) Adopt resolution approving amendment to agreement with TJKM and authorize Mayor to execute FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See below. DESCRIPTION: Traffic Engineering services are provided to Dublin by the firm of TJKM Transportation Consultants. Originally, TJKM functioned as a subcontractor under the Santina and Thompson agreement. In 1985, the City entered into a separate agreement with both Santina and Thompson and with TJKM. Chris Kinzel has prepared the attached self-evaluation of his firm's performance. The staff report will highlight pertinent sections of the information. In addition, the existing contract and an amendment covering the new rate schedule is attached for review. Outline of Services Provided TJKM provides traffic engineering services generally in the areas of private development review, Capital Improvement design and construction review. In addition, they perform traffic engineering studies as a result of citizen or City requests. These functions have been performed in a timely and professional manner. ' Approximately 50 studies have been made this year as a result of Staff or resident requests. A complete list is included with Table 1 of Mr. Kinzel's memorandum (Exhibit 1) . Some of the more significant ones were the Silvergate Drive Traffic Study, Nielsen School Crossing Guard Study, Dougherty Road median closure at Pak N Save driveway, and the annual traffic accident analysis and safety recommendations. TJKM also performed a crossing guard study at Murray School. This study has not been presented to the City Council. The study indicated that the traffic volumes did not meet the warrants for a crossing guard. TJKM plans to review this study in the fall to see if traffic volumes have increased to the point that a crossing guard would be warranted. The residents who requested the review have been informed of the status. TJKM has participated in the Traffic Mitigation Fee Study; private development review for a number of projects including the Office Club, Chevron Station, McDonald' s, and Donlan Canyon; and the DRFA fire station location study. TJKM also reviews and makes changes to signal timing as needed. A representative of TJKM attends meetings of the Traffic Safety Committee and performs necessary studies and makes recommendations. This Committee is made up of the Public Works Director, Senior Civil Engineer, Maintenance Superintendent, a member of TJKM's staff, and representatives of Dublin Police Services. The Committee reviews and responds to citizen concerns with traffic issues. In addition, the Committee initiates a review of problems ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM N0. COPIES TO: Chris Kinzel, TJKM ,,,� 590 -i0 identified by Staff. The Committee has been reasonably effective in responding to requests as well as bringing traffic problems to light and solving them. This allows Staff to make recommendations to the City Council based on joint review by representatives from several City departments. Cost Effectiveness TJKM proposes to continue to charge the City at a reduced (80%) hourly rate for general traffic studies. This reduced rate type of work amounted to 68% of TJKM's charges for the 89-90 fiscal year and an estimated 56% for the 1990-91 fiscal year. The remainder was expended on capital projects and on private development review (for which the City is reimbursed by developers) . The balance between types of projects fluctuates from year to year as noted in the chart below. A breakdown of TJKM's billings by fiscal year is as follows: Rev. Budget/ Projected Estimated Budget 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 Gen. Traffic Engr. $42,986 $46,023 $32,490 $45,761 $64,200 $ 50,000 Private Dev. 9,491 12,616 6,588 7,305 33,200 7,500 Capital Projects 43,377 39,364 12,882 14,493 16,500 17,000 Total $95,854 $98,003 $51,960 $67,559 $113,900 $ 74,500 The total engineering fees vary, based mostly on the Capital Improvement Program devoted to the design of traffic signals and related improvements and on the private development review workload. In the 1990-91 fiscal year, some large individual studies directed by the City Council contributed to the increase in the general traffic engineering fees. During 1990, TJKM provided their services utilizing 16 different employee classifications. Approximately 39.8% of the time expended was at a Transportation Engineer/Planner level. The current full hourly rate for this position is $85.00 per hour. Approximately 10% of the hours in 1990 were performed by a Principal classification. Table 3 of TJKM' s memorandum identifies the breakdown of total hours expended by each of the positions. This information demonstrates that the work is being performed at the most appropriate level, which results in a cost efficient service. Table 2 of TJKM's memorandum utilizes the information discussed above and shows the costs by three project types: - General Traffic Engineering - Private Development Review - Capital Projects Table 2 also identifies the average hourly rate by each of these categories. As shown, the average hourly rate for all work in 1990 was $59.90 per hour. Staff has also reviewed the 1989 data, and the average hourly rate was relatively unchanged. This data demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of services provided by TJKM. 1991-92 General Engineering TJKM will continue to staff the City's Traffic Safety Committee and provide traffic safety studies on an as-directed basis, as well as prepare the annual traffic safety report. This report includes analysis of high accident locations, the accident map, and the updating of traffic volume counts at selected intersections. Review of Private Development TJKM also reviews private development projects to analyze and make recommendations for traffic-related improvements. This year, prior to setting a downtown traffic development fee, each project was individually analyzed for its traffic impacts, and fees were levied accordingly. 2 - Significant 1991-92 Capital Projects Capital Improvement projects that TJKM will be working on in 1991-92 are: 1) San Ramon Road Phase IV - signal inspection and timing. 2) Dublin Boulevard Improvements (Donlon Way to Village Parkway) - review of design and inspection of signals and striping. 3) Dublin Boulevard Extension - Dougherty Road to Tract 5900 - signal design and inspection. 4) Dougherty Road Improvements South of Southern Pacific Right-of-Way - design of striping and signal modifications. The provision of these services is budgeted within each individual project contained in the proposed 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget. Proposed Agreement Mr. Kinzel has requested hourly rate increases which average 6.1%. Table 5 of Mr. Kinzel' s letter identifies these proposed rate changes, including the percentage of increase per personnel classification. Table 3 of the proposal provides a breakdown of hours expended by personnel classification during calendar year 1990. Based on these person-hour figures, Staff calculated that the actual average increase would be about 7.1%, since some personnel classifications spend more time than others on Dublin projects. TJKM's rate increases have amounted to 2.5%, 3%, and 12.5% over the last three years, an average increase of 6% per year over the three year period. The proposed 6.1% increase (7.1% based on a weighted staffing average) for 1991-92 is, therefore, in line with previous years' increases. TJKM's charges for general engineering and studies, which account for the major portion of their work, are billed at 80% of the contract rate, as shown in the hourly rate schedule. It was noted that private development work, which is billed at 100% of the contract rate, is not clearly defined in the present agreement, and therefore, the proposed amendment adds private development review to Section III (B) of the agreement. In spite of the rate increase, TJKM's overall charges to the City of Dublin are projected to decrease in FY 1991-92 for the following reasons: 1) The City has hired a full-time Senior Civil Engineer with a Traffic Engineering background. It is proposed that this City employee will become responsible for some of the general traffic engineering work that has been performed by TJKM in the past. 2) Since the formation of the Traffic Safety Committee, the number of requests for special traffic studies relative to stop signs, speeding, and so forth, has declined, and those which are received are handled in a timely manner. Staff feels that the TSC's proactive approach to potential problems is at least partially responsible for this trend. 3) The amount of private development review is expected to decrease, as residential projects are put on hold due to economic trends. 4) The Downtown Traffic Impact Fee will be in effect, which will preclude the extensive individual development traffic impact fee studies. Areas to Improve TJKM's evaluation for FY 1990-91 indicated the need for improvement in the areas of signal operation and timing and construction traffic control. Over the past year, City Staff has worked with TJKM to effect several changes in signal timing to improve traffic flow. Construction traffic control standards have been implemented for the encroachment permit process, and TJKM's traffic signal specialists have been spending more time reviewing signal timing and operations. These items will continue to require monitoring in the future as new projects and increased traffic create a need for updates. 3 - The City of Dublin has typically utilized the State (Caltrans) standards for signing and pavement marking. Through the Traffic Safety Committee, City Staff will be working with TJKM to establish formal City of Dublin standards and practices in this area. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council review the written and oral reports, provide input, and adopt the resolution approving the amendment to the agreement. - 4 - C � � MAR 1991 MEMORANDUM �IJ&I March 7, 1991 TO: Lee Thompson, City Engineer FROM: Chris D. Kinzel SUBJECT: City of Dublin Contract Review and FY 1991-92 Proposal This memorandum provides information about the traffic engineering services TJKM provides to the City of Dublin. The first section of this memorandum deals with a self-assessment of TJKM performance over the past year. Performance Assessment 1. Contract Compliance The administrative duties, development review duties and capital projects that TJKM has participated in include the review of routine citizen requests, requests from the City Council for traffic control changes, new traffic signal designs, traffic impact analyses for proposed development, review of site plans for proposed development, signal timing studies, planning of road network improvements, speed surveys, and investigation of school related traffic safety issues. See Table 1 for a list of specific projects. We believe these services have been provided in a "prompt, professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the standards of the engineering profession". During the past year, TJKM has continued to participate in the City Traffic Committee which meets twice a month. The meeting is attended by representatives of the City Engineer's Office, Maintenance, TJKM, and the Police Department. The committee allows for a high level of coordination of traffic engineering and traffic safety issues among the affected departments. The committee also facilitates the prompt and coordinated response to City Council agenda items. Many routine items are resolved at the meeting and other more complex issues are designated for further study with the knowledge of all parties. 4637 Chabot Drive,Suite 214, Pleasanton,Califorr _ a Fill° < PLEASANTON•SACRAMENTO•FRESNC Lee Thompson -2- March 7, 1991 TJKM staffing for City of Dublin traffic engineering services has been fairly consistent. Transportation Engineer David Othling has attended the City Traffic Committee meetings since June and has performed most of the traffic investigations assigned by the committee, City Engineer, or he City Manager. David and Transportation Planner Gerri Langtry have conducted most of the traffic impact evaluations for proposed development in the City of Dublin. They have been supervised by Principal Associate Ty Tekawa and Principal Chris Kinzel, both of whom are registered Professional Engineers. Ty Tekawa provided general review and coordination of all traffic engineering design functions including traffic signals and signing and striping design or review. Associate John Gildea coordinates signal timing and operations. Chris Kinzel makes most of the presentations at City Council meetings, and provides overall direction to other TJKM staff members. Other TJKM staff are assigned as needed to assist the four primary Dublin team members, particularly in the area of design and field data collection. Much of the design work is accomplished at the Assistant Traffic Engineer or Traffic Engineer level. The TJKM goal continues to be to provide quality traffic engineering services to the City of Dublin at the lowest possible job.classification level, while providing appropriate review and supervision. 2. Availability Traffic engineering services are provided to the City of Dublin from TJKM's corporate headquarters in northern Pleasanton, a couple of miles from the Dublin City Hall. We feel we have been available as needed and requested by the City staff. 3. Responsiveness Generally, other than safety related items, traffic engineering matters do not require immediate response. We feel our overall responsiveness has improved in the past year. 4. Cost Effectiveness During the twelve calendar months of 1990, TJKM invested a total of 1,600 hours on Dublin projects and invoiced a total of$95,838. Dividing the total billings by the total hours, indicates that the average hourly rate was $59.90, about the same as last years rate. Of the total billings, $75,525 (79 percent) was for regular day to day traffic services, $16,620 (17 percent) was for private developer funded studies, and $3,693 (4 percent) was for design of capital projects. Table 3 shows the 1990 billings by TJKM job classification. Table 4 summarizes the TJKM billings for the past four fiscal years by work category and estimates the current year final billings. The 1991-92 budget is also indicated from work load discussions with the City Engineer. Lee Thompson -3- March 7, 1991 A 40 percent increase in TJKM general traffic engineering billings is expected for fiscal year 1990-91. This is due in part to TJKM's contributions on several sensitive safety-oriented projects which involved a significant amount of coordination with the City staff and private citizens. These included the Nielsen School Crossing Guard and Traffic Circulation Study, the Murray School Crossing Guard Study, and the Silvergate Speed Control Study. Mehran Sepehri has recently joined the City of Dublin as the Senior Civil Engineer. Mehran's experience and traffic engineering background will allow the City of Dublin to perform more traffic related studies in-house which could result in reduced TJKM billings in the next fiscal year. 5. Program Development and Implementation This item deals with timeliness and accuracy and would best be addressed by the City Engineer and the City staff. Proposal TJKM proposes to continue offering transportation engineering services to the City of Dublin during the City's 1991-92 Fiscal Year (FY) of July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992. The proposed hourly rates for FY 1991-92 are indicated in Table 5. The table also provides a comparison of the current and proposed City of Dublin contract rates. The proposed full rates would apply to any capital improvement project or projects funded by private developers. The proposed reduced rates would apply to all other traffic engineering services provided by TJKM. The reduced rates are 80 percent of the full rates. The proposed rates average a 6.8 percent increase over the current rates. TJKM requires no insurance subsidy from the City of Dublin. Our errors and omission insurance limits are $500,000. As to ways that traffic engineering services can be improved in the City of Dublin, we feel there has been measurable improvement in some areas. The Traffic Safety Committee has been taking more of a proactive role than in previous years. Traffic signal timing, operation, and special maintenance and traffic operations during street and utility construction and maintenance has improved, but is in need of continuing attention. Also, the establishment of formal standards and procedures for the implementation of traffic signing, striping and pavement markings would be beneficial. We have appreciated the opportunity to conduct traffic reviews of proposed development in the City of Dublin. We feel we have been able to contribute positive comments resulting in improved access to public streets, circulation, and parking within each development. We hope to continue in this role. We continue to be sensitive to the issue of conflict of interest or a perception of conflict. TJKM has extensive involvement with many public and private entities in the Tri-Valley, hopefully to the advantage of the City of Dublin. We appreciate the City's flexibility in this area. Lee Thompson -4- March 7, 1991 TJKM is very pleased to be providing traffic engineering service to the City of Dublin and hopes to continue providing such services as long as the City desires. The advantages of utilizing TJKM's consulting services include the availability of a variety of experienced senior transportation professionals to handle peak loads. Please contact me if there are questions on any of these matters. ca Attachments 157-001.CON L Table 1 TJKM 1990 PROJECTS Annual Safety Report Annual Downtown Traffic Monitoring Report Dublin Boulevard Extension San Ramon Road Phase 4 Construction Assistance Dublin Boulevard Signals and Timing Emergency Vehicle Signal Pre-emption (Opticom) Analysis Downtown Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Study Traffic Safety Committee Meetings General Signal Timing Dublin BART EIR Review Dougherty Road Improvement Project Review Donlon Commons Review Amador Valley Blvd.Nork Drive Striping Dublin Boulevard/Silvergate Drive Preliminary Intersection Design Silvergate Speed Control Study East Dublin General Plan Amendment Village Parkway Signal Warrants Study Regional St./Dublin Blvd. Re-striping Attendance at City Council Meetings Attendance at Planning Commission Meetings Office Club Traffic Impact Fee and Plan Review Chevron Traffic Impact Fee and Plan Review Shamrock Ford Traffic Impact Fee and Plan Review 8119 Locust Place No Parking Zone San Ramon Rd./Alcosta Blvd. As-built Plans Fire Station Location Study BP Oil Plan Review McDonalds Traffic Impact Fee and Plan Review Arroyo Vista Signing and Striping Dougherty Rd./Fall Creek Sight Distance Topaz Circle Sight Distance Murray School Crossing Guard Study Town and Country Traffic Impact Fee and Plan Review Stagecoach Road Signing and Striping Transportations Systems Management Program Dublin Meadows Sight Distance Review Amador Valley Blvd./Emerald Stop Sign Review Donlon Canyon Plan Review Nielsen School Crossing Guard and Access Study Dougherty Rd. Speed Survey Bandon Signing and Striping Del Paso Plan Review Village Pkwy. Stop Sign Study Dublin Speed Survey Silvergate Dr. Stop Signs San Ramon Rd. Bike Path at The Springs Donlon Way/Springs Apartments Access Study Alcosta Blvd./San Ramon Rd. Signal Operations Pak 'N Save Access Study Various Traffic and Intersection Studies Various Capital Improvement Projects Various Signing and Striping Projects Various Field Investigations TABLE 2 1990 TJKM BILLINGS BY PROJECT TYPE Average Protect Type Amount Hours Rate $/HR General Traffic 75,525 1,103 . 68.47 Engineering Private Development 16,620 448 37.10 Review Capital Projects 3,693 49 75.37 Total 95,838 1,600 59.90 TABLE 3 1990 TJKM BILLINGS BY JOB CLASSIFICATION Hours Percentage Principal 168 10.4 Principal Associate 263 16.3 Senior Associate 0 0.0 Associate 57 3.6 Senior Traffic Engineer 16 1.0 Senior Transportation 0 0.0 Engineer/Planner Traffic Engineer 1 0.1 Transportation Engineer/ 638 39.8 Planner Assistant Traffic Engineer 36 2.3 Traffic Engineering Assistant 0 0.0 Technician IV 73 4.6 Technician III 12 0.8 Technician II 100 6.3 Technician 1 92 5.8 Graphics Designer 24 1.5 Designer 0 0.0 Drafter 23 1.4 Project Coordinator 2 0.1 Word Processing Supervisor 28 1.8 Secretarial/Word Processing 65 4.1 Computer 2 0_1 Total 1,600 100.0 TABLE 4 TJKM BILLINGS BY FISCAL YEAR Estimated Budget Project Type 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 General Traffic Engineering $42,986 $46,023 $32,490 $45,761 $64,200 $50,000 Private Development Review 9,491 12,616 6,588 7,305 33,200 7,500 Capital Projects 43,377 39,364 12,882 14,493 16,500 17,000 Total $95,854 $98,003 $51,960 $67,559 $113,900 $74,500 5/29/91 TABLES TJKM HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Current- Reduced Proposedb Reduced° Percentage 90-91 90-91 91-92 91-92 Increase Principal $130 $96 $140 $103 7.3 Principal Associate 110 88 120 94 6.8 Senior Associate 100 80 110 86 7.5 Associate 95 76 105 82 8.3 Senior Traffic Engineer 90 72 100 77 6.9 Senior Transportation Engineer/Planner 90 72 100 77 6.9 Traffic Engineer 85 68 90 72 5.9 Transportation Engineer/Planner 85 68 90 72 5.9 Assistant Traffic Engineer 75 58 80 64 6.7 Traffic Engineering Assistant 60 48 65 52 8.3 Technician IV 50 40 52 42 4.0 Technician 111 43 34 45 36 4.7 Technician 11 35 28 37 30 5.7 Technician 1 20 16 22 18 10.0 Graphics Designer 60 48 65 52 8.3 Designer 50 40 55 44 10.0 Drafter 45 36 48 39 6.7 Project Coordinator 50 40 50 40 0.0 Word Processing Supervisor 46 37 48 39 4.3 Secretarial/Word Processing 44 35 46 37 4.5 Computer 30 30 30 30 0.0 Average Percentage Increase 6.1 Expert witness charges available on request. Current TJKM rates in the City of Dublin, effective until July 1, 1991. b These rates shall apply for capital improvement design work and private development review as indicated in the master agreement. These rates are a maximum of 80 percent of TJKM standard rates, and shall apply to general traffic engineering services, excluding capital improvement design and private development review. A G R E E M E N T 1985 , This Agreement is made and entered into thisferredito as 'City" ) , and by and between the City of Dublin hereinafter referred to as "Consultant" ) . TJKM Transportation Consultants , WHEREAS, City is desirous of the services of a City Traffic Engineer and related engineering; and WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to render said necessary services and desires to serve as City Traffic Engineer to City. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows : I , DUTIES OF CONSULTANT Consultant agrees to provide those engineering services that may be required by the City of Dublin during the term of this agreement in a prompt, professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the standards of the engineering profession. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction City may, at followingtdu discretion, duties : request per A. Administrative Duties 1. Perform the statutory responsibilities of City Traffic Engineer. 2. Analyze the City' s traffic engineering needs and recommend programs to the City Manager consistent with the economic capabilities of the City. 3 . Attend meetings with City Staff, public officials , community leaders , developers , contractors , and the general public, as required by the City. 4. At the discretion of the City, review and comment on planning programs and land development projects which are not only located within the City, but also located outside the City and which may have a traffic impact on the City. 5 . Advise the City Manager as to engineering and construction financing available from other governmental agencies and when so directed, prepare -and initiate application for such fundings. 6. Recommend ordinances and regulations pertaining to traffic engineering matters . 7. Establish working relationships and coordination with other public agencies and private utilities involving traffic engineering matters affecting the City. 8. Provide special engineering reports as to such related traffic studies . 9 . Give direction to and assist City Staff -in performing traffic studies as necessary and/or required. +' 10. At the request of the City, recommend solutions to street design problems . 11. Provide general engineering consultation in connection with traffic circulation, street signs , noise impact, etc. Page 1 M S. ,U .k Kt�z•--1� ti h w �� C. Development Review Duties 1 . Review proposed developments and make recommendations pertaining to traffic engineering considerations . 2 . Review traffic engineering aspects of planning applications . D. Capital Projects 1 . Assist City Manager in development of a capital improvement program that relates to traffic matters. 2 . Upon specific and separate authorization by the City, prepare plans and specifications for traffic related capital improvement projects. It is understood that Consultant will provide design services for most traffic related capital improvement projects . However, the City reserves the right to bid any project or bring in -specialists when deemed necessary by the City or the Consultant. A capital improvement is defined as any project in which the construction is performed by someone other than the City forces or the City' s designated street maintenance contractor. II . DESIGNATION AS CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER For the term of this agreement, the following employee of consultant is to be designated as City Traffic Engineer: Chris Kinzel Registered Traffic Engineer III. COMPENSATION Consultant shall be compensated for work as follows : A. The following work shall be charged at 80 percent of the rates shown in Exhibit A: 1. General Traffic Engineering services and studies excluding capital improvement project design. B. The following work shall be charged at the rates shown in Exhibit A: 1 . Capital improvement design work, which is billed on a time and material basis . Prior to proceeding with the work, a maximum estimated budget shall be established by City and shall not be exceeded without approval of the City Manager. C. The City shall not pay for the cost of commuting from the Consultant ' s office to Dublin City Office. Page 2 IV. COLLECTION OF FEES All fees to be collected from any private developer, engineer, or architect in connection with the carrying out of the functions set forth above, if collected by engineer shall be collected in the name of the Clfv- Engineer shall employ record keeping measures acceptable to the City. fees are collected by the City, engineer shall review the appropriate ordinances and fee schedules in effect by City and shall provide to the persons designated by the City for collection of fees , the amount of such fees to be collected. V. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS In the performance of the work undertaken pursuant to this agreement , consultant is deemed to be an independent contractor. Consultant ' s employees are not to be considered employees of the City of Dublin for any purpose. VI . ASSIGNABILITY This agreement shall not be assignable or transferable by the Consultant without the expressed written consent of the City Manager. VII , OWNERSHIP OF WORK All documents , data studies , surveys , drawings , maps and reports furnished to the Consultant by the City, as well as reports and supportive is contract shall be considered the data prepared by the Consultant under th property of the City of Dublin and upon request at the completion of the services to be performed, they will be turned over to the City of Dublin. VIII, PERFORMANCE OF WORK Consultant agrees to perform work as stated in this agreement to the satisfaction of the City. Ix. LIABILITY COVERAGE A. City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wage or other compensation to any person employed by the Consultant performing services for the City. B. Consultant firm shall hold harmless the City from damages , costs or expenses that may arise because of damage to property or injury to persons received or suffered by reason of the operation of engineering firm which may be occasioned by any negligent act or omission to act which amounts to negligence on the part of the Consultant or any of its agents , officers and employees and subcontractors . C. Consultant agrees to provide at its own expense general liability insurance in an amount not less than $1, 000 , 000 and further name the City as an additional insured. Page 3 D. Consultant shall provide the City with evidence that it has covering 500 ria000its employees and professiona Worker's Compensation Insurance l liability insurance in the amount o E. Consultant shall assume liability for the wrongful or negligent acts , errors and omissions of its officers , agents and employees and subcontractors in regard to any functions or activity carried out by them on behalf of the City. X. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this agreement shall be from the date first written above until terminated. vidin city the firmterminate writtenrnoticeof In the the engineering firm mi pro g engineering firm shall be compensated for event of such termination, the eng_ 9 such services up to the point of termination. Such compensation for work to the percentage of progress completed at in progress would be prorated as the date of termination. If the engineering firm terminates its services to the City, it must provide the City with written notice at least 90 dayssin adovance of such termination. All notices to the City City Manager City of Dublin 6500 Dublin Boulevard, Suite 101 Dublin, CA 94568 All notices to Consultant shall be addressed to: TJKM 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 214 Pleasanton, CA 94568 Notices , as referred to above , shall be sent via ' stered Mail. CITY OF D LIW/ By Mayor AT F City Cle TJKM By Chris Kinzel APPROVED AS/;TO FORM: City Attorney Page 4 EXHIBIT A TJKM PROPOSED HOURLY CHARGE RATES * 1984 Rates Proposed Rates Difference Principal $ 90 $ 98 + $ 8 Principal Associate 78 82 + $ 4 Senior Associate 74 76 + $ 2 Associate 69 72 + $ 3 Senior Traffic Engineer 65 68 + $ 3 Senior Transportation Engr 65 68 + $ 3 Traffic Engineer 55 60 + $ 5 Transportation Engineer NP 60 NC Assistant Traffic Engineer 44 49 + $ 5 Traffic Engineering Assistant39 42 + $ 3 Technician II 34 34 0 Technician I 22 22 0 Graphics Supervisor NP 42 NC Draftsman 29 34 + $ 5 Secretarial 32 35 + $ 3 Computer 30 30 0 Above rates include standard overhead items . Travel costs are billed at 30 cents/mile. Outside services are billed at cost plus 10 percent for handling. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days. Invoices paid after 30 days will be subject to separate billings of 1 1/2 percent per month of unpaid balance. Late charges are not included in any agreement for maximum charges. Expert witness charges available on request. * Fees are reduced by 20% for General Traffic Engineering services and studies excluding capital improvement project design. Effective March 1 , 1985 EXHIBIT "A" AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND TJKM FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and TJKM Transportation Consultants (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT") first entered into an agreement on October 14, 1985, to provide traffic engineering services to the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the fees established in Exhibit "A" of the most recent amendment to the agreement were effective from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990; and WHEREAS , CITY wishes to continue contracting for services from CONSULTANT; and WHEREAS, an adjustment of fees for services rendered is desirable by both CITY and CONSULTANT; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1: Adjustment of Rates The TJKM hourly rate schedule (Exhibit "A") shall replace the rate schedule which was adopted by the City Council on June 27 , 1989. The change in rates shall be effective from July 1, 1990 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 1991, or until rescinded or amended by the City Council according to the provisions of the agreement. CITY OF DUBLIN Mayor ATTEST: `-`City leek TJKM TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS Chris Kinzel Date of Adoption EXHIBIT "A" OF AMENDM' TJKM HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Current- Reduced Proposedb Reduced° 89-90 89-90 90-91 90-91 Principal $120 $90 $130 $96 Principal Associate 90 72 110 88 Senior Associate 84 67 100 80 Associate 82 66 95 76 Senior Traffic Engineer 79 63 90 72 Senior Transportation Engineer/Planner 79 63 90 72 Traffic Engineer 75 60 85 68 Transportation Engineer/Planner 75 60 85 68 Assistant Traffic Engineer 65 52 73 58 Traffic Engineering Assistant 52 42 60 48 Technician IV 45 36 50 40 Technician 111 41 33 43 34 Technician 11 33 27 35 28 Technician 1 20 16 20 16 Graphics Designer 52 42 60 48 Designer 44 35 50 40 Drafter 40 32 ' 45 36 Project Coordinator 46 37 50 40 Word Processing Supervisor 43 35 46 37 Secretarial/Word Processing 41 33 44 35 Computer 30 30 30 30 Expert witness charges available on request. Current TJKM rates in the City of Dublin, effective July 1, 1990. b 'These rates shall apply for capital improvement design work as indicated in the master agreement. These rates are 80 percent of TJKM standard rates, and shall apply to General Traffic Engineering Services and Studies, excluding capital improvement design. RESOLUTION NO. -91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----------------------- APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH TJKM TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin approved an agreement for engineering services with TJKM Transportation Consultants, on October 14, 1985; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin and TJKM Transportation Consultants have agreed to amend the agreement as regards hourly rates; and WHEREAS, a clarification of rates is needed for review of private development applications and plans and for traffic studies relating to private developments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the amendment to the agreement which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the amendment to the agreement. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this _th day of 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND Tj.__ FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and TJKM Transportation Consultants (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT") first entered into an agreement on October 14, 1985, to provide traffic engineering services to the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the fees established in Exhibit "A" of the most recent amendment to the agreement were effective from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991; and WHEREAS, CITY wishes to continue contracting for services from CONSULTANT; and WHEREAS, an adjustment of fees for services rendered is desirable by both CITY and CONSULTANT; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1: Adjustment of Rates The TJKM hourly rate schedule (Exhibit "A") shall replace the rate schedule which was adopted by the City Council on June 26, 1990. The change in rates shall be effective from July 1, 1991 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 1992, or until rescinded or amended by the City Council according to the provisions of the agreement. Section 2: Compensation Section III (B) of the Agreement shall be amended to include the following: 2. Review of proposed developments and traffic studies for proposed developments. CITY OF DUBLIN Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk TJKM TRANSPORTATION CONSULTANTS Chris Kinzel Date of Adoption " EXHIBIT "A" OF AMENDMENT TABLE 5 TJKM HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Current-, Reduced Proposedb Reduced° Percentage 90-91 90-91 91-92 91-92 Increase Principal $130 $96 $140 $103 7.3 Principal Associate 110 88 120 94 6.8 Senior Associate 100 80 110 86 7.5 Associate 95 76 105 82 8.3 Senior Traffic Engineer 90 72 100 77 6.9 Senior Transportation Engineer/Planner 90 72 100 77 6.9 Traffic Engineer 85 68 90 72 5.9 Transportation Engineer/Planner 85 68 90 72 5.9 Assistant Traffic Engineer 75 58 80 64 6.7 Traffic Engineering Assistant . 60 48 65 52 8.3 Technician N 50 40 52 42 4.0 Technician III 43 34 45 36 4.7 Technician II 35 28 37 30 5.7 Technician I 20 16 22 18 10.0 Graphics Designer 60 48 65 52 8.3 Designer 50 40 55 44 10.0 Drafter 45 36 48 39 6.7 Project Coordinator 50 40 50 40 0.0 Word Processing Supervisor 46 37 48 39 4.3 Secretarial/Word Processing 44 35 46 37 4.5 Computer 30 30 30 30 0.0 Average Percentage Increase 6.1 Expert witness charges available on request. Current TJKM rates in the City of Dublin, effective until July 1, 1991. b These rates shall apply for capital improvement design work and private development review as indicated in the master agreement. These rates are a maximum of 80 percent of TJKM standard rates, and shall apply to general traffic engineering services, excluding capital improvement design and private development review.