HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 PCSR Kaiser Dublin Med Ctr Project Update Or Dt4 Cirk ‘NI STAFF REPORT '' az PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: May 10, 2016 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project Update (PA 08-050) Report prepared by Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Planning Commission will receive a report on the status of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center project, which is proposed to be developed on approximately 58 acres of property on the south side of Dublin Boulevard between Grafton Plaza/Dublin Ranch Water Quality Pond to the west and the Fallon Gateway Shopping Center to the east. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive the report and presentations from both Staff and the Applicant. Submitted By 'e ed By Principal Planner Assistant Community Development Director COPIES TO: Applicant File ITEM 7.1 Page 1 of 5 G\PA12008\PA 08-050 Kaiser Medical Center\PC Study Session 5.10.161PCSR Kaiser SS.doc BACKGROUND: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. has submitted an application to build a medical campus and associated commercial center on approximately 58 acres of land south of Dublin Boulevard between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. The property currently has a General Plan land use designation of Campus Office, which allows for the development of a "campus-like setting for office and other non-retail commercial uses." Typical uses include professional and administrative offices (including medical), research and development, business and commercial services, and limited light manufacturing. The project site is shown in the Vicinity Map below: Figure 1: Project Vicinity r i 4:i , tit Ill'! 1 eit.t„, 4 6 Y ,jF+s or+,}, � i 't ' 4 F�, Future Dublin ' . 44.i114.,., ; Ranch Subarea 3 Dublin Ranch \ illa es •• The Groves 1te's 1 al <` . , 10 - 't Dublin Blvd. � t R Grafton Future o , I allon Station ` ' Grafton a Gateway '+r`? • Plaia Project s d • Site 1 ' ; n, . .. : \ ' ' i e\.1......_.-t--, / L nt erlate 5so ` ! c Kaiser Permanente acquired the property several years ago with the intent of eventually constructing a medical campus to serve the greater Tri-Valley area. If approved, the project will be developed in three phases over the course of up to 25 years, consisting of approximately 1 .2 million square feet of medical campus and commercial uses on the project site, as follows: Building/Use Size Building Size Estimated (in square feet) Construction Phase 1A "The Hub" medical office building with 220,000 3 stories 2016-2020 advanced facilities including an urgent < 60 feet tall care clinic, medical office space, and a _ radiation/oncology center _ _ Phase 1B Commercial uses including retail, office, 250,000 Up to 4 2016-2020 ancillary health-related facilities, and stories business park 60 feet tall Phase 2 High-Acuity Medical Services building 400,000 5 stories 2025-2035 (possibly a hospital) 85 feet tall 2of5 Phase 2 Energy Center 50,000 2 stories 2025-2035 40 feet tall Phase 3 Medical Office Building 2 280,000 6 stories 2035-2040 90 feet tall Phase 3 Parking Structure 6 stories 2035-2040 < 70feettall Total Project 1,200,000 The site plan (at full build out) is included as Attachment 1 to this Staff Report. PROPOSED ENTITLEMENTS: Kaiser has applied for the following land use entitlements: 1 . General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment. 2. Planned Development Rezone (with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for the whole site and Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase 1A). 3. Certification of an Environmental Impact Report. 4. Site Development Review for the Phase 1A Medical Office Building and related site improvements. When the future phases of the project are ready to move forward, planning applications will include: 1 . Planned Development Rezoning (with a related Stage 2 Development Plan) and Site Development Review for each future development phase: a. Phase 1B — Commercial Center b. Phase 2 — High Acuity Medical Center and Energy Center c. Phase 3 — Medical Office Building and parking garage 2. Conditional Use Permit(s) to establish any use that is required by the Planned Development Zoning District to have one. 3. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the property, dedicate right of way, and formalize easements PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposal for the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center can be described in more details, as follows: General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Kaiser is proposing a new land use category for the project site: "Campus Medical." The existing land use designation is Campus Office, which allows a variety of office uses (including medical), but which does not explicitly identify the proposed medical-related uses to the extent desired by Kaiser. The proposed description for this land use category will list the range of outpatient primary and specialty care services that Kaiser intends to provide at the future Medical Center. The land use category will also list the type of commercial uses that could be accommodated in the Phase 1B portion of the site, including uses related to the medical center such as skilled nursing, assisted living, or licensed care facilities. Other contemplated uses could be retail, office, hotel, and restaurants. 3 of 5 Planned Development Rezoning The Planned Development Rezoning for the property will establish the detailed Development Plan (site plan) for the site, the specific uses that are permitted by right, conditionally permitted, and prohibited, the overall development density and intensity (e.g. FAR, building heights) for the site, and design guidelines for the future medical center and commercial buildings. Kaiser is proposing that the Planned Development Zoning District allow hospitals as a permitted use, whereas citywide, hospitals are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. The Planned Development Zoning District will contain development standards to address the particular issues typically addressed through a Conditional Use Permit that are related to hospitals such as noise and compatibility with surrounding uses. Phase IA Site Development Review The first phase of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center is the 220,000 square foot medical office building. This facility — referred to as The Hub" — will contain advanced medical facilities, urgent care clinics, medical office spaces, and a connected radiation/oncology center, along with surface parking for over 1,000 vehicles and associated site improvements. Several conceptual exhibits depicting the architectural style and form of The Hub building are included as Attachment 2 to this Staff Report. A more detailed presentation will be provided at this Planning Commission meeting by Staff and the Applicant. The detailed plans for this Site Development Review permit for The Hub building are currently under review by Staff and Conditions of Approval are being drafted. Environmental Impact Report A Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Kaiser project and was circulated for a 45-day public review period that closed on March 21, 2016. Comments were received from seven public agencies, one comment letter from the Project Applicant, and one comment letter from a Dublin resident that does not support the project. The EIR examined potential environmental impacts resulting from the project at full build out in the following topic areas: • Aesthetics, Light, and Glare • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Geology, Soils, and Seismicity • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use • Noise • Public Services and Utilities • Transportation In summary, the EIR concludes that the project will have significant impacts in several topic areas and mitigation measures have been written to reduce the impacts to a level that is less than significant. These impacts are primarily related to aesthetics, air quality, biology, cultural resources, geology, hydrology, noise, and transportation. 4 of 5 As is typical for other projects of this size, several other impacts were identified where, even with the implementation of mitigation measures, the effects to the environment are still expected to be significant. There are impacts to vehicular delays at certain street intersections in the future, notable greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution impacts that cannot be mitigated. When the project is considered by the City Council in the future, a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC) will need to be adopted that identifies all environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated and explain why the project is being approved. The SOC is required in order to certify the EIR and, if desired by a majority of the City Council, ultimately approve the project. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public noticing is not required for an item unless it is a public hearing. Although not required, the City mailed notices to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the Kaiser site and an expanded area beyond 300 feet, as shown below: Figure 2: Public Noticing Project Site I The total mailing list was over 2,000 addresses. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Project Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Site Plan (at project buildout) 2. Site and architectural exhibits for Phase 1A 5 of 5 Z u II I �/ LEFTTURN• W BREAK SIC. R / / E VEHHICLEICLE S i.,.,Y LLI THIRD EASTBOUND LANE SHOWN DUBLIN D PER THE EASTERN DUBLIN _= _- ___ _ _ _-___-____ _ __ ___ _-____- - _ %/ \ • SPECIFIC PLAN COMMERC ----------------- --- _-_--_---- T MAIN ENTR ENTRY ' - - _ _ - -e - _ - _ _ _ _� MONUME _ � � \ i I _- ----------- ---- -- --- --- MONUMENI BUS STOP-RELOGATED------ ---_-- - ' RIGHT -IN, RIGHT -OUT : _J GRAFTN PLAZA (FUTURE ESIDENTI L BASIN PARK I III II t I I ICI lI b I "HUB L - . , (I I I • ��(( III 1 I 1 - SCREE I 1 VIAL • I . LANDSCAPE SCREENING ! • I �I I • • • , • • I a -- • • ipF� • SERVICE/ LOADI 41 IMAGING TECH. DOCK iI • _ aRePDF� CANCER �� ..'oe I . • M061 CENTER 1 • • i n— COMMERCIAL SITE RIGHT TURN ONLY EXIT MULTIPLE ENTRIES i• — . _ . . . _ . — . PHASE BUILT BUILDING 1A 2016-2020 MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG 1 1A CANCER CENTER 1 B 2016-2020 2 2025-2035 2 3 2035-2040 TOTAL COMMERCIAL HIGH -ACUITY MEDICAL SERVICE BLDG ENERGY CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG 2 • LOAD'G PH 1A PH 1A �: `\\ �\ • • • HIG C • • a� I I •s •• • • PHIC L I : �- I ISCHARGE 8 I I BULANCE •• • �- - - - - j I ' • i •� • �� • ; ; ALLON GATEWAY • • • • • • ••uffI I • • • I i HOPPING CENT • • • • � PKG STRUCT • � • I I • • •• , ® • I ' 1230 CAR • PHH 3 • , I • • • ®® IR i ' I ® 6 LEVELS • • M I • • • •: + PART'L 3 • �I ®® •• LCNTY RIII j l • BASEMENT, • I I • • PH3 a I I • PH 2 c II l i ® LOAD.G •� I I - - -----------------� . --------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - c 0 �/ ' • • • • ALSO THE TY LINE S E GPAB SPAAREA r (E)DRAINAGE CULVER OUNDARY .. �.. .. �.. .. �.. •. �.. •. �u •. �.. .. �.. .:��NTEnC.E DAY: I:H :. �.. .. �.. .. �.. .. .... .. �.. .. �.. .. �.. .. �.. .. �•. .. �.. .a BGSF SUBTOTAL STORIES ROOF HT, +/- PARKING SUBTOTAL 180,000 220,000 3 52 680-8,50 860-1,075 40,000 3 52 180-225 250,000 250,000 1-4 25-60 700-1,100 700-1,100 400,000 450,000 5+B 85 600-1,600 600-1,600 50,000 2 40 0 280,000 280,000 6+PA6TIAL B 90 1,140-1,425 1,140-1,425 1,200,000 3,300-5,200 DEVELOPMENT DENSITY GROSS AREA NET AREA DENSITY COMMERCIAL 15.85 AC 14.72 AC 0.36 SITE MEDICAL 42.88 AC 39.99 AC 0.51 SITE TOTAL SITE 58.73 AC 54.71 AC 0.47 LEGEND '- — PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT ---- POTENTIAL BART RIGHT-OF-WAY 0 FOCAL LANDSCAPE ZONE PRIMARY PEDESTRIAN ZONE SECONDARY PEDESTRIAN ZONE ** PROP. BOUNDARIES TO BE VERIFIED ♦ ENTRY • N KAISER PERMANENTS KAISER DUBLIN DEVELOPMENT PLAN JMI I HU V 50 �100' 200' 400'� ATTACHMENT 1 w N wZQ 7,z on 7� o hht 1. y 3p3 �0�r0�1� P1Z 03 • I I , r. _ 333 /+ _ 1 gi FL o r4 0 � 1 Y F } '• _ li ''-'* ' t. 4 ;.. I 1 i Nil M< 0= -if at - WMN MI{IM .... ATTACHMENT 2 I I I — W KAISER PERMANENTE I DUBLN CA IAA&CANCER CENTER 'NA... 32GC DUBLN BW �. IMIR&J A Nsee _ ~ ' - 1 • I 1 2 T.AUM DUR UM WALL ANDWIDO'R RUNEGR EYRYNARPANT ti (TYPICALATALL OP£NNCsI — SMITHGROIRW 10-� 2 4 5 3 1 7 an MS}SW'IFv AW CAMI11 ) }— , A ;111 i (CURTAIN WALL AM SIORBRORTN.DDW MAXIM -- ''..._.0— ..... CLEAR (TYPICAL AT ALL OPENINGS) —— lir V" CotiT FoR SrR/C . ,...2 * 1.1::...1:_E.':..........:_......:......:.....:.,...:::.:-.)7.::I:LI:..::...-.1:.:.:::.... I.CEIROMTWILTAL PAWLS 2COI I[/AIBf P.00RGIlR PAIRS IACC ITIRTAL NUBS GREY NFTAL PA1B6 CUSTOM CCLCR PANT CA SOLD METAL PMELS AND LOUVERS EIASICSERIC PANT GREY EIASTOMERIC PANE GREY KYNVI PAINT IlYIM PINE ROOF SCREEN{WNG WILLS) (TYPICAL FE]D PME4 RYPICA LEVEL OIE PNE4 MULLING ENTRE51 (SOUTH SUNSCREEN) µ j EXTERIOR MATERIAL PALETTE E ST.2 A3.1 I I I I — 1 I I 1 I I I I --.44111111111111111111.1.11 ` ° KAISER PERMANENTE• s ��". .�m."'��� '' HUB 8 CANCER CENTER "'"'`. -, ...-----"'"-_'`"^may �., -. 3200 DUBLIN BLVD .�, _ _ DUBLIN.CA 94568 a - '- SMITHCROUPIIR p. _ s ,.. _ ,ennwr mnff, . + II 4 11_T . .5�� i.MImW GMrr M'e � � I r :' liNiall:... --— r 'I.:rr .41,L w ,_ .I . III>. . 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