HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 Continue ACTEB Support I f 0-� 0 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Request for Resolution Supporting the Continued Role of the Alameda County Training and Employment Board (ACTEB) rk (Prepared by: Paul S . Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit 1 : Letter Dated November 27, 1990 from ACTEB/ACAP Executive Director Exhibit 2 : Letter Dated November 1 , 1990 to ACTEB from the California Employment Development Department (EDD) Exhibit 3 : Resolution RECOMMENDATION: ` ot>-Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: All of the costs associated with operating ACTEB and the Job Training programs are Federal Funds, which are distributed by the State. The City does not make a financial contribution to this program. DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin is a member of a JPA which created the Alameda County Training and Employment Board (ACTEB) . This entity provides services throughout Alameda County with the exception of the City of Oakland. ACTEB was established to provide services pursuant to the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) . This program developed as a result of Federal legislation to address unemployment and underemployment of disadvantaged residents through a job training program. In the November 1 , 1990 letter from EDD (Exhibit 2) , ACTEB was advised that their program funding was terminated effective October 31 , 1990 . Alameda County was designated as the entity to continue operation of the JTPA programs . The State took their action based upon ACTEB' s inability to resolve its dispute in submitting a job training plan for the entire Service Delivery Area. The County is utilizing the Social Services Agency to evaluate the operation of programs with the County Board of Supervisors designated as the Chief Elected Official . ACTEB has requested support in continuing to utilize the ACTEB Joint Powers agreement agency to administer and oversee the JTPA programs . Councilmember Moffatt is the City of Dublin representative to ACTEB. The Mayor' s Conference approved a similar Resolution at their November meeting. ACTEB has now requested that each member agency adopt a resolution identifying support. Staff has prepared a Resolution based upon the model provided by ACTEB. If additional information is required related to ACTEB, Councilmember Moffatt may be able to provide additional background. Staff would recommend that the City Council adopt the Resolution. a: @12-10al.doc.agenda ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. �� 1710 (va Alameda County Training and Employment Board ACTEB/ACAP =�=== Associated Community Action Program .sisrnw�. Governing Board Robert E.Nichols November 27, 1990 Chairman Mayor Albany Nora Davis City Clerk Vice-Chairperson City Of Dublin Councilwoman Emeryville P. O. BOX 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 "Lil"Americh Vice Mayor Alameda SUBJECT: FolloWUp Item from November 14, 1990 Alameda County Mayors Conference Meeting; Bill Ban Request to Place Item on City Council Mayor Fremont Agenda regarding continued role of the Alameda County Training and Employment Edward Campbell Board Agency in Administering Federal Supervisor Alameda County Job Training Partnership Act Programs Robert Glaze Dear City Clerk: Councilman San Leandro At its recent November 14, 1990 meeting the Mayors Matt Jimenez Councilman Conference considered and acted upon the attached resolution. Hayward By an affirmative vot of all Mayors present except one (City of Berkeley dissenting) the resolution was approved. Tom Kitayama Futhermore ors requested the Ma that this item be scheduled Union City as an agenda item for an upcoming meeting of the individual Paul Moffat City Councils. Mayor Dublin The resolution supports in concept the continued Karin Mohr utilization of the Alameda County Training and Employment Councilwoman Board (ACTEB) joint powers agreement agency to administer and Pleasanton oversee the federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Skip Rhodes Program for the balance-of-Alameda County (aside from Oakland) Mayor service delivery area. This resolution stands as an important Piedmont reaffirmation of support by the ACTEB member cities at a time Neil Riley when a State-initiated reconfigurtion of the service delivery Councilman area governance structure is providing the Alameda County Livermore Board of Supervisors with a presumptive, first right of Shirley D.Sisk governance. The interests of the existing ACTEB Governing Vice-Mayor Board, the existing volunteer Alameda County Private Industry Newark Council, and now the Mayors Association, are the Supervisors taking appropriate steps to retain the consortium governing Robert L.Bloom structure of ACTEB, within which the County is already a Executive Director member. The ACTEB Governing Board member who represents your jurisdiction will be of immediate assistance should there be[BIT 22225 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward, California 94541 415 670-5700 . ... YW ( ) questions on this requested agenda item. The County Board of Supervisors is due to act on recommendations for the continued JTPA governance structure at its January 8, 1991 meeting. Therefore I am requesting if you can place an action item for apaproval of the attached resolution on your Council ' s agenda as soon as possible. If you should have any questions on this request, or the recent historty of events surrounding the called-for reconfiguration of the governance structure, feel free to contact me directly at 670-5750. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, , Robert L. Bloom Executive Director RLB: se cc: Mayor Paul Moffatt City Manager Richard Ambrose 1 ALAMEDA COUNTY MAYOR'S CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. op-4 2 3 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT BOARD (ACTES) 4 WHEREAS, the Alameda County Training and Employ,ment Board (ACTES) has been 5 providing exemplary training, job search and on-the-Jon tradning programs for cift-sns of greater Alameda County for the past sixteen (16) years; and, 6 WHEREAS, the ACTEB "Jobs West" youth training program received the National 7 "Presidential Award" for outstanding youth programs for the year 1987; and, g WHEREAS, the ACTEB Dislocated Workers Program won the National Association of Counties "Jobs Training Partnership Award for Excellence"; and, 9 WHEREAS, the ACTEB Dislocated Workers Pro'gram has become the model for 10 Dislocated Workers Programs throughout the nation; any', 11 WHEREAS, ACTEB has consistently over performed and provided mote job training services to the citizens of Alameda County than required by the State and Federal 12 Government, to *h8 betterment of the citizens of Alameda Cou rrty; and, 13 WHEREAS, the governing structure of the•ACTES's Governing Board has provided for representation for all cities in Alameda County (except Oakland which operates it's 14 own programs) who chose tc participate and in this fashion assures the fair and equitable distribution of services through Alameda County; and, 15 WHEREAS, the State of California has chosen to redesignate the County of Alameda 16 as opposed to ACTEB as the recipient of Job Training funds; and, 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED that the Alameda County Mayor's Conference goes on record as supporting the continued operations of the Alameda 1 a County TreJnjng and Employment Board (ACTEB); and, 19 19E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Alameda County Mayor's Conference urges the State of California and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to continue 20 funding ACTES and to continue the provision of Job Training Services in Alameda County through the cooperative joint powers efforts of the cities acting through 21 ACTEB. 22 Adopted this 14th day of November, 1990. 23 24 Chuck once, Mayor President of the Alameda County Mayor's 25 Conference 26 27 2$ CL 1) J 1 r V I GL I U _ r +IJO:1 IVU V 1 V 1 4 _J 11U U Serving thy' People of Caliiornia , mej;ao, Gover <�ctatr vi LiIiir Health and Velfare Agency ( enrge DFUk 11ovember 1, 1990 • REFER 70; 69:43/486:m1h (916) 455-9212 Mr. Robert L. Bloom, Director Alameda County Training & Employment Board 22225 Foothill Blvd. , 42 Hayward, CA 94541 Dear Mr, Blcx-n: JOB TRAINING PAR I�1T 111P ACT PRCGRAN! TRANSFER This will inform you that Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) program funding for the Alameda County Training and Employment Board (ACTEB) is terminated effective October. 31, 1990. -We are currently rrX ifying your master subgrant (4G100180) and your Title III special project subgrant for AT&T (W3,000767) to effect this decision. You will note that our subgrant terminations will affect all Title IS-A and all Title III activities, throughout the balance of Alame,ta County service delivery area, including the City of Berkeley. our action is being taken because the additional 30 day period for resolution of this dispute and joint submittal of a job training plan described in my letter of September 27, 1990, has expired without such agreement or the joint submittal of a plan. We trust that you have utilized this period to implement contingency actions which will facilitate a businesslike shutdown of your JTPA program on October 31, 1990. Obviously, you wtll need to imTediately inform your service providers. We are in the process of adding 50 percent of Title II-A allocations for 1990-91, plus any carry-in funds, to your current master subgrant so that you can rectify your accounts by reimbursing those J11PA funding sources from Which you have "borrowed" ongoing operating funds since July 1, 1990. Formal closeout can then be accomplished with proper assignment of costs, Please inform us as soon as possible when you have ccsnpleted retroactive assignment of costs so that Employment Deevelopment Department auditors can visit your office to check on the appropriateness of these cost assig=. ents for closeout of our JTPA relationship. We will also ask our auditors to check on availability of all JTPA equipment for transfer to other users as needed. You should contact the C linty of Alameda to a?range for rransfef of current documentation (iricluciing aiiy rxx,Ucipanc files you may be E►npluyrnent Devebpnient Depirtm,ont/P.Q.Box 942480;MIC 69 1 Sacpmonto CA 94280-0001 EXHIBIT J tllll JIr'll ILL J'lb62(4b A N0 V 1 , yU lu : l�) igo .UU t-, U1'D Mr. Robert Bloom -2- Nove-n er 1, 1990 maintaining in your office) . Participants Will not need to be recertified and services provided to them need not be interrupted. Docunents developed through October 31, 1990 Mich are not being used to address current operational issues remain your responsibility for the records retention period specified by Department of Labor regulations. we realize that effective caTvletion of the many transition actions may necessitate additional ACTEB staff costs. Please estimate reasonable and necessary funding and time needed for transition, and inform us as soon as possible, Such costs neod to be minimized and cannot exceed the amount 1-r-)u request and the Jol:� 'gaining Partnership Division specifically approves in advance. We OXE., Of :;:Douse anxicrjs t.+D as,sj re a r;�ir��mu�1 of ai. 1� sz: ,pi,i cui tc) current r enrollees. Ca.S�quertly, please inform us prcrptly reg rding any assistance you 1w need and/or any ca�sidera o��s �vr�i�,z t�01.11a affect the overall pro:;ess. We regret that local failure to resolve the disagreements between ;,i. B and the City of Berkeley requires us to transfer your JTPA program to the County. I am confident that you and your staff will be able to assist in the transfer process so that disruption of services to .participants can be minimized. Sincerely, ALICE CONZMM Director cc: Michael Brown, Manager., City of Berkeley Steven Szalay, Adnti.nistrator, County of Alameda Robert Nichols, Chair, AMEB Jack Swanson, Chair, AC"T'EB Private indistry Council RESOLUTION NO. - 90 A RESOLUTION:-OF T-HE -CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************************** SUPPORTING THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND OPERATION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT BOARD (ACTEB) WHEREAS, the Alameda County Training and. Employment Board (ACTEB) has been providing exemplary training, job search and on-the-job training programs for citizens of greater Alameda County for the past sixteen ( 16) years; and WHEREAS, the ACTEB "Jobs West" youth training program received the National. "Presidential Award" for outstanding youth programs for the ypa.r 19£37; and WHEREAS, the ACTEB Dislocated Workers Program won the National Assoc iat.i,on of Count.-Les "Jobs T:�:'eiiY1�Y1Cti T_,Prt,.�:Tr.9r, .p Awa'r'd .fo.-r, F.:`?.;;el.�.enct. " ; '�. WHE-REAS, the ACTEB Dislocated Workers Program has become the model. fr�r Dislocated Workers Programs throughout . the nation; and WHEREAS, ACTEB has consistently over performed and provided more c,t, training services to the c.i.tizens. of Alameda County than required by he State and Federal Government, to the betterment of the citizens of Alameda. County; and WHEREAS, tree gc,verning structure of the ACTEB' s Governing Board has provided for representation for all. cities in Alameda County (except Oakland which operates it' s own programs) who chose to participate and in ti.is fashion assures the fair and equitable distribution of services throupgh Alameda County; and WHEREAS, the State of California has chosen to redesignate the Coi my of Alameda instead of ACTEB as the recipient of Job Training funds . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin goes on record as supporting the continued operations of the Alameda County Training and. Employment Board (ACTEB) ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Dublin City Council urges the State Of California and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to continue funding ACTEB and to continue the provision of Job Training Services in Alameda County through tine cooperative joint powers efforts of the Cities and tide County acting through .ACTEB. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1990 . AYES : NOES : AB S EITT Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a.resoacteb.doc'.agenda ,