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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Approve 08-13-1990 Minutes REGULAR MEETING - August 13, 1990 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, August 13 , 1990, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. , by Mayor Pro Tempore Vonheeder. ' ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, and Vonheeder. ABSENT: Councilmember Snyder and Mayor Moffatt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENTATION BY LIVERMORE AMADOR VALLEY EXCHANGE CLUB A plaque was presented to the City of Dublin by the Exchange Club. The City of Dublin was honored for its dedication to Americanism and patriotism for proper display of the United States Flag at its new Civic Center. * * * * CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Snyder and Mayor Moffatt absent) , the Council took the following actions: Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 23 , 1990; Accepted the City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending July 31, 1990; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 110 - 90 STATING INTENTION TO SELL CITY PROPERTY (SAN RAMON ROAD TO PUBLIC STORAGE) AND SETTING HEARING (AUGUST 27, 1990) Authorized Cm. Jeffery to attend the Annual Congress of Cities Conference in Houston, Texas, on December 2-5, 1990 at an approximate cost of $1, 350; Accepted improvements under Contract 90-06, Slurry Seal Program (Graham Contractors) ; Authorized Staff to advertise for bids for janitorial services for the Civic Center, Shannon Center and the Senior Center; CM - VOL 9 - 219 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. /- . � � Accepted improvements under Contract 90-03 , Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program; Handicap Ramp Construction; Modification of Civic Center Service Driveway; and Dublin Boulevard Sidewalk-South Side at Clark Avenue, and authorized final progress payment of $12 , 141. 20 to B & B Concrete Construction; Accepted improvements constructed under Contract 90-04 , Annual Street Overlay and Repair, and authorized Staff to pay final payment and retention of $46, 681. 32 to Granite Construction; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. ill - 90 AUTHORIZING CITY OF DUBLIN PARTICIPATION IN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Authorized the execution of the First Amendment to the Agreement with LAVTA for Paratransit Services; Accepted the July Financial Statements; Authorized the City Manager to sign a revised Consultant Services Agreement with Brenda A. Gillarde for East Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Study; Initiated a General Plan Amendment to adopt Volume 2 , Technical Supplement as part of the GP, to correct typographical/editorial errors, to add statutory discussion and references in Plan Elements, to add implementing policies; to add maps and text to make Plan internally consistent and to add text and maps to reflect GPA's adopted since 1985; Authorized a budget transfer of $3 , 384 to the Infrastructure Impact Fee Study Capital Improvement Project from the Contingent Reserve; Directed Staff to send a letter to the Board of Supervisors expressing concern regarding the cuts to the County's budget which will impact services to the City of Dublin including Dublin Police Services; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 112 - 90 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN (ADD POSITION OF SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER) and RESOLUTION NO. 113 - 90 ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR FULL-TIME PERSONNEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERSONNEL RULES (ADD SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER) and adopted a revised Position Allocation Plan; CM - VOL 9 - 220 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990 Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $551, 928 . 60. * * * * FREDERIKSEN SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN TOT LOT Recreation Director Lowart advised that Singer & Hodges had developed a design for the Frederiksen Tot Lot which was reviewed at a neighborhood meeting held on August 2 , 1990. The design was refined following that meeting and presented to the Park & Recreation Commission on August 7, 1990. Ms. Lowart advised that two design alternates were discussed. Although both designs include basically the same amenities, Design Alternate #2 provides for a larger play area with more challenging equipment. The Park & Recreation Commission recommended Design Alternate #2 Discussion centered around the use of sand as a surfacing material as well as alternative surfacing materials. Cost comparisons were also discussed. Should the District prefer either the "Fibar" or "Playsafe" surfacing, Staff recommended that the District absorb the additional cost. Staff recommended that the Council approve Design Alternate #2 with sand base eliminating the seat wall and planting strip and submit the Design Alternates to the Dublin Unified School District for approval. Phil Singer reviewed the designs and discussed the surface materials. Because of the close proximity to the school building, the use of sand presents floor maintenance problems. They felt that Fibar was the best material for this type of use. Playsafe surfacing is being utilized on a project in Danville and can run as much as $17/foot, compared to the estimate of approximately $3/foot for Fibar. The recommended material is based upon testing for safety conducted by the Federal Consumer Safety Product Agency. Ms. Lowart pointed out that the agreement which was approved by the City Council stated that the School District will be responsible for maintenance. This agreement has not yet been approved by the School District. Mayor Pro Tempore Vonheeder asked about long term maintenance cost differences between sand and Fibar. Mr. Singer advised that Fibar would be more expensive than sand both to install and to maintain. Cm. Hegarty questioned what would happen if you put in Fibar initially and then gradually mixed in sand, as replacement became necessary. Mr. Singer stated he had never heard of it being mixed with sand, and that he would have to research this. CM - VOL 9 - 221 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990 Cathy Simone stated she has 5 kids and had recently called many districts related to the sand issue. From a parents standpoint, she believed sand is not desirable. Many people gave reasons for not using sand: 1) It ruins floors and carpets and there were lots of parents complaints; 2) Daily maintenance is required rather than weekly; 3) When it gets wet, it gets compacted; 4) It is slippery; 5) It causes injuries to eyes; and 6) Problems with cat feces. Ms. Simone did not object to the use of sand in a City park, but did not feel that it would be appropriate at a school play area. Mayor Pro Tempore Vonheeder questioned if she talked to anyone who is using Fibar. Ms. Simone stated that the main material used was wood chips. Those who put in sand removed it within 6 months. Lenora Holmes, School Board Trustee, advised that she called the Alameda County Health Department and was advised that there are a number of school districts that are currently removing sand because of health hazards. With regard to Fibar, there are a number of children who have gotten this material in their eyes and nose, and in addition, it can be inhaled. She stated she would be reporting this to the School Board on Wednesday evening. Cm. Hegarty felt the City should go with Fibar as it seems to have fewer problems associated with its use. Ms. Holmes advised that there is a substance that can be poured over the entire area. It comes in different depths and the type of play equipment determines how deep it is poured. The range is 8" to 12" . Cm. Jeffery stated she agreed with the use of Fibar. She also felt that if the City is going to do this, it should be done right. We should make sure that the tot lot is something that is appreciated and used. If the School District wants to place something in more expensive, then that will be their decision. She indicated a problem with eliminating the seat wall and planting strip. We should do the best we can in this area for the residents. City Manager Ambrose advised that Alternate #2 would cost about $43 , 900 and there is currently $32 , 195 budgeted. Mayor Pro Tempore Vonheeder stated she was concerned with using sand, but also had some concern with Fibar. As the mother of 4 children, she has been in every emergency room in the Valley. There is nothing that is completely safe. She stated she agreed that everything should be included in the project rather than eliminate options. On motion of Cm. Jeffery, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Snyder and Mayor Moffatt absent) , the Council approved Design Alternate #2 with Fibar and to include the seat wall and planting strip, at an estimated cost of $43 , 920, and directed Staff to submit the Design Alternates to the Dublin Unified School District for approval. CM - VOL 9 - 222 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990 ALAMO CREEK PARK DEDICATION Recreation Director Lowart advised that construction on Alamo Creek Park is scheduled for completion by August 24, 1990 and the park should be ready for dedication by the latter part of October. Preliminary plans for the dedication were discussed by the Park & Recreation Commission at their meeting on August 7 , 1990. Staff advised that through experience with previous park dedications, it appears that simple events with family oriented activities are the most successful. Mayor Pro Tempore Vonheeder indicated that the last Saturday in October is usually the Foothill Band Review. Wells might be available. She felt Staff should talk to the band leaders to find out the exact date. The Council approved the preliminary plans and selected the date of Saturday, October 27 , 1990 at 10: 00 a.m. , for the dedication to be held. The Council requested that Staff check for dates that the high school band would be available. * * * * TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE TO THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY City Manager Ambrose advised that the Waste Management Authority is currently discussing various issues which have an impact on the City of Dublin. Because both Dublin's designated member (Cm. Snyder) and alternate (Mayor Moffatt) will be absent when the Authority conducts a special meeting at 5: 00 p.m. , on August 14 , 1990, it is important for the City Council to appoint an alternate who can act on behalf of the City of Dublin. This appointment would be made in order that the alternate could serve at any meeting conducted between August 13 , 1990 and August 21, 1990. Cm. Jeffery advised that she could attend. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Jeffery, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Snyder and Mayor Moffatt absent) , the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 114 - 90 APPOINTING AN ALTERNATE (Cm. Jeffery) TO THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY * * * * CM - VOL 9 - 223 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990 OTHER BUSINESS Tri-Valley Transportation Council City Manager Ambrose advised that the Tri-Valley Transportation Council will be meeting on Thursday, August 16th at 4 : 30 p.m. , at the San Ramon Library. * * * * Recycling Program Kick-Off Assistant City Manager Rankin advised that Livermore Dublin Disposal has requested some time for a kick-off event for the curbside recycling program. Staff suggested that it might be appropriate to do it just prior to the September 10th City Council meeting. It would begin at 6 : 00 p.m. They have suggested serving hors d'oeuvres and some sort of kick-off ceremony with the actual collection beginning one week later on September 17th. The Council indicated concurrence with this date and time. * * * * CLOSED SESSION At 8 : 15 p.m. , the Council recessed to a closed executive session to discuss: 1) Pending Litigation, City of Dublin vs. Schaffer (McCartney) , in accordance with Government Code Section 54956. 9 (a) ; and 2) Potential Litigation in accordance with Government Code Section 54956. 9 (c) . * * * * ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 40 p.m. * * * * Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: City Clerk CM - VOL 9 - 224 Regular Meeting August 13, 1990