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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.5 Amend Residential Garbage Rates 600-3,) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 23, 1990 SUBJECT: Amendment to Residential Garbage Rates to Implement Programs Mandated by State Law: Single Family Residential Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection. (Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Proposed Resolution RECOMMENDATION• o Conduct Public Hearing o Deliberate o Waive Reading and Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The proposed adjustment would be effective July 1 , 1990. The rates would be increased by the following amounts: Single Family Residential Recycling $1 .25/customer/month Single Family HHW Collection .20/customer/month Multifamily HHW Collection . 15/cubic yard DESCRIPTION: As directed by the City Council, Staff has negotiated with Livermore Dublin Disposal (LDD) a wholly owned subsidiary of Oakland Scavenger Company. In a previous item on the agenda, the City Council has considered the proposal by LDD. On March 12, 1990, the City Council approved an agreement for HHW Collection with the intent of recovering the cost through an adjustment to the garbage rates. It was recommended that the two adjustments be combined in order to avoid confusion for the customers. Recycling The proposed rate for recycling is $1 .25 per customer per month. Staff considered various options and philosophies for either imposing the fee on the first can or spreading the cost based on the level of service. Staff found that the biggest incentive for a resident to reduce the amount of waste generated would be to avoid the base rate for the additional can. Currently this amount is $3.95 and it significantly outweighs any of the proportional surcharges for recycling. For example, if the $1 . 25 recycling rate. were applied with 80 cents on the first can, 70 cents would have to be collected on each additional can. It is unlikely that the lack of a 70 cent surcharge would be enough incentive to encourage a 3 can customer to reduce their garbage to only 2 cans. The biggest incentive would be the fact that they would avoid the $3.95 additional can charge. Staff also considered the fact that State Law mandates that cities reduce the waste stream in order to improve the future landfill capacity. The benefits of this goal are shared by all residents. Therefore, this suggests that the cost of the program should be shared among all residents. The curbside recycling program requires customers to place the collection bins, within 5 feet of the curb. This differs from the regular garbage service, which is considered "backyard service. " The rate resolution identifies the location of containers for each type of service. Provided that the City Council has concurred with the essential elements of the Recycling Agreement in the previous item, Staff would recommend the imposition of a $1 . 25 per month charge for curbside recycling be placed on the base residential garbage rate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Mary Evans, Livermore Dublin Disposal Dave McDonald, Oakland Scavenger Co. ITEM NO. r Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection As previously approved by the City Council, Dublin will participate in a joint HHW collection with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton. The firm providing the collection services is affiliated with the Waste Management Companies. Oakland Scavenger Company is also a subsidiary of Waste Management Inc, and they have indicated a willingness to recover the cost of the program through a rate adjustment. The provision of a Household Hazardous Waste program is also mandated by recent changes to State Law. In addition, Federal laws require agencies to assess the impact of unauthorized releases of hazardous materials into storm drains. One method of addressing this issue is to provide a legal alternative to residents. The joint sponsorship of a collection day is considered a cost effective method of providing this service. Since the HHW Collection Program addresses both single family and multi- family residents, a surcharge is proposed for both rates. The rate for multi-family service has been adjusted to reflect the anticipated decreased amount of hazardous waste generated. The proposed increases are based on estimated program costs. Due to the fact that the final cost is significantly impacted by the amount of waste collected, the final City of Dublin share of the cost will not be known until after the event. If the proposed adjustment will not generate adequate revenue to recover the actual cost an additional adjustment may be required in the future. The proposed resolution increases the single family rate by 20 cents per month. The multi-family bin rate is increased by 15 cents per cubic yard. The size of the bin and number of pick-ups required each week varies by customer. Impact of Rate Changes The following table identifies the impact of the rate change over the current rates. Current Single Family Service Proposed Single Family Garbage Rates 3 cans = $13.60 per month 3 cans = $15.05 per month 2 cans = $9.65 per month 2 cans = $11 .10 per month 1 can = $5.70 per month 1 can = $7.15 per month The Multi-family Rate adjustment is due only as a result of the HHW Collection, since regular recycling service will not be implemented at this time. Current Rate Per Cubic Yard- Proposed Rate Per Cubic Yard Multi-family $4.80 Multi-family $4.95 As provided for in the Resolution, the new rates would take effect July 1 , 1990. Staff has provided public notice as required by law and would recommend that the City Council conduct a public hearing, waive the reading, and adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. - 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING A SCHEDULE OF SERVICE RATES FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT STATE MANDATED PROGRAMS AND DESIGNATING THE POINT OF COLLECTION FOR SINGLE FAMILY COLLECTION WHEREAS, the City of Dublin adopted Resolution No. 4-90 in January of 1990 which established garbage service rates; and WHEREAS, a notice of the proposed rate increase has been published on April 13, 1990 and April 18, 1990, as required by the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the matter on April 23, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Ordinance and Agreement regarding Waste Collection and Disposal require the City Council to designate a rate schedule and point of collection for single family residences. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby resolve as follows : 1 . The Rate Schedule attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof by reference, beginning July 1 , 1990, shall be the official rate schedule until further rescinded or amended. 2 . Said rates in Exhibit A shall be imposed beginning July 1 , 1990 . 3 . Said rates are in accordance with the City of Dublin Solid Waste Management Ordinance and the Agreement between the City of Dublin and Oakland Scavenger Company, a subsidiary of Waste Management Inc. , regarding Waste Collection and Disposal. 4 . As of the date identified in Section 2 above, the content of this Resolution shall supersede Resolution No. 4-90 adopted the 8th day of January, 1990 . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT A I. RATES The monthly rates for collection of refuse within the City of Dublin as of July 1 , 1990, are set forth as follows: Residential a. Once a week collection of one container $7.15 of 32 gallon capacity. This rate includes a $1 .25 (one dollar and twenty-five cents) charge for curbside recycling & a $0.20 (twenty cents) charge for Household Hazardous Waste collection. b. Once per week collection of each additional $3.95 can beyond "a" above C. Large accumulations per cubic yard $4.80 d. Special pick-ups, minimum $9.30 Commercial (For Refuse Only - Excludes Container Rental Rate) a. Commercial rate for non-residential customers Per cubic yard (not compacted) $4.80 b. Commercial rate for Multi-family Residential $4.95 customers per cubic yard (not compacted) This rate includes a $0.20 (twenty cents) charge for Household Hazardous Waste Collection. C. Compacted material per cubic yard $9.60 II. DESIGNATION OF POINT OF COLLECTION For Single Family Residential Service, the above rates shall be for "back yard service" for regular garbage service. The term "back yard service" shall mean the container(s) shall be on the outside of and in close proximity to the structure being served, and at a location which is the customers option. Padlocks or other devices which deny the Collector reasonable access will relieve said Collector from responsibility of such collection. The Curbside Residential Recycling Program requires that containers be placed in location which can be easily seen and readily accessible, within five feet from the curb. III. ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED IN RATES The above rates shall include two (2) annual residential cleanups. Dates of said cleanups shall be at the discretion of the City upon reasonable notice to the Company. The rules regulating the special cleanup shall be approved by the Contractor and the Director.