HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 DB@SilvergateIntersctnCITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: November 26, 1990 SUBJECT: Dub]in Boulevard/Silvergate Drive Intersection (Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Schematic diagram of proposed improvements 2) Excerpt from Resol.ution 130-89 Hansen Ranch Tentative Map approval 3) Excerpt from Resolution 79-90 Don]an Canyon Tentative Map approval 4) September 27, 1989, memorandum from TJKM 5) Additional exhibits which compare existing conditions with proposed improvements will be displayed at the meeting RECOMMENDATION: 1) Review schematic design and approve in concept or direct Staff to make modifications. 2) If the City Council concurs that the proposed design is appropriate and wishes to proceed with the preliminary and design engineering work during the 1990-91 fiscal year, the City Council should (a) authorize the new Capita] Improvement Project and (b) authorize a budget transfer in the amount of $24,600 from the San Ramon Road Phase IV project to the Dublin Bl.vd./Silvergate Drive Intersection project. 3) If the City Council authorizes Staff to proceed with the design process, it is further recommended that the City Council direct Staff to include this project in the 1991-92 update of the Five Year Capital Improvement Program for construction in FY1991-92. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The preliminary estimated cost of modifying the Dublin Boulevard/Si].vergate Drive intersection is as follows: Preliminary Engineering (topo) $ 5,000 Design 19,600 Construction 164,600 Inspection 7,000 Construction Staking 8,000 Total: $204,200 The Capita] Improvement budget does not contain funds to design and/or construct these improvements within FY 1990-91. A budget transfer would be necessary to start the design process in this fiscal year. Costs incurred are proposed to be reimbursed by private developers at the time of development. DESCRIPTION: At its November 13, 1990, meeting, the City Council directed Staff to prepare a report regarding the estimated cost of engineering and construction for modifying the Dub]in Bou]evard/Si]vergate Drive intersection to a normal "T" configuration. These improvements are presently proposed to be paid for by the developers of the Hansen Ranch, Don]an Canyon, and other West Dublin housing projects. At this point, only the Hansen and Don]an projects have been approved. Economic concerns have caused these developers to de]ay the projects, thus delaying modification of the intersection. The ttansen Ranch developers are tentatively proposing to begin construction in the spring of 1991. ITEM NO.~__ COPIES TO: TJKM The conditions of approval for the Hansen Ranch development require a 23.7% contribution to the modification of the Dub]in Boulevard/Silvergate Drive intersection and to the widening of Dublin Boulevard at that intersection prior to the occupancy of any units. Donlan Canyon's contribution is defined as a pro rata share, al.so to be paid prior to occupancy. TJKM's report dated September 27, 1989 (Exhibit 4) indicates the percentage to be contributed by each development, including West Dublin. At the November 13, 1990, City Council meeting, the issue of safety at the existing DubJin Bou]evard/Si]vergate Drive intersection was discussed. TJKM recommended, and Staff wi]]. proceed to install, an advisory curve warning sign for the right turn movement from westbound Dub]in Boulevard onto Silvergate Drive in an effort to slow the drivers making that turn. Once the intersection has been reconfigured, drivers will be forced to negotiate the turn at a slower speed because of the removal of the sweeping curve. The preliminary estimated cost of design, inspection, and improvements for the intersection reconfiguration only (not including the cost of widening Dublin Boulevard, which is also proposed to be paid by developer contribution) is just over $200,000. It is anticipated that the design process would require about three to four months to complete. Staff recommends that the City Council: (1) (2) Review the schematic design for reconfiguration of the intersection and either approve the design in concept or direct Staff to make modifications. Plans and specifications would be returned to the City Council for final approval prior to bidding the project for construction. If the City Council approves the schematic design and wishes to proceed with preliminary and design engineering work, the City Council should (a) authorize the new Capital Improvement Project, and (b) authorize a budget transfer in the amount of $24,600 from the San Ramon Road Phase IV project to the Dublin Boulevard/ Si]vergate Drive Intersection project. If the City Council proceeds with Option 2 above, it is further recommended that the City Council. direct Staff to include the Dub]in Bou]evard/Si]vergate Drive intersection modifications in the draft Five Year Capita] Improvement Program for construction in FY1991-92 at the time that the Capital Improvement Program is updated in June of 1991. -2- 13:LU 41. 42. 43. right-of-way where this work is not covered under the improvement plans. Street width standards shall be not less than the Alameda County standards. "A", "B", "D" and "E" streets shall be considered 2-lane collectors. "C" Street shall be considered a 2-lane minor street, for these purposes. Street names shall be submitted and processed through the Planning Department and shall be indicated on the Final Map. The Developer shall furnish and install street name signs, in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin, bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director. The subdivider shall furnish and install traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin. OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS 44. Prior to release of occupancy, the developer shall be responsible for the construction of an additional right-turn lane and related signal modifications on the west leg of eastbound Dublin Boulevard at the San Ramon Road intersection. This cost shall be split between this development and the development of the Blaylock, Gleason, Fletcher property immediately to the west, on a pro rata basis based on the amount of traffic generated by each development. 45. Prior to approval of the improvement plans and Final Map, the Applicant/Developer shall submit documents satisfactory to the City of Dublin evidencing irrevocable public access on the proposed road across the Valley Christian Center property. Said documents shall be subject to City Attorney review and approval. 46. Prior to release of occupancy of any units, the Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the project's proportionate share (23.7%) of the cost for the widening of the existing Dublin Boulevard roadway, approximately 15 feet, all on the south side, between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive to a~commodate four 12-foot traffic lanes, two five-foot bike lanes, and a five-foot sidewalk, as generally shown on the proposed widening plans prepared by TJKM and dated received August of 1988 and described in the study prepared by TJKM in memo dated September 27, 1989. The costs shall be determined prior to release of occupancy. Prior to release of occupancy of any units, the Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the - 9 .~. ~:,.!'. ~?'~ ~ 47. 48. UTILITIES 49. 50. 51. 52. WATER 53. 54. project's proportionate share (23.7%) of the cost of the redesign of the existing Dublin Boulevard/ Silvergate Drive intersection to form a "T" intersection with Dublin Boulevard becoming the through road and Silvergate Drive becoming controlled by a "Stop" sign as generally shown on the plans prepared by TJKM dated received August 1988 and described in the study prepared by TJKM in memo dated September 27, 1989. The cost shall be determined prior to release of occupancy. Developer shall prepare legal descriptions for the application to annex Dublin Boulevard into the City of Dublin between Silvergate Drive and the west end of Dublin Boulevard, and for the S%ate of California to relinquish Dublin Boulevard to .fhe City. Electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV services, shall be provided underground to each lot or building in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements, sized to meet utility company standards, or in public streets. Prior to filing of the grading and improvement plans, the developer shall furnish the Public Works Director with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) stating that DSRSD has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to the development. Secure DSRSD agreement to maintain the on-site sanitary sewer collection system excluding individual laterals. The system shall be designed as acceptable to DSRSD. All utilities to and within the project shall be undergrounded. Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD system, and must be installed at the expense of the developer, in accordance with District standards and specifications. All material and workmanship for water mains, and appurtenances thereto, must conform with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code of the District, and will be subject to field inspection by the District. Any water well, cathodic protection well, or exploratory boring shown on the map, that is known to exist, is proposed or is located during the course of field operations, must be properly destroyed, - 10 - OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS 52. Prior to approval of the improvement plans and Final Map the developer shall submit documents satisfactory to the City of Dublin presenting proof of public access on the proposed road across Parcel "C" 53. Construct 35 foot radius cul-de-sac at the end of Dublin Boulevard. The new curb and gutter shall not be constructed any closer to Interstate 580 than the existing curb. 54. Provide a 2" AC overlay on Dublin Boulevard in front of the Donlan Canyon project. The overlay shall include placing paving fabric between the existing pavement and the overlay. 55. Remove the existing AC berm on the north side of Dublin Boulevard from the proposed turnaround to Silvergate Drive and replace with Alameda County Standard Curb, Gutter and 5 foot wide sidewalk. 56. The Applicant shall obtain Caltrans approval for any work performed within their right-of-way, or affecting their facilities (i.e., tying into their cross-culvert, etc.) . 57. Prior to release of occupancy of any units, the developer shall be responsible for contribution towards cost of the design, construction'and inspection of an additional right-turn lane including right-of-way and related signal modification in the west leg of eastbound Dublin Boulevard at the San Ramon Road intersection. This cost shall be split between this development and the development of the Hansen Hills property immediately to the east, on a pro rata basis based on the amount of traffic generated by each development. Prior to release of occupancy of any units, the developer shall be responsible for contribution towards cost of the design, construction and inspection of the widening of the existing roadway of Dublin Boulevard approximately 15 feet, all on the south side, between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Drive, to accommodate four 12-foot traffic lanes, and two five-foot bike lailes~ and a five-foot sidewalk, as generally shown on the proposed widening plans prepared by TJKM and dated received August of 1988 and described in the study prepared by TJKM in memo dated September 27, 1989. This work shall also involve reconstructing the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Silvergate Drive to form a "T" intersection, with Dublin Boulevard being the through road. This cost shall be split between this development and the deve].opment of the Hansen Hills property immediaLely to the east and development of West Dublin on a pro rata basis based on the amount of traffic generated by each development. 59. The developer shall be responsible for paying his fair share towards the cost of the design, construction and inspection of 58. -9- MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 27, 1989 Maureen O'Halloran Michelle DeRobertis PA 89-062 Hanson Hill Ranch - Update of Traffic Impacts to Dublin Boulevard Due to Most Current Proposals for Hanson Hill Ranch and Donlan Canyon At your request, this memo presents an update of the impacts of the Hanson Hill Ranch and Donlan Canyon projects and other potent/al developments on the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Silvergate Drive and on Dublin Boulevard between Hansen D~ive and Sflvergate D~ve. The current proposal for Hanson Hill Ranch is 190 single-family dwelling units. The current proposal for Donlan Canyon is for 17 single-family dwelling units with access through the Hansen Hill Ranch property and 300 apartment units with access directly to Dublin Boulevard. In addition to the Hanson Hill Ranch and Donlan Canyon projects, there is a proposal for the West Dublin Hills for a total of 4,443 dwelling units (d.u.). (The Cronin parcel is included in the West Dublin totals, and is assumed to have 143 d.u.) The majority of this traffic would use the ][-580 Eden Canyon interchange or the proposed 1-580/Schaefer Road interchange. However, since Dublin Boulevard would be extended westerly to Sheerer Road, a p, ortion of the traffic generated by this 'project would use Dublin Boulevard between Silvergate Drive and Hansen Lane. The future daily traffic volumes on Dublin Boulevard east of Silvergate Drive with existing plus Hanson Ranch plus Donlon Canyon traffic would be 7,249 vehicles per day (vpd), which would be Level of Service (LOS) C. LOS C is an acceptable condition for collectors and minor arterials. If the proposed development in West Dublin is approved and developed as described, the future daily traffic volumes on Dublin Boulevard east of Silvergate Drive would be 9,454 vpd, which would be. LOS E, which is considered a significant impact. (Although LOS E is clearly an unacceptable condition, it is desirable for collectors and minor arterials to remain at LOS C or better; therefore, mitigation for Dublin Boulevard east of Silvergate is recommended when conditions become LOS D.) Therefore, although the existing Dublin Boulevard would suffice for existing plus Hanson Ranch plus Donlan Canyon traffic only, the cumulative effect of the Hanson Ranch project, the Donlan Canyon project emd the West Dublin project would result in adverse traffic conditions on Dublin Boulevard east of Silvergate Drive where it is currently a two-lane section, 4637 Chabo[ Orive. Suile 214. Pleasan~on, Calitornla 9, PI.£AE. ANTON * SACRAMENIO * I~RESNQ · CO (-- (~- Mom-eon O'Halloran -2. September 27, 1989 i.e. between Silvergate Drive and Hanson Lane. It would become LOS D when the West Dublin Project is 38 percent built and occupied and would become LOS E when the West Dublin Project is 84 percent built and occupied. To mitigate the significant adverse impacts of the development of these three projects, this section of Dubli~ Boulevard would need to be widened to have four lanes, (In addition, Dublin Boulevard between Hanson Lane and Donlon Way would requiro re-striping to have four through lanes; it is presently wide enough to accommodate four lanes). The daily traffic volumes on Dublin Boulevard east of Silvergate Drive and the relative percent shares of the three future projects are presented below. Two percent shares are presented. The first is the project's percent share of all new traffic including the cumulative, projects approved prior to Hanson Ranch. The second is the relative percent of only the three projects under consideration in this memo: Hanson Ranch, Donlon Canyon and West Dublin. The latter percent may be appropriate to use to determine the cost shares since the cumulative projects approved prior to Hanson Ranch have already contributed funds to other improvements which will benefit the three new projects as well. ~ource 1988 existing Traffic Volume on Dublin Boulevard e/o Silverga .to Drive 3,840 vpd Percent Share of all, New Traffic Percent Share of three New Projects Cumulative (Approved prior to Hanson Ranch) 493vpd 8.8 Hanson Ranch (190 Single-Family DwellLng Units) 1,214 vpd 21.6 28.7 Donlan Canyon (300 apts. + 17 Single-Family Dwelling Units) .1,702vpd 30.3 33.2 West Dublin TOTAL 9,454 vpd 39.3 100.0 _43.!_ 100.0 vpd = vehicles per day ( ¸( Maureen O'Halloran -3- September 27, 1989 The intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Silvergate Drive would also need to be redesigned to accommodate the increased traffic volumes from any of these three projects. If the intersection remains as is, the future franc volumes generated by any of the three projects would cause a significant adverse impact on its operating characteristics. ' The recommended redesign, previously submitted t~ the City, would make Dublin Boulevard the main through route at the intersection, and Silvergate Drive would be the side street controlled by a STOP sign. Based on our professional judgment, this would improve the operating characteristics d£ the intersection including safety, which camaot be measured quantitatively, rather than the capacity per se. This redesign would be necessary with Hanses Ranch and/or Donlan Canyon traffic only, i.e. even without the West Dublin project, although the West Dublin project .would be a prime beneficiary of Uae improvemen~ as We'll. The peak hour traffic volumes at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Silverga~te Drive and the relative percent shares of the three future projects are presente&below. Traffic Volume at : Percent Share Dublin Boulevard/' Percent Share of three Source Silvergate Drive of New Traffic New Projects 11286 existing 286 vph : Cumulative (Approved prior to Hansen Ranch) Hansen Ranch (190 Single-Family Dwelling Unit~) Donlan Canyon (300 apts. + 17 Single-Family Dwelling Units) 185 vph 121 vph 160 vph 27.0 17.6 23.3 24.2 31.9 West Dublin 220 vph TOTAL 972 vph 32 100.0 43.9 100.0 vph = vehicles per hour If you have any questions, please give me or Chris a call. mah 157-001