HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 West Dublin Study Session AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 8 , 1990 SUBJECT: Meeting date for West Dublin Study Session on Phase II - Sketch Plan Alternatives (3P REPORT PREPARED BY: J� Brenda A. Gillarde ATTACHMENTS: None RECOMMENDATION: ' r _ Select date for study session FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Costs for the study session are included in the existing consultant contract for this project I . DESCRIPTION: The West Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan/EIR study is now at the end of Phase II - Sketch Plan Alternatives . According to the workscope , a report is to be published and a joint Planning Commission/City Council study session held to discuss the results of this phase. Staff suggests Tuesday, November 27 or Wednesday, November 28 as the meeting date for the study session. It is suggested the meeting begin at 7 : 00 p.m. in the Council. Chambers ; ending time would be approximately 10 :00 p.m. The Phase II report and an accompanying staff report will be distributed the Wednedsay before the meeting (November 21 ) . The study session is an opportunity for public input into the West Dublin planning process . The purpose of the study session is to : ] ) receive a status report on the West Dublin study 2 ) review and provide input on the preliminary development concept and alternatives 3 ) discuss and provide input on applicable general plan policies and possible modifications to those policies II . CONCLUSION Select November 27 or 28 or some other appropriate meeting date as the meeting date for the West Dublin Phase II study session. s/wdss2 COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 115147