HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PCSR Grafton Plaza GkOFDUBy ni A � STAFF REPORT � �� PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: February 9, 2016 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Grafton Plaza — 1) Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 for the 12.23 acre project site (PLPA-2015-00048); 2) Site Development Review for 127-room hotel (PLPA 2015-00015); and 3) Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map 8293 for 115 condominium units (PLPA 2013-00057) Report prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Grafton Plaza is a 12.23 - acre vacant parcel located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street. The site has a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office and related Planned Development Zoning. The developer has a vested right to develop up to 496,519 s.f. of development including up to 235 residential units. The proposed Planned Development rezoning with related Stage 2 Development Plan would integrate three uses within the • development site consistent with the existing zoning as follows: 1) retail use, ranging between 34,500 and 55,400 square feet, surface or structured parking on 3.68 acres; 2) a 127-room hotel of approximately 63,298 square feet on 2.00 acres; and 3) a 115 unit, 3-story residential townhouse condominium community on approximately 6.55 acres. Separate Site Development Review applications have been submitted for the hotel and residential components, with Vesting Tentative Map 8293 submitted for the 115-unit residential townhouse condominium development. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 would create three legal parcels with coordinated access and infrastructure for the development site overall. Total building area on site is estimated to be approximately 337,110 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza Mixed Use project on a 12.23 acre site; 5) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve a Site Development Review for a 127- room, 4-story hotel on a 2.00 acre site; 6) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve a Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map 8293 for a 115-unit residential townhouse condominium project on a 6.55 acre site; and 7) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve Vesting Tenta • Parcel Map 10365 subdividing a 12.23-acre site„i to$ree parcels. �1 /� G Submitted By c Aevi By Consulting Planner Assistant Community Development Director COPIES TO: Applicant File Page 1 of 18 G.\PA120151PLPA-2015-00048 Grafton Plaza\PC Mtg 2.9.16 PD Rez Tmap SDRIREVISED DOCSIPCSR Grafton Plaza 2.9.2016.docx PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Grafton Plaza is a 12.23 acre site, located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street, north of Interstate Highway 580 within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and part of a larger 25.33 acre area. The existing Water Quality Pond on the southerly portion of the site encompasses 13.1 acres. The 12.23 acre project site currently is vacant, but has been rough graded, and gradually slopes to the south and west. VICINITY MAP 3 DUDIA.PAWN(*JV DUBLN RANCH DUBLIN CINTIAL ■a PARKWAY DUBLIN Kn. PROJECT AREA , 416 if The uses surrounding and adjacent to the project site generally are described as follows: • North (across Dublin Boulevard) • - easterly portion — The Terraces, 626 units of High Density Residential - westerly portion — vacant, Neighborhood Commercial district • South — the 13+ acre Water Quality Pond for Dublin Ranch • East — vacant (approximately 28 acres) designated as Campus Office and anticipated for medical center development by its owner, Kaiser Permanente • West— (across Grafton Street) Grafton Station commercial center Aerial Image r‘:ore cam.. TYND APU Water OT AREA Quality Basin I-580 2 of 18 The project site has a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office adopted by the City Council in 2010 (Resolution 76-10) for the overall 25.33 acre area. This land use designation allows office uses or a combination of residential, retail commercial and office uses. The following is the General Plan Land Use definition: "Mixed Use 2/Campus Office - (Maximum FAR: 0.45; Employee Density: 490/260 square feet per employee) This designation allows a mix of uses including residential, live-work and shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurants, hotel and entertainment facilities or Campus Office uses consistent with the Campus Office land use designation. The floor area ratio applies to both development options (Mixed Use 2 and Campus Office) and is for the combined commercial and residential uses, if residential uses are incorporated or for commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The residential component shall not exceed 50% of the development square footage. Gas stations are not permitted. Example: Grafton Plaza." Planned Development (PD) zoning with a Stage 1 Development Plan for the 25.33 acre site was adopted by the City Council concurrent with the land use designation (Attachment 1). The Stage 1 Development Plan allows a mix of different use types and offers two different options of intensity, each with a maximum of 496,519 square feet as shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning Land Use FR Designation Gross Acres Net Acres (0.45 average) Option 1 Non-Residential Residential (Mixed-Use 25.33 23.4 Residential 248,259 sq. ft. max. Development) 248,260 S.F. (+/-235 Residential Units) Option 2 Non-Residential Residential (Campus Office 25.33 23.4 Development) 496,519 S.F. NA The Applicants are currently processing applications consistent with Option 1. The proposed project consists of a 4-story hotel, 115 residential townhomes and future retail commercial as illustrated in Table 2 below. Table 2. Pr oposed Project Parcel Use Acres Use Proposed Allowed SF FAR SF FAR Parcel 1 Residential 6.55 115 units 218,651 .20 248,259 .50 Parcel 2 Hotel 2.00 27 rooms 63,298 .11 248,260 .50 Parcel 3 Retail/Office 3.68 Bldgs A - D 55,400 Subtotal 12.23 337,349 .31 496,519 .45 Water Quality Pond 13.10 drainage 0 0 0 0 Total 25.33 337,349 .31 496,519 .45 Note: Residential density on the 6.55 acre site is 17.56 du/ac. Residential area excludes garage space. 3 of 18 The City Council held a Study Session to receive a presentation by the applicant and to provide Staff with direction regarding the project proposal on October 6, 2014 (Attachments 2 and 3). The City Council received a subsequent project update on April 7, 2015 (Attachments 4 and 5). The City Council discussed the aspects of the project and directed Staff to proceed with processing the entitlements for the project. During these meetings, the City Council expressed the importance that the project address the street frontage on Grafton Street and the corner of Dublin Boulevard consistent with the adjacent Grafton Station project. The City Council also discussed the phasing of the project and the importance to ensure that at least one of the commercial elements was constructed at the same time, or before the residential component of the project. The applicants are currently requesting approval of the following entitlements: • Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan: Proposed for the entire 12.23 acre Grafton Plaza project site to create the framework for an integrated mixed use project totally approximately 337,349 square feet (Applicant: S&V LLC). • Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365: Creating three parcels/development sites (Applicant: S&V LLC). • Site Development Review (Hotel): To construct a 127-room, four-story hotel on approximately 2 acres (Applicant: Zenique Hotel). • Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8293: To construct 115 residential townhouse condominium units in 20 three-story buildings on approximately 6.55 acres ANALYSIS: Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan The property owner is requesting approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan. The proposed development plan is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation and existing Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 Development Plan. The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan addresses the overall site and includes the following as required for a Stage 2 Development Plan: • Statement of compatibility with the Stage 1 Development Plan • Site plan • Development densities by land use — maximum numbers of residential units by type and non-residential building area • Phasing Plan • Landscape Design Standards and Preliminary Landscape Plan • Grading • Circulation — vehicular and pedestrian • Development Regulations/Standards • Architectural Design Standards/Guidelines The Stage 2 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza creates an integrated multi-use project that links several components together to create an overall environment where each use can take advantage to the proximity to adjacent uses. Items such as pedestrian and vehicular linkages, common gathering and open space plaza areas, and coordinated architectural elements are a part of the plan making the individual uses play off the whole project. 4 of 18 On-site integration among the three uses include: 1) a motor court plaza with enhanced pavement centrally located on site; 2) a linear "Plaza" element between the commercial and hotel uses that extends across Grafton Street to Grafton Station; and 3) a paseo element between the hotel and residential uses. The paseo shall provide a link to the trail accessing the Water Quality Pond to the south (visual open space). The Site Plan proposed for the Stage 2 Development Plan is shown below: AM -_ 11.111.1r .15 Dublin Blvd — ?' El.: r — C 41 Commercial p;r� • Q "� oy L W tr• F , 4 H; nZ ,,1 V - , -, at: ; +V « 1 .;J t t ' Residential 40. . : . 4 a • 4 V ' • a . ,J{ tr. Hotel - ��° vs; 4 t , . •..,46.I; r -i,`.e" 4 1 ,may • \; If r • r r rrr rrr rts�r rr,r ill � �'.`"•s• :1: �I rrr rrr rrr i. •' • Street B °J., F r i i Site Plan and Preliminary Landscape Plan The site is arranged with the retail commercial uses at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street in the northwest quadrant of the project site. The hotel site would be located south of the retail along Grafton Street, and the residential townhouse/condominiums would be located east of the commercial component. Access to the project is provided from two driveways: one entry would be from Dublin Boulevard between the commercial and residential sites (Street A). A second driveway would be located at the southerly terminus of Grafton Street between the hotel site and the Water Quality Pond to the south of Street B. A transit stop is proposed for the south side of Dublin Boulevard adjacent to the commercial uses, and pedestrian circulation would be accommodated by an extensive system of walkways. 5 of 18 Commercial The commercial component of the project is intended to be integrated visually and architecturally with the adjacent Grafton Station "Main Street" concept along the west side of Grafton Street. The commercial buildings are proposed as 2 or 3-story structures between 34,500 and 55,400 square feet for retail and/or office use. Depending on the future development program, either structured or surface parking would be utilized to meet the City's Zoning Ordinance for off-street parking. In addition, flex use area centrally located between the commercial, residential and the hotel uses would be provided in a small lot adjacent to the east side of the hotel for overflow parking, but also for hosting special gatherings such as a farmers market or specialized food venue. The pavement in this area is highly embellished so as not to give the appearance of a parking lot. Additionally, a row of perpendicular spaces within the large surface parking lot between the west side of the hotel and Grafton Street is also provided with embellished pavement to allow for the expansion of the Plaza uses during special events. The Stage 2 Development Plan will establish development standards and other regulations for future development of the commercial site. Development of the commercial component is proposed to be constructed in the future. A Site Development Review Permit will be reviewed by the Planning Commission when this portion of the project comes forward at a later date. The development regulations in the Stage 2 Development Plan for the commercial component would establish building height from 35 feet to a maximum of 55 feet with building setback measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks would be a function of building height with allowance for encroachments for architectural elements. Parking requirements generally shall conform to the City's Zoning Ordinance for "Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations" (Chapter 8.76) with an allowance for compact spaces. Architectural Design Guidelines and Design Standards intended to promote a "Main Street" character regarding building mass and form, building placement, architectural style, vehicular circulation (including parking area), pedestrian circulation, and landscaping. The allow flexibility to modify the building configurations while maintaining a cohesive, integrated mixed use project. (See Attachment 6, Exhibit A) Hotel The development regulations in the Stage 2 Development Plan establish a building envelope that and setbacks based on building height in scenarios of 50 feet, 65 feet, and 90 feet to allow options for specific proposals through Site Development Review. As proposed by the requested Site Development Review application, only the "50 feet" scenario would be applicable. 6 of 18 The following standards would apply for determining the parking requirement for the proposed hotel: Table 3: Hotel Parking Requirements Use Type Parking Ratios Proposed Program Parking Required Parking Provided' Guest Room 1 space per room 127 Guest Rooms 127 Spaces 127 Spaces Employee 1 space per employee . 15 Employees 15 Spaces 8 Spaces' on largest shift Conference 1 space per 250 S.F. 1,090 S.F. 5 Spaces 5 Spaces TOTAL 140 Spaces 'A shared parking plan can demonstrate different users at peak times. For instance, housekeeping staff will be on site when guests are typically not checked in. A sufficient number of spaces will be provided to meet the greatest parking demands of the participating use types and to ensure that there will not be a parking deficiency. The use types, by their natures and operating times, will not conflict with each other. The proposed project provides 1 per room (127 spaces), 1 per 250sq ft for conferernce area (5 spaces), and 8 parking spaces provided for employees, which is 7 short of the standard; however,with the off peak times of the highest employed hours (9am-5pm), those employees will be able to use the guest spots. Compact parking spaces,eight (8) feet wide and seventeen (17) feet deep, up to 35%are allowed. Residential The proposed residential component of 115 townhouse/condominium units within the easterly 6.55 acres of the Grafton Plaza project site would be developed in 20 buildings ranging in size from 4 units to 9 units. Access to the residential tract would be from one of two street entries shared with the commercial and hotel uses. Since building placement and configuration are for townhouse/condominiums. the Development Regulations focus on setback, building separation, private open space, and parking (Attachment 6, Exhibit A, Pages 7 through 13). The architectural design of the Grafton Plaza residential area is intended to reflect the "Main Street" concept of access to nearby services and pedestrian amenities. A number of key concepts are stated in the Architectural Design Guidelines which address items such as massing, roof forms, building corners, windows and trim, and colors/materials (Please refer to Attachment 6, Exhibit A). Residential parking is required at 3 spaces per unit in the form of two enclosed garage spaces (as an attached double garage on the ground floor) and one guest space in a location on site. Preliminary Landscape Plan — A Preliminary Landscape Plan for the overall project has been provided for compliance with the Stage 2 Development Plan requirements with the objective of continuing and complementing the landscape theme and streetscape design of the adjacent Grafton Station. The Preliminary Landscape Plan is a conceptual plan that focuses on entries, setbacks from public and private rights-of-way, paseos, plazas, and pedestrian trail systems that integrate the commercial, hotel and residential uses. The primary entrance at Street A would feature a landscaped median with access points to the residential area to the east and the commercial area parking to the west. It would terminate at the motor court plaza where featured activities are proposed to occur. Along the westerly boundary, Grafton Street terminates in a small existing roundabout at the Street B entrance and boundary with the Water Quality Pond to the south. The landscape improvements also make a connection and provide an interface with the open space trail system of the adjacent Water Quality Pond to the south. Principals and 7of18 examples for hardscape elements, lighting, fencing, plant palette, and maintenance responsibilities are presented in the specific landscape plans provided with the Site Development Review applications for the hotel and residential components discussed below. Phasing Plan - To assure that residential construction does not proceed before development of either the commercial component or the hotel, the following statement has been included in the Stage 2 Development Plan under Phasing: Development in the form of the issuance of a building permit, and commencement of construction work authorized with the building permit, on at least one of the parcels designated for commercial development shall occur before, or concurrently with building permit issuance on the residential parcel of the Grafton Plaza site covered by the Development Plan. This requirement does not preclude the developer from grading the entire site and installing infrastructure to serve other portions of the site prior to issuance of a building permit for the commercial component of Grafton Plaza. In accordance with Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, the total residential building area of 218,412 square feet (excluding garages) combined with the proposed 118,698 square feet of commercial space, results in a total of 337,110 square feet or an FAR of .31 over the entire 25.33 acre site and therefore complies with the maximum FAR allowed of .45. The 218,412 square feet of building area also complies with the requirement that residential building area not exceed 50% of the total building area allowed. At an allowable building area of 496,519, residential building area would represent 44%. A Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt the proposed Planned Development rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan is included as Attachment 6 with the draft City Council Ordinance included as Exhibit A. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 An application has been submitted to divide the 12.23 acre Grafton Plaza site for the three uses identified as: 1) commercial; 2) hotel; and 3) residential, as shown below. No development can occur until such time as a comprehensive Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan is approved for the site. The Planned Development rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan, including development standards for all three uses, provides a unifying element across the site to ensure that future specific development on each of three uses results in a comprehensive and coordinated project. 8 of 18 I , >‘....- — a DU kw, " 44',4t4* I gLfN 8Chi EVARD "_ 1St1apL. k- /•',•t .'/ORE wino LS:. /I i, I ■ y.^ CDwRRC•u r i i 9 i I v e I ��ti 5 •{ ••.RLM:N.cr, w mow. •t 6 SS,AC iw I EUfURI MUD Vl.. .� 444.40 S 4 2 REWENTAL/ ...N i it Mi■'ft'1■ L•M.M AOr •8 I .,M,.(o-s-re, ■ Pi �L•,M M■IO, T.w �y I .w. *''< I 2 000.0 I NNRC I■RED UX ■ II COMMERCIAL, [4 I R•N N 4M.w,., . l5• - w,. I 'per: i r ».w1 ■,o. . y1 '.1'.�.5 ''•.. .... .—.._ _. .. /.__ ,,t'n u•rn. ..e. . MP•t sr s• ■W WV y 1 The Zoning Administrator held a public hearing on October 7, 2015 and approved the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (Resolution 15-3). An appeal was filed on October 15, 2015 by Abe Gupta. Subsequently, on November 3, 2015, Martin Inderbitzen on behalf of his client S and V LLC, withdrew the application. Mr. lnderbitzen re-submitted the application for the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map so that it could be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council concurrent with the other applications for Grafton Plaza. A Planning Commission Resolution recommending City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 creating three parcels within the 12.23 acre Grafton Plaza project site is provided as Attachment 7 with the draft City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A. Hotel Site Development Review Site Layout/Plotting - A Site Development Review permit has been requested for a 63,298 square foot, 127-room, 4-story hotel on approximately 2-acres. The A-Loft brand proposed hotel building includes a swooping roof element which is illuminated with painted channel graphics on the underside. The hotel would be partially visible from 1-580 as the proposed 3- story residential town homes would interrupt the view to west bound traffic on 1-580. The hotel would be situated in between the proposed future commercial uses and the Water Quality Pond. The building, approximately 50 feet in height, is sited in a north-south direction with a surface parking lot to the west between the hotel building and Grafton Street. Guest amenities on the hotel grounds include: pool, spa, bocce ball court, outdoor fire pit, cabanas, and patio/deck area (back yard). Typical guest amenities, both indoor and out, are shown on Attachment 8, Exhibit B, Sheet A-4.0, A-4.1 , A-4.2. The overall building composition includes architectural forms and materials that complement the style and character of the project. The arrival court would be located on the west side of the 9 of 18 building under a porte cochere. It would be separated from general drive aisles by concrete bollards and enhanced pavement. A recreational area with hotel amenities would be provided along the easterly side of the hotel and interface with the common area paseo and residential component of the project. Primary vehicular access to the hotel site would be from Grafton Street onto to Street B along the southerly boundary. An entry monument would be located at the driveway into the surface parking lot. per.. 1 . 'a`n �Yltfi n....17 '. r�;nrsm 1:". I, 4 f VA E l� — 1'J'Q.1 s G' •,, ---1 , .2 1 - 121i,—miarli 0 lenEtrm. ,..,-,.,7 C I 1 / 1 {i y hit. yid rit" "° ,sM ,.. w.v H,z;=i;--!_ Hotel Site Plan i Hotel Floor Plan - The ground floor of the proposed hotel includes guest amenities including bar/lounge, seating, pool table (games), conference rooms, fitness room, as well as typical hotel i functions such as: front desk, lobby, office, restrooms, housekeeping, and other operations related uses. i Guest rooms are configured as King rooms, King Sofa rooms, and Double Queen rooms. Guest rooms are shown on the floor plans as follows: Table 4: Hotel Floors Total SF King King Sofa Double Queen Total Rooms Room Rooms Ground 17,665 9 1 6 16 Second 15,683 23 3 11 37 Third 15,683 23 3 11 37 Fourth 15,683 23 3 11 37 Total 63,298 78 10 39 127 Typical guest rooms are shown on Attachment 8, Exhibit B Sheets A5.0 through A5.6. 10 of 18 • Architecture — Exterior of the four-story structure primarily is stucco with glass window systems for each of the guest rooms. Architectural elements and surfaces include composite wood veneer panels with light strips along the northerly elevation and along the ground floor level. Metal wall panels embellish exterior elevations in intervals above the ground floor and at full building height against a tower element at the southwest corner of the building. Stucco surfaces would be articulated with metal reveals in one and four inch widths, and window frames enhanced with aluminum louvres. Top story signage below an illuminated canopy with the signature graphics also is proposed on the southerly façade with partial freeway exposure. ri 11 =I=• itli 11 l • ^ �i �� 1 11 � , 11H �i III 11 !. 11 ii 61. 1! .‘ • . . m1611 _ i •. ... Proposed color and materials are shown in Attachment 8, Exhibit B, Sheet A-3.0 of the Aloft Hotel Site Development Review Booklet. Parking - The hotel operates with 15 employees on its largest shift. It is estimated that a minimum of 140 spaces would be required and a parking analysis was conducted to confirm this. Table 5: Hotel Parking Provided Location Spaces Grafton Street (angled) 11 Street B (90 degree) 10 Street B (Parallel) 1 Grafton Street Lot 118 Total 140 Landscaping — The landscape plan for the hotel site identifies landscape and hardscape materials in the setbacks, parking areas and perimeter of the building. Landscape improvements include a series of screen trees between adjacent uses and hotel grounds. Hardscape improvements include enhanced pavement, signage monuments, seat walls, and the recreation areas along the easterly side of the building. Example plant materials are depicted with the landscape plans. 11 of 18 A Resolution recommending that the City Council approve the Site Development Review is included as Attachment 8 with the draft City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A, and the project plans attached as Exhibit B. Residential Site Development Review Site Layout/Density — The 115-unit residential townhouse development on the easterly 6.55 acres of the Grafton Plaza project would be developed as 20, 3-story buildings. Access would be from one of two entries. Access from Dublin Boulevard is shared with the adjacent commercial use in an internal loop system. Access from Grafton Street via Street B would be shared with the hotel use. Garages would be accessed from the internal loop street system or from a motor court (single entrance alleyway). The number of units in each of the residential buildings or townhouse blocks would range in size from 4 to 9 units. The units located in buildings facing the perimeter of the project have entries oriented towards Dublin Boulevard, the Water Quality Pond/open space, or the commercial interface. The four buildings along the easterly boundary would be placed perpendicular to that property line with the entries facing reciprocal use access paseos. Buildings located in the central portion of the site face onto the internal loop road reciprocal use paseos. • / .. - 3/. ``•,'" %::� J 1. • ,�• •'- • V - j : ° 444 • - -r ‘. • . 3 1..--4)_./ kiryt . : 4 -,-, i ' J ' 3 C) , � D , . Residential Site Plan Floor Plans — Four floor plans are available with the placement predetermined for each building type. All plans are 3 stories, and all units have a two-car garage on the ground floor with direct access into the unit. All plans/units within Edge buildings have a low-walled front patio within the front setback accessed by a low stoop to a covered front porch; units within row/townhouses would not have a stoop or walled ground level patio. The Private Open Space requirement would be satisfied by the ground level patios for Plan 4 and second floor decks for Plans 1 , 2, and 3. All floor plans offer a Universal Design Ordinance option (UDO - handicapped accessible). Plan 1 — Plan 1 is the smallest at 1 ,766 square feet and typically is an interior unit except in the 6-plex Edge structure (Type 3) where it is an end unit. Each of its three bedrooms has a full en suite bathroom, including the one on the ground floor. Primary living space is located on the second floor along with the kitchen, a powder room, laundry room, and 12 of 18 outdoor deck which serves as the front patio cover below. The master bedroom and second bedroom are located on the third floor. Thirty-one percent of the units are Plan 1. Plan 2—Plan 2 at 1,879 square feet is the most frequently provided unit (36%) and typically an interior unit except in the 7-plex Edge structure (Type 4) where it is an end unit. It has four bedrooms and 31/2 bathrooms. There is a bedroom with en suite bathroom on the ground floor. The second floor living space and kitchen also include a powder room and laundry room with deck area at the rear of the unit which is covered by the third floor. The master bedroom suite located on the third floor has a sliding door with "Juliette" (or one- step, narrow) balcony on the front side of the unit. Two smaller bedrooms and a hallway bathroom are also located on the third floor. Plan 3 — Plan 3 is 1 ,944 square feet, exclusively an end unit, and represents 23% of the total. It has four bedrooms and four full bathrooms. There is a ground floor bedroom with en suite bathroom, as do both bedrooms on the third floor. The fourth bedroom, located on the second floor, may be built out for use as a media room option. The fourth bathroom is located at the top of the stairway on the second floor with the laundry room on the third floor above. The outdoor deck is located at the rear of the unit and covered by the third floor. Plan 4 — At 2,244 square feet, Plan 4 is the largest and makes up 10% of the plans. It is used only as an end unit. The alternative garage layout places the garage door to the back or side of a unit depending on building orientation. This floor plan accommodates the main living area, kitchen, and a powder room on the ground floor. A large, open front patio wraps the corner of the unit; however, there is no upper outdoor balcony space. The second floor has two bedrooms with a loft or optional fourth bedroom, one full bathroom and a laundry room. The master bedroom, with en suite bathroom and large retreat area, occupies the full third floor. Table 6: Floor Plans Plan Square Feet(' Bedrooms Bathrooms Parking Stories Unit Count 1 1,766 sf 3 31,4 2 3 36 31% 2 1,879 sf 4 31/2 2 3 41 36% 3 1,944 sf(2) 4 4 2 3 27 23% 4 2,215 sf(2) 3 +1 21/2 2 3 11 10% Total 115 100% (1) Excludes garage area (2) Excludes an exterior building utility cabinet which has been included in the total residential building area with the Grafton Plaza site for the purpose of calculating FAR and percentage of building area in accordance with the Mixed Use 2/Campus Office PD zone.. Colors — Color and materials for the three color schemes are shown on Attachment 9, Exhibit B, Sheet A8.0. Two color schemes are provided for the Edge buildings (Type 1 — 6), and one color scheme for the row/townhouse. The different color schemes would be utilized for various surface planes for the proposed building styles. Materials — Building exterior plans are varied in terms of materials, articulation, and color. Although all structures have a flat roof, architectural elements are employed to convey the 13 of 18 appearance of height differentials between units with corner accents, including tower elements with cornice outlookers. Flat stucco surfaces may be segmented with metal reglets. Ground level, low porch and patio walls would be stucco finished with metal railings. Upper level decks may be enclosed with metal railings or metal framed glass panels. Two-level window systems, delineated with solid metal panel units, are used to allow natural light into the stairwells, and metal frames, cornices, and canopy frames would be installed to define and enhance relief between various material surfaces. 14 it . - ' , 1 a . 4 ... . ii _ , . _..,, . , , . . ..„ _ '- J R , h 4 1,1.-. a!-- - ,, - r- —_ . Parking — Based on 115 units, the required parking, based on the Zoning Ordinance standards, is 230 garage spaces and 115 guest parking stalls. The proposed project exceeds the required guest parking requirement by 1 additional stall. Attachment 9, Exhibit B, Sheet C.2, identifies the location of guest parking generally provided as parallel or perpendicular to the curb in designated areas or in driveways (only one per unit) in front of a garage where depth permits without roadway intrusion. Parallel spaces are on Street B along the southerly boundary at Grafton Street and along Streets D and F (the easterly and westerly segment legs of the internal residential loop street). Perpendicular and parallel spaces are located along the interior side of Streets C, D, and E which include a combination of handicapped access, compact, and standard size spaces. Only the four 5-Plex Edge buildings (20 units along the easterly boundary of the site) have sufficient depth behind the garage to accommodate a guest space. In addition, nine spaces along the south side of Street B within the commercial parcel boundary have been counted towards the residential guest parking space requirement. No parking is permitted along Dublin Boulevard Landscape/Streetscape Plan — The Preliminary Landscape Plan for the residential area proposes to continue the theme and plant palette of Dublin Boulevard and the surrounding areas. In addition, it addresses streetscape improvements and planting patterns for neighborhood streets, building setbacks, paseo improvements, and pockets of open space for passive and active recreation. It aims to provide pedestrian links and connectivity within the mixed use project. Internal motor courts include embellished pavement with similar treatments utilized in the entrance driveways and crosswalk areas. The existing Water Quality Pond is a major component of the overall 25.33 acre Grafton Plaza area and is located immediately south of the proposed developments. The Water Quality Pond has already been developed and has been operating for 10 years. This open space element visually enhances the area while providing necessary regional water quality treatment. With the original approval in 2005, it was intended that the northerly edge of the pond be developed into a trail linking developments in an east west direction. A portion of this trail was improved with a pathway, plantings, seating areas and an arbor. Development of the residential component will complete this amenity which links back to the north/south open space pathway between the 14 of 18 hotel and the residential component and through a separate access gate to the residential project. The Grafton Plaza project will provide access points and an overlook to the existing trail within the Water Quality Pond site to the south. An integral link is with the Dublin Ranch public trail which extends through the Grafton Plaza project to Grafton Station. Within the boundaries of the residential circulation system, embellished pavement and flowering landscape materials would call attention to the direction of the trail system and indicate separation between private and common areas. A plant palette keyed to a landscape plan has been provided. Plan details identify shade structures and a combination of landscape and hardscape materials for recreational opportunities. The paseos within the residential area provide the pedestrian links and serve many unit entries, as well as access to other parts of the project. Entry arbors with seat walls and enhanced paving would utilize common elements of the architecture and signify pedestrian pathways and points of access. Landscape materials include a variety of native and other drought tolerant species. The landscaping in common areas and for the individual lots will be required to conform to the City Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Fence materials include tubular steel view fencing along the southerly boundary and a concrete block Community themed wall along the easterly boundary. A Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving the Site Development Review is included as Attachment 9 with the City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A and the Applicant's Submittal Package included as Exhibit B; which part of this action will also approve Vesting Tentative Map 8293 (described below). Vesting Tentative Map 8293 The 115-unit residential townhouse project would be subdivided as air space condominiums in 20 buildings (Lots 1 — 20) ranging in size from 4 to 9 units. Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) 8293 is shown as 6.57 acres incorporating approximately .2 acres for integrated circulation improvements from the adjacent parcels. Each building is three stories with a ground level 2-car garage for each unit having access from a private street. Common areas generally are part of the private internal roadway system or motor courts providing garage access. All perimeter streets and rights-of-way will be dedicated, and perimeter streets will be improved, including perimeter and internal sidewalks and landscaping. A Planning Commission Resolution recommending City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Map 8293 is provided by Attachment 9 in addition to the recommendation for approval of the Site Development Review with the draft City Council Resolution attached as Exhibit A. Affordable Housing/Inclusionary Zoning - The proposed project is subject to the City's Inclusionary Housing requirements. This provision requires new residential projects to provide 12.5% of the units within the new residential project as affordable. Based on the total number of units, 14 units would be required to meet the affordability standards. The affordable housing component will be addressed in a separate Affordable Housing Agreement prior to recordation of the Final Subdivision Map. 15 of 18 Public Art Compliance — The proposed project is subject to compliance with the City's Public Art Ordinance. The Ordinance requires the Applicant's contribution to be .5% of the aggregate value of the home construction to be determined and calculated by the City's Building Official. The Applicants have opted to meet this requirement through an in-lieu fee and appropriate conditions of Approval have been applied to both Site Development Review requests to assure compliance. CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN/EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN & ZONING ORDINANCE The proposed Planned Development rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan for the 12.23 acre Grafton Plaza site reflects an integrated development comprised of commercial/retail, residential and hotel uses as referenced under the Mixed Use 2/Campus Office Land Use Category of the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The overall Grafton Plaza development links several components together to create and overall environment where each use can take advantage to the proximity of opportunities. Items such as pedestrian and vehicular linkages, common gathering and open space plaza areas and coordinated architectural elements are a part of the plan making the individual uses play off the whole project. Strong east/west and north/south connections to a common open space element (the Water Quality Pond) will enhance the visual and recreational opportunities in Grafton Plaza. The proposed project has been reviewed for conformance with the Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan. The project has been designed to be compatible with adjacent and surrounding development via architectural elevations, site planning, and design details and integration with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area over all. The Applicant intends to exceed the City of Dublin Green Building Ordinance and will exceed the 50 point threshold in the City's program. In general, the proposed project furthers the goals of the Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan by providing a high quality of life and preserving resources and opportunities for future generations. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project to ensure that the Project is established in compliance with all local Ordinances and Regulations. Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies are included in the Resolutions approving the Site Development Review for the hotel (Attachment 8), the Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map 8293 for the residential portion of the project (Attachments 9), and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 (Attachment 7). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project site is within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (SCH # 91103064), certified by the City Council in Resolution No. 51-93 and Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994. The General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan EIR is a program EIR, which anticipated several subsequent actions related to future development in Eastern Dublin and identified some impacts from implementation of the General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan that could not be mitigated. Upon certification of the EIR, the City adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for such impacts. The City also adopted a 16 of 18 Mitigation-Monitoring Program, which included numerous measures intended to reduce impacts from the development of the Eastern Dublin area. Where the Eastern Dublin EIR identified impacts that could be mitigated, the previously adopted mitigation measures continue to apply to implementing projects such as Grafton Plaza, as appropriate. Two Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND) previously have been prepared that address environmental concerns specific to the project site. The document prepared in February 2000 and approved by the City Council addressed a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, and Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone for Area H (70.8 acres gross). In 2010, the City Council adopted an MND for the current project site addressing any additional significant but mitigatable site-specific impacts for the actions proposed at that time. Staff has reviewed the current project against the prior CEQA reviews and related approvals to determine if any further analysis is required. Since the development currently proposed is consistent with the 2010 approvals, no further environmental review is required since: a) no new impacts were identified beyond those in the prior CEQA reviews; b) the proposed project would not exceed the thresholds identified in previous environmental analyses for this development site; and c) the environmental impacts of this project were fully addressed and within the scope of the previous environmental documentation and analyses. PUBLIC NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public notice also was published in the Tri-Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance 10-10 Planned Development Zoning with Related Stage 1 Development Plan for the Grafton Plaza Project. 2. City Council Staff Report dated October 6, 2014. 3. City Council Meeting Minutes dated October 6, 2014. 4. City Council Staff Report dated April 7, 2015. 5. City Council Meeting Minutes dated April 7, 2015. 6. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza Mixed Use project on a 12.23 acre site, with draft Ordinance attached as Exhibit A. 7. Resolution recommending City Council adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10365 for the Grafton Plaza site, with the City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A. 8. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for 127- room, four-story hotel on a two (2.00) acre site for the Grafton Plaza project, with the City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A and project plans included as Exhibit B. 9. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit and Vesting Tentative Maps 8293 for 115 residential townhouse condominium development on a 6.55 acre site for the Grafton Plaza Mixed Use project, with the City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A and project plans included as Exhibit B. 17 of 18 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Grafton Plaza PD & Parcel Map (PLPA 2015-00048) Martin Inderbitzen PO Box 1537 Pleasanton CA 94566 Residential SDR & Condo Map (PLPA 2013-00057) Taylor Morrison 4309 Hacienda Drive, Suite 450 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Attn: Lisa Vllhauer Hotel SDR (PLPA 2015-00015) Zenique Hotels 433 Airport Boulevard, #100 Burlingame, CA 94010-2037 Attn: Rupesh Patel PROPERTY OWNER: S and V, LLC 4080 Grafton Plaza, Suite 200 Dublin CA 94568 Attn: James Tong LOCATION: Southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS: 985-0061-010 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: Mixed Use 2/Campus Office SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ZONING: PD Ordinance 10-10 SURROUNDING USES: LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY North PD High Density Residential High Density Residential (The Terraces) South PD Mixed Use 2/Campus Office Water Quality Pond for Dublin Ranch East PD Campus Office Vacant (owned by Kaiser Permanente) West PD General Commercial Grafton Station Campus Office Commercial Center 18 of 18