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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 John Monego Ct Park Regor 19 82 /ii � 111 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL August 21, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Joni Pattillo City Manager""' Approving Parking Regulations on John Monego Court Prepared by Gary Huisingh, Public Works Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: CITY CLERK File #590 -20 This is the second reading of an ordinance introduced at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of July 17, 2012. This ordinance will consider revising the parking designation on John Monego Court to convert the west side of the street from unrestricted to a 2 -hour limited parking zone and to convert the east of the street from a no- parking to an unrestricted zone. The existing no- parking zones between Dublin Boulevard and the first driveway on the west side and the second driveway on the east side would remain. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost to replace the parking designation signage, remove the bicycle lane signage and markings, and remove and reinstall the two -way left -turn lane striping is estimated at $6,200 and will be covered by the current fiscal year Street Maintenance Operating Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance amending the Dublin Traffic Code approving parking regulations on John Monego Court. Submitted By Director of Public Works DESCRIPTION: Reviewed By Assistant City Manager John Monego Court is a 52 -foot wide three lane roadway, including either a raised median or a two -way left -turn lane in the center. It serves the General Motors Auto Mall to the west and Dublin Corporate Center and Ulferts Center to the east. Currently, no parking is allowed on the west side of the street between Dublin Boulevard and the first driveway (Dublin Buick GMC). To the south, parking is unrestricted, except for a no- parking zone within the cul -de -sac at the southern terminus. The entire length of the east side is a no- parking zone and includes a Class II bike lane. Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 4.3 In October 2011, the Planning Commission approved a 13,720 square -foot KIA Dealership, which is currently under construction at 4300 John Monego Court within the greater General Motors Auto Mall. Dublin Real Estate LLC, the property owner, met with City staff to discuss their on- street parking concerns and they submitted a formal request for Staff to evaluate whether on- street parking changes can be made on John Monego Court. Since the receipt of the initial request, Dublin Real Estate LLC made a subsequent request for two -hour parking on the west side to accommodate potential customer parking. At the City Council meeting on July 17th, the property owner explained that large vehicles utilize the on- street parking along the west side of the street in front of the dealerships, which blocks viability and prohibits customer parking. Although 80 parking spaces will be included with construction of the new dealership, the purpose of the request is to open up the west side of the street for better visibility of the front row of vehicles on display and to provide closer parking for customers. The 2 -hour parking limit on the west side will prohibit long term parking while allowing for customer parking. Public Works staff has evaluated the initial and subsequent request and consulted with Economic Development staff regarding the two -hour parking designation. Staff concurs with the requests from Dublin Real Estate LLC and believes that these changes will result in more attractive frontage for the auto mall area and that is reasonable that the City initiate these changes to promote economic development. To accommodate the request, the parking designation on the west side of the street southerly to the first commercial driveway would need to be converted from unrestricted to two -hour limited parking. Due to the limited width of the roadway, the bicycle lane would need to be removed in order to accommodate unrestricted parking on the east side of the street. The existing bicycle lane, which only exists in the northbound direction, was included as part of the original roadway construction. It carries little to no bicycle traffic and is not part of a greater bicycle network since it serves a dead end street. Bicycle lanes are available on Dublin Boulevard for access to and from Ulferts Center and Dublin Corporate Center. Furthermore, despite the removal of the bicycle lane, bicyclists can still legally travel on John Monego Court. The section of John Monego Court between Dublin Boulevard and the first commercial driveway on the west side and the second commercial driveway on the east side of the roadway would remain a no- parking zone as this section contains a raised median, and the allowance of parking would result in a violation of the fire code with respect to clearance for fire truck access. The City Council considered this matter on July 17, 2012, waived the reading and introduced the ordinance (Attachment 1) approving parking regulations on John Monego Court. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: No notices were mailed as part of the second reading. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance Amending the Dublin Traffic Code Approving Parking Regulations on John Monego Court 2. July 17, 2012 Staff Report (without attachments) Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. —12 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE DUBLIN TRAFFIC CODE APPROVING PARKING REGULATIONS ON JOHN MONEGO COURT WHEREAS, on- street parking is allowed on the west side of John Monego Court; and WHEREAS, on- street parking is prohibited on the east side of John Monego Court, as there is a Class II bike lane along the entire length of roadway; and WHEREAS, Dublin Real Estate LLC, the property owner of 4200 John Monego Court (Dublin Chevrolet Cadillac), 4300 John Monego Court and 4400 John Monego Court (Dublin Buick GMC), is constructing a KIA dealership at 4300 John Monego Court; and WHEREAS, Dublin Real Estate LLC has requested that the parking designation on the west side of John Monego Court be changed from unrestricted to 2 -hour limited parking and the parking designation on the east side of John Monego Court be changed from a no- parking zone to an unrestricted parking zone with removal of the Class II bike lane; and WHEREAS, these modifications will help improve visibility of the dealerships' vehicles on display and provide more convenient parking for customers; and WHEREAS, the Class II bike lane is not represented in the City of Dublin Bikeways Master Plan and is not considered to provide a critical bicycle link as access to Dublin Corporate Center and Dublin Ulferts Center is provided via Dublin Boulevard and Glynis Rose Drive off of Dublin Boulevard. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1: The following is hereby deleted from Section 6.28.010 (No Parking Zones: Designated) of the Dublin Traffic Code: John Monego Court Eastern side entire length of street. Section 2: The following is hereby added to Section 6.28.010 (No Parking Zones: Designated) of the Dublin Traffic Code: John Monego Court On the easterly side from Dublin Boulevard southerly a distance of 421 feet (to second driveway) On the westerly side from Dublin Boulevard southerly a distance of 352 feet (to first driveway) Section 3: The following is hereby added to Section 6.32.050 (Two Hour Parking) of the Dublin Traffic Code: John Monego Court On the westerly side 402 feet south of Dublin Boulevard southerly a distance of 732 feet. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days following its adoption. Section 6. Posting. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" day of August, 2012. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor OF DU��ti X82 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL July 17, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Joni Pattillo, City Manager&a` a L Approve Parking Regulations on John Monego Court Prepared by Gary Huisingh, Public Works Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: CITY CLERK File #590 -20 This item will consider revising the parking designation on John Monego Court to convert the west side of the street from unrestricted to a 2 -hour limited parking zone and to convert the east side of the street from no- parking to an unrestricted zone. The existing no- parking zones between Dublin Boulevard and the first driveway on the west side and the second driveway on the east side would remain. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 40 The cost to replace the parking designation signage, remove the bicycle lane signage and markings, and remove and reinstall the two -way left -turn lane striping is estimated at $6,200 and funds are available in the current fiscal year Street Maintenance Operating Budget to complete the work, if directed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending the Dublin Traffic Code Relating to Parking Regulations on John Monego Court. C '_�_ .4 1 Submitted By Director of Public Works DESCRIPTION: Reviewed By Assistant City Manager John Monego Court is a 52 -foot wide three lane roadway, including either a raised median or a two -way left -turn lane in the center. It serves the General Motors Auto Mall to the west and Dublin Corporate Center and Ulferts Center to the east. Currently,, no parking is allowed on the west side of the street between Dublin Boulevard and the first driveway (Dublin Buick GMC). To the south, parking is unrestricted, except for a no- parking zone within the cul -de -sac at the southern terminus. The entire length of the east side is a no- parking zone and includes a Class II bike lane. Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 6.4 In October 2011, the Planning Commission approved a 13,720 square -foot KIA Dealership, which is currently under construction at 4300 John Monego Court within the greater General Motors Auto Mall. Dublin Real Estate LLC, the property owner, met with City staff to discuss their on- street parking concerns and they submitted a formal request for Staff to evaluate whether on- street parking changes can be madeon John Monego Court (Attachment 1). Since the receipt of Attachment 1, Dublin Real Estate LLC made a subsequent request for two -hour parking on the west side to accommodate potential customer parking. Currently, employees of the existing dealerships generally take up most of the on- street parking along the west side of the street in front of the dealerships Although 80 parking spaces will be included with construction of the new dealership, the purpose of the request is to open up the west side of the street for better visibility of the front row of vehicles on display and to provide closer parking for customers. Public Works staff has evaluated the initial and subsequent request and consulted with Economic Development staff regarding the two -hour parking designation. Staff concurs with the requests from Dublin Real Estate LLC. Staff believes that these changes will result in more attractive frontage for the auto mall area and that is reasonable that the City initiate these changes to promote economic development. To accommodate the request, the parking designation on the west side of the street southerly to the first commercial driveway would need to be converted from unrestricted to two -hour limited parking. Due to the limited width of the roadway, the bicycle lane would need to be removed in order to accommodate unrestricted parking on the east side of the street (Attachment 2). The existing bicycle lane, which only exists in the northbound direction, was included as part of the original roadway construction. It carries little to no bicycle traffic and is not part of a greater bicycle network since it serves a dead end street. Bicycle lanes are available on Dublin Boulevard for access to and from Ulferts Center and Dublin Corporate Center. Furthermore, despite the removal of the bicycle lane, bicyclists can still legally travel on John Monego Court. The section of John Monego Court between Dublin Boulevard and the first commercial driveway on the west side and the second commercial driveway on the east side of the roadway would remain a no- parking zone as this section contains a raised median, and the allowance of parking would result in a violation of the fire code with respect to clearance for fire truck access. A draft ordinance is included that would convert the west side of the street to a two -hour limited parking zone and the east side of the street to unrestricted parking (Attachment 3). NOTICING REQUIREMENTSIPUBLIC OUTREACH: A notice regarding the (Attachment 4). A copy of ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2, 3. 4. Public Hearing was mailed to the adjacent property owners this staff report was also provided to Dublin Real Estate LLC. Request for Change to Parking Designation Location Map with Recommendations Ordinance Amending the Dublin Traffic Code Relating to Parking Regulation on John Monego Court Notice Regarding Public Hearing Page 2 of 2