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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Girl Scout Week Proc~~~~ Off' nU~~~ /ii ~ 111 L~~ - ~ ~~~ DATE: TO: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File # 610-50 March 6, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers .. FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager ~~.. SUBJECT: Proclamation for Girl Scouts' Week, March 11-17, 2012 Prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will present a proclamation for Girl Scouts' Week, March 11-17, 2012. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Present proclamation. ~~Fg r 7 Submitted By City Clerk DESCRIPTION: ~, t~ Reviewed By Assistant City Manager The City Council will proclaim March 11-17, 2012 as Girl Scouts' Week in commemoration of the 100t" Anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proclamation Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. 3.1 ` - i A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITYCOUNCIL gip, ~, `E CITYOFDUBLIN ~ ~ "~ ;' ,~ CALIFORNIA ~; '~ WHEREAS, on March 12, 1 I2, Girl Scouts o f America Founder Juliette Gordon Low ~, _ , , '~ registered the first Girl Scout Troop in Sauanna~i, Georgia; and ~. , ~:. WHEREAS, since then Girl Scouting has spread across the United States and beyond, ~` bringing to ether girl's from a broad range of cultural, religious and socioeconomic ~~ backgrounds to explore and experience all aspects o life which encourage knowledge, ~, leadership, community awareness and self-esteem; ands ~~ .? ~~ ~,, ~~ WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is proud to honor and recognize, the benefits that parttcipanon in Girl Scouting has had for generations on our community's young women, ' ' ;\ - ~ as well as providing many important volunteer services to the entire community; and ~; ' ~ WHEREAS the Girl Scouts of Northern California will be celebrating the Girl Scouts of Vii, ~' ~ >~ ~~ !E America's 1 ooth Anniversary during the week of March YY - Y~, 2012. ~ ~, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Dublin City Council, do hereby ' ~' proclaim March 11 -March Y7, 2or2, as Girl Scout Week throughout our City and ~ . , ' `~~ encourage our residents to_1'om in this celebration and express thanks to Girl Scouts for i their dedicated service to the welfare of our community. DATED: March 6, 2oi2 ~..~3~ ~`~~'~~~.' ,` _ ayor Sbranti Vice Mayor art - I - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ C uncilmember Hildenbrand ~ ~C ncilmember Biddle Cou ~ ' ember Swalwell i ~ r ~ r~ . 1 ~ .; ~ -' .. a,. °~^^imnumwuwiwmiwuwiwiEwuwuuuuuwuiwiw:wuw~uuuuwwiww ~r a~~~~<~~uwmnwuwiwuwu~wimnmmmwnuu~wiumwmmWnwuuuwwnwuumwwmo~wnuumrununixiwuw~wiwiuiu~iwwu~uuwimummmwiwwmw ~mw^wvunuownunuuwimmdiwuu~iwmewiwuiwwuww mwuuwwmw~ ~ -~ - - . 1 .; - ~, ~ - ~, „. .. ,, .,.~ .. _._ ,