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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-2012 Adopted CC Min Adj Mtg (2) MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 3. 2012 An adjourned regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Saturday, March 3, 2012, in the Regional Meeting Room of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m., by Mayor Sbranti. +- ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Swa Iwe II , and Mayor Sbranti __+ n ___ , _n __ , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the City Council, Staff, and those present. ,,-- '-.. "----------', Public Comments 9:05 a.m. 3.1 Sheila Jessup-Schwartz, Dublin Resident, spoke on the need for additional dog parks in Dublin. She requested that Dublin consider one or more dog parks in east Dublin. --. CONSENT CALENDAR - None _n"_ WRITTEN COMMUNICA liONS - None .. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None '. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 1 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None . NEW BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 Mid-Year Budget Report and December 2011 Quarterly Report of Financial Activities 9:09 a.m. 8.1 Administrative Services Director Paul Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that Staff had prepared a detailed Mid-Year Budget Review to identify any material (jeviations from the adopted Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budgef The primary focus of the report was on the General Fund, which accounts for the majority of city operations. Staff had identified proposed adjustments to Revenue and Expenditures. This item also provided the report of the financial statements for the period ending December 31,2011. Mr. Rankin explained that financial data was limited, only one quarter of real data was available. Staff would need to rely on projections and estimates. Mr. Rankin explained that the State had a structural deficit, and there were concerns about the state budget and potential future impacts to the City. Mr. Rankin explained that with Building Permit fees, many of the permits pulled today would incur expenses in the next fiscal year. The revenue was recognized in this fiscal year. City Manager Pattillo explained that fees were collected now on work that would be done one to two years later. The City Council established a reserve to ensure that there would be no big fluctuations in future expenses. Mayor Sbranti asked where the one million dollar increase in revenue, would go. City Manager Pattillo explained that the revenue would go into the Service Continuity Reserve; the collection of fees doesn't always occur in the same year expenses are incurred, this Reserve allows for a smooth approach to expenses in later years. On motion of Councilmember Biddle, seconded by Vice Mayor Hart, and by unanimous vote, the City Council received the Report as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government code; and approved the Budget Changes. Mayor Sbranti asked about the budgeted revenues and expenditures on Attachment 6. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING . MARCH 3, 2012 2 Mr. Rankin explained that transfers were budgeted, using General Fund money to build a capital project. ~ '~- Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Community Grants Program Subcommittee Funding Recommendations for Community Support Grants 9: 25 a.m. 8.2 Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager/Assistant to the City Manager presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council was being asked to provide direction on Community Support Grant Program funding recommendations as part of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 budget process. The City's Council's recommendations would be included in the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2014-2014 Preliminary Budget. Final organization funding consideration would occur at the City Council Budget Hearing on June 19, 2012. Ms. Cunningham stated that 24 applications from 19 organizations were received, and one organization withdrew their funding request. Ms. Cunningham stated that the on-line grant application process was implemented this year and Staff received positive feedback. Barbara Bernstein, representative for Eden Information & Referral, stated that her organization's funding request of $10,000 was reduced by the Subcommittee to $5,000 and she was requesting that the City Council consider funding the full $10,000. She explained the services that Eden Information & Referral provides to the community. Mayor Sbrantisupported the increase of funding. Vm. Hart supported raising the General Fund total to $125,000 to accommodate the additional $5,000 request to Eden Information & Referral. City Manager Pattillo clarified that for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 the funding limit is $120,000. $125,000 for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 is a one year exception to the approved program funding limit. On motion of Vm. Hart and seconded by Cm. Swa Iwe II , and by unanimous vote, the City Council received the report, discussed the Subcommittee's funding recommendation, supported the Subcommittee's recommendation and approved the of $5,000 increase to Eden Information & Referral with funds coming from the General Fund, and clarified that funds for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 would be $120,000. Mayor Sbranti suggested that a representative from 2-1-1 be invited to attend the future Human Services Task Force meetings. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 3 ------ -- -- .. Community Fiscal Strateav Forums and Developina Lona-Term Fiscal Sustainabilitv 9:51 a.m. 8.3 Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager/Assistant to the City Manager presented the Staff Report and advised that this report provided information about the recent Community Fiscal Strategy Forums and developing long-term fiscal sustainability. Ms. Cunningham explained that the Forum was asked to focus on 15 categories. The categories represent General Fund supported activities. Vm. Hart was surprised at how the Forum rated Fire services. City Manager Pattillo explained that the community feels safe. Police and Fire were well received and respected. The group was pleased that Alameda County Fire Department was supplying services. Vm. Hart asked about the perception of Library services. City Manager Pattillo explained that she believed that there was a strong contingent from the Library community. Cm. Hildenbrand was surprised that there was no concern for parks development City Manager explained that the Forum was the first entrance into the community to ask these questions. The idea of the Forum was to connect with the community to ask how the City is doing. The Forum consisted of 51 people that were selected because they have been involved in Dublin 101, Inside Dublin, and the community. Mayor Sbranti stated that this was the first year of the Fotum and he believed there would be a broader participation in the future. He valued the input received from the Forum. Mayor Sbranti discussed the Library services and stated that this was one area that was most noticable. Cuts were made to Library services, and hours. It would make sense to new residents that Library hours would be restored to what they used to be. City Manager Pattillo explained that the City currently funds 14 hours which amounts to a half million dollars, and supplies the Library building. She explained that the hours are mainly employee salaries and benefits. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 4 Cm. Biddle stated that having 51 people in the Forum was a good turnout and felt that the group would grow in the future. Cm. Hart stated he feels that the Forum recognized that the City is run very well by Staff, and all departments. Ctiy Manager Pattillo stated that the Forum felt that in order to have long term sustainability, the investment in Economic Development is imperative. Mayor Sbranti asked about Disaster Preparedness. City Manager Pattillo explained that the Forum realized that this was not a matter that there might be a disaster, it's a matter of when, and the reliance is more on public safety. The Forum realized that the best way to support Fire and Police is to be prepared as individuals. Ms. Cunningham stated that the Forum realized that the community needs additional outreach and education in disaster preparedness. Vm. Hart asked if the Forum was informed as to why the City Council was not involved in the Forum sessions. City Manager Pattillo explained that it was well received by the Forum that the City Council did not participation because they wanted to hear a different perspective without moving the group off point. Cm. Hildenbrand would like to see opportunities for new residents to be involved to understand their needs, so that there would be a comparison with long-term residents. Cm. Hildenbrand suggested a webinar format for any future forum meetings. Vm. Hart stated that the City did a good job in keeping the community infored bye-mail, flyers, and the website. City Manager Pattillo provided information about the City's efforts to develop long-term sustainability and discussed anticipated future trends for revenues and expenses that would impact the City's fiscal outlook. The City Council received the report. 10:34 Mayor Sbranti called a break. 10:44 The meeting convened with four Councilmembers present. 10:46 Cm. Swalwell joined the meeting. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 5 Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Budget Study Session: City Council Direction on Budaet Preparation 10:44 a.m. 8.4 City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would provide specific direction on items to be evaluated as part of the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget. A Budget Issues Worksheet with attachments was included with the Staff Report to focus on key decision points and future initiatives. The Worksheet requests direction from the City Council on budget balancing measures. City Manager Pattillo presented the following Worksheets to the City Council for their specific direction: City Council Budaet Issue Worksheet Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 1. Operatina Expenditures For FY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, Staff proposed to continue to look for additional organizational efficiencies in order to maintain the current level of service for the public. If additional measures were necessary to develop a balance budget for FY 2012-2013 and 2013- 2014, Staff proposed that one or more of the following solutions be implemented: 1. Further restructuring of the organization to meet current and future business needs and alignment with the Strategic Plan. 2. Consideration of additional deferrals of General Fund Capital Projects to later years. 3. Continued streamlining of operational service levels. 4. Consideration of revenue enhancements. 5. Utilization of Economic Stability Reserves, if necessary. Does the City Council support the proposed actions/steps to develop a balanced budget? Yes - by consensus Mayor Sbranti asked what capital projects will be coming up in the next 2 years. City Manager Pattillo explained that with the acquisition of 84 Lumber and the National Food Lab Building, money would be needed to bring the buildings to City standards. Service Level Chanaes For the purpose of developing the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Operating Budgets, are the service level modifications, including reduction, elimination, or enhancement of any services or projects, that the City Council would like Staff to evaluate? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 6 Suaaestions for Service Level Chanaes/ltems to be evaluated: 1. Evaluate expanding Library operating hours. 2. Evaluate public safety service levels. 3. Evaluate prior service level reductions to determine whether any areas should be restored, specifically related to infrastructure preservation. Kev Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 To the extent the proposed Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Key Initiatives related to the Strategic Plan or City Manager Operational Work Plan required additional resources not included in the current baseline budget, should Staff explore costs and impacts associated with the initiatives listed in Exhibit A. Additional cost and impact information on the identified Key Initiatives would be brought forward at the April 18, 2012 Budget Study Session for further consideration and potential inclusion in the Preliminary Budget. City Manager Pattillo re-emphasized that the proposed Key Initiatives support the Strategic Plan. By consensus, the City Council supported the proposed General Government Key Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: . None Mayor Sbranti spoke about the Tri-Valley Mayors' desire to continue to explore joint state lobbying efforts. He indicated that this is not currently an initiative. By consensus the City Council supported the proposed the Public Safety Key Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: 1. Promote Disaster Preparedness programming for the community. 2. Develop Disaster Preparedness exercise that includes School District participation. 3. Explore opportunities for a Public Safety Open House (with Police/Sheriff and Fire facility participation) . By consensus, the City Council supported the proposed Transportation Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: . None Vice Mayor Hart spoke about exploring remedies to the traffic flow issues at St. Raymond's around Shannon Park during school drop-off/pick-up and Sunday services. City Manager Pattillo advised that the Traffic Safety Committee has been studying this issue and is in the process of identifying options for further consideration. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 By consensus, the City Council supported the proposed Health and Welfare Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: . None By consensus, the City Council supported the proposed Culture and Leisure Services Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: 1. Develop a Health and Wellness Task Force (involving different levels of the community) to create a healthy city blueprint / plan. 2. Explore future opportunities for a large dog park in Eastern Dublin. By consensus, the City Council supported the proposed Community Development Initiatives. Additional City Council Initiatives: 1. Analyze City's infrastructure to determine gaps in pedestrian connectivity and related costs to construct the new infrastructure. Mayor Sbranti spoke about the possibility of exploring opportunities for an entertainment venue / convention center as part of the Economic Development Strategy. He also spoke of the desire to work with i-GATE to determine the City's current and future role in the program. 1. RESERVES If necessary, should the use of Reserves be inclusive of operating costs, as well as capital costs and/or other one-time expenditures. No-by consensus Cm. Biddle stated he would like to know if Staff is being overloaded, or if the City is incurring extra costs by utilizing consultants so that initiatives can be prioritized. 2. Capital Improvement Proqrams Charts provided in the attached Excerpt Summary Tables from the Five Year Capital Improvement Program 2010-2015 (Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Update) included a summary of the capital improvements adopted as part of the City's current Capital Improvement Program. Staff would be preparing a new Capital Improvement Program for the next five years (2012- 2017) and may need to recommend timing and adjustments of projects in order to align them with available funding for both construction and ongoing operations. These recommendations DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 would also take into consideration whether the project was essential to the protection of public health and safety, preservation of infrastructure, and other priority factors. Of those projects currently identified in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program, are there any other projects that should be considered for funding? Adiustments to the Five Year Capital Improvement Proaram for Fiscal Years 2012-2017 1. Fallon Sports Park: Determine feasibility and cost of constructing restroom, ball field, and soccer field. 2. Dublin Historic Park and Museums: Determine feasibility and cost of accelerating the cemetery expansion phase .... City Manager Pattillo commended Amy Cunningham and the Executive Staff for their hard work. .a.. , ...... ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m. in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Gloria McCafferty, Acting Administrative Technician. (\/ J~ .JinJ;' ATTEST: {L [f?0q City Clerk Mayor DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 31 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 3, 2012 9