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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.2 Brighton Drive Stop Sign DUII3CPP • AGENDA STATEMENT 510 0 +O Meeting Date: November 8, 1982 SUBJECT : Request for Stop Signs - Brighton Drive and Langmuir Lane EXHIBITS ATTACHED : Memorandum from Chief Shores dated November 4, 1982; Letter from Michael J. Rose dated October 18, 1982; Petition; Traffic Engineer Study (will be available at meeting) RECOMMENDATION : Approve installation of stop signs and introduce ordinance • FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Cost approximately $400 DESCRIPTION : At its meeting of October 25, 1982, the City Council received a request from residents in the vicinity of Brighton Drive and Langmuir Lane for stop signs on Brighton Drive at Langmuir Lane. The County Traffic Engineer has reviewed the need for stop signs at this loca- tion and determined that a stop sign at this location does not meet warrants. A copy of the Traffic Engineer's report will not be available until Monday, because of the limited time in which the County had to perform the study. The Police Chief has recommended that a stop sign should be installed to control excessive speeding. Although this intersection may not meet traffic warrants, because of the intersection's proximity to Dublin High School, and the use of Brighton Drive as a connector street between Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway, special consideration of stop signs may be appropriate at this location. However, it should be pointed out that stop signs should not be used extensively to control excessive speed throughout the City, but rather an increased emphasis on traffic enforcement and possibly radar enforcement. An abundance of stop signs impedes good traffic circulation 1 and often creates a false sense of security for both motorists and pedestrians, when motor- ' ists don't observe those signs. 4 Recommendation: Based upon the Police Chief's recommendation and the special circumstances which exist at this intersection, it is Staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize the installa- tion of a stop sign and appropriate pavement markings on Brighton Drive and introduce an ordinance amending the City's present traffic regulations which requires motorists to stop at this intersection. COPIES TO: Michael J. Rose ITEM NO. 0 ALA(T• A COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LT. TOM SHORES 11-4-82 U its•: — From: --- -- — ---r— 'I'u: MR. AMBROSE TRAFFIC CONTROL/BRIGHTON DRIVE Subject: To control the excessive speeding on Brighton Drive, I recommend that stop signs be placed on Brighton Drive at its intersection with Langmur Lane. The traffic control configeration would then be a three-way stop sign controlled intersection. Further, I recommend that the words SLOW STOP be painted on the street an appropriate distance in front of the new installed stop signs. iy ML 37 (Rev. 8/71) October 18, 1982 City Counsel Member City of Dublin Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Counsel Member, Attached are signatures from our neighbors denoting a request for immediate action on the following problem: VEHICLE TRAFFIC ON BRIGHTON DRIVE between Amador Valley and Village Parkway is a major hazard to our property and our lives. Michael J. Rose, a representative from our neighborhood has contacted Luietant Shores of Dublin Traffic Control and presented the problem. Luietant Shores immediately responded. The very next day Luientant Shores was out front observing the traffic on this street. He evaluated it as a problem that must be presented to the City Counsel . He verified vehicles traveling 40mph (plus) in a 20mph zone. What should be a 20mph RESIDENTIAL street is currently being used as a 40mph FREEWAY. The younger drivers are finding the curve a challange. We are requesting the same consideration afforded to the residence on Davona Drive - stop signs at the hazardous three way intersection. Special attention should be given to the hazardous three way curve/ intersection at BRIGHTON DRIVE AND LANGMUIR LANE. Thank you for your cooperation The Neighborhood LiEP-- ¶o 0119 C01114 CEA- 0 COI 05 Pur3uN1 'r44-11.E.r1Ekl: -= HAVE READ i14 - LCM P-- REquEs 11 t•bq . 717-RAFF[e... . CTR,0 l- o NJ PLR's,g"roNi DRIVE. A o . _ • IIIII .. .4- Vre-e . • a . . • _ • ge-ti E. A-Pp, 5 • Com M 50 Mir .A1rMAIIIII 411;9 -8)i;ec.yroA) ...-.1"-- 1012.0g WE i . i■ .# . .,. ...40 I 'F(/7 AA4 MIIIIKAIIMIIII L.,7 94/ (-1-- --p-,. ."3 1 . ,. . to- Lay "Elias" /-. ./-7-, ok r • . 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