HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 Participate in Community Guide 0 Q 150 30 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date: June 14, 1982 June 21 , 1982 SUBJECT: Participation in Community Guide EXHIBITS ATTAHCED: Letter from Chamber of Commerce President RECOMMENDATION: Consider FINANCIAL STATEMENT: $750-$1 ,650 DESCRIPTION: The City has been approached regarding its willingness to participate in contributing to the publication of a Dublin Business Directory and Community Guide which is being prepared for the Dublin Chamber of Commerce by Cox Publications. Ms. Cox has indicated that she would like some input from the City as to the type of City photographs, information, etc. it would like to have included in the guide. The cost to the City would be $900 for a full color page ad, $750 for a full black and white page. The City would be given 50 copies of the guide for its use if it participated. In my initial contact with Ms. Cox I expressed my concern that the City might not be able to provide information such as a service directory until the City had completed its negotiations for contract service. Ms. Cox indicated that she could accept material from the City as late as the end of July, but would like a com- mitment from the City as to whether it wished to be included in the brochure as soon as possible. It is my recommendation that the City Council determine whether it wishes to participate in this guide and, if so, to what extent. If the City Council does indicate that the City should participate, I would appreciate any suggestions . from the Council on the content of the City's page(s). I 1 Copies To: ITEM NO. /, 1 , . 0 Q old in herit,:26e - new in ideas A 41 `*. JII E'dl } P - % t._.�+' t `+...1' * 5 Chamber of Commerce Dear Chamber Members : This letter is to introduce CONNIE COX & ASSOCIATES of COX PUBLICATIONS. Connie is a Member of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors has contracted with Connie to publish a high quality, four-color Dublin Business Directory and Community Guide. Connie resides locally and will work directly with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce staff and Board of Directors in preparation of this book. The copies will have wide community distribution. You as an advertiser will have up to 50 copies for your business use. Only Chamber- ifembers will be allowed to buy display advertising. Also, Chamber Members will be speciall, identified in the business directo;.j.. The directory will be professionally compiled with a generous and interesting balance of ads and community information such as : Dublin facts and figures Schools City Government Important Phone Numbers . Churches How to reach Lawmakers ' Recreation History - Please complete the bottom portion of this letter and return to the Dublin Chamber of Commerce office, 6500-E Dublin Boulevard , 'Ibiin, if you are interested in having Connie call on your busines rinr to the opening of city-wide sales . Sales will be on a first cor..!-rIrst serve basis . Thnk you on behalf of the Board of Directors , in receiving Connie , or an Associate, for a presentation, and your support and participation in the publication. If you have any questions, pleas_ contact Connie Cox at 846-0649 or the Chamber office at 828-6200 . Sincerely, GINA EDGECOMB, President Board of Directors