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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 E-waste Recycle or 19 82 STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK ` CITY COUNCIL File #350-40 DATE: January 20, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager " SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Use ECS Refining for the Recycling of City Electronic Waste and Surplus Computer Equipment Prepared by Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider a proposal to use ECS Refining to handle the disposition of the City's electronic waste in an environmentally-responsible manner once surplus items, such as computers, monitors, printers, and other items, have reached the end of their useful lives. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a charge of$175.00 for pickup of the surplus computers and related electronic equipment, however there is no cost associated with the proper disposal of the items by ECS Refining. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Use of ECS Refining for the Recycling of City Electronic Waste and Surplus Computer Equipment. r Submitted By %\ Reviewed By Administrative Services Director Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: The City generates electronic waste as a result of its annual office equipment replacement schedule. Electronic waste includes obsolete computers, monitors, printers, scanners and other inoperable office equipment. California law requires that the City safely dispose of this electronic waste. Dublin Municipal Code section 2.36.150 allows the Purchasing Agent to dispose of worn and obsolete equipment. For inventory tracking purposes, Staff provides the City Council with a list of assets prior to disposal. At this time, the City will be disposing of obsolete City computers and office equipment. Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 4.5 Due to the age of the equipment it was determined that the computers are beyond their useful life and continued use would not be desirable. The City removes all files from such computer hard drives including the operating system software. This assures the City has complied with software licensing agreements and reduces the potential for City information to exist on the hard drive before disposal. However current best practices recommend, as a security precaution, that a professional recycler shred the hard drives and provide a certification of destruction for computer hard drives. ECS Refining of Stockton is a leader in electronics recycling and is at the forefront of environmental compliance within the recycling industry. ECS Refining is an approved Recycler for California's Electronics Recycling Act (S1320) which governs the processing of materials in laptop computers, and computer monitors. ECS Refining has the top designation of e-Steward and does not export electronic waste out of California for disposal where environmental standards may be less strict. All materials are recycled and re-enter the product manufacturing stream rather than being sent to a landfill for disposal. Incoming materials are sorted, weighed, labeled and sent to a de-manufacturing line. Computer hard drives are removed from computer cases and are shredded. The proposed Resolution (Attachment 1) authorizes Staff to use ECS Refining for disposal of electronic waste, and directs Staff to remove the disposed assets from the City's fixed asset records. A list of the equipment is attached to the Resolution as Exhibit A. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Authorizing the Use of ECS Refining for the Recycling of City Electronic Waste and Surplus Computer Equipment Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. xx - 15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING THE USE OF ECS REFINING FOR THE RECYCLING OF CITY ELECTRONIC WASTE AND SURPLUS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the City generates electronic waste as a result of its computer and office equipment replacement schedule; and WHEREAS, electronic waste includes computers, monitors, back-up power supplies, printers, and other office equipment that is no longer used for City operations; and WHEREAS, Dublin Municipal Code section 2.36.150 allows the Purchasing Agent to dispose of worn and obsolete equipment; and WHEREAS, Staff has provided the City Council with a listing of worn and obsolete electronic equipment to be disposed of; and WHEREAS, California law requires that electronic waste be recycled and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner; and WHEREAS, ECS Refining is a State certified electronic waste recycler with e-Steward designation; and WHEREAS, ECS Refining will provide the City with certification that the electronic waste was disposed of properly and in an environmentally responsible manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby authorizes the use of ECS Refining for the recycling of City electronic waste and surplus computer equipment as described to the City Council on January 20, 2015 and listed on Exhibit A attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City assets disposed of shall be removed from the fixed asset records of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTRONICS RECYCLING LIST (January 20, 2015) PREPARED BY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT A Approx. Purchase Description Date Serial Number Manufacturer/ Model COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NGYMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NHMMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 FN8XDP1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 3106YQ1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 11 HY6C1 Dell Optiplex 745 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 CYCYTK1 Dell Optiplex 760 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NJLMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NHNMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NJMMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NJTMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NFYMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NGZMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NFZMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NGVMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 8/2/2010 4NGTMM1 Dell Optiplex 780 COMPUTER 7/7/2008 2UX8270L34 HP HSTNS-5117 COMPUTER 9/12/2009 "95831810300292" Buffalo TeraStation TS-RIXB COMPUTER 9/12/2009 "95831800400102" Buffalo TeraStation TS-RIX4 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-67D-AMDS Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRA Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHZ4 Dell 1707 MONITOR 9/21/2010 CN-OTJKG1-74261-163-OREL Dell P170 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-688-AAN2 Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OTJKG1-74261-163-OR9L Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OFK945-71618-691-AB9C Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OFK945-71618-691-A869 Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OFK945-71618-AB9H Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68C-A291 Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRW Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-67D-AMDC Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68C-A251 Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRM Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68C-A254 Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68C-A140 Dell 1707 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OF019J-74261-970-2P2S Dell 1708 EXHIBIT A Approx. Purchase Description Date Serial Number Manufacturer/ Model MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRP Dell 1707 MONITOR 9/12/2009 CN-02Y311-47606-45A-D3QT Dell 1703 MONITOR 9/21/2010 CN-OTJKG1-74261-163-25CL Dell P170 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-66D-ABRR Dell 1707 MONITOR 9/12/2009 CN-02Y311-47606-45A-D3R7 Dell 1703 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OC2JMK-74445-114-AP4S Dell P170 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRC Dell 1707 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-691-A814 Dell 1707 MONITOR 7/13/2008 MX-OJ0947-47605-3A8-CATS Dell 1504 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OTJKG1-74261-216-2A6U Dell P170 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OF019J-74261-95L-2JRL Dell1708 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OD548H-71618-860-BAGX-A00 Dell1708 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OFK945-71618-762-BBKT Dell 1707 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OC182J-74445-981-923S Dell1708 MONITOR 5/14/1999 26083 Data911 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OYG613-71618-68N-AHRS Dell 1707 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OD548H-71618-86C-BAJF-A00 Dell1708 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OD548H-71618-86C-BAJC-A00 Dell1708 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OCJ167-72872-69Q-2NMU Dell 1707 MONITOR 8/2/2010 CN-OC182J-74445-981-917S Dell1708 MONITOR 10/14/2009 CN-OFK945-71618-75A-ABLQ Dell 1707 MONITOR 9/12/2009 CN-OY4299-71618-58C-CC66 Dell 1704 MONITOR 9/12/2009 CN-02Y311-47606-45A-D3QZ Dell 1703 MONITOR 9/4/2005 69481419 Philips 150S1C/74H PRINTER 4/27/2009 UAG548464 Xerox WorkCentre 3210 PRINTER 7/14/2007 JPBLM44751 HP LaserJet 815ON PRINTER 5/23/2011 CN39P85OB3 HP Deskjet 9300 PRINTER 9/24/2008 A8020640 Fargo Persona C30 PRINTER 6/16/2006 CN-07Y643-48730-3AN-0606 Dell A940 SCANNER 8/24/2009 CN76DA67BV HP Scanjet G4010 MISC 2/14/2001 513134800 Kentrox DS658 CSU/DSU MISC 2/14/2001 210993503 Kentrox DS658 CSU/DSU MISC 2/14/2001 504955200 Kentrox DS658 CSU/DSU MISC 2/14/2001 507957300 Kentrox DS 658 CSU/DSU MISC 3/23/2003 JMX08161-476 Cisco 3700 router MISC 7/20/1989 5805850WA2 NEC AEC-50 Phone MISC N/A 3 Boxes Cables MISC 5/16/2012 SG84731857 HP J3263A Jetdirect EXHIBIT A Approx. Purchase Description Date Serial Number Manufacturer/ Model MISC 9/15/2004 CN807ZT08Y HP 2610-24 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 SG419AD035 HP 4104gl data switch MISC 9/1/2008 1XR18A5000150 Netgear FS728TP switch MISC 9/15/2004 sg424pnOki HP 2848 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 sg424pnOjm HP 2848 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 sg336pn02h HP 2848 data switch MISC N/A 1 BOX Keyboards/Mice MISC N/A 1 BOX PC power supplies MISC 6/1/2002 cxn0280235a Epson LCD projector MISC 9/15/2004 cn817zt432 HP 2610-24 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 tw420pbOsy HP 2626 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 tw420pb026 HP 2626 data switch MISC 9/15/2004 sg816sj1tb HP 2824 data switch MISC 2/24/2008 B238147001767 D-Link DSS-16 Switch MISC 5/16/2003 EBD4E07441 Quantum DLT Tape drive MISC 7/18/2002 HUL4C04130 HP Ultrium 460 Tape Drive MISC 6/20/2001 42-Q0857 IBM MT2834BL Modem MISC 5/28/2009 N/A Server rack hardware MISC 3/14/2005 44480310990 Cisco PIX-515 Switch MISC 2/24/2003 FHK124023KK Cisco 1841 Router MISC 2/24/2003 FTX1240208K Cisco 1841 Router MISC 4/16/2007 9145ALTPS449400047 Tripp-Lite UPS MISC N/A N/A 2 Laptop bags MISC N/A N/A 5 UPS Batteries MISC N/A 3 Boxes Cables MISC N/A 1 BOX Cables MISC N/A 2 Boxes Keyboards/Mice MISC N/A 1 BOX Keyboards/Mice MISC N/A 3 Boxes Hard Drives/Tapes MISC N/A 5 Boxes Electronic Parts MISC 2/17/2004 CXN0280235A Epson LCD projector MISC 7/28/2000 850310122 DecisionData LM488C MISC 6/14/2001 3011233732 Belkin KVM Switch EXHIBIT A