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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PCSR Transit Center Site A-1 ; STAFF REPORT � PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 12, 2014 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PLPA 2013-00046 Transit Center Site A-1 General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments, Planned Development rezoning with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review, and Vesting Tentative Map 8167 for 52 townhouse condominium units and a CEQA Addendum on a 2.86-acre site Report Prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant, Summerhill Homes, is proposing to construct 52 townhouse condominium units on a 2.86-acre site currently owned by the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority. The site currently has a land use designation of High Density Residential (25.1 or greater units per acre) with consistent Planned Development (PD) zoning. The Applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to change the land use designation to Medium-High Density Residential (14.1 to 25 units per acre) a with corresponding PD rezoning and Development Plan. The Application also includes a Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map 8167 for 52 3-story townhouse condominium units. Parking for each unit would be provided within an enclosed two-car garage. The project density, at approximately 18.18 dwelling units per acre, is consistent with the requested Medium-High Density Residential land use designation. The Project includes three floor plans ranging in size from 1,826 square feet to 2,053 square feet with an optional ground floor accessible bedroom and optional bathroom for each plan. A CEQA Addendum is also included. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a CEQA addendum for the Transit Center Site A-1 Project; 6) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments for the Transit Center Site A-1 Project; 7) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance rezoning the Transit Center Site A-1 project site to PD- Planned Development and approving a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; and 8) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving a Site Development Review Perry' and Vesting Tentative Map 8167 for Transit Center Site A-1 project. LAize, Submitted By: R vie By: Mike Porto, Consulting Planner Assistant Community Development Director COPIES TO: Applicant File ITEM NO.: OA Page 1 of 15 G:IPA120131PLPA-2013-00046 Transit Center A-11PC Mtg 8.12.141PCSR Transit Ctr Site A-1_8 12 14.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background The project site is part of the 90.65-acre planning area originally approved as Transit Center Village amended into the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area in 2002 (PA 00-013). It is owned by the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA) with a portion of the site previously used for overflow parking by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). The area originally was part of the Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Parks RFTA) owned by the U. S. Army, but came under ownership and management of the ACSPA as a result of the downsizing of a number of U. S. military establishments and several land exchanges. The larger Transit Center Village area generally is bounded on the north by Dublin Boulevard, on the south by 1-580 and existing Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, on the east by Arnold Road, and on the west by the Iron Horse Trail which is a regional recreational area along an abandoned railroad right-of-way. In addition to improvements to the BART station, including the construction of an approximate 1,700-space parking structure, a number of approved planning sites already have been developed. The project site is part of Development Parcel A, an 8.29- acre area delineated as Sites A-1, A-2, A-3, which under the approved Planned Development zoning at 64 units per acre would have allowed for maximum of 530 units. Site A-1 is the subject of this Staff Report. Site A-2, across Campbell Lane immediately east of the project site, has been developed as the 112-unit Camillia Place Apartments (affordable housing), built in 2004/2005. The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has designated 190 High Density Residential units for Site A-3. Site A-3 is currently owned by MetLife and there is no proposal for development at this time. Project Site The Transit Center Site A-1 project site is located along the south side of Dublin Boulevard, west of Campbell Lane, and northeast of the Iron Horse Regional Trail (former railroad right-of way) within the Transit Center planning area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as shown on the vicinity map below: Vicinity Map DUBLIN eta PROJECT CE"""'- SITE , MEIN s /7J: 2 of 15 The project site generally is triangular in shape and has a relatively flat topography. The average existing grade typically is about 1% that gently slopes to the south and east. The northerly portion of the project site along Dublin Boulevard is vacant and undeveloped. The southerly portion of the Project Site had been used for interim parking for the Transit Center. Surrounding street improvements are limited to curbs and gutters along Dublin Boulevard and Campbell Lane. There are no permanent structures, existing drainage courses, or native vegetation on-site. However, a small pool of approximately 172 square feet at the northwest point of the project is a remnant of a man-made drainage ditch. The plans for Transit Center Site A-1 propose to fill and re-grade that area, and therefore the proposed improvement for that portion of the project site would be subject to permits and inspection by the applicable regulating agencies and also subject to habitat impact mitigations from the prior 2002 EIR for the Dublin Transit Center. In addition, an underground pipeline for petroleum transport runs along the northerly boundary of the Iron Horse Trail within 8 feet of the southwesterly property line. The project site has a current General Plan and EDSP land use designation of High Density Residential (HDR) and consistent Planned Development Zoning. On June 18, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution 114-13 approving the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study based on the current proposal. Adjacent and Surrounding Land Uses: • North (across Dublin Boulevard) —vacant property still in operation by Parks RFTA. • South and West — Scarlett Court Industrial area across the Iron Horse Regional Trail; the trail is managed by East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD). • East (across Campbell Lane) - Camellia Place apartment project (112 units), and (south of Campbell Lane) an interim overflow parking lot for the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station. Current Request The current request for the proposed project includes: • General Plan Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment - to change the designated land use and density from High Density Residential (HDR) (25.1 or greater units per acre) to Medium-High Density Residential (MDHR) (14.1 to 25 units per acre). • Planned Development Zoning - Planned Development rezoning with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for consistency with the requested land use amendment. • Side Development Review - A Site Development Review (SDR) for 52 3-story townhouse condominium units within 9 buildings ranging from four to eight units per building with a passive recreation area in the center of the project. Each unit would be provided with an attached 2-car garage. • Subdivision - Vesting Tentative Map 8167 for 52 townhouse condominium units on a 2.86-acre site. 3 of 15 ANALYSIS: General Plan & Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment The project site currently is designated High-Density Residential (HDR) (25.1 or greater units per acre). For the Transit Center project, HDR was defined as a maximum of 64 units per acre. Under the current HDR land use, the number units allowed on the project site would range from 72 to 183 units. The requested amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would change the land use of the 2.86-acre site from its existing designation of HDR to Medium-High Density Residential (MHDR) (14.1 to 25 units per acre). Under the MHDR land use currently requested, the number of units on the project site could be built at 40 to 71 units. The current proposal is for 52 units representing a density of 18.18 units per acre, which is within the MHDR density range. The current proposal is for ownership housing at a lower density and fewer units than envisioned originally. The requested land use amendments and the current proposal for Transit Center Site A-1 reflect market conditions and optimal use of the site while remaining consistent with the surrounding community. The requested amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would require uire adjustments to various figures, texts, and tables in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific ecific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the documents. A Resolution recommending the City Council approve a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment is included as Attachment 1. A complete list of the proposed amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan is included in Exhibit A of Attachment 1. Planned Development Rezoning The Application also includes a request for approval of Planned Development Rezoning with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan consistent with the requested General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use amendments to allow MHDR use of the project site. The existing PD zoning through Ordinance 21-02 allows approximately 131 units. Based on the proposed project, the total number of units would be reduced to 52 units. The project would amend the existing Development Plan in Ordinance 21-02 to reflect the reduced density and a revised site plan. The proposed Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.32 Planned Development Zoning) includes the following. Please refer to Attachment 2, Exhibit A for the complete Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan. 1. A list of permitted, conditional, and accessory uses 2. Site plan 3. Development densities by land use 4. Phasing Plan 5. Master Landscape Plan 6. Grading 7. Development Regulations/Standards 8. Architectural Design Standards 9. Landscape Design Standards 4 of 15 10.Inclusionary Zoning Regulations A Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving the Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Transit Center Site A-1 is included as Attachment 2, with the City Council Ordinance included as an Exhibit A. Site Development Review The Applicant has requested approval to construct 52 townhouse condominiums and related site improvements as further discussed below. ACCESS/CIRCULATION - As stated above, the project site is triangular in shape. The project site has frontage on two public streets — Dublin Boulevard and Campbell Lane. Access to the project would be provided from one entrance at approximately midpoint along Campbell Lane frontage and opposite the driveway/alley of the Camellia Place apartments. No access would be taken directly from Dublin Boulevard. Internal circulation within the project site is provided by an internal private street/alley shown on the site plan as Melodia Circle which loops in a pattern consistent with the triangular shape of the project site. This provides access to the garages at the rear of each unit. The drive aisle along Melodia Circle has a width of 20 feet with garage doors setback for additional back-out area and landscaping. Along the southwesterly boundary the road allows for maneuvering of perpendicular guest parking. SITE LAYOUT/PLOTTING — The proposed project is arranged as three-story attached townhouse units within 9 individual buildings ranging in size from four to eight units per building. Buildings 3, 4, 6, and 8 are outward-facing with front facades oriented towards Dublin Boulevard or Campbell Lane. Buildings 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9 are oriented towards the central open space area. The outward-facing units are designed with minimal setback in keeping with an urban character of emphasizing entries rather than garage doors. Entries are connected via a series of pedestrian pathways throughout the project site. In addition to a sidewalk at the Campbell Lane entrance, pedestrian access from the street along Dublin Boulevard also is located from a mid- block paseo between Buildings 3 and 4. Building placement with unit distribution is shown in Table 1, Building Types in Table 2, and Phasing Plan in Table 3 below. TABLE 1: Building/Unit Distribution Building Units per Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Phase Building u g 1 7 2 3 2 Phase 4 2 4 0 2 2 Phase 1 3 7 2 3 2 Phase 1 4 7 2 3 2 Phase 2 5 4 0 2 2 Phase 2 6 8 2 4 2 Phase 3 7 5 1 2 2 Phase 3 8 6 2 2 2 Phase 4 9 4 0 2 2 Models Total 52 11 23 18 5 of 15 TABLE 2: Building Types TABLE 3: Phasing Building Type Number of Units Phase Units Building Buildings 4-unit 3 12 models 4 9 5-unit 1 5 Phase 1 13 2 & 3 6-unit 1 6 Phase 2 11 4 & 5 7-unit 3 21 Phase 3 13 6 & 7 8-unit 1 8 Phase 4 11 1 & 8 Total 9 52 Total 52 �-O onI.II• WM*00 a.r 810. _ I rfiIMI 10 M.M IR AYM 10!01 A.+�IS 1 - - - - KM 515 AO tIBIIFIA Pw II,Ma,IIN6.101.I (M.CS No fl M RISIA as MA ■ - - - S' PROPOSED PUBLIC SIDLTIALN .6.r"F".".»o.Fn.1 r � o r ' w _ _:%�i. _- r __�---.f---Y—I._ Y}_ _ _ –__ f, j --.L.__ I ,„ ,: , ,„ ,,,44''` :\>, ---If _ _ 0 e - ; S! i d. 1 ..., _ 11.,.,ate,.._ ' * ao\. ' j - '4 f ".' 4- try 11 1 r ,1 . 1.E- ,; A.A• ' ' ti.\\',/ $. 1 LEGEND �, ... \{ i g¢--r-.4., $p o - i�. ---- PROPERTY BOUNDARY!RIGHT•OP•WIY INIrrJ �`F6' ‘ - 124% v 1 1■ --- PIPELINE SMACK „.1;t '* �: a j'` ���16.Li. E%PUE/SNE .y\ t' .: \v ?} ' - i LA %IN< . 4.te. ' ir,”.: Cr i i 1 I \-,,, .\-----tt�I'1,-•.�.)-,��� f : 1.6'x; NOTE: SEE SHEET PD2.2 FOR STREET SECTIONS ;:0:44" ii: ' i f \ e � ,y�� M LAND USE SUMMARY `'�i; , i. li LAID USE GROSS ACREAGE NET ACREAGE UNITS GROSS DENSITY NET DENSITY MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIILL 2.86 AC 2.86 52 18,2 DUfAC 18.2 DU/AC i. NOTE: FULL STREET DEDICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, THEREFORE CROSS ACREAGE =NET ACREAGE • ;A *SITE NAY REVERT TO THE ORIGINAL LAND USE OF NIGH DENSITY IF NI APPROPRIATE PROJECT IS PROPOSED. DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE LANDSCAPING/S TREE TSCAPE/OPEN SPACE - The landscaping has been designed to be consistent with the Design Guidelines for the overall Transit Center Village PD approved in 2002. As in any higher density community, landscaping and recreational amenities are used to provide quality open areas and visual relief. The landscaping is generous and has been designed to be compatible and complement the architecture as to theme and character of the residential structures. The architectural style is carried into the landscape and open space plan with the proposed hardscape materials and amenities within the common recreational and open space areas. Plantings and hardscape elements are used to create neighborhood identification and an attractive community entry. 6 of 15 A landscape palette and hierarchy of plant materials has been provided. Accent trees, along with flowering shrubs and groundcover, would line and define the project entry. The entry monuments would be distinct, but consistent with the overall Transit Center Village character by the use of similar shapes and materials. Perimeter areas are proposed to be landscaped with a variety of drought tolerant plant materials that are low maintenance and encourage water conservation. Evergreen trees adjacent to the parking areas and building ends are proposed to soften the architecture while providing shade and visual relief. Private sidewalks with public access are proposed throughout the project site so that residents and guests can get to the front doors of the homes. Illuminated bollards would be placed along pedestrian walkways. The design would be consistent with the design theme and complementary to the street lights. The open space component for the project has been provided as a central passive recreation area bounded by Buildings 1, 5, and 7. It is accessed by a series of meandering walkways and equipped with benches, waste receptacles, and an abundance of accent trees, flowering shrubs, and groundcover. The turf areas are proposed to encourage impromptu activities and community gatherings. In compliance with water quality requirements, a landscaped stormwater treatment bio-swale would be located midpoint along the south-westerly edge of the project site behind a retaining wall and terminates in a small detention area at the southerly point of the project site to collect and filter runoff. A variety of water tolerant grasses and shrubs will be used as landscaping within these areas. A parallel, but lower-level bioswale also is located on the Iron Horse trail right-of-way along the southwesterly boundary. The retaining wall along the southwesterly boundary will be stucco finished with a precast concrete cap in a color complementary to the architecture. The wall will range in height from approximately 3 feet to approximately 5 feet, and will be topped by a tubular steel railing. Low horizontal wood siding not exceeding 3'-6" in conjunction with landscaping is proposed to screen automobiles and air conditioning units. (See Attachment 4, Landscape Architecture tab, Sheets L-1 through L-9) STREETSCAPE-A streetscape concept for Dublin Boulevard already has been established and is in various stages of completion. A typical street section also already has been adopted for Campbell Lane. Design concepts for both streets would be extended along the frontages of the project site. Pedestrian and vehicular connectivity to the nearby Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, regional bus lines, and Regional Trail system is provided via several walkways and paths from within the proposed project. The project entry will have a five-foot wide parkway and sidewalk along the north side of the Melodia Circle entry with a 12-foot wide landscaped area behind both sides of the street. The project entry will be identified by tall, narrow accent trees and concrete pilasters on both sides of the entry. The pilasters will be stucco finished in a color complementary to the architecture with a pre-cast concrete cap. The project logo will be applied to a recessed panel finished with 3" x 3" glossy tile. The entry surface from Campbell Lane will be enhanced with colored concrete unit pavers. Site amenities, such as street lighting, mailbox stations, and street furniture are proposed to be consistent with the Transit Center PD ordinance in order to provide cohesiveness within the community. 7 of 15 Street sections with proposed improvements are shown for each type of internal drive aisle along Melodia Circle. Drive aisle generally are 20 feet wide except where adjacent to perpendicular guest parking; in those cases drive aisles would be 24 feet wide to allow for adequate distance for back-out and maneuvering. A small landscaped planter would be maintained within a narrow setback between garage doors along the rear elevation. Landscape and streetscape treatment details are described as follows: Dublin Boulevard • Improvements between the curb and right-of-way would include a 6-foot wide planter and a 6-foot wide landscaped parkway. • A 6-foot level landscape easement will be located behind the right-of-way. • Street trees in the parkway along Dublin Boulevard will extend the street theme and spacing standards from adjacent projects. Campbell Lane • A 6-foot wide sidewalk will be located along the west side of Campbell Lane along with a 4.5-foot landscaped Public Service Easement. • Street trees will be located behind the sidewalk and will reflect the completed east side of the street in terms of species and spacing. • Street trees will be coordinated with the utilities and street lighting to provide a continuous canopy of trees. For both streets: • Units facing both Dublin Boulevard and Campbell Lane will have a 4-foot wide entry walk from the public sidewalk to the front door. • A combination of low-growing groundcover, intermediate shrubs, and background shrubs providing seasonal color and textural contrast will be arranged in a tier effect from the building interface. • Subordinate flowering accent trees will be spaces in an irregular pattern outside the street tree canopy to soften the architecture and provide seasonal color. Melodia Circle — This internal drive aisle provides the circulation system for access to the garages with parking areas that provide direct access to the front doors. Other than paseos between buildings, pedestrian access to each unit via Melodia Circle is limited to access all setback areas between the curb face and buildings not through the garage. Therefore, g m: 1 5 feet behind used as driveway will be landscaped. Landscape setbacks range from: 1)Y in Buildings 7; and 9, 3) 7.5 feet behind Buildings 6 Buildings 2, 3, 4, and 5; 2) 6.5 feet behind g ) g IiII 9 and 8, and 4) 18 feet behind Building 1. Ornamental street lighting will be installed that is complementary to the architecture and to the existing street scene for the Transit Center Village. ARCHITECTURE - The proposed exterior architecture is described as Urban Contemporary with attention to vertical massing and proportions. It includes elements from expressionism, streamline/modern, mid-century modern, international style, postmodern, and neomodern architecture. 8 of 15 The project has applied the following architectural elements to address building scale: • Articulated wall planes • Projections and recesses • One and two story forms • Parapet roof form in combination with flat or other roof forms • Wrap-around entry elements • Recessed garage doors • Cantilevers on any of the three levels above select windows and doors The Urban Contemporary style is comprised of various materials including exterior plaster, horizontal siding, and flat roofs with the use of variations in color and wall plane location to emphasize the individual units and to create façade articulation. Projections and recesses are employed to create visual interest by variations in light and shadow. Accent materials include: parapet roof facades with trim, metal accent roofing, painted metal canopies as shade elements, and glass acoustical screening where required. Materials, color, and articulation will wrap each building to enhance the side and rear elevations with specific emphasis given to the ends of buildings visible on approach to the project along Dublin Boulevard. The Urban Contemporary style calls for a less ornate type of door. Window placement would relate to wall planes and create composition with a sense of order. Windows may be grouped and heavily trimmed with stuccoed forms and/or metal accents. The color schemes for stucco exterior, siding, and architectural accents along with the proposed roof materials are shown on Attachment 4, Sheet A7.1. Construction is proposed to utilize materials of higher quality that will complement and reflect the larger Transit Center development area and existing properties already developed. Connectivity to the surrounding pedestrian circulation systems will be provided. Access to the Iron Horse Regional Trail would be from Dublin Blvd. FLOOR PLANS - Each townhouse unit is configured as a three-story walk-up with access from a street-level entry in front and an enclosed ground-level two-car garage to the rear. All units have ground floor access from the garage and from a covered front porch. The floor plans offered are for either a three-bedroom or four-bedroom unit. All units have ground floor area which may be built out as a fourth or (for Plan 3) a fifth bedroom. All three plans have options for build-out of a full ground floor bathroom. Plans 1 and Plan 2 are interior units, and Plan 3 is an end unit on each of the 9 buildings. A minimum of 10%, or 5 units, will be improved as handicapped accessible on the ground floor in accordance with the California Building Code. Any of the 18 end units (all Plan 3) potentially could serve that purpose. The family room, dining area, and kitchen are located on the second floor of all three plans. Each kitchen has an island and pantry. The Master Bedroom suite is located on the third floor with at least one other bedroom on that level. Each master suite has a walk-in closet, dual basins, and separate water closet (toilet), and separate tub and shower. At a minimum a secondary bathroom is located on each of the third floors. Laundry facilities for each plan are located on the third floor. In addition to closet and linen storage areas, dedicated storage space is divided between areas within the garage and areas within the unit in order to satisfy a recently adopted City ordinance requiring a minimum of 200 cubic feet in addition to vehicle storage space within each garage. All Forced Air Units (FAUs) would be located on the ground level at the front of each unit with 9 of 15 appropriate screening unit. All garage doors roll-up with automatic openers, and all roofs can accommodate solar panels. The floor plans are shown on Attachment 4, Sheets A1.1 through A1.4 with their relationship to each building configuration shown on Attachment 4, Sheets A2.1 through A6.3. Table 4 below details the square footage of the individual units, as well as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms per plan. Table 5 shows the percentages of each plan. TABLE 4: Floot r Plans ` k .. ' $ � � r "e AZX •1 11 1,826 sf 3 + 1 or 3 + 1 (opt.) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7&9 21% den o•tion 2 23 1,884 sf 3 + 1 or 21/2 + 1 (opt.) all buildings 44% den o•tion 3 18 2,053 sf 4 + 1 or 3 + 1 (opt.) all buildings 35% den o•tion Total 100% TABLE 5: Unit Summa 3-bedroom + 1 34 65% 4-bedroom + 1 18 35% Total 52 100% Plan 1 — Plan 1 is a 3-bedroom interior unit (with optional ground floor bedroom and bathroom); it is the smallest at 1,826 square feet. The Master suite has two walk-in closets. Bedroom 2 also has a walk-in closet and is configured with an en suite bathroom. Bedroom 3 is located on the second floor along with the third full bathroom. Plan 2 — Plan 2 also is a 3-bedroom interior unit 9 ( optional o tional round floor bedroom and bathroom); it is slightly larger than Plan 1. All three bedrooms are situated on the third floor with a secondary full bathroom. A powder room (half bathroom) is accessible to the second floor. Plan 3 — Plan 3 is a 4-bedroom unit and is the largest at 2,053 square feet. The ground floor bedroom space also is described as a (fifth) bedroom/den option. Three bedrooms including the Master suite are on the third floor with the Master bathroom having a separate tub and shower and a secondary third floor bathroom equipped with dual basins. A junior master suite also is located on the second floor with a walk-in closet, en suite full bathroom, dual basins, and separate water closet (toilet). PARKING — The Development Regulations for the Transit Center Village were approved at a standard of 1.5 parking spaces per unit. Under the standards adopted for Transit Center projects, a total of 78 spaces would be required. The proposed townhouse project will exceed these standards and be built with 2 covered spaces within an enclosed garage per unit, plus guest parking. Parking for the proposed project would be provided as follows: a) 104 covered spaces—2 spaces per unit within an attached enclosed garage b) 44 guest spaces provided and distributed as: 10 of 15 • 24 spaces on site — includes 23 perpendicular spaces and 1 curbside space along the southwesterly leg of Melodia Circle. Of this parking, 8 spaces are compact size representing approximately 33% of the on-site spaces and 25% of the guest space requirement. In addition, 3 of the 24 spaces on site are accessible • 7 spaces on the driveway aprons of the 7 units in Building 1. • 13 curbside (off-site) parking spaces along Campbell Lane. c) No curbside parking is permitted for the portion of Dublin Boulevard adjacent to the project. d) The total parking provided of 148 spaces effectively results in a ratio of 2.85 spaces per unit over all. The location of parking provided is shown on Attachment 4, Sheet C.4. ACOUSTIC MITIGATION- Mitigation measure 4.9-2a contained in the Transit Center Environmental Impact Report (EIR) requires site-specific acoustic reports for residential projects. Five units as shown on Attachment 3, Sheet A8.2 located along Dublin Boulevard would require noise attenuation according to the project noise report. It is proposed to be satisfied by glass acoustical barriers that would wrap the front porch and represent an additional exterior material along the Dublin frontage of Buildings 3, 4, and 6. Compliance with the mitigation measure and satisfaction of those requirements are included as a Condition of Approval. Vesting Tentative Tract Map Vesting Tentative Tract 8167 is proposed for the project site to be subdivided for condominium purposes as shown in Table 6: TABLE 6: Parcel Development Parcel Size Proposed Use Description 1 Private Condominium Homes Building 1 7 units 2 Private Condominium Homes Building 2 4 units 3 Private Condominium Homes Building 3 7 units 4 Private Condominium Homes Building 4 7 units 5 Private Condominium Homes Building 5 4 units 6 Private Condominium Homes Building 6 8 units 7 Private Condominium Homes Building 7 5 units 8 Private Condominium Homes Building 8 6 units 9 Private Condominium Homes Building 9 4 units A Private Street, PAE, PUE, EVAE,WLE, and SSE B Private Street, PAE, PUE, EVAE,WLE, and SSE C Private Street, PAE, PUE, EVAE, WLE, and SSE D Private Street, PAE, PUE, EVAE,WLE, and SSE E Landscaping and Open Space F Landscaping, Open Space, PUE, and WLE G Landscaping, Bio-Filtration Cell, and SDE H Landscaping, Bio-Filtration Cell, SDE, and SSE Landscaping and Open Space Total 52 units - EVAE=Emergency Vehicle Access Easement - PAE=Public Access Easement - PUE=Public Utility Easement - SDE=Storm Drain Easement - SSE=Sanitary Sewer Easement - WLE=Water Line Easement 11 of 15 All parcels would be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association (HOA) with private ownership of airspace within each unit. Conditions of Approval are included in the Resolution recommending approval (Attachment 3). All utilities are available at the property line; all perimeter public streets and right-of-way already have been dedicated, and streets have been improved. Perimeter sidewalks and landscaping would be constructed as part of this project. Affordable Housing/lnclusionary Zoning—As stated above, the proposed project is subject to the Master Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and the ACSPA which addresses the provision of affordable housing and compliance with the City Inclusionary Ordinance. The Camellia Place apartment project to the east on Site A-2 has been used to satisfy the low and very low portion of the inclusionary housing requirement for the project site. The applicant will enter into an affordable Housing Agreement and will provide the must build portion of the Moderate Income required units (7.5%) and pay the remainder by payment of in- lieu fees. (See Attachment 3, Condition 14) Public Art Compliance — The project is part of a comprehensive plan to provide public art as part of the Transit Center project. Ordinance 21-02 requires public art be installed in various locations throughout the Transit Center. Alameda County Surplus Property Authority has complied with their obligation for funding Public Art and the art has been installed, therefore compliance with the public art requirements have already been satisfied through the 2002 approvals. Consistency with the General Plan, Specific Plans, and Zoning Ordinance — The proposed amendments to the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan reflect a land use type and density that is compatible with the adjacent areas and densities such as the Espirit project currently under development. In addition, the design and character of this project will be Y P compatible in height and massing with Camilla Place directly east of the project. The proposed land use rep r ese nts a reduction in residential density than a pp roved previously but maintains the urban character and effect consistent with infill development. The proposed project will contribute to housing opportunities and diversity of product type as a complement to the surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed Planned Development rezoning and related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan would be consistent with the requested land use amendments. The proposed project has been reviewed for conformance with the Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan. The project has been designed to be compatible with adjacent and surrounding development. Pedestrian circulation, gathering spaces, open spaces have all been linked together with sidewalks and private streets such as the street south of Camilla Place, Hamlet Lane and the private central open space in Campbell Green and the plaza area across from the BART Station built with the Avalon project. The Applicant intends to exceed the City of Dublin Green Building Ordinance and will exceed the 50 point threshold in the City's program. In general, the proposed project furthers the goals of the Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan by providing a high quality of life and preserving resources and opportunities for future generations. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the Project is established in compliance with all local 12 of 15 Ordinances and Regulations. Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached Resolution pertaining to the Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map (Attachment 3). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Project area has been addressed in two prior EIRs. The more recent was for the 2002 Dublin Transit Center project EIR (SCH 2001120395) that was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19, 2002. The project site is Site A-1 of the approximately 91 acre Dublin Transit Center, which approved development around the BART station. The PD zoning for the 2002 project approved up to 1500 dwelling units, 131 of which were allocated to Site A-1. The proposed project is also residential but at a substantially reduced density of 52 units rather than 131. The project site is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and was also addressed in the Eastern Dublin EIR. The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan were adopted by the City to encourage orderly growth of the Eastern Dublin area. The Eastern Dublin EIR is a Program EIR and evaluated the potential environmental effects of urbanizing Eastern Dublin over a 20 to 30 year period. The Dublin Transit Center was added to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area through the 2002 approvals. On May 10, 1993, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 51-93, certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Eastern Dublin EIR, SCH #91103064). The certified EIR consisted of a Draft EIR and Responses to Comments bound volumes, as well as an Addendum dated May 4, 1993, assessing a reduced development alternative. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 53-93 approving a General Plan Amendment and a Specific Plan for the reduced area alternative on May 10, 1993. On August 22, 1994, the City Council adopted a second Addendum updating wastewater disposal plans for Eastern Dublin. The Eastern Dublin EIR addressed the cumulative effects of developing in agricultural and open space areas and the basic policy considerations accompanying the change in character from undeveloped to developed lands. For identified impacts that could not be mitigated to a less than significant level, the City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for cumulative traffic, extension of certain community facilities (natural gas, electric and telephone service), regional air quality, noise, and other impacts. Because the Eastern Dublin project proposed urbanization of the almost completely undeveloped Eastern Dublin area, the Eastern Dublin EIR also analyzed conversion of agricultural and open space lands to urban uses. These impacts together with visual and other impacts from urbanization were also determined to be significant and unavoidable. Consistent with CEQA section 21166 and related CEQA Guidelines sections 15162/15163, the City prepared an Initial Study to determine whether additional environmental review was required for the proposed project. The Initial Study examined whether there were substantial changes to the proposed development, substantial changes in circumstances, or new information, any of which would result in new or more severe significant impacts than analyzed in the prior EIRs. The Initial Study determined that no new or more severe significant impacts would result. As noted in the Initial Study, the project is subject to all applicable adopted mitigation measures from the prior EIRs. Based on the Initial Study, the City determined that an Addendum pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15164 is appropriate CEQA compliance for the project. The Addendum and supporting Initial Study describe the changes from the development assumed in the prior EIRs for the site and whether those changes would trigger 13 of 15 additional environmental review. The Addendum concludes that no additional environmental review beyond the two prior EIRs is required for the proposed project. The Addendum and supporting Initial Study are dated August 12, 2014 and are included as Attachment 5 incorporated herein by reference. The 2002 Dublin Transit Center EIR and the 1993 Eastern Dublin EIR, upon which the Addendum relies, are available for review at the Planning Division in City Hall during normal business hours. PUBLIC NOTICING: i was mailed to all property owners and occupants In accordance with State law, a public notice as p p y p within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public notice also was published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution recommending City Council approval of Amendments to the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Transit Center Site A-1, with a draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A. 2. Resolution recommending City Council adopt an Ordinance rezoning Transit Center Site A-1 to PD-Planned Development and approving a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, with a draft Ordinance included as Exhibit A. 3. Resolution recommending City Council approval of a Site Development Review Permit and Vesting Tentative Map 8167 for Transit Center Site A-1, with a draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A. 4. Applicant's submittal package dated August 4, 2014 5. Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a CEQA addendum for the Transit Center Site A-1 Project with the City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A, the Initial Study, Addendum and Statement of Overriding Considerations are included as attachments to the City Council Resolution. 14 of 15 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Summerhill Homes 3000 Executive Parkway, Suite 450 San Ramon, CA 94583 Attn: Marshall Torre PROPERTY OWNER: Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA) 224 West Winton Avenue, Room 110 Hayward, CA 94544 Attn: Stuart Cook LOCATION: The jroect is located along the south side of Dublin p 9 Boulevard, west of Campbell Lane, and northeast of Iron Horse Regional Trail within the Transit Center planning area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan APN 986-0034-007 ZONING: Existing— PD (Ord. 21-02) Proposed— PD GENERAL PLAN & EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN: Existing- High Density Residential Proposed- Medium-High Density Residential SURROUNDING USES: LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY North DCZD Dublin Crossing Parks RFTA/Dublin Crossing (across Dublin Boulevard) South M-1 Open Space Iron Horse Regional and West East PD 13-04 High Density Residential Apartments and PD 21-02 Transit Center surface parking 2307359.1 15 of 15