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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.3 AI GoldenGate/St PatCITY CLERK FILE # 590-40 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:, November 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Acceptance of Improvements on Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way; California Vehicle Code (CVC) Enforcement; Approval of Traffic Controls on St. Patrick Way Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACItM~NTS: 1) Resolution Accepting Improvements on St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive. 2) Resolution Approving Enforcement of CVC on St. Patrick Way 3) Resolution Approving Installation of Stop Signs on Golden Gate Drive at St. Patrick Way 4) Letter from Caltrans 5) Location Map RECOMMli;NDATION: 1) 2) 3) 6) Open public heating Receive Staff presentation Receive public testimony Close public 'hearing Deliberate Adopt resolutions FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost of road construction and installation of traffic control devices werepaid throu~mh the 1-580/I-680 interchange project. The City will incur ongoing maintenance costs for the improvements. DESCRIPTION: Per the terms of an agreement executed between the City and the State in 1996, Caltrans has requested that the City accept improvements constructed on St. Patrick Way and Golden G-ate Drive as part of the 1-580/I-680 interchange project. Improvements to Amador Plaza Road are not complete and are not proposed for acceptance at this time. Staff has inspected the street and fou:ad the improvements to be satisfactory for public use. There are some remaining punchlist items which are anticipated to be completed in the near future. The punchlist items are not of a nature that would compromise public safety. The State is not able to relinquish the street to the City at this time due to pending fight-of-way negotiations and will retain ownership of the fight of way until a later date. COPIES'TO: Francis Lo, ACTA; Caltrans ITEM NO. g:~agenmisc~stpatrick cvc & tc In order to allow traffic enforcement on St. Patrick Way prior to City acceptance, it is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution per Section 21107.5 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Certain regulatory improvements have been installed on St. Patrick Way and on Golden Gate Drive as part of the project. The most significant of these is the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of St. Patrick and Golden Gate. The all-way stop is justified by the anticipated traffic volume on both streets, as well as a sight distance problem on Golden Gate caused primarily by parked cars. It is recommended that the City Council approve this all-way stop for inclusion in the City's Traffic Code. Traffic regulations that exist on St. Patrick Way within the right of way that is held by the State are as follows: 1 ) A stop sign for St. Patrick Way at Amador Plaza Road, which will be superseded by a traffic signal once the hook ramps are open, which is estimated to be within the next several months. This will be a Caltrans-owned and maintained signal. 2) The entire length of St. Patrick Way is signed as a No Parking Zone. It is proposed that this No Parking Zone be adopted by the City Council upon relinquishment of the right-of-way to the City. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the resolutions accepting the improvements, allowing CVC enforcement on St. Patrick Way and approving installation of the all-way stop at the intersection of St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive. Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCH_~ OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED ON GOLDEN GATE DRIVE AND ST. PATRICK WAY AS PART OF 1-580/I-680 INTERCHANGE CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, certain improvements have been constructed on Golden Gate Drive and on St. Patrick Way under the jurisdiction of the State of California; and WHEREAS, under the terms of an agreement executed in August of 1996, the State is now requesting that the City .accept the improvements for maintenance and control; and WHEREAS, the improvements are in satisfactory condition subject to completion of minor punchlist items; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby accepts improvements constructed on Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way as part of the 1-580/1-680 interchange construction, subject to completion of minor punchlist items. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk g:xagenmiscXresoaceept st patrick way RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN A_PPROVING ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC REGULATIONS UNDER CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21107.5 ST. PATRICK WAY WHEREAS, St. Patrick Way is a privately held street; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned street is open for public use and so connects with public roads as to be indistin_waishable from public roads; and WHEREAS, public safety may require enforcement of regulations under the California Vehicle Code on the aforementioned streets; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin approves enforcemere of the CVC (California Vehicle Code) per CVC Section 21107.5 on St. Patrick Way. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk g:~agenmisc~resoSt. Patrick CVCenforce RESOLUTION NO. - 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING INSTALLATION OF ALL-WAY STOP AT INTERSECTION OF GOLDEN GATE DRIVE AND ST. PATRICK WAY The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04,070, and in the interest of public safety, stot~ signs shall be erected on Golden Gate Drive at the intersection of St. Patrick Way and on St. Patrick Way at Golden Gate Drive. Section 2. Said stop sign installation shall be added to Section 6.16.010 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk g: xagenmisc~reso golden gate st,vat sto~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACTNCALTRANS I 580/1 680 PROJECT 4790 BRODER BLVD. DUBLIN, CA 94568 PHONE (925) 556-1600 FAX (925) 556-1677 Mr. Lee Thompson City Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza; P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 October 4, 1999 Subject: Completion of the Widened Golden Gate Drive at St. Patrick Way Dear Mr. Thompson: Reference is made to our letter of September 28, 1999 on the completion of St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive. After the letter was prepared, it came to the attention of Caltrans and ACTA that the issue of maintenance was previously addressed in the Freeway Agreement entered into by Caltrans and the City on August 13, 1996. Article 6 of the agreement states that the City will maintain any portion of the City outside the Freeway limits upon their completion and notice from the State. As such, there will be no need for the City to enter into a separate agreement with ACTA or any other agency, as stated in our previous letter. We understand that it is still necessary for the Dublin City Council to authorize traffic enforcement in the completed area and that the earliest meeting date would be October 19, 1999. There are currently a number of minor punchlist items that will soon be addressed. Per the Freeway Agreement, the State is hereby requesting that the City of Dublin accept St. Patrick Way and the widened segment of Golden Gate Drive as of October 20, 1999. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerel ~ NADER ESHGHIPOUR, P.E. Resident Engineer Attachment CC: Steve Castleberry and Francis Lo, ACTA 580/680 Field Office Pat Pang, Rubin Woo, May Kung, Caltrans, PDIAla II Abu Kamara NE/mlh/C040 Fry7/dgusst/francis Io/stpat~ck. doc EACH'- ALL-WAY STOP INTERSECTION S'F. PATRICK WAy ,k \ // \ / // \ / \ / \ / t\ / (,,.~j WILLIAM F. BURNS, ESQ. 4 UNION SQUARE BLVD. SUITE D UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA 94587 (510) 471-7804 RECEIVED NOV 0 1 ]999 PUBLIC WORKS October 28, 1999 Lee Thompson ยท Public Works Director City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Re: ENFORCEMENT OF CVC ON ST. PATRICK WAY Dear Mr. Thompson: I am counsel for Crown Chevrolet Inc. In regards to the Public Hearing set for November 2, 1999 and which concerns the enforcement of the California Vehicle Code along St. Patrick's Way, my client requests that no parking restrictions be enforced along either St. Patrick's Way or Golden Gate Drive. As you might imagine the road [St. Patrick's Way] recently put through Crown's parcel has caused a good deal of difficulty for Crown. Not only has it been required to alter its business practices, many employees are no longer able to park on site and customers are expressing dissatisfaction with the existing parking restrictions. In the event parking is restricted on St. Patrick's Way the problems will only increase for my client and its business will suffer more. If at all possible Unrestricted parking is requested along the length of the Way and if restrictions must be put in place that same be delayed for as long as possible. As the freeway is not set to be connected for at least a year could enforcement be postponed for at least that long? My client does not want to make this matter difficult for the City. However, Crown has been a Mr. Lee Thompson October 28, 1999 page 2 significant member of the business community since well before the City existed. It has looked for alternative acreage to make up for the parking spots taken by Cal Trans and has had no luck. Crown deeply desires to continue its business, however, its inventory, customer satisfaction and employee moral have all be affected, and my client is asking for any relief or assistance the City can provide. Regards, LJxW OFFICE OF WILLIAM F. BURNS WILLIAM F. BURNS, ESQ. WFB/tbh