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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 12-43 Moller Ranch Rec to CC GPA/EDSPA RESOLUTION NO. 12 - 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR MOLLER RANCH (APNS 985-0001-001-01 and 985-0001-001-02) PLPA-2011-00003 WHEREAS, Braddock & Logan Services, Inc. ("Applicant") submitted applications for a 226.3-acre property known as Moller Ranch located along the east side of Tassajara Road, north of the Tassajara Road and Fallon Road intersection ("Project Site"); and WHEREAS, the applications include: 1) General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments to change the land use from its current designation, 2) Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, 3) Vesting Tentative Tract 8102 to create 370 residential lots, and 4) Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Project Site and the applications are collectively known as the "Project;" and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments would change the existing acreage of the 226.3- acre Moller Ranch property from the existing land uses: a) Medium Density Residential - 48.9 acres; b) Rural Residential/Agricultural - 143.7 acres; c) Open Space/Stream Corridor — 32.6 acres; and d) Neighborhood Park 1.1 acres, to the amended land uses as follows: a) Single- Family Residential - 79.6 acres, b) Rural Residential/Agricultural - 136.8 acres, c) Open Space/Stream Corridor— 7.6 acres; d) Semi-Public— 1.2 acres, and no change to Neighborhood Park— 1.1 acres; and WHEREAS, the project is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the project site currently is vacant land except for two existing residences and several agricultural outbuildings; and WHEREAS, on January 17, 2012, the Applicant's request to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for Moller Ranch was approved by City Council Resolution 07-12, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, consistent with California Government Code Section 65352.3, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan and Specific Plan amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3; and WHEREAS, the Project is in the General Plan Eastern Extended Planning Area and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, for which the City Council certified a Program Environmental Impact Report by Resolution 51-93 ("Eastern Dublin EIR" or "EDEIR", SCH 91103064) on May 10, 1993 (resolution incorporated herein by reference). The Eastern Dublin EIR identified significant impacts from development of the Eastern Dublin area, some of which could not be mitigated to less than significant. Upon approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, the City Council adopted mitigations, a mitigation monitoring program and a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Resolution 53-93, incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, in 2007 a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2005052146), was certified by the City Council on May 1, 2007 by Resolution No. 56-07 (incorporated herein by reference) which addressed potential environmental impacts resulting from a plan proposed for Moller Ranch and the adjacent 12.5-acre Tipper property ("Moller/Casamira Valley SEIR"); and WHEREAS, a second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("Moller Ranch SEIR") (SCH #2005052146) has been prepared for the Moller Ranch Project currently proposed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Casamira Valley SEIR identified significant unavoidable impacts, some of which would apply to the Project. Therefore, approval of the Project must be supported by a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 2012, the Planning Commission approved a Resolution recommending that the City Council certify the Moller Ranch SEIR; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted and is incorporated herein by reference, that described and analyzed the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, and the Moller Ranch SEIR, and recommended that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 2012 the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered the Moller Ranch SEIR, the prior EIRs, and all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth prior to taking any action on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin recommends that the City Council approve the Resolution attached as Exhibit A approving a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for Moller Ranch, as described therein. 2 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 27th day of November, 2012, by the following votes: AYES: Wehrenberg, O'Keefe, Brown, Bhuthimethee NOES: ABSENT: Schaub ABSTAIN: i . L zr; Planning Commissi e ! . ATTEST: Assist nt C munity Development Director G:IPA#120111PLPA-2011-00003 Moller Ranch B&LIPC Mtg 11.27.12IPC Reso Moller GPA SPA.doc 3 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR MOLLER RANCH (APNS 985-0001-001-01 and 985-0001-001-02) PLPA-2011-00003 WHEREAS, Braddock & Logan Services, Inc. ("Applicant") submitted applications for a 226.3-acre property known as Moller Ranch located along the east side of Tassajara Road, north of the Tassajara Road and Fallon Road intersection ("Project Site"); and WHEREAS, the applications include: 1) General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments to change the land use from its current designation, 2) Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, 3) Vesting Tentative Tract 8102 to create 370 residential lots, and 4) Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Project Site and the applications are collectively known as the "Project;" and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments would change the existing acreage of the 226.3- acre Moller Ranch property from the existing land uses: a) Medium Density Residential - 48.9 acres; b) Rural Residential/Agricultural - 143.7 acres; c) Open Space/Stream Corridor — 32.6 acres; and d) Neighborhood Park 1.1 acres, to the amended land uses as follows: a) Single- Family Residential - 79.6 acres, b) Rural Residential/Agricultural - 136.8 acres, c) Open Space/Stream Corridor— 7.6 acres; d) Semi-Public— 1.2 acres, and no change to Neighborhood Park— 1.1 acres; and WHEREAS, the project is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the project site currently is vacant land except for two existing residences and several agricultural outbuildings; and WHEREAS, on January 17, 2012, the Applicant's request to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for Moller Ranch was approved by City Council Resolution 07-12 which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, consistent with California Government Code Section 65352.3, the City obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan and Specific Plan amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3; and WHEREAS, the Project is in the General Plan Eastern Extended Planning Area and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, for which the City Council certified a Program Environmental Impact Report by Resolution 51-93 ("Eastern Dublin EIR" or "EDEIR", SCH 91103064) on May 10, 1993 (resolution incorporated herein by reference). The Eastern Dublin EIR identified 1 EXHIBIT A TO ATTACHMENT 1 significant impacts from development of the Eastern Dublin area, some of which could not be mitigated to less than significant. Upon approval of the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, the City Council adopted mitigations, a mitigation monitoring program and a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Resolution 53-93, incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, in 2007 a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2005052146), was certified by the City Council on May 1, 2007 by Resolution No. 56-07 (incorporated herein by reference) which addressed potential environmental impacts resulting from a plan proposed for Moller Ranch and the adjacent 12.5-acre Tipper property ("Moller/Casamira Valley SEIR"); and WHEREAS, a second Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("Moller Ranch SEIR") (SCH #2005052146) has been prepared for the Moller Ranch Project currently proposed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin EIR and the Casamira Valley SEIR identified significant unavoidable impacts, some of which would apply to the Project. Therefore, approval of the Project must be supported by a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 2012, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 12- XX (incorporated herein by reference) recommending that the City Council approve the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for the Project; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted and is incorporated herein by reference, that described and analyzed the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, and the Moller Ranch SEIR, and recommended that the City Council approve the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, on , 2012 the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council approved Resolution XX-12 certifying the Moller Ranch Supplemental EIR, making all required CEQA findings, and adopting a statement of overriding considerations and mitigation monitoring and reporting program, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use their independent judgment and considered the Moller Ranch SEIR, the prior EIRs, and all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth prior to taking any action on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin approves the following Amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan based on findings that the amendments are in the public interest and that the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as so amended will remain internally consistent, and that the Eastern Dublin 2 Specific Plan as amended is consistent with the General Plan, as amended (strikeout and bold text will not be shown in the General Plan or the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan). A. Amend the Land Use Map (Figure 1-1a) of the General Plan as shown below: I P D U B L I N G E N E R A L P L A N (Figure i-la) DuauN L A N D U S E M A P as amended through—H- 3 , F ri--'-— \\,, ,, : , ° - Wa.bT E1m♦ni.d PIMwMOINb -�Z 4,y 1 4f {' � I . F 8 A.1r/Sd»Ttlk/OpenSPX* 0001.0. sS S Cananaywn Wean PNmvty NH Wats at RM. -wean.. t am ranNnaM+6vW. - •ab�..rv+Q haYOm*wm�b.wuc a.rr.+weu+a"na.m — .e"a�a,, ,at..aa.d*y ..-•�..° ,..xiam wnac mr®.we.�"ewae eaeer N*N�runxt** s..t C]Mrwtn ®_._. »'» m.W* eao. axe* 0 V***mxwwre °IN-.n.n— ® .'s..° arra °*m^'4e*upai afar+ fiNa1.YJ.Ykacriaes = ".a�.,s..� t94 tryyeragmNro"e..aaay.0 Devote.* i• ._-.,. k w. i• _ i wd++o.«„aNN« t. .....,. -.. f•Nm..+n.w B. Amend the Land Use Map (Figure 4.1) of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows: t �cF1C .9. M°'aam.�r~.rwa (.tv Oa 4e °^^ ,- DUBLIN .tea-:..� Figure 4.1 o0'11 0 5 P G tl tl v l.0 •—iaatw Mrer-x—era �1N Use "' C ; 1. ,k (,O P s R t D a ja-av}"Syy m.nA.......m.-.m.. Ca...M.” apodNe M ltl 3 , Paaaaakama MIS ma. Parks Reserve Forces Training Area MIa.. (Camp Parks) P Akt „b k 0:,-,,, us j....T.,... I. vim iktil - �3 k r :, w X34 a�`a 5�a a tw ,. k . ♦rn+o.r♦m.a„, . r ra#tz,. r eR;4 s' .ama smoat �� t, ,.._.._. fM • P OA OD •�W.. 3 C. Table 2.1 in the General Plan will be amended as follows as follows: TABLE 2.1* LAND USE SUMMARY: EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AREA (Amended: Resolutions 223-05,58-07,37-08,210-08,176-09,76-10,55-12,92-12,XX-12) Classification Acres Intensity** _ Units Factor Yield RESIDENTIAL Du's/acre Du's Persons/du Population High Density 69.9 35 2,447 2.0 4,894 Medium-High Density 133.7 20 2,674 2.0 5,348 Medium-Density*** 569 m 10 57690 2.0 0 520.1 5201 10,402 Single Family******** 859,85 4 3739 3.2 11,005 939.45 3,820° 12,224 Estate Residential 30.4 0.13 4 3.2 13 Mixed Use**** 2.0 115 230 Rural Residential 555.45 .01 5 3.2 16 548.55 TOTAL 2,218.3 11,375 32,889 2,242.1 14,266 33,127 Floor Area Square Feet Square Feet COMMERCIAL Acres Ratio (millions) /Employee Jobs (Gross) General Commercial 347.9 .35/.25 4.228 510 8,290 General Commercial/Campus 72.7 .28 .887 385 2,303 Office***** Mixed Use 4.6 .3/1.0 .005 490 10 Mixed Use 2/Campus Office********* 25.33 .45 .497 260 1,910 Neighborhood Commercial 57.5 .35/.30 .819 490 1,671 Campus Office 164.03 .75/.35 2.644 260 10,168 Industrial Park****** 114.7 .25/.28 1.329 590 2,253 TOTAL: 786.76 10.402 26,605 PARKS AND PUBLIC RECREATION City Park 56.3 1 park Community Park 97.0 2 parks Neighborhood Park 47.1 8 parks Neighborhood Square 16.6 6 parks Regional Park 11.7 1 park TOTAL: 228.7 18 parks OPEN SPACE 772.3 747.3 PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 98 .25 1.07 590 1,809 Semi-Public******* 4 12.3 .25 Schools Elementary School 63.2° 5 schools Junior High School 25.2 1 school High School 0 0 school School Subtotal 88.4 6 schools TOTAL: 285.9 4 TABLE 2.1* LAND USE SUMMARY: EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AREA (Amended: Resolutions 223-05,58-07,37-08,210-08,176-09,76-10,55-12,92-12,XX-12) Classification Acres Intensity** Units Factor Yield 287.1 TRANSIT CENTER(Total) 90.7 - Campus Office(including ancillary 38.3 retail) _ _ - High-Density Residential 31.5 - Park 12.2 - Public/Semi-Public(Transit-Related) 8.7 GRAND TOTAL 4382.66 Table Notes: *Table 2.1 appears as Table"2A"in the Eastern Dublin GPA. It was relabeled herein for formatting purposes. **Numbers represent a mid-range considered reasonable given the permitted density range(except the MU land use). ***50%of the units within the Medium Density land use designation on the Croak and Jordan properties shall have private,flat yards. ****For the purpose of this table,Mixed Use acreage only will be considered Commercial,not residential,to avoid duplication in tabulation of overall total acres. *****The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General Commercial/Campus Office is the average of the figure used for General Commercial and Campus Office uses. ******The.28 FAR figure utilized for Industrial Park refers to Industrial Park areas within Fallon Village. *******The location of Semi-Public sites on the Croak and Chen properties of Fallon Village will be determined at the time of PD-Stage 2 Development Plan approval. The Semi-Public site on Croak will be 2.0 net acres;and the Semi-Public site on Chen will be 2.5 net acres. For the purposes of this table,2.0 acres of Single Family Residential land on Croak was changed to Semi-Public and 2.5 acres of Medium High Density residential land on Chen was changed to Semi- Public. These assumptions may change at the time of PD-Stage 2 Development Plan approval. ********The General Plan originally considered 68 units on Dublin Ranch North (Redgewick)property. The land use designation was amended to allow development of 4 units.This change results in 64 excess single family units than what was analyzed in the 1993 Eastern Dublin Environmental Impact Report. *********The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with residential land uses comprising up to 50%of the project's development area(248,259 square feet)or an all Campus Office project(with no residential uses)with up to 496,519 square feet of development. Table 2.1 has been amended to reflect a Campus Office project.If the project is developed as a mixed-use project with residential uses,the table shall be amended at that time to reflect that. (1) Public/Semi-Public approved as underlying land use on Subarea 2 of Jordan Ranch (PLPA 2010-00068). Specific development to be determined at Stage 2 Development Plan. (2) Medium Density Residential approved as underlying land use on Subarea 1 of Jordan Ranch(PLPA 2010-00068). Up to 100 units possible as determined at Stage 2 Development Plan. (3) The 2012 Moller Property SEIR analyzed up to 381 single family units. Community Design Policies: Foothill Residential: Add the following statement under Building Siting and under Setbacks: Refer to the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans for the Moller Property project for modified criteria. D. Table 4.1 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be amended as follows: TABLE 4.1 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No.66-03,47-04,223-05, 58-07,37-08,210-08, 176-09,55-12,92-12,XX-12) Land Use Description LAND AREA DENSITY YIELD COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL 5 General Commercial 356.8 acres .25-.35 FAR 4.122 MSF General Commercial/Campus 72.7 acres .28 FAR .887 MSF Office Industrial Park* 61.3 acres .25-.28 FAR .747 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 61.4 acres .30-.35 FAR .871 MSF Mixed Use 4.6 acres .30-1.0 FAR .005 MSF Campus Office 192.66 acres .35-.75 FAR 3.730 MSF Subtotal 749.5 acres 10.36 MSF RESIDENTIAL High Density 68.2 acres 35 du/ac 2,387 du Medium High Density 145.8 acres 20 du/ac 2,916 du Medium Density** 52271-(2)acres 10 du/ac 5,221 du 473.2 acres 4,732 du Single Family**** nacres 4 du/ac 3,427 du 936.35 acres 3,745 dc(3) Estate Residential 30.4 acres 0.13 du/ac 4 du Rural Residential/Agric. 553 acres .01 du/ac 5 du 546.35 acres Mixed Use 4.6 acres*** 15 du/ac 115 du Subtotal 2,181.1 acres 44076 de 2,204.9 acres 13,904 du PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 95.2 acres .24 FAR .995 MSF Semi-Public 7.3 acres .25 FAR 8.5 acres Subtotal 102.5 acres .995 MSF 103.7 acres SCHOOLS Elementary School 66.5 acres(1) 5 schools Junior High School 21.3 acres 1 school Subtotal 87.8 acres PARKS AND OPEN SPACE City Park 56.3 acres 1 park Community Park 97.0 acres 3 parks Neighborhood Park 49.0 acres 7 parks 9 p arks Neighborhood Square 16.7 acres 6 parks 219 acres 17 parks Open Space 730.2 acres 705.2 acres TOTAL LAND AREA 4,070.1 acres 6 *The.28 FAR for Industrial Park refers to the Industrial Park areas in Fallon Village. 50%of the units within the Medium Density land use designation on the Croak and Jordan properties shall have private,flat yards. *k*The 4.6 acres is the same acreage as listed in the Mixed Use cells. The 4.6 acres under Residential is not included in the sum of Residential uses in this table. 5,000 square feet of commercial and/or 115 units are anticipated on the mixed use site(total). *1'1* The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan originally considered 68 units on the Dublin Ranch North (Redgewick) property. The land use designation was amended to allow development of 4 units. This change results in 64 excess single family units than what was analyzed in the 1993 Eastern Dublin Environmental Impact Report. (I) Public/Semi-Public approved as underlying land use on Subarea 2 of Jordan Ranch(PLPA 2010-00068). Specific development to be determined at Stage 2 Development Plan. (2) Medium Density Residential approved as underlying land use on Subarea I of Jordan Ranch (PLPA 2010-00068). Up to 100 units possible as determined at Stage 2 Development Plan. (3) The Moller Property has 381 maximum allowable single family density units per the Environmental Document. E. Table 4.2 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be amended as follows: Table 4.2 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary TABLE 4.2 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY (Amended Per Resolution No.47-04,223-05,58-07,37-08,176-09,55-12,92-12,XX-12) Land Use Designation Development Sq Ft/Em.loyees Persons/du Jobs Commercial Industrial Park .747 MSF 590 1,266 General .887 MSF 385 2,303 Commercial/Campus Office* General Commercial 4.122 MSF 510 8,082 Neighborhood Commercial .885 MSF 490 1,806 Mixed Use** .005 MSF 490 10 Campus Office 3.730 MSF 260 14,346 Public/Semi Public .995 MSF 590 1,686 Semi-Public 590 TOTAL: 11.436 MSF 29,499 Residential Population High Density 2,387 2.0 4,774 Medium High Density 2,866 2.0 5,732 Medium Density 5,221 2.0 10,112 4,732 9,464 Single Family***(1) 3,427 3.2 3,808 12,186 Estate Residential 4 3.2 13 Mixed Use** 115 2.0 230 Rural Residential/Agric. 5 3.2 16 TOTAL: 44, 6 31,834 13,917 32,415 *The Sq Ft/Employees figure utilized for General Commercial/Campus Office is the average of the figures used for General Commercial and Campus Office uses. **Includes Mixed Use units(4.6 acres and 115 units)within Fallon Village Center.5,000 square feet of commercial and 115 units are anticipated on the mixed use site(total). The FAR for Mixed Use is the maximum area for all development( of residential and commercial on designated sites). 7 ""The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan originally considered 68 units on the Dublin Ranch North(Redgewick) property.The land use designation was amended to allow development of 4 units.This change results in 64 excess single family units than what was analyzed in the 1993 Eastern Dublin Environmental Impact Report. (1)The 2012 Moller Property SEIR analyzed up to 381 single family units. F. Table 4.3 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be amended as follows: Table 4.3 City of Dublin Projected Jobs/Housing Balance TABLE 4.3 CITY OF DUBLIN PROJECTED JOBS/HOUSING BALANCE (Amended Per Resolution No.223-05,58-07,37-08,55-12,92-12,)X-12) PLANNING Dwelling Jobs Employed Balance2 Ratio3 AREA Units Residents) Existing City of 7,100 12,210 12,000 -210 1.02:1.0 Dublin4 Eastern Dublin 11,0265 29,424 22,722 6,702 1.35:1.0 Specific Plan Area 13,917 22,545 -6,879 1.30:1.0 TOTAL: 2126 41,634 34,722 6,912 21,017 34,545 -7089 1.20:1.0 Projections assume a ratio of 1.62 employed residents per household based on ABAG's Projections'90. 2 The"balance"refers to the number of employed residents in relation to the number of jobs(i.e.,a positive number means there are more employed residents than jobs). 3 Ratio of jobs to employed residents Taken from ABAG's Projections'90. 5 Underlying Medium Density Residential on Jordan school site,not shown(PLPA 2010-00068). Up to 100 units possible and determined at PD Stage 2 Development Plan. G. Table 4.10 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be amended as follows: Table 4.10 Foothill Residential Subarea Development Potential TABLE 4.10 FOOTHILL RESIDENTIAL SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density Development Potential Medium-High Desnity Residential 27.1 20 du/ac 542 du Medium Density Residential 261.9 10 du/ac 2,619 du 213 2,130 du Single Family Residential* 789.1 4 du/ac 3,156 du 868.7 3,475 du (I) Estate Residential 30.4 .13 du/ac 4 du Rural Residential 554.2 .01 du/ac 5 du 547.3 Residential Subtotal 1 L -- 6,327 du 1686.5 6,156 du 8 Open Space 642.5 -- -- 607.5 Regional Park 11.7 -- -- Neighborhood Park 37.4 -- -- Neighborhood Square 6.4 -- -- Park/Open Space Subtotal 688 -- 7 parks 663 Elementary School 22.7 3 Schools Junior High School 1.4 I School High School 55.3 I School School Subtotal 79.4 5 Schools Public/Semi-Public 7.2 .24 FAR Semi-Public 0 .24 FAR -- 1.2 Total 2437.3 -- 63-2-7-du 6,156 du 7 parks 5 schools *The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan originally considered 68 units on the Dublin Ranch North(Redgewick)property.The land use designation was amended to allow development of 4 units.This change results in 64 excess single family units than what was analyzed in the 1993 Eastern Dublin Environmental Impact Report. (I)The Moller Property has 381 maximum allowable single family density units per the Environmental Document. Maps to be updated: Figure 1.2 Extended Planning Area Land Use Map Dublin General Plan . - s V § , MPMN ti.. T: , v . x 7 t Eaxnn Extended e w S�� --A- . N;,. ItA 41111/4‘ -iiiiN r:::"Igill:01 ' \ 0 •i. 4 1"4 k�vpp t Utt t■,ttatt LaP.Me.awLNmap.b.Mpaa&a t{a emlyMm I 1 E) nd'�l _""a waa oa...-*tb.m oueamnan.*wear mamaPiamaaaam[mwaaaraasm..mow:a taaraar moms I* valk*Mum 1, 71e..a»a., Pr ®RuailResidentit/Agritulttua am.aaera ,. noparnaKa.m rmmxas ans.baab�a3pens New* atigPub Lind* awn mramwmaoaapmaaw seres Revisions waweatmer ma+aae p.smaaaear . as Jute ZIX35 PA 044)41) ar+save erna0wabewdd Pemmry;Aa. RemoveP blic lands p. Demon.aeramr..mmaema rm Sad mere. Remove Public Leda a�nhd anTesrw:Cmty. SAM Kee&Aa on memava tm Meesevnee amMornsmm .k y�`t8astrnt4yra §ltd Pauamtrefs limit firm. a as d.a�ma. era law...pit.. 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R.Si... /et!"7:PAST.4'44 , otif , a oohlin ow*Fann' - J ','%''' i..'1'"'e"" F....1 ,,t„.14.1 Stte.,,,, 0:0t.1,,,,,I Impae.R.R c:::::::,--"t ,;4 „,,‘41,,,Y .,, 1., tivisitrie,Bat,ila I area inad If Intratirccaark P , . Bemasd osh.catocioaaa Par .0 1 !kti„,,,..7,PlirrVI,:i*rIA.4f:II*'- 40 , E.-.1 acc friormatron Br aNa%AGM 1 .. W f"Viltil 5-7?-r;Ir,t• . , i ' M %,7avt=IN Added Crack Braddock&LOR.R., Fadon Rd WirrrteRt Simci CLReddd H ) t ,ir ., 1 1 EASTERN DUBLIN , . t ----- ;ri - ;. T/ Specific Plan p ''''''':,,, *,,,,,p . ,,-, .,`;*, 1. ''' -4- wini 1111 IL , i ,,,-,, -,- , A='t- i . Niiu „min IMIllini 1 ‘, ..._ . Revsoet Oetabor2003 /I t 1 Inil r.-4- - -- - i ,,,...... I.-, ,!, ...:....1-7-- - ..... ,. ., ....,,,.. 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Dube specific plan land saes.the R nrpk \ 4 eydem down dose dot owns the w W sepia recycled water 5 E - emm MabmaNW.amdthe pp. j` •� ' may be larger than needed.n i ''^° i 3 16• I `..' — - ahoda be empholradthm da 4�.d� recent disebtalon ' s.■..�..�....�..�.. .x.,'�— —�.' ,p"...- .,- °Eris S •,:dlu utm ^ been amerced using ransomer model. 2 m x-, r. 1A �I • «. I°e"w,.ddpPOnm t�• ti �_ and em • . z N nE& - Ca i,,-,I-- - ,2 wa„dy,en m Denedl.n,. Forme `� ' w EASTERN •cwm.adan ill'II 1mp1 mum Pro.wm m IN DSRSO i iwi-,, .maii®...mi... jit•'`w.•' .�1 ,aF DUBLI N 41 Klir�/ 0f7� 114 1 h '■IMAM Illiil Y�i-�. ro Wallace Roberta*Todd !3 ,., ZF-� ...,preys 10- Flo- .. ,°- Sr ??• .._. _° — . ® m ,r % ` lb t2• �• INCia ro-/! wen eweu fenarn ���. ^ •� A'Zone IF 'M `sew 2."Zone T Tumsut and New .,2" 14 14 12• \ iimm� f'f' ..�f�f ® ...1N-1- .■ 1 Connection to clly o Joint oe«-.- W Proposed Tessaiers Res.rwb Ja 0�J//// WW ...i.........= Coe of 2one Figure 9.2 Conceptual Backbone Wastewater Collection System - '' -- �' ,/ 5 :///(- ' ,.\, Conceptual Backbone ,;%. -,«, r ;'j G%i,� �-�s„ Wastewater Collection ''"'//l 5. /: 1. )c, 4 e-..., , System '- - - _ -, L-` Figure 9.2 ®: '., Lewd: ../\ 4- rrr/Sewer Um with Dime. —ee— 8peonb Plan Doundary .e. <u. `'� WIC `..J .,. i,e Tide conceptual wastewater codaation recent. ' \h a S system is barred posedwastmy�ero'odeabn°yrem. --'� ra 6 \ proposddkaparn Dublin MmdeoPop \1/e Prwond Eastern d be specific edi Me moths n onaum be herebe.kwtnm Me 0w..0dom Imae herein m -�, w+ .. - ,o Rohon.pee,Pro.bed wastewater eechon eYeernlave been l using been e.aing dudwent.,and mva.m • w., I w _ %` O a been andyzed using model. niar000 that.-- naew N�wp.d«mw presto I ..�ee�ee�. ..- , d.slp a dwnan von of the ti j,. conceptual system. ♦.. `.pro.,/ KnnedyUnke Consultants' i ElEiga ilk l.slernP B• I <- °�m iiau���� ® EASTERN Sewer Mein �• mbe Uygrded II ,a- ,2" �■�11■1 Lim �-� DUBLIN • 10 3S^Diameter , w ..• Sewer Mahe �.'.'. ��." .�r� �- ���'IN VIWt� "': Wallace Roberts aTodd 33. ,S• mw A. NISI341.000 _ _... .__. seer-el" To Exerting DSRSD Cotecdon System and/or "". ° r IIIINIMreeelll Future TWA Pumping Nation. ! 11 Figure 9.3 Conceptual Backbone Recycled Water Distribution System Conceptual Backbone ;-?' Recycled Water ; ' -D s) ,k,,,,y'' ) ,,--- ,.,../`,....;,-,/ ...,/ ) --.2.- ; : :, ;$::-,::,j,'...-- Distribution System 1.-,.,,...,, ..., :, .0 ,.,:.,::' ,.. : Figure 93 .., , . ,p- '''' • '2 ,' •-.7°..:1, ,,,,,. -:..,...'•-•-,': ,:,':.:^",,2,,,,;_: ;,-',...', -•...-•• -•' : 'N - IV ., - N c 1 46. '', -.''':—:-.'-/ ' •--" ,' ,:., : .i--'. -. -..'' Nr,'" . , ,,, . ,„, •. , , Mr. R•crem wee,Lift Mir Diameter ''. me ea.Specific Plan Boundtry • -..1 This conceders!molded water distribution ,g* g , . &Mem Is based upon•recent DEMO proposed recycled ester riWrIbution apse" , , -- grimly* , , , „., ,. -,, , .--- .,,... vrith=demeans toi:del.curr;ltdsterbn. , re'‘rn"plitenersItatPrhe modifkarluns med herein to DSRSD"a recent proposed le:ycled * 'rr,_, I 3' 1, , , , water disMbution system have bean made camp-Engineering Judgment.,and himori . been analysed mine a computer=del.It is , . „ . ,, ,.,..,,_ '‘ [' ' . . , - . , , recommended Mat a computer model usee................Y.mureseueesi r; ''''''' •4,' ■. anaberis be performed pike to design and constructim of the conceptual system. 1 V •,.!/1,.' ;s—.....:4-7 . Kennedy/Jenks Consultants ,t. I 1.g* Inn& E . tali : 1111111111111111161 4111 a.i.lie f: ::: f1 :, EASTERN lrc DUBLIN Wallace Roberts&Todd . ----— /7.— ........m.Ifacnin 24- —.11 IP"— ■ -, Ei er ifc. " 1 w.Racried ler System from DeRSO • ., .,..> • Appendix 4: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary by Land Owners Replace Existing Section of table with below: Owner/Land Use Acres Density Square Feet Units Category #31 Richey/Moller Low Density 79.6 4.8 du/ac 381 Residential _ Rural 136.8 .01 1 Residential/Agriculture Neighborhood Park 1.1 Semi-Public 1.2 Open Space 7.6 Total 226.3 382 12 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect thirty days after the date of adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 2012 by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:IPA#12011IPLPA-2011-00003 Moller Ranch B&LIPC Mtg 11.27.121CC Reso Moller GPA SPA 11.27.12.doc 13